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Feed beet yield with ha. Cord beet varieties - landing and cultivation. Preparation and landing of seeds

Feed beet is actively used in feeding farm animals in the cold season. The root crust contains in its composition in sufficient quantity, dietary fiber, which not only benefits a cattle, but also increases the level of breasting of cows and goats.

Feed coarse is a two-year plant heading the Marcheov family. In the first year of growth there is a thickening of the root, and the outlet of the roar of the foliage. Next year, sleeping kidneys are replaced by the color-based shoots that bring fruits and seeds.

As a rule, vegetables rise above the ground surface. The formation of the fodder cooler occurs due to the stepper knee. A large number of pectins, dietary fibers and mineral salts in the composition allow you to improve the level of assimilation and digestion of hay and silo in animals.

Description and characteristics of feed beet

Yellow Eckendorf or Red - What variety is better to plant?

A vegetable popular in agriculture came to our edges from the Far East and India. It happened from the wild beet. To date, the vegetable is grown in all regions of the country.

What variety beets is better to plant at home? Red, yellow or pink? You can find an answer to this question with the most popular varieties of this vegetable:

  • Lada. Corneflands of oval-cylindrical shape are painted in white or pink-white tones. Despite the high degree of density, the pulp of vegetable is quite juicy. The tops are preserved before the harvest season. Blossom of vegetable short. Lada grade is resistant to churchesposition during storage.
  • Hope. An extended oval root root is painted in red tones. White flesh juicy. The head is small, slightly convex grayish shade. The harvest variety, however, is subject to churrosposition and mildew.
  • Milan. Single-meaning hybrid grows small. Kornemoplood is inhibited into the ground, only a small part of its greenish shade towers over the soil. The variety is sufficiently resistant to the churchosposition.
  • Vermon is the result of crossing triploid type with medium sizes. The cylindrical conical vegetable is slightly immersed in the ground. Part of the coarse, which sits in the ground, painted in white shade, the top of the green.
  • Zamon - triploid hybrid. The cinder-cylindrical medium-sized vegetable is painted in orange. Core roots short. The yield is low, however, only at a slight degree are subject to illness.
  • Special attention should be paid to the variety Yellow Eckendorf. A very popular variety is not sensitive to low temperatures. It can be easily planted in an open ground on the household plot.

Yellow stern beet

How to plant an open ground?

Feed beet can be planted in the ground, only when the soil temperature reaches 8 degrees.
As a rule, it is possible to sow at the end of March. 14 days after the sowing, you can see the first sprouts.

It is necessary to process the planting material before sowing. For these purposes, a solution of manganese can usually use.

  • Conduct the treatment of soil using herbicides, which will reduce the shoots of weeds.
  • Depth should not exceed 5 cm.
  • Sold observing the distance between the seed tab of about 40 cm.
  • Conduct crops, which will save the soil moisture.

Seeds of fodder beet

To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the basic rules for the care of theft Buryak. The vegetable is not picky, therefore growing agricultural equipment is available and does not represent much difficult.

Plant care rules:

  • Timely carrying out loosening and weeding. In cases where the soil is covered with a crust, this indicates a serious lack of oxygen. According to the rooting scheme of the root plant, the procedure of loosening 48 hours after landing is assumed. The loosening is carried out using flat cuts, which is subsequently applied after each watering. Weeds are passed until Buryak's tops are closer.
  • Systematic irrigation, which directly depends on weather conditions. The most abundant irrigation must be ensured in dry days when the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees during the growth period and the formation of root.

    A month before harvest, watering completely stops, which will increase the shelf life of vegetable culture.

    In the case of rainy autumn, a slot should be made between the rockers, which will allow excess liquid to leave.

Feed beets in open soil

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the coat is very loved by pests. To protect the plant is required to systematically use mineral fertilizers in preventive purposes. Compost is required when conducting autumn soil pumping. On each hectare will take about 35-37 tons of fertilizer. It can also be included in the fertilizer of wood ash (about 2 centners).

Before planting seeds, specialists advise to plow the earth and making nitroamophos and potash fertilizers.

Crop harvest can be carried out using agricultural machinery or manually. As a rule, the choice of the method of harvesting depends on the sowing area of \u200b\u200bthe coarse. To collect a fodder root root can be used potatoes.

The optimal collection time is considered to be the beginning of October. However, it is worth remembering that to remove the coarse from the ground before the temperature falls to 8 degrees.

Vintage beet

After collecting, the roots are slightly dried and sent to the savings in the repository, which is equipped with a ventilation system. The room temperature should be within 1-2 degrees.

Observing all the recommendations, you can grow a rich crop of coarse, which will delight a vegetable breeder. Most importantly, in time to carry out the beds and watering plants. As soon as sprouts become 2-3 leaflets, it will be necessary to break the plants, leaving only the strongest specimens. In addition, after each humidification of the soil, urgent loosening between rockers is required, which will retain the natural process of air mass circulation. Thus, oxygen will fall to the root system of vegetable culture, which will allow the root of the root to develop correctly.

Beckla is an excellent means of increasing dairy flies from goats, cows, while not harmful to health. In winter, the beet root roots almost completely fill the need for animals in vitamins and microelements, when their diet consists mainly of dry and canned food. In the summer of food, both the root and root.

Feed beets - Culture Features

Feed beet is valued by the presence of a large amount of mineral and pectin substances, easily digestible carbohydrates and vitamins. Even the leaves contain more proteins than in cereals - 15-16%. This plant is a twiser: in the first year it forms a large root roof with a cap of lush green leaves, and in the second - gives a high blur with seeds. In general, the agricultural engineering of this culture is similar to the cultivation of sugar beet.

Roots are distinguished by a large variety of colors and shapes, as well as degree of bulk in the soil. Traditionally, varieties with scarlet, white, yellow and orange painting fetus are dominated. The form distinguishes varieties with saucer, cylindrical and cone-shaped elongated root, and the latter occupy the first place on sugar. In addition, a grade with shallow immersion in the ground, when half or most of the root is located on the surface, are more drought-resistant. The most popular varieties - Centur Poly, Eckendorf Yellow, Obrandorph Red.

We prepare the soil

The cultivation of feed beets on clay, marshy and sandy soils will not bring the expected results. It is also unsuitable for the growth of rootes stony soils. The most suitable for beets is the land with a neutral and weakness reaction (up to 7.5 pH), and weakly tires are quite acceptable. As practice has shown, the best predecessors of aft culture - wheat, rye, corn, peas and vegetables.

Getting good feed beet yields - up to 1000 centners with 1 hectare - perhaps only on rich chernozem, as well as floodplain areas. Culture is very demanding of fertility, therefore preliminary improved soil is required.

Only timely soil preparation will ensure the emergence of friendly shoots.

  1. The space overgrown with weeds needs to be cleaned and released for further pre-sowing processing. When gracefully grate with cereal weeds and dysfototal annuals (shin, chicken millet, swan), they are getting rid of the weeding method after harvesting precursors. After 14 days, the shoots appeared again destroy. Release the plot from perennials (odds, dusty) will help the autumn processing of the vegetative mass by herbicides of a continuous action ( Hurricane, Roundap, Buran).
  2. In the fall, an overwhelmed organic fertilizer or compost - 35 T, wood ash - 5 c are made under the people on 1 hectare of land.
  3. The area before planting is plowing with the introduction of nitroammofoski at the rate of 15 g / mongrel meter. Ideally, the soil must be small, loose and slightly humid.

Growing feed beet - Preparation of seeds, sowing

Feed beets do not grow more than two years in one siteSince there accumulates pathogenic education and pests. The growing season of culture is from 125 to 150 days, so it is planted early in the spring, starting from the last days of March to mid-April. Sold beets start when the ground at a depth of 12 cm warms up to 5-7 o C.

  1. The seeds are better to be treated with any disinfectant, for example, to withstand half an hour in a saturated solution of manganese.
  2. It is possible to achieve optimal debris thickness using an additional processing of growth stimulants. Just remember, after wet treatments, the sowing material needs to be slightly dried.
  3. On the site they make grooves with a seed 60 cm. Ferry beets are sowed to a depth of 3 cm, trying to fall 14-15 seeds to the trafficphone meter. Approximately one of the seed will need 150 g.
  4. Rows put to the earth and are waiting for the first germs. If the soil is dry, sowing must be sealed with a smooth roller: so moisture from the deep layers will tighten closer to the surface. At an air temperature of 8 o, the sprouts will appear on average after 12 days, and at temperatures above 15 ° C - after 4 days. Before the appearance of real leaves, shoots may suffer from freezes to -3 about S.

Plant care

The first one and a half after the seedlings of the feed beet develops quite slowly. During this period, the discharge procedure is very important, which is carried out after the rustling of a pair of real leaves. There are no more than 4-5 sprouts, withstanding 25 cm between them. Simultaneously with watering, you can immediately see the ammonium Selitra sprouts (12 g / meter.) Two weeks later conduct the second feeding of mineral fertilizer.

Feed beets are quite moisture throughout the growing season. Waterings directly proportionately affect the magnitude of the forming root corrupt and contribute to high harvests. However, a month before harvesting, the need for water decreases sharply, since the plants begin to accumulate dry substances. In addition, the feed root roots suffer from weeds and with strong clogs may not be reached by about 80% of the harvest. Regular rolling of rods will be the key to successfully cultivating beets.


Already in September, the feed beet ceases to form new leaves, and the old begin to gradually turn yellow and die. The roots are also not growing, so excessive moisture can simply worsen their taste and fierce. It is recommended to clean the feed beet to remove the first frost, from about the first decade of October. A slight decrease in temperature to -2 o from the plants will be able to withstand, but remember that The frozen root roots will not be stored for a long time.

Collect the harvest, slightly dumping the fruits with a pitchflower or shovel. For long-term storage, the fodder vegetable is thoroughly cleaned from the tops, nulipped Earth. Damaged during harvesting roots fade cattle first. Store the beets in the cellars, basements or earthwomen, in which they try to maintain the temperature from 3 to 5 about S. In winter, this unique culture will delight pets, and remind them of a summer juicy greenery.

Feed beets today is widely used to feed livestock on private householders and in large farms. Regular inclusion of it in the diet of animals allows you to improve the performance of the flux and compensate for the shortage of nutrients. At the same time, many find it difficult to answer what its advantages are in front of sugar varieties and what nature of cultivation should be considered.

Features of the culture and the difference of stern beet from sugar

Varieties of beets differ in several parameters, the difference between sugar and feed varieties is to assign each of them. Due to its composition, the first is used as a raw material for the production of sugar, suitable for eating. Its content can reach 20%, which is several times higher than the same indicator of non-dining crops. Feed varieties are distinguished by a high protein content, which makes them optimal power sources for animals, while their yield is much higher compared to sugar.

The main differences, in addition to the chemical composition, between feed and sugar beets are associated with their appearance, the depth of growth, the length of the growing season, the indices of yield. Feed varieties are rounded the shape of only red and orange shades, sugar can have an elongated look and have a shade of white, gray, beige and burgundy.

The root of animal feeding has a smaller number of green leaves in the amount of not more than 40, and it starts to perform from the ground as ripening. Sugar varieties in one outlet are able to form up to 60 sheet plates, the underground part is deeply hidden under the ground. Root beet roots are able to go deep into 3 m, since the plant mines moisture in the lower layers, which helps him withstand drought.

Feed crops do not have a developed root system, so it is at the level of the end of the root.

The growing season of sugar varieties ranges from 140 to 170 days, the feed is required less time, and the moment of harvest can be expected after 110-150 days. An insignificant difference is observed as frost-resistant plants. Table type crops sprouts are capable at -8 c, beet varieties for animals only at -5 C.

Culture varieties

Today, the beet varieties are presented in a large assortment. On an industrial scale today, about 46 varieties of rooteplood are grown. Indicators of yield depend on the grade and the region of cultivation. Underground parts of plants and green leaves are used to power the animals. According to the Research Institute, in the conditions of the North-Western Middle Allolia region, Buryak weighing 1 kg contains 0.12 feed units, 100 kg of tops - 9.

Popular includes variety beets Feed Eckendorf Yellow. Its advantage is the ability to carry cold temperatures, inconspanding to the soil fertility, crop stability and high nutritional value. Buryak refers to proven times with varieties, which is resistant to diseases and pests. Completed for cultivation in the central regions includes such cultures of fodder crops like Vermon, Zamon, hope, Lada.

The key to success is the right choice of hybrid variety seeds and compliance with the rules of cultivation.

Growing process

The peculiarities of cultivation, including how much beet grows, depend on the varieties and cultivation conditions. Feed beet refers to unpretentious plants, therefore does not require significant forces and time, it suffices to adhere to the generally accepted plant care agricani.

Preparation of soil

Sort beets on the nucleotop agricultural section of the sort of feed beet will help the correct preparation of the soil. It is recommended to land on the site of the previous cultivation of rye, barley varieties, alfalfa, grain and legumes. Embed to sowing when heating the soil to +8 C.

All preliminary work on preparation is carried out in the autumn period - form a deep arable layer, refuel the mineral fertilizer complex. In the spring they make compost, parallel to the weary grass and cultivating.


Food beet landing care is aimed at combating weeding herbs. One of the effective ways to combat such a problem is the use of special chemicals. For the weeds of two-dollar species and cereals use "Vockex", "Epta". Until the sowing and first germs, "Frontier", "Gold".

In small areas, work on the removal of weed grass is carried out manually. On large areas, the harrow method is used, which is used before the appearance of germs. The destruction of the crust of the soil should be performed before reaching the height sprouts not more than 2 mm. To do this, use mesh or lightweight harrows that are sent across sowing.

During the vegetation period, the spaces between the rows are regulated several times. For this, industrial cultivation use special techniques in the form of 12-row cultivators. On the first work with the soil, it is embarked in the designation of the lines of the rows, the second at the time the formation of the first 2 present leaves, while entering nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Over the season, it may be additionally necessary from 2 to 4 loop procedures, the number of which depends on the quality of soil and weather.


Separate copies of feed beets are capable of growing up to 12 kg, so the planting material is required to plant so that the planting is in-depth by 3-5 cm. Between the rows, the gap 50 cm is left, and 1 m 2 should be located from 6 to 8 pcs. seed.

After the appearance of the seasons, 2 real leaves perform the support of the landings, leaving 25 cm between the shoots. The beetral territory is poured for more friendly seats, in small territories, there are non-woven material in small areas, which are covered with beds.

Caring for crops, agrotechnics

The key to the future harvest is the right time for landing material landing material, which is determined by the degree of heating and temperature of the soil. The fundamental when leaving for landings is the preservation of green and juicy tops, healthy root roots without signs of infection. For good growth, measures are carried out to remove weary grass and use drugs to combat pests of beets.


Many farmers are thinking than to feed the beetroot and than to feed the feed beet. Without an additional nutrition, the indices of the root crops will be reduced at times. Immediately before plowing, fertilizers are made, the feeding is calculated as 30-40 kg of overworked manure for every 10 m 2 or 40-50 kg of peaphrusten compost. The prohibition is superimposed on the use of fresh null-grade or chicken litter, as their addition will lead to the active accumulation of nitrates.

In the fall, phosphoric and potash fertilizers are added with a calculation of 15-20 kg every 10 m 2. Spring make nitrogen-containing in the same amount.

Protection of culture

Culture resistance increases when feeding with special complex fertilizers and proper care. The most dangerous diseases of beets include cornered, perronosporosis, jaundice viral. The landing of rootes often suffer from mining flies, weevils, hoarse, flea. At the first signs of pests and diseases use drugs aimed.

The protective events of beets are as follows:

  • compliance with the rules of crop rotation, taking care of the best predecessors, isolation of landings from previous beet location sites;
  • fertilizer making;
  • bottling of Sterna in the autumn period, carrying out deep plowing;
  • spring pre-sowing processing, ensuring the lack of lumps;
  • disinfection of seeds before landing by fungicides, insecticides.

Enhance the chances of friendly and healthy shoots helps compliance with the deadlines of the sowing work. When 2 leaves appear, insecticide processing that prevent the invasion of harmful insects.


Good feed beet crops are largely dependent on the correctness of determining the time of collection. The accumulation of beneficial substances and the growth of the rooteplood continues until late autumn. The first sign of the preparedness of vegetables to digging is the yellowing and drying of the tops.

The optimal time for harvesting feed beet is considered to be the 3rd week of September to 1 decade of October. Drop the roots are required until the temperature is reduced below +7 C.


Specially equipped storage facilities are considered the best storage location for beets, in which the ventilation system operates. The optimal temperature regime is considered + 1 ... + 2 C. There should be no excessive moisture in the room, periodically requires control procedures to remove damaged root roots.

Feeding cows

Feeding horns has its own rules, certain norms calculated for one animal. On one feeding, it is impossible to give more than 10 kg of Buryak, per day the maximum rate per adult animal should not exceed 20 kg.

Feed beets - an excellent source of vitamins and trace elements for animals in the winter period, while the rootpode does not cause side manifestations. For these reasons, the vegetable is included in the diet of cows and goats, when it is necessary to maintain the fishing and to fill the lack of useful substances in the body. In addition to dairy cattle, feed beets with great pleasure are eating rabbits, juicy, nutritious leaves are also added in their diet, which contains many fiber and dietary fiber.

Features of culture

The cultivation of feed species of the plant on the territory of Asia began to be engaged far earlier than the cultivation of sugar beets. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it was from the feed that a variety with improved taste was made.

Feed beets, first of all, is valued by the presence in chemical composition:

  • mineral and pectin substances;
  • vitamin complex;
  • lung carbohydrates.

The plant is developing for two years: in the first year the root plant and thick, green leaves rich in proteins are formed, and the next year there is a flower point, on which seeds develop at the end of flowering. According to the technology of cultivation, feed varieties of beets are similar to sugar varieties.

Feeding beets is distinguished by a variety of colors and shapes. The traditional are the roots of saturated scarlet, yellow, white and orange shades. Depending on the variety there be beets of bag-shaped, cylindrical or cone-shaped form.

Growing secrets: The largest amount of sugars is present in the feed beet of the cone-shaped form, the most resistant to the drought of the stern beet varieties with a minor recess into the ground. The highest thretener is recognized as the variety "Lada" - with proper care, it is possible to collect up to 1,700 centers of the crop with hectares.

Depending on the shade, mass, the forms of the root and the degree of deepening in the soil allocate the main types of crops

Form rootDescriptionPopular varieties
ConicalIt is characterized by a highly developed root system, the rootpode is almost completely immersed in the ground.Poltava semi-chamber;
Umansky semi-boiler;
Tripolian semi-boiled.
Extranno-ovalFrom a third to half of the root is located above the ground surface.Winner;
Basching (cylindrical)It has a well-developed root neck, most of the root plant develops above the ground.Eckendore;
Poltava white.
Round (spherical)In the ground is only directly root of the plant.OBERNDORF;

Source requirements

Despite the fact that the cultivation of the feed beet process is not troublesome, the yield largely depends on the proper choice of the soil. Culture is demanding of the degree of soil fertility. You can get the maximum yield only on chernozem. Before planting beet seeds on clay, sand or swamp soils, it is necessary to make fertilizers that improve the composition and quality of soil.

The optimal choice for the cultivation of feed beet is neutral or weakly acidic soil with acidity levels in the range of 6.2-7.5 pH. Also, the plant is well adapted on weak-rolled soils.

Tip: It is best to plant a plant in areas where legume cultures, rye, corn, wheat, vegetables were previously grown.

Preparation of the site

Preparatory work is determined on the basis of the soil on the site. If the soil rich in nutrients (chernozem, samp and thin soils), do not necessarily make additional feeding. Fertilizers are necessary for poor soils. Do not even try to grow feed beets in areas prone to lagarment, too salted and acidic soils.

With proper preparation of the site and the good composition of the soil from one hectare you can collect up to one thousand centners of the crop. Proper preparation involves the following actions.

  1. Cleaning weeds, the earth must be clean and ready for subsequent pre-sowing processing. If the weeds are dominated among weeds and dysfotomic annuals, they are stolen. Two weeks later, new shoots are repeated. The plot clogged with perennials is treated in autumn herbicides of a continuous action. It is necessary to choose the herbicides of the system action - the active substance of the drug falls on the surface of the weed and moves to the growth points, causing complete die off. A distinctive feature of systemic herbicides is high efficiency in relation to powerful perennial weeds. The best in the line of goods is recognized as "Hurricane", "Buran", "Roundup".
  2. In the fall at the same time with the pumping of the soil, compost is made at the rate of 35 tons per 1 hectare and 5 vehicle centers.
  3. Immediately before planting seeds, the site is re-drunk and nitroamophosku is made at the rate of 15 grams per 1-line meter.
  4. You can not grow a feed beet two years in a row in one site, a large number of pests and pathogenic microflora are accumulated in the soil, which negatively affect the quality of the harvest and the root of the root crops.

This is important: ready to land the soil has a small -com structure, loose and a little wet.

Preparation and landing of seeds

Preparation of seeds.

Before landing, the seeds are treated with any disinfecting solution for 30 minutes. Additional processing of growth stimulant contributes to the maximum germination of the sowing material. After wet procedures, regardless of their destination, the seeds need to dry slightly. If you are confident in the quality of the planting material, the growth stimulator can not be used and plant dry seeds into the ground, without processing them.

Dates of landing.

The fodder beet has a fairly long growing season - from 120 to 150 days, so planting the plant is necessary in the period from the second half of March to the beginning of April. At the time of the landing work, the soil must warm at a depth of 12 cm to +7 degrees.

Norm of sowing seeds.

Immediately before planting the soil, it is necessary to moisten, and the seeds dry. The plot is divided into grooves with a distance of 60 cm. The seeds are seeded to a depth of approximately 3 cm. Given that the beets increase in size as the seeds need to leave a distance of at least 25 cm. Approximate amount of sowing material for each running meter - 14- 15 seeds. The approximate number of seeds per one-weave is 150 grams. Observing the right landing technology, you can raise the most large root roots - up to 12 kg.

After that, the row is sprinkled with the earth, slightly compacted (with hands or using a special rink). If the average daily air temperature does not fall below +8 degrees, the first shoots appear over two weeks. If the weather is warm - the air temperature is +15 degrees - sprouts may appear after 4-5 days. Given that the landing work is carried out early in spring, young, weak shoots can damage the night frosts.

Ferry Cutting Technology

Further cultivation of feed beets is no different from the cultivation of table varieties. The plant is considered not demanding, care for it does not require special knowledge. If you want to grow a good harvest, remember - beets, regardless of the variety and species, needs a lot of water, especially in the first weeks of germination of seeds and germination growth. Only under the condition of frequent and abundant irrigations it is possible to ensure active growth of plants and the development of rooteploods.

In addition to regular irrigation, the care of the feed beet suggests the complex of the following events:

  • greeting beds - weeds slow down the germination and growth of the plant;
  • when two pairs of leaves appear on the plants, it is necessary to dispel thick sections, while in the ground leave the largest and healthy copies, following the minimum distance between them (25 cm);
  • after each humidification of the soil (watering or rain), it is necessary to loosen the area between the rows to maintain the natural circulation of air and ensure oxygen access to the root system;
  • as for watering, its necessity is determined by weather conditions;
  • for 3-4 weeks before the start of cleaning work, it is necessary to stop watering, it "temper" roots in front of long-term storage and increases their bleed;
  • for active growth of feed beets, the use of mineral feeding, fertilizers are introduced twice - immediately after thinning young plants and two weeks later.

Food and fertilizer

Feed beets is a high-yielding culture, so the plant consumes a large amount of nutrients, as well as rather demanding of the chemical composition and quality of the soil.

Regardless of the climatic zone, the beets reacts well to enter the manure and mineral feeding into the soil. Throughout the term of cultivation, the need of plants in nutrients changes:

  • during the period of active growth of the ground-based part, more nitrous fertilizers are needed;
  • for the second half of the vegetation, the strengthened consumption of potassium is characterized;
  • phosphorus must be made by uniform doses throughout the time of the growing season.

The percentage ratio of nutrients for feed beets in different period of ripening


As the mass increases, the beets of the top pale, yellowing, separate leaves die away. According to the degrees of drying of beet leaves, they control the ripening process of root crops and determine when the harvest need to be removed.

In some cases, the leaves retain the green, juicy shade up to cleaning work. If you are planning to leave beets for storage, try to remove vegetables to the first frosts. In many forage varieties, the root of the garden protrudes over the surface of the bed, any effects of low temperatures reduces the root of vegetables.

It does not make sense to start the harvest to collect harvest too early - nutrients do not have time to do from the tops to the root. If the appearance of the plant is difficult to determine the degree of maturity, it is possible to navigate the terms established in the agricultural industry. It is customary to clean the feed beet from the last decade of September and the first half of October.

If the beet is grown on an industrial scale, they use special agricultural equipment - potatoes and combines for cleaning potatoes. If a plot planted with plants, small in the area, the beet is removed manually, carefully dumping it with a shovel or forks.

Store assembled harvest, like sugar and table varieties, in cellars, basements in compliance with all necessary climatic conditions. It is necessary to use those fruits that were damaged during the cleaning period.

Feed coarse was removed in the XVI century in Germany and already in the XVIII century, this culture quickly spread through Europe. The used part of the forage raids in the chemical composition differs little from other types of coarse, but its root contains a large amount of fiber and fibers.

There are forage varieties of swables - for example, Eckendorf yellow fodder , look in the section seeds Svyoklya Gavrish , and in the general section seed coats of different manufacturers.

Seeds. Beet "Eckendorf Yellow Feed"

Mid-line highly productive grade. Cylindrical root, large, yellow with green head. Yellow pulp, juicy. Growing, speaking on 2/3 above the ground.

Mass from 250 to 950

Recommended as pet food. The variety is valued for stable yield, resistance to flowerness, root of rooteplood, high nutritional value. Optimal for germination of seeds temperature of the soil 20-22 ° C.

Seeds. Beets feed "semi-chaired pink" (seed weight in package: 25 g)

Medium-stage (140-145 days) variety.

Beets are excellent pet food, increases milk nuts. Roots contain sugars, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins. The tops are fed in the fresh and juice form, used to prepare herbal flour. Roots are mostly conical, with white leather and pinkish head. Growing, speaking at 1/3-1 / 2 lengths above the ground. White flesh, dense, sharyal.

The variety is distinguished by a high content of dry substances, excellent burning, resistant to diseases. Sevings are produced in May, to a depth of 3 cm. Society for sowing: 20 x 45 cm.

Clean the roots are usually removed before the onset of frosts. Optimal for germination of seeds temperature of the soil 20-22 ° C.

Seeds. Beet "Eckendorf", Feed, red

Greasing: 82%.

Seed weight in package: 5 g

High-yielding average variety. Corneaplodes 25-27 cm long, cylindrical, with interception in the middle, red, with a juicy flesh, are easily pulling out of the ground. Great stored.

Seeds. Beet "Northern Orange Feed" (Seed Weight in Package: 10.0 g)

Greasing: 95.89.

Great pet food. Increases milk sup. Roots contain sugars, protein, fat, fiber, dry substances, vitamins, have good fierce. The tops are fed in the fresh and juice form, used to prepare herbal flour. Mid-line variety, high-yielding. The growing season is 120-130 days. Forms a roasting outlet from large, with well-developed cutters, leaves and root. The root of the elongate-oval shape, red-orange, with a dense and juicy meak smoky. Growing, speaking on 2/3 above the ground, is easily cleaned.

The middle mass of 950 g.

The grade is valued for stable yield, resistance to flossibility, alignment and high nutritional rootfields.

Feed beets moderately demanding to heat and soil fertility. Prefers loamy, sampling soils, well-solemn, rich in organic substances, non-acid.

Demanding of lighting and humidity, especially during the period of germination and development of shoots. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 2-5 ° C, shooters appear at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. Shoots transfer short-term freezes to minus 3-4 ° C. The optimal growth temperature is 15-20 ° C. Sevings are produced in May, to a depth of 3 cm. The sowing scheme is 10 x 45 cm. Clean the roots usually remove the onset of frosts. Store in the barts or storages at a temperature of 0 + 3 ° C so as to maximize the loss of nutrients, prevent the leaf rust. The grade will provide animals with juicy food throughout the winter and early spring.

Description of fodder beet

The feed cooler in the first year of life forms a large (up to 10-14 kg) a diverse form (bags, oval-conical, cylindrical, spherical) and painting (yellow, white, red, etc.) and a rosette of green leaves used as a juicy Feed (leaves are also silly), it is easily removed due to the fact that the roots of two-thirds are on the surface.

The color of the roots can be white, pink, yellow, orange and red.

It is cultivated in many European countries, in America (USA, Canada, Brazil, etc.), in Australia, New Zealand, Algeria, Tunisia, etc. Caring for sowing is similar to the care of the dining room. Clean the stern cooler potatoes, potato harvesters, beets. Store in Barts or storages. The harvest of roots comes to 900-1100 centners with hectares.

In order to get a high yield of feed beet with a high content of dry substances, when plowing for chill, you must necessarily bring semi-stewed manure and other fertilizers (compost, ash, etc.). Depending on the soil fertility, organic fertilizers and full mineral fertilizer are recommended.

The leaves of these crops are richer than root, protein, vitamins, dry substance and suitable for use in fresh and juicy form, as well as raw materials for the preparation of herbal flour and granules.

Feed beets used to feed all animal species, but Presents special value for milk cattle. With fishing - 3000kg / 1 fodder cow, it takes at least 1t roots. Feed root roots contain: 12-18% - dry substances, 1-3% - protein, 0.1% fat, 0.9% - fiber, 9.5% - carbohydrates, 0.9% - ash. In 100 kg roots - 14 feeds. Dead, and in the top 17 feed.

Feed beets also has a very large agrotechnical significance. After cleaning, the field remains clean from weeds.

Feed beets - 2 years of the plant belongs to the marchay family. In 1 year, a juicy root root is formed, and the planted in the spring of the root plant forms leaves, stems, flowers and seeds. Stem - 1m and more. Leaves heart-shaped and egg-shaped.

As the beet ripen, the mass of the root gradually increases, the leaves acquire light green color, partially yellow and die away. The degree of yellowing and dying of the tops and the weakening of the growth of the mass of root crusts serves as a practical indicator of the technical ripeness of the root beets and the signal to cleaning.

You need to have time to remove the feed beet to a steady cooling. Strong frosts can damage not only the leaves, but also parts of the rooteploods protruding over the surface of the soil.