Repairs Design Furniture

When is it better to plant a raspberry or what prefers a red berry? Berry shrubs: black and red currant, raspberry, gooseberry in the garden in the Kuban

Raspberries - appetizing berry, sleeping at the beginning of summer. Few people can pass by this fragrant fetus. It is not only tasty, but also very useful for the treatment of colds. If it is decided to breed a red-pink beauty on its plot, you need to know the timing and rules of landing raspberries in the fall.

When it is better to plant raspberries - in the fall or spring, in which month

It is believed that autumn is the most favorable time for landing raspberries. It is well rooted at this time, will place the roots and increase new ones. Until the onset of the first frosts, the mineral fertilizers will have a good fertilizer. And in the spring, such seedlings will go into growth faster, waking up on a par with long-livers, and they can even begin to be fruitful (if it is a repairing variety).

If you plant raspberries in the spring, and not in the fall, then the plant has long been rooted. Naturally, nothing about the crop does not go about the same year. Therefore, it is autumn that is the best period for rooting young seedlings.

Another important question, requiring an answer: when it is better to plant a raspberry in the fall, and in what month? Be accepted it is possible to plant raspberries in the fall in September, this time is most suitable for the procedure.

In different regions, the timing of landing raspberries in the fall of course may vary. So, in the south of Russia, the shrub can be planted until the end of October, but in the middle strip (Moscow region), it is advisable to have time until the end of September. But the main condition so that before the first frosts it was 20-30 days.

If you put the landing of raspberries later this time, then sprouts may not have time to gain fit inside the soil. The result will be either a complete freezing of a seedling, or a difficult wintering, and then a long struggle against diseases and weakness of a sapling. Therefore, it is recommended to have time to meet at the recommended time limit and make the autumn landing of raspberries to a new place while the temperature is held in the area + 10 ... + 15 degrees.

The main landmark for the start of landing work - full aging seedlings,when the replacement kidney appears on it, located on the root cervical seedling. If the grade is early, then such eyes will appear in early September. In the case of late kidney varieties are designated at the end of September.

Video: Landing raspberry seedlings in autumn

Dates of landing in different regions

Optimal dates of landing raspberries in the autumn in the middle lane (in the Moscow region)and in the risky agriculture zone (Volga) - from September and until October. It is possible to plant the raspberry in these regions in the spring, but the autumnallence makes the plant much stronger and rushing.

Landing raspberries in autumn in Siberia and in the Urals You need to have time to fulfill the first numbers of September, but you should navigate the weather. If the end of summer was turned out to be cold, rainy, windy, then planting a raspberry seedling in the Urals and in Siberia is advisable at all, leaving this event for the spring period. The result of rooting in the fall will be death due to freezing or the appearance of fungal disease due to high humidity air.

Put raspberry in the autumn in the northern regions It is recommended in such a way that the ranks of the beds are located from north to south. With this placement of landing will receive the maximum number during the day sunlight. This has a positive effect on aging harvesting and taste quality berries.

Advantages and disadvantages of landing in the fall

The technique of landing of a young raspberry seedling and spring, and in the autumn of the same.

Allocate the following benefits of raspberry falling in autumn:

  • The weather in autumn is already non-jar, air humidity is increasedAt night there are small decrease in temperature. All these conditions fruitfully affect the speed of the release of young roots with transplanted plants. In the spring, on the contrary, degrees of air can change dramatically with moderately warm to hot days. Such drops adversely affect the young seedling.
  • Internal juices of plants in autumn period Focus inside Cherchen. Raspberries accumulates inside the stem all nutrient elements that are trapped from transplanted soil. In the spring, all action happens on the contrary. Shrub consumes all its internal forces on the growth of shoots, so after disembarking it is very difficult for him to contain both the root system, and reproduce fresh leaves.
  • Planting material for sale affordable price in great numbersSo you can choose the desired variety. In addition, plants are often sold with leaves, and sometimes with berries that can be seen, touch and even try. Based on the sample, it is possible to determine the quality and external data of seedlings.
  • Simple care for young raspberries after landing in autumn. The weather creates ideal conditions for excellent seedlings. Almost 100% of rooting after landing in the fall.


The only lack of landing raspberry in the fall in September-October stands the need to follow the weather, namely, track the moments of temperature drops. The main thing is to properly subjected the deadlines for the very ideal time for landing a young raspberry seedling.

Thus, the need to disemboditate young seedlings in the autumn period is obvious. At this moment, the raspberry saplings after landing will be well rooted, they will appreciate and look well. Next spring You can expect the appearance of the first fruits with fragrant odor.

How to plant raspberries in autumn - features and step-by-step instructions

Surely any novice gardener who decided to engage in this business is wondering how to put raspberry in the fall. It is easy to do, especially if you follow this phased instruction.

What should be a seedlove

The choice of raspberry seedlings for landing in the fall is carried out not by the appearance of the stem, but by the inner state of the root system. It should be well developed, without visible damage and putrid smell.

Only after how you make sure the root system that has a large number of Sleeping roasting kidneys, you can pay attention to the ground part. The stems should be woody shade, about 0.5-1 cm in diameter.

If the seedling is high, then it is cut to the level of 20-25 cm before planting from the base. It is necessary that it pulls the less nutrients on itself, giving the root power system for rooting.

Note! If you want to send or transplant a raspberry bush to a new place (not to buy and plant from scratch), then you help you.

Place landing

The place for growing raspberries is recommended to choose a sunny, because for ripening berries it takes a lot of sunlight, but it is better that the shrub is not all the time under scoring rays. Of course, the plant can grow in a half, but then you don't even have to dream about big crops, despite all the care and an abundance of feeding.

Attention!Malina is a fairly unpretentious creation, it can grow on any territories. But if you want a greater harvest and a saturated taste of sweet berries, then before planting raspberries, attention should be paid to the choice of space for landing and the preparation of the soil.

In addition, the plot must be protected from drafts and strong winds. Sometimes, strong hurricanes may happen in the spring, which are crushed in tender foliage and spoil the berries. Therefore, the moment of windy weather should be taken into account.

What a soil is necessary

Soil for landing raspberries should be fertile. When there are few nutrients in the ground, the leaves of the plant lose their rich shade, covering the yellow with well-pronounced streaks.

The perfect soil for landing raspberries is a loamy and soup soil.

Note! It is important that the soil is well drained, and also missed moisture to the roots, not causing the base.

After the landing site is selected, the territory is prepared. To prepare the soil for landing raspberries, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Switch.
  2. Remove all sorts of weeds and numerous stones.
  3. At the end of the procedure, all rejected pieces of land need to be broken.
  4. Remove the remains of the roots of previous plants.
  5. Fully strip soil.

After the soil preparation, you can proceed directly to the landing procedure.

Methods landing

Planting young year-old raspberry seedlings is carried out in several ways:

  1. bush;
  2. trench.

Bush fashion

Guided by rooting seedlings with the help of a bush method, you should not resort to the preparation (fertilizer) of the soil in advance. When landing correctly placing the raspberry seedlock in the soil according to the following scheme:

  1. 2 weeks before the start of work in the garden prepared a pit. The depth of the pockets for the landing of the raspberry should not exceed 30-40 cm, and the diameter is 30-40 cm.
  2. Next to the landing well is laid compost or humid up to 4-5 kg. Additionally, the landing includes mineral fertilizers consisting of potassium sulfate (10 grams) or wood ash (2 glasses), superphosphate (15-20 grams).
  3. Half of the dug soil is mixed with fertilizers and fall asleep into the pit, filling it around half.
  4. After the seedling is placed in the pit. Its roots should be straightened, decomposing them in different directions from the center of the recess.
  5. Malina should be placed on this depth so that the root neck is below the level of the ground no more than 2-3 cm.
  6. As the soil falls asleep, the shrub shake slightly so that the soil penetrates all the hollow gaps and filled it all.

Raspberry rustic landing scheme:

Trench fashion

The second method of landing raspberry is a trench (tape) method. It is not known for many due to the fact that in most cases a bush way of planting is used. If we compare both procedures, the landing in the trench is a more time-consuming and long way.

When using a trench method, a significant plus is confidence that the entire Malinnik will receive a uniform amount of nutrients. Such a procedure will increase the growth of green shoots and the yield of bushes.

The size of the trench for the raspberry: width - 40 cm, the depth is 40 cm, the distance between the seedlings is 40-70 cm.

If it is required that the raspberry does not allow root seedlings to the entire territory of the site, then the dug hole in the ground is laid out by slate from all sides. It does not give roots to grow in different directions, blocking their movement.

At the bottom of the trench, the layer of the bores, which have already begun to refine, turning into a duch. They are placed on top of a humus layer (6-8 kg per 1 sq. Meter), fallen leaves or cow manure (This can be lowered by layers by one or mixing everything in one knee).

In addition, to fit raspberries when landing, you need to add:

  1. Potassium sulfate - 40 grams per 1 square. meter or
  2. Wood ash - 1 bank or 0.5 kg.
  3. Superphosphate (granulated) - 40 grams per 1 square. meter.

From above all pumped up with chernozem or garden earth. Such a layer of fertilizers when planting raspberries guarantees the production of nutrients by bushes quite a long time.

Video: right landing Raspberries in autumn

Care after landing in the fall

After the seedlock is lit in the ground, the soil is recommended slightly. It is necessary that inside the soil do not remain hollow outlets. There may be moisture, which negatively affects the root system of the plant.

With a large amount of water constantly near the roots, they can join them fungal disease Or they will begin to rot. Any outcome adversely affects the planted seedling.

Further care For young raspberries after landing, the fall should be permanent. It is periodically watered, focusing on the need for moisture, while drying the soil.

Also, as a care, the raspberry sapling after landing is prepared for wintering. At the first signs of decline temperature mode, the root area is recommended to be meditated or covered with humus or wood sawdust.

Caution! Fond of foliage - not the most the best way For mulching, as there may be various pests that have a feature to eat juice fruit plants. In addition, it is well developed by fungal diseases.

The young plant often suffers from junior frosts, so experienced gardeners make a carcass near Malnik and stretch the film over it. Especially this method is suitable for the bush method. In this case, each plant will be carefully packed in a polyethylene film.

The erected frame forms the necessary space in which enough oxygen so that the plant turns normally normally. In the spring, the insulation is removed at the first solar raysSo as not to provoke condensate cluster.

Possible mistakes when landing raspberries in autumn

Any gardener dreams of getting big crops from their Malinik with delicate large fruits. But in most cases are committed typical errorsthat do not allow to achieve the desired result:

  1. Landing is carried out too early. Early rooting allows the plant to put green shoots into growth. Such activation of activities at the foremost frost can provoke a decrease in the immunity of the plant.
  2. Bushes are planted in the shade. Shrub not enough sunlight is not for aging berries, but for their formation. Therefore, the plant begins to reach the Sun, his shoots become subtle, brittle and do not have time to ripen to the laid waste for peace. This situation leads to the freezing of the part of the fruit kidney at the ends of the shoots.
  3. Placing seedlings on clay soil for which the stagnation of moisture is characterized.
  4. During planting slightly produced a seedling. Ground sprouts will pull the nutrients. It does not give the root system of the plant firmly root in the ground.
  5. Non-quality planting material: Too old, with rickened roots and so on and TP. You should choose young annual seedlings. Them root system There must be no less than 10-15 cm, and the stem is quite strong. If you buy seedlings in the natural markets, the roots should be dragged with wet matter so that they do not swam. Otherwise, they will be difficult to return to a normal state.

Video: Landing raspberries without errors

Thus, raspberries - not such a demanding shrub, although it is not possible to call it very unpretentious too. But to get berries with saturated taste and large sizeIt is recommended to try a little. Landing raspberries in the fall does not occupy special work. The main thing is to act according to the rules: to produce proper preparation beds under raspberries and choose a high-quality seedling. Knowing all the features and secrets of the raspberry landing, you can get a stunning harvest in the future.

Video: how to plant raspberry autumn

In contact with

Any self-respecting owner of the nursery or cottage plot Dreams to please yourself and their relatives sweet and fragrant raspberries, boast of their neighbors a large harvest and a large berry.

But how to achieve such a result? How to start, if you have only a huge desire, and not enough experience and knowledge?

I will not delve into the subtleties and overload the intelligence brain with complex terms and description of labor-intensive agrotechnical techniques, I will try to be brief and accurate, give advice tested on personal experience.

A little refinement: it will be about growing raspberries in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The main difference from other regions is the early hot spring.

The first thing to be assimilated is to plant raspberry bushes are needed in the fall and best in early November. This is primarily due to the change in climatic conditions. Practice shows - even the most stable berries after spring landing Do not have time to catch up. As a rule, before the summer they do not live up and this will not help with any watering and fertilizer.

After the end of the winter, the amount of average daily positive temperatures is growing rapidly, by the end of April we have up to +25 + 30s. In this case, intensity ultraviolet radiation Such is that irrigation frequency is in no way able to prevent the drying of the plant.

This should be remembered that the best raspberry grows in the place where it is always humid and there is no excess of sunlight. From here it follows the conclusion - Raspberry feels well in shaded places (in the shade of the house, between the economic buildings, on the backyards in the shade of trees).

Malina perfectly multiplies root processes, they have sleeping kidneys that perfectly germinate in favorable conditions. If you got stems together with the root part, then after planting the stem must be cut to the ground level. It is necessary to close at a depth of 5-10 cm. Long branches leave it does not make sense: the harvest from them is still able to be able to be equally like an increase in next year.

Planted bushes need to be sprinkled by organic. In the process of growth, carry out abundant watering at least once a week. Vintage you get for the second year.

During the growth period of fruiting stalks, the raspberry forms a lot of young shoots. At the end of May they need to completely cut. After a month, repeat the procedure, but some of the most powerful shoots need to be left. Their number must correspond to the number of fruiting stems. In the autumn, after harvesting, the harvest picked the stems completely cut off, and young shoots will give you a harvest next year.

That's all the desired wisdom. Do all on time, do not lower your hands, believe in virtue of nature - get an excellent result and a lot of pleasure.

How to put raspberries?

Responsible specialist of the district department of agriculture:

- Malina is put in a hole or a groove of a depth of 25-30 cm without tilt. The rhizomes fall asleep in such a way that the kidney of the rhizome was at the level of the soil or were rushing the ground 3-5 cm. If planted smaller, then the plant will suffer during drought and frosts.

Do not get carried away and too deeply landing - the accessibility and development of a seedling will decrease.

On dry soils, as we have in the Kuban, Malina is placed in deep grooves that the earth does not fall asleep completely. In winter, snow accumulates in them, moisture remains in the spring.

- How to put raspberries?

BUT. Zavyalova.

Malina is an excellent example of berries, which is easier and cheaper to grow in own gardenthan to buy. For a long time, it is valued for its amazing taste, gentle aroma and medicinal quality. If you still do not have in the garden of this amazing plant, then it must be planted, because the berry collected with its own hands has a special taste and smell.

Malina requires minimum service in comparison with the value of the crop that it gives. How to plant a raspberry? Autumn or spring? Answers to these questions will give this article.

Main steps

How to plant raspberries in the fall? In principle, this thing is simple. It is worth only to comply with certain rules.

This culture best feels in the cool climate. The landing site should be sunny. In the southern regions it is necessary to choose a half. Culture does not like heavy clay soil, desirable, lighter. Not bad add humus. Fertilizers in the ground are recommended to be made in autumn.

What to choose a way to landing?

For raspberries exist different variants Landing: ribbon, bush, rare. In the first case, the seedlings are placed at equal intervals in one line. For little varieties This distance is 30-35 cm, for high grades - 50-70 cm. The cuttings are planting into a common trench or individual pits. A rarefied method involves planting two seedlings in the well at a distance of 70-80 cm.

With a bush method, separate bushes formed from seedlings, having young shoots in a few pieces. The distance between such groups is 100-180 cm. The last method is convenient when the Malinnik device is in several places on the plot, the rest are suitable in the formation of a living hedge, landing along the fence.

Process technology

In the selected areas, shallow pits or trenches should be removed, make a compost - bucket for each plant, as well as ash or lime. Saplings need to withstand a couple of hours in water, you can add to the water "Korniner". Before boarding the seedlings are cut up to 25 cm. Then the leaves will not take moisture at the plant stem.

Then shoots neatly lowered into the recess, spread the roots, sprinkle with dry ground. Next, trench fall asleep fertile soil. The ground around the stem is slightly crimped, not sealing strongly. It is important to solve the depth of landing.

Some gardeners practice landing several varieties together, receiving a Malinnik with various times of ripening berries.

Dates of landing

There is no consensus about when it is possible to plant a raspberry. Some say that better spring, others - in the fall. In principle, all right. Malina can be planted at any time, except that not in winter.

The main thing is not to forget existing rules Agrotechnology. Autumn time has its advantages. From the capricious spring weather, the time limit is worse, still weak, not ensured by a sufficient amount of moisture. Therefore, let's look at how to plant raspberries in the fall. As soon as the replacement kidneys will be caused on the root cake, talking about the end of the vegetation of shoots, the landing date comes. To do this, choose annual root offspring, growing out of the apparent kidneys on the roots of the uterine plants.

Prepare and use planting material in October-November, as it is better to plant a raspberry in the fall. The main thing is to do everything no later than 2 weeks before the cold and frozenness of the soil. Locked shoots should be well pouring. In order to avoid damage to the under the winter, they emphasize.

Soil peat or straw. These actions will improve it, will not be allowed to germinate, keep moisture. If you plant the raspberry in the spring, the likelihood of excessive drying of the root system is high, therefore the poor survival of plants. Therefore, the autumn landing is most optimal. Bad kidney seedlings need to sprinkle the earth, and then climb. Control the correctness of the landing: carefully pull the escape up. If he sits frantically in the ground, landing is bad, the wrong, the sapling must be transplanted.

How to plant raspberries - whether, in the autumn, in spring, to solve the gardener. The recommendations given in the article and personal experience Help accept the right decision. Grow useful I. delicious yoke It is quite realistic if you make a little effort.

04.09.2017 15 641

Landing raspberries in the fall - calculate top dates and methods

Landing raspberries in the fall will allow you to get a delicious harvest next year. But it is worth considering the terms and time, the quality of planting material and other factors. It has great importance to which depth is the rooting, therefore, only the right set of events will lead you to success ...

Terms of landing raspberry and methods

Landing raspberries in autumn - optimal time for its reproduction, according to many gardeners and gardeners. At this time, shoots time to take care and grasp the onset of cold weather, and a hot dry period, as it happens with spring transplants, they do not threaten.

Start work not earlier than replacement kidneys will appear on the root neck. W. early grades Raspberries this happens in September, late - by October. Complete the raspberry transplant one month before frost. Heat-loving varieties are better not to transplanted in winter.

Landing deadlines of raspberries depend on the climatic conditions of each region. Important factor - Weather. If autumn is warm, then in the Urals and in Siberia, you can disassemble raspberries in early September, but with bad weather, it is better to postpone this process until spring - a shrub can freeze.

In the suburbs and in the whole middle lane Russia can not be afraid of such force majeure, so the landing of raspberries in the fall of the future spring will bring the first crop. In the south, for example, in Kuban or Ukraine, the raspberries from the end of September and until the end of October. With good weather, it is possible until mid-November. Before winter, the seedlings will have time to take care and the next year will become full escapes. - Not such a complex process, as it may seem at first glance, the main thing is to follow a clear instruction.

Time garden work It can move depending on weather conditions. Malina breeds with weathered and green siblings, root and green cuttings, the division of the bush. Root offspring separated from the bush and thus get planting material. The best seedlings are 8-10 cm high, with a well-developed root urine.

You can transplant green cuttings. Then, in the spring, they are temporarily added to the garden, they grow up and the developed annual shoots are obtained by autumn, which are planted on permanent placeAnd for the next year the first harvest is already getting.

Plant with raspberry root cuttings is convenient if you want to avoid diseases often affecting the stems. Pumping root digging, divide it on 10-centimeter segments, plant on a separate bed and grind stalks growing from the kidneys on the roots.

Landing raspberries in the fall - prepare the plot

The Malinnik grows well in the southern part of the garden, and the south-west side is suitable, but, before the buildings should be at least one meter. Malina is a sunny berry, it does not like cold drafts and shadows. You can put raspberries along the fence, then she gets protection from wind and is more reliable to be snowing.

The culture of the moisture is why it feels bad on dry slopes, on which water is not delayed. Earth should not strongly dispel, but the swampy terrain is also not suitable. The depth of groundwater is allowed not higher than meters.

Malina loves black soil, light turf-podzolic soils. Salted and turf sampling soils, but the sandy require an annual fertilizer with an organic. Worst of all suitable heavy loam.

The best raspberry predecessors - gooseberry, currant, cucumbers, onions, garlic, bahch culture, legumes. It is impossible to plant raspberries on the site of strawberries or grated: tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, they are undesirable and as the neighbors of Malinnik.

If you grow raspberries from several varieties, the crop is always higher. Prepare the soil on the site: Speak, remove weeds. High acidity needs to be reduced by making harees in a couple of years before the planned raspberry landing. Legging or compost add to clay soil. Peat ground is recommended to dilute sand in the amount of 4 buckets on square meter.

Feature the soil - on the square meter, make a humid or compost - 5-6 kg, superphosphate - 50-60 grams or phosphorus - 20 grams, as well as sulfate potassium - 50 gr or potassium - 25 gr. You can replace the fertilizer ashes - 100 grams per square meter. Make all two months before disembarking bushes. Note that remote varieties require fertilizer two times more.

Autumn planting of bushes

For landing of raspberries in the fall, only the most powerful shoots - annual processes that have grown from the roots, from the apparent kidneys are suitable. The thickness of the main root of a seedling should be at least a centimeter, the length of the roots is at least 15 cm. If you bought a plant, then in front of the landing, hold a couple of hours of roots in the water, adding the root formation stimulator (heteroacexin, corneser, etc.). If you transplant your raspberry, try to dig a seedling with a lump of land, not traumating the root system.

Landing raspberry in the fall is held different ways. The bush scheme involves landing in the pit rows, the interval between which is 2 meters. Soothes in the rows are planted after 1 meter, you can two seedlings in each hole.

For ribbon scheme Plants are often planted, at a distance of 0.5 m or even 0.3 m in a row, and as it is developed a solid wall, or a tape. It happens with a width of 45 cm, and if you give it to grow up - about a meter. If the tapes are several, between them, observe the interval of 2 m. Planted ribbon method Culture quickly fruits, but it is more difficult for her to care.

It is convenient to use the trench option to plant the raspberry - moisture accumulates in the deepening and feeds the roots. But, if you go close groundwater, for raspberries, on the contrary, arrange high beds.

The trench is digged by half the width and the same approximately depth. It is abundantly shedding with water, half ancara is put in half a hole, 50 Gy of superphosphate, sulphate of potassium and wood ash are added and get started.

What depth to planting raspberries? The roots are immersed in the well, so that the kidney at the base of escape is slightly lower than the level of the Earth. A strong blowout slows down the development of the plant, and with small landing, roasting kidneys can dry and freeze.

The roots fall asleep soil, not leaving underground emptiness, otherwise they can freeze. Watch that they do not look out over soil. Each bush watered a bucket of water. The shoots are tied up to the stoles or trellis. The branches on seedlings are cut, leaving only one 20-centimeter barrel.

The surface of the soil is mulched by straw, humus, pine bark or sawdust. Mulch does not give evaporate moisture, prevents the soil overheating, prevents the development of weeds and pests.

How to plant a raspberry so that it does not grow up? Her roots in the first year apply to the meter from the landing point, and to limit the Malinnik, create a border at this distance - for example, from the covered vertically at a depth of 30 cm slices.