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Ukrainian Bible read. Bible online. Excerpt characterizing translation of the Bible into Ukrainian

The third full translation of the Bible into Ukrainian is called "Roman", since the translator Ivan Khomenko is an outstanding Ukrainian philologist, a priest, a biblebist, a wonderful connoisseur of classical and modern languages, Doctor of Philosophy and theological Sciences, worked mainly in Rome and on the island of Capri.

The organization of translation, the training of text and publication was carried out under the auspices and direct control of the spiritual leadership of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which was at that time in Emigration in Italy.

This transfer was published shortly after the transfer of Ogienko, in 1963 in the publishing house of the Fathers of the Order in Rome.

Bibleouote module - Bible - Per. Khomenko - Cast - 1963

The translation of Khomenko relied on the so-called mashedral ("traditionalist") texts. This is the texts of massets - the Jewish correspondencers of the Old Testament, which in the middle of the first millennium, our era added to the Hebrew alphabet of 10 vowel letters, which before that consisted of 20 consonants (by that time, all the texts were written only by consonants), and, accordingly, completely rewrote all Old Testament.

Masoretian texts have simplified the translation and made it more likely. The second source was the Bible called "Septuaginta" - the Jewish text translated into Greek in the III-II centuries to N. e. By order of the Egyptian (Allensky) Tsar Ptolemy of Philadelph. In those days, this translation was extremely necessary - then the Jewish diaspora of Egypt spoke mainly in Greek. Septuaginta (Translation of "70 Tolmachi") at all times quite revered and revered today by the biblies of all denominations.

In particular, this Greek translation used Holy Jerome, translating the Old Testament of Latin (this is the so-called "vulgate" - the Bible for everyone). We also note that it is in the Septuaginte that the books of that second canon of the Bible, who are not recognized by some churches (this, in particular, the "Wisdom of Solomon", the wisdom of Jesus, the two books of Maccalevian and others). And if you return to translation, then a significant part of the translator's work was to compare the texts of various sources, in particular, mashed texts with the septuagnty, which was recorded for many centuries before Masoretian texts.

As for the New Testament, Ivan Khomenko used the so-called critical texts, reconstructed on the basis of comparisons with the existing oldest gospels and other books of the New Testament. As a basis, he took the critical text of the New Testament, which in the sixth time I published the Papal Biblical Institute. All this provided a high level of translation accuracy.

It is believed that the beginning is put on Perestopnitsky, created in 1556-1561 by the Son Protopopa Mikhail Vasilevich and Archimandrite Grigory by order by Princess Anastasia Zaslavskaya. Currently, this book is a national symbol, in which, entitled, the presidents of Ukraine give oath. It is written on one of the options of the Western Russian language (which in the prescription to the most gospel is called "Mova Rowskaya"), called Ukrainian scientists Starokrainsky.

Later, the Gospels appeared: Vasily Tipinsky (1570-80), Zhytomyr (1571), Neagalevsky (1581), Litkovskoye (1595) and a number of others. These translations were based at the Lutheran texts of the New Testament, such translators, as sectogenic (1533) and S. S. (1570). Separate passages are known translated by I. Galyatovsky (1688).

In 1860, the translation of the New Testament was made by F. Morachevsky. However, in 1863, the Valuevsky Circular banned such publications and he saw the light only in 1906, after the beginning of the first Russian revolution. Also are also known translations of Ya Levitsky (1921), M. Kravchuk (1937) and T. Galushchinsky (1946).

Bible translations

The first full translation of the entire Holy Scripture was launched in 1860 Panteleimon Kulish, but the manuscript burned during a fire. The second attempt was carried out in conjunction with Ivan Pules, which is known for the translation of Psaltiri and Ivan Nechu-Levitsky. The book was published by the British biblical society in February 1904.

The second full translation of the Bible belongs to Metropolitan Ilarion (I. Ogienko). In the initial editorial office, the translation of the four Gospels, he fulfilled, living in Galicia (1922-26) in the cities of Vinniki and Lvov. The Old Testament is translated from the Jewish text "Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia", and the new one - the Greek text "Novum Testamentum Grace" in the editorial office of Nestle-Alanda. Fully work was completed in the summer of 1940, but was published only in July 1962.

A year earlier, in 1961, his full Ukrainian translation of the Bible was published by Jehovah witnesses, however, because of its confessional features, it is practically unknown outside them.

The last to date, the full translation of the Bible was carried out by the Grekokatolic Archimandrite Raphael Tourkonak on the order of the Ukrainian Biblical Society (the new covenant was published in 1997, the Old Town, fully made, unlike other Ukrainian translations, not from the Jewish text, but from the Sepuagints in 2007) .

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When writing this article, the article was used by the article "" (author S. І. B_lockin) from the publication "Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine", available under the Creative Commons license.

Excerpt characterizing translation of the Bible into Ukrainian

- The same watches and the machine, more mathematics and my geometry lessons, was happily answered by Princess Marya, as if her lessons from geometry were one of the most joyful impressions of her life.
When those twenty minutes have passed, which were needed for the deadline of the old prince, Tikhon came to call the young prince to his father. The old man made an exception in his lifestyle in honor of the arrival of the Son: he ordered him to let his half during dressing before dinner. Prince walked according to the old, in Kaftan and Pudra. And while Prince Andrei (not with the obese expression of the face and the manners that he scored in the living rooms, but with the lively face that he had when he spoke with Pierre) came to his father, the old man was sitting in the restroom On a wide, sfyan inhabit, armchair, in Pudromante, providing your head of Tikhon's hands.
- BUT! Warrior! Bonapes want to win? - said the old man and shook off his head, how much I allowed the braid braid, which was in the hands of Tikhon. - Accommodation at least you are good for him, otherwise he will soon recover us and our subjects. - Great! - And he put his cheek.
The old man was in the good arms of the Spirit after the hospital. (He said that after lunch, a silver dream, and before dinner Golden.) He was joyful from under his thick hanging eyebrows mowed on his son. Prince Andrey approached and kissed his father to the place specified. He did not answer the favorite theme of the Father's conversation - a subpower over the current military people, and especially above Bonaparte.
- Yes, I came to you, the father, and with a pregnant wife, "said Prince Andrei, watching lively and respectful eyes for the movement of each trail's feature. - How is your health?
"Unhealthy, brother, there are only fools and empty, and you know me: From morning to evening, it is busy, refrained, well, well.
"Thank God," the son said, smiling.
- God has nothing to do with it. Well, tell me, "he continued, returning to his beloved skate, - how you are the Germans with Bonaparte to fight for your new science, the strategy called, taught.
Prince Andrei smiled.
"Let's come to my senses," he said to a smile, showing that the weaknesses of the Father do not prevent him from respecting and love him. " - After all, I have not been placed.
"You are lying, you need to lie," the old man shouted, shaking the pigtail to try, whether it was braided, and grabbing her son. - The house is ready for your wife. Princess Marya will switch it and will show and with three boxes they will fool. This is their poor things. I am glad to her. Sit, tell. Michelson, I understand the army, Tolstoy, too ... landing one-time ... South army What will happen? Prussia, neutrality ... I know it. Austria What? - He said, getting out of the chair and walking around the room with the run and served a piece of clothing Tikhon. - Sweden What? How will Pomerania go?
Prince Andrei, seeing the urgency of the Father's demand, first reluctantly, but then more and more enliven and unwittingly, in the middle of the story, by habit, going from Russian to French, began to express the operating plan of the alleged campaign. He told how the ninetteful army was supposed to threaten Prussia to bring it out of neutrality and draw into the war, as part of these troops was to connect to the Swedish troops in Stralsund, as two hundred and twenty thousand Austrians, in conjunction with one hundred thousand Russians, had to act In Italy and on the Rhine, and as fifty thousand Russians and fifty thousand British will land in Naples, and as a result, the five-thousandth army was to make an attack on the French from different sides. The old prince did not show the slightest interest in the story, as if he did not listen, and, continuing to dress on the go, he suddenly reapged him three times. Once he stopped him and shouted:
- White! white!
This meant that Tikhon filed him not the vest he wanted. Another time he stopped, asked:
- And soon she will give birth? - And, with reproach shook his head, said: - Not good! Go on, go on.
For the third time, when Prince Andrew ended the description, the old man was filled with a false and senile voice: "Malbroug S" en Va T en Guerre. Dieu Sait Guand Reviendra "
Son just smiled.
"I'm not saying that it was a plan that I approve," the son said, "I just told you that there is." Napoleon has already compiled its plan no worse than this.
- Well, you didn't say anything new to me. - And the old man thoughtfully spoke to himself with a patter: - Dieu Sait Quand Reviendra. - Go to the headpiece.

Ukrainian translations of the Bible

translations of holy designs on the Ukrainian language carried out by the Ultra. and Catholic. translators.

Before the era of typography of Orthodox. The population of those regions of Russia, which later became part of Ukraine, used * church. - Glory. Per. Bible. But already in a number of early lists of the Slavic Gospel, such as Gali (12th century), Dobrilovo (12th century), Essayevo (13th century) and Putinskoe (14 centuries), elements peculiar to the gradually allegedly established Ukrainian. Language. One of the first attempts to translate Scripture to the "simple MOVU", i.e. on folk ukr. The language came "Pressure Gospel." Translation was made with church. - Glory. Language Archim. Grigory and published in 1556-61. The following attempt is the translation of Psaltiri, made by the prot. * Maksimovich (1859). Classic U.P.B. The translation from Origin is considered. Languages \u200b\u200bmade by famous Ukrainian. Writers P.A. Kulisheh (1819-97) and I.S. Nechuy-Levitsky (1838-1918) in collaboration with Ivan Pullet. The full bible in their translation was published in Vienna in 1903 and since then has been repeatedly reprinted under the auspices of the British biblical society (therefore in this edition, as in most of the Protestant Bibles, there were no * non-canonic. Books). It is noteworthy that in contrast to rus. *syn. Per. * Transcription of the window. Names and titles in this translation are approximate to * Masoretskaya. In 1936, the translation of Kobrin was released in Warsaw (translated from * septuaginti). Full transfer from Origin. Languages \u200b\u200bcomprising non-canonic. Books, Metr. Ilarion was made (Ogienko) and published in London (1962). One of the last U.P.B. Belongs to Catholic I. Chomenko. It is published in Rome with the introduction and notes (1963).

In l and d and m and r about in P.V., Southware review. and Western Russian. Monuments of writing from 11 to 17 century, K., 1890; H and f in with to and y D., History of Ukrainian Lit-Ry, New York, 1956; D E U C R A I N I S S., Scripturae Versionibus, "Bohoslovia", 1925, No. 3. B and D N O in V., Kulis I yogo king St. Petersburg, "Spiritney Siyach", 1931, No. 5-6.

From the book as the Bible arose Author Religious science author unknown -

The ancient translations of the Bible naturally, in the spread of Christianity, the Bible often fell towards people who did not understand the Greek. Therefore, in the first centuries, the history of the Church appeared the translations of the Bible into other languages \u200b\u200bof the ancient world. One of these languages \u200b\u200bwas

From the book Bibliology Dictionary Author Mary Alexander

German Bible translations - see Bible Translations for New European

From the book of the Bible. Popular about the main thing Author Semenov Aleksey

Persian translations of the Bible - see the Bible Transports to the Eastern

From the book of the author

Polish Bible Transfers - See Bible Translations for New European

From the book of the author

Portuguese translation of the Bible - see the Bible Transports to New European

From the book of the author

Romanian Bible translations - see Bible Translations for New Europe.

From the book of the author

Russian translations of the Bible - see the Bible Transfer to Russian

From the book of the author

Syrian translations of the Bible - see the Bible Transferences on ancient languages;

From the book of the author

Slovak translations of the Bible - see the Bible Transferences on New European

From the book of the author

Slovenian Bible translations - see the Bible Transfer for New European

From the book of the author

Finnish translation of the Bible - see Bible Translations for New European

From the book of the author

French Bible translations - see the Bible Transfer to New European

From the book of the author

Czech Bible Translations - See Bible Translations for New European

From the book of the author

Ecumenical Bible Transfers Transfers Books Books. Scriptures implemented in the cooperation of exeget of various denominations. In 15 V. In the work on the church-Slavic * Gennadievskaya Bible, the Dominican Monk Veniamin took part. In the 17th century Attempt to combine

From the book of the author

Estonian Bible Translations Catholic. Livonian Order, Orthodox Rus and Protestant Sweden for a long period fought for the domination in Estonian lands. In 1629, the advantage in this struggle was on the side of Sweden, which determined the advantages. Protestant character

From the book of the author

5.2. The first translation of the Bible Bible is completely translated into 422 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, partially translated - another thousand 955 languages, as the currently existing and extinct. First appeared translation to Greek - the septoi? NTA, he was first, then at the end of the fourth century was made

Belarusian-Ukrainian translations of the XV-XVI centuries.

Starting with the 2nd floor. XV century For about a century on the righteousness. The lands of the Grand Duchy of the Lithuanian and Polish Crown was carried out (from different languages) a number of translations of biblical books, originally not intended for liturgical use. These translations (like other texts) were made on Western Russian. Lit. Language ("simple Movu"), common to rally. Western Russian population. Kiev Metropolis, although he had dialectic peculiarities. The emergence of such translations is one of the indirect evidence of the decline of the knowledge of the Church. Language in this area. A feature of the history of the emergence of these translations is that they were created on the initiative of secular and lower clergy (with the passive position of the church hierarchy). There were many attempts to transfer biblical texts, but all these works, with the exception of the transfer of F. Skorin, were realized either into unique (for the most part), or in very rare specimens, as a rule (except for the Gospel of Vasily Teplinsky), not reached the printing machine. For transfers made from gray. The XVI century, characterized by the abundance of the gloss of a variety of content, giving the monuments of a pronounced polemical character (Dmitriev M. V. Orthodoxy and Reformation: Reformation movements to Vost.-Slav. The lands of speech by compolonged in the 2nd floor. XVI century. M., 1990 P. 24-25).

One of the first in this row is worth the translation of the song of the song, accompanied by interpretation and teaching of love. Craft. Gusitskaya B. No later than the post. Chett. XV century, he reached us as part of a collection of con. XV century (GIm. Sin. 558). It is possible that the translation of the book Tovite, which contained in the missing Belarusian also belonged to the number of early. Collection of Ser. XVI in. From the B-ki Counts of Krasinsky in Warsaw, only the fact that he was "on a wonderful pure Western Russian adctor of the old time" (Karsky E. F. Works in Belarusian and others. Slav. Languages. M., 1962 P. 218). Finally, at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. In Belarus in Heb. The environment was translated by a biblical compilation containing the books of Job, Ruth, a psalm, a song song, Ecclesiast, Proverbs, Plachy of Jeremiah, the Prophet Daniel and Estheri and the beginning of the beginning. XVI in. (Vilnius. Ban Lithuania. № 262). It is assumed that it was completed for the needs of Heb. Communities used by local language (Alekseev A. A. Textology Slav. Bible. M., 1999. P. 184-185), earlier in the scientific lithuance, the opinion was dominated by the connection of this translation with the activities "Jigging" (Monument is published: The Five Biblical Scrolls in A 16th Cent. Jewish Transl. INTO BELORUSSIAN (Vilnius Codex 262) / With Introd. And not. By M. Altbauer. Jerusalem, 1992).

A new stage marked by the translation into Western Dour. Lit. Language of the entire body of biblical books (based on Cestes. Gusitskaya B.), represents the activities of Francis Skaryna in the 1st of the Chetven. XVI in. (For more information, see Section. "Church Slavonic Translation" P. 139-146).

Translations Ser.- Ambassador Chett. XVI in. Encompasses exclusively New Testament books (Gospel and Apostle), and their appearance is in direct connection with the proliferation of Protestant. exercises in the territory of the Commonwealth and the Reformation Practice of the Translation of Holy. Scriptures in national languages. This confirms a fairly consistent orientation into Polish. Protestant. Edition.

In 1556-1561 On Volyn in the possessions of the princes of Zhesevsky, a translation of a four-year-old, "From the language of Blikkago to Movu Roska ... For the Movie-Movie, Except for People of Christian Completeness," who came down in a luxurious parchment illustrated list (Kiev. TsNB Nanu, In-T Manuscripts. No. 15512 - " Perestopnitsky Gospel "). Translation and list were made by order of the KNG. Paraskev-Anastasia Yuryevna Zheselsovskaya (Ur. Gollettanskaya) and her son-in-law. I. F. Quartetsky. The work was launched in the Trinity Butler Mont-Re Mikhail Vasilyevich, the son of the Sanotsk Protopopopa (later Protopope), and is completed by Archim. Bogoroditsky Perestopnitsky Mon-Rya Gregory. Translation language is replete with polonism and bohemisisms, an unbearable Staroslav. The vocabulary is explained in numerous glosses in the fields. In addition, the circle may relate to the translation of the apostle, which came out in the passage studied and partially published by A. S. Georgian.

1571 dates from Volyn (Zhytomyr) Gospel, very close in the language to Perestopnitsky. Between 1563 and 1572. In Ukraine, the Apostle with Polish was transferred. Calvinist. Radziwill (Brest) Bible 1563.- t. N. Krekhovsky Apostle, studied I. Ogienko . OK. 1580 G. Basil Tyapinsky's Shipinsky antimony in its own typography. Tyapina began to publish his translation of the Gospel (made with Polish. Bible S. Weekday . Nesvizh, 1572), abundantly glossy and equipped with a large preface (the text was published in parallel with the Church.). The publication was obviously not completed - in 2 reached incomplete specimens (RNB. Weather. I. 1. 29 and the Arkhangelsk Museum of Local Lore) are represented by the Gospel of Matthew and from Mark and the beginning of the Gospel of Luke. Almost at the same time, in 1581, in p. Good on Volyn (near Ostrog) Valentin Neagalyvsky performed the transfer of the Gospel with Polish. Socinian Publishing M. Czechowitsa 1577

In parallel, new partial translations of the New Testament Biblical Books on the "simple MOVU" were carried out in the Commonwealth in the process of transferring to Polish. Collections of sermons Protestant. Authors - "Postil", typologically close to the teacher's gospel (Dmitriev M. V. Orthodoxy and Reformation. M., 1990. P. 25-27). According to the testimony of Ivan Fedorov in the Afterword to the Zabludovsky ed. The teacher Gospel (1569), the Customer and the owner of the printing house Gotman G. A. Khodkevich planned to initially publish it in the "simple MOVU", but this idea was carried out only in 1616 by the route of the portrait. With the onset of the era of counter-processing Belarusian-Ukr. Translations B. go to no, in fact without receiving the continuation in the XVII century.

A. A. Turilov

Ukrainian (See also the "Belarusian-Ukrainian translations of the XV-XVI centuries").

In 1842, Galician writer M. S. Shashkevich began the transfer of NZ from Church. Text, but before its death in 1843 he graduated from only the Gospel from John and 5 heads of the Gospel of Matthew. This translation was published in 1884 in Lviv. M. A. Maksimovich, Rector of Kiev University, transferred to Ukrainian. Language of the Psalter and published it in 1859. F. Morachevsky, director of the Nezhinsky Lyceum, in 1860 made the transfer of the Gospel, and in 1863, the NZ. In the autumn of 1860, he sent his translation of the Gospels from Matthew and from John St. Petersburg Mith. Isidor with a request to rescue the publication of labor. However, after a meeting with members of Holy Synod, Metropolitan was notified by Morachevsky, that the translation of the Gospel could not be allowed to print. But the writer continued to work and in 1862 sent his translation of the Gospels to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences to reflement the text and in the case of approval to assist its publication. The translation was highly appreciated by St. Petersburg scientists (Naumenko V. F. S. Morachevsky and his lit. Activities // Kiev Starina. 1902. Dec. T. 79. P. 475-476), but the authorities banned it. Gospels in Morachevsky with parallel churches. The text was published in Moscow after the death of the writer: the Gospel of Matthew - in 1906, from Mark - in 1907, from Luke - in 1908, from John - in 1911 all 4 Gospels together, without parallel church . Text, were printed in Lviv in 1921

P. A. Kulish began working on the translation B. In 1867. In 1869, in Lviv, he anonymously issued a translation of the Pentagide and Books of Job, in 1871. Psaltiri. In the same year, Kulish moves to Vienna and together with I. Pullet transfers NZ from Greek. text. In 1879, this translation was completed and issued in 1880 in Lviv. Bibo in 1885 bought the right to publish this translation of the NC. Kulish continued to work on the translation of the voyage to his death in 1897. Work on the translation was completed by I. S. Nechu-Levitsky and Pulum. In 1901, Bibo bought the right to publish this translation and in 1903 published the entire vg, in 1904 in Vienna - all B. under the heading "Sweep the letter of the old I new Zavoy Movy Rusko-Ukransko."

The language of this translation (the name of the Bible of the Kulish) was abounded by artificial words and polonisms. Nevertheless, the Kulish Bible was the first experience of the full translation of the text B. to the Sovr. Ukr. Language, although without non-canonic books.

At the same time, our own translation of the Gospel on Ukr. Language carried out M. Lobadovsky and sent it to the Synod. Imp. AN sent Lobadovsky's work to the VKR review. Philologist P. Lytetsky, who has criticized, saying that Lobadovsky is too depends on the text of Rus. Synodal translation (with a swarm it translated) and that its translation is full of unnecessary neologisms. Best Ukr. The transfer of Morachevsky's work by the gateway.

In 1903, NZ and Psaltiri O. Bachinsky (Bachinsky) printed in parallel with churchwell came out in Lviv. text. It was the first uniate (Greek Catholic.) Edition of Human. Scriptures; His translation was made with Church. Bible Bachinsky not gained widespread. In 1921, in Zholkva, the Basilian Order published Pentafire and NZ translated by Ya. Levitsky (Levitsky). His translation of Psaltiri was released in 1925 at about the same time M. Kravchuk carried out a translation of four Grech. Language and provided it with notes (Lviv, 1937). After World War II, Ukr. Emigrant Basilianin T. Galushchsky again translated Quietlyangelie (Rome, 1946) with Greek.

In 1937, the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Warsaw published a postric Gospel to Ukr. Soon language edited by Morachevsky's translation, which later later reprinted (Winnipeg, 1948. Bound Brooke, 1966).

Apr 1 1936 prof. I. Ogienko signed in Warsaw with Bibo an agreement for the right to publish his Ukrainian. Translation B. from the original languages. In 1937, in Lviv, his translation of 4 gospels was published, and in 1939 in Warsaw - NZ with the Psalrty. On July 19, 1940, Ogienko graduated from the translation of the whole B., but because of the Second World War, her edition was sified. In 1950, Bibo collected the Audit Commission on Ukr. Transfer B., K-Paradise, together with the translator, revised the text of Ogienko, corrected him and in 1955 she passes to print. In 1962 in London, Bibo issued a full B. (without non-canonic books) in the translation of Ogienko - "Bibliya, Abo Books of the Holy Letter of the Old New Recovery Iz Mova Langu-Wheel-Wheel." It was used for the first time a reformed grammar UKR. Language. Recently, this translation has been repeatedly reprinted and is the most common Ukrainian. Translation of holy. Scriptures.

In 1957, in Rome under the patronage of the Uniate (Greco Catholic.) Mitre. Ivan (Buchko) came the translation of the whole B. (with second-channel books) holy. Ivan Khomenko - Roman Bible. The literary and linguistic edition of the text was carried out by writers I. Kostytsky and V. Barka. In the new edition, the Ukrainian biblical officer in 1992 was published, after which it was repeatedly reprinted. Translation focuses on academic spelling of 1920; The text is provided with notes. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Uniation) uses the Roman Bible for the divine service.

To the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, the Ukrainian Exarchate ROC published the "New Zapovit of the Lord of our Isus of Christ" (K., 1988). Although the name of the translator in the book is not specified, the text apparently is a newly edited translation of Morachevsky.

From publications of the 90s. XX century It is necessary to note the translation of the Gospel, made by L. Gerasimchuk (Bitch. 1990. № 3, 5, 7, 9), "Novi Zlavit: Novy Perekablo" (Minsk, 1994) and "New Recovery Movie" (K., 1996), Made, apparently, Protestants, as well as the publishing "Bible" by comments for a long-life: Novi Zapodzt z Simphoniєu "(Minsk, 1998).

In 2001, in Lviv, the Ukrainian biblical OB-in released NZ translated by Sacred. - Uniapa Rafail Tourkonak. However, the translation was published without proper editing, despite the proposals of members of the Board of the OB-VA and from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In 2003-2004 It is expected to enter the light, the translator uses LXX as the original. In addition to translations of biblical texts on lit. Ukr. Language There is several. Translations for various Ukrainian. dialects. In 1981, the Gospel was published in the Bachvan-Rusinsky Diacteh - "Saint the letter of the new Zenit: єVangelï" in Catholic. EP. Bucatko, Ya. Rats and M. Malatsko. In vet Slovakia in 1991-1992 NZ has been transferred to the South Polemkovsky dialect. In Transcarpathia, the gospel of the brand to the local dialect translated sacred. D. Sidor (Translation of Evangeliya Mark to Rusignan Language / Han Mark Holy Sacredness).

LIT: Bladimirov P. V. Review South Russian. and Western Russian. Monuments writing from 11 to 17 centuries. K., 1890; Zhuttsky P. I. On the conversion of the Gospel to Malorussian // IORAS. 1906. T. 10. KN. 4. P. 22-27; Komarov M. P. Morachevskya Ta Yogoy Evgorithiya on Ukrainian Movu. One, 1913; Stebnitsky P. F. E. Korsh and Ukrainian Gospel // Ukr. a life. 1915. № 3-4. P. 106-110; Biidnov V. Kulish i yogo king sv. Pisma. Lion, 1931; Chizhevsky D. History of Ukrainian lit-ry. N.-Y., 1956; Ilarion, Mitr. Biblinii studiy. Vinnipeg, 1963; Gorbach O. Movostil Novitnih Perekalev Sv. Letters on Ukrainian NSKO people MOV XIX-XX centuries. // Sciences Zap. Ukrainian university. Munich, 1988. Part 13; Smaga D. iavan ogyєnko - the crustaceans of the Holy Letter // Spiritan I. I. ogyєnka in the context of the Ukrainian National Constitution (up to 110rd VID of the Native Day). Kam "Yansette-Polysksky, 1992; h Rapiniydi Rafilla Rafal Tourkiyak // Bul. Ukrainian Bible Comrade. 1998. No. 8. S. 13-14. Nymichuk V. V. Sacred Scripture to Ukr. Language // Role and the development of Slav. Lithuania. M., 2002. P. 39-69.

1 On the chick of God, the sky is the land.

2 And the Earth Bula is empty that Bula, І Temokava Bula above the idleness, and the Spirit of God wondered over the surface.

3 І Having said God: High become Svitlo! І STALOZH SVITLO.

4 І By bringing God Svіtlo, Shah good Wono, І God Vіddіtlo Svіtlo Vіdkawi.

5 І God called Svіtlo: day, and Torokava called: Nik. І Bouw Ever, І buv wound, the day is the first.

6 І Having said God: Nuthety Stick Senched Power, і Nelhei Vіddіlє Vona Mіzh Pond Water.

7 І God tutorials, І Vіdd_livaya water, Shaho pіd solid grades, І water, shaved over the solid. І STAZHALOVA?

8 і calling God the Sky. І Bouw Ever, І Bouv Wounds Day Others.

9 І Having said god: Nuthey Skater Water Z-Popd Sky to Mіszia One, І Nuthey Sukhodil Fine View. І STAZHALOVA?

10 і calling God Suhodail: Earth, and Miscea Zіibranny Vozdalov: Sea. І God is overcome, Shah good Wono.

11 І Having said God: Nonhai Earth to Long Grass, Yarina, Shcho Nasinnya Vona Rysіvaє, Tree of Omoche, Shah, for a birth to your ryd, to bring, Shah in nyomnnya yogo on the ground. І STAZHALOVA?

12 І Earth Grass Vidal, Yarina, Shaho Rysіvuє, for the birth of її, І Tree, Shah to bring PliD, Shaho Nimnia in Nim for the birth of yogo. І God is overcome, Shah good Wono.

13 І Bouw Ever, I Buve Rockies, Trete Day.

14 І Having said God: Nehai's uptitil at the hardness of the night for Vіddіlennnya Voni night, I do not mark the signs, I kneads, and the days, and rocks.

15 І Nehai Woney Stand on the hardness of the Svіtila's hardness, Svititi's shoes over the earth. І STAZHALOVA?

16 І Exiting God Ovytva Svіtila Great, Svіtilo is great, Soba Wono Keruwalo during the day, I Svіtilo Male, Keruvalo Nіchchu, Torch Zori.

17 І God Umіstiv їx on the hardness of heaven, Schobyili Svitili over the earth,

The 18th bus was keen in the afternoon, the Nikchuy, І Schob Vіddіlvali Svіtlo Vіd Dormaii. І God becoming good.

19 І Bouw Ever, I Bow Rockies, the Day of the Quarters.

20 І Having said God: Nonhai Water Viola Drіbnі Іstoti, I live, I live, І Ptovashi, Scho Lituє Over the earth, Heavenly Silver.

21 І God Ribe Great, I also live a plasoy, Scho її Water Viola for ї ї ї і і ї ї ї ї ї її. І God is overcome, Shah good Wono.

22 І By exploring ї ї God, Kazhuchi: Fruits, Retaway, І Impact water in the seas, and the ptaschi do not go to the ground!

23 І Bouw Ever, I Bow Rock, day P "Yati.

24 І Having said God: Nuthey, see the Earth I live a soul for the birth of її, I. Izdobu, I am Zvіrin for the reason її. І STAZHALOVA?

25 І Expulging God Zhrinina for the reason її, і і і ї і і і і all the land is plasper for native of yogo. І Boying God, Shah Good Wono.

26 І Having said God: Satishimo Lyingly by our, for the likelihood of our own, and hai to steal over the mortgage riboami, і over the ptaism of Heaven, і over Khudoboy, і over the land of the earth, І above Solution Plasoye, Scho Plazuє in the ground.

27 І God on Sveiy Image of Lyuboroving, on the image of God її Vіn, Yak Cholovіka Tu Zhіnku.

28 І By graciously, God, I, I say to them: Fruit, Retaway, І Improving the land, I don't want to go over the arms of the ribami, і above the ptasy of the sky, I will live on the ground!

29 І Having said God: I giving you Usa Yarina to you, Scho Rysіvaє Nasіnnya, Shaho on all the earth, І Skin, Shaho on ny-nic Worthy, Scho Vono Rosevіza, Naji Buda in їжу qi you!

30 І GRANDIY USII ZLIRINII І Sivery Pttya Heavenly, І Skin, Shaho Plaza on the ground, Shah's soul in nibborn, oarse Yarinna Green for them. І STAZHALOVA?

31 І By bringing God to Usa, Shaho. І OTO, Velmi Good Wono! І Bouw Ever, I Buve Rasnocker, Day Schosi.