Repairs Design Furniture

The coffee table from the tree do it yourself drawings. Hand Made: We make a coffee table with your own hands. Beautiful placement ideas in the interior

Do you like designer things, but upset sigh, looking at the price tags that decorate them in stores? Try to become a designer yourself. Think, it's hard? Nothing like this! Following the instructions, you can easily create do it yourself original a piece of interior From the primary materials. And start we offer with coffee table - such an uncomplicated, but very important subject furniture. Believe me, at such a table you will be happy to take the tea in our guests who will admire your skills. In addition, creating a coffee table with your own hands, you literally fill your house Heat and put into it a part of his soul. So try, undoubtedly stands.

Coffee table do it yourself in the marine style

The idea in the style of "Romantic". All year round, drinking a favorite drink behind this table, you will remember the warm sea, affectionate surf and the lunar path. " Nautical"The table is tenderness, sophistication and originality in the heart of your home.

How to do?

1. Take the old window frame and clean it from dust and dirt. If the former glass cracked, insert a new one, then get rid of the layer of old paints and process the surface of the sandpaper. Next should be removed metal corners that additionally fix the details rama..

Ready! Enjoy your creation and give the joy to guests!

Table-suitcase for travel lovers

A very original solution for an old beloved suitcase that other edges came with you and who do not want to throw out due to memories.

How to do?

To begin with, go to the store in which you will need to purchase furniture legs ( wooden or metal). If you want to make a mobile table - then you need to take the wheels. You will also need plywood, screws and screwdriver.

Now we make markup at the bottom of the suitcase for future legs and drill holes. Since the legs cannot be attached to the fabric, we put in the suitcase, we make a markup on it through holes and drill. Now apply the bottom of the suitcase fastening and secure legs. With the help of hot glue, we glue the felt's suitcase inside.

To give the table of the original appearance, reminiscent of distant travel, you can decorate with its stickers made in the form of stamps, or decorate at its discretion.

That's all - an unusual coffee table ready! By the way, the options for turning suitcases in the tables are a huge set: choosing legs to your liking, you can make a table in style Retro or classical. You can not attach legs at all, if you have a massive suitcase - it will be truly incredible: such a table will introduce the feeling of adventure and adventure, the spirit of travel and the unknown distant countries.

Length table for connoisseurs of nature

We take wooden bars (in this case birch) of the same height and width, only 32 pieces. You also need to take the base for the table, legs (4 pieces), putty in the tone of the tree, the screwdriver and glue, intended for wooden surfaces.

First you need to assemble the basis for the table, then glue wooden bars around the perimeter, and the middle of the cardboard. Then we screw the legs to the bottom. Next, we glue into the inner surface with thin wooden dies - thanks to this it will seem that the table is completely wooden. Now we take the mask and gently close all the empties, then we wash up the creation of an absolutely smooth surface. Voila! Now you are the owner of an extraordinary table, which will be the highlight of your interior.

If the idea came to taste, on this scheme you can create other tables using, for example, instead of brucks. To create such a table you need to take a plywood box, painted black paint, the size of which is 40x40x60 cm (or any other size at your discretion).

For pasting the frame, we take branches from which you preliminarily remove the faded-holding bark (we do it with the help of sandwich). What is the order of salary: first we glue the branches on the long side of the table, and after - select wooden dies and, like mosaic, lay out them on the ends. The thickness of the dies should be approximately 1 cm, cut them with a parquet or circular saw. And in conclusion - install the glass that will be a tabletop. If desired, screwing the wheel supports to the table, it can be made mobile.

For the same technology, you can create many other unusual furniture items. You can lay out the branches horizontally and then it turns out such a wonderful table. Looks like a similar furniture not only very original, but also incredibly stylish.

Original pallet table

The idea that came to mind someone truly ingenious. It would seem that you can come up with palletswho are probably lying on each dacha? And you can make from them a very convenient and functional element of the interior.

How to do?

To begin with, collect all the tools you need for your idea: the pallet itself, drill, clamps, hammer, screws, nails, glue, intended for wood, wheels, soap, primer, screwdriver. In addition, take the brushes for painting, a petal brush-nozzle with an abrasive pile for a drill, varnish and a colorless primer.

First of all, you should take a drill with a nozzle designed for treatment processing, and clean the surface of the boards from pollution. Now carefully disassemble the polished pallet on the part. Select the rusty nails with a big hammer and gently pull them out with a nail. Bonked pieces of boards glue glue for wood. At this stage, clamps will be needed. They need to gently clamp the boards and wait until those dried.

Now the parts prepared for the table top must be knit and glued on the reverse side, then clamp them with clamps and wait until they dry.

Then cover the table with colorless primer, and after - varnish. Next, on the reverse side of the table, mark the places for screws to attach the wheels. Drill the drill hole for fasteners. In order for the screws to be easily entered into wood, lubricate them with soap. Using the ratchet key, you can quickly and conveniently spin screws with a hexagon head.

Stylish, compact and pretty functional table ready!

Table of jackets

Another original idea bribes with its simplicity and surprise - well, who would occur to build a table from jackets? But it came, and now you yourself can create at home such an unusual subject of the interior. Surely you yourself will be delighted, and your guests will appreciate the originality of this idea.

How to do?

Take 4 wooden box, sandpaper, lacquer with water base, roller and brush, waders, plywood sheet 10 mm, PVA glue, 4 wheels and screws.

First you need to scroll boxes and cover them with varnish. Then, with the help of drill with the focus, make holes on the ends of the boxes. With the help of glue for a tree, you need to fix the ducts in the places of fasteners and connect the ends of the boxes with each other. To the sheet of plywood to attach the wheels, and then the sheet to attach to the drawers with self-drawers. Table ready!

These outstanding things can be created from quite ordinary materials. Having fantasy and desire for originality and comfort in your home, you can easily work wonders. Look around: Maybe the old window frame has every chance to turn into an interesting element of the interior?

And maybe a huge wooden coil from an industrial cable capable of becoming an elegant piece of furniture?

The living room will look empty if there is no coffee table from chipboard or other suitable material. If you wish and the availability of free time, you can make a coffee table with your own hands. This will help the recommendations proposed below, as well as drawings of coffee tables. If you are planning to fly a coffee table with your own hands, then you can easily find suitable drawings here.

Table of drawers Metal table Table transformer

To make a coffee table with your own hands, you will need:

  • plate of organice or plywood if you are going to create a coffee table from plywood with your own hands or a transformer coffee table;
  • boards;
  • roulette that will help determine the size;
  • a hammer;
  • machine for grinding;
  • 3-4 legs. If your plans include a round coffee table with your own hands, then you should take 3 legs;
  • hoven for woodwork;
  • drill and drill set;
  • screws, screws, finishing nails;
  • putty and high-quality glue;
  • paint and primer;
  • sandpaper.

Perhaps additional tools will be required, it all depends on which table for coffee you intend to make.

How to make a coffee table?

Create a tea table with your own hands, following the scheme:

  1. Cut the ends of the boards at an angle of 45º, from wood material or chipboard cut the elements whose length will be equal to the length of the workpieces made.
  2. Place the details in the center, thoroughly align the ends.
  3. Spend measurements to determine the distance separating the extreme bars. Using the received parameters, cut a pair of blanks that will be used as the lower supports. Build them with self-draws. Screw the fasteners to each longitudinally located rail to give the table strength and stability.
  4. Remove a pair of holes at the ends of the reference crossing, which will be useful to combine the design with other elements. If you do not have sufficient experience with the tool, practice, taking unnecessary wooden trimming.
  5. Place the blanks on the sides, secure with the help of a quick-inspection device called clamp. Masters, creating a coffee table from chipboard or soft rock wood (pine array) do this: they are put under the supports fasteners. At the expense of the made, they avoid traces remaining on the surface.
  6. Firmly fix the extreme bars on the ground, screw the screws into the pre-done holes.
  7. Perform measurements to find out the width of the reason made (this is necessary in order to understand what length should have a blank for the end part). Specialists say: "I collect a thing with an accuracy of a millimeter, because I do off with a small reserve in length, and carefully sharpen extra centimeters." Making a wooden coffee table, use the Council.
  8. Moisten the end parts with water, apply the adhesive composition, assemble individual parts. Tight belt belt. This will make it possible to cross the design together and fix it in a certain position. For more durable bonds, use cloves for finishing works.
  9. Proceed with your own hands assembled coffee table with sandpaper, removing irregularities. The gaps formed on the scene of the seams need to fill the putty mass.
  10. Assembled coffee table, made with your own hands, colorfully taking advantage of the finished project.
  11. In the lower crossings of future coffee tables, place the mounting plates, which will be suitable for the manufacture of the lower part. Put the holes and screw the legs in them.

The coffee table of the transformer do it with your own hands to make a little more difficult, however, the scheme of assembling the coffee table is approximately identical.

The transformer table, with their own hands made from the girlfriend, will allow you to supplement the room and make it more functional. The transformer for the living room is optimal for the room.

1 2 3

As you can see, the coffee table from the tree do it yourself is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance.

Coffee table on wheels do it yourself

1 2 3

If you wish, you can assemble a table from DSP with your own hands on wheels. The folding coffee table is very convenient in operation, as it allows you to move furniture from place to place without too much effort. The original coffee table with your own hands is quite a satisfying task. Make a dining option according to the algorithm presented above, and then fasten the wheels on the legs. You can remove this item with an old trolley and equip a dining or stylish folding table from boards for logs or other accessories.

To secure fixtures at home, use high-quality screws. Attach the wheels to the base of the structure, following the way they do not look out from under the Niza. It is unacceptable that the base makes it difficult to move a homemade table. Adjust the location that will occupy a coffee table: a low or high level of support. It is important that the wheels be spinless without difficulty, allowing you to move the table.

Coffee table of glass do it yourself

Tables with glass are very presentable and practical. The transparent countertop is perfectly combined with a variety of materials. To make a coffee table with a glass countertop, decide which thickness should have a glass, and choose the appropriate method of cutting it.

To make a glass coffee table with your own hands, you will need a furniture shield, in which the opening of the desired form is cut. Next, you need to fix it in advance the cutting glass in it (for this purpose it is the most convenient to use the stroke). If there is glass cutters, it is better to use this particular device that provides high-quality performance.

Two main types of glass cutter are distinguished: roller and diamond type. The first-type devices are suitable for working on a thinner glass plate, whose thickness is not more than 4 cm. The tool includes from 1 to 6 rollers. There is necessarily a cut line. Experts say that the best properties are distinguished by models where there is a tank for oil. They are perfectly suitable for both professionals and beginner masters.

Thoroughly prepare the glass before cutting, that is, rinse it and degrease. If you are dealing with a relief surface, then to work on it, the diamond glass cutter is completely not suitable. Cut such a plate by turning the smooth side to yourself. During cutting with roller glass cutter, see that the line is completely covered with a turptine fluid.

After the glass was cut, secure it using a special glue. If there is no adhesive composition available, it is allowed to apply to the manufacture of furniture in the style of Provence with their own hands suction cups that are attached first on the leg and then on the glass.

If desired, the table can be decorate with a variety of decorative elements, which will make it even more presentable and modern. View photos or videos on our website to understand how it is better to make a table on wheels. If any details you do not understand, ask for specialists how to make a coffee table with your own hands.

How and from what to do a cool table with your own hands

Many dreams of decorating the interior of their apartment with exclusive interesting design objects of furniture. The stores present a huge number of similar interior items, but also prices for them, often just fabulous. If you try a little, some things can be done on your own. For example, from various subframe materials, excellent coffee tables are obtained, which will become a real decoration of any interior and the subject of pride of the hosts of housing.

Sea-style table

In order to independently make a coffee table in the marine style, you will need an old window frame, which must be cleansed from dust and dirt. Then, if necessary, insert a new glass into the frame, clean the surface of the structure from paint and handle sandpaper. The surface of the frame should be coated with acrylic paint or enamel of white.

For the manufacture of legs, it will take a cutlery that needs to be cut into 4 equal parts. To remove all roughness and irregularities, the surfaces of the legs should be treated with emery paper. As a base, you can use a furniture shield or a board, the width of which does not exceed the width of the window frame. The legs are attached to the base with long screws. Also self-made base with legs are attached to the frame.

Since the frame is an empty transparent box, which can be filled with the attributes of marine themes: pebbles, shells and souvenirs brought from the rest. In order for the table to have a complete appearance, its legs can be laid with a thin rope.

Table of suitcase

The original table will be from an old suitcase. For a similar object of furniture, it will be necessary to purchase feet for furniture. They can be both metal and wooden. If you use special wheels, the original model of the mobile coffee table may turn out. Also for work will need a screwdriver, screws and a piece of plywood.

First of all, it is necessary to cut a rectangle from plywood, the dimensions of which must correspond to the width and length of the bottom of the suitcase. Phaneru laid on the bottom of the suitcase and make marking for the legs. With the help of a screwdriver and screws, the legs are fixed to the base of the suitcase. Then to the base, inside the suitcase, the felt is glued. Table ready.
There are many different options for turning the old suitcase into the coffee table. Correctly fitting the leg table can be made in classic or retro style.

Lenglass table

Make a table from the lane is also completely simple. This will require small logs of approximately the same thickness and height (32 pieces). The base for the table, 4 wheels for furniture or legs, putty, glue, suitable for wood, and a screwdriver should be prepared.

First you need to make the basis for the table, on the perimeter of which the logs will be located. The middle of the day is sewn with cardboard. Legs or wheels are mounted on the bottom of the base. In order for the table to seem completely made of logs, a small round dice must be glued to the surface of the cardboard. All empties formed between dies are shuffled and thoroughly rubbed to create a smooth surface of the table. You can decorate a similar table by branches.

Instead of a large number of small logs, for making a coffee table in a similar way, you can use one thick sleeve.

Table of pallet

Even from the most ordinary pallets that can be found on each will get a great coffee table. For work it is necessary to prepare:

Wooden pallets;
A hammer;
Nail holder;
Legs or wheels;

First of all, the surface of the pallets must be cleaned of contamination. To do this, you can use a drill with a nozzle to work with the wood. Also, with the help of a nail, you should get rid of old nails and disassemble pallets to pieces. All damaged and broken pieces of boards must be glued. Clamps gently clamp the boards and let them dry well. Then glue from the reverse side, prepared parts of the table top and again clamps. After complete drying, the surface of the table must be covered with a layer of primer, and then varnish. To the back of the resulting table, it is necessary to attach wheels or legs. In order to make it easier to fix the screws to the table, their surfaces can be graspted by ordinary soap.

After all the work performed, it turns out a functional, stylish and compact table.

Cool table ideas do it yourself photo

The coffee table cannot be called first-necessity furniture, however, in the arrangement of the living room or bedroom it takes not the last place. Modern tables are endowed with a mass of functions, representing a storage system not only for the press, but also for other useful things. Many models are equipped with spacious boxes and compartments transforming the system, turning into an oven dining table. Among other things, the coffee table acts as a significant element of the decor, which successfully complements the stylish design. Make a similar thing quite really with your own hands, if you attach the share of fantasy and patience, and our article will provide interesting ideas on home design coffee table.

Materials for manufacture

Many diverse materials are used in the manufacture of modern coffee tables. Unlike previous times, the standard rectangular designs from MDF were stamped, today's models are surprised by their metabolism. One of the expensive options are wooden tables made of natural array. Such a thing will decorate any interior, it will always look gorgeous and respectable. The designs are the most diverse - from strict coarse tables in Scandinavian style to classic, decorated with forging or carved ornaments.

Since the tree is quite expensive, the chipboard and MDF plates help to replace it. If we talk about durability, they, of course, are inferior to wooden, but they look no worse. Compensate the simplicity of material allow design tricks, such as transforming countertops, built-in sockets, etc.

Metal also takes part in the design of coffee tables. Metal pipes form frames, complementing them then with countertops from other materials. Elegant curls of wrought elements with glass countertops look very beautiful. Sometimes designer developments can be found in which the table fully consists of metal.

In modern furniture production, it is increasingly possible to meet glass interior items that make some lightness, airiness in the situation. Products are made of heavy-duty tempered glass, resistant to different kinds of influences, so you can not be afraid that such a subject of the interior will break or deform under the influence of high temperatures. In some models, only the surface of the table top is drawn up.

Plastic is used much less often, as it does not differ in high strength, but has a large color palette and low cost. Most often, it is found as components of a wooden or metal structure.

In the home manufacturer of original coffee tables, the choice of material increases significantly, since, in addition to traditional materials, various techniques are going to move.

How to make a coffee table: beautiful ideas

For the manufacture of coffee tables with their own hands, a plywood is most often used, which is relatively inexpensive and easily processed. You can also take advantage of various subframe materials and build the most bizarre designs. More complex details, such as curly handles, legs, wheels, accessories and other decorative elements, can be purchased in a furniture store.

Coffee table from plywood in modern style

The manufacture of such an original coffee table will not require a lot of time, but the product will take a worthy place in any interior with minimalism notes. To work, you need to purchase a sheet of plywood, three legs with fasteners, thick thread, pencil, centimeter, jigsaw and paint (preferably white or black).

So, the first thing you need to cut the table top. On the reverse side of the sheet, choose a point that will be the center, drive a small carnation. Sut off a piece of threads long with the radius of the future table. One of her end is fastened to the clogged carnation, and to another we bind a pencil and, stretching the design, draw a round shape of the table top. Next, you can fantasize and give the canvas more original shape. It is noteworthy that for the manufacture of such a table, there will absolutely do not need drawings and measurements. The tabletop shape drawn with a jigsaw, grind and paint. When the design is completely dry - fasten the legs. Table ready.

Coffee table from Palette (pallets)

This original design will be perfectly "fitted" in many style designs. It is most successful. He will complement the bold loft or natural eco-style. Describing such an exclusive table is easy: it is necessary to get a pallet, metal legs or wheels (at its discretion). Also, do not do without self-tapping and screwdriver, saws, paints or varnish with a tassel.

Step by all work on designing the table will be held in the following order:

1. We indicate the size of the table on the pallet and we scroll through the extra part.
2. From the residues, we take a plate and riveted the gaps in the main structure so that a solid surface is obtained, fixing with the help of screws.
3. We turn over and make out five transverse planks: two from the sides (they will be mounted on the legs) and one in the center for stability.
4. Mount the supports and open the design of varnish or paint.

Coffee Tire Table

The old worn tire can be a good basis for creating a wonderful home coffee table. Additionally, you need to prepare Phaneur. Before you begin to design, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the tire. Next, you need to measure the diameter of the tire and cut two circles from plywood: one - the table top - must correspond to the tire diameter, and the other - the base is to be less than several centimeters. To the base, you can immediately attach legs, wheels or leave without supports at your discretion. Round sheets of plywood attachment to the tire with self-tapping screws or Sadims on construction glue - the basis is ready.

Next, choose one of two ways: wind the rope or the entire design is completely, or only the sides. In the first version you need to think about how to process the worktop - it is possible to paint or cover with brilliant varnish.

Winning should be started from the center: the end of the rope is fixed using a self-pressing or adhesive gun and start moving with circles winding, gradually moving to the sides. The reason to wipe no sense, unless you decide to make a table half a two-color. At the end of the winding, the entire design should be covered with a transparent varnish to extend the service life.

Coffee table from boxes

If there are wooden boxes from under vegetables in your farm - do not hurry to throw them out. Only four such containers are capable of turning into a beautiful and useful detail of the living room interior. If you don't have boxes - the most difficult thing in the manufacture of the table will get them. Further, everything is simple: the boxes need to poll, paint and fold, as shown in the photo. We use a sheet of plywood, which must be fastened from the bottom side of the structure so that it does not fall apart. That's ready our coffee table. The advantage of such a design will be the organization of spacious storage places for various magazines, books and other things.

Coffee Table for Travel Lovers

Nowadays, traveling to different countries has become available to many. But there is a special category of people who simply cannot live without constant trips to remote corners. It is for sure that they will probably like the coffee table that resembles certain pleasant vigyas. For the manufacture, any old suitcase with rigid walls is suitable, not suitable for use in direct intended. Also need a sheet of thick plywood, screwdriver with screws, paints and, at will, legs or wheels.

From plywood, we cut out two sheets with an area equal to the base of the suitcase, fasten them from the inside to the base and lid. We screw the legs or wheels. Next, you need to decorate a table - for this we use different ways. One of the simple options is to paint it into white, and when the design is driving, with the help of emery paper to make scuffs indicating the oldness of the subject. Such a product adequately decorate the sebbi-chic style living room. The black color of such a table will harmoniously fit into the loft living room, and decoupage decoupage will become a real masterpiece of Provenovsky design.

Coffee table from Koryagi

The uniqueness of furniture made of stumps and corigrants is its uniqueness - what is created by nature itself does not have similar drawings and textures. Such products always attract their bends and interlacing. In addition, it is not so difficult to get the starting material - it can be found in the forest, on the shore of the reservoir. Koryagu must be washed, clean from the crust, remove drunk taps. Next, it is necessary to correct, align the shape under the tabletop and the base and give the workpiece to dry well (if there are large holes in the wood, it can be sharpened).

The dried inquiry is carefully grinding, covered with a verse (you can choose the most liked shade) and varnish. The basis is ready. The table top can be attached with the help of construction glue or self-tapping screws (depending on which it is made). Glass countertops are now very popular through which winding wooden branches are well visible.

Coffee tables do it yourself - photo ideas

We looked at only some options for making coffee tables with their own hands. Much more information and photos of finished products will provide our gallery in which you can learn a lot of interesting ideas. Happy viewing!

The purchase of furniture is a fairly costly procedure that does not always affect the pocket. This is especially true for objects of furnishing is not essential. However, the output exists - create an accessory personally. This requires minimal experience with instruments, creative approach, patience and fantasy. In the article, we will tell you how to make a coffee table on wheels with our own hands from simple girlfriend, and will show photos of successful examples of finished products. The latter will become a good decoration for any bedroom, living room or children's room. Very often, such furniture is placed in cottages on summer terraces, where he emphasizes the existing style and the delicate taste of the owners, and also creates the desired atmosphere of comfort.

Coffee table do it yourself

There are many ways to manufacture such an accessory. So that everything happens, sufficiently minimal skills in the joiner and limited number of materials. In the process, the master does not require drawings, nor any schemes. All that is necessary is a small piece of organity and a few legs (depending on the design, 3-4 pieces), which can be purchased in any furniture or construction man.

Take a sheet of paper in the amount of one to one and with the help of a building centimeter, find the center. To do this, spend two straight lines and mark the intersection point. The center is hammered by a nail to which thread is attached. On the opposite side of the thread, a pencil is fixed (the likeness of a large circulation should be obtained). The handle is determined by the size and form of a rounded countertop. Next, it's still easier - cut the part, handle the edge, apply paint and varnish. At the final stage, mounted legs.

Wooden Country Table

If you prefer simplicity and negros, then furniture in a rustic image is exactly what you need. But this is extremely a matter of taste and everything is amenable to adjustment. A simple rectangular shape, the natural texture of the tree will become an excellent interior design supplement in country style.

Schemes, how to build a table for tea drinking

Below are popular drawings for the assembly of wooden designs. You can apply them in practice. All instructions are visually understandable and shown in the form of step-by-step pictures. The main rule: death a few times and only then cut out. To avoid the cracking of the tree, in the places of fastening, make pre-holes with a drill.

Super simple

The project will even suit people who have never been associated with carpentry craft. It is only necessary to cut out of a piece of plywood countertop required size and 4 legs from a rectangular or square bars. At the end of each leg, make decorative squeezes. To do this, the end saw on the tree is used. Then connect all the details into one composition. For a clearer understanding, all elements are preferably numbered by a simple pencil.


It is a solid construction that will have to taste to lovers of classics. Boards for the organization of countertops will be expensive, therefore, with a limited budget, take the glued Phane. The legs can be chosen or order separately. Even with bought items, this option will cost much cheaper than the finished purchased model.

High rustic style

The original thing that does not have to taste. This design looks good in modern interior design, on the background of expensive furniture. In the phased photo instructions, it can be seen that the assembly is simple and is performed by the type of stool, however, with some nuances. For giving the table of noble type, decorative cross-sidewalls are used.


Furniture looking as a museum exhibit is made with your own hands at home. Below in the pictures are all stages of manufacturing this masterpiece. Figured relief master gave this product with a conventional knife. A little fantasy, talent, perseverance and patience, and you can decorate your house with a luxurious thing.

On Kozlch

Usually, in the joinery, this design of the legs does not apply. However, no one forbids it to use. The table can be a highlight of the interior of any living room, give the room a Mediterranean gloss and flavor.

In rustic style

A fairly popular model that externally looks very similar to the previous option. Here, instead of goats, the legs of the classic appearance are used. On the photodification, all the stages of production are clearly visible, which, if desired, can be repeated.

Classic with drawers

An interesting multifunctional solution for a living room or a bedroom, which can be made personally. To give the design of a stylish species under ancient, it is necessary to carefully work with a decorative coating. You can use various versions and ship varnish. In the process of manufacture, many people have difficulty drawers. On this occasion there are several recommendations:

  • . Make sure that direct angles are met everywhere, no wood deformation.
  • . Make the first box immediately, try it out if everything is fine, then on its size, create the second.
  • . All the time compare the details with the drawing and know that there is nothing perfect. A small curvature is quite admissible.

With metal legs

Here, the main material is the array of birch, walnut bars and connecting elements. When everything is available, you can proceed to work:

  • . Displays the boards to the same strip.
  • . Squeeze them tightly, the cutting edges in one direction.
  • . Carefully apply the glue layer (make sure all the edges are securely missed).
  • . Fix all the elements of the clamps, wipe the excess of the adhesive solution.
  • . After drying, cut the edges with a transverse knob.
  • . Cut 20 millimeter recesses in the boards, so that 1 cm of stock remains from the upper and lower part.
  • . Displays the foam on the same strip, 30 cm wide and 20 cm long.
  • . With the help of a table saw at the bottom edges, make a flat chamfer, at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • . Treat all parts of the grinding design.

In the last stage, screw the legs.

With shelves

A beautiful product that is characterized by ease of assembly and availability of materials. Comfortable shelf gives accessory to solidity, and thin legs-studs - lightness and refinement. If a person ever worked with a drill, then the creation of a similar design for it will be a trifle. In the pictures you can see what is done and how.

Large coffee table for living room

The perfect option, if you need roomy and simultaneously necromozda furniture. It will become an excellent addition to the interior of the living room or bedroom.


The creation of furniture with your own hands is an exciting occupation, and most importantly, an inexpensive way to furnish the house. By defining the model, it is necessary to consider the locations and the functional load for the interior. This option will fit in almost any room.

With a round table top

Accessory can be collected from parts from old and antique furniture. A round form looks noble and very relevant in those rooms where there are small children - there are no corners and injured a child about such a product will not be able to. For the table top it is better to purchase a quality sheet of plywood. The final decor-design is individually depeted of the materials used and the masseer taste.


Tables related to the category of journal, often in the premises play a decorative role - serve as a stand for flowers, consoles, presses, less often used for morning and evening tea drinking. But for work, for example, such accessories are not suitable for the laptop or require improvements. The ideal will be the folding countertop that rises to a certain height. A simple mechanism with wooden bars and an ordinary box as a stand will make your table multifunctional. Also under the lid of such a product can be stored a lot of useful things.

With rising top

Here is presented, an excellent upgraded model of the homemade table with an adjustable table top. The mechanism makes it possible to raise the work surface to a computer convenient for the computer. Also comes to a good place for fast snack in front of the TV. However, to mount a similar mechanism to be patient, slightly smelting and welding.

Coffee tables from pallets

A separate group of furniture accessories produced from recycled building materials. It is distinguished by practicality and low cost.

Table of pallets do it yourself

One of the most economical options for a coffee table, which can be made of remedies. You will need a sheet of plywood medium thickness, as smooth as possible and without defects one pallet and iron welded metal frame. If difficulties have arisen with the last detail, it is not trouble - it can be made of wood.

Metal legs for the coffee table do it yourself - drawings and sizes

The original product based on building pallets perfectly fit into a simple country interior in the style of country, Provence or Eco. In addition, the project will save a lot of money and show imagination. The model will be exclusive and in one instance. It can be placed near the sofa and store the consoles and newspapers in it. For the manufacture you will need a pallet. The latter may differ in size and step nailed on top of the boards. To create a smooth surface, pallets disassemble and fasten it closely. Then everything is polished and covered with a mourn and varnish.

Original coffee table do-it-yourself

The table can be made mobile, organizing a wheelbase. Everything is very simple here, even a step-by-step instruction is not required. Two pallets are taken and connected by the inside. At the same time, the lower will have to disassemble the boards to attach close and fasten the wheels to it. On the top pallet you can put a glass or a sheet of plywood. The entire design must be treated with a veil or decorative paint and varnish.

Examples in photos

Below are the most popular and demanded models of homemade coffee tables.

From wooden mails

A difficult part of the work is to find the materials. But as soon as you found boxes, they need to be processed: polling, copper with a sheet of plywood, cover with varnish or paint. If you wish, you can fasten the wheels.

From the car tire

When we talk about breeding materials, it is impossible not to mention ordinary tires. A little fantasy, patience, skills of working with a tool and you get a unique thing.

Glass accessory in the style of high-tech

Little simple coffee table can be made of glass. This is not a very easy task, but feasible. The main thing is to correctly pick up the glass material - the triplex is best suited with a sheet thickness of 10-12 mm. Further, all according to the scheme: we make the drawing, we create melts on it, cut out the tabletop in size. We process, grind the edges and set the finished canvas on the pre-manufactured design of the supports.

Glass Coffee Tables

There are many options for products that fit well into modern interior design. There are both complex structures and those that can be made personally.

As shown in numerous photos, the exclusive ideas of coffee tables from the girlfriend are particularly well looking at their own hands.

Unusual solution

Bright fantasy and minimal experience with instruments - everything you need to implement such a project. Extravagance and non-standardness does not precisely take away.

From wooden barrel

A good idea for incarnation. From the technical side, to create such a product is not easy, but all the applied efforts will pay off with interest. Particularly elegantly and practically looks an accessory with the opening countertop.

How to make a coffee table-clock with your own hands from undergraduate materials - photo of step-by-step work

Very interesting idea to add a clock mechanism.

Table shelf with her own hands

A good version of mobile furniture on wheels. For the manufacture of such a masterpiece, you need a minimal set of materials - plexiglas, wooden bars, plywood and four stainless metal tubes. The assembly does not represent complexity, and the result will delight not one generation.

From Kruglov

A similar product of the sleeve is easy to do enough. However, in this embodiment, it simply does not mean that quickly. If the material is the freshwater, it needs to be given to dry. Next, you should thoroughly treat the surface and open with varnish.

From birch logs

Birch is a wonderful material that fits into many interior styles. He has a nice color, it emits ease and warm.

From the branches of Willow

Simple and at the same time, the original design is a dream for ecosil connoisseurs. This is a full-fledged furniture created on the basis of branches. Material can be found almost on each street. The room, furnished by such attributes, looks like something exotic.


High-tech products are gaining great popularity. Such a subject of the interior can be created. To do this, you will need a non-standard fantasy, fiberglass, epoxy resin and dyes. The pictures show a step-by-step assembly.

From glass bottles

A very unusual approach is shown below the drawings with dimensions of such products.

Homemade Table of Giraffe

With the help of an electric jigsaw and a small MDF sheet, you can create an original table stand under coffee in the form of a famous African animal.

In the form of tetraerda

The conceptual model in a complex geometric image is the subject of the interior that will fit perfectly into any office space. Combine individual elements, and you will get a unique thing that will become a design highlight.

From covers

In pursuit of extraordinary ideas, the fantasies master create truly unique accessories. Rate the worktop made from ordinary bottles.

On gas keys

Angular table in the hallway

If the corner in your living room is empty, that is, the opportunity to fill it with original furniture. Externally, it resembles a shelf in which several baskets for storing things are located.

Photo of original products

A selection of photographs of unique tables will allow you to learn useful ideas.

Restoration do it yourself

In the case when your favorite accessory has lost its former attractiveness, you do not need to immediately send it to the landfill. There is a lot of ways to breathe new life into it - modeling, painting, patination, toning and other methods.

Coffee table from SINGER sewing machine

If you are a frame owner from an antique mechanism, then you can remake it into an expensive subject of the interior.

Schemes and drawings - Photo

The most popular models of journal and coffee tables are schematically represented.

Tables for magazines - Photo

The photographic remedy of the most original products that can be done to everyone.