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Dark Souls Secret Locations. Locations. Ruins of the new Londo and the abyss

In Game Dark Souls 3 Locations A varied and extensive. The hero will have to visit the most different parts of the world and meet various monsters and friendly characters. However, the developers did not endorse the traveler card, and it would be necessary to focus on memory during the entire adventure.

In the game there are only 19 locations to visit the player. The quest is also missing, so the player does not have prompts at all. It can take a clink anywhere at any time. Strong travel hobbies help. With their help, you can move to any corner of the world, which has already been visited. The fire allows not only to travel, but also to restore health. This is done by recreation. However, at the same time, all the defeated enemies in location except the bosses will revive again.

Below is a list of locations and their relationship. An asterisks indicate locations, optional to visit. In locations indicated by the crown, there is a lady of ash.

Locations in Dark Souls 3 are not always available for visiting immediately. To get into some places, you must first extract the item that is the key. There are also. A visit to the part of them is necessary to receive an act, to get to others should be performed by one of the endings. Representatives may be hidden in secret locations. The conversation with them will allow you to join the faction, which gives the player with bonuses and facilitates the study of the game world. In one can detect unique items capable of entering the player with special characteristics.

However, detect hidden places is not so easy. The world prevents her secrets to the winters and is not going to open them to the first oncoming. To find secret locations in Dark Souls 3, you will have to work pretty and show wonders of observation. When studying the terrain, you can detect the prompts that will simplify the search. Usually they are inscriptions located on Earth. Studying the world should be attentive.

Most locations dwell. Their finding and destruction is one of the main travel purposes in the world. They allow you to get unique items for the development and continuation of further travel. However, before the attack should develop a battle strategy, otherwise it will end in deplorable. If the player still loses the battle, then it will be moved to the nearest fire in the location.

A visit to certain places in Locations in Dark Souls 3 will allow the player to get rid of negative effects. Only in one place all over the world, the player can remove, which imposes a dark label on it and subsequent death. However, it is necessary to get one of the endings.

Locations in Dark Souls 3 are diverse.

  • Cemetery of ash. Starting location in which we learn the basics of game mechanics and defeat the first boss.
  • Temple of fire. The operational base of the player in which all merchants will be moved with whom the player will meet. This will have to return quite often, bringing the necessary items for merchants or a blacksmith, as well as to increase your level.
  • High wall lottic. Crossroads from which we start the way around the world Dark Souls 3. leads to 3 locations immediately.
  • . Filled with hollows that worship with a desecrated tree, a location boss. There you can also join Coven Marauders.
  • . From here, the victim of Oldrik, the Gods of the Gods began their way. Here you will meet Henri from Astora, your future sacrifice.
  • . A large swamp, filled with poison, in which amazing and dangerous ... Giant crabs.
  • . Big Cathedral, with a cemetery adjacent to it. Location is noticeably easier if you make friends with an archer-giant, which can notice the enemies to the cemetery noticeably.
  • . Overflowing undead passage to the next location. It is best to use consecrated weapons.
  • . Former Londo Anor from the first part, most likely formed either because of the merger of the Ariamis's painted world, or because of the death and subsequent eating Guindolin.
  • . The city from the first part of the DARKSOULS guarded by silver knights in the darkness.

  • . A gloomy prison in which prisoners suffer and teacher wonders of darkness (without health consequences) Karl. In the location of only one bonfire, and the jailers are capable of pulling not only health, but also characteristics, so it is worthwhile.
  • . Ruins in which one of the quest bosses is hidden.
  • . In its kind, the secret location, to get into which you can having chopped the rope bridge and descending down it down. Most likely, it is forgotten Izalit from the 1st part, sliding down.
  • The garden of the crooked king. Optional location, overcrowded to toxins and distorted madness boss location. Without special protection, it is better not to go.

IN Dark Souls 3 Locations Steel is much more than in previous games of the series, so they can easily get lost in them. But, thanks to this section of our site, you will never be lost in numerous corridors of dark dungeons, nor in the endless expanses of settlements and cities.

Treasures are waiting

Locations in Dark Souls 3 melt a lot of secrets. Here you and secret rooms, and ingenious mechanisms that open the passage of the treasury, and it happens that at the most prominent place there is some kind of magic sword, but fighting with numerous enemies, you can simply not pay attention to it.

In order for all valuable items and artifacts to be in your inventory, simply read on our website a description of the location in which you are going to go. Well, or did you check if you did not miss some worthwhile thing in those places in which you have already visited.

Detailed maps

Of course, learn the terrain is much more convenient looking at her. So all the information is perceived easier, and check, at what kind of passage you are, easier.

With us you will find accurate maps of all locations that are just found in the game, and thanks to it you can plan your way in advance exactly as it will be convenient.

Short paths

From the very first part of the "chip" of the game Dark Souls became shortcases. Simply put, these are various secret moves that allow you to cut the path at times and quickly get from one edge of the location to another. It is quite difficult to detect them, but it is worth it, because you agree, to get out of hundreds of meters, tenth times running to the boss that killed you, not so nice.

After examining the information from this section, you will always know for what lever to pull or in what place to smash the wall in order to, making just a couple of steps, to be in the place you need, bypassing the hordes of enemies and save time.

Dangerous surprises

Enemies in the game are very cunning, especially if you do not expect their attacks. Monsters in Dark Souls 3 will often be able to present you surprises, popping out from behind the corners, throwing out behind, jumping from the ceiling and popping out from under the ground.

In order for the life of your character to fail at the most inopportune moment, and your valerian expenses decreased several times, we tried to mention all places in the location descriptions in which you should beware of a sudden attack.

All fires will burn

Fires in Dark Soul 3, as is known, not only help you to restore vitality, but also serve as a means for teleportation between different parts of the game world. But in the heat of the battle, you can run past one of them, and then, if there is a need to return to the location already passed, for a long time to run to the goal from an uncomfortable point.

In our articles you will find information about all places where fires can be placed and will never find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dark Souls Series are enough gloomy games in which there is a place of frozen creatures, dark dungeons, deadly traps and other places in which it is unlikely to want to be in reality. But sometimes you can see such places that are striking with your splendor. And editors SIMHOST Pick up the most beautiful of them.

The article has small spoilers of the plot of games, as well as some locations and bosses. Therefore, we read at your own risk.

Lake ash

Have you ever thought when you look at the endless sea or a high mountain that the world is actually very huge? Approximately such a feeling occurs when they fall into the location of the ash lake in the first Dark Souls.. We see those the most huge trees on which the oldest dragons had previously dwell. By the way, we still see one here.

The majestic creature is called the Stone Dragon, and he is a descendant of those most immortal oldest dragons, and with the help of it you can join the Covenant "Dragon Path". And for the majestity and beauty of the lake ash, which retained its original view from antiquity, as well as for an impressive dragon, we are awarding this location 5th place.

Anor Londo

Anor Londo is the great city of the gods, which looks no less majestically. Prior to this place, we had to be in gloomy and disgusting dungeons, and when we arrive in Anor Londo, the game is somehow transformed. Just look at the first screenshot of this place - this could only create From Software..

True, it will soon find out that the gods, except for one, have long left this once great city, and only the faithful knights remained forever to defend this architectural masterpiece, and the Gvindolin Deity of the Dark Sun imposed the illusion, because of which it seems that everything in Anor Londo in order. If you dispel the illusion of the sister of Gvindolin - Gwinver, then you will see a real Anor Londo, in which the sun has long been extinguished, and some defenders of the city, being illusing, will disappear. And then admiration is likely to change the sadness about the dying world of Dark Souls.


Perhaps, from Software has not yet done more majestic places than a huge city called Lotric. High walls, Gothic towers, castle almost among the clouds. True, the greatness of the city changed the destruction, the mountains of corpses, disgusting creatures, and the guards that were hollow.

But even in such a state, the city of unimaginably impresses its detail and throughout. A huge number of secrets and secrets, inputs and outputs. Then we go along the wall, then we are among the destroyed buildings, we travel through the castle itself and we need to climb on the top. Playing B. Dark Souls 3. You will never forget this majestic city.

Dragon Temple

No matter how you condemn the second part, but perhaps one of the most beautiful and majestic places did here. Imagine, you rise somewhere on the elevator, leave the dark building, and in front of you above the clouds appear the peaks of the mountains, on which the visivers will nest, that there are tens of flying in the air, and in the distance, the majestic and gothic castle in which there are even more impressive surprises. .

This location does not even bring on some sadness and contrasts strongly against the background of what we usually have seen before. But at the same time this place is still deadly, and still have to face some visivers and other dangerous opponents. Forget the dragon temple will be very difficult, for which we are awarded this location second place.

Irityill Cold Valley

When you see the first time Irityill of the Cold Valley from afar, you just won't believe that such beauty is possible in Dark Souls, and involuntarily want to walk on it, at least a deadly dangerous and in him lives a lot of evil. The ice city illuminated by the moon and stars is a really impressive place.

By the way, this city is built around Anor Londo, and in the third part you will again be able to visit this great city of the past. Just see it in a very destroyed state, and therefore, as usual in Dark Souls, the majestic places are not only admired, but also make sadness feel. Irityill Cold Valley is the most impressive and beautiful location among everything that from Software did. Even, probably one of the most beautiful locations among the entire gaming industry. For this, we are awarded the first place in this top the top of the Iriitlo of the Cold Valley.

Ahead of us is still awaited The Ringed City.which finally brings the story of Dark Souls 3, and may show us even more impressive places. But this we will learn only in March, when the addition comes out.

Do not observe how much it can sometimes be useful to beat on each wall, which only appears in sight. Behind them can be hidden a lot of interesting things. The Dark Souls series refers to a small number of games with really complex secrets. If you have not yet studied every corner of Lortdran, then then we will tell you how to find all the illusory walls.

Illusory walls are the most ordinary doors, but you can only open them. If, after the sword's sword, the wall disappeared, then most likely ahead of you is waiting for something really useful and interesting.

Usually, the illusory walls are hidden by the covenants (which can be joined), NPC, bosses and secret locations, which open the path to other hidden areas. For some, you can find the best armor in the game. Therefore, believe me, you do not want to miss what is hidden behind them.

Dark Souls: Remastered - Locations of all illusory walls

Illusory walls are secret doors that instantly disappear as soon as they attack them. In locations from supplements instead of physical strength, you need to use light spell ( Cast Light). Only so you can make the wall disappear. Usually, chests are hidden behind them, special characters with unique quests, fires, and sometimes whole hidden locations.

Now you know where to find all the illusory walls and what is hidden behind them. As a rule, these are chests with, not plot bosses, useful characters, fires and other bonuses. Sometimes to get to the treasures, you will have to kill additional enemies or use special items that are desirable to purchase in advance.

Darkroot Garden.

Brief summary

BossNPC.Valuable luthEnemies
Moonlight Butterfly Alvina (head of the Forest Hunter Covenant)
Shiva of the East
(Only for members of Forest Hunter)
Knight (x2)
LARGE SOUL OF A Nameless Soldier
Wolf Ring.
Eastern Armor.
Stone Set.
Watchtower Basement Key.
Divine Ember.
Enchanted Ember.
Demonic Foliage.
Giant Stone Knight
Great Feline.
(does not impose a curse)
Tree Lizard


Darkroot Garden - location on the other side of the room with ProWling Demon next to BlackSmith Andre.



  • Undead Parish
  • DarkRoot Basin.

General notes

  • The fire is located next to the locked stamp of the door (hidden behind the illusory wall).
  • Demonic Foliage S near can grab you, try to keep away from their branches.
  • To the right of the locked stamp door there is a way. If you go there, you will see the body with the subject. Be careful if you take it, then 3 Demonic Foliages will attack on you.
  • Immediately when entering a huge location after the above-described room with a corpse, stick to the right side. If you pass 4-6 meters, you will see a big tree at the wall. You can kill the tree to get into the secret location with Wolf Ring at the end. Note that you will have to fight with two Giant Stone Knights or run past them to get to the ring. There will also be 4 Frog Rays that will attack from the ambush when you come to a rock in a big location in front of the steps to the ring. They guard Soul Of A Proud Knight.
  • If you, instead, go on the left side, when entering the location with the tower, which leads to the boss, you will see a small hole that leads to a body with partizan on it. When you come to him, Demonic Foliage will appear.

Important tips

  • Avoid Giant Stone Knight S, they are crushing an unpleasant tapping, which slows you for 30 seconds and which can lead you to early death. If you want to join them into battle, then the safest thing is with a raised shield trying to beat them in the back after their attack.


Darkroot Garden has a lot of intersections with other locations in Dark Souls. Here you can go into different other locations in different ways. This passage starts from the fire over Andre The Blacksmith

  1. Starting from the fire, go down the steps down, pass by Andre. Go down to the next steps to the big room with Prowling Demon. You can try to defeat it several times, but if it does not work, it is better to run from him as soon as possible. He slowly turns and should not get hit by you if you move quickly. Go out at the bottom of the room to get directly in Darkroot Garden. Pay attention to the glowing flowers, you will find such a lot on your way, usually indicate the main route by which you can follow. In the forest, especially after the sealed door, you can easily get lost, so you need to be careful. Go left and follow the trail until you encounter the first Demonic Foliage. They are not very beat, but quickly. Beware of the attacks when they wade hands back, as they then catch you, and in the early levels it may be an instant death. One by one with them it is easy to fight, but in the group they are dangerous. Block their hike attacks and kill. Go along the path to the next glowing flower. On the way you will meet a fork, to the right - the path to Darkroot Basin. You can go here if you wish, on this path you can easily get into the location behind the sealed door, saving the 20,000 shower, however, for this you have to deal with the hydra.
  2. From the development, go slowly straight, ahead of you is another Demonic Foliage on the edge of the cliff. Can block it and help him fall, but see him not grab you. Go forward and turn the corner, you will come to a more open area. In the distance you can immediately see one more Demonic Foliage, but take a look at the right edge, and you will see that in the ambush there is another one. When you figure out with them, look around, you note the subject on the ledge on the other side of the abyss, and one more stone in this location. Go forward along the path to the big luminous door. If you buy a print from Blacksmith Andre for 20,000 shower, you can open it, but the enemies behind it are quite complicated. Hit the wall to the left of the door, and you will see a fire. Relax. You can even ignite it, as you will often come back here for bosses and farm.
  3. Go along the trail down to the right from the sealed door. When you go down, on the right you will see a small cave. This is a trap, 3 Demonic Foliages will be waited for the soul in the ambush. Although the soul seduces, but the moroka with three bushes is not worth it. Leave the soul alone and keep moving along the way down. In the next location, you will get acquainted with the new enemy, Giant Stone Knight. These knights are slow, but strong, and they have a spell that strongly slows down your movement speed. At the end of the way there will be a big glade. There are 5-6 Giant Stone Knight, and all other than certain two, you must be able to lure one on one on the battle. What is interesting in this location. If you want to get immediately to the boss, then skip this paragraph. Far on the right you will see the glow from the subject on the corpse. There is a whole set of ELITE KNIGHT SET reservation set in two Giant Stone Knights and 4 Demonic Foliages. You can lure them, but you will have to beat the bushes for two times. From the trail, if you go left, you will see the passage to the lute. Go there slowly and unfold to see Demonic Foliage, which will jump behind your back. When it is finished with him, go further, you will see that the item is not a very friendly tree. Kill the lizard on the tree trunk and collect a reward. Returning to the trail again, now if you look right away right, then you will see a tree, a living, breathing. Behind the tree is another creature. Kill the tree, and then the frog behind him, thereby opening another bypass. Go further here until you meet another 1-2 stone soldiers and big steps. Run on them upstairs, and you can take Wolf Ring, which you have previously seen on the other side of the abyss. Now come back to the main path, and we will go to the boss.
  4. Follow the luminous flowers on the left side of the luminous flowers on the left side, keeping away from Giant Stone Knights, which lie in the forest on the right. You must see the opposite ruins and the stone knight before the pass. Combate the knights and carry up the steps to the fog. If you do it very quickly, you should run to the fog without need to fight with anyone. Come in to fight with Moonlight Butterfly.
  5. When you finish off the Moonlight Butterfly, go through the bridge and go up the steps up the top of the tower. There are no enemies here, and at the top you will find Divine Ember and Watchtower Basement Key as well as the deceased blacksmith. Now you can go to several locations, for example: to visit Undead Burg to explore the lower levels, go to Darkroot Basin, The Catacombs, New Londo Ruins, etc.

Behind the sealed door

This is a very dangerous location due to some hostile NPS, which will attack you when you enter the location. 1 But at the same time it is a comfortable cut to Alvina, the head of the Covenant Forest Hunter. If you do everything quickly, you can avoid almost all NPS:

  • Run down down the steps, sticking to the left edge, run along the slope;
  • Try not to join the fights with enemies, just back forward (easy equipment can help);
  • Run to the ruins (left), cross the bridge and descend on the other side;
  • In most cases, only one NPC (a gangster) had to follow you so far. After you figure it out, it may come back to the ruins to meet with Alvina. If you go to the bridge, go down the steps and wrap over the left corner, you will find a trunk with a set of Around the Stone Set

Also this is a great place for the headlamp of the shower in the middle of the game. There are several NPS of different classes, all of which are vulnerable to parry with a follow-up counterattack:

  • Magic, with a short sword and a round shield, constantly launches Soul Arrow, which is easy to dodge. It is among the trees on the left side. It is rather weak, so it is not even necessary to parry, although efficiently. You can lure it back to the steps. With it you will receive 2000 shower, it is not restored, and he has about 700 lives.
  • Thief, with a dagger and target shield; He has Ring of Fog, so be careful and let him go to the back. If from the place where you found a magician, go a little forward, then the thief should notice you. Move slowly in order not to lure even the cleric, which is nearby. Listen carefully because, most likely you will hear it before you see. May cause bleeding. With him you will receive 2000 shower, it is not restored, and he has about 750 lives.
  • Knight with ring of fog, through several trees after steps. Do not go too far directly or right, otherwise you will attract the attention of other NPS. 3,000 shower falls from it, and it is not restored.
  • Knight with a sword and shield, and also rings on Ring of Fog, so you can't turn on the grip. To the right from the place where you found a thief. Easily pairing and counterattack. 3000 shower falls from it, it is not restored. Some people confuse two different knights for one, which allegedly restores.
  • Click with a bell and shield. To the left of the place where you found a thief. Can fully cure, if not interrupted. With him you will receive 2000 shower, it is not restored, and he has about 750 lives.
  • Bandster with an ax and Spider Shield. You can see his fire with a cliff to the left of the place where you found cleric. With it you will receive 1000 shower, it is not restored, and it has about 850 lives.
  • Pharis is not restored. Find further from the knight on the edge of the ledge. From it falls unique onions and cap.

If you decide to farm this place, it is recommended to ignite the fire, which is located to the left of the sealed door behind the illusory wall. Never join the fight with two enemies immediately, because there is no benefit, and the chance to die rises. If you explore the area on the right, you can find a book set that protects the reinforced versions of Demonic Foliages.

Farm behind the sealed door

Do not student this location in human form, if you do not want to run into other players. This location is guarded by the members of the Covenanta Forest Covenant. Players who entered the Coventant will be designed to protect the forest from players who did not enter the Coventant. Some invasion rules here work otherwise, for example, several people can invade one player, and the range of required levels is clearly increased. The NPS in this location will still attack you, but will not attack reports. During the invasion, the entry back to the fire will be closed, so you will not be able to retreat.

After you open the sealed door, you will get access to the most simple and efficient pharmacy in the game. Just enter the door and start running in a relatively right direction, lining the magician on the right and, perhaps, clearing on and also on the right. Continue to go to the glade, where you will see a stone building with Alvina. So you must attract also the bandit.

Now change the direction to the right and run until you attract the attention of a transparent thief. Now it's time to run back to the sealed door. Alternate the run and ordinary sprint so that the NPS is not behind you too much. When give up to the steps to the door, do not run up, and jump down to the right side of the cliff. Run to the edge and unfold to look at the NPS pursuing you.

Now keep running into the angle of the wall and rocks. If you do not do this, it may turn out that the NPS is simply jumping to you, and nothing of this will not work. And if you do everything correctly, the NPS will run on the steps, will fall out exactly over you, then run forward and disappear down.

There are several problems that may arise during this pharmacy. First, the magician may not follow you on the steps, but will stand and hammer spells into the wall. In this case, you will have to just go out and kill him when the rest will fall. Secondly, the gangster (and sometimes other NPS, although it is less common) can often stop haunting you and goes just back to its original position. In this case, it can be tried to attach it again, but sometimes it is so difficult, which is easier to kill right there. He itself is simple, but beware of his attack, which can kill you from one blow, if you do not have heavy armor. On average, the gangster flies from the cliff in 50-70% of cases, and the magician - 20-40% of cases. Click and thief almost always fly.

In general, such a method, you must earn about 7,000 souls for 2-4 minutes, depending on how much pcs are podiatilivia and how the rocks are bounted. The gangster is 1000 souls, and all the others - on 2000. If you want, then you can capture the knight with a big sword for 3,000 shower, but it is a little further from the common route, and there will have to face Demonic Foliages.

one . They will attack you only if you are not a member of Covenan Forest Hunter.