Repairs Design Furniture

A description of all varieties of Benjamin ficus: varieties, photos with names. Types of ficuses with description and characteristics Ficus with multi-colored leaves

Of the many numerous kinds of fake at home, no more than two dozen are grown. These plants have long occupied the honorable place in our dwellings, they are in demand in modern flower arrangements due to beautiful leaves, unpretentiousness, simplicity in care. A very valuable feature of the ficuses is a rapid growth, which allows two or three years to get a tree from a cutter to 1.5-2 m high. Such a plant is excellent wike and decorate not only the room, but also an office, a large solemn room, will become a highlight of the interior. In room conditions, the tree forms of ficuses are most often grown. Let us dwell on the most popular views.

Types of ficuses with small leaves

The championship belongs to Benjamin ficus, which is a tree or bush with a branched crown, with numerous flexible shoots. They can be twisted, curling, twist, creating bizarre forms. Thanks to the natural plasticity inherent in this type, a large number of varieties with wonderful poetic names are brought by breeders:

  • Kerley
  • Starlight
  • Irene
  • Natasha
  • Nicole
  • Borok and others.

All of them differ in size, growth strength, form of leaves, coloring.

Ficus Benjamina (Ficus Benjamina) - This is a large bush, growing well at home up to 3-4 m in height (although usually below) and 1.5 m wide. He has many branched wood shoots, on which small, about 3-8 cm, lanceal, glossy , leathery leaves with a sharp tip. The characteristic feature of F. Benjamin is the "mobby" crown. It has many varieties with different size and coloring foliage.

The leaves can be painted in white or yellow, wavy, twisted or very green. The view is growing rapidly - in a few years it forms magnificent trees. He needs a lot of light, otherwise he loses the leaves.

May have green leaves or white-green and yellow-green varieties ("Variegata", "Starlight"). There are also low varieties, they are easier to grow in the apartment, and sometimes they are suitable for bonsai (for example, "Esther", "Natasha").

Less famous types of ficuses

Deltoid (Ficus deltoidea) is an original, shrub ficus, growing similarly to the ficus of Benjamin, but his shoots are less branched. Almost round, green from above, browning from the bottom of the leaves are placed on the branches rather rarely. It grows well even in weakly lit rooms. The plant gives small, greenish-white fruits.

Similar leaves, like F. Benjamin, but with another form have ficus Nitida (Ficus Nitida) and australian Ficus (Ficus Australis).

Ficus stupid(Retusa Ficus, a variety of F. MicroCarpa) has similar leaves to bendjamine ficus, but with straight ends. This plant is often chosen as a bonsai tree due to the simplicity of the care and stability of this species to frequent formation and pruning.

Interesting and unusual ficus Microcharp. The peculiarity of this species is thickened roots, resembling bloated twisted tubers of the bizarre form.

Fikuses with large leaves

Ficus rubbing - the most monumental of indoor plants of this kind. This is a long-lived, which in the past times was inherited - from Mom to her daughter. Large glossy leathery leaves of oval shape decorate a strong tree with one or two trunks.

Over the years, the plant begins to branch, and in the remedy can be bloated. In our time, in addition to traditional green-board forms, a volatile varieties have been removed, having a smaller content of chlorophyll, and therefore more unpretentious to the conditions of content, compact and slow-growing:

  • Melanie
  • Robusta
  • Tinex,
  • Belize.

The most popular ficus (fig tree) with large leaves - elastic ficus (Ficus Elastica). It has large elliptical, leathery, glossy and solid leaves. Young leaves are originally brown or red, which are becoming green over time.

Two varieties are the most common - "Variegata" (has bright yellow spots on the leaves) and "decor" (the leaves in short and wider, below - red). Ficus elastic is easily grown, recommended for beginners. It grows rapidly and develops. Older copies reset the bottom leaves.

Another popular look - the ficus lireless. It has a large, up to 30 cm long, thick, similar to the liru, shiny, dark green leaves. Ficus Lire-like - a decorative plant originating from the West Africa region. It features beautiful and large leaves of deep green color, which are narrowed at the base, and on top covered with yellow-green veins. For older species, one sheet length can reach 50 cm. Adult plants look very impressive, resemble large trees. This species requires a strong support. It has higher heat requirements than other species.

This species is one of the most preferred plants for the refreshment of the interior. In addition, gardeners say that this flower is also one of the most durable, so it is recommended to enthusiasts of gardening. Large and beautiful leaves of the ficus of the library, along the outlines look like a violin, for which the plant is also called the treblewood. This predetermined handsome prefers spacious premises, stability and loneliness, so it is undesirable to have it in groups with other plants.

Ficus Bengalsky

Ficus Bengal, Banyan (Ficus Benghalensis) has a large, 20 cm long, hairy, coarse leaves. This plant grows very quickly and branches - therefore it takes a lot of space. It gives purple, small fruits, similar to figs. View with multicolored leaves looks very beautiful.

Ficus Binnendian

Very elegant Ficus Binnendian, or Irovel. As can be seen from the name, the leaves of this plant are reminded by IV, which gives it a special elegance, openness and ease. Various varieties are popular:

  • Amstel Kit,
  • Variagat
  • Amstel Queen.

(Ficus binnendijkii) is a very original, but large and wide spreading shrub. It reaches about 2-3 m in height and 1.5-2 m wide. Its leaves are similar to the leaves of Willow: Long (about 20 cm) and narrow. They grow tightly on shoots, creating a magnificent green mass.

Live on window sills and more rare types of ficuses:

  • creeping (or dwarf) - charming mellite liana;
  • balchato-riding
  • rifle
  • rough,
  • triangular (or natal) and others.

The unpretentiousness and ductility of most species allow you to successfully grow them in a wide variety of premises.

Ampel and creeping varieties

- Little climber, with long, thin shoots and tiny, almost round leaves.

Leaves can be green or white, depending on the variety. This is the perfect flower for suspension containers. It looks great in compositions with other plants with decorative leaves. It grows well even in darker rooms.

Ficus sweatlike
It is a creeping plant. It forms roots in leaves embedded in long thin shoots. Leaves are larger than F. pumila, about 5 cm long, stroke-tipped. He needs more light than creeping ficus. Also perfectly looks in compositions with other plants.

Growing and Care for Ficus

Ficuses differ from each other in appearance, sheet size and form. Despite these differences, they have very similar requirements.


Fikus need scattered light, they do not like the positions in full sun. They grow best in the middle of the lit sunny places. Variations with motley leaves require more light. Young plants can be combined into groups. Old - should grow alone.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature is 18 - 24 ° C. Plants do not like the drop in temperature below 15 ° C. Ficus reacts well to high humidity. It is necessary to spray the leaves with a soft water at least once a week to clean them from dust. Large leaves should be rubbed with a wet sponge.

Watering and fertilizer

Ficuses should be poured abundantly, but rarely - only when the top layer of the substrate is dry. Root comes do not have to dry. It is impossible to give water to stand in a pot, as it can cause the rapid fall of the leaves and the appearance of the root rot. During intensive growth, plants must be fed into green fertilizers every two weeks. In winter, plants do not need fertilizer and abundant irrigation.


Young ficuses should be transplanted every year - in the spring. For old plants, it is enough to replace the upper layer of the substrate in the pot. Fikuses feel good in too little pot. If the plants stop growing or the flower pot becomes too tight (that is the roots protrude through the holes below), they must be renovated.

Room plant - Ficus. As part of the course around the world.

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"Houseplant - Ficus."

Performed: Student 3 "in" class

Varieties of ficus, place of origin.

  • Ficus (Ficus) - The most numerous genus of the plants of the family of tute, which includes trees, shrubs, lianas. The most famous representative of the genus is a fig tree, or a fig, or a wine berry, or figs, or fig, Ficus Karika.
  • Motherland: Tropical Asia, West Africa, India, Himalayas, Sri Lanka.
  • This genus contains about 800 species and 2000 species, among which there are trees of impressive sizes with large leaves, and there are soil ficuses with small leaves.
  • In room conditions, about 20 species are grown. Most of them are evergreens, some are deciduous. Their painting and form depend on the specific variety. From the melligent ficuses you can grow a dwarf tree in the Bonsai technique.
  • It happens that among the ficuses
  • there are strange individuals. This is a ficus -

    catastrophe. If it is not to pour it - he

    will reset the leaves if it is too polished -

    he will reset the leaves if he falls on

    draft - he will reset the leaves if his

    rearrange to another place - well, you guessed - he will reset the leaves (many plants do not like when they are rearranged, but not to the same extent). If you are lucky and will like the place you have chosen, it will grow a very beautiful plant, just breathe near him carefully, and then suddenly drops the leaves.

    • It is believed that the ficus can be useful in almost any house. And, if you correctly follow the recommendations for the care of this plant, then it will rejoice us for a long time with its beauty, bring health and happiness. Also, this plant can absorb the negative energy of the room and neutralize the bad emotions of households.
    • There is one legend, according to which one rich pair did not have a child who had a child after some old man brought them into the house and said to take care of him.
    • And the spouses did everything as the wanderer said. Therefore, it is not for nothing that there is probably believing: "If there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want to have them, then you need to start the ficus." Growing at home Ficus is capable not only to decorate any interior, but also to clean the air from the substances harmful to health, and improve the microclimate.
    • It should be borne in mind that most of the ficuses grown at home do not tolerate drafts, strong convergence and direct sunlight. Picuses with monophonic green leaves exclusively shadow-shaped, the volatile forms required good lighting.
    • Plants are well tolerated by dry air apartments, but with the beginning of the heating season 2-3 times a week should be sprayed. Water moderately, the soil between irrigation should dry.
    • All homemade ficuses do not tolerate water in the soil, so it is necessary as a drainage layer to put a pot of claymps on the bottom.
    • Room ficus does not like changes, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for him and, if possible, not tolerate, do not move, do not disturb. In summer, the ficus can be taken on fresh air, a balcony or terrace.
    • How to care for

    • Dust, settling on the leaves, spoils the appearance, prevents the normal air exchange of the plant with the external environment and the photosynthesis process. It is necessary to periodically purify the leaves from dust using a wet napkin. Adult leaves can be treated with wax glitter, the plant will look more spectacular.
      • Ficus " Melanie " Refers to the collection of rubber ficuses.
      • This variety appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity from fans of indoor plants, thanks to its compactness.

        Like any other ficuses, he is unpretentious in conditions and can serve as an decoration of any apartment.

      • Ficus rubbing grows in the tropical part of Asia ranging from India and ending with Indonesia.
      • In nature, these are big high trees with air roots, a height of 30-40 meters.
      • It was found in the greenhouse of one of the cities of Holland and is a mutation from another type of ficus - decor.
      • From the cuttings taken from him, new plants were grown, which completely retained the properties of their progenitor, which made it possible to allocate "Melanie" into a new grade.
      • This plant does not require any particular content conditions. Caring for "melanie" extremely simple and will not deliver special troubles.
      • The flower reacts poorly to excessive lighting and the most comfortable feels in a humid climate, that is, in room conditions, he needs regular daily spraying.
      • Once on the outskirts of the village there was one woman. In the old, almost collapsed house, there were cracks on the walls and in the window frames, cutting plaster. In a word, a terrible picture. Yes, and any nasty living creature was present, like mice and cockroaches. And on the other edge of the village lived a kind wizard. And her house looked like a chest picture, everywhere clean, beautiful garden, flowers, trees, bushes, neat tracks. Once a woman appeared to the wizard and asked: a neighbor, I so want my house, too, was beautiful, as yours, help me in this. Consent answered the wizard and said the following: so the magic ficus is a gift. It will help to make that your home will be the best in the village.
      • The woman took the ficus and with joyful hopes suffered him home, where he put on the window. And then drew the fact that the ficus with his beautiful glossy leaves, terribly looks against the background of a dirty window. A woman took up for a rag and washed the window. And the glass was shusted with cleanliness, but on their background, old frames disgustingly looked. I had to paint the snow-white paint frame, and after the woman looked at her updated window and thinks: such a clean, well-kept window, and everything is terrible around everything. I bought a woman wallpaper and saked with walls, but it was a trouble - the furniture in the house was old dilapidated and portilate the whole look. She invited the masters and he repaired her furniture. And it was all beautiful and cozy in the house.
      • Tale of "Magic Fikus

      • Well, so that the appearance of the house does not spoil what inside, it was necessary to bring it outside in order, and at the same time and the yard led in order.
      • I planted trees and bushes, flowers, drove the tracks, corrected the fence. And her dream was fulfilled, her house was best of all houses in the district. And People's Solve went about her and about the magic ficus everywhere.

        What are the types and varieties of indoor ficuses

        What types are there

        Most varieties of these domestic flowers do not need special care, such plants are happy to grow even newcomers. Among the varieties of ficuses can be found, which differ in color and shape of the leaves, trunk.

        The first ficus, which was distributed in Europe, there was a fig or a fig tree, and its height was up to 10 meters, now other species use other types of gardening. You will not see fruits on them, they have compact dimensions, attractive coloring and shape of the leaves. Many varieties of indoor color data that do not give fruit, it is easy to succumb to the procedure of formation, so they can be led to topical art, creating unique lively sculptures to their taste.

        Three large groups of varieties of ficuses are distinguished - evergreen, ampel and bottled. Each of them in turn accommodates many varieties. This and Ficus Banyan Either Bengali, and Ficus Benjamin, Binnendian, Ginseng, or Ginseng, Mountain or Montana, Deltoidal or Variant, Drazena, Karika, or Inzor, Lirect, Melanie, Parcel, Creeping, Ivyovid, Milayl White, Divide, Retus, Rzhevolt or Rubilinosis, a sacred or sacred fig.


        These unique plants are immigrants from distant India and located near her countries. People living here with tremendous respect refers to evergreen fakes. Buddhists even have a sacred flower or a fig tree with a heart-shaped leaves with a long sharp end. Near the temples grow ficuses, for which careful care is carried out, and bright ribbons tie on the branches. The sacred tree is capable of growing up to 35 meters, in India there is a unique ancient ficus, which is over 3 thousand years.

        There was mainly fragile fountain on the shelves of the stores, now there are other species. Among the flower water, in addition to the rubber-free, is a popular lying or violin flower. He is a frequenter of solid offices. The plant received its name due to the special form of leaves - in the form of a lira, which have a length of up to 50 cm. The main surface of the surface is dark with luminous residences.

        Still popular ficus rubbing. Many are bred at home form Robusta - a culture with dark green leaves and Variegata - a plant with light yellow and white splashes on the surface, sometimes possessing with shades of pink color. Ficus with the beautiful name "Black Prince" looks like Robusta, but his sheets have a characteristic black color. The DOESCHERI flower has a middle-aged red, and the species of Schrijvereana is an interesting marble pattern, Tricolor has a pink shade, and Variegata has a delicate cream edge.

        Another favorite of the flower flows of our country is Ficus Benjamin. For this variety of plants, the presence of small leaves, whose tips are elongated or sharp. There are various forms - with wavy and straight edges of foliage, strips and spots, different with shades. Thin and weak culture shoots require the formation. Often, several plants planted in one pot, which then intertwined into the pigtail. Bengal or banyan - ficus with velvety leaves up to 20 cm long.

        Side branches are formed by air roots, which are then an additional support. Ficus Bengali will have the opportunity to start life on branches of other trees. One culture of such indoor colors is often a whole grove. Long and narrow leaflets of Ali ficus are similar to the stinks. If you cross their trunks while growing, you can get a plant similar to the palm tree. Ficus triangular is named so due to the corresponding form of leaves, which are as if cut off in the middle.

        Such home plants occur from Indochina. In natural conditions, they grow in the lower tar of rainforest. These trees have small leaves. Among the ampels can be called a dwarf - he has rounded miniature leaves up to 3 cm in size. There is a ficus towing with an elongated form of foliage, the dimensions of which are 7 cm. With the cultivation of ampeline species and care for novice flower flowers sometimes arise difficulties. They look great and feel in suspended porridge, or as the soil crops in pots with rosy. These types of domestic flowers impose requirements to the degree of humidity of air and soil.

        If you do not pour a ficus of Benjamin on time, then it will be happy for some time without any problems. But if you do not give moisture a dwarf flower, it is even able to provoke his death. Since often in the apartments there are no necessary ampel cultures of air humidity, it is customary to seek help from special humidifiers. Optimally producing cultivation in aquariums or mini-greenhouses, where to really create a good microclimate. If you put a snag aquarium on the bottom, the ficus will easily begin to swell it. For these home forms is dangerous too bright sunlight. When leaving them, they are advised to organize scattered lighting. The lamps of artificial light are suitable.

        Video "Care of fakes of various varieties"


        These ficuses hit the territory of Russia from the hot mexico and California. In order to adapt to the harsh local climate, they accumulate moisture at the bottom of the trunk, due to which they acquire a bizarre form. To grow bottled varieties and care for flowers, no special skills are needed. They are characterized by the presence of a small root system, so it is permissible to use a shallow, but with the wide edges of the pot. More qualitative drainage is required, clamzit, broken brick, small cobblestones are added to the soil.

        In winter, bottled room species are in the period of rest. Therefore, the minimum watering is produced, the frequency of which is increasing with the arrival of spring.

        Ficus of the palmer has beautiful glittering dark green leaves. It grows slowly, the thickening of the trunk takes place slowly. It is not manifested if the culture is grown from branches, not seeds. From domestic species you can allocate the ficus rusty. It received such an interesting name due to the lower part of the colors resembling rust. This pet from nature has glossy leaves of a classic green shade. There is a voyage form of such a plant. The climbing culture, which is often used as the cover - ficus sweatlike. Deltalar grows up to a maximum of 1 meter, it does not differ in intense growth.

        Care and diseases of ficuses

        In carrying out the care of any of the ficuses, you can even create a small half, which is not relevant only for the voyage and ampels. The temperature should be about 20 degrees in winter, higher indicators are allowed in the summer period. It is impossible to reduce the temperature in the room below 12 degrees. During intensive growth and development, care includes abundant irrigation. Earth should be carefully moistened from the middle of the spring to autumn. Then the frequency of irrigation is reduced to 1 time in 10 days.

        Do not forget after half an hour after the procedure, merge excess water from a special pallet. Fertilizers contribute from spring until September, do it once every 2 weeks. Great preparations "Ideal", "Palma", "Raduga". Many flower trees prefer natural feeding - Nasty of nettles, wood ashes, cowboy. Ficus care is a transplant of young cultures 1 time in 2 years, which is planned for spring.

        For adult copies, it is permissible only to update the top layer of the soil. The optimal composition of the substrate is peat, sand, leaf and turf, taken in proportions 1: 1: 1: 2. Many flowers prefer to grow on hydroponics. On the eve of the planned transplantation, the plant is abundantly watered, then along with an earthen room moved by the method of transshipment into a new pot, greater than the dimensions of the old one by 2-4 cm.

        When growing and leaving the ficuses, you can face such a phenomenon as a dropping of the leaf culture. There may be a movement of such a pot, that is, a stress situation, or an excessive watering of a pet. More ficuses negatively react to the lack of normal lighting, which is responding with a leaf fall and slowdown in growth. Low temperatures, drafts, making a large number of fertilizers are also dangerous.

        Ampel species suffer from burns and low air humidity. Help them can spray. With incorrect cultivation, the ficuses are able to be amazed by pests - by the sputum tinges, milderbirds, shields. To combat the latter, the drug Aktellik - 20 drops per 1 liter of water. He will save if you have discovered a subtle web under the leaves - the result of the life of web ties. The torment cherry appears when the air is dry in the room. Use the carboofos drug - on 1 liter of water should be taken from 15 to 40 drops of funds.

        Video "Ficus. Choice, cultivation and care »

        Clean the ficus correctly - not just. And to care for him and grow a healthy plant - and more complicated. In this video you will find useful tips that make your efforts in this difficult process.

        All varieties of ficuses belong to the family of the tute and are evergreen plants. About 2000 types of ficuses are described, among which there are trees of impressive sizes with large leaves, and there are soil ficuses with small leaves and ampel. In room conditions, about 20 species are grown.

        The most popular in the room culture remains "Family Chapter" Ficus Rubbone Ficus Elastica and his species Ficus Rubbone Decora and Ficus Robusta. Very common among room plants:

        ficus Lirelike Ficus Lyrata
        ficus tiny (dwarf) Ficus Pumila
        ficus Bunk Ficus Retusa
        ficus creeping ficus repen
        ficus Rzhevolet (Australice) Ficus Rubiginosa
        ficus Benjamin Ficus Benjamina
        ficus Karika (fig, fig tree) Ficus Carica
        ficus rooting Ficus Radicans
        ficus Mountain Ficus Montana
        ficus ivyovoid Ficus Heederacea
        ficus Sacred Ficus Religiosa
        ficus Valid Ficus Diversifolia
        ficus Triangular Ficus Triangularis
        ficus Bengal (Banyan) Ficus Benghalensis
        ficus Parcel Ficus Parcellii
        ficus grungy (asper) Ficus Aspera
        ficus Delta Ficus Deltoidea
        ficus self-collar Ficus Buxifolia
        ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendian) Ficus Ali

        Ficus rubbing

        Ficus Robust Tinika

        Ficus rzhatolic

        Ficus Lovyoid

        Ficus rubbing - in room conditions is a church with a height of 1.5-2 m, with large and dense leathery leaves of oval shape, up to 35 cm long and 10-20 cm wide, forms air roots. Motherland Fikus etgo are Burma, Nepal and Tropics of India, Himalayas, Sri Lanka, West Africa, where the tree grows to 25-30 m height. The trunk in the rubber ficus branches weakly. In detailed flower growing is used since 1815 - another 19 century. It was grown by a narrow form. The green forms of this ficus are easier in culture than the volatile. A variety of Robusta ficus leaves larger and wide than at the Decora ficus. Peppercut Dimensions of Rubbone Fikus - this is a ficus black prince Ficus Elastica Black Princip with almost black leaves, ficus deechery Ficus Elastica Doescheri with motley leaves, creamy stains and red minority, at the Schrijvereana ficus cream and yellow spots on the leaves form a complicated marble pattern, ficus three-color Ficus Tricolor Together with cream spots has light pink divorces on green leaves, and Ficus Elastica Variegata Ficus Elastica Variegata is characterized by cream edges of a leaf plate. The leaves of these species must be kept clean. And when damaged, a sheet or a short cutlery, on which he sits, the ficus highlights white poisonous juice. So that he did not cause poisoning, carefully wash his hands after working with Ficus. This ficus in indoor culture practically does not bloom, but generally unpretentious and well adapts to the surrounding conditions. With an excess of moisture in the soil during the relative period of rest, the flux of rubber can reset the leaves. The same thing happens in too dry soil. Although the ficus of the air is not whimsical of the ficus, withstands high dryness of air and high temperature, is not demanding to bright lighting. Peppercut forms do not withstand direct sunlights, cutting the earthen coma, require frequent spraying and bathing of leaves, grow slower than ficuses with monophonic green leaves.

        Ficus Lire-like - Large-green rigid leaves in shape and size resemble the silhouette of the violin, and at a young age slightly pubescent or covered with a waxy chain. On the leathery glossy leaves there is a relief of white streaks, a leaf plate 50-60 cm long, a width of 30 cm. In the height of the tree of the vi-like ficus reaches 12 m in natural conditions. The trunk is a reprehensive, weaker. He does not have air roots. It needs good natural lighting, but with a straight sun gets burns.

        Ficus a dwarf (ficus of the fusion) or a tiny is an ampel plant, threshing or climbing, with numerous long and thin shoots up to 5 m long, soil with thick carpet and pumping roots (grows up to the soil with apparent roots). It comes from China and Japan. The leaves in a dwarf ficus are small heart-shaped, slightly corrugated, up to 2.5 cm long, and on the young shoots of the plate of the assimetric form. If the dwarf ficus is propagating vegetatively such escapes, the assimmetry remains in an adult plant in the future. With age, the size of the leaves increases to 10 cm. There are copper forms of dwarf ficus. And the ficus of the dwarf form mini leaves do not exceed the length of 0.7 cm. The shoots in the dwarf ficus grow very slowly, the culture is easier to withstand the lack of lighting than direct sunlight. The growth rate of shoots increases at elevated temperature and humidity.

        Ficus Blutuminous (Ficus Retus) - Known as Ficus Cuban or Ficus Lavral, comes from tropical Asia, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries. Glossy leathery dark green leaves 7-10 cm egg-shaped length with a pointed edge. The ficus is distinguished by a peculiar stem, a thick trunk of a bizarre form, thanks to which the plants are used for bonsai, this ficus is considered the easiest and suitable for growing a bonce. The bark of the trunk is covered with reddish dashed stains through which gas exchange occurs.

        Ficus Karika, fig, fig

        Ficus Benjamin

        Ficus Bengalsky

        Ficus Asper

        Ficus creeping - miniature swallowing on the ground or crab on the crust of trees shrub crumbling leaves of rounded shape. Slowly grows in the shade, but with good lighting can be covered in a few months a square meter of the square. This type of ficus needs more than others in abundant and frequent watering, does not endure the cutting of the earth coma. With age, the shoots are wound, they become like a dry bark and the ficus loses his decorativeness. Attaching the apparent roots to the surface of the creeping ficus completely covers everything.

        Ficus rzhevalt (ficus Australian) - a low splashing evergreen church of a rust ficus is similar to the ficus of rubricular, but small sizes. Young shoots of this ficus have a reddish tint, and leathery dark green leaves up to 25 cm long and 8-10 cm wide. If you look at the bottom side of the sheet plate, then there is a reddish-crumble downstream, covering and paper sheets. Large up to 5 cm. Upper kidneys are also publisted, thanks to which they acquire a bright pink color. There is a vary shape of a rzhat ficus with cream-white border around the edge of the sheet. At the bottom of the trunk there is a lot of air roots.

        Ficus Benjamin is very popular in indoor culture due to its universal size and medium form of leaves, it looks more like a tree. There are many varieties of Benjamin ficus - Nuda, Hawaii, Natasha, Variegata, Starlight, Gold Princes, but all of them in shape resemble a mobble tree to 2 m high. The difference is only in the form of leaves and painting, for example, in the form of ficus Benjamin Baroque leaf plates spiral spiral. Ficus Benjamin has an egg-shaped leaves with a narrow pointed edge, in some varieties, they are wider, other leaves are narrower, up to 12 cm long. The color can be both a monophonic light green, transfusion in the sun and two-color. Benjamin ficuses produce air roots, of which there are beautiful interlacing flowers, with the age of root passion from themselves, forming an openwork decorative trunk with light brown bark. The plant is very unpretentious. Vertical stems at Benjamin Ficus are very weak, quickly take a horizontal direction. To give sustainability to the pot, several copies of this ficus are planted at once. Ficus stems easily carry a haircut.

        Ficus Karika is everyone known for the biblical motifs of figs or fig tree. It was his leaves that he served in Paradam Adam and Eve of the first clothes, and the fruit of the fig tree was thereby forbidden. Motherland Fikus Karika - Europe, Middle East, North and South Africa, India, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Afghanistan, Mediterranean. This ficus is very ancient and cultivated with ancient times. A small tree-like deciduous shrub with a spreaded crown. Wide-diverming is strongly palpped with tube leaves with protruding light yellow or white middle-wide veins are very decorative, rough to the touch, fall out for the winter. Damage, milk juice is distinguished. With proper care, figs are easily blooming and fruits in room conditions, forming flattened spherical or pear-shaped nollodies, which are called wine berries. Flowers at the fig tree are invisible, so in China, this type of ficus is often called "fruit without a flower." Today, the varieties of Fikus Karika are already known, which for fruiting do not require fertilization - this is a variety of Dalmatics, Kadat, Sochi-7, black San Pedro, Black Crimean, Shuisky. In October-November can drop the leaves. In winter, this kind of ficus contains at low temperatures and pour occasionally. More frequently than other types of ficuses.

        Ficus rooting a very unusual view with subtle curly escapes from India. Ophid-shaped leaf plate, pointed, sit on a short cut, plate 5-7 cm long, dark green with white border along the edge.

        Ficus Montana (Mountain Ficus) - occurs from Southeast Asia, Indochina, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia, New Guinea and Malacca Peninsula. Love plate bright green with darker central veins, which are sitting deep. The leaf of this egg-shaped ficus is slightly pilled along the edge of 5-10 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, the form resembles oak leaves. From the bottom side, omitted with bristly hairs, ficus shoots are also published. The tree shrub reaches 1.5 m in height. It grows not too fast, but not slow.

        Ficus ivyovidoid - climbing shrub forming in the nodes of the leaves of air appointment roots. It comes from northern India, Burma, South China, Laos and Thailand. Double-flux leaves on thick cutters, leathery sheet plates are narrow elplanic with a pointed edge, 6-11 cm long with a width of 3.5-5 cm, squeezed with bristles on the bottom.

        Ficus Ali, Binnendian Ficus

        Ficus dwarf Variant

        Ficus varnoliste

        Ficus sacred

        The ficus sacred (ficus religious) - has wide heart-shaped leaves up to 10-20 cm long, up to 15 cm wide with a sharp tip is the so-called drip edge. When the atmospheric pressure changes at the ends of the leaf of the sacred ficus, juice is formed - this is called the plan for the sacred tree. The length of the stiffes is superior to the lone of the leaf plate twice. On a greenish blue sheet there is a bright pronounced white and yellow central vein. Young leaves twisted into the tube. It comes from Southeast Asia - India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, as well as from Pakista. In India, this ficus is very revered by Buddhists who believe that during the meditation it was under this sacred ficus of the Buddha that reached the state of Nirvana. Bombay is known for ficus religious, which has already become more than 3 thousand years. A leaf fall tree in nature reaches 30 m of height, at the bottom of the barrel forms air roots. At high temperatures and dryness, the air may drop the leaves, it does not tolerate dry air.

        Ficus is a discharge - a slowly growing shrub at home barely reaches a height of 1 m. Leather dark green leaf plates are made by small brown spots. In the form of the leaves, small, oval-rounded, smoothly turning into a green stiff. The name of this variety is given due to the fact that on one plant you can find a sheet of completely different and unique-seems. Ties fruit size with greenish color olive, decorative, but not edible.

        Ficus triangular - leaves 7-10 cm long, 5-8 cm wide triangular shape, the edge of the sheet is the base of the triangle with a small recess, and the sharp angle smoothly goes into the petiole. Dark green glossy leaf leaf plate with an in-depth middle vest, separating symmetrically leaf in half. The birthplace of triangular ficus is tropical Africa. The woody shrub reaches 30 m of height in vivo. Older plants are invasive and able to coagulate more low-speed plants, choke them in their shoots. Young triangular ficuses often grow as epiphytes. In indoor culture, it is plentifully fruits, forming small berries-pea of \u200b\u200blight yellow color. There are Various Forms of Triangular Ficus. Requires a moderate temperature of 15-18 degrees, moderate watering and medium light.

        Ficus Bengali - Banyan, a very attractive plant, well branches, side shoots grow almost horizontally and give air roots that hang to the ground. Right into the soil, the roots form a variety of trunks under one crown. In nature, this ficus is growing with plantations and is an invasive species, as it destroys more shorter plants. In room conditions, magnificent bonsai creates from the Bengalsky ficus. The leaves of this ficus is up to 20 cm long smaller than that of rubber-like, but similar in shape, and at the young age also publisted. In room conditions, the tree can grow to 7 m high.

        Ficus parcel is a highly organized dense-blooded fast-growing tree, which is not similar to any of the breasts-ficuses. Wide-oval leaves with a taped edge, hard, bright green with white and yellow splashes or strokes over the entire surface. In size, the sheet plate of this variety of ficuses reaches 15-18 cm. Heat-loving, loves the spraying and bathing of the leaves, does not tolerate bright lighting, grows slowly.

        Ficus grungy (asper ficus) is a densely abusive middle growth tree, reaches a height of 1.5 m, well branches, but the lower part of the curtain barrel. The leaves are rigid narrow-tested, 10-15 cm long, on a dark green background there are bright white and pink stains and pans forming the marble pattern. Loves moderate drought (the soil must be constantly hard-wet), scattered lighting.

        Ficus deltoliste - the tree shrub - less often a tree, whose homeland is Yuko-East Asia - Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippina, where it grows up to 5-6 m height. Slowly growing appearance, like a ficus in a volatile. The leathery dark green leaves of the deltoid shape are similar to the ficus triangular, but more rounded and with smoothed angles, glossy, 4-8 cm in length, up to 7 cm wide, narrowed to the cut. Ficus delta shape forms decorative fruits in size with a pea, like a purple ficus.

        Ficus self-collar bush plant, which has small leaves up to 2.5 cm long, dark green color, similar to the leaves of the Samsit, with smooth edges and a dull top. Right comes from Africa. In indoor culture gives inflorescences in the sinuses of the leaves, which form decorative nozzles at the beginning of green, and then reddish brown. Ficus self-collar is used due to the flexible trunk at a young age for the formation of bonsai. In more adult shoots, plasticity is lost.

        Ficus Ali - Ficus Binnendian, a plant from Southeast Asia, from Java Island. In nature, the phicus Ali is a tree with a turning crown growing up to 20 m in height. Long narrow leaves are similar in shape on the leaves of willow or oleander, the length can be up to 30 cm with a width of 6 cm. Leaf plate leathery, glossy, concave along the central vein, which is well expressed from the outside of the sheet. There are varying varieties of Binnendian ficus. Fast growing tree.

        Ficus Mountain Montana

        Ficus ivyovoid

        Community of green men

        Encyclopedia of houseplants

        Ficus (Ficus)

        Family: Tutovy

        Brief information about the room plant

      • Ficus rubbing

      • Ficus Benjamin

      • Ficus Karika

      • Ficus Binnendian
      • Etymology

        The genus is an ancient Greek name of the fig tree.

        Types and varieties of ficus

        Rod includes about 800 species of trees, shrubs and lien growing in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres.

        Ficus Benghalensis)

        Evergreen tree, in nature up to 30-40 m height. The cort is grayish brown, smooth, fat. Large leaves, leathery, oval up to 10-30 cm long, are located on the helix.

        Ficus crog (Ficus Pumila)

        Evergreen swallowing or climbing shrub. Shoots are long, thin, equipped with numerous apparent roots. A characteristic feature of the species is the variability of its leaves with the age of the plant. In young creeping shoots, it is small (2 cm long, 1 cm wide) asymmetric leaves. In adult plants, large rigid leathery leaves of the correct oval form appear on shoots.

        Popular varieties of tiny ficus:

        « White Sani."- leaves with a wide creamy border;

        « Dourt"- leaves of a beautiful shape with golden splashes;

        « Sani."- leaves with intermittent cream border.

        Ficus Karika, or figs, fig tree, wine berry, fig tree (Ficus Carica)

        Fall tree or shrub, in nature with a height of 5-12 m. Top shoots, low-consumable. Falcupy leaves, less often - solid, with a coarse-drying surface. Inflorescences of spherical or pear shape, hollow. On the inner wall of the scaled color are small flowers, the so-called syclical. Siconia are three types: men's, female with short columns and female with long columns. Plants dioarm. Pollination is produced by insects.

        Ficus Karika, fig

        Ficus Binnendica (Ficus Binnendijkii)

        Evergreen tree, in nature up to 20 m in height. The bark of young plants is dark brown, in adults - light gray with white strokes. Leaves are long and narrow, up to 25 cm long, leathery, glossy, pointed. Sheet plates are slightly concave on the central alcohol.

        Popular varieties of ficus Binnendian:

        « Ali»- Widespread grade with dark brown trunk with white strokes;

        « Amstel Quen"And" Amstel King.»- Sheet plate reaches 7 cm, dark brown trunk with numerous white strokes;

        « Variagrata"- Peppercut variety.

        Ficus Benjamina (Ficus Benjamina)

        Evergreen tree in nature with a height of up to 10-20 m. The shoots are thin, the air roots deploying down from them. Leaves are regular, shiny, up to 5-10 cm long, 2-5 cm wide. Steady or single, in diameter 1.2 cm. There are spelling forms.

        Ficus Benjamin, Pig Cold Shape

        Popular Benjamin Fikus Varieties:

        « Hawaii»- Leaves with white spots;

        « Golden King.»- leaves with whitish edging and gray-green spots;

        « Naked"- Narrow slightly wavy leaves, side shoots partially disrupting;

        « Israel»- Leaves with a strong gloss, large, gray stems, running down shoots;

        « Dwarf gold"- small leaves are green, with age gray, the edges of white leaves;

        « Starlight»- Dark green leaves with white border;

        « Exotic"- leaves with a strong gloss, in young shoots and along the central veins brown coloring.

        Ficus Rubbone (Ficus Elastica)

        Evergreen tree height 20-30 m. It has air roots. Oval leaves, 20-30 cm long, 10-20 cm width, dark green, shiny, leathery, with a pronounced average vest. Young leaves twisted into the tube and covered with reddish strips. In culture there are voyage forms.

        Ficus Lirelike (Ficus Lyrata)

        Evergreen tree with a height of 10-12 m. Leaves up to 60 cm long and 30 cm width, lovoid, with a wavy edge, dark green, leathery. There are no air roots.

        Ficus Bunk (Ficus Retusa)

        Evergreen tree with air roots. Looks like a ficus of Benjamin. From the latter is distinguished by horizontally outstretched uncompaired shoots and more dense leaves.

        Ficus care

        Ficks are unpretentious and shadowing, except Ficus Karika. Some of them (for example, Ficus Lovyoid and Ficus dwarf) We need high humidity. The temperature in the winter is maintained within + 10 ... + 15 ° C. Watering in spring and summer abundant, winter is moderate. Plants will not tolerate earthen coma. It should be regularly sprayed a plant with soft water. In the warm season, they are conducting feeding every 2-3 weeks.

        Plants easily carry cropping and need to form a crown. The cropping of the ficus is produced to rejuvenate the plant, giving it a certain shape, warning from tree species of the trunk, causing branches in the right place, changes in the direction of growth of branches and under health purposes. It is not recommended to simultaneously trim and transplant, as it can weaken the plant. In addition, unplaced and painful plants should not be subjected to forming trimming.

        Pereparing ficuses in the spring: young plants annually, adults - every 3-4 years. Preference should be given to spacious containers, 1/4 filled with drainage material. For large copies, crushed stone is used as a drainage material. It provides a container stability by weighting it bottom. The soil mixture of the turf, compost, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1) is used. When moving and transplanting large ficuses, it is necessary to ensure that the most developed part of the crown remains facing the greatest lighting, as it was before the permutation.

        Ficuses poorly carry the crown rotation relative to the light source. Exception is Ficus rubbing - It should be rotated relative to the light source to form a symmetric crown.

        Reproduction of ficus

        Split with cuttings in the spring. Milky juice released from cut steels washed with water, after which the cuttings are planted into a wet mixture of peat and sand (1: 1), rooted at a temperature of +25. +30 ° C with high humidity.

        Ecology of housing

        Substances that distinguish between these plants are biologically active and serve as a source of enhancement of the habitat, which is positively affected by the human body. Creating "clean air", the ficus contributes to improving performance, overcoming stress, sleep normalization. But the ficus has other amazing properties. It belongs to filter plants, its leaves are able to absorb formaldehyde to 10 Mt / hour. This colorless gas is often contained in the air and kitchens in the air (it is released from chipboard, plywood, foam and other polymeric materials used when finishing the premises). This invisible pest causes irritation of the respiratory tract, permanent headache, sometimes - nauseous. Place 2-3 ficus indoors on the area of \u200b\u200b16-20 kV. m, which will significantly improve the environmental situation.

        One of the best air purifiers in the apartment - Ficus Benjamin. Due to the thick location of the dust on the leaves, it carries out intensive gas exchange with the surrounding air medium, absorbing many harmful compounds, such as poisonous benzene, trichloroethylene and phenols for humans, and turns them using special enzymes in amino acids and sugars.

        Medical properties

        Ficus dwarf, or melo-Choir, known as Ficus creeping, widely used in folk medicine. The leaves are used to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids. Dried leaves and stems - with furunculese, rheumatism, ulcers in the larynx. The juice from the stem is recommended for skin diseases, and the stem itself and the skin of the nozzles - with pain in the back, cancer, disorders of digestion, dysentery, gonorrhea, hernia, etc. In Eastern Medicine, the plant is considered to increase sexual opportunities, in any case, male potency . The use of this plant inside removes pain in the heart and prevents the risk of cancer.

        From therapeutic point of view is interesting and Ficus Karika (fig tree, figs). In medicine, all the plant is used as an anti-cancer. Leaf decoction is effective with pain and helps to reduce hemorrhoidal nodes, warts. Spelling is a means of promoting digestion and lactation in nursing women.


        Ficus works like a vacuum cleaner, cleansing the space from the dust of our alarms, doubt, experiences. Sorrow and anxiety weaken the energy of our apartments and violate the vibration equilibrium, which affects the state of the atmosphere as a whole. And this is especially characteristic of houses that are located in the city center. Ficus as it would take fire on itself, absorbing negative energies and transforming them into positive.

        There is a belief that Ficus contributes to the conception and birth of children, although confirming or refute such a statement is quite difficult. But on the energy balance of the ficus really affects: he relieves irritability, acting as an immune psychotherapist, gives man his condition of peace, equilibrium, feeling the stability of life. He extends aggression from hot-tempered people, and decisiveness and purposefulness attaches insecure.

        Ficus Benjamin: views, photos and care at home

        Very loved and popular among flowerflowers a variety of varieties of ficuses. They have long settled in apartments, greenhouses, offices, shops. Having landed such a plant on her window sill and correctly causing him, you can admire the green handsome for many years. True, many varieties of fikuses have giant sizes, so there is a spacious room for them. But very much varieties are a lot, and everyone can pick up a plant for its apartment or office in size, color or sheet form.

        Ficus: views, photos and titles

        Beautiful evergreen plant Ficus refers to the Family Family. Growing in Nature in New Guinea, Southeast Asia and on Solomon Islands Plants can be like trees and shrubs. Depending on the type, ficuses may have green or two-color leaves up to 70 cm in size. Minor flowers of the plant are located on simplified periccients.

        In nature, ficuses can grow up to 40 meters long, and the diameter of their barrel can reach 5 meters. There are false and adding plant species. In total there are more than 1000 varieties of ficuses. However, at home is grown much less. Fikuses known in amateur flower growing We will consider today in our article.

        Popular species of ficuses

        Rubbone Ficus refers to the most popular and unpretentious species of this kind of tide plants. It different with a weaker stemwhich at home can reach two meters. Leather and glossy elliptical leaves on the tip are slightly pointed. A grayish green crown of a tree of rough and is dressed with horizontal grooves. In wet premises, the tree gives air roots. This type of ficus has different varieties that are mainly different from the coloring of the leaves:

      • The "Black Prince" grade is a plating with black leaves.
      • The Daecheri variety is distinguished by the presence of pink spots and a red bombing in the middle of the sheet.
      • The variety "Variagat" has beautiful green leaves, along the edges of which there is a cream edge.
      • The Robust variety is a plant with large, glossy leaves of a rich green color.
      • Ficus Benjamin is an evergreen tree with subtle escapes in nature can grow up to 10-20 meters. At home, the bush reaches a height of three meters. The gray-beige branched crown of the plant has the right forms. Subsecured sheets in length reach 5-20 cm, and in width - 2-5 cm. They can be monophonic or two-color, have an oval, ovoid shape, or the shape of a spiral. The crown of the tree is so thick that sometimes the trunk is not visible because of it. Thanks to their growing escapes to air roots, you can make beautiful binders and give the tree unusual forms.

        Ficus creeping is a miniature male shrub features long stems, on which additional roots are formed. On the green surface of its heart-shaped rigid leaves, a mesh pattern of yellow shade is formed. Thanks to its suction cups, the plant can grow on trees or supports.

        Ficus dwarf or Pumile White It is a liano with long, adding shoots. Asymmetric leaves have an oval-heart-shaped form and are located on stems with a thickness of 5 cm. The rough and wrinkled surface of the leaves are covered with a mesh pattern. The plant completely covers the soil of the carpet, caustic to the ground with its numerous roots.

        Ficus Lire-shaped features large leaves of a light green shade. In young plants, they are covered with wax, and the silhouette of the violin resemble the silhouette. Each sheet in length reaches 60 cm, and in a width - 30 cm. Green leaves in white clock in the middle have a pronounced veil. A straight trunk of plants in nature grows up to 12 m.

        Ficus Rubilinosis or Rust It is a small size of a sprawling tree with a red shade shoots. At the bottom of the crown, air roots are formed, and brightly pink chosen kidneys are growing at the top of the tree. Pretty large leaves of the plant on top of dark green, and on the bottom side - reddish-brown.

        Ficus the discharge its name received due to the fact that on its branches you can see the leaves of a completely different form. The shrubs growing up to one meter has a tree stem and leathery leaves. On their dark green background can be brown spots. The shrub fertures with reminiscent olive berries, which in no case can not be taken into eating.

        Ficus Melanie in Indonesia is considered a sacred tree. The young plant has underdeveloped crown. The trunk of plants cover leathery, elliptical dark green leaves and air roots getting to the ground. At home, the plant does not bloom, but forms fruits-sycliums.

        Ficus Karika or Indian Indian - This is a small size deciduous shrub with a spreaded crown. It is distinguished by a brown-gray thick trunk and gentle leaves of the wrong shape. Each sheet is covered with light yellow or white streaks. With proper care at home, the flowering and fruction of figs can be achieved. Flowers in a plant barely noticeable, but the fruits or wine berries resemble spherical hopes. In the fall, this type of ficuses can reset the leaves.

        How to care for ficus at home?

        Indoor plants are unpretentious, so very popular and loved by flowerfish. Ficus care at home is a good lighting, regular and proper watering and a suitable temperature. However, some nuances of growing, especially some plant species, are still available.

        The best option for the placement of ficuses is well lit place. without direct sunlight. A small plant can be put on a western or eastern window sill, and a high bush or a tree located on the floor or stand near the window. Putting the plant deep into the room is not recommended. In the shadows, the bustice will slow down growth and reset the leaves.

        In the warm period of time, the ficuses can be taken to the loggia or balcony, placing them so that the plant does not fall on the plant. In winter, light-minded plants suffer because of a short luminous day, so they are recommended for several hours a day to further highlight.

        Temperature and air humidity

        Summer optimal temperature for the cultivation of ficus maybe in redistribution 25-30s. In winter, the plant is recommended to contain at a 16-20s air temperature.

        Ficks feel well at room temperature. The only thing they do not like is escaped with dry air heating radiators. Therefore, the plant is recommended two - three times a day spray water temperature. Otherwise, dry air may cause destruction of wood pests or diseases.

        Watering and water procedures

        When leaving for ficus, regular watering is required, which depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature regime in the room. There is a plant only after the upper layer of the earth's mixture is good. Too frequent watering can lead to upgrade root system. It is also necessary to ensure that water is not accumulated in the pallet.

        In the arid period twice a month, the ficuses are recommended to bathe under the shower, covering pre-soil with a waterproof film. In the absence of a soul, the leaves of the plant can be periodically wiped first dry, and then a wet cloth.

        To leave the tree saturated green, experienced flowerflowers wipe them with a special solution:

      • in half of the glass of water, two spoons of mayonnaise are diluted;
      • dry and clean rag wetted in the resulting solution;
      • the leaves are wiping to completely remove dirt and dust.
      • Subject ficuses

        When caring for a ficus at home, the feeder is made only in the summer. Mineral and organic fertilizers are recommended for this alternately. Plants are fed every ten days.

        In winter, when little light and heat Fertilizers do not apply. But for good well-being of the plant, it is possible to feed the tea leaves with tea leaves, instilcing their small amount into the ground.

        Change and soil for ficuses

        Young, actively growing plants in a transplant need every year. Old trees and bushes are transplanted once a few years. It is necessary to do this in order to update the scum and straightened soil.

        For transplanting, a neutral or weak-eyed special soil for ficuses is suitable for transplanting. Young plants need a specific excavation mixture that you can prepare from equal parts:

        Adult trees are transplanted into a more dense soil, so the mixture is added humid and nervous land.

        Approximately per day before planting the plants are poured. For young bushes, new pots must be about 2 cm more than previous ones. At the bottom of the tank, the drainage is first poured, and then a small layer of soil. Pulled out of the old pot of the plant along with the earthlings installed in a new container And poured soil.

        Ficus Benjamin: Home Care, Photo

        A small church with small leaves requires more attention and some care. Otherwise, leaves begged with it, and the plant becomes perfectly lys.

        Ficus Benjamin lives in conditions of high humidity, therefore it does not endure too bright lighting and dry air. Therefore, it is recommended to grown away from direct sunlight, and spray several times a day. A very good option to enhance humidity will be the use of a special humidifier.

        If nevertheless, Fikus Benjamin started leaves, then the reason may be:

    1. Acclimatization of the plant to new cultivation conditions.
    2. Watering with cold water.
    3. Lack of light.
    4. Uncomfortable for plants temperature (above 23c or below 17C).
    5. Drafts and sharp temperature differences.
    6. Dry air.
    7. Excessive or insufficient humidity of the soil.
    8. All these reasons when leaving for fisus, Benjamin should be eliminated. Plant put on a bright place away from sunlight and draft, it is regularly poured, sprayed and feeding. Also, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil in the pot and annually transplant the young plant.

      Reproduction of ficuses at home

      The easiest and most common method of breeding ficuses are shilling.

      To obtain cuttings in the spring from a bush under the lower node, shoots are cut off, on which at least 2-3 leaves should be. The bottom sheet is removed, the cut is washed, and the cuttings are placed in wet sand or water. The segment of the plant is abundantly sprayed and covered with a transparent plastic bottle Or another cap. In this form, the cuttings are put in a warm, shaded place, and are ventilated daily. As soon as the plant gives the roots and starts to grow, it can be safely planted into a pot filled with an earthy mixture.

      You can take a large sheet of ficus as a cutting, cutting it along with the heel. The sheet rolled into the tube is rooted in a wet peat or sand. Next to it for stability is installed support. The sheet sprinkles and covers the flask. During the rooting, it is necessary to air the cuttings and moisturize peat. After the appearance of the roots sheet sitting in a small pot. As the plant grows, the plants are transplanted into large pots.

      Present fake lovers care for a pet at home is considered sufficiently easy. Performing only a few conditions, you can admire the year round with a beautiful greens of a small bustle or a magnificent and spectacular adult tree.

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    The girlfriends have long praised me ficus - they say, it is a spectacular, fashionable plant, which also cleans the air in the apartment. Therefore, for a birthday, I ordered a spouse such a vase. And he took ... And five different tiny trees were dragged at once!

    He said that all of them are ficuses (even though the guys differed significantly), he could not choose one, so I took everything offered in the store, because he does not feel sorry for me. Now we have a whole greenhouse at home, and the air really became some more fresh, pleasant. True, I needed work significantly, but I do not regret!

    These are the true kings of the decorative vases.

    Most came to us from tropical countries (Mediterranean, Africa, the coast of the Pacific and Indian Ocean). However, why go far - the same fig is growing great and fruits on the streets of Crimea.

    Whether these plants bloom

    In the wild, they gladly decorate with flowers. At any time of the year, small white, beige, blue, pinkish flowers are blooming on the branches. For example, this beauty can afford a rubbing ficus:

    In the greenhouse, large ficuses also make visitors with flowering, although more rare than "on the will".

    As for home, indoor plants, even when creating ideal conditions, not all flower products can achieve from their pet blossom. And it is not always the flowers to which we are accustomed. This photo of the bloomed Benjamin demonstrates berries:

    In fact, these are Siconia, which are also flowers. They are empty inside, have a hole. Such a hole is invented by nature so that the insect (also exotic, like the ficus) penetrated into and pollinated flower. We also do not have these midges, and therefore the flowers will not give berries and propagate the plant even for curiosity it will be impossible.

    By the way, if your ficus bloomed, it's not so good - he gives a lot of strength on bloom, and when the flowers fell, he can even get seriously sick.

    Most popular species (with photos)

    As for pets, among them there are both miniature species adorning window sills and huge potted trees for corridors and holls.

    There are even a few ampel varieties created for suspended cass.

    Special attention is worth a variety called Variagat. It is light on the edges and dark in the center of the color of the leaves, which can meet in different types of ficus - both rare ampel, and "bestseller" of Benjamin.

    Ficus Benjamin

    The most popular, though a little picky appearance. Some individuals grow up to 2 meters, others remain "pocket lovers." Listers of all varieties are small (resemble cherry or laurels), smooth.

    If the ficus does not like care, it can protest in the form of loss of leaves.

    You can buy:

    • plant with monochrome green leaves (grade Esther, Daniel, Exotic);
    • spotted, bright "individual" and salad, yellow, white crap or side edging of the sheet (Judy, Gold Princesses, Variagat, Stalita, Kinki);
    • ficus, whose leaves are twisted (Baroque).

    Rubbone (Elastic)

    This plant has large and dense leaves. It is considered unpretentious, so many inexperienced ficuspants begin their acquaintance with fakes precisely from this species.

    A feature of elastics is rapid growth. If you do not want, after a couple of years she rested into the ceiling, it will have to constantly cut it.

    Depending on the grade of the coloring of the leaves can be different:

    • just green (darker Abidjan, lighter robust);
    • saladovaya (Srimerian with rare green crap);
    • with blond stains along the edges (Belize, Tineke, the tricolor is also with the splashes of redness);
    • with a reddish tide (melanie, a dark black prince, a decor with white edges).

    Binnendian (Ali)

    Because of the narrow leaves, it is called a newspaper.

    Born in South Asia, the village is afraid of drafts and constantly needs heat. It grows at any time of the year, it is high in winter.

    Sometimes bonsai make out of it, but it turns out to be a bigger - too notable leaves of Ali.

    The leaves of different varieties of this type are monophonic or spotted. For example, the leaves of Amstel Queen are green and wide, and Ampto Gold Gold Salad, decorated with green spots.


    Ficus has interesting triangular, stupid on the end of the leaves. He loves heat, light and frequent spraying.

    The plant grows slowly. Gives a lot of air roots, they can be very profitable to beat, creating a bonsai composition.

    More often, the leaves of the species are monophonic, but you can find a variety with specks (Variagat).


    The barrel of such a ficus from below has thickened roots, which are very interesting to play flowerflowers. "On the will" is a tree, a growing up to 25 meters, although it starts its life as epipheit (living on the trunk of another tree).

    In the conditions of the apartment, the microcharp can be seen in pots from Bonsai (his crown is not afraid of trimming). However, if you wish, you can make such a ficus and up to 1.5 meters altitudes.

    It is relatively capricious. This species does not like:

    • drafts
    • dry air (perfectly hold ficus on the pallet with wet clay and away from the radiator),
    • southern windows and direct sunlight (although if the variety is variant, i.e., do not put it in the shadow),
    • wet soil (take a watering can only when you see that all the soil is dry dry).


    Data kids gave us Chinese and the Japanese.

    This is not a tree at all, or either a creeping, or the amplula Vazone, which will give will - will make up to 5 meters. Be careful: if he spits other pots, it can a proper in their soil with apparent roots.

    Leafs resemble miniature hearts (sometimes - oak leaves), the edges of their corrugated. Can be decorated with golden dots, light edging.

    Ficus loves:

    • indirect, scattered light;
    • high air humidity;
    • warm rooms.


    In his life, he adores two things: moisture and warmth. For nothing to let it grow in a dry ground and in conditions of underwent air.

    Although he is amply, but it is better not to raise it on a balcony or kashpo, but in a greenhouse or a closed flurarium in the form of aquarium. There, it is possible to put a dried branch for him, the ficus is beautifully mounted.

    The varieties exist in monophonic (basic) and voyage.

    Fig (fig tree, fig, karika, wine tree)

    "On the will" grows from South Africa to the Mediterranean.

    Buddhists, Muslims, as well as Jews, consider this village sacred.

    And yes, it gives delicious fruits. Even if we grow such a fiber in the apartment.

    Bengali (Banyan)

    Another major view.

    The baby is epipheit, but when the air roots of the ficus reach the Earth, they germinate into it and the plant turns into a full-fledged tree.

    If you want to raise it in the house, do not let the Bengal ficus of the Will: Keep in a close pot and constantly cut the crown, otherwise it will capture the world ... That is, all your room. The tree grows throughout his life. Perfectly multiplied with cuttings, as well as air chains.

    • Bangladsis variety: leaves are decorated with dark veins.
    • Krishna (yes, named in honor of the Divine): The veins are bright, the leaves in the form of a funnel.
    • Audrey: Listers small, with light clips. The variety is suitable for bonsai.


    Very large variety, the leaves grow up to half a meter.

    Sheet plate slightly wavy, dark, with light veins.

    This species loves:

    • stand in proud loneliness, without other vases;
    • wintering in the semi-threshing room (from 12 to 15 degrees);
    • warm water for watering;
    • summer wipes with wet rag.

    If your apartment is small, you can buy a variety of bumbino - this is a lead-shaped ficus of relatively compact sizes.

    Sacred (religious)

    Large tree, more suitable for greenhouses.

    The Hindus called the sacred plant: they believe that it was under such a ficus that Buddha enlightened.

    In the wild, this is a beautiful 30-meter tree shrouded with air roots, which ficus rests into the ground. At the end of the season, he dumps all the leaves, then turns new.

    Does not love:

    • heat
    • dry air.

    Before the rain, when changing the pressure in the atmosphere, can form drops of dew on the leaves (the same quality is also found at Benjamin ficuses).

    General Principles of Picks

    • The brighter the leaves of the ficus are painted, the more light and heat need to be plants. This is especially true of bendjamine fakes, rubbing. If leafies with white, yellowish or gas stains will be in a thick shadow, they can completely green with grief, that is, to darken.
    • The same Benjamin does not like terribly when the pot with him is rearranged from place to place and even turn. Therefore, the Tseum immediately after bringing to the house you need to choose a permanent habitat.
    • Watering ficuses need to be gradually, but often.
    • Do not let dust accumulate on the leaves. If they are big, wipe them, if small, spray.

    And also, as you already know, there are beautiful bonsai from the fakes. In addition to an interesting hobby, this occupation can bring additional income. How can I create such interior trees, will tell such a video:

    Types of ficuses differ in coloring, shape, the size of the leaves, so looking at the photo and description you will learn to distinguish them.

    This ficus is sold in almost every specialized store. It is also called a ficus tree. The birthplace plants are considered West Africa, India and Nepal.

    At home, rubber ficuses began to grown at the very beginning of the XIX century.

    Benjamin is growing at the mountain foot and in tropical forests, where elevated humidity prevails. Tree height - more than 15 meters.

    IMPORTANT: If Benjamin is contained at home, then it is necessary to ensure that the plant is not too long on the draft. He is especially important to the light.

    When Benjamin begins an active growth, then its trunks are intertwined by a pigtail.

    The birthplace of this ficus is Taiwan and Tropical Asia. In nature, its height reaches 20 meters, and sometimes even more.

    At home, the plant requires careful lighting, otherwise it will not grow.

    Initially, the growth of the dull ficus is similar to epipheit. Already after he becomes like Banyan.

    It is believed that the analogues of Ginsengu is not all over the world. His vowel distinctive feature is a root that most resembles the root of a fabulous mandragora.

    ATTENTION:At home from scratch, this type of ficus without special equipment and the required skills will not work almost.

    However, in many stores Ginseng is sold freely access, so it can be bought and highly growing a plant in your home.

    This type of ficus is very popular for more than a decade. Resort is growing in the warm countries of Asia and can reach a height of more than 20 meters.

    At home or in the country, it will be able to grow even a novice flower model, since the plant does not require any specific care.

    However, there is a result and one disadvantage - this ficus grows incredibly slowly.

    The full name of the plant is Ficus de Dumbbell. It has the fact that it has the leaves exclusively white. It grows mainly in Japan and China in subtropics.

    If it is correct to care for the plant, then it will take a long time to delight the flower with its beauty.

    This small shrub slowly steels on the ground or partially closed on the tree. Crying ficus the form of leaves is rounded.

    REFERENCE:Excellent feels in the shade. With excellent lighting, quickly covers the whole form located nearby.

    The plant is required abundantly and regularly water.

    Another name for this ficus is Banyan. It grows in southern China, India, Malaysia, Burma and Thailand. With its cultivation, any novice flower model can cope.

    At home can grow in a height of up to three meters.

    He needs regular watering and bright light.

    The full name of the ficus - Amstel King.

    Height reaches more than 20 meters in natural conditions.

    Direct sunlight is the key to the successful growth of Amstel King. You can not pour the ficus, it can damage it to significantly.

    The form of the leaves of this plant is most reminiscent of the violin or the LIRA. That is why Ficus and received such a name.

    In the people, the plant is called violin ficus.

    REFERENCE:Tropical Africa is considered to be the birthplace of a legal ficus. In natural conditions, plants can reach 30 meters in height.

    Over 40,000,000 years ago appeared the appearance of this ficus. Scientists adhere to the opinions that this plant is one of the most ancient, reached to the present day. Australia is considered the birthplace of large-scale ficus.

    On this continent, it reaches a height of 60 meters.

    At home, it is significantly less, but it is not difficult to care for it.

    This is a relatively small ficus, its height reaches about two meters. The Middle East is traditionally considered the birthplace of the plant.

    In the summer, the caric is enough to water twice a week.

    Ficus called Moklama can be found in many homes and apartments. It is not difficult for him to care, it fits into any interior and therefore enjoys great popularity.

    Taiwan, Australia and China are the birthplace of the plant.

    IMPORTANT:Water it is necessary to constantly so that the moclama is good.

    Ampelic ficuses grow in China and India mainly in the tropics. They have small foliage, length can be like 0.7 centimeters, and reach 7 centimeters.

    At home, it is difficult to grow them, as they are distinguished by improved soil requirements and air.

    Moreover, the ampel ficus needs to constantly water.

    Rodin is considered West Africa. It is enough to make small efforts, and even a novice flower-like amateur will be able to grow this plant.

    In natural conditions, the height can reach 30 meters. In the home, everything is much more modest - about 1 meter.

    Tip:Straight sun rays triangular ficus are not recommended.

    Benedict grows in Africa in the tropics and subtropics. In nature, it can reach a height of about 20 meters.

    It is necessary to water regularly, it is recommended to feed it twice a month.

    Growing in Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Refers to dwarf species. Density and leathery - distinctive features of the ficus.

    Tip:If you put it indoors, the plant will clean the air.

    Flowerwoods at the expense of beauty and unpretentiousness in the care of the Pumin White Sunny causes only positive emotions.

    Philippines, Southeast Asia and India are the birthplace of balsamines. The plant is unusually hardy and in nature reaches more than 20 meters in height. Fragrant rains or strong winds ficus are not scary.

    However, at home for the plant, it is necessary to carefully care for otherwise the plant can get sick.

    Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam - It is in these countries that can be found dwarf ficuses.

    For growing room ficus, the optimal temperature should always be observed.

    His homeland is Southeast Asia. Growth of this plant in nature is 20-25 meters.

    Its feature is a thin, smooth barrel and a lush, dark green crown.

    REFERENCE:The scientific name - Ficus MicroCarpa he received due to miniature fruits that appear on it in the wild.

    At home, neither bloom, no fruits will be able to get, because there are no conditions for its pollination. In detailed flower growing is grown most often in the style of Bonsai.


    To grow all kinds of ficuses, most often no specific knowledge and skills are required. The variety of plant species allows even novice flowers to enjoy the beauty of ficuses.

    At home, about 20 types of fakes are grown, and in total, this gene has almost 2000 varieties. The shape and appearance of these plants can be the most varied. These are high trees, and dwarf soil ficuses. The main part of them is evergreen species, but leaf fallal variations are also found.

    Today the fashion for ficuses in the interior is back again. Large copies are perfectly suitable as solvents for large rooms: Halls and living rooms. These are ficuses such as lying, rubbing, Binnendian. Varieties with ampel shoots perfectly look in vertical compositions.

    Let's talk about the most popular types and varieties of fakes, which are so diverse that absolutely everyone will be able to choose a plant in the shower and with suitable dimensions.

    Grade Gold Princes.

    The most popular tree variety up to 2 meters high with small leaves and drooping branches. The sheet plate, depending on the variety, can have different shades of color and different size. The edges of the leaves can be both smooth and wavy, and the leaves themselves can be spinning. Pestro colored varieties of Benjamin ficus. The tips of the leaves are slightly drawn and form a funnel to flow off excess moisture with a glossy surface.

    A variety of paintings and drooping branches This kind of ficus, of course, attracts the eyes and like most buyers. But in care, the plant places certain requirements. If you do not provide a ficus of Benjamin suitable conditions, the plant can reset the leaves and lose decorativeness.

    This species does not like to change the place of residence. If you still had to rearrange him, the pot needs to deploy the same side to the light as before that, otherwise the leaf fall is provided. Varieties with motley leaves are more demanding about color than green ficuses.

    STARLIGHT variety

    Watering the plant is needed moderately, but regularly. Ficus Benjamin does not like to overwhelm and dryness soil.

    The plant is well tolerating the haircut, which allows you to form a crown of the desired form.

    This species feature the formation of air roots, as you can form beautiful weaves, which gives the tree even greater decorativeness.

    Most popular varieties:

    • Gold Princes - has light green leaves with dark green planets;
    • Variegata - a variety with two-color leaves;
    • Judi - the leaves are golden pigmentation in the form of individual spots;
    • Esther - This variety is bright green foliage;
    • Barok is a relatively low plant with twisting leaves;
    • Starlight is a very decorative fountain with white foliage.

    Benjamin Ficus: Video

    Grade Robusta.

    The most common and unpretentious type of ficus. It is believed that it cleans air well in the room and saturates it with oxygen. There are voyage varieties that are slightly more picky in content. This Ficus received its Latin name due to the fact that in its Milky juice it contains rubber used to produce rubber.

    This kind is reluctant to branch and to force it to this, it is recommended to cut off the macushk in an adult plant. It can be further rooted and get a new plant. Over time, the lower leaves are aging and falling, the barrel is broken, which reduces the decorativeness of the plant.

    So that the ficus does not lose the foliage prematurely due to improper care, it is impossible to transfer soil to the sharp change of temperature, the re-securing fertilizer.

    It is important to maintain good illumination, having a fiber as close to the window or on the windowsill. It can be said that this plant is a conservative, not loving changes.

    ABIDJAN variety

    If the ficus of rubbing like the conditions of cultivation, it will give 1 new leaf weekly in the actual growth phase. In winter, the period of rest comes. The plant is watered with neat warm water, with a drying of an earth's coma between irrigation. It is advisable to spray in the heat. This ficus also likes when his leaves wipe with a wet sponge.

    Common varieties:

    • Robusta is a green, unpretentious appearance;
    • Abidjan - has burgundy residences on the sheet plates, which gives it originality;
    • Belize - has a three-color color, in the center of the leaf is green, and on the edges there are white and pink spots, light-chapin;
    • Black Prince - named so for almost black painting of deciduous cover, has no special demands in care;
    • Melany - has a compact crown, willingly branches than different from other varieties;
    • Tineke is a three-color variety with white, pistachio and green coloring of the leaves, whimsically, from improper care.

    Ficus rubbing: video

    Grade Bambino.

    The species received its name for the similarity of large wavy leaves with the lyrock. On a dark background of the foliage has embossed bright bodies. The sheet can grow up to 50 cm, so the plant has impressive dimensions and requires a lot of space, but at the same time does not tolerate the neighborhood with other colors.

    Loves multiple bright light and moderate temperature. During the rest (winter) - cool content at a temperature of 12-15 °. For irrigation, use warm water. The land should not be constantly wet. Requires drying between watering. In the spring, summer and autumn 2 times a month, feeding with mineral fertilizers are necessary. In the summer it is desirable to spray the leaves and wipe them with a wet sponge. Pereparing the flower with full filling the pot of the root system.

    Famous varieties of Lovoid Fikus:

    • Columnaris - tall grade, suitable for offices, clubs, restaurants, requires a lot of space, fast-growing;
    • Little Fiddle - The average plant is suitable for spacious living rooms;
    • Bambino - perfectly fit into a small apartment, as it has a compact size.

    Amstel Gold

    This tree variety of ficus is from South Asia. Evergreen church has long narrow drooping leaves, grows pretty quickly. Sometimes this species is called the solar ficus for its external similarity with IWA. Ficus Ali warmly, and does not tolerate the cold and drafts. There has no pronounced rest period. Since the winter plant continues its height, it needs a backlight.

    This ficus is suitable for the formation and content of a bonside form, but since the leaves are rather large, it is grown by more tall, than traditional bonsai. To enhance sustainability, it is desirable to establish a support. You can reproduce with cuttings that are rooted without any problems. Suitable for maintenance in the rooms and in the winter garden. Excellent complements the interior in Asian style.

    The most popular varieties:

    • Alii - distinguished by dark brown stem with white strokes;
    • Amstel Queen - more freeware grade, sheet plates are wider than other varieties;
    • Amstel Gold - very spectacular leaves with motley color, the main background - lettuce, the dark green areas are dispersed.

    Variegata variety (Variagata)

    The plant is from Southeast Asia. The name arose due to the shape of the leaves in the form of a triangle, a variety of shape. Adult ficus grows in the form of a lush bush with a multitude of air roots. Cora - gray brown. Branches can be slightly winding. Leaves resembling a triangle with rounded edges are covered with light points. There are several small black spots on the underside of the leaves.

    In home care, the ficus is warm and very like spraying. Must get enough light. If the conditions do not like, increases a large mass of air roots. It is often cultivated in the form of a bonsai. It is a slow-growing view.

    Common varieties:

    • Natali Trinova - has larger homogeneous leaves;
    • Variegata is a beautiful voyage variety, quite rare.

    Ampelny ficuses

    F. Variegata.

    On disgusting shoots there are leaves of 4-5 cm, elongated form. Peppercut varieties are brought by breeders. This fiber loves warmth and water. Even short-term drying of an earth coma, a plant can die from this. Dry air this type of ficuses also does not tolerate.

    It is best to contain it in a small aquarium or greenhouse, where it is easy to maintain high humidity.

    When creating a composition inside an aquarium, you can position the natural cory by which the shoots will be climbing up. Solar rays This ficus does not tolerate. It grows well with bright scattered light or artificial lighting.

    It has a variety of F. Variegata with cream border along the edge of the leaves.

    WHITE SUNNY variety

    Mulechativite look from China and Japan. Unusual ficus, not at all similar to other species, it is also called ficomy tiny. Can be grown as ampel, creeping and climbing on the support plant. Thin shoots can grow up to 5 meters long. May increase to the soil with apparent roots. Support requires consolidation.

    The leaves grow in the form of 2,5 cm hearts with corrugated edges. Young leaflets at first asymmetric shape. With age, the leaves are becoming larger, as they continue to grow constantly. The breeders have brought a mini form with no more than 0.7 cm in length and damp varieties of dwarf ficus. The plant does not tolerate the straight sun. The growth of shoots is accelerated in a warm room with high humidity.

    Common varieties and varieties:

    • Ficus pumila var. Macrophylla - has larger leaves compared to other variations;
    • Ficus pumila var. AWKEOTSANG - characterized by the appearance of the fruit of the elongated shape;
    • Ficus pumila var. QUERCIFOLIA - the leaves of this plant have a dub-like shape;
    • White Sunny is a volatile grade with light crossing;
    • Dorte - on the leaves there are golden splashes

    Ficus Palmeri.

    Such ficuses in indoor culture are grown as trees with a thickened bottom of the trunk. This is possible due to their special structure. Right these ficuses from dry terrain, they grow in Mexico and in the southern part of California. CaudEx (thickened bottom of the trunk) These plants are necessary to accumulate inside moisture. At the top of the trunk remains narrow.

    In the home culture, bottled ficuses need wide low pots, as they have a surface root system.

    When landing requires a drainage layer 4-5 centimeters. In winter, these fakes it is recommended to arrange a rest period, gradually cutting watering. In the spring, the transition to normal watering mode should be smooth. In summer, the plants are poured abundantly, but not too often.

    The most famous types:

    • Ficus Petiolaris is the brightest representative of the cakexes, a large plant with heart-shaped leaves of 10-15 cm in size, is characterized by unpretentiousness and rapid growth;
    • Ficus Palmeri - has light green glossy leaves of an elongated heart-shaped form, often grown in the form of a bonsai, Caudex is formed only when growing from seeds.

    Fikuses trees

    This view of its own air roots forms with the time of trunks-supports, so-called banyans, having one big crown and growing in nature for many kilometers. Let's talk about the most striking representatives of this species.

    Ficus Carica.

    The figs are also called a fig, a fig tree, a wine berry. It has a very wide range of grieving from the Mediterranean to South Africa. It is known for humanity for many centuries, according to the legend precisely the leaves of fig tree was covered in paradam and Eve. In some cultures, it is considered a sacred tree (Muslims, Jews, Buddhists). It has edible fruits.

    Ficus sacred or religious (Ficus Religiosa)

    This kind of genus is from Southeast Asia. In India, this tree is worshiped, believing that the Buddha has reached enlightenment. The most famous ancient copy is alleged about 3 thousand years.

    In nature, it grows up to 30 meters and with age throws up with air roots forming the backups. Is a leaf falling. In culture, it hardly transfers dry air and heat. Maybe in such conditions to reset the leaves. Ficus sacred is able to predict the change in the weather, forming a dropper of moisture on the leaves when changing the atmospheric pressure.

    Ficus var. Krishnae.

    Sometimes this kind of ficus is called just Banyan. In nature, it can be found in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan. In ancient manuscripts, he was called the symbol of immortality, the sacred banyan. The tree will continuously grow up the loser, constantly forming additional trunks. Ficus Bengalsky begins as an epipheit. Having reached by air roots to the ground, the plant rooted them and turns into powerful trunks, which then stipulate the host tree.

    It has the following varieties and varieties:

    • var. Benghalensis - leaves with distinct housing forming a dark pattern on a sheet plate;
    • var. Krishnae - named in honor of Krishna, has brightly pronounced bright veins on funk-shaped leaves;
    • Audrey - a variety with narrower leaves, on the upper side of which white specks are present, well suited for the bonce.

    A lot of varieties and varieties have a lot of varieties in a pot in a pot. Now the ficus is again experiencing a wave of popularity. And new varieties appear with a variety of decorative leaves.

    Do you have a ficus?