Repairs Design Furniture

Floor screed solution in the basement. How to fill the floors in the basement on the soil? Paul in your basement

The basement requires waterproofing to a greater extent than any other room, since this part of the house is exposed to groundwater. Waterproofing should be complex, ideally it needs to be performed outside and inside the house, that is, work should begin at the stage of preparation for the foundation tab. Floor waterproofing is effective only in combination with waterproofing of the foundation and walls.

The importance of water waterproofing in the basement

The waterproofing of the floor is only one of the complex of measures to protect the basement and the above rooms from excessive humidity. It is necessary for a number of reasons:

  • Through the floor, the groundwater penetrate the foundation and further into the walls of the house, causing their destruction from the inside
  • The basement is usually used as a repository, wet floor and humid air create unfavorable conditions for storing food and non-food reserves.
  • If the basement is protected from the penetration of moisture from the outside, the dry air layer is created, which provides additional, and the dampness impairs performance features insulation

Waterproofing under the screed

The fill of the concrete floor in the basement should be preceded by a set of measures aimed at limiting the contact of groundwater with the base of the house. In a pre-aligned soil, a multi-layer bulk "pie" is created, each layer of bulk building materials It is rambling and thoroughly align:

  1. 10-40 cm rubble
  2. 10 cm of construction sand
  3. Rolled waterproofing from rubberoid or dense polyethylene film
  4. Reinforced concrete tie
  5. The second layer of rolling waterproofing, in addition to the film or rubberoid, can be used glassball
  6. Layer of thermal insulation (Minvata, Epps, ceramzit)
  7. Pure concrete screed or dry screed from sheet materials

Also on loose, porous soil can be elevated a layer of fatty clay, the rambling it and having occupied on the walls of the foundation. If the bottom layer is made of clay or the soil itself is clay, sufficiently layer of rubble with a thickness of 10 cm, if the crushed stone is poured directly to the absorbent soil, its layer should be thicker.

Rolled waterproofing panels are settled, the seams are sinking with scotch, it is better to use the molten bitumen to glue the runneroid. The edges of the rolled material must be at least 20 cm to enter the walls of the basement.

If on the site where the house is worth, high level of groundwater, the system of external waterproofing must be supplemented with a drainage system. Drainage pipes, wrapped with geotextiles, guess in a trench, which is digging around the entire perimeter of the foundation. On the bottom, the pillow of sand and rubble is pillow, on top of the pipes are covered with a layer of rubble.

After performing the finish layer, the screed can be started to waterproofing the floor from the inside of the room.

Methods of internal waterproofing floor in the basement

Waterproofing floor from the inside can be performed when the house is already built and lifted. It complements the outer waterproofing well, but cannot completely replace it. Depending on the purpose of the hydrober, several waterproofing technologies are used:

  • Refractory - performed by bitumen or polymer mastic, portland cement-based compositions
  • Penetrating (impregnating) - Processing with liquid compositions of deep penetration, a type of penetrating waterproofing is injecting
  • Rolled, inlet or weld, bitumen or membrane
  • Lit., Cold or hot. The most reliable but pretty labor-intensive wayThe formwork is pre-assembled. The mastic solution is poured with a thick layer, you can additionally reinforce the grid.

A combination of several methods of waterproofing is more efficient, for example, on top of the penetration, it is possible to perform coating or litter. Read more about Benefits and Disadvantages in different ways Waterproofing read.

Penetrating waterproofing

This technology provides the most reliable protection from capillary moisture. Compositions for waterproofing with penetrating additives are deemed deep into the pores of concrete and enter into a chemical reaction with its components. As a result, crystals impermeable for water are formed, but the vapor permeability of concrete is maintained. Penetrating waterproofing is durable, resistant to mechanical damage, increases the frost resistance of concrete.

Penetrating waterproofing effectively operates only when applying technology. The basis must be prepared, clean and degreased, so that the pores well absorbed the composition. The mixture is applied in several layers. First, the angles and seams are processed, then the entire surface area. Between the application of the layers you need to withstand the interval of about 2 hours.

It is most effective to clean with water separating from the water jet under pressure of about 20 atm. To improve adhesion, the concrete can be scratched with a wire brush, and immediately before applying the prepared mixture it must be moistened. For uniform crystallization, the moistening of concrete must be continued a few days after applying waterproofing.

When performing injection waterproofing, careful surface preparation is not required, the temperature and humidity mode also does not matter. But the technology itself is more complicated because it is necessary to download the high-flow gel or microcember into the structure of concrete special equipment. The holes are drilled by the perforator, through them with a pump with a nozzle-needle, a mixture is injected.

Foolish waterproofing

The cooler waterproofing is most accessible at a price, performed without much labor, in a short time, the compositions can be applied to any surface. Such insulation provides temporary protection for the period of floods or abundant precipitation, complies with the capillary moisture, but does not withstand water pressure. Therefore, for districts with a high level of groundwater, this solution is not suitable.

For coating waterproofing use different compositions:

  • Bituminous mastics - Malopopular B. lately Material, they are short-lived, quickly peeling, but such compounds can be used between the layers of the draft and finishing screed
  • Bituminous polymer and bitumen rubber Formulations are more reliable and durable
  • Cement-polymercompositions have high adhesion to concrete and form a vapor-permeable coating
  • The varieties of compositions for coating waterproofing are also liquid rubber I. liquid glass

A layer of coating waterproofing is applied to the surface treated surface. Depending on the consistency of the composition, a spatula (trowel), roller or a wide brush can be used to apply it.

Waterproofing liquid rubber

Waterproofing of liquid rubber resistant to water pressure, temperature drops, not exposed to rotting and burning, has an excellent clutch with the basis and is distinguished by maintainability.

  • To reduce the consumption of the material, the surface must be aligned
  • The base is processed by primer in 2 stages. Corners and cracks are primarily primarily and additionally closed with a special cloth.
  • 3-4 hours after applying the primer, you can apply liquid rubber, there are special machine installations, roller application - a more laborious process, but work is much cheaper

Waterproofing liquid glass

Waterproofing with liquid glass has the features of the coating and penetrating waterproofing. Plus such a solution is that the composition can be applied to a wet surface and indoors with a high level of humidity. Like penetrating compositions, liquid glass penetrates the structure of concrete and crystallizes. But it is short-lived, there is a gradual self-destruction of waterproofing, usually after 5 years it loses protective properties.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the composition must be prepared in small portions and to quickly produce - It grabs about half an hour and is not subject to reuse. Apply it with a roller or brush in several layers, the surface is prepared as under penetrating waterproofing.

Rolled waterproofing

The classical is performed by gluing the runneroid or roofing on the cold or hot bitumen mastic. It is also possible to press waterproofing material on a bitumen basis with gas burner or construction fabric, on the small squares can be applied soldering lamp. Traditional bituminous rolled waterproofing Briefly, vulnerable to microorganisms becomes fragile at low temperatures.

Recently, more modern rolled materials appeared, durable and incomparable rotting:

  • Gymelockeroid, hydroizol - bitumen binder, applied to the framework of fiberglass, glass cholester, asbestos cardboard
  • Brizol, Isol - blend of bitumen with rubber crumb and other fillers, as well as plasticizing additives
  • Folgoisol- material based on foamed polyethylene, performs the function of waterproofing and thermal insulation

Before laying rolled waterproofing, the base must be cleaned, handle the primer and dry. If the material passes on mastic, it must be applied by a wider band than the roll width. From above, waterproofing is rolled by a massive roller. Rolled materials They are stacked with the allen 10-15 cm and on the walls of 20 cm.

Membrane materials are a type of rolled waterproofing, a 0.2 mm thick membrane is used for the floor. It is placed with the allen 10 cm and weld with a soldering iron. In place of each admission, several welding seams are 1.5 cm wide, the distance between adjacent seams should be 2 cm.

So that the connection of the canvas succeeds in reliable, first perform welding seam on a small area and check its quality after an hour. If the seams turned out to be durable, it is possible to fasten the membranes throughout the area.


Waterproofing floor and walls of basement penetrating compositions


For effective waterproofing The floor in the basement must be carried out in several stages - under black screed, Between the draft and finishing tie, over the finishing screed. If it uses predominantly rolled waterproofing to protect the screed from the penetration of groundwater, then the basement can be resorted to various technologies.

In areas with a dry climate and a low level of groundwater, there is enough penetrating or coating waterproofing. To protect against water pressure, waterproofing is required (weapons) waterproofing, which must be performed in several layers, good defense Also provides cast insulation with liquid rubber.

In most cases, in private houses, the basement has a rather small area, so the owners are trying by all truths and inconsistencies so that the free space is as much as possible. For example, it is quite acute the question of the size of the room (in particular, its height) is in the event that the basement is used as a garage. But in the usual vegetable cellar, I want to be able to rake into full height. That is why many country households are asked about how to make the floor as low as possible. Some people decide the task drastically - they just leave the floor in the basement of the house as he was after the digging of a pit, that is, soil.

If the building is located on a relatively elevated area with good drainage, there should be no special problems with arms. On the other hand, if the ground under the house is sufficiently wet and groundwater fit close, then work on arrangement will be significantly more expensive.

When the house is still at the construction stage, then, if there is an opportunity, it is better to choose ribbon foundation. Such an approach will give certain advantages in the construction of the basement: strong walls, initial zoning of space in accordance with residential rooms etc.

Floor facilities

For the facilities of the floor in the basement can be used the following materials: concrete, soil, lags, monolithic plates.

Using monolithic plate You can talk about maximum reliability Floor. Of course, such a floor can be done only in the earliest stages of the construction of the house, that is, during the bookmark of the foundation. In addition, the basement can be comfortable and warm, if you make it the so-called "Swedish slab". This technology implies laying insulation under the stove. If the structure provides for the presence of the ground floor, then this option is also preferred. Concrete Pouring can be done directly on the ground, but best before that, the death of sand and gravel, making a kind of "cake" (pillow) before it. Such a pie increases the reliability of the design, especially if there are loams and clay on the site.

Concrete floor B. basement - The most common option.

The basement floor using lag is done in those houses where the likelihood of groundwater is minimal (or high-quality drainage system). In addition, such a coating can be made in the garage, in which there is a deep cellar.

Soil floors can also be relevant, but only in cases where it is extremely necessary to save the height of the room or money.

To fill the concrete floor in the basement, the following tools will be required:

  • Concrete mixer. If you do not have it, then the solution can be mounted manually, molding gender in small squares. Despite the fact that such work takes a lot of strength, in the basement it can be done without problems.
  • Stretch and grater. These tools will be useful when you need to align cement mortar. Concretion in this case is obtained extremely high quality. In addition, the gender is required to stall, if in the future it is supposed to fill some floor covering. If this flooring is from a tree, then additionally to align the concrete floor is required.
  • Bulgarian with stone discs.

By kneading a solution in a concrete mixer, use the ingredients in the proportions that are listed on the cement bag.

Stages of work as follows:

  1. First of all is taken building level And with his help, the bottom of the pit, which in the future will become a basement floor. Soil must be sealing any accessible tools.
  2. On the bottom of the pits, the sand is poured, which must be dissolved and put a uniform layer of 10-20 cm. It is also thoroughly tampering, while periodically irrigated with water.
  3. A medium-suffered crushed stone is swept on the sandy layer. The cushion from rubble is also carefully compacted. It turns out a kind of "cake" from sand and rubble, which will become the basis for creating a basement.
  4. Then there comes a queue of the creation of a floor waterproofing layer. In most cases, a traditional runneroid or some kind of modern material In the form of a canvas. Laying the rubberoid should be carried out with a climbing cloths at each other about 10 cm. In addition, they must go for about 25 cm.
  5. Next comes the time of thermal insulation. To make the base floor, usually apply heat-insulators based on stone or basalt wool, fiberglass. Materials of this type will be highly absorbed by the moisture that appeared, thereby preventing the basement. Of course, mineral wool insulation quickly come into disrepair, so it is recommended to use modern thermal insulators (for example, polyurethane foam).
  6. You can also make heat insulation in the basement of the private house, using foam high density. The material must be laid as close as possible. All the gaps formed are necessarily closed using a mounting sealant.
  7. Increased attention should be paid to the gaps that will be formed at the point of contact heat insulating material With the walls of the basement. In these zones, it is not necessary to use foam, leaving a special gap. It is necessary, because in the event of a soil beating without it, the heat-insulating layer and the concrete screed can be deformed. As a rule, the width of the gap does not exceed the pair of centimeters.

After all the preparation stages, go directly to the pouring of the concrete solution.


If the basement assumes the installation of some heavy devices (for example, machines for the workshop), then the floor must additionally rein and make greater thickness (more than 10 cm). In the event that there will be no major load on the floor in your basement, it is quite enough of a concrete solution thickness of 5 cm. Reinforcement of the base in this case will not be required.

For creating reinforced belt Mesh made from fittings. The thickness of the reinforcement rods should be 5 mm. They are associated with a wire.

Cement mortar must be made in accordance with the proportions specified by the manufacturer. All elements of the future solution must be mixed in the concrete mixer. Gradually, water is added to the solution until it acquires the necessary viscosity and plasticity.

Paul concreting should occur in stages, but without breaks. The solution must be aligned all over the surface area. Before the fill of concrete, it is best to install beacons that will visually demonstrate the thickness of the concrete layer. The resulting "pie" from sand, gravel and concrete will successfully cope with the loads.

In order for the thickness of concrete everywhere the same use a special beacon profile.

As soon as the cement solution is dry, it is necessary to polish concrete surface. But before this process, expansion seams are made. The grinder with a special disk the surface is cut in such a way that there are several meters between the seams. This simple way helps to prevent the cracking of the concrete floor in the future.

Glina floor

The device of basement floors on the soil has one undeniable advantage over ordinary concreting - the floors will be warmer. In addition, clay is a good waterproofer. If the entire process of the floor of the floor is carried out correctly, then such a surface will be able to serve not one dozen years and without demanding repair and special service.

Stages of work to create sex on the soil are as follows:

  1. Preparatory Stage: The bottom of the pit is thoroughly aligned and compacted so that the base is as reliable as possible.
  2. A mixture of rubble with clay is performed, after which the mixture is poured by a layer of 10-20 cm. The mixture is pretty aligned and tamper.
  3. Under the rubbish layer is necessarily a damp with a clay or slag. These materials in this case will act as thermal insulators.
  4. To give the floor maximum strength, the first chrid layer is concreted by an additional layer of cement-sandy solution.
  5. After drying the clay and chick layer, one more similar layer is needed, making a kind of pie from materials.
  6. The density of the floor on the ground in the basement of the private house will be the maximum, if the layers do as thin as possible. The layers must be alternate until the required thickness is reached.
  7. As soon as the surface of rubble and clay will completely dry, the floor on the soil must be labeled with liquid clay. If you find some cracks, they also need to be sealed with a clay solution.
  8. For floors on the ground, the top coating can be ceramic tile, laminate and any other flooring.

Floor laying on lags

If you decide to make the floor in the basement of your private house on wooden lagsthen the first thing you need to choose suitable woodAnd also think over the waterproofing layer in advance.

Best choose good dried barwhich will be an excellent solution for lag. The size is recommended to choose 15/15. Edged boards The small thickness (4-5 cm) will be the base for the surface. Unlike floors on the ground, to fit the set of layers and do "pie" in this case do not need.

Stages of work are as follows:

  1. Wood first needs to be treated with antiseptic compositions. Increased attention should be paid to the sides and the end of the board.
  2. The bar is poured into segments of the required length.
  3. When laying boards, you should take into account the presence of a small gap in several centimeters, which should be between the wall and the first board.
  4. In the location of the lag, it is necessary to lay a rubberoid in several layers. Between lags should not be big Distance (calculated in accordance with the length of the boards).
  5. To fix the bars, long nails are used that need to be scored under a minor angle.
  6. If you have chosen pinned boards, then each you need to mount the groove system.

In the event that you have chosen the design on the lags, in advance, refer to the deepening of the earthen bottom of the pit, as the floor in the basement of the house will have a significant thickness. This recess must be at least 30 cm.

If the soil on your site is humid enough, then the option with the floor of the basement of a private house from the boards is better not to choose, because over time, despite high quality Waterproofing, boards will still start gradually referring.

The basement is deep underground, so cementing and waterproofing of floors and walls should be produced. It is advisable in the case of:

  • heating basement;
  • use as a residential room;
  • applications for workshop arrangement, gym, garage, saunas;
  • placement of boiler room or similar technical premises;
  • accommodation for storage of products;
  • high humidity of soils.

When exposed to wet evaporations from raw land, pipes, furniture, equipment, wall decoration and ceilings are spoiled. The house may come to the emergency.

Tools and materials

To perform the process will require such tools:

  • bucket;
  • shovel;
  • grater and trowel;
  • foundation traam;
  • capacity for concrete solution;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • level;
  • waterproofing;
  • construction Scotch;
  • fittings or steel grid;
  • beacons;
  • a rule for aligning concrete;
  • bulgarian with stone discs;

Materials will need:

  • cement M400;
  • standard crushed stone;
  • career sand;
  • tap water;
  • chemical additives that increase the hydrophobicity, concrete strength (if necessary).

Instead of shovels, a concrete mixer is suitable for mixing the concrete solution. With its help, the process of cooking a high-quality mix will go faster.

Technological process

Concrete floor in the basement is made in six stages:

  1. Drain is a width that takes into account the size of the walls and formwork.
  2. Creating a sandy pillow with rubble.
  3. Installation of formwork.
  4. Layout layer waterproofing.
  5. Strengthening reinforcement.
  6. Pouring concrete.

Paul preparation for cementing

The soil concreting is the perfect version for a screed.

The ideal option For masonry screed in the basement is the soil concreting. Preparatory work Minimize: get rid of garbage, vegetation, dump ground and can be started to the screed. When new floors are installed on top of the old, follow:

  • stripping an old coating with the subsequent detection of flaws;
  • elimination of slots and chips by their expansion and processing of sand-cement or polymer composition;
  • dismantling unrefidentious sites;
  • adjustment of the height of the base of the reserves by the milling machine;
  • cleaning the surface from dust, otherwise the adhesion of concrete with the old floor will worsen.

If it does not go out to create a perfectly flat base from the old coating, it is recommended to put a submersible layer.

Failure pillow and rambling

When laying the floor directly to the ground, it is immediately carried out by its traam, then from rubble or small stone. The layer will give the basis of hardness, will prevent the possibility of cracking. Then the pillow of sand is stacked with a layer of 0.5-1 m, which can lose up to 25% with a further tamper roller or vibrator. This fact must be taken into account when drought. After sealing, the sand is watering water.


After the construction of the pillow and its traaming, waterproofing is carried out. The quality of this work depends on the moisture resistance of the future floor. The height of this parameter will allow, damage to the property. Bitumen rolls are used for waterproofing, polymeric material or dense polyethylene film.

The selected material is stacked by braziness all over the floor and fastens with scotch. There should be no discontinuity and cracks. Surplus are cut. The backrest of waterproofing on the wall is 25 cm. This will protect the joints from moisture. You can also isolate from moisture and the first layer of concrete. For this, coating insulating materials are used.

Laying metal grid

With a large area of \u200b\u200bthe basement on the floor, it is recommended to lay the reinforcing layer in order to strengthen the design. Initially, the surface must be divided into squares. Then the marking of 2-2.5 cm with a thickness of 2-2.5 cm.

Armature is selected depending on the purpose of the room and the alleged load. You can use thick metal rods or reinforcing mesh (knitted, welded). As a rule, a road grid with a rod diameter is 0.5 cm.

Lightach exhibition and screed

Before it is important to put lighthouses correctly. From the work done depends how even the surface will turn out. The formation of beacons is carried out at the laying stage of the first portion using half the volume of the mixture. At a distance of 1 m from each other, elevations are created, a rake with risk is put on top. With the help of a level set by levetling, the top of the lighthouses under the bottom of the rails is adjusted.

For floor screed, a solution of a solution is not lower than M400. Small marble or granite is mixed as a placeholder. For the first layer of laying, a complementar or plasticizer is added. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bwork, it is used for alignment or a deep vibrator.


When concrete clings, you can start the pouring of the walls.

After the laying of each layer of concrete, it is necessary to wait for a while for which the tie gains strength and dries. This process can occur without interference at least a day. To accelerate the process of frozen the concrete screed without loss of strength, it is recommended to use the operation. To do this, the filter material is placed on the smooth concrete, which is covered with airtight mate. The Mata Center joins the vacuum pump pipe, which pulls out excess moisture, without damaging the quality of the screed. For drying, this method will require only 7 hours.

The drying of the concrete is completed if the trail is left to 4 mm on its surface.

When concrete is sufficiently stronger, you can remove the beacons and scratch the furrows with sand-cement. Walking along the surface of fresh concrete is better using a plywood sheet. After that, the floor is covered with a polyethylene film. Full maturation of concrete - 28 days.

Grinding and putting

Grout starts from the walls and door openings In the middle. To do this, it is recommended to use Topping or a concrete completion. The process is considered completed when the surface completely absorbs the rapid material. The process is repeated three times. The final stage is the one that the tracker remains to 1 mm on the concrete. For a screed with a small load, 5 kg will be needed, for average variables - 8 kg, for colored floors - 8 kg of grouts per 1 m2.

For many, the basement is associated with the cellar. And this is to some extent true. Ate the basement insulation, to provide ventilation, make a high-quality floor - then the extra room for storing agricultural products is ready. Obviously, if constant dampness in the basement is pernicably affecting both the foundation and the walls of the house. So this very lower floor should be given due attention.

In order to decide what floor in the basement should be known that there are only two ways for this:

  • on the soil: global or concrete floors
  • that sex that is lagged on lags

The level of groundwater should be determined in the selection between these two options. If they are close to the surface, it is preferable to a concrete floor.

The beginning of work is cleaning the garbage, alignment and the end of the earth's surface. If you wish to make glot floors, they will undoubtedly be warmer. If your choice fell on concrete base, then such a floor will be colder than global, but much stronger than it. The basement foundation should be on a frost-resistant depth.

Paul basement floor on the soil

We arrange global flooring

For the floor base device, lay a layer of rubble mixed with clay. The layer thickness must be at least 10-12 cm. Crushed stone with clay should be good to rav. After the first layer of rubble dry, fill the second same, but less thickness: 6-8 cm. After drying and this layer, you need to close the resulting cracks. For example, lime-clay mortar.

We arrange a concrete floor

For concrete sex, it is first necessary to prepare the basis. It is suitable, the so-called, the underlying layer. It is performed from rubble or gravel. Next, the base is aligned and compacted. In order for the floor to be filled extremely smoothly, we are determined with the floor height and mark on the wall using the marker. Next, we work the hydrorem: according to the label on the same wall, we find the desired height On the opposite and celebrate the marker. Depending on how large the basement area, we set one or more marks in the form of a metal rod at a distance of 1-1.5 m. From each other, on which we also note the desired height found using a hydraulic level. Pruts should simply drive into the base of the floor.

Cement mortar 1: 5 pour the floor. Focusing on the labels, the rule align the layer of concrete. In the course of work, the rod with tags must be pulled out and reinforce with them. After 3-4 days as the solution solidification, the final fill with a more liquid solution should be performed, which will eliminate all flaws. During the formation of the second concrete layer, it must be periodically moistened to increase the strength characteristics.

Poland waterproofing

In the case of a high level of groundwater, we arrange additional hydroxulation. To do this cover the floor bituminous mastic and fill the rubberoid layer. (You can two layers by luring them with each other by the same mastic). After that, when the surface hardens, one more layer of concrete solution should be pouring. After and this layer will find the strength, pour the aligning layer of the concrete screed. Its thickness should not exceed 1 cm.

Paul basement floor lags

If you are solving, from which to make the floor in the basement, stopped at this option, then some nuances should be taken into account. Depending on what kind of soil (dry or wet) and the level of groundwater, we solve the issue of waterproofing. If the expected moisture is high, then the wooden floor should be refused, and make a concrete. If everything is in order, proceed. You will need:

  • lags: from well-dried wood with a diameter of 150 mm.
  • boards: Topped thick 40-50 mm thick.

Tree to be treated with antiseptic solution. Crop board to length, which is 2-3 cm. In short, the length of the room. The first board should be deposited in 1.5 cm. From the wall, in order to avoid deformation of the floor from the natural movement of the soil with temperature drops.

For lag logs, it should be trimmed by the length of the room. Under the logs (timber) need to store rubberoid sheets. Lags set strictly by level. After it is done, we put the flooring from the board: nails 6-7 cm. Scrolls are obliquely, attract the boards to lags.

Sevective layers of wood on adjacent boards should "look" in different directions. So the floor will turn out to be more even. On wooden flooring, you can put a linoleum or a plated for the floor.

  • Date: 16-05-2014
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How to do concrete screed in the basement?

When the water penetration into the basement, it performs on the floor and walls, forming mold and dampness. If after rainstone or with the beginning of the melting of snow in social floor Water is going, it is necessary to take urgent measures to drain and make a screed. Before making a screed, you must prepare the appropriate basis and waterproofing.

Preparation for the fulfillment of floor screed in the basement of the house

To the device screed in the basement you need to come up with maximum responsibility. The reliability of the floor is the key to its long-term service to its owner. In the following instructions, you can learn in detail about all the work on the preparation of the basis for the screed and technology of its implementation.

Good and properly performed floor screed in the cellar - it's perfect smooth surface, which is nice even just look.

However, the high-quality screed of the floor is good not only with its appearance, but also by the fact that it can significantly reduce the time to fulfill all further work. Once by making a good tie, you will no longer come across the future with various problems of floor coverings.

To independently make the tie of the floor in the basement, it is necessary to prepare the basis. Most durable option - This is a concrete floor. Concrete is universal Material under the tile and any other floor coverings. To make a light tie with your own hands you may need the following tools and materials:

  • shovel;
  • bake;
  • pipes;
  • water;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • foam concrete;
  • perforator;
  • insulating material;
  • pine timber;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • lamps;
  • wiring;
  • plinth;
  • lining.

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Preparation of the base for screed and the main features of the process

This stage consists of work on cleaning the floor of the basement or the base of grass and other vegetation. This can be done by removing the soil layer to the depth of 20 cm. One of the options for absolute soil cleaning from the residues of vegetation is to remove the layer of the earth with a thickness of 50 cm and the saturation of coarse sand. The laid land in any case should be carefully tumped over the entire surface.

The next stage is preparation for further concreting. The levels of all the following layers are installed. You need to make labels on the walls, after which it is to stretch thread or rope. On a pre-compacted layer of the Earth, place a layer of gravel or crushed stone with a thickness of 10 cm. For the maximum uniform location of the material on the floor area, in addition to the necessary labels on the walls, small pegs are driven through each 1 m. Pegs must perform by about 10 cm and form a flat surface.

For compaction, uses specially adapted for this. metal plate with wooden handle. Such a seal can be bought in the store or make yourself from the remedies.

Behind the layer of stones or gravel is placed a layer of coarse sand. The thickness of the layer is 50 cm. With the help of a special wooden traaming, you need to carefully tumble a layer of sand. After that stacked polyethylene film 0.25 mm thick. The edges of the film should go beyond the boundaries of the future layer. Next poured a concrete mixture.

To make a screed in the basement, you can buy a ready-made concrete M300 brand or prepare it yourself, mixing 1 piece of cement, 2 parts of sand and 3 pieces of rubbank. The required amount of concrete is calculated by multiplying the layer thickness to the room area. In the case of a screed floor in the basement of the house, as a rule, a layer of 10 cm thick is suitable.

Before starting work, the entire room is placed on a strip of a width of about 100 cm with wooden Reques. The top of the speakes is set at a predetermined level, which was previously said, denoted by thread or twine. The mixture is stacked with the help of a shovel and is aligned with the rail of 120-150 cm rail and a cross section of 10x6 cm.

The concrete mixture is stacked consistently in accordance with the racks installed. In the future, the rails are removed, and the resulting gaps are filled with mortar. In order not to damage the film, it is necessary to lay the boards. Concrete need to give a hardness (28-30 days). In order to improve the quality of concrete, it is periodically watering with water and is covered with polyethylene. If you wish, you can buy and use cement mixes with accelerated drying.

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Waterproofing device before tie

Waterproofing of the floor of the basement before the tie has the same important as the protection of the building as a whole. Properly organized protection of the floor from the harmful effects of water will significantly extend its service life.

The main task of the waterproofing system is not only ensuring the protection of the floor from moisture, but also align its surface. From above on a concrete screed can be laid any coating: parquet, laminate, linoleum. The main task A vocational screed of the floor is to eliminate cracks and irregularities. As a rule, professionals are engaged in performing such work, but if you have some time and desire, you can try to make a screed in your basement yourself.

However, consider that if such a system is incorrect, the water will begin to penetrate the water. It is for this reason that it is first necessary to prepare a waterproofing layer from the inside. Acids, alkalis and salt, getting onto a concrete or wooden floor, begin to actively destroy it. In view of this, before performing the screed of the floor, the protection of not only floors in the house is necessarily prepared, but also in the basement. The device of such a system involves the mounting of a special hydraulic protection fencing from the inside, proper preparation The bases and drowning of moisture insulation, as well as the milestone of deforming seams. The specific system is selected depending on the material in which the floor will be covered in the future, and the species of a particular room in which such work will be carried out with your own hands.

The following materials are used to protect the floor of the basement and residential premises:

  • isol;
  • brizol;
  • PVC film;
  • hydroisol;
  • polyisobutylene;
  • dubbed polyethylene.

If there is no too aggressive impact on the floor, you can use a simple inlet waterproofing. In such cases, material is used based on bitumen, which is laid at least 2 layers. In the case, if the material based on polymers is used, 1 layer will be sufficient. With high water level, the waterproof layer from the inside must be increased by 2 times.

Waterproofing in accordance with the main material used for its manufacture, is the following types:

  • asphalt;
  • mineral;
  • metallic;
  • plastic.

By your device, water moisture can be divided into:

  • calane;
  • paint;
  • plaster;
  • falling;
  • litter;
  • impregnating;
  • injection;
  • mounted.

With a low verge of water for the waterproofing device, you can use an ordinary inexpensive runner. Of course, it is easiest to simply deceive the floor, the ceiling and the wall by mastic in several layers. Similar option scoop protection Also quite suitable for basement rooms.

Remember the simple thing: what land you want to get a base or basement room, the thicker should be a waterproofing layer. Ruberoid Mono roll over the pre-prepared pure and primed surface, lubricated with special mastic. After that, re-apply the layer of mastic, and after that it is to roll out the ruberoid. It is necessary to prepare 2-3 layers of such protection.

Most optimal option For basement rooms - this is the bay waterproofing. To do this, in the floor it is necessary to dug a small hole and make a sandy pillow. From above the whole surface is poured concrete solution. The thickness of such waterproofing should be at least 50 cm (taking into account the thickness of the sand pillow).