Repairs Design Furniture

Abstract Node in the educational area "Cognitive development" for children of the eldest group on the topic: "Winter birds are our friends. NOD in the older group "Winter birds" (knowledge) using ICT

Software tasks: consolidate the knowledge of children about the features of the bird's life in autumn and winter;

practice in the ability to find the sound [y] in the middle of the word; ; promote memory development; , careful attitude towards them; To acquaint with the words "Skivat", "hunt", "a little light".

Material: Moulei birds, thematic cards with birds of birds.

Structure occupation

Pupils view birds of birds and cards with their images.

Educator (V.). Children, what birds do you know from those seeing you? Did you meet with them before, where and under what circumstances did they do? (Children's responses.)

It's great that you know howlasts and swallows, sparrows and storks, aid, and owls, other birds are called and behave. Which of them leave our country in the fall and how are they called in one word? (Children's responses.)

That's right, such birds are called migratory. What are the main reason that forces them to change the place of residence? (Children's responses.)

Of course, the main reason is related to the fact that winter cold is approaching. Tell me, what birds from those that winter in our area, do you know?

Children. Sparrows, Tits, Snegiri, Dyatla, Owl, Crows, Pigeons.

IN. Well done! Now I propose a game with words. I will speak, as the bird is called. If you hear in the word sound [y], then clap your hands, accompany the name of the bird name with applause.

The educator calls words: Dove, sparrow, woodpecker, tit, food. Children react in accordance with the task.

IN. Why are the birds that stay to winter, often fly to housing?

Children. Getting cold.

IN. That's right, but not all birds are afraid of cold. Look at the next picture. This bird is called Klest.

Her small chicks are discovered in the most bodied frost. All because it is at this winter time in fir and pine cones ripen seeds. These seeds of Klezti not only feeds themselves, but also feed their children.

But most birds when they get cold, they strive for human housing. What is the reason other than frost, force them to be closer to people? (Children's responses.)

IN. Of course, especially in winter, birds lacking food, so they strive to eat with the help of people. How can we help birds to overvolve?

Children. Make a feeder's parents, pour food there.

IN. Did you do them before, or did the feeders already have this year? (Children's responses.). Well done, which together with adults help birds.

IN. Why should we take care of birds? What benefit do they bring us? (Children's responses.)

Listen to the folk riddle about another very interesting bird.

Day rests,

And at night flies,

Happy sleeps

And at night shouts,

Crying like a child

And lives in the forest. (Owl.)

That's right, this is Owl. See what her big eyes are hitch. She flies at night. Hunting on mice and even at the hares. Slightly light and she rests.

The teacher explains the meaning of the words "swelling", "hunting", "a little light".

IN. Children, carefully look at the card with the image of the bird, remember the content of the riddles and make together a small narrative of the owl.

Children. Big bird. Bulging eyes. At night flies. Hunting mice. Catch even hares. Slightly light and owl sleeps.

IN. Good you got a collective narration. Now you know how Owl behaves. And you still understand what you mean the words "honeycomb", "hunting", "a little light".

I will tell you more that the birds predict the weather. There are some folk signs:

- if the sparrows in cold weather begin to swim in the water, it will soon warm;

- Snegiri under the windows are twitched - there will be a thaw;

- The cinemas moved to the housing of a person - the beginning of winter, the upcoming winter will be snowy and cold.

It will be fine if you remember these signs. Tell them your moms and dads. Also ask the parents who other folk signs of birds they know.

Summing up the classes.

Organization: MKDOU "Borodinsky kindergarten" Teremok

Locality: Tula region, P. Borodinsky

Abstract Node for speech development on the topic "Winter birds"

Senior group

Main OO "Speech Development"

purpose: Development of connected speech through the compilation of stories on a series of pictures.


1. Educational

  • Teach children consider objects or phenomena of surrounding reality;
  • Consider the skills of children to answer the question of the teacher with a complete common answer;
  • Intensify the dictionary: Winter (Sinitsa, Snegir, Forty, Sparrow, Woodpecker, Pigeon);
  • Learn to make a story in the picture

2. Developing

  • Develop speech communication skills;
  • Develop logical thinking, memory and attention;
  • Develop auditory perception;

3. Educational

  • Raise the ability to listen to the stories of other children;
  • Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Integration: Socio-Communicative, Cognitive

  • Develop the skills of communicating and interacting the child with adults and peers through gaming activities; work in a pair;
  • Develop the emotional sphere;
  • develop curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • fasten knowledge about winter birds.

PPRS: Feeding, paper figurines of winter birds, projector, laptop, gymnastic sticks, bruise with cookies.

Preliminary work:

  • conversation about the winter birds; about help in winter time;
  • using the poem "feed the birds" Yashin A.
  • selection of pictures and puzzles of birds;
  • preparation of the presentation.

Move node

1. Organizational moment. Slide 2.

Children enter the music group and stop near the tutor.

Hello children!


Guys, look at what fabulous forest, we fell with you! (Draws the attention of children to the screen).- Why did I call him fabulous? (Beautiful, White, Snowless, Sparkling, Winter)

But why so quietly, why not heard bird votes?

D: - Now winter and birds flew into the warm edges, they are cold and hungry.

Q: - What are the names of the birds that we have to winter?

D: - Winter birds.

Q: - Children, let's look at the wintering birds and remember how they are called.

It takes the envelope in which pictures with the images of birds, the images of the winter and migratory birds are confused. The envelopes are placed images of winter and autumn.

It takes out of an envelope with winter birds all the pictures and puts on the table. Children are considered.

Children must themselves or with the help of a leading question of the teacher to see that among the images of winter birds there are images of migratory. (All these birds are wintering? Have you seen these birds on the street?)

Oh, look, someone confused all birds. Help me please select winter birds. Just how do we find out them?

I suggest you listen to the penzesome bird and guess what kind of bird it is.

Children are not guessing, telling with the help of a riddle, show slide.

Slide (3-7)

1.Krasnogood, black,

Loves grains pending

With first snow on rowan

He appears again. ( Bullfinch)

See what he is beautiful! What do you like in it? What does he differ from other birds?

2. Chirik!
To the branches jump!
Keys, not Roby!
Who is it? (Sparrow)

Did you like the sparrows? And why do you like it (fun, tweaking tweets,

3. CAR car-car!

Shouts the cheer.

Well, deft thief!

All brilliant little things

This bird loves!

And she is familiar to you,

What is her name? (Crow)

4. In the world, he is called.

With the roof of the arrow to the ground rushing,

If he sees the mountain of crumbs.

SIZY, White and good (Dove)

5.An the feeder to us in winter
The bird arrives
With yellow breasts Poohova -
Small ... (Cinema)

On the screen, the picture is a tip with guessing winter birds. (Slide 8)

Q: Now we can decompose the pictures correctly. Let's construct couples and solve what bird where to put

Children lay pictures to the appropriate envelope.

Q: - Well done guys! Now we know the winter birds well.

Cold and hungry birds in winter. How do we help them to overreim?

D: - Feed, make feeders.

In: - right, well done. Here I did such a feeder. And on her already flew birds. (Pulls out the feeder, puts on the table)

Q: - Speaker, and what can be feeding birds?

D: - birds can be picked by seeds, seeds, dry fruits, bread crumbs, grains, lard, etc. ( Slide 9)

Q: - Well done! Now you all know than feeding birds and can help them.

But you are still small. And who will help you to make feeders? - Of course, your dads and moms. Today, when you come home, tell them about what you learned. Let's clarify to tell.

Drawing up the story in the picture. (Slide10)

Q: Who wants to try to start rehearsing?

(If desired, the child comes out and becomes the floor side to the screen and viewers)

Vanya, imagine that we are your family, we listen to you carefully.

Supposing questions in case of difficulty children:

- How can I help birds in winter? (Make feeders)

- Who do we see in the picture? (In the picture we see a girl and a boy, they are probably friends or brother with a sister)

- What are they doing? (The guys made a feeder and hanged on the tree)

- What are birds feed? (They put seeds, bread)

- Only seeds and bread? (More laid rowan fruits, nuts, grains)

- Who flew? (Birds - cinema and missed everyone)

Q: - Who else wants to grind?

3-4 people

In: - Well done, you have good stories, very interesting.

Guys, what did you like the story of Masha, if, Petit ...?

In: - Guys, let's play with them. (Distribute birds from feeders)

Q: -d, two, three!

Turn around yourself,

In the wintering bird turn! (Slide11)

(V. Lays on the carpet contour feeders from gymnastic sticks)

Game "Bird Dining Room"

Children are there tokens with the image of different birds. For speech escort, a bird that hears about himself "flies" to the "feeder".

We made a feeder

We opened the dining room.

On the first day of the week

To us the sitsy flew away

And on Tuesday, look,

Fit bullfinch.

Three ravens were on Wednesday,

We did not wait for them to dinner,

And on Thursday from all edges

Flock of yellow sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was rummed by porridge

And on Saturday, Sunday

There was a common fun!

Q: - Well done, have fun! And for you, I also have food, feed my birds a little later. ( Showing a transparent box with cookies)


Q: - What did we find out and remembered about the birds today? (That they must be fed, to make feeders, feed with grains, seeds, etc. We learned to tell parents about the birds)


What did you like to do today? What was hard to be easy?


And Nadia knows the poem called "feed birds." Yashin A. (Slide 12). Let's listen!

Did you like the poem? Who also wants to learn him? Take the text and ask at home mom or dad, or someone else to help you learn it. When you learn, we will arrange a contest "Who better read the poem" and you yourself determine who worked out better than everyone and learned well. (At the request of children, leaves with the text of the poem are heard. As everyone learned to give it to all children to tell.)

Does anyone want to draw or cut out what I learned about today? You can do after classes.

And we will take our feeder to the locker room, whatever you forget to tell the parents about how cold and hungry birds in winter and how to help them. Brings your feeders to kindergarten, we will hang them on the plot and we will pour bird food with you.

To secure the material to repeat several times the game "Bird Dining Room" in the near future.


  1. Shoryigina T. "Birds. What are they? " - M., 2004
  2. Puzzles about birds.
  3. Voices of birds.
  4. Internet resources

MKDOU Buturlinsky kindergarten №11

Abstract classes


"Birds in winter"

(senior group)

Educator: Bulgova A.P.


Summarize kids knowledge. Obtained in bird observations, establish a link between the form of beak and bird nutrition; Mark the relationship between birds during wintering. Call a desire to help our pennate friends in winter.

Material: Pictures of forest and urban landscape with birds, painting with a picture of a feeder, pictures of winter birds.


Significant signs of birds, power models of birds, birds of birds in winter.

Structure occupation

Guys, a guest flew to us, and here he.

(Showing a parrot), his name is Kesha. He lives in Africa, where there is no winter and snow. Kesha asks to tell about our winter and birds that do not fly south.

Offer a parrot to guess the riddle.

What is the master on the run

And leaves, and herbs, and thicket roses? (Frost)

Rest: What time of year is frost?

(Parrot does not know. Kids help.)

In winter, we have a lot of snow, in sunny weather snow in the sun glitters, silver, sparkles. Children love to ride sleds and skis from the mountain. Coming fun holiday - New Year. At this holiday, the children are waiting for Santa Claus, ordered his gifts, and he performs their desires. During winter frosts, people have warm houses where you can warm up, cook food.

Rest: Guys, tell me how our smaller friends are wintering - birds? How can we help them in difficult times?

Answers children: feed them, hang feeders.

Rest: I suggest to consider photos where the children hung the feeders.

(I hang a picture with the image of the feeder. On the trough the birds and flights are depicted)

Rest: Watch everything is correctly drawn? Choose only those birds that remain for the winter.

(Children show only those birds that remain for the winter).

Best-L. : Guys, let's tell Keshe, what is the name of these birds.

(Children list: Tit, bullfinch, sparrows, etc.)

Rest: Now, tell us our guest, what is the name of the flight birds.

(Children list: swallow, larks, cuckoo, etc.)

Rest: In cold days, birds are looking for food within the day. Crows are sitting on the roofs of houses, on trees, and wait patiently when people will throw out along with the garbage of food remnants. Winter crows bolder than in summer. Field sparrows are combined in flocks along with urban and more people fly around human housing.

(A poster depicting the forest with birds, which remain for the winter in the forest).

Rest: Most birds still live in the forest.

Question: What birds do you know? Machine with them and our guest.

(Children list: Dyatlah, Tetra, Fresh IT.D.)

Best-L. : In the woods for the winter there are birds that feed on berries, seeds of trees. What are their names? Find them on the poster.

(Answers Children: Chizh, Svistle, Clest I.D.)

Rest: These birds are called grainyons, these birds are not very long, stupid.

(Model is set). But birds remain in the forest, which feed on insects in the warm season. Such birds are called insectivores.

Question: Show insectivore birds?

(Children call birds: Tit, woodpecker, rapid, etc.)

Rest: Pay attention to the beaks of these birds.

(Children view the beaks and compare with the keratas of other birds)


Didactic game: "Find on the beak" (the children find the beak, and explain why this bird has such a beak).

Rest: Guys, now I will play with you, and you tell us what you did.

The game: "Whose traces?" Determine which bird left its mark.

The game: "Fit the bird" pick up your head tail, legs to birds.

The game: "Who flew to the feeder?" - Inite winter birds.

(In all games, children tell the Keshe what they did)

Rest: The behavior of birds throughout the winter is different. In January, it becomes longer, the sun is shown more often. In the birds there is a revival. They have fun tweet, sitting on a branch where the sun is heaving.

Rest: What kind of nimble birds do you know?

(Children's responses) bullfinch.

Guys who can talk about bullfiner?

(children's responses: they feed the seeds of birch, lilac, rowan berries)

Rest: And where is the birds spend the night?

(Children's responses: under the roofs of houses, in the voupel of trees, spend a few birds spent the night, and do not even fly from there into severe frosts).

Rest: Kesha, you met with many birds.

Today, guys you learned a small part of the birds. Scientists are observed and studying. And our task with you is to help birds at this difficult time, so that without songs I did not have to meet the spring.

Let's guys come up with bird protection signs in winter.

(children offer their own options and sketch on paper sheets)

Guys, and with Keshi, we will have to say goodbye and ask to visit us more often.

Abstract of direct educational activities with elements of integration of educational areas "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Development"

Communications: Fasten the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of the appearance of birds. Fasten the ability of children to correctly call birds when guessing mysteries. Fasten the presentation of children about the habitats of birds, their external qualities, structure. Continue learning children to give a complete answer to the question.

Cognition: 1. Expand the presentations of children about birds, their appearance. Fasten ideas about birds, their lifestyle in the winter. Continue to learn to compare birds, designate a comparison with words. Relieve careful attitude towards birds.

Physical development: Exercise children in the performance of different types of traffic movements: cotton, squat, mahu hands. Walking in each other in a given direction, jumping with the promotion forward, through an obstacle.

Material: Cutting pictures with the image of birds, cards for the task of the "foam of birds", the medals of the birds of birds "envelope with the image of a loving.

Practical part: Preparation of plastic bottle feeders, geometric shapes of different colors on an adhesive basis.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys, now I will tell you that today happened in the morning. I came to work today, and I have a letter on the windowsill.
Have you ever received a letter?
Let's see from whom it?
The letter came from a loving.
Let's read our letter: "Hello, dear guys! Writes a ladder. I know that in winter, many birds settle near the person around the person, and I want to know how you can help them? I prepared for you tasks. I think that you will cope with them "(cards with tasks lie in the envelope).
Children, look, the cards are all the same?
(Different colors, with different numbers). So tasks will also be different. Let's try to answer them?
Which figure will we start performing tasks? (№1)
Card number 1
Lescript: To answer the first task, you need to find a cleaner in the group where the figure is located 1. Before the clearing, you will pass along the narrow path.
Yesterday in the forest was a strong sleeve, he confused all the cards, help me please spread the cards so that I got pictures.
Educator: Everyone posted pictures? Who is depicted on your picture? (Sparrow, crow, forty, tit, bullfinch, dove ...)
How can all these birds be called in one word? (Winter)
Well done, you coped with the first task.
Card number 2. To get to the figure 2, you need to overcome the obstacle. On the way you will have a stream, jumping over through the stream you will get to the figure 2. Well done! So we got to the figure 2. Sit comfortably, listen. "Competition-riddles."
Educator: The lenovka prepared you riddles. Who knows the answer, raises his hand, does not shout. If you guess the right riddle, you can put this bird on a tree. Listen to the first riddle:
1. I catch a bug all day
Worms flying.
I do not fly in the warm edge,
Here under the roof
Well, rather, not Roby, I'm awn ... (Sparrow)
Educator: That's right, Sparrow, and how did you guessed that it was a sparrow? Come, find a sparrow and put it on a tree. Well done! Next riddle:

2. Laptop - Nonwork,
Sparrow sister:
Mushroom itself
The tummy is yellowish.
They guessed, who is it? .. (Tinchka)
Educator: Correcto right, how did you know that this is a tit? Posted by a pan on a tree.
3. This bird is familiar to everyone
It is important walking near the house
Very loudly shout
And calmly fly away.
Very tricky person
And her name is ... (Varona)
Educator: Tell me, how did you know that it is a crow? Put the crow to the tree.
4. I walked in the garden yesterday,
Saw a twig in the snow
And on the branch red ball.
Who is he, a live flashlight? (Bullfinch)
Educator: Well done, correctly guess. Plant basting on a tree. So listen to the last riddle:
This bird is milled
Loves seeds to peck
And quietly grow ... (dove)
Educator: How did you guess what is the pigeon? Put dove, on a tree. There were still birds on a plate? (No). Task we performed! Well done! Will we answer the next task?
Card number 3.
Loving: Look around where the figure is located 3. (on the floor in the center of the group). Let's make a big step forward to approach the figure 3. Children, in this task, a loving, offers to play. The game is called: "Birds flew".
I will call only birds, but if you suddenly get used and you will hear another word, then slap your hands. Listen:
Birds flew:
Pigeons, Tits.
Storks, crows,
Galka, pasta.
Children clap.
Educator: What word was superfluous? (Pasta) Well done! We continue if you hear the wrong word, then you will wave your hands.
Birds flew:
Pigeons, Lisers.
Children make hands.
Educator: What's wrong?
Children: Lisers.
Educator: Why?
Children: Because Lisers are animals.
Educator: That's right, wellmen listened carefully! We continue if now, something will be wrong, then you are all sway.
Birds flew:
Pigeons, Tits.
CHIBISS, read,
Tank and haircuts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoo.
Children: Sat.
Educator: Right. We continue if now, something will be wrong, then you will fuse.
Birds flew:
Pigeons, Tits,
Talk and haircuts,
CHIBISS, read,
Storks, cuckoo,
Swans, Skvorts. All you are well done!
Educator:- Well done, you coped with this game. So we can get the following card.
Card number 4. "Push the birds"
Educator: - Listen carefully that the Lesovach tells "- every bird there is your favorite feed. But in winter, it is very difficult for them to find it. I ask you to spend shooters from birds to feed, feed the birds. "
(Each child is issued a card. In the center of the sheet, the silhouettes of birds are depicted, and in the corners of the sheet, the feed is depicted. The child needs to hold a line, from the bird to the stern).
Educator: Guys, you are well done, and with this task you also could cope. Play on?
Card number 5.
Loving: And now the last, the most difficult task. You need to get up with each other, put your hands on the belt in front of standing m and go to the figure 5. Ready? We go. We reached the figure 5. The task is called the "workshop". We have billets of feeders. But if we hang them like that, will the birds be able to see them? That's rightly visible. And what can we do so that the birds notice our feeders? (Decorate) let's sit at the tables. Today, the task you will be performed in pairs. You have on the tables there are geometric shapes of different colors, decorate your feeders as you like.
Educator: What amazing work turned out! Let's look at our feeders, then we will hang them on the site of kindergarten. Here are great. Cards in the envelope are over, it means you can sum up. Many tasks asked woodwork? Have you coped with the tasks? On the riddles you answered, the feed for birds picked up, even the feeder was smart. That's what great! Interesting tasks made you a loving? And now, all participants in the game for their knowledge will receive medals of "birds of birds"
Educator: The sky has fun sliding, flew feathers.
And they feed, Chirik: "Thank you, you are great!"
On this, our game came to an end, thank everyone for your attention!
Thank you for your attention!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Poltava kindergarten" Rodnichok "
Khazova N.D. Educator 1 qualifying category. Poltavka 2013
Integration of educational areas:
"Reading fiction",
"Artistic creativity."
Types of childhood activities:
Game, productive,
Cognitive - research.
Formation of environmental knowledge about winter birds and responsible careful attitude towards them.
Expand the presentation of children about the winter birds.
Learning to distinguish between winter birds by votes and appearance;
Take sue the fact that the winter birds can be helped by hanging feeders.
Secure the knowledge of children about the stern, which can be used in birds feeding.
Rail interest, and careful attitude towards pennant.
Planned Result:
can support a conversation about birds;
Actively and friendly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.
Materials and equipment:
Subject pictures with the image of winter birds,
Bird photos,
Encyclopedia about birds
Schemes for describing the appearance of birds.
Audio recording "Voice of birds"
Cutting pictures.
Board game "Collect a bird"
Puzzles about birds.
D / game "Who screams"
Bird quiz

Preliminary work:
Walk to the park.
Watching birds on a walk.
Conversations about the winter birds.
Consider illustration.
Reading cognitive stories about birds.
Listening to audio records "Voice of birds"
Making with parents of feeders.
Content of organized children's activities
1. Organizational moment.
B., Before we start studying, let's build a "Morning of Friendship", connecting our hands.
(I stretch my hand, put the hand on it another child, and so on.)
B. See what high Mountain turned out, what a strong friendship. With such friends, any work on the shoulder, and this will be useful for us today.
Q., What is the time of year now?
(children's responses)
Winter entered into their rights. Cold winds blow, frost sowed the whole ground, the circle is snowing, naked trees will creak from the wind.
Children stand in a circle. Knock on the door. The educator shows the children email.
B. Dear children to us the group came an email from distant Africa. (Reads a letter)
"Hello! Children write you hot Africa. We have summer here. Everything blooms, green, butterflies fly, the caterpillars are full. We have a lot of birds.
We never saw the winter, and worry about the birds that you have. How do they spend winter? It's cold and hungry for them, probably. Tell us, firely, how are birds winter? We are very interesting.
Thank you very much in advance!
V. Guys, how can I tell African children about the winter birds? After all, Africa is very far away.
(Children make proposals: send an email message, will call, write a letter, communication on the Internet, etc.)
Starting on the version - communication via the Internet.
Children sit on chairs.
Of course, you know that with the onset of colds, many birds fly away to warm edges. But not all, there are also those who do not fly away.
Q. How are these birds called?
(children's responses)
V. Children name winter birds.
(Children's responses)
Q. Why did they stay?
(Children's responses)
V. Guys, let's look at the winter birds of our area, but in order to be clear what kind of bird you tell, first describe its appearance.
(Children who have difficulty are offered schemes for describing the appearance of birds). The scheme is located on an interactive board.
Children begin studies of the tit, bullfiner, dyatla, sparrow, dove, crows, forty.
This is a tit. She has a yellow, black head and wings. In winter, it feeds on rowan berries, seeds of cones, trees kidneys. Very loves raw meat.
This is a bullfinch. Bulletin slightly larger than sparrow. He has a red breast, a bluish-gray back, head and wings black. He flies to us with the first snow, loves rowan berries.
This is a woodpecker. In winter, herds feed on seeds of coniferous trees. Opening painting in the woodpecker is diverse, but most species have bright - black, green or motley. This is one of the very useful birds of our forests: it works all year round to destroy pests. He is a forest doctor.
This is a sparrow - a wiggy, cheerful, resourceful and sociable bird. Peaks, millet, it settles in winter near the housing of a person, pecks everything that finds - an omnivorous bird.
This is a pigeon. It has excellent eyesight - distinguishes the colors of the rainbow. Pigeon painting in pigeons is different. It feeds on vegetable feeds: seeds, berries, fruit fruit. Pigeons are very tied to people.
This is a crow. The crows are very smart. A plumage is black with green reflections. Eats a crow. Padal, mice, birds and their eggs, worms and beetles, fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, cottage cheese - she is good. In the nature of the crow, is definitely useful, but near the human housing becomes a thief.
This is forty. Forty Unmavanic Bird. Head, neck, chest and spin black, belly and shoulders are white. It feeds on both animals and vegetable food. Food - insects, spiders and mocities - forty looking on Earth. Unfortunately, Soroki often settled in the gardens and ruin the societies of the birds.

V. Guys, look at the nest. And what's inside, we will learn with you now.
(in the nest there are riddles)
Gaying mysteries
1) I'm watching wood,
i want to get worm.
Although he disappeared under the crust
All the same, it will be mine.
2) Black, Krasnogruda,
He will find a shelter everywhere.
He is not afraid of colds-
With the first snow here is like here.
3) Loves to jump and fly,
Bread and grains peck.
Instead of "Hello" used
Talk to all chirik.
4) everything bites and spinning
All whistles and fuss,
It's not sitting in place
Called ....... Sign.
5) Cleared from the morning:
Porn-Rr! Porn-Rr! And what time?
Such a fruit with her,
When cracking ...... forty.
B. Winter birds are not afraid of frosts and manage to get meals even in the coldest weather. They look for insects, hidden in cracks of the cortex, in the cracks of houses and fences, find out the fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during the snowfalls, blizzards and strong frosts, birds are starving and even die. They arrive at our dwellings for help. And we have to help you survive the winter to feathers.
Q. And what do we need to do, how to help them survive in the cold season?
Children: need to make feeders and feed birds.
B. That's right, birds must be picked up in winter, arrange feeders on the balcony for them, in the garden, in the park, in the forest, we can arrange a dining room for birds everywhere.
Q. And what feeders did you prepare?
(showing feeders)
B. Parents helped you. What did you smear your feeders from?
(children's responses)
Q. And what do you feed birds?
Q. What do you think, why still need to help birds in winter?
Children: In order for them, overlooking, decorated winter and summer with their singing. Birds of man friends, they destroy a huge amount of pest insects, spread seeds.
Q. Help the birds, and they will pay you with green parks, forests, preserved crop fields and gardens, garden sites.
"Board game" Collect a bird "
Bird quiz
Why did the bullfire named bullfight? (appears with the first snow)
Which bird has the longest language? (Dyatla)
Child of any feathery (chickpea).
What bird is dressed in a yellow blouse with a black tie? (tit)
Life what bird is very closely related to man? (sparrow)
Why do skies and blinds like to drive a company with a woodpecker? (Pick up the remains of insects, settle in the dupex)
"Didactic game" Who screams "
Voices of birds: Titches, bullfinch, Dyatla, Sparrow, Pigeon, Crow, Soroki.
Q. Let's build a "Morning Friendship" with you, how do you have a mood?
(children's responses)
Q. What do you think we managed to tell us by the African guys about the winter birds? Who and what helped us? What new have you recognized? Well done!