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How to sharpen skates at home. Proper sharpening hockey skates. How to put ice skates at home

Calm and virtuoso skating you can provide only with perfectly sharpened blades. After all, sharpening skates affects slip, braking, execution of figure tricks and balance on the rink. Therefore, it is so important to constantly follow the sharpening of the skates. It may be interesting for beginners, why to hide skates, because the blade seems smooth and smooth, what is there to sharpen?

Everything is simple. Consider the inner structure of the blade. It consists of two ribs and recesses between them. Reception, as a rule, is called another groove or groove. If you look at the blade on the side of the new skates to sharpening, then it looks like this:

But it looks like a blade, sharpened under the grooves:

When you ride on the rink, only the inner or only external edge comes with ice, rarely both. Only correctly depoted blades retain the clutch with ice during turns, slopes, if the sharpening is bad, the blades slip and move.

The depth of the groove also plays a role. The deeper the grooves, the greater maneuverability it provides, the more stable the skater on the turns. But the fine depth of the excavation contributes to the development of high speed. Frequent ice skating is stepping the ribs, and the groove between them mines. Uneven ice leads to the fact that burrs and roughness are gradually appear on the blades. It is the sharpening that protects these shortcomings: smoothes irregularities and deepens the groove. It is important that both ribs along the entire blade line were the same, on the same level.

When do you need to sharpen skates?

You will immediately understand when your skates will need sharpening. If you are watching such symptoms, it's time to visit the masters at sharpening:

During overclocking, the skates began to slip;

When turning the blades, go away;

If you have new skates and / or grooves.

Where can I sharpen skates?

As a rule, more or less large rollers provide such a service. Do not need to sharpen skatesSince this is a rather laborious process. Sharpening are engaged in special masters on special equipment. Bold blades should not be too often, only as necessary, otherwise the blades will quickly come into disrepair. To extend the service life of the blades, do not go to them on the floor, asphalt or steps without covers.

Short video about sharpening skates:

Skates are the main sports inventory of my childhood. White, on the laces and with an acutely sharpened blade - it was the dream of every child. In our city there were three stadiums that were filled with water for the winter, put the Christmas tree and a great festive rink was obtained. But the skates slid well, they had to sharpen them from time to time. I'll tell you how our dads did it.

How to put the skates do it yourself

Of course, not to suffer, sometimes we skates were given to the repair of shoes and there they were sharpening on a special machine. But it was worth the money, which was always missing, so my father mastered science himself. For this he took:

  • bar;
  • sandpaper;
  • file.

I have ever seen the sharpening process itself. He looked like this: Between his knees, his father clapped the ridges to the top and with an effort began to sharpen the edges of the blade at an angle towards the inner walls. It took it all about 20 minutes. Next, he polished the blade with emery paper, blown away dust and checked the sharpness of the skates in what he spent them on the newspaper. If the newspaper is cut uniformly - the skates are sharpened correctly.

This method of sharpening is the easiest and suitable for skates without a groove.

How to make sports skates

But if you do not have simple skates for figure skating, but sports with a groove, then you need another way. He is more laborious. But you want to get perfectly sharpened skates and be king roller? Then read carefully.

The first thing you need to get is an electric emery with a special disk, which when sharpening will deepen the groove and polish the blades at the same time. Such equipment from Soviet times can be found from Baraholchikov (Right at your grandfather in the garage).

So, starting to sharpen the blade, lead the emery to the groove here for a few minutes. As a rule, you can visually determine when it is time to stop. After that, the bar passes along the entire length of the blade and pumped the burishes with a file.

If you find such an electric emery you failed, you can buy more modern portable equipment for sharpening skates.

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Hockey players and figure skaters most often use skates with concave blades and draw them with a special device. If the blade is concave, the skates come into contact with the surface at two points, and the edge of the blade slightly bent down. The skaters use skates with a smooth blade that you need to be sharpened manually. Blanted blades provide better grip with surface and maneuverability, and even reduce resistance and increase speed. If you plan to purchase a special machine for sharpening, it will require certain attachments at the initial stage, but with due skill in the end you will save time and money.


How to sharpen concave blades using the machine

    Jump the means of protection. When working with a hutting device, you must be at least the unbreakable glasses. It is also recommended to use protection for the respiratory tract and ears. Do not wear loose clothes and remove the decorations that can get into rotating mechanisms. Remove long hair and put something on your head.

    Turn on the machine. The work desk should not be littered with unnecessary things. Before turning on the device, make sure that nothing comes with a grinding circle, including a diamond tool for editing. Balance the grinding circle.

    Think some radius you need. By default, the skates are sharpened with a radius of 12.5 millimeters, since such a radius fits beginners. The radius is less than 12.5 millimeters creates a deeper deflection, which provides good grip and slow acceleration. A large radius creates a more flat surface that worsens the adhesion, and it becomes easier to accelerate. The clutch determines maneuverability, and fast acceleration contributes to an instantaneous speed set.

    Adjust the diamond tool. Change the position of the tool to get the desired radius. You can relax the instrument handle using a screwdriver. After that, pull the handle forward or backward. On the diamond instrument there are marks denoting the magnitude of the radius.

    Make the edge of the sharpening circle. Press the diamond tool to the circle. Put and delay for a few seconds. As a rule, diamond tools are fixed on a special device that can be moved up and down.

    • The process of editing a sharpening circle may differ from the machines of different models, so refer to the user manual.
  1. Secure one blade and make a mark on it. Included with the machine will probably be a special retention device for the blade. Make sure the blade is exactly in the center of the sharpening circle. Black marker mark the edge of the blade.

    Sharpen the blade. Start slightly pressing the edge of the blade to the rotating sharp circle, starting with the sock of the skate. Move the retaining device so that the blade is in touch with the circle along the entire length. Do it as smoothly as possible and accurately so that the sharpening is uniform. Repeat 2-3 times.

    Check the condition of the blade. If you are well sharpened blade, you will not see a black marker marker in the length of the blade. If she stayed, continue to sharpen the blade until it disappears. Check the bend - it should be in the middle. If it is in another place, correct the holding device and re-sharpe the blade.

In order to get a maximum of pleasure from skating, it is not enough that they perfectly sat on their feet, the blades are equally important. If you learn how to make skates at home and you will do it yourself, then give yourself the opportunity to get joy and experience all the advantages of riding on sharp blades. The sharpening of the skates at home is nothing complicated in itself, it is enough to have several simple tools at hand.

What you need to study how to sharpen skates

From the state of the blades will depend on how you will slide on ice, whether you can accelerate, at the right moment slow down, perform some elements. If you learn how to sharpen ice skates, you can carry out this procedure at any time convenient for you, while saving money. The first signal about the need for the procedure will be the loss of speed, sensation of slipping or braking problems. Pay attention to the presence of damage on the surface of the blades before you sharpen skates at home. If there are no grooves on skating, you will need to carefully read how to sharpen the skates and do it regularly. If you have difficulty with how to put ice skates at home, video lessons will help answer all questions.

What to make sharpening skates at home

Before putting ice skates at home, you will need to prepare several important tools. So that it does not have difficulty with how to sharpen skates, note that the metal of the tools is firmly than that of the blade. You will need:

  • round file
  • emery,
  • grinding fine-grained bar
  • vice.

How to set ice skates without a groove

This is one of the most simple options for sharpening that do not require a large number of strength spent. Before putting the skates without a groove, prepare a file or sandpaper. The first advantage is the solidness of the alloy, although it is more convenient to use the second tool and faster.

How to put ice skates with a groove

Such a procedure can be carried out with the help of a special abrasive machine, which provides high sharpening accuracy. But for this method you will need or purchase such a device, or remake the one that is already available. If you need more clarity in order to understand this responsible and important procedure, look at the video track. Good luck and pleasant riding!

If you need sharpening skates for a hockey with a washer, the table with the size of the grooves will be the best assistant for beginners to make a choice. However, if this process occurs at home, you need to know a little more about its specifics, since the wrong sharpening can lead to overheating of the metal, which in turn will affect the blades imbalance.

Many professional players in hockey know how to sharpen skates for their riding style, because the type of sharpening is chosen according to this criterion. First of all, it is important to know the weight of a person, his position in the game is an attacker or defender, how long he rides and how sure of his movements.

Sharpe the blades in the skates should be if:

  1. a new couple was purchased and there are no grooves on the blades;
  2. when turning the blades are shifted to the sides;
  3. during overclocking, slipping is felt.

To accurate hockey skates are best when any discomfort occurs during riding. Experts advise not to carry out a large layer of steel, but the sharpening itself should be carried out regularly. After such a process, hockey players are better balancing on ice and can control their actions during the game, skates slide faster, do not get down and do not go to the parties, you can quickly accelerate and make sharp rotations.

Types of sharpening hockey skates

The newcomers are best to contact the master who can determine how deeply the steel is cut into the blades, what kind of sharpening to choose and how to properly care for uniforms in the future. Processing hockey blades, like to sharpen curly skates, you can in sports stores, ice complexes or individual specialists.

Immediately it should be noted that the new skates have no threads on the blades - their profile is completely straight. Therefore, professional hockey players after buying ice equipment immediately sharpen the blades under their skating style. Basically, the skaters use the standard type of sharpening, hockey players are offered a little more options. In Russia, only two types of sharpening hockey skates are used, but three of them can be distinguished.

Classical, or groove sharpening - a more common way, it is used by all who rolled on ice: skaters, skaters, hockey players. Standard sharpening type is considered the most reliable and verified. Its essence is that a semicircular groove is made on the blade. The blades of the skate can see two ribs on the sides and the groove inside. The presence of ribs by the blade gives a clutch with ice is much stronger than a completely straight axis.

The depth of the groove, which is suitable for draining the skates to this or another hockey player, is determined depending on its riding style and game. Usually, for sharpening skates for hockey with washer, players use a table with specific groove parameters.

Weight of the athlete in kg Aggressive skating Amateur skating Starting skating
Attack Defender Attack Defender Attack Defender
20-30 12-14 11-13 11-13 10-12 9-12 9-12
30-50 13-16 12-14 12-14 11-13 10-12 10-12
50-70 14-17 13-15 13-15 12-14 11-12 11-12
70-90 15-20 14-17 17-30 15-20 12-13 12-13
90-110 17-25 15-20 15-18 14-16 13-15 13-15
110 and higher 20-30 18-25 16-20 15-18 14-16 14-16

If the radius of the groove is small, then the speed ride rises, but the maneuverability decreases. Accordingly, if you choose a deep groove, then the handling of the skate when turning and various receptions becomes better, but in the case of direct ice ride, the speed becomes lower.

Channel-Z, or groove-zed - a relatively new type of sharpening in Russia. It uses many professionals, as the sharpened cover by type Channel-Z is more controlled and at the same time can slide very quickly. His profile looks like a small groove in the blade with another inner deepening.

In this case, the width of the inner deepening in the groove can be different. If it is big, then the speed ride increases, if small - becomes better control. This type of sharpening is made only on professional equipment.

FTB (Flat Bottom V) is not carried out everywhere and only if there is an American or Canadian machine, since this type has been developed in Western countries and is used by NHL commands. The blade profile at such sharpening looks like two pointed ribs and a groove with a small straight area inside.

Bolding FTB blades, hockey players usually count on high-speed ride in the game, but at the same time they are important to the high level of clutch with ice. Experts believe that if hockey players often participate in artificial ice games, then they are better to focus on high maneuverability, and not at speed.

Two methods sharpening at home

The process sharpening blades requires a lot of effort and knowledge. At the same time, without special tools in such a case, it is not necessary. As a rule, a professional skate grinder uses convective and polishing stones for this, diamond abrasive bar, as well as a special automatic machine.

Sharpening skates at home can be performed in two ways, but they also need special equipment for them:

  • With the help of the Nadfil - this is the easiest, but the most time-consuming way to sharpen skates at home. Round feet of a specific diameter according to table. 1 You must insert into a tree bar with a P-shaped groove. The horse is fixed in vice, the trained bar is installed on the front of the blade, and the necessary contours of the wells are determined. Thus, the skates are accurate, strongly pressed on the blades. After that, it is necessary to remove all sowers with a flat supfyl or a file with a shallow notch.
  • With the help of a grinding circle - a faster way to sharpen skates at home, but requires special equipment. The circle for grinding should already be the radius of a groove by 0.5-1 mm. The grinding circle should be installed on the drill, and the skate blade to fasten with clamps on the steel corner. After that, it is necessary to determine the circuits of the groove. Further, the sharpening comes from the front of the blade.

So that sharpened skates served longer, after each use, wipe the blades with a dry cloth and, moving outside the ice coating, put on them special rubber covers.