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Search for varieties of fruit plants alphabetically. Indoor Flowers Catalog with photos and names. Garden - Flowers Catalog with photos and names

To date, the range of indoor flowers and plants is huge. Catalogs, online shopping and magazines are moving a variety of plants with pictures, and sometimes it is difficult to stop your attention on something one.

In order for the plant to take root and felt well at your home, you need to know the care of it. The article is a list of indoor plants and flowers alphabetically in Russian and contains basic rules of care. Descriptions of brief, but provide an initial idea of \u200b\u200ba particular plant. It can be said that this is a small determinant encyclopedia or a directory in alphabetical order for each letter with brief description and photo.


Abutilon - evergreen neyoviti Shrub, who came to us from Brazil. Leaves of Abutloron external species Remind leaves of Clean. A typical view of a flower is represented in the photo: Palcollarded leaves, long hanging stems, flowers, lowered down. Required lighting: halftime, humidity - moderate.

Aglionma - homemade moderately poisonous A plant that attracts flowerflowers the shape of its leaves. It is not capricious in care, but with some features.

It is necessary to plant in low pots. Varieties are distinguished by coloring leaves. Requires spraying, breeding with stalks, prefers shadow.

AGLAYA - indoor church with leathery leaf leaves and small yellow flowerflowers.

Requires regular trimming and crown formation. It is multiplied by seeds, prefers the shadow, does not tolerate dry and dried soil.

fast-growing Shrub, having representatives of two species. The first: with long red or pink hanging inflorescences, the second with decorative leaves, ill-faced. Plant is poisonous and capricious.

Requires spraying, prefers a bright scattered light.

liana with large tubular flowers yellow color. Capricious plant with poisonous juice.

Requires a moderate watering until autumn, in winter - limited. Not afraid of bright sunlight, but can live in the shade.

Aloe (meal). Motherland on Atlas - South Africa.

Hardy nekapriznoye plant. Juice has healing properties. sunlight It can be both direct and scattered.

Achimens - small flowering plant. Flowers are large, various colors.

Need spraying, lighting is bright, but scattered.


annually herbate plant from bright flowers. Balzamin is unpretentious, not poisonous, not capricious. Light - half, watering - moderate, without cutting.

grassy Perennial, is found in the forests of Asia. Rarely used as a houseplant. Prefers a bright straight line, requires abundant watering in the summer. Varieties:
  • golden bamboo;
  • bamboo graceful;
  • bamboo Simon;
  • bamboo black.

Decorative indoor plant, having a variety of species. Some species fit in a stand for eggs, some are capable of occupying a whole wall.

Begonia adores solar places, refers to the discharge of noncains, not poisonous.


Vallota is a houseplant, having two types: Wallow Beautiful and Wallow Purple. Flowers bright colorful flowers.

Required lighting: bright scattered; Watering - abundant summer, moderate in winter.

Washington nittens - fan palm tree. Perfectly feels like with scattered bright lighting, and in a half.

Washingtonia caprick, does not tolerate drafts, soil cuts. It needs well drainage and abundant irrigation.

Decorative flowering pot pot. Represents long stems on which are located small size Leafs and flowers.

Loves cool and good light. Does not tolerate the dryness of the earth and rigid water.

home Orchid possessing the only blooming and air root.

Wanda looks well both in a pot and in suspended state.


Gardenia is a flower of a march family, demanding of care. The lighting should be bright enough, but scattered.

Gardening is thermal lodge, prefers high humidity. Jasmine Gardenation is used in folk medicine.

Gasteria refers to the asphodel family. It has fleshy leaves growing in the form of a fan. Requires abundant watering in summer, bright lighting. In order for the leaves of gasteria evenly, it should be regularly rotated relative to the light source.

Hemantus. The leaves are fleshy, the inflorescences are littered with "cilia".

Can blossom White and red flowers.

Requires a moderate watering, prefers scattered bright light.

Gloxinia. Flower shape Gloxinia is similar to bells.

Flowers are quite large, different color. Needless high humidity and regular spraying.

Watering it is better Exercise from the pallet.

capricious Plant with beautiful decorative leaves. Varieties:
  • indian;
  • famous.

Both types prefer bright scattered lighting. From spring by autumn needs abundant irrigation.


Davvalia - plants with leaves resembling carrot leaves.

Stems look like a flexible wire with small decks of leaves.

Needs to high humidityspraying.

Didimochlen - fern with leathery leaves of green or brown.

Requires increased humidity of soil and air. Need spraying.

Decembrists - a group of forest cacti blooming in winter period.

Sheloid stems, dried down.

Spiky short and soft.

Decembrists are divided into three groups:

  • epiphillum;
  • ripsalidopsis GNERTER;
  • sigocactus truncated.

Diskigoteka - a home bush with an unusual view of the leaves.

It is a bush tall up to 1.8 meters with thin leaves.

As for the care, a bright diffused light is needed, increased humidity.


Jacarand - home plantthat is planted because of beautiful leafsimilar to fern.

At home, Zhakarand does not bloom.

lightweight The flowering plant, besides moisture.

Throughout the year, Jasmine needs spraying and abundant watering.

Live stones are an unusual group of plants, which are two of those who have grown at the base of the sheet.

Coloring of living stones is diverse.

IN period Active growth plant is desirable to carry out on fresh air.


Zamiculkas - giant among room colors.

Glossy fleshy leaves are capable of growing up to 100 centimeters in length.

Requires bright scattered lighting, moderate humidity and high temperature.

Zantencia (Calla) is a plant that can be grown at home.

Flowers can be different colors resembling funnel shape. Leaves heart-shaped, sweatshirts. Light is bright, humidity - moderate, but frequent spraying is required. Zephiranthes in common man is called jumping.

During the flowering period, the blooming is literally drawn up and becomes ready for flowering.

Flowers can be different coloring. Zephirantnes Neciprisans and enduring, need moderate watering as needed and scattered lighting.


The player acquired his name through hard stems with a barr at the end.

It has brightly spherical fruits.

Well feels in the shade and in everything range room temperature Up to zero degrees.

Ixora is a high plant with large inflorescences consisting of small flower and leathery shiny leaves.

Requires abundant Watering and spraying, needs bright light.

Levinine is used as as room flowerand garden.

Is different unusual Color leaves and stem.

Requires regular spraying procedures, is a light-affiliated plant.

Ismene (Himenokallis) is a beautiful room plant attracting with its flowers.

They have " crown"And a pleasant fragrance.

Isman is a light-see and thermal lodge, a rich watering is required.


Caladium is a tube grassy plant.

The most beautiful part of Kaladium is considered to be its large leaves whose painting can be different.

Young Caladium needs high humidity. Lighting should be bright, watering - abundant.

liana with heart-shaped leaves and small inflorescences of various colors.

Clergendrum requires a lot of space because it is a rather large plant.

High humidity is needed, scattered light.

Clivia is a plant with high long leaves and bright orange inflorescences.

Is pretty capricious in care. All year it must be kept in a cool room.

Spraying is not needed, the required humidity is moderate.

For the first time to grow in pots or greenhouses, unusual and beautiful-flowing plants became in the era of the Great geographic discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photos and the names of which can be accommodated in several cabinets, passionate fascination of millions of people around the world.

Photo and names of decorative indoor plants

Decorative plants are appreciated by the flowers different shapes and colors, unusual foliage, varieties of forms, including a reprehension, peeling and ampel, herbaceous and tree. Indoor flowers may have a local origin and be the rest of the world's most distant corners. Such plants differ not only by the appearance, but also with habits, require various conditions Contents and care.

Someone is passionate about succulents, someone is more interesting to watch the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all kinds of domestic flowers, their photos and names are almost impossible, a brief catalog will become a great help when choosing a "green pet" in the shower.


Evergreen shrub, easily carrying crown formation, blooming from the end of spring and mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids of the indoor flower prefer a half-life, responsive to care, giving their owner a lot of white, yellow, pink, raspberry "bells" with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm.

To restore the strength, the plant requires a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees.


The photo and the name of this home flower in the pot became famous thanks to the famous film "Leon". Today grassy perennial Popular thanks to the motley leather foliage of broad-sized shape and unpretentiousness in room conditions.

In the color of the leaves different species And the varieties are present not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple paints.


Among the home plants fern are not uncommon. Herbatous evergreen cultures attract attention to carved Wijah and endurance. One of the most popular ferns - Adiantum, whose young wii are gracefully rolled and have a pinkish-cream color. In the house, the flower requires halftime and cool content in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers are white, pink, purple coloring are not conquered by all flowers. But when creating correct conditions and constant attention unrigible shrubs, related, please be generous blossom and long life At home.


Among the many species of room flowers, there are many crops belonging to the family of aroid. The people from the tropics of the southern hemisphere are invariably affect the magnificence of greens and a variety of forms.

When meeting a photo of decorative domestic flowers with the name "Alokasia" it is easy to see how these plants differ outwardly. And it is not surprising, after all, there are several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, these are unpretentious decorative and deciduous cultures, valued by amateur flowers.


Unlike alochanation loving moisture, all kinds are succulents capable of worrying drought due to the water accumulated in juicy leaves. As domestic flowers, aloe tree is more often grown or amelor. The plant height up to one and a half meters is decorated with long, seated with spiny leaves up to 30 cm long.

The value of the plant in a noncain moral and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- Another representative of an extensive family of aroid, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant - underground stem, pointed heart-shaped dense leaves, holding down on high reprehension stiffs, and inflorescences, decorated with bright bedspreads up to 15 centimeters. The modified sheet is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related culinary delicacy asparagus, as a room plant is distinguished by an unpretentious temper, an active growth and a long lifespan in a pot. Several species of this crop due to needle foliage, ampel or resembling a bush have long earned respect and love of flower flowers. The decorative effect of the plant complements rare, but memorable bloom. White flowers collected in the brush are small, but fragrant. After their fading, red rounded berries are formed.


Right from Southeast Asia is a decorative deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large wide-lancing leaves up to 80 cm long . Flowers of this species are inflicted and even invisible. The chunks of reddish-brown or purple color appear at the earth itself.


Flowers in pots, in the photo, the people are called "Vanka Wet" or "Lady". , Burned on the windowsill of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. Extremely unpretentious plant Due to the presence of mass grades, it is ready to please the flower flowering of simple and terry flowers of various shades.


Begonia is a rare plant, which has decorative and leaves, and flowers. There are more than 1,000 cultural varieties and hybrid forms in the world, actively used for landscaping in the house and outside. Homemade flowers can differ in the way to breed, be bush or ampel, blooming seasonally or constantly.

The connoisseurs of decorative and deciduous crops highly appreciate the bright, nothing to do with the greens of these unpretentious, fast-growing colors.

Geno Room (Pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundantly and long blooming pelargonium is the perfect room flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, amenable to forming, if necessary, renewed and is properly multiplied with a vegetative way. And the sea varieties of various shapes and flourishing will help create a unique atmosphere in the house and decorate the interior.


Perennial, relatives of the Garden Malva and, in the Russian conditions stuck as a room plant. Large blooming culture is grown as a shrub or strabamous tree. For proper care And the supply of food is enviable longevity, it grows up to a height of 2-2.5 meters and regularly delights the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.


Lukovichny Perennial Plant is popular thanks to simple care And incredibly bright bloom. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm high, floweros with several simple or terry flowers. Coloring of the whites depends on the variety and can be a motley, white, pink, scarlet or dense-bugmer. The leaves form a furl root rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In the fall of this type of room flowers, the period of rest comes lasting for several months and requires dry cool storage of bulbs.


Barghaty large bells and the same exquisite "soft" leaves of oval shape are characteristic features of a home flower in Gloxinia. Ceing tube plant in the winter Peace for flowering requires a long daylight, nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Over one rosette of the leaves can simultaneously turn out several dozen spectacular flowers all shades from white to densely purple.


Municipality is drawn to himself thanks to the bright foliage, it does not have such a noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, starting after 3 years, the landing field and lasts up to 3 months, means the close death of the parent plant, which should be replaced by rooted child sockets.


Decoratively deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors relatively unpretentiously, stand out high speed growth and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, the houses depicted in the photo in the pot of flower with the title should receive enough moisture, heat, nutrition and a lot of bright, but scattered light.


Accustomed in nature to truly "Spartan" conditions, in the apartment DRATSEN not Caprip. Several types of varieties are grown as domestic flowers, over time, forming a "tree" with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or motley foliage on top.


Zamiculkas - a tuber plant from the family of aroid is often found in colonel collections, passionate about evergreen decorative and deciduous cultures. Unpretentious indoor flower height from 50 to 150 cm generates several powerful dense stalks covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants with proper care form milk-white inflorescences.


Encyclopedias and indoor catalogs and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with such name are often included in the list of decorative, and medicinal crops. We are talking About different related species, interesting and wonderful in their own way.

General features of all varieties - non-durability, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all the most affordable in the vegetative ways and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze blossomed, and courtie view of Kalanchoe It will help to cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizome plant with a powerful roar rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful blur with an orange-yellow bright wedges assembled on top into an umbrella. At home, the flowers hold more than 3 weeks.


Maranta is a low, often fluttering or ampel perennial with decorative foliage, on a single sheet plate combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and browny tones.

Milia Mile

Milia mile in Russia is more famous as a "thorns". This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In the pot of succulent with rigid, covered with long spikes stem and a bunch of leaves on the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant completes small inflorescences, born with bright bracts, in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieriya or Teschin Language for many years is a regulance of the windowsill. Unassuming home flower Popular due to rigid foliage, with a motley pattern or bright border.

- One of the most common room colors, but the cylindrical variety with pointed reprehensive leaves of the original form only acquires adherents.


His name is decorative home flowers in the photo are obliged to be a fleshy, resembling coins of leaves. Fat or " money Tree»Excellent homemade plant, care for even a newcomer. For endurance and light reproduction, the flower is compared only with calangean. Even the fallen sheet will soon be rooted and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradesska - a great amplie flower for homemade cultivation. The plant has a rapid growth, high decorativeness, non-duty and light agrotechnics. The presence of varieties with motley foliage of different shades allows using a single culture to create unique compositions. The moisture lobby, amenable to the formation of the crown and is easily rooted in water or on the ground.


Faleenopsis or "butterfly similar" flower. This is the most popular orchid in nature is epipheit. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. A relatively simple care for phalaenopsis allows the novice lover of orchids to master all the features of these decorative plants.

Violet Uzambarskaya (SENPOLIA)

The Uzambarskaya violet at first sight conquers the view of a durable, assembled in lush foliage sockets, over which simple, semi-or terry flowers of the most bizarre forms and colors reign. Modern Satpolium varieties are calculated by thousands and represents giants and dwarf plants, monophonic and motley flowers, green leaves and greens with white or pink edge.


Catalog of room colors with photos and names different species And varieties of ficuses can be published by a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand species of this plant, there are several dozen in culture, having a shape of a bush, tree, soil and even empel copies. The greatest spread received and rubbing.


- Leader among plants by air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of the indoor flower. Necoprial and easily breeded in the house grassy perennial forms lush outlets from pointed lanceal leaves green or motley color. The feature of the culture is the flowers and daughters of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among the homemade Lian Hoya occupies one of the first places for beauty and popularity. Evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense "wax" leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant starflowers, no one leaves indifferent. At the same time, the sprouted on the appropriate surface of ivy does not need special care and excellent for maintenance at home.

Video: 70 bedroom plants in my interior

One of the main elements of any garden are flowers. They make it beautiful, bright and memorable. Their variety is so great that it is sometimes very difficult to determine the choice.

This page is about, as well as with a description of the planting period and flowering of these plants. You can also get acquainted with catalog of indoor plants . And let's start with how to use gardens catalogTo choose the best instances for your site.

Choosing from gardening catalog for your garden

Location - The main criterion that is responsible for the life and active development of plants. If you plan the light-loving flowers in a darkened place, then for a long time they will not be able to please their beauty of the owners. This means, it is necessary to learn the insolation in mind in advance and attitude towards the light of your favorite plants. Therefore, before selecting plants, aggregate which site you want to plant garden flowers. After such a selection, you can go to the next item.

Features of flowers. According to morphology, the flowers are divided into annuals (velvets, petunias) and perennial (hosts, daisies, lilies). The difference is B. different periods their lives and development. The first species is cheaper, but it grows only one year, the next need to purchase vegetable material. Using a catalog search form, you can sort the duration of life. Perennial plants You can land only once, and they will delight their owners annually. According to the cost, the second type is more expensive than the first.

Origin. It is better to plant local plants, perfectly adapted in existing conditions. Of course, no one has canceled experiments, you can try to grow exotomots.

Plant size is very important. If the mixboro is satisfied in the garden, then it is necessary to plant the largest and high plants at the very end, and the beginning is small and rich in blooming. In my garden catalog show photos due to which you can navigate the size of the plants. All packages with seeds are usually indicated in size. If seedlings are bought, it is better to learn all the necessary data from reliable sources.

Color spectrum - Pledge of a beautiful and delightful garden. You can create certain style solutions, thanks to the combinations of plants in coloring. Beautiful are contrasting flower beds, monochrome. The main thing is to choose the best varieties and types.

Catalog below will help to look for garden flowers on various criteria color inflorescences..

Garden - Flowers Catalog with photos and names

To decorate any garden include some bulbous plantswhich bloom in spring is crocuses, tulips, hyacinths, muscari and others. Lilies and irises include lilies and irises. To make your flower garden bright and beautiful, you can plant Fiols, Salvia, Ageratums, Velhets, Peonies, Hosts, some varieties of decorative onions, amaryllis, daffodils, petunias, and many other plants. Now try choosing garden flowers yourself - a catalog with photos and names will help you.