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Sun hare's house is the main characters. Tale sunny bunny read. Approximate word search

»Books for preschoolers (4-6 years old)» Books for preschool (4-6 years old) " Books of A4 format »Sunny Zaita House: Merry Stories (Hood. Yasinsky G.I.)

Georgiev S.G., Sunhouse House: Cheerful Stories (Hood. Yasinsky G.I.)

Drop, 2001, 128 pp., 5-7107-3880-8, 264 * 202 * 14 mm., Circulation: 7000
Barto A.L.

Favorite by all the kids poems Russian poetess. For preschool age.

Barto A.L.

Our book has tiny poems for tiny readers and poems for those who are going to school. Let me acquaintance with poetry for your child will begin with poems Agnia Barto. For preschool age.

A book with carved volume color illustrations, coming in motion when opening a book. Literary and artistic edition for reading adult children.

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Let me go, please walk, "the ray of the sun asked once. - I have never been on Earth and have not seen close people.

"Good," the sun told, "I will turn you into a sunny bunny and you will be in one of the human homes." But you must remember that the sun in humans is a symbol of light, good and peace. And you will be my messenger. And so I want that day that you will spend among people, did not disappear. Before letting you go, I want to take a promise with you that you will make three good acts.

"Good," said the ray. - I will definitely take three good acts. And, turned into a sunny bunny, he was in one of the houses.

The first thing that Sunny bunny saw there was a sleeping girl. He descended on the wall on the bed, ran over the blanket and stopped on her face. The girl opened his eyes, looked at the clock and exclaimed:

- How good that the sun looked into the room, and then I could certainly be late for school. - And, leaving the bed, the girl began to dress quickly.

"I already committed one good act," a sunny bunny gladly noted.

He descended from the bed to the floor, quickly ran along the path, easily climbed onto the servant and, sitting down somewhere on a bowl with buttons, began to look with interest on the parties in search of the subject for further good deeds.

"Oh," he suddenly heard the heavier sigh next to him. Sunny bunny looked at first to left, then right and saw next to his porcelain vase.

- Are you so hard sighed? He politely turned to a vase.

"Yes," Vase answered sadly. "All winter I am soapy on this servant and no one wipe me from dust."

- Well, I will try to help you, "I think a little, I said the sunny bunny and moved from the casket on the vase.

The room entered the room. She immediately rushed into the eyes brightly illuminated, but dusty vase. When the hostess came out of the room and returned again with a damp cloth, the sun bunny happily thought.

- That's the second good deed.

Until lunch to make the last good deed, the solar bunny has not provided opportunities. In order not to waste the time for nothing, he moved from the room to the kitchen and there is alarmingly measurement on the spot.

In the kitchen, the sun bunny saw a little fluffy kitten. The kitten hung at one end tablecloth and climbed up. With each of its movement, the tablecloth more and more slipped down, and along with it, threateningly moved to the edge of the table tea set. Another minute, another would happen to the misfortune. Sunny bunny realized what to prevent, there was no one sunny bunny.

Quickly deciding what to do, the sunny bunny jumped from the floor straight kitten on the nose. The kitten clogged, snorted and jumped on the floor. Sunny bunny sighed hardly, thinking about the saved service:

- That's the third good deed. It's time to return home.

A sunny bunny moved out of the kitchen in the room, jumped into the windowsill and already wanted to leave this house through the open window, as he suddenly heard someone's complainant buzz. Listened. The buzz came from behind the servant - the most dark in the room of the corner. Not a bag, he quickly ran around the ceiling and, looking at the servant, he saw a spider-sitting spider. Next to him frantically fought fly.

- How well, that you looked here, - attening, turned to the solar bunny of the fly. - Of course, I understand that you cannot help me help, but you can save others, the same careless like me. Stay here, please, for a while. Muhi love light, and they will certainly come here and see what death threatens here.

Sunny bunny, not thinking, agreed to the proposal of the flies and remained. There were no three minutes, as two flies flew out for the servant. They immediately saw the spider and flew away.

"Now they will tell everyone that the evil spider lives here," looking with longing, after the flying flies, a fly-captive said.

When a sunny bunny arrived back to the sun and turned into a ray again, he said:

- It's my fault…

- What is your fault? - Smiled sun.

- I made four actions in place of the promised three.

"That's good," the sun told. "The more we do good actions, the more beautiful world becomes the world." And this is definitely good. Tomorrow you will fly to people again. And if this time you do not three and not four, but five or six good actions, then it will be only better.

"Tomorrow I will try to make a lot more than done today," said Luchik. - I saw and realized how good it was good when well.

And you, expensive guys, probably, have already noticed when sunny bunnies appear on a sunny day on the walls of your rooms, then the mood is noticeably risen and the desire to make someone pleasant to someone.

Mikhail Malyshev

Where to find the story of Sergei Georgiev's house of the sunny hare all google rummaged. Parapr and got the best answer

Answer from Valery Myakyshev [Guru]
Georgiev, solar hare house, download.
Source: Yandex.

Answer from ABBA.[newcomer]
You need to download and here is the review of Irina Linkova. Some adults pretend to love children, and some, on the contrary, have to hold back. Otherwise, they would probably grab all the children in an oakha, pressed to themselves firmly, and only all kinds of tender words would speak. But this is impossible, because the life is around, and not some semal porridge there. And there is nothing to suck and invent all sorts of "children's" words like a "ray" - "bunny", if you need to directly and firmly tell the younger people all the truth about the real sunny hare.
These are stories. Very small. Short. For young children who or going to school, or just went there.
Exquisite aesthetes may not worry. When literally on the first page they will find a pig that takes the shower in the bathroom from Pyratino sodium, or face a grandmother that catches saccus, saccuming fritters, exquisite aesthetes can be disappeared, because the fantasy is too straightforward. Aesthets do not understand: if, for example, you go to the courtyard, and there, in the pool freezes the sun - what to do? That is, it freezes, of course, a puddle, but after all the sun "cold so reflect". We do simply: quickly go to my grandmother, we take a hot kettle, we water the gray asphalt and the cold puddle becomes warm. And if an experienced grandfather, at the same time, crushed asks: "Will it for long?" - We answer him ...
Sergey Georgievich Georgiev, only then became a children's writer, and began his candidate of philosophical sciences. So he knows the answer.
Irina Linkova

Answer from Џroslav Kantic[newcomer]
Here is my content (approximate) Even adults love to think about and, taking the mirror, make dance on the wall of solar bunnies. Our class in the morning floods the sun. Even if you do not take in the hands of the mirror, sunny bunnies will still jump along the walls of the class. The sun's rays are reflected from glasses of portraits hanging on the wall, bookcases and simply from various brilliant items. Once we decided to use the sunny bunny in their own interests. There was a control in mathematics. The guys and I agreed to come to the lesson with the mirrors. If someone has a control difficulty with the fulfillment of the task, he will imperceptibly pull out the mirror and makes dance on the ceiling and a sunny bunny. Then we all will have to release on the will and our solar bunnies and distract the attention of the teacher to help the "drowning". All days before the control were sunny. It seemed to be easy to implement our idea. But by the beginning of the control sky tightened clouds. The weather as if decided to punish us. Not a single rayon made it through the whole lesson in the class. The call rang, we passed the test work to the teacher. On the people of friends it was clear that not everyone coped with the task. When we returned home, the sun brightly shone again. It was reflected in spring puddles and streams, in glasses of houses. It seemed to take out the mirror and catch the sun rays as much as he had pleasing. But for some reason I did not want to do this.

Just managed to think the freckle, why did this Mrca need to penetrate the country of sunny bunnies, as unexpectedly flew out of the dark, a huge owl with green luminous eyes flew out, and with her a few volatile mice. Mr. Graq waved his cloak, dropping him off him. Owl and mice on the summer picked up the cloak and disappeared with him in the dark. The frightened freckle is cleaned by head, looking for Mr. Mraka. But he disappeared.

The boy just noticed that some shadow flashed from the raincoat and cheamped in his pocket of his jackets. But the freckle immediately forgot about it. And about Mr. Mraka immediately forgot. He only saw a strange mirror in front of him, which glowed with a weak yellowish light. Some unknown force attracted the freckle to this mirror. He came close to him. Right in front of the boy's eyes glistened mirror glass. Some voice whispered: "Go, go tover!" Obeying this voice, the freckle took a step and clogged, waiting for the head of his forehead about the glass. But no! He easily passed through the mirror, as if in the open door. Steadfasting his legs, the boy seemed to float through the air without any tension and effort. His body was light, weightless, as in a dream. At first, the freckling could not see anything in front. He moved in some yellow, golden fog.

Then gradually this fog was dissipated, and the country of solar bunnies opened before the freckle. The boy seemed to be in a huge, extraordinary flower garden.

Never in life he has not seen such a number of colors immediately. Yes, it was perhaps on Earth, and impossible. Because next to the first, fragile colors of snowdrops grew here later - autumn asters and chrysanthemums.

All the flowers that only have in nature, bloomed here at the same time.

Slender, prideous irises and shy mattiol. Self-shaped daffodils and modest velvets. Dazzling blood-red cannes and an imperceptible indoor primer. Pansies appeared because of the magnificent peonies, and the lion's zev funnyly shoved the pink lips. And quietly shuddered silver calves of the valley lilies ...

At first glance, it seemed that the flowers would grow here without any order, as in the forest or in the field. But when the freckle looked at, he saw that, rushing among himself, the flowers form unusual houses - with windows, with doors, with beautiful porches and verandas.

In these flower houses and lived sun bunnies.

The freckle stopped near the first house hit. The floral garden spread out of the daisies from daisies. Along the tracks, sprinkled with yellow pollen, roses, gladiolus, lilies, dahlias grew rosas. Under them, like bushes under the trees, grew nasturtiums, violets, snowdrops. And in the depths of the garden, on the shore of a small mirror lake, in the middle of which the gazebo was spread out of the jugs, there was a house. Or rather, did not stand, but grew up a house. Because it was a big jasmine bush, whose branches were bugged and formed the walls, windows, roof and even a turret over the roof, at the top of which, as if the vane, swinging the white flower. On the windows were lace curtains from the valley, and velvets served with window sills. The veranda house was from Vasilkov. In the midst of the veranda in the chair of the soft, fluffy chrysanthemum dreamed the old sunny hare. Sunny bunny in white apron clover flower swept the floor.

And the lake came the screams and ringing laughter. There, on the petals of roses, like on the boats, they rode the water shrinking solarly, it must be the same shaluns as all kinds of children.

The freckle stood in indecision. He wanted to look into the house, but he was a raised boy and knew well that could not be included without a knock. And it was not that. But then the freckles noticed that a blue forest bell grows near the veranda, from which the web stretches straight to the gate. The boy fucked legs lightly. Immediately there was a pleasant silver ring, and four flower of the lion's mouth, which served as a gate, bent the heads to the earth, passing the guest. To meet the freckle, smiling friendly, hurried hare and bunny. And the sunny wage, having been with the lake, looked out with curiosity because of flowers. The owners were not at all surprised at the appearance of the boy and accepted him very welcome. After all, the one who fell into the country of sunny bunnies could not be an enemy, otherwise the magic mirror simply would not let him. So he is a friend and welcome guest.

An old sunny hare was called Uncle Yas, his wife - aunt Tasya.

The little ones will not have had no names: there was a custom in the country, according to which the sun bunnies had the right in the name only when they became independent and began to do good deeds.

Well, mother, cover on the table, "said Uncle," First of all, the guest needs to be treated.

The freckle did not refuse. First, not to offend the owners, and secondly, because it was pretty hidden. Sitting on a very soft and comfortable chrysanthemum, he was already anticipating a satisfying, good dinner. What was his surprise when aunt Tasya, spreading before each napkin from the petal of water lily, put a bouquet of flowers on the table and said:

Please treat.

The freckle was confused with his eyes, not seeing how he could be treated. And the owners chose themselves from a bouquet of a flower and began to sniff, smoking from pleasure. The freungency remained to do anything, how to follow their example. And he was even more surprised when he suddenly felt that his hunger disappears with every second.

It turned out that solar bunnies feed solely by the smell of flowers. And one who falls towards them to the country is also moving towards such food.

It was an amazing lunch: the first is the sharp spicy carnation, on the second - jasmine, on the third - sweet median.

Jasmine was a favorite Kushan Uncle Yasya. For one sat, he could smash ten flowers. That is why Uncle Jas and the house brought a jasmine.

After lunch, Uncle Jassed the freck in the garden. He showed him various outland flowers, told what they are wonderful, where and when they bloom on earth, from which diseases help people, and the like. It was very interesting, and the freckle listened carefully.

So, chatting, they approached the big flowerbed, which was located in the center of the garden. The dense ring is surrounding the flower, which grew in the middle, froze here, as if in the honorable guard, bearded, redhead cannes, slender irises, poppies, tulips. Toncons of daffodils inclined their proud heads before those who grew in the middle. And there is a small, ordinary, yellow dandelion.

Yes, ordinary, unremarkable dandelion, which grows literally everywhere - in the field, in the forest, on the road, on the street, on the roofs of old houses and even in the city yard, breaking through with the grass through the slots between the cobblestones. The same dandelion who people often do not notice and trample with legs. And here he was surrounded by special honorable and attention.

The freckle asked why it was.

And that's what he found out.

It turns out, dandelions are the favorite flowers of solar bunnies. You have noticed, probably, how they look like the sun - round, dazzling yellow, and the petals diverge in all directions like rays.

In one of the spring days, early in the morning all the sun bunnies that are in the world are flying to the ground. And if people had magic eyes, they would see how the sun bunnies would open their paws, dandelions tight buds, and then a lot of little yellow yellow sun flashed among the green sea of \u200b\u200bherbs. This bloom dandelions.

People believe that the first spring flowers are snowdrops, sleep, violets.

It is true, they appear before dandelions. But when dandelions bloom, the sun is already shining truly warm and brightly, and trees are growing with might and main and festively burning chestnut candles. Spring in full swing.

Dandelions are the most durable spring flowers. Snowdrops have long been faded, and the dream, and violets, and before the new spring, people forgot their smell, already sfali gardens and appeared in the forest of strawberries, and dandelions are still yellowing in the grass, and the children still fly from them wreaths. Before the autumn, you can meet a blooming dandelion in the grass.

Dandelions bloom only when the sun shines. As soon as it hits behind the horizon and comes evening, dandelions immediately, like an umbrella, fold their petals and close. And only with the first morning rays, they bloom again.

Dandelions - faithful friends of solar bunnies. They always warn them about danger. Before the thunderstorm, that is, when Tuceviki-slopoviki begin to gather in the sky, dandelions also fold their petals. And the sun bunnies already know: it is necessary to prepare for battle.

There are dandelions and one more extraordinary property: they are not withering like all the other flowers, they are aging and die as people. When time comes, their yellow heads are covered with seedy - white fluffy hairs. The wind breaks them and spreads over the ground. Sometimes children help him. To amused, they blow out the gray heads of dandelions, and dandelions silently and submissively die. And the gray hair falls to the ground, and flowers grow again.

All this is because dandelions are not simple flowers, but magic. They are bunned on the ground solar bunnies.

Therefore, it must be, the children love dandelions so much more than all other colors.

The freckle with respect looked at the dandelion: so what is this wonderful flower!

Well, now, - said Uncle Jas, - let's go, I will lead you to the castle of magical fairy tales. I think it will be interesting to you. By the way, on the way will come with you and in the palace of laughter.

And they went through the wide streets, which were rather an alleys of a huge flowering garden than the streets. The oncoming sun bunnies glanly greet the freckle: the one who fell into the country of sunny bunnies immediately became her here. The freckle, as a brought up, answered every greeting. Soon they approached the palace of laughter. This palace was completely made from the curves of the mirrors. Getting into it. The freckle almost burst out of laughter, looking at his reflection. Well and dying!

By the way, the laughter's palace was a medical facility. Sunny bunnies believed that laughter is the best cure for all diseases, and prescribed it to the patient: five, ten, twenty minutes of laughter three times a day, - who needs how much. Since the solar bunnies themselves never hurt anything, the inhabitants of the castle of magical fairy tales were treated in the palace of laughter.

But, of course, everything is good in moderation. And after half an hour, Uncle, I walked a freck from the palace, saying that with unaccustomed, so much laughter could even be harmful.