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How to trim tulips. Tulips beat what to do next? Necessary actions after flowering

How to ensure the care of tulips after flowering so that the bulbs get stocked in nutrients for the next flowering? Maybe you need to immediately cut all the leaves? Or still it is worth continuing watering and feeding? You can find a right solution by learning several rules of growing bulbous.

Do I need to cut the leaves?

Narcissus and tulips are often planted near the flower bed to create a picturesque picture. However, their neighborhood has one nuance. It lies in the fact that the sworded buds and the yellowed leaves quickly acquire an unattractive look. But do not hurry to rid your garden from untidy stems. Caring for tulips after flowering you need to continue for another 2-3 weeks. And so that dry leaves do not spoil the decorative species of the garden, just put the perennials between them. For example, phlox.

The foliage of plants is recommended to maintain precisely because the energy of the Sun and useful trace elements comes into the bulb. They are saturated with a plant. Cut still green leaves of tulips - it means to stop the process of formation of the bulbs. On the flashing instances it is better to immediately remove the seed box. So the bulb will be able to accumulate energy in itself and will not spend it on the ripening of seeds.

Council. In order not to lose the location of the tulips after drying the foliage, it can be marked with markers or flags.

Why make fertilizer under fading plants?

Caring for tulips after flowering requires timely fertilizer. The fact is that the development process is still ongoing. And on how much gardener will not be lazy to pour and feed the fading flower bed with special fertilizers, the appearance of flowers will depend on the next spring. Watering the flower is needed as needed for another two weeks after cutting the flowerons. Feel the soil just once. This will be enough. You can pick up ordinary mineral fertilizers for bulbous. But the dosage should be reduced by half of the recommended to prevent the chemical cell burn. Well fits both phosphorus-potash mixture. It is impossible to use fertilizers that include nitrogen or chlorine.

Cut leaves

Narcissal care, like close relatives, is required at the end of spring the same as the care of tulips after flowering. If all the actions of the gardener at this time to build consistently, then they will stand in this order:

  • flowers are cut to form bouquets or give them naturally planting;
  • in the second case, the seed box is broken after the flow of petals;
  • in the last days of spring, special fertilizers contribute to the soil, while not forgetting to water the garden;
  • leaves break only after drying;
  • after the garden is mounted with peat or woody ash.

When do you need to transplanted daffodils?

These flowers can live in one place under five years old. You should not disturb them for the annual transplant, otherwise the plants may not be afraid to bloom. But if the stems begin to be crowded and have already grown enough, it means that they have come to send them.

For transplant, you will need:

  • garden blade;
  • gloves;
  • defair solution.

Seed up the bushes of daffodils immediately, it is impossible to allow young roots to dry. Choose forever time in early August, when the midday heat is already down, and proceed.

What do we have to do?

1) To begin with, the bushes neatly dig.

2) Then they are divided into smaller and unfold for processing.

3) For the prevention of the plant, one can make a weak solution of manganese or a suitable fungicide.

4) In a new place, the wells prepare and transplanted daffodils with maximum accuracy.

When digs of tulips bulbs dig?

Unlike daffodils, the care of tulips after flowering is required annual. If you want in the spring flower bed to bloom with large flowers, schedule the annual digging of the bulbs. It is best to do this in the middle of summer, when the leaves are completely dry. Try to swell one copy and appreciate its appearance. If he was covered with brown scales, the roots were formed, the stalks practically stopped - it means it was time to dig up the whole flower.

Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is quite simple. You just need:

  • carton boxes;
  • leaflets with grades of varieties;
  • garden blade;
  • gloves.

What do we have to do?

  • choose not too cloudy day in early July;
  • prepare the necessary inventory;
  • gently dig plants, process them with disinfection mortar and lay out in varieties in cardboard boxes;
  • all weak and small bulbs are chosen.

Thus, summer tulips care after flowering in the garden can be considered completed. Plants will be in a period of rest of one and a half - two months before disembarking.

When do you need to plant?

If you are planning an ordinary fall of colors that will bloom in April-May, it will fit the walk in the day in early September. Take all the boxes with the bulbs on the air, carefully review all the material. If there are pitched instances, they immediately need to be removed. If you find a sick material, then it will not be superfluous by fungicide.

Select a new place to disembark flowers. Proper care for tulips and daffodils after flowering implies a permanent shift of the location of the beds. So you can avoid soil depletion.

Landing material in the pits. Flush the soil and make a deepening in it about half a shovel. Equally distribute the bulbs and spin them with warm water. Two weeks later, the garden can be fertilized by Selutyra. And with the onset of the first frosts, its surface is covered with a layer of mulch (dry leaves, straw or peat).

Landing in trenches. The place selected for the flower bed is drawn and the trenches are digging. Their depth should not exceed 20 cm, and the width is 25 cm. Before laying onto the bottom of the bulb, they wake up with Selitra. Next distribute the largest copies and truncate the earth. Over them lay down smaller and sprinkled again. If you plan to landfit babies, they are best distributed on the edges of the trench. Next, it falls asleep to the top. After landing, the ridges are watered with water. Such care for tulips after flowering at home will certainly give good results.

What if you gave a tulip in a pot?

Get the symbol of spring in the near at the end of winter is very nice. But what to do with a plant after wilting? Throw away? Do not hurry. Timely care for tulips after flowering in a pot will give a plant another chance. For this:

  • water flower all the time until it walils at all;
  • give stalks to dry;
  • when the bulb goes during rest, you can dig it;
  • sweep it and save it in the box until September;
  • and fall on the ridge in the fall together with the rest of the bulbs.

Flowers love care and appreciate. If you did everything right and worried about them from early spring until late autumn, they will definitely dissolve their gentle petals towards the sun. And they will delight you with their beauty.

Tulip Flower Early, he is one of the first to please us with bright colors on a flower bed. Inexperienced flower flowers often do not know what to do with these flowers after they are swinging. Does the tulips care after flowering? Yes, it is required, unless of course the flower descender wants to get beautiful flowers, you need to continue to care for plants after flowering. By providing the right care, you can get not only excellent flowers next season, but also additional bulbs "Baby".

What to do immediately after flowering?

  • When the tulips are flashing, you need to immediately remove the flower, so that the plant does not spend the nutrients on the development of seeds in the seed box;
  • Within 2 - 3 weeks, they are poured and make a complementary mineral fertilizer containing potassium and magnesium, one feeding is enough;
  • Pruning the plants produced after all the leaves get yellow and dried.

Important! Watering tulips, try to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 40 cm. The roots of the flower are not able to extract moisture from the lower tiers of the soil, so they need to ensure deep watering.

How to dig and keep the bulbs?

Some flowerflowers believe that digging flowers can be once every 2 - 3 years, it is not correct, remaining in the ground, the bulbs are subjected to different infections and it is poorly reflected in the quality of the sowing material. Annual pulling of tulips in regions with a temperate climate is the necessary reception of tulips after flowering.

At about late June or in early July, after trimming tulips, the bulbs dig up:

  • Digging the bulbs in dry sunny weather, then they dry faster;
  • Digging, stick to the shovel to the maximum depth so as not to damage the bulb;
  • After you dig all the bulbs, carefully review them and if patients will come across immediately dispose of them;
  • No need to dig tulips in a row, first clean the early grades, then late;
  • Hold the bulbs in a 5% heat transfer solution for a few minutes, then dry.

Dug-off bulbs should be brown flakes and well-shaped roots. Tulips are folded into drawers with a bottom of the net, for better air access, in two layers and stored in a dark, well ventilated, dry place. In the first month, the storage temperature should be 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, then the storage temperature is reduced to + 20c °, and a week before the flowers disembarking on the flower, the storage temperature should not be higher than + 17 ° C.

When stored, avoid sudden temperature drops, otherwise you can get instead of beautiful colors, "blind" buds.

When and how to plant tulips?

You can plant tulips in the ground in September, see the weather if the constant air temperature has been established within 5 - 7 ° C, then you need to plant.

For this you need:

  • The cooked sowing material is once again treated with a 5% heatman solution;
  • Select a new landing place, you can not put flowers in the same place where they grew before. The landing platform should be well lit and windless;
  • Digging the furrow with a depth of 15 cm for large bulbs and approximately 6 - 7 cm for children, if you plan to plant a few rows, the distance should be between them at least 30 cm;
  • In each groove, add sand and wood ash, the soil from this becomes loose, and the ash is also an excellent fertilizer. Never use for tulips as a fertilizer fresh manure, the bulb of the plant can get burns and die;
  • The bulbs for landing in one row choose the same size, because the smaller the bulb, the sooner she needs a groove, even consider the fact that the kids will not be in the first year after landing;
  • The distance between the bulbs in Brozde must be 10 - 15 cm than the larger than the bulbs, the more between them there should be a distance;
  • Before boarding the colors, the grooves should be shedding with water. Plants also watered, then the earth is better enveloping bulbs, and they are better to take root.

With planting tulips, it is better not to pull hard, they must have time to root up to frost, if this does not happen, plants can just die.

If autumn is abnormally dry, then 2 weeks after landing, the flowers should be pouring again.

When the weather is already with a steady minus and the earth lasted for several centimeters, the flowers need to be covered, for this it will suit dry foliage, sawdust, straw. If they hide earlier than frosts come, tulips can be touched into growth.

If the winter is a minor and a layer of snow on a flower bed with flowers thin, you can shit the snow on another territory and pour a layer of snow on the flower leaf thicker, then the tulips will already be sure to survive the winter without loss.

Flowers often interests the question of what to do with tulips after flowering. After the tulips are fighting, the troubles with them do not end. So that they pleased with colorful bloom in the new season, the implementation of a number of action. Need:

  • Abundantly water tulips after the end of flowering;
  • Make feeders;
  • Drop and properly keep bulbs.

So the last petals from the tulips tremeted, but this does not mean that landings can be thrown without care. To form good quality bulbs, creating favorable conditions will be created. However, care for tulips after flowering in the garden is quite simple, even a schoolboy will cope with it.

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

When trim tulips after flowering photos

When to cut tulips after flowering? First of all, cut the color-point stem: cut off the flowerons after all the petals crumbled. If you leave the flowerca, the bulb will give nutrients on the formation and ripening of seeds. If you cut the ground part completely, the bulb will also not supprehend the necessary amount of nutrients, so leaves be sure to leave. When the sheet plates are independently wishes and dried, then the bulbs are ripe and they can be turned out.

Watering tulips after flowering

For 1-2 weeks after cutting off the flower, it is necessary to abundantly water landings, loosen the soil and remove weary grass.

How to get down

Tulips Immediately after flowering, adopt the potash-phosphoric fertilizer to prepare for future wintering and blossom, you can not make nitrogen.

Tulips after flowering What to do video:

When digging tulips after flowering in the open soil

Dig a tulip after flowering?

You can not dig bulbs of tulips several seasons in a row. Bulb the bulbs if it is necessary to disperse this, when the lawn has become thickened. Also, digging out in the regions with harsh winters for storage indoors until spring.

When to dig up the bulbs of tulips after flowering?

When to dig tulips after flowering in Siberia and Moscow region? Tulips bulbs, spend the leaks when the leaves completely yellow and get dry. Stick in the following order:

  • To dig bulbs it is better to choose a warm sunny day so that the bulbs can dry out normally;
  • Shovel Work carefully so as not to damage the roots and bulbs of tulips;
  • After the drains, carefully inspect the bulbs. Painful in appearance, rotten throw away;
  • If digging the bulbs falls on rainy weather, rinse them and dry in a warm ventilated room;
  • If there are signs of diseases (fungus, stains, points), treat the bulbs of the fungicide, then keep them separately from the total mass.

When to transplant tulips after flowering

When to dig and plant tulips after flowering? Transplanting the bulbs of tulips, which only beat away, is not worth it. It is necessary to wait until the ground part becomes shrouded and filled (the blurred flowers are preferably cut off immediately after the leaf sinking). By this time, all nutrients will go into the bulb, and it will be ready for a new growing season. Put the tulips after flowering or in June, immediately after the digging, or in mid-September until mid-October. In the regions with harsh winters (for example, in the Urals), many flowering tulips plant tulips plant.

Tulips transplant after flowering in June

The leaves must go and dry, then proceed to the transplant. It is pretty simple to do it: dig bulbs and sear the extension, keeping the previous landing level. You can not dry the bulbs specifically, but to plant immediately after the squeezing. You can cut dry tops after a transplant, it is more convenient to control the landing depth. But if you are sure that you can not make a mistake, you can pruning the leaves right away.

How to store tulips after flowering

How to keep tulips bulbs after flowering? After the ducklings of the bulbs of the tulips are dug, sucked and sorted, go to storage. It is best to use mesh boxes, the bulbs can be laid in 1-2 layers, so they do not hesitate. In addition to sorting and decaying, a properly important component of the proper storage of bulbs is the corresponding temperature regime. So:

  • In July, store at 24-26 ° C;
  • In August, lower the mark up to 20 ° C;
  • Since September, 17 ° C is required if you are planning a spring fit;
  • In the consequent months (up to landing in the spring in open ground) Store at a temperature mode 12-15 ° C.

It is very important to observe the correct temperature regime when storing the bulbs, since the kidneys are formed throughout this time, leaf plates and flowers are laid.

Send bulbs for storage in a dry, ventilated room. Periodically, view the bulbs, damaged (fallen) throw away, so as not to destroy the entire seating material.

How to dig and store tulips before landing in the fall look at the video:

Dug-up tulips can also be planted in the fall, in the middle - the second half of September, until mid-October. How to dig and save tulips to autumn landing, find out from the video.

To grow a large bulb or multiply a variety, on the 4-8th day of blooming, you need to cut off the flowering head. A measure contributes to building bulbs.

Clean the shredded petals from the bed, yellowed leaves - they will rot, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the plot.

To significantly facilitate the care of tulips, land them into plastic baskets (there are special containers for this). After flowering, dug the tanks with the bulbs and move it into a secluded place to aging bulbs.

How to understand that the bulb of the tulip matured? Drop one of them and carefully inspect. Ripened onion surface flakes of a pleasant rich brown color, with a light glossy glitter.

For flowerflowers, the question of the timing of tulips digging is quite exciting, their future growth and flowering depends on it. Those who are not in the topic will explain: the tulips dig out when they are swinging, on a summer vacation, in the fall, they winter in the garden.

The opinions of the gardeners diverge, there are those who do not dig at the bulbs at all, believing that it is better not to disturb the flowers. But this is a very blurry argument, in fact, without digging the bulbs of tulips fade, reluctantly multiply, the risk of diseases and damage to pests increases, and if they do not dig longer for more than 2 years, it is very difficult to find bulbs - literally go to the depth.

The varietal tulips of the Dutch selection (their up to 90% on the world market), even acclimatized to our latitudes, is noticeably flashed without transplant. Sometimes due to a banal lack of time (garden, berries) and laziness disappear expensive and beautiful varietal tulips. Although my granny dug out every year and nooneous simple red tulips, she has been bloody every year every year! It is permissible to dig up after 2, a maximum of 3 years, if this is not done, the bulbs will gradually plunge into the ground so much that there is not enough strength to germinate.

There are varieties that completely lose the varietal signs without drying and warm dry period in the summer - in other words, the flowers of other color and terrace will dissolve in the second year of noncommunicable bulbs. Sometimes they do not bloom at all, unfold the leaves, guilty their time and safely fade, without having even pleased with the flower. Sometimes they get rid and completely disappear. An angry flower flower can blame unscrupulous sellers and breeders, but in fact, you just need to find out in advance what kind of grade you acquire.

In general, all tulips can be divided into three groups:

  • Requiring Annual Fleet: Liliece, Bach, Parot, Zelen Color, Machrow Late, Rembrandt Tulips
  • Varieties that can not dig 2 years: Darwinov hybrids, triumph tulips and simple - it is possible, but not desirable, i.e. Ideally, it is better to dig up annually.
  • Tulips that can grow without digging up to 5 years - varieties and hybrids of Kaufman, Phoster, Greag.

Although there are tulips that lose the varietal signs due to the inconsistency of the conditions, our climatic zone - does not help, neither the right landing or care. This is explained by the genetic dependence of the grade to clear climatic factors (temperature deviations at 3-4 ° C already cause deviations in the formation of color or terrace). Particularly capricious Some varieties of Tulipa Kaufmanniana tulips, Tulipa Greigii tulips, some terry varieties, such as Streza, "Miranda", "Princess Charmante" and others).

Manufacturers There are no special benefits to strive to bring sustainable varieties, they have a simple policy - you buy new bulbs every year, and after flowering throw away, buy new ones.

By the way, there are lungs, sustainable varieties, among the fringe tulips: Blue Heron, Lambada. Of the simple - purple "Queen of the Night", Darwin Hybrid "Blishing Afeldoorn" and Liliestia "Claudia", from the group Triumph - "Yokohama" and "Arab Mysteria".

Why dig up tulips

Let's summarize why you still need to dig bulbs of tulips:

  1. The need to divide the crumbling of bulbs, otherwise they lack the area of \u200b\u200bnutrition.
  2. Selection of healthy planting material and chosen damaged and weak bulbs.
  3. Adaptation to local climate. Tulips are very warm-loving, with normal cultivation they lack warming up, because the temperature at the depth of the bed or flower beds is significantly lower than the ambient temperature. Even in the southern regions of Russia, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm in June-July is not always sufficient, for example, for growing parrot and fringe varieties (this leads to loss of quantity). And we can store the dug bulbs in the most optimal conditions.
  4. Soil preparation for the next cycle: for the soil season is compacted, depleted, loses nutrients and porosity, clearing the flower, it can be highly prepared for fresh landings.
  5. Plant the bulbs on the desired depth, if not digging tulips, the bulbs gradually "go" to the ground.
  6. Another reason for the need to dig the Dutch is a tendency to reinstalling. There are varieties whose bulbs need to dig earlier, immediately after a bunch, when the leaves are only beginning to shut up, not to leave even in dry ground - rot.

How to determine the deadlines for digging tulips

There is a general rule: you can dig up the bulbs of tulips when one third of the sheet will yield. If you dig up at this stage, you save all the bulbs in the whole socket - they do not disintegrate into parts. In the middle lane of Russia, this is approximately the end of June, the beginning of July.

The Council on the method of determining the diligence of tulips bulbs: if the end of the tulip stem can be easily wrapped around the finger, it's time to dig.

Even if the weather is dry and hot, do not leave the tulips in the ground - if you get it with digging when the leaves are completely dried and the wishes, the nests of the bulbs easily disintegrate when the sink, the bulbs are small, choose them all difficult, have to sift the soil.

However, there are exceptions to the rules - if the weather has been raw and cold - unfavorable for tulips and the beginning of the summer. No need to wait for yellowers, the bulbs need to dig and dry well. You need to dig up, first of all, the earliest varieties that bloom in April. Later varieties, immediately after the end of flowering, you need to feed and dig up after 2 weeks. These bulbs, dug up ahead of time, can be placed on ripening in containers, boxes. Those. Do not cut the leaves and floweros, spray dry ground and put in a warm dry place.

How to dig bulbs

Spindle onion needed on dry ground when it crumbly and puffy. Dipping out for a pitch, capturing the land plot slightly retreating from landing, if the leaves and the flowers are still strong, shake the ground and do not cut off the above-ground part - the remaining tops still give nutrients with bulbs.

If the ground is raw, rinse the bulbs in a large amount of water. Then inspect.

A sign of ripening of tulips bulbs: the scales are dense, acquire a golden brown color.

Please note whether there is mold and rot. Then the bulbs need to be rinsed in a pink solution of manganese or foundazole, you can use the drug Maxim, Copper Chlorine or Medex. In solution withstand 30 minutes.

Now the bulbs are ready for storage.

How to keep tulips bulbs

First, the bulbs need to dry. To do this, use cardboard boxes. It is important to sort the varieties and immediately sign. Unlock in one layer.

Together put only healthy bulbs, good, without spots. All suspicious in a quarantine box, perhaps the alarms will be in vain and the bulbs will be played well, especially after processing by fungicides.

You can dry the bulbs as a onion onion in kapron grids from under the vegetables, in which they are sold in the supermarket.

It is important that the place for drying was well ventilated, not in the sun, easy shading, best of all - the attic of the country house or in the barn.

For the first two days, the bulbs will dry out old crumbling scales, they can be removed like a husk from a bow. Remove the remains of dried roots and particles of the Earth. Well-dried bulbs nests easily disintegrate if they do not want, gently divide them.

After drying and removing the residues of the leaves (dry they are easily separated), you need to calibrate the bulbs in order to decide what to do with them. In the first place, select the largest, with this tulips, everything is simple - the larger the bulbs, the better. The perfect size is a diameter of at least 4 cm, a round form. The little thing is planted as big, just remember that they may not bloom in the first year - they can be planted separately.

Storage temperature

The first month the temperature is needed about 24-25 ° C, not lower than 23 ° C, with humidity not higher than 70% and very good air movement. For example, in the garage, it is unacceptable in the garage, any garage, it is a loose box where the mold will grow easily, it is better to store it right on the street, under a canopy. If the weather led, we take the bulbs home on the mezzanine or under the bed, the old proven way ...

Temperature is important for the flower kidney in the bulb. Sometimes floral "buckwar" warned us to overestimate the temperature, but in fact, the temperature depends on the need of varieties, for example, parrot and fringe tulips need to be stored at a temperature of about 30 ° C.

From August, the temperature needs to be lowered, on average about 20 ° C, if the bulbs lay in a warm house, transfer to the barn or on the veranda. From the end of August-early September, it is still cooler, about 15-16 ° C, precisely such temperatures in Dutch greenhouses, where everything is recovered before degrees. But since the humidity rises, on the street under a canopy, it is already unacceptable, look for a dry place.

Specialists claim to retreat from rules and violate the cyclicality of the aging of the bulbs of tulips can not: In the first month, flower rides are laid after digging, the formation of the renal replacement (main onion) and subsidiary bulbs, laying the rigids of leaves. Two months later, the fties of the stamens, wound up, pestle.

If the temperature regime is deviated from the norm and the demand of the variety, after the surveillance or when growing in the open soil, the formation of "blind" buds is also observed (drying is not yet disclosed).

However, blind buds can form for a variety of reasons (insufficient cooling period before distilling, infection with fusarium, etc.)

Store dug-out onion to the optimal landing time, approximately until mid-September - mid-October, when the soil temperature is + 9-12 ° C, it depends on the region and from the weather.

You probably heard or read stories about how someone the same parrot tulips grow without digging and blooming to everyone for joy. Indeed, sometimes not to dig up the summer - not deadly, but experienced gardeners know, all to once, if the summer is warm, can do, but cooling for a week can lead to rotches and other diseases.

Olga Treukhina

Tulips grown in the garden are pleased with their bright bloom in early spring, when all other plants are just awakened from the winter hibernation. But the flowering of them continues for a long time, and after that, the bulbs occurs at rest period when they begin to prepare for the next season. People's period is a responsible moment in the cultivation of tulips. On compliance with the rules of digging and storing bulbs, their bloom depends next year.

Is it necessary to dig tulips after flowering

Tulips - frost-resistant flowers that are not terrible even the strongest frosts. They are without any problems in the open soil and in the spring make their way from the ground when the first heat occurs. In the same place, the tulips can be grown not one year, and it does not affect their vegetation. But this does not mean that the bulbs can be placed in the ground once and forget about them at the end of flowering.

Tulips bulbs need to dig every year.

Tulips require careful care not only during the growing season, but after it. Caring for bulbs after flowering is an important event that depends on the preservation of the size and brightness of the colors. Inexperienced flowers often face the situation when bought varieties, gorgeous blooming in the first year after the landing of the next spring give small, unspoile flowers. And in a year, on the site of the planting of the bulbs, the leaves appear exclusively, and not a single flower is formed.

Inexperienced flowers conclude that they were a victim of deception of sellers. But this opinion is erroneous. In fact, the cause of bad flowering is a consequence of improper leaving care. The bulbs of varietal tulips need to dig out from the soil to care annually.

This is necessary for the following reasons:

Therefore, in the need for annual digging and drying of tulips bulbs, it is not necessary to doubt their correct development. Therefore, after flowering in the open soil, all the bulbs need to dig up, sort and dry.

In general, all varieties of tulips can be divided into three subgroups:

  1. Requiring digging every year. These include fringe, lyilia-shaped, green, terry late, Rembrandt.
  2. Varieties that can be crushed every two years. These are Darwins of hybrids, tulips triumph and simple, non-consistent views.
  3. Tulips that can not dig for 5 years. These include Kaufman hybrids, graing, phoster.

Tulips Details and Technology

The answer to the question when digging tulips depends on several factors. The deadlines are influenced by climatic and weather conditions, variety and age of flowers. Most often, the duration of the digging occurs at the end of June early July. But for early grades, time can occur in mid-June. Late varieties can end their vegetative period by the end of July.

The specific period of digging the bulbs can be determined by the state of the outdoor part of the flower. The yellowing of the leaves is the signal that the roots began to die, and the plant goes into a state of rest.

If the tulip leaves began to turn yellow, and the stalk became dry dry, then the plant is time to dig up.

Hurry up with the procedure before drying the leaves is not worth it. If the bulbs are too early to extract from the soil, they will be misunderstood and subsequently disassemble. Tightening with the process is also not worth it, because there is a risk of losing the bulbs on the garden. Babes from overwhelmed bulbs are easily falling off and lost in the soil. In addition, the long-suffering of bulbs in crude soil will lead to their defeat fungus and mold.

Important. If spring was cold and rainy, and the summer heat did not come. The bulbs need to dig, without waiting for the yellowing of foliage. In this case, the bulbs are planted for ripening in drawers filled with dry ground.

Digging the bulbs only in dry weather when the soil is freely scattered. Plants are carefully removed from the soil along with the leaves and stems remaining on the bulbs. The remains of the aboveground and too long roots with bulbs are cut. The bulbs are washed in a pale-pink solution of manganesev, after removing the crumbling flakes.

After digging, the bulbs of tulips are neatly cleaned from the ground and washed in manganese.

If the bulbs come out in crude weather, all the soil you need to thoroughly wash off. Raw bulbs are recommended to be treated with Fundazol or Maxim. In the solution of these drugs, the bulbs need to withstand 30 minutes.

Rules of drying and sorting bulbs

Before sorting, the bulbs are pre-dried and only after that sort by varieties and sizes. The sorting is not recommended before drying, as it is possible to accidentally damage the delicate surface of the bulbs.

Sew on the bulbs need to be well ventilated, closed from the sun. It is best to decompose them in one layer on racks in a barn or in the attic of the country house. In the first week after drying from the bulbs, the upper, coarse scales and the remains of the roots will fall.

After drying the bulbs lay out in different boxes, sorting in size and varieties. At the same time, copies with damage and signs of the disease are rebeling. Healthy bulb has a solid, smooth surface of cream color. On top of the bulb is covered with fine, golden brown scales.

Methods and storage conditions of bulbs before landing

The bulbs sort and laid in wooden boxes.

The question of how to store bulbs before landing in the fall, also causes the misfortunes of novice flower flowers. An ideal place for bulbs - wooden boxes. Such a storage option is preferable to the use of cardboard boxes, which over time wech.

Large copies are laid out in one layer, a trifle can be put in 2-3 layers. To remove excess moisture and additional protection, some flower products are recommended to sprinkle onion with dry sawdust.

Lukovitz storage temperature

Tulips boxes are installed in a dry, ventilated room. The optimal storage temperature in the first month is 24-25 degrees at a humidity level of no more than 70%. If weather conditions allow, the boxes can be installed under a canopy right on the street. In the cold and raw weather, leave the bulbs outside the street. It is better to put tulips into the house and put under the bed or on the mezzanine.

In August, the storage temperature of the bulbs must be reduced to 19-20 degrees. If the bulbs up to this point were stored at home, they are recommended to move them to the barn or on the veranda. In summer households, it is permissible to lower the bulbs in the basement. Since the end of August, the temperature of the bulbs should not exceed 15-16 degrees.

Some flower shakers store the bulbs. The entire period before landing in the refrigerator at a temperature of 8-9 degrees and argue that after such storage tulips bloom perfectly and do not hurt.

Requirements for lighting and humidity

During the storage of the bulbs, it is necessary to protect the light from access to them. In natural conditions, the bulbs are constantly in the ground, so extra light for them is unnatural. So that natural physiological processes in the bulbs are not broken, they need a complete darkness.

The bulbs of tulips can not be stored in rooms with high humidity.

Absolutely contraindicated in bulbs increased air humidity. The level of humidity in the room where the tulips are stored, should not exceed 70%. Otherwise, the bulbs mold and begin to be covered with mold.

At the same time, excessive dryness is also dangerous for bulbs. When stored in a hot, dry room, the bulbs completely dry and literally turn into dust.

Experts argue that the maintenance of all cycles of aging bulbs ensures the preservation of varietal signs of plants. In the first month after extracting from the soil, the concerns of the flower and the formation of kidney replacing and subsidiary bulbs are laid. In the second month, the launches of the leaf takes place. And in the last month, the bookmark of the stamens, Zagazy and Pestika take place. The violation of the recommended temperature modes leads to formation during the cultivation in the ground "blind" buds.

Compliance with the rules of digging and storing the bulbs The guarantee that the tulips will delight the dacket with their luxurious blossoms not one year. This procedure is not complicated, so it is not necessary to neglect it that in the spring flower beds decorated elegant, large flowers.

This video will help to understand how to dig tulips correctly and when it should be done.

End of spring, early summer. Some of the first spring colors were sweated - tulips. The flower plant starts other troubles. It is necessary to dig bulbs in a timely manner, sort them, lay it on storage and fall in autumn at optimal terms.

Consider every type of work in more detail.

Why do the bulbs of tulips dig up?

There are several reasons. The peculiarity of the growth of tulip bulbs is their constant desire to go deep. If the bulbs after each flowering do not dig up, then with each season, the kids tulips go deeper and deeper into the soil. From great depths of them harder to germinate. Shoots every year are becoming smaller and smaller, flowering stops. Over time, tulips will stop germinate. Flowers will disappear.

Another reason for forcing flower water to dig bulbs every year is the rapid degeneration of varietal tulips. It is noted that if the exotic varieties of tulips (parrot or fringe) do not dig up at the end of the season, then through the short time the tulips return to their original form. Most often, tulips become ordinary, red.

Another reason why tulips better dig up is a need for resting period. During this time, a flower arrow is formed in a bulb. For a safe flow of this process, an elevated temperature is needed - at least 25 ° C, but not higher than 35. At the planting depth, it is impossible to withstand this temperature even in the southern regions.

Prolonged cultivation of any plant in one place leads to the accumulation of vital waste and causative agents around it. Annual digging of bulbs and landing them to a new place will reduce the likelihood of landings infection and ensure the planting of fresh soil.

Currently, many fans of tulips put on the bulbs in the landing baskets. Do you need to dig bulbs planted in this way, because they almost do not go deep into the soil? Yes, of course, the babe of tulips will not leave for a greater depth, but the smaller small bulbs remaining in a large number will interfere with flowering, taking food from the maternal bulb. In addition, digging tulips planted in a basket will not be much effort and much time, and the bulbs will dug almost everything, including the smallest.

Another reason to dig bulbs of tulips is sorting. The bulbs are disassembled in size. In the fall, plant large and small bulbs are better separately, sewing patients and weak plants.

Of any rule there are exceptions. Spent tulips and bulbs of tulips of some varieties can be left at a growing place for several seasons.

When to dig up tulips, optimal deadlines?

Choose the right time to dig bulbs is very important for abundant flowering in the next season.

When the tulips are planted with curtains among perennials, you can dig up in two - three seasons. To decide to dig bulbs or not, given the flowering intensity. Plants, magnificent blooming, with healthy leaves you can not dig every year.

To say to say when you need to dig bulbs it is impossible. In each region, this happens in different ways. It is possible to determine the desired deadlines by external signs.

  1. The main sign of the occurrence of time to dig tulips is the change in the color of the leaves after the end of flowering. Faded and yellowed leaves are the first sign that the formation of the bulbs ended.
  2. Another admission showing that tulips need to dig - withering the flowerwakes. If the flowers can be coated on a finger, not breaking, means that all the necessary substances from it went into the bulb and it can be turned out.
  3. Another sign of maturation of the bulbs - the color of the pokrovy of the bulbs. In sufficiently ripened bulbs, the outer layer is saturated brown and snapped.

But it's not worth pulling out. At optimally matched, the babes are kept firmly and not fall off with a slight touch. By missed the desired deadlines, there is a danger that most of the small bulbs will remain in the soil and give fine pigs for the next year.

In the middle lane of Russia, the optimal deadlines for digging the bulbs of tulips are occurring at the end of June - early July. And of course, digging tulips needed, given the timing of flowering. Rannetic grades digging earlier, late-cooling - later. Wait until the best solution will be filled. The bulbs of the Rannetic Tulips overrere and lose their baby, and the Looky Living Tulips still do not form.

How to dig up tulips so that the bulbs are well kept?

Speak the bulbs starting a clear day when the soil dried well. In this case, dry and loose soil is easily and painlessly fall off.

As a tool, it is better to use forks. Applying a shovel, the likelihood of damage to the bulbs increases. I dug up the tulips, the site is better to overcoil, removing the remaining bulbs.

Washers or shovel, digging onion, it is better to keep vertically - so less likely to damage the bulbs.

Having tulips from the ground, pulling them out for the stem, it is not worth it - the stem can stay in the hands, and the bulb in the ground.

How to keep the bulbs before landing?

It is possible to get abundant blossoms of tulips next season if you correctly prepare the bulbs to storage. Flowers are better to cut to dissolve buds, leaving at the plant at least two leaves. If the flowers do not cut, then try to avoid the formation of seeds, weakening the bulb.

Dropped bulbs need:

  1. Dry. The dug bulbs are dried in the shade at a moderate temperature to three weeks.
  2. Select optimal storage conditions. At the initial storage phase, the temperature should be at least + 15 ° C, optimally + 25ºС and air humidity 70%. Gradually, the temperature should be reduced and by the time of the landing to bring to + 13ºС. It will complete the maturation and challenge the bulbs before planting. Store the planting material is better in the trays, layer no more than 3 rows, protecting against rodents and insects. The lighting of the stored tulips is not required, weak, dissipated light is allowed. Eliminate the bulbs of tulips from diseases to landing will help good ventilation.
  3. Before laying on the storage of the bulbs, purified from the ground, free from the covering scales, the filtered roots are removed, the bulbs are sorted in size. The depth of its landing depends on the size of the planting material.

How to dig and store tulips: video

Plant tulips in autumn

Most often, tulips on the flower lea are planted in autumn. By this time, rest period ends and the bulbs begin to germinate. Dates are almost unlimited. You can plant and early in the fall, and you can later, together with garlic, shortly before frosts. Some flowerflowers plant tulips early spring. In this case, they will bloom in the middle of autumn. Such deadlines require large labor costs - in the middle of summer, in the world, the flowers will need to be removed for a while in a cool place, to a basement or refrigerator. At the end of September, the plants return to flowering flowering.

Planting the bulbs of tulips need to remember that:

  • Depending on the size of the bulbs, choose the landing depth. It should be equal to three bulbs diameters, but not more than 15 cm.
  • Large bulbs look harmonious in the center, smaller around the edges.
  • The distances between major bulbs leave about 10 cm, 5-8 will be enough for small.
  • The space between the tulips of different types and the pains is left 20 cm - this will not allow the bulbs during growth.
  • A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the wells, the bulbs are distributed over the surface, without indulging them into the sand.
  • The planting wells fall asleep the earth and smash.
  • With arid weather in the fall 10 days after landing, flowers watered.

Tulips will decorate and delight in the spring of any plot - put it and grow them correctly. And admire the colors for many years!

Tulips - the main decoration of the spring garden, one of the favorite colors of all summer residents. They are famous for the beauty and variety of shades and pleases us with such desirable first bright colors. The carpet of flowering buds on the plot attracts views and dies, but by the end of spring the petals fall. Often, flowerflowers are asked about what to do when the tulips beat off and how to care for the bulbs correctly, so that the plants remain healthy and strong for many years.

Feeding and watering tulips after flowering

After fading tulips, you need to remove faded flowers. It is necessary so that the plant has not spent strength to ripening seeds. In this case, it is important to worry about the bulb - if it gets the necessary amount of nutrients and quite mature, next year will give a large and lush flowering.

Remove the tulip flower before sopping the petals. Depending on the grade of the tulip, this is usually happening by 5-8 day after dissolving. Cut only colors heads, but not leaves and stems. If you remove them, the bulb has a bad ripe.

After the buds are swinging, the plant needs enhanced watering over the next 2 weeks. During this period, intensive processes of accumulating nutrients occur, so it is recommended to fow the plant with phosphorus-potash fertilizer. Undercasses containing chlorine or nitrogen at this stage cannot be used.

Tulips were filmed - is it necessary to cut off the foliage?

Experts advise not even cut, but to climb the leaves of tulips after complete yellowing. This happens in 5-6 weeks after the end of flowering. If the sheet is poorly broken - it means the bulb has not yet been completely ripe, wait when the leaf can be easy to snatch out of the ground.

If you do this prematurely, the bulb will stop in development and this will negatively affect the quality of flowering next year. So as not to lose the location of the bulbs, leave the stem as a mark. If we sit down tulips, alternating with other blooming plants of the type of irises, dry leaves and stalks will not spoil the appearance of flower beds.

Do I need to dig tulips after their flowering?

The statement that tulips do not need an annual digging, quite common, but in the root is incorrect. Since the bulb over time is lowered increasingly into the ground, the distance to the surface gradually increases and can make more than 1.5 bayonet shovels. Accordingly, the plant requires more forces and nutrients for normal germination. In addition, the bulbs of one nests do not have the ability to develop normally, and add each other.

After 4-5 years later, the hybrid tulip loses the advantages and characteristics of the variety, its buds become small and weak. There is a big risk that over time the plant will die.

Digging of the bulbs is necessarily required for varietal tulips. If you have ordinary tulips, then in order to get larger and healthy flowers without an annual transplant, put them on the grid - the usual grid of potatoes. Or buy special pots for bulbies with holes. It will prevent the bulbs in the soil. Because These pots are usually fairly expensive, you can easily make their analogue from a conventional plastic basket.

When and how to dig tulips

Frames of plants are produced at the end of June or a little later, when the leaves are completely wishes, and the stalk crude. Ready to extract the bulb has brown spots on the scales, and a well-formed root system.

  • separate the varieties starting from the earliest;
  • dig in good weather to be able to immediately dry the bulbs in the sun;
  • if you dig into crude weather, flush the bulbs from the ground before drying;
  • digging a plant, enter the shovel as you can as much as possible in the soil, so as not to injure the root;
  • lukovitsa rinse in a solution of mangarteage (5%)

The resulting bulbs hold under the sun or lamp before the scales. Patients and weak swelling, and healthy place in varieties in pre-prepared containers (1-2 layers).

How to keep tulips bulbs

Boxes and other storage containers should have a well ventilated bottom, otherwise rot. During storage, it is important to comply with the corresponding mode of humidity and air temperature, which will ensure proper formation of kidneys, leaves and flowers inside the bulbs.

Storage conditions of tulips bulbs after digging:

  • until the end of July, over 3-4 weeks after digging, the air temperature should be 24-25 ° C, and the humidity is about 70%;
  • august - the temperature of the content is reduced to 20 ° C;
  • september - the temperature of the content is reduced to 16-17 ° C.

Keep the bulbs in a specially intended room, not allowing temperature drops and increase humidity - this will lead to cracking of the scales and the appearance of rot. From time to time, view the bulbs for defects or damage to pests.

When to plant tulips?

In late September or early October, the dried bulbs should be planted into the soil. It is better to do with solar weather and air temperature of 5-8 ° C. Ready for landing bulbs re-process with a solution of manganese.

Landing Rules:

  • choose a new place for bulbs;
  • sit down to a depth equal to 4-5 in a multiple size of the bulbs itself;
  • place of landing plenty of water;
  • a week after disembarking the bulbs, apply soil as ashes and ammonia Selitra;
  • before the onset of frosts, climb the soil with a thin layer of peat.

After the tulips beat, it is important to take care of the normal ripening of bulbs. This will ensure the safety of the variety, the lush flowering and the stability of the plant in front of the disease next year.

The most beloved, the first spring flowers are tulips. Probably there is no flowerfish that does not have at least several of these elegant plants on the flower bed. Unfortunately, the flowering time of spring of spring is very short, but care and preparation for flowering - quite long.

And it happens very offensive when all efforts do not justify hopes, and these beautiful flowers with an ideal form are minced, lose varietal traits, and they do not throw off the buds at all.

So that there were no such disadments, it is necessary to understand the features of the development of this sacred flower of the East and find out what its good condition and decorative properties depends on.

Like all plants, tulips to continue their kind form seeds. However, the flower forces are not infinite. If they are aimed at aging seeds, there are few on the development and ripening of the bulbs.

In order for it to receive the maximum amount of nutrients, you need to perform several necessary operations after the end of the flowering of tulips. The larger the bully, the stronger the plant and the more abundant it will bloom.

Thus, the main rule of good blossoms of tulips next year: all the forces to direct on the strengthening and improving the bulbs! Operations for nutrition, ripening, storage and planting of bulbs are divided into 5 stages:

  • 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering;
  • 5-6 weeks after the end of flowering;
  • end of June- principle of July;
  • july-End of September;
  • home - mid-October.

1 stage - cutting of flowers, watering and feeding

The duration of flowering tulips depends on their variety and is usually from 5 to 8 days. Without waiting for all the petals, the flowers are removed, cutting only their heads and keeping the stems. At this stage, the leaves do not touch, they are necessary for ripening the bulbs.

But the fallen petals need to be removed, they can bend and hit the fungus healthy leaves. After trimming the flower, the plant should be stiffening for about 15-20 days: at this time there is intensive ripening of bulbs in the ground, and due to sufficient watering, they are actively absorbed by nutrients.

It is recommended to alternate watering with ordinary water and a weak-pink solution of manganese. In order to stimulate the process of accumulating the reserves required by the plant, it is fed by phosphorus and potassium, but in no case nitrogen. In addition, fertilizers should not be chlorine.

Important! It is necessary to adhere to the main principle of applying fertilizers - it is better to underclaring than to overgrow!

The bulbous is particularly negatively reacting to the overabundance of fertilizers: the high percentage of mineral salts in the soil leads to the root of the roots and even the death of plants. To prevent this, it is recommended to reduce fertilizer dosage twice from the recommended in the instructions.

When they remove the foliage in tulips

2 Stage - removal of leaves

After five to six weeks after flowering, the leaves of tulips will get yellow color, they can be removed. It is preferable to turn them off, and not to cut. Messy leaves should easily break out of the ground. If this does not happen, you need to wait.

It is impossible to remove the "live" leaves, since through them the bulb gets energy and nutrients by means of photosynthesis. When removing green leaves, the bulb of the tulip will remain underdeveloped, which will worsen the quality and number of colors next year.

Removing the foliage, it is necessary to leave the stem as a kind of label pointing to the location of the bulb. As a rule, tulips alternate with other colors, most often with perennials whose stalks are hiding not very decorative tulips. Such combinations are harmonious, please the eyes.

Tulips bulbs: dig or not

3 Stage - digging bulbs

After the correct two stages of the bulbs were formed, they scored a sufficient amount of nutrients and increased in mass and size. If you leave them in the ground, it will worsen the type of landing of next year for the following reasons:

  • tulips for greater decorative sits close to each other, in one socket. The increase in dimensions creates closeness, the bulbs will interfere with the neighbors actively develop;
  • every year, the bulbs descend into the ground deeper and deeper, the depth of their occurrence can reach one and a half bayonies of shovels, where the soil is less fertile. In addition, difficulties may arise with germination;
  • hybrid and varietal tulips lose their grade attributes after growing in one place for 4-5 years. There is a degeneration of plants and, as a result, small and imperfect shape buds, the absence of flowering and the risk of flower death.

Important! For varietal tulips, the digging procedure is required.

Lifehak: If the tulips digging seems to be time consuming, you can do without it. To avoid tightening the bulbs in the ground, they are planting them in a special potty with bottom holes (there is on sale), make a water-permeable container from a plastic basket or a mesh drawer.

How and when tulips dig

The deadline for digging is the end of June or a slightly later. At this time, the plant already has a completely yellow foliage and the messenger stem. The bulb should have a fully formed root system, a brown spots are visible on the scaway.

When digging the bulbs, you must follow the following rules:

  • the bulbs are separated by varieties ordered from the earliest to the late;
  • for this work, sunny weather is preferred, which allows drier on the bulbs;
  • the bulbs, dug in crude weather, must first wash away from dirt and only then dry;
  • in order not to damage the root when digging, the shovel stick into the ground as much as possible;
  • dug-in bulbs are disinfected in a solution of manganese (5%).

You can dry the bulbs not only under the sun, but also using the lamp until the scales are angry. Patients and weak are finally sorted, and healthy varieties separated by grades are unfolded into pre-prepared containers (in 1-2 layers).

How to keep tulips bulbs

Stage 4 - Storage of bulbs

Dug and dried tulips bulbs are placed in mesh, breathable boxes and remove into a dry shock. It is very important to establish the temperature of the storage of bulbs:

  • by the end of August, the temperature should be about +20;
  • from early September, down to 15 degrees.

As a rule, it corresponds to the average daily air temperature.

The main thing is not allowed during the storage period of sudden drops of temperature and humidity so that the bulbs do not crack.

When planting tulips

Stage 5 - Planting Tulips

In October, when the air temperature is 4-7 degrees, the bulbs can be planted into the ground, previously treated with their pink milgantine or fungicide solution.

Terms of proper landing:

  • annually change landing sites.
  • planting on a depth equal to the three-time diameter of the bulbs;
  • the soil must be well moistened;
  • piens / trenches cover 2-3 cm river sand to prevent bulbs.
  • a week after disembarking the bulbs, to bother with ammonia Selitra;
  • before the onset of frosts, to climb the landing site with a thin layer of peat.

Tulips- recognized symbol of spring and love. In the language of colors, each type of this flower has its own symbolic meaning.

Red-true love, white forgiveness, purple - reverence. A multicolored bouquet means sincere compliment to someone who give these adorable flowers. Let your garden give you compliments annually!

What to do, when tulips were filmed:

Important nuance care:

What will happen if not digging tulips: