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How to make a big snow slide. Snow slides - Winter Drive for children and adults (48 photos). How to make a slide of snow: choice

Games of children in the fresh air in winter should be active, and in order for them to diversify adults will have to hardly work and build a skating rink or a snowy slide. Moreover, children can be attracted to the construction work, entrusted to them to perform the most affordable and simple sections of work. Joint work in the fresh air will bring the guys a pleasure not less than the games themselves.

How to make a snow hill for children

The construction of a snow slide - the work is quite simple, but at the same time requiring some special knowledge or experience. The simplicity of the work is that it will require quite affordable tools and materials to perform it: snow, shovel, water, pieces of plywood, difficulty - in order to properly use simple devices and quickly build an entertaining winter attraction with your own hands.

It should also be studied the recommended technical characteristics of the elevated object. The height of the slide should not be a larger one and a half - the spirit of meters, but this is how teenagers and adults will be descended from it, if only kids will ride, it will be quite sufficient to be a height of 1 m. Exceed these parameters inexpedient - the task of facility facility is significantly Complete, and the pleasure received from riding will be the same. The length of the descent should be planned about 5 m.

The angle of descent must be 40 degrees. Its significantly increase will lead to an increase in trauma, and the descent itself will be very fast, the rolling will not have time to enjoy the process. At the same time, at the end of the descent, the rolling will receive a tangible blow. If you make the end of the descent too small, then the speed of the descent will decline and it will not be interesting to ride.

For safety reasons, it should be built on the descent of flights from the snow, and the steps the steps pumped out a good sand - freezing, they will cease to be slippery.

Children's snow hill, the advantages of the snow slide posses

The snowy slide on the country site has the following advantages:

  • you can perform work in conjunction with children of different ages.
  • special cost of materials and tools will not be required,
  • the ability to experiment and change the design at its discretion
  • improve it by adding the arch, turns, etc. into the design.

The only disadvantage of the snow slide can be considered the seasonal period of operation - the next winter it will have to be erected. But such works allow you to fully show your creative potential and fantasy, and they are more like difficulty, but for entertainment.

Snow hill do it yourself - choose a place and install the frame

Of particular importance for safe entertainment adults and children has a choice of a slide location. It is desirable that she is away from the road, which can pass cars. It is no less important that in the dark day of the snow from the snow was sufficiently lit from all sides. At the continuation of the lines of the descent, there should be no trees, thickets or shrubs, sewer hatches, in general, nothing that could be dangerous for riding.

To build a hill, it is best to choose a relatively warm day when the snow is sticky and it will simply roll several balls of different diameters. They can be put in the form of a slide, the space between them is snowing with snow. Next, you can proceed to the formation of steps and descent. When the air temperature decreases, it will be possible to pour the water hill to the water and wait until it covers a sturdy ice crust.

If the construction is produced during the period when frosts have already been established, then you can resort to another method. Collect the shovel for snow harvesting as much basic building material as possible as much as possible it. Further of any submitted means: wooden shields, plywood sheets or chipboard, I.P. It will be necessary to collect a formwork. If there are drifts in the yard, the snow in which it is well pressed, then you can cut cubes-bricks for building a slide.

If the snow is dumb, then the frame can be built from any bulk hollow objects, which will be at hand, it can be automotive tires, plywood boxes or wood. If the slide is low, up to 1 m, then small cardboard boxes can be used as a frame. To give the structure of strength, they can be watered with water. Staying boxes and boxes follows upside down. After assembling the frame, you can proceed to design steps and descent. Do not forget to equip flights - they will make the slop with the slide more secure. Cktletn shuttering surface to fall asleep with snow, and the steps to form in such a way that each is convenient for lifting.

The platform at the top of the hill should be covered with plywood slices or horses - stand on such a platform will be much safer.

When choosing a shape of a slide, you can manifest your imagination, of course, it will be fun and on a slide of the most ordinary form, but you can create a descent surface that resembles a bobslane track - with turns in different directions, you can make a slide with an arch or to equip it in the form of a fabulous character silhouette.

How to fill the snow slide with water

The most responsible moment is the fill of the conceded frame with water. If you can use the winter water supply - very good. If the amount of water is limited - you can pour only the descent and steps. Do not forget to sprinkle with sands - they will stop being slippery. If there is a suitable stitch material, it is preferably equipped with handrails.

To obtain the first layer, the snow surface from the spray is best splashing. After a pair of hours, you can proceed to the fill of the slide. Pouring water follows from the watering can and very neatly, otherwise it can blur the snow part of the structure. Water should be slightly warm, but not hot. When using warm water, you can immediately get a fairly smooth surface of the ice. If, as a result of exposure to water on the surface of the descent, pits or emptiness were formed, they should be sealing with a snowy casket, rag up with a wet rag. Place of skate in front of the slide also requires the tamper and pour water.

Next, you should give a hill to precisely freeze until the next morning. Even in the thaw at night, the temperature drops so low that the slide must be frozen well. In order to finally align the surface of the descent and give it the perfect smoothness to pour the water bucket on it. After 2-3 hours, you can start testing.

Soon winter and for our children you need to prepare a winter ice hill. In this article, you want to help you with a response to the question & quot, how to make a slide with your own hands? & Quot,

Naturally, for the construction of the slides you need a large amount of snow and frosty weather. Then, you need to choose a convenient and safe place to create a slide. She should & quot, grow & quot, away from the roadway and, preferably, do not sit down on the access door and all sorts of buildings.

The slide is best done by the friendly company & Ndash, one snow is wearing, another shovel works, the third drift applied rambles. So work will argue, and it will go faster. So how to make a hill with your own hands? Simply.

First you need a large wide shovel. The next step is to apply snow, the more, the better. It is worth deciding for whom the hill is built. If for small children, then it should not be too high. And the width of the slide, as they say, is done & quot, to taste & quot - from one meter to two. Well, on the length of this snow creation, you can not save - all five meters! If, of course, the free around the slide space allows & quot, builders & quot, so swear.

How to make a children's slide without steps? Yes, no way, because the steps are needed. They are made from her highest side. As for the sides, they are not particularly sharpened to focus on them, since they can be done already when the slide will be filled with water.

1. So, the main part of the construction of the slide is completed, now the most responsible - fill. The slide is poured with cold water from the hose, but you can actively use watering cans and buckets. Only the steps do not need to pour, otherwise it's not climbing on them to the slide.

2. How to make a snow slide to be smooth and slippery? You need to be lazy and pour it at least three times. In order for the slide thoroughly frozen, was without superfluous tubercles and dents, it must be constantly praised and smoothed out with a wide shovel.

3. It is recommended to flood a slide from the evening. At night, she will freeze, and in the morning the guys already ride with her fun. You can ride on the usual cardboard, so to speak, in the old manner, or use modern Sanki-Ledacy for greater speed.

4. The most convenient time to make the slide along the thaw when the snow is heavy and sticky. You made a snowy & laquo, Kurgan & Raquo, it will be necessary to drown and leave for a while so that it is donkey and peaked to a more dense mass. The height of the slide will depend on whether children of what age will ride on it - no more than a meter for kids, for older children - 1.5- 2 meters of height. The surface of the descent must be smooth, the borders need to be made sufficiently high. Pay attention to the end of the descent - if it is more than 40 degrees, the slide will be hinged.

5. Filing a hill in frosty weather. Just pour it out of the bucket and the hose - a bad idea, a large mass of water, especially under pressure, simply wet the snow, forming pits. Time-consuming, but the win-win option is the usual garden watering can. You can pour water on the flat surface with which it will flock on the snow - on a piece of plywood or a wide shovel. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the slide with a large cloth and fill through it - water will be evenly distributed over the snow. If you do not have anything like that at hand, type in a bucket of snow from the nearest snowdrift, mix the stick and evenly cover the slide in the resulting snow casic. Align the surface and leave the hill at night for freezing, and the next day, dear her snow porridge again and let me freeze finally. From the descent, you can make an ice track with the descent or the same snow porridge so that the robbery drive away.

The descent surface will need to be kept in order, the tracking so that it is not formed by potholes.

You also need to make steps, make them centimeters 10-15 in height.

1. Take care, first of all, that you have all the necessary items in the presence. This includes shovels, and watering cans and buckets. If you have it all in Nalia, then the next step needs to find a people who will agree to help you in this difficult business. Here you can promote people. It can be said that this "attraction" can please everyone in the yard, and not only children will be able to ride on it, but also adults. So you will see, after an hour of active search. You will find like-minded people.
2. The people typed, all the necessary items to organize the employment process are, it means that you can start. First of all, collect a big bunch of snow in one place. You can remove the territory and pour all the snow into a single place. So the benefits will be big, since you will help in this case to wipers, and you will be able to assemble a large bunch of snow in order to create a slide.

3. Tamper the snow collected in a bunch, very tight. The height of the snow slide should be done so that it was convenient to ride and adults, and children. It is important that it be very convenient not only to children, but also adults in this case. If the snow slope fails to collect, ask for a person on a snow removal machine to help you. I think he will not refuse you in this pleasure.

4. Folding out a certain amount of snow on the slide, and then the rambling it, allege its future congress. It is important that it is as even as possible, so manually, or with the help of a shovel, remove all visible irregularities. Do not forget to make and step for your slide. Otherwise, how will you climb her? Steps must be maximally smooth and gentle. It is very important if you want to preserve your health, and the health of other people safe and preservation.

5. Simultaneously with the slide alignment, the edges complicate it so that it does not crumble at the first contact with your hand. At the edges of the descent, it is best to make a low board, which will not give it possible to move from the slide in the wrong place. In this case, this will help prevent all kinds of injury during the court and the rise of the slide. Be careful!

6. After the slide is already formed, you can begin to fill it! It is important that the street lay out the minus temperature in the process of applying the final stroke. It will be best if you are pleasing it for the night. Water the best from the watering can or bucket. But it is better if you wipe the slide yet from the watering can, because it is she will give a slide to a smooth descent, and will create an indelible impression from the process itself. Thus, pouring the hill at night, you will protect it from unauthorized persons. It is unlikely that someone will come to the head in the dark, to climb a slide, and even more so to ride it. After all, your neighbors are far from stupid.

Descent from the slide on sledding, skiing and skating, the construction of snow locks is far from all entertainment that gives the child in winter. If parents wish to deliver this pleasure from then to them necessarily need to know how to make a snow slide in the courtyard at home.

Snow hill: Making a winter attraction

For the construction of a snowy slide, only a bit of intelligence will be required, free flight of fantasy and a couple of girlfriend tools that will definitely be delayed in every home.


  • metal or plastic shovel;
  • scraper, construction spatula;
  • spray;
  • buckets and watering cans.

Usually, for the construction of a full-fledged snow slide, a small spade, which will help to form the basis of the future structures, as well as several spatulas for smoking surfaces. Metallic or plastic bucket and a pair of warm mittens are useful. However, depending on the complexity of work, conditions and circumstances, you can use any other convenient at your own request.

Engineering sizes and safety

Make how to make a slide of snow, not at all difficult. However, before proceeding to work, you need to pay attention to some "secrets of engineering", which will help make the construction more durable, safe and durable.

  1. First, it is worth choosing the optimal location to accommodate a self-made attraction. Naturally, the longer the slope, the fascinating it will ride.
  2. In order to avoid problems with fill and frozen water, the slope slide is better to make more gentle.
  3. To protect children from getting injuries, it is necessary to equip the clarification to the smooth territory, the plane of which will ensure a uniform slip to a complete stop.

How to make a slide of snow: construction technology

Before proceeding with specific actions, it is necessary to protect yourself from the charming, protecting the hands densely and, if necessary, put on top of the warm mittens.

The optimal conditions for the construction of a snow slide come with the arrival of thaw. As soon as the temperature approaches the zero indicator as much as possible, and the snow will become more chain, it is necessary to roll large balls by posting the base of the future structures, according to the planned parameters and dimensions.

How to build a slide of snow, which will be comfortable and safe for a child? To do this, take care of the preparation of the ladder, which will help without problems to rise to the elevation. You can make an improvised ladder from all the same snowballs laid in the form of steps. A smooth surface of the steps without problems is formed with a spatula or scraper.

The fill of the snow slide is better to produce with the arrival of strong frosts. Moreover, it is necessary to do it, evenly watering the surface of the slide with warm water from the watering can. At the same time, it is possible to occur small recesses, which will have to be slightly pushed by snow and pollen the spatula.

Parents who know how to make a children's ice hill right, never build it without borders. This allows you to increase the safety of the structure and leave the kids alone with entertainment, without fear of their health.

Secrets of the route creation

After reading the basic recommendations on how to make a slide of snow, you can go to the study of the technology of creating an ice track. To begin with, it is necessary to carefully catch snowballs, forming a smooth, dense surface of the future descent. Sealing the surface can be legs, a shovel, a small log or with any other reducing agent.

The end of the descent must be done, focusing on the age of kids. For children by age up to 3 years, the angle of the inclined track must be not more than 30 o. Parents who wish to learn how to make a slope of snow for older children, should advise to make the descent sharp, otherwise the entertainment can quickly bother the children.

Preparation of the basic ice layer

The first layer of ice is the most important beginning in the construction of a snow slide. Its proper formation becomes a key to creating ergonomically thought-out descents, tilt and turning.

Create a basic ice layer is conveniently using a conventional home sprayer for spraying plants. Water in the pulverizer should be warm. Otherwise, the descent will freeze too quickly, which will lead to the formation of uneven areas. Freeze the first layer of ice crust should at least for an hour.

How to make a slide of snow with your own hands? Pouring water

Fill the main layer of water to form a full-fledged ice descent is convenient with a small bucket, and better the usual water in the tank should be, again, warm, it will make the surface of the descent smooth. However, you need to try not to overdo it, because when pouring the slide, you can frankly let all the efforts of the Nammark.

In order for the surface of the descent finally grabbed a sturdy ice crust, one should not allow children to descend before the next morning. For the final consolidation of the surface, it is necessary to throw several buckets of water on the slope of the structure to the slope of the structure.


How to make a child a slide of snow? When performing such a task, the main thing is to have a reserve of forces and time sufficient to form a full snowy mountain.

In order not to fly off the slide, the descent is better to do in the form of a groove with durable, high curbs. Similarly, the descent, the surface of the borders must be evenly obtained with water from watering, buckets or hose.

To find out how to build a slide of snow, you will probably want to make such a building in the yard. If you also attract the surrounding process to this process - parents and children, then you can turn the construction of a slide into a fairly exciting event. As soon as the slide is completed, you can safely convene a neighboring guys from all over the county, which will be happy to test the construction of strength.

Usually the fill of a small snow slide on its own, even without assistance, it does not work out. Depending on the number of participants in the event, it can take a job from several hours to several days. However, the expended works will not remain unnoticed. Before the spring, the kids will be able to relax and spend time in the company of peers, without leaving the limits of their own yard.

Skating on an ice hill - Traditional Russian fun

For construction, we will need: a couple of large shovels, a lot of water and a great mood. And also not to do in this case without frost, snow and several couples of free hands.

Choose a place for construction

First you need to determine the construction site. It must be safe, that is, is away from landing, buildings and other objects in which you can crash.

We determine the height, width and slope slide

The selection of height depends on the site on which the slide is built, taking into account the long slip. If you build it for kids - the slope should not be steep, on the contrary, make it gentle. For adults, an angle of 40-50 degrees will be optimal at the beginning of the mountain, and gradually reduce, making it more common.

Make steps and sides

Place the steps need from the highest side of the mountain. The width of them should be about 50 cm so that it was convenient to rise.

Also excellent will be if you make firefoot steps on the sides, 30 centimeters high. The same can be built at the edges of the slide itself so that it was possible to safely ride and not be afraid to fly out of it.

Lepim Mount

You need to start a construction, waiting for thaw. It is when the snow will be sticky, you can easily make a slide of snow. After that, the embankment is needed to be good.


It is necessary to pour the slide in the cold. You can do it from the hose or buckets. And the best way is the usual watering can. Rising along the steps, gently and slowly pour, hanging the surface to create a perfectly smooth coating. You can pour the hill with the help of a large shovel either plywood, pouring water onto their surface from which it will flock on the snow. You can do this, covering the mountain with a huge rag - thanks to this method, water will be more evenly covering the mountain. Another way: to gain snow into some container, mix the stick and evenly cover the mountain with this cashet. There, where pits were formed from water, fill them with snow and pour again.

Finishing touch

After the slide was flooded, leave her alone until the ice froze. Then pick up the same few times, leaving ice freeze. Do it until the ice layer does not become perfectly even and leave the slide at night. During this time, your design should freeze even more and you can try to ride. But before that, do not forget to failed the steps with sand, and the slide will break the slide again and give another watch to stand. Another nuance - be sure to take care that the transition between the descent and the earth was smooth.

Fixtures for riding a slide

You can swim from the slides on packages, bags, cardboard or rubber mats. But all these fixtures are not safe, because when you descend, they can be injured, as well as frozen or rush hands. For a faster, convenient, and most importantly safe descent from the ice slurry there are special equipment: icebreakers, tubggies or cheesecakes.

Icelish is a special fixture for roller coordinates in the shape of a heart. Such a plate is very easy and it is convenient to take it to walk with you, and you can control it with a handle.

Tubing or Watrushka - an inflatable circle, similar to a rescue, inside of which an inflatable camera, and outside a protective cover of a bright color. He also has a handle for which the child rests.


Riding with an ice slide - all known traditional fun. Knowing all the nuances and rules, you can easily build such fun in my yard. Ice hill made with your own hands can be the best gift of your favorite family on New Year's holidays.