Repairs Design Furniture

Metal frame house in different climatic areas. Iron House (Metal Cracked) Metal Frame Scheverer House

Reliable houses made of metal frame 29.07.2016 12:55

It was still known about the construction of frame houses in the 17th century, in order to solve the problem of the construction of high-quality and inexpensive housing. Such a technology is economical, simple and, moreover, in demand. Traditional material for most frame low-rise buildings is a tree. Alternative to the market for building materials steel steel light thin-walled structures.

Installation of metal frame

There are many ways to build houses from metal frame. One of them implies the use of galvanized steel frame. Such designs are durable and durable. There are several ways to build this framework: it elements between them are connected using welding or screws. A house frame for the already existing foundation is set for about three weeks. From the tools you will need: screwdriver and rowing machine. If there is no light on the construction site for the installation of the metal frame, rechargeable tools are used.

Benefits of steel frame before frame frame

The absence of a shrinkage, at home from the metal frame is not rotting, the construction time of the building is very short. Therefore, this method of construction is now the most relevant and popular. In addition, it is absolutely impossible to notice the house on the basis of a metal frame, because it is not visible (both inside and outside). The sandwich panels close the frame structure, and the plates of GCL or other materials are used when finished the room. Communications are hiding inside the frame.

Frame-shield buildings are built using a special profile capable of resist low and high temperatures. Consequently, the walls of it have this property. Houses built on this technology are always dry and warm.

Currently, thermoprofil is effectively and widely used in small construction, significantly reducing the monetary costs of insulation of walls. It has special slots, which, creating an air layer, leave warmly inside the house. Yes, and the design of the thermophille has a low thermal conductivity.

metal Frame House

The time does not stand still and the path to beauty and originality in modern construction moves into the past building materials that have been used for a long time, opening the road to develop new and often unexpected accommodation for housing. We are accustomed to the fact that the main and familiar building materials for the construction of houses are wood and brick. In the 21st century, metal photographs came to shift, from which you can build a durable and cozy house for permanent residence. Frame houses made of metal products - this is one of the fastest ways to get comfortable accommodation. The order of construction remains the same. First of all, they are engaged in the construction of the foundation, the walls are installed, and after which all the necessary communications occurs. Everything is very simple and standard.

Advantages of a frame house made of metal

The construction technology of houses from metal profile has the following advantages:

  • the small weight of the design allows the use of available foundations: refiner or pile, also the construction of all elements does not require the involvement of severe special equipment;
  • high accuracy of installation - all framework elements are made in factory conditions on high-precision and modern equipment, which facilitates the construction process;
  • guarantee of the integrity of the structure of the house, the absence of shrinkage and deformation, which allows the finish of the facade and the interior immediately after the construction work;
  • has complete compatibility with other construction materials;
  • the operational characteristics of metal products allow us to implement the most original architectural fantasies;
  • frame houses from metal profile have a high service life;
  • all surfaces are resistant to rotting, fungi and mold;
  • with proper warming in the house you can live all year round with minimal heating costs.

Minuses of using metal profile

  • a short period of time for evacuation in case of fire (the design loses stiffness and can collapse);
  • metal profile is not suitable for the construction of massive structures.

Development of a project home from metal

Before starting the construction of the frame, you need to develop a project. Even if the work is scheduled to be performed with their own hands, you still need help and consult a specialist for the proper development of the project.

Gololobovsky Brick factory -, contact information, address, telephone.

The cheapest way will be the choice of a typical project, and the order at the factory of the details that will be necessary. In this case, at the request of the Customer, edits of the exterior and interior can be submitted to the project, a different type of foundation can also be selected.

Important: An individual project is much more expensive, but here all the requirements and wishes of the client are taken into account, the customer directly with the architect work all the little things the drawings of the future at home.

Mainly in the project are provided by floor plans, roofs, facades, drawings of framework elements and 3D model at home.

Types of construction of a frame house made of metal

  1. Metal framework will be assembled on the ground where construction is held. The weight of the structural parts is small, even one worker can cope with them. After installing the frame, the walls are lined with walls on both sides: inner and outdoor, and then put the doors and windows.
  2. The use of larger elements, the construction will also be produced at the construction site. The advantage is that in this case, the work time will be much less spent.
  3. Differs from the two previous ones. And it is that the house frame is collected at the factory and subsequently install it in the right place with the help of a crane.

Thus, attentive preparations for designing and construction will make it possible to build a reliable home made of metal products, which will serve as a host for more than one year.

The low cost of light steel thin-walled structures with the bulk accessibility of the building material contributes to the growth of the popularity of pre-facular civil buildings. The price of the construction of the house of the LSTK "turnkey" is 5 times lower than the cost of capital construction from the brick. Build a house today is not so difficult, as it was over the years earlier, modern building technologies simplify the construction of the design to the simplest level.

Fast-based houses LSTK - It is home from a metal frame, which consists of elements of thin-walled, galvanized high-strength steel with a thickness of 3-4 mm. Build a turnkey house is not as difficult as it seems at first glance and, if you still decide whether you need to build a house on modern construction technology from LSTK or not, - Check out this publication, and you will make the right choice in favor of world progress.

Construction of a house LTC turnkey - This is a service that specialized enterprises provide, implies all stages of work on the construction of the future building, from the design to commissioning the building with a guarantee of quality. Standard practice is the construction of a house from a turnkey loan at a typical project that has previously been built by this enterprise.

When ordering the construction of the house from the turnkey LSTK, the cost of work will be about 45% of the entire estimates.

What is the price:

  • 55-65% - price of building material
  • 35-45% - the cost of work

Many enterprises offer several options for consumables with low, medium and high cost. Also, an option to use your building material may be proposed (which will meet the technical assignment).

Individual or typical project of the house?

Before you start building a house answer for your questions: What do you want to get in the end? Your idea is not standard or is suitable one of the finished projects of LSTK designs?

The fact is that the houses of the LSTK are actively built turnkey in our country for more than 15 years, during which time there are beautiful, original projects, comfortable and functional residential buildings that meet all modern construction standards and requirements. Therefore, the individual design of the house is not a mandatory option when ordering the construction of the house of the LSTK turnkey, so you can choose any finished version of a typical project that matches your requirements and technical assignment and start its construction. The choice in favor of a typical project will save at least 25,000 Russian rubles, which can be investigated at home insulation.

If you order a special project home project, architects and engineers will prepare an optimal solution for you, in which everything will be thought out to the smallest detail: the type of foundation, roofing, the wall insulation material and the facade facing the building, the water plan, and the power supply, water supply system, ventilation and much Other.

How is the construction of the house LSTK turnkey

First you need to find the artist, high-level specialists with many years of experience in the construction and design of modern prefabricated buildings from light steel thin-walled structures.

The construction of the LSTK house consists of several stages:

  • Designing the future building, taking into account all the wishes and requirements.
  • Production of steel metal construction at the factory.
  • Delivery of the finished set of home to the installation site.
  • The process of assembling and installing the frame.
  • Internal and exterior finish.
  • Roofing.
  • Warming design.

Decide on the project of the house, agree on all the issues on the manufacture of building frame, timing and prices.

The agreed and approved project of the future house of the LSTK goes to the metalworking plant, which produces all the elements of the frame structure, generates a ready-made kit with all the fasteners and packs it for further transportation to the assembly site. The plant guarantees the geometric accuracy of all parts.

What is included in the cost of manufacturing metal structics at the factory:

  • Set of assembly elements (profiled sheets and thin-walled profile from high-strength galvanized steel)
  • Set of fasteners (bolts, hardware)
  • Detailed instructions for assembling houses from LSTK.

Build house LSTK.

After the ready-made kit was brought to the place of assembly, the team of workers can start the installation process of the building frame. Practice shows that 3-4 workers collect one-storey metal frame at home from a loaf of 110 meters by half in 2-4 days.

The frame is installed on the foundation, in the case of its absence, stripping the surface of the site and the bay of the foundation is performed.

Connect the frame frame, the walls and rafters of the roofs are erected. Produce inner and exterior decoration, insulation. In order for the fire safety of the house from the LSTK at the highest level, the materials of the outer walls are impregnated with special chemicals of flaky-protein. Houses of LSTK turnkey are built very quickly, deadlines are not delayed, all stages begin and end exactly on time. The construction period of the house is 3-4 months and depends on the complexity of the design and dimensions.

Technology LSTK

LSTK is an abbreviation, which is used to designate not only the construction technology, but also the material used - thin-walled profiles from galvanized steel.

Are you still wondering why the construction of the house LSTK turns has become such a popular and popular service on the Russian market? The answer is hidden in the following: the construction of pre-transparent buildings from light steel thin-walled structures was developed in the 1950s and since then it was constantly improved and developed by specialists in the construction sector.

Canadians have become the discovers of this simple, but such reliable construction technology. The reason for the creation was the need for high-quality and inexpensive construction of residential buildings for the middle class of the population.

Fast-based houses from LSTK, the price of the construction of which turnkey below the capital is 5-6 times more than a list of advantages and positive features.

Advantages and features of houses from LSTK:

  • Price. The cost of building a metal frame is more cost-effective than the usual capital.
  • Dates. You can build carcase houses on a metal profile for 2-4 months.
  • Simple installation. The framework of the house is based on documentation as a designer. All elements of the LSTK are labeled and the necessary holes are securely joking with each other.
  • Lack of shrinkage on the foundation. If ordinary homes give a shrinkage due to high weight and huge load, then there are no light steel thin-walled designs.
  • Long service life. Verified service life of the house from the LSTK, which was circulated turnkey professionals is 60-110 years.
  • Excellent characteristics of heat saving. The insulated wall of the house from light steel thin-walled structures with a thickness of 15-20 centimeters, corresponds to the thermal characteristics of a brick wall 1.6 meters thick.
  • Construction at any time of the year. Build a house from LSTK turnkey can be even in wet weather.

The construction technology of prefabricated buildings is developing, improving and is widely used in our country. CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE OF THE LUSK turnkey is a good alternative to the capital construction of the house. Many practic a savings option that will be interesting: you can order a ready-made set of metal frame at home, hire workers and build a house with minimal economic benefits of 100-150,000 rubles. The LSTK technology in any case is more economical construction, so we recommend not to save on professionals and trust the construction of the house exclusively high-level specialists.

The frame house from metal products is a more reliable and robust design. Such buildings will have a high level of sound and thermal insulation. It is worth noting that metal products came to replace wood, having a number of disadvantages, among which exposure to atmospheric precipitation and rotting processes. In our article, we will consider the features of the profile from the metal in more detail, and how to make it yourself.

Advantages of construction from methockrofil

If using a galvanized type metal, then due to its special design, you can increase the level of thermal and sound insulation of the frame. Plus, such advantages should be noted:

  • Such structures have a small mass, and at the same time a high level of strength;
  • Have stability to any level of dynamic load, which allows you to build buildings with high reliability and durability even in seismic regions;
  • Resistance to the effects of fire, which reduces the risk of fires;
  • Materials for manufacture have excellent environmentally friendly indicators;
  • Affordable pricing policy;
  • The possibility of variable design of construction;
  • Construction work is rational at any time of the year.

The use of a metal profile will speed up the building process by reducing the financial costs of work. This option is ideal for you if you are looking for a practical and economical framework for the frame.

Features of a metal device

The main part of the metal framework can be considered a transverse frame formed by columns and rapid farms. These products are connected to the base of the building. Load volume is distributed to support points. The main amount of pressure comes precisely on the first element. The mass of all elements, the load from the wind and precipitation of the atmosphere affect the column.

Attention! The amount of the resulting load from the coating and fasteners between the colonoms is transported to devices of rafting farms having a structure in the form of a lattice.

Frame houses made of metal profile include such elements:

  • Beams with a steady or unstable type of section, which at the expense of their sizes allow you to increase the span of the building.
  • Frame racks that increase the stability of the structure.
  • Special riggers, creating carrier points, in the form of lines, and compounds of columns and supports into a single mechanism. In practice, they are very often used to increase the size of the span, as well as the height of the ceiling in the building.
  • Beam elements with different types of sections. Mounted usually to enhance stiffness and the level of supporting ability to build.
  • Connected components between connecting particles of metal structures.
  • Ramo to communicate roofs and wall systems attached to the framework of the structure. They perceive the level of the load that the structure from wind and atmospheric precipitation receives.
  • Bookmark details that weld the details together.
  • Hardware or fastening elements.
  • Interprictral spans in the form of arcs called arches.

Attention! Create spatial rigidity of a metal frame from metal products with your own hands using the creation of a system from the frames, columns and farms.

Frames from frames and farms

The frame of the house from the profile pipe can be created by a frame and fader design. The first type is characterized by the presence of fresh steel beams, which are binding to the corners, forming a frame. In such a system, the frame is installed from vertically placed supporting racks, and horizontally supplied rhegielels. Such a device takes a load from the overlap of the building.

Frame house Metal frame, which is made from the beams of farms, consists of steel rods forming the shape of the triangle. Such a system is formed using half-timbered panels or fields. Such fields form farms that perform the function of the roof of the base. They are attached to steel racks with a welding machine or bolts.

Important details in construction

The disadvantage of the metal house is the need for additional thermal and steam insulation. In this case, insulation needs to make insulation not only a frame design, but also walls inside the construction. This action will help to overlap the cold bridges.

At this stage of work, it is better to use modern materials, such as mineral wool or foam. Such means can provide an optimal temperature level that allows you to maintain comfort in the room.

Frame house made of profile pipe

When creating a house with a skeleton design, it is best to use the profile tube. At first glance, the installation works will seem light, but such a design has a complicated scheme. The first thing you need to consider is the need for the foundation under the building.

Attention! The frame house can be erected without a foundation, but this option is rational to use if in the future the construction will be transported to another locality. Such buildings can be greenhouses or greenhouses.

Frame elements are created in this way:

  • Pipes should be cut so to get a piece of the desired length for installation work;
  • Then proceed to bending the product. It is necessary to achieve an arcuate form, which must comply with early calculations. You can perform the task with manual pipe-bending or order services in a specialized company.
  • After, all design elements are connected to a single system with a welding machine.

For decorative design of the exterior, you can use siding or special plaster. If you allow income to you, then the facade can be separated by natural types of wood. Here, we reviewed the features of the frame home made of metal. Such a building option has optimal strength and quality.

Metal frame houses are unique modern designs that have increased strength, ergonomics and wide functionality. They went into use not so long ago, but, thanks to the benefits, many connoisseurs of high-quality and practical housing were quickly gained popularity:

  • economicity of the construction and accessibility at any budget;
  • easy installation and lack of need to arrange capital foundation;
  • a variety of solutions and the ability to create any projects of metal frame houses from the turnkey loan;
  • resistance to external influences and durability.

A functional single-storey building, created on the basis of thermal profile and galvanized metal frame for LSTK technology. The room with a total utility area of \u200b\u200b119 m 2 is intended for any regions, it is raised in the shortest possible time, has increased strength and confronts any external influences:

  • The project varies depending on the specifics of the location area.
  • For construction, dry insulation is used with a density of at least 35 kg per m 2.
  • The complex has all the necessary premises, the number of which can be changed.
  • Gives a colossal savings of resources on heating.

Hightek Laksheri is your comfort and convenience for many years.

From 20,000 p. per sq.m.

A private two-story building for large families, which is erected in just a few months. It has a steady-resistant metal frame from a unique thermopropyl, a total useful area of \u200b\u200b115.6 m 2.

  • The project can be transformed depending on the region of the location and wishes of the customer.
  • The building is equipped with modern technology based on insulation with a density of at least 35 kg / m 2.
  • The optimal combination of compactness of the room and functionality for each family member.

"Highteke Lux" - technology of future guarding your comfort.

From 21000 p. per sq.m.

Another example from the company LschstroyGroup is that in the same structure it is possible to apply several options for finishing the facade. As a result of the use of various finishing materials on a metal frame, we get absolutely different visual perception of a quick-planning house.

From 17 000 r. per sq.m.

The private residential is a quick-scale house - based on the metal frame of galvanized thermophille. Metal frame LSTK from the thermopropille of the quick-scale structure of Haytechet People is possible to collect with the help of specialists of the company LSTKSTROYGRUP, as well as independently with the help of technical support of our company.

From 14 000 r. per sq.m.

Good reasons to buy a metal frame house

With us construction of metal frame houses is:

  • Professionally. We know the features of the construction of any buildings, we do it on the basis of high-quality materials, a specialized tool. In each case, we take into account the wishes of the customer and the features of the project itself.
  • Fast. Thanks to the colossal experience, we can easily build a metal frame house in extremely short time.
  • Practical. We are implementing the ideas of various plan - from standard typical to individual. Do you need a project for a metal frame one-storey house or want to choose the option for several floors, we will do it.
  • Conveniently. You do not have to deal with routine and rather complex organizational issues. We are ready to provide you with metal frame houses turnkey projects - you will just need to go and enjoy warmth, beauty and comfort.

Metal frame houses: project prices

Prices can fluctuate on any metal frame houses on the size of the design, the characteristics of the material used, the urgency of the work performed, as well as other significant factors.

We strive to make a service available - we carry out competent policies and interact with direct manufacturers of materials, because we establish fair prices.

Pick up the projects of metal frame houses, consider photos of finished buildings, find out prices and consult at any convenient time.

Want to choose a project or find out on frame houses LSTK Prices? Call, make an order, and we will help you with a choice and professionally come up to solving any question.