Repairs Design Furniture

What can be made from stationery. Construct paper clips. Making Christmas toys

Stationery and other materials that can be at your hands in the office are perfect for the manufacture of interesting. You can even arrange an improvised competition for the best homemade between your colleagues. The main thing is that the boss does not participate in it.

Make space Shatle from Stationery - This task is able to any office worker. The body of the future spacecraft can serve as a normal marker or large-size sequencer. Two crocodile clamps are fixed in the tent tail, which will perform the role of wings. Now you need an engine that will carry your ship up the career stairs. For this purpose, two turbines from caps of ballpoints are perfectly suitable, fixed between clips and housing. At the ends of the wings using pieces of the scuffle, you can install additional devices. You can upgrade to you, adding all new and new fixtures to you. In this case, there is no limit perfection.

If you want to take care of your colleague, which has a normal sense of humor, you can make it an office decoration with your own hands. After all, candy or a cup of tea as attention is so trite.

from the keyboard and clips buttons will be an excellent cradle. To begin with, you will need to find two buttons from the old keyboard (or remove them from the valid). In the corner of each key you need to do two holes. It can be done with a selection, heated matches or lighter. Through the holes you need to sell the clips that are curved in the form of fastening for earrings. Compliment do it yourself ready. Believe me, your efforts will be assessed.

Surely, at work you sometimes celebrate various events: birthday, vacation or increase. Champagne is one of the constant attributes of such events. The remaining after this metal fasteners from traffic jams can serve as a good material for the development of their own creative abilities.

Beautiful stool of fastening for corks from under champagne You can make with your own hands without making great effort. The most important thing in this business is to represent the end result you want to see. Wire, which is part of fasteners, is very flexible, so you can make any elements from it. The chair must possess at least three legs and a figure back. If necessary, you can break the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe wire to make fasteners or pattern from the residues. Thus, you can make a whole furniture headset in your office.

If you have a clouds and the likelihood of a working conflict periodically thickens in your office, then it will not be superfluous to get a real office weapon for self-defense.

In order to make office Arbalet You will need: two stationery gum, one clamp, handle and box from a CD disc. The gums are tied on the box, forming a slingshot. Then the mechanism for holding the projectile (clamp) is attached simply to them. The pen-projectile is installed in the clamp - the weapon is ready. True, it is not worth using it on purpose - you can get the most real injury, from the hit of the handle in the face. Therefore, do not send the craft to people, and train at the venibly on the walls or a specially made target.

Now you know what you can take yourself in your free time, which sometimes appears at work. Making crafts from office supplies will develop your creative abilities right in the workplace.

The human brain is sometimes able to generate just amazing ideas, some of them are eccentric, others are useful, others are just fun. Most of the inventions are born in moments of emergency boredom, this is especially true of the assumption regarding different household items, and rather, unconventional ways of their use that people often make up. Well, how could the manufacturers of usual assume that you can make a bookmark or a funny toy from the clips, decoration or open a door lock and even handcuffs?

All ingenious simply

The birth of a classic paper clip, having a form of two ovals, twisted from a piece of steel wire 8 cm long, had a rather thorny path. The year of her birth can be considered the 1899th, when the Norwegian engineer Yuhan Volber showed several options for this stationery subject. Then he did not believe that it was from the clips to make a popular and popular product, and refused to deal with this project, but the British were successfully developed. Gem Manufacturing Company Ltd has released this invention to mass production, not lost with such a solution.

In addition to its direct appointment - bonding paper sheets, miniature metal stapler received a second life in the form of a wide variety of variations. Crafts from the clips are bookmarked, lays, jewelry, postcards, interior decor and toys.

You will not believe!

For residents of harsh Norway, the clip has become a symbol of resistance to the occupying fascist troops. Residents of this country wore her on clothing in protest and unity. This historical fact became a reason for the fact that the usual and uncomplicated stationery belongs to several monuments, one of which is located in Russia, and even architects could not go around the paper, creating several versions of buildings in the form of a swirling piece of wire.

The benefits of the paper clips, however, is not limited. Here is the top 5 evidence that it is possible to make full-rational and useful things from the clips:

  • use as a "dog" for lightning on clothes, shoes or backpack;
  • the rented end of the clips is easy to clean the closed hole of the small diameter (in the duty for garlic, solonka, tube from glue);
  • clip is an excellent limiter for the constantly losing edge of the Scotch;
  • men who wear a tie, but often forget to wear special clamps, holding this accessory in place, can take advantage of a small assistant from the world of the office;
  • the classic of the genre is bookmarks from the clips, and devote the next section.

Read everything

Agree that losing the right page in the book, a diary or even a simple magazine is always an unpleasant and irritating moment. Especially angry such a loss when the necessary information needs to be found in a record short time. Avoid this help familiar to many bookmarks with a school desk. From the clips such an accessory, it is very simple to make such an accessory, in the photo there are several options for how the wire can be spinning by giving it the original shape.

High-quality clip is made of rather dense metal, otherwise it simply will not be able to keep sheets together, and therefore such masterpieces manually will be done problematic, the needleers use flat or round-rolls for this.

Crashing and bending a wire can be avoided if you decorate a clip by something. There is no absolutely no restrictions here: flags made of ribbons or paper, buttons, flowers, beads and rhinestones, glued to the edge of the clips, make it a stylish and exclusive bookmark from it.

On the eve of the holiday

Many needlewomen were unlikely to guess that it was possible to make a wonderful toy-hanger toy from the clips, which could easily be transformed into a magnificent Christmas decoration. This is an excellent solution for organizing a wardrobe to the child's doll. Also subsequently on cute miniature hangers from a Barbie locker enough to glue paper sweaters and different Christmas attributes and make it uncomply of great christmas toys from clips.

Another option to originally use office supplies - make a postcard from the clips. To do this, it is best to choose not classic steel, but multicolored stationery clips. Colored shells on the wire can be all sorts of shades, from such bright ovals very simply lay out different on the shape of the figure - snowflakes, Christmas trees or flowers.

Office love

Another holiday that can be decorated with a clip is Valentine's Day. A real find for this will be a heart clip heart. It is easier to make it easier, you just need to break longer upwards, making the edge of the heart in the center. The most impressive will look in the braid, the best of all taking traditional colorful color for this romantic holiday - pink, red or lilac.

After the transformation, such a paper clip can also be used in direct purpose - to connect the stack of sheets, also a heart clip will decorate a completely tiny valentine or a big greeting card, it can be attached to a note on a gift or a bouquet of colors.

A little bit of hooliganism

Most likely, men turned out to be the readers of this publication, they are a little offensive, that the predominant majority of the advice and methods of transformation of the clips are ideas for girls. Indeed, it is much easier to make a paper necklace or any other cute bauble, but especially for young (and maybe quite mature) hooligans we have found a way to create fun entertainment from the stationery.

Here is such a mini-slingshot, no doubt, will scratch a boring lesson at school or a dull day in the office. For its manufacture, you will need one paper clip (it is better to take a big one), a thin renist for money and shells. As a rifle material, you can use small strips of paper, folded twice in the middle.

In one morning I woke up with a new idea for the project in my head. I lay down in bed, thinking about the presentation that I had to spend for teachers of the works of medium and older classes in a couple of weeks. I wanted to make simple and inexpensive projects that they would be able to use schoolchildren in schoolchildren to some aspects of technology. I really hoped that my ideas would inspire them on their own creativity. I dreamed of all night, as I did different devices from the clips, this project was born. Regarding the cost - a piece of wood and clips cost me about 15 rubles.

I have already worked on several projects at that time, so I left a couple of months to think about, while I, in fact, did not sit down at the table with a pack of clips and began my attempt to build something from them. While I was busy with other projects, I thought out the design and process of manufacturing the details of my car, as well as the way they are assembly. To do this, I needed very few tools and materials. It seemed to me that the process would be quite simple. The staple mechanisms are very interesting to create, and also interesting them then "play." It seems to me that the sculptural forms of these creatures are also peculiar art.

For teachers, this project is a great way to train children with physics of mechanical machines, including concepts such as levers, knee, rotation point, circular and linear movement. Products from this project can be used as a miniature working model or as a prototype in the production of various designs. Also, such mechanisms can be used for energetic students. I really helped a similar project in which groups of participants, as well as individual inventors, created individual mechanisms, and then combined them together to create a chain reaction. It seemed to me that something like this could create with staple mechanisms. This will give the opportunity to create its own part of the general mechanism, and then combine everything in a large chain, and also simulate the chain reaction.

In this video, it is shown how I designed my mechanism from the clips:

Step 1: Such a versatile clip

As a lifetime creator, I always liked to disassemble even the simplest devices. At the meetings, I constantly deal and collect my handle. In the cafe, I am constantly played with my tube and a wrapper in which it was brought. One of my favorite classes is to play with paper clips. I always admired their original, but simple form, like their principle of work. I know that it is just a piece of wire, bent in a certain way, and nothing more. My fluid search on the internet shows that I am not the only fan of the clips. My commencements have already published a lot of bonding projects. These are toy helicopters, and, and even chandeliers, a variety of geometric shapes. I met the brand, catapults and the hardests. So my post will be only another point in the list of what can be created from the clips.

Step 2: What you need.

From this we will create today:
- Box of large clips (mine was made of wire with a diameter of 1 mm).
- Two small pieces of wood. I bought two samples of flooring for the floor in the nearest construction store. Everyone cost me no more than 10 rubles.
- A pair of buns and a pair of long-axis pliers. I recommend that such as in the photo above. If you have pliers with long round tongs and cutting edge, they will also fit.
- a couple of drills by 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm.
- Bulgarian with cutting circle to cut one of the drills.
- Drill to drill holes in wood. Manual or electric drill - no matter.
- Little ruler and pencil for measurements and marks of places under the hole.

NOTE: You can use clips of other sizes. Small paper clips are easier to bend, but the design will be smaller due to the smaller wire length of each element. Also, other drills will also need for closings.

Step 3: Make a fixture for fastening.

From the inexpensive end of 1.2 mm drill with a grinder cut off two pieces. One segment must be about 10 mm, and the second is 20 mm. Cut the edge so that they are smoother, with the help of a grinder.

Drill 1.0 mm hole in one of the pieces of wood. The depth of the hole must be 8 mm so that 10 mm of the drill segment performed on 2.0 mm over the tree. Metal should fit tightly into the wood.

Make a second 1.0 mm hole of the same depth about 1 mm from the first. The clinch in thickness must be tightly in between two metal columns. Tightly cover a 20-millimeter segment into a tree.

Step 4: Practice in twisting turns.

Almost all the details that we have to do will have one or more turns, so it is better to practice and learn how to make them well.
- pliers completely align the paper clip.
- Place the clip between the two segments of the drill of its bending tool, which we were built in the previous step.
- Gently wrap the clip around a longer column, while the short will simply hold the wire in place.
- Continue to rotate the clips around the long piece of drill, until they received 4 turns of the wire around it.
- Gently remove the twisted clips from the bending "machine" and check the turns. They should fit tightly to each other. If the coils do not work smooth and dense - take straight yet.

Here is how to do it:

Step 5: We make different details.

Here is a complete set of details from the clips that I did for this design. There is a connecting rod, two-legged and four-way supports, connectors and levers of different shapes and sizes. There may be an infinite set of other details and modifications. Lens only your fantasy selection.
The second photo at the bottom shows each spare part with its name.

Step 6: Make the base to install the machine.

I used one piece of wood for a bending device, and the other to build your invention. I first tested the assembly on the reverse side, and when I went all over and measured, began to drill holes on the front side. Beautiful finishing texture looks very advantageous for the base of the machine.

I used a 0.8 mm drill to make a 10 mm depth in the tree for each of the supports. A small force of pliers, and the legs of the supports in place. I think you can make a lot of holes with a mesh pattern, as on e-board. So it will be possible to easily change the positions of the supports in the assembly, testing and debugging the design. I decided to drill holes only where it is necessary, so it seemed better for the view.

Step 7: Collect the design on the go

AND dei for recreation and relaxation of office employees.
Some Western companies came to the conclusion that office worker it is necessary to do from time to timeshort breaks

and to be distracted from their immediate duties for recreation and unloading.
Tip - to do some simple game, better - collectively. At these moments removed work voltage,
sound jokes and thus, unintentionally created warm atmosphere, who helps cohesion of the collective. And this in turn will lead to more productive work in the future.

Your attention a few ideas are offered that can be used for Short respite of office employees.


Mini Bowling

Table Bowling You can make your own hands from the remedies

Arbents from office supplies

Darts from girlfriend

A couple of minutes to relax.It is much better than during a break one of one smoking cigarettes or traditionally drink coffee.

Fighter from office supplies

Crafts from stationery clips

Paper clips crafts

Office basketball

Some game may seem too nursery.But those who love humor and want to relax the brains, this opinion is not a hindrance.

Communions for office clever

Dodecahedron of 120 clips without drop of glue and other fasteners

Moebius Ribbon from 110 Multicolored Paper Clips

There are only six clamps ... It would seem that the simplest design. And you try! The secret is that when creating such a thing, your fingers should not strain more than with the usual use of clamps.

Cosidodecahedron out of 30 clamps.

Theater of shadows on the office desk. The working day was not in vain ...

For this creation, a solid preliminary preparation is needed in the form of coins. But the result is masterpiece!

If the street is on a rain and get caught clean absolutely impossible, then you should look for entertainment at home. But what to do if the apartment is ideally, lunch is ready, and tired of TV? Perhaps you should do creativity and make any craft. By the way, this interesting thing can be attracted to the whole family and have fun.

You can make something from anything, for example, try to make crafts from the clips, and if you don't know how, then read the article, it will have several interesting ideas.

Stationery Flower

The simplest thing is that you can make a bouquet - a bouquet, which will not only please the eye, but also to perform a practical function, to respond to the safety of stationery.

To make beautiful flowers, the following items will need:

  • Colored stationery clips (2-3 boxes), shades choose to your taste;
  • 2 sheets of paper A4;
  • Glue, scissors, cigl.

If everything is ready, you can begin to make a craft of colored clips:

  • On one sheet of format A4, drew a circle 4 circle: 2 large single radius and 2 smaller diameters (with a difference of about 3 cm). If you are engaged in creativity with a small child, then instead of a circular for drawing circles, use the cups of different diameters;
  • Armed with scissors, cut out the drawn circles. By the way, if there are colored paper or cardboard, then the blanks can be made from these materials;
  • Now two big round blanks Loop glue and connect together;
  • From the remaining sheet of paper, fold the stalk for the flower. It should turn out to be flat, and to keep it better, wake it with glue;
  • Now on the glued circles, place the stem, but not with the edge, and so that lay throughout the diameter. This will make the flower more stable;
  • You got a workpiece, something looks like a racket for a large tennis, but that's not all. On the big circle you need to stick a smaller circle. In this case, glue only to the center of the leaflet, and the edges should be in the free "flight". Similarly, the smallest circle is attached;
  • Paper flower is ready, now you need to use paper clips, make colored petals and beautiful stem. To do this, in the free edges of the three circles of paper are multicolored stationery, and green paper clips are attached to the improvised stem.

After all the flower manipulations are ready, it will very well look at the organizer on the desktop, and so that the caretaker from the stationery clips does not fall, it is recommended to slightly press the line.

In principle, if you do a flower not with 3, but with 2 circles of the closet, it will be more stable.

Mastery garland

With the help of the clips, you can make a very attractive garland, which will certainly decorate the room for any holiday. To make such a beauty, you will need not so many girlfriend: scissors, bright sheets of paper, suitable magazines and any dense printing, glue and paper clips.

Now you can make a garland:

By the way, if desired, the decoration can be made in several rows. And using the clips of different sizes, create a very interesting garland at all.

It is worth noting that the perfected women according to such a principle of crawling curtains, and kids are funny bracelets for themselves and friends.

Making Christmas toys

With the help of the clips, you can make it easiest cute Christmas toys in the form of skates for figure skating.

For the embodiment of creative venture, such materials will be needed:

  • Felt of different shades;
  • Beads or sequins;
  • Paper sheet and pencil;
  • Large paper clips;
  • Thin tapes;
  • Glue;
  • Threads and needle.

On the sheet of paper, draw a horse, but without blades, one shoe. Cut the stencil, then transfer the image to the felt.

Before cutting the image from the fabric, fold it in half, so that then you could do a real horse. You do not need to cut in the middle. After cutting, two skates in the mirror reflection should turn out.