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What to smash the mirror by chance at home. What to do if the mirror crashed

Each house has a mirror. This is one of the most useful and necessary devices for humans. But he has a significant disadvantage - this is fragility. Consider what to do if the mirror crashed.

What is the mirror?

There are many more than several hundred years known. If the mirror is divided into the house where married couple lives, then can occur in relationships. According to this belief, the mirror has a property of accumulating negative energy, so if it cracked in itself, it's time to think about attitudes towards your households.

Mirror, broken randomly foreshadows future losses They can concern money, work or personal affairs. Frequently reflective glasses are cracked by themselves when they use another person, for example, when the tenants change in the house, energy is completely changed. It is better to immediately throw them out and put your own.

Accidentally broken even a small mirror can become a precursor tragedy and misfortunes, sometimes cracks appear after the death of the owner of the house. It is not worth worrying because of negative consequences, they can be significantly alleviated, if you correctly get rid of fragments.

If the mirror crashed: what does this mean?

The consequences of the subject having invisible power may have a different character, depending on the type of damage. For example, if a small crack appeared, then this foreshadows a little disagreement or a quarrel with a close man.

  • It's not worth looking further into it, it is better to throw out and buy a new one, otherwise they can pursue you constantly.
  • The mirror, completely broken into fragments, can talk about the destruction of hopes and future plans for life.
  • The character of the tragedy depends on the size of this subject. It is possible not to worry about the consequences due to a small mirror, which usually lies with the lady in the bag. His damage can bring small troubles, for example, damaged heel or unsuccessful date.
  • Absolutely, another nature of the consequences has a broken room, because of what there may be a disease or deterioration of health generally.

The most dangerous damage hanging mirrorsIn most cases can lead to death.

Also should be taken into account the degree of human impact. If the reflecting surface has cracked itself, then, most likely, this is a sign of over. Its owner must listen to it.

The mirror fell but not broken: sign

Completely different importance is the situation when the mirror fell, but not broken.

If this happened because of the human intervention, then such a sign is nothing. A person should hang him in place and further be careful and more careful.

If it fell independently, it foreshadows the threat to the owner or danger, but it will be able to avoid it.

Before making any conclusions, it is required to check the condition of the support and fasteners. It is possible in them, and not in the intervention of the otherworldly factor.

In a word, fallen, but not a broken mirror does not foreshadow any trouble.

The mirror crashed: actions

Below are step-by-step actions that you must take if the mirror accidentally broke:

  1. The first thing to do is throw panic. Yes, the favorite home object crashed, but it can not lead to the best consequences, but the situation can still be corrected;
  2. Next, it takes carefully pick up all fragments, frame or support of the mirror and throw it away. You can not leave anything from him, even the nut on which it hung. It is required to buy a new mirror that will like more than the previous ones and put it on the same place;
  3. During the collection of fragments categorically it is not recommended to try to consider reflected through them. Many sources have information that because of this, you can lose beauty, youth and vital energy. There is a more terrible sign, it says that a broken reflection is an externally friendly world, in which any soul can delay;
  4. If there are large fragments, then before throwing them away, you need carefully rinse with flowing waterTo remove all negative energy. Such a ritual can remove some of the struck troubles;
  5. In the place where the favorite mirror stood, required slash candle In order for the entire space to clean the penetration of negative energy, it is desirable to do it all in one day;
  6. Large fragments need to fold correctly: reflective surface to each other. You can also paint the reflective surface of black paint in order to prevent otherworked power penetration.
  7. All content is necessary wrap in matter, preferably dark color;
  8. Broken fragments best skip into the groundif there is no such possibility, then they must be attributed to the trash can;
  9. After the source of evil is neutralized, the house itself is required. It is necessary to thoroughly spend and treat with a damp cloth. Everything windows should open At least for a few minutes.

What to do with a mirror on which a crack appeared?

In cracked mirror cannot look Since this can attract disease. It is also not recommended and independently split it into small fragments.

It is required to carefully wrap it into matter and throw it out. But you need to do it maximum neatTo even no longer damage it.

If a person does not believe in signs, it can continue to use a mirror, disguising the crack with paint or sticky ribbon.

How to avoid trouble?

  1. As soon as a crack or broken glass was discovered, it should be loud to say simple plot: "My mirror is broken, but me and my loved ones does not concern". After that, you can proceed to the withdrawal of fragments;
  2. To remove troubles, you need to sprinkle with holy water fragments, after which it is to do the same on the place where the mirror stood and in every corner of the house;
  3. After all his fragments are thrown out, it is necessary to say a prayer for protecting yourself from troubles:

« Lord Great, protect me and all my genus from troubles and trouble. I appeal to you, about Almighty, give us all the power of the spiritual, the power of heaven, keep from the unlock and evil languages. Arrievable by the anger of our righteous enemies, those that are notchists with soul and thoughts. (3 times)";

After this rite is completed, it is necessary to forget about accepting and more about it do not remember that in order to independently impose a negative impact on their own thoughts.

So we considered what to do if the mirror was broken. Before making any steps, it is necessary to consider it carefully, perhaps it happened to a pleasant event.

For example, if it crumbled on an odd number of OscolkovThis means that his owner will soon connect himself to marriage.

A good sign is both if it broke after a person suffered a serious illness. This is how it would takes the whole negative from the house. Many experts sometimes recommend split the mirror independently and buy a new one with more white and positive energy.

Video about the consequences of splitting the mirror

In this video, famous Esoteric Margo will tell you what to do when your mirror was broken:

In each house, the mirror is a necessary item. After all, it is necessary to look at him before getting out of the house - whether everything is in order with your appearance, did you forget to take something with you or wear something. Suddenly you have fallen a belt, and you did not notice it, suddenly the package forgot? And in the mirror we looked - and saw that something was missing. So without him can not do. But if you break the mirror - this is not good sign, and that is why.

We have already written that it is impossible to be photographed in the mirror, you can not give the mirror and do not look at it at night. The mirror is fragile, and it is easy to break it enough. A broken mirror at all times was considered a very bad admission. After all, it has long been considered a reflection of a ton world, which is on the other side of the door - mirrors. And the broken mirror of these doors opened, and the other entities through it could penetrate the world of people and harm them.

Smash the mirror - what's the sign?

It also applies to the cracked mirror, because the crack is similar to a broken mirror open the door to the otherworldly world. And let it just a small alkaline, however, and the dark essence can climb through it and open the door to the rest already on our part. Therefore, the cracked mirror should be removed immediately.

If you are inappropriately break the mirror, you are awaiting misfortune. It is usually believed that the unlucky period will last seven years. Throughout this time, you will not know any rest, nor happiness, no wealth, your loved ones will hurt, there will be a disorder in the house. Even seeing a broken mirror in a dream - it's not good.

A broken mirror, more precisely, a sign associated with this, promises you a loss of a friend. If the mirror is unexpectedly broken into the house, it foreshadows not just a loss, but the death of a relative.

A broken mirror in no way cannot be left in the house - fragments will pull out of you vitality. You will all the time will experience a feeling of fatigue, irritation, you will not want to do anything. Even communicate with relatives. Therefore, no matter how expensive you are a broken mirror, get rid of it immediately and without regret. And if you broke the mirror during the fortune telling on the narrowed - you will not find it forever ...

The mirror with cracks is not better broken. Cracks also negatively affect the energy of living in the house. It is also better to throw it. In case the crack is small and imperceptible, the mirror can be trimmed so that the canvas remain completely integer.

What to do? Of course, stocking charm. For example, the Jasper stone helps to eliminate misfortunes after such situations.

In order to randomly at home, do not hurt and not break the mirror (sign, if you have done it in my home, does not foreshadow anything good), it should be placed so as not to touch it. And so that the children could not get to them. And generally monitor their safety so that the mirror reflects only good things in your life. And in no case hang the mirror in the bedroom, as it is also impossible to sleep opposite the mirror. And even more so do not cry, looking into the mirror, especially broken!

What to do to avoid consequences?

In order to avoid negative consequences of a broken mirror, you must make simple manipulations:

  • Carefully collect all the fragments, and preferably without touching them with your hands.
  • Before that, the broom must be moistened with water and hosted to fragments with it. This is not only because you can get negative energy through them, but also because you can cut it elementary. If very small fragments fail to collect a broom, use the wet cloth, which is not erased in any case, but throw away immediately, or a vacuum cleaner.
  • The fragments are not in the scoop, but on a sheet of paper, it is preferably clean, but if there is no one at hand - take advantage of something with a paper-newspaper, advertising booklet or leaflet.
  • Fold all fragments in a dark and dense package - paper or polyethylene. This is done in order not to give the mirror to reflect the negative energy and split images of what it has seen over the period of its existence, as well as so that sharp fragments do not cut a trash package.
  • You can pour fragments of something dark, for example, paint, or paint with a marker. But it makes sense only when there are few baked pieces and they are large.
  • You can rinse the collected fragments of the jet of water, fold into the package and throw it away. Just do not look at these fragments - they can pick up your energy. And it is better not to leave fragments in the house for the night - to make such garbage immediately.

And do not be afraid!

If any person ask you to "break the mirror - the sign is bad or good? » Most likely he will answer that, of course, negative. The belief of reflective surfaces was so firmly rooted in our consciousness of no accident: still in the older times, the mystical rites, mysterious fortune telling, a large number of superstitions, fears were associated with mirrors. Yes, and today, in popular transmissions about psychics, we often see how people possessing superpowers make magic rituals with these objects, and also strongly warn about caution necessary when using mirrors. Let's figure out what is actually true, and where such superstitions took.

Portals in the Outdoor World

Most will take a mirror with a real base. The fact is that the reflective surface is capable of accumulating and submitting information. You probably saw in telecasts, as for checking extrasensory abilities in front of the mirror, they put a person who performs certain actions, and then the extrasens should "count" with the reflective surface information about that watching. And, I must say, many of it really turned out. Imagine how much information absorbs this item for the time while is in the house! In front of the mirror, we often turn around, they are wrapped, we appreciate our appearance, but it also becomes a silent witness of our quarrels with loved ones, scandals, it reflects our negative thoughts if we approach him in a bad mood. That is why magicians advise not to hang in the house ancient mirror - who knows exactly what information did they receive from their former owners?

Mirrors are very often used in magical rituals. It is believed that through them you can see images coming to us from the otherworldly, as well as open the door to obtaining information that the other way "consider" is simply impossible. Remember, vintage! And how many belief is connected with reflective surfaces? There is a popular belief that it is necessary to close the mirrors in the house where the dead man was, as his soul could get into a mirror corridor and get lost there instead of going to heaven.

It is also believed that the girl can not look at one mirror with a friend simultaneously - otherwise they will become rivals. The mirror opposite the mirror is a sign of dangerous people who are far from the world of esoteric, it is thus the reflective surfaces are strictly prohibited - the creation of a mirror corridor is allowed only when performing special magic rituals, and only experienced sorcerers can do it. List absolutely all superstitions associated with reflective surfaces, we, of course, will not, since the topic of our article is the signs of a broken mirror. The introductory part was needed only in order to understand how important this subject of the interior is from an esoteric point of view.

Classic interpretation of signs

Of course, "according to the classics", if the mirror crashed - the sign reports about seven years of unhappiness predicted to the one who became the culprit of what happened. In addition to such a interpretation, there is an opinion and disappointments, misfortunes, which will comprehend all living in the house where the reflective surface crashed. Most likely, such an interpretation is associated with the property of mirrors to accumulate energy: if during the quarrels and unpleasant events that took place in the house, the negative energy "was collected" inside the reflective surface, as if he was copied there, then it was damaged to the householders. This is especially true if the mirror in the house hangs the old one who has been many years.

Many are interested in whether this sign acts if you break the mirror by chance? Of course, it acts, because in 99 percent of cases we really hurt or drop this subject is absolutely unintentionally. It is unlikely that who comes to the head to break the reflective surface just for the sake of a joke. Although, sometimes in a rustling of aggression, some people tend to rush with things without parsing - in this case, a targeted strike can also be broken.

The most terrible sign - when the reflective surface is scattered into a plurality of small fragments. It is said that such an incident can even threaten the death of someone from households or serious losses (health, money, good luck). Therefore, as far as possible, try not to break the mirror at home by chance. Let's take this many years, so we would not take it to empty superstitions.

If the mirror cracked

The mirror cracked - the sign is not so fatal, as the previous one, but it is impossible to call it a positive anyway. It is believed that cracked mirrors are negative for those who look at them. This negative can be expressed in poor mood, unimportant well-being, small troubles, and the more often a person sees his reflection - the more often the annoying troubles will happen to him. Therefore, to store the houses a cracked item is extremely not recommended - it is better to bring it to the garbage as soon as possible.

If the mirror fell

Another value takes signs if the mirror fell in itself when no one approached him. If at the same time a reflective surface remained a mustache - you can safely exhale - such a fall is not threatened with any terrible. If it still scattered into parts - it can talk about the energy negative aimed at your home and its inhabitants. In this case, it makes sense to diagnose all family members and premises for possible unchalves, damage, curses and as soon as possible make a magical effect.

If the mirror broke a child

If the subject of the interior crashed through the fault of the child - it is not worth worrying. The fact is that small children do not believe in magic do not understand what otherworldly forces are, and under seven years old are under the magical protection of their mother, so it is worth getting rid of fragments and forget about what happened.

Incident at work

Smash the mirror by chance at work - what is it for? Specifications in this case can have several interpretations:

  • To quarrels and conflicts with colleagues or bosses
  • To the deterioration of the total atmosphere in the team
  • To the failures of work projects
  • If a specific person broke a reflective surface - perhaps it is waiting for a quick dismissal, deprivation of award, reprimand, down in position

Drop of positive

Especially for our readers, we did not laugh and revised the Internet forums, where people share their experience about broken mirrors. It turns out, not always they foreshadow. Many people, for example, once again broke the mirror before some important events in life (meeting with the second half, moving to another country, pregnancy, receipt of the diploma). Therefore, it is worth setting yourself to a positive way and believe that what happened to the ambulance of life for the better.

What to do with a broken mirror?

So, you learned about the meaning of the "broken mirror". What if it all happened? First, do not panic and calm down, and then carefully collect all the fragments, wrap them with dark cloth, put a sweep in the package and take it on the garbage. It is better not to even throw out fragments around your home, but to attribute them somewhere away. During the collecting, try not to look at your reflection. If there are a lot of small fragments on the floor - it is necessary to walk around the place of "tragedy" a wet broom or vacuum cleaner. True, in the second case, a bag for collecting garbage is better to immediately throw away, replacing the new one.

And it is also necessary to configure yourself to positive: imagine that the damaged item released the whole negative, which was copied within it for years. Now you just brought all this "mental dirt" from the house, which means you can buy a new subject of the interior and, if possible, "charge" it only positive emotions.

So, we examined in detail the mirror broke. What does this superstition mean for you, dear readers? Have such cases happen to you and what changes followed this? Share your experience, leaving a comment on the article!

Since ancient times, the mirrors were attracted and frightened at the same time. They were called windows into the parallel universes and conductors into the world of the dead, they say, you can see the future. With these mysterious objects, many will accept.

The first true glass mirrors appeared about 500 years ago. But, which is noteworthy, some similarities of reflective plates were found even during the excavations of the Age of the Bronze Age. According to experts, they were used during the funeral ceremonies, and therefore, at the time of these mysterious items were attributed to mystical power.

In a later period, the mirror gradually began to enter the house, being the subject of luxury. Not everyone could afford such a catchy element of the interior, the glass was covered with copper, silver or even gold and were often inserted into the frame, inlaid by gems. But even the most wealthy nobles are not immediately accustomed to an unusual decoration of the house, many believed that the mirrors were "stealing" the soul and the person looking in them may ever lose peace and sleep.

Today, the mirrors are firmly entered everyday life, they are hanging on the walls and ceilings, they are worn in a handbag and be sure to take them on the road. Without them will not be able to do any store. But if the mirror beats, people around get driving in a reverent fear, because with this incident, many will accept.

All challenges associated with the damage of this stem industry are based on the fact that the reflection is the energy twin of a person. And if the mirror is broken - its world is destroyed and the twin can be revengened brutally. But before taking close to the heart of the belief, you need to study them all and choose the appropriate.

So, the nature of the signs of what the mirror beats, depends on the size of the stem industry. Small "mirror" split into gossip and obstacles to success, damage to major foreshadows positive changes in life. The essence of such graduation is explained by the fact that the mirror accumulates the energy of the house and throws it at the time of destruction. It is easy to understand that in the family where peace reigns and consent, this element of the interior could only accumulate positive energy, which means that there is nothing to worry about.

Also, many are interested in what mirrors are unusual, antique. It is rumored that the mirror remembers everything that ever reflected in it. But if the decoration of the house is not one hundred years, reproduce all the events whose witness it has become impossible. This means that with a broken mirror you need to spend the ritual of cleansing and throw it away.

Shards need to be collected, but in no case are neither hands, then rinse them under running water and bury in a secluded place. For complacency, they can also be covered with dark opaque paint and then the energy will be forever in fragments. These actions neutralize the entire negative accumulated in antiques. And most importantly, you do not need to look in fragments, it may disrupt the energy integrity of the house.

One of the most common will sound like this: the mirror crashed - wait seven years of misfortune. Many have heard these words, but do not blindly believe in everything they say familiar. Neutralize the negative energy of the seduced mirror can be. To do this, wear gloves and thoroughly collect all the particles of reflective glass, put them under the water stream and throw it away. Some are recommended to neutralize the negative by throwing fragments into the river. This should not be done, believed beliefs, but such actions can be injured in a reservoir.

And most importantly, that unites all the challenges relating to the broken mirrors - their fragments can not be left in the house. They will charge themselves and give the whole negative to the house, which ever reflected on the surface.

Also knowledgeable people do not recommend looking even at the mirror, which has a very small corner. Even such a minor defect releases energy. Studying his reflection in a spoiled item, you can lose youth and beauty, and this question of young girls interests no less, something that mirrors are intimidated in the house.

Neutralize the negative of the sealing item to the negative is quite easy, but you also need to know other signs associated with the mirrors, because they can use no less.

People studying the human energy fields and houses claim that the best place for the mirror is opposite the front door. It is this layout that will help preserve the positive energy of the family and will not allow to enter the negative. Decorating the same bedrooms reflecting elements are not recommended. It is in such interiors that quarrels occur most often, as if mutual understanding is going through the glass decor.

Also, the mirror helps to smooth out another unpleasant admission. If, after leaving the house there is a need to return, it is necessary to take a look into your energy twice and ask for its blessings.

Married women are not recommended to look at the mirror simultaneously with friends. According to beliefs, these actions will entail a rivalry between these women for a man, most likely a husband of one of them. And then the question is what a mirror beats, it will become irrelevant, because the energy of the family will be destroyed.

Also mirrors are often used for various witchcraft rites and fortunes. And what is surprising, most predictions made with it really come true.

And the main thing that the mirror must be replaced with the new one, which had to do with the soul at first glance. Let the new subject of the interior absorbs only the positive energy and becomes the true guard of the house.