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Sugar beet and stern. Sugar beet: video. The main differences between the feed and sugar types of beets

To get from beet good harvest and delicious root roots suitable for a long winter, you need to choose the right beet variety. Moreover, it is better to give preference to domestic varieties - despite the successes of American breeders, beautiful and even root roots, "foreigners" are still inferior to our beet varieties in taste qualities, according to yields and at adaptability to growing in Russian climatic conditions.

What is the stern beet different from sugar?

But before listing best varieties Beets, let's figure out what kind of beet types are: what is the beets of the dining room, sheet, sugar, stern and wild? What kind of species should be planted on your site and for what?

Cultural variety of beets also includes two-sized leaf beets

That beet, which we add to borsch and in vinaigrette, refers to cultural species and scientifically called beet dining room. It has a fleshy thick root of predominantly dark red. Cultural variety of beets also includes two-year-old leaf beets known abroad as chard, and subspecies of ordinary root beet:

  • asian subspecies with a poorly developed root root;
  • european subspecies (canteens, feed and sugar varieties of beets).

Video about beets

In addition to cultural species Several wild-growing annual beet varieties with a subtle root are known: stretched, large, seaside, vigorous, trilateral, intermediate, carchatum, etc.

Let us dwell separately on the types of beets that are most often found in the fields and in private gods.

Feed beet

There was a stern beet in Russia from the 18th century and since then it is cultivated everywhere, since the inclusion of its root crops into the diet of farm animals brings a lot of benefits. Feed beet is considered a valuable milk culture, it is indispensable for increasing the cows, it helps to improve the productivity of animals and the quality of the rating, and also allows you to save concentrates in winter.

Sometimes the feed beets can be issued at the table beet, it is possible to distinguish it, first of all, by the large size of the rooteplood. Although B. feed beets More fiber, the dining room is still tastier and better suitable for eating.

Sometimes feed beets can issue at the dining room

Feed beets can be a cylindrical, conical, rounded and elongated-oval shape, painting is white, raspberry, red, pink, orange and yellow. Self popular varieties: Eckendorf Yellow, Titan, Timiryazevskaya single-family, northern orange, firstborn, semi-chamber pink, Hybrid Timiryazevsky 12, Marshal, Kiev pink beet and others.

Sugar beet

This white beet of the extended form is primarily grown in order to obtain sugar (in modern grades, the sugar content reaches 20%), but can also be redeemed on animal feed. The greatest productivity Sugar beets can be achieved on chernozem soils, so it is not surprising that Ukraine ranks first in the cultivation of this species, Russia is in second place (mostly southern regions), tracked Belarus. However, imported sugar beets are mainly used for cultivation, and the main share is the hybrids of German selection.

The greatest productivity of sugar beets can be achieved on chernozem soils

Sheet beet

IN european countries Mangold is widespread very widely as incredible useful plant, in the leaves of which there are a lot of carotene, valuable acids and important trace elements, as well as vitamins, sugars and proteins. By appearance Sheet beet resembles spinach. The varieties vary in the color of the stems (from dark green to yellow and whitish) and in the color of the cuffs (from white to pinkish and crimson), large shiny leaves Can be both smooth and curly.

Manygold popular in Europe: Bright Lights, Rhubarb Chard, Lucullus, Pink Passion, White Silver. It is easy to grow a leaf beet, it is well tolerating the cold, loves the bed lit by the sun and abundant watering. For the season you can collect several yields.

In appearance, leaf beet resembles spinach

The most common breeding varieties of beets

Bright, dark red dining room beets known to us from childhood, and everyone knows that this root is very. Moreover, you can use not only raw or boiled beets - freshly squeezed beet juice, as well as beet tops, is well suited for health promotion. Additional advantage The beet table is that it is perfectly stored until the next season, if you create suitable and most importantly, choose the right grade.

In the context of the Russian climate, it is recommended for growing a variety of dining beets of average maturation time, which combine wonderful taste qualities, good fierce, yield and resistance to disease. Rannevel varieties are good because they give a harvest three months after landing (and the ultra-spheral grade cold-resistant - even after 60 days), but they are not intended for long-term storage. Late varieties of canteen beets are best stored, but for ripening they need a lot of time, not all root managed to grow to frost.

Video about varieties beets

The best varieties of beets in maturation timing:

  • among early grades The beets of Detroit with spherical smooth fruits, red-purple sharyal egyptian beets with large flat root roots, healing grade is a red ball, as well as barguzin, burgundy, one-armed and susceptible beet;
  • from varieties of medium ripeness, a beetted mulatto with large rounded dark red fruits of excellent taste, known for its harmonious flavored beets, incomparable, juicy and tender bohemia, high-yielding grade Bon with beautiful smooth roots, Bon-Bon hybrid;
  • the best late varieties - Dutch cylinder grade, Ataman, Torpeda.

From new hybrids of certain attention deserves the early beets of Kesterl with root of intense dark red color, very sweet, with a good commodity view. This hybrid tolerates transportation well, is perfectly stored until spring, suitable for direct eating, for processing and on a bundle.

Unpretentious bumps with comfort grows throughout the land, with the exception of the tundra's murlot. Botany call her Pranodina India and the Far East.

Probably, the nutritional qualities of these root crops were rated by more primitive people, watching them and appetite eating animals.

Interestingly, in antique times to the table, only differently cooked young beet breeds were applied, and the drug tinctures, ointments, lotions and silence were made of the root.

What was treated with a swarm? For example, effectively lowered blood pressure.

Century selection

Medieval chronicles for the first time mention of some echoed villas in the IX century ( Kievan Rus and Germany) and in the XII century (Scandinavia).

A few more centuries needed to finally allocate special view - Feed coat. It still has a rough fiber. The peasants prefer to give hard root rootes as a pet's food.

Sugar coarse is also the fruit of intense artificial selection. Her goal was the maximum increase in sugar concentration in the pulp of the fetus. The breeders achieved approximately 20 percent sugar content in the most successful varieties.

German scientists (XVIII century) invented the technology of processing sweet root roots in sugar, and engineers and industrialists built the first sugar factories in Germany (XIX century).

Visual differences

Modern types of variety of winds have become so unfortunate visually that knowledgeable person It is impossible to confuse these roots.

Here are the main differences between two varieties of swables that can be defined by eye, in appearance:

The form

  • Sugar - always elongated, resembles a brown carrot-overgrowth.
  • Feed - spherical, root of some varieties slightly flashed or elongated into the cylinder.


  • Sugar - practically deprived of pronounced pigmentation, rooted roots, pale pastel, sometimes slightly pinkish.
  • Feed - mainly brown-gray tint prevails. In the colors of some varieties, shades of red, orange, pink colors are pronounced.

In the garden and on the field

It is easy to distinguish the cooler, and not digging it out of the ground.

  • Sugar - the fruit is blunting into the ground, only the tail is rising over the soil.
  • Feed - Direct opposite. She likes to get out of the ground. The fruit is almost all raised over the soil, it is held on a long root.

In accordance with the peculiarities of cultivation and cleaning of these types of roots, various agricultural equipment has been developed.


Both types of coarse are technical plants, about what, in fact, directly speak their names.

Feed is designed to prepare food pet as a source of useful fiber, glucose and proteins. Such a vitamin supplement is appreciated in milk animal husbandry - it significantly increases milk's supids and enriches its chemical composition.

Sugar from the fields goes to the plants, where sweet juice extracted from root. It is concentrated, purified, evaporated, crystallized and turn into a familiar casual product - sugar.

Third option

We are preparing classic borscht and tasty salads from the third - food variety of coarse.

It is her appetizing burgundy mugs decorate the filler fish, it is she, squeezed and seasoned with spices, turns into sweet-sharp oriental snacks, it covers her deck under the fur coat, decorating the feast.

It is called - dining room.

The low-calorie nitamined roof roeflood (the second name is Buryak) is considered the second most popular vegetable after potatoes in our latitudes. Doctors recommend it to people suffering from Malokrovia or cardiovascular diseases. Along with the hardware, the vegetable is the natural storage of iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins of group B.
In 100 g of a product of only 43 calories. A vegetable has several varieties, which will be discussed. Basic is a stern, sugar and dining room. Different types of many parameters. Those in turn are divided into many varieties.

Combines the varieties of a common ancestor - wild beet, which in the 16th century the German scientists cultivated. The main two types that managed to bring and apply in the farm, are well known today: feed beets intended for animals, and the dining room used in cooking.
Only in the 18th century, the technical type of the root of the root - sugar was replaced. This variety is recommended in food when increased pressure and cholesterol.
View difference - scope of application. Sugar beet is a substitute for cane sugar, a fodder vegetable has exceptional advantages when scolding livestock. It is possible to judge the basic qualities of two varieties, based on the names. In the first case, the product is valued due to the high content of sucrose in it, in the second - due to the presence of vegetable protein, vital for animals.

Sugar root roof is easy to determine the white, gray or beige shade, unlike burgundy vegetable, intended in forage cattle. One more characteristic feature: Sugar Buryak is deeply planted to the ground and has an extended shape, while the feed plant shows the top of the round fetus above the ground surface.


For 2 centuries, breeders managed to increase the level of sucrose in the root plant from 5 to 20%. Culture is used to produce sugar. Value varieties in carbohydrate reserve, sugar help: glucose, fructose, galactose.
Waste remaining after processing the crop (fum, patterns, and defect), go to animal feed or entered into the ground as a lime fertilizer. Of 1 C, the vegetable is obtained from 10 to 15 kg of sugar and up to 6 kg of molasses. Interestingly, the chemical composition of the vegetable depends on many factors: mainly from the climatic conditions and the fertility of the soil.
The special value of the root plant received due to high content folic acid and antioxidants (sugar beet contributes to digestive processes and reduces blood pressure). Sugar beet does not cause allergic reactionsBut it helps to increase the acidity level of the stomach.

Technical culture is used in cooking for the preparation of desserts as a sugar substitute.


Feed beets of different colors

The fibrous bundles are less developed, which contain sugar, but it is more saturated with fiber, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and E) and protein that play a large role in the diet of dairy cattle, pigs and horses , especially in the offseason.
In the countryside, the vegetable is on food not only with large animals, but also a poultry: ducks, geese and chirma.
Among other varieties, the feed beet is highlighted by the largest size of the root. The vegetable is classified by crop maturation: highlight early, medium and late varieties.
Culture is cultivated in many European countries where animal husbandry is extended, in addition, fruits spread to all continentsToday, the beets are grown even in Australia.

Growing conditions

Feed root root is shown by several centimeters from the ground, and its roots are practically not deepened in the ground. At the same time, sugar sorrodists deepen roots to the ground to a depth of up to 3 meters and only elongated smooth leaves with high stuffs are visible above the surface of the Earth.

Differences in the period of vegetation

To collect the harvest of white beets, from the moment of planting seedlings will have to wait until 170 days. A variety is known for immunity to frost.
A period of vegetation of brown beets on average is less than 20 days less, weaker than its resistance to the surrounding conditions.
Coloros and inflorescences of varieties are the same: during flowering, the seedlings can be recognized on the loose yellow-green flowers. Roots grow well on loose chernozem and do not like excessive humidity. For cultivation of culture, clay and podzolic soil are not suitable. Count on high yield Only in the event that the soil is well filled with nitrogen, potash and phosphoric fertilizers.

Storage methods

If necessary, long-term storage of feed beets, farmers prefer late varieties, such as cylinder and renov. After harvesting, the fruits dried on open air, laying rooting roots on cellophane flooring.
The vegetable store in the wet sand in the boxes to prevent drying and wrinkling vegetable. At the stage of the workpiece in the root crops, the tops are cut up to 2 cm and dried.

For home storage suitable basement or closed balcony.

Sugar Buryak

It is very important to provide free air access to root, otherwise the process of rotting will begin. The tops are removed to avoid another unwanted process - germination. Only intact sugar roots are taken for storage and treated with 1% sodium salt solution to reduce the life of microorganisms. Vegetables stored in kagata, buried to the ground or in warehouses equipped with water and ventilation systems.

Feed Buryak

Post-harvest storage of feed beets in kagata

For storage of forage plants, scenes or dry kagata with thermal insulation are used. For long-term storage in Kagat, the beets are well cooled, and the bottom of the Kagata is lined with a cellophane film. The mound is covered with 20 cm straw. For drainage in Kagate, Slots perform. In winter, the root is well kept in a hlev, insulated with straw bales.
Interestingly, there is another type of plant that has been used and in animal husbandry and in cooking - leaf beets, in the leaves of which contains up to 25% protein.

Sweet (not beet!) - An herbaceous two-year plant relating to the family of amaranth (before the beets was treated for the march family). There are also annual and perennial representatives of this family. Of the 13 species that are included in the genus of beets, only two are grown in culture - the beets of ordinary and leaf beets.

Sheet beet (mangold) is annual and duct. It does not forms root, it has a rod or urine strongly branched root. All the power of the plant goes to the formation of a powerful rosette of juicy leaves on thick strong stiffs.

Ordinary beet is a two-year-old plant. In the first year, it forms a large meaty root root, and in the second year the floral stem, on which the seeds are tied and ripen. However, the beet is ordinary, as a rule, grown in annole culture For the sake of crop delicious and useful roots. For seeds, only small special uterine plots are left.

Ordinary beet is divided into three subgroups:

  • dining room;
  • sugar;
  • stern.

Table beet

It can be divided into two categories: red and white. The red-faced varieties are the most common, we are usually usually called "beet."

White varieties are less popular and not always known to a wide consumer. To taste, white beets is very similar to his red relative. It has a green color of a sheet socket and small elongated root roots with light skin and pulp. It is used in salads, marinades, as well as in dishes, where there is no desirable staining of other ingredients. The most popular world-burning grade "Albina Vereduna".

Do not confuse table white beets with sugar and feed. Sugar and fodder beets also have a light flesh, but are not used in food.

The red beet varieties have the painting of the pulp and the skin of the roots from the carmine-red to dark burgundy, almost black. On the cross section there are clearly visible light concentric rings. The shape of the root plant in red beet can be the most diverse: flat, rounded, elongated conical, cylindrical and spine-shaped. Sorts with rounded and flat root root - the most early, productive, good commodity type. They are grown for summer consumption. The secondary and late varieties have more elongated root cornea and well-developed root system. Such root plates are well stored in winter.

The red table beet is made to divide for three varieties:

  • Vindifolia is a group of varieties with green leaves and cutters. Cells can be weakly painted in pink color. Roots have the unhealthy conical form, with powerful roots.
  • Rubifolia - This group of varieties from the gearbox has dark red color of the leaves and root. Forms are quite diverse: elongated conical, round, flat. The varieties do not tolerate heat and have not the highest productivity.
  • Atrorubra - this group includes the most common varieties of dining beets. It is characterized by dark-colored root roots, bright green leaves on red or pink stiffs, high productivity. Leaves have pronounced red bodies.

The group includes the following known solids:

  • Bordeaux. It has oval or round dark red mid-air root roots. Light rings on the cut are almost not visible. Leaves standing, green, on pink stiffs, blossaking to autumn.
  • Egyptian. It has pronounced flat shape rootfodes. The size they have medium, the color is very dark, sometimes with a purple tide. Leaves dark green, with red streaks and cutters. By autumn, red is enhanced. The varieties are usually early, low-tech.
  • Eclipse. The leaves of this zortotype very much resemble Egyptian, but have a more powerful outlet and brighter color. Corneaplodes oval-round and rounded, dark color. Vortex varieties, low-tech, some drought resistant.
  • Erfurt. Combines late drought-resistant varieties. Root system Highly branched, which makes it difficult to harvest. Kornel buildings are large, elongated conical and cylindrical. The characteristic rings are clearly visible on the cut.

The varieties of this type are designed for winter storage. This group includes the famous Dutch "cyllander", which has a spindle-shaped root, immersed in the ground only a third of the length.

IN last years breeders brought new varieties of beets: yellow and striped. These beets retained taste quality and the whole set useful substances The usual red beet. The advantages of these new varieties are in their high decorativeness.

The most famous yellow-filled varieties are "Burpee`s Golden" and "Golden Surprise". From the striped most popular variety "Choja".

Radial varieties of dining beets are grown in Russia for summer consumption and medieval for winter storage. Lovely varieties have time to ripen only in the south of the country.

Table beets are used in fresh form and after thermal processing. Of it prepare a wide variety of dishes: soups, side dishes, salads, desserts. It is boosted, stew, bake. Use in conjunction with other vegetables or as an independent dish.

In addition to the root crops, the useful beet tops are in food. Delicious dietary dishes are prepared from it. The inclusion of beets in the daily diet contributes to the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Sheet beet

Sheet beet (Mangold, Roman cabbage) is grown as annual culture. Kornemplodov This plant does not bind. The eating leaves and stuffing of an overhead outlet are used.

The leaves at Mangold are large, wavy, shiny, elastic, from green to dark purple. Cells are also there different lengths, Thickness and coloring. Color range of stain painting truly varied: they are thick-violet, scarlet, pink, green, milk-white, silver. For high decorativeness in some European countries, Mangold is used even as a flower plant.

Mangold is divided into two forms: cuff and leaf. Sheet varieties together with cutlets are used in food as part of salads, soups, stewed dishes. Cherry varieties are considered to be the most delicious and highly appreciated in European restaurants. Red-blooded grades are more often used for heat treatment dishes, green-barrel - for salads.

In Russia, the most famous are the following types of Mangold:

  • Krasnocheries - "Red", "Scarlet" and "Beauty".
  • Greencroeshkin - "Green".
  • Silverochier - "Belavinka".

The average maturation of the leaf beet leaf leaves is 2-2.5 months. Clean the mangold selectively, cutting a large leaves on thick cutters. With this method of collecting the plant continues to increase the leaf mass. Sometimes the mangold is completely cut off. The leaves need to cut very carefully, so as not to blur the ground.

Sea beet

Another subspecies of edible beet is a wild sea beet. It refers to a sheet group. The sea beet received its name for growing on the sea coasts close to water. It can be found in India, Africa, England, in the Crimea. The marine beet plants well transfer the heat and the saturation of the soil salt, growing more than a meter in height.

Locals are eating her fresh or dried leaves. Thanks to the sea beet, which is considered the predecessor of all cultural varieties, ordinary dining varieties during growing several times per season are watered with brine.

Sugar beet is an important technical culture cultivated in large quantities For the production of sugar and ethanol. Its root contains 8- 22% of sucrose. Received this species Beets still in the XVIII century by artificial selection of tables.

Sugar beet - a plating is a biennial, but cultivated as an annual crop of root crops. The mass of roots, depending on the variety and ranges from 300 g to 3 kg. Kornefloda is unavailable in appearance, yellowish white color, on the cut white. Socket of bright green leaves.

Sugar beets of thermal lodge and demanding to soils. It is best grows on chernozem. The most popular worldwide varieties of German selection. In Russia, the varieties of "Bona", "Bohemia", "Nancy", "Carmen", "Sphinx", "Mandarin" are most often grown.

This type of beet, like table varieties, has a lot of substances beneficial substances in its composition. Modern dackets B. lately Started successfully learn the cultivation of sugar beets in their sites. It finds use as a natural sweetener in compotes, jam, baking, syrups, as well as in salads.

If you are going to use sugar beets in cooking, then you will definitely clean it, as the root of the root plant has an unpleasant taste.

Feed beet

Feed beets also applies to technical crops and is grown on the food animal focus. Also, like sugar, the fodder beet was derived by breeders from ordinary beets and cultivated as a uneline. In the composition of the feed beet almost no diffant from the dining room, but contains more protein, coarse vegetable fibers and fiber.

The root beet roots grow very large, up to several kilograms. Separate copies grew up to 30 kg.

They have a very diverse form: oval, round, elongated conical, cylindrical. No less diverse and colors of rootepodes: white, pink, green, yellow, orange, burgundy. The pulp on the cut is usually white, but it happens red. The root beet roots are not plugged into the soil, many of them grow straight over the surface, which facilitates the collection.

The diversity of species and varieties of beet makes it one of the essential products in our lives. Beet roof roots contain a large number of important vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, we all just need to choose a variety to your liking and settle this unpretentious vegetable in your garden.

How to grow beets - video

How can I distinguish the nutritious vegetable from the feed? From this article, you will learn what the coolest is the most useful for eating.

Svetokla is an oldest plant, one of the most common, which is eating not only people, but animals. Sugar is also made from beet.

  • This plant differs in its species not only externally, but also for purpose.
  • Technical crops are used in animal husbandry, dining room in the cook sphere.
  • What are the types of sugar bits? What kind distinctive features She has external signs? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What is the difference between sugar beets from ordinary, feed visual: comparison, photo

At first there was a swamp wild. People used only the leaves in food, and the fruit was recognized by useless and tasteless. In the 16th century, the cooler was removed, which began to be used in cooking, and a stern - for feeding cows and goats.

Then the sugar appeared of this vegetable appeared, and sugar began to get from it. After the age-old cultivation of breeders, several types of this fetus appeared. Currently there are 4 types of beets. Here is a visual difference, comparison and photo:

Dining room - There is a lot of betain in it, because of which the fruit is red. Therefore, it is used to prepare different dishes and in cosmetology. The fruit of this type of beet bright red, rounded shape. When it grows, the root is not visible from under the ground, only the leaves. Top thick, big leaves.

Feathers - Used to feed livestock, which gives milk. Thanks to this diet, the villas increase and the winter lack of vitamins is replenished. The fruit of light pink color. When such a coat grows, its root-fruit rises above the ground. Top is thick, but a small leaves.

Sugar - This is a vegetable with good carbohydrates, sugar makes it. Cake, staying after the pulp, goes to the feed of a cattle. The root-fruit of white, with growth - half visible from under the ground. Negust, latter and thin leaves.

Sheet (Mangold) - It is grown for use as feed for cows and goats. Actively apply the leaves of this type of beet beet, as they have a lot of protein. The root of eating is not recommended. The root system is not visible during growth. Beautiful leaves, big, green, with red or yellow streaks.

Sheet Sweet - Mangold

Each type of beet has its purpose. But each of them is actively used by a person for many centuries.

What is the difference between sugar beets from the usual, feed by chemical composition: comparison


All kinds of this vegetable differ not only externally, according to the principle of growth, but also by chemical composition. Chemical I. the nutritional value - These are the main indicators that pay attention to the use of this fetus. Comparison of the differences of sugar beets from the usual, feed for chemical composition:

  • Sugar content in root: in sugar - up to 20%, feed - 1-3%, dining room - 11-12%. Sugar accumulation comes due to special vascular fibers that are not in feed beets, and in not large quantities There is a dining room fetus.
  • Squirrel in large quantities is contained in fodder varieties - up to 9 grams. In sweet species, it is not enough - from 0.12 grams in the fodder beet and in the usual - 1.7 grams.
  • Carbohydrates more in sugar root - up to 20 grams in 100 gram beets. Feed varieties - 5-8 grams.

In sugar grades, except sucrose, many fructose, glucose, galactose and arabinose. These are complex carbohydrates for which any product is valued. Therefore, the coarse is considered a useful and nutritious fruit, with indispensable trace elements and other substances.

Video: Svetokla - Benefit and harm