Repairs Design Furniture

Growing beets. The cultivation of beets at the cottage is quick and easy. Care for beet


Landing beets becomes one of the main themes in the summer houses in the spring, when time comes to think about the beginning of the sowing of the first seeds. And there is nothing surprising here, because you need to carefully prepare the soil, acquire required fertilizers And feeding, ensure decent care, and most importantly - to buy high-quality sowing material.

To enjoy beetrootes yearly, it is necessary to choose the correct, which have different maturation dates, as well as provide vegetable care. This is pretty unpretentious plantwhich for the first year of growth forms strong root roots, and on the second launches the flowerons and seeds suitable for the next sowing. For good height Beets are enough to choose the illuminated place, although slightly shaded areas will also not be an obstacle for growing.

Preparation of beds to landing

Therefore, do not seek to choose the central part of the garden, the dining room beets like growing and around the edges of the beds. Give this place of carrots, onions, cucumbers or cauliflowers, believe me, they need it more. Better pay more attention to the type of soil and its acidity. Typically, the beets are chosen for light or medium divided soil, which is not prone to overcoat, rich in organica and necessarily with a neutral environment. Remember, heavy clay soils significantly reduce your chances of getting a high-quality and rich harvest, and high acidity makes the top and ugly, the root and hard.

In order to neutralize the acidity, it is necessary to carry out regular watering of the soil by limestone solution throughout the entire period of vegetation of beets. This rule is observed, and when the stern beet is fit, especially demanding to the soil. It is possible to get a juicy and sahaphic root cornerplood on a fertilized bed. It would be nice if a sufficient number was added to the place of landing organic fertilizers. However, if this did not happen, it is possible to reflect the soil by installing compost or humoring, as well as mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, ammonia nitrate and potassium chloride.

Do not forget that the soil on which you grown by beet last year is better not to use re-for a new crop. During this period, there could be a lot of pests in it, in particular beet nematodes. Therefore, choose a soil for planting a new dining room, where other vegetables were planted, such as tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, onions, beans. But the beds, where there was a carrot - not the best waySince the landing conditions, care and pests in these crops are quite similar.

Start the landing of the beloved beet can be in late October to get early yieldHowever, nevertheless, many gardeners prefer to perform this procedure in spring. In this case, it is not worth a hurry, the soil must warm enough to get at a depth of 10 cm it was at least +8 ° S. It is often achieving such an indicator in the early middle of May, and the time of maturation is greater dependent on the duration of winter cold and atmospheric precipitation.

Planting a young sapling

It is also important to monitor that the temperature at the beginning of the beet growth has fallen below the mark +4 ° C, however heat and drought in this matter too bad satellites. Therefore, it is best to plant seeds in front of long rains. This will increase the growth of the root plant and will lead to the speedy appearance of the first germs. But it concerns the depth of the seed location, then a largest landing scheme will depend on the looseness and soil type. If you are going to grow beets with seeds on suglinted soil, it should be 2.5-3 cm, and in a lighter soil (sand and sandy) - 3-4 cm. Previously before planting, the seeds are immersed in a special solution that enhances their growth, and then dried. However, now many manufacturers, especially foreign brands, have already taken care of the spending time of gardeners, releasing the dued seeds.

They are seeds coated with an inert material, which reliable protects them from insect pests and increases the accuracy of sowing. It is clear that they do not need to be pre-painted in solution and spend time at this time. Seeds are fully prepared for use. The best seeds of beets are rightfully recognized , Promotional A-474, Bordeaux 237, cold-resistant 19, incomparable A-46, Renova, Mushroom Flat A-473, Egyptian flat. In addition to growing seeds, planting beets seeds is often used. In this case, it is necessary to be 100% confident as seedlings and be able to properly prepare it for landing.

These methods were very loved to use our grandmothers and grandparents, and conservative hostesses apply it to this day. Where do you start training seedlings? Take advantage of the seeds of one-storm early beet, putting them in small containers approximately a month before the seedlings falling into the ground. It is best for these purposes to use small cups with a diameter of 4-5 cm. They need to pour out the land and take a small deepening, about 1.5 cm, pour water into it and throw the seed, pour it from top of the earth.

Seedling beets for landing

Prepared Cups cover with a protective material (an ordinary cellophane is quite suitable) to eliminate the evaporation of moisture, and put them in a warm place, without direct sun ray.

Next, we produce minimal seedlings and wait, when the first shoots will begin to appear above the surface of the Earth. Then the cups are rearranged into a more illuminated place, for example, on the windowsill. Already after 1 month, seedlings will be fully ready for landing. Ready sprout, preferably along with an earthen room, must be pulled out from the cup and put in the prepared primer on your panstone. Landing B. open sad It is best to spend in the period from 10 to 20 May, and in the case of using a stationary greenhouse even earlier - from the end of April. In the latter case, the chances of getting the first harvest in mid-June are much more increased.

If you use for landing beets with large quantity Roskov, then you need to make a fairly wide grooves in a broader, so that the sprouts after germs do not interfere with each other. The optimal landing scheme in this case is a distance of 20-25 cm. As for the depth of planting seeds, it will depend on the type of soil, which has already been discussed earlier, but not less than 2 cm. In order for the ranks is better visible, along the edges of each row, stick Small pegs and stretch over the wire.

This will help you divide the zonal site, and also significantly simplify care and increase the accuracy of the markup. Before disembarking seeds, do not forget to abundantly hammer the groove with water, and also to dwell the earth. If it is not loose, mulch it, slugging the thin layer of sand or peat. After the emergence of the first shoots, the plant care is continuing. Follow the roariness of the soil and watering, performing the procedure advantage in the evening. Watering contributes to the maximum access of oxygen and nutrients To the root system, which means that the beet will grow faster.

Properly marked bed with beet

Due to the fact that many gardeners are mainly preferred to grow beet varieties with 2-3 sprouts, it helps to save a budget for the purchase of seeds for planting a new harvest. Therefore, wait for the root of the root sheets, and then carefully dug extra sprouts and transfer them to another bed, while observing a sufficient distance along the bed length of 8-10 cm.

This method will certainly help you get a full harvest, but before transfer it is necessary to turn one cunning manipulation, shorter the tip of the root of the plant by 5-8 mm. It will help the root system to grow well and make rooted root, without bends. And you want to simplify your work and do not straighten the garden with tedious markup, plant one-terrain varieties of beets. Many also prefer to grow in her garden beets of an extended form - Mona, Renova, Cylinder, Negro. Such varieties are distinguished by the gentle flesh of the root and the convenience of cleaning.

Planting beets and the appearance of the first germs is only the first stage of painstaking work and obtaining a long-awaited quality crop. Further care Becks should be no less careful than before. First of all it concerns the fight against weeds. They must be resulted in appearances, otherwise the weeds will be taken out by most of the nutrients in the beet dining room, which are also necessary for it to increase the weighty juicy root root. Also carry out the thinning of sprouts when the third sheet appears on plants.

The next important point to take into account the care of beets was as correct as possible - compliance with the rules of irrigation. Beet loves wet soil, so it is necessary to water it abundantly and regularly. For convenience, exist simple scheme: 1-2 times a week with normal weather and 3-4 times during arid. This is very important during the actual formation of the root. But about a month before harvesting, the irrigation will need to be reduced, since the convergence at this stage can adversely affect the appearance.

Beckless Care Tips

Together with intense irrigation 2 weeks after landing, it is necessary to make potash fertilizers, for better and rapid growth of young sprouts. At this stage, you can also hold the beets of the beet. Optimal option In this case, a cowing solution will be a solution of 1 part of the fertilizer on 12 parts of water. However, everything needs to be known. This also applies to organic fertilizers. To improve growth, there will be 1-2 feeding, otherwise nitrates can begin to accumulate in the root. After 21 days after such a feeding, it is possible to polish the garden with a solution of ash, as well as spray the beet leaves, not more than 2-3 times, at the rate of a glass of dry matter on 8 liters of water.

In addition, ash can be used and separately in a dry form. The glass will be quite enough for every 1.5 m beds. Slash can sprinkle a garden or plug it into the ground during the rescue. Nitrogen fertilizers are used to enhance the growth of tops, however, with the use of this feeding, it is necessary to be very prominent. The fact is that the beet has properties to accumulate nitrogen in the root, which makes it extremely harmful to human health. However, if you are sure that it is nitrogen that lacks beets for growth, spend the feeder no more than 2 times in the season.

Beets may experience a manganese deficiency, sodium boron, potassium and magnesium. The disadvantage of potassium is usually indicated by the yellowness on the tops. It can be fixed affordable method, Watering beets with limestone milk. It is prepared at the rate of 200 g of lime and 80 g of potassium chloride on 10 liters of water. If, after the first procedure, the yellowness will not disappear, it can be reused only after 10 days. Red leaf tops usually signals an acidic environment and sodium shortage. Fix this situation will help watering beet leaves salt water And the rugs of the garden of the ash. Recommended amount of salt water watering - 2-3 times in the season. Such a solution is prepared at the rate of a glass of salt on 10 liters of water. In addition to replenishment required substancesThis method also helps to make a root cap of more sucrist.

Active harvesting beets are carried out before frosts. It is very important not to miss this moment, the root rages after freezing are badly stored. It is also important to get beets from the soil without damage. In this case, experienced gardeners use forks. They are gently pushing the barrel of the root of the root and pull, without cutting the lower root. To secure the entire chain of actions, look at the video, how everyone do gilders with experience.

Cradted with beds

After removal from the soil, the tops are better not to trim the knife, but to break your hands with twisting movements, and then leave the root of the root on the air so that the "wounds" in the place of the drawable tops were dragged. If the beet was damaged during the collection, sort it into a separate container. And another advice, to once again not injure the gentle skin of beets and do not shift it from place to place, use dry clean boxes for cleaning.

Choose a beet beet. There are many different beet varieties and each different vegetation period. Check out the number of days required by beets to mature, and select the best of them for growing in your area. When you chose a variety, purchase several seed bags on your choice. It is much easier to grow beets from seeds, as it is bad to rear.

  • Beets Detroit dark red - classic bloody-red, perfect for frying or cooking.
  • Bourgona beets Golden - Oil, tender taste and looks beautiful in salads. Seeds of gold beets are a bit arrogant, so do not forget to take enough seeds in case some do not germinate.
  • The beets of chioggia are red and white circles inside when you cut it.
  • Beet Early Wonder Tall Top - good variety To select if you grow beets first for greens, and not for root.

Prepare for landing in spring and autumn. Set beets or spring or autumn when the weather is cool and the soil temperature is about 10 ° C. Beets, as a rule, can cope with one or two frosts (although it should not be exposed to extremely cold weather), but the beets are poorly growing in hot weather - it leads to rigid root corners.

  • To avoid frosts, put the beet immediately after the last frost in the spring. In the fall, put when the weather will be freshed and will be regularly below 24 ° C. It must pass at least a month between the last landing and the beginning of cold, frosty temperatures.
  • Prepare a garden or pot. Beckls do not need a lot of places to grow, so you can put it or on a small area or in a pot. If you plant beets to the ground, plow the soil on the garden with a cultivator to a depth of 30 centimeters. On the soil should not be stones so that the roots are correctly formed. Add compost and organic substances to the soil to enrich it. Best soil loose and sandy, with a pH between 6.2 and 7.0.

    • Choose a place on which the bright sunlight; Beets will not grow well in half.
    • Korneflood beets develop best when they have a lot of potassium. You can add bone flour to the soil to provide additional potassium if your soil is not particularly fertile.
  • Plan to plant beets with other vegetables. Beets do not take up much space in the garden, so she gets well with other vegetables of the cool season. In fact, radishes are planted and collectable earlier than beets, so its landing in the prepared bed for beets, good way Get ready-made soil for planting beets. You can also plant beets together with bow, salad, cabbage, broccoli and beans in the garden.

    Many dackets grow carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, garlic, onions, potatoes, as these are the most basic vegetables used in the preparation of various dishes, including conservation. The most interesting thing is that the beet is useful to use not only its root, but also the leaves themselves.

    Beets are one of the few crops, which is not good for the habitat, but which needs the abundant number of organic and mineral fertilizers. In its type of leaves, it is similar to.

    The most common varieties of beets for growing in the country: Mushroom, Egyptian flat, incomparable A-46, cold-resistant, Promotional A-474, Renova, Pablo.

    It is necessary to care for beets, as well as for any other culture, namely, to water, reload, pour and feed.

    Growing beets in the country

    Despite her unpretentiousness to the landing site, it still has preferences. It should be well illuminated drained plot, light gives the root color. If the soil is acidic, then laying the beds, make ash with dolomite flour or lime. However, it should be careful with lime, since its oversuetting will lead to a pair of culture.

    When preparing beds under the beets in May, the compost should be made in the soil at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq.m. If the site is in a raw place, then beets are grown on the ridges. If we grow beets under the winter, then the soil must be superficially pour and make a compost or humid ½ bucket with 30g potassium chloride and the same amount of superphosphate per 1 kV. m. spring add 30g urea.

    Grow beets better than seeds. If sowing beets in spring, then to accelerate the germination of seeds, soak them on a day in warm water. After which the seeds need to be dried, sow in loose soil and roll.

    If you prepare the seeds with bubbling, then you only follow the wet soil! (Barbing is a very convenient way to prepare seeds to landing, which does not require preheating. Seeds are saturated with oxygen with, for example, aquarium compressor. Seed shoots are accelerated by 2 times.)

    Seed seeds begin at a temperature of 4-5 ° C, shootouts withstand temperatures up to 2 ° C below zero. If the soil is imperturbed, the beets are formed by flowers.

    Sowing seeds are usually carried out from May 1 to 20, at this time the soil is still most moistened. The rate of seeding seed beet 2g per 1kv.m. In case of subsequent sowing 3g per 1kv.m (depth of sealing 3-4cm), do not forget about the mulching of the soil.

    The distance between the seeds 5-8cm with a shallow crop in heavy soils 2-3cm, aisle 18-20 cm. At first shoots, approximately 4-5 days, it is necessary to break, better after watering or rain, do not forget about the weeding and loosening between rows.

    The first breaking with the severition of the first 2-leaves, the second at 4-5 leaves, leaving the distance between the plants 6cm, the last thinner in August, the distance to 8cm. Note that with the second thinning, the roots can already be used in its intended purpose, i.e. in food.

    Do not forget about watering beets during growing, as this is a very moisture-loving plant, approximately 20 liters per 1Qm. For arid weather during intensive growth. Such a powerful watering is carried out 1-2 times. Over the season, water with small portions. A month before harvesting, it is not worth a crop of cropping the soil, it will affect the quality of the harvest.

    Fertilizers when growing beets

    Beets need to be picked up nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, potassium, maliben, copper. In all this, the beets very much needs. An alternative to these fertilizers can be a mixture of ash (3 glasses per 1kv.m.) with a humus or compost.

    For the entire season of cultivation of beets you need to spend 2 feeding with mineral fertilizers. The first is carried out after the primary thinning of nitrogen fertilizers (10g urea per 1kv.m), the second - when it starts to climb the tops in the rivers, potash-phosphorus (10g potassium chloride, 8g superphosphate per 1kv.m).

    To reduce the amount of nitrates in beets, nitrogen fertilizers should be made by fractional portions, it is best to use urea. And the chlorine forms of potash fertilizers, due to the content of ions in them, will prevent the accumulation of nitrates.

    Beet needs copper and molybdenum and especially in Bore. Root feeding in this case is not an advocacy. Make fertilizers containing these trace elements with an extraxanitic method.

    • Yellow spots on the buckle of beets will indicate a sign of a lack of potassium, it will help to correct the position by watering with lime milk (10 liter of water 200g of lime from 80g potassium chloride). Repeat such feeder is recommended after 10 days.
    • The red beet trees will say about the lack of sodium and the acidity of the soil. In this case, the leaves of beets are watered with salted water, and the beds sprinkle ashes.
    • Light leaves of beets will indicate the lack of potassium.

    It is necessary to make a feeder when the rootpode will become the size of a walnut, it is best to make a cowbage solution at the rate of 1: 8, but so: 2 g nitrogen, 3 g of phosphate and potash fertilizers per 1kv.m.

    Cleaning and storage beets

    Collect the harvest start 70-80 days after sowing, finish before the start of frosts (mid-September).
    For better storage Beets and color preservations with all nutrients, cut leaves need to be 3 cm from the root. Store in basements or cellars at a temperature of 1-3 ° C.

    • Squeeze the beet where tomato, potatoes, onions and cucumber grew up.
    • Do not put the beet where the mangold grew, carrots, cabbage and beets.
    • Observe the crop rotation.
    • For greater sugar, the beets are watering it with a solution of table salt (10l water 1st.l. at 1Qm. M), and even better sodium saltters and so 2-3 times per season.
    • Grow beets best of all seeds, because seedlings after transplanting to the ground for a long time It is ill and does not tolerate the reduced temperature, go into an arrow or the fruit will be small.
    • Speed \u200b\u200bup the germination of beet seeds can be seeded with vermiculite or peat, then humidity, heat and strong crust will not be formed.
    • The most common diseases and pests beets: false puffy dew, spottedness of leaves, rust, root tough, etc.

    Beetuseful vegetableIt is grown and used to prepare various dishes and used in medicine.

    Each gardener grows beets on its plot. To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to comply with the rules for growing beets in the open soil.

    Today we will talk about growing beets in open soil, Care behind the sowing of seeds, watering, weeding, and before harvesting and storing the harvest. Also consider main types of beets and the conditions for growing this root.

    Start the preparation of the site in the fall: you need to remove the remains of other plants, make fertilizers ( wood ash) And then step by land.

    The best predecessors for landing beets: Cucumbers, peas, onions, beans, eggplants.

    Plot under beets should be well illuminated by the sun, the beet does not like shading. The fruits will raise a saturated shade.

    Planting beets to open ground

    In the spring area under the landing breakdown with robbles. When the earth warms up above +5 degrees, you can sow seeds. Do not save seeds into cold soil, the fruits are bad formed, which will affect the crop. Optimum term Planting beets to open soil is considered mid-May.

    Preliminary seeds must be prepared, shoots will appear faster. To do this, soak them over the day before sowing in a stimulator of growth or conventional warm water. Before sowing dry.

    Preferably before sowing seeds to pour a plot. We make rows of a depth of 4 cm and the distance between them 25-30 cm, richly shedding the furrows with water, as it absorbs, seeds seeds and sprinkled soil.

    Watch that the crust is not formed on the surface of the soil, the seeds will hardly break through it. On time loosen the soil and remove weeds.

    Provide a regular watering beet, especially in the first half of the vegetation, during the formation of root.

    In the first half of the summer produced by watering 1 time per week, at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2 beds (under root and sprinkling).

    Beginning from mid-July Watering produce 2 times a week with the same amount of water. Do not forget to loosen the soil after irrigations.

    Repeatedly: for the month and 2 weeks before harvesting During watering, add 1 tablespoon of cook salt by 10 liters. This will add beets a sweet taste. Salt can be replaced with sodium salt.

    10-14 days before harvest, the irrigation is stopped by giving rootes to be prepared for storage.

    Feeding to produce after formation of 3-4 leaves nitrogen-containing fertilizers (for example, solution bird litter or cowbank solution).

    Becks for the entire period of growth in need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. In the first half of the growing season nitrogen fertilizers, in the second half you need potash fertilizers.

    Phosphoric fertilizers It is necessary to make a little bit during the entire period of vegetation beets.

    In the second half of the growing season as feeding use ash: on the water bucket 1 cup of ashes, insisted and water from the watering can.

    Beet loves ash, and even leaves after feeding acquire a healthy green color. If the leaves of the beet gland, adopt the beet kaliva Selievera (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

    Beets are sown densely, and this is done for its normal development. Also, it is a measure against a bad seed germination. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct relief. It is most convenient to spend thinning after watering or abundant rain.

    First thinning They are carried out during the first formation period of the first full-fledged leaves, leaving the distance between the plants in 2-3 cm.

    Second thinner Conducted when 5-6 leaves were formed on plants, leaving the gap between the plants in 4-6 cm.

    For the third time thinning It is necessary to spend until August 15, leaving the distance between plants at 8-10 cm. Observe the discharge time, this is an important moment for obtaining high-quality and large harvest.

    It is possible to grow beets in the open soil from seedlings. A month before landing in the open ground, beet seeds are beginning to sow seeds in the greenhouse. Make a groove after 5 cm from each other and sow seeds with a distance of 3 cm, put out the earth.

    After some time, sprouts will appear. When 4 leaves grows, seedlings are ready for transplant. 10 days before landing on permanent place Swipe seedlings, ventilate the greenhouse. Immediately before landing well, sprinkle.

    Video - How to please beckle

    The beets are not necessary (even when peeping root from the ground), so it will type more sucrosiness and will be sweeter. Remove the beets you need to frost. Roots are stored in the basement, and well persists until spring.

    Each hostess for sowing chooses a variety, depending on the subsequent use of beets.

    Main types of beets: Dining room, sugar, stern.

    For those gardeners who keep the farm, it will be useful feed beet For feeding animals. This type of beet grows large, so when landing the distance between the rows of about 30-35 cm.

    Table variety Great fitting. Sugar beet planted for sugar.

    Observing these simple beetting tips, you can get good harvest.

    Present a borsch, a herring under a fur coat or winegree without beets is simply impossible, it is tasty and extremely useful. In this article you will learn all the secrets of growing root in the open soil.

    Beets grown in open soil

    1. Beets - a light-loving vegetable, so get a good harvest, organizing a bed in the shade, will not succeed;
    2. Seeds germinate at temperatures above 5 degrees, so be sure to make sure that the soil is enough to have a free program, otherwise you risk provoking the process of the shorting;
    3. The amount and quality of the crop largely depends on proper watering. Despite the fact that the vegetable is growing even in arid conditions, it is recommended to water it 2-3 times a week for excellent growth;
    4. Do not forget to feed and protect against pests in a timely manner.

    What kind of grade to choose

    It is known a few varieties of vegetable:

    • Dining room. We use it for cooking. It happens round, flat and cylindrical. It is found pink, light and wine-burglar. Red Ball and Bohemia are considered the best for cultivation in the open ground, their harvest can be collected after 10-11 weeks. A little longer (16-17 weeks) ripen Egyptian flat, Bon and Detroit. Late variety is a cylinder, you can try it in 19 weeks.

    • Sugar. It is used as it is clear for the production of sugar. Grow mainly in the southern regions. Bright representatives of this category are already the mentioned variety Detroit, as well as Bohemia, Bon and Lark.

    • Feathers. People do not eat in food, grown it mainly for feeding livestock. The roots are quite large, in form are round, oval and conical.


    In the open ground, the plant is planted at the average daily temperature not lower than 5 degrees. Landing with insufficient warming threatens the appearance of flowers and low quality of rooteplood. Optimal time for landing - may holidaysWhen the Earth is still moistened.

    Preparation of soil

    The vegetable grows well in a light, fertile, saturated with nitrogen soil. Site for its cultivation plots, where the cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants or onions grew earlier. Arrange the beds where the mangold, carrots and / or cabbage were located last year, are not worth it.

    Preparing the place preferably at the end of March - early April. Everyone square meter It is necessary to feel a mixture for the preparation of which will be required: 35 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium sulfate and so the amount of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium chloride. For greater fertility, it is not forgiven to make every square of the plot along the kilograms of humoring. The acidic soil is required to neutralize, pouring on M2 to one and a half kilo limestone.

    Girling with lime under beet

    In early May, it is necessary to start cropping, pre-robbed the earth and organizing a bed.

    Landing seeds

    Success largely depends on the quality of selected seeds. Remember that they should be tough and not pressed, without unpleasant odor. It is better to acquire them from proven sellers.

    Before planting seeds must be prepared - soak in cold water For 20 hours or in warm literally half an hour. ATTENTION: Seeds in granules should not be soaked, since the procedure will reduce the entire effect of granulation. After they can be sent to the ground, not deep - literally by 1-2 cm.

    Acceleration The germination process allows bubbling, simply speaking, soaking in water saturated with oxygen. For this purpose, a special apparatus is used, but the usual compressor for aquariums is also suitable. The procedure takes from 12 to 18 hours, at the first signs of germination of the seeds, move into well-moistened soil. The greater the gap between the seedlings, the larger the root plant, but it is not necessary to strive to grow kilogram vegetables, since their taste will not be so pleasant, like a medium-sized fruit. Optimal distance Between seeds - 5, between rows - 25 centimeters.

    If the site is high groundwaterThe beds will have to raise or organize them on the ridges.

    Landing sediate

    The seedling market will allow to collect harvests much earlier than when sowing seeds. Choose for this purpose early varieties From what we offered above. Depending on the region of your stay, it should be sung in March-April.

    A large box or tray is suitable for growing seedlings. Take care of a good drainage layer and suitable soil mixture. Distribute evenly seeds on the surface of the prepared soil, sprinkle with a small amount of land and paint. Remove into a warm place. During the germination of seeds, make sure that the soil is not overwhelmed, otherwise they rotate, it is not worth it and over.

    Before falling into an open ground, shorten the central root of the seedlings by a third. So that young seedlings are strengthened, the first couple of weeks water them with a solution of humate and protect from direct sunlight. Well, when the size of the root plant is with a walnut, go to the interval of 8-10 cm between them.

    Landing winter beets

    There are such gardens that plant vegetable in the winter. In this case, the land needs to be at a quarter of a meter, and after each square of the site, it is supported by organichea (1/2 buckets / m2), potassium chloride and superphosphate, at the rate of 30 g per square, and post the root. The seeding rate is 2-3 grams per square meter. In the spring, when snow comes down, do not forget to easily fit the gardening of the urea.

    Winter beet needs. It will protect sowing from frosts, so beholding fresh sawdust and other material suitable for this purpose.

    Care for beet


    When watering it is important to find golden middle. Increased humidity It threatens that the plant rotates, and the cutting is fraught with the fact that the fruits will be small.

    How to determine that the root is needed water? Trying to just stick your finger in the ground, if she dried only a couple of centimeters, then refrain from watering.

    Immediately after landing, it is very important not to overcoming the soil. In June, it is enough to pour a bunch for each square meter for a couple of times a week. If such a watering mode is not suitable for some reason, it is allowed to moisturize the land 2 times a month, but then no less than 6 buckets will be required for each unit area.

    After irrigation, perform loosening to prevent education or destroy the soil crust already appeared, which makes it difficult to aeration of root.


    Beckla seeds are inflorescences in which several pieces are located at once. That is why they germinate quite thickly. So that the roots are good sizeIt follows in the first stages of development to run out. Remote plants Some gardeners throw out, but if they are planted in another place, they will fit well.

    When the first leaves appear, it is necessary to take care that the weeds do not score young shoots. Therefore, carefully ensure that weeds are not on beeturic bed. Before shooting, the tractor kerosene will help to fight with excessive vegetation (it will take about 50 grams per square meter). After use the sodium nitrate solution for this purpose. But after the beets will get strength, the grass will not harm her in any way.


    Beet needs B. good fertilizer, it prefers the organic and ashes, with a lack of nutrients, it grows poorly.

    First portion nitrogen fertilizers It should be made after the first thinning, 10 g per m2. As soon as the tops begin to clog in the alarms, it is necessary to produce a second feeder. For this procedure, prepare a cocktail of 8 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride for each area of \u200b\u200bthe square.

    Despite the fact that the beet loves feeding, do not overdo it. In particular, the excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers leads to the cluster of nitrates in the root.

    Fighting diseases and pests

    Beets are rarely sick, and pests rarely affect her. Nevertheless, you need to know the symptoms of diseases to eliminate them in a timely manner.

    Among the most common diseases include:

    1. Fomoz. It is manifested by brown or yellowish concentric stains on the lower leaves of the socket, then the black dots arise. The reason is the lack of boron. When listed symptoms are detected, perform feeding a brown (3 grams / m2) and irrigate with a solution for the preparation of which 1/2 teaspoon boric acid It is necessary to dilute in the bucket of cold water.
    2. Churchosposition. The fact that the plant is sick, inform small blond stains on the top of the leaves and light gray raid on the bottom. Timely feeding of plants with potassium chloride helps to keep it.
    3. Peronosporosis. At the beginning of the disease, a gray-violet bloom appears on the bottom of the leaves, then they wrap up, they lose color and dry dry weather, and rawly rot. To warn this ailment will help the soaking of seeds in the "early" before sowing and regular spraying of fungicides at the beginning of the growing season.
    4. Cornered. Young plants are black, thinned and dying. To prevent such a buroy and loosening fertilizer do not neglect. Excellent assistant will become and.
    5. Fusarious and brown rot. The lower leaves are faded, the stuffs are drawn at the base, the fruits crack and filled with a white substance - these are signs of the disease. Cause - High content of nitrogen and moisture. Effective in the struggle with a solution of boron and lime.

    When the yellow rounded stains appear on the tops, it is appropriate to talk about the lack of potassium and excessive soil acidity. It will help to solve this problem, lime milk will help, for the preparation of which it is necessary to make 200 g of lime-fluffs and 80 g of potassium chloride dilute in 10 liters of water and the resulting solution to pour a plant. Red tops reports on sodium deficiency and, again, with acidic land. Sprinkle the beds ashes and sprinkle with salted water.

    Subjected to beets and pest attacks, including:

    • mining flies;
    • medveda;
    • beet fault;
    • scoops;
    • flea;
    • shloposki.

    Regular weeding will help prevent the appearance of pests. If this measure turned out to be ineffective, then the spraying of the onion husk will get rid of the Nastock. Solutions of the "spark" and "carbofos" will destroy the flies. "Swipping" of bushes ash or tobacco dust is frightened by flew. Well, the processing of cytoksibatillin or a heline will help to cope with the scoop.

    Harvesting and storage

    Collect the harvest is required until the first frost. Store beets are recommended at temperatures from 3 to 5 degrees. In the cellar, the basement or the earthenware of the root of the roots will lay until the summer, retaining the maximum benefit for the body.

    Video: Growing beets in open soil