Repairs Design Furniture

Growing annual crops. Beautiful annuals grown with a reckless way. Annual flowers for summer cottages


Restores - a group of plants that differ in their biological characteristics, but the same for use - only one year. They are called annual (or semids) also because the plants of this group are developing from seed to seed: seeding seeds in the soil in spring and their collection in the fall occur in one season. The most decorative annual floral cultures in the first year of sowing, although many of them (for example, Petunia, Lion Zev, Salvia, etc.) can bloom on the second and even in subsequent years.
A group of annual plants is distinguished by a variety of decorative qualities and biological properties of plants. Depending on the culture, they bloom from early spring to late autumn. To bloody the plants in early spring, usually apply a seaside process of cultivation. For example, when landing seedlings in February-March, most varieties bloom in May-June.

For decorative qualities, annual cultures are divided into three groups:
1) Drazing: Astra, Levka, Clarkia, Esch-Sholia;
2) Decoratively deciduous: Cineraria, Maritima, Coggy;
3) Curly: peas fragrant, Ipomea, decorative beans.

By duration of the occasion from sowing to flowering, annual cultures are divided into the following groups:

1) With a period of development of 130-180 days: Sacabo cloves, Lobelia, Maritima Cineraria;
2) With a period of development of 100-120 days: Ageratum, An-Tirrinum, velvets, polka dots, fragrant, phlox annual, etc.;
3) With a period of development up to 100 days: Calendula, Clarkia, Pack Annual, Chedd, etc.

Given these features, to obtain earlier flowering in the soil, annuals are grown through seedlings. Seeds of plants of the first group are sown in January-February, the second - in March, the third - in April and May.
The seeds of homework resistant temperatures can be heated in an open ground in late April or create a small protected chatener.
Similar period is called wounds. In the first decade of May, the subsequent sowing is carried out. Not bad results can be obtained in the subject (from the end of October at the beginning of November) and winter (subject to snow falling, the lack of thaws and return of frost during December-January) crops at a permanent place or in a ramp. In these cases, seed seeding rate is increased by 2-3 times.

Aster-a perennial beautiful plating plant belonging to the familiar family. In horticulture is usually called the Astroy also annual culture - Callistephus Chinese (Callistephus chinensis).

Annual asters are represented by a huge number of varied varieties. Among them there are dwarf and tall, single-way and branchy; Inflorescences have a rich gamut color, there are two-color varieties.

The form of inflorescences is also different: pomponny, needle, chrysanthemum, and so on. Sizes of inflorescences range in the range from 4 to 10 cm. Annual Astra - OssennetsNerving plants, however, the timing of their flowering varies depending on the variety; They bloom from August to frosts.

Astra can be multiplied by seeds. The varietal features of the plants are best preserved when breeding the division of bushes. Usually the bushes are separated, growing in one place for 5-6 years. Asters divide and transplant early spring or after flowering. Astra autumn blossoms are divided and transplant only in spring. The bushes are easy to share their hands on the part where the kidney and several roots should be.

Tall and spreadable plants plant at a distance of 70- 90 cm, low - 30-50 cm. Asters are growing quickly, forming powerful bushes. Tall grades Perennial Astra must be taped.

Astra is light-headed, they should be planted on the open areas illuminated by the sun. The cultivation in the half is possible, but not recommended, as plants, especially in raw summer, are amazed by mildew. Therefore, all perennial astra, in any place they grow, in order to avoid this disease, it is necessary before flowering 2 times with an interval of 12 days to make a preparation "Topaz" (2 ml on 10 liters of water). In the fall, after flowering, astra is treated with a copper vapor (50 g per 10 liters of water), after that the plants are cut and burned. Astra prefer soils loamy, medigative, preferably neutral reaction, with the presence of nutrients and mineral elements. Before the portion of the area for ASTR in the soil is added 200 g of limestone or dolomite flour, 3 tbsp. Spoons of superphosphate. Pumping as deep as possible (30-35 cm).

This group consists of plants that have blossom and the highest decorativeness manifest themselves for the second year after sowing. However, in the middle lane of Russia, twilights can bloom well and grow also in subsequent years. True, some plants of this group decreases decorativeness due to dying of shoots, degradation of the center of the bush, the death of the leaves at the bottom of the stem as it is growth. They also call them meals yet because the seeds of these plants are obtained for the second year after sowing.
Two-room seeds are multiplied mainly by seeds, sometimes dividing the bush (for example, daisies). The positive quality of the twilight is the possibility of obtaining planting material in an open soil. Sowing is held in the middle of summer (in June-July) in the ridge or boxes. Permanent place is planted in August-September.
Seedlings can also be planted in a flower garden in the spring. For example, Viol, forget-me-not and daisies can be sown in the soil in the spring, and by autumn they bloom, but weakly. Abundant blooming two-year-olds still for the second year after sowing.


The plant relates to a herbaceous form, is characterized by a short root, the leaves of the root is a stupid, has an oblong and uncontamous form. There are almost no leaves on the stem. Daisy flowers can be pink or white, tongue form. Each flower contains a tubular yellow seed, it is flexible.

The plant can be assembled in bushes, has inflorescence in the form of a basket. Daisy refers to many years of plant type, blooms only a year later, as it was planted. The plant is a two-year-like view, so on the third year it is deformed and dies.

Daisy is unpretentious in care, it can bloom from April to November, is a frost-resistant look. In winter, buds, leaves can be saved before the spring. The plant is multiplied with the help of self-saming, stalling, the division of the bush.

Perennials - plants growing more than 1 year, but blooming every season. The total decorative of the site and the duration of flowering in many ways depend on the proper selection of perennial plants that are grown in one place for more than 3 years. At the same time, to prepare the laying of the flower garden is especially careful. The agricultural equipment of cultivation depends on the biological features of cultures, as well as on the characteristics of the plants of the plants. The value of perennials increases if the flower plants of other groups do not yet bloom. Application in landings Perennial colors frees from annual labor-intensive work on the preparation of planting material.
Decorative herbaceous perennials in the structure of the above-ground part of the plant and the life expectancy can be divided into two groups.

1. Perennials with winter overhead shoots. This is arabis, long-term carnations, Iberis evergreen, granular and twisted stone, some types of surmas, phlox creep, etc.
2. Cultures that have an overhead part of the plants annually, but the underground stem part is preserved, and vegetative and floral kidneys are formed on it, ensuring further growth and development of plants.

Perennials of this group, depending on the structure of the underground part, in turn are divided into 4 subgroups:

1) Rhizable - Iris, Badan, Rudbeckia, etc.;
2) axial - peony, Akvilia, Lupine, Phlox, Dolphinium, etc.;
3) Lukovichny - Tulip, Narcissus, Lily, Hyacinth;
4) Clubneelukovichny - Gladiolus, Crocus, etc. Floral organs in plants can be laid in the year of their growth (at Dolphinium, Lupine, Aquillegia), a year before the flowering of plants (most of the bulbous cultures - tulip, Narcissus, Szillla, Muskari), and Also in the fall (in Peony, Iris, Badan, Flox Czczuchny, etc.).
These features need to be considered in the cultivation of perennials, since good care for plants after flowering stimulates the laying of flower kidney for flowering for the next year (for example, Arabis, Badan, Peony, Primulus).
In relation to the light, perennials are grouping in the following categories:
1) Svetiversary - Astra, Begonia, Gelenium, Helie-Outsis, Lupine, Mac East, Narcissus, Peony, Tulip;
2) Shadowish-Akyviegia, Athonite, Astilba, Dolphinium, Doccentre, Iris, Lilynik, Small Lukovichny, Primula, Rogers, Rudbeckia, Flox, Fun-Kiya, Cyminizfuga;
3) Teleboy - Brunner, Sharphenia, Bathing, Lily of Lily, Fern, Tiallla, Fuquia.
Coldo and frost resistance - an important addition to the characteristics of perennials.

According to the ability of plants to transfer low temperatures, especially during the winter months, all perennials are divided into:
1) plants wintering under open soil: iris, daffidss, peony, tulip, phlox, etc.;
2) Plants that are not wintering in the open soil: Georgin, Gladiolus, Cannes.
Soil in the gardens has the ability to retain moisture. Depending on this, perennials can be:
1) drought-resistant - carnation gray-blue, bell Poineshlag, Kotovnik, Lavender, Phlox Douglas, Sage Dubravny, Yukka Nichtage;
2) The moisture-loving is a buczital, a pubastik, a derbennik of the Iris (Plakuan Grass), Iris Movyoid, Bolotnaya Kaluchny, Lily Small, Breakfunger, Pink Primulatory.

Iris (IRIS)refers to the family of casamic, or iris (Iridaceae Juss). Short-corneous herbal perennial, 10-15 cm tall. Rhizome thickened. Leaves roasting, linear, sly, 6-10 cm long and 3-10 mm wide. Stems up to 5 (15) cm high, with one flower. Purple pill, blue, yellow, whitish different shades, his tube up to 5 cm long, with three purple stripes; The outdoor shares of the perianth have a rounded or oblong plate, covered out of 2 long green leaves, leathery only on top. Trigger box, pointed up, sitting or almost seated. Character seeds. Flowering-april-May.

Irises are grown in groups, mixlers, on cutting and pasture. In decorative flower growing, the most common varieties and forms originating from the Iris of Hybrid (I. Hybrida) are the most common. They vary in color, shape and size of flowers.

Experienced flowers pick up the varieties of irises in such a way as to enjoy their blooming all summer. Dwarf types of irises can be grown in room conditions.

Annual plants (summers, annuals) - plants that bloom in the year of planting. They are sown annually. At the same time, among the annals on biological properties, many years of varieties (Lion zev, Verbena) are found.

But since in some regions of our country, harsh, cold winters, plant such plants needed annually or in the fall to transplant in flower pots. There are many varieties of beautifully mixing annual plants that will become a real decoration of the garden, cottages, and the local area.


Annual decorative plants can be planted almost in any climatic zone of our country. The growing season continues all summer. Autumn plants form seeds and die away. There are also winter seeds. These are sown in the ground mainly at the end of autumn, closer to winter. At the same time, it is important that they do not have time to germinate before the onset of frosts.

Annual plants can be seen in the oranges, on the flower beds, in flower beds, alpine slides. They are also used when creating exquisite landscaped compositions in the sections.

It is worth noting that the seeds are multiplied exclusively by seeds and never - vegetatively (with the help of the mustache, rhizomes, rosettes of leaves). At the same time, it is possible to distinguish a repentance and a reckless method of reproduction.

Most of the varieties of semids are unpretentious in care, well develop even on untreated soils, adapt to various environmental conditions, so the garden, the site can decorate even a novice amateur flower. In addition, thanks to a large number of species, varieties can be changed annually the appearance of their homestead. Among the seams there are low, medium and tall flowering, decorative deciduous plants. Most of the blooming varieties begin to bloom 1-1.5 months after landing (Alissa, marigold, amaranth, cornflowers, Dimofotek).

Tip! By purchasing seeds of annual plants, you should not buy all the package in a row with bright images of flowerfish. Evaluate your strength, consider the type, the composition of the soil on the site, as well as the biological features of a particular type.

When planning to plant your seedlings, you can buy already prepared seedlings, seeds for landing in soil or adult flowering plants.

Planting one-year plants

Annual plants are grown from seeds with a seedy or seed directly into open soil in spring, with the onset of heat. It should be borne in mind that some grades are grown only through seedlings, others - only in a seed way. For example, most of the thermal-loving varieties of the textures, as well as the "conditional" annuals, it is preferable to plant only a seaside way. Seeds of curly varieties of decorative plants or cooling flowers are planted in open soil.

Seeds of the seeds are planted at the beginning or in the 15-20th of May. Before planting, that the plants be pleased with their bright, lush flowering, we recommend prepare the soil. Take the landing material of only known, proven manufacturers.

In the autumn or about three or four weeks before the landing, make mineral, complex fertilizers, well reap the soil, remove the weed plants. Before boarding, make small recesses in the soil. Place the seeds there and wear the soil.

If you plan to land right into the ground, get the following plants for landing:

  • calendula;
  • sweet pea;
  • iPOMEY;
  • amaranth;
  • daisies;
  • decorative beans;
  • lavatar;
  • sunflower;
  • nasturtium;
  • cosmeya.

Important! What way it is better to make sowing can be read on packaging with seeds. When landing, take into account the distance between the adult shoots of plants.

The soil must be constantly moistened. For watering it is best to use resistant, filtered water. Take into account the climatic conditions of the region, the temperature regime. If the plants carry light frosts, they can be planted at the beginning of the middle of April. Heat-loving cultures - only in May.

Many flower flowers prefer to land the seaside ever. To do this, in early March, the seeds are sown in greenhouses or in special flower containers of the house in a nutritious slightly moistened soil. For landing in seeded pots, floral boxes can be purchased ready to so much. At the bottom of the containers, put a drainage layer to avoid strong soil moistening. You can use as a drainage clamzit, small gravel. Also, the soil before sowing seeds can be mixed with vermiculitis, perlite.

Small seeds are mixed with sand, soil and evenly distributed over the surface of the earth. Large sown in small recesses, after which they are covered with a layer of soil mixed with sand. So that they sprout, you should not deepen them to the ground. Seedlings will germinate for a long time.

Heat, with proper care, the first shoots appear very quickly. Seedlings, as soon as the shoots are growing, dive, planted on a constantly place on the site with the onset of sustainable heat. Landing make the most accurately, trying not to damage the root system of plants.

Tip! Before boarding an open ground, take the flower containers in the afternoon to the street. This will help plants faster adapt to new conditions.

An ever is grown petunias, syruffinia, lobelia, velvets, VIOLU, Lion zev, marrikaria, zinnia, nephophily, cinneruria, annual dahlia.

Some varieties can be planted as a seaside and reckless way (velvets, Turkish carnation, Amaranth, Daisy).

Summer care

Care for annual plants is reduced to constant watering. Watch that the soil does not drive. Especially in watering need blooming varieties of summer places. It is very important that after watering on leaves, colors, buds, water droplets remained. On a sunny day it can cause burns. Plants are best watered early in the morning before sunrise or late in the evening. For irrigation, use only the filtered, dilated room temperature.

Soil should be periodically loosen, since the crust forming on the surface of the earth makes it difficult to access the root system of colors. You can use various types of mulch (mulching). Delete weighing plants in a timely manner, which slow down growth, the development of the textures. Three-five times per season bring mineral fertilizers. Seedlings feed the first time 2 weeks after disembarking, when forming buds, when flowering and after flowering, also, about every three weeks. In the fall, the seals do not fertilize.

For feeding, you can use universal formulations or fertilizers for decorative-flowering plants. Organizer is suitable only for cross-tech annuals.

Tip! So that the plants do not spend the strength on the formation of boxes with seeds, regularly remove the shock flashers.

To achieve permanent, continuous flowering, many gardeners resort to little tricks, leaving once a month new seeds, when one flows down, others start blossoming. Some varieties have a long blossom period. Petunia, Surfinia, Lobelia, Ageratum, Lobelia bloom from the end of spring and until October, of course, with proper systematic care.

Classification of annual

Concept annual floral cultures

Topic 5.1. Annual floral crops

Tavlinova G.K. "Floriculture" Floriculture, p. 4-50

Semids (annuals ) - Plants reaching their decorative value, giving caused seeds and cultivated for one season.

Due to the very large variety of colors, Flower forms, Habetus, a bush, a flowering duration, good survival in transplanting in different phases of their development, etc. Semids in flower growing occupy one of the leading places. The textures are used very widely: for the device of flower, platforms, groups, and other elements of flower beds, like solvents, landscaping balconies and window sills, seated landings. Use them and as potted crops for early spring or autumn flowering. Many of them give excellent material for cutting.

Classification according to the process of cultivation :

- sewage: "+" Immediately beautiful, "-" stocky, the root system is well developed, but it is superficial, and an additional watering is necessary.

- decarious.

When growing seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the various timing of the growing upwards, so they are sowing them at different times with such a calculation so that the plant to the beginning of the summer season was prepared for flowering.

Classification on the duration of the period from sowing before the start of flowering :

- 130-180 days- Sowing time - January-February: Begonia Unlocking, Schabo, Verbena, Verbena, Lobelia, Petunia Bachromy, Cineraria, etc.

- 100-120 days- Sowing time - March: Ageratum, Levko, Lion zev., Zinc, tobacco, fragrant peas, phlox summer, velvets, petunias, chrysanthemum annual.

- about 70 days- Sowing time - April-May: year, calendula, cosmeya, poppy, chalken, taghetis, Clarkia, etc. You can soak in open ground.

Classification towards heat :

- teploche (Do not tolerate temperatures below 0 0 s, landing term in the ground - after June 5-10): Ageratum, Tagtess, Balzamin, Begonia, Salvia, Ipomea, Nasturtium.

- cold-resistant (to -3-4 0 s, landing in the soil - End of May - beginning of June): year old, left, adonis, asters, alissa, antirrinum, carnation, fragrant peas, calendula, left, poppy, rested, Emsholzia.

Alight classification:

Classification by the nature of growth :

Classification of coloring flowers :

Classification by smell :

- with fragrant flowers: Ageratum, Nasturtium, Astra, Chedd, Tobacco scented.

- with fragrant leaves: geranium, artemisia, velvets.

Classification in the form of a flower: bell, terry, moth, etc.

Classification by type of use:

1. Drawing on the color of the flowering, brightness and shape of flowers or inflorescence) - for the design of flower compositions - flower-forming, chainkeeping, mixtures, group landings, on a slice, etc.

2. Curly, or Lazz, - for vertical landscaping: walls, balconies, choplers, arches, pyramids, columns, etc.

3. Durgets-leaflets of wrapper inflorescence They have dry, bright-colored - for winter bouquets.

4. Carpet plants - for the creation of carpet flower beds or lawns and decorative compositions (flower, breaktails, etc.).

5. Decorative and deciduous plants - for landing in small groups and in the form of single plants: amaranth, buckwheat, cabbage decorative, cypress summer, Kleshchevin, hemp, lavaterata, swan, mangold, grazing, perill, wormwood and more. Kozya easily sucket What makes it possible to create low-decorative hedges or solvents of various shapes. From the perillas form high dark red borders or create a background for shy-flowing low semids.

6. Potted plants used in the open soil in the summer - Pelargonium Zonal, Begonia, Toll, Heliotrope, etc.

Another method of growing annuals

Most plants prefer light-coded fertilous soils in open places. In order for annual flower plants to grow well and developed, they achieved the highest decorative effect, they must be grown on evil-treated, deeply treated with nutrient soils. Otherwise, the plants will look relaxed, poorly branching and blossoming, forming small, neachy flowers.

The feeders are carried out in 10-14 days NPK, 1 time by microfertres.

Not all plants are equally well reacting to a transplant: Mac, Mattiola, aware, etc. Poor or do not tolerate it at all, so they are grown by seeds directly into the ground or a pottery or peat-humidiferous pot sizes from 7 to 9 cm. Easy polka dot plant One seed in a pot, Petunia - two plants dive, lion zev - three.

Astra, calendula, cosmeya and many others are well transferring a transplant with sufficient watering.

Plant seedlings in the soil in phase 3-4 of real leaves in cloudy weather or in the evening. Before the seedling seedlings from the greenhouses, it is abundantly watered.

The cultivation of seedlings of the seedlings is very expensive.

Reckless way to grow annual

The overwhelming majority of the seats can be sown directly into the ground, which significantly reduces the cost of flower products compared to the cultivation of seedlings. The seals grown in sowing in the ground can be widely used on the cut, with a device of chalk (along the highway, streets, alleys, gardens, parks), simple flower beds, etc.

For sowing you can use four times:

Somimnia Sowingwhen the soil is finally freezed. Seeds are seeded at the end of October - early November with such a calculation so that they do not have time to germinate before the onset of sustainable cold weather. Seeds are sown in pre-made grooves 1-3 cm deep and cover their previously harvested mulch (organic material). The distance between the rows is 20 cm. Seed consumption when crops in the soil 3 times more than when growing seedlings.

Winter sowing - With a height of snow cover 15-20 cm (December - January) in advance prepared soil. Snow is covered and in the snow sow seeds, at the same time closeing them with a loose pertrust of a mulmy 2-3 cm.

Positive moments Promotional and winter crops: Plants are more cold-resistant, more resistant to disease and pests, blooming simultaneously with annuals grown through seedlings.

Negative moments: Increased seed consumption 3 times compared with the seaside.

Early Sowing - Immediately how the soil is warmed (the end of April is the beginning of May). Plot is prepared from autumn. In the spring the soil is harrowing and smugging, after seeding seeds.

Plants sitting in the ground blooming for 1 month later the plants grown by the seedle, but they are healthier.

Spring -after harrowing and planning (end of May) seeds seeds of thermal-loving crops: Zinnia, Tagtess, Balzamin, Nasturtium, year.

Shoots thin 2-3 times with an interval of 2 weeks, and not all at once, because One remaining plant may die due to the impact of wind, the sun, damage to pests and diseases, etc. Seeds in open soil are sowning necessarily in rows or in sockets, and not aims. Seeds of crops sowned in open ground should be medium, large or very large in size.

Homework: Table of annual

Not every amateur-flower knows: when and how to sow flowers, which seeds of floral crops can be planted immediately into the open ground, so that there is a beautiful flowering flowering without a satellite. Shed into the ground under the winter, as well as before the end of spring frosts (even earlier - right through the snow) you can only seeds of winter-hardy plants; Seeds of thermal-loving colors plant a little later. Read carefully and take note of the information on sachets with seeds: what time it is recommended crops, for which blockage and depth need to be chopped into the soil, which will be the height of colors, cold-resistant plants or heat-loving.

With a reckless way, with spring sowing, you can grow upwards: Arctotis, Acrosquinum (Helipteruum), Anhuza, Bartonia, Velhets, Bind-colored, Hibiscus Annual, Dimorfootetuette, Dolphinium Annual, Elevated Peas, Decorative Sunflower, Carnation Chinese, Venidium, Kentrantus, Koreopsis, Koreranthem, Nemezia, Nemophile, Malop, Millacela, Lavatera (Himma), Nigelle, Limnantes, Skarra, Rack, Linen, Cosmeu, Chamomile, Cutup, Rudbekia Annual, Ursinia, Naturery, Beans Decorative, Zinnia, Gileardia Annual annoyance, etc.

You can resort to both the spring and the associast sowing such cold-resistant colors as Agrostummum (Kupz), Adonis, Amaranth, Vasileuk, Gialy, Gypsophila Elegant, Godition, Iberis, Calendula, Clarkia, Lyon, Lobuliaria (Alissa, or Packet), Mac- Selfie, Nikandra, Facelia, Chrysanthemum, Sage, Eshtolia, Bruise (Echium), Malkomi, etc.
Seeds of twilights (Malva, Daisy, Bells, Lacfiol (Heirantus), Turkish carnation, Nattiostank, Lunaria (Lunnik), Mattioh, forget-me-not, Pansies (Viol), etc.) are usually planted in summer.

For very early and prolonged flowering, many flowers are grown through the seedlings, it is: Ageratum, velvets (Tagtetes), Astra, fragrant peas, lion zev, salvia, calkesolaria, gasania, helichrum, heliotrope, fragrant tobacco, nasturtium, petunia, Salpiglosseis, Code, Cleoma, Kobei, Georgin (Dahlia), Tunbergia, Ipomeya, Matrikaria, Mimulyus, Levon, Limonium (Kermek), Mebembress, Phlox Annual (Dummond), Portulak, Sabbía, Verbena, etc. Seedlings of these colors landed in the ground no earlier than Spring frosts will be held. During the summer, if desired, you can shine some flowers (for example: Ageratum, Begonia, Heliotrop, Balzamine, Petunia, Portulak, Viola).
The grown seedlings of thermo-loving perennials (begonias, balsamines (loft) of dahlia, etc.) are also planted only after the end of the threat of frosts, and they are digging before the onset of autumn frosts.

To obtain magnificent flowering, it is important before planting cultural plants into the soil, process and prepare it for all the rules of agricultural engineering: to explode, add mineral and organic fertilizers in the proportions and quantities necessary. Make the soil of indulgent bass and moisturizing compounds of both organic and inorganic origin. The soil in the garden is improved while refilling it with seeders, sawdust, rewinding, compost, sand, low peat (or overworked), mineral fertilizers (tablespoons of the granulated substance N, P, K per square meter). The aligned soil has a "property of sausages": the "sausage" made from the wet soil should be passed into his hands - it should not crumble, but only a little bit to crap. It is especially important to prepare a very nutritious and drained substrate to fill the vases and hanging baskets. Then this well-prepared ground produce landing fit and such expensive plants to your heart.

For good growth in colors, it is important to maintain the necessary moisture content of the substrate so that in the soil we can exist for plants and their roots of bacteria, processing manure into smaller particles. The soil in which flowers grow, should never be dry to the scattering state.

Now there are materials that allow you to raise less often - when they are introduced into the soil, they first accumulate soil moisture when it is excess, to then giving moisture substrate as water evaporates from it. This is especially important in the arid summer and in the employment of flower water, when there is no possibility to pour flowers on time, and hope is only on the rain. From natural materials encountered in nature, clay has such properties, and from artificial material-air conditioners, moisture in the soil refers to them the vermiculite, hydrogel used "oasis" (porous material for compositions from cut colors).

The frequency of plants is regulated necessarily, taking into account the requirements of this type and properties of the soil, depending on weather conditions; The same plants, when taking into account many factors, it is necessary to water it more often, less often. The moisture-boring plants for good growth and flowering need more moisture, they have to regularly water in the absence of rain. With a large amount of precipitation, the risk of mushroom diseases of plants arises, so it is important not to thicken the planting of flowers.

It is possible to extend the life of thermal-loving plants in the open ground, in vases and suspended baskets, due to their protection against temporary cold weather using underfloor material, facothy and mulching with insulation (sawdust, dry peat, etc.).

The first months of the new year - time to plan new flower beds. Not all flowering plants require unthinkable efforts and growing seedlings. We picked up a reliable assortment suitable for sowing immediately

Many types of annual plants can be sowed to open ground since mid-April, and therefore do not have to mess around with the seedle and take the priceless places on the windowsill.

Annual plants will lead the gazebo, they will separate the space on the zones, beat the flower bed, disguise the lower stalks of plants in mixlers will help to stylize the garden.

The picture can be changed every season. Create a whole flower leaf from unpretentious textiles is not a problem, and it will not necessarily not necessarily turn out, bright and "too." Remember: What is good for public gardening, it is not always suitable for the garden, and therefore, you need to be guided by a sense of measure and the rules of combination but the color, size, decorativeness of the leaves, the form of inflorescences.

Select the site and experiment insert. If the territory allows, the seams are well sued with curtains. If the places are not enough, limit the little flower bed and note that the smaller the size of the color spots, the more thorough the shades should be selected.

Annual plants interesting look in containers: be sure to pick up accent, paired, volumetric and decaying types or varieties.

Annual curly lianas are able to gracefully hide economic buildings, decorate the entrance, arch, they can be consolidated or use as a soil plant. Lianami on the trellis divide the garden to the zones.

Many annuals are well sued near recreation areas: patio, gazebos, benches and along pleasure paths.


Some seventeers loved us so much that became the affiliation of a certain style: for example, a cosmy - from Mexico, but putting certain types and varieties, it would be possible to instantly in the Russian parressadiver or the Rustic Garden. Also, sunflower, decorative cabbage, which will be the wonderful decoration of the autumn garden, are appropriate until frosts.

To simulate a meadow, put the vasilek, the estuncation, cosmeu, calendula, the daisy pharmacy, Adonis Summer, Len sowing and large-flowered.

Attitude of annuals to light and soil

Miliates with partial shading: Begonia Unlocking, Hybrid Koleus, Tobacco Winged, Decorative Cabbage, Cinerty Primorskaya.

Under the direct sunlight do not plant balsamines: Waller (Wet Vanka), Balsamin and Novoguinsky - they love the northern sides. Balzamine is ideal for growing in the shade, and in the sun, on the contrary, more slowly develops.

Do not be afraid of the shaded place: Begriches, tobacco fragrant and sander, lobelia. Most of the universal universities are needed to plant them on the south side. Not afraid of hot sun: Verbena, Forbitis, Cineral, strawberry decorative.

To the soil annual plants of high demands are not imposed, but Kleschin, Amaranth and decorative cabbage is better grown on highly softened soils. On the contrary, the rich soils "live", build up a green mass to the damage to the flowering of cosmeya, Ageratum, Nasturtia, Alissa (Lobulia Sea).

READ ALSO: Annual: sowing or seedlings

Rezdezzy Growing Method: Sowing

The most cold-resistant annuals sowed from April 20 to May 1. This is a calendula, cosmy, Mac Magnifier, Esholiolization, Vasilek Mountain, Lobulia, Adonis Summer.

From May 1 to May 15, they sow asters, year, annual dolphinium, lavatar, fragrant peas, chrysanthemum.

In order to extend the flowering, the cold-resistant species will be planted in June-July, which will again disappear in August.

Some annuals are better sowned under the winter: first, in the summer they will bloom before, and secondly, you will create better conditions for their development: the seeds will wake up early in the spring when the ground is still wet and cool.

Under winter sow: year, calendula, adonis Summer, Vasilek, Dolphinium Ajax, Flox Drummond, Clarkia, Cosmos, twice peristole and sulfur yellow, lavatar, Lobulyaria, Mac Magnifier, Mattioju, Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum.

Usually sow in two times: in late October - early November or in December-January. In case of seeding, it is important to observe several conditions: to sow fully frozen soil, otherwise the seeds can proceed into a thaw and die during frosts, prepare in advance the soil and the plot so that melting water in the spring is not washed away the seeds. Sowing from above mulch soil (compost, humus with sand, peat with sand), throw in snow to protect against birds.

How to sow annuals immediately to bed

In general, the texts are unpretentious, but have their own requirements. To know where to pour the cherished package of seeds, see the basic rules.

For spring sowing, large seeds (nasturtium, calendula, balsam) should be pre-soaked and germinated in wet fabric. Seeds are sowing in a furrow in a chess order either in the nest (square-nesting method of planting). For small seeds, the depth of groove -1.5-2 cm, for medium and large - 3-5 cm.

The distance between the grooves is determined based on the plant's ability to grow. For example, for nasturtium it should be at least 30-50 cm.

In the nests sow small seeds - 6-8 pieces in each nest, medium-on 4-5 pieces, large - 2-3 pieces.

After watering, crops are closed with nonwoven material. The shelter is cleaned when shoots will appear. Year, Clarkia, decorative cabbage is left under the shelter, as cruciferous flews can destroy shoots. After the first 2-3 real leaves appear, shoots are thinned with an interval of 10-14 days, until 1 m2 remains the required amount (different for each species, is usually written on the seed sachet). Shoots are regularly watered and fed.

Care for annual colors: simple but still need

This annual will be bolshing and blossoming, if we provide them with watering, loosening and weeping. Remove the colorful inflorescences so that the seeds do not ripen, and the flower kidneys continued to be laid. If the plants feed the nitrogen in August and September, the bloom can be extended.

9 unpretentious flower bed homing

Nasturtium Great grows well on the retaining walls, where there is little that the plant survives. It transfers any weather conditions, it has a pleasant flavor of flowers and decorative leaves.

Tricolor bindweed It is stealing on the ground and in the supports does not need. It is planted on the stony slides, use both in mixlers, Rabata. For containers and hanging kashpo, Mauritanian sludge is perfect.

Liazing liana with delicate moth flowers familiar with almost all gardeners: sweet pea often used for vertical landscaping. As the other plants of the bean family, the peas lives in symbiosis with nodule bacteria, which absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere, and therefore nourishes itself and, moreover, enriches the soil.

W. mattioli Curourgoy Small, unspoken inflorescences, but smelling wonderfully, and the fragrance increases in the evening. In the flower bed, the varieties of Mattioli gray: among dense and more decorative neighbors, near the patio and arbors.

Fragrant and gentle tobacco winged Also planted next to the recreation area, an array or in containers.

Lavaters are three-month very pleasant for the eye and smell: PA is close to the species point and in those places where guests are located for a long time. Her major funnel-like flowers with a thin aroma are interested in viewing near. This is a plant-honey.

Another honey lobuliaria marine - Widely used as edging of the flower, in curbs and rabids. It is very branched, it grows with a dense cleaner and smells pleasantly. The plant is suitable including for suspended baskets and white grades look like a "cloud". The California Eshcholce is plentifully blooms, has decorative foliage, resistant to drought and wringing, does not fade in a bright sun, dissipates with space speed.

Year Even when fading looks neat and does not spoil the view of the flower bed. Breeders brought many varieties, different in height, color, flower shape. Beautiful compositions with smooth transitions are obtained if you choose the varieties of one color, but different shades.

Annuals - Photo

This annuals are good because they are fast. We sleep in the ground, they immediately spare, steadyly carry the spring cold and quickly bloom. You do not need to spend time on seedlings, you just need to find a winning place in the garden in advance. They will show themselves in all its glory.

In the middle lane of Russia, seeds of seeds we called the annuals are carried out in the first decade of May, in the northern regions for a week or two later. Also for 7-10 days, decorative pumpkins or beans are sown. Cultures having a short period of flowering (for example, gypsophila) can be heated in several deadlines, with a difference of 2 weeks.

Types such as Vasilek blue (although he has a lot of varieties and mixtures with other colors of inflorescences), Annual flax, poppy mossek, Helipteruum, Nigelle, or a girl in greenery, cinoglosums can be sowed with curtains in a mixed flower bed or a pale sir. And you can, mixing their seeds, make a cheerful, motley annual blooming lawn on the lawn in front of the house or along the fence.

Blooming vegetable garden - among vegetables, green crops are always superbly watching poppies, ornamental sunflower, lambs of linak, similar to the forget-me-not zinoglosum, cornflowers, decorative pumpkin, beans and other species.

For good development and abundant flowering, it is important that the soil around the perennials always loose, and flower beds are clean from weeds. And they will delight you with flowers from the beginning of summer to deep autumn.

The benches and gazebos, near the recreation areas, garden benches can be sunted with fragrant flowers, such as rested, mattiol or low-grade peas. And near the supports, terraces, arbors, walls of buildings you can sow curly textures, such as fragrant polka dots (tall varieties), eggs, decorative beans bright red, echinocystis and others. Along the paths for borders and breaks along the tracks are perfectly suitable for Lavaters and Godition, Iberis, Koreopsis.

For vases and suspended boxes, guestrooms are best suitable, such as uncommon, nasturtium, low fragrant polka dot, you can decorate garden pymbrants and containers, as well as balcony boxes and even suspended cadpo.

Instead of the sworded bulbs, low species are best suited, such as gypsophila, Iberis, esthemal, bush, low varieties of natives and fragrant peas.

Care for annuals

  1. After the appearance of germs, the shelter is removed, as necessary. Thick crops are thinning, pulling out extra plants or, pre-spilling the soil, gently dig them and transplanted on free spaces. Transplant plants need to pour and cover from the bright sun until they root.
  2. After a couple of weeks after the appearance of sowing seedlings, you can finish with complex fertilizers, repeat 1-2 times at intervals in 2 weeks.
  3. Watering the seals into arid weather, if necessary, early in the morning or in the evening.

Features of sowing

The soil absorbed or deeply loose, they make grooves. Seeds are sown with nehuto, rows or corrosion. Pop soil or mulching material (peat, compost, humus) layer in excess of the size of the seed in a height of about 3-5 times. Then the soil is slightly pressing the hoe. The crops are watered from watering can or hose with nozzles for a small spray. In the hot, sunny weather of sowing, it is desirable to cover with underfloor material so that the soil does not dry.

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Output annual

Sadders who recently entered the ranks of the flower water, as a rule, begin with the same - from visiting all sorts of garden centers, Internet sites, exhibitions, sections of collectors. After all, there are so many interesting plants (mostly perennial), with which "well, you just can not pass"! "

Alas, the "buying rage" at the same time is often strongly ahead of the planning of landings and an understanding of what plants will actually feel good and beautifully look at your garden.

Therefore, the first council of gardeners (and especially beginners): do not hurry to immediately acquire a lot of perennial colors! Limit the places for the landing of which are already prepared. And the craving for a variety can be easily satisfied at the expense of annuals. Most of these crops are not difficult in cultivation, their range can be updated annually by changing the garden appearance - excellent assistance in planning! In addition, annuals are so bright and beautiful that any garden or flower garden is hard to imagine without them: from the simplest to the most exquisite.

These luxury dahlias can be grown from seeds! F1 'Hallo Gorgow Schades'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Raising "Calin"

Semids will especially use when you are going to lay a flower garden on a new area with raw soil. Many beginner flower flows are the opinion that it is better to start with perennial plants: they say, once planted - and no worries. But what is really happening? After all, even if you do not associate with capricious cultures, which among perennials quite a lot, and plan the most undemanding species and varieties, but on a poorly prepared place, then:

- in flower beds from perennial plants you do not have the opportunity to deeply drain the soil with the introduction of organic fertilizers and thereby improve it;

-Snames, from seeds and pieces of rhizomes of which it is difficult to get rid of one soil perplex, intertwined with roots with cultural plants, and it is very difficult to remove them;

-The new sites are difficult to immediately plan the flower beds, and it is often not too easy to transfer the bushes of perennials from place to the sceve.

From this, the second advice is naturally followed: "Mastering the virgin" start with the countertime of annual colors. Indeed, as a result of autumn or spring people, flower beds with the introduction of organications can be significantly increased fertility and the structure of the soil and clean the site from most weeds.

Convinced? Are you going to the store for seeds? And what?

Calendula medicinal series 'Pacifik'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Reasonable choice

Selecting the seeds for spring landing, it is not necessary to buy all seed bags in a row with photos you like. First, appreciate your capabilities: Can you grow them without unnecessary trouble?

In the inexperienced or busy flower, it is better to pay attention to those species whose seeding is carried out directly into the ground. This is: Helipter pink (acroklinum), calendula, space, Clarkia, Lavaters, annual poppies, mattiol, vasilek blue, year old, Dorphothek, Esholzolization, Venidium, Nemesis, Iberis, Food, etc. In the middle lane of Russia immediately in the flower garden Some "seaside" cultures - Callistefus (annual Astra), velvets, especially - b. Rejected, Helicorizums, Qinnia, Floxa Drummond, fragrant peas and some other species, but their bloom in this case will come late, only in the second half, or even at the end of summer.

Cultures grown through seedlings are somewhat more complex than previous. However, they, in turn, can also be divided into several groups. Seedlings of such species such as velvets, zinnia, amaranths, dahlia annuals, coles, sacrifies, annual chrysanthemums, grow easier. Their seeds are seeded in the boxes (on the windowsill, loggias) or in the soil of greenhouses in mid-April, and in the soil planted at the end of May, when the threat of return freezers.

The next group of textiles has a longer period of obtaining high-quality seedlings and requires a little more patience and experience. Their seed seed is about a month earlier - in mid-March, drawers with crops put on bright window sills or in greenhouses, greenhouses. Such cultures include Ageratum, Alissaum, Arctotis, Astra Anasta, Verbena, Gotanyan, Chinese Carnation, Helicher, Fascinated Peas, Coggy, Levka, Lobelia, Lion Zev, Perill, Petunia, Salvia, Fascinated Tobacco, Flox Drummond.

And finally, the latest group includes species that have the longest period of development in seedlings. They sow them in January - February in heated greenhouses or in room conditions on special racks with light consignments. The first month or two boxes with crops and seedlings are necessarily played by special lamps, because otherwise the seedlings are pulled out and die. Such cultures include: Carnish Shabo, Begonia, Viola (Vitrochka Vitrochka), Statizer, Heliotrope, Fuchsia and some other species. In inexperienced flowers growing them from the seed, I would not recommend.

Live Rainbow

We will get acquainted with the most interesting and relatively simple for novice flowerflowers annual floral cultures.


Calendula Drug (Calendula Officinalis) is one of the most common and well-known plants, in a variety of flowering in country houses and rural paliters. For many centuries, dozens have been created, if there are no hundreds of calendula varieties that differ from the size of plants - from low, curb, about 25-30 cm high, to large bushes with a height of up to 80 cm; The form of inflorescences that may be non-none, daishemoid, and terry, tiled and even anemovoids. But the largest variety is in its colors: from common yellow, orange, apricot to cream, dark brown, burgundy, pinkish or greenish, monophonic or motley.

Calendula medicinal 'apricot twist'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

In the garden, the calendula looks good in the parksaders, mixlers, on the flower beds, in ornamental gardens, on floral annual lawns. The lowest varieties can be grown on the balconies and in containers, to make discount and curbs from them. In addition, its inflorescences are perfect in the cut.

If you do not have a desire or the opportunity to raise annual color seedlings yourself, it can be purchased on numerous markets and in garden centers.

How to grow?

Calendula - culture is extremely undemanding and simple in cultivation. Her seeds sow in the open primer from April to June inclusive, as well as under the winter - in November. The place for her is better to choose bright, it is undemanding to soil, although neutral loams prefers. If the germs turned out too thick, it is desirable to spear for a distance of 5-10 cm. Watering the plants need moderately, only in dry time. On the poor nutrients, the soils are desirable to feed them once every 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers. The flowering of plants begins 45-50 days after sowing and continues to deep autumn.

What's in a name?

At home, in the countries of the Mediterranean, the calendula blooms all year round, for which he received its name: Calendae in Latin means "first day of each month." The Russian name - 'marigold' was given by a plant for the shape of seeds, really reminiscent of claws of animals and birds.

Calendula medicinal 'Orange Button'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova Calendula - a valuable medicinal plant. His inflorescence of her inflorescences is perfectly cured with a sore throat, the compresses with the decoction of calendula will help to heal the wounds, bruises and dislocations faster, and the calendula extract is widely used in skin care and hair cosmetics.


Cute multicolored "chamomiles" of cosmei, or space (COSMOS), can often be found in household flower beds and rural landlife. They have long won the hearts of flowers lovers with their cheerful temper, diversity and unpretentiousness.

Currently, two types of space can be found in our gardens. The most famous and usual view of the space of twiceperous (C. Bipinnatus) forms powerful (or not very) branching bushes with a height of 50-120 cm, with high-cut leaves and rather large inflorescences (from 5 to 12 cm in diameter) of the daishemoid form. The coloring of the tongue flowers can be white, pink, red, burgundy, drive tube flowers - yellow.

Another appearance that appeared with us relatively recently, but quickly winning the popularity of flower water - sulfur-yellow space (C. Sulphureus). It has smaller inflorescences (4-7 cm in diameter), the petals of which are slightly bent into the form of roses and painted in yellow-orange-red colors. Plant height can be from 30 to 150 cm.

Cosmos twiceperous terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

For use in the cosmey garden, it is very similar to the calendula. They are grown in flowerbeds and in mixlers, in the villagers of rural houses. Of the high varieties of space, it is convenient to make scenes, decorate the fences and walls of buildings. From low varieties, especially by. Sulfur yellow, you can create borders, decorate containers and balcony boxes. Low, small-bedroom forms to. Twiceperistry are often included in the annual flower (Mauritan) lawns.

Cosmos twiceperous, bleas mixture. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Cosmos twiceperous - the plant is cold-resistant and light-chapter, to. Sulfur-yellow - more heat-seeking and well feels well in a relatively hot summer. Both types of drought-resistant and undemanding to soils, but it is better to grow on loose, not too nutritious - "rebuilt" plants grow powerful, but they bloom badly.

Just like the calendula, the cosose will be sowing in an open ground since April.

What's in a name?

Cosmos is translated from Greek as "Decoration". Indeed, the name is to become a plant!

Cospace yellow. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Bright two-month lavatera, or Hatch (Lavatera Trimestris), always draws attention to the garden. But not only for it it is so loved by gardeners, and also for prolonged abundant bloom and a duplicate character. Lavaiter is a fairly powerful, branched, fast-growing plant height from 60 to 150 cm. At the flowering time, since the end of June and to autumn, it is covered with large (6-10 cm diameter), funnel-shaped flowers painted in white, pink or red.

Laviter three-month 'Novella'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Prolonged, generous, bright flowering and unpretentiousness make the lavator desired for any flower garden - flower beds, Rabatki, Bordeur, Mixleboard. Flowers are well standing in cutting. Compact varieties can be issued containers or garden vases.

Laviter three-month 'MONBLAN'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

Lavaert cold-resistant, light-headed, drought-resistant, does not like the convergence. It grows well on various soils, but it feels better and is more abundant on the lungs of fertile soils.

Seeds are sowing directly into the ground in early May, 2-3 seed nests at a distance of 25-30 cm. It is possible and seeding seeds in the line at a distance of 10-15 cm apart. In arid weather, plants need to water, otherwise their growth will slow down, and the flowering will not be abundant. In May - June it is desirable to spend 3-4 feeding with complex fertilizers at intervals of 10-15 days.

What's in a name?

His name of the lavater received in honor of the Lavater brothers, famous German doctors and naturalists.


Multicolored silky flowers Eschsolzia California (Eschscholzia Californica) are very similar to small poppies, for which they received the national name California Mac. The plant forms low branchy bush 15-30 cm high with numerous, rather long (up to 60 cm) by walking shoots. At the top of the shoots there are bright, brilliant, large (up to 5-8 cm in diameter) Single flowers: terry or non-none, with smooth or corrugated petals of various colors - cream-white, yellow, orange, salmon, red. Extremely elevated echolling leaves: strongly dissected, openwork, covered with a sizis wax.

Eshcholce California terry. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

California Mac can be grown on the flower beds, in Rabatkov, Mixlers, make borders from it, plant stains on lawns, in rockers, ornamental gardens. They look beautiful in vases, containers and balcony boxes. Eshtolization often includes both mixtures for annual flower (Mauritanian) lawns. Flowers are not bad in cutting.

How to grow?

Eshcholce cold-resistant, light-friendly, drought resistant and very unpretentious. Prefers dry, solar places and does not tolerate excess moisture. It is better blooming and retains compactness on poor nutrients soils. Flowers closed in rainy weather.

The seeds are multiplied by the seeds in early May in the open ground. In areas with light soil, you can make trial crops. Too thick shoots, it is desirable to shift for a distance of 5-10 cm. Blossom starts in the first half of July and continues until frosts. Some varieties of Eshcholovia can give abundant self-sowers.

What's in a name?

Eshcholtia is named so in honor of Dr. I. F. Eshsholz, the scientist from the Baltic States, who lived in 1793-1831.

Essholce California 'apple flower'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Velhets, Barchotels, Tagetes (Tagetes) - Some of the most famous and beloved many annuals.

In horticulture, two types of velvetsev are most often used: b. Rejected, or French (T. Patula), - with a strong-tank, spreading the shape of a height of 15-50 cm, with non-none or terry inflorescences in monophonic or motley color, and b. Strengthening, or African (T. ERECTA), - with more powerful and less branching plants with a height of 30-120 cm and denominating compounds of a monochromatic color with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Recently, in the gardens, one more often can be found in the gardens - b. Throughly, or Mexican (T. tenuifolia, sin. T. Signata), with thin stems of 20-60 cm high, elegant high-colored leaves and a huge number of small neachless inflorescences with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Monophonic or with a contrast spot in the center, they Painted in bright yellow, lemon, orange tones.

The velvets rejected 'Carmen'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

The velvets look harmoniously in any flower beds, on the flower beds, in curbs, mixlers, ornamental gardens. They can be used in containers and hanging baskets, plant in balcony boxes. Despite the love of light, they can make a small shading, so they can accompany areas from the northern side of the buildings. In addition, they have a sanitary impact on the soil, destroying or scareting nematodes the allocations of their roots. With the same purpose in the soil you can make crushed leaves of velvetsev.

Barchatic velvets, bleas mixture. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

All velvets are heat-loving (do not even withstand small frosts), light-sounded (but can take out a slight shading), drought-resistant and very undemanding to soils. They easily carry a transplant in any phase of development, even in full bloom.

We multiply seeds, in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia - through seedlings, in the southern regions - sowing into the ground. Seed seedlings are seeded in the second half of April in greenhouses, but for earlier flowering it is sowing in March and even in February. Seedlings dive into drawers, the pot either in the ridge of greenhouses at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. During the cultivation of seedlings, it is desirable to make 2-3 feeding with nitric or complex mineral fertilizers with an interval of 7-10 days.

In the open ground, the seedlings are planted in early June, when the threat of spring frosts passes. The distance between plants during landing is from 15 to 40 cm, depending on the variety. Care consists in weeding and loosening the soil around the plants, and 1-2 complex feeders are carried out on the slightly ground soils.

Flowering u b. Rejected starts 2-2.5 months after sowing, b. Strengthening - in 2.5-3 months and b. Throughly - in 2 months.

What's in a name?

The source name - the vengeance, or the velvets, was given to these plants for the velvety petals of flowers, especially in dark grades, and the scientific name Tagetes was received in honor of the Etruscan God of Tagés, famous for their beauty and the ability to predict the future.

Very velvets. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova


Who does not know the slender beauties of Georgine (Dahlia) with huge bright inflorescences, wearing our gardens at the end of summer and in the fall? True, most large varieties are perennials, and their tubers before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to dig up and maintain in cool rooms. But this is not always possible to do this, therefore, annual dahlias can become a great replacement.

For a long time, it was the opinion that annual dahlias is the average plants with small neakhhhhh flowers painted in various shades of white, yellow, orange and red. They called them and called them - "merry guys", by the name of the most famous, old variety. To date, many annual dahlias, beauty and diversity not inferior to their many years of relatives.

Georgina annual, collar form of inflorescences. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

Annual dahlias are planted on the flower beds, in Rabatkov, arrays. Low varieties can be grown in containers and balcony boxes.

How to grow?

Georgina is rather demanding culture culture conditions. They are very warm-loving, they love fertile, moderately wet soils and sunny, windless sections.

Georgina Annual 'Art Deco'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

The seeds are sown in the boxes in the first half of April, later the seedlings are seated at a distance of 7-8 cm in the pot or boxes. Young plants are well tolerated transplant. In the open ground, they are planted in early June. The distance between the plants depends on the variety and can be from 20 to 40 cm. It is very important to loosen the soil around the bushes in a timely manner, in hot time - to abundantly water and periodically, once every 2 weeks, feed the complex mineral or organic fertilizer. In August, feeding stops. Annual dahlias bloom in the first half of July and abundantly bloom to the first frosts.

What's in a name?

Georgina, the natives of Mexico, appeared in Europe in the XVIII century, where two names were received at once - Dalia and Georgina. The first of them was given in honor of the famous Swedish botany A.Daly. And in 1803, the German botanist K. L.vildenov assigned the plant and another name - Georgin (Georgina), in honor of his friend, Botany I. Georgi. Both names have existed together for a long time, but recently the official botanical name of the genus was the name of Dahlia. The name "Georgina" passed only in our country.


Astra Anasta, or Callistephus Chinese (Callistephus Chinensis), is perhaps the most beloved "people's" annals in our country. In nature, this is a plant with a height of about 80 cm, with the chamishevoid inflorescences of a siren-lilac color. However, in several centuries of cultivation, the appearance of this culture has changed very much. Many hundreds of varieties have been created, differing at the height of plants (from 20 to 100 cm), the shape of the bush (spherical, oval, column-like, pyramidal, spreadable), coloring of the leaves (from light green to dark green with a purple bloom), flowering timing ( From the earliest blooming on the 70s after the appearance of germs, until later - for 120-130s).

But the biggest changes have undergone the Callistefus inflorescences - in color, shape, size, terrace, their number on the plant, etc. In which they are not painted! White, pink, red, salmon, yellow, blue, purple - almost all the colors of the rainbow, with the exception of bright orange and black. There are varieties and two-color inflorescences.

According to the method of application of Astra, it is possible to divide on shocks (curb) - low, compact, abundant blooming, cutting - high, with long durable flowers and universal - suitable for landscaping and cutting. Most of the varieties of ASTR refers to the last group.

Callistefus Chinese, Milady's series. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

Where to plant?

At the garden sites, an annual asters plant on the flower beds, Rabata, in mixlers, low varieties - in curb, containers, balcony boxes, alpinearia. Dwarf varieties are used as a pot culture. And, of course, do not forget that the annual asters are one of the best garden section cultures.

Callistefus Chinese 'Gala'. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

How to grow?

The strongest varieties of Astra differ in the form of inflorescences. According to this sign, they were combined into more than 40 zerototips, or garden groups. One of the main reasons for the most popular annual Astra is its undepair. The plant is cold-resistant (it may be frozen to -3-4 ° C), light-affectionate, prefers sampling or loamy, loose, nutritious soils with a neutral reaction.

The Astra is breeding as a seed and reckless way. In the first case, seed seed at the end of March - early April. In the open ground, seedlings can be planted from mid-May. With a reckless method of cultivation, seeds sow in the ground early in the spring, as soon as the soil is ready. In phase, 2-3 of these leaves seedlings are thinning or searched at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Depending on the variety and method of growing Astra begin to bloom from the end of June to mid-August and continue to frost.

Callistefus Chinese 'Menuet', a blend mixture. Photo: AiF / Elena Kolesnikova

What's in a name?

The name of Callistefus This flower was given by the French botanist Antoine Justice: in translation from Latin, it means a "beautiful wreath."

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Annual flowers always make an eye with their bright colors and a variety of forms of their colors. Therefore, with their help, you can turn your small garden into a small piece of paradise. With the help of annual colors, the design of his garden can be changed from year to year and every time it will look like a new way.

You can pick up flowers in one color scheme, for example, white and all the flowers from the edge of the flower beds to the curly arms located in the background. White blossoms will fascinate - white on a green background of foliage as a symbol of immaculate beauty.

And you can do and mixed flower beds they will look like a summer motley and beautiful. The main thing is that all annual flowers for giving will bloom until the frost.

  • Annual flowers for giving with photos and names
  • Annual in the garden - my own experience
  • Annual flowers at the cottage photo gallery

Annual flowers for summer cottages


This flower is also called night beauty. It is given this name to him for the fact that his beautiful flowers bloom after sunset and the bush stands in a stripped bright colors and fragrant all evening and night.

Flowers, he has a different coloring starting with white to pink, yellow and raspberry. Due to the fact that he has a root system in the form of a tuber, it easily transfers the dry time of the year.



This wonderful flower can be multiplied using seeds or the division of the bush. Seeds for better germination soaked in warm water for a day. Seed seed two pieces in every cup filled with soil for seedlings. Seed seeds needed thirty days before disembarking in open ground. With the appearance of shoots in the pot, only one strongest escape leave. They transplanted it on the flowerbed only when the threat of return freezers passes.

The cuttings can be rooted in peat pills, but it is still easier to grow it with a seed method of reproduction. Although if you save tubers, such a bush will develop much faster and will be much larger than grown and seeds. When saving the tuber, the shade of colors is saved. Store tubers need in a dry dark place with a temperature of not lower than 5 degrees of heat.


Often these annual flowers for giving are planting along the tracks or in the center of the flower beds. Since they, with proper care, grow up to one meter high and have the same diameter. Watering must be carried out at least once a week.

If you grow these bushes in tanks, then in two liter it will be small no more than 50 cm. In order for the bush richly bloom, it requires landing on a sunny place. The soil for the flower should be fertile and without water stagnation.

There are several varieties of Miracle with each other with color range of buds.


These flowers grow up depending on the variety from 15 to 80 cm. They are also called Tagtess. This flower is very drought-resistant and therefore very common among fans of annual colors. The color gamut pleases with all the shades of yellow, white and there are varieties where the petals are painted even into striped.


Reproduction of seeds

Collect seeds at the end of July and August. You can sow immediately into open soil when the soil warms up, depending on the region, these deadlines are shifted. Seeds are not worth a deeply burst enough and 2 cm. Shoots appear for 7 days. Buds begin to appear only two months after seeding. Therefore, several bush needs to be raised through seedlings. Transplanting velvets is wonderful and can be relocated at any age.


Seed seed in a wagon in early March and after 10 days the seeds begin to germinate. After the appearance of two real sheets, they are pricted in separate cups, and then they grow at a temperature of 16 degrees of heat. At the flower beds planted when it is warm enough. There are 20 cm. Between the bushes during landing, tall is planted at a distance of 50 cm. From each other.


Care for the velvets is reduced to watering and tidy, in the first half of the summer they will be good to respond to full mineral fertilizers. When disembarking, seedlings need to know that the flower prefers solar places. In the shade, he will also live, but beautiful colors can not wait.

When bloom is gaining strength, it will be necessary to cut the drying flowers, it will stimulate more lush flowering.

There are many varieties of velvets:

  • Anise;
  • Rejected;
  • Reprehension;
  • Tonalistic.


This is actually a perennial plant, but in our latitudes it does not winter and therefore grows as an annual plant. Place it along the borders, groups in the middle of a green lawn. Now the ampel forms of the lion zea are removed, which are successfully growing in high vases.


Seeds do not lose their germination for several years. It is necessary to sow seedlings in the first decade of March in the prepared containers with loose nutritional land. Seeds are laid out on the surface and slightly sprinkle with large sand. Watering is performed using a spray gun, splashing warm water from a small sprayer. Then all these are covered with a transparent lid.

At a temperature of 24 degrees, the sprouts will appear after 15 days. After the first sections appear, the capacity is transferred to where the straight sunlights do not fall into order to avoid burns of seedlings. After 4 days, you can completely remove the glass.

Seedling first time grows slowly and, moisturizing it, should not pour plants. Those flowers that have already fallen by nothing to help and remove them with the help of a tweezers. When the first real sheet plates appear, the seedlings are pyric in separate containers. Next, they should grow in a warm and bright place. When 5 leaves appear, the central escape is plugged to increase bush.

At the end of May, it is planted on the flower beds, the location of which must be solar and without moisture.



This plant is not requiring special care. It should only watered and loosen after irrigation. Removal on time of weeds contributes to a more healthy type of plants. If tall varieties are planted on the flowerbed, then they will need a timely garter to the support.

The seeds of the lion's oz are collected only in incomplete maturity and put in a shady space for their ripening.


This fabulous flower growing a bush near a height meter has green oval leaves and single flowers resembling bells. Flowers in length reach 20 cm. They are blooming yellow, white and blue.


Seeds have a bad germination and therefore, they need a lot of moisture for germination. Before living, they are soaked for 10 days. And for the growth, they need a temperature of 30 degrees of heat. Shoots from the Earth appear very slowly and can germinate more than a month.



This plant prefers solar places and fertilized soil. Loves watering and if there is no rain, it is necessary to water. With the slightest drying, it resets the buds.


This flower will decorate any garden with its variety of colors and the forms of buds. But this flower in the shade will not grow. It has a height of the stem from 20 cm. Up to 100 cm. It all depends on the variety of the flower. Flower baskets are located at the top of the stem.

Petals in the form of a tongue are located in several rows around the middle of the flower. It blooms since June and until the cold will come. Very resistant to the heat. It is grown as a garden decoration, and it looks wonderful in the cut.


It is multiplied by seeding seeds to seedlings. First check them on the germination, and then soak in any growth stimulator per day. Even old seeds germinate during the week. Since this flower does not like picking, it must be squeezed immediately into peat cups.

Plant begin in March throughout the month. When the seedlings are unnecessary, you can add soil to seedlings to be more stable. In the ground it is planted after return freezers.

Zinnia is the most common homoor for giving and garden


Requires timely watering and removal of weeds. But watering should not be on the stalks and plants. In the support of Zinnia does not need, since it has strong straight stems. If the plants are planted not only for beauty, but also on the cut, then the stems are not worth it.


These annual flowers grows up to a meter high and possesses all the shades of pink color, white and blue flowers. Due to the fact that the leaves have very openworks, reminiscent of dill flower looks very gentle and air.


Cosmei reproduction occurs with seeds. Seeds are sown immediately into the ground as soon as snow comes. It is not enough to burn them deeply and one centimeter. Also, it can also be sown in late autumn. Actually, if Cosmeya passed on the plot, she propagates safely further than the self-sowing.

An ever to grow it is not rational. But if everything is, it is necessary, it is planted at the seedlings at the beginning of spring.



Care is not much difficulty even for beginners. Once a week it is necessary to rush and rush away from weeds. You can carry out the flower feeding, but it should be remembered that the feeding should be done in the measure in order not to reconcile the plant. To extend the flowering time you need to remove dried inflorescences.


This is a low plant with a variety of leaves and flowers similar to chamomile. Coloring is different - red, yellow, orange flowers.


Seedlings are planted in early May. Seeds sow in the loose land in early March, slightly moisturize the earth and covered with glass. After 2 weeks, the first searches appear. And after two weeks, they spend the first feeding, and dive with seedlings into separate pots. Since the roots in the seedlings of Gazania gentle it must be carefully transferred to a permanent residence on the flower bed. The secondary transplant sprouts may not survive.



It is rather unpretentious to the composition of the soil and grows well on any. But it is well refer to any feeding in the form of mineral fertilizer.

Waving on time and removing weeds can be achieved lush flowering of gazania. Since the plant has a rod root, it is more drought-resistant, but it's all the same when strong breaks between the rains it will not give up a good watering. In our climate, the flower does not win.


This is an annual semi-staple with rounded leaves and single colors. Flowers have bright shades of red and yellow. It grows up to 30 cm. Abundant bloom continues all summer to the most frosts.

Nasturtium contains a lot of useful substances and is used in folk medicine. Also used to be used in cooking, adding to various dishes.

Annual flowers for summer cottages - Nasturtium


Well multiply seeds. They can be sowed immediately into the ground in mid-May, and can be raised through seedlings. But before any landing, it is necessary to pour hot water seeds for 30 minutes, and then soak for a day. Lay out three seeds in each well (cup) and waiting for germs,

They appear within 14 days. Seedlings are transplanted into a flower garden with transshipment, leaving the earth.


Prefers not fat soils and solar places, if they reconcile the plant with nitrogen fertilizer, it will cease to throw out buds and turn into green bush without colors. While there was no seedlings blooming requires constant watering, but after the dissolution of buds, watering is reduced. To extend flowering, it is necessary to regularly cut the dried inflorescences.

Annual in my garden - your own experience

How I love summer !!! How I'm waiting for him !!! As you like to faster in the garden, dig in beds, bring beauty to the flower beds. This year she put out different annuals. At the end of the summer last year, it was made everywhere where it was possible, seeds of beautiful flowers, sowed this year, not even expecting such a film on our beds.

I never bother with a floral seadade, I don't grow it myself, I just buy something in the market, the girlfriends share surplus, something sow just in the soil.

Here are what annuals bloom today in our garden:

1. Floxes annual

What are the magnificent flowers. A friend shared with me was shared with me, they had a self-sowed since last year. Sprouts were small, the height of all centimeters is 3-5, so small what I thought, they are unlikely to survive. For some time they simply stood, froze, and did not grow, but then quickly went to growth. At the end of June, bloomed, and now I am glad to please us with your diversity of paints.

Phlox Annolete

2. Annual dahlia

They also have a beautiful name: cheerful guys. I bought the seedlings on the market, a kind woman "slept" to me for 50 rubles a whole bunch. Retal was strong, high. They planted them in a long bed behind the velvets. They were played, grown and start blooming. Flowers of different color, terry, elegant. For sure - fun guys! All summer will admire their beauty.

Annolete dahlia

3. Lenok.

I adore this plant. Such thin and tender twigs with very bright small flowers of red-raspberry color. For the night, the flowers are folding their petals. Planting the plant starts from June and blooms all summer. We put it with seeds, just sowed to the ground in early May. The seeds quickly and together, the plants rose and now, just as smooth, bloom.

4. Petunia

Although I do not really like petunia in the garden, but, nevertheless, this time I was not kept and planted. I bought seedlings, and a friend gave. Seedling was small, but strong. Quickly gained strength and start blooming.

Petunia - annual homes

Petunia is, of course, a flower with the most diverse color. Flowers are simple, and terry, so many of all sorts of varieties have come up, which is now thinking how we lived without Petunia before. I like more petunia in the city flocks, on the balconies, in the suspended porridge on the street. But in the garden, it looks rather harmonious, only the rummaged so that the growing flowers "scored" next.

Here are such annual flowers now in our garden, please us with your bloom, raise the mood not only to us, but also passersby. All of them do not require a lot of care, only watering and a small feeder of the organica. Please and yourself, dive into the very garden of annuals, if you do not have them.

Choose annual flowers to decorate a video site

Flowers - annual seedlings

Annual flowers at the cottage photo gallery


Each owner of the garden plot wants to see his flowering and beautiful all warm season. Summer in our lane is short and fast, so you want to have time to enjoy the beauty of planted trees, shrubs and flowers.

For flower decoration of the plots, decorative herbaceous plants must be used with various biological features (annual, twilight, perennial, bulbous, ephemeeroids), since their combination will allow a long decorative effect.

Or the so-called "semids", grow one season, at the end of the summer these plants give seeds. Annual cultures bloom sufficiently enough, have a rich aroma and decorative foliage. Many decorative floral cultures are perennial, but only in warm countries. We also vegetate one season (Lion zev, Begonia, Verbena).

Annual floral cultures are drawn up flowerbeds, Rabata, balcony boxes, parter and carpet flower beds. Speected group and solitary (single) landing from seventeels (sunflower, cooke, fragrant tobacco) look. Curly and ampels annual Beautifully look at the design of the balconies (fragrant peas ,,). For these purposes, high-flowering seals are used, which are well blooming in boxes and pots (Levka,, Lobelia, Lion Zev).

Summers with fragrant flowers (left, tobacco fragrant, Alissaum, residue, fragrant peas) sit in flower beds near garden houses for decorating household plots. Good textiles and for obtaining a viscous material on gardening and garden sites and in industrial culture (Astra, Lion Zev, Gaylardia, calendula). Cotic flowers can be obtained early in spring and late in autumn when growing plants in greenhouses (Sacabo, Astra, fragrant peas). A group of sediments, called dryweight, gives material to compile winter bouquets (helichrum, acroklinum).

Annual culture most often. But the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows in our homes is so small that everything desired through the seedlings is impossible, so some annual species can be sown directly into the ground.

Technology Sowing

Directly into the open soil sowing such flowers as cosme, nasturtium, calendula, vasilek, nigella, linak, esthemal, sunflower, decorative herbs. For sowing you need to prepare the soil in advance.

If the land on the planned plot is clay, then it needs to be emphasized. Often for these purposes make peat or compost, as well as river sand. Conduct a replenish on the bayonet shovels, carefully choosing weeds, align the surface with robbles. It turns out fertile garden land. Sewing seeds for permanent place is carried out after May 15-20, when the soil warmed up enough. Seeds smear over the surface in fine-free crops (Nigella, Mac, Esholzolization) or close to a depth equal to two seed diameters. Some cultures before sowing need to be mashed in water (fragrant peas, decorative beans, Kleschevin, Kobei, Nasturtium).

Small seeds (Nigella, Mac, Lion Zev, Nemesis) are mixed with sand and scatter on the surface of the soil. After shootings appear, the plants are cleared or thinned if the shoots turned out to be thick. There are several plants on the square meter (5-15 pcs.), Taking into account their expandability. After these plants surgery, it is necessary to sneak with solutions of epin growth stimulants or zircon for better adaptation to new conditions (2 ml of 5 liters).

Every 10 days it is necessary to feed young seedlings with liquid complex fertilizers in the specified concentration. It is impossible to translate soil overwhelms, since mushroom infections are developing in humid conditions (black leg, malievous dew). To prevent these diseases, shoots are sprayed with a solution of "phytoosporin" into dry windless weather and loose. Earth between sowing loose to avoid crust formation. When the plants are growing, the agricultural engineering is the same as other annual cultures.

Many annual cultures can be sung in the ground in advance, from autumn. They will pee and spring will give early friendly shoots. The time of blooming in such plants will be earlier than that of the expected in April - May.

Grouping annual decorative crops for seeding
Name Conditions Agrotechnika
For sowing in open ground
Alissaum, Vasilek, Gypsophilla Elegant, Dolphinium Annual, Dolichos, Fascinated Polka Dot, Iberis, Calendula, Cosmeya, Lavaters, Lenaria, Malva, Mattiola Curry, Mac, Naturery, Nemophyll, Nigella, Sunflower, Chedd, Facre Decorative, Eshololization After
Smiling soil
With a thickened crop needlation. Sowing on the depth of two diameters
For sowing in open ground
Gypsophila, year, Highlander,
Calendula, Clarkia, Facelia, Malopa, Eshcholce
Set labels to designate crops or sprinkle with sand. Seed seeds S.
Sowing standards
Taking into account the rates for the winter

Source: "Country season" №3, 2013

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