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Individual work with children in 2 younger group of kindergarten on a walk. Walk in the second younger group

Winter walk with children 2 youngest band. Topic: "bird observation"

Description of the material: The material will be useful to educators, when showing this walk as an open event before certification, parents with the aim of organizing winter entertainment with children of the younger preschool age. Leisure is recommended to spend on fresh air During the winter walk. The day before you can make a blind person unusual crafts From snow. Then paint them. The playgrounds wakes up look good and children will be proud of their work.
The most magical time of the year perhaps winter. She gives the most fun fun, the most interesting fairy tales with long, winter evenings. And nature in winter? No wonder the winter is called a wizard, only she is capable of creating a completely new picture in nature overnight.
Preliminary work: Check the function of the birdhouse (whether weighs on the spot, is not broken), prepare crumbs of birds, hang on the street pictures of birds tracks.
Software content:
Expand the knowledge of children about the life of birds in winter, about their habits, nutrition;
give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe food types of winter birds;
develop spectacular perception, coordination of movements;
develop observation, the ability to compare, to establish causal relationships; Sophistication, in the process of gudding mysteries;
develop cognitive interest in children to the life of birds;
Educating empathy, sympathy, the desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Stroke walk

Children go for a walk. Educator:
White snow, fluffy,
In the air spinning
And on the ground quietly
Falls, falls.
The educator draws their attention to the winter birds and says that in the winter they are hungry: there is no midges, worms, only people can help - feed them. (Pour in the birdhouse feed)
Children repeat for adults: "Hello, birds are small! You have come to visit us? Now we treat you! " The teacher invites them to see how the birds will be treated, explains: the feed can be scattered on the track, so that the birds see him, and to move and watch him themselves.
The educator asks: "Who is the brave? Who flew first? Of course, Sparrow: Jumps, pecks. So still sparrows flew. What do they peck the grains? Beak, not nose. The beak is acute. They are kept and a new place fly a stink. How do they talk? Listen. Tweet? We are glad that we treat them, probably thank us. So other birds flew. "
Children answer questions: What is called birds, what color and legs and paws in the pigeon, who has a beak more - in a pigeon or sparrow.

Fizkult minute "Chustry cinemas".

Rides Shuster Tit, (jumping on the spot on two legs)
She is not sitting on site, (jumping on the spot on his left leg)
Jump, jump-skok, (jumping on the spot on the right leg)
Photographed like a top. (Twisted in place)
I sat down for a moment, (sat)
I scratched the beak breast, (got up, head slopes left to the left)
And from the track - on the woven,
Tir-Tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs)

Birds are gravily. A little bit - they will die and flee. The teacher says: "Do not be afraid of us, we will not be offended. Right? we kind people. Tell them, guys. "
But the noise-gam began - this is a sparrows because of the crumbs came up. What are the dramns! They looked out and flew away. The educator appeals to the children, invites them to find on the traces of birds.

After finding a picture with a trail, the teacher shows the image of birds.

Children view crow, Sorok, celebrate their plumage, show beak, tail, legs, wings.
Children imitate the movements of birds, their voices. The teacher then proposes to guess

Breast brighter than dawn,
Who? (in bulk)

Like fox among animals
This bird is all cunning.
Hiding in green crowns
And the name is her ... (crow)

Guess what a bird,
Big, perky,
Agile, agile,
Walkling shadows: shadow-shadow.
How oh good winter day! (tit)

Who flies who shifts -
Tell us news wants? (magpie)

Guess this bird jumps along the track,
Like cats are not afraid -
Collects crumbs
And then on the branch - jump,
And Chiginnet: Chiki Chig! (sparrow)

I sit on a bitch, "car! Car! " - shout.
Chigrik! From the branch jump.
Keys, not Roby! Who is it?

Children answer who tweets who are gulit, who is a box.

The educator invites children to build a feeder for birds, so pour food into it every day, take care of the birds: "Who wants to help?"
Everyone take the shovels together, go to a quiet corner of the site and, together with the educator, cut down from the snow cube. The teacher teaches children to keep the blades to keep the blades when everyone together is discarded in the direction of the snow, the edges of the feeders are removing. Children are watching his actions, listening to explanations: "So that the winds do not blame, you need to make a side, like that!"

Outdoor games

"Kegley Father" (3-5 kegles and 1 ball) - to learn the rules of the order in the game.
S.R.I "Train"- Teach children to use in games construction material (Cuba, bars, plates). Complete, enrich the subject-gaming environment through the use of items of full-featured purpose and increase the number of toys. Educate friendliness.
Independent game activity Children with remote material

Poems about birds.

Sparrow on the puddle
Jumps and spinning.
Pries hung away
The tail flipped.
The weather is nice!

Past of SIZY pigeons
Sparrow flies.
Sparrow is such a crumb!
I look like a little bit.
Smart little chick,
Fidget and fighter.
And the progress rings:
- Chichari and Chigiri Chig!

Voron looked
In the spring puddle:
What is there for beauty?
I am no worse!

People on the street raised their heads:
Pigeons, pigeons, white pigeons!
Their noise of their wings is filled,
People about the world dove reminded.

Black gross so shrieking
Friend, talkative.
He is with birds in the district
Get acquainted at leisure.

In the red hat crop
On the trunk knocks all day
My forest buddy -
Fidget Dyteltor.

Cheerfully pegs
Sleep in the morning does not give us
Basic singer -
Yellowing the cinema.

In the summer, to be honest,
It is difficult to meet bullfding.
And in winter - grace! -
For the vest to see him!

Remote material: Shovels, buckets, molds, sledges, water, seasons, rivets for rolling roller.

Ekaterina Sychev
Card file walks "Winter. December. 1 week "2 junior group

1. Observation of the carriage part of the road.

purpose: Develop the cognitive interest of children; introduce the roadway; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of the road.

Go to the carriageway of the road and watch the movement of transport. Explain that kindergarten is located next to the road. Artistic word:

"Funny tires, rushing on the roads

Machines, cars. And in the body important

Urgent loads: cement and iron

Raisin and Watermelon »

K. Chaliyev

Ask, how do cars go, on which side are pedestrians, where they turn the road, what cars are moving along the road? Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that there is a lot of passenger and trucksAnd no one bothers each other. This is because drivers comply with the rules of the road.

2. Moving games (cm. card P / and in the group) :

"Tram" - General number 14.


"From the bump on the hammer" - from subgroup of children number 13.


3. Labor activity.

Feeding winter birds.

purpose: To form in children the desire to take care of the winter birds.

Pay attention to the winter birds and tell that in winter it is cold, hungry: No midges, worms, only people can help them - feed them. Pour into the feeder of seeds.

December Monday 1 Week № 1

Evening walk

1. Games with snow.

"Lepim the house for will happen"

"Find what is hidden"

purpose: Encourage the participation of children in joint games; help unite to play in groups

"Rabbits" - from subgroup of children number 12.

purpose: Teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, break under the feet of chairs, develop agility, confidence.

December Tuesday 1 week number 2

1. Transport monitoring.

purpose: Learning to distinguish transport by appearance; To form the ability to focus on the subjects and phenomena of the subject-spatial developing environment; Develop cognitive interest.

Way with children behind the movement a passenger car. Explain that the driver leads the driver, he sits ahead, and everyone else is passengers. It is impossible to talk during the movement with the driver so that the car does not face other cars.

Artistic word:

"Machine, car, my car,

I work deftly pedals.

The car leads everyone in sight

I ride her in the yard and in the garden "

Y. Pishumov

2. Moving games (cm. card P / and in the group) :

"Tram" - General number 14.

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; Learning to recognize colors and in accordance with them to change movements.

"From the bump on the hammer" - from subgroup of children number 13.

purpose: Teach children to free overcoming from a hoop into the hoop, to develop equilibrium.

3. Labor activity.

Cleaning snow from the benches and tables on the plot.

purpose: Learning to use labor tools for its intended purpose.

December Tuesday 1 week number 2

Evening walk

1. Games with snow.

Snow modeling of various figures.

purpose groups 2-3 people based on personal sympathies; Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short-term joint game.

"Rabbits" - from subgroup of children number 12.


December Wednesday 1 Week № 3

1. Acquaintance with the pedestrian walkway in winter time.

purpose: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of behavior on the street; Rail the skills orientation skills.

Invite children by walk. To tell them about the rules of the road, pay attention to the path intended for pedestrians is the pavement. In the winter season, the sidewalks are covered with snow, so pedestrians go slowly. Conduct with children a conversation about the rules of behavior and movement on the sidewalk.

Come to the kindergarten, remember with the children, as they behaved, were attentive. Once again, talk about the rules of behavior on the street.

Artistic word:

"I'm driving my car

On the rope is very long

I stand on the red light

On green i go

And decided that very soon

I will become uncle chauffeur »

T. Kazyrov

2. Moving games (cm. card P / and in the group) :

"Tram" - General number 14.

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; Learning to recognize colors and in accordance with them to change movements.

"From the bump on the hammer" - from subgroup of children number 13.

purpose: Teach children to free overcoming from a hoop into the hoop, to develop equilibrium.

3. Labor activity.

Feeding birds, hanging feeders.

purpose: To educate love, careful and caring attitude towards the wintering birds.

December Wednesday 1 Week № 3

Evening walk

1. Games with snow.

Snow modeling of various figures

.Purpose: Encourage the participation of children in joint games; help unite to play in groups 2-3 people based on personal sympathies; Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short-term joint game.

"Rabbits" - from subgroup of children number 12.

purpose: Teach children jump on two legs, moving forward, break under the legs of the chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Thursday 1 week number 4

1. Acquaintance with the rules of pedestrian behavior.

purpose: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; Develop attention and orientation skills in space.

Invite children by walk around kindergarten. Recall that they are like pedestrians should strictly follow the rules of the road movement: move only along the pedestrian walkway (the sidewalk, not to rush, be attentive, go on the right side, to keep each other's hands hard, do not shout, listen carefully.

Artistic word:

"Green color - pass!

Yellow - the little wait.

Well, if red -

Stop, friend! Dangerous!"

D. Ponomareva

Having come to the kindergarten, remember with the children, as they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, recall the rules of pedestrians.

2. Moving games (cm. card P / and in the group) :

"Tram" - General number 14.

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; Learning to recognize colors and in accordance with them to change movements.

"From the bump on the hammer" - from subgroup of children number 13.

purpose: Teach children to free overcoming from a hoop into the hoop, to develop equilibrium.

3. Labor activity.

Clean from the snow to bird feeders and feed them.

purpose: To learn to use the tools of labor for their intended purpose; To raise the desire to participate in bird care, feed them.

December Thursday 1 week number 4

Evening walk

"Rabbits" - from subgroup of children number 12.

purpose: Teach children jump on two legs, moving forward, break under the legs of the chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Friday 1 week number 5

1. Surveillance bus.

purpose: To acquaint with the names of the bus parts.

Get away with children to the bus stop and watch the movement of the bus when it goes to the stop. People are suitable for the bus stop, passengers are suitable for the bus stop, as passengers come from the bus. Talk about the main parts of the bus.

Artistic word:

"Smiling driver: - Come! Come!

The window has a place, do not want to sit down?

On my bus strips, as on the globe!

We will open the whole light! Do you sit down or not? "

O. Sapozhnikova

2. Moving games (cm. card P / and in the group) :

"Tram" - General number 14.

purpose: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; Learning to recognize colors and in accordance with them to change movements.

"From the bump on the hammer" - from subgroup of children number 13.

purpose: Teach children to free overcoming from a hoop into the hoop, to develop equilibrium.

3. Labor activity.

Cleaning the tracks from snow.

purpose: Expand the presentations of children about winter natural phenomena; Acquire children to perform the simplest labor orders; learn correctly use the blades.

Suggest to children silently walk through the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is "Indignant"What do we go on it, hurried it? Or maybe he tells about something? What kind of snow can tell? Listen to children's stories.

December Friday 1 week number 5

Evening walk

"Rabbits" - from subgroup of children number 12.

purpose: Teach children jump on two legs, moving forward, break under the legs of the chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.


Promoting the formation of ideas about the collection and benefits of vegetables. Develop search engagement, observation and curiosity. Promoting the creation of good mood.


Cognitive-research, perception fiction, Musical, Labor, Muscular, Game.

Funds: letter, railway service attributes, rugers, baskets in the number of children, a large basket, a mirror, an inventory for labor activity, watering can, attributes for scene-role game "Shop": Shop, Muzzles of vegetables, plates for counters, apron and a hat for the seller, handbags for buyers; Sports inventory for ATS.

Methods: Artistic Word, Show, Mobile game, Intemeric Activity, musical accompaniment, promotion, individual work, reflection.

Reflection: The result of a walk.

Structure of a walk:

A letter comes to the group in which children are invited to a fun journey. The teacher opens it and reads children. Children together with the educator are going and overlooking the street.

On the street they hear the ad from the horn:

Attention! Attention!

The train from Romashkovo

Departs from this way!

Please take your places!

The educator puts the attributes of the railway and announces that there will be many stops. According to their name, we will perform tasks. Children are built up with a train, depict the movement of the train. The educator reads a poem

V.Musatova "Merry Train":

Noise and fun in the woods at the Alley,

Long chain panama whites.

Keep the guys each other for the belt -

A minute later the train will go.

The first in the chain was a steam locomotive -

He went down and carved cars.

Ten cars - ten guys.

Rushing cars and burst loudly.

Rushing forward on the shoots, on the slopes,

Everyone wants to be a locomotive!

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive,

The first to run on the shoots, on the slopes,

I want very much, but only it is impossible:

The train can not quit friends.

Here is the burdens - Chu-Chu-Chu! - steam locomotive.

Ten cars on the hill are taken.

Ten cars do not want to fall behind -

Also try, too, puff.

Past trees, past bushes ...

Go to Saratov? Go to Rostov?

Or in some city of another?

"U-y! .. - Top up, - we go home!"

Each legs work cleverly,

We drove, drove - stop! Stop.

Two-storey house, blue house,

With red roof and yellow tube ...

Praise guys their locomotive,

Quickly before the kindergarten brought!

The train arrived, there is no train

The train washed and sat down for lunch.

As if in the depot of locomotives are silent,

Heard as spoons in the dining room are knocking.

The "train" arrived at the site.

The educator announces:

  1. "Attention! Stop "Berry". Children stop, "come out of the wagons." The educator proposes to start a dance:

"Malinka will go to the garden."

purpose : Exercise children perform a variety of movements, forming a circle, exercise in a melodic pronunciation of the lyrics.

According to the signal "U-U-y ...", children are staged by a train and go further.

  1. The tutor sets the direction of "the train" to the sports field. Announces stop " Sunny».

Observation of the Sun.« Sun radiant appeared in the sky».

purpose : Continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature, changes taking place with the Sun. Support a good mood while walking.

Sun land examined

Each beam left the trail.

There is no more important in the world

How to give heat and light.

Notes that on such a sunny day, the sun is not at all hot, it does not heat so much like at the beginning of summer.

Questions for children: "Where is the sun? What is it? "," Sun warms? " - It is noted that the sun shines, but heats not so much, it's not hot on the street. Educator proposes to listen to children fairy tale Hippo and sun »

Once a hippo caught the sun and decided to make his friends a gift. He divided the sun into pieces and crushed them. And immediately it became dark on the ground! I understood the animals, which they did a mistake. They folded the sun and returned it to the place.

- What mistake did the beasts?

- Who needs Sunny?

- Can the sun harm?

The educator offers to play with the sun.

Held movable game "Solar bunnies."

Purpose: Specify the directions, up, down, to the side, learn to perform a variety of movements. Develop the motor activity of children.

Game traffic: The teacher holds a small mirror in his hand and says: "Look, a funny sunny bunny rushes to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumps up, then down, then to the side. And piled! Let's play with him! "

Skachwings are dripping - sunny bunnies.

Jump! Skok! Up-down-in side (children try to catch sun bunny)

We call them - do not go.

Were here - and there are no them here.

Jump! Skok! Up! Down! In the side!

Jump jumping in the corners

Were there - and there are no them there.

Where are the shooters - solar bunnies?

Children are included in the game and are looking for a sun bunny. The game is repeated.

The "U-U-y ..." signal is distributed, children are built by a train, "train" goes on, the teacher leads children to the garden.

  1. Announced station "Harvest"

The educator reads a poem:

Eat vegetables and fruit

These are the best products.

You will be saved from all diseases.

There is no delicious and helpful.

Make friends with vegetables,

And with salads and sch).

Vitamins in them are not reading.

So you need it!

Look at what kind of harvest we have in the garden! It's time to collect him. But first we need to help plants on the garden so that there are even more vitamins.

Experience " Vegetables are easier to breathe if the soil is poured and explode»

Purpose: To form in children the ability to make simple conclusions, develop memory and thinking.

Suggest viewing the soil in the garden, touch it. What is she on the touch? (Dry, hard.) Can I crash with a stick? Why did she become like that? Why dried so? (The sun was dried.) In such Earth, vegetables breathe badly. Now we are polly of their beds. After watering, skip the soil on the garden. What is she now? (Wet.) And the wand is easily included in the ground? Now we will explode her, and vegetables will begin to breathe.

Output: What have we learned about today? When hawkers breathe easier? (It is easier to breathe if the soil pour and explode.)

Well now we collect vegetables with beds. And what do we need to take to collect a crop? (the necessary inventory is laid out)

Labor activity - Work in the garden.

Purpose: Exercising children to work together, consolidate the ability to fulfill the instructions of the caregiver when collecting vegetables. Eat hard work.

And now all come,

What do you like - take!

But before you take something,

The riddle must be guessing.

Magnifying mysteries:

Russell lady in the garden
Dressed in noisy silk.
We prepare for her
And large salts floor bag.
- cabbage -

For curly khokholok
Fox made of mink tops.
To the touch - very smooth,
Taste - like sugar sweet.
- carrot -

Very long grows
And half the bed takes.
This pumpkin vegetable brother,
In summer, everything is eaten.
- zucchini -

Groans on the garden
Green branches
And on them
Red kids.
- Tomatoes -

In summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in the barrel,
Strong, salty.
- Cucumbers -

Collected crops in baskets. The educator praises children. Reads poem:

We worked on the glory!

We collected a crop!

Take it into the kitchen,

Cook will make a salad.

Vitamins! Vitamins!

This is the joy for the guys!

There is a signal to depart. Children are built by each other and with baskets go to the plot.

  1. The educator announces: stop " Game»

On the veranda there is a large basket for the harvest, children fold in her vegetables, in order to attribute them to cooks.

The educator attracts the attention of children:

- Look at what our handsome store! Oh, but someone visited here and mixed all the products! How do we now sell them? Let's decompose products in counterparts.

Children lay out everything in places when order is induced in the store - it opens.

Scene-role game " Score»

Purpose: Formation of the correct behavior of relationships during the game. Educating a benevolent relation to each other.

The tutor takes on the role of the seller, children - buyers. The plot-role-playing game unfolds.

  1. Individual work on ATS with Misha, Sasha, Polina:

« Throw a ball with a sunny bunny»

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to properly take the starting position, perform a throw from the bottom. Develop agility, coordination of movements, confidence.

The seller in the store sold Dasha ball. The tutor conducts individual work on the ATS. With the help of a mirror adult makes a sun bunny, a child throws the ball in his direction.

Independent gaming activities with remote material.

Railway serves a signal:

- Attention! Attention!

Train from Romashkovo

go to kindergarten!

Children "sit down" in the train and go to kindergarten. On the way the teacher and children relating harvest in the kitchen.

Reflection : Children talk about what they liked that they found out new, what else want to know.

Name: SUBSTRUE SUPPECT WAY junior group "Merry train"
Nomination: kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, ecology, second junior group

Position: Educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten №102"
Location: Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region

Junior group.

Walk 17.

Observation. "What a spruce"

purpose: Show that the ate has a trunk, branches are covered with needles. There are many of them, they are small, green, prickly. The branches on the ate different: downstairs - large spreading, at the top - small, rare. Spruce - Slender beautiful tree, it looks like a pyramid.

Methodical techniques: The educator invites children to find the trunk, touch it with his hands, show the branches, to portray their arms with their hands. Children bypass the Christmas tree around, admire its slim and beauty. Putting the children away, the teacher himself depicts the triangular shape of the fir, says that it looks like a toy pyramid (shows a specially cooked toy), invites children with hands to show the shape of ate.

Labor activity

Snow smooth shovel.

Objective: Learning to work together, to achieve the goal of the goal with common efforts.

Individual workDevelopment of movements.

Objective: Learning to throw snowballs in the distance.

Outdoor games

Objective: to learn the rules of the order in the game requiring the same actions with one common subject. "Who will quick to check box?". Purpose: Learn to perform actions strictly across the tutor.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, bullets, buckets, molds for snow, ski slopes with slides, flags Red and blue.

An evening walk.

Weather monitoring

Expand the ideas about the signs of nature in a frosty day. Frost pinch pucks, nose, draws patterns on glasses.

Game-imitation"Fleeces-concerned as snowflakes"

Develop fantasy.

Independent games with remote material. To make a snowman.

Junior group.

Walk 18.

Observation"Let's help her Christmas tree - she is live"

purpose: To educate the careful attitude to the tree on the example of ate: show how they shake the snow, when there is a lot of it, so that he does not break the branches with his severity; As the trunk of snow, so that the roots become warmer.

Methodical techniques:By losing the children to a fir, the educator proposes to say hello to her, not to admire her beauty: "Spruce is not a person - can not talk, but we will say hello to her tender words: our beauty, we came to look at you and take care of you. Stuck the snow with your paw, so that the roots do not froze. "The teacher himself cautiously shakes the snow, children help to sketch it under the Christmas tree.

Labor activity

Snowing snow with blades, clearing track.

Objective: Learning to work together, to achieve goals with common efforts

Individual work: Drawings on the snow.

Purpose: imagination, develop interest in drawing, develop small motor hand

Outdoor games

"I catch birds on the fly" (Russian folk). Objectives:

    learn to act quickly in the signal;

    run, not pushing at each other.
    "Get into the goal" ..

Purpose: Exercise in a throw in the target, develop dexterity.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, scrapers, sledges.

An evening walk

Observation Behind the fresh snow. Develop in children the ability to notice unusual in nature: Fresh-haired snow, its whiteness, temperature. Awake interest in the snow an unusual material - In the snow, traces remain, you can draw on it. Show children how snow flashes from stirring hands, learning to find traces of people and their own, traces of dogs, birds, not necessarily at all - you can wait until the next observation. Learn to use interns for snow. Learning to notice beauty in the surrounding. After observing, children can offer non-light sticks and squeaks for independent drawing in the snow.

N / game. « Snow targets "make a target snow. Show children how to sculpt snowballs and throw them on targets.


Junior group.

Walk 19.

Observation"Comparison of the live and toy christmas tree"

Purpose: Show the difference alive ate from an artificial Christmas tree (living grows, she stands in one place, roots go deep into the ground, it smelly smells, beautiful from the fucking and snow; the artificial Christmas tree was made at the factory, it looks like a living spruce - she also has a trunk, branches and needles, but it does not smell, does not grow, it can be transferred and put it in any place, dress up christmas toys - Then she will become beautiful; Artificial Christmas tree, in contrast to alive, does not appear.

Methodical techniques: The educator for observation takes the artificial Christmas tree, which will then stand in the group. Putting it next to the lively, invites children to consider both christmas trees, find the table, branches, touch with bare hands, stroke the paws and needles to smell. Calls the differences between them, asks to repeat behind him, draws attention to the beauty of the living spruce: it is green, well visible on the snow, they are decorated with frost and snow flakes; She sparkles in the sun, very beautiful, nice to stand and look at her. Artificial Christmas tree You can attribute to the group and decorate with New Year's toys - it will also be beautiful, but differently.

Labor activity

Construction of snow flower beds.

Purpose: Learn to rack the snow with shovels in a certain place.

Individual work: Acquaintance with the cat.

Objective: To form ideas about pets, what benefit they bring to people to exercise in the pronunciation of sound resistance, develop memory, speech, to form ideas about proper methods interactions with animals.

Outdoor games

"Purobushki and car".

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of road rules.

"Who will jump better?".

Objectives: Teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game;

    fasten the ability to jump.

Remote material

Dolls dressed in weather, emblem masks.

An evening walk

Observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (white circle, snow sparkles in the sun, blue sky). Mark which sun (dim, bright, closed clouds). Recall what it was yesterday.

N / game"My cheerful ringing ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when they are pronounced last words. Game traffic:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you get to dissolve?

Red, Yellow, Blue,

Do not keep up with you!

Work. Clean feeders, pour food.

Junior group.

Walk 20.

Summary of pine.

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of pine on which it can be allocated among other trees, develop observation, to educate the careful attitude towards nature.

Test children to pine. Pay their attention to characteristics.

Instead of needle leaves, always green, branches at the bottom are long, at the top are short. In winter, only pine is green. Suggest pass throughout the territory children's house And find pine.

Always in the forest you will find it

Walk to walk and meet.

It is striking, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress

Labor activity

Clearing the territory of snow.

    teaching the right to use the spatula, wear snow to build, help comrades in the fulfillment of employment actions;

    bring the work started to the end.

Individual work: Exercise on sound resistance "How does the machine signal? "

Purpose: Learning to distinguish and call transport, develop the skills of connected speech, to educate activity in communication.

Outdoor games

"On a roving track."

Objectives: - - Learn to go to a low bruus;

    jump, bending legs in the knees.
    "Who will make less jumps?"
    Objectives: - Learn to jump by gigantic steps;

    start the game on the tutor signal.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloth for riding, pencils.

An evening walk

Observation.It should be noted that the trees dropped the foliage for the winter. To explain that in the frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile, easily break, so they need to be protected, do not break, do not knock on the trunk.

N / game. "Tracks".

The goal is to teach children to run the arcs after another, making complex turns, keep balance, do not interfere with the arc to a friend and not push ahead of the running.

Game move: different winding lines are drawn on the site, children run on them.

Work.Clean feeders, pour food. Short the snow to the trunks of bushes on the site.

Natalia Ivanova
Abstract Walking with children of the first youngest group "Winter Ya Moroz"

Purpose. To introduce children with a new year-winter time. Form first Connected ideas about this season, its characteristic signs: It became cold, morozno, snowing.

Move. The educator draws attention to the clothes of children, and explains that everything was dressed today warmly, tied scarves, put on mittens, warm caps - this is because it came to the winter winter, It became cold.

On the ground in the snow lies

Bunny on the snow runs

Abandoned the ears, marzed the feet

No mittens and caps. Oh!

Birds are hidden from the cold. Only the wind walks, yes t.: "V-in-in!

So you are winter winter,

You S. frosts came.

The wind will live, the blizzard goes,

Along the street ties.

That's what winter!

Let's play in the game "Yes, yes yes; no, no, no!"

rules: I will tell you about the winter, and if I'm right, you slap in your hands and say:Yes Yes Yes; And if I am not right, you threaten my finger and say:No no no!

There is snow in the winter. (Yes Yes Yes).

In winter, you do not need to wear a hat and mittens (No no no).

In winter, the birds are warm and they sing songs (no no no)

And who sings in winter curls? (Wind: In-in-c)

Winter is cold morozno(Yes Yes Yes)

P / and " Frost".

Purpose. We instinate the ability to perform characteristic movements.

I- Frost, Red nose.

I throw a beard.

i'm looking for animals in the forest.

Get out quickly!

Go out, bunnies!

Children jump to a meeting as an educator, like bunnies.


Corroku! Corroku!

The educator tries to catch children. Children scatter.

The game is repeated.

Every time "grandfather Frost"Invites new beasts from the forest (bear, chanterelles, etc.)

Guys, and let's see what snow today.

Children take the blades, gain snow and throw (Snow or light cloud)- Sweet, (or not figured)-wet.

Like a hill, snow, snow.

And under gorky snow, snow.

And on the tree-snow, snow.

And under Christmas tree, snow.

And under the snow is sleeping bear.

Hush, quieter not to noise!

Let's guys we clarify the track from the snow, our slide. (At the end, children include inventory in place, blocking them from snow.)

And let's turn into snowflakes and fly.

P / and "Snow spin" (Poem A. Barto)

Purpose. Teach children correlate their actions with the actions of the participants of the game.

Material. Rims with snowflake emblems.

The course of the game. The teacher reminds children that the snow is light, he slowly falls to the ground, spins when he blows the wind.

Snow, snow is spinning, white all street (children run, fly)

We gathered in a circle, spinning like a snowball (children are circling and squat).

Educator says: "Bed. cold wind. How? B-in (in-in-in! Children say, snowflakes spread in different directions. "

After the game, children go to independent activities.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract NOD on traffic rules with children of the first younger group "Bunny in the city" target. To form knowledge of children about the types of vehicles and on the rules of behavior on the road. Tasks. The educational area "cognitive.

Abstract Node "Visiting Fish" with the children of the first younger group of goals - Tasks: develop in children cognitive interest in the experimentation process. Educational: - promote accumulation in children.

The abstract of training walks with the children of the second youngest group "Let's help a hare" Abstract of dressing for a walk of children in 2 youngest group. "Let's help a bunny" software content: 1. Provide timely collection for a walk.

Abstract open walk with children of the second younger group "Travel" Abstract open walk with children 2 junior travel team tasks: repeat the names of the trees, discuss the structure of trees: trunk,.

A summary of a walk in the first youngest group of a spectacle of a walk in the first youngest group of kindergarten is a garden where the trees are in a row, and children grow in every branch. And laugh.

A few years ago, another ecological holiday appeared in Russia - Sichkin Day. It was created on the initiative of the Union of Birds Protection of Russia.

Objective: - Learning to allocate and call the properties of sand (dry sand crumbly, and wet retains the form of that subject in which it was poured.

Topic Walking: "Snowfall"

Purpose: To introduce children with a seasonal phenomenon -Fall.

Stroke walk

Children go for a walk and see that it is snow. "Snow! Snow goes!" - They bind they to the educator. "Right! - Just a tutor. - Snowing. Many snow poured around. Look, the snow is already lying on the path, and on the bench, and on the table. And he drops everything and falls. This is snowfall! " Children repeat: "Snowfall!"

The teacher continues: "Slowly spin in the air snowflakes. Riser and sit, who is where. And we sit on us? That's just one snowflake sat on Tannina a fur coat, and the other on the cap Sasha. " Children carefully inspect themselves: "I sat on the felt boots! And I'm on the math! "

"Look like an asterisk!" - says the teacher and offers to look at beautiful snowflake, fallen on the sleeve of Olya coat. The teacher proposes to substitute the hand to meet the falling snow, and when a big snowflake falls on the mittens - reach it. "Flies? Let fly further! Snowflake light, fluffy, beautiful! "

Then removes the mittens and offers to children to watch what happens to the snowflake. Explains: "Snowflake sat on his hand and melted. It was, and now it is not! This is what a star-baby ";

Prepare the perception of children to the bright characteristics of the snowflakes (asterisk, the baby, melted on the palm), the adult reads the poem 3. The christmas "star-baby", repeatedly twice his ending:

The village and melted on my palm.

Children repeat: "Snowflake is light, fluffy, beautiful, like an asterisk." "And what color is it? - Asks teacher. - And who has the coat of the same white color? So we also have snowflakes-gunki! Katyusha, Kolya, Marisha - How many snowflakes! Pitch on them. Let our white snowflakes fly fly! "

After that, the adult says: "What a snowfall! A lot of snow dulled, everything fell as cold. It tries the winter-winter, wrapping the bushes snow, put on the Christmas tree. See what color winter-winter? " Children say: winter white.

Having finished the observation, the children play the rolling game "Snow is spinning", and then go to independent activities.

After some time, the teacher invites those who wish to clear the platform in front of the veranda from the freshly empty snow. Children choose themselves at the request of the blades or engines and together with adults are cleaning the snow: some shifted snow to the snow shaft, others throw it up (the teacher shows actions). Then, optionally, you can enjoy a platform

Having finished clearing the platform, the children can, together with the teacher, decorate it, arranging multi-colored flags on a snow shaft, folding multicolored ribbons between them, laying out the patterns of multicolored ice floors. The educator praises them, thanks for diligence.

Some children play, others are watching the actions of comrades. The teacher can turn to a subgroup of 3-5 children and, stretching his hand to meet the falling snow, to propose to guess: "White, fluffy, fell on the arm and disappeared. What it is? Guess? "

Walk continues.

A summary of a walk in the second youngest group "Winter Joy".
Purpose: continue to create favorable conditions For the development of motor activity of children on a walk and interest in it.
Educational: Continue to acquaint children with seasonal changes in nature; consolidate the names of winter clothes and shoes; To acquaint children with snow value in nature.
Developing: Continue to develop the ability to act across the signaler and coordinate their movements with movements of peers; develop attention, memory, auditory perception and curiosity; Continue to develop the ability to jump on two legs.
Educational: to educate interest in the diversity of the surrounding world; encourage children's interest in nature; Cross children to direct communication with nature, the perception of her beauty and diversity.
Wordwork: Snow blanket, bitten, frosty air, beauty-beauty.
Integration educational regions: "Cognition", "Health", " Physical education"," Communication "," Artistic Word "," Labor "," Socialization ".
Preliminary work with children: making feeders; Making an album "Seasons"; viewing slides about seasonal changes; Heading the poems of winter and winter fun, learning games. Production of crafts of parents along with children to the exhibition "New Year's toy".
Equipment: Bear Mask and Doggy, Dog Toy, Shovels, Slanders, Designer Large, Strollers and Sledge For Dolls.
Conducted in the locker room during the dressing of children. The educator draws attention to the need for warm clothing, fixes with children the name of clothing, shoes, hats.
Main part:
Observation start with emotional moment: Guys, see how beautiful on the street! Circle white white! And how well breathe! What is the time of year now?
-And you love the winter?
-What do you like most in winter? (children's responses)
- Molders!
Let's breathe winter, fresh, frosty air through the spout, and exhale through the mouth.
Listen to one very beautiful winter poem:
White snow fluffy
In the air spruce
And on the ground quietly
Falls, go to bed.
And in the morning snow
The field was glad,
Exactly pellenium
All his dressed.
-I like this poem?
What is this poem? (About the snow, about winter) What does snow look like? (on a blanket that crushes the earth and all alive). Right, children!
As you, mommy is covered with a warm blanket before bedtime, and snow looked at the plants, trees, shrubs. For them, fluffy snow in winter real salvation from frost and wind. The more snow in the winter, the warmer to all plants and trees.
-And in the forest under the snow in Berorga sleeps all winter teddy bear closure.
Let's wake a bear to and he can admire the beauty in winter!
The game of small mobility "Bear".
Children get up in a circle. A bear is chosen, he gets into a circle and closes his eyes.
- like under the tree snow, snow,
- And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,
- and under the slide snow, snow,
- and on a hill snow, snow,
- And under the snow is sleeping bear
- Hush, quieter, not noise!
On 1 and 3 lines, children go in a circle, and on 2 and 4 - from the circle, on 5 lines, children carefully fit the bear, 6 lines pronounces one child as directed by the educator. The bear should learn in a voice who called.
During the game, the teacher monitors the clear observance of the rules, reminds that it is necessary to play honestly.
Well done boys! Mishka really liked to play with you, and now Mishke is time again in the forest. Let's take the blades, we clear the tracks from the snow so that the bear can get on clean tracks home. (Labor activity)
If the blades are not all, then the teacher offers the rest of the strollers and sledges for dolls, as well as the designer and the sountors.
While cleaning snow, the children find a toy (dog).
- Guys, see who we found in the snow, who is it? Dog frozen. Let us warm our dog, regret it, stand up. A dog whispered to me on the ear, that she became warm and joyful and she wants with you guys play the game.
The educator invites children to play the rolling game "Shaggy Dog" using a toy. The game "The shaggy dog \u200b\u200bis 3-4 times. During the game, the teacher teaches children to manage his behavior, overcome the fear and not to grasp the difficulties.
(During the game, a differentiated approach to the dosage of loads is needed: someone plays the whole game, and someone twice; it is necessary to seek compliance with the rules of the game; to encourage the ps to the PSU close, fully pronounced the words)
Individual work with children on physical. Education is carried out with a toy dog.
For example, the educator invites children to show a dog, how they know how to jump on two legs on the spot; On two legs with moving forward. You can also offer children jumping over sticks. Or throwing the ball through any obstacle.
Independent activities of children.

purpose: To bring up in children respect for the work of adults, form a desire to help others.

Stroke walk

The children went for a walk, looked around - the circle high drifts watched the winter-winter, not to drive, do not pass. It is necessary to clean the snow, otherwise it is difficult for people to walk, you can't drive the stroller with the baby, the cars are dropped.

Suddenly everyone hears the approaching noise of the motor. The sidewalk is moving a snowy cleaning machine. I drove, and immediately became cleaner, because her brushes are wide-in the whole width of the sidewalk. Children are waiting for the car unfold and go back, again watching her work. In the cockpit sits a chauffeur, carefully looks around, leads the car smoothly. Brushes are spinning, they say snow from the sidewalk.

A wider shovel goes to the courtyard. He considers snow along the edges of the sidewalk, throws away. Pedagogue offers children to help the janitor.

Children disassemble shovels, begin to remove snow at the entrance to kindergarten. The janitor saw, approached, thanks for the help. He shows them how to properly keep the shovel where to throw snow.

The guys return to the plot where they are met by a large crow (toy). The teacher suggests playing the game "Crow and Dog".

Walk ends.

Winter walk for junior preschoolers on the topic: "Visiting us Snow Maiden"

purpose: to acquaint children with birch, christmas tree, with their distinctive external signs; Exercise in spatial orientation.

Stroke walk

Against the background of the snow, the fluffy greens of the Christmas tree stands out. The teacher appeals to the children: "Look, all the trees, the bushes are naked, one Christmas tree is green, bounced. She for us to visit us for New Year's holiday. Remember? And how was she decorated? Look, what kind of spiny needles, take the palm! And how does the Christmas tree smell? (I slightly adjusted in the hands of christmas needles and gives children to sniff.) Like? Fluffy fluffy. Its branches are called legs, they are thick, green. Christmas tree - Krasavitsa, children really like! " Children repeat these words.

All noted that winter loves herringbone, crushes her with snowdrifts. High drifts, a Christmas tree barely seen.

The teacher then draws the attention of children to the white barrel of Birch, involts them, stroke the birch, feel its smooth, silky surface and clarifies: white birch. Children wrap off with their hands, decide what kind of trunk: thick or thin. Then other birchs are found on the site, they say which one is the thick of them (together the trunk is collected), the highest.

Runs are held in order to clarify the names of the trees. "Once, two, three, find!" Everyone moves away from the Christmas tree to the Christmas tree, waiting for the following team: "Once, two, three-bikes run!" The educator asks how children learned that it was birch (Christmas tree); Explains that the trees and bushes should be treated carefully, do not break their branches.

Running around the site, the children notice on the Walkway Snow Maiden (the tutor imperceptibly exhibits a large doll-Snow Maiden). Children rejoice, examine her outfit in detail, remember New Year's holiday, and then begin to build her a house (cutting down a cube from a snow shaft), decorate it with multi-colored wedges, all the time turn to the Snow Maiden: "Do you like a house? Now you will not leave us in the forest? "

After graduating from the construction, children begin to play with the Snow Maiden: to carry on sledding, show your site, talk about the appointment of structures. Then everything goes to a free game.

At the end of the walk, the "Goat Hings" game is held.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Rabbit Serious, white bunny"

purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the body of animals, clarify the names of the parts of the bodies of the rabbit (hare); To form a careful attitude towards animals, the desire to take care of them.

Stroke walk

Children go for a walk. But they are waiting for a surprise: a rabbit sits on the veranda in the cage. The tutor is not in a hurry, gives children the opportunity to express their attitude to the animal. Then carefully pulls the rabbit from the cage, presses to himself: "Kuzya does not know you, afraid." Children in need calm down: "Do not be afraid, we are kind!"

After such statements each (even timid), the child is not afraid to iron the animal, defines: sulfur, soft, fluffy; Holds a finger along the ears (long), touches the tail (small, short). Children treat rabbit, noting: sniffing, nibbles, chews, sits; Show how he jumps. Senior children, together with the teacher, consider: two ear, one tail, four paws. You can continue observation by saying children that the rabbit Kuzi lives in the forest Brother-Zayatz.

Everyone goes along the site, I find a hare's dazing, compare whether the brother-hare is similar to her brother-rabbit Kuzyu. Children themselves celebrate, as brothers move, than they like to be ease. The teacher clarifies: the hare in the summer wears a gray fur coat, and in winter white. Why? What color is winter? And fur coat? The teacher brings children to the right conclusion: "Sits a white hare in the snow, it is not visible, no one offends."

The educator turns to children: "Who has a white fur coat, like a hare? Who has gray, like a brother-rabbit? And now all jump together, like hares and rabbits. " Taking a toy hare and a cat, you can tell the kids fairy tale "Long-Correct".

Then everyone switches to the construction of the teremk, remember the fairy tale, refine that the animals in winter in the teremke will not be frozen. From a snowy snowdrift (or shaft) cut down a cube, and in it - the men. The educator invites children one after another characters fairy tales (cooked soft toys cooked). Children arrange them, deciding who will live high, who is low. Only a bear will not be planted anywhere, it does not fit! Let him sit beside.

The teacher says: "That's what great! Everyone found housing in Teremka. Now no one will freeze. And the bear coat is warm, he is not cold to sit at the teremka. Which one of you is a fur coat of the same color? Who is the bear? Well, Deniska, show how to store, the bear goes over. And who will still show how the bear goes? And how is the sister-sister sister running? She is an elegant, redhead. Look, Tanya has the same hat. Well, Tanya, escape, like a fox-sister. "

At the end of the walk, the game "Zainka, go to the garden" or "hares-chali".

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Street excursion"

Purpose: consolidate kids about vehicles, behavior on the road, markup, work of the traffic light.

Stroke walk

Children along with the educator slowly walk along the sidewalk, noting what transport moves down the street: bus, trolleybus, truck, passenger car, Indoor van. With the help of question, teacher consolidates children's knowledge of the appointment of each type of transport.

Then the game "My car". Each child in own willing Chooses: "My passenger car of blue color", My red," "And I have an orange bus," and I have a truck. " Now everyone is waiting for which the car will appear on the road. The teacher helps everyone: "This is a red-made red passenger car", "Oh, how many Sasha trucks here goes!"

Children stop at the intersection, remember the rules of the transition, for which a traffic light is worth it, what kind of lights that they show; celebrate how all the cars obediently move on his team. The traffic sign lights up on the traffic light. Older children suggest: "Go to the left!" And hand show the direction. Adult invites them to think: "How do we come to the kindergarten? Where do we need to rotate, left or right? At first, show your hand, then name the exact direction. "

After returning to the site, children may first listen to the fairy tale "Three-chaired commander" (see Appendix), and then play yourself.

At the end of the walk, the movable game "Varosik" is held.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Where does the bear sleep?"

Purpose: Teach children to perform necessary actionsreceiving the result; Take care of others, do not disturb vain.

Stroke walk

Children went for a walk in a cold, windy, cloudy day. The teacher says: " Skillful hands Do not know boredom! And right, there is no time to bored. It is necessary to build a labyrinth to be more interesting to play. "

The labyrinth can be quickly constructed in a remote quiet area of \u200b\u200bthe site. The tutor paels tracks. Children clean them with blades, engines, drop the snow on the trees. Then decorate the snow shafts on top and on the slopes of colorful cords, ribbons, multi-colored ice floes. At the end of the work, the children put inventory inventory. The teacher says: "Cumshot the case - Goulai boldly!"

The kids begin to play freely - run around the labyrinth, catch up with each other.

But here the teacher calls for children and mysteriously asks: "What kind of a snowdrift is such a huge rose in the largest corner of the sector under the Christmas tree? No one knows? Let's go slowly and look carefully at him. "

Going to the Christmas tree, an adult reads the poem I. Tokmakova "As on a hill - snow, snow ..." Children are surprised, looking at the snowdrift. The teacher reminds: "When there was autumn, the beautiful fees fell around colorful leaves - There was a leaf fall. We wandered on the leaves, listened to how they were rustling under their feet. Then they collected the leaves, carried here - the teddy bear chose a place to sleep for himself. We helped build a house to him. Who remembers the name of the Bear House? Den. Where does the Bear sleep in the winter? That's right, in Berorog. And the Mother-Winter took care, a warm blanket from the snow sucks him. Heat to him. "

The teacher once again reads the poem and asks: "Why not make noise? And when you sleep, you can noise? And you do not seek when grandparents are sleeping at home? Well done, you need to take care of anyone who wants to sleep, "let him sleep, rests, the forces are recruited. And the bear in Berorge sleeps all winter. Wars strong, rested. "

The teacher will then bring children to the masses of animals, placed on the site (except for the bear - Sleeps); Talks: "It's cold and hungry in winter in the forest in the forest. The ground is covered with snow: the grass does not grow, there are no mushrooms and berries. A carrot and cabbage for a bunny grows in the snow. The wolves are chucking along the forest (children are shown), fox runs (children show), hare jump (children jump with hares) - everyone is looking for prey. And around only white snow and a cracked frost. One bear smart harmed in his warm berry and sleeps. He is not afraid of frost, no blizzard. He sleeps all winter in warm berry! "

Kids bring carrots, cabbage for hares, bumps for protein.

Returning to the children to the veranda, the educator invites those who want to cut out a room for dolls. If children do not want, then you can remember the fairy tale "Three Bear" and to deploy the construction of the dining room by its plot.

During joint actions, the teacher clarifies: Whose chair built? Who has a stool more: Mikhail Potapovich or Elizabeth Petrovna? Who has the most small armor?

Children themselves put a cup of cups, spoons different quantity, willingly share their knowledge with others.

You can immediately make a bedroom for all the bear family, if there is a desire and interest in children, and you can continue construction the next day.

Children finish the construction, show her to their dolls, and all together go rolling from a slide, roll on the sledding dolls.

At the end of the walk, the game is being played "Mice water dance".