Repairs Design Furniture

Bathroom design with their own hands step by step. Bathroom repair: Cost, stages of work, instructions. Funny horns on the wall as a wonderful alternative to boring towel hook

To make high-quality repairs in the bathroom, it is not necessary to have large finance. After all, if desired, you can significantly save money.

For example, you can abandon the designer services and think of the style in which the repair will be performed.

You can also save on a construction team and do it all with your own hands.

But that the process is adjusted, and the result is achieved, it is necessary to make a detailed action plan in advance.

So you will need:

  • Come up with design;
  • Stocking of the necessary materials and tools;
  • Make a estimate;
  • Calculate the exact size of the bathroom and gabarits of plumbing;

When choosing a design, you need to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The owners of a small square should take into account that not a large space is less functional.

Light tones in the interior and large mirrors on the walls, visually increase the room.

You can abandon the installation of the bath and give preference to the shower. Thus, there will be more space in the room.

For hygiene products, instead of bulky floor cabinets, you can hang compact suspended cabinets.

After you have decided on the choice of design, you need to make a plan of action. After all, that the process goes continuously, you need to perform all actions sequentially.

The negligence attitude to previous works can significantly affect the final result.

Step 1: Calculate the number of building materials

This is a very important stage in repair. An unpleasant moment can be the fact that with not the right calculation may not be enough tiles, panels or other building materials.

Indeed, in the process of cutting and masonry, part of the material can be spoiled. To avoid such a casus, it is possible to initially acquire building materials with a margin.

Step 2: Remove the old surface

To remove the tile from the walls and the tile from the floor you need to stock up with a hammer and chisel. However, it will be easier to cope with work with a perforator or drill. There are two dismantling options: gentle and avral.

The first is made using a hammer and chisel. First you need to bite the grout, and then carefully separate from the wall or floor every tile.

The second option is much faster, but more "dusty" and "noisy." To do this, it is necessary to simply carry the coating with the reservoirs using a perforator.

Step 3: We repair the floor

First, install the device screed. If it does not provide for the installation of an additional system "Warm floor", the height of the screed will be 1-1.5 cm. 3 - 4 cm height will be, if there are floors in the future.

The system "warm floor" There are several types: water, film and electric. Any of the systems well keeps the microclimate in the bathroom, while not high cost and is easy to install.

Step 4: Wall Decoration

Today, the market contains materials for the bathroom on "Any Wallet". First of all, it all depends on the finance that you have. Most often on the walls are put tiles.

But you can choose a more fiscal option, such as plastic panels or special moisture resistant plaster. At this stage of repair, it all depends on your imagination and finance.

Step 5: Ceiling

When repairing the ceiling, it is worth repelled from the materials that were used on the walls. So, for example, an elastic vinyl film is very beautiful with a fabric and plastic.

If it is planned to make a ceiling with different transitions, then a special moisture resistant plasterboard is used. However, there is a more fiscal option: plastic panels.

After all finishing works are performed, you can install a bath, furniture and plumbing. Repair with your own hands is not a light, but very informative. In addition, it can allow to save money and make a design, exactly how you wish!

Photo repair bathroom with their own hands

2017-02-26, 10:16

Surface preparation Installation of pipes in the wall Wiring ELECTRICS Sleet holes

Hello Dear Ammodylkins.

In this article, consider the nuances that you need to know when repairing the bathroom or toilet.

Bathrooms and san. All nodes are different on the material of walls, floors and ceilings, layout, as well as materials and design of sewer and water supply.

Therefore, I will not show repairs in one particular bathroom from and to, but focus on those moments that are usually common and are taken into account and are performed anyway.

Preparation of surfaces

One of the first questions: what to do with the old finish.

If repair under the tile (98% of cases), then the answer is one: the old finish is deleted.

Easy to say - delete. There are such problems like plaster painted with oil paint and the like of the sinking of the previous finishes, which is practically impossible to contempt.

The same meets in the floors. In the old days, the tile launched her for it, on a steep cement solution.

We must admit that it turned out quite exactly horizontally, without taking into account the seams, but they did not pay much attention to this.

To knock down such a tile - approximately the same thing that remove a small layer of concrete with a monolithic plate.

By walls, in such cases, there are two options:

1. Remove the old paint with the help of a construction dryer, having previously obtained the consent of the neighbors for possible toxic poisoning.

2. Make an ax frequent notches for which glue or plaster clings to alignment (again - unfortunate neighbors).

When applying notches and the need to align (the difference of more than 3 centimeters), a plaster grid is styled on the wall.

Old tile from the floor - to unambiguously remove. Do not experiment with a concrete contact in rooms with high humidity.

The grid on the floors will create a reservoir, but the solid clutch will not be able to create, with the result that the reservoir can be forced and give cracks.

San San Square Nodes are usually not large, so you can strain a little.

Recently, in the primary finish, the walls in the bathrooms are sweeping and covered with dispersion paints, and the tile is put on the glue, in connection with which it is not so difficult to delete all this charm. Although not just.

After removing the paint, or applying notches, the surface must be projected. The primer will connect dust, which in a huge amount is formed during this work and accumulates in surface irregularities.

One Nuanxik: When applying the primer, the roller needs to be back up with pressure. Then the primer is squeezed at the top of the roller, it saves the surface abundantly, and does not give her leaks.

Installation of water supply and sewer pipes in the wall

First, a slight retreat for that, and not dangerously tinted the pipes into the wall. What if something?

I am writing about this because I often hear this question. And now the answer.

Open wiring is now done only in cases of super economies options, in other cases it is hiding.

The choice arises: in the wall or in the box.

Valves and counters of course in a box covering inter-storey risers, here without options, but everything else is better in the wall.

If "what if something", then to the pipe recessed into the wall easier to reach, repair and make it like it was, than everything is done with the pipe in the box.

In the first case, it will be enough to remove a pair of tiles (depends on the size), and in the second it will have to break the entire box, unless of course scholars and make it immediately collapsible.

Let's return to the installation of pipes into the wall.

We will proceed from the fact that we do not have professional strokeware with a vacuum cleaner, the cost of which will pull half the estimates, but there is a perforator, it is possible without a bidder function.

We buy for 700 rubles. Crown D72 for picklers.

The crowns are made relatively faster and more careful than chisel.

Dust is formed less, as it, in the course of rotation, is mainly referred to down.

The lobes need to make such a depth so that the pipes completely drowned in the wall. Checked in places of connecting couplings of water pipes and docking compounds of sewer.

You should not count on the fact that something closes the layer of glue. According to the law of meanness, just in the place where the pipe will perform from the wall, the glue layer will be the thinnest.

Pipes in the strokes need to fasten well so that later, during the sealing solution, they did not squeeze them out. Fasteners are made from dowels and an indoiled wire.

Now about the most painstaking and requiring accurate calculation of the part of the work - the pin with the terminal clutch and sewer input.

The requirements are as follows:

1. The end clutches must perform from the wall strictly perpendicularly, and on such a distance, so that after laying the tile they did not remain deep in the wall, or vice versa did not get out too far.

And in the other case, there will be problems with the connection of eyeliner, crants and installation of decorative reflectors, but it will not be possible to fix anything.

It will be necessary to suffer with the selection of extension cords, and to them reflectors, with winding and doubts - will not flow-whether on the thread.

2. Sewer inputs must be on the tile of about 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the same problems will arise as in paragraph 1.

When installing a drain for a toilet bowl, you need to know how the height of the floor is the release of the toilet so that it does not work out that the release will be lower than the plum.

When mounting a liner for the shower cabin, it is necessary to envisage that the watering of water fit between the wall and the back wall of the cabin.

It is almost always, to ensure a normal sling of the cabin, it has to be lifted to the podium, which should be designed and made exactly the cabarians of the cabin.

Special attention should be paid to the conclusions for mixers, heated towel rails and batteries, if any.

If the cabin for the cabin and washbasin can still be hidden behind the tulip, moidodyr or cabin, then the above plumbing it will be outside.

And not only it is important. If the ends of the eyeliner are not perpendicular to the wall, it is not strictly parallel to each other and will not perform on the same distance, then the heated towel rail or the mixer will be crooked.

Let even a little bit, but the tiles are clear seams, and on their background it will be very noticeable.

And here you will not help any extension centers and eccentrics.

Therefore, for fastening the conclusions, it is necessary to clear the smooth pad in the stroke, and it is possible to use smooth lining (drywall, etc.) to fit all the bread in the tip.

Ends for a towel rail better not to mount hard at all, even if there is a bit stitching. The fact is that their compounds are practically no American, therefore several microns can become fatal.

If the pipe layout for some irresistible reason does not pass on clear geometric lines, that is, in parallel or perpendicular to the floor to the conclusions, then it should be noted schematically or photographed so that in the future it can be accurately determined where the pipes are used in the wall.

Wiring wiring

What is the modern bathroom without sockets?

The sockets are needed and a washing machine and a shower cabin and various cosmetic causes, so in the initial stage of repair, you need to clearly know what you will have plumbing equipment and where it will stand to determine the exact space for outlets.

The second point is a mirror over the washbasin. It also almost never happens without email. equipment. So you need to accurately know its location and dimensions to make the eyeliner so that it remains unnoticed after installing the mirror.

Wiring Wiring is done in the same way as in all rooms, i.e. The wire is laid in the shoes. In no case cannot expect that the wires will fit between tiles and wall in the glue layer. Do not fit.

The wire in the stroke is attached often, at a distance of 15-20 cm. So as not to be squeezed when entering the shoes. The layout geometry is observed clearly: parallel to the ceiling with an indent of 15 cm. And vertical descents to sockets.

In San. Nodes are a lot of wall influences that are attached to the self-tapping screw, so any master who entered there with a perforator must be visually clear where the wires pass under the tile.

Holes under the submersionals are made before laying the tiles, and the wire is displayed in them, but the submersion themselves are installed after laying the tiles.

How to cut down smooth holes in the tile

Holes in the tile are made by special crowns, the set of which costs approximately 800 rubles and the perforator in the drill mode, since the perforator has relatively not large revs.

Slowing holes in the tile is preferably on a flat, solid and not smooth surface, for example, on a piece of drywall.

Actually, place and drill a hole for a masterful person is not a problem. I will tell you how to be if the hole is between two tiles.

We take two tiles, perfectly combine them on a flat surface, and then tightly gluilding with a painter.

After that, you can safely make a hole between them.

In general, everything. I hope that my tips will be useful to you.

According to specific problems that arise from you, when repairing the bathroom and toilet, ask questions in the comments.

I wish you a good repair.

To organize the budget renovation of the bathroom with your own hands - the task is performed. The correct strategy when choosing finishing materials and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe progress will allow, even with a modest budget to transform the bathroom room without prejudice to quality.

Organization of the process

Competent planning is the first step towards successful completion. Most of the work in the bathroom with budget repairs can be performed with your own hands. Removing old coatings, dismantling plumbing or painting to carry out even a novice master.

But if the experience in the facing of the walls is not enough, it is worth thinking about the invitation of specialists into separate areas of the bathroom repair. No need to overestimate your strength and opportunities. Sometimes the alteration of their own errors will cost more than the wizard invitation is initially.

When the work on the repair of the bathroom is distributed, go to the selection of finishing materials. From the well-known imported brands it is better to refuse. The weighty part of the cost is a brand fee that in the budget version of the repair looks inexpedient. The cheapness of Chinese goods is also not the best option.

Tip! Stop on the domestic manufacturer or assortment from Poland, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

It applies to both finishing materials for the bathroom and plumbing. The combination of acceptable value and good quality is a distinctive feature of the products offered.

An important condition for a qualitative result in carrying out budget repairs is the compliance with the technological process. If some stage of work causes doubts, listen to the recommendations of specialists, improvisation is inappropriate.

The redevelopment of the bathroom automatically increases the repair estimate at times, so it does not have to talk about the budget version. Leave your ideas for the transfer of walls or plumbing to another place until better times when there are no restrictions in finance.

The volume of preparatory work on the removal of old cladding depends on the choice of new materials. Sometimes this stage can be avoided. Mandatory disassembly of plumbing is required if its replacement is in the plans.

Registration of walls

Economical renovation of the bathroom includes several wall finishing options:

  • staining;
  • installation of PVC panels;
  • wood pools, including self-adhesive film;
  • facing with tiles from the budget segment.

Each method has undoubted advantages and some negative points.


Wall covering paint leads among the economies of finishing options due to ease of performance and low costs. A competent approach when choosing paint and high-quality preparation of walls is the beginning of the path to success.

Tip! Fully covering the walls of the paint room is not recommended.

A project is greater efficient, where areas near the shell and bath are lined with inexpensive tiles or moisture-resistant PVC panels.

Moisture resistance and antibacterial properties - mandatory conditions when buying paint, otherwise it will not be able to avoid the development of fungus and detachment of the coating in the bathroom. High performance characteristics on the background of the budget value are inherent in paints:

  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • silicon.

The absence of caustic smell is a certain plus of water-level compositions, and silicone paints perfectly perform the function of the hydrober. From the use of oil mixtures it is better to refuse. After a short time after repair, the walls of the bathroom will cover cracks.


When conducting an economical repair of the bathroom, it should be remembered that paints with an attractive glossy effect emphasize any irregularities of the walls and make all the defects more visible. Therefore, thorough alignment of the walls is required. Plus gloss - the ability to increase visually space of a small bathroom.

Often during the repair from the walls of the bathroom it is required to remove the old paint coating. You can do this in several ways:

  • apply a drill with a special grinding nozzle;
  • purchase liquid to remove paint, in the process of work it will take another spatula and scraper;
  • take advantage of the thermal methods when the old coating is heated by a construction hairdryer or burner, and the swollen paint is considered a spatula.

Naturally, at the end of the removal process and before the start of coloring, the entire set of events is carried out: sealing cracks, elimination of protrusions, priming.

On the photo bathroom with budget repairs with your own hands:

PVC panels

Repair the walls of the bathroom can be replaced by PVC panels. In terms of cost, it will cost somewhat more expensive to acquire paints, but the method has two explicit advantages:

  • The appearance of the bathroom after budget repairs using PVC panels, from the point of view of design, is incomparably better.
  • It does not require careful preparation of the walls of the walls.

The installation process of panels does not contain complex stages and is available for their own hands. After calculating the need for material, the formation of the crate is carried out. For these purposes, plastic profiles with clips are used. Wooden rails are suitable for the economy repair of the bathroom. The preliminary impregnation of the material by antiseptics will protect the rail from high moisture.


It has the right to exist and the option of repairing the bathroom using wallpaper, the main thing is to choose moisture-resistant products. Works are conducted by a rapid pace, the removal of the old coating is not required in all cases. There are 3 main types of wallpaper intended for use in the bathroom:

  • Vinyl with the basis of Flizelin. The price is high enough, for repair it will be necessary to purchase special glue, which is not always appropriate in economy project. But high performance serve as the basis of popularity among consumers.
  • Washable. Compared to vinyl copies less practical, the cost of the product is respectively lower.

    Note! When repairing with your own hands, it is desirable to avoid salasing the sections of the bathroom to which water is possible.

  • Self-adhesive film. Incredibly practical material, which is initially equipped with a sticky layer. A wide range of design solutions is able to create a wonderful transformation with a bathroom after repair.

High quality and attractive appearance of self-keys accompany 3 negative points:

  • Pretty high cost of a product that may not fit into the budget repairs estimate.
  • The walls of the bathroom require careful preparation, since any flaw under self-adhesive wallpaper will be extremely noticeable.
  • Pretty complex application process. The painstaking process takes much more time than the standard salary.

Facing tiles

Budgetary repair implies the use of tile walls in facing walls. The main thing is to choose an inexpensive product with decent quality. Advantages of solving:

  • the material is resistant to temperature differences;
  • not afraid of high humidity, withstands long-term contact with water;
  • well wash;
  • stable to mechanical damage.

The obstacle to the use in the bathroom during budget repairs can be the following negative points:

  • additionally, it is required to purchase a mixture for fixing on the wall and the rapid seam;
  • walls with old paint need preparation, the coating is necessarily removed;
  • the process requires a certain experience and not everyone will cope with their own hands alone, the wizard invitation will increase the estimate of the repair;
  • time to lining leaves more than when it is covered with wallpaper or staining.

The best option when repairing the bathroom with a budget project is to combine cladding. The plot near the bath and the sinks are drawn up tiles, and for less exposed water, they choose a simpler and economical coating method.

Finishing the ceiling

The amount of work on the budget decoration of the ceiling depends on its initial state. A smooth surface is enough to cover the water-level paint or bother. Downtream and fast process can be done with your own hands. Remove a significant curvature or disguise the bathroom communications is recommended for a suspended design. Rush elements or PVC panels are suitable as the material.

The main advantages of choice:

  • affordable price segment;
  • simple facing procedure;
  • does not require the perfect preparation of the surface of the bathroom ceiling;
  • successfully mask wires and pipes;
  • the ability to install embedded lamps is available.

The result of budget repairs is presented in the photo:

Floor coating

The finish option depends on the estimate of the repair and state of the old sexual coating of the bathroom. Sometimes it is just enough to refresh the appearance of the tile. To do this, it will be necessary to remove the surmise grout and pick up a new, corresponding to the tile color.

It is quite simple and cheap to bed linoleum, but this measure will be temporary. Increased level of humidity in the bathroom provokes development on the linoleum of a mold fungus.

Comment! Avoiding negative consequences in budget repairs will allow the purchase of PVC-based linoleum or at all without the basis.

Greater practicality during the repair of the bathroom has a tile, even let the budget cost. Facing is carried out without dismantling the old tile. Work and time costs will require a screed. To repair the floor of the bathroom, choose a tile with a rough texture to avoid sliding and not provoke an injury.

With an extremely limited budget, the most economical option will be the acquisition of a rubber carpet of large sizes, which will close the free space of the floor of the bathroom. It can be changed much more often than any stationary coating, and the fresh view of the interior will be provided with minimal expenditures.

Nuances of the selection of sanitary ware

The replacement of plumbing in the case of budget repairs is not always carried out. Sometimes stop at the Bath Recovery option. There are several update methods:

  • The inner surface is treated with two-component polyester enamel. The most budget reception.
  • Large resistance and cost is characterized by a liquid acrylic.
  • Sometimes both ways are unacceptable due to the deplorable state of the bath. Save the situation acrylic tab, the fixation of which is carried out by sealant.

Each methods still implies financial costs, although they will be incomparably lower than the acquisition of a new bowl.

If a budgetary repair involves the purchase of new plumbing in the bathroom, consider the following options:

  • Acrylic container. Located at the bottom stage of the price segment. Easy installation and easy care - the key advantages of the product for the bathroom. The short service life and instability before mechanical damage are the main negative features.
  • Cast iron is characterized by greater practicality. The cost is higher than acrylic analogs.
  • Steel baths in their characteristics are between acrylic and cast-iron products.
  • If the bathroom has no fundamentally in the bathroom, you can think about installing a shower cabin. But repair will already be out of budget.

When replacing the sinks in the bathroom, choose between hook or legs. The first option is more fiscal, the second has greater aesthetics, as successfully masks communications. The nuances of the choice of plumbing and preferences of the domestic producer was told in the first section.


Adjust the interior of the bathroom after budget repairs are capable of small little things. Original curtain, decorative stickers and new accessories will revive the design of the room. Not left open communications, they will spoil the result even the most expensive bathroom repair. Budget way to quickly hide the functional elements of the setting - to form a plastic box. Time and costs will be needed a little, and the result will be obvious.

Most of the inhabitants of our country live in apartments with standard planning, and it seems that it is simply not possible to make some interesting design of the interior.

However, even indoors of 4 - 6 sq.m. You can embody some ideas of modern design of the bathroom, which is based on "three kits": the use of natural materials in decoration, multifunctional furniture and stylish accessories and plumbing.

Bathroom design in different styles

To begin with, you will need to decide on the stylistic direction of your bathroom design. You should have a clear and understandable general concept of design of the premises in your head.

It must be remembered that truly beautiful bathrooms - These are rooms that have their own individual, carefully selected image, which is supported even in trifles. That is why, before planning the interior design, it is better to get acquainted with the most relevant to date with stylistic areas and choose the desired, taking into account their aesthetic preferences.

Pay attention should also be on the size of the bathroom, since luxurious furniture and accessories, characteristic, for example, for baroque or classicism, require a large space, abundance of light and air. And minimalism or Japanese style are good for chamber premises.

Scandinavian style bathroom design

The interior in the Scandinavian style is characterized by a fairly bright colors. As a basic color, white is most often used, which is complemented by some bright accents. The room should be very light, due to this, the illusion of the spaciousness is created. Finishing materials are used natural. The furniture for the bathroom is better to choose with minimal processing and natural texture, for example, birch or oak. Bright accents are better to create with the help of original bathroom accessories or textiles. It should be noted that in the Scandinavian design of the bathroom there is no place for the shower in the form in which it is found in building supermarkets, because It will not be harmonized with the general mood and aesthetics of the room. If you want to maximize the space by installing the shower cabin, then you will need to resort to specialists and implement a shower cabin in the form of glass partitions without pallet, with a drain, mounted directly to the floor.

Photo of bathroom design in Scandinavian style.

Scandinavian style in the interior of the bathroom.

Light walls are one of the distinguishing signs of the Scandinavian style design.

Scandinavian style design is suitable for small bathrooms.

Bathroom design in urban style

The main task of modern urban style is the creation of the most functional design in conditions of limited space. The main features that the design of your bathroom should be fit - the thoughtfulness of all the details, convenience and impeccable style. Engage in the interior modular furniture, various built-in niches and cabinets for storing cosmetics and textiles. Household equipment is better to embed in the closet. To expand and maximize space, consider the union of the toilet and the bathroom.

The main color of the bathroom made in the urban style is gray.

In the design of the bathroom you must use the materials corresponding to the urban style, namely glass, stone, wood and plastic. Acceptable finish of the "urban" bathroom will be painted in one color concrete. You can choose any shade of gray, white, light beige or brutal black. Remember that the urban style is not peculiar to the smoothness of the lines, but rather, on the contrary, clear contours and boundaries. The ideal solution for the bathroom in the spirit of "Urban" will sink a rectangular or square shape and a shower with a completely transparent glass partitions without a pan with a drain in the floor. To make the walls of the bathroom with the effect of concrete, you can use a specialized slope suitable for finishing wet rooms. It simulates the concrete well, applied similar to the plaster. And you can update the interior without removing the old tile, because Pelving mass allows applied to tile. Also for finishing walls in the bathroom you can use decorative plaster.

Photo of bathroom design in urban style.

Stylish bathroom interior in dark colors.

Fashionable design bathroom for urban style lovers.

Instead of "clean" concrete walls for finishing a bathroom in an urban style, you can use the tile of a dark gray shade.

Loft bathroom design

Loft is a variety of urban style. The literal translation sounds like a attic or attic, i.e. We are talking about the premises of unpredictable for living (non-residential). A bright distinctive feature of the loft is his bohemility, she distinguishes him from an ordinary urban style. The room for creating an interior in Loft style should be spacious. Most likely, you will have to demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. To make a stylish Loft Bathroom Design You will need to combine the elements of urbanism with modern technique, upholstery mirrors, glass surfaces and non-standard accessories (bright posters, road signs, etc.). The walls of the bathroom should be with the simulation of "bare" brick masonry or concrete without any finish. For Loft style, the sink is ideally suitable in the form of a metal bowl. Toilet must also be non-standard, so if your intention is to carry out design of the bathroom in a loft style, then you will have to spend fairly, despite its apparent at first glance easy.

The characteristic feature of the interior design in Loft style is "bare" brickwork.

Fashionable loft bathroom interior.

Stylish loft for bathroom 20 sq.m.

Art Deco bathroom design

Art Deco style can be described as luxurious, fashionable, luxury. To create an interior of Art Deco, use expensive finishing materials, furniture from valuable wood, exclusive accessories. In such a luxurious interior, as a rule, columns, statues, crystal chandeliers and candelabra are present. In the Bathroom, made in the Art Deco style should be expensive plumbing, Italian from the last collection, a marble table top, plaster or glass figurines, an abundance of accessories blinding with its golden glitter and other luxury items. For Art Deco, a geometry is characterized (I remember the screensaver to not so long ago by the film GETSBI). Stylish geometric patterns should serve the decoration of walls, furniture or accessories. Traditional interior colors in Art Deco style: black, burgundy, purple, white, golden, brown.

The main finishing material should choose a bright ceramic tile - either in a contrast combination of white and black, or in the form of a mosaic panel of golden, coffee, chocolate or purple shades. Saturated colors are better to apply dosed - inserts, and the main background is made neutral: butter, ivory, dairy.

Corner bathtub of the latest model, an unusual shape, a washbasin and a bidet perfectly fit into the interior of the art deco style bathroom.

Furniture need rectangular, with patterned decorative linings and large, shiny fittings. Excellent art objects will be a designer heated towel rail and a mirror in the embossed frame depicting the sun.

For those who love self-expression on the verge of an emptaja, the design of the bathroom in this style is ideal.

Black and white bathroom design in Art Deco style.

Golden bathroom in Art Deco style.

Photo of luxury bathroom interior in Art Deco style.

Bathroom design in retro style

If you like bright shades and extravagance, then you will most likely fit the retro style. In recent years, this style is experiencing a second birth. It is in demand again both in the beauty industry and in the interior design. Retro style bathroom design is not so difficult. Now there are many original accessories performed in the spirit of the 50s and 60s.

Photo of bathroom design in retro style.

Select the headset for the bathroom with the effect of scuffs, purchase the posters "A la" Andy Warhol, plumbing in retro style and arrange bright accents with the help of accessories, and here your stylish "retro" bathroom is ready. In the interior of "retro" it is better to use either a bright contrasting palette, or opposite the muffled pastel colors. It all depends on your personal preferences.

Photo interior bathroom in retro style.

Asian style design

It is for the design of the bathroom that a discreet Asian style is often choosing. Perhaps it is connected with the desire to create a peace and confusion in the bathroom. An integral element of the eastern interiors is fragrant, spicy flavors who are in the air that help to relax and calm down after a hard day. The interior itself is quite concise and indispensable. The finish must be made of natural materials (stone, wood, clay). The light is better to do slightly muffled. On the worktop near the sink, you can put a decorative fountain or a small porridge with a beautiful orchid or bamboo stems. Find interior items in Asian style in modern hypermarkets of furniture and home products are now easy. Focusing on the photo of the bathroom design in Asian style, you will understand what you will need to create it.

Photo of bathroom design in Asian style.

Asian style interior

Atmospheric Asian bathroom interior.

Japanese-style bathroom design looks exotic, but for those who consider swimming as the best way of relaxation is perhaps the perfect option.

In the decoration of the walls, a tree or bamboo must be present, at least in small quantities, if we are talking about small rooms. As a last resort, from these materials you can make the shelves, footrest and accessories.

The interior of the bathroom is unthinkable without the traditional partitions "Södyzi" from translucent paper stretched into a wooden frame. Similar design, or its imitation using plastic or glass, use well as a screen for toilet and bidet. The fact is that the Japanese has not been accepted in a bathing room to install any plumbing, except for the bath. In addition, sliding "Södyzi" will successfully replace the usual swing door.

As an idea for a Japanese-style bathroom, you can advise the imitation of the Barrel for swimming "Offer" - the usual tank of acrylic to sheathe with a tree, and on the floor around to make a decorative lane from pebbles or put several beautiful stones.

Furniture should choose a minimalist style, spacious to all things, except the most necessary, were hidden, and did not lie in sight. An important detail is lighting - it should be scattered, neuropric and as much as much as possible to the natural one.

Japanese bathroom design

Bathroom design in ethnic style

Ethnic style original and complicated for execution, because It consists of many, it would seem not combined with each other details. For its creation, folk motives are widely used in the interior. The interior colors are chosen warm and pleasant: sand, terracotta, beige, olive, mustard, brown. Proximity to nature is emphasized by the abundance of a tree in the finish. Tables and chests can be made of coarse and unwanted wood. Often, upholstered furniture and carpets adorn animal prints. Wooden masks, figurines, clay vases, metal or wooden bowls are used for decor. Flight Flight is unlimited, the main thing to choose the general direction. Ethnic style may contain African, Indian, Japanese, Spanish or Mexican motifs.

Bathroom decorated in ethnic style.

Ethnic interior in the bathroom.

Ethnic motifs in the design of the bathroom.

The design of the classic style bathroom involves the use of expensive finishing materials - natural wood, marble, exclusive ceramic tiles. Fragments of walls, where there are no direct sources of water, can be sealed with embossed or classic pattern, or plastered and decorated with hand painted.

The furniture must be solid, preferably carved, with gold-plated or bronze fittings. The tabletop made of natural stone here is preferable to a regular bedside table, and a large mirror in the exquisite frame should be hung over it.

Picking out the plumbing in the interior of the classic style bathroom, you should pay attention to the products of the traditional shape, bright shades. Bathroom on legs and oval retro design washbasin perfectly fit into the created image. Good in this case, the cranes and shower "under the old", without them the picture will seem incomplete.

As for modern innovations, like a jacuzzi or shower cabin, it is not necessary to refuse them - in combination with classic furniture and decor, they will look quite harmonious. But all engineering communications must be hidden from prying eyes.

The classic-style bathroom is maintained in a calm color scheme. All varieties of white in combination with ocra, light olive, sandy and cream shades are welcome.

As for accessories, the interiors of these antiques are often used as functional and relevant to the subject of art, as well as paintings, placing them in a recreation area, away from the water.

For the bathroom of the classic style, the ideal will be the presence of natural lighting.

Unsredition classic

If we consider the design of bathrooms in a regular apartment, then most often it is approaching minimalist style. This direction is great for small rooms, thanks to a limited number of objects and almost the absence of decor.

Minimalism is only bright colors, with a predominance of white, laconic forms of furniture and plumbing, compact storage locations, the absence of all extra. Ergonomics and functionality erected into the highest degree and became art.

For decoration, a large ceramic tile, waterproof paints, plaster, natural or artificial stone, tree are used.

The furniture has its aesthetics and it is in a unique level of comfort, a thin selection of color scheme, using the most advanced technologies.

Thanks to the scrupulous selection of all parts, the design of the bathroom in style minimalism is not less impressive than the luxurious design of classic interiors.

Bathroom in the style of minimalism or "nothing superfluous"

Provence is one of the best options for decorating spacious bathrooms. This style will like the adherents of classical traditions, which are preferred by the parade pomp, and the brilliance and gilding are the absolute beauty of natural materials.

The design of the bathroom in the spirit of Provence involves the combined wall decoration, for example, wood panels or ceramic tiles in combination with waterproof paint. It is possible to use wallpaper, but this option to decorate the bathrooms is extremely rare.

Furniture must have streamlined forms, without sharp corners and aggressive lines. The facades of lockers are artificially aged, threaded (or imitation it) are coated, or manually samples to create the desired flavor.

Transparent partitions are welcome, furniture is simple, but with a functional "filling", as well as superior plumbing, preferably "smart". It is in this style, like anywhere else, appropriate a bathroom design without a bath when a shower or compartment is selected for water procedures.

Modern is the best that was created in the century of high technologies. If the bath is left, then from transparent acrylic, and it is included in the kit - similar sink, and suspended with the same table or chest. And no supports that have long been considered yesterday's day.

And the modern modern bathroom requires stretch ceilings recognized as an ideal option for wet premises from the point of view of aesthetics and hygiene.

Modern style is equally suitable for spacious and chamber rooms. It is only important to put accents correctly and do not overload the interior so that each object of the situation remains exclusive.

Mediterranean - region with ancient traditions and beautiful nature. It belongs to Greece, as well as partially Italy and Spain. In this edge, a lot of sun and the sea, and in local culture still felt the echoes of ancient times.

Mediterranean style allows you to create incredibly beautiful bathrooms on any square and this is one of its main advantages.

The color gamut of the room should be sustained in warm, "solar" tones, but muted, without sharp contrasts. The shades of the eggshell, ocher, terracotta, beige, sandy or olive are suitable.

A large ceramic tile or marble and textural plaster, at least fragmentary, in some areas, are preferred from finishing materials. Welcomes are welcome with classic meander - popular ancient Greek ornament.

The bath should be done with a podium from several steps. The furniture will fit light, elegant without excess stripping, possibly with wrought elements. Material is a natural tree or MDF, but not plastic or other modern polymers.

The decorative ideas for the bathroom in the Mediterranean style can be the most varied. Woven baskets and pallets, vases from a non-aggregate red clay, resembling Greek amphoras, textile curtains for the bathroom and exotic "gifts of the sea" as accessories.

Mediterranean style in bathroom design

To create the interior design of the bathroom in oriental style will have a lot to work. To begin with, the cultural traditions of which country will be based on the basis of the decor. In our case, it will be about exotic and beautiful interiors of Morocco in their mystery.

The first thing to pay attention to is the finishing tile. It should have a characteristic "Eastern" pattern, which develops into an intricate ornament. Such a tile is very trusted, so it is not separated by all the room, alternating with a special waterproof plaster "Tadact" of saturated blue, turquoise, terracotta or raspberry shades.

Overlooks in the walls and elements of the decor, for example, the frame of the mirror give arched conclusion. The furniture is chosen from a natural tree or MDF, a laconic shape, preferably with openwork inserts. For the separation of space, if the room is quite spacious, you can use carved scrolls.

Morocco in bathroom design

The design of the bathroom in the style of "High-tech" is like a look into the future of the present, the image inspired by the works of science fiction writers and the work of futurists.

Straight lines, monochrome color gamut, predominance of metal, glass and modern synthetic materials - all this is easily recognizable elements of high-tech.

For decoration of walls and gender, a large ceramic tile, artificial stone, and sometimes plaster imitating outdoor concrete are used.

In this interior, only a shower cabin is appropriate, and if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, you can buy models that are combined with a bath - and aesthetic, and comfortable.

The optimal solution will be the built-in furniture, as if fused with the wall plane. A glass shelves are used as a decor above the washbasin, which, since we are talking about High-tec, it will be more like a suspension sculpture, made in the best traditions of modernism.

The design of the bathroom in this case does not provide accessories, and the main decorative function performs the lighting.

Luminaires will need a variety of and large quantities. For the ceiling, especially if it is stretched, point out point built-in models or sides. But the shower cabin and the mirror can be additionally allocated using neon lamps. Bright shades - blue, purple or yellow will create a special "alien" atmosphere inherent in only high-flow.

Bathroom design in the style of "High-tech"

Bathroom in rustic style is an excellent choice for a country house, because it will require a spacious room, preferably with natural light and ventilation.

Walls in country interiors are separated by ceramic tiles of light tones, applying borders and inserts with floral ornament. But it is especially good here there will be a panel of wood on half the height of the room in combination with the plaster deliberately rough texture. If it is possible - that is, the room is well ventilated, which protects it from excessive humidity, it is better to stop in the second version.

For the floor, the unlawed tile of warm, terracotta shades will be suitable.

The furniture should be simple, wooden, with brass fittings. It is good to purchase it in a set to it and plumbing "Under the Starin" from the same metal. Open shelves, settled by natural cosmetics of home production or employees of the storage for bath towels, harmoniously complement the overall picture. And the washbasin will perfectly fit into a massive worktop of wood or natural stone, which will be much more appropriate than ordinary stands.

The bath is better to choose an oval shape on the legs - modern models, as well as shower cabins violate the "purity of the style".

Another important component of the direction of the country - textiles. No interior of the bathroom in a rustic style does not cost without fabric curtains, if not on the windows, then at least as a curtain curtain.

Country Country

The spacious bathroom with the window allows you to use one of the most sophisticated and at the same time cozy styles - English, or as it is also called, Victorian.

Those who choose this direction will have to abandon many stereotypes. So, the real Baths of the Victorian era have more like luxurious living rooms than the utility rooms. No matter what a tile could not be speech. The walls were covered with wallpaper with a characteristic plant pattern, or stained in green, terracotta or creamy shades, and the floors were often made wooden.

Today, a ceramic tile came to replace the parquet, but the rest of the design of the bathroom in English style has not changed.

Plumbing for such interiors is selected in retro style, much attention is paid to parts and accessories. The bath on the bent legs covered outside the dark enamel or hand-written is also a characteristic barcode of the Victorian.

And the premises necessarily decorate the pictures with the image of birds or plants and multilayer textile drapes, the floors are assessed with small carpets.

And finally, in addition to functional furniture - cabinets for storing bath accessories and cosmetics, Bath Victorian style are equipped with toilette tables, seating couches and fireplace.

Shabbi-Chic bathroom recalls the BooR - gentle, pastel shades, the abundance of charming (otherwise you can not say) accessories, floral motifs in the decor, lace textiles.

Here it is good to rest well after the full events of the day or put yourself in order, going to plunge into the tense rhythm of everyday life.

For the decoration of the room usually take a light waterproof paint - white or cream. The ceramic tile of dairy shades is also suitable, which lay the panels half the height of the walls and the floor.

Shebbi-Chic involves the use of vintage or artificially aged, furniture, as if bought in the flea market or found on a grandmother's attic. The headsets with the same type of objects are not suitable for this direction. But the washbasin, converted from the ancient sewing machine and the shelf from the hallway instead of a stand under the mirror, will be appropriate and harmonious.

Accessories should be a lot: vases, pictures with flowers, a mirror in an ornamental frame, vintage lamps and porcelain figurines - all this will find your place and create a unique design of the bathroom.

There is only one "but". Well, if the bathroom in the style of Shebia-Shik will not be the only one in the house. As representatives of strong sex in such a room will be uncomfortable.

Bathroom design in different colors

If you have chosen a common style, you will be easier to navigate with the color solution for the design of the bathroom. However, many of us prefer to repel from the color of the bathroom, and not from the style. If you go this way, then to create a harmonious interior, you need to adhere to the following colors selection scheme. To create a "calm" interior:

  • 80% in the design of the bathroom should occupy "Basic colors" - white, beige, shades of brown, shades of gray, in rare cases black;
  • the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the space should be filled with bright details (textiles, accessories, furniture, elements of lighting), or you can do without bright shades.

If you want to create a bright and colorful interior, the separation between the "basic" and intensive shades should be approximately 50/50.

Photo of bathroom design with neutral tones.

What questions should be given priority attention, going?

  1. Ergonomics . This position is crucial for premises with limited area. It is necessary to place the furniture and plumbing equipment in such a way as not to hit the corners and do not feel the attacks of claustrophobia, fearing once again turn in close space.
  2. Safety . According to statistics, the bathroom is the most traumatic room in the house. The reason for this is the wrong choice of flooring, which water turns into a real rink when it gets into it.
  3. Ventilation . The increased humidity of the bathroom threatens the appearance of mold. To avoid unpleasant "Neighborhood", you should take care of regular ventilation of the room - natural or compulsory.
  4. The design of the bathroom depends on the personal preferences of the owner and fashion trends. However, for a small space, it is undesirable to choose dark tones, a tile with a fiber pattern, complex decorative forms. Such techniques are good only in spacious rooms.

Combine or not combine

This question is almost before each owner of a separate bathroom and a bathroom. A similar planning solution has its pros and cons. We list them for those who are just thinking about the combined bathroom and is not quite sure of its advantages.

Bathroom And the bathroom is an excellent tandem:

  • With small sizes of both rooms. Their association makes it possible to expand the useful area and install additional equipment, such as a shower cabin, jacuzzi and washing machine.
  • If you want to embody an unusual bathroom design And you need "Spacious for creativity."
  • When the family is not very big and there are no young children in it.
  • If there is another single bathroom in the apartment or house.

Now about minuses. It should be remembered that compatibility is still a forced solution dictated by the lack of area.

The main unpleasant moment in this case is a discomfort experienced by family members when one of them wants to soak in the bath, and the other at the same time is necessary in the toilet. Both are unlikely to be satisfied with the neighborhood of each other and the only way out here, or abandon long water procedures, so as not to cause the inconvenience to close, or arrange them until there is no one in the house.

From aesthetic point of view, it is also better if the bath or shower cabin will become the only plumbing devices in a room intended for swimming.

Finishing materials - what preferred

What materials will help create an exclusive bathroom design, At the same time, corresponding to the basic requirements of security and functionality?

Taking into account the high humidity of the room, for its finishing fit:

  • ceramic tile:
  • waterproof colors based on acrylic, latex or silicone;
  • plastic panels;
  • wallpaper;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • wood;
  • moisture-resistant plaster.

Let's start with ceramic tiles - traditional material, with which the most diverse and beautiful bathrooms. Of course, this is the optimal choice for premises where condensate is constantly formed, provoking the appearance of mold.

The main advantages of ceramic tiles:

  • Universality. The tile allows you to embody design options In any style - from the classics to minimalism. A variety of forms, colors and textures makes this material very expressive, and thanks to additional decorative elements: borders and inserts with painting or bas-relief, bright accents are created.
  • Resistance to wet environment.
  • Hygienicity. Ceramic tile is easily cleaned by contaminants, its dense fit to the wall does not allow to accumulate in the bacteria and pathogenic microflora.
  • Durability.

The disadvantages of ceramic coating include the complexity of installation and low impact resistance.

Wanting withstanding bathroom design In a single style, many use tiles not only for walls, but also for floors. The optimal choice in this case will be a porcelain stoneware - it is distinguished by high strength characteristics and, which is especially important, does not slide, even when moisture is hooked.

Similar advantages also possesses an artificial stone, the color of which is easy to choose the interior as a common color colors.

Plastic panels are the most budget and fast way to finish the bathroom. Their advantages:

  • Quick installation.
  • Ability to hide engineering communications.
  • Resistance to high humidity and temperature drops.
  • Hygienicity, undepair in care.

Of course, the sophistication of decoration and diversity of decorative solutions, plastic will not please, but it can be changed in a short time bathroom interior.

As for wallpaper, plaster or waterproof colorful coatings, they are recommended to be used only in well-ventilated, spacious premises. Such materials allow to embody the most creative design projects, use painting or bas-relief in the wall finishing, which will make the appearance of the bathroom exclusive and stylish.

Both wallpapers, and plaster, and paints, despite the increased moisture resistance, are not suitable for finishing zones around the bathroom and washbasin, where the direct hit of a large amount of water is not excluded. Here it is preferable to use "Aprons" from ceramic tiles or artificial stone.

Bathroom Design: Selection of Furniture and Accessories

Recently, the interior designers increasingly prefer functional furniture from natural materials. The goal is to create a comfortable atmosphere for living. Natural, soft textures, warm and calm shades are used. If we talk about the bathroom, then plumbing and furniture are trying to choose compact in order to maximize the space. Large massive bathrooms with hydromassage are no longer in honor, preference is given to minimalist destinations in the interior. In fashion, restraint and elegance. Minimum decor, understandable and simple forms. Main features of modern bathroom design: compactness, functionality, elegance.

Bathroom furniture

In the interior of the bathroom, you can find out open niches in the interior, in which we stand with rolled towels, beautiful bottles with cosmetics and various bathroom accessories. All items are thought out to the smallest detail.

The trend of the season 2017 is marble, integrated into the design of the bathroom, for example in the form of marble tabletops, marble tiles for floors and walls. In the design of the bathroom, the furniture with natural texture is increasingly used. As for Plumbing and Accessories for the bathroom, in 2017 in fashion copper, gold, silver and brass.

What should I consider choosing furniture for the bathroom?

Thinking on the design of the bathroom, you should take care of the necessary objects of the situation. If the room is spacious, standard furniture kit is a mounted cabinet with a mirror, a bedside table and a penalty (most often angular) can be supplemented with a seating couch or a dressing table.

The current trend is the use of a wide and long table top in which the sink is mounted. As a rule, the place under such a surface is not empty - there is a multifunctional chest of drawers or several separate lockers and a washing machine.

Since the bathroom is a room with high humidity and often insufficiently ventilated, special requirements are presented to the furniture:

  • The material from which the objects are made must be waterproof. The optimal choice is furniture made of MDF, polyurethane, plastic or metal structures in combination with glass. From products from chipboard, attractive primarily by their price, it is better to refuse. Luxury natural wood furniture is suitable only for spacious premises with good ventilation.
  • Whatever the design of the bathroom, it is preferable to choose lockers on legs or mounted to avoid possible contact with spilled water.
  • For wet rooms, only chrome fittings are suitable - it will not rust and collapse.
  • Dressers, especially angular, will optimally solve the problem of compact storage of bath accessories, detergents and other frequently used objects.
  • In small areas, it is better to use vertical furniture - pencils or shelves system.

To make a bathroom with a single, harmonious space, we should think in advance how the furniture will "interact" with the walls of the walls, the ceiling and floor - will this be a nuissary combination or a game of contrasts. And, of course, it is necessary to withstand the overall stylistics and color gamut of the room.

Let's summarize and once again recall the main features of modern bathroom design:

  • calm color gamut inspired by nature;
  • the predominance of natural materials: wood, clay, copper and marble;
  • interior design in a single and understandable style;
  • the use of functional, compact furniture and built-in household appliances;
  • maximum liberation of space;
  • three popular color solutions: "White" Scandinavian design; Mysterious, twilight, dark loft; Restrained "natural" design.

For inspiration, we suggest you see a selection of photos with various options for modern bathroom design.

Bathroom Design with Scandinavian Style Window

The current trend in the interior design of the bathroom is a marble finish.

Bathroom design 6 square meters. m. Scandinavian style

Bathroom design in Scandinavian style looks simple, stylish and concise.

The room performed in the Scandinavian style should be light.

Small bathroom design in Scandinavian style.

Examples of bathroom design

All photos from the article

The bathroom is a place where a person remains alone with her thoughts, emotions, where shelter in a bath or taking a warm shower, can distrust after a difficult day. In the bathroom, irritation and fatigue go and in it, despite the situation around, the eye should be happy, and therefore it is very important to know how to make a bathroom with your own hands competently.

It is necessary to think about everything to the smallest details - the placement of equipment and the bathroom furniture, the texture and color of the coatings, the reliability and design of sanitary devices.

Repair in the bathroom: how to make it right

Repair must begin with carefully preparation. To do this, you will need to take several sheets of paper, roulette to measure bathroom dimensions, and calculate the bathroom area.

How beautiful to make the bathroom is already a purely personal opinion. Someone loves the floor and the walls, covered with ceramic tiles, someone stains the facades of water-free paint, and some, in addition to everything, change the sinks, baths, mixers and other accessories to new ones.

After all the preliminary miscalculations, it will be clear which coloring and design will be a new bath, where it is better to hang the mirror and install a washing machine. Further, possessing an approximate picture, you need to purchase everything you need - the equipment, materials and accessories compiled plan.

The next stage of the bathroom repair will be cleaning the ceiling and walls from the old tile (by itself, if it was pasted there) - very dusty and dirty work.

In the houses of the Soviet period, the bathroom walls often painted ordinary paint - it needs to be completely removed.

This can be done as a mechanical path, i.e. Bring and with the help of new technologies: with solvents or hairdryers (this method is good because the tile is removed along with the adhesive mixture).

Waterproofing joints in the bathroom

The first and dirtier stage of repair is over. Next, the pure ceiling must be pupil, and the walls are handled by primer, carry out new wiring, pre-determine where the mirror and washing machine will be.

The next step in the sequence of the bathroom repair will be replaced by sewage, water supply and risers (pipes between floors).

It will not be correct to save at this stage, as in the future flush and old pipes, most often, can give themselves to know at any moment.

No need to forget about the water waterproofing so that the spilled water does not succeed in the neighbors. Also, the bathroom floor screed must be performed.

The junctions between the walls and the floor need to smell with waterproofing solution, and besides this, it is waterproofing throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom - in case the water starts to go through the edge of the bath or break through the pipe.

As soon as the bathroom is put in order, you can start laying the tile - either yourself, or hire a tile wizard. Start laying the tile is better from the side where the bath will be located, since the bath will be larger with a solution.

Next is the bath. For those cases when the front side of the bath is planned to be made closed, to save the floor under it may not be tiled. If the replacement of the door in the bathroom was planned - then it should be done now, and then lay the tile on that wall where the door is located.

PVC panels on the ceiling in the bathroom

After laying the tiles on the walls and the floor, the ceiling perimeter is installed plinth. The ceiling must be painted with waterproof waterproof - it looks beautiful, and besides, you can choose a shade in the color of the laid tile.

Checked, in the future moisture will not accumulate on the ceiling and, therefore, it will not be dark with time. This is one of the possible options for how to make a bath.

An alternative to him will be installed on the ceiling of the stretch ceiling or plastic panels. When performing all the actions described above, a very attractive bathroom will be obtained.

Bathroom interior

Now consider how you can make a bathroom beautiful:

Use bright colors. An individual approach in the design of the bathroom is the Council of Contemporary Designers.

It is necessary to retreat from the usual understanding of the combination of colors and combine bright palettes.

  1. The bathroom will be special if it is up to the upholstered furniture. Of course, if it is allowed the size of the room itself. For upholstered furniture, a special water repellent coating has been created. Consequently, such furniture will not spindle even in conditions of strong humidity.

The stereotype of the standard of the bathroom with a good tiled or ceramic tiles goes into the past. How to make a bath with your own hands to be unique? To do this, it is necessary to use other finishing materials, which before that were not peculiar to the trim of the bathroom and the bathroom.

Designers can offer many options, creating the latest images and types of bathrooms. To create a unique cozy bathroom, you can use various types and rocks of stones - from valuable breeds to river pebbles. Alternatively, for bathrooms you can apply a tree, which is pre-treated with moisture-proof materials.