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Sleep to ride on a passenger car. Dream Interpretation: What dreams car, see the car in a dream what means. What does the car in the female dream book

In the article on the topic: "Dream Interpretation to take a car to a man" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

If you had to sit in the car in a dream, the dream book advises to treat this image with full responsibility. After all, his proper interpretation will help you understand what he dreams, and make an accurate prediction.

Full control!

Initially, the dream book advises to remember whether you were driving in a dream or were only a passenger. So sit in the car driving means that you yourself send your own life and carry a full responsibility for it.

At the same time, if you were driving your car, you will get happiness and opportunities to implement plans. If you have dreamed of someone else's car, then you will need support, advice or assistant.

According to Miller

Why dream of sitting in the car in the back seat? Miller's dream book claims that you do not satisfy the current situation and you do everything to improve it.


To be in a dream in the backside of the car - a sign that you are subordinated to someone else's opinion or even will and prefer to stay on a secondary plan.

If, in a dream, you were lucky to sit in the front seat, then you need to loosen control a little and literally "sailing for the flow."

Sit in the car on the front, but not at the driver's seat means that you are subject to circumstances and are not treated with something.

Everything will work out!

What dreams is that in the car you were with a man? Be confident, today you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation also assures that the vision in which you happened to sit in a car with a man can dream as a symbol of a successful period. However, much depends on how the person was on the view.

If you happened to communicate with a man beautiful, the dream book guarantees profit and pleasure. Did he have been ugly and scary? You are waiting for disappointment and difficulties.

Other decoding

Dream Interpretation offers several more detailed decodes.

  • To see that a bald man sits nearby - to wealth and respect.
  • Naked - experience fear.
  • Old - a kind of event will make a lot to contend.
  • Thick with belly can dream of pleasure and pleasant sensations.
  • A guy with a beard symbolizes the disease in the house.
  • In a shirt - unhappy marriage.
  • In an expensive costume - well-being.
  • Blond - big love.
  • Brunette is a pleasant acquaintance.
  • Redhead - deception.

Full satisfaction!

What dreams, what happened to sit in a car with your beloved? This is a sign of absolute satisfaction, both in moral and sexual terms.

To be in a dream in one car with a loved one - a sign of successful promotion of affairs. For a woman to see a dream with a loved one means his loyalty and devotion in love.

A guy sitting in one car for a girl symbolizes dreams of a wedding and family. For a mature woman, a guy is a manner of spiritual assistant. If the former dreamed, the dream book thinks you will win memories.

Moving or new job?

The right interpretation of sleep is impossible if you do not consider the type of vehicle. What dreams to be in the truck? According to the dream book, the vision means that the circumstances and your position will be changed for the better.

If you happened to go in a dream in a cargo car, then you will definitely achieve conceived. If you were present in it as an ordinary passenger, then you are open all the ways to personal happiness.

By the way, the dream book is confident that there is literally to sit in the cargo car literally means a speedy relocation or a change of work.

The desired will be!

Why dream, what did you sit in ambulance? This is a symbol of what a certain problem requires immediate response.

Perhaps you will soon have to support someone support. Among other things, it is even easy to see an ambulance in a dream - to the rapid execution of desires.

Dream book

Make a car to a man

Dream interpretation to get into the car to a man Dreamed, why dream in a dream to get into the car to a man? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to get into the car to a man, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream interpretation car, what dreams of a car in a dream to see

From this article you can find out what the car from the dreams of different authors dream of you. Which means seen telling the analysis of the dream on the maps Lenorman. And even more precisely, the moon calendar will help to understand sleep.

What dream of a car: interpretation of sleep

Dream of a car, what does it symbolize?

The car is "letting the brakes" - lose control, let the events on the self-shot, thread. "Rolling anyone" - deceive; "Retreat yourself" - to deceive. "Ride with the breeze" - delete, mischief. "Looking for life from the window of your own car" - to be distant from life, arrogance, bosses.

What does the car mean - to deal with a car in a dream - you will suddenly get a very large amount of money, it is a interpretation of what dreams you at night.

What dream of a woman's car, what is this dream?

Car - a car trip foreshadows pleasant troubles in reality, which, most likely, will end with change in affairs. Car catastrophe in a dream foreshadows trouble from entertainment in which you are going to take part. If you managed to avoid a catastrophe, it's a good sign: you can avoid a collision with an opponent.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

What dream of a car is a dream symbolism:

Car in a dream - a trip to the car determines the domestic domestic strength. Go to a taxi - get help for which you have to pay. Being driving - all your plans will come true. Be a passenger to have a dependence on someone. Accident with your car - shock in life.

What dream of a car in the dream book?

Car - If you buy auto parts for your car in a dream, you wish you greater than it is possible. This may concern any area. Cool down your dust slightly, and then lose and what you have. If you see yourself in the garage and are engaged in the fact that we replace the unsuitable spare part of your car to a new one, then the strip of bad luck will end soon and you are finally lucky. If in a dream you paint your car new paint, it says about unexpected profits. If in a dream you wash your car's salon, then you need to support friendly relationships with an influential person familiar to you. If you dream that you paint scratches on your car, then you need to be extremely attentive on the roads. The high probability that an accident can happen. If you can, - do not sit on this day behind the wheel, and other way to get to the place you need.

To see in a dream the car - if you dreamed that you purchased a chic car, which I obviously not to the means, it is likely that failures and losses will be collapsed. Be prepared for this and have a philosophical one. If your car radio broke, then expect any pirushka or other entertainment that will help you relax and remove stress. If you take a car in the car rental, then soon you will be awarded for your diligence and patience. Your business qualities will appreciate the head and colleagues. If you hire a car and smashed it, then love disappointment awaits you. You will make some kind of immense deed, because of which there will be a break with your girlfriend. If you are closing an open trunk in a dream, it says about your leaning in reality, perhaps soon you can buy a thing that has long been dreamed of.

What dream of a car in a dream?

A car in a dream - if in a dream you are driving in the car, such a dream foreshadows a quick pleasant pastime that promises you new acquaintance. If in a dream you fell into a car disaster, after this sleep expect a sudden break with your lover. And if you see that the disaster managed to avoid, it is a good sign. You will be able to cover your love adventures on the side from the attention of the permanent partner.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

What dream of a car in dreams?

The car is to lead to poverty itself; Driving in a car - personal life (see riding); Riding in the car - relationship, marriages; Parking - it's time to break, it is a interpretation of a car in the dream book.

What dreams of a car, according to the folk beliefs of the Malorussia:

Car - news. In the passenger car to go, fortunately sit in the car - impracticable dreams; go - short road; like an ass, lead a car, - you have excessive self-confidence; Touch the car to you - trouble at work.

Car in a dream - to be driving a car - to new victories; Sit in the back seat - to travel.

Dream Wander (T. Amplanova)

The car is an emotional state, the personal life of the sleeping, the general state of affairs and relationships (based on the appearance and nature of the movement). Motor car - heart, energy, will, the main life of the dream, the dream of a dream. To steer itself - own responsibility for all the events that happens; Communication with your destiny. With inclusive headlights - a significant event; wedding. Old - old plans, business, repeated feelings, relationships.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

What dream car dreams:

The car is to see in a dream the car that you are traveling in the car, means your activity and success in affairs. If you got into a car disaster, after such a sleep, do not expect good impressions of the entertainment in which you are going to participate. To see yourself successfully avoided the automotive catastrophe - a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the opponent of your designs. Buy in a dream the car is also a good sign that you will be able to restore our former good position, but to sell the car - to unpleasant changes in fate. Driving the machine - foreshadows losses, sometimes diseases. Be on the move thrown out of the car - to unpleasant news. The broken machine is also a dream that foreshadows. Just to see cars in a dream - to travel, change in fate, pleasant journey. If you see that your car disappeared, it hijacked - this means a disruption of many of your ideas, on which the future depends on. Get out of the car - a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you deserved satisfaction.

Biblical dream book Azara

A car on spiritual sources to what dreams?

Car - to a long road

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Dream car, what?

The car is to sit in it - unless dreams; Ride it - a short road; to be a rumped car - something happen to happen; Driving a car - you are too confident.

Car what dreams, interpretation:

Car in a dream - driving a car - commander, manage people, skillfully as much as you drive. Riding the back - you are like to those who have previously commanded earlier. Acquire - you have the opportunity to advance by service. To see a chic car inaccessible in life - to losses, losses. Possible your car will be stolen. Old, broken, such as reality - you will have the opportunity to earn good, buy a new car.

The car dreams - how to understand the image:

The car symbolizes progress, comfort, independence, energy, life success. If you dreamed that you are driving, it may mean a sense of movement towards or, on the contrary, the desire to escape from danger. If you dream that you lose control, it may mean that in the depths of the soul you are not confident in yourself and we are afraid of losing self-control, I say the interpreter about the essence of sleep that you dream.

Dream of the XXI century

What dream of a car in night gold?

The car is to see in a dream the car foreshadows you, as a rule, change in life or a quick journey, a business trip, a pleasant way. Many cars in a dream may mean that the new work or care that makes you a lot of unrest will still bring their dividends and material benefits. Old cars in a dream foreshadow new contradictions with enemies or ill-wishers. Buying a car in a dream - means that you have to start a new successful business or return to previously deferred for any reason. Buy in a dream a chic car or an expensive foreign car - a very good dream. He foreshadows you success in all your endeavors, good luck and further promotion on the service staircase. Bought in a dream Jeep, SUV or all-terrain vehicle - Sleep-warning. This means that your business has come to full decline, and their hopes for quick improvement are self-deception. You need to take more seriously to all those standing in front of your problems, not losing even the smallest and insignificant. To be in a dream driving a car - foreshadows you happiness, finding new opportunities, approaching the goal of life. If this is a foreign car, then you will receive answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time. Being driving your car can also foreshift you good luck in business. Riding in a dream in a car with a fellow traveler - symbolizes what your strained relationships with surrounding or leadership will improve. The dream in which you come out of the car warns you of possible troubles associated with the loss of your authority. Being on the move thrown out of the car - promises you unpleasant news, fall out of it according to your own fault - your negligence or inconsistency can endanger your life or welfare. Parking a car in a lively place - may mean a temporary break with his friends or companions. Rass on a car by car to the finish line - means that in real life you will show too much caution and restraint. Your rivals can get you out. If you came to the finish line first, then all your competitors will remain far behind, and you will achieve the implementation of the planned plans. To feel in a dream behind the wheel of ASA - means that you have overpriced self-conceit and, in order to achieve good results, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the surrounding problems and more soberly approach them.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dream of a car - Dream Interpretation interprets:

The car is to sit in it - non-fulfilling dreams - to go in it - a short road - to be a distant car - something will happen in the service - driving a car - you are too self-confident

What is the car to dream in the summer?

Car (accident) - buy a new car in a dream - to bankruptcy. Sit while driving a car to fame. Make an accident by car - to the collapse of your dreams.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist K. Jung

Why dream car in a dream?

Car, car - cars and other ways of movement are among those images that denote the ego structure or indicate a method with which the ego is included in various types of vital activity. The difference between the walk and the race on the car is quite symbolically significant, as, say, the difference between the trip on its own car and the collective nature of the bus ride. Trains, in contrast to cars and buses, are limited in their movements by rails and do not have the opportunity to move freely at will, where they want; Therefore, they are usually associated with obsessive (compulsive) or familiar activities. Streets and motorways are closely connected with cars; It should be seen between the size (width) of the streets and roads, as well as the direction where the dream ego moves: according to the general movement, towards it, or across the moving flow; It is also necessary to celebrate certain difficulties in choosing a route and finding the departure to the desired local road, pay attention to the sidebuins, rods, drainage ditches, etc. Nowhere is so not obvious and the contextual nature of dream symbols, as in all of these changes and variations of the topic of transportation and movement. The car may even designate self-esteem (moment that advertising agents will not be mested).

Dream Wander. Interpretation of dreams

Dream dream psychologist D.Luffa

What dreams of a dream car, psychological analysis:

Cars (cars) in a dream - the car can dream only because it is the most convenient means of movement. In this case, the emphasis in interpretation should be shifted to the rest of the dream. However, if the machine clearly performs one of the central elements, then this image deserves close attention. Cars can appear in your dreams in different contexts - accident, riding a car as a passenger, buying a car or driving. Accidents are usually warned by a possible threat of people dear to us. This may indicate inability to master the situation and protect others, and sometimes it is a warning that should be wrong. A powerful factor can be the Deja-vu, if the accident happens on the road, which you usually go. And in general, do not forget about the need to be attentive when driving on a car: the habit of tagging behind the wheel is dangerous. Are you lucky on the car someone else? So you feel that the man driving somehow controls your life. Perhaps the car leads any celebrity - a pop star or politician, in this case it is important to analyze your feelings for the driver and the degree of your trust in it. Buying a car is either the realization of desire, or a symbolic solution to the problem. Such a dream reflects the desire to acquire that in reality you can not afford. If you buy a car on the car market, your sleep simply helps to decide on the right choice. If you lead the car yourself, pay attention to the passengers: these are people in relation to which you are experiencing a special sense of responsibility. And it may be characters from different spheres of your life. It is important how you are related to them and where are you heading - in one destination or different.

A cargo car is dreaming - emphasizes the working atmosphere, the situation, or special efforts, the difficulties of overcoming and residing separate segments of the sleeping life.

The car dreams, sleep symbolism:

Automatic cars (passenger, cargo) in a dream - a light car is a symbol of personal life, go to it (depending on the nature of the movement, the type of road and the car itself) means one or another (in quality) period of life and the general course of affairs or attitudes in development . Working cargo machine - reports the degree of "workload" of a dream consciousness and is a display of his professional, labor activity. It additionally points to the severity, the difficulty of event or relationship. Riding in a car very quickly - indicates, most often, to a slowdown in cases, a painful waiting for any decision, the result.

To see in a dream, the autobase or hear how something they say about it is to buy a car.

What is the car for dreaming in the spring?

Avtobaza - to see in a dream AvtoBase - to the cluster of a decent amount of money.

Meaning of sleep on days of the week:

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

  • If you dream of a car in a dream from Sunday for Monday
  • What dream car is dreaming from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the car is dreaming from Tuesday on Wednesday
  • If the car is dreaming of a dream from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What dreams of a car from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of a car in a dream from Friday on Saturday
  • What dream of a car in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

MON DECEMBER 25, 2017, 23:28:27

WED OCTOBER 25, 2017, 06:26 PM

Sat July 22, 2017, 18:54:08

FRI JUNE 23, 2017, 00:09:00

FRI JUNE 09, 2017, 09:17:36

Car in dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with a sign *.

What dream of the word "car (machine)"

Dream Miller G.Kh.

Dream interpretation online Explains dreams about the car depending on how you see the car. if you dreamed car And you are a driver in it, this dream means success. You drive the car, perform some actions when driving: Press on pedals, slow down, turn, it means that you will be successful in business life. Perhaps you are waiting for the service, encouraging or gratitude to management, some successful projects.

If you dream of a car In a faulty condition, a car accident, a traffic accident This dream does not foreshadow nothing good. Most likely, you are waiting for trouble at work or conflicts with native people.

Dream Interpretation Madelena Kern.

You dreamed the car In motion, but for some reason it goes without a driver or there is a driver, and you take the place of the passenger. This dream interpretation online Explains your dream as follows: In reality, you are waiting for some kind of disease, but not too serious, like colds, ORZ, stomach disorders. Another dream may impose difficulties at work related to the misunderstanding of any business task or the loss of the initiative when solving some question.

You dream of a carwhich you buy - dream book I predict financial success or unexpected profit. if you dream of a carYou sell, you will be coming financial losses or missed benefit.

When you shot cars In motion, this means that some long-distance travel is waiting for you ahead, a business trip, and if there are a lot of cars, then you are likely to change the apartment or, in general, change the place of residence.

Dream interpretation for women.

This dream interpretation online Explains only female dreams, for a man interpretation of dreams on this dream book will be wrong.

If a young woman dream of a carShe stops, voting on the road, or she dreams that she just sits in the car to an unfamiliar man, then she is at the moment not all right with a personal life. Perhaps troubles in personal life ahead, if it's all right now. It can be a break of relationships with a close man or an unsuccessful acquaintance with a man who will be unsuitable.

When you dream of a carAnd you come out of it, it can mean good changes, both in business and personal life.

if you shot carswho collided with each other means in real life, you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Love dream book.

This dream interpretation online Explains dreams in terms of relationships and feelings that you experience or can experience in real life.

if you dream of a car And you are behind the wheel of this car, it means that relations with your chosen one are stable and bring you joy. No quarrels and misunderstanding with him in the near future are not foreseen.

You dreamed the carAnd you come out of it, it means that you will be able to avoid any reason, thanks to your resourcefulness of some problems in a relationship with your loved one.

If you dream of a car catastrophe, it means that you need to be careful during some festive events. It does not face anything, in the sense of security, but perhaps it is at such an event to "lead" your chosen one or some other reason for jealousy will try.

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Car B. Dream Interpret Miss Hasse:

  • Sitting in it - Singful dreams to go to it - a short way to be a distant car - something happen to drive a car - you are too sure.
  • Interpretation B. Esoteric dream book Sleep car:

    Car - driving a car - commander, manage people, skillfully as much as you drive. Riding the back - you are like to those who have previously commanded earlier. Acquire - you have the opportunity to advance by service. To see a chic car inaccessible in life - to losses, losses. Possible your car will be stolen. Old, broken, such as reality - you will have the opportunity to earn good, buy a new car.

    What dream of a car in Ukrainian dream book?

  • News. In the passenger car to go, fortunately sit in the car - impracticable dreams; go - short road; like an ass, lead a car, - you have excessive self-confidence; Touch the car to you - trouble at work.
  • IN Modern dream bookIf the car dreams:

  • If you dreamed that you are traveling by car, it may mean that, despite the favorable external circumstances, you will be restless, and you will try to make significant changes in our lives. In addition, such a dream warns that troubles caused by some incorrect behavior. If in a dream you fall into an accident, this means that you will not be able to fully enjoy the pleasure that you could count. If you managed to avoid a collision, it will help in affairs not to get into the network placed by competitors. If young female Saw in a dream that she is looking for a car, this is a sign that she is waiting for love disappointment.
  • If you dream of a car? IN Dream Miller:

  • To see yourself successfully avoided the automotive catastrophe - a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the opponent of your designs.
  • Get out of the car - a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you deserved satisfaction.
  • Driving the machine - foreshadows losses, sometimes diseases. Be on the move thrown out of the car - to unpleasant news. The broken machine is also a dream that foreshadows.
  • If you got into a car disaster, after such a sleep, do not expect good impressions of the entertainment in which you are going to participate.
  • If you see that your car disappeared, it hijacked - this means a disruption of many of your ideas, on which the future depends on.
  • Just to see cars in a dream - to travel, change in fate, pleasant journey.
  • See in a dream that you are traveling in a car, means your activity and success in business.
  • Buy in a dream the car is also a good sign that you will be able to restore our former good position, but to sell the car - to unpleasant changes in fate.
  • Interpretation of sleep car in Dream interpretation Loffa:

    Cars (cars) - the car can dream only because it is the most convenient means of movement. In this case, the emphasis in interpretation should be shifted to the rest of the dream. However, if the machine clearly performs one of the central elements, then this image deserves close attention. Cars can appear in your dreams in different contexts - accident, riding a car as a passenger, buying a car or driving. Accidents are usually warned by a possible threat of people dear to us. This may indicate inability to master the situation and protect others, and sometimes it is a warning that should be wrong. A powerful factor can be the Deja-vu, if the accident happens on the road, which you usually go. And in general, do not forget about the need to be attentive when driving on a car: the habit of tagging behind the wheel is dangerous. Are you lucky on the car someone else? So you feel that the man driving somehow controls your life. Perhaps the car leads any celebrity - a pop star or politician, in this case it is important to analyze your feelings for the driver and the degree of your trust in it. Buying a car is either the realization of desire, or a symbolic solution to the problem. Such a dream reflects the desire to acquire that in reality you can not afford. If you buy a car on the car market, your sleep simply helps to decide on the right choice. If you lead the car yourself, pay attention to the passengers: these are people in relation to which you are experiencing a special sense of responsibility. And it may be characters from different spheres of your life. It is important how you are related to them and where are you heading - in one destination or different.

    See a car in a dream in Dream Interpretation Azara:

  • in the car go - a short road
  • in the car Sit - Sunny Dreams
  • for a long road
  • What does it mean to see a car in The newest dream book?

  • To a long nervous road, in vain trouble (if you drive as a passenger); to the rapid achievement of the target (if you drive and the car goes without problems at good speed); Accidental acquaintance, for nothing obliging in the future (if you see passing, but then the inhibitory a, l).
  • What does the car mean in a dream in Family dream book?

  • If you just saw cars in a dream, get ready for pleasant journey and change in fate.
  • Buy in a dream the car is a good sign. So you will be able to restore your former good position. But selling a car in a dream is not very good: unpleasant changes may occur.
  • The car broke down - wait for failures. Hobbed - even worse. Many ideas may break out, on which your future depends.
  • Sleep, in which you are a passenger car, foreshadows activity and success in affairs. But if you are sitting at the wheel yourself, you can incur losses or get sick. Get out of the car means the successful implementation of the plans.
  • Car in a dream in Eastern dream interpretation:

  • If you have dreamed that you are going by car, it means that, despite the favorable external circumstances, you will experience an inexplicable anxiety, and the events around you will unfold with the speed of Kaleidoscope. For young women A dream in which she is looking for a car, foreshadows disappointment in love. (See also Avtomat)
  • In a dream car to see. IN Dream Dreams:

  • parking - the time of the break.
  • driving in a car - personal life (see riding);
  • behave himself - to poverty;
  • riding in the car - relationship, marriages;
  • What does the car mean in Noble dream book:

  • Take or get out of it - warning about the pursuer.
  • Very quickly - risk.
  • In it to go - take advantage of the connections; Useful links.
  • Driving - danger to life.
  • Dip out - according to your own fault, to undergo a big danger of life or well-being.
  • Under him get - misfortune.
  • Car - new things start.
  • In an accident to get - a favorable turn of circumstances.
  • See in a dream car. IN Gypsy dream book:

  • Another symbol of spiritual development. Remember the speed with which the car is driving, and maybe it costs? If the car rides up, climbing the hill, you will probably have to work seriously over your development. A breakdown means you need to revaluate your beliefs and actions. Old car - if in a dream you control the old car with a forced engine, it means that you want to go through your youth again. You had a passionate desire to relax and behave recklessly. Do not oppose your desire and take a small break to get rid of the monotony of everyday life.
  • What does the car mean in Female dream book:

  • Dreamed the car if in a dream you are searching for a missing car, you should fear love disappointment.
  • Which means a car in a dream, in Italian dream book?

  • It is a mechanical means of movement, but, unlike the train, a tram or a bus, the man is controlled by the machine, or his friend or a relative, therefore this image is associated with the functional action that gives pleasure. In-CE associates it with a body or with the nearest environment, thereby indicating on its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Therefore, various models of cars and various ways to use them indicate various behavior models "I". If the subject does not lead the car itself, it testifies to the dominance of positive or negative impact over it (see the accident).
  • Sleep value car in Male dream book:

  • If you dreamed that you purchased a chic car, which revealing you clearly not by means, it is likely that failures and losses will be collapsed. Be prepared for this and have a philosophical one.
  • If you see yourself in the garage and are engaged in the fact that we replace the unsuitable spare part of your car to a new one, then the strip of bad luck will end soon and you are finally lucky.
  • If you dream that you paint scratches on your car, then you need to be extremely attentive on the roads. The high probability that an accident can happen. If you can, - do not sit on this day behind the wheel, and other way to get to the place you need.
  • If you are closing an open trunk in a dream, it says about your leaning in reality, perhaps soon you can buy a thing that has long been dreamed of.
  • If you hire a car and smashed it, you will be awaiting a love disappointment, you will make some kind of odd deed, because of which there will be a gap with your girlfriend.
  • If in a dream you paint your car new paint, it says about unexpected profits.
  • If you take a car in the car rental, then soon you will be awarded for your diligence and patience. Your business qualities will appreciate the head and colleagues.
  • If you buy auto parts in a dream to your car, then you wish you more than it is possible. This may concern any area. Cool down your dust slightly, and then lose and what you have.
  • If in a dream you wash your car's salon, then you need to support friendly relationships with an influential person familiar to you.
  • If your car radio broke, then expect any pirushka or other entertainment that will help you relax and remove stress.
  • If in a dream you eat on the car, it means in reality, your affairs are "uphill", you are active and lucky in matters and it gives you a lot of pleasure. In the case when you dream that you fell into a car disaster, wait for vivid impressions from the upcoming entertainment. If you still managed to avoid accidents in a dream, in reality, you can avoid collisions with your opponent.

    Buy a car in a dream - a positive sign that you will be able to restore the situation in society, in the case of a car sale, you should beware of changes in fate that will not bring you anything good.

    Driving a car - it means that in the future you will be waiting for trouble related to illness or loss. If in a dream you dried on the move from the car, then in reality you are awaiting unpleasant news. Break the car or see it broken - a warning - you need to be more careful (oh), because Ahead of you will be waiting for trouble.

    If you just see a car in a dream, in the future you will go to a pleasant journey, and changes will happen in life.

    To see in a dream, a vigorous or disappeared car to breaking important plans, which you have imposed great hopes, and on which further fate depended. If in a dream you see yourself coming out of the car, then plans will be implemented correctly and on time that it cannot but rejoice.

    Dream Interpretation Loffa

    The car is one of the most convenient means of movement, so when studying sleep, you should pay attention to other characters. However, if the car becomes a centered sleep, and any action is connected with it: an accident, driving, buying or the role of a passenger, to interpret sleep as follows:

    To see an accident - a symbol of a threat to loved ones. If you dream of such a dream, you cannot fully own the situation and all the more protect anyone. If you see an accident on the road you're accustomed to ride, be careful driving, try not to exceed the speed and follow the rules.

    If you are in a passenger seat, look at the one who leads the car, and how trusted this person, it is possible that he controls your life. If in the driver's seat is a famous personality, analyze what role this person plays in your destiny.

    Buying a car in a dream - you make a definite decision on the issue that has been held lately. Sleep such a sense can show you what you want to have, but you can not afford. Making a purchase on the car market - a symbol of the fact that in real life your subconsciousness helps you choose this or that direction.

    See yourself driving a car - to justice. Look at the passengers, it is to these people that you treat most precisely and responsibly. It is important to pay attention to the fact that you are united where you are going and what are your goals.

    Dream Khamidova

    The car dreamed of in love - a symbol of a long and durable relationship, such a dream foreshadows a happy future with your chosen one (choices).

    A car accident - a forerunner of what the party you plan to visit will not bring you anything good and you will have no best impressions from her. Survive in a catastrophe and not get injured - it means in life you can establish relationships with your loved one. If you managed to jump out of the car on the go, you will soon have to learn about the wrongness of your second half.

    Buy a car in a dream - the sign that you will be able to earn respect for your second half, thereby railing in his (her) eyes. While the sale of the car is to break the relationships and losses.

    To see yourself at the wheel - to trouble, such a dream warns of separation and adverse events.

    If in a dream you broke the car - it means you will soon be waiting for a quarrel and unpleasant clarification of relationships.

    In the case when in a dream you understand that you have born cars, it means that soon your personal relationships will fail, family people, such a dream predicts a divorce.

    Dream of flowers

    If you dream that you eat behind the wheel of a car - be careful, in life it threatens poverty. In the case when you eat in the car on the passenger rights, this is a sign that you need to pay attention to your personal life, perhaps your second half is not satisfied. To see in a dream as you park a car - to the logical conclusion of your union with your loved one, at this time many couples are experiencing a break time.

    Dream Khasse

    Riding in a car in a dream - to the road, most likely, it will not be long but necessary. Just sitting in the car - a sign of discrepancies of desires, you twist in the clouds and build plans that you are not on the shoulder. To be driving - a sign of great self-confidence, such confidence is good, but in moderation.

    Sonnik Semenova

    Car in a dream - to change. You have to go to it - it means that you will have to deal with something about something, your efforts will not be a gift and bring positive changes in affairs. Get into an accident in a dream - to troubles as a result of a party to a party or other entertainment event. In the case when you managed to avoid the accident in a dream - in reality you can avoid

    In a dream, the most common machine reflects the current life stage or relevant today, as well as the possibility of implementing conceived at all. Dream intercoms will explain in detail what the specified image is most often.

    Miller dream book mark

    Did the car dreamed? In reality, you will take the extremely troublesome and low-job project, which over time will bring satisfaction and profit.

    What dream is a very old car? Your rivals will be more successful and wiser than you. It happened to see that you tightened inside the working mechanism? Credit losses, failures and misfortunes. Broken machine in a dream symbolizes the failure of transactions.

    The opinion of the collection of Sonnikov

    Why dream the car most often? In a dream, she is identified with the physical body or the identity of the dream. To get a complete interpretation of sleep, the dream book advises to consider any features of the appearance, movement, availability of passengers, etc.

    Machine as a mechanism hints that in reality, mental activity should be preferred. Computing machine, for example, a calculator or computer, on the contrary, advises to do physical labor.

    Interpretation of the Wanderer's dream book

    Did the car dreamed? In a dream, it symbolizes the life of a dreamy, regardless of external circumstances. In addition, this image characterizes the current moment and approaching events.

    What dreams alarm machine (fire, policeman, etc.)? They reflect the concern and alarm of the dream, and also often act as a symbol of danger or cry for help (ambulance). Most often, such machines appear in a dream in moments of depression, despair, helplessness, but indicate only on the emotions of the dream, and not the real position. Much less often, such cars warn of a really existing danger.


    If you have dreamed that you purchased an armored car, then I will take part in an interesting and profitable event. What dreams of painting an old car? Dream interpretation guarantees receipt of decent profit.

    In a dream, was able to wash the car inside? In reality, it is necessary to maintain relationships with some influential person. To see scratches on the car and try to paint them, meaning that they quarrel with relatives of their halves. Motorist Dream Interpretation advises to be attentive on the road, there is a possibility of incoming an accident.

    What does female dream book think

    What dream of a car in this dream book? You can see it before the start of a restless project, which will bring considerable benefit.

    Did the broken car dreamed? Lose friend. If you have been tightened in a working machine in a dream, then take care of: a period of diverse troubles comes.

    Replies a modern combined dream book

    The opinion of this dream book is similar to all previous ones. He is confident that a well-working machine symbolizes in a dream troublesome, but certainly a profitable business. But if you dreamed of an old car, then you cannot personally manage the fate.

    If you fell inside the working machine, then get ready for the chief of trouble and trouble. Dream interpretation will also prophesate unsuccessful transactions. What dream of emergency service machine? A difficult situation will bring you to the nervous breakdown. Try to relax a bit.

    If in a dream I had to call the emergency room, then be careful: there was a serious threat to get injured in real life. Did you know that you personally are driving like a similar machine? In fact, you will experience the extreme degree of dissatisfaction and even decide to change the type of activity or place of work.

    A married lady is bad to see behind the wheel of the alarm or emergency machine of your own husband. This means that the period of regular quarrel begins. And solely on your fault.

    What dreams Machine white, black, red

    The external condition of the car symbolizes social relations, whereas the inner decoration reflects the state of the dream itself. For a detailed interpretation of sleep, you must remember the color of the machine, because each of them has its own meaning. For example, a red car signals danger, passion or activity, white indicates good luck and purity of intentions, black calls for attention and concentration.

    What is the ambulance car, fire, police

    Did the fire truck dream? Were worry and worry because of some incident. Young woman riding a firefig is promoting unpleasant circumstances. What dreams of ambulance? Be extremely careful, for risks to get into trouble. Highly to manage the ambulance machine - means that you make a big mistake, but innocent will suffer.

    What does a police car mean in a dream? This image marks real danger. In addition, you have to provide all the assistance to those who got into trouble.

    What symbolizes the machine without brakes, doors, wheels

    Did you dream of an open engine? Try to think in detail your idea before you begin to implement it. If in the night you are trying to start a car, for which you dig in her motor, then I will get a good income.

    What is the dream of a car, which refused brakes? Sleep interpretation is extremely clear: the situation comes out from under your control. To see how the car flies to you without brakes, means that the collision with rivals will end for you very sad.

    The absence of wheels in a dream indicates the impossibility of movement, if the car miraculously steer in the air without wheels, then the highest strength helps you and direct. Did you dream of a car without doors? This is a sign of real danger.

    Machine in a dream - Approximate decoding

    To accurately find out what the machine is dreaming, it is necessary to restore as many details as possible, including its appearance, features of motion, management, own actions, etc.

    • gamble by car - vehicle breakdown, including automotive
    • place - Far Ride
    • to behave - successful promotion to the intended purpose
    • leads another - your life or the situation is controlled from the outside
    • the car leaves without you - missed chances, opportunities
    • going out after a complete stop - Completion, goal achievement
    • jump off - voluntary or forced refusal
    • broke - obstacles, loss
    • rides the back - something prevents you
    • very old - noise of nonsense
    • too expensive - joy, happiness
    • the cargo is success, especially in trade
    • stole - serious obstacles
    • get into an accident - bad luck

    But if we thought that you were turned over with the machine, but literally decorated with light fright, then according to the law of inversion in reality, the road will be prosperous and safe.

    Sleep, in which you see any cars, means a measured life in which something comes from all physical and spiritual stresses from you unexpectedly.

    To see the car that stands without action means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

    Launch the car into action foreshadows you incredible difficulties in organizing a new case when your faithful friends will hurry to help you.

    Working with a crash, clang or rattling machine - to great alarms, which to the base will shock your home edges and make something to change something in them.

    In a dream, the repair of a broken car predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous companions and other cash losses. To see the flywheel of any car, whether it is the biggest or smallest, is a sign of a confident movement forward along the way to the target target, despite any oppositeness from the side of ill-wishers. To see a steam car means views on a very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine foreshadows minor changes under considerable circumstances.

    Sewing machine - a sign of rapid spinning of a new case, which immediately will pay off the funds invested in it.

    See a typewriter in a dream - in reality will be to settle the dispute or a quarrel between coming up friends; Work on a typewriter - to obtain a minor amount for a large amount of work.

    Seen in a dream, the polivinal harvesting machine says that you will hurry on the revenue that I got into trouble a friend; Riding such a car means the coming danger.

    Fire truck, racing in a disaster area with lights included and roaring lilac, - in reality to congratulate a friend with great luck, which they themselves contributed to themselves. To see a fire truck, an embrace flame, "you will have a casual event in which you will refuse to believe everything you will tell about it.

    Riding in a dream in a car type convertible, that is, the road with a folding riding, is the foreclosure of good luck and acquiring wealth. See in a dream the car standing in the garage is a sign of good news.

    Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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    Dream interpretation - car car

    It is a mechanical means of movement, but, unlike the train, a tram or a bus, the man is controlled by the machine, or his friend or a relative, therefore this image is associated with the functional action that gives pleasure.

    In-CE associates it with a body or with the nearest environment, thereby pointing out on its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I".

    Therefore, various models of machines and various ways to use them indicate different models of the behavior "I".

    If the subject does not lead the car itself, this indicates a dominance of positive or negative impact on it.

    Interpretation of dreams