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Detailed passage of the game Rice of Tomb Rider. Hyde Rise of the Tomb Raider: passage of tombs from the client baths to the ward

Follow the mountain path and study the basics of the game, from climbing both with the help of hands and using pickaxes. Use acceleration to jump over long distances. Be sure to press [x] while jumping on the ice surface to cling to it.

Having reached the entrance to the cave, Lara will fall apart. Press [x] to cling to the edge. Jump to the right and on ice Close up, and then jump to the ion.

Coming out of the cave, jump on the ice surface of the cliff and move to the right. Next, make a gigantic jump on the other side. Continue to move up until the cat scene starts.

When Lara hits downstairs, move the left analog stick to the left and right to rake. Click [x] when you close enough to jump.

Close up. When avalanche begins, jump over bridges quickly, avoiding falling stones and snow.

When Lara starts to slide on the ice, press [x] to cling to the edge. Quickly jump on the other side and move on.

Make a giant jump to complete the prologue.

Tomb of the Prophet

Go along the rocks and use the skills obtained during the previous mission to get to the cave.

Go on a dark corridor until you reach the room illuminated sunlight. Cat scene will begin. After it, to translate the monolith, explore the three frescoes nearby. When the Greek level reaches a unit, return to monolith. Now you can read it. In the future, the translation of such monoliths will give the location of the caches with good prey. Finding a cache, follow further.

Find a fragile area of \u200b\u200bthe wall and hold the [x] key to break the wall. Get out.

Look to the left - there you will see your way further. Jump on time and stop, because Buildings will collapse. Close up and go into a dark pass.

Inside there will be the first serious trap. Time will slow down, and you will be shifted with three stakes. Shoot in small wooden beam higher to break the design. Remember that such a trap can be broken only with firearms. You can also try to jump.

We go further. Paul fail, and Lara will be in the water. Shoot in a small wooden beam, which is suspended slightly above the Wooden Platform itself, which after the shot should fall into the water. Then destroy the wall to fill the room with water. You can do in reverse sequence - no value.

When the platform is in the water, and the room will be filled with water, swell and take it on this wooden platform, go further.

When Lara falls into the trap, shoot a trap with a spear to destroy it, and then quickly press [x] to get out of the cappana.

Swatch as quickly as possible and quickly press to get out to the surface.

Jump down into the water or go to the right along the wall to get to the broken wall. Destroy her so that there are more water in the room. Then return back to the place where you entered here. Jump on wooden platforms at the wall, and then on a suspended wooden platform to raise the barricade and put the room even more.

Next, jump into the water and swim to the far side of the room, most likely right. Raise on the right side of the temple and go further, but beware of traps with spears in the floor. To avoid falling or quickly jump over it, or go around, but jumps are generally more secure.

Jump not to the left side and enter the corridor. Beware of traps with spears.

The next location contains a small puzzle. Ignore the platform to which you can jump, and shoot first to another.

Then follow the right range to destroy the wall and fill the room with water. Next jump on the platform. Wamps you.

Once in the water, climb on the platform that you shot down and jump onto the pillar. Next, jump on the beam above the platform to raise the barricade. Stay tightly until you are mocking. Further see the cat scene.

After it just run. Reach the end of the corridor before you water or enemies will overtake you.

Siberian game

First you need to warm up and building the shelter. Go ahead and collect necessary materials: skins and wood. Just go past the old camp to small trees And the deer of the goose in the meadow. When you have everything you need, go back to the camp.

After the cat scene, descend along the path on the far side from your camp. There will be a tree with which you can climb on the ledge. Go forward through the snow to find the signal source and flash.

To get away from the bear, run and jump on the inclined planes, staying in deep snow. Use the sprint always at the time of the landing - this will avoid injury. When it comes to fight, choose time carefully. You can quickly attack it in melee, but only when the bear is close enough.

Treatment is pretty easy. You need fabric and leaves from a bush with red berries. Creating poisoned arrows is also simple. To begin with, you need arrows. If you still do not have them, then you can either pick them up or scream from wood and feathers. Next, find three poisonous fungus. One will be along the path along the plot, and two more to the right of the cave after jumping or descent down the rope. Return to the camp, process arrows and relax.

Next you can practice in shooting or stels. Try various techniques. Shots in the head are an excellent choice, because No noise will be made, but if you are notified, then anxiety will rise. If some enemies do not care, they will begin to worry and go to intelligence, sin on local residents. Therefore, it is best to kill when they are not in the field of view of their associates.

Return back and kill the bear. Two poisonous plus 3-5 ordinary, but brushed to the head, arrows will be enough to kill the bear. Alternate poisonous with one - two ordinary, to apply more damage, as well as attack it while it is disoriented. Next go to the far side of the room and break the wall. Then rise above, enjoy, and then dive, making your way through the ice caves, until you reach the outlet, to the outskirts of the Soviet base.

Go down to the rope and go through the forest. It is better to pass this site is secretive, especially for more high levels difficulties. Use various objects, such as bottles to distract attention.

Reaching until the entrance to the Soviet base, kill all mercenaries in any way to your discretion, before you go upstairs. From there, the rope is getting to a new area where you can find the first firearms - revolver. Use it to kill two men per glass. Go to the room near, and the cat scene will begin.

Kill all enemies. It is best to do this: the first kill the arrow of the mercenary standing closest to you. Wait until he goes left before killing him. The next is the above that you just killed. Do not shoot until it is too far left and not visible. The third is to the right. Shoot not in it. Wait until it comes to a gas leakage site. Throw the lantern into the gas to cause an explosion. Several mercenaries will start attacking outside. Kill them and go on.

Climb the Watchtower and go on the rope to the next location. Go to the grief and take a tree on a small hill to climb enough high to get out of here. Next through the hut up the tower to pull the rope to the end point.

Jail break

After the cat scene, take off the pipe and use it to destroy the wall. There you will find a recursive bow, as well as a rope. You can use it to capture or break anything wrapped with a rope, for example, a block at the top of the Lara cells. Use it to exit.

Follow Jacob. Learn the surroundings to learn more about the base. Leave the room, breaking the door and rising to the roof of the building. It will be necessary to clean the location. After that, open the domestic gate with the lever inside the building.

Use new arrows with a rope to combine the covered upper part of the broken staircase and the lower platform. Close and go around the building until you reach Jacob. After the cat scene, your path will pass through the sewer. Get to the end and break all the doors on your way.

When you reach water with water, in which the electrical mechanism is stuck, shoot an arrow with a rope, hook and lift out of the water. Open the door and take the assault rifle. Kill three as fast as possible. Here you will learn how to create explosives, so use them to clear the way. The final part of this mission consists of running and swimming on a fairly linear route.

Again alone

Use the rope to come down to the top of the mountain and continue the path to the Soviet base. Use arrows with a rope to enjoy the barricade, and then climb the vagon yellow stairs. Follow the forward until you reach the yellow stairs, fragile barricades and other structures for which you can go upstairs. Once at the top, you can create a Molotov cocktail. Use them against unarmned enemies, as well as to burn certain barricades and shelters.

Right opposite there will be a wall that you need to set fire to open the passage further. Cook the rope for the crane and move to the wooden platform. Next, again, with the help of a rope, pull the trolley and detect the path. Jump and go on. Take up the cliff, and then in buildings. With the help of the rope, move to the next location, but be prepared for the battle.

Ultimately, you have to use Molotov's cocktail to destroy the obstacle. Around everything will be covered by fire, so you will have to quickly break through the fight to the exit. Beware of fire, because It causes damage for a long time. Leaving the building with a jump and rope above the bridge, you will complete the mission.

Abandoned mines

Go through the mine until everything goes the rush, and you will be cut off from Yakov. Run ahead. When gives you to a safe place, kill three men, and then activate the elevator. Move the trolley at the very end and take it up. Take the battle knife and deploy them both cables on which the elevator is held. When the elevator falls, climb on it, and then on the ice vertical surface and then upstairs.

Follow the corridor until you reach the main part of the mine. First kill both men next to you, and then two more little away. Using the rope, attached to the door, move on the other side.

Jump and first go through the rope on the right, attached to the half-breed truck. First, fall from the cliff to the trolley in the middle. Then go to the drum and shoot the trolley to connect their rope. Tighten the trolley to yourself, and then praise the rope so that the truck fell, breaking the doors. Go to the back of the site, then on the cable to the other side. There will be several waves of enemies, so be careful.

In the far left part of the hall there will be a icy wall. Click on it upstairs. Next will be a barricaded door - break it with arrows with the rope. Then, on the ice wall, go up above, where you need to kill a few more enemies.

Climb the stairs until the next location. On the rope, move to the crane, and then on the opposite side of the building. Move the trolley closer to the cliff and connect it and the Chan hanging to the crane, the rope. Then pull the Chan so that it starts to be filled with water. The whole design will start collapsed. Run on the crane to the big goal.

Get out of the room, avoiding the trap, and swim under water through the underwater tunnels. Going to the surface, go upstairs on the left side until you reach the rope. Jump on it to complete the mission.

Geothermal valley

Follow in the most distant part of the village using your survival instinct, if necessary. There you can get into different ways, so choose the most liked.

Once in ruins, go to the broken bridge to give a tower signal. Using the arrow, pull the rope over the break to move on it on the other side. You will get fiery arrows with which you can light the beacon.

When the battle starts, go back to the mainland. Follow through the ruins to the starting dumping, on the right side of the mountain. Now you will receive a shotgun. With the help of it, you can kill an unarround enemy from one shot, but it is better to use it against armored goals, for example, a mercenary with a flamethrower. Roll into and sung as possible as often as possible to get behind him and then shoot (4-5 shots will be enough). To hide will not work, because All shelters are made of wood. The shotgun is pretty quickly recharged, so you have to win it without much effort.


Go through the pond, and then up the stone wall until you reach the place where the villagers had to hide. Look to the left and see your way. It will be necessary to move through the abyss, while working on the walls or according to the bridge you created from the rope. Swim by the next location and go down on the battlefield.

The path to Acropolis is more or less direct, but the enemies will be found along the way. Kill them to clear the way to Yakov's daughter. After stripping the market, go to the right. Go down where you understand the next group of mercenaries, after which the floor fails, and you will find yourself in the new corridor. Kill the mercenaries before they begin the execution.

After the cat scene, break the wall to the left of the door and go to the end. There you will receive discontinuous arrows, with which you can blow up the garbage, blocking the door. Next, break up the tower, killing the Trinity mercenaries to protect the villagers.

Flooded archive

Overcoming the abyss using arrows with a rope, you will get a new ax, and also recognize the various possibilities for its use.

Then go down to the valley, where the Trinity mercenaries staged a camp. Kill them in any way, but remember that stealth passage is safer in the case of heavily-opted enemies, especially in large quantities. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you can safely attack not hiding, because This way of passing is much faster.

After making climbing house, you will find yourself in location with more large number enemies. Poormal arrows are very effective against heavily effectively, because They do not take into account the availability of armor.

And shotgun, and rifle - both good optionsIn this case, there are many cylinders around, which are easily exploded, so lovers will not make it difficult to clean the location. Those who prefer stealth will also be easy - enemies are easy to divide. Go through the house, and then on the wall on the opposite side.

In the next location with thick vegetation, beware of the mountain lion hiding in foliage. Continue your way up the slope of the castle using a battle ax. In the end, after neutralizing several scattered enemies, you will fall inside, where Anna is. After the cat scene, turn off the generators until you ripped up. Then go down to the atlas.

Purse with the fight back so that the Trinity does not get the Atlas.

On this battle, the Trinity will bring with him big guns. Use fiery containers to remove strong enemies, because They go just next to them. The next area will be full of heavily enemies, so stealth will be preferable. If you have noticed, then the shotgun and explosives will be effective.

In the next location, use Greek fire to dump the statue of the Prophet. The first is light. Just shoot it. Next - to the right. Here there will be a lever with wrapped rope with handles from two sides. Using arrows with a rope, tighten it to the opposite side with a cage with a barrel with Greek fire. Then shoot a barrel on both sides. You will need to get around, but when both are at the ends, lift one end so that it is compared to the platform. Cut the venerevka on which he holds so that he fell into the water, and then shoot it.

Next will be a slightly different puzzle. Lower one barrel so that she sailed to the barricade, and then blow it down before omitting the second barrel. Then quickly swim on the other side or do it in advance. Use arrows with a rope to direct the barrel to the correct stream, and then blow it away.

Run your best when immortal soldiers try to kill you. When you see the barrels with Greek fire, keep your way, but at the same time stay away from them, because They will want to blow them up.

Then swim to the exit. The path will be quite direct, after which you will learn good news.

Research base

Return to the Soviet base where the Lara began difficulties. Get the new kind Arms to move in a rude forest to reach the rope by which you can go down to the database. After small rest From the cold in the tunnel, continue through the tunnels and the abyss until you reach the territory controlled by the enemy. The path is rather straightforward, sometimes has a fork, providing several options for passing. Pour over the forest and get ready for the battle.

You will find traces of trucks in the snow. On them you will reach the Base of Trinity. Next, the optimal choice will be stealth, and this contributes a large number of scattered around arrows. After the murder of two men, go through the forest to a red car. Separate with the enemies as you wish, but take into account that they go alone.

After all enemies are defeated, use the arrows with a wide tip to climb to wooden wall At the top of the forest. There will be a security consisting of two men, but you can kill them with two fast shots from Luke. Purse through enemies and the forest until you reach the hole in the wall of the base. This will lead you to the frozen pond, then dive. When you are under water, do not emerge from the first corruption, because This will lead to your fast death. It is better to swim by, then easily remove enemies with a bow.

Get back to the forest once again to kill a total of seven enemies - four of them go in pairs, and the other three together. Couples can be easily killed, provided that you will be fast enough. Thoms are harder to divide until they see someone dead. In any case, act as you like. Go through the database, climb the yellow stairs until you reach the atlas, but not Ion.

Get to ions until it became late. He is still in captivity and is interrogated by Konstantin.

Run to the place where they hold the ion, killing enemies along the way. In Stels, there is no need. Follow the rather linear path, avoiding obstacles and overcoming barriers.

Reaching ions, it is necessary to clean the territory. Make your way through the house, while the shotgun will be the most optimal choice. After some time, the helicopter will appear from which the house will be fired using machine guns. Move so quickly as you can.

In the final part, it will be necessary to deal with several heavily-fledged mercenaries. Your advantage? Water. If you are attentive, you can make it so that they will be in the water where they can easily kill them. Their advantage? Thermal vision. If smoke helps you hide, if suddenly someone will visit you with a laser, you will immediately be discovered and will start shooting. So be careful. Avoid lasers. Most effectively deal with the help of Molotov's cocktails.


Get down to the room and break the wall to go through the tunnels. Use the arrows with a wide tip to cross the desired areas, but make sure that you do not use them too close or far from each other. Wash in the edges of the white circles that will appear.

Having reached the planetarium, go through the hole in the wall to get to the lower part of it. To solve the puzzle, do the following:

  • Use arrows with a rope to tighten the first spinning platform to you.
  • Use arrows with a rope to rotate the platform with the surface for the lasagna to the left of 180 degrees.
  • Climb on the lower platform for climbing.
  • Use a battle ax to cling to the next platform.
  • Climb the next platform for climbing.
  • Climb the wall.

Now you need to move the blocking mechanism, go to the other side and move another one. Everything will come in motion. Jump into the center, then wait until you can jump to the bottom platform, then on the beam and then on the platform by choosing the right time. Then jump on the final platform, then into the center of the structure, and then rise to the very top.

The path of immortal

Use the arrows with a wide tip to overcome the abyss and continue the way to old city. You need to move around the walls and climb a little up, after which the camera will become in such an angle that you will see the marching army.

After a while, the warrior attacks you. Quickly press [Y] to kill it until the big damp starts. Optimal will use shotgun, poisonous and discontinuous arrows, as well as use the Greek fire, undermining it when the enemies will be next to it. Starting through the waves of enemies, keep the way to the old town. Do not stand in place when you start attacking fire.

Having reached the next location, be careful and do not fall from the cliff.

Lost city

Use the rope to quickly cross the old town and get to the gate. Once on the spot, go back and climb up the right, to the required. There will be many heavily-like enemies here, however, most of the melee weapon will have only melee weapons. Next, go to the long-right corner and use the arrows with a wide tip to create a path to the wall. Reaching to the required, kill the guards and break the gate with it. Return back and pass through the gate.

Go to the left through the following gate, and you will get armor-piercing arrows. Next you have to fight with several waves of enemies, so in vain do not waste the cartridges. Use poisoned arrows and Greek fire when the enemies will be in groups. You can also use a shotgun, assault rifle or fiery arrows against heavilyoconed enemies.

After stripping the location, go through the door and go up to the required. Aimage him to the nearby protrusion with a post, wrapped in a rope. Then go to this platform and use the arrow with the rope to connect this pillar and rubbish stuck in the required. Then turn the desired goal, and the garbage will shift. Now you can shoot at goal.

You will need to use your desired on the other side to make the second shot. To get there, use when you need arrows with a rope. Reaching to the place, you will need to make something similar on how you freed from blocking a huge door in the mine. First go to a good viewing point on the far side of the top level. Use arrows with a rope to connect the juban and lever. Start it under the waterfall to fill, lifting the end with a metal ornament. Make sure the ornament is at the same level with ice, and pour water from the Zhuban. Run and jump on the ornament as quickly as you can, igniting and hitting the ice so that it crashes, and the required was released. Use siege weapons to kill archers before shooting at goal.

Use the arrow with the rope to go down on it to the lower level, where there were archers. Go to goal. Observe with several enemies until you reach the end of the roof. Now again create with the help of arrows with a rope cableway, which can be descended down. Run through the gate and kill the enemies behind them.

Close around the wall using all studied skills, incl. Arrows with a wide tip. Head to the tower, the highest part of the city, saving enemies, falling ice and garbage. Reaching the top, you will need to fight with the Trinity mercenaries. Use explosives and poisonous arrows as well as the Greek fire. Also effective shotgun and assault rifle. Unlike them, against the immortal soldiers, hide behind the shelters and move only between them, but neatly, because They throw grenades.

First there will be a fight with a helicopter in several stages. Aim and shoot from the required to drive the helicopter damage. For victory, three hittings are needed. Between the shots you will attack the group of enemies, while it is better to occupy the position on the hill. If you do everything right, then you will have to fight only with two waves of enemies.

After the floor breaks, you will find yourself in a room with a large number of immantaneous soldiers. You can easily kill them all in Stelce, while it is better to attack from above, not from behind.

Battle against Constantine

You will not have any allies, no weapons, only hope and the surveyed skills. Attack him hidden attacks from above or behind, two enough to fill up. Next, choose what to do with it: kill or give life.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a direct continuation of the restart Tomb Raider (2013), which describes the formation of Lara Croft as an experienced seizure of ancient artifacts. But apparently, she was not enough for her, otherwise, why still developers call the game "Climbing a rapid tomb"? To learn how it was the re-formation of a girl in a sort of "Amazon" in our passage.

Note that this page is represented full passage Rise of the Tomb Raider with all the additional tombs, which we decided to divide the locations, and not the chapters so that you feel easier to find the information you need.


Lara Croft is already at the very beginning of the game finds on top high mountain With incredibly beautiful natural landscapes. It is quite possible to fall into the bottomless abyss, looking at the local beauty. However, we have the usual training prologue in which you need to simply follow the instructions, performing simple tasks. Difficulties may occur only with poor triggering triggers. For example, during lifting up and jumping to the outstretched hand, you should carefully make sure that you have reached the highest point and advanced to the left as possible. Otherwise, you will not be able to jump to hand. It concerns the swings on the cables - it is only after the achievement of the highest amplitude.


The situation in the game is replaced by extremely quickly - only recently you rose to a snowy slope and after a couple of minutes, you cut on the jeep on the sandy dunes of Syria. In this country, Lara is needed to find a mysterious tomb, in which the body of the prophet is hidden. After viewing the short cat scene, take up until you see a small crevice on the wall. To the right of it you will find the treasure - take it, and then take it inside through the hole in the wall.

Inside, you will find a spacious room, in the center of which will stand Pole. On him, Croft will find an inscription that she will not be able to read, because of ignorance greek. But this emboss can be easily corrected: only you need to explore two frescoes that are left and right from the pillar. After that, the level of Lara will increase, and it will be able to read the inscription. Nearby you will find a treasure. Take it and move forward.

Coming out of the room, you will see a broken bridge leading on the other side of the canyon. To overcome these obstacles you just need to use a double jump. Having reached the place specified on the map, you should climb up and go to a new room. Another cat-scene will begin.

Next, break the wall located on the left, with the help of ice ax. Water stream will break out of the opening. Now you can go back and with the help of an improvised bridge go to the other side. Finding into the following room, cross the large structure located right in front of you. Then remove it on the other side. Beware of traps with sharp spikes that can easily kill you. Next you need to move on the other side, where you are waiting for the entrance to the new riddle.

Solve the puzzle will not be easy. With usual walking on the boards, you will immediately wash off the water. Therefore, you need to knock down the boards with a shot, and then jump over the other side. Here it is necessary to destroy the wall with cracks with the help of ice ax. This will increase the water level in the tank below. We jerk on the board again, and we wait until you wash the water. After that, quickly climb on a floating raft ahead. Now you can climb on the wall and climb on the speakers on the beam. We look at a short roller. Next you need to run to the exit, without falling under the bullets of hostile soldiers.

Siberian wilderness

We go down and not far from the abandoned camp, we begin collecting useful materials. To do this, it should be highlighted using a special key or buttons (it depends on what you play - gamepad or keyboard). Then we return to the fire and the "kraft" onions. Improve the available parameters and move forward to the point on the map. Do not forget to collect materials on the way - they will come to us in the future.

We pass several QTE actions (you need to quickly press certain buttons shown on the screen), then run away from the enemy and perform QTE again. As a result, Croft gets a few dangerous Ran.And therefore without drugs do not do here. Collect medicinal plants And cure yourself. Next, we will need to create an arrow with poison to kill the bear. Its manufacture requires the following items: wood, fabric and mushrooms. You can collect all these resources on the way back to the camp. We also recommend to look at the cave located to the right of the track. In it you will find explosive ore and scroll.

Reaching the camp, create a poisoned arrow (or several arrows), improve the onions and increase the skills (we advise pumping a quiet jump and a thick skin). Now we go to Kosolapu Mishke. On the way to the bear you will meet several military detachments. It is necessary to deal with them in quiet. It is best to kill them one one.

Having reached the central point, lift the canister, and then blow it next to the cave with the boom - it will open you access to the treasury. Get more treasures you can find the Crown of Prince. To do this, open the map and find the appropriate object. Then explore the crown to learn Mongolian. This will help you to read the inscriptions on the pillars located nearby. After that, you will open new treasures on the map.

Now you can go to the bear. It is easiest to kill the closure as follows: make it sneak into his cave, and then shoot a poisoned arrow and finish with two ordinary arles (you need to get the beast right). If you can't get an archery with a poison on a teddy bear, it is not trouble - just run back and again create poisoned arrows, the bear behind you will not be shaved. Killing a bear, take it to the skin and all the rest useful resources Indoor, and then destroy the wall with the help of ice ax and pass to the ice cave.

Ice cave

We go down, we find the right small lift and climb on it. Here you will find another scroll. We go ahead and detect another camp that can be turned into your small database. By the way, Lara can instantly move between camps. Therefore, you can always return to old locations to collect all the treasures in them. Perfect the ice ax and increase the characteristics you need. After moving on. Ahead you will see a huge ship hanging right above the cliff. Go on the mast to get to the first optional mission.

Ice ship (tomb with tests)

In general, the puzzle is waiting for us to be not difficult, but it will have to break the head. You need to knock the ice from the ship and climb to his top. To do this, you need to start the mechanism, and then climb the mast with the help of ice ax and jump over to the right pendulum. Next, wait until it goes down, get off it and start working up the wall, which was cleaned by ice. Again, we use the mechanism and lower the pendulum to the height acceptable to the jump. Go ahead along the mast and jump on the pendulum, in order to destroy the icy crust. We get out of the pendulum and scream upstairs again. Here you can collect a lot of useful things, including a sacred manuscript that will enhance your archery skill. In addition, you will find a lot of gold and increase your knowledge of the Greek language. Now you can go down the cable car. Be sure to take a medallion near the descent. In the future, with the help of it you can open an important secret.

After testing, it is worth returning to the main task. As you get out of the cave and swim in the water, turn right - there you will see a scroll.

Lara must penetrate the Soviet base, and it is quite difficult to do it. The first thing should be descended to the lower level and explore the small opening, located on the right. It will lead you to a small cave, where part of an ancient bow and others are stored useful items. There are no puzzles here - you just need to constantly keep the map image into your head, otherwise you can easily divert. We take artifact and go back.

We go a little further. Here you will find several opponents and lamps with kerosene. Throw the lamp into enemies to set fire to them, and then achieve them out of the bow. Climb upstairs, kill a few more suggested, and pass to the interrogation room. In it you can find your first pistol. We move on and get into the hangar. It will have a lot of enemies. You can destroy them all from Luke or climb up, pick up kerosene lamp And set fire to the tank. On the wall you will see a drawing, after the study of which you will have improved knowledge of the Russian language.

We go ahead and get your first minor quest. It reports that if you break all the transmission systems on the map, you will be awarded with the points of experience and loyalty, and will also give a hone, with which you can open a couple of cabinets and closed boxes at the level. Collected materials It can be used to create a second pistol. Note that one of the transmitters is located above the cave, where the wolves are. You can get into this place by crabming on a sheer wall located to the right of the cave. Next you need to go up the spiral. The remaining transmitters find quite simple.

Not far from the lift leading to the point of continuation of the plot, the plant is located. Upstairs is a relic, and the previously mentioned cave with wolves. If you go left, you can detect the entrance to the secret cave, covered with boards. In it you can find a useful skill. Broken the boards are quite simple - you need to shoot the rope nearby, and then the stone block sweeps next to you and destroy the boards. Now you can go down.

Cave tank (tomb tomb)

You can immediately run to the relic, but be prepared for the fact that wooden boards break under you and you fall into cold water. Therefore, you must first go right to the lowest corner and find there a passage leading to the canister and closed hatch. You should undermine the canister to increase the water level. We go back, go around the construction and discover the right three more cans. Now it is necessary to make a rather difficult trick - take the canister and throw it on a wooden raft. Next, jump onto the beam and drive out the wood with the canister on the water on the opposite direction.

Jump off the beams and wait until the raft swallows not far from the hatch. Then shoot in a container with flammable and see how the explosion destroys the hatch and opens an additional passage. We go through it and get into a small room. Here we scrape upstairs and destroy the wall. Next, jump down, throw another canister on the boards and repeat the action with the hatch. Now Lara needs to have time to get to the root and throw the canister into a broken window. We go back, we take a tank with fuel and blast the last hatch already from the inside. It will help you to raise the water level, and then you will be able to find a relic without any problems.

Upon returning to the USSR base, you can explore the cave in which the wolves live, but there is nothing interesting in it. But the cave located before the point of the main plot will help you open a new dungeon. Go to it and perform the Quest. Next, go to the last Foundation and kill all opponents near the new camp. Nearby you will find the building in which the merchant is tested. He will be able to acquire a lot of valuable things for gold. Climb up, then descend and see a small cat-scene with an unexpected turn.

Jail break

You need to break the pipe and pull it out from the pipeline. Then, with the help of it, destroy the wall covered with cracks. Take from the table a new improvement for onions (arrows with a rope). Break the beam above the doorway using the cable, and then go out of the room. Open the box with the launder and go out. Here, Lara will have to kill all opponents at the level - we recommend them to strangle them. Next break all the laptops to perform a minor quest.

Shot from the cable at the desired point and move to the window to the window. Look again small video. Then we go out and go ahead. Take a cable straight to the cable, and then engage it to the winch. After you need to de-energize the wire, because of which we fail to go through water. We find a machine and go forward again. You will learn to make grenades from ordinary cans. Make them as much as possible to kill all opponents by quickly. Then run out quickly.

Get ready for a protracted shootout with armored enemies - you will use tin cans with nails. As soon as you defeat the "walking tanks", then immediately take part in several runs with time limit. In addition, Lara will have to sail several meters under water (do not forget to accelerate, being in water). Then you will be waiting for running with an obstacle. After him, you will find yourself in a new place.

In search of Yakov (part first)

You should not immediately start looking for Yakov - we advise the first thing to go to the cave located in front of the camp. Here you have to fight with a snowy leopard - a rather strong opponent, so be careful with him. Next break all the boards in the cave and survive in the camp. Do not forget to also improve the skills near the fires. We advise you to pour the extended production (section "Survival"), which will allow you to create bulk bags for ammunition. Now you can go to the tomb.

Glow of God (tomb tomb)

We go ahead and try not to fall from the second beam covered with ice - when it starts to fall, immediately jump off it and grab the wall. On the opposite side, it is necessary to shrink into the post from the bow, and then tie a rope to it. Next you need to go into the inside of the tomb. In it you will find a note, a map and a few gold coins.

You will find that one of the counterweights failed, because of which it is not possible to raise the following gates. It is necessary to omit the external gate, and then climb them and jump over to the other side. You should jump on the right so that one of the ends of the rope can be attached to the stuck counterweight, and the second to the coil. Order Lara to pull the cable and remove the shutter located on the right side. The coil will stop moving if you do everything as it should. We go back and destroy the wall leading to the direction you need. Raise the gate again - now we can establish counterweights in the position we need.

We go back, where the lever is standing, and trying to take it to the maximum possible level - then you need to cut the rope located on the right. The ice will be destroyed, and we can easily raise all the gates and pick up the hidden relic. He can return health at death. Go back. We use arrows with a rope to get to the initial camp. We advise you to go to the shelter in the wilderness, since here you can now get into the cave, in which they had not previously could not get. After continuing to search for Jacob.

In search of Yakov (second part)

On the way, you will have a wounded descendant, which will ask you to kill all the wolves in the cave. Yes, this is the same cave, where you previously killed a snowy leopard and wolves. Go back there and destroy everyone all (we recommend using arrows with poison - it will quickly die. For the fulfillment of this quest you will be awarded with an improvement for a gun.

Not far from the Lara Lara Camp can take another secondary mission associated with the challenges of prison captives. It is easier for prisoners to get through the river. We use for this cable. Prisoners are not far from the duct. Left is a bag of geographer. Next, we get into the room for interrogations. For this quest will give you an additional skill.

At the level there is another secondary quest, which gives the wounded peasant in the cave. You will have to learn the database of the enemy and find the crow. The task is quite easy, so we will not describe it. For its execution, elements for firearm and one skill are given. Now you can return to the fulfillment of the main mission. We select all artifacts and documentation, then study the frescoes. After receiving the Molotov cocktail, you should go right where you will be able to find a new tomb for research.

Uranium mines (tomb tomb)

Go down, fall into the water, and then go around all the fork. When performing a jump, the structure collapses. Do not be afraid - it should have happened. On the way, you will find a pipe that will close the object capable of exploding. Now you need to solve the puzzle.

We jump on the far counterweight and break all the ways. We rise slightly higher and shoot out onions into a mechanism (we use arrows with a cable), and then pull out the trolley. Next, jump over the other side with the help of speakers in the wall and climbing up. Being not far from the post, we shoot the trolley again. We go down and jump on the counterweight. As a result, we can close the opening where water comes from. We throw into the explosive object of the milk cocktail and pass through the resulting opening. Here you will find the skill of "malicious eyes". It will allow you to see any traps on your way. Now go back.

In search of Yakov (third part)

It is necessary to burn the barrier on the road and go ahead. Then you will hear unfamiliar voices. A gas pipeline should be undermined right above the enemies, and throw them with Molotov cocktails. Go on. After a while you will reach the point in which you need to stretch the rope and go down. Then the next jog will start. After watching the roller in which it is shown how we get into the abandoned mines.

I liquidate several soldiers and call an elevator. Then you caress the trolley to it and climb on it. As a result, you will be issued new thing - Knife. Over the rope with a knife and move on the opposite direction. Here you will need to cut two more ropes holding an elevator. Climb upstairs and pass to the fire. Improve the skills, as well as improve the onions and firearms. Next, we look at the fresco to increase your knowledge of the Greek language. In the room, located near the fire, we kill all opponents. We collect all useful materials and notes, and then go further.

You will see the door with a complex lock. With the help of the cable go down. Take a trolley to the rope and raise it to the height you need. Next, cut the rope and look at how the lock on the door is destroyed. We go around the construction on the other side and, being in the dungeon, jump over the pit. Next climbing upstairs. We kill all opponents using explosives. We advise the first thing to deal with the enemy holding a shield. Then climb up and reach the crane. You will see the winch on the other side. It is worth attaching it to the bucket of large sizes. After moving the trolley, therefore, so that the bucket rushed right above the reservoir. Now you need to quickly run to get into desired room. We look at a short video. After receiving the management of Larla again, we study the room and pass through the underwater caves in a new location.

Geothermal Valley (Part One)

This is a new huge level with a lot of secondary quests, ancient artifacts and tombs. However, you can not get most of the treasures yet, since Lara still has no balloon with oxygen for long diving. For this reason, we advise you to concentrate your attention on the implementation. additional missions and exploring locations. For the destruction of drones, you can get a good bow, and the deer hunting and boobies will allow you to get the elements of equipment and experience points. Here is also an optional tomb.

Chamber of Harriad (Tomb Tomb)

Go to the bottom corner of the map directly to the waterfall. You need to move on the opposite direction - the cable will help you. Then hesitate at the goal and kill several hostile animals. We break the grille and go to the cave, where the tomb is. Here you have to solve a rather simple puzzle. We roll out the coil with a cable to the very edge. Next, we train to the G8 beam and go to the far corner with a bucket. Drech for the cable to lower the bucket down. Tie a bucket to the trolley on which the coil is located. All, solving the problem is found. We go upstairs and take a new relic with the ability "Fast treatment". Now you can return to the valley.

Geothermal Valley (Part Two)

After performing all tasks and inspection of the tomb, you can start executing the main scene mission. We light the torch on the hills and learn how to create fiery arrows. We go to the new point on the map and take a shotgun. Then begin the battle with the new enemy - the flamethmeters. You need to run around it and shoot in cylinders, weighing on his back. After his murder, go on. Everything around will be destroyed. We need to find the Atlas. On the way, you can solve a puzzle of another optional tomb.

Aquifer (tomb tomb)

Take the rope on other side and go through it. On the right, you will need to go through small burials and go upstairs. Here you will see a temporary parking lot. To solve the puzzle you will need your entire seaming and dexterity. It will be necessary to hook to the device's devices, and then quickly jump on the next point. After entering the island, it will be necessary to cling to the root from one millstone to another. Tightening the rope will have to the lever. Having made some such exercises, you still get to the land. There you will find a relic, which will give Lara skill to get animals right in the heart. Unfortunately, the benefit of it is a bit, as it does not act on the bears and leopards. Now you can return to your main route.


Near the dungeon is located new level, called acropole. Move through plot points without deviating from the main route. Here everything is pretty straightforward, and therefore do not get lost. After receiving the explosive arrow, go to the grid and shine through the hole in iron doorTo blow it up. Then move to the tower. You have to fight with a whole group of opponents. Next, Lara will have to defend the tower from the heap of uninvited guests. We advise more often use poisoned and explosive arrows. However, several arrows with explosives must be left at the end to apply them against soldiers with shields. After a shootout, Croft will receive a new thing - an ice ax with a rope. With it, it will be possible to engage for various ledges to climb up in previously inaccessible places.

A new task will appear - to get to the church where the atlas is stored. Go to the point on the mini card, ignoring all the tests. After entering the swamp, you need to go to the right corner of the card and kill the armored opponent standing on the left. Go around the territory and explode canister. Sick also in the barrels located at the top. This will reduce the number of enemies up to two or three people who can easily kill with a bow. If the trick fails, then eliminate enemies with groups using explosive arrows.

The second cluster of enemies will see after passing the window. At once, three opponents can be killed with an explosive arrow. The remaining simply shoot from a shotgun or any other firearms. We advise the third group of soldiers to set fire to the Molotov cocktail, and then finish the machine. Then you will need to do a little jump, using an ice ax with a rope, in order to get to the entrance to the church.

Flooded archive

In this place, players are often stuck, looking for an entrance. We advise you to look at the beams, located at the top. Cook to them with the help of a cat. After reviewing a small cat-scene, take a gun and shove into two batteries. Then the short video will begin.

Next, go to the fire and activate it. Your following task is to search for an archive. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. On the way to the atlas, you will find the oxygen apparatus with a cylinder, which will give you the opportunity to stay under water for a long time. This device will help Lara to get into the last four tomb. After finding the device, several opponents will immediately attack on you. They will start opening the door to autogen - we advise you to wait for the end of their work, and then throw an incered mixture in them.

Having got the desired artifact, trying to get out of the church. We undermine the barrels to check the statue. Then go to the left and float a couple of minutes under water. You will meet three opponents ahead. Kill them with an explosive boom. Now go to the right and go upstairs. Make an amphora with fire. Then throw it out and blow up with the fiery arrow - it will help you to clear the way ahead. Go to the opposite side and again throw an amphora. You need to tie it to the post located nearby, and release down. Once it will pass over the statue - cut the rope. Next, blow it away, letting the fire arrow into it.

Go to the other side. Find another amphora and told it to the lift. You need to tie an amphora to it. Then order Lara to shove the rope for the second end. Then you need to find the second amphora and bring it back to the lift again. Next push it. Now you can shove the first amphora down, cutting a rope. You should wait until she gets to the monument, and then blow it away. The ancients will be dissatisfied with your act, so you run as quickly as possible to the exit. The next plot point indicates the observatory. But we do not recommend to rush to you there - it is better to go to a new tomb with tests.

Kietn baths (tomb tomb)

Dive in the reservoir and swim a few tens of meters under water. Then you will need to deftly run between water flows straight to the fire. Next, try not to fall into the trap ahead - it must be thrown over. Go forward and crawl through the roots on the other side. You will see a break, and below a large amount of water. It is necessary to hook a root to the beam located on the left side, and then lift it to another edge.

We climb up, and after we run to the lever to merge water. It is necessary to hook the cable to the lever and the winch. Start winking the last. This will help pour one water level. Go down and deliver the boat to the beam located on the right. Go inside and drain the water on the right side. Using the cable, secure the lever to your small ship. Next you need to go down and blow up several barrels. After you see the relic, which will allow you to quickly climb on the rocks. Now you can return to the maintenance of the main scene line. Go to the desired point until you reach the scientific complex.

Atonement pit (tomb tomb)

Now you have an oxygen apparatus, and therefore we advise you to return to the geothermal valley and find a cave there, where you need to swim for a long time under water. Then pop up and go through the railway located on the right. Somewhere nearby will be a new tomb with a puzzle. Climb upstairs and roll out the cart. Next, you need to deploy the platform with the fences of the tree in the opposite direction. Order Lara to push the cart down.

Then find a small pillar, which is right from you, and tie a rope to it. She will help you move to the second platform. Get to the very top and with the help of the lever, lower the platform down. Expand the design with three paws, and after moving the cart on the site. Next, turn it in this way as she looked at the opposite side of the side. Raise the platform and throw off the trolley again. It will open you access to a new relic, which will give you the ability of the geologist (benefit from it, unfortunately, a little). Now you can return to the fulfillment of the main quest.

Research base and ion salvation

Following the plot points, be prepared to meet with a lot of enemies. It is easiest to destroy the groups of opponents with the help of Molotov's cocktails, and then achieve survivors from a machine or shotgun. Repeat this method Several times, do not forget to undermine vehicles With fuel to get rid of some soldiers. At a time, you will have to do defense camp. After you find yourself under ice. Update in water, swim a little ahead, and then swim through a small hole and eliminate one enemy in a quiet.

Then you need to sail to the left far-froth and kill all enemies using the sent arrows. Then again we dive under the water and sail to the long right corner. Here you can already calmly get out of the land. But after a few seconds, enemies will be pounce on you again. Use homemade grenades to quickly deal with them. After the destruction of all the soldiers, you will see a small roller with the disclosure of the Great Mystery. Now you can try to enter the lost city.


Find the walls by which you can climb, and get used to the planetaria. Here you have to solve an easy task. You should turn the mechanism in such a way as to create a small bridge from it. To do this, you will need arrows with a cable. Layout the planets in one line by creating a bridge from them. It will help you go to the opposite direction and climb to the lattice surface.

Reaching the second floor, remove the backup on both sides to start twist the design. Lara is needed to get to the very top. To do this, you need to jump to the very center of the mechanism with the help of a cat. But first of all, we get on the board and hang on the design with beams. Next, we wait until Lara says to jump from it. Then we dreamed from the running place to the center of the planetary system and we climb up. Then you should walk before going out and take a new skill. Now you can go to the path of immortal.

The path of immortal

We go ahead, avoiding meetings with immortal guards and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the city. Reaching the top, you will learn that the immortal is not so invulnerable, and therefore you have to fight with them. Make sure to save in camps, and during the battle, use a shotgun and onions. Do not forget also blow the jugs to apply an immortal more damage. After a while, almost the whole level will be arranged fire. We advise you to climb higher, so as not to burn alive. By killing all the opponents, we move forward and see the short cat-scene. After you, find yourself in a lost city in which the last tomb awaits you.

Lost City (first part)

Go a little forward, and then jump in the reservoir and swim under water several tens of meters. You will find yourself in a small crypt with valuable things. Next, we advise you to turn around and go back. On the left on the mini map you will see the entrance to the cave. Go to it and kill the bear with an explosive boom. In this cave, you can find the entrance to the hidden tomb.

Wandering of Exile (Test Tomb)

How to kill the closure, start looking for a wall with cracks. Destroy it with the help of ice ax and move forward. Take an explosive arrow and create a pass. You will learn exactly where you can make a hole on a pipe with gas. Then turn the two lever using the arrows with a cable. Just a small cut to a cell with a skeleton and deploy the chain. Then wait until the gas hangs out or simply explode. Now you can try to raise the cage using the crane. You need to turn it directly to the goal. Next, take up the top ledger again and release some gas, activating two levers. Blood gas, running into it a fiery arrow. Take a relic, giving a bonus to the damage to fire, and continue the execution of the main story quest.

Lost City (Second Part)

It is necessary to get into the forgotten city, however, the path is blocking a massive gate. You should shoot them from the hardest. After the destruction of the first gate, prepare for a difficult battle. We advise you to use a rifle on distant distances, and in the near battle shoot from the bow. By destroying all opponents, head to the next require. You should rotate the beam using a cable and get into it on the opposite direction. Hook a bucket to the design, and then turn it. Do not forget to close the bottom in the bucket with the help of a rope. Next, you need to bring the container to water and turn it in this way, in order to be a counterweight, it turned out directly opposite the ice. Pour from the water bucket by removing the bottom with the help of a rope. Leave some water in the bucket, and then close the bottom with the bottom of the cable. Then jump on the counterweight. This will help break the ice.

Sick on goal from the hardest. You will have time to make only one shot - after that your catapult will destroy. Therefore, one another requires. Near him will need to kill all opponents, and then attach the cable to the attachment and boards. Clean the design for throwing and turn the battle machine to the desired side. Archers attack you - kill them with the help of the hardest. Then bleed the gate and go to the city.

We look at a short video, and after climbing the tower. Having risen to a certain height, be prepared for the fact that the enemy will hang on you. It can be quickly killed by shooting heads from the pistol. We climb even higher and look at the video again. Now you have to fight the boss in the form of a military helicopter. It will be necessary to shoot it from the hardest when it will approach you to the distance shot. You need to get into it at least three times. Before each shots you will attack the crowd of opponents. We advise you to shoot them poisoned arrows. It is not necessary to rejoice after the helicopter explosion, because after that it will be necessary to immediately join the fight with the next boss.

You will take away weapons, so the enemy will have to attack with homemade grenades. Stun boss and then beat his ice ax. At a certain point, perform a simple QTE and apply the deadly blow to the enemy. Now you can go upstairs and enter the chamber of the shower.

Chamber of Souls

We enter the temple, we look at the final roller and enjoy music in the credits. Congratulations to you, you were able to fully go through the Rise of the Tomb Raider!

"Rise of the Tomb Raider"- Computer game from the series" Tomb Raider.", acts as a continuation of the game of 2013. The project was announced on June 9, 2014, the release took place on November 10, 2015. Richard Croft., father of Lara, was obsessed with the search for the tomb of the prophet and source eternal life , the main heroine decides to finish the started and departs to Siberia to find the lost city Kitete.. In his path, Lara meets resistance from the mysterious and ancient sect Trinitythat wants to take possession of a source of life at any cost.

Destroyer gate

Task: destroy the gate

After the elimination of the immortal move through one of the corridors, we open the door and cross the abyss of the cable (if necessary, you can return to the camp; Also in the second hall on the balcony, artifact is hidden).

Next, we use the suspended cargo to destroy the ice alone on the sheer wall, and we climb up through the use of overgrowth arrows (a map of secrets is located in this area).

Task: Usefully

Anti-tools are blocked, turn the platform so that the barricades are opposite the wrapped beam; After that, tie the barricade to it (the rope will be wound on the boards) and turn the platform again, releasing the counterweight.

Task: capture the second require

After the security shot will release a projectile from the required on the tower behind the lairs and destroy a siege gun. Cross the abyss of the tensioned rope, turn the wooden beam and get to the next tower.

Task: split ice

The mobile platform is blocked; To destroy ice, turn the wooden beam so that Lara can climb on the next railway tower.

Next, we associate an arrow with the baud and close the bottom of the wooden tank (the lever will appear after the beam will be rotated). Correct the location of the baud, causing it with water and creating counterweights. Finally, we open the bottom of the baud and quickly run to the cargo, jump on it and destroy the ice.

Task: reflect the attack

The protection continues to attack Laru, at this stage we use a siege tool to quickly destroy large groups of the enemy. After eliminating the threat from the immortal, the exact shot is knocking out the gate.

Task: cross the bridge

Moving to the destroyed gate, the security will continue to resist. When Lara turns out to be on the bridge, the destruction of the design from the strike of the catapult will begin; We run forward, overcoming the abyss. After the Cat scene, the player expects another ambush of immortal warriors.


Task: climb to the tower

Meanwhile, the soldiers of the Trinity suppressed the resistance of the descendants and destroyed the glacier; The battle helicopter of the sectarians went to the storage location. Open the camp ( Gate Citadel) and start climbing the tower; To begin with, use upper arrows (At one of the platforms is an artifact), then we use the cable to cross the abyss, and climb on the sheer wall.

We overcome the next abyss and fall inside the sanctuary, we again use the topworn arrows and rose to the dome of the building.

Task: get to the top

Open the camp ( Broken spire) and begin the climbing to chamber of Souls; Next, a few CAT scenes will follow, during which you need to quickly react to the collapse or attack.

Holy spring

Task: break into the ward shower

At the top of the chamber, Lara observes how Anna and Konstantin are included in the sanctuary, and Sophia comes to contact and promises to cover up in the last fight. We clean the territory before entering the ward and open the next camp (last frontier).

Task: defeat Constantine

On the way, the Lara appears a combat helicopter that is piloted by Konstantin. In order to knock it down, it is necessary to undermine the installation of the projectiles of the required; Shells, in turn, will launch sofya people by signal. After each hit, Konstantin calls the separation of sectarians to help, the next time the helicopter will actively move and lead a more dense fire.

Task: get into the ward shower

Okole Helicopter, Lara Croft enters the sanctuary in front of the entrance to the ward; I eliminate security and study the fallen helicopter.

Task: defeat Constantine

The surviving pilot disarms the main heroineTo defeat in a fight, you need to distract Constantine and hit the ice ax. A small CAT scene will follow, during which you need to press multiple keys and eliminate the enemy.

Task: enter the chamber of shower

In the Lara Storage, trying to dissuade Anna from using the source and calls to leave damned place. The main characters are surrounded by the Guardians. Anna decides to use the source and drops it from the hands after contact; Lara Croft breaks the artifact, destroying everyone who is associated with a source of life (except Anna, will later kill the sniper).

Keywords: Tomb Raider, Lara Croft, Kite, Mayava, Siberia, Description, Trinity, Source of eternal life, Richard Croft, Boxes with relics, monoliths, frescoes, Cakes with coins, Yakov, Upper arrows, Atlas, Gate Destroyer, Climbing , Holy Source, Require, Chamber of Shower, Helicopter, Anna, Last Frontier

RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER continues the story of the young Lara Croft - this is the second part of the restart series and the tenth game in the Tomb Raider series. This time, the seeker of adventure is sent in search of the secret of immortality in Siberia. In this passing of the Rise of The Tomb Raider, we will tell you how to go through the first few missions, as well as share how to complete the study of the troika troika and perform some tests.


The new adventure of Lara Croft begins deep in the Siberian mountains. Lara and her friend John will climb upstairs, while the storm will become stronger and stronger. Lara believes that the house of the historic and religious figure named Eternal Prophet is between the mountains. Go ahead, find out about the capabilities of the heroine - there is nothing more here.

London and Syria.

In fact, the adventure of Lara began two weeks earlier, in the heart of London. She decides to go to the lost tomb in Syria. Go along the rock, do not jump from the edge. Use the technique from the previous mission to cling to the stone at the moment when you almost fall down. Go ahead until you reach something like the entrance to the sewer. Come inside.

Go ahead through the darkness until you find yourself in the lit room. Roller will begin, then pass short training and go into a small room with a fresco and crack in the wall. Break the wall - you will find yourself at the entrance to the beautiful ancient temple. Go left, jump on time and stop. Go ahead and take into a dark pass.

You will be waiting for the first serious trap, which will have to or jump, or activate and jump back. Then there will be another trap - the floor will fall under you, and you will fall into the water. Shot a pulley, holding a platform, break the crack in the wall to put even more water. Select from here and go on.

There will be two traps in the passage. Quickly shoot B. weakness Swinging traps and quickly press the action button to break out of the trap. Now swim forward as quickly as possible to get out of the flooded zone.

Jump into the water or turn right and run along the wall to get to the broken wall. Dan it in order to flood the zone even stronger. Then go to the left side and take the shelves on the wall. Jump onto a wooden platform to raise the barricade, holding water. Swim into the long part, better right, and climb upstairs. Close to the right side of the temple and cross the room, but beware of traps - holes in the floor. Better to jump over it.

Check out the left and enter the corridor. Beware of traps hanging with pastune. You need to click on the red button. The next zone will be a simple puzzle. Ignore the platform to which you can jump, first run away the other platform so that it fell down. Then go to the long right part and break the wall to flood the zone. Now jump on the platform, and you will find yourself in water. Close to the platform you shot down and jump on the pillar. Jump onto the beam over the platform to activate the barricade. Now climb upstairs to run the catshzen. Now just run.


Entering the tomb, look right. The ceiling of the structure hangs the chicken, which you want to knock. Turn to the other side of the room immediately and run the second smoke. On each side in the center of the tomb there is one smoke - on the left, in the center and on the right. Then from the bottom level of the central sanctuary, jump on the post from the left of the Lara, located at the level of the eye. First jump on the first pillar, then on the second. Look ahead and up to see another smoke hanging from the ceiling. Now turn to the central sanctuary. Under the arch, right under the upper part of the sanctuary, the last smoke is located.

Siberian Wilderness

At first you will enjoy warmth and shelter. Go through the blizzard and look the necessary materials - Wood and skins. Just pass by the old camp to small trees. When you get everything you need, come back to the camp.

Ice Ship.

Come in the tomb and jump over the ship. Use the ax on the mechanism in front of you. To the right of the pillar there is a document. Take it, then take on the middle post and go on the beam until you find yourself at the hanging object. Jump, and ice will break.

Again, use the ax on the mechanism. When you finish, quickly go through the beam, turn right and jump on the object. Time is limited, so do everything quickly. If you do everything right, then the ice that overlaps the path will be broken.

On the top there is a terrain map, document and arrows. Also for the passage of the tomb, you will receive a new ability ancient abilities.

Soviet Installation.

Ancient Cistern.

Having tried to jump on the central pillar, Lara falls into the water. the main task In this tomb - to flood everything so that Lara can accumulate to the central pillar. First, collect useful things, otherwise they will not be available because of the water.

Swim to the platform behind the post and throw the canister on the raft. Climb the stairs, jump and cling to the beam to let the water. Jump down and shoot in a canister when the raft will be in front of the round door. Swim through the tunnel and climb the stairs into the next small tunnel. Break the wall and jump back into the water.

Throw another canister on the raft. Now you need to flood the room, climb on the raft and throw a canister into a room through a broken wall. Do all this, go back to the room and throw a canister on the ledge. Shoot in the canister and spawn to the central post to get a reward.


Soviet Installation has four trials, some of which require special items.

Data.Corruption -destroy 10 laptops in the gulag. The first five laptops-in the battle area where Lara decides to divide with Jacob to find a way to open the gate. The sixth laptop - right outside the goal. On the way to the railway you will find the rest of the laptops. The seventh is in the room, into which Lara enters after the first large fight with his new gun. After the camp, in the battle area, there are two more laptops - in wooden shacks. The last laptop is in the room where Lara finds dead soldiers, in front of the railway.

Differenceof.Opinion -burn 7 posters with astronauts. They are in Copper Mill Yard.

INTO DARKNESS -explore 5 caves in Soviet Installation.

CapturetheirFlag -destroy 7 Soviet flags. They are located on the territory of the main part of the zone, one - at the entrance to Copper Mill Yard. To perform this test, the lare will need a knife.


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