Repairs Design Furniture

How to protect the wall from dampness. Protection of brick masonry. Technology of coating waterproofing

After the construction of the house or basement has been completed, it is not necessary to hope that all works are completed. For a long service life of all overlaps and partitions are necessary. If you figure it out in this process, there is nothing complicated.

The need for internal waterproofing

In each building, the temperature regime inside is necessarily different from the temperature on the street. To create a comfortable situation in the summer, we try to ventilate more, and in the winter we turn the heating.

As a result, moisture condensation occurs, especially on the inner surfaces. Probably, each at least once paid attention to the wet wallpaper, it could lead to some undesirable consequences:

  • Since most building materials can absorb moisture, it can significantly reduce their service life.
  • Most of the main communications are made of metal, and, it means that in conditions of high humidity will be subject to corrosion.
  • Over time, the smell of dampness will begin to appear.
  • The microclimate will be disturbed.
  • Mold will begin to appear, and this is not at all useful for human health.

Thus, you can come to the conclusion that the protection against moisture inside the apartment is also necessary, as in the basement.

Varieties of waterproofing

It is possible to classify waterproofing in different ways, depending on its features. Therefore, based on the parameters, and divide it into several types.

Wall waterproofing

By destination, waterproofing happens:

  • Sealing.
  • Heat hydrogen insulating.
  • Anticorrosive.
  • Anti-Filtration.

If you proceed from the location on the building, then you can allocate:

  • Outdoor.
  • Internal.

Depending on the object, which is undergoing moisture protection:

  • Isolation of foundations.
  • Cellars.
  • Floors.
  • Bathrooms and bathrooms.
  • Walls in apartments.

The material that is used for this process may differ, so allocate:

  • Pilot waterproofing.
  • Potted.
  • Plaster.

Depending on its features, the waterproofing layer may be:

  • Single-layer and multi-layered.
  • Reinforced and not reinforced.
  • With a protective layer or without it.
  • Ventilated.

If you get to the question seriously, it is quite possible to carry out your own hands.

Protection of basement

If your cellar is located under the house, its protection against excess moisture must be carried out without fail. Otherwise, the construction will begin to collapse from excessive dampness over time, and the disruption of the structures of the whole house will entail.

If you build a house with your own hands, then this problem must be taken back at the construction stage, although the basement from the inside can be made at any time.

All work can be carried out using various means that can be divided into several types:

  1. Anti-pine type of isolation. It will be protected from groundwater impact, for this is treated with polymer-bitumen mastic.
  2. The non-variable type will protect against the influence of melt waters and various precipitation. The material can be used the same.
  3. Anti-capillary isolation protects against moisture, which can penetrate through the smallest pores in the floor. In this case, solutions, mastic and impregnating mixtures are used.

Choosing material for work, it is necessary to take into account all its qualities and features of overlaps.

In order for all waterproofing work to be performed qualitatively, some recommendations must be followed:

  • The surface before applying protective coatings must be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • If there are big irregularities, it is desirable to align them.
  • After all the preparatory measures you need to dry the walls.
  • Apply a primer mixture.
  • The next layer should be waterproofing material.

The instruction is quite simple, but all its items are very important.

As materials for work, you can take:

Liquid insulation of walls

  • Cemental compositions.
  • Dry mixes.
  • Rolled materials.
  • Liquid solutions.
  • Metal sheets.

The choice of the right material is sufficiently important, the quality of the work performed will depend on it, and it means that the life of this room will depend.

The most suitable for work in the basement is considered:

  1. Cement-based mastics. They are preferred when groundwater is closely located.
  2. Painting materials.
  3. Penetrating materials. To eliminate emerging cracks.
  4. Rolled materials in aggregate with insulation give an excellent result.

Waterproofing from the inside of the basement with a solution of sand and cement is considered the most successful option. The mixture adds more modified additives that increase waterproof properties. It can be: polymers, liquid glass.

Waterproofing rolled materials in the basement

If you decide to use rolled materials, then work must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Produce basement with cement mortar.
  2. Rolled waterproofing material is glued into two layers.
  3. Lower the wall made of clay brick to support rolled insulation.
  4. From the wall, it is necessary to retreat approximately 0.5 meters.
  5. Between the wall and clay castle you need to pour soil.
  6. Cheating all the joints and cracks with bitumen mastic.
  7. In conclusion, you can still process the surface with a coating mixture.

Rolled insulation from moisture and water

Garage Moisture Protection

The garage is a house for a car, and, it means that the appropriate microclimate should also be maintained, in which your four-wheeled friend will feel good.

Most of the parts of the machine are made of metal, so the impact of moisture is extremely contraindicated. This will lead to the emergence of rust, which can end in disrepair, that is, to excessive waste for repairs and replace spare parts. Even the most motorist himself is not quite comfortable in the indoors with high humidity, therefore it is not anywhere in the waterproofing.

  1. Ribbon roll materials. Ruberoid is considered the most common from this group.
  2. Caution or liquid sealants. These compositions are prepared on the basis of a bitumen or rubber basis.
  3. Concrete mixes.

The entire garage waterproofing process is reduced to the following procedures:

  1. Waterproofing foundation.
  2. Roofs.
  3. Wall insulation.

If you are not satisfied with the cellar in the garage, then it is possible to do with minimum of funds.

  • During the construction of the garage for the foundation, the rubberoid is put on.
  • If the garage is already built, the foundation can be simply deceived by mastic or shuffle.

If the basement in this room is provided, then it is necessary to approach this process more seriously, almost the same as in a separate basement.

To insulate the roof, you need to choose the material based on it:

Inner waterproofing

  1. If the surface is flat, then it is best to use runneroid, well warmed joints, and then the entire surface must be pouring the resin.
  2. The roof having the rods should be covered by waterproofing material before laying the coating. To do this, buy a special film and nailed directly to the rafters, and then the coverage is also stacked on top.
  3. If there is a desire, the plates can be used. The seams between them should be neglected with sealants.

Waterproofing of the genuine walls from the inside is extremely rare. But for greater reliability and maximum protection against moisture, this process is still better to do.

  1. It can be covered with concrete mixtures. They are purchased ready and bred by water according to the instructions. For better clutch, the surface of the wall before applying is desirable to moisten with water.
  2. The second option is the use of a vapor and waterproofing film. It is necessary for the use of gap before it.

Waterproofing apartments from within

Very often in their apartments, we notice dampness in the corners, and in the winter you can see even snow and icing. One of the solutions of this problem is to protect the walls from the inside of the apartment from excess moisture.

It is possible to exercise all work. And, if everything is fine with interpanel seams, then you will be 100% able to cope with this problem.

Work can be carried out in stages:

  1. To insulate the slots, it is necessary to prepare a penabile cross section 20x20 mm. Empty places must be filled with foam, and then hermetically pouring trigger dehydroles.
  2. Clean the surface of the wall on the desired area from the coating.
  3. Cove the concrete with special compositions.

Waterproofing inside the apartment independently quite by the power of each man. For this, sometimes it is enough to apply a special solution, most often used plaster.

This is not a completely ordinary cement solution, there are necessarily additive additives that have excellent waterproofing properties.

When wetting, these modifiers begin to seal the smallest channels, and water can no longer accumulate. This will provide a dry surface, and, it means, protects you from the appearance of fungus and mold.

The advantage of plaster is its ability to breathe, it seems everything is hermetically packaged, and the walls continue to perform air exchange.

The humidity level is an important indicator for the normal functioning of our body, so the waterproofing of the walls from the inside of the apartment will have to be, by the way.

What to do when the mold and wet the wall constantly appears? To solve this problem, it is best for the waterproofing of walls, but what material and method to use?

Reveal the secret, why no water insulation is impossible

Conventional water creates large problems for residents of houses or apartments. Water comes from the soils, after the rain in the basement or flows from the ceiling along the walls from sloppy neighbors, not followed by its own tap and sewer systems. It happens that water at first glance is not, but the mold and fungus spreads, which confirms the presence of excessive moisture in the walls.

These cases are very common, and the error in the construction of buildings is really to blame. Previously saved on the waterproofing of the necessary places at home. It is often happening now. Such savings leads to the above issues with which people suffer from years.

What is waterproofing

Problem places should be hydroizing. These include:

  • bathrooms;
  • kitchen;
  • basement;
  • base floors;
  • roof;
  • weak walls in terms of insulation.

For implementation, special materials and technologies are used. To begin with, we understand what waterproofing is.

Waterproofing - protection of any structures and structures from moisture penetration. This means that the application of the protective layer warns the appearance of mold and an unexpected flow of water, which protects against unplanned repairs and maintains funds.

Features of the application of the method

Building waterproofing mixtures are characterized by their features of use and composition. At the same time, they are divided into several species according to the following criteria:

  1. By type of material: rolled (film, rubberoids), powder (construction dry mixtures), liquid.
  2. By chemical composition: polyethylene, cement, bitumen, rubber, acrylic, PVC materials, silicone (silicon).
  3. By the implementation method: a sealing, penetrating, coating, membrane.

As can be seen, waterproofing has a lot of species, each of which has its own features of operation outside and indoors.

Outside buildings

When applying waterproofing it is very important to take into account the air temperature and the amount of solar base lighting. The mixtures are used at temperatures from + 50c to 350c. Excessive solar illumination adversely affects the powder or liquid waterproofing caused, since it makes it very quickly evaporates water from the solution. As a result of the hydration reaction, the composition does not gain declared characteristics and will not be able to perform its functions. Therefore, the workplace must be protected from solar radiation.

The main distinguishing feature of the facade waterproofing materials is the presence of such a characteristic as frost resistance. This indicator is measured in freezing and thawing cycles. The material is considered frozen when the negative temperature is below the operational indicated in the marking.


The main indicator for internal use is environmental purity and fire safety. Therefore, materials from PVC, bitumen, rubber are not recommended for internal work. Sometimes they cause allergic reactions.

There is also one important feature of the use of waterproofing in the rooms forget our builders. Any powder and liquid compositions are perfectly protected from moisture penetration on the plane, but they work well in the corners. Therefore, in places of connection of vertical and horizontal surfaces of the processed insulation, a special membrane tape with an elastic imperminating gasket in the middle should be applied.

What waterproofing materials exist: varieties than to process from moisture outside and inside

Consider in more detailed types of waterproofing from the point of view of the area and method of use.


Sealing waterproofing is not quite true phrase. Correctly call the means of this category of sealant or suture waterproofing. It is used if you need to insulate the joint of two objects, if there is a distance of up to 2 cm between them. An example is the wall of the wall and sink or bathroom. For these purposes, acrylic and silicone compositions are used, which most often in tubes with a volume of up to 300 ml. Silicone seams can be up to 5 mm, and an acrylic is close to 2 cm cavity.

Waterproofing the pool or shower cabin is also an example of using sealants. Colored silicones are recommended as a grout for interpatine seams. They protect the glue composition from moisture from entering it, which increases the life of the entire wall.

The sealant is a universal waterproofing of the wall when the area of \u200b\u200bapplication is very small. In addition, these compositions have high adhesion and they are often used as glue for decorative panels in places with humidity above 60%.


The concept of thermal insulation waterproofing of walls is found. But it is not entirely true. The composition of waterproofing mixtures does not include minerals that increase heat penetration resistance. However, these mixtures and materials are used in insulation systems, including several layers:

  • leveling (if necessary);
  • waterproofing (if necessary);
  • insulation (glue + insulation);
  • protective (breathable);
  • decorative.

Depending on the use of the layers may vary in places. As a waterproofing layer used:

  • film membranes if ventifassad and roofing are created;
  • cement - when creating an plastered facade;
  • bituminous, rubber - are used in the base and roofing finish.


There are anti-corrosion waterproofing mixtures. In their composition, the basis is usually a bitumen. But for waterproofing of the walls, this composition does not make sense, since only metals are subject to corrosion.

However, when the bodies of former carriages, households, buses or trolley buses are used as country houses. In this case, the use of only such waterproofing will extend the service life of the housing and protect it from destruction.

Waterproofing walls coating

Universal form and method is a coating waterproofing. It is used in waterproofing walls in bathrooms, kitchens, shower cabins, pools, water tanks inside and outside buildings. To implement the method, one or two-component cement, acrylic, silicon compositions and crystalline fluids are used.

Cheap alternative materials suitable for external work

Some of the above methods and materials are often quite expensive and become inaccessible to the consumer. In these cases, you can use a cheap alternative - liquid glass and mixtures with its addition.

The characteristics of the liquid glass mixture are much inferior to finished products. But this option can be used as temporary to die and do everything correctly.

What is carried out waterproofing

Depending on the type of waterproofing, it is applied to different tools.

On a brick wall

Silicon-based compositions are recommended for brick walls. Maclock is used to apply them, but for saving time apply a durable or foam roller.

If another type of waterproofing is used for the wall, it is desirable to align in advance the starting or universal plaster. After that, coating waterproofing is carried out in the same way or a smooth spatula.

When applying membranes, it is not recommended to use hardware to not form holes into the film. Over time, such holes become cold bridges and lead to the formation of mold and fungus. Therefore, the polyethylene film is glued to a special rubber tape or high-quality bilateral tape.

In the apartment from within

From the inside use the coherent waterproofing on a cement or acrylic basis. It is applied with a spatula or brush.

The method is implemented as follows:

  • The cement composition mixed with water or special solution to a semi-liquid state. The finished product is first applied to the surface by vertical stripes throughout the area.
  • After drying the first layer, the second is applied perpendicular to the first, i.e. horizontal stripes.
  • When using the composition in highly flooded environments, such as pools, pallets of shower cabins make the third layer, which is applied with a thickness of up to 5 mm, as the finish splotle.

Concrete Walls

Concrete walls are a special basis, since they do not absorb moisture and have a smooth surface. This reduces the adhesion of some building mixtures. Because of what, when using cement and acrylic waterproofing, it is first necessary to apply adhesive primer called concrete contact.

When waterproofing the concrete structures of a heavy profile, such as underground tunnels of metro transitions, collectors or parking in the presence of flooded soils are recommended to use penetrating crystallizing waterproofing.

This species is sold in the vendors with a capacity of 5 liters and has a type of transparent liquid. It is applied to the base with a brush and penetrates the base of 5-10 mm. During operation, water is seeping, which reacts with waterproofing crystals and provokes them. As a result, all microcracks are cleaned and a monolithic waterproof wall is obtained.

How long is the coating

Different types of waterproofing have their own service life.

The cement mixture is not more than 15 years old on the facade of the building at a periodic storage, and it will take inside the premises until 20 years. Some manufacturers argue that their mixtures are ready to be used for 25 years outside of buildings.

Acrylic compositions are recommended to apply indoors where they are willing to listen not more than 20 years.

Penetrating waterproofing is the most durable, as it is exploited as much as a concrete base.

Polyethylene and tissue membranes are used not more than 10-15 years after which they need to be replaced.

Less durable is bituminous waterproofing materials. Depending on the flooding, it is spoiled after five years, but in some cases it is up to 10 years.

The use of waterproofing is a necessity in all cases of moisture water. Depending on the number of appearing excess liquid, simple and cheap materials (cement, acrylic, silicone) can be used, but with greater flooding, more expensive penetrating insulation of concrete can be used.

Useful video

Waterproofing walls - a mandatory procedure when building a building. Unprotected surfaces will be exposed to moisture - precipitation, condensate - and collapse, mold may appear on them. When working, it is necessary to strictly adhere to technology, only this can be protected by brick, wooden or concrete surfaces from water, extinguishing the operational period of the house.

Applying liquid waterproofing

Condensate is formed on the inner surfaces of the walls of the walls. This is due to increased humidity. In the bathrooms, the kitchen, basement, non-residential buildings (garage, shed, workshop), especially if there is no heating system, the humidity of the air is increased constantly, so there is a security of walls from the inside.

Another reason for the appearance of condensate is not enough high-quality insulation of the house.

External surfaces are in contact with precipitation, groundwater.

What is waterproofing?

The lack of waterproof coverage will significantly reduce the service life of the building, the material (concrete, brick, wood) will collapse, cracks will appear on it, mold, moss. That this does not happen, you need to perform waterproofing walls outside and from the inside.

In addition, the protection of the internal surfaces will help:

  • prevent the appearance of the smell of dampness;
  • maintain the optimal microclimate indoor;
  • protect pipes and other metal structures made of corrosion metal;
  • remove the need for cosmetic and overhaul.

Types of waterproofing materials

For appointment, materials are divided into 4 types:

  • sealing;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • hydro and heat insulating;
  • anti-Filtration.

By type, waterproofing can be liquid or rolled.

An example of using rolled waterproofing

Bituminous mastic

Bitumen is an elastic mass, which is a product of oil refining. Creates a dense waterproof film on the surface, not susceptible to cracking. Fills the smallest cracks, penetrates the pores of the base. Used in combination with rolled material or independently. Designed to protect the wall outside, processing the foundation.

Bitumen mastic is easy to apply, with the task, it will cope and not having a person's experience. Works take a little time. The material is sold in the form of bars, which must be heated to 150 degrees before use to melt.

The disadvantages include the duration of frozen. When using low-quality compositions, the resulting coating can crack over time.

Polymer mastic

Polymer mastic - plastic adhesive compositions based on acrylic used for waterproofing walls from the inside or outside. In addition to the protection against moisture, improves the thermal insulation properties of the treated surface.

Pluses of polymer mastic:

  • forms a dense smooth coating that does not require the applying finish;
  • fireproof;
  • protects against moisture, fungus, moss;
  • it has a safe composition allowing it to use it in bathrooms and other premises;
  • produced in a wide range of colors;
  • resistant to minus temperatures;
  • dries quickly;
  • elastic, when drying or deformation, the foundation retains integrity.

Color polymer mastic

Deep penetration compositions

Dry mixes containing quartz sand, cement and polyurethane resins are bred by water immediately before use. After drying, they form a hermetic film, reliably protecting the surface.

Application technology is extremely simple, work can be performed by a non-specialist. Penetrating compositions are used mainly inside the house.

Tol and ruberoid

Both materials are used to waterproof the wall outside, protection against the moisture of the foundation.

Ruberoid - rolled material consisting of the base (cardboard, fiberglass) and impregnation (most often bitumen). Tol - cardboard canvas impregnated with the Degtess. The first is superior to the second in its properties; Tol is cheaper.

Membrane (film)

It is a rolled material from synthetic rubber or PVC. Used indoors and outside. A significant disadvantage is instability to mechanical effects. The waterproofing film for walls is easily damaged at the stacking stage.


Injection waterproofing

To this type include:

  • epoxy formulations;
  • acrylate gels;
  • polyurethane compositions.

In the wall in a step of 50 cm, the holes are drilled in which fluid is introduced under high pressures. The method is quite expensive and requiring the availability of special equipment, so its application is justified only in very difficult cases when it is impossible to use other materials.

Location of insulating coating

Waterproofing wall can be performed in 2 ways: horizontal and vertical.


This method is used both in the construction process and during repair work. Use rolled, liquid waterproofing material or both at the same time.


Rolled material is placed on the base at the construction site. Ruberoid or film will prevent moisture absorption from the cellar, basement or soil.

Horizontal waterproofing

The device of horizontal waterproofing is possible only at the construction phase.

Preparation of walls for waterproofing

Before proceeding with the work, the surface must be carefully cleansed from the old finish: remove the plaster, paint, wallpaper. Wrappers, metal brushes, chemical washes, in difficult cases - sandblasting apparatus.

If the surface has defects, they are eliminated - cracks are filled with cement mortar, the protrusions are cleaned.

Features of insulation when insulation of premises

Waterproofing walls from inside is necessary when laying insulation. Most thermal insulation materials are characterized by good absorbability, so they need to be protected from moisture. Otherwise, they will answer, lose their properties, will begin to rot or cover mold.

Inner protection

Waterproofing of the inner walls is carried out using polymer mastic or membrane fixing.

The procedure for applying mastic:

  1. The prepared and purified surface is aligned with cement plaster.
  2. Apply primer.
  3. After drying, the surface is covered with a layer of waterproofing. A total of several layers will be required.

Polymer films are used for walls in an apartment or a private house. Mounting membrane:

  1. The insulated surface is fixed by a crate.
  2. In cells between the racks laid insulation.
  3. With the help of rails to the frame fasten the film. They have it vertically, the strips go to the mustache.
  4. Perform the trim in the finishing material.

If necessary, you can consolidate 2 layers of the film - directly on the wall, before installing the crate, then the framework itself.

Features of waterproofing foundations and walls of basements

The main feature of the process of the foundation waterproofing device is that the surface processing is mounted in the soil, and it will be necessary to clear them, digs along the perimeter of the building trench.

Before you begin to work, you need to explore the foundation, eliminate all defects.

Waterproofing of the basement walls from the inside is carried out using bitumen mastic, rubberoid, membranes.

Waterproofing wall basement

Waterproofing of outdoor walls

To protect the outer surfaces, you can use bitumen, rubberoid or a combination of them.

Fooling technology


  1. Purified surfaces are ground with a special composition (you can use bitumen, diluted with gasoline). Apply a liquid with a brush. Waiting for, while dry. Apply the second layer.
  2. Covered preheated to a liquid state with bitumen mastics. If the composition is too thick, it is difficult to smear it, add a small amount of solvent or gasoline to get the desired consistency. Special attention is paid to the place of the joint of the material from which the foundation is made.
  3. After applying the first layer, they wait until he freezes. Covered one more.

In order for the waterproofing to perform the function assigned to it, its total thickness should be at least 3 mm.

Inlet principle

The waterproofing of the outer walls at the rolled material is performed as follows:

  1. The cleaned surfaces are ground in 2 layers.
  2. Heat the strip of roofing or runneroid using a construction dryer, burners. It is necessary that the impregnation soften.
  3. Apply the material to the lower edge of the surface horizontally (parallel to the ground).
  4. With force pressed and thoroughly stroke so that the rubberoid is tightly adhesive to the outer wall, and inside the air remains.
  5. The next strip is fixed vertically, the lower end by entering the horizontally fixed segment of the rubberoid. The remaining bands are fixed in the same way, making a total of about 20 cm.
  6. The locations of the joints need to be additionally sealing. It will suit bitumen mastic.

Combined method

Waterproofing outer wall rubberoid

For high-quality and reliable waterproofing the wall of the house, you can use the liquid composition and rolled material.

In this case, at first the surface is deceived by bitumen mastic, the rubberoid is placed on it.

Easy technologies and the lack of need to use special equipment make it possible to carry out work on protecting walls from moisture with your own hands, and tangible benefits - a significant increase in the construction period of the building - justifies the costs of time and means.

Quite often, we forget that you recruit the bath and simply forgot to close the crane in the sink. Similar inattention is fraught with serious consequences: damage finishes and furniture in the bathroom, leaks and yellow spots on the ceiling of the neighbors from the bottom, which leads to large unforeseen costs.

Therefore, each modern specialist advises to install a hydrobarier under the layer of screed. In this case, the walls will be protected, and the risk of damage to the building material is minimized, and the floor will not flow, which is important for the neighbors from the bottom.

Our life without water is simply impossible, we cannot change its consumption, but we are able to defend it from it.

Blue marked zones in which waterproofing should be done first

We protect walls from water

Today, the building materials market represent a large number of different options for waterproofing walls of the bathroom, but each of them is, ultimately, about the same thing, the same is a solid coating that prevents moisture penetration into the wall base.

Do not allow the surface to collapse, the protective layer will relieve the room from mold, fungus and dampness, and most importantly, from the unpleasant odors allocated by them.

Advantages of waterproofing:

Despite the fact that the goal is concrete, choose a certain type of waterproofing material is quite difficult. Before buying the funds you need, you need to know the following characteristics of the treated surface:

  • what is the condition of the walls of the bathroom;
  • which materials are overlap;
  • deadlines in which you need to invest;
  • floor of your apartment;
  • bathroom area;
  • the complexity of the configuration of the walls;
  • the presence of specific tools: burner, construction hairdryer, etc.;
  • other nuances.

Experts note that it is not necessary to protect every centimeter of the wall, it is enough to choose the most dangerous areas: around the toilet, sink, bath or shower (in particular, the zone inside the cabin).

Do not forget about the cost of materials and the complexity of working with it, such arguments are quite important, especially for a beginner of the repair business.

Remember, the waterproofing of walls in the bathroom cannot be a single solution, the floor should also be included in this procedure, otherwise the need to protect walls from moisture is reduced to zero.

Waterproofing latex and acrylic

Variety of materials

The total mass of materials created solely to protect the walls or floor of the water is divided into the following groups:

  1. Caution.
  2. Harvest.

Consider more each option so that your choice is as reliable as possible.

Fooling materials

A similar type of waterproofing materials is made on the basis of oxidized bitumen, the composition of which is accompanied by various fillers and an organic solvent.

Latex, rubber crumb or plasticizer are used as fillers. Each of the components increases the elasticity of the new coating, which makes it more reliable and resistant to aggressive environments of the bathroom.

The media of the cooler materials allocate the following:

  • bitumen rubber mastic;
  • bitumen-polymer mastic;
  • cement-polymer mastic.

The first two options are distinguished by high adhesion with the walls of the bathroom, however, their reliable properties and durability manifests itself only in a pair with reinforcing fiber tie.

Waterproofing process in the bathroom

The base from Fiber makes the base of the walls, more durable, resistant to erasure and minimizes the risk of cracking.

Despite the main component - bitumen, the materials are not toxic, since their negative qualities are minimized by the introduction of special polymers.

The third option is a cement-polymer mastic somewhat different from previous "comrades". The difference is that it must be prepared independently: mineral filler plus dry cement plus water (the use of other binding components is allowed).

After preparation of the tool, its consistency should remind you of plasticine, and the consumption is no more than 3 kg per 1 m2, provided that two layers are applied.

Cement-polymer mastic has high adhesion with the base of the floor, but if you add other relevant components, the tool can also be used for the walls of the bathroom.

Let us summarize: the coating materials are offered on sale in the form of a dry mix that you need to breed with water, or as a paste, fully prepared for use and reliably soldered in the container.

Harvest materials

The basis of the inlet waterproofing materials is the reinforced polyester or fiberglass bitumen, as well as polyterropylene modified polymers. On sale such materials are found in the form of rolls often black or blue.

Types of inland materials:

The main difference in two similar materials is a way of installation.

The first version of the filtered materials is laid by gas heating. The second type - establishes much easier to the first, without using any specific tools.

Experts allocate the following types of inlet materials: leaf with bitumen impregnation, hydrobarrier based on rubber.

However, the practice of recent years has revealed that most specialists are gradually refused of inland waterproofing materials. Despite their available cost and easy installation, they have a number of shortcomings:

  • rolls of waterproofing material include bitumen, which highlights a characteristic smell;
  • laying the rolled material does not allow uneven walls with any defects; Walls should be perfectly dry and processed in advance with bitumen impregnation;
  • the slightest inaccuracy during installation can reduce all the work of the step.

Given the similar disadvantages, the inlet materials still have demand, because their application is the most economical way to protect the walls of the bathroom.

Practice has shown that rolled materials are easy to mount, the time must be minimal, the risk of displacement of the canvas is excluded and, most importantly, further construction work can be carried out immediately, not expecting drying of the walls, as required by degradation.

Master Council (!): Do not use polyethylene-based materials as waterproofing. Such variants of poor-quality, are short-lived and quite easily pass steam and moisture, in contrast to the above species.

Unfortunately, not each of us can afford to contact the relevant company and order a similar service as waterproofing the walls of the bathroom. Therefore, if you decide to process walls yourself, we recommend choosing the following option: cement-polymer mastic. That is, the material should include sand, cement and polymeric materials.

It is such a combination that the high quality hydrobrier is capable of building, which will protect the trim and walls of the bathroom for many years.

Bituminous mastic for bathroom waterproofing

You can not choose bitumen mastic or rolled materials impregnated with bitumen, over time they can be detached from the walls, since a similar component has a high fluidity.

Preparation of walls

Before starting the installation of the waterproofing layer, the wall must be prepared, for which such actions will perform:

  • remove the old finish: tile or paint using a spatula or perforator;
  • using a plumb (cord and cargo), check for how many walls are smooth;
  • if the walls are smooth, the error is no more than 2 cm, it will be enough to treat the surface of the primer;
  • if you need to align the wall, use a plastering solution for lighthouses, then wait for the surface to dry for two or three days;
  • after alignment of the walls, they must be covered with primer;
  • walls must be as dry as possible;

Upon expiration of the specified period, you can start waterproofing the walls of the bathroom using coating materials.

Grinding for walls

Application of the waterproofing layer

Remember, for waterproofing walls it is necessary to prefer cement-polymer mastic. They can securely strengthen on the surface of the walls of the bathroom.

Pay special attention to the corners of the room: these places should be sampled with a hermetic ribbon resistant to water. And also pay attention to the plots at the pipes: special cuffs should be put on their outputs.

It is very important to cubs the surface of the walls twice: before laying the waterproofing layer and after it. And for the stability of the material, experts recommend using a reinforcing grid that will reliably hold the adhesive composition and ceramic tiles.

The waterproofing layer must be applied twice, with an interval from 4 to 6 hours. Observe the thickness of the layer not more than 3 mm.

Liquid waterproofing

Only after the processing of the walls can be moved to the floor.

Waterproofing of the surfaces of the bathroom is an important part of the repair, without any modern master. Good think every step and then you will cope with any task.

To extend the service life of the house, it is necessary to fully protect its designs from the effects of moisture. Water, penetrating inside the walls, contributes to the destruction of the structure of the materials, of which they are made. And it does not matter, brick, concrete or wooden surfaces in the structure, they all equally need to be hydrated.

Proper waterproofing of the walls, made from the inside or outside the house, protect the surface from the negative impact of precipitation, will reduce the level of water freezing in the cold period, thereby making the dwelling warmer.

Outside or from the inside?

Protecting the dwelling from water is better comprehensive: waterproofing of the walls should be carried out on the external areas of the structure and the internal surfaces. In the absence of external hydraulic protection, mold and dampness will be guaranteed to appear in the housing. In order for the protection to be complete, the foundation needs to be treated with both outside and inside: the basement is in contact with the soil on both sides.

The complexity of the implementation of external hydraulic protection is that this type of work should be carried out at the construction stage. If it is already built, the waterproofing of the walls requires the foundation excavation.

Well, if the structure is surrounded by the Earth. But most often the asphalt tracks are paved around it. They will need to be dismantled, spread in the ground the trench along the foundation, to make waterproof, then bury the trench and again hold the asphalting of the zone around the house.

Therefore, the waterproofing of the outer walls of the already built building will cost expensive. In this case, it is better to carry out such works from the inside.

Types of insulation and materials used

Waterclause can be horizontal and vertical. The first is carried out at the end stage of the house by laying on the Ruberoid foundation, then begin to build the walls.

The second is the use of certain materials on the outer walls of the building in order to isolate the foundation from groundwater.

For both waterproofs choose certain materials.

The region of their use is the walls in the ground. Rolls consist of cardboard impregnated with bitumen. One side is covered with quartz sprinkle. Most often running roofing, aquaisole, hydroizol. The last two is a fiberglass mesh, also impregnated with bitumen. They are more durable and lung than rubberoid.

Roll insulation allows you to quickly treat a significant surface of the foundation. Outside the walls will be completely protected from moisture exposure.

These waterproofing materials with which the vertical protection of concrete structures is carried out.

The advantages of mastic is good adhesion with the base, the formation of a monolithic hermetic film. Under the influence of air temperature, these materials are hardening.

The lack of inexpensive bitumen compositions - the solvent exudes a strong smell.

Water soluble mastic consist of a bitumen of small dispersions and latex. They have excellent adhesion with concrete and brick base. In contrast to mastic with a solvent content, water-soluble formulations can be used for processing and dry, and wet surfaces.

Hydro and vaporizoation of walls in the bathroom of the apartment or at home is created using more modern mastics based on rubber, various polymers and resins. They do not smell and are an environmentally friendly product.

Mastics of all kinds are applied using a roller or brush.

Today, the latest waterproofing materials use the latest waterproofing materials. What is penetrating (penetrating) compositions? This is a dry mixture based on cement and quartz sand. Due to the special polyurethane resins, they have special waterproofing properties. The compositions penetrate into the porous structure of concrete walls, make the surface with hermetic, waterproof.

Penetrating mixtures are bred with simple water, they work with them with a brush and roller. The compositions are applied in 2-3 layers. They are usually used to protect the surfaces from the inside of the structure. Waterproofing walls with the help of these materials can be carried out with their own hands, without the involvement of professionals.

Types of waterproofs

There are two ways to protect the outer and inner walls of buildings from moisture exposure: coating and inlet.

Fooling technology

The waterproofing compositions of the coating type are used to process the internal and external surface surfaces. They do not affect the capillary moisture on the walls. In the presence of a hydrocker with pressure up to 2 meters, the use of protection is possible under certain conditions:

  • there should be no deformation seams on the walls;
  • subsequently, repair work can be carried out.

External waterproofing of the walls involves the use of bitumen mastics, which are applied by the most affected by moisture.

The coating type compositions are applied in 2-4 layers.


Finding out what is a coating waterproofing, consider the technique of its use on the example of the processing of the external walls of the brick structure with a concrete foundation.

First you need to dig walls of the founding of the building, free them from the remnants of the Earth.

After that, the surfaces are processed by a special primer mixture or a building bitumen dissolved in gasoline (primer). This composition is applied with a brush or roller in two layers. The walls are allowed to dry. Then the surface is treated with mastic.

What if the material is too viscous? Gasoline or solvent will help to lose it.
The seams of concrete blocks are carefully treated.

Bituminous waterproofing of walls should have a thickness of at least 3 mm. The tool is used 2-3 times, giving each layer to dry before applying the subsequent.

Inlet principle

This rolled waterproofing, well opposing the processes of rotting. Only a combination of materials of inlet and coating types reliably protect external and internal surfaces from moisture exposure.

Isolation of external walls using a roll material also begins with their purification from dust, garbage, land residues. After that, the surface is applied to the surface, 2-3 layers of bitumen-polymer mastic.

To fix the hinting materials, use a burner or construction hairdryer. The first layer is glued horizontally, start with the foot of the foundation. The strips of the waterproofer are treated with a burner, pressed tightly to the surface, smoothed to remove air.

The nesting bands should be 15-20 cm. The second layer is fixed vertically, perpendicular to the first. Carefully process joints.

Inner protection

Prevent the penetration of moisture from the inside of the structure using penetrating mixtures. With their help, hydro and vaporizolation of walls in the apartment is carried out, the foundation is processed, the inner walls of the basement.

After cleansing the surface of the walls from dust and garbage, they are wetted.

The waterproofing agent is bred by water in accordance with the instructions on the package.
The processing of wet surfaces is first horizontally. They give dry the first layer (3-4 hours). After that, the material is applied again, but already vertically.

After polymerization, the protective layer of the walls should be at least 2 mm. Check the thickness as follows: a knife is cut into a knife with a size of 2 × 2 cm and a measurement is made using a caliper.

Waterproofing walls - an important stage in the construction of any building. Make it with your own hands is easy, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and apply them correctly.