Repairs Design Furniture

Layout at home 5x5. Planning a small country house. Reliability and maximum service life

For small families, frame houses 5 on 6 of good wood can be built. They will keep warm and healthy microclimate in the premises. This size is suitable for suburban accommodation. The main thing is to create the right layout. To comfortably live, we need competent projects. He will give an opportunity at the initial stage to adjust the location of the rooms and distribute them more convenient. For this, our team has designers and designers. They draw the ideal useful spaces with terraces and attic. This means that every meter is involved. We produce lumber for our buildings in our own production and deliver the assembly to place. The company's fleet brings even large-sized materials. Main production in the city of Pestovo. Carpenters work there and a good building material for reproduction of a dream is created.

We have photos of frame houses 5x6

We collect a gallery for many years, so we have something to show customers. Here for you there are different design solutions and types of finishes. To help with the choice, we offer to come to our office. In it, the full archive of our work.

We work turnkey. This means that after the end of the work, you can go to household and live. Pros of Canadian construction technology:

  • low prices;
  • fast installation speed;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the possibility of arrangement within the walls of communications;
  • do not need a powerful foundation;
  • no shrinkage;
  • environmental;
  • no cracks.

If necessary, you can dismantle the object easily. His durability does not suffer. He is reliable if they work on him creating experienced people.

Especially relevant for the following categories of owners:

  • a small family of dachens with one child;
  • a young couple;
  • owners of spacious homes wishing to build an additional structure on the site;
  • married couple of pensioners;
  • owners of tourist bases and campgrounds;
  • food and industrial sellers.

The modern house is 5x4, 5x5, 5x6 is not just a shelter from bad weather and mosquitoes, but a good structure suitable for fruitful work and a comfortable stay. That is why small buildings up to 30 square meters. m. can act as a quality or store with essential goods, as well as a full-fledged house for seasonal or year-round residence of a small family.

  • Savings on construction and finishing materials;
  • The rapidness of the construction (in the warm season with dry weather up to 9 days);
  • Inexpensive content and maintenance of the house;
  • Compact placement on a small land plot;
  • Speed \u200b\u200bof cleaning on a small area;
  • Reducing the cost of heating at home and longer preservation of heat; It does not require a separate boiler room.
  • Large selection of planning solutions for small square homes.

One of the most important steps in the construction of an inexpensive, comfortable dwelling on a small plot of land. The competent project of the house 5 to 5 will help rationally equip the space, comfortable for work, recreation and household trouble.

Planning interior houses of houses up to 30 square meters. m.

Each extra square meter on the drawing of houses with a small square provides additional opportunities for the arrangement of interior. A reasonable approach to the development of an additional area is a guarantee of creating an optimal planning.

Opportunities Square 5x4

The layout of the house 5x4 requires particularly close attention due to the most compact area. Nevertheless, such a tiny house can be a full-fledged place of a secluded rest with guests of guests or an isolated steam / sauna with a spacious room for recreation and tea drinking. It is optimal that this space and to improve the store, as well as an isolated place of work (organize a creative studio, a library with an office for remote work or a small workshop can be quite successful even on the area 5x4).

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Planning one-storey house 8 on 8

Opportunities 5x5 area

The internal territory of the house 5x5 gives more opportunities. Thus, on the plan of the house 5x5 it is already possible to highlight the terrace in the house, which is permissible to equip under the summer kitchen or dining room, freeing from the zone for cooking. Inside, in addition to a spacious living room for a shared rest and compulsory, you can design an isolated bedroom and a small office (or nursery).

Opportunities of Square 5x6

The maximum benefits are visible when planning at home 5 to 6: spacious terrace, isolated rooms, bathroom, dressing room or steam room, kitchen-salon - all these rooms can be compact and conveniently placed with a rational approach. In addition, the house of such an area can be equipped with a small roadside cafe, distinguishing the kitchen area and the hall on several tables with a bar.

The compact area of \u200b\u200bthe small country house should not be the cause of the discomfort of staying in it! Competent design will allow us to correctly calculate the necessary living space, as well as equip non-residential spaces and zones under the tangent.

Ways to increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house

The economic and rational owner of a small country house always has the desire to win extra square meters to create greater comfort. This task is especially relevant if the house is designed for year-round accommodation. It is recommended to pay attention to the following ways to increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house to 30 sq. M and consider them already at the design stage.

  1. Under residential premises, electrical sauna, gym, library.
  2. Construction of the second floor (the most radical way to significantly increase the living space. On the second floor there are rooms where privacy and peace are needed - the study, bedrooms. It should be envisaged to increase the costs of building and finishing work and the purchase of materials; it will also have to take care of more reliable strength properties. Foundament and bearing walls).
  3. The insulation and glazing of the terrace (this reception translates the terrace into the category of internal useful premises; on a warm terrace, protected from precipitation, wind and insects can be equipped with a dining room, an office or year-round kitchen).
  4. Installation of the roof of an attic type, as a rule, is in the same or slightly large amount than traditional, but the result is two levels, equally suitable for the arrangement of the bedroom, cabinet, or children's game).
  5. The organization of the bedroom under a symmetric duplex roof (on the installation of the roof, take care of the structure of the reliable horizontal platform under it; thus, it is possible to create a second level, effectively involving the non-working vertical space, which will allow not the main horizontal area of \u200b\u200bthe bed or folding sofa).
  6. The layout of the house 5 to 5 requires thoughtfulness and compliance with the basic principles that allow the most rational to use the internal space of the house without prejudice to its comfort and functionality:

    • Priority in the distribution of internal space is given by residential premises;
    • Minimal dimensions for tambour, hallway and other auxiliary premises;
    • Refusal of isolated kitchen in favor of the common space that combines the cooking area, dining and recreation;
    • The selection of a wall boiler for heating, which does not require a separate room and can be compactly placed in the kitchen area or in the bathroom;
    • Maximum use of vertical space for storage of items and things (recessed shelves-niche, wall cases and lockers, shelves on consoles);
    • Acquisition of multifunctional furniture for interior arrangement; Especially practical angular models that allow you to fill out the empty area of \u200b\u200bthe corners, freeing the more convenient space.

One-storey houses are considered the most optimal option for the construction of country buildings or summer kitchens. Many believe that at home 5 to 5 is too small, in such a room there is no possibility somewhere to turn around. In fact, such premises can be well used for rest, no wonder they are most often built outside the city, away from the fuss.

In this article, on the example of a photo of a private house 5 on 5, we will tell you that these buildings are presented, as well as what styles are in design.

One-storey houses

One-storey houses 5 to 5 are the easiest option in construction. Sometimes such houses are additionally supplied with an attic for greater comfort, but if you build a room for cottages, in this case, the attic is practically not needed. Many cannot understand what technologies are used in construction, as well as how to make the room as comfortable as possible.

If it is planned to build a house 5x5 for temporary rest, you can choose a log house, which will excellently promote relaxation and circulation of fresh air. If you plan to organize a fully residential condition, in which case more serious materials are chosen.

Professional flooring is considered the most optimal option in the construction of the roofs of absolutely any home. In wooden houses, this material will be more than relevant, as it is recommended to completely deliver the walls from the extra accumulation of moisture. Although the material is not from cheap, its consumption for such a small house will be minimal, so experts recommend using it.

Surprisingly, in even such houses, sex warming is performed. As a rule, if it initially warm the cold floor, there will be much less cold from the foundation. Also, if it is planned to build a house even for winter accommodation, electric heating of the floor is carried out, so it is not necessary to install gas or wood, the floor will fully heat the small room with sufficient thermal insulation of the walls and the ceiling.

The main feature of such a small house is that it is built with an impressive veranda, the entrance to the room is carried out through it.

Most often it is at home in the American style, which will be talked below. Since the construction of the house 5x5 is most often done for the construction of the summer room, the room in it serves to sleep, and the veranda is for relaxing outdoors.

As a rule, in the winter version, it is most often possible to celebrate the ceiling cladding. All because with sufficient insulation of walls and gender, the cold air can come precisely from the roof, and the heat exchange response completely removes heated air out of the room, exchanging it into the cold, coming from the roof. The lining will interfere with this process.

Although the house and small volume and total weight, it does not mean that it does not need to prepare a steady foundation for it. Many projects provide for the construction of a foundation on concrete blocks, which will be enough to perform one-storey construction. In general, you can order and cheaper options, but if you build, then for many years - so considers any Russian consumer.

Houses with mansard

Small houses usually decorate the attic, as this is a separate beautiful surcharge place for recreation. In addition, in the attic you can equip an extra bed. The only mansard is not always included in the projects of the house 5 to 5, as these are individual labor costs.

Separately, it can be noted that the attic is considered to be the perfection of different designs of the design of both the interior and the exterior, so separately attaching to bring any idea to the end. What are these the most styles and that Russianians usually choose, let's tell about it further.

Private house design

Design is the current theme in the construction of a small house. Many believe that it is not necessary to decorate a small room under the cottage, as this is the house of only one season.

You can quickly build the construction with your own hands and use for your own purposes, why do you need to fantasize? In fact, since the house is built for a comfortable stay, then why not bring the idea to the end?

Most often today you can see the layout of the house in the following options:

  • in classic style;
  • american style;
  • in summer style.

Classic style is considered the most common option that can be submitted in the construction of such houses. When building it is important to draw attention to the convenience of use, as the room is initially built precisely for recreation.

Most people who build giving with their own hands are not at all thinking about what they will be in use, so you need to pay attention to all the little things, right up to the size of the windows and in which strand there are doors.

American style is considered as classic, but popular outside Russia. Increasingly, you can meet the buildings in the American version, as today it is the most convenient option in further use.

But no matter how it was, such houses are more likely to be erected for year-round residence, so there are all the rooms, the second floor, the attic and a spacious veranda. Of course, all this is performed in a small version, nevertheless here everything is always at hand.

Also do not forget that such houses are more suitable for accommodation in the country areas. Therefore, most often on cooperatives you can see the usual Soviet buildings from white bricks, which are used to temporarily storage, while the owner works in the garden, as well as overnight in the summer season.

The country's country building is the easiest and most often, many do not even think about the exterior, or about the interior, so the house is considered the most economical.

Photo of houses 5 on 5

description Cost 225 000 rub 257 000 rub 270,000 rubles 299 000 rub

From the profiled bar under the shrinkage

Outdoor wall thickness 90mm 140mm 140mm 190mm.
Outdoor Wall of Bruus 90x140mm. 140x140mm. 140x90mm Bar lying 190x140mm
Package description description description description
Cost 247 000 rub 292 000 rub 311 000 rub 332,000 rubles

From the profiled turnkey bar

Outdoor wall thickness 90mm 140mm 140mm 190mm.
Outdoor Wall of Bruus 90x140mm. 140x140mm. 140x90mm Bar lying 190x140mm
Package description description description description
Cost 340 000 rub 385 000 rubles 399 000 Rub 425 000 rub
Additional options
Service description Cost
The foundation of the tape from the foundation blocks. Height 40cm, width 20cm.

1500 rub. for 1m / n

Foundation Ribbon, reinforced

From 4500 rubles. 1m / P.

The foundation of the pile screw Standard pile 2.5m D-108mm

From 3700 per 1pc.

With mounting

Additionally, a bedside table Of the 4-foundation blocks of 20x20x40cm
Additional strapping crown from a bar of 150x200mm

Calculated separately

Increase the height of the cut for one or more crowns

Calculated separately

Increase the height of the attic floor

Calculated separately

A two-tight roof on any project can be replaced by a broken. Example: a broken roof for a home or bath 6x6m - 15,000 rubles.

Calculated separately

Replacing Bruce Overlook 90x140mm at 140x140mm

Calculated separately

Advanced timber partition 1m
Replacing the lining on the front from the outside on the block house or imitation of the bar

Calculated separately

Replacing the roof on a galvanized professionalist

is free

Replacing the roof on galvanized tradeline with polymer coating

Calculated separately

Replacing the roof on metal tile. Color selection by RAL

Calculated separately

Movie 2x3m for accommodation builder brigade If it is not possible to provide housing brigade for construction time
Toilet frame-shield 1x1m
Rent of the benzenerator for construction Fuel for the generator pays the customer

From 5000 rubles.

Build a cut on wooden brazing

From 1000 rubles. for 1 crown

Book of door and window openings logging "Ryoki"

2000 rubles. window

2500 rub. a door

Build corners of a church in a spike "warm angle"

7000 rub. 1 corner

Optional window 1.0x1.2m wooden

Optional window 0.6x0.6m wooden

Replacing a wooden window 1.0x1.2m on PVC (single-chamber) is possible with lamination

Replacing the wooden window 1.0x1.2m on PVC (two-chamber) possibly with lamination

Additionally, the door is pile

Replacing the panel door on PVC

Replacing flat balasine on accurate (round)

70 rubles. per piece

Installation of decorative accurate pillars on the stairs

550 rub. per piece

Replacing a gearbox board with 27mm to 36mm

Calculated separately

Replacing the rolled insulation on the heat insulating plates Rockwool

Calculated separately

Finishing siding

Calculated separately

Internal and exterior finish of timber imitation or block house

Calculated separately

In any project of the house, you can place the sauna standard sauna size 2x2m

From 45 000 rubles.

Replacing classes of class "B" to class "A"

Calculated separately

Replacement on a broken roof during construction under shrinkage

Replacement on a broken roof during turnkey construction

Your attention is represented by the standard project of the house, in which, if desired, you can make any changes and additions. Using the feedback form, you can describe your wishes regarding this project. Our specialists will immediately deal with your order. Do not forget to leave contact information, it may be needed to clarify the details of construction.

Also, we are ready to build a house on an individual project. Consider all your wishes regarding the appearance and technical description. For convenience, you can use the order form.