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The use of ammonia alcohol in the garden and garden: how to assemble a rich harvest. The use of ammonic alcohol in the garden is ammonia alcohol in the fight against pests of plants

Salt of amazing alcohol is known since ancient times. She was mined near the Temple of Amuna in Ancient Libya. Ammonia gas was obtained in 1774 for the first time and was called "alkaline air". In 1785 brought chemical formula And officially called ammonia. There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  1. In honor of God Amon. The Egyptians worshiped him, sniffing the ammonia alcohol during ritual action.
  2. With the name of the oasis in North Africa - Ammon. The oasis was located on the way, where camel caravans took place. There are pack animals rested and left a large number of excentness of vital activity. From high temperature, these waste was quickly decomposed, while the sharp smell of gas was distinguished, which was called ammonia.

In this article, we will tell about the use of ammonic alcohol in the garden, the material will be useful to all dachensons and gardens.

Plan article

Summer alcohol, its composition, application

Ammonia - It is a diluted 10% ammonia solution. It should not be confused with ammonium chloride - the ammonia, which is extremely rare in the agricultural engineering of large farms, and are not used by private owners. What is the benefit of the use of ammonic alcohol in the garden and garden?

Plants need to actively increase the green mass to produce chlorophyll in sufficient quantity. And also plentifully blooming so that in the future to tie buds, form the fruits. For vital activity, plants need nitrogen. To achieve rapid effects use fertilizers such as, as well as ammonia in liquid form.

In the ammonia alcohol, the mass of nitrogen reaches 82%. After making fertilizer organic (Manure from animals) It takes a lot of time to rebuild and decomposed, and nitrogen has been learned by plants. If we consider that the ammonia alcohol is very concentrated, the dose of its one-time use is small, in the pharmacy aqueous ammonia solution has low price, then the benefit is obvious.

Application of ammonic alcohol as fertilizer

Ammonia in the garden and garden is used to restore the lack of nitrogen element and as preventing plant diseases, trees, shrubs and berries. Carefully trace how your pets develop. On plants there may be signs:

  • yellowing I. pale color lower sheets;
  • leaves are very small in size;
  • thinned, easily breaking stem;
  • loge in growth or its suspension;
  • lack of flowering, flavored flowers, emptyweight.

So, it is time to feed them. The ammonia alcohol as fertilizers in the garden and the garden is used for plants and colors that consume a large amount of nitrogen it is:

  • cabbage,
  • pumpkin and zucchini,
  • potatoes, pepper,
  • eggplants, rhubarb.

Abundant blossoms will answer flowers: dahlia, peonies, lilies, roses, clematis.

Shrubs and trees will be repaid a good harvest: cherry, plum, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry. They are fed to increase growth, during the bootonization period, flowering. Cultures that consume nitrogen in moderate quantity: tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, tomato, garlic. Corn, flowers of annuals, currant bushes, gooseberry, apple trees.

In very moderate consumption, culture need: onions, radishes, cabbage, pear.

When preparing a solution for watering, a dosage is important, otherwise the opposite effect may turn out: the rainy growth of the leaves, as they say in the people - the plant "marks"; late colors; accumulation of extra nitrates in plants in edible lower parts (tubers); damage to fungal diseases.

How to increase strawberry yield by ammonia alcohol

How to use the ammonia alcohol in the garden?

Different cultures need an individual approach. There are a number of plants for which the nutritional mixture is prepared.

Onion and garlic

Bulb onions. To obtain a good green and juicy feather, you need to take ½ tablespoon ammonia on 1 liter of water so that the feather is not a ridiculous, water every week. Closer to the harvest date from mid-July start pouring onions for a large head weak mortar 1 tablespoon on a declined bucket once every 7 days. If all the leaves are wishes, you can use extractive feeding by spraying with a mixture of 3 tablespoons on the bucket of warm water.

Garlic perfectly responds to the addition of ammonic alcohol with an increase in yield and large cloths. Use a mixture of 1 tablespoon on a large bucket of water, apply twice the season.


Fertilizer for cucumbers. Obtaining early crispy cucumbers - the dream of each gardener. To do this, it is advisable to use the ammonic alcohol in the garden. In order for the shoots actively developing, we use a weakly concentrated composition of the ammonic alcohol, there are enough 3 tablespoons on a large watering can once every 10 days.

If the cucumbers feel good, green and strong, continue watering. If the growth of escapes is weak, a lot of empty, make the composition tight, adding half a tablespoon to 1 liter of water and a bit of phosphoric fertilizers, for fast and friendly barriers.


Tomatoes. Abundant harvest involves a lot of fruits that hold onto strong strong bushes. The use of ammonia alcohol in the garden is inevitable, as an effective fertilizer for the strength of the bush. Here, too, like cucumbers, it is necessary to start watering with a weak concentration of up to 3 tablespoons on a declined watering can.

If necessary, increase the concentration, but not more than half of the tablespoons per 1 liter. It is better to make more often watering a weak composition than strong - and destroy.

Application of ammonic alcohol from pests

The use of ammonia as useful substances and fertilizers for growth is not all its useful qualities. The ammonia alcohol is successfully used in the garden from pests of plants and colors. Here his sharp specific smell plays a big role, which scares malicious fans of the crop, however, he will quickly disperse.

There is an aqueous solution of ammonia on pests, as well as effective in other cases:

Tlima Protection

Pour half a pharmacy bubble of liquid ammonia in a bucket of water, mix with 100 g of economic or baby soap, grated on a better sticking to the leaves. Give a little broke the soap to become soft. Spray better in the early morning into a windless and cloudy weather.

Fighting ants

Ants, like Tly carriers carry harm to the future harvest, besides, they arrange their anthills right on the beds, thereby interfering with plants. A full bubble of pharmaceutical ammonic alcohol is taken to the liter of water and is stirred. From the top of the anthill, it is desirable to remove the layer of earth with a thickness of 5 cm and then shed it, trying to capture the surface where the eggs of ants and insect uterus are.

Ants B. cottage house In the kitchen bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience. It is necessary to take a little alcohol and stir 1 liter of water. To do this solution wet cleaning all furniture, kitchen utensils, dishes and gender. Ants will leave your garden house for a long time.

Protection against other different pests

  1. Carrot and leek flies. Take only 5 ml of alcohol on a declined water bucket, pour damaged and healthy plants for prevention.
  2. Medveda. One of the most insidious and difficult to derive pests. 10 ml of alcohol is necessary in a large bucket of water. Pour the floor-liter solution into the hole when the seedlings of the cabbage at a permanent place are planted.
  3. The wire is breeding on sour soils and new, undeveloped lands. He especially loves potatoes. It is necessary to stir 10 ml in water tanks. During the planting of peppers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or a garden, pour 0.5 liters in each well.
  4. The pest is a hidden voice, usually spoils onions and garlic crops. Dilute 25 ml of ammonic alcohol in a large watering can. Water every 7-10 days, starting with the summer, all the beds.
  5. Different types of midges. Watering with a weak solution.
  6. Weevil. Pretty frequent guest on beds with strawberries. Dilute 25 ml of alcohol with water with 5 liters and water with a solution every 7 days before disappearance.
  7. Slug, caterpillars of cabbage whitening. Abundantly watered the cabbage from the watering can so to get into inaccessible places. The solution consists of a mixture of 100 ml of ammonia in aqueous solution and 10 liters of water. From the caterpillars spray or watered several times a day.
  8. Scaring birds from berries. Right after good rain Spray fruit trees, shrubs and strawberry berries with a mixture of ammonia, children's shampoo on one tablespoon on a 4 liter of water.
  9. To accelerate the crop maturation, immature fruits are treated with expectant frosts by abundant spraying. The solution is prepared from 250 ml apple vinegar, 100 ml of children's shampoo, one alcohol bubble and 90 liters of water.

How to use ammonia alcohol in the garden


Using the ammonia alcohol from pests in the garden, as fertilizer and extractive feeding, care must be taken and use individual protective funds. In particular:

  • it is impossible to breed pharmaceutical and production ammonia, work with the compositions of people suffering from vegetationist dystonia, it may worsen well-being and cause hypertensive crisis;
  • it is impossible to mix the alcohol to mix with other active substances, for example, a chlorine bleach - the concentration of poisoning substances in the form of the selected vapors increases;
  • working with alcohol and solutions It is necessary to protect the bodies of the mask, and the skin - rubber gloves, work in clothing with long sleeves, in pants;
  • avoid ammonia in the eyes and on the skin of the face;
  • it is necessary to breed the composition in the fresh air or in a well ventilated room;
  • store in closed places where there is no access to children and animals. A deep breath of ammonia vapor can cause a suffocation of suffocation, stopping the breath and interruption with a heart. If accidentally undeveloped mortar got inside, it can turn into a mucosa, larynx and esophagus.

Summer alcohol, if it is carefully and carefully applied, you can successfully use in the garden. Store the drug in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of the ammonic alcohol in the bubble is 2 years, in the sealed ampoules - 5 years.

The use of ammonia alcohol in the garden is very acquitted, because it is a cheap feeder, as well as an insecticidal remedy for insects - pests. Apply the ammonia is necessary with caution, because not all cultures are needed by this element in large quantities.

In addition, the improper concentration can burn the leaves and stem. The basic rules for using the ammonia on their plot, as well as the proportion of solutions for feeding and from pests are given in our information.

Action of ammonia alcohol

Sharp smell and concentrated composition allow you to scare and even destroy different kinds insects. Basically, the amazing is used in attacks and ants, but in reasonable use it can also scare away more serious "opponents" - Medvedok and wires.

In addition, spraying by ammonic alcohol will help preserve the harvest from birds and small rodents, which is successfully used to protect garden crops.

The use of ammonia as fertilizer is also very acquitted, because the composition is a large amount of easily absorbed nitrogen. E. that item is vital to all plants, especially at the stage of growth. Depending on the type, each culture needs nitrogen to a greater or lesser extent. That is why the concentration of the nutrient solution should be selected individually and taking into account the already existing level of soil acidity. It should be noted that the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers (and the ammonia, including) significantly oxidizing the soil, which adversely affects the further rise of landings.

In addition, acidic soil - favorable conditions For the appearance of phytoophulas and other types of fungus, which is also unacceptable for a good harvest.

But how to use how to use, you can learn from the link on the link.

What can you use which plants can be pouring

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements for the vital activity of plants, but the need for it for different cultures Not the same. Before this should not be taken into account the soil composition of the site where you grow vegetables and fruit. Ideally, it is necessary to measure the acid level annually and, depending on the testimony, disembark those or other cultures, as well as using mineral feeding.

Signs of nitrogen shortage in the soil:

  • Grinding leaves, delayed stem development.
  • Changing the color and pale plants.
  • Insufficient flowering and formation of uncess.
  • For some crops - the formation of empty flowers.
  • Zavazi are not formed, dry and fall.

It will also be useful to learn about and what result can be achieved from such actions.

On the video - that you can water the ammonic alcohol in the garden:

The following cultures are needed most in nitrogen feeders: pepper, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant and rhubarb. In the garden such fertilizers will help get good harvest Cherries, plums, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. Among the colors are most of all "dependent" from nitrogen feeding of roses, lilies, dahlias, peonies and clematis.

The need for an average concentration of nitrogen feedings is experiencing plants of the following groups. These are tomatoes, beets, corn, cucumbers, garlic, gooseberry, currants, greens, apple trees and flowers - annuals. In minor quantities it is necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers For cabbage, radish, bow and pear.It will also be interesting to learn about how carrots are ammonia alcohol.

It is this classification that allows you to properly use the ammonia alcohol for feeding plants in the garden and garden. If you use nitrogen over measure, the plant can get a large increase in green mass without fruiting. In addition, the excess of a comfortable dosage will give the chemical burn of the leaves, which is also unacceptable.

How to breed and use for feeding

It is possible to divide the three most frequently used filtering solutions in different concentrations. You should also divide the roasting feeding and spraying. In the second case, the risk of chemical burns of the leaves is great, so spraying is carried out for the prevention and destruction of insects, after which a solution from the leaves with clean water is flushed.

How to prepare a fertilizer solution:

  1. Standard dosage: On the water bucket, use approximately 10 ml of ammonia. This solution is suitable for the use of nitrogen-nitrogen in need of nitrogen in high extent. Used at least three times per season, usually at the beginning of the vegetation, during the formation of buds and barriers, as well as active fruiting. But how is the cutting of onions from the onion flies, indicated
  2. For active nitrogen in the soil, the next dosage is used. On 4 liters of water to take 50 ml of ammonia alcohol. To make a feeder to the roasting area, as well as spray on the aboveground part. Alternate with an interval of 7 - 10 days.
  3. The spraying of the above-ground part can also be based on the standard dosage: a tablespoon on the water bucket. Such a solution can be treated with garden crops, except feeding, it will save them from pests. But how to get rid of ants on the beds, will help you understand this

On the video - how to breed and use the ammonia alcohol for feeding:

If your site suffers from the invasions of birds, this solution will scare them from the crop. The smell of ammonia quickly dishes open airBut for insects and birds will remain notice for a long time.

Proportions of pest control

To prevent the attack of common pests, solutions of different concentrations are used. The preventive spraying solutions of weak concentrations are best working, which will also help extra -orn subordinate. But how is the fight against a weeving on the strawberry, and how effective this means is effective. Standed in the article

Basic methods of struggle and prevention of pests:

The ammonia alcohol is a real assistant for a skilled man garden. It is effective for feeding, because the assimilation occurs very quickly and in full. In addition, such spraying helps to save the garden and the garden of pests. It is necessary to adhere to strict dosages so as not to get a negative result. Main recipes and dosage required Led in our information. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with our article which will tell.

Ammonia or ammonia alcohol has long been applied in agriculture as an alternative plant fertilizer. It can easily buy it in any pharmacy, so the substance is often used for emergency feeding gardening crops.

Ammonia alcohol as fertilizer: characteristics of substance

The usual ammonia is an extraordinary tool for the care of the garden. Inside the pharmacy bubble is a concentrated tincture of ammonia. An important feature of this nitrogen chemical compound is that plants absorb it directly and do not need additional assistance to bacteria. Facing a means on the basis of ammonia are carried out to quickly replenish and prevent the lack of nitrogen.

If the plant lacks the specified trace element, the photo seating function suffers. This is manifested in the following symptoms:

  • lack of flowering, premature wilting and shrinking of buds;
  • underdevelopment of leaves;
  • yellowing or pallor on the lower sheet plates;
  • thin fragile stem;

  • braking or growth stop;
  • reducing stability to frosts (for trees only).

As a result of the deficit of nitrogen feeding, yields and decorativeness seriously suffer. With the manifestation of symptoms, it is advisable to immediately take action. Supporting the ammonia alcohol gives a positive result for 4-5 days after processing. It is relevant for garden trees, and for garden plants, and for flowers.

Attention! Another useful quality of ammonia tincture is the impact on some insects. Specific smell do not tolerate the Medveda, hidden voice, ants, leuk and carrot flies, wire, wove and midge pests indoor plants.

Features of the dosage when feeding the ammonia alcohol

The remedy is sold in the pharmacy network with a standard spill rate - 40 ml. This is a tincture with a concentration of 10%. You can find a concentrated 25% ammonium solution. In the vial, you will find a transparent liquid with a characteristic sharp odor.

For all garden crops and colors based on the ammonia, dacms are trying to use universal feeding. To do this, dissolve 50 ml of tincture in 4 liters of water. Dilute the resulting mixture depending on the situation:

  • minimum concentration - 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water;
  • the average concentration of feeding - 3 tbsp. l. 10 l (applied most often);
  • maximum concentration - 1 tsp. per 1 l.

Council. The detvering of indoor plants is carried out exclusively with a solution of the weaker concentration itself.

The dosage varies depending on the culture that fertility. As feeding the plants are watered under the root. Between the contribution make a break in a minimum one, and better in two weeks. Be careful and careful with the use of feeding the ammonia alcohol. If the greens began to be too rayful growth, the colors are very small or not at all, and the plants have become weak to fungal diseases, it means that the nitrogen in the soil and in the fruits of your crop will be full of nitrates.

How to use a solution of ammonia to combat pests

The dosage and principle of using an ammonia solution against insects is somewhat different from the usual feeding of the ammonia alcohol:

  1. A mixture of 10 ml on the water bucket helps against the Medveda. Before boarding cabbage, pour 0.5 liters of working fluid into each well.
  2. There should be 50 ml of the ammonia in 10 liters of water. To the medium add liquid or squeezed economic Soap. After thorough mixing, spray plants.
  3. Against the hidden non-slip (pest and garlic) the recipe is: 25 ml on the water bucket. Dissolve the beds. Procedure Spend three times with a period of 10 days.
  4. Against the onion and carrot flies, the concentration of the means should be even less: 5 ml on 10 liters of water.
  5. Virutor's pest pests are 10 ml on the water bucket. During the planting seedlings, throw out 0.5 liters in each well.

Attention! These measures will first of all help you as prevention. To combat already appearing insects, it is appropriate to apply additional methods.

Facing byamy alcohol: technology features

In different garden and garden crops, nitrogen needs and susceptibility to feeding are different:

Ammonia alcohol is a convenient and affordable way to saturate a nitrogen house. Only apply it should be careful not to get poison instead of use.

Ammade for strawberries: video

The owners of land and country sites are sometimes confronted with the same problem - the attack of pests in the garden, which then do that they cause irreparable harvest harvest.

Application of ammonic alcohol in the garden

It is not strange, but this tool is actively used by many citizens who sometimes prefer its "shopping" fertilizers and poisons.

Like fertilizer

The ammonia alcohol is used both in the garden and in the parisader, because this agent includes some ammonia, which in turn positively affects the soil, causing it with nitrogen.

Nitrogen immediately begins to act: at least, prevents plants from the "death" and a variety of diseases in nature in nature.

The moment in which it will be necessary to immediately apply the tool in no way begged, and in no way happened to be followed by the state of their plants:

  • The leaves of the plant began to turn yellow and become pale;
  • If the flower or tree has been planted for a long time, but at the same time their leaves do not increase in size, which means soil requires artificial support;
  • The stem is quite plastic, that is, even when a touch can be broken;
  • Termination of the fetus development - a tree / flower / bush ceases to grow;
  • The constant malaise of plants may be allocated in full leaves of the leaves (empty);

The ammonia alcohol also applies, however, it does not scare their composition, but its specific smell.

So, to the attention of readers a few recipes for the manufacture of "drugs" from pests at home:

  • The floor of ammonia bubble must be poured into a full bucket of water, not forgetting to add about 100 grams crushed on the grater of the economic soap. All stirring well, fluid needs to give 15 minutes of the date broke, after, it is possible to start spraying plants, preferably in the morning (most often this poison is made to get rid of the Tly);
  • On a liter of water you need to dilute one ammonia bubble and stir. Next, it is necessary to pour the liquid to the anthill (when dealing with ants, which their "activities" hinder the fetus to develop);

In addition, it is worth noting that the first "recipe" of the preparation due to can help get rid of not only from the Tly, but also from a number of other pests:

  • Cabbage caterpillar;
  • Carrot and leek flies;
  • Medveda;
  • Wire;
  • Weevil (when processing wheat, millet and barley);
  • Midge;
  • Hidden voice;

Tired to struggle with pests?

At the cottage or in the apartment wound cockroaches, mice or other pests? You need to fight with them! They are carriers of serious diseases: Salmonellosis, rabies.

Many dackets face pests that destroy the harvest and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • It works from the network, no recharging is required
  • No effect of addiction in pests
  • Big area of \u200b\u200bthe device

What cultures should I process?

In fact, according to large quantity Reviews to use ammonia can be in relation to almost all types of plants, because there is little pest to resist the thermonuclear making of the ammonia alcohol.

So, in order not to confuse the reader, plants that need help should be divided into several groups:

  • Vegetables:
    • Garlic;
    • Cucumbers;
    • Tomatoes;
    • Potatoes;
    • Cabbage;
    • Pumpkin;
    • Zucchini;
    • Pepper;
    • Eggplants;
  • Flowers (here it is worth being attentive, because it is possible to use ammonia exclusively to these plants, others may not withstand such "feeding"):
    • Dahlia;
    • Lilies;
    • Clematis;
    • Roses;
    • Peonies;
  • Shrubs and some trees (it is worth noting that the impact of ammonia on these cultures should be produced during their flowering):
    • Strawberry;
    • Plum;
    • Blackberry;
    • Raspberries;
    • Cherry;

Features of application

Among the features of the use of ammonic alcohol really there are those items that it is worth promulgation:

  • During the preparation of "poison" and fertilizers from ammonia, in no case need to warm up water and alcohol himself. In other words, all the "ingredients" should be stirred in cold water, the same and process plants;
  • If desired, it is necessary to easily wait for the first signs of the crop in the spring (May month). That is, the land is to fertilize only when there is a fruit in it, for it is it necessary to feed and protect;
  • Strict adherence to the aforementioned recipes and dosages, since ammonia is dangerous in itself, so its use in large quantities can harm;


As was indicated, ammonia is quite a dangerous substance, it can harm both man and plants, if applied in particularly large quantities.

So, dealing with ammonia alcohol must be followed by several simple rules:

  • With tactile contact with bubble ammonia, it is necessary to wear gloves and a mask;
  • Ensure that the liquid does not hit the arms and the skin of the face;
  • Store substance in closed places;
  • Strictly infected to mix this type of alcohol with other active chemical elements (except those specified in the aforementioned recipes);
  • Carry out all sorts of manipulations and surgery with ammonia on the street;

Reviews of the use of ammonic alcohol in the garden

The territory of us near the house is small, so when landing on it cucumbers and tomatoes we try to care in every possible way and follow their welfare. As is well known, at a certain time of the year, a TLL and other pests come true against the gardeners. Thanks to the ammonia alcohol, the problem is solved more than quickly.

Mikhail, 45 years old (Nizhny Novgorod)

He herself grew up in the village, so in memory of the rural childhood I saved several recipes for making a scaring poison for raspberries and strawberries, which now often use. All you need, to a bucket of water to throw an ammonia bubble and a couple of tablespoons of children's shampoos. By stirring the resulting fluid, you can safely spray shrubs.

Elena, 36 years old (Moscow region)

We live with my wife in the private sector, there is also a small land plotwhere we grown the most needed: onions, carrots, garlic and sometimes cabbage. So, I want to say that it would be unlikely that we could collect every summer harvest if there were no ammonia that we process vegetables. So, such a treatment protects them from the mass of pests, in particular from the lacquer flies, hoarse and caterpillars. I recommend to everyone.

Igor, 49 years old (Stavropol)

Ironically, we decided with my husband settled after the wedding in the village: we build a house, breathe fresh air And eat healthy food without GMO. We grow everything yourself, although there is a lot of strength and time to care for vegetable garden, we do not complain. Once collided with the problem - pests, if it were not for a solution of water and ammonia would remain without cabbage and tomatoes. We recommend.

Angelina, 24 years (Rostov region)

In the field, I have my cottage, which, like many attend only in warm season. There I have a lot of colors, I love to dig around them and breed them. Once I noticed that the leaves from rose began to yellow and crumble, although it was early to fall. I read the lot of materials on the Internet and came to the conclusion that only feeding with ammonia alcohol will help. Fortunately, I was not mistaken, now, every time I come supporting my plants in this way, I see, they really like it.

Stepan, 34 years old (St. Petersburg)

Good to know!Not all that gold is that glitters - not all that is harmful, that dangerous: probably, it is so possible to say about ammonia, which is very harmful in nature, but, how can I understand from the material, quite susceptible to many trees, flowers and vegetables that He is also to protect the pests in a state.

For full growth, development and fruiting, most garden and garden crops need an integrated diet. Nitrogen is the main nutrient element for plants.

The ammonia alcohol is a diluted with a 10% ammonia solution, its application is the easiest and most affordable way to provide plantations with this valuable element. The results of such treatments are noticeable almost immediately, nitrogen instantly penetrates the tissue of plants.

The ammonia has unique properties and combines the ability to provide plants with the necessary elements, scare insects and their larvae from vegetables, berries, shrubs and colors.

The lack of nitrogen in the soil is characterized by certain features:

  • yellowing of the leaves;
  • weak slim stem;
  • discoloration of the color of the leaves and colors;
  • growth delay;
  • lack of flowering;
  • weed immunity.

Treatment of the garden and the garden byamy alcohol is carried out in cases where plants are weakened and needed feeding. In order to prevent, the ammonia is used when landing, but no more than 2-3 times over the growing season. Predominant useful property Nasharya is the fact that its use in the plots does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the root system, foliage and fruits. Vegetables, berries and fruits do not carry any harm to the human body.

The use of ammonia alcohol in the garden and garden

Owners of household plots practice many folk methods for planting plants and in the fight against pests. The use of ammonic alcohol when planting seedlings scares the bear. In the wells are made by half liters of solution: 10 liters. Waters are added 10 ml. ammonia.

Reference! During the use of ammonic alcohol, fertilizers containing nitrogen, do not apply for feeding.

In the garden spray trees and shrubs, watered the soil. After processing the foliage, intensive color becomes, flowering and fruits are improved. The sharp smell scares the pests, is at the same time fertilizer.

In the garden, the ammonia is used to spray vegetable crops:

  • For cabbage. In the fight against pests: cabbage flesh, slugs, snails, caterpillars, cruscle flea. On a bucket of 10 liters. Add 50-100 ml. ammonia. Spray in the evening. In rainy weather for the prevention of slugs, the bushes is abundantly watered from the watering can.
  • For cucumbers and tomatoes. Watering a bushes with a solution of weak concentration (10 liters of water - 3 tbsp. Spoons of ammonia alcohol) every 10 days. If necessary, the concentration increases.
  • For onions and garlic. To improve the crop and as preventive Mer The pests are watered with a solution with a solution of 10 liters. Water with 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia.
  • For potatoes and pepper. When watering the beds 1 time in two weeks, 2-3 tts are added to the water. Spoons of ammonia.

Summer alcohol is used for feeding and processing from pests of many vegetable and garden crops:

  • turnips, tour, radish;
  • beets;
  • eggplant;
  • carrots;
  • rhubarb;
  • zucchini and pumpkins;
  • currant; gooseberry;
  • apple and pears;
  • cherry.

It is enough to conduct 2-3 times with the addition of ammonia to accelerate the growth of plants, strengthen the immune system, to ensure protection against pests.

Summer alcohol in spring

Additional processing of strawberries in the spring period is carried out to improve the quality of the harvest and the means of pest protection.

For maximum effect, processing is carried out three times per season:

  1. After the melting of snow, the soil is watered to destroy infections and larvae of pests who mowed on the site. Also to strengthen plants as additional source Nutrition. The procedure contributes to the enrichment of strawberries with a necessary nitrogen. Weakened after winter plants are actively going into growth.
  2. During flowering. Weak mortar watered soil near bushes. A concentrated composition spray plants.
  3. After harvesting. To strengthen plants and restore after a period of fruiting spray and abundantly water the beds with strawberries.

Strawberry feeding in the spring byamy alcohol not only strengthens weakened bushes and provides them with the necessary elements, but also provides protection against pests for the entire future season of vegetation.

Watering by ammonic alcohol practiced on small garden sites as an alternative method to combine feeding and insect treatment.

Summer alcohol against garden pests

Popular and inexpensive means of combating pests - ammonia alcohol. There are several methods of struggle to protect plants in the garden. When an formed anthill is detected on the site, it is abundantly spilled by a concentrated solution: 5 tbsp by 5 liters of water. Spoons ammonia.

Another effective method: A face bunch is covered with rags, impregnated with ammonia, put on top polyethylene film. A strong sharp smell will scare the pests, and protective upper layer It will not allow couples to evaporate for a long time.

For the prevention of plants spray with a weak solution: 10 liters. Water for 2 tbsp. Spoons of ammonia. To improve clutch with foliage into the solution, liquid soaps or a solution of the economic soap are added.

Tip! In preventive purposes, the ammonia is added to the water at least once a week.

The main power supply of ants is the TLL. It is also struggling with the use of ammonia. For prevention, this method is practiced on panstones, Gardens and gardens throughout the season, starting with early spring.

The processing of the garden from the Vley by the amusing alcohol begins early, until the swelling swelling, with the first signs of awakening plants. This method contributes to an increase in the green larch mass, inflorescences and fruits, guarantees a good harvest. Such people's method has a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • easy use;
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • natural composition.

Reference! Pairs of the ammonia alcohol very quickly weather. Therefore, in breaks, it is recommended to use other means, drugs and fertilizers to feed and combat pests.

To avoid negative consequences and secure your health, it is necessary to comply with the safety and application safety rules:

  1. People with hypertensive diseases are not recommended to directly use the ammonia alcohol for watering and spraying. Pair drugs are able to cause an increase in blood pressure.
  2. Contraindicated mixing the ammonia with chlorine-containing drugs.
  3. It is recommended to dissolve ammonia outdoors. In the case of preparing solutions in the rooms - to ensure the ventilation and access of fresh air.
  4. Use funds individual protection: Rubber gloves, masks, glasses. If you get into the eyes or on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to urgently wash the place of damage to cold water.
  5. Store the ammonia alcohol in places inaccessible to pets and children.

Tip! To enhance the effect when processing the ammonia of plants, wood ash should be added.

Weak solutions from water and ammonia alcohol are actively used in prophylactic treatments. Spraying 1 time in 2 weeks of Rosarians prevents the appearance of Tly - the main pest of shrubs.

To scare off larvae soil under the bushes are watered with concentrated composition: 5 liters. Waters are added 10 ml. ammonia. The procedure is carried out in windless cloudy weather, preferably in the evening, trying to avoid hitting the composition on the foliage.

Use the ammonia to combat diverse pests:

  • cabbage and leek flies;
  • medveda;
  • wire;
  • hidden -
  • weevil;
  • butterfly caterpillars;
  • slug and snails.

Namoraly solutions of gardeners scare birds from berry Sustainers. After the rain spray plants with such a composition: 4-5 liters. Water, 1 tbsp. the spoon liquid soap, 1-2 art. Spoons ammonia. The soap is used in a variety of, well-fitting, a terrible, economic. A liquid soap solution is desirable and added to the mixture.

Naming alcohol is used late autumn to avoid damage from frosts. Prepare a solution of 250 ml. Apple vinegar, 100 ml. Soap solution, 1 Bubble of ammonia, 8-9 buckets of water. Such a composition should be used immediately after cooking, to maintain efficiency, the vapor pair quickly disappear.

The use of ammonia alcohol throughout the growing season provides land owners with strong healthy plants and high harvests.