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The right device of floors on the soil is the technology nuances. Installation of a black screed of concrete floor Pouring a rough floor on a soil. What layer

When building houses with a belt foundation often, a draft floor is performed in order to save. This type of base allows you to create a reliable heat-insulating coating that does not require additional enhancement of the supporting structure. The technological process of the fill is not difficult, but requires a special approach to laying a building cake.

The formation of a draft base immediately to the soil is performed in accordance with the technological requirements specified in the construction regulations of the joint venture of the joint venture 31 - 10. According to it, the design of this type of gender must necessarily include the underlying reservoir of at least 10 centimeters, a polyethylene film 15 microns and a concrete screed of 5 centimeters.

To lay a durable, durable and reliable grounds for the soil. Experienced masters recommend adding pie such as layers:

  1. Layer screed on the underlying pillow of rubble or sand. Such a protective reservoir will avoid damage to the waterproofing coating from the bottom and hermetically closes all the joints.
  2. Insulation. For such a layer, the extruded polystyrene foam with high density should be used.
  3. Reinforcing protection. Metal grid is used to strengthen the concrete base and prevent its destruction during loads.
  4. Damper Plast. On the entire perimeter of the base, a special tape of polystyrene is installed, which protects the screed from expansion when exposed to external factors.

The height of the floor on the soil may be different. There are no special rules for its definition, but determining such a parameter, the location of the entrance door should be taken into account.

Types of black screed

Screed on the ground can be performed in various versions. The method of its laying is affected by the materials used. Depending on this, the rough styling of wet and dry type is separated. Each type of screed has its own execution technology.


Such a rough fill is a cake consisting of their considerable number of layers. Laying the floor using a dry method is performed in such a sequence:

  • vapor insulation reservoir;
  • pillow of sand or clay;
  • material for alignment of the floor - gypsum, plywood, chipboard or OSB.

For reliability, the base is covered with wood coating in two layers. Material sheets are fastened with screws.


This type of screed is performed at the expense of cement-sand fill. Before that, the sand pillow, waterproofing and insulation layer be placed. The mortar is poured over the entire cake and is aligned. Subsequently, a durable coating is obtained on which the facial basis can be laid.

Advantages and disadvantages of styling the draft base on the ground

Installation of the floor immediately has many advantages:

  • good thermal insulation of the house, which is provided by the ground under the sex coated;
  • there is no need to create a ventilation system;
  • low cost of work;
  • the possibility of self-installation;
  • there is no need for insulation of engineering communications;
  • ensuring good sound insulation in the building;
  • no need to further strengthen the foundation.

When installing warm floors, the basis of this type allows you to evenly distribute heat throughout the coating.

Among the disadvantages of the use of draft floor laying on the ground can be allocated:

  • at the failure of communications laid under the penis basis, a complete dismantling and a new installation of a draft base, which entails additional costs;
  • lack of basement;
  • when installing the floor heating system, the room height can significantly decrease.

If it is necessary to create a high base, a large amount of soil is required. At the same time, costs are much increasing when laying a lower cake layer.

Properly made rough floors on the soil allows you to save heat in the house under all weather conditions. In addition, such a base makes it possible to ensure the strength of the whole sexual coating and can be used to lay various finishing finishes.

Rough floor on the soil do it yourself

The process of laying a draft floor immediately to the soil is quite simple. Under all the rules for the preparation and formation of the necessary messages, the installation of such a basis can be independently.

Preparation of the foundation

Initially, with the help of a laser level, it is necessary to establish the performance of the working area. For this, the highest and low points are determined on the surface. The established data will help calculate the amount of material required to prepare the floor and assess the amount of the entire workflow.

An important meaning in the preparation of the soil is the removal of an unsuitable layer and seal. So that the base has not seated after it laying the entire cover of the black soil containing the organic elements is removed. After that, the surface is covered with natural soil into the composition that includes a minimum number of clay mixtures.

In the process of designing the base for laying the floor, it is also necessary to fully tackle the land. For these purposes, you can use a special construction rink. Such a procedure avoids further soil drawdown and protects the draft base from spreading.

From above on the prepared, the rammed surface is covered with a sandy-gravel pillow. Its thickness should be at least 60 centimeters. To increase the strength on top of such a layer, it is recommended to put the layer of clay.

Pillow from sand and gravel must be formulated gradually. First falls asleep, wetted with water and one layer is torn in 20 centimeters, and then formed the rest of the layer. Such a sequence of laying will make it possible to create a stronger base.


Waterproof coating is an important element of a black floor cake. The waterproofing layer allows you to protect the tie of concrete from water, which can be seamless from the soil and will extend its operational period.

Special rolled products are used as a moisture protection material on a bitumen basis. You can also use a dense polyethylene film. It is best to spread it in two layers.

Laying of waterproofing should be carried out by one large reservoir without junctions. If the pieces are still used, then all the connections are completely tightly harmonized with a tape.

The material used for waterproofing should not only completely cover the base of the draft floor, but also go to 20 centimeters to the walls of the wall.

Often laying the coating enhanced from moisture does not provide complete protection. This is due to the fact that close all the joints in the sand is quite difficult or sharp elements of the rubble disturb the integrity of the waterproofing layer. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a submersible fill. It is done without the use of reinforcing material. The design of the foundation is protected by a damper ribbon and a concrete mixture is poured with a thickness of 3 to 5 centimeters.

Heat insulation

Floor insulation has quite large importance when laying a rough screed. Therefore, when choosing a heat-insulating material, it should be paid attention not only to its value, and on the technical characteristics.

When creating a draft base for the soil, polystyrene foam, ceramzite or basalt cotton wool are mainly used. Sometimes for the insulation of the floor, foam of the PSB - 35 brand is used under the condition of its fence from the cement solution with a polyethylene film.

The best thermal insulation coating is the polystyrene foam. It is not suiced, but has all the necessary properties to maximize heat conservation. The polystyrene foam plates are easy mounted. When they are styling, the gaps do not undertake, which ensures the surface fully surprised by moisture.

Polystyrene foam - material for the isolation of rough flooring on the soil

Any heat-insulating material used is fixed in the junction. To preserve its initial characteristics, it is recommended to lay an additional waterproofing coating on top. This will fully protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture from all sides.

When using basalt wool requires more thorough protection. Such material has high thermal insulation qualities, but is able to quickly absorb moisture, which leads to the deterioration of its properties.


To get a sturdy and reliable black screed required to lay additional amplification. For these purposes, a reinforcing metal mesh is used, which will give strength to the base and make it capable of withstanding the highest loads.

Reinforcement is made on top of the laid layers. A grid is installed from metal rods for special supports. They are necessary in order for the hardening material when filling with a mortar, it is precisely in the cement-sand tie, otherwise the reinforcing layer will become useless.

To enhance the base, a mesh with small cells is used, the size of which does not exceed 10 * 10 centimeters. The smaller the distance between the rods, the stronger will be a screed. But still it should be taken into account that the cement composition freely passed between metal elements.

When laying the grid should be raised to a height of 2 - 3 centimeters. It must completely cover the entire surface of the draft floor. A reinforced product is installed in one or two cells.

Dampfer layer

To cut off the draft base from the elements of the foundation, wall or base around the perimeter, a damper tape is fixed. It protects the entire structure of the flooring from the temperature expansion, which can lead to cracking.

As a damper layer, the strips of polystyrene can be used. They are sick to the bottom of the walls. Their width must slightly exceed the layer of cement-sand fill. The extra details of the material protecting the expansion of the material after the shaft floor of the black floor can be simply trimmed.


The last layer in the rough base on the soil is the Sug. For its formation, a solution of sand, cement and water is used. The construction mixture is mixed with a special mixer.

Pouring is performed immediately on the prepared black base pies. Bewares are installed for alignment of the screed. They can be fixed with putty or gypsum.

The solution laid on the surface should completely cover the reinforcing grid. In this case, the cement mixture should be distributed on the basis evenly. Its alignment is performed using the construction rule on established beacons.

After the cement-sand tie alignment, the solution should be given slightly grabbing and checking the evenness of the created base. This uses a construction level. In the absence of any differentials, you can pour the floor to the ground to consider the completed.

So that the concrete screed has gained strength, it takes at least 14 days. During this period, further work on the design of the base cannot be performed.

The first few days after filling the screed must be moisturized to eliminate the drying. Also, it is recommended to cover the concrete floor with a polyethylene film for better cursing.

When the cement-sand fill will slightly freeze all beacons you can delete. The remaining field of them hollow areas should be poured with a solution.

Laying the draft sex on the ground will allow not only to save money, but and create a reliable basis. The strength of such a coating depends on the correct installation of the entire cake. In compliance with all technological requirements, you can make a strong draft floor with your own hands.

Concrete floor of the soil in a private house is a long-known universal way to arrange a reliable and warm base. Due to the use of new types of insulation, we obtain good thermal insulation of the entire floor, which leads to a decrease in utility costs. As well as the insulation is an obstacle to penetrate moisture and the appearance of fungus and mold.

And the most important thing is that this type of gender you can build your own hands. In this article we will analyze all the advantages and disadvantages. Consider the floor arrangement in detail on the soil.

Paul by soil: pros and cons

Let's start with the fact that this type of floor is a "puff pastry". And each layer has its own functions and its purpose, due to such a device, the floor on the soil has several advantages:

There are not many shortcomings, but they are all, they are:

Cannot be used on wicked soils.

How to make the right floor design on the soil

We will consider the right classic floor structure with you, which will consist of 9 layers. Each layer will understand separately.

Immediately it is worth saying that every wizard and specialist the number of layers can change, and the materials may also differ.

This type of floors is ideal for the ribbon type of foundation. The average thickness of the "Floor Cake" approximately is 60-70 cm. This should be considered when the foundation is erected.

If you do not have enough foundation, we choose soil, to a given depth. Running the surface and tamper. For convenience in the corners around the perimeter, a scale should be made in increments of 5 cm. It will be more convenient to navigate in the layers and levels.

It is important that the soil is best to rent a vibroplite, since a manual way will take a lot of time and will not give such results as a special device.

Clay. If during the sample of the Earth you reached the clay layer, then you should not fall asleep a new one. The thickness of the layer must be at least 10 cm.

Clay is sold in bags, it is pouring it out and wetted with a special solution (4 liters of water + 1 teaspoon of liquid glass), and we carry out the tamper using vibratinglitis. After tamping, shed a layer of clay cement milk (10 liters of water + 2 kg. Cement).

Make sure that there is no puddle. As soon as you spend this composition of clay, the process of crystallization of glass begins.

The day should not be done, it is worth waiting for the crystallization process to grab, and it will end in approximately 14-16 days. This layer prevents the main flow of water from the soil.

Layer of waterproofing material. The task of this layer, protect the insulation from moisture. You can use runneroid, polymer-bitumen materials, PVC membranes and polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 0.4 mm.

In the case of the runner, it is preferable to put it in two layers, on liquid bitumen. Put the waterproofing of the mustache between themselves and on the walls.

Between themselves 10-15 cm, and on the walls on the height of the floor level. Suts are definitely sick by the construction scotch. Waterproofing material should be walking in soft shoes.

Insulation + layer of vaporizolation. The best insulation material is extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS). For an EPPS certificate, a thickness of 5 cm. Can replace 70 cm. Layer of clay.

But so, you can use pelitobetone and opilk concrete. The insulation sheets are laid without junctions, so that one plane formed.

Thickness is determined depending on the region, the recommended thickness of the insulation is 5-10 cm. Some uses mats with a thickness of 5 cm. And two layers are placed, with shutter offset, and the upper seams are sinking with special scotch.

In order to remove the bridges of cold from the foundation or base, the insulation is placed vertically and fasten with a dowel from the inside. Experts recommend to insulate the base and outside, with one sheet of insulation and also fasten with dowels.

From above the insulation, it follows, lay a layer of vaporizolation. PVC membranes are best used as a vapor insulation material, they are not amenable to the process of rotting and have a long service life. The minus of this material is the high cost.

The main task of a vapor barrier material is the protection of the insulation from the descending alkaline effect of the concrete solution. The material is placed on the bracket 10-15 cm. And sample the construction scotch.

Smoothing We produce using the rule or vibration. As soon as the solution serves, the beacons should be removed, and the cavities are filled with mortar.

All concrete floor should be covered with a film and water periodically. A month later, concrete will take full force. To pour concrete with your own hands, make a solution of the following composition: cement + river sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

In the case of the use of warm floor, water or electric technology. Must be mounted using a black screed of the floor on the soil.

After laying the insulation, a laying of pipes or wires. Then poured the cavities with concrete, we put the reinforcing elements and continue to fill the concrete to a specified level.

Floor floors can be used not only in brick and stone houses, but the same, in the houses of wood. With the right approach and correct calculations, the layers do not harm the wooden elements.

Finish flooring. The resulting concrete surface is suitable for any kind of pure flooring. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

As it was above the combination of components, and the number of layers may be different. It all depends on your finances and opportunities.


As we all know that through the floor can leave from 20 to 30% of heat. In cases where there is no "Warm floor" system, the floors should be as thermally insulated, and this in turn increases the energy efficiency of the whole house.

The owner of a private house receives comfort, comfort and savings on payments for utilities. Floor floors with insulation are a highly efficient and long-term choice of each owner.

Most developers, choosing the floor design of the first floor, consider two options. The first is reinforced concrete plates.

Second - wooden beams (lags). The fact that you can make a high-quality and inexpensive floor of the soil, many do not guess.

Meanwhile, this design can not be called new. It began to apply an artificial stone called concrete after the invention.

About what is a floor covering on a bulk soil, which is the pros and cons, we will talk in this article.

In essence, the floor of the soil is the "pillow" of a small rubble or clay, on which a reinforced plate of monolithic concrete lies. Ballast benchmark performs two tasks:

  • raises the level of the coating to the specified height;
  • transmits the weight of the design to the ground.

From soil moisture and heat loss floor protects the insulation, laid on the waterproofing layer.

The bearing base of such a coating is a layer of soil. Therefore, the main risk factors for the floor of the ground in a private house - frosty, and moisture. The first threat is blocked due to the insulation of the basement basement outside the leaf foam. It cuts off a cold bridge, causing freezing of water.

It should be noted that with constant accommodation in the house, the temperature of the soil under it never falls below zero degrees. If the building is empty in winter, then frosty powder powers are able to cause cracks in a concrete tie and deform it. In this case, without insulation, the base cannot do.

Protection against soil moisture - the event is relative is simple only at a low groundwater level (2-3 meters). On raw and swampy sites from the device of such a coating it is better to refuse. The cost of waterproofing and strengthening the foundation in this case increases significantly.

For pile and columnar foundations, the stove on the ground is not the best solution. In this case, the cost of protection of frost's bellows is higher than when using the foundation "ribbon".

Construction technology

There are two ways of furniture of floors on the ground:

  • On concrete training;
  • Without a rough layer of concrete directly on the compacted base (pillow).

The first way today is rarely used. It was designed at a time when the rubberoid was used to protect the floor from moisture. To glue it, they made a layer of concrete training (draft floor).

The second option is easier and cheaper. Modern waterproofing materials can be opened directly on the ballast pillow without stickers on a solid base.

The process of the concrete floor device on the soil begins with the supelting of the underlying layer. Before that, the laying of water supply and sewage networks should be completed.

For submailing you can use any well sealing soil. For this, small crushed stone is suitable (fraction 5-10 mm), large river sand or sandy-gravel mixture. The pillow is poured with layers of 15 cm, shedding every water and sealing manual or mechanical tamping.

Sealing subfolding vibrotrambovka

To improve thermal insulation, the upper pillow level can be made of clay gravel (10 cm). The total thickness of the ballast "cake" should be in the range from 30 to 40 cm.

Film waterproofing, laid under the insulation, needs to be protected from damage to acute crushed stone and putting it with clay. Therefore, the subferee is completed with a 5-centimeter layer of compacted sand. The thickness of the film laid on the ground should be at least 0.4 mm.

Putting the film isolation, its strips are spread with an overlap at 10-15 cm, fixing them with a construction scotch. The edges are pitted on the masonry, to the height equal to the total thickness of the insulation, the concrete screed and the finish coating. Between the constructive "cake" of the floor, the walls of the partitions are leaving the thermosoror of 2-3 cm wide. It is filled with trimming of polyethylene foam or special thermal tape.

For insulation of the base, an EPPS can be used (extruded polystyrene foam), opilk concrete or pelitobeton. Often, waterproofing under the foam is not laid, since it practically does not absorb moisture. From above it is covered with a polymer film. It protects the insulation from the destructive effect of the alkaline medium of the cement mortar.

Under lightweight concrete on sawdust and perlite, polyethylene film is needed. The thickness of the listed heat insulators is not the same. For EPPS, it is 50 mm. The layer of opium and pelitobetone should be at least 10 cm.

Putting the heat insulation, on its surface make a concrete screed on a fine-grained filler (fraction 5-10 mm, 10 cm thickness). Work is performed in two stages. First poured a layer with a thickness of 5 cm and placed on it a steel mesh (cell 10x10 cm, wire diameter 3-4 mm). After that, the screed thickness is adjusted to the design level determined by the calculation of the alleged loads. Recommended concrete class B12.5.

This is how the right cake of floors are obtained at a low level of soil waters. Chernovaya concrete preparation for a hard insulation is not done. There is no real benefit from it, and the growth value of 1m2 ready-made design is very tangible.

Installation of the heating system (warm floor) changes technology and sequence of work. In this case, first on the rammed pillow poured black concrete preparation and lay a layer of waterproofing. Setting the insulation (EPPS), it fixes the pipes and make the alignment tie from concrete. The reinforcing grid is placed above the pipes or warming cable.

Along the way, we note that the floors on the ground can be done not only in brick, block, but also in wooden houses. With a competent approach, the ballast backfall does not have a negative impact on the wood.

One of the options for the correct interface of such a design with chopped walls is shown in the diagram below.

Pairing knot with wooden wall

With a low cov, the concrete slab lying on the clay or on the layer of the compacted waterproof beam is made in the basement. This is a very common option in cottage construction.

In front of the device, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be divided into strips of 80-100 cm wide with a steel P-shaped profile or wooden beacons, put on the edge. The damper tape is fixed to the walls before the fill began so that it is 1.5-2 cm above the design mark of the pure surface.

The fill of concrete starts from the far end of the room and move to the entrance door.

Stacking leads to stripes, filling the cells slightly above their level. For leveling uses a vibration or a metal rule, moving it along the beacons.

Longow the mixture to dry, remove lighthouses from it, filling the seams formed with fresh concrete. After that, the concrete is covered with a film and give it 4 weeks for a set of strength, periodically moistened with water.

Pros and cons design

When planning to make the floor on the soil, you need to know what advantage of its benefits to other types of foundations are consisting of:

  • Acceptable cost;
  • The readiness of the foundation for laying any flooring;
  • There is no need to ventilate the underground space to avoid the appearance of fungus;
  • Great durability compared to wooden and bubbling overlap.

The disadvantages of this constructive include:

  • Loss of the useful height of the room (up to 60 cm);
  • Labor-intensity of waterproofing work at high CE;
  • Bad compatibility with columns and pile foundations;
  • The high cost of repairing hidden communications.

But he is not devoid of a number of shortcomings. If you forget to do it in a ribbon foundation, the products (or incorrectly calculate their cross section), then over time it can lead to problems. Due to insufficient ventilation, the underground wooden lags are covered with fungus, mold and rotten. Excess moisture in the base also leads to the destruction of concrete floors of the floor of the first floor.

To avoid this, you can replace the traditional produces to the closed ventilated underground. This is described in detail in the article. "Is it necessary to produce in the basement" . But there is another option - to abandon the underground and build floor on the ground based on the belt foundation, as Forumhouse experts are advised.

Floor floors: what is it that

This design is a monolithic concrete base (tie). Here is the floor of the floor on the ground: the screed is poured inside the perimeter of the ribbon foundation onto a well-striking soil, which fall asleep sinuses of the foundation and a layer of insulation. Together with the concrete base, a warm floor system can be mounted. This design accumulates heat, so it is well suited as an element of an energy efficient home.

Floor composition on the soil for a residential building.

The following examines of sex floors are distinguished:

  1. On the prepared base (well-compacted ground) poured the slab overlap, toughly associated with a belt foundation;
  2. The prepared base is flooded with a slab of overlapping, unrelated with a belt foundation, the so-called "floating" screed.

Consider more pluses and cons of these options.


- If you pour a "floating" screed, then the design of the tape and floor is "unleashed". If shrinkage arises, the design of the floor screed on the ground "will play" regardless of the foundation, cracks will not appear in the design, because No voltages. This is a plus. But there is a minus - the design "lives its own life", separate from all other designs.

Floor device on earth.

With a rigid design, the "Fundam / Screed" knot works as a whole. The screed will not give a shrinkage, because Lies on the foundation. But if the soil is not enough good, after a while he can seek, and the screed will "hang" in the air. With a large load, if there are walls, partitions, supporting elements on the screed, this can lead to deformation of the base, cracks and loss of the carrying capacity of the entire floor design on the soil.

How to make sex on the soil

Both screed options have both pros and cons. What quality concrete floors on the bulk soil largely depends on the elimination of the compaction of the bulk soil and on how properly the design is.


- When pouring a "floating" screed knot "The walls of the foundation / screed" should be really unleashed, otherwise the design may occur in the ribbon frame. Those. The floor inside the ribbon frame must relatively freely move, otherwise the entire meaning of the floating screed is lost.

To do this, the damper from the elastic material is made between the screed and the foundation (wall), which restores its original shape after removing the load - in this case it is appropriate to place an insole with a thickness of 8-10 mm. This will allow the concrete screed to "swim" freely and compensates for its temperature expansion.

A common mistake - to link all the nodes as hard as possible. As a result, elevated loads arise in structures. In the case of a floating screed, the "floor" and "foundation" elements are operating independently of each other.

Paul in soil: device. Basic principles

An important rule: a well-prepared foundation is the key to a long service life of the whole design. A bouncing base (the best intake of the floor on the ground is sand) It is necessary to shed water and thoroughly to rub the layers of 10-15 cm. In order to do the base to be done, the filling of a rubble backfill is applied (the crushed stone under the floors should be the large fraction).

Thanks to the backfill of the rubble, when the trimmer occurs on it, a local blow occurs, the resulting depth dullness of the soil layers lying at the lower levels occurs. On the proper method of sand, the sand is worth building attention.

- In all the instructions for the vibrating plates, it is written that the stove trambets sand to a depth of 20-30 cm, but how highly this layer is compacted, I doubt that enough. Therefore, I believe that for reinsurance it is better to break the sand by layers of about 10 cm. It looks like this:

  • We scatter the sand with a layer of 10-15 cm;
  • We pass on the sand of the vibropilet "dry";
  • Sing sand with water from the hose. It is necessary to do this not a jet of water so as not to split the layer, but through the nozzle-sprayer;

It is necessary to shed water so that the sand is wet, but not oversathed in moisture. If the amount of water is too large, the sand base is practically not tram.

  • We pass through the humidified sand of the vibropilet 2 times with the change of movement orientation;
  • Shedding sand with water again;
  • We pass through the moistened sand with a vibropilet 2-3 times with a change in the orientation of the movement.

What waterproofing put on the floor on the soil

After careful preparation of the base, we proceed to laying hydro-vaporizion, which will protect the structure of the floor from moisture. Often asked if it is necessary to make a sweet before laying this layer. After all, the waterproofing or glued waterproofing in order to avoid its damage, it is necessary to put on an even rigid base.

With independent erection of a country house or a bath on a tape foundation, in areas with a low level of groundwater level, it makes sense to make concrete floor to the ground with their own hands . Such a technology is the most fast, economical and allows you to do without the use of special equipment.

In addition, such a floor design has a higher reliability and durability than the floors on the soil without concrete, and during operation does not require additional care.

Features of laying floor on the soil

In order to study this issue in detail in this article, a concrete floor device on the soil in residential buildings with a tape foundation will be considered.

In addition, a detailed instruction will be proposed to the reader, which presents the technology of concrete sex on the soil with a step-by-step description of the implementation of all technological stages of construction.

Stage 1: Preparatory work

It is recommended to start the floor arrangement work after the walls of the building are erected, the window and door openings are closed and the roof is installed, and the average daily ambient air temperature will not fall below + 5 ° C.

Before pouring the concrete floor to the ground, it is necessary to make a sand-gravel pillow:

  1. Plot of land within the boundaries of the foundation Clear from the construction trash And remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 200-300 mm. The surface of the Earth is tumped by hand-made traaming or vibrating plates.
  2. On the inner perimeter of the wall of the building, perform markup, Outside the zero black floor mark. Using a hydraulic system, check that in all rooms the zero mark was at one height.
  3. By compacted soil, perform sand-gravel sinkingwhich consists of a gravel layer, a thickness of 50 mm and a sand layer, 100-150 mm thick.
  4. Pillow surface rich in water, ravibly, after which, pour a thin layer of rubble with a particle fraction of 40-60 mm.
  5. Rubble slightly sprinkle with sand, then moisten with water and even once more.


When squeezing, the sandy-gravel pillows must be monitored using a construction level so that all layers of frighting were strictly parallel to the horizon.

Stage 2: Pouring the monolithic plate

The next stage of construction is the manufacture of a monolithic reinforced concrete plate, which will perform the bearing functions and perceive the entire main load on the floor. For this reason, it must necessarily be reinforced with a steel grid, and its thickness must be at least 80-100 mm.

  1. Waterproofing. On the sandy-gravel pillow to lay waterproofing from a thick plastic film so that it goes to the walls to a height of at least 500 mm.
  2. Reinforcement vent.. At low spacers, lay the metal reinforcing mesh on the floor so that in the joints of the joints it had a reheat at least 100 mm.
  3. Fill concrete. Prepare a concrete solution and evenly distribute it all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe room with a layer, a thickness of at least 80 mm.
  4. Alignment surface. Using a level, by measuring the distance to the first floor marks, to control so that the surface is strictly horizontal.

After setting the solution, the surface must be left at least one week before the complete secretion of concrete. Diamond drilling of holes in concrete using a special power tool.


All engineering communications are encouraged to lay down to the fill, but if it was not done in advance, it can be used in the futurebut cutting reinforced concrete diamond circles after soaring the monolith.

Stage 3: Warming and Waterproofing

Concrete floor, in contact with the Earth, is a source of moisture and cold penetration, therefore, to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the house, careful heat and waterproofing of concrete floor are needed.

Water-repellent materials and insulation are stacked in several layers:

  1. As a waterproofing, you can use a thick polyethylene filmBut it is best to cover the surface of the monolithic plate with a layer of liquid hot bitumen.
  2. Thermal insulation can be performed in two ways: In the first case, over the entire surface of the slab, a layer of a domain slag or claying with a thickness of 100-200 mm is poured, but this material is hygroscopic and can absorb moisture.
  3. The second option is considered more acceptable. And lies in the laying on the floor plate of extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS) with a thickness of 50-100 mm.
  4. Ceramzit dumping need to distribute a uniform layerAnd Epps plates are tightly, without gaps to lay on the floor and fasten with a dowel with wide plastic washers.
  5. On top of the insulation, one should lay another layer of waterproofing. From the thick plastic film with a thickness of at least 200 microns, the reinforcing grid is stacked on top of which.


Pouringconcrete floor in the garage on the soil, You can do without thermal insulation, but you need to perform high-quality waterproofing anyway.

Stage 4: Installation of a concrete screed

The pure screed is used for uniform load distribution and styling of the finishing flooring (ceramic tile, linoleum, laminate), so it should have the same thickness and a smooth homogeneous surface. The quality of this stage of work should pay special attention, because the price of alterations, in the event of a violation of technology, may be too high.

How to pour a concrete screed:

  1. Installing beacons. With the help of a cement or gypsum solution over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room at a distance of at least 1 meter from each other, install the guide rails lighthouses, which determine the upper level of the draft floor.
  2. Pouring solution. Starting from the far corner of the room, perform the fill of each section of the floor, evenly distributing the cement-sandy solution over the entire surface of the filled site.
  3. Aligning surface. To do this, it is necessary to use a metal or wooden rule by moving it with vibrating movements along beacons-guide.
  4. Floor screed. Thus, moving from one site to another, it is necessary to fill the entire room, which is recommended to finish in one working day.
  5. Grouting slots After setting the solution, we need to remove guide-beacons, and the formed gaps to lure the fresh cement-sandy solution.

Upon completion of this operation, the room must be left for several days before the final frost and graze of the cement mortar. After 2-3 weeks, the floor surface must be primed. For this purpose, it is best to use epoxy or polyurethane soil for concrete to be applied using a construction roller.

  • In paragraph 1, a recipe for the manufacture of cement-sandy solution for finishing screed is indicated.
  • In paragraph 2, the recipe for the manufacture of a concrete solution for filling the monolithic plate.


After reading this article, it becomes clear that the independent manufacture of concrete floor in a country house is completely under the power of almost any home master.

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