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The Evil Worthin 2 cerebral chip. More time-consuming method. E-mail "Candidates for the role of the core"

IN The Evil. WITHIN 2 Safety Map is key element In a game that will allow you to generate door codes to access specific protected areas. He opens more than one door in the game, but the first code (and the one that probably makes you get stuck), you need for the door B-34 in the car repair shop underground. Below we will show you the location of the UNION security map and how to use it to generate door codes.

The Evil WitHin 2: How to find the location of the security map of Union?

To get a map, you need to go to the Location "Unionway", which is located in the northern part of the map. Best time To do this - when you work on the mission "Robbery", as this is one of the directions that you need to visit in this quest.

The Evil Within 2: How to use UNION Safety Card To get the B-34 Door Code

Next to the place where you will find a map, there is a door with a stencil "B-34". If you look at the Security Card Union, you will notice that there is no magnetic strip or any traditional method Unlocking. Instead, he has a grid of numbers printed on it. It is this grid that will allow you to determine the access code for the B-34 door.

Take a look at the keyboard next to the door, and you can enter the code. Your card will also appear next to the Pade so that you can find out the key code. Since this is the B-34 door, you need to look at the b column and combine numbers from rows 3 and 4. The B-3 row gives you 96, and the B-4 range gives you 76. Connect them and enter "9676", in the keyboard, To open the door.

Video review

"It is necessary only to knock the heel about the heel three times and say to the shoes, where you want to get."

To bookmarks

Key feature The Evil Worthin is "gameplay inside the head." The player comes out of the game in a state of shock - most likely, after passing to fall asleep so easy. Like any good psychological thriller, the game of Sinji Miki, the creator of Resident Evil, leaves the scope for analysis and speculation.

The Evil Within continues in the head: gradually the story is becoming new in detail, folds as a puzzle. You will find out about the plot of something new, despite the fact that the game has long been over. And the most important thing is that any speculation is perfectly stacked in the overall concept.

And this is a big problem when you work on the sequel. How to make all the newcomers understood everything, and already loyal players did not upset because all their theories went to the rush? The easiest and most logical option is to devote the plot to other heroes, especially since the first part ended elegantly and in the continuation of the adventures of the detective sebastian Castellanosa, in general, there was no need.

First level of dive

There is a thought that the Evil Within is trying to make a new Resident Evil. Initially, the chamber, personal product of the second part turns into a blockbuster - spectacular and sharp. It is not bad, but the spirit of the original does not match at all.

The first part is perceived as the author's work. Single dream of the mind of Sinji Mikov, who spawned a monster: scraps from various works, including Resident Evil, fold into a single surrealistic canvas. Places curved-oblique, but the magical and frightening at the same time.

The Evil Within 2 is also assembled from the flap: here is a pseudo-open world (good, without "high"), several antagonists, dialogues with the choice of replicas, sidew quests, chest chests, kraft and the same combat system from Resident Evil 4 with minor changes.

There are even references to Twin-Pix

Former Detective Sebastian Castellanos arrives in Union - a city, literally sprinkling in pieces. The task is trivial: save the daughter who fell into the paws to the maniac-psychopath. The city is divided into several open areas and at first reminds Silent Hill from Downpour. It will not work out in every house, but in those where you can still have something interesting: supplies, peasons for cartridges, "ghost" of one of the dead residents or, for example, a sid-quest.

"Points of interest" Castellanos finds with the help of a special communicator: Only a zone is usually indicated on the map, in which there is something valuable, otherwise you have to focus "on the instruments." But remember: finding something you will most likely lose something else. Values \u200b\u200bare usually guarded by enemies, so there is always a risk to spend more cartridges than to find. Moreover, they kill here very quickly, especially at first.

As a reward for Side Quests, not only valuable resources, but also the grains of the world of the game, which is very important for the psychological thriller

Union ends with disgusting zombies. Most simply badly wanted back and forth: the best approach here is to paint from the back (if necessary, throw a bottle into a corner and distract) and stick the knife into the skull, but it turns out not always. It is worth allowing an obstacle as the whole crowd rushes at you, and there are no longer enough.

Unlike the first part, it often has to think tactically and use everything in battle available tools: turn over the barrels with flammable and lure the monsters there, open hydrants with water and shoot there with special electric bolts from the crossbow.

The supplies are always in shortage: you can even continue to come to the boss almost completely "empty" - Survival Horror as it is

The Evil Within 2 challenges even on the average difficulty level, which we can say about hardcore modes. The cartridges and resources for the crafting constantly lacking, the fatigue when running is overtaken very quickly, and with it - and especially picked zombies, following the heels. Over time, of course, the game becomes easier - Sebastian improves weapons and own skills - but the first time it will be hard.

Each fight here is nervous. You know that the cartridges are very small and they need to save, and the enemies are preferably fast. Delicious, because of this, miss and panic still stronger. Some opponents also behave disgusting!

Thanks to the open world, the passage of the game is stretched at about 16 hours, plus a minus two hours depending on the level of complexity. But here is the question: why is it all necessary? The first The Evil Within was completely linear and thanks to this almost did not say: throughout the plot, Shinji Miki asked the pace, throwing something new, and together with the gameplay also changed the perception of the work by the player. Diversity.

To the second part of Mikov moved to the armchair of the producer, and its contribution to the development of the game we are unlikely to ever learn for sure. He could control everything to the last pixel, and could not control anything at all. But the second part feels not at all as the first, and the matter is not at all in the open world.

The story The Evil Within 2 is too simple. Really interesting events here are rarely happening, and the degree of madness decreased strongly compared with the previous part. The open world, by the way, really "works" only the first half of the game: then you just run on the machine to the marker, trying not to spend the cartridges and not to join battles without particular necessary.

Each new location In the first part was distinctive. A typical gloomy village with zombies (yes, as in Resident Evil 4), a hospital, an old mansion, a laboratory, an ancient castle as if Dark Souls and even destroyed megalopolis. But The Evil Within 2 puts the focus on the Union, in which, how to say, really memorable places a bit.

Other important moment: Absolutely all the places that Castellanos visited in the first part were important for the plot. To spoil the first part would be a crime (even given that Bethesda had already done it in promotional materials for ten times), so just trust the word. Each location meant something. In The Evil Worthin 2 - no.

Another problem of the game - it is not enough surreal, if compared with the first part. True Sur Castellanosa suits only an estate artist and photographer Stefano Valentini, the first and most interesting opponent. He carries an expensive stylish costume, "pushes" a pathoral speech and listens to Tchaikovsky - everything, as it should be any stereotypic maniac-artist who wants to be a big what is in fact.

However, his work causes admiration. The Stefano collection has both paintings and sculptures collected from bodies of victims and dynamic installations. By killing a man, he loops the moment of his death: it turns out to be a volume of gif-animation - death thus lasts forever.

But his main masterpiece, of course, the obscura is a creature with a huge camera instead of the head, elminated from the bodies of the dead models. She dies standing out forever in orgasm. Creepy, but in my own way there is a beautiful creation.

But Stefano in the Union is so not one. The second maniac is the father of theodor, - literally turns the city to hell. If Stefano moves the sick desire to achieve recognition and success, then the goal of theodore is somewhat ambitious - he wants to capture the whole world. As a person who works well in psychology, he pointlessly presses the feeling of the guilt of Sebastian and even succeeds in this - hell is ignited not only in the Union, but also in the soul of a detective. In short, bastard is still the same.

The first The Evil Within could be accurately described in one word - "Mindfak". It was largely a personal story about the confrontation of two superphans, a multifaceted, complex and "chamber". Author's game Shinji Mikov. The Evil Within 2 is a good, but a waste blockbuster, which for some reason continues the plot of the first part and does it not too well.

The aspirations of the authors seem to be clear: the game tried to make closer to the mass audience, hence the strong simplification of the plot and entertainment inherent in completely different, more popular genres. In addition, on the face of the desire to make from The Evil Within Petty "New Resident Evil", a powerful franchise. True, the game is not sold yet too good, so it's not a fact that it will turn out.

Pumping, as before, occurs in the "safe zone": a place where you can stay, watch collectible slides and build something on the workbench

The problem is also in the fact that the person who did not play in the first part of the person will understand: the plot is too much relied on the events of the first The Evil Within.

Yes, the main plot is simple as three kopecks, but it's not about it, but in Beckogounded - Möbiius and Stem. If you know what it is, then welcome to the second level of review. Well, if not - better try to start the original game.

The Evil WitHin 2 is a good and very nervous game, she constantly challenges, but, alas, reflexes, and not your brain. For the players in the original there are too little secrets here, and for beginners - too much incomprehensible.

Second level of dive

"If you do not beat the drum, it will be silent. If the truth does not explain, it will remain incomprehensible. " In the case of The Evil Within, this proverb does not work: hints and inconsideration sometimes better truth.

Shinji Mikov did the first part of the memories of other works: a combat system and whole scenes, reminiscent of his own Resident Evil 4, quotes from "Cells", references from the Silent Hill series - someone even called it plagiarism, they say, Mikov himself You can not think about anything, pulls from other works.

But in fact, all the exhibitions there are perfectly falling into the overall concept: this world is unreal, he is literally woven from memories. At the heart of the world, which generates the Machine STEM - the brain of a scientific and psychopath of Ruben Victoriano, who has encouraged himself with a banner and become, in fact, God. Initially, he just wanted to once again meet his dear sister, but Möbii's evil corporation stored Ruben's brain to the bank and decided to create an ideal world on the basis of his fantasies. And everyone who gets into this world introduces images from their memory.

This is main idea The Evil WitHin: The game itself, as well as the world of Ruben Victoriano, is a puzzle consisting of memory scraps. And the player, running the Evil Wither, also as if connecting to the STEM. The plot can be interpreted infinitely, having risen my personal memories and experiences. You are here - not a player, but a co-author. And only you depends on how much the story of the ruver and Sebastian will be rich and interesting. True gameplay - he inside, in your head.

But The Evil WitHin 2 announces everything you think there yourself after the end of the first part, the non-Canon. The Events of the second part will supply DLC to the first The Evil Within: We are talking about the activities of Möbiius Corporation, which, in fact, simply wants to subjugate humanity, albeit from good intentions. The former Parliament of Castellanos is still working on the organization: sits behind the console and directs a detective in his searches of his daughter. And at the base of the plot here - maternal love.

One of the best moments Games - conversations with Tatiana, which opens new abilities of Castellanos Mind

After all the events of The Evil Within, including those that you yourself came up with, the continuation of the story sounds and looks too simple. The first part did not give unequivocal answers, but the continuation - gives. And this is the main thing that you should know: The Evil Within 2 - a typical sequel initially niche game with an eye on a mass audience. Licked, large-scale, epichny, but also simpler at the same time. The Resident Evil series was just recently reborn into something else, but before that she had a series of drops. If The Evil Within turns into a powerful franchise and goes along the path scheduled in the second part, it is waiting for it the same.

"Rising, Dorothy discovered what stands in alone stockings. The shoes jumped off at the flight and lost forever. "

"Lower" level STEM

The Evil Within 2 matches general Concept. UNION was built on the basis of the memory of its participants - everything was done, including Sebastian Castellanosa himself. But the memory of the core of the world is the girl Lily, for some reason it is reflected weakly. But this could be fed up! Baby imagination is the richest of all. But for some reason the next world of Möbius looks ordinary, and maniacs have the greatest impact on him (and Theodore is clearly tight with fantasy).

But the organization of the work of "Möbius" is most interesting here. For Julia Kidman from supplements to the first part, all the doors were open: with the help of a sort of cheat code, she seriously reduced the path in the STEM, and therefore occasionally met with local system Protection in the face of a disgusting creature with a searchlight instead of the head.

In The Evil WitHin 2 Sebastian moves between different areas Union with the help of a subspace of the city, which can only be used by Möbius employees. And here it is possible to find a lot of interesting things about the activities of the organization. There is even a special "lower" level in the system, from where they are not returned: Single sleep in a dream inside sleep.

Julia Kidman's boss you can remember for additions to the first part

But the answer to the most important question The Evil Within 2 still does not give - what happened to the contract after he came out in real world. And whether he came to our world at par, or is it just another level of STEM? The final addition for the first part and the continuation hints that it all came out. However, some things hint on the opposite.

But, in any case, The Evil Within 2 is not at all about that. It is straightforward and interpret it in his own way is damn difficult. However, try nothing prevents - suddenly something happens, and you will discover the second bottom for yourself.


Good day, as always the first in RuNet, we in our guide on Evil Within 2 shake the secret about how to be treated in the game, as well as get more health and increase the strip of lives.

How to be treated, increase the strip of lives and get more health in Evil Within 2

Evil WitHin 2 is inexorable game for players and no matter how much you hide with enemies - you will have to treat yourself and a problem with health and a stripe of life in this game - one of the most important things, and just below we listed all the methods with which Sebastian Can replenish your health stock.

Syringes and first-aid kits in Evil WITHIN 2

These two subjects are the main support of your health. The syringes are treated with a small and medium amount of health, and a medical first aid kit restores a significant amount of health. In your travel trip - you will learn how to create medical syringes, and you will find the vast sufficient numberSo feel free to heal yourself in order to leave a place for other items.

But medical kits are rare, and they must be saved for the situation with bosses. Moreover, if you find a set, and it does not fit into the inventory - we advise you to remember its location, because it is a really rare and valuable thing.

Coffee apparatus and coffee in Evil WITHIN 2

Each house for preservation is a coffee machine that fully fills your health. The disadvantage is unless that after use you have to wait some time before replenishment. Try to come back more often and replenish your health.

Health Regeneration in Evil WITHIN 2

In this game, your health will be gradually replenished, but only before that limit that is available on the health indicator. If you spent 1 bar stripes, it will be restored only to this level and you will have to use any attending item.
How to increase Health Striped and Hit Points in Evil WITHIN 2

When you reach the first secure house in Chapter 3, you can enter the Sebastian room through the mirror to sit on the chair and get the opportunity to pump your abilities. There will be a tree of health and it is here that you can use a green gel that you get from the killed enemies to increase your health strip.


Competition complexity: 7.5/10

Offline: 51 on Xone (1000 ) and 52 on PS4 (36 , 14 , 1 , 1 )

Online: 0

Approximate time to receive all achievements: 30+ hours (strongly depends on skills, as well as on the number of deaths on classical complexity)

Minimum number of passes: 3+

Achievements that can be skipped: everything, with the exception of the plot (there is no choice of chapters in the game)

Not knotted / All achievements: not

Does the complexity of achievements affect the achievement: you must pass on the classical complexity (Akum). Everything else can be obtained on light. You will also open the classic mode by passing the game at low difficulty. To get the "Castet" weapon, you must pass the game for the complexity of a nightmare or classical.


Welcome to the trophy guide / Achievements The Evil Within 2! As in the first part of the game, this platinum is not for the faint of heart! The complexity of the Akum returned under the type of "classical regime". In this mode, you only make it possible to make only 7 saves into manual on all passage and decide to buy improvements to weapons. Unlike the first game, open locations are waiting for you here. You can easily run away from the enemies and go through so that they will not even notice your presence. Because of this, the game may seem a little easier than the predecessor. Classical difficulty opens for the passage of the game for the first time (for any complexity, including the lowest). All trophies can be considered missing, with the exception of plot. Among them there are advances on gathering different collectible items. Only 115 collectible items plus coffee machines from which you need to drink coffee, and you also need to find all weapons. After passing the game for the first time, you will also open a new game +. Thus, you can get the remaining improvements for the respective trophies. However, it is impossible to transfer anything to the classic mode. Deciding with the complexity, go to the first step.

Step 1: Passing the plot at low difficulty, collecting all collectible items, obtaining combat and related trophies chapters

All trophies in the game missed except for those are given for the passage of a certain moment on the plot. In any case, you will have to pass the game several times, so nothing is terrible if you miss something now. Yours the main task - Find all weapons and collectible items. If you missed something, then you can assemble it in a new game +. All your subject of collecting, equipping and improving weapons / skills is transferred.

We recommend starting a game with low difficulty. This is the easiest way to get different trophies, which are more difficult to open at higher levels of difficulty due to the lack of ammunition. Also on this passage you will be able to familiarize yourself with the game and can plan, where the supasses are better for more high levels difficulties. The subsequent passage on the new game + will also be faster on the lung.

The most skipped trophies are those that cover several chapters:

  • "Sykes.Out. / From (c) treatment"- chapters 7 and 13: you need to complete everything additional missions In the 7th chapter to get the final task in the 13th.
  • I." lLTakeYou.DowN.MySelf. / I will kill you"- Chapter 11 and 14.

In this game there is no choice of chapters! If you miss them, then you will need to get them in a new game + or using the download made by manually, unless of course you have been done at the right moment.

Step 2: New game +, improvement of all weapons and buying all skills

After the first passage, you will open a new game +. All collected collected items, equipment and improvement are transferred to a new game +. You will receive all the advanced improvements and items at one moment in the second chapter. The green gel and parts of the weapon will be abundant, so discover all improvements will not be difficult. Kill all enemies and carefully examine all locations to get enough raw materials for improvements. It is necessary to fully improve your weapon and buy all the skills to get trophies " Stick.iT.iN.MY.Veins / Inner strength"And" TheyNeverEven.Stood.A.Chance / No chance".

This step you can pass for any complexity. If the second passage is not enough to get all the improvements, then you can run the third passage in the new game ++.

Extra step: Preventive passage on the complexity of a nightmare before launching a classic regime

It is optional, but it is recommended to be ready for the difficulties that you are waiting in the classic mode. The problem in classic mode you will give you the absence of auto-preservations and the availability of the opportunity to survive only 7 times, as well as the impossibility of buying improvements. Go through the game of the nightmare difficulty, without buying improvements to understand where it is better to save ammunition and look for Lout. Of course you can skip this step - your business.

Step 3: Classic Mode (Akum Difficulty)

The complexity of the Akum from the first part of the game returns under the type of "classical mode". For the whole game you only give 7 manual savers and you cannot buy improvements. Unlike the first game, open locations are waiting for you here. You can get around enemies or escape from them. Because of this, played much easier than in the previous part. There is also less battles with bosses. Classical difficulty opens for the passage of the game for the first time (for any complexity, including the lowest).

The biggest problem in the game is the preservation of ammunition. Perform secretive killings whenever possible. In open locations, kill everyone hidden and carefully look for Lout. Make one saving every few chapters. In total, the game is 17 chapters, so one saving of 2-3 chapters is normal! Do save before complex sections or battles with bosses.

Learn to Survive / skill survive
You survived the nightmare and everything that is attached to it.
If you play on the PlayStation 4, then you will open this achievement to get everyone else.
Rookie / Novice 20
You have passed the game at the difficulty "Walk" (or higher).
The complexity of "walk" is available from the very beginning of the game. Start new game On this complexity and go through the campaign to get this trophy.
Survivor / Survivor 30
You have passed the game at the level of difficulty not lower than "survival".
The complexity of "survival" is available from the very beginning of the game. Start a new game on this complexity and go through the campaign to get this trophy.
You have passed the game at the level of difficulty not lower than the "nightmare".
The complexity of "nightmare" is available from the very beginning of the game. Start a new game on this complexity and go through the campaign to get this trophy.
You Asked for It ... Again / You yourself asked for ... Again 50
You have passed the game in classic mode.

The classic mode opens after the passage of the game for the first time (for any complexity). Go through the game for a walk to open this mode. This is the complexity of the Akum from the first part.

You are limited to 7 manual preservation on the whole game and the inability to buy improvements. Fortunately, most sections in the game consist of open locations and you can easily kill opponents in quiet or sneak past them. We recommend practicing at the beginning with the complexity of a nightmare to learn how to save the cartridges.

Welcome to Union / Welcome to Union! 5
You turned out to be in SEC.
Taken / Vision 10
You had a terrible vision.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Not Running This Time / From me you will not kill 15
You won the guard near the city hall.
This trophy you can get at the beginning of 5 chapters. It can be skipped if you are going to get the achievement "". However, you can reboot save and get both achievements for one passage. To do this, kill the boss-guard at the beginning of the 5 chapter.
THE TEAM PSYCHOLOGIST / Corporate Psychologist 10
You found a potential ally in the "network".
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Premature Final / Truncated Final 30
You stopped the bloody performance.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
ANOTHER ALLY / Another ally 10
You experienced a harsh test with the help of a new friend.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Crossing To The Other Side / Transition to the other side 15
You allowed the forerunner to rest with the world.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Spiritual Awakening / Spiritual Awakening 10
You reconciled with your past and present.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Fire Walk With Me / Step in Fire With Me 15
You got to the enemy fortress.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Overcome. the Past. / Overcoming the past 30
Your injury no longer exists.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Everything comes crumbling down / all collaps 15
You literally reached the edge of light.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
UNFORTUNATE CONSEQUENCE / Unpleasant Consequences 50
You did to save my daughter what was needed.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Backup Ain "T Coming / Submits will not 15
You executed the additional task "Unusual Signal".

Chapter 3.

This is an additional task you get from about "Nile in the asylum at the beginning of the 3 chapter. Select an option in the" Supply? "Dialog when you are talking to it. Thus you will receive a quest. Quest markers will be marked on the map. You will have to track radio signals in the city And explore them. Then return to the Nile to tell about the results in your search.

Sykes Out / From (B) Treatment 15
You have completed an additional task " Last step».

Chapter 7 and 13

First you need to go through all the additional tasks in chapter 7. Total two of them: " There, outside"And" Again in touch".

If you executed these tasks, it will automatically open you an additional task " Last step"In the 13th chapter after passing through the computer" network "in the shelter (beginning 13 chapters). Perform this quest to get a trophy.

You experienced all traumatic incidents and reconciled with their inner demons.

You will get this achievement upon completion of four demonic illusions (Anima events). This happens automatically if you have gathered all collectibles. Acquaintance with the monster in the head will begin with obtaining a second slide in the third chapter. The second glitch occur due to the collectibles of the "Women's Diary", which you find in one of the houses along the way to Lily's 3 Signal. The third meeting with glitches occurs in a diner in the business district after listening to the passing of memories with the help of a width in the kitchen. The last meeting with the "beautiful" specialty of white pillars will occur in the 11th chapter after reading the "Wash Observation" file on a computer that is in a room next to the hole to reset the corpses in the "Network" laboratory.

Just get all four collectibles and you run hallucinations. After passing all the illusions, you will open the trophy.

See "".

You first used a red gel.

Red gel during the game will only meet you in certain places. For example, in the shelter in 4 chapters (end of chapter) / chapter 5 (you have to return to the shelter from 4 chapters).

Red gel is used to unlock high-level skills. Return to your office through the mirror and sit on a wheelchair. Buy a few skills and you can use a red gel to unlock higher-level skills improvements.

Stick it in my veins / inner force 30
You fully enhanced all the abilities.

To do this, you have to start a new game + and snapar a lot of green gel.

Fortunately, the green gel in the new game + is found much more than on the first passage. Abilities can be improved, sowing on the wheelchair in your office, access to which you are open through broken mirrors. You also need to collect a red gel to unlock higher-level skills improvements.

Making Things A Little Easier / Everything will be slightly simpler 10
For the first time you used special item details.
Special item details are in certain places of the game and in some refuge. Buy the first two improvements for your weapons, and then use special details on the workbench to improve weapons to the next level.
Now You "Re Playing With Power / Now another thing 20
You have improved one weapon to level 3.
To improve weapons to the third level, you will have to use special details on the workbench to open high-level improvements. You do not need to buy all improvements, just use special weapons details to unlock the last set of improvements.
A Little Extra Kick to IT / Better just nowhere 20
You made the maximum improved one bolt for the Crushing Crosspie.

It opens automatically if you plan to open the achievement "" (you must fully improve the smoke bolts for this).

Arbelt Guardian You will find in the third chapter (see the description of the trophy "").

After you find an arbalet, you can update different types Bolts on any workbench. In total, there are 5 types of bolts (smoke, shock, explosive, freezing and harpoon). Garpoon bolt to pump up cheaper than all, as you need all 1120 parts of weapons and 2 special details. So you need to improve the smoke bolt to get trophy " Smoke Assassin / Smoke Killer"We recommend that you do first.

You fully improved all weapons.

To do this, you need to collect many parts of weapons and special parts, which means you have to start a new game +. They can be found scattered throughout the locations of the game. Just carefully examine each building and you will collect a lot of details.

All improvements are transferred to a new game +. In the second chapter you will get all your things back and you can continue to improve them.

DIY / do it yourself 10
For the first time you created something alone.
This can be done as soon as you reach asylum in 3 chapter. Just create one bullet for a gun on the workbench in the shelter, and you will open the achievement. The workbenches can be found in shelters and in the area when switching through the mirror. You will be able to get resources for crafting, collecting the bodies of fallen enemies, and, finding the game scattered around the world.
Handyman / Codellian 25
You have created at least one subject of each type.

This trophy can be obtained only on a new game + (because the cartridges for Magnum cannot be created on the first pass) and you need to get a shotgun, sniper rifle, assault rifle and flamethrower for the manufacture of cartridges. First you need to collect all the weapons on the first passage. As soon as you have access to the workbench on a new game + (the first to find in the shelter in the 3 chapter 3) and create a whole subject on the list below (each type of weapon ammunition, bolts of crossbow and items for treatment).

Weapons and ammunition:

  • Pistol cartridges
  • Cartridges for shotgun
  • Cartridges for sniper rifle
  • Patrons for assault rifle
  • Fuel for flamethrower
  • Cartridges for Magnuma
Crossbow bolts:
  • Electricality
  • Smoke bolt.
  • Explosive bolt.
  • Garpoon bolt.
  • Cryobolt
Health and recovery:
  • Syringe
  • Aid kit
You just follow all residual memories.
See "".
Doing Some Detecting / Corollary 15
You collected 20 documents.
See "".
Diligent Reader / Diligent Reader 30
You have collected all the documents.
See "".
Half The Stash / Filmed Made 15
You opened 16 lockers.
See "".
Locksmith / cracker 30
You opened all lockers.
See "".
Good to See You Again / Nice to see you again 10
You got the Crushing Crossbow.

Arbelt Guardian can be found near the BTR on the south-western corner of the city in 3 and 4 chapters (turn it right away from the street from the first asylum in the third chapter). It is necessary in order to gain access to the shelter in the north of the card.

it's the same perfect place To achieve achievement Shock Therapy / Shockery", Shot by electric paint in a puddle of water when the enemy will go through it.

Chatting with Kidman / Conversations with Kidman 25
You told Kidman about all slides.
See "".
Powerhouse / Forces and Means 25
You got all the standard weapons.
Automatic gun for pre-ordered is not taken into account when receiving trophy.
All In The Family / All family assembly 25
You have collected all mysterious items.
See "".
Caffeine Addict / Coffeeman 20
You used all the coffee machines at least one time.

Coffee machines can be found in shelters. A total of 7. According to shelter. You will fall at six shelters as far as the plot pass. However, the last refuge in the 13th chapter is optional and you can skip it! Lay it with the card. A trophy will open after you drink coffee in a shelter in the 13th chapter in the business district (outside, and not asylum where the mission begins).

Drinking coffee, you completely restore health, so it's worth it. Coffee machines can not be noticed in shelters.

Thinning Them Out / Weeding 15
You killed 30 enemies.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped.
Clearing A Path / Stripping 25
You killed 60 enemies.
Scene achievement that cannot be skipped. Scene achievement that cannot be skipped. You will have to kill much more than 60 opponents as the plot pass.
Smoke Assassin / Smoke Killer 15
You killed 3 enemies with improved flue bolts.

To do this, you need to fully improve the smoke bolts for the crossbow with the help of a workbench. You have to spend 1650 parts weapons and 2 special details to completely pump smoke bolts. Or pump these bolts as soon as they appear, or do it in a new game +.

Fully update the smoke bolts to get a poisonous smoke that kills enemies. Just find a group of three or more enemies and shoot with a bolt in them. Poisonous smoke will kill them.

Shock Therapy / Shockery 15
You immobilized the enemy standing in the water, with the help of electric paint.

You will find it at the BTR in the south-western corner of the location in 3 and 4 chapter (turn immediately left down the street from the first asylum in the third chapter).

You automatically lift the power together with the crossbow. After that, you will see a short cat-scene with a grinding area and two enemies running around the water. Shot with electric paint into the water with enemies and the trophy will open.

Wait for It ... / I waited for you ... 15
You killed the enemy from the ambush.

To do this, you need to purchase an ambush skill. You can buy the skill going to the area through the mirror and sowing on the wheelchair (the mirror can be found in any refuge).

First, sit down to the shelter (press or) and when approaching the enemy, make a grip from the angle by clicking on (PS4) / (XONE). So you will open the achievement. You can lure the enemy with noise, but remember that in this way they know about your presence, and the grip from behind the corner works only when you are in Stelce.

Kick, Shoot, Burn / Lei, Shoot, Loggi 15
You killed at least 2 enemies at the same time using a spilled fuel.

Chapter 3.

North of asylum, where the third chapter begins, you will find a warehouse, with a courtyard where cargo containers and trucks are. Also there are quite a lot of enemies, and also the puddle of the spilled oil on the ground. Print enemies to the puddle and shoot into the oil. You can climb on the box next to such a puddle to avoid burns (opponents will not be able to hit you).

Bootable Offense / Foot Work 25
You flooded the death of 15 fallen enemies.
When you shoot the enemy's legs from the gun a couple of times, then it falls on the ground (or once when it runs at you). Being enough next to the enemy, you can click on (on Xbox) to get the head of the enemy's head. Make this 15 times throughout the passage and you will get an achievement. In the chapter you will meet quite a lot of weak enemies, so you can get a trophy in the early stages of the game.
I Am The Night / Shadow in the night 25
You killed 10 enemies using secretive murder.
To perform securing murder, you need to paint the enemy from the back and click on (on xbox). In the 3 chapter you will meet much more than 10 enemies, so get in the early stages the trophy will not be difficult. You must make 10 secretive murders for one passage.
Sometimes Fighting ISN "T The Answer / fight or not to fight - that's the question 10
You escaled unnecessary bloodshed near the City Hall (ch. 5).

Chapter 5.

In early 5 chapters you meet with the boss with circular saw instead right hand (The one he pursued you earlier in the second chapter). To unlock this trophy, you can not fight this boss. Instead, you need to get around the building on the left side, destroying obstacles by shooting the barrels, and bypassing / neutralizing stretching traps. Behind the building you will find the door inside. Enter it to skip the battle with the boss. The trophy will open as soon as you enter through the door.

Death From Above / Death from Heaven 15
You killed at least 2 enemies at the same time using a hanging lamp (ch. 9).

Chapter 9.

In the 9th chapter there are a few hanging from the Candelabra ceiling. Shot into one of them when two opponents will be held under it / stand. Thus, they will light and burn. You can do in the first two enemies you will find after lift the lever for the gate mechanism.

No More Playing WITH FIRE / Stop Play With Fire 15
You tear off a truly believer from his beloved classes (ch. 11).

Chapter 11.

At the end of the 11th chapter you will have a battle with a boss of a flametery. The trophy can be obtained if you shoot him in a balloon on the back, which will eventually explode, and the enemy will not be able to use their weapons.

Melancholy Memories / Sad Memories 10
You remembered all your past (ch. 12).

Chapter 12.

In the 12th chapter you will return to your home in the past. You will see the scene, where you wake up in the bedroom above. It will happen after escape from hellish burning location.

The house has 3 objects with which you can interact (a button / if you appear on them). Two subjects on the second floor (one of the stairs, the other in the room to the left of the stairs) and one on the bottom (check the server's server).

Do not interact with writing in the kitchen, as it will continue the story.

I "LL Take You Down MySelf / I will kill you 20
You staged a barbecue with your own brass (ch. 14).

This trophy can be obtained by performing several conditions from 11 to 14 chapter. The most missed trophy in the game, the execution of which consists of several steps. Forget something to do and trophy you do not see.

Step 1 (Chapter 11): After the victory over the boss-flankiders, take a flamethrower next to his corpse.

Step 2 (Chapter 13): The selected flamethrower is broken and you will have to find two fuel tanks to restore it. Tanks fall out of the harbingers, which can be easily met in the 13th chapter. Troy you can easily find in the business district. Hidden attacks make a lot of damage to them. After each successful sudden attack Spicy from them, and then repeat the attack again. So you save a lot of cartridges on them. He headed from sniper rifles and close to the shotgun also perfectly operate on them. Just a hotel's two defeated bias to get fuel tanks for renowned.

Step 3 (Chapter 13): Go to the shelter and go through the mirror. On the workbench you can combine fuel tanks with a broken flamethrower to restore it.

Step 4 (Chapter 14): Continue to play until you reach 14 chapters. Here you will collide with Laura, the boss from the first game. Kill it with the help of flamethrower. Make sure you have a fuel string for flamethrower. For her murder, you will need no less than 80 fuel units.

You can also make manual saving in chapter 11. In this way, you can replay several chapters, instead of moving the whole game.

That Cinematic Feel ... / like in the movie ... 10
You agreed to view video sets.

After passing the plot for the first time (for any complexity), you will open the entryboxing mode in the game options. In the main menu, go to Settings - Tab "General" - Interface Settings - Letterboxing - Show.

Now start a new game (or download any saving) and after a few seconds you will find an achievement.

The Evil WitHin 2 is a mission in "in memory". How to get into the room Lily. Studying the Sebastian room.

We start a series of guides by the passage of The. Evil Within 2, in which we will tell about all the subtleties and secrets that you need to know on the passage of missions in The Evil Within 2. In the first our leadership, we will tell you how to get into the room Lily, and also tell you what you need to find during the study of the room Sebastian.

We tried to do detailed guide For the passage of The Evil Within 2, in which we tell everything you need to know to go through any stage of the game.

Passing the Evil Within 2

In our first leadership on the passage of The Evil Within 2, we describe everything in detail everything you need to know about the completion of the mission "in memory", the events of which are unfolded around, your nightmare, and goals to save the daughter.

How to get into the room lily

To get into the lily room, you need to go down the front sidewalk at home, to entrance door. Now you need to try to open the door. After you understand that the door is closed, turn to the right and go home to the door in the kitchen, there is sliding doors. Then try to open the door.

After that, Sebasta will raise the chair and break the window to enter the house. When you turn inside, turn on the right and go through the smoke, then turn left and enter the first door to get into the lobby.

Now you can only go up and go to the burning beam. There you will need to press the control button to go under the rays, and then just go ahead until you reach the room Lily.

Salvation your daughter

You will wake up and meet with Kidman, who will tell you that Lily alive, but is in another system. After that, you will find a very long roller. From which you learn that your daughter is the main candidate in another Stem environment. After that, you will need to follow the Agents Mobius, which were sent to find your daughter before the Stem Wednesday collapses.

After you find yourself in your room and find out that this is a safe that was formed from your memories. This will be the basis for the entire game. After you need to move forward, run until you see the Castellanos House, and then in the direction of the mental hospital Lighthouse.

There you will find the table on which the communicator lies who will lead you to another place.

Studying Sebastian room

After you find yourself in Sebastian's room. All you need to do now will check all things that are in your room, it needs to be done before you go to the next mission. After use the Communicator to call Kidman and go to the next mission.

On this, our first leadership in passing The Evil Within 2 approached the end. You can learn more about the game in our hydah The. Evil Within 2 on the site. Good game to you.