Repairs Design Furniture

How to use the mounting foam without a pistol. Reuse of cylinder

Mounting foam is an excellent sealing agent, which is used both when performing a full-scale repair and, if necessary, urgently patch out a small defect in the house. The easiest way to work with it with the help of a special pistol, but it is not always necessary. In domestic conditions, it is possible to repair the insulation or the seal without additional tools, thereby saving time and money. But to guarantee the success and high quality of the work performed, you should first learn how to use the sealant, we will talk about it in this article.

In the modern market, sealants are presented in the widest assortment, and the choice among them can be a very difficult task for the owner of the house who wants to learn how to use the mounting foam. In a construction store you can find two types of such materials:

  • household;
  • professional.

Professional and household compositions are distinguished by volume and application method.

According to their technical characteristics, sealants from these categories are very similar, but they have significant differences, including, including, and in the volume of cylinders. For household materials, relatively small volumes are characterized (usually no more than 800 ml). The set of standard sealant includes not only the balloon, but also the cut tube with a small cross section. The pressure level in the cylinder is sufficiently low, which reduces the consumption of materials when repairing repair, if the owner of the house will not use the gun.

Professional sealants are presented on the market in the packaging volume of more than 1.5 liters, as they are used to solve labor cost and large-scale repair work, for example, for sealing seams when installing plastic windows and doors. The seal in the cylinder is contained under very large pressure, so it is very difficult to use it without a special pistol. Professional cylinders are equipped with special fasteners on the outlet, it is necessary for fixing the product inside the construction pistol.

It may seem that working with modern seals is very easy, this is true, but only if the performer has enough time to learn how to enjoy the installation foam. If you do not study the technology provided by manufacturers, you can make a lot of errors that will affect both the consumption of material and on the quality of the seams.

There are several ways to apply a professional mounting foam without a pistol

Before repaid, you need to choose a suitable sealant. This is important because, firstly, the required volume of the sealer, secondly, household agents are often characterized by the worst technical characteristics than professional analogs depend on the scale of the planned events. If the sealant is necessary for the implementation of large-scale and complex activities, which will depend on the convenience of operation and comfort of the house, it is better to stop their choice on more expensive and high-quality products.

The selected mounting foam without a pistol can be applied to the surface treated in different ways:

  1. 1. Using household funds. Household material is intended for use without a gun, therefore you only need to fix the tube on the cylinder valve and you can start repairing.
  2. 2. Applying professional material through the tube. A small diameter tube is fixed on the valve of the cylinder and through it the sealing agent will be supplied to the embedded slots. This method is very simple, but often leads to excessive exit sealant from the cylinder due to high pressure.
  3. 3. Feed a professional sealer through two tubes of different sections. This method involves fastening to the valve of a large diameter tube, after which the smaller tube is inserted into it and fixed reliably. Such sealing allows you to reduce the consumption, which means that the repair work has cheaper.

To achieve a good effect when applying, you must first carry out a number of works.

After selecting the most suitable method of applying sealant, you can proceed to the preparation of the treated surfaces. The mounting foam can be achieved high-quality sealing and good sealing even without a pistol, only if the following works are performed:

  1. 1. Cleaning the treated surfaces. It is necessary to remove all dust, dirt and other foreign objects from the close-up slots and seams.
  2. 2. Filling large seams by foam. This will reduce the flow rate of the materials used, as well as increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the object. Without filling the opening of the foam, sealing seams of no more than 8 cm is allowed.
  3. 3. Wetting the water filled with water. It is best to use a pulverizer for this.

Before proceeding to filling the gap or seam, you should make sure that the ambient temperature corresponds to the recommended manufacturer of the seal parameters. It is best to carry out work at air temperature within 5-20 degrees above zero. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the repair is better to postpone, and in frost use special frost-resistant materials.

Work with the selected mounting foam without a gun - instruction

The principle of sealing of openings without a pistol is exactly the same as when using special tools. When the surface being processed is ready, the balloon should be thickened. Manufacturers recommend to intensively shake it for 30-40 seconds, which will ensure the uniformity of the sealing of the packaging.

Now it should be removed from the sealant a protective cap and secure the PVC tube on the valve, which is complete with a domestic product. For professional products, the tube will have to be purchased separately. The free end of the tube is made to the close-up to the way. The slot must be filled with foam by 30-40% (sometimes 50%) from its size, this is due to the fact that the seal is significantly increased in volumes during solidification. Partial filling makes it possible to reduce the flow rate and the total size of repairs. If, after drying the seal, its explicit drawback is revealed, you can always add another layer, although most often it is not required.

The foam begins to leave the cylinder under pressure when the valve is pressed. The triggering valve leads to the admission of the sealant inside the tube, and then on the surface being processed. Full drying sealant is almost always completed within 8 hours after work. If, after drying the foam, it swelled and its individual parts protrude too much from the sealed seam, the surplus is very easy to cut off the stationery knife.

Disadvantages of using professional materials without a pistol

If you use a mounting foam without a gun, the balloon is designed for this type of application, the disadvantages of such work should be known. A gun, naturally, significantly simplifies the sealing work performed, but not only this is explained by the recommendations of specialists to buy all the necessary tools for repair.

Sealing through the tube has the following flaws:

  1. 1. Great consumption. During repair, it is necessary to very carefully control the intensity of the material outlet when the valve is pressed. Too much pressure inside the package contributes to the output of an excessive volume of material. Most often, the overrun is 200%, and sometimes 300%.
  2. 2. Not to all valves of professional cylinders can be attached to the tube. If the product is intended exclusively for working with a gun, the sealant is simply not possible to remove from the package.
  3. 3. Temporary costs. To work with professional products without special tools, a lot of time can leave. Using a gun, even a large seam can be sealed for 20-30 seconds, whereas it will have to spend 15-20 minutes on the manual seal.

To repair quickly, efficiently and without unnecessary financial costs, it is recommended to pre-calculate the required amount of seal. In most cases, for simple homework, there is a sufficiently household cylinder, which is intended for use with a tube, which will speed up and reduces repair. If the seal includes large-scale sealing, it is better to acquire a professional sealant with a special pistol.

The question is how to use the mounting foam, sooner or later it can become relevant for you. First of all, such a moment is brewing if you started repairing old or the construction of a new room. It was during this period of time that the real need to close the joints and cracks appears. And with them best can cope - yes, right, mounting foam.

This sealing agent is one of the most popular among the available different types of sealants. It is a foam that will allow you to process high-quality seams and various joints, whose width is more than three centimeters. It is for sale so necessary in everyday life in metal aerosol spraying cans, it has a rather small weight, but despite this, its concentration is very high. So, from one point it turns out over 40 liters of foam for jamps and slots. Using video tutorials, you will be able to learn how to use a foam assistant when installing work in your home and do not have problems with drafts.

Getting Started with this substance, remember that it solidens very quickly under the influence of moisture and at the same time it is very increased in the volume after the use of the spray. The educated porous substance has excellent thermal insulation properties. Along with this, given and the possibility of a long service life of this material, it is clear why the mounting foam is recognized as an indispensable assistant in construction and repair. It is the mounting foam that will allow you to close the seams, glue certain details of the structures, successfully fix the joints and, which is important, to ensure these places with heat and sound insulation.

Such a miracle solution is divided into several species - there is a semi-professional and professional (pistol), there is a winter, summer and all seasons. Such a comfortable design was invented non-rapidly - from cylinders, the mounting foam easily displaced with a special gas. So the liquid polymer on the surface coated successfully freezes and forms a rigid frame (polyurethane foam).

So, the wonder-foam makes sense to choose in the store for its basic properties - thermal insulation, sound insulation, convenience when installing, the ability to connect, fasten and glue the various parts. At the same time, given the ability to expand, the mounting foam successfully fills the hard-to-reach joints and seams, and the frozen itself does not require much attention in the future. Previously, to replace the foam on this field, it could be a cement solution, but its preparation is a more laborious process than working with an aerosol can. Therefore, choosing convenience and simplicity, many prefer the mounting foam. Moreover, it is successfully combined in work and with a stone, and with concrete, and with wood, and with metal, and with plaster, and glass.

The use of the mounting foam is a completely universal process. It is convenient and simple. Nevertheless, you need to know certain details so as not to push.

First, assembly work is best carried out in the warm season. Starting from the middle of spring and until the middle of the autumn. The optimal temperature outside the window for such manipulations is from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees. Experts guarantee that in this case the process of frosting is best. If you do not even wait so much to do this case in winter - for this there are seasonal winter foams.

Secondly, do not work with this substance without gloves. This is often neglected workers. Nevertheless, such a connivance is quite dangerous.

Thirdly, do not try to use the substance wherever you please. If you are going to seal a slit wide from 1 to 8 cm - the use of foam is allowed and welcome. But if the size of the slit is much larger, it is better to take such materials such as a tree or plastic, you can brick or foam. And if at all less centimeter - you can do and putty. And do not forget - after the sealing of your gaps, you need to cut the excess foam (it is not recommended to cut off with your hands).

Fourth, it is desirable to handle the hollow space before using foam. Then, with the corresponding humidity of the air, the process of expansion and frosting the foam will be much faster and more correct. Air humidity for polymerization is sufficient within 60-80 percent.

Fifth, foam cylinder before use, you need to shake well. And this should not be done within a couple of seconds, but about a minute. This time will be enough that the contents in the cylinder makes a completely homogeneous mass.

So, the spray can in your hands. Previously you shake the mixture and now you can remove the cap. After winding the existing installed tube on the adapter, the cylinder should be turned upside down. That is how it is used when carrying out installation work. A similar nuance is important due to the fact that the gas that displaces the mounting foam, much easier than the rest of the components and at the location of the cylinder up the bottom, all components of the mixture are better mixed.

Now you can calmly apply foam. Considering the fact that it increases in volume, it is necessary to close the gaps not more than a third. The volume for a short period of time will still increase by 2-3 times, and then you can trim the surplus (it is better to do it sharp with a long knife handle). If you need to apply a foam not horizontally, but vertically, you should fill up from the bottom up - it is also more convenient for you, and the foam (the basis will appear for which the not yet frozen sealant will be able to enter).

To sprinkle with water it will be necessary not only the gap, but also the foam after application. So the process of frozen will pass faster. If you see that the foam you did not have enough, - wait about half an hour to harde the previous layer, and you can add a little foam to the same areas. However, do not overdo it - you still will not need unnecessary.

The foam-applied layer should not exceed three to four centimeters, and if the gap or cavity is still more, the foam is applied in succession by layers - one by one.

After applying, the foam hardens finally after 8 hours. So do not try to start the next work (rearrange the furniture, glue wallpaper, to knit the shelf) on this site immediately. Moreover, after drying and removing unnecessary jacks, you need to handle the protective material (it is better to make putty, plaster, paint or cement). It can be used as a protective layer and a special silicone sealant. Polyurethane sealing tape will help for these purposes. This will not only allow the assembly foam from the effects of ultraviolet rays, but also increase the service life. After processing, it is possible to use it and, as well as move on in the implementation of your fantasies.

Your foam should be elastic and tangle to the surface. It will be about how to talk about it, and the fact that after the shrinkage, the frozen is finally, it will not crumble. Do not add additional work to yourself - until the final hardening, it is impossible to touch and process the mounting foam in order not to change the material structure itself and do not prevent the polymerization process.

If the material matches the existing standards, then you will be satisfied with the quality. And it means that you will not need to redo the work done. Just keep in mind, different manufacturers offer cans with different foam output. Sometimes cheaper to buy a dear balloon with an aerosol, which is enough for all your joints than buying two cheaper.

By buying a mounting foam, remember - the cylinder is designed only for disposable use. Therefore, do not try to divide twice. Calculate the volume is not difficult if you have already experienced experience with such a material. If not - better consult from those who work in the construction industry or from the seller in the store. To use the same cylinder is allowed only if you are going to "repeat the maneuver" in the near future. Then, at the end of the first stage of work, the phone itself (gun) and the valve rinse with a special cleaning fluid. However, the workers in the sites often do not.

Useful tips and secrets of work with material:

  • Prepare a sprayer for water and a knife for trimming.
  • Well, if there is a soft sponge and acetone at hand - help rub the foam, which stuck in unnecessary places.
  • If you economically spend the mounting foam, then you can do without a smaller number of bottles.
  • To process the surface (trimming a knife) after applying foam is better after the order of 4 hours is passed - after 7-8 hours, the foam hardens finally and it will be much more difficult to cope with it.
  • Use the respirator (protect your body from unnecessary chemicals). Wonderful if there are in stock and glasses with gloves.
  • Check the room (unless of course in the same room you just did not decide to do).
  • Do not wait until the foam darkens - the color change is already an indication that the reaction is being reacted and the process of exposure to ultraviolet rays (it is originally light yellow).
  • Do not use the cylinder next to fire and do not leave under the right sunlight (this is familiar to everyone rule, nevertheless, many do not respect it and risk to face further with the consequences of fire and arriving firefighters). Indeed, the composition of this polyurethane foam sealant includes various flammable materials that can lead to undesirable consequences. Your foam can relate to one of three classes - fire-fighting, self-fighting or combustible (it is better to find out in advance).
  • Problems may occur in the case if the foam was applied to a dirty surface (for example, window frames using such materials are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner).

The viscosity of the product may not comply with the standards if the foam cylinder was at temperatures below plus 5. The required consistency will be broken and with an increase in the air temperature to a mark of 30-35 degrees (only all-season foam can operate at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 40 degrees) .

So if you take into account all the tips and secrets specified here, you can easily begin sealing with the mounting foam of window, door blocks or other designs in the rooms of the house or apartment. Also, with the help of this material, it will be easier for you to cope with the insulation of the distribution network and with a seal of different widths of the seams and cracks, and also your assistant - foam will help you easily and simply fill out unnecessary emptiness in the walls. So dare and successful you repair!

Mounting foam is one of the most difficult materials: if she fell on cloth, skin, or other surfaces, clean them quite difficult. But it's worth trying.

Surface Fresh foam Frozen foam
Skin of hand Gently removed with a sponge, the residues are removed by the screwdriver - scrub, acetone, solvent, gasoline, saturated with salt solution Deleted only mechanically. Usually loses its properties and falls off after 2-3 days
the cloth Collected with a stick, the remnants are removed by the cleaner.
Important! When processing fabric, stains may remain!
Large pieces are possible, and the residues are processed by a special solvent for frozen foam, white spirit or gasoline. The stains that appeared are removed by stains.
PVC (frames, window sills) Carefully removed, the surface is wiping with a special PVC cleaner Carefully cuts off, the surface is cleaned with a special PVC cleaner (usually marked - to install windows)
Outdoor coating (linoleum, laminate, parquet) Remove foam with a spatula, remnants to collect a sponge moistened with a cleaner. Spots may appear! From the wooden surfaces they are removed by grinding, the lacquered coatings cannot be cleaned - they will have to replace them. After the cutting of the foam, the residues are carefully dissolved with a special cleaner or drug "Dimeksid" (sold in pharmacies). It is necessary to work with such substances in gloves - potent components can cause burns!

As you already know, the mounting foam is not intended for sealing holes of less than 1 cm - such slots are better filling with silicone sealants.

Alexander Byrgin,

I am glad to welcome my blog readers! At the beginning of this summer, I decided to remove the slopes of the windows at the cottage, remove the old foam and replace it with a new one. As a result, I was convinced that the choice and purchase of high-quality material is only half of the case. To reduce spending, you need to know how to use the mounting foam. Before I cleared these moments, a lot of content remained in the container, and work with it happened according to the principle of how it turns out. Do you want to use maximum material and close joints? Then take advantage of my step-by-step instructions.

Throughout the time of using polyurethane foam, manufacturers have improved its composition, receiving universal or highly specialized mixtures in which certain properties are reinforced. Therefore, the modern building market is replete with different types of polyurethane-based intelligence sealants, in which there is not so easy to figure it out. The quality of installation work or the quality of sealing of seams depends on the correct selection of the type of mounting foam.

What is a mounting foam and how to use it

The use of the Mounting Pen is based on the chemical reaction of the polymerization of macromolecules (prepolymers). The elementary reaction of the polymerization occurs during the reaction of polyesters and isocyanates, when the mixture is frozen in 5 minutes (polymerizes). With an excess of one component, the polymerization reaction slows down and suspended. Upon contact mixture with water, the reaction is resumed, polymer polyurethane chains are lengthened to complete rejection.

Classical single-component mounting foam is a mixture in one container excess polyesters with isocyanates, as a result of the reaction between which the macromolecules of prepolymers are formed. Under the action of tightening aerosol gases, prepolymers after opening the valve are broken out and react with the atmosphere water molecules. As a result, foamed prepolymers harden. In this case, carbon dioxide is released, which forms a porous structure of the material.

Mounting Pen: What it is better to use

Depending on which state components are inside the spray, there are two types of polymers based on polymers, ready for use:

  1. One-component. This type is easy to use, slow frozen, the possibility of repeated use is not to the end of the consumed cylinder. The shelf life is limited, since the polymerization reaction occurs inside the cylinder from the moment it is filling in the enterprise.
  2. Two-component. In such cylinders, polyesters and isocyanates are contained in two separate tanks inside the aerosol tank and mixed immediately before leaving the spray. They differ in high polymerization rate, there is no need for the presence of water, but after opening the cylinder, it is necessary to use the contents for 5-10 minutes, depending on the air temperature. The storage period is theoretically unlimited.

What installation foam to choose: important criteria

Professionals in the work use large volumes of the installation sealant, so the balllors under the gun for professional work allow you to accurately dose the outlet of the foam onto the working surface. This is different from conventional plastic tubes for domestic applications.

In addition to prepolymers and aerosol gases (propellants), there are additives regulating the size of bubbles and their quantity, the ratio of opened and solid bubbles in the foam, the degree of adhesion to the surface, accelerators, or the polymerization reaction moderators. Their combinations are radically affecting the properties of foam, among which are important:

  • exit;
  • primary and secondary expansion;
  • density and porosity;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • drying speed, primary formation of surface film;
  • operation temperature range.

The quality of the mounting foam is determined by the balance between the amount of bubbles formed, their calibration, diameter and the ratio of open and closed cavities inside the structure formed after the structures are frozen.

How to choose and correctly use the mounting foam with amendment

Depending on the above qualities, assembly foam are divided into purposes:

  • Foams with a large and moderate exit, which is selected taking into account the volume of installation work or the size of the filled cavity. The overestimated volumes of exit exceeding 70 liters of 750 ml cylinder, indicates a poor-quality product or dishonest manufacturer. An increase in volume is achieved by increasing the number of bubbles and their diameter, and the excess of certain limits reduces the mechanical and insulating qualities of foam. The exit date is indicated on the balloon with large numbers, since these values, according to the manufacturer, should produce a guaranteed impression on the buyer.
  • For delicate installation of finishing materials, there are bean bottles with a low number of aerosol gases, due to which the effect of a low primary expansion of the foam is achieved after exiting the cylinder. To fill the seams, seal joints with numerous internal voids use a foam with a high primary expansion coefficient.
  • Compositions intended for use in extreme weather conditions. Moreover, winter compositions are designed to work under conditions of reduced atmospheric humidity than the negative temperature is characterized.
  • Depending on the content of flames, the usual and fire-resistant compositions are distinguished.
  • Moisture-resistant compositions are distinguished by a high supply of surfactants forming one-piece bubbles. In such a foam, the number of unborn bubbles exceeds the number of opened (up to 90%), which prevents the absorption of moisture. Because of this structure, moisture-resistant foam is more susceptible to secondary expansion and shrinkage when fluctuations in ambient temperature.
  • Foam gels and adhesive (liquid foam) compositions for mounting foam concrete blocks.

Many species are considered moisture-resistant due to a dense surface film, which is formed when drying. When sealing joints, surfaces in contact with water, speaking excess polyurethane do not cut off so as not to disturb the integrity of the film.

Properties of mounting foam: how to use them

The material has a number of useful qualities:

  • high filling and sealing properties;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to work with different materials and their combinations (except polyethylene);
  • after soaring, polyurethane acquires mechanical strength;
  • the possibility of rapid removal of excess spokes from the cavity;
  • convenient use;
  • moisture resistance and sound insulation;
  • after the end of the polymerization reaction, the allocation of any substances into the atmosphere completely ceases;
  • not destroyed by paint and varnishes (the exception is the materials based on nitrocellulose);
  • the ability to compensate for the temperature deformations of the structural elements, while maintaining the integrity of the seam.

The main disadvantage of the foam is considered to be sensitivity to ultraviolet, from which the polymer is destroyed. This requires protection in the outer seams of painting or shtchev.

Scope of using mounting foam

This material was widely used in different fields of construction:

  • installation and sealing of window, door boxes;
  • filling the cracks and joints of the supporting structures, sealing roofs, opening pipes;
  • installation of panels during finishing works, installation of plumbing, foam concrete blocks;
  • thanks to waterproofing properties and buoyancy, this material is used in shipbuilding.

How to use the option in cylinders

How to use mounting foam: step-by-step instruction

To avoid common errors in the implementation of installation works or sealing of seams, professionals are recommended to adhere to such recommendations:

  • Before the surface of the surface is purified from dust, dirt and degreased. So it is possible to achieve sufficient adhesion.
  • For household species, the yield is 30-45 liters, so it is necessary to fill the seam by 30% of its volume. After the expansion of the foam fills the entire volume of space, and the number of protruding material will be insignificant. Proper dosing will allow you to optimize the consumption of the material and reduce the risk of contamination of the adjacent surfaces.
  • Winter foam has a low output, but is characterized by a high recycled extension coefficient. This is explained by the speed of formation of the primary surface film with a long completion of full polymerization.
  • When working, the canopy is kept with a bottom up. Otherwise, aerosol gases will be performed first, and the liquid components will remain inside the tank.
  • To accelerate the polymerization of the surface, it is recommended to sprinkle with water. For the same reason, it is impossible to wipe the splashes of foam, which fell on the surrounding surfaces with a damp cloth. Special washes or acetone are used to remove contaminants.
  • When working with winter foam before use, the cylinder is kept at room temperature so that it warms up to 20-24 ° C.
  • When mounting wooden door frames use compositions with a small secondary extension. Strong extension deforms the box. In any case, the struts and gaskets will have to use.
  • Materials with low secondary expansion densely and, accordingly, has high waterproofing properties. Such qualities are characteristic of expensive professional mounting fens.

Mounting foam accelerated and simplified the conduct of installation work in construction, the significantly increased productivity.

How to use the mounting foam

Mounting foam today is a popular building material, with which they replaced the mass of obsolete funds. For example, the pass, glue compositions, cement solutions.

It is divided into several types. Popular - with high expansion. It is relevant in those works where maximum sealing is achieved. The slot, the hole is filled with the composition of the cylinder. After a few seconds, it expands, filling the space and falling into hard-to-reach places.

A variant that differs in a much smaller expansion coefficient is also available. It is relevant in the works when the gap, which is filled - small, or there are connecting elements that differ in brittleness and delicacy with the probability of damage, or where they leave access.

How to choose the installation foam taking into account properties

This mounting foam is used for holes with a diameter of one to 10 centimeters. Due to a large number of works where mounting foam is used, manufacturers are released:

  • With a minimal expansion coefficient, but implying high pressure to simplify application;
  • Distinguished average indicators;
  • And the usual expanding.

Depending on the type of work, one of the proposed options is purchased. Expanding foam is convenient when installing window frames, doorways, when built in the house of partitions. The average expansion coefficient is relevant for small holes, if applied for them is a conventional expanding - mounting foam for the most part will be released from the hole without filling it.

In addition, consumption increases. When there are a lot of holes, the consumption of foam expanding, compared to the one that with average indicators, more than 2-3 times.

Types of mounting foam: acrylic and silicone

As such, the mounting foam is manufactured on two bases: acrylic and silicone.

Silicone is distinguished by high adhesion, it is convenient to work with almost all existing construction materials. With the help of silicone option, you can easily work with materials that are characterized by a smooth surface - enamel, glass, ceramic products.

In addition, silicone mounting foam is durable and durable, it is not susceptible to deformation, mechanical or atmospheric influence.

Acrylic foam is based on resin. It does not have any organic solvents, therefore, such a foam is easily diluted with water.

The relevance of using it is indisputable if deep cracks are poured, or the seams.

It is characterized by such foam rapid drying, although in this and minus - how foam will freeze, it will become less elastic than an equivalent on silicone basis. In addition, the seams created by acrylic foam rough, they are painted, which will not offer silicone foam.

Acrylic foam transfers sharp temperature differences, is often used for indoor work.

How to choose the installation foam

When choosing a foam, determine which types of work to be performed with its help. Depending on this, one or another appearance is selected.

It differs in the possibilities of expansion and ease of operation. Simple options imply a balloon with a mechanism similar to what is used on fresheners - the user delivers foam by pressing the key and it comes out of a small tubule that is a guide. Such an execution is more often found on cylinders containing material with a high degree of expansion.

The second option implies the use of a special pistol. A cylinder is inserted into it, and the user can apply to the surface or in the hole with great convenience.

If the upcoming front works are small - the first option is suitable if the scope of work implies the use of foam in large quantities, the second is suitable.

Focusing on them choose the appropriate option for a specific case.

It is worth remembering that if you have to work with a small space, a mounting foam is suitable, which has the property of small expansion. If it is necessary to obtain tightness, filling out the holes of a large volume - then choose makes sense that gives 50-60% expansion from the initial state.

How to use a gun for mounting foam

The foam differing in a small extension coefficient is used not only to fill holes with a small volume or small diameter. There are some tricks that are applicable to a professional and novice builder.

If there is only such a foam, and the volume is considerable, then score a gap or a hole with small pieces of bricks and blend foam.

In addition, depending on the scope of work, to purchase a special gun, together with which professional cylinders are used. They are distinguished by a large volume and give better performance. Working with a pistol is much more convenient.

In any case, the material is chosen that is suitable for solving the problem. Or it is necessary to purchase both types. With the help of expanding, blew large spaces, and with the help of a low coefficient to complete the work, eliminating minor errors and filling out the slots and holes of small sizes.

In the article we will go on the rules for using household mounting foam. Externally, household and professional mounting foam differ from the tube, although fundamentally work is different in both foams. Sometimes professional foam can be equipped with a tube, so carefully read the inscription on the cylinder with foam. Use professional foam through the tube is not economical, because in the cylinder is greater pressure and, accordingly, the consumption of the mounting foam per unit of time will be large.

Ideal temperature for the use of mounting foam Also indicated on the cylinder with foam, the bowl of all this temperature range from +5 to +30 degrees.

When working a balloon with mounting foam, keep up the bottom, The tip of the tube for sealing bottlenecks can be slightly flattened.

The slot must be fill in no more than 30 percent, since foam increases in the amount of several times. You can add a mounting foam, but it is not worth it, most often foam on the contrary, it also concerns the recommendation on the moistening of the mounting foam for faster curing.

After about half an hour, inspect the workplace if the foam is not sufficient, add, excess the excess. Full flooding the mounting foam from the cylinder There is no less than eight hours.

If the mounting surface goes to the street, after a complete hardening it is necessary to cover with plaster or paint paint. Otherwise, when contacting ultraviolet rays, mounting foam will start collapse over time!

Having finished working with a balloon, it is necessary rinse the tube special flushing For foam, then it's gently blow out air (take care of the lips, better use the bike pump) to use it next time!

By the way, I personally do in another way, after the frozen of the residues of the foam in the tube, pull it out with the help of screwing the ordinary screw, as a corkscrew, does not push the foam inside the cap. Although it is more reliable not to use the tube many times, and more accurately calculate the required number of cylinders with mounting foam for work, the resulting volume of foam from the cylinder always indicates on the cylinder with foam.

Memo - any mounting foam is not glued to silicone and polyethylene!