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Full passage of winx club game. WinX Club Full Passage

Following the blue rabbit

Our main Heroine Bloom was the most common (attention, brand!) And, to put it mildly, a nearby girl. Its commonplace was expressed in the fact that Bloom did not know what kind of fate was presented to her with fate (in the role of fate, of course, developers) - to become a fairy, save Madzhiks and then on the list. And the nearestness was that she didn't hear a dream about the misadventures of a certain girl Alice, who also had a misfortune to run behind the rabbit. So, proceed ...
Handmade rabbit Kiko is scared to death and bloom, as a caring hostess decides to find out what the beloved pet could scare. I do not think that the management will have problems, but it is better to take neat ... Arrogo is ahead; arrow down - back; Arrow left - left; Arrow to the right - right; Space - jump. We approach the in love with a couple, politely pass and know if they don't go to open the gate. The guy gets up and unlocks them.

It is strange: if you approach the girl sitting on a bench, she will relieve something like something like "What happiness that the gate is open! I had to hang around here all night!" But it does not move from the place. Apparently, the night "outward" did not best affect her brains.

Learning to jump, collecting diamons, torment the poor trees, shaking the stars from them, and notice the strange white circles - they will come to us later. Oh, yes, we also open the chests. We open, shake the stars using ENTER. And here is the first opponent - an unknown creature of red. Shooting fire (or what does she have there?) - The left mouse button, aims right. By defeating the enemy, go on. We approach the wall, next to which the "beneficier of health" grows, we climb on it and fall into a new location. Another red demon (I do not know what it is, I'll call it) threatens life and health ... No, not civilians, and Kik O (manual beast, if you remember). Naturally, Bloom cannot but intervene (SDP, a good character syndrome)! Now we can also put the shields using the Shift button. Ay da Bloom, Well done! Having finished with the demon, we begin to portray the climbers, a famously jumping from the cliff to the breakdown, tightening the hands and deftly avoiding the stonepad. Apparently, Bloom was proud of the local sports section. The transition to a new location, the next shocks with demons, avoiding falling stones - nothing special. Kohnpada generally need to be afraid of the least, put the shield and no stone will harm you. Beauty! So, we finally get to the destination and ... What do we see? Another incomprehensible is something takes away from the winged blonde in Orange some saccus (ah, it was a rod? And not like). Because of the SDP, you have to intervene. In this place, we will see in humiliary in the irrefutableness of the theorem on ordinary girls and boys. Bloom with us, it turns out, Fairy! Giant one of the weaker bosses in the game, so it will not be difficult to win. You can simply fly with circles, yes pick up the mana (magic energy) dropping out of the sacca (only black do not take, they will pull up the power), but to put a shield when white energy flames appear above the giant. And do not forget to throw themselves very hard with the balls when the red arrow appears above the giant with the image of the skull. This means that if you hit now, then damage will be greater than usual. The grateful Fairy Stella will tell Bloom about the Madzhiks Universe and, in particular, about the School of Alpharey (Heh, Salfa), where young fairies are trained. The path of our heroine lies there. To the new, unknown world of Madzhiks.

Girl Hogwarts

We look at the cartoon roller about how Bloom says goodbye to the parents and goes to school, where, finally, after listening to the lectures of the directories remain granted to themselves. Immediately we go to look for your room, good, it is easy. Near your door is a girl who will confirm that this is yours and the room, and the inscription Bloom next to the names of other girls - the faces also points to it. We go into the room, get acquainted with neighbors and talk about the ball and handsome - specialists. Bloom will complain about the lack of a decent dress and will advise her to go to the local fashion model - Luma. You can go to the luma and later, while we will deal with side assignments (quests).

It is strange: do not be lazy after talking to go to Stella's room (she, apparently, the most "cool", alone in the room lives) and look at the photo of the funny five. And now we will think together: since the acquaintance almost passed five minutes, where then the photo? But it can be seen that they do not break water, but in order to become such good friends required much more than five minutes ...

Everyone without exceptions, side quests are constructed on the principle of bringing / take and take it / bring. The first tasks can be obtained from Flora and Stella (above the people who have a task for you, the yellow alcohol is burning). Note: After talking about the ball, you will simply go out and go back to the location, girls will differ. Flore seems that your animal kiko looks not happy. Perhaps vegetables from the ground can correct position? And Stela lost his favorite earrings in the battle with a giant and now in sorrow. Who will help her? Bloom! But before you go to the tasks, it is best to walk to the library, where we will be taught to solve a simple puzzle (it is necessary that several certain identical symbols that lined up in a row appeared on the turntable). This is done using the R key. You can also look at the library and cute with Vizgiz, who will explain that the Fairy stars can acquire cards contained in the apparatus in the other end of the library. Now you can go to perform side quests in Gardenia. To do this, approach the main goal (of which you came to Alfay) and press ENTER. Now you can slowly break the carrots for the flora (Ra Steet on one of the lawns on the side), solve the riddles of white circles, having earn the stars, seeds of dragon flowers (one petal is added to the flower of lives), moths (if you collect five pieces , Bloom gets a new strength and rank). But to search for earrings Stella have to run to the very glade where the battle occurred. Earrings are almost not visible because of the little flower yellow colorBut when approaching them appears Enter, so finding them easy. ATTENTION: SERIES Two pieces! Left and right. I am telling you so that you are not like to be alone ... Uh ... Non-clear reviewer, with foam at the mouth who claimed that in order to get all the earrings, it is necessary to run on the clearing twice (especially for him: drink yada, And then sitting a review of writing). Well, he never seen earring, you see. You can return to Alifea (for this, approach the conservation crystal and select "Return to Alfia") and distribute items with happy girlfriends. We can think about yourself. We go to the Luma (her room is downstairs, on the left, Looma has an inscription on the room). Luma admire external species Bloom and say that with pleasure will make a dress if she finds out scissors. We go to the ballroom (before the doors were closed there), jerk (!) On the right table, we run to the end to the end and find scissors. Believe the Luma and get a blue dress (subsequently a luma can be brought various subjectsFrom which it will sew bloom outfits, as well as sell finished clothes, the cost of one - 60 crystals). We run into the ballroom, we are all waited! We look at the roller, where everyone is jealous of the Bloom dress. Then one of the specialists is suitable for us and is represented by Brandon (how you will communicate with him, will greatly affect the final). In order for the guy to be satisfied with your communication with him, you need to tell him about how you like to Magizhiks and sadly sigh that you can't talk to him longer, can somehow once? ..

Young naturalist

Everything is good someday, but ends. The ball is over, and a lesson has a lesson at Professor Palladium. Rather to her! At the same time we get another task from the flora: she always wanted to have a small browse carnivarus, a predatory plant, which grows only on the swamps, where, in fact, we go. And for Palladium, it is necessary to find three fairies, hidden in different places (White circles hanging in the air are approaching R). So, we are in the swamp. Learning new techniques: Now, using the left mouse button, you can produce three balls at a time and holding the button, produce energy and help (optional, but better to help, get a petal of a dragonflower flower) to the ability of Amaryil and her team. Oh yes! If you see a white clover, boldly press ENTER, you will help your friends (in this case, the flora will grow ivy through which you can hang up). In principle, there is nothing in the swamp, with which it would be impossible to cope. With Kazah, only that the Cvetus for the flora is located next to the big seasons (it is impossible to kill them, so you need to be careful when you pass by). Also on the swamp are subject to Luma: flower and silk worms. We are able to help specialists from the Red Fountain, who was crashed because of which the troll, which they were lucky, escaped. The task of catching, as usual, will fall on fragile shoulders fairies. And the guys like that on the sidelines. Go to the description of the battle. It should be noted that there is practically no confusion from girlfriends. Attacks are weak, and you can ask for them only once for the battle (key - space). Consequently, "killing" will be engaged in Bloom. Tactics are still the same, fly in a circle, put the shield when you see that the troll begins to stall, and you pick up the spheres of mana. After the victory, we look at the cartoon - the screensaver about the appearance of the witch from the cloud tower, who captured the teams in captivity and requiring the ring of Stella in exchange for her life (they think that the fire of the dragon was concluded. Bloom convinces Stella to give to Oltso, because if the fight becomes, then the tech may suffer. The ring is given, the tehna is saved.

Didn't wait? And here we came!

Reading the book, Bloom learns more about what the Ring Stella is made and thinks about who could tell more about the Great Dragon. In order to give the Tween Flora again we go out and go to the location, it will sit on the sofa. Go to the Music Room - the string was broken on the guitar and you need a minotaur hair in order to replace it (for hair she will give you a musical necklace from which the Luma will make you an outfit). You can then walk to the Cabinet of Directress, which will tell you about the Great Dragon, creating the Universe of Madzhiks and settled on the planet Sparks (Spark), which became the center of magic, thanks to his strength. However, witch, the thirsty authorities destroyed the planet in search of the legendary fire of the Dragon. After the conversation, it is necessary to approach the wall and pick up the leaflets with a strange story about wet wets, frightened dragons (Qi Fries are code). You can go to Professor Palladium and pass the quest, having received a well-deserved award. Side tasks have become more and almost all connected with books. The director asks you to find the books in the library necessary for it for classes: "Management magic stick For five steps ";" How to whiten the Dragon bone ";" Flora and the Fauna of the Black Marsh ". We go to the library and looking for all the necessary books. Librarian Vizgiz, in turn, wants us to go in search of girls who did not pass books on time : Amaryl (where without it!); Pia and Nesses. Ba! So this is our "marsh acquaintances"! Ness in the Balnroom, on staircase on right. Asks who of the listed guys is not a specialist. Answer: Brixen. Nesse gets the right answer, and we get books. Pia stands near the locker with a statuette of the Red Tower (or what is it there?). It is wondering that from the listed it is not a magical school. Answer: Fountain Cloud. Another task will give Grizeld (aunt in glasses) - E th, a book is needed on strict discipline. Amaryl is located in the corridor near the ballroom on the right (if you become back to the goal with which you can return to the places where we were already). Wants to know who is the director of the Alphafa School. Answer: Faragona. We return to your room and watch a cartoon where girls think about how to return the ring of stella, because soon the control on spells, and without the ring that is powerless! Go down and approach the cabinet with a cloud tower statuette and enter the code written on the leaflet (for the lazy: 3921). We take the statuette and go to the right pass (ballroom), where we install the statuette to the pedestal. We go to the portal appeared in the picture. After talking with girlfriends, take the book for Grizeld to the left (glow). Jugs can be broken with fire. Near the luminous doors press R, they will open. Pull the lever, the staircase will appear, scroll through it. Then simply turn the levers, there will be no difficulties. Minotaurian's hair for muses Take a big sleeping minotaur. Room witches: Darcy, Isy and Storm. Take in the room a snowflake for the Luma, the ring Stella - in a pile of garbage. In the library, Bloom honors a book where he learns a little about himself, however, the Miss Griffin director will spend offenders and interrupt exciting reading. Get rid of stone golems, spiders and something to the end of the dining room. There we meet with another boss (some kind of zhoko-lava). Tactics Simple: We fly, fly, do not stop, select the spheres on the go and fed the freak with balls. Winning, watch the screensaver. After it, we find yourself in a dark hall and we go to name to parents (dramatic scene!). We hear the noise in the ballroom and go there. And there is! The witch from the cloud tower decided to apply the Alfay of the retaliatory visit. We stick with a spider and see how something similar to the dragon appears from Bloom. In the roller Bloom in a dream again visits a strange woman in a mask.

Text passage of the game WinX Club step by step, passwords for castles: 3921, 0001.

At the very beginning of WinX Club - the School of Magnies from us runs away the rabbit, we must follow it. Our main protagonist Bloom, was the most common attention, trademark! And, gently explicitly, not sleepy girl. Its commonplace was expressed in the fact that Bloom did not know the information about how fate is intended to be in fate in the significance of the fate, obviously, the creators - to be the fairy, to protect Madzhiks and further on the list. And the inextricness was that she didn't hear a dream about the misadventures of some Girl Alice, who also had a misfortune to run behind the bunny. So, proceed.

The manual bunny of Kiko is frightened to death and bloom, as a thoughtful mistress decides to find out that all the same, this could scare a beloved pet. I do not think that with the management there will be difficult, but it is better to be restrained. Arrow Hop - Forward Arrower Down - Back Arrow on Levo - On the left Arrogo to the right - on the right space - jump. We approach the in love with a couple, respectfully pass and know if they do not open the gate. The young man gets up and opens them.

It is amazing: if you approach the girl sitting on the shop, she will relieve something like something like "What happiness that the gate is open! I needed to stick out all night here!". But it does not move from the spot. Probably night "outward" is not the most the best way influenced its brains.

We study to jump, collect diamonds, torment the poor trees, shaking the stars from them, and we notice strange snow-white circles - they will need them later. Oh, yes, besides, open the chests. Opening, shaking asterisks with ENTER. And here is the 1st enemy - an unknown creature of reddish color. Shoot fire or what is she there? - Left mouse button, aims right. Overcoming the enemy, go further. Come to the wall, close to which the "relevant of health" grows, we climb on it and get into latest location. Another reddish, I don't know what is still this, I'll call it so threatens life and health. No, not peaceful people, and kico manual animal, if remember. Naturally, Bloom may not intervene a SDP, a good hero syndrome! Now we are able to put the shields with the Shift key. Ay da Bloom, Well done! After graduating with the demon, we begin to portray myself climbing, agile with a cliff with a cliff, pulling up on my hands and skillfully avoiding the stonepad. Probably Bloom was the pride of the local sports section. The transition to the newest location, the next clashes with demons, avoiding falling pebbles is nothing special. Kohnpada generally need to be afraid less only, shield put and no stone causing harm to you. Beauty! So, in the end, we get to the destination and. What do we still see? Another incomprehensible is something takes away from the winged blonde in Orange a certain cuckoo ah, was it a rod? and not like. Because of the SDP, it is necessary to intervene. At this place, we will see in humiliary in the indefiniteness of the axioms about the ordinary girls and the workers. Bloom with us, it turns out, Fairy! The giant is one of the strongest chefs in the game, because to overcome it will not be difficult. It will be permissible to fly with circles, but to pick up the magic energy that falls out of the sacket is not only dark, they pull out the power of the power, but to put the shield when the smell of snow-white energy occurs above the giant. Do not rive in particular diligently throwing balls when a reddish arrow appears above the giant arrow with a skull image. This means that if you knock on this moment, damage will become more than traditionally. The grateful Fairy Stella will tell Bloom about the Madzhiks Universe and, namely, about the school of Alpharey Heh, Sage, which learn young fairies. The path of our heroine lies there. In the newest, unknown Madzhiks world.

Girl Hogwarts

We look at the cartoon video about how Bloom says goodbye to the guardians and desires to school, in which, in the end, later listening to the lectures of the directories remain personally granted to themselves. Here we go to find our room, well, it is not difficult. Near your door there is a girl who will confirm that this is your room, well, and the inscription Bloom near the names of the remaining girls - the faces also shows it. We go into the room, get acquainted with the neighbors and talk about the ball and beauties - Specials. Bloom will complain about the lack of a solid dress and will recommend to go to the local fashion model - Luma. The luma is allowed to go and later, while we will deal with side quests of tasks.

It is amazing: do not be lazy later dialogue to enter Stella's room, it is probably the most "cool", one in the room lives and look at the photo of the cheerful five. And now we'll think about it: since the acquaintance, a little prompted 5 minutes, scudy in that case a photo? It is also noticeable that they do not break the water, but for this so that it is necessary to turn out to be such good friends more than 5 minutes.

All without exception sided missions Built on the principle of bringing / take and take / bring. The 1st tasks are permitted to get from the flora and stella over people, what is your task, the yellowish diamoman is burning. Note: Subsequently, the dialogue about the ball is simply exit and go again to the location, the girls will differ from who. Flore may seem at first glance that your little animal cyco looks insufficiently happy. Admissible, vegetables from the ground have all the chances to correct the situation? And Stella confused in the battle with the giant's own beloved earrings and now in sorrow. Who will undoubtedly help her? Bloom! But before that, what to go to the tasks, the ideal just to like to the library in which we will learn to solve the light puzzle, so that the turntance arose a certain number certain similar signs lined up in a row. This is done using the R key. It is possible to look into the library similarly to the library and cute with Vizgiz, who will explain that the Fairy asterisks are allowed to receive cards in the device in the device in another end of the library. Now it is allowed to despair to make side mission in Gardenia. To do this, approach the main gate of which you came to Alfay and press ENTER. Now it is permissible to break the carrots for the flora growing on the 1st of the lawns on the side, guess the puzzles of white circles, earning the stars, seeds of dragon flowers are complemented by all health and one petal, moths are added to the flower of life 5 pieces, Bloom gets the latest strength and title. But to search for earrings Stella, it will be necessary to run to the glade in which the battle occurred. The earrings are practically not noticeable because of the small flowers of yellowish color, but when approaching them arises Enter, so find them is not difficult. ATTENTION: 8-piece earrings! Left and right. I say this for this, so that you are not like to become alone. Eaten criticism, with foam at the mouth who claimed that for this to get all the earrings, to the glade you need to run twice intention to him: drink yada, and later sitting a review of writing. Well, he did not see in any case the earrings, you understand. Allors to turn on to Alifea for this, go to the conservation crystal and select "Return to Alfia" and refer to a happy girlfriend things. Now it is possible to think about yourself. We go to the lime of her room is located below, on the left, in the room there is a lama inscription. Luma admire external appearance Bloom and utters that it will make a dress with pleasure, if she will find scissors. We go to the ballroom Hall earlier the doors were closed there, jerk! On the right table, we are working on it to the end and find scissors. Believe Luma and get blue dress Then the Luma is allowed to bring different things from which it will stitch the Bloom outfits, also selling finished clothes, the price of one - 60 crystals. We are in the ballroom hall, we are all waited! We look at the video in which everyone envies the Bloom dresser. Then one of the professionals will approach us and is represented by Brandon how you will talk to him, thoroughly affects the final. For this, that the young man has been pleased with your communication with him, you need to tell him about how for you like in Madzhiks and sigh sadly about what you can not talk to him longer, maybe somehow in other times? ..

Young naturist

All is not bad someday, but ends. The ball ended, and a lesson from Dr. Palladium awaits us ahead. Faster to her! At the same time, we get the next task from the flora: she constantly wanted to have a Maja Haver Carnival, a carnivorous plant, which grows only on the swamps, where, in fact, expressing, we go. And for Palladium, you need to find 3-fay, hidden in various places snow-white mugs, hung in the air, approach, press R. So, we are in the swamp. We study new techniques: Now, using the left mouse key, it is allowed to produce 3 balls at a time and, holding the key, produce energy and help at will, but it is better to assist, to achieve the petal of a dragon flower with the task of Amaryil and her team. Oh yes! If you see a snow-white clover, boldly press ENTER, for you a friend will be assumed in this case, Flora will grow ivy in which it is allowed to climb. In principle, there is nothing in the swamp, with which it would be impossible to cope. I can only say that the Cvetus for the flora is located near the large seasons cannot be destroyed, therefore you need to be neat when you pass by. Also on the swamp there are things for the Luma: flower and silk worms. We help to hicks from the reddated fountain, who was crashed because of what the troll, whom they were lucky, escaped. The task for catching, as usual, will lay on fragile shoulders fairies. And men so, on the side of the rest. We run to the description of the battery. It is necessary to note that from girlfriends is actually none. Their attacks are weak, well, to ask them to help them only once for the battle button - a space. Consequently, "killing" will work Bloom. The strategy is still the same, fly in a circle, put the shield when you see that the troll starts to stump, but pick up the spheres of mana. Subsequently, the triumph is watching a cartoon - a screensaver about the emergence of the witch from the cloudy tower, capturing the tech in captivity and requiring a ring of Stella in exchange for her life that the Dragon Fire was imprisoned. Bloom assures Stella to give a ring, since the fight will begin, then the tech may suffer. The ring is given, the tehna is saved.

They did not expect? And here we came!

Reading the book, Bloom will find out more about whether the Ring Stella is made and thinks about who could tell more about the Great Dragon. To do this, to give the Cvetus Flore again we go out and go to the location, it will hang on the sofa. Go to the Music Room - that the string broke into the guitar and need a minotaur hair for this to replace it with hair, it will provide you with a musical necklace, from which the Luma will make out the outfit for you. Then it is permissible to resemble the Cabinet of directress, which will tell for you about the Great Dragon, which created the Universe of Madhiks and settled on the Planet Sparks Spark, which became the center of magic, as a result of his strength. But the sorceress, the thirsty authorities destroyed the planet in search of the famous Dragon Fire. Subsequently, the dialogue should be approached to the wall and pick up a sheet with a strange story about the sorceress, the scared of the Dragons of the number is considered to be the code. Mostly go to Dr. Palladium and pass the quest, having received a deserved merit. Side tasks have become more and almost all connected to the books. Directories asks you to find in the library of books you need for classes: "Management magic chopper For 5 steps "" How to whiten the Dragon bone "" Flora and the Fauna of the Dark Balt ". We go to the library and looking for all the necessary books. The librarian Vizgiz, in turn, wishes that we went to search for girls who did not pass books in the period: Amaryl Where without it! Pia and Nesses. Ba! So this is our "marsh acquaintances"! Ness in the Balnal Hall, on the landing on the right. Asks who of the men mentioned is not special. Result: Bravlen. Ness gets a faithful result, and we We receive books. Pia stands near the locker with a statue of a reddish tower or what is it there?. It is wondering that it is not a magical school that listed it. The next task will provide Grizeld aunt in glasses - it is extremely needed a book for serious exposure. Amaryl is located in the corridor near the ballroom on the right if to be back to the goal, with the help of which they were allowed to turn into places in which we were already. Wishes to have information, who is the head of school a Lafi. Result: Faragona. We return to your room and watch the cartoon, in which girls are thinking about how to return the ring of stella, since the control on the spells, and without the ring that is powerless! We go down and approach the cabinet with a statuette of the cloudy tower and enter the code written on the leaf for the lazy: 3921. We take the statuette and go to the right passage of the ballroom, in which we install the statuette to the pedestal. We go to the portal that seemed in the picture. Subsequently, dialogue with girlfriends Take a book for Grizeld to the left of the left. The jugs are allowed to smotherly with the help of fire. Near the glowing doors, press R, they will reveal. Pull the lever, the staircase will seem climbing on it. Then simply turn the levers, almost no difficulties will arise. Minotaurian's hair for muses Take a huge sleeping minotaur. Room witches: Darcy, Isy and Storm. Take in the room a snowflake for the Luma, the ring Stella - in a pile of garbage. In the library, Bloom honors a book in which it will find out insignificantly about himself, but the director Miss Griffin will notice the law of the violators and interrupt interesting reading. Get rid of stone golems, spiders and something to the end of the dining room. There we meet with another boss zhoko - somehow. The usual strategy: we fly, fly, do not stop, select the spheres on the go and firing the freak with balls. Okav, see the screensaver. Subsequently, we find themselves in the black hall and we go to call the father with the mother's dramatic scene!. We hear the noise in the Baln Hall and go there. So it is! The sorcerer from the cloudy tower decided to apply the Alfia a retaliatory visit. Cut with spider and insight, as something similar to the dragon occurs from Bloom. In the video Bloom in a dream again visits a strange lady in a mask.

Check-care and offender

So the newest day has come! We go to the phone subsequently dialogue with girlfriends and call Brandon. In communicating with him, the 1st Replica may no matter what one of them will not smile, the most ideal to say, that Madzhiks is my fate, 2nd - Thank you, it assured me and the 3rd - you can talk about something Ask? Brandon will say numbers: 0001. This is the locker code. Upon returning to the Alfia, we approach the closet, type the code, taking the statuette and go to the left passage of the ballroom and install it on the pedestal. Voila! The portal is revealed. But before you go there, I advise you to like the library - tehno urgently need our support! She needs to repair Android Bot, probably, but not enough detail, they will subsequently subsequently triumph over the first robot in the reddish fountain. Now it is allowed to go to the portal. We go into it and watch the cartoon screensaver on how the girls are furious from the controller. Passing trivially - we use the shield on traps then and they will not cause any harm, they simply be thrown into the side. Protective fields turn off with levers. To drive the dragon back to the stall, shoot fire on the lamps, close to the stall lies the scales of the Luma. To do this, to get safely to the window not to light up at school, do not get on the eyes of the guard simply rapidly run past them. In the battle with the diaspora, the ideal to install it, wait until she puts the shield and then save energy to repeat the triumph. Then we watch the video in which we learn that Brandon is essentially Tsarevich Sky. In the upset emotions, Bloom desires home in which the sorduny is waiting for her, they learned that the Fire of the Dragon is located in Bloom. To defeat the witness is not difficult: we fly in a circle and fit the shield when they cause a storm, all the more, the fire will all be raised.

Home Sweet Home.

The sorcerers took the power and fire of the dragon at Bloom! It is necessary to go to the spark of Sparks, the native planet Bloom. But, before going. Who needs support here? Ah, Dr. Palladium stands in the Balnal Hall! She needs stalls of crystals in the number of 2 pieces with sparks. Like as if your own problems are missing. By the way, finally allowed to give a book Miss Grizelde! Then go to the teleportation room near classroom room. Iskra will meet us very coldly, both in the portable, and in the literal sense of the word. To start the fireballs and you cannot put the shield now, it will be necessary to tritely fasten the snowballs to a pile of snow and press ENTER. You will later fall into the crack in the crack. You will see the crystal, go to it and press ENTER. Here is the 1st benchmark for the doctor! So as not to suffer with ice mocities or what is it all?, I advise you to quickly rush past them and rapidly jump upstairs. In the subsequent territory, it is allowed to find a greenish crystal for the Luma, the ice is broken by snowballs. To overcome the ice messenger simply - wait when it hangs near the 1st of the stalagmites, run up to him and press ENTER. Subsequently, 3 hits sill will be defeated. We go down and move forward, almost the very edge will right on the right will be the 2nd crystal for the palladium. To bring the bridge, you need to approach sculptures with diamons and press ENTER until they appear until they fall into the diamonds glow right away. Solid puzzle: fire, month, candle, sun. In the room with a multicolored floor we go only on the reddish tiles. To unlock the door, drawings with the image of the candle and flower are obliged to find the bottom. We approach our lady from dreams and watch the video. Mystic returned, cheers! We boil up the stairs and turn out to be outside. I advise you to preserve, at the moment the battle will begin with another wanderer. We fly in a circle without stopping, we select spheres that appear subsequently, as the monster exhales cold, do not forget to shoot. Then watch the video.

So we returned to Alfay. Wait-ka! Why all on fire? Again these sorcerers. We need to go to the Blossy Tower again and return the fire of the dragon!

It is amazing: try on the sake of enthusiasm to jump using fire. There and here, there and here.
Bloom and fire will not burn and will not drown in the water. Nothing recalls? She is Fairy Fire, idiots! But about water low.

Before going, visit the Luma Room, the girl standing near her will provide a task for you - attribute a note by one "cute watchman from the reddated fountain." Get ready for long running. But the double merit will be! Similarly, the head of the reddish fountain Salvador will ask you to find your own partner he is behind the enchanted door in the cloudy tower, in the dungeon. When will be ready, come to a greenish monster in glasses and a jumpsuit, the whip is our old acquaintance with whom we fought at the very beginning. There are practically no difficulties in passing in passing, it is necessary to slow down only on a riddle with a clock, it is also not easy, but suddenly.: Frog, primitive man, cloud with zipper. We take a magic ball need Miss Griffin. In this area there is a spider mirror for Luma. We leave the hall and go to the right - now the gate is open. After completing the ends, it turns out that the fire of the Dragon - Lipovy and did the sorcerer to intentionally, to attach Bloom to the trap. We carry your legs from the tower. On the way, the aircraft breaks down and bloom together with Skay must sleep in the forest. The right statements when talking to Him: Hey, remove this frowny look I believe for you, Skye and know that you will not leave me in trouble you definitely do not want to chat with me. We look at the video in which Bloom discovers that no one has won the fire of the dragon and he was in her all this time. Return to Alfa. Everything is ready for the last battery. It remains only to pass the missions, if you wish to find points for the whip lying near the dominant entrance near the tree. To go fight, chat with Salvador. Subsequently, the cartoon we stick from Icy. Together with the fire of the dragon, it is called with a blank to overcome it extremely simple. We are driving from snowflakes and select spheres that remained subsequently, we fly in a circle. All as constantly. When the battle is over, we look at the deserved ending. If you all produced correctly, then Bloom kisses with Woke.

Game: Platform: PC Genre: Action, Adventure Release date: March 1, 2006 Developer: DC Studios Publisher: Konami Rate the game (7384) Add game Add To Favorites / Track Right behind a blue bunny

Our main heroine Bloom was the most ordinary (attention, brand!) And, to put it mildly, a closer girl. Its traveling was expressed in the fact that Bloom did not know what kind of fate was prepared by her fate (in the role of destiny, obviously, the developers) - to become a fairy, save Madzhiks and on the list. And the inextricness was that she didn't hear a dream about the misadventures of some Girl Alice, who also had a misfortune to run behind the bunny. So, proceed ...
The manual bunny of Kiko is afraid to death and bloom, as the maternity hostess decides to find out that after all this could scare a beloved pet. I do not think that with the management there will be difficulties, but it is better to rebuild ... the shooter is swept forward; Arrow down - reversal; Arrow on the left - on the left; Arrogo to the right - for the right; Space - jump. We approach the in love with a couple, we can cadewly and know if they can open the gate. The young man gets up and unlocks them.

It is amazing: if you approach the girl sitting on a shop, she will relieve something like something like "What happiness that the gate is open! I had to stick out all night here!". But it does not move from the place. Apparently, the night "outward" does not most well affect her brains.

We study jump, collecting diamons, torment the poor trees, shaking out of their asterisks, and notes we note weird snow-white circles - they will need them later. Oh, yes, besides, open the chests. Open, shake the stars using ENTER. And here is the 1st opponent - an unknown creature of reddish color. Shooting fire (or what is there?) - left mouse button, aims right. Being the enemy, go further. We approach the wall, next to which the "beneficier of health" grows, we climb on it and get into the newest location. Another reddish demon (I don't know what it is, I call it so) threatens life and health ... no, not peaceful people, and Kik O (manual animal, if you remember). Naturally, Bloom cannot but intervene (NDP, a good character syndrome)! Now we can also put the shields using the Shift button. Ay da Bloom, Well done! After graduating with the demon, we begin to portray myself a climbers, famously jumping from the cliff to the breakdown, pulling up on his hands and deftly avoiding the stonepad. Apparently, Bloom was proud of the local sports section. The transition to the newest location, the next shocks with demons, avoiding falling pebbles is nothing special. Komnepada generally need to be afraid of the least, shield put and no stone will cause harm to you. Beauty! So, in the end, we get to the place of destiny and ... what are we impaired? Another incomprehensible takes something away from the winged blonde in Orange a certain cuckoo (ah, it was a rod? And not like). Because of the SDP, you have to intervene. In this place, we will see in humiliary in the indisputability of axioms about ordinary girls and the workers. Bloom with us, it turns out, Fairy! The giant is one of the weaker chefs in the game, because to overcome it will not be difficult. You can simply fly with circles, but pick up the mana (magic energy) dropping out of the sacca (only darkness do not take, they pull out the power), but to put the shield when there are snow-white energy flashes above the giant. And do not marry in particular, hard to throw balls when a reddish arrow appears above the giant with a skull image. This means that if you knock down at the moment, there will be more damage than usual. The grateful Fairy Stella will tell Bloom about Madzhiks Universe and, namely, about the school of Alpharey (Heh, Salfa), where young fairies are learning. The path of our heroine lies there. To the new, unknown world of Madzhiks.

Girl Hogwarts

We look at the cartoon roller about how Bloom says goodbye to his parents and despair to school, where, in the end, after listening to the lectures of the directories, we have been granted to themselves. Here we go to find your room, good, it is not difficult. Near your door is a girl who will confirm that this is yours and the room, well, the inscription Bloom next to the names of other girls - the faces also shows it. We go into the room, get acquainted with the neighbors and talk about the ball and beauties - Specials. Bloom will someteen on the absence of a solid dress and it will recommend to go to the local fashion model - Luma. You can go to the luma and later, while we will deal with side assignments (quests). It's amazing: do not be lazy after talking to go to Stella's room (she, apparently, the coolest one, one in the room lives) and look at the photo of the cheerful five. And now we'll think about it: since the acquaintance a little passed 5 minutes, where then the photo? It is also seen that they do not break the water, but in order to become so good friends need much more than 5 minutes ...

Everyone without exceptions, side quests are constructed on the principle of bringing / take and take it / bring. The 1st tasks can be obtained from Flora and Stella (over people, what is your task, burns yellowish alcohol). Note: After talking about the ball, you will simply go out and go back to the location, the girls will differ from who. Flore seems that your animal kiko looks insufficiently happy. Maybe vegetables from the ground can adjust the situation? And the stele was confused in the battle with the giant his beloved earrings and now in sorrow. Who will help her? Bloom! But before that, than to go to the tasks, the ideal just to go to the library, where we will be taught to solve a light puzzle (you need to have several certain similar signs that have been lined up in a row). This is done using the R button. You can also look into the library and cute with Vizgiz, which extracts that you can get cards in the device in the other end of the library for the fairy stars. Now you can despair to make side quests in Gardenation. To do this, approach the main gate (of which you came to Alfay) and press ENTER. Now you can slowly break the carrots for the flora (Ra Steet on one of the lawns on the side), solve the riddles of white circles, earning the stars, seeds of dragon flowers (one petal is added to the flower of lives), moths (if you collect 5 Pieces, Bloom receives the latest strength and title). But to search for earrings Stella have to run to the glade where the battle occurred. The earrings are practically not noticeable due to the little flowers of yellowish color, but when approaching them arises Enter, so find them is not difficult. ATTENTION: SERIES Two pieces! Left and right. This I say, so that you are not like to like one ... Uh ... a non-empty reviewer, with foam at the mouth who claimed that in order to get all the earrings, it is necessary to run on the clearing twice (especially for him: drink yada, and Later sitting a review of writing). Well, he did not see the earrings ever, you know. You can turn on Alifea (for this, go to the conservation crystal and select "Return to Alfia") and refer to a happy girlfriend objects. Well, it can be thought of and oh for yourself. We go to the luma (her room is located to below, on the left, the room is the inscription Looma). Luma admire the appearance of Bloom and utters that he will make a dress with pleasure if she finds scissors. We go to the ballroom (earlier the doors were closed there), jerk (! ) On the right table, we run on it to the end and find scissors. We take the Luma and get a blue dress (then the Luma can bring different items from which it will sew a bloom of outfits, also sell ready-made clothes, the price of one - 60 crystals). We run into the ballroom, we are all waited! We look at the roller, where everyone is jealous of the Bloom dress. Then one of the professionals is suitable for us and is represented by Brandon (how you will talk to him, very affecting the end). In order for the young man to be satisfied with your communication with him, you need to tell him about how you like in Magizhiks and sigh sadly that you can not talk with him longer, can somehow come to him? ..

Young naturalist

All is not bad someday, but ends. The ball ended, and a lesson from Dr. Palladium awaits us ahead. Faster to her! At the same time, we get another task from the flora: she always wanted to have a Majakhansky browse carnivorus, a predatory plant, which grows only on the swamps, where, in fact, we go. And for Palladium, you need to find 3 chases, hidden in various places (snow-white circles hanging in the air, approach, press R). So, we are in the swamp. We study new techniques: Now, using the left mouse button, you can produce three balls at a time and holding the button, to produce energy and help (optional, but it is better to help, you will get a drink of a dragonflower flower in the merit) to the absenteeism of Amaryil and her team. Oh yes! If you see a snow-white trillery, boldly press ENTER, you will assume girlfriends (in this case, the flora will grow ivy in which you can hang up). In principle, there is nothing in the swamp, with which it would be impossible to cope. With Kaju just that the Cvetus for the flora is located next to the larger munches (it is impossible to destroy them, therefore you need to be neat when you pass by). Also on the swamp are subject to Luma: flower and silk worms. We help to hice from the reddish fountain, who was crashed because of what the troll, whom they were lucky, escaped. The task in capture, usually, will fall on fragile shoulders fairies. And men so, on the side of the rest. We run to the description of the battle. It costs that you actually have any sense. The attacks are weak, well, you can ask them only once for the battle (button - space). As it should, "killing" will be engaged in Bloom. The strategy is still the same, fly in a circle, put the shield when you see that the troll begins to stall, but pick up the spheres of mana. After the victory, we look at the cartoon - a screensaver about the emergence of the witch from the cloudy tower who captured the Slalla ring in exchange for her life (they think about what the dragon was enclosed in it). Bloom assures Stella to give to Olzo, because if the skirmish is started, then the tech may suffer. The ring is given, the tehna is saved.

They did not expect? And here we came!

Reading the book, Bloom will find out more about what Stella Ring is made and thinks about who could tell more about the Great Dragon. In order to give the Cvetus Flora again we go out and go to the location, it will sit on the sofa. Go to the Music Room - the string was broken on the guitar and need a minotaurian hair in order to change it (for hair she will give you a musical necklace, from which the Luma will make you an outfit). Then you can go to the Cabinet of Directress, which will tell you about the Great Dragon, which created the Madzhiks Universe and settled on the Planet Sparks (Spark), which became the center of magic, thanks to his strength. But the sorceress, the thirsty authorities destroyed the planet in search of the famous Dragon Fire. After the conversation, you need to go to the wall and pick up a sheet with a strange story about the wizards who were frightened dragons (Qi Fries are code). You can go to Dr. Palladium and pass the quest, having received a well-deserved merit. Side tasks have become bigger and almost all related to books. The director asks you to find in the library of the books you need for classes: "Management of a magical wand for 5 steps"; "How to whiten a dragon bone"; "Flora and the fauna of a dark swamp." We go to the library and looking for all the necessary books. The librarian Vizgiz, in turn, wishes that we went to search for girls who did not pass books on time: Amaril (where without her!); Pia and Nesses. Ba! So this is our "marsh acquaintances"! Ness in the ballroom, on the landing on the right. Asks who of the listed young men is not special. Answer: Brixen. Nessa gets a faithful answer, and we get books. Pia stands near the locker with a statuette of a reddish tower (or what is it there?). It is wondering that the listed it is not a magical school. Answer: Fountain Cloud. The next task will give Grizeld (aunt in glasses) - it is extremely necessary a book on a serious discipline. Amaryl is located in the corridor near the ballroom on the right (if you become back to the goal, with which you can turn into places where we were already). Wishes to know who is the director of the Alphafa School. Answer: Faragona. We return to your room and watch a cartoon where girls are thinking about how to return the ring of stella, because the control on spells, and without the ring that is powerless! Let's go down and approach the locker with a cloudy tower statuette and enter the code written on the leaflet (for the lazy: 3921). We take the statuette and go to the right pass (ballroom), where we install the statuette to the pedestal. We go to the portal that seemed in the picture. After a conversation with girlfriends, take a book for Grizeld to the left (shines). Jugs can be broken by fire. Near the glowing doors, press R, they will open. Pull the lever, the staircase will appear, scroll through it. Then simply turn the levers, no difficulties will arise. Minotaurian's hair for muses Take a huge sleeping minotaur. Room witches: Darcy, Isy and Storm. Take in the room a snowflake for the Luma, the ring Stella - in a pile of garbage. In the library, Bloom honors a book where it will find out about for themselves, but the director of Miss Griffin will point off the offenders and cuts around an interesting reading. Get rid of stone golems, spiders and something to the end of the dining room. There we meet with another boss (some kind of zhoko - lava). The usual strategy: we fly, fly, do not stop, select the spheres on the go and firing the freak with balls. Winning, watch the screensaver. After it, we find yourself in the Black Hall and go to call the parents (dramatic scene!). We hear the noise in the ballroom and go there. And there is! The sorceress from the cloudy tower decided to apply the Alfa response visit. Cut the spider and see how something similar to the dragon occurs from Bloom. In the video of Bloom in a dream again visits a strange lady in a mask.

If the name of the Winx Club is familiar to you and is enjoyable for hearing, then the eponymous Advenchur will like it. In this case, download the free game WinX Club and try yourself as one of the game wizards. Help relieve a new member of the School of Magicians in Magic Affairs.

You are invited to explore the features of the Magix Universe, where representatives of magical professions gathered. One of the visitor of the magic town is the girl named Bloom. It is its actions that you have to lead, if you download the game Club Winx on a computer and part a number of spells from the School of Magicians. However, in a number of game moments you will need to count on combat support of the girlfriends of the heroine.

You have to use magic everywhere - both in everyday life, and in the fight against enemies, and for self-defense, and during communication with other characters. So get ready to download a free game Winx Club: School of Magnies and go through game situations resembling episodes from WinX CLUB film. Participate in solving virtual puzzles and visiting attractions. After all, as a reward you expect special presents that are reference to cartoons. You can also go on a date of Stella.

Title: Winx Club: School of Magicians
Foreign name: WinX Club
Year of release: 2006
Genre: Adventure, Arcade, Action
Developer: DC Studios
Publisher: Konami.
Platform: PC.
Publication Type: License
Version: 1.2.
Language: Russian, English
Tablet: Not required
Size: 1.21 GB

Features Version:
1. Gaming files are not touched.
2. Full Russian and English versions of the game.
3. Presented in the form of an ISO image.
4. Performance is checked on Windows 7 64.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / VISTA / 7
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 128 MB
Video card: with 64 MB video memory

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Try to find time for the wonderful Winx game School of Magnitz. You will get a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and positive emotions.

Toys fascinatingly beautiful graphics, pleasant musical accompaniment and dynamic plot. In addition, it is free. Perfect combination. What else do you need to cool your free time? So seem to finish all your affairs and proceed. We promise will be cool!

main characters

Since the main target audience of Winx Games School of Magnitz - Girls, then the main characters, or rather, the heroines, too, the young ladies. And the ladies are famous and favorite adolescents throughout the planet: from Canada to China. You most likely you know them too. These are Winx Fairies - the heroine of the Italian animated series "Winx Club: School of Magnitz" created by Rainbow S.R.L.. A total of five cartoon seasons came out, each consists of twenty-six episodes. The series tells about the adventures of Girls-Fay, coated together by the will of the case and become the most devoted and quadric girlfriends in the world. In the center of the plot, the history of the main character - Bloom and her distant homeland - the planet Domino. Throughout the history of the girl-wizard, combining efforts, they save the world from all sorts of misfortunes. And they are a lot around them. It is not clear where the strength is taken from them, but the beauty of Winx managed to all: and to fight evil, and the usual school life To live: fall in love, conflict with parents, having fun with friends, shopping, learn, are engaged in thousands of others who are familiar to all things. If you still have not seen this super fascinating cartoon, be sure to look. After him, the essence of Winx's history School of the magicians and the game created on this story will reveal to you much more.

Where to begin?

To begin with, choose a heroine for which you will play. The range is great - before you all the faithful girlfriends, beauty-wizard from Winx series: Tekn, Muse, Flora, Bloom, Stella and Aisha. True, there is a nuance. Until you put up the first level, you can only play on behalf of the text. With every previous stage, your capabilities will be expanded and gradually all the wizards will become available.

How to play?

After you decided on the main heroine, Came a turn to choose the surfboard. In your disposal three options, one more beautiful than the other. Armade the cursor on the one like more, and forward - slide along the waves of the fantastic ocean. But be careful. Breakless turquoise smooth is not only insanely beautiful, but also quite dangerous. Many obstacles and traps lies on the way. Dexterity, attentiveness, full involvement in what is happening and focused on winning - that's what is needed to overcome them without loss. Cut it? Try, please!

What do we have to do?

You have already guessed that the main goal of the Winx game is a School of Magnitz - Capturing Waves as a Barrier Surfingist, to get to the end of the level without problems, losses and injuries. Move you will be in a straight line, you can not roll anywhere. But you can jump up one step to the right or left, as well as jump over some of the obstacles. If you learn to deftly maneuver, without reducing speed, consider, victory in your pocket. After all main difficulty Winx Games School of Magnitz Just and is to be able to rebuilt on time, quickly and clearly respond to every second changing circumstances. Here you will see it wonderful quality It will be useful to you not only behind the screen of the monitor, but also in real life.

Winx Games School Magic

It is pretty simple and comfortable. You will need to press only three buttons in time: the keys with the "Left" arrows, "right" and "space". The first two you will be able to move Winx's wizard with one "track" to another (the stream along which it moves is divided by a barely noticeable dotted line for three bands), and with the "Space" key, forced it to jump on top of obstacles. On your ways there will be giant polyps, sharp rocks, huge boulders covered with algae. The collision with each of them threatens the magician injury. And even if she is able to recover from her and continue his journey, vitality She will become less. Several collisions and alas, from the game you will fly out.

But it is not all that bad. Rather, on the contrary. In addition to problems on the path of the wonderful wizard, there will be a lot of pleasant surprises: precious pearls, golden diadem, sparkling rubies and precious shells. Try to collect them all, do not miss. Each such find will give you extra glasses, will return to the difficulties lost in collisions with the cliffs or give extra speed. Winx game developers School of Magnies took care of playing was fun, and the player's bonuses were diverse. When you do not know in advance that your find is hidden, it is more interesting to play. Remember, the transition to the next level depends on the speed that you will be able to develop, and the number of points collected (risking to enjoy the bore, recall once again - do not neglect surprises!). With each new twist your path will become more interesting and more difficult. But you do not give up. Show the master class of the present Surfingist. Run on the waves of the virtual ocean, like on wings. Good luck!