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Hygienic requirements for illumination of the classroom. Abstract: Classroom Hygiene


School hygiene is a science of protection, strengthening and developing the health of the younger generation, children and adolescents.

School hygiene studies the features of the development and hygiene of the schoolchildhood; the hygiene value of the natural factors of the external environment and the use of them for hardening schoolchildren; Hygienic demand for school building and sanitary devices at school, school equipment and to tutorials; hygienic foundations of learning and raising children; nutrition of schoolchildren; Prevention of diseases in school children. Knowledge of these issues is necessary for each teacher, since non-compliance with the requirements of school hygiene can entail a violation of the normal development of the children's body and cause various diseases. Therefore, school hygiene is a compulsory subject of study in all pedagogical institutions.

School hygiene in its development relies on sciences such as physiology, chemistry, microbiology. School hygiene is partly connected with technical sciences, architecture and sanitary equipment. It takes into account the basic requirements for the design of schools and children's preschool institutions, to their external and inland design, including the artistic and aesthetic design of the premises and equipment.

But the architecture receives from school hygiene data on sanitary and hygienic requirements for school buildings, external and internal equipment. Sanitary technician uses general school hygiene data when developing sanitary installations in school buildings.

This essay discusses the 2 most important components of the classroom hygiene - this is lighting and air-thermal training mode. The essay contains information that are synthesis of data from the books of the past, the XX century, and the latest information 2002-2003. That is why the abstract has a significant value for a teacher who wants to get acquainted with the requirements for lighting and the air-thermal regime of the classroom.

Hygienic requirements for classroom lighting

Among the factors of the external environment affecting the body, light occupies one of the first places. The light affects not only the organ of view, but also on the whole body as a whole. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the body, pronounced in the works of I. P. Pavlov, is confirmed by the reactions of the body in response to the impact of light. The light, acting through the organ of view, causes an excitation that spreads to large hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.

Under the influence of light, physiological and mental reactions of the body are rebuilt.

Numerous studies of the impact of natural light on the human body established that light affects a variety of physiological processes in the body, promotes growth, activates the metabolic processes, increases gas exchange.

The value of light in the prevention of visual fatigue and the most common vision disorders, in particular myopia, since it is in childhood that the refraction of the eye is formed, affecting the level of visual functions and visual performance. Therefore, indoors for children and adolescents must be created optimal conditions Lighting.

Adverse lighting conditions cause deterioration of general well-being, a decrease in physical and mental performance. Back in 1870, F. F. Erisman convincingly proved that the development of the myopia of schoolchildren is a consequence of the systematic voltage of the organ of vision in insufficient illumination.

Special hygienic significance has a bactericidal effect of ultraviolet rays, which are part of the spectrum of sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the development of bacteria is delayed, and with a sufficiently long exposure, the bacteria dies.

The role of the radiant energy of the sun in the formation of a growing organism is especially great. Activating exchange processes, it contributes to proper growth and development. Ultraviolet rays, translating provitamin D, in the skin of a child, from a rectifying condition to active, provide normal costh formation. The light also has a psychological impact; The abundance of light creates an emotional-raised, joyful mood.

When choosing the orientation of children's institutions, they proceed from the conditions of solar radiation. The most favorable orientation in all climatic areas is southern and southeast. With southern orientation, insolation is the longest in autumn, winter and spring periods. With the orientation of the premises to the West to the second half of the day, the sun's rays penetrate deeply into the room and cause significant overheating.

To eliminate the blinding effect of direct and reflected blackness in the insolutions in II, III, IV climatic areas in the light overwhelms of educational and production premises Sunscreen devices should be provided.

Despite the fact that the window glass largely delays the biologically most active rays of the sun spectrum, toning and bactericidal effect. sun raypenetrating indoors is large enough. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation indoors rises with broad aeration, so farms must be installed in all the main premises of children's institutions.


The level of natural illumination of the classroom premises primarily depends on the size of the windows. The more their size, the greater the light rays penetrate, the greater the lighting of the workplace of the student. It has been established that the area of \u200b\u200bthe glazed surface of the window in urban schools should refer to the field of the floor as 1: 4 or 1: 5. This ratio is called a light coefficient. In rural areas, where schools are usually built on open sitesThe light coefficient can be 1: 6. The upper window of the window should be located as close as possible to the ceiling (20-30 cm), since the most remote space from the windows in the class is highlighted in this particular part of the window. In this regard, an unacceptable device in the schools of windows with a semicircular upper part or in the form of a triangle, as in this case the lifestyle part of the window decreases. The lighting of the class depends on the size of the sizes between the windows, since the student places arranged against broad simpleness will not be covered. Therefore, the simpleness between windows should be arranged as smaller (from 30 to 50 cm.). Class windows should not be darkened by opposing buildings. Located against school windows at home must be painted in light tones, best white color. Furniture in the classroom should be positioned so that the light falls on the left side to the students, since otherwise the shadow of the hand during the letter of the student will shade the notebook.

Listed requirements K. natural lighting School premises are taken into account in the construction of a school building and little depends on school workers. But there are a number of moments that affect illumination and can be fully implemented by teachers and other school employees.

The class light depends on the color of the walls, the ceiling and furniture. Dark colors absorb a large number of Light rays and thereby reduce the degree of illumination. The ceiling in the class should be painted with white paint, the walls - light (yellow, beige, light pink), the desks must be painted in light tones: covers in light green, and side parts and seats in white.

High flowers located on the windowsill also reduce illumination. Completely unacceptably arrange a special shelter-ladder in the window work, which together with flowers, completely closing the window, darken the classroom. It is known that if the flowers obscure even about 20% window PieceThis leads to a loss of 15-22.6% of light in the class.

To create comfort and beauty, flowers in school are needed, but it is necessary to have them on the opposite window of the wall, and large flowers On the floor so that they do not block the light.

In some classes and laboratories used to display educational films, there are dimming curtains. Teachers should very closely ensure that the curtains after viewing rise above the top edge of the window, otherwise they will ovelace the most unbelievable part of the window.

Dust on window windows also delays light, and therefore worsens lighting. About 50% of light rays through dirty, dusty windows do not pass. Window glasses should be even, as wavy windows, like dirty, delay up to 50% of light.

Absolutely unacceptable to paint white glasses oil paint Or insert matte windows, as they do sometimes in some schools so that the children do not look out the window and not distracted by classes. It is harmful. Firstly, because in the class will be darker (only 60% of the light passes through matte windows), secondly, in this case, students do not have the opportunity to leisure their eyes. Academic work, as noted above, is associated with the constant voltage of the muscles of the eyes. To rest the eye it is useful to relax the muscles to send a look into the distance, in infinity. Students instinctively, from time to time, disgust their eyes from the book and look out the window, but when the windows are painted, they cannot look into the distance, since their look is constantly encountered on an opaque white surface.

To assess the level of illumination, use a special device - a luxmeter. With its absence, natural illumination can be determined by simpler ways. One of them is as follows: if the sky is seen from the most remote place, the windows are visible in the entire opening, then the illumination is recognized as good; If the 2/3 of the lumen of the window is satisfactory, and, if the sky is visible only in 1/3 of the window, is unsatisfactory.

There is another method. If a student with normal vision in a ventilable place freely reads a small font of books at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes, then the illumination is considered sufficient. Both of these methods for determining the level of illumination can be easily used by the teacher.

Artificial lighting

To improve natural lighting on cloudy days and during the class, the second shift school buildings are equipped with sources of artificial light. Artificial lighting in schools, as a rule, electric, using incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps.

It must be emphasized that if the level of natural lighting in classes does not always depend on the teacher, then sufficiency artificial lighting Depends only on the attention of school employees to this issue.

Artificial lighting in comparison with naturally deprived of a number of advantages (primarily allocal action) of sunlight. However, its influence on visual functions and the performance of students is large enough. It has been established that the acuity of vision of students is directly proportional to the level of lighting. With the illumination of jobs in 100 LCs of visual acuity during the school day, it does not decrease during the school day, while at the illumination of 50 LCs by the end of training sessions there is a decrease in visual acuity, and when illuminated in 30 LCs, visual acuity decreases in the second and third lessons.

With an increase in the level of artificial lighting increases efficiency.

Mass examinations of vision of students have shown that in schools with poor lighting more short-lived children than in schools with good lighting.

In order for artificial lighting, it does not contribute to a decrease in performance and did not deteriorate the visual functions of students, it must meet a number of hygienic requirements.

The first hygienic requirement for artificial lighting is a sufficient level of illumination. The permissible hygienic minimum of illumination for classroom rooms, laboratories and workshops is 150 LCs under incandescent lamps and 300 LCs with luminescent. To ensure such a level of illumination in a class of 50 m 2, there should be 6-8 lamps with a capacity of 300W each, that is, 1 m 2 should have about 48 W. The highest illumination (200lk) in the workplace is required in the cabinets of the drawing and drawing.

In addition to overall lighting, in classrooms provides additional local lighting of class boards, jobs in workshops, tables in the reading halls.

Another hygienic requirement is a uniform distribution of light throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To create uniform lighting, it is necessary to properly place the lamps. For this purpose, in a typical classroom room in 50 m 2, the lamps are located approximately at the same distance from each other in two rows, four each, the height of the suspension of the lamps is at least 3 m from the floor.

The light coming from the lamps should be scattered, which is achieved by the use of special lamps, which provide not only scattered lighting, but also exclude excessive brightness. Application in the classes of open lamps when the light from a split thread falls into the eyes is completely unacceptable. Such lighting, irritating the retina, is harmful to the eye, causes headache And the early onset of fatigue. Therefore, various lamps use.

IN last years Schools have become equipped with daylight lamps that have significant advantages over incandescent lamps. The spectrum of the light of these lamps is close to the visible part of the spectrum of natural light; In addition, luminescent lighting gives multiple light, does not have a large brightness and does not create harsh shadows. Daylight lamps, as opposed to incandescent lamps, do not affect the air temperature, as they give cold light. This circumstance makes it possible to provide a high level of illumination without increasing air temperature.

Hygienic studies of the influence of fluorescent lighting on the body of schoolchildren have shown that when illuminated by luminescent lamps, the performance of students is the ray than when illuminating incandescent lamps.

Mixed lighting

Many believe that mixed lighting is harmful to the eyes. However, this is not quite true. Mixed lighting consists of various wavelengths, this circumstance makes it less desirable than, for example, sufficient natural lighting. But the negative impact on the human body does not have. It is harmful to perform visual work with an insufficient level of natural lighting, and in this case, mixed lighting will favorize visual functions. Therefore, turn on the electric light should not wait until it is completely dark. In some foreign schools, artificial light turns on automatically using photocells as soon as the lighting is reduced to a certain level. This device is advisable, but without it, with a fairly attentive relationship of teachers for the protection of students, it is possible to provide a sufficient level of lighting in the class.

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The selection and location of school equipment in the classroom are important in improving the educational process, preserving the high performance and health of schoolchildren, the prevention of school forms of pathology.

To school (educational) equipment include: furniture (tables student, chairs, desks, laboratory tables, etc., book, wall and built-in wardrobes and racks); cool boards; workbenches and machines of training workshops; equipment of sports halls; Tutorials, visual aids and written accessories.

When selecting educational equipment, the following requirements must be met: it must comply with the anatomy-physiological possibilities of children and adolescents, thereby providing a convenient pose of a child in training activities, maintaining performance and preventing the development of school forms of pathology; It must be safe, eliminate the possibility of injury and the emergence of diseases of children and adolescents (for example, the lack of cutting and sharp protrusions in furniture, use in the manufacture of books and notebooks of safe paints, etc.); School equipment must meet the aesthetic requirements light design And attractive in color, with elements of decoration.

One of the important components of school equipment is furniture intended for the searches of students in the class. There is more than 200 different models PartE, of which with pedagogical and hygienic points of view, more suitable for training are single and double parties of F. F. Erisman. However, now in most schools and other educational institutions, students and chairs are mainly used, which is associated with the relative ease of their manufacture and greater efficiency.

Educational furniture must be made of solid wood, the surface should not be too rough or vice versa mirror. The table finishing and the chair seats with a transparent varnish while preserving the texture of a tree or coloring by opaque coatings of the following colors: yellow, light green, bluish-green, grayish blue, blue, greenish-yellow with reflection coefficient from 35 to 50%. The surface should be matte, since the brilliant surfaces of the tables, cabinets and other equipment have a blinding effect on the retina, cause a decrease in visual acuity, the speed of distinction, sustainability of a clear vision and a drop in performance. You can not paint tables and cabinets in dark colors, as they will absorb a large amount of light and negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of children. Staining school equipment is not allowed in white, since the brightness and level of glare in the room increases sharply.

The parties or tables in the class are set by rows (usually in 3 rows) so that the light falls on the left side, while observing the set distances. In the training premises of the usual rectangular configuration, these distances are as follows: from outdoor Wall before the first row (they consider from the window) at least 0.6 - 0.7 m, from the inner wall to the third row - 0.5 m, from the rear wall to the last tables (partition) - 0.5 - 0.65 m, From the class board to the first tables (part) - at least 2 m (optimally 2.4 - 2.7 m), between rows - 0.6 - 0.7 m. The distance from the windows to the third row of tables should be no more than 6 m, since otherwise the workplaces of students sitting in this row will be poorly illuminated by natural light. The rear desks should be located from a blackboard for no more than 8 m, since further removal is caused by excessive tension and hearing of students. In rooms with a square and transverse configuration, during the placement of furniture in four rows, the distance from the board to the first tables should be at least 2.5 m to provide students sitting at the first tables in the extreme rows, the "Correction angle" is at least 30 o; The distance from the windows to the first row should be 0.5 m; from the last tables to the rear wall - 0.8 m; between rows of not less than 0.6 m.

The main hygienic requirements for the blackboard are as follows: The color of the coating of boards is green, dark brown, matte-black (reflection coefficient of at least 80%). The most physiological is dark green In combination with bright yellow chalk. For drawing offscarles, it is recommended to use black coating boards using white chalk. In the 1-4th grades, the board should be set so that the lower edge is at an altitude of 80-85 cm., And in high schools - at an altitude of 90-95 cm. To protect the floor pollution chalk to the board, the tray used also for storage is attached to the board. chalk.

In order to preserve the posture and high performance of the schoolchild, the selection of optimal school furniture and schoolchild training is becoming correct landing.

During training classes in the class, the most appropriate landing with a slight inclination of the hull forward. The distance from the eyes to the notebook (books) should be approximately the length of the forearm and brushes with the elongated fingers, the shoulders should be located parallel to the edge of the table cover, forearm and hand-brushes - symmetrically on the table, the torso moves 5-6 cm from the edge of the table. In order not to comprehend the vessels of the popliteal area, the depth of the seat should be approximately 2/3 - 3/4 of the thigh length. The height of the seat should be equal to the length of the lower leg with a stop plus 2-3 cm per heel: In this case, the pupil's legs in all three joints (hipbed, knee and ankle) are bent approximately at right angles, which prevents blood abandon in the lower extremities and the small pelvis organs . The seat must necessarily have a back - or a solid, profiled, or minimum, with two crossbars - at the loan level and at the level of the blades.

Providing direct landing is possible in accordance with the size of furniture growth of students. Currently, we have certain state standards in the country for school furniture (GOST 11015-71 "Student Tables", GOST 11016-71 "Student chairs" and GOST 5994-72 "School desks). For these standards, furniture of five groups are produced: A, b, in, g and d, having both alphabetic and color marking (color marking in the form of a circle with a diameter of 25 mm or horizontal strip 20 mm width is applied on the side of the parties or tables).

For group A furniture (marking yellow color) Kids should be sitting with growth to 130 cm; Furniture Group b (red marking) is designed for schoolchildren with an increase of 130 to 144 cm. Schoolchildren growing from 145 to 159 cm should sit for group furniture in (marking blue color), from 160 to 174 cm - for the furniture of the group G (marking green). Furniture group D (white marking) is designed for students with growth of 175 cm and above.

To find out, the furniture of which group is necessary for the disciple of this growth, you can use the empirical formula N.N. Martachina:

The sequence number of the letter \u003d [the growth of the student (cm) - 100]: 15.

Example: schoolboy growth 153 cm. (153 - 100): 15 \u003d 3 (without residue). Serial number (alphabet) - letter V.

Quite often in schools there is no marking of furniture (both alphabet and color). In order to find out which group of furniture includes this table (chair), you can use the following formulas:

Group (letter) Table \u003d table height (cm): 5 - 10.

The group (letter) of the chair \u003d the height of the chair (cm): 3 - 10. Example: the height of the table above the floor level \u003d 68 cm. 68: 5 - 10 \u003d 3 (no residue). Serial number V.

A significant role in ensuring the correct convenient posture of the student when reading and writing is played by such components of school furniture, such as the distance of the seat and differentiation. The distance of the seat is called the distance horizontally between the edge facing the apprentice and the edge edge. The correct landing is achieved by the so-called negative distance of the seat, in which the seat edge goes over the edge of the table cover by 3-6 cm. When the seat zero distance (when the edges of the table and the seats are on one perpendicular) and especially when positive (when the edge of the seat will be from the edge Table) The student has to be strongly supplied forward, which increases the static load on the position of the muscles and leads to rapid fatigue. Party, that is, the interconnected table and the seat are arranged so that when the seat closed, the seat is automatically becoming negative (in this case, it is quite difficult to sit down for the desk and get up because of it - it is necessary to throw off the lid so that the seat distance has become positive ). If there are no parties in the class, and there are not related tables and chairs (and so much often takes place now even in primary grades), It is necessary that the schoolboy, sitting on, pulled the chair so that its edge to 3-6 cm enter the edge of the table. The teacher (especially in primary classes) should achieve the automatism of such a landing so that it becomes the most convenient and usual for a schoolboy. It is very important and at home to ensure that the schoolboy worked at a negative distance of the seat.

Differentiation is the distance vertical distance between the stagnating edge of the table (parties) and the seats plane. It is clear that this value is a function of two variables: it will be large at normal table height, but a low chair or at a high table and a normal chair, and vice versa. With a great differentiation, the student is forced to highly raise the right shoulder when the spine can be delapsed to the routine spine. At low differentiation, the student is forced to hurt, which leads to a rapid development of fatigue.

In this way, proper selection Furniture will provide the student the most physiological direct landing (Fig. 1). It should be remembered, however, that long-term maintenance of even such a posture leads to muscle fatigue, to reduce which it is necessary to allow students to change the position of the body during the lesson (or create conditions for working in support).

As for the rules for the rules of students, the main requirement is the correspondence of the size of the furniture to the growth of schoolchildren. Usually, students of each class are not less than 3-4 Rostov groups, and therefore in each class (especially important for primary classes) There must be at least three furniture groups. If there are difficulty selection of furniture, it is better to plant a schoolboy at the table (desk) more than required, size than smaller.

Deploying students, it is necessary to take into account the state of their health, namely: visual sharpness, hearing, and inclination to colds. As you know, usually children of small growth behind the corresponding parties are sitting closer to the board, more tall - from behind. In the case when a tall student has deviations from vision (for example, myopia), it is desirable, but to move closer to Dos Ke, for the outer column, of course, with the right one for it. It should be noted here that if the vision of such a student is corrected by glasses, it can not be transplanted forward, but it is necessary to ensure that it uses the glasses. When weakening hearing (for example, in the case of the transferred otitis), high growth student is also desirable (along with the right page) to transplant closer to the board, but already for a column close to inner wall Class. It is undesirable to seize on the outer column of uncrowal, weakened, often catchy students. Once a year (after the winter holidays) should be changed in places of students sitting at extreme columns, without breaking the principles proper landing. Such a change of places, firstly, eliminates the one-sided orientation of the head and body relative to the board, and secondly, creates more uniform coverage.

V. Requirements for premises and equipmentgeneral educational institutions

5.1. The number of jobs for students should not exceed compability educational institutionstipulated by the project on which the building was built (reconstructed).

Each studyable is provided by the workplace (at the desktop or table, game modules and others) in accordance with its growth.

5.2. Depending on the appointment of training premises, various types of student furniture can be used: school desk, student tables (single and double), classroom, drawing or laboratory tables complete with chairs, boots and others. Stools or benches instead of chairs are not used.

Student furniture should be made of materials harmless to the health of children, and correspond to the growth-age features of children and the requirements of ergonomics.

5.3. The main type of student furniture for students of the I Education Steps should be a school desk, provided by the tilt knob of the working plane. During learning letter and reading the slope working surface Plane school Party Must be 7 - 15. The front edge of the seat surface must go for the front edge of the working plane of the part tickets by 4 cm at the 1st number part, 5 to 6 cm - the 2nd and 3rd numbers and at 7 to 8 cm at the 4th number.

The dimensions of the educational furniture depending on the growth of students must comply with the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 1.

Table 1

Dimensions of furniture and its marking

Rooms of furniture on Gostam 11015-93 11016-93

Group growth
(in mm)

Height above the floor cover of the edge of the table facing a student, according to GOST 11015-93 (in mm)

Veins labeling

Height above the floor of the front edge of the seat according to GOST 11016-93
(in mm)



Allowed a combined use option different species Student furniture (desks, desks).

Depending on the growth group, the height above the edge of the front edge of the desktop of the desktop addressed to the learning should have the following values: at a body length 1150 - 1300 mm - 750 mm, 1300 - 1450 mm - 850 mm and 1450 - 1600 mm - 950 mm. The angle of inclination of the countertop is 15 - 17.

The duration of continuous operation behind the desk for students I does not have to exceed 7-10 minutes, and for students II - III levels of education - 15 minutes.

5.4. For the selection of educational furniture, respectively, the growth of students is produced by its color marking, which is applied to the visible side outer surface of the table and the chair in the form of a circle or strips.

5.5. Parts (tables) are set in classrooms by numbers: smaller - closer to the board, large - further. For children with a hearing impairment, the desks should be placed in the first row.

Children, often ill-friendly ORZ, angns, colds, should be searched on from the outer wall.

At least two times for the academic year of students sitting on extreme rows, 1 and 3 rows (with a three-row partitioning part), change places without disturbing the compliance of furniture to their growth.

In order to prevent posture disorders, it is necessary to educate the correct working posture from the studies from the first days of visiting activities in accordance with the recommendations of Annex 1 of these sanitary rules.

5.6. In the equipment of training premises, the following sizes and distances in centimeters are observed:

Between the rows of double tables - at least 60;

Between near the tables and the outer longitudinal wall - at least 50 - 70;

Between the tables and the inner longitudinal wall (partition) or cabinets standing along this wall - at least 50;

From the last tables to the wall (partition), opposite to the blackboard, is at least 70, from the rear wall, which is outer, - 100;

From the demonstration table to the classroom - at least 100;

From the first part of the study board - at least 240;

The greatest distance last place studying from the study board - 860;

The height of the lower edge of the educational board above the floor - 70 - 90;

The distance from the class board to the first row of tables in square or transverse configuration cabins at a four-row furniture arrangement is at least 300.

The angle of visibility of the board from the edge of the board with a length of 3.0 m to the middle of the extreme place of the learner behind the front table should be at least 35 degrees for students of the II - III level of formation and at least 45 degrees for students' learning.

The place removed from the windows the place of classes should not be further 6.0 m.

In general educational institutions of the first climatic area, the distances of the tables (parties) from the outer wall should be at least 1.0 m.

When installing the desktop in addition to the main student furniture, they are located behind the last row of tables or the first next to the wall opposite to the literasty, in compliance with the requirements for the size of the passages and distances between the equipment.

This placement of furniture does not apply to training facilities equipped with interactive boards.

In the newly under construction and reconstructed buildings of general education institutions, it is necessary to provide for a rectangular configuration of training premises and cabinets with the location of the student tables along the windows and left-sided natural light.

5.7. Cool boards (using chalk) should be made of materials having high adhesion with materials used for the letter, well cleaned with a damp sponge, be wear-resistant, have a dark green color and anti-reflective coating.

Cool boards must have trays for detaining the chalk dust, storage of chalk, rags, drawing holders.

When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones of blue and green).

Equipment equipment and cabinets are allowed by interactive boards that meet hygienic requirements. When using an interactive boards and a projection screen, it is necessary to ensure uniform lighting and the absence of light spots of increased brightness.

5.8. Cabinets of physics and chemistry should be equipped with special demonstration tables. To ensure the best visibility of educational and visual benefits, the demonstration table is installed on the podium. Student and demonstration tables should be resistant to the action of aggressive chemicals coating and protective sides along the outer edge of the table.

Cabinet chemistry and laboratory articles are equipped with exhaust cabinets.

5.9. Equipment of computer science offices must comply with the hygienic requirements for personal electronic computing machines and work organization.

5.10. Workshops for labor learning should have an area at the rate of 6.0 m 2 per 1 workplace. Accommodation in workshops is carried out with the creation favorable conditions For viewing and maintaining the right working posture.

Joiner's workshops are equipped with workbenches, arranged either at an angle of 45 to the window, or in 3 rows perpendicular to the light-handing wall so that the light falls on the left. The distance between the vestics should be at least 0.8 m in the front-rear direction.

In the locksmith, workshops are allowed both left-sided and right-sided lighting with perpendicular location of the workbenches to the light-handing wall. The distance between the rows of single workbackers should be at least 1.0 m, double - 1.5 m. The vice are attached to the workbenches at a distance of 0.9 m between their axes. Flooring workbenches must be equipped with a 0.65-0.7 m high safety net.

Drilling, grinding and other machines must be installed on a special foundation and equipped with safety nets, glasses and local lighting.

Carpentry and plumbing workbenches must correspond to the growth of students and equipped with footrest.

The dimensions of the tools used for carpentry and plumbing work must correspond to the age and growth of students (Appendix 2 of these sanitary rules).

Merchant and carpentry workshops and maintenance rooms are equipped with washbasin sinks with stamp cold and hot water, electric folotheans or paper towels.

5.11. In the newly under construction and reconstructed buildings of general education institutions in housekeeping cabinets, it is necessary to provide for at least two premises: to train cooking skills and for cutting and sewing.

5.12. In the housekeeping office used to teach cooking skills, it is envisaged to install two-pitted washing sinks with a liner of cold and hot water with a mixer, at least 2 tables with hygienic coating, refrigerators, electric stoves and wardrobes for storage of dishes. Near the washing shells should be provided by the allowed washing products for washing the dining room.

5.13. Cabinet of housekeeping used for cutting and sewing, is equipped with tables for drawing patterns and cutting, sewing machines.

Sewing machines are installed along the windows to provide left-sided natural light on the working surface of the sewing machine or opposite the window for the direct (front) natural lighting of the working surface.

5.14. In the existing buildings of general educational institutions, if there is one Cabinet of the housekeeping, it is envisaged a separate place to accommodate electrical stoves, cutting tables, washing for dishes and washbasin.

5.15. Workshops Labor training and housekeeping cabinet, sports halls must be equipped with first aid kit.

5.16. Equipment for educational premises, intended for artistic creativity, choreography and music, must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions additional education Children.

5.17. IN gaming rooms Furniture, gaming and sports equipment must comply with Rostop data of students. Furniture should be placed around the perimeter of the game room, thereby freeing the maximum part of the area for moving games.

Using soft furniture It is necessary to have removable covers (at least two), with a mandatory replacement of them at least 1 time per month and as contaminated. Special cabinets are installed for storing toys and benefits.

Televisions are installed on special stands at an altitude of 1.0 - 1.3 m from the floor. When watching TV shows, the placement of visual seats should provide a distance of at least 2 m from the screen to the eye of the students.

5.18. Sleeping rooms for first-graders visiting a long-day group must be separate for boys and girls. They are equipped with teenage (1600 x 700 mm) or built-in single-tiered beds. Beds in the bedrooms are placed in compliance with the minimum breaks: from the outer walls - not less than 0.6 m, from heating devices - 0.2 m, the width of the passage between the beds is at least 1.1 m, between the headings of the two beds - 0.3 - 0.4 m.

Vi. Requirements for air-thermal regime

6.1. Buildings of general educational institutions are equipped with centralized heating and ventilation systems, which must comply with the standards for the design and construction of residential and public buildings and ensure the optimal parameters of the microclimate and the air environment.

Steam heating in institutions is not used. When installing the fencing of heating devices, the materials used must be harmless to the health of children.

Fences from chipboard and other polymeric materials are not allowed.

It is not allowed to use portable heating devices, as well as heaters with infrared radiation.

6.2. The air temperature depending on the climatic conditions in the classrooms and cabinets, the offices of the psychologist and speech therapist, laboratories, the assembly hall, dining room, recreation, library, lobby, the wardrobe should be 18 - 24 s; In the gym and rooms for sectional classes, workshops - 17 - 20 s; Bedroom, Gaming Rooms, Divisions preschool education and school boarding school - 20 - 24 s; medical offices, dressing rooms of the gym - 20 - 22 s, shower - 25 S.

To control the temperature mode, training premises and cabinets must be equipped with household thermometers.

6.3. In extracurricular time, in the absence of children in the premises of the educational institution, the temperature should be maintained not lower than 15 S.

6.4. In the premises of general educational institutions, the relative humidity of the air should be 40 - 60%, the speed of air movement is not more than 0.1 m / s.

6.5. In the presence of furnace heating in the existing buildings of general educational institutions, the furnace is arranged in the corridor. To avoid air pollution of carbon monoxide chimnery It is closed not previously completely combustion of fuel and no later than two hours before the arrival of students.

For newly under construction and reconstructed buildings of general educational institutions, furnace heating is not allowed.

6.6. Academic premises are ventilated during changes, and recreational - during the lessons. Before the start of classes and after their end, it is necessary to carry out through conducting training premises. The duration of through ventilation is determined by weather conditions, direction and speed of wind movement, efficiency of the heating system. The recommended duration of through ventilation is shown in Table 2.

Outdoor temperature, 0 s

Duration of ventilation, min

In small changes

In big changes and between shifts

From +10 to +6

From -5 to -10

6.7. The lessons of physical culture and sessions of sports sections should be carried out in well-aerated sports halls.

It is necessary during classes in the hall to open one or two windows from a leeward side at an outdoor temperature above plus 5 s and wind movement speed not more than 2 m / s. At a lower temperature and greater speed of air traffic, classes in the hall are carried out at an open one - three fraamugs. At an outdoor temperature below minus 10 С and air movement speed of more than 7 m / s through ventilation of the hall is carried out in the absence of students 1 - 1.5 minutes; In large changes and between shifts - 5 - 10 minutes.

When the air temperature is reached, plus 14 with ventilation in the gym should be stopped.

6.8. The windows must be equipped with folding framugs with lever devices or forwarders. The area of \u200b\u200bFramug and the velocity used for airing, in training rooms should be at least 1/50 of the floor area. Framuga and submarines must function at any time of the year.

6.9. When replacing window blocks, the glazing area must be saved or increased.

The window opening plane should provide ventilation mode.

6.10. Glazing windows must be made of solid fiberglass. Replacing broken glasses should be carried out immediately.

6.11. Separate exhaust ventilation systems should be provided for the following premises: training facilities and cabinets, assets, pools, tires, dining room, medical center, film equipment, sanitary assemblies, premises for processing and storing cleaning equipment, carpentry and plumbing workshops.

Mechanical exhaust ventilation It is equipped in the workshops and cabinets of service work, where plates are installed.

6.12. The concentrations of harmful substances in the air of premises of general education institutions should not exceed hygienic standards for atmospheric air inhabited.

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting

7.1. Daylight.

7.1.1. All training premises should have natural lighting in accordance with hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined coverage of residential and public buildings.

7.1.2. Without natural light, it is allowed to design: shell, washbasin, showers, toilets at the gymnastic hall; showers and staff toilets; storerooms and warehouses, radios; Film Factory; bookulatory; Boiler, pumping water supply and sewage; Ventilation and air conditioning chambers; control nodes and other rooms for installation and management of engineering and technological equipment of buildings; Premises for storing disinfectants.

7.1.3. In classrooms it is necessary to design lateral natural left-sided lighting. With the depth of study premises, more than 6 m is required to the device of the right-hand reference, the height of which should be at least 2.2 m from the floor.

It is not allowed to send the main light flux in front and rear from students.

7.1.4. In workshops for labor learning, acts and sports halls, bilateral lateral natural lighting can be used.

7.1.5. In the premises of general educational institutions, the normalized values \u200b\u200bof the natural light coefficient (CEO) are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined coverage of residential and public buildings.

7.1.6. In classrooms with one-sided lateral natural lighting Keo On the working surface of the desk in the premises most remote from the windows should be at least 1.5%. With double-sided lateral natural lighting, the CEO indicator is calculated on the middle rows and should be 1.5%.

The light coefficient (SC - the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe glazed surface to the floor area) should be at least 1: 6.

7.1.7. The windows of training premises must be focused on the southern, southeastern and eastern Parties horizon. On the northern sides of the horizon, windows of drawing rooms, drawing, as well as kitchen room can be oriented. Orientation of computer science offices - north, northeast.

7.1.8. Lights of training premises depending on climatic zone Tools by adjustable sunscreen (lifting-rotary blinds, tissue curtains) with a length of no lower window sill.

It is recommended to use curtains from tissues of light tones, which have a sufficient degree of light transmission, good light scattering properties that should not reduce the level of natural lighting. The use of curtains (curtains), including curtains with lambrequins, from a polyvinyl chloride film and other curtains or devices that limit natural illumination is not allowed.

In the non-working condition, the curtains must be placed in stocks between the windows.

7.1.9. For the rational use of daylight and uniform lighting of educational premises, it follows:

Do not paint window windows;

Do not put flowers on the windowsill, they are placed in portable floral rooms with a height of 65 - 70 cm from the floor or suspended porridge in stocks between the windows;

Cleaning and washing glasses spend as pollution, but at least 2 times a year (in autumn and spring).

The duration of insolation in training premises and cabinets should be continuous, by duration of at least:

2.5 hours in the northern zone (north of 58 degrees S.Sh.);

2.0 hours in the central zone (58 - 48 degrees S.Sh.);

1.5 hours in the southern zone (south of 48 degrees S.Sh.).

The lack of insolation in educational cabinets of informatics, physics, chemistry, drawing and drawing, sports and gym, satellite premises, assembly hall, administrative and economic premises.

7.2. Artificial lighting

7.2.1. In all rooms of the educational institution, artificial illumination levels are ensured in accordance with hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined coverage of residential and public buildings.

7.2.2. In classrooms, general lighting system is provided ceiling lamps. It provides for luminescent lighting using lamps on color emission spectrum: white, warm-white, natural white.

The lamps used for artificial lighting of training premises should provide a favorable brightness distribution in the field of view, which is limited by the discomfort (MT). The discomfort of the lighting lighting of general illumination for any workplace in the class should not exceed 40 units.

7.2.3. Do not use fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps for general lighting.

7.2.4. In classrooms, audiences, laboratories, light levels must comply with the following standards: at work desks - 300 - 500 LCs, in technical drawing and drawing offices - 500 LCs, in computer scan cabinets - 300 - 500 LCs, on the chalkboard - 300 - 300 500 LCs, in the acts and sports halls (on the floor) - 200 LCs, in recreation (on the floor) - 150 LC.

When using computer equipment and the need to combine the perception of information from the screen and keep a record in the notebook lighting on the tables of students should be no less than 300 LCs.

7.2.5. In classrooms, the system of general lighting should be applied. Luminescent lamp lamps are located in parallel to the light-mounted wall at a distance of 1.2 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the inner.

7.2.6. A cool board that does not have its own luminescence is equipped with local lighting - sofits intended for highlighting class boards.

7.2.7. When designing an artificial lighting system for training premises, it is necessary to provide separate inclusion of lines of fixtures.

7.2.8. For the rational use of artificial light and uniform lighting of training premises, it is necessary to use decoration Materials and paints creating a matte surface with reflection coefficients: for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.9; for walls - 0.5 - 0.7; For floor - 0.4 - 0.5; For furniture and part - 0.45; For class boards - 0.1 - 0.2.

It is recommended to use the following colors of paints: for ceilings - white, for the walls of classrooms - bright tones of yellow, beige, pink, green, blue; for furniture (cabinets, parties) - color of natural wood or light green; for class boards - dark green, dark brown; For doors, window Rams - White.

7.2.9. It is necessary to clean the lighting fittings of the lamps as dirty, but at least 2 times a year and to replace blinking lamps in a timely manner.

7.2.10. Faulty, burned fluorescent lamps are collected in a container in a specially dedicated room and sent to disposal in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

VIII. Requirements for water supply and sewage

8.1. Buildings of general educational institutions should be equipped with centralized systems of drinking water supply, sewage and drainage in accordance with the requirements for public buildings and facilities in terms of economic and drinking water supply and drainage.

Cold and hot centralized water supply are provided by the premises of the educational institution, pre-school education and boarding schools, including: premises of the metering, dining room, buffet, showers, washbasins, personal care cabins, medical facilities, workshops of labor learning, housekeeping offices, initial premises classes, drawing rooms, physics, chemistry and biology, laboratory, premises for processing cleaning equipment and toilets in newly under construction and reconstructed general educational institutions.

8.2. In the absence of centralized water supply in the existing buildings of general educational institutions, it is necessary to ensure the continuous supply of cold water in the premises of the food, medical facilities, toilets, boarding rooms at a general educational institution and pre-school education and the device of water heating systems.

8.3. Education institutions provide water that meets the hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of drinking water water supply.

8.4. In the buildings of general education institutions, the dining room sewage system must be separate from the rest and have an independent release in outdoor system sewage. Through the production facilities of the canteen should not be risening of the sewage system from the upper floors.

8.5. In non-bankanized rural areas of the building of educational institutions, equip internal sewage (such as Luftchals) provided the local device claimed facilities. The equipment is allowed toilet.

8.6. In general educational institutions, the drinking regime of students is organized in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the nutrition of students in educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

IX. Requirements for the premises and equipment of general education institutions posted in adapted buildings

9.1. Accommodation of general education institutions in adapted premises is possible at the time of overhaul (reconstruction) of existing main buildings of general educational institutions.

9.2. When placing a general education institution in the adapted building, it is necessary to have a mandatory set of premises: training classes, facilities for nutrition, medical facilities, recreation, administrative premises, bathrooms, wardrobe.

9.3. Square of training premises and cabinets are determined based on the number of students in one class in accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules.

9.4. In the absence of opportunity to equip its own gym should be used by sports facilities located near the educational institution, subject to compliance with the requirements for the device and the content of classes physical culture and sport.

9.5. For small general educational institutions located in rural areas, if there is no possibility to equip your own medical center, organization allowed medical Services At the paramedic and obstetric items and ambulance.

9.6. In the absence of a wardrobe, equipment of individual lockers located in recreations, corridors are allowed.


School hygiene is a science of protection, strengthening and developing the health of the younger generation, children and adolescents.

School hygiene studies the features of the development and hygiene of the schoolchildhood; the hygiene value of the natural factors of the external environment and the use of them for hardening schoolchildren; hygienic requirement for school building and sanitary devices at school, to school equipment and to teaching aids; hygienic foundations of learning and raising children; nutrition of schoolchildren; Prevention of diseases in school children. Knowledge of these issues is necessary for each teacher, since non-compliance with the requirements of school hygiene can entail a violation of the normal development of the children's body and cause various diseases. Therefore, school hygiene is a compulsory subject of study in all pedagogical institutions.

School hygiene in its development relies on sciences such as physiology, chemistry, microbiology. School hygiene is partly connected with technical sciences, architecture and sanitary equipment. It takes into account the basic requirements for the design of the buildings of schools and children's preschool institutions, to their external and inland design, including the artistic and aesthetic design of the premises and equipment.

But the architecture receives from school hygiene data on sanitary and hygienic requirements for school buildings, external and internal equipment. Sanitary technician uses general school hygiene data when developing sanitary installations in school buildings.

This essay discusses the 2 most important components of the classroom hygiene - this is lighting and air-thermal training mode. The essay contains information that are synthesis of data from the books of the past, the XX century, and the latest information 2002-2003. That is why the abstract has a significant value for a teacher who wants to get acquainted with the requirements for lighting and the air-thermal regime of the classroom.

Hygienic requirements for classroom lighting

Among the factors of the external environment affecting the body, light occupies one of the first places. The light affects not only the organ of view, but also on the whole body as a whole. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the body, pronounced in the works of I. P. Pavlov, is confirmed by the reactions of the body in response to the impact of light. The light, acting through the organ of view, causes an excitation that spreads to large hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.

Under the influence of light, physiological and mental reactions of the body are rebuilt.

Numerous studies of the impact of natural light on the human body established that light affects a variety of physiological processes in the body, promotes growth, activates the metabolic processes, increases gas exchange.

The value of light in the prevention of visual fatigue and the most common vision disorders, in particular myopia, since it is in childhood that the refraction of the eye is formed, affecting the level of visual functions and visual performance. Therefore, in premises for children and adolescents, optimal lighting conditions should be created.

Adverse lighting conditions cause deterioration of general well-being, a decrease in physical and mental performance. Back in 1870, F. F. Erisman convincingly proved that the development of the myopia of schoolchildren is a consequence of the systematic voltage of the organ of vision in insufficient illumination.

Special hygienic significance has a bactericidal effect of ultraviolet rays, which are part of the spectrum of sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the development of bacteria is delayed, and with a sufficiently long exposure, the bacteria dies.

The role of the radiant energy of the sun in the formation of a growing organism is especially great. Activating exchange processes, it contributes to proper growth and development. Ultraviolet rays, translating provitamin D, in the skin of a child, from a rectifying condition to active, provide normal costh formation. The light also has a psychological impact; The abundance of light creates an emotional-raised, joyful mood.

When choosing the orientation of children's institutions, they proceed from the conditions of solar radiation. The most favorable orientation in all climatic areas is southern and southeast. With southern orientation, insolation is the longest in autumn, winter and spring periods. With the orientation of the premises to the West to the second half of the day, the sun's rays penetrate deeply into the room and cause significant overheating.

To eliminate the blinding effect of direct and reflected blackness in insolutes in II, III, IV climatic areas in light care of training and industrial premises, sunscreets should be provided.

Despite the fact that the window glass largely detains the biologically most active rays of the solar spectrum, the toning and bactericidal effect of sunlight penetrating the room is quite large. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation indoors rises with broad aeration, so farms must be installed in all the main premises of children's institutions.


The level of natural illumination of the classroom premises primarily depends on the size of the windows. The more their size, the greater the light rays penetrate, the greater the lighting of the workplace of the student. It has been established that the area of \u200b\u200bthe glazed surface of the window in urban schools should refer to the field of the floor as 1: 4 or 1: 5. This ratio is called a light coefficient. In rural areas, where schools are usually built on open areas, the light coefficient can be 1: 6. The upper window of the window should be located as close as possible to the ceiling (20-30 cm), since the most remote space from the windows in the class is highlighted in this particular part of the window. In this regard, an unacceptable device in the schools of windows with a semicircular upper part or in the form of a triangle, as in this case the lifestyle part of the window decreases. The lighting of the class depends on the size of the sizes between the windows, since the student places arranged against broad simpleness will not be covered. Therefore, the simpleness between windows should be arranged as smaller (from 30 to 50 cm.). Class windows should not be darkened by opposing buildings. Located against school windows at home should be painted in bright colors, it is best in white. Furniture in the classroom should be positioned so that the light falls on the left side to the students, since otherwise the shadow of the hand during the letter of the student will shade the notebook.

The listed requirements for natural lighting school premises are taken into account in the construction of a school building and little depends on the school workers. But there are a number of moments that affect illumination and can be fully implemented by teachers and other school employees.

The class light depends on the color of the walls, the ceiling and furniture. Dark colors absorb a large number of light rays and thereby reduce the degree of illumination. The ceiling in the class should be painted with white paint, the walls - light (yellow, beige, light pink), the desks must be painted in light tones: covers in light green, and side parts and seats in white.

High flowers located on the windowsill also reduce illumination. Completely unacceptably arrange a special shelter-ladder in the window work, which together with flowers, completely closing the window, darken the classroom. It is known that if the flowers obscure even about 20% of the window opening, this leads to a loss of 15-22.6% of light in the class.

To create comfort and beauty, the flowers at school are needed, but it is necessary to have them on the opposite window of the wall, and large flowers on the floor so that they do not block the light.

In some classes and laboratories used to display educational films, there are dimming curtains. Teachers should very closely ensure that the curtains after viewing rise above the top edge of the window, otherwise they will ovelace the most unbelievable part of the window.

Dust on window windows also delays light, and therefore worsens lighting. About 50% of light rays through dirty, dusty windows do not pass. Window glasses should be even, as wavy windows, like dirty, delay up to 50% of light.

It is absolutely unacceptable to paint the white oil paint glass or insert matte glasses, as they do sometimes in some schools so that the children do not look out the window and not distracted by classes. It is harmful. Firstly, because in the class will be darker (only 60% of the light passes through matte windows), secondly, in this case, students do not have the opportunity to leisure their eyes. Academic work, as noted above, is associated with the constant voltage of the muscles of the eyes. To rest the eye it is useful to relax the muscles to send a look into the distance, in infinity. Students instinctively, from time to time, disgust their eyes from the book and look out the window, but when the windows are painted, they cannot look into the distance, since their look is constantly encountered on an opaque white surface.

To assess the level of illumination, use a special device - a luxmeter. With its absence, natural illumination can be determined by simpler ways. One of them is as follows: if the sky is seen from the most remote place, the windows are visible in the entire opening, then the illumination is recognized as good; If the 2/3 of the lumen of the window is satisfactory, and, if the sky is visible only in 1/3 of the window, is unsatisfactory.

Municipal budgetary

General Education

"Kirov Central School"

Municipal Education

Chernomorsky district

Crimea Republic


Director MBOU

"Kirov Central School"

Polashuk L. V.


Classroom room number 2.1


2014-2015 academic year

Responsible for the classroom:

Grishina Elena Anatolyevna

Help about finding a classroom number 2.1

    Cool room No. 2.1 of primary classes MBOU "Kirov Central School".

    School address: 296423, ul. Lenin, d. 8, p. Kirovsky, Chernomorsky district, Republic of Crimea.

Structure of passport

    Explanatory note.

    Regulations on the classroom of primary classes.

    Analysis of the work of the classroom and the task for the 2014-2015 academic year.

    Analysis of work on the equipment and equipment of the classroom No. 2.1.

    Valeological passport of classroom room number 2.1.

    Classroom room plan number 2.1.

    Inventory of the property of the classroom No. 2.1.

    TSO inventory.

    Employment of the classroom number 2.1.

    Video and audio materials.

    A promising plan for the development of the classroom 2.1 for 2014-2015 academic year.

Explanatory note

Cool room - educational institution of school, equipped with visual benefits, educational equipment, furniture and technical training, in which the methodical, educational and extracurricular work with students.

The goal of certification of the classroom:

Analyze the state of the classroom, its readiness to ensure the requirements of education standards, determine the main directions of work to bring the classroom in accordance with the requirements of educational processing process.


Director MBOU

"Kirov Central School"

Polashuk L. V.


about the classroom of primary classes


    The classroom elementary class is an educational unit of the school, which is a means of implementing the GEF of primary general education, providing optimal conditions for improving the quality of educational training, preserving and strengthening their health.

    Classroom classes must serve:

    activating the mental activity of students;

    the formation of skills to work with various species information and its sources;

    formation of communicative culture of students;

    development of students in self-control, self-assessment and self-analysis;

    education of a high-organized personality.

    Classroom room includes: educational and visual manuals, educational equipment, adaptations for practical classes on the subject, technical means learning.

    Basic classroom requirements.

    Compliance with the equipment and equipment of the classroom with the requirements of SanPiN.

    Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

    Compliance with the aesthetic requirements for the design of the classroom.

    The presence of regulatory school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

    regulations on the classroom of primary school institutions;

    job description of the head of the classroom;

    terms of use of the classroom for students;

    valeological passport of the classroom;

    inventory for available equipment;

    passport of the automated workplace of the teacher;

    catalog of educational, educational and educational materials;

    analysis and work plan for the development of the Cabinet.

    Availability of classroom work schedule for a mandatory program, optional classes, additional education program, individual classes with students of various categories, consultations, etc.

    Availability in the classroom instructions and journal safety instructions for students.

    Requirements for educational and methodical support of the classroom.

    The staffing room has a classroom with educational equipment, a teaching complex, a complex of learning tools necessary for the implementation of GEF and the implementation of the educational program of the school.

    Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and a set of means of learning to the requirements of GEF, implemented by the educational and methodological kit.

    Providing students with textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with educational program Schools and implemented educational and methodical set.

    The presence of a complex of didactic materials, typical tasks, tests, test work and other materials for diagnosing the quality of learning and educational process.

    The presence of permanent and replacement educational stands. The standing room of the classroom must contain:

    terms of work safety and behavior in the classroom;

    materials used in the educational process.

Analysis of the work of the classroom number 2.1

In 2014-2015 academic year, Classroom No. 2.1 was organized as an educational division of an educational institution, equipped with educational and visual benefits, educational equipment, furniture for theoretical and practical, classroom and extracurricular activities on subjects. In addition, the classroom is used in teaching various training items, in the organization of socially useful labor of students, extracurricular activities, additional education, to effectively manage the educational process. Cool room spacious, well ventilated and moderately light.

In 2014-2015 academic year, Classroom No. 2.1 and materials in it are used to work with elementary school students. Daily in the morning in the classroom there are lessons in grade 1 according to the approved schedule. The ability to organize individual, group and collective work is used. Meetings with parents, parental meetings and parents of allobilities are held.

Psychologically and hygienically comfortable environment in the classroom is organized so as to maximize the extent to promote successful teaching, mental development and formation of educational culture of students, the acquisition of solid knowledge, skills and skills on subjects and basic sciences with full provision of health and safety requirements Teachers and students.

Classroom classes contribute to:

    formation of students of general educational skills, skills and knowledge of the world around;

    familiarizing students with the use of knowledge gained in the educational process in practice;

    improving the training methods and organization of the educational process at school.

In 2014-2015 academic year, a large and fruitful work is carried out on updating the material and technical base of the cabinet and the improvement of the educational process, namely:

    installed computer;

    internet connected to the Internet;

    installed for a classroom room 14 part and 28 chairs for students responsible modern requirements hygiene and age-related characteristics of students;

    the distribution material is upgraded and updated;

    systematized demonstration material.

Plannedin the next school year:

    to conduct further introduction of ICT funds into the educational process;

    replenishment of the fund of electronic benefits, electronic textbooks and programs;

    equip the Cabinet with modern stand and handouts;

    develop manuals, guidelines and specific educational material For working with gifted children, individual and group classes.

Analysis of work on equipment and equipping

classroom of primary classes number 2.1

The classroom is designed to organize the learning process of students of 1 - 4 classes, including carrying out:

    training sessions;

    individual work with students;

    classroom hours, leisure students during change and after classes.

purpose Working room works: providing a health-saving, developing, subject-spatial environment for students of primary classes.

Challenges of the classroom:

The main activities of the classroom are:

    Creating a health-saving educational environment.

    Didactic provision of training sessions.

    Creating a developing educational environment.

In the first direction The following activities are held:

The partners and chairs regulated, taking into account the growth of students and chairs, which contributed to the preservation of the posture of students, a decrease in the number of children with scoliosis (according to the dispensary inspection). Over the board it is planned to establish references, which contributes to the preservation of vision of students.

These activities contribute to the preservation of physical health of students, including posture, view; Creation of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Installed plastic windowsThat facilitates the possibility of venting out the classroom and provides higher sound insulation and light permeability, increases compliance with TB rules.

In the second direction Didactic materials are being developed on the main topics studied in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and the surrounding world, which make it possible to take into account the peculiarities of the perception of information at the stage of studying new knowledge and methods of action.

Individual multi-level cards are being developed and prepared for organizing work on the consolidation and application of knowledge and methods of action, taking into account various level of student training; Sets for development cognitive interests students and organization of individual work with students who are interested in learning individual subjects; Multi-level didactic materials for Russian lessons and mathematics.

In order to form and develop skills to work with texts, test controlling materials on topics included for studying on literary reading lessons are prepared.

Thus, the use in the educational process of didactic material allows you to achieve a higher level of student training.

In the future, the development of a didactic material aimed at the development of logical thinking is required: the ability to analyze, allocate the main thing, draw conclusions, materials for the development of the volume of students' verbal memory.

In the third direction The stands with materials contributing to the development of educational activity of students were systematically updated. At the same time, this is not enough. It is necessary to attract students to updating poster materials.

The analysis allows you to make outputthat these directions of the work of the classroom are relevant and in the upcoming academic year it is necessary to send efforts to solve the following tasks:

    Create comfortable sanitary and hygienic conditions corresponding to the age-related features of primary school students.

    Organize the didactic support of training sessions on the basis of differentiation and individualization of the learning process.

    Systematically update the bookrooms of the classroom for creating an educational environment.

    Promote the formation of aesthetic culture of the individual.

Valstological passport of classroom room number 2.1

Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the classroom

Natural light coefficient

(The most remote place is 1.75 - 2%)

according to the norms

The main flow of light

(Only on the left side)

from the left side

Availability of light outdoors in the wall where the board hangs (not allowed)

Location of benefits

ahead, side

Optimal orientation of classroom windows

according to the norms

Hygienic standards compliance with windows


Place of flowers in the classroom

rear, side

Classroom lighting

according to the norms

Turning on the lamps



Illumination of the working surface


Classroom fitness

Square of the classroom

49.8 M. 2

Shape classroom


Location of tables in the classroom

according to the norms

Entrance to the class

on the side, ahead

Classroom room plan number 2.1

Wardrobe for manuals

Party Student Adjustable Height

Student chair adjustable height

Table of teacher Singleumbus

Teacher's chair, p / m chair

Pattern student

Cabinet two-piece

Student board


Inventory of the property of the classroom number 2.1

Name property

Inventory number

Teacher's desk

Teacher chair

Student Parts

Student chairs


School board 1x4

Wall Clock

Lamp over the board (day lighting)

Wardrobe for manuals

Pattern student

Classroom lighting number 2.1

Name of workers

Placement of lamps

Type of lighting

Teacher and Pupils

On the ceiling

Daylight lamp

Surface chalkboard

Above the board

Daylight lamp

Inventory for technical testing

classroom room number 2.1

TSO name

Inventory number

A computer

Schedule of employment in the classroom number 2.1

p / P.

Timetable of classes




1. Literature reading











3.Russian language


4. Ukrainian language and literary reading







3.Russian language


4.Worving world


5. Precious art




1. Literature reading


2.Russian language


3.Worving world






1.Russian language





4. Ukrainian language and literary reading



Video and audio materials


Literary reading

Electronic application to the textbook "ABC" V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya

Literary reading

Auditoring to the textbook "Literary reading" by Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V., Boykina M. V.

Russian language

Electronic app to the textbook V. P. Kanakina, V.G. Gorgetsky


Electronic application to the textbook "Mathematics" M.I. Moro, S.V. Volkova, S. V. Stepanova

The world

Electronic application to the textbook "Extra World" A. A. Pleshakov

Perspective plan for the development of the classroom number 2.1

for 2014-2015 academic year

What is planned


Events for the design of a classroom room (registration of the place of teacher, students, preparation of permanent and replacement educational and information stands).

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Updating the educational and methodological support for the classroom (preparation of the didactic material, tests, tests of control work, reduction material).

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Replenish student data by creating a portfolio of each student.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Replenish the class library methodical literature, reference literature, visual benefits.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Events to ensure the safety of the material and technical base of the classroom.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Measures to ensure compliance in the classroom safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic requirements, ensuring the safety of the classroom as a whole (gender, walls, windows, furniture), ensuring the level of illumination.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Greenhouse landscaping events.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Replenish cumulative folders.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Equip the shelves in the niches of the left wall.

During a year