Repairs Design Furniture

How to perform insulation of sex from the basement side? Steamproofing insulation over a cold basement in a wooden house how to insulate the floor in the basement

In many high-rise buildings, there is probably a basement in which it is very raw and dark. It is not for nothing that the episodes are involved in almost all horror films, where the sacrifice goes to any basement, and, accordingly, anything or a ferocious predator, who wants, whose either death is attacking it or it is attacking it. And many people are not just afraid of basements, but panicly just do not want to even pass by.

But in fact, if you work well over the empty and unsparh basement, then it will be very decent room, in which you can not only just keep our supplies, but also to open a business (for example, cafe, club, gym and so on ), which will bring a very good income.

Most of the people are not taken for it only by the fact that he does not know how or is afraid of what will not cope with the arrangement of the basement. But in fact, the basement can be equipped at about a week (it all depends on your mood and preparedness, that is, that you all are ready for the start of repair). And if you have a desire, time, accessories and building materials, we can safely start repairing.

Beginning of work

To begin with, you will need to clean the whole basement from unnecessary things and garbage, as they just will be interfered with the repair. But you need to remember that it should be cleaned very carefully so that there is nothing left to prevent you. And, of course, you should not remove what can harm the whole structure, such as pipes. If you still interfere with the pipes, and it will be in any case, then it is better to call specialists. So you will spend less time and money, and besides it will be safer. After in your basement, it became spacious and clean, you need to take care of how to insulate the floor in the basement.

Floor insulation is the most important procedure that needs to be performed anyway, since if you make a room for visitors (cafes, bars, and so on), they will be unpleasant to walk around the cold floor. The floor should be warm anyway, and the walls in the basement are most likely not to freeze, since the basement is under the building, that is, in the ground. For heating of the walls, even ordinary heating, which is used by the entire building.

In order to insulate the floor, you need to prepare the surface. And for this, you need to determine which sex you have in the basement - already flooded with concrete or there is nothing on it, that is, naked land. If you have a floor flooded with cement, then half of the work for you has already been done. But if you have a naked land, you will have to work a little over it. To do this, you must first fall asleep the entire surface of the rubble, and on top of the rubble, pour sand.

Thus, you will get a "pillow" that you just need to pour cement. And of course, it is worth considering the floor to be smooth and without various extra objects, such as stones or garbage, as they will only be interpreted. But still, if this happened, then try to get rid of this problem, for example with the help of an ordinary knife.

Having a finished floor, you can choose the type of insulation. And such species can be allocated two:

  • insulated heated;
  • normal warmed.

Consider each of the options.

Heated with heated

Heated heated - such a floor is the warmest, and accordingly, expensive and make it harder than the usual warmed. But there are both good sides: such a floor will be much better and more practical in operation than the usual floor. For such a sex you will need:

  • ready cement;
  • sand;
  • plastic or metal pipes;
  • fittings and taps;
  • floor coating that you prefer.

First, take the pipes, and distribute them all over the perimeter of the basement so that it turns out a huge "harmonica" from the pipes. Now connect these pipes to heating and check the entire design for leakage or damage. Next, take the sand and pour them all the floor for about 10-15 centimeters from the floor. Now fill it all with a thin layer of cement (about 4 centimeters) and give everything to dry about a day (drying time depends on the type of cement, ask the seller or read on the bag with cement). And you can only cover this "sandwich" flooring and the floor is ready for operation!

Normal insulated

Normal insulated floor. Everything is much easier and cheaper here than in the previous type of floor. For such a sex you will need:

  • insulation (take any, but better not to save);
  • styrofoam;
  • flooring.

First, take the insulation and spread it all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. At the same time, closing the angles. Next, take the usual construction foam thickness of 10 centimeters and also spread it all over the surface of the basement (only on the insulation!). And all the cracks make a mounting foam. Now cover it by another layer of insulation and almost everything. It remains only to sash the floor covering.

That's all, now, when you have a ready-made insulated floor, you can start other repairs in the basement. Good repair!


The principle of arranging warm water floor:

Under most old houses and under each new, as well as under the cottages built to the latest building, there is an underground floor - this is a basement that the hosts are usually used for storing vegetables, blanks, seasonal things.

In modern buildings (brick or wooden house), the basement can be equipped with a functional residential room, such as the office, workshop, gym, home theater, billiard room, etc.

Regardless of the destination, it is possible to use the basement only if the temperature in it is comfortable. Even if the basement height does not allow you to arrange a full-fledged room in it, it still needs insulation, since the heat insulation of the basement is one of the effective ways to reduce heat loss in the house.

Do I need to warm the basement?

From the description above it becomes obvious that yes, the basement is better to insulate. We give a few more arguments for those who doubt:

  • effectively uses the useful area;
  • the appearance of fungi and mold in the basement, which are the source of unpleasant odor and the deterioration of the microclimate on the lower floor of the house;
  • the temperature in the insulated basement is not lowered to a minus mark;
  • the insulation of the basement in the house makes it possible to protect the foundation from dampness and deformations due to the powder;
  • the pace of destruction of the founding of the building is reduced;
  • decreases electricity or gas consumption for home heating.

Note. If the basement is not insulated, according to GOST 9561-91 "Reinforced concrete slabs", it is necessary to warm the overlap, which separates the floor of the first floor from the displeasted zone. The same requirement is spelled out in SNiP 2.08.01-85

And floor. However, few people are thinking to produce the insulation of the basement. Why do you need and how to insulate the floor in the basement? The answer to this question, you can get in the article.

In order not to insulate the basement, some argue such a solution by the fact that the level of landscape of the Earth in its region is relatively low. However, it is not necessary to repel only from this indicator. Think about what:

  1. If the basement is not insulated, then in winter, most of the heat will be scattered, which entails high energy costs.
  2. The basement is a place with a high level of humidity, especially if it does not heal. As a result, it negatively affects the microclimate in the house.
  3. Due to the walls on the walls may appear mold.
  4. The insulated basement will serve as a kind of protection for the foundation from sharp temperature drops. As a result, its service life increases significantly.
  5. If the basement is insulated, then in it you can organize a residential or utility room.

All this convinces that the insulated basement is a great way to save heat in the house and avoid many other problems.

Floor insulation technology in the basement largely depends on the impact of external factors, for example, close water is closely located. In this case, drainage and waterproofing work should be carried out. Only after that the heat insulation is carried out.

The selected thermal insulation material must comply with such requirements:

  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Do not change your characteristics with high humidity.
  • Ability to cope with mechanical and other types of loads.
  • The structure of the heat insulator should be durable, dense and have a high operational period even in bad conditions.

But what if the groundwater is relatively high? Get rid of this phenomenon will not work. However, partially take water from a private house possible. To do this, jump the trenches and lay the pipes under the slope of the house. The trench itself falls asleep by rubble. The same trench should be pouring around the perimeter of the house, putting a drainage pipe into it. Each 1-2 m install tees in which the taps of pipes under the slope will be connected.

Although this method does not drain the soil completely, but at least you will be able to carry out the insulation of the basement, so that there will be less dampness.

Perform the insulation of the floor by clamzite is simple enough. So, work look like this:

  1. First of all, clean the floor in the basement from garbage.
  2. All potholes, protrusions, etc. it is necessary to compose.
  3. If the relatively large quarrels are, they can be smoothed by clay. After frustration, the ceramisite should form a smooth floor plane.
  4. On the aligned surface of the floor, you stroll PVC parobaric membrane. It should miss holes and other defects. MEMBRANE MEMBRANE FOR 15 CM.
  5. Finally, fall asleep clamzit between lags. Be sure to crush it.

After all this, flood the floor with a cement screed, layer up to 3 cm.

According to such a scheme, insulation of the floor with polystyrene foam. The base of the soil align. After, the brass is 15 cm warp waterproofing material. Next, lay out polystyrene foam plates with a thickness of 5 cm of the jack.

Further decoration of the floor will depend on the floor arrangement method. If you want to make a heap system, the foam reflective surface is stacked. Next, the warming circuit is laid out and the reinforcing screed is poured.

Performing insulation on such a technique, in the basement you can organize a full room, for example, a gym.

An excellent option is the insulation of the floor from the basement side. In most cases, preference is given to a mineral wool with a thickness of 100 mm. To insulate the overlap from the basement from its surface, it is necessary to remove any contamination. It is also recommended to seal cracks and possible irregularities.

You can use glue for wool mounting, which is used to masonry ceramic tiles. Stir glue and apply it to the insulation. Next apply your cotton to the ceiling. If necessary, you can use plastic fastenings in the form of an umbrella.

For such a method of insulation, it is necessary to use a slab mineral wool, and not rolled.

Also as insulation is used polystyrene foam. To do this, it is recommended to use plates with a density of 35 kg 3 and a thickness of up to 10 cm. The mount is similar to the method of gluing mineral wool. After gluing polystyrene foam plates, all the joints are foam.

Before carrying out the ceiling insulation in the basement, treat it with a hydrophobic penetrating composition.

If you live on the first floor of a multi-storey building, then such a method of insulation is very relevant, because so the apartment should not be lifted in the apartment. However, it is important to remember that the basement under your apartment is not your own ownership. As a rule, it serves housing and public utilities. In this case, it is necessary to contact this department for obtaining permission to carry out work on the insulation of the floor from the basement.

If a wooden floor is installed in the basement, it can also be insulated. This can be done by one of the method mentioned in this article. For example, removing the main flooring, between the lags, the space falls asleep with a clamzite or warming mineral wool or foam. But be sure to put the waterproofing layer, which will protect the heat insulator from moisture.

So, we reviewed with you the methods of insulation of the floor of the basement. Remember what to do it first in order to keep warm in your home, especially in winter. If you have already done the work of this plan, then share your experience, leaving comments on this article.


In the video material shows how to insulate the floor from the basement side:

We also invite you to find out how the insulation of the PPU in the basement is carried out:

Increasing the rates for housing and communal services forces everyone without exception to the homeowners to solve the problems of energy saving. One of the important items of the energy saving of the house can be called insulation of the floor of the ground floor.

Consequently, it is necessary to warm the basement ceiling. Works on the insulation of the ceiling and floor in the basement are performed in cases where it is planned to be in it a certain period of time.

Building materials for insulation basements

For the proper use of the basement and the basement, work should be carried out on the insulation of surfaces in contact with the soil.

Experts argue that the temperature of the floor surface in the house directly affects the degree of heat in all rooms.

Innovative and traditional materials are used to efficient heat conservation:

  • styrofoam;
  • penophol;
  • polyurene Foolder
  • foamizole;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • penopelex;
  • mineral wool.

The foam applies to environmentally friendly materials, has the best thermal insulation and waterproofing characteristics, provides good sound insulation, inert to other building materials, has a high resistance to acids, alkalis, alcohols. The material has a small weight and does not increase the load on the foundation.

Penophol or foamed polyethylene is one of the types of substrates for laminate. Penophol does not react with construction materials, it is resistant to fungal and mold, bacteria. It does not have rodents and insects. The material has high waterproofing characteristics and low thermal conductivity. The closed mesh structure of the fruit allows you to have unique thermal and sound insulation properties.

PPU polyurethane foam is a kind of gas-filled plastics, which has a cell-filled cell in its structure. The uniqueness of this material is that it is applied to the insulated surface by spraying using special equipment. As a result, a homogeneous monolithic heat insulation material is obtained, in which there are no joints and cold bridges. The material has excellent characteristics and is used for hydro, heat, sound and vaporizolation.

Penosol - version of liquid foam plastic, is made on special installations. It is made directly on the construction sites and immediately pumped into hollow structures or poured into the formwork. Penosol does not burn, it has biological stability, has excellent vapor-permeable and thermal insulation properties. The service life is 50 years.

Polystyrene foam is a gas-filled material that is obtained from polystyrene and styrene copolymers. In the manufacture of heat-insulating material, the gas is dissolved in the polymer mass, and styrene granules are filled with gas. Further, the polymer mass is heated by steam, while the initial granules are repeatedly increased in the volume, occupy the entire form and carries each other. Very technological material, has a low specific thermal conductivity.

Penopelex is thermal insulation plates from foamed polystyrene. It is distinguished by high heat insulating properties, durability, biostability and minimal water absorption.

Mineral wool - natural thermal insulation material. It is manufactured by the method of high-temperature melt from metallurgical slags, to which basalt rocks are added. The production technology of this material is based on natural processes arising from volcanic explosions. The molten components of the mineral wool (at temperatures above 1500 ºС) are ejected from the nozzle in the form of a hot lava under pressure and turn into clubs of fibrous material, which, cooling, resemble the battered wool.

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Domestic and outdoor work on the insulation of genital surfaces

All work on the insulation of the floor of the basement is divided into 2 types: internal and outdoor work. Conducting a complex of insulation measures allows to reduce the thermal loss of the house by 20%.

Floor insulation in the basement is carried out in order to protect the structure of groundwater and for effective thermal insulation. Works on the insulation of the floor of the basement and allow maintaining the optimal temperature in the cold season during the cold season and at the same time reduce energy consumption. Not heated basement allows you to penetrate the place of dampness and cold.

Works in improving the heat insulation of the country house have different features. So costs on wooden houses with a lightweight foundation are significantly less than the cost of a stone house. The specificity of the thermal insulation depends on which functions the room performs. More carefully conduct work on the heat insulation of the floor from the side of the basement in bedrooms and other residential rooms. And much easier looks like a cycle of work on the insulation of storage room or garage.

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Working Tools

The working tool used to carry out work on thermal insulation is slightly different by type of insulation.

For mineral wool use the following tool:

  • knives for cutting wool;
  • wooden line;
  • bandage or respirator;
  • gloves;
  • maximum closed special clothing.

When insulation, polyurethane foam uses such a tool:

  • formwork boards;
  • special equipment for the application of polyurethane foam on the surface;
  • line;
  • construction Waterpas.

To perform waterproofing use:

  • scissors;
  • construction stepler;
  • clips;
  • set of manual tool.

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Internal insulation work

Heat insulation from the inside starts with preparatory work.

  1. Align the base of the floor and fall asleep gravel or rubble layer in 25 cm.
  2. On top of the gravel lay the sand layer 5-10 cm. The base is carried out using a vibration machine or manually.
  3. A reinforcing mesh or frame of reinforcement is placed on the compacted layer.
  4. Poured concrete, while thoroughly tamper it. The draft floor is ready. He is given to grab and stand out.

Warming in the context

The insulation of the floor in the house or apartment is carried out in order to maintain heat in a residential space, because often the basements are cold and not exploited. In some cases, the basement is heated and used in different purposes, then there will be no problems with it. But if there is no such, you will have to carry out insulation of the floor of the basement, and this can be done in different ways and materials.

Ways of insulation

It is possible to produce in several ways, while using both the basement ceiling and directly the floor. It is the latter that is the point in which heat is most lost, especially if it is made of concrete - cold material. Heating will not be effective when concrete is not closed from purging and passing the cold.

When the basement is also raw, the mold can be formed in the apartment itself, poorly affecting the health of residents, and people themselves will often be sick due to cold and high humidity. To avoid moisture from entering the dwelling, you need to spend more waterproofing. If you know which materials to use and what tools are applied to work, even the owner will be able to fulfill the task without special skills.

Laying thermal insulation in the crate

In the case of thermal insulation from the basement, it is necessary to finish its ceiling, thereby protecting the floor from the cold from the side of the house. This option does not imply a wide selection of materials, it can be leaf or slab materials, which can be placed on the ceiling with glue, or fix a dowel-nail. A more expensive, but effective solution will be liquid polyurethane foam, which requires certain skills.

To insulate the overlap in the upper part, you can use bulk substances, or to embed a "warm floor" system, which will be electric or water types. The most effective system is achieved if you supplement the construction of the cake with waterproofing and insulation, otherwise the heat generated will go to the basement, but not in the residential space. But the warm floor is not necessary to mount in the basement, it is enough to make additional thermal insulation from its side.

Heat structure

The floors between the floors, including the apartment and the basement, are most often concrete overlapping. At the same time, thermal insulation will have a kind of cake in which there is:

  • stove or foundation;
  • vaporizolation in the form of a film;
  • the insulation itself of any kind;
  • waterproofing;
  • finish tie from foam concrete or cement.

The structure of the insulated floor

Each of the floor layers in the basement performs its function, for example, the insulating film will protect the main insulating material from high humidity, which can rise up from the basement. Thus, thermal insulation will be able to perform its function of maintaining heat in the room, and the film for waterproofing will not allow the depreciation of moisture. The finishing screed will be required for high-quality laying of outdoor coating and good appearance.

Before starting work, we should examine the base for cracks or other damage. This is important if there is an at the bottom of the basement, because it can be warm through them.

When finding surface defects, they need to be eliminated by mounting foam or cement. In addition to protection against cold air penetration, this will prevent further destruction of the foundation and will not give cracks and holes in size.

Types of insulation

Varieties of insulation

Warm floor, placed above the cold basement, can be several types of materials. They can have form of blocks, bulk materials and rolls, in some cases even liquid insulation are present. They are suitable for the cold floor, which is placed on the basement. The most commonly used mats and slab materials that have a small weight and the same thermal conductivity.

The finish with such materials can be carried out both on the floor and from the basement, placing them on the ceiling. They are made from foam, and also create based on mineral wool, basalt fiber and expanded polystyrene. In private houses, organic insulation are widely used, for example, straw, but they decide and need to be updated over time.

Plates and mats can be used in parallel with rolled insulation, it will increase the thickness of the layer and improve the heating saving of the room.

Bulk insulation is less popular, but it is effective, because the space between the crate can fill. Thereby minimizes the chance that some spaces will remain unclosed and cold will be held through them. Keramzit and similar materials can be used both on the ground under the floor of an individual house and in apartments under which the unheated room is placed.

Insulation with bulk material

Construction materials for the warming of rolled basements can be thick and thin, their range is very large:

  • foamed polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • tube-based mats;
  • heaters with foil.

In the case of mineral wool and polystyrene, it will take a doom, because the material usually has a large thickness, but foil options that do not have a thick layer are better to use as additional. They will not allow the cold air to pass through the main material. The most optimal material for the cold basement will be a rolled mineral wool, it is inexpensive and very simple in the installation.

Mounting mineral wool

Liquid insulation materials can be very simple, the most popular is a cement solution with a mass of impurities. To improve the structure and heat-saving properties, foam, wooden chips and a mixture can be added to the mixture. There is a modern version based on polymers, which has a foamed structure. It is called foaming, and additional equipment should be purchased to work with it, allowing you to tightly fill the emptiness between the crate.

Selection of material

In the building materials market there are a large number of insulation and with the help of the majority you can carry out insulation of the floor, conducting work on the side of the basement. Mineral wool is considered the most versatile, which can be put under the tie of concrete, or placing under wooden floors. If there is a lag under the overlap, it is permissible to use bulk options, and the lags can be both over concrete and join the overlap. A good option will be a foam insulation that will fill the space between the beams.

Foam insulation

To maximize the area between lags and under them, you can use:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • ceramzit;
  • vermiculite;

The first position is a foam insulation, everyone else is bulk. When the floor is put on the screed without equipment lags, a leaf insulation should be applied. In space between boards and bare concrete lay a layer of foam, it is also possible to use mineral wool.

The process of laying insulation

Occasionally, laminate is immediately put on the waterproofing, but for this you need to apply a high density insulation. The most correct solution will be the preliminary fill of the reinforced tie, it will increase the quality of work and increase reliability. These methods and materials for the floor will be allowed only for the premises where the finish has not been carried out.

If the need for insulation appeared at the existing repair, most likely it will be necessary to remove the floor covering, and then put it again. Insulation is possible and without mass work, for this you need to wake over the tile or linoleum thermal insulation, under which the moisture protective film is mounted. You can cover the material with laminate, or first make a screed.

Heat procedure

To insulate, you need to stock by some tools that will be about the same in all cases:

  1. Level for checking inclination.
  2. Construction mixer for the preparation of glue.
  3. Bucket for glue.
  4. Spatula, which will be applied glue and putty.
  5. Sandpaper.
  6. Hacksaw for cutting insulation.

A set of necessary tools

Insulation technology is similar in the case of all materials. So, when finishing the floor from concrete in a private house, when there is no basement below, it will be necessary to use a combination of materials, so the thickness should be calculated in advance. If the work is carried out in the finished room, it will be necessary to prepare the basis:

  • decorative coating is removed, and concrete is checked for cracks and chips;
  • the plate is purified, and those defects that have been identified are corrected using a cement solution;
  • in order to strengthen the effect, Siling is used - special impregnation to strengthen;
  • waterproofing is laid.

To protect against water, a polyethylene film or water-repellent primer is usually acquired, in the first case the material should be so much to enter the walls of about 20 centimeters. In the apartment, the insulation styling clamp can be placed on waterproofing, in the private structure it is better to raise it by about 5 cm. For this, the insulation is put on the sections of the bar, under which the rubberoid is placed.

Next, lags are put on the bars, and a bulk insulation is covered into the space, only tiles or mineral wool are put on it in rolls. The layer that is located at the top must be below the lag by 5 mm, and it is covered with a vapor barrier film that will provide normal ventilation. Subsequently, you can arrange a draft floor, and the finish coating is already put on it. The same principle is equipped with outer thermal insulation, which can be supplemented with the effect of floor finishing.

The results of insulation with different materials

Cement insulation

If the apartment is located on the first floor and the underground is located at the bottom, it will effectively be insulated with its ceiling. The insulation is attached to it, so the bulk and liquid options cannot be used, in return can offer foam, and mineral wool. Polyfoam is sled to special glue, and the slots between the tiles are closed by mounting foam.

Mineral wool to carry out insulation will be even more difficult, but it is possible, originally the bars are attached to the ceiling, the distance between which is the width of the Minvat strip, from which 5 centimeters is deducted. This will give the opportunity to most tightly embed material into the area and eliminate the presence of unoccupied areas. Fiberboard or plywood is mounted on it to hold the insulation, and the slit, as before, is close to the mounting foam, which will not allow moisture and cold air.

Warming of basement ceiling

So that the insulation was effective, and the procedure is simple, some nuances should be taken into account. The starting stage suggests that concrete and walls will be examined for the availability of defects. If cracks or chips are present, they should be sealed with cement solutions or by mounting foam. In particularly difficult cases, when the destruction is significant, it may be necessary to update brickwork if it is.

If there are ventilation moves in the basement, it is better to cover them for winter, but it is impossible to close completely. The most optimal solution due to thermal insulation characteristics will be low density foam, this is achieved due to the porous structure.

The vaporizoation is necessary to fix it, it will not allow to accumulate moisture and come into disrete to the material, but should be stuck joints with special scotch, so that they cannot miss moisture and because of this there were no floor damp. Despite the need to limit air access under the floor, it is impossible to completely overlap ventilation moves, because in this case, condensate will be formed under the floor.

Increase the reliability of insulation

High-quality work that will well retain heat depends not only on the material, but also what technique is used to secure it. For example, the mineral wool will give the maximum effect if:

  1. Make a rough coating from a mixture of sand and cement, it is placed smoothly and tamper.
  2. Waterproofing will be made, you can use both the film and the runneroid.
  3. The plates will be located smoothly and without gaps, if it is achieved, then the additional calculation will not need.
  4. There is a thready a thickness of several centimeters, it is desirable to strengthen it with a galvanized grid, which is poured by another layer of concrete. It will be better to use a foamed version that is easier than standard.
  5. Outdoor coating is laid only after the complete pouring of the concrete.

Floor insulation, which is located over a cold and raw basement - an unusual task, because the room and from dampness, and from the penetration of the cold should be protected. For this, a special insulating material is used, which complements the hydro and vaporizolation of the basement. If the technology is observed, it will always be warm in the room, and the mold will never appear in residential rooms.