Repairs Design Furniture

School desk Kettler Little transformer. Growing parties Transformers from Germany German parties

So, how our company is the official dealer of the factory presented on the website, then all warranty and advertising appeals are solved only in our company! We will not send you any service center, or somewhere else. We are a representative of the factory with the service center!

If you decide to use the warranty service, do not forget that the claims are accepted only at the warranty period of 1 year, up to 5 years ( you can find out the product warranty period, you can in the product card, in the "Specifications" tab) From the day of the purchase. The presence of a commodity check and the commodity invoice is required. Warranty obligations do not act on consumables - lamps, filters, replaceable bolts and screws, etc.

  • Doors and retractable boxes open carefully, without more effort.
  • Take care of sliding mechanisms from shocks and sudden jolts.
  • Do not allow a long contact of the surface of furniture with moisture.
  • Make sure the proper installation of furniture.

From the manufacturer are allowed:

  • replacement of components and fittings;
  • changes in the design of the product;
  • small defects on the inner surfaces (according to GOST).

Important: The warranty is valid only if all the rules for using furniture are observed. In other cases, warranty obligations are not performed.

Warranty obligations do not apply in cases if:

  • expired warranty period;
  • terms of use and transportation were violated;
  • an independent unqualified assembly was carried out with the damage of parts;
  • furniture was not used directly;
  • identified disruptions;
  • no production labeling;
  • the design of the elements was changed;
  • dIY repair was performed.

Return conditions

If you didn't like the purchased product, or did not come across any parameters, we will make a refund. In our company "Buyer is always right," we always go to meet you and try to solve the problem so that you are satisfied. We ask you, only treat with understanding and to our work, we will not be able to take the goods, only in 3 cases:

  • Production packaging should be saved on the product.
  • The assembly of the goods was not made, or there are no explicit traces from the assembly.
  • Completeness and packaging fasteners are not broken.

In order for the furniture to be good and durable, the rules of operation should follow.

  • Use furniture only in dry and warm places (air temperature + 18-25 ° C, humidity no more than 40-60%), contact with moisture can lead to a bundle and blur surface.
  • Provide protection against direct rays of the Sun, as well as the effects of heating devices.
  • Do not allow mechanical damage.
  • Provide protection from the effects of chemicals, steam, sub statements, hot elements, etc.
  • Use special solutions without abrasive components. You can use a simple soap solution and a conventional soft tissue for purification.
  • Do not allow uneven load on the surface (on drawers - up to 5 kg, on metaboxes - up to 15 kg, shelves - no more than 40 kg, shields - up to 10 kg).
  • The furniture assembly trust only specialists, otherwise there is a risk of inaccurate installation; As a result, exploitation will damage mechanisms.
  • Do not rush to throw away the packaging until the end of the assembly. It has important information necessary for the possible detection of deficiencies.

* When compliance with all installation and operation rules, all purchased furniture will serve you for a long time. You will be satisfied with the purchase and be sure to contact us again!

The growing part of Germany is considered to be one of the best family investments in the furniture for a schoolboy. This quality, reliability, durability, versatility, simplicity of assembly and use - in a word, all qualities that are accounted for when purchasing a writing desk for the children's room.
The German parties of transformers in their appearance give tribute to classics: as a rule, the design of them is simple and functional, gray or white steel frames are complemented by table tops made in natural shades or painted in white. Compared to Chinese or Taiwanese models, the German desks for children look more strictly and concisely, but the technical characteristics of them are the highest quality!

The traditional desk from Germany has the following qualities:

  • an enlarged work surface;
  • ergonomics: The part of the transformer is adjusted in height, which, along with the correct height settings and the depth of the chair for a schoolboy, guarantees the correct posture during operation;
  • attention to detail: built-in wheels, growth scale, thoughtful accessories, the ideal operation of all moving elements;
  • safety: Smooth lines of countertops, construction stability, absence of gaps, acute edges and angles, the use of harmless paints and varnishes, compliance with European and international standards;
  • durability: Manufacturers give a 5-year warranty on their products, but actually the service life of the parties is designed for the entire period of study, from 1 to grade 11, and even longer.
  • Certificate The Blue Angel

The wide range of related products will allow you to furnish the child's room in one style - from the chair to the bedside tables, shelves and bookcases. Some models offer several options for table tops, which will allow you to take into account available space for the table, family needs and other factors. You can also buy models with a separate countertop specially designed for the left-hander - they are raised not left, but the right side of the table top.
Prices for school desks manufactured in Germany are expected to occupy the top lines of price lists, but product quality as a result justifies such investments. Baron Rothschild said: "I'm not so rich to buy cheap things." Perhaps this saying may well serve as a motivation to purchase the parties from the PAIDI, Kettler or Moll brands.
The online store "Mebel-Rastem" offers quick and easy to buy German desks for schoolchildren in Moscow. The cost depends on the selected model and configuration, and our qualified and experienced consultants will be happy to help you make a choice based on your individual needs!

Children's growing parties became the result of technical progress, which over the years has been observed in the furniture industry. Previously, users were forced to buy models designed, conditionally, dozens of years ago. These are the most primitive tables with a slight tilt of the table top and, maximum, supports for textbooks.

However, today the situation has changed radically. The parties have become multifunctional, variable, offer a wide range of features to their owner, and together with them and efficiency. After all, with a parallel "growth" of the table, together with its owner, parents now do not have to regularly update the furniture, given the gradual maturity of the child, and once a purchased model is able to pass with it all the tests from the first to the last class.

In our online store you will find a wide range of products from the most well-known manufacturers around the world, you will be able to consult on questions you are interested in and get help in choosing a specific name. All products are genuine, and the official warranty is applied to it.

Work principles
The main advantage of the new generation party is the ability to adapt to current exploration scenarios and the need for specific users. Of the most common and demanded options, you can allocate:
  • setting up the height of the table top;
  • changing the angle of its inclination;
  • installation of the desired height of each of the support legs.
By setting the desired angle of the working surface, you can prepare it to comfortable reading books, exercises in visual arts, calligraphy and other aspects. And even if the floor covering in the room contains differentials, the compensators of irregularities will correct this situation.
Choosing materials
Not bypassing technical progress and raw materials base, on the basis of which "growing" parties are produced. Previously, only a tree with its processing products was used for such purposes. Now it can be modern polymer compositions, various metal alloys and even glass. Of course, wooden analogues remained, and they also enjoy high demand. Only the treatment procedure has become cheaper, which has reflected at the final value of the final product. So feel free to study our catalog and select the best furniture for my child for many years.

Before revealing the advantages of the Kettler party, it should be noted that all school furniture is made in Germany, factory, which has 66 years of impeccable work in the international market.

Main Benefits Part of Kettler


Each element, each item is manufactured in Germany. Steel framework produces Kettler at its factory in the city of Werl. Plastic elements he pours in his factory in ENSE Parsit. Chipboard with the highest quality indicator "Blue Angel" is bought from the German manufacturer.

  • 66 years of production experience

All 66 years old factory manages the Kettler family. Since 2005, after the death of Heins Kettlera, manages his daughter's production.

  • Hettich fittings (Germany)

Much attention is paid to fittings, because It is a link and carries high loads. In the production of tables, fittings of the highest quality and exceptional design of the Hettich brand are applied, which has previously proven itself in more than 100 countries around the world.

  • The quality of chipboard noted by the quality certificate "Blue Angel"

This quality certificate is a sign for environmentally friendly goods and services in the world. He confirms that our products do not contain harmful components and safe for health. The most eco-friendly chipboard adopted the chipboard with the labeling "Blue Angel", which is put only on the best chipboard, with the minimum content of resins, formaldehydes, phthalates, without which the furniture production is impossible.

  • Anti-vandal coating countertops

Special coating using HPL technology, allows children to draw, glue, sculpt and engage in other creativity, not afraid to spoil or stain the desktop parties. Kettler countertops are highly resistant to damage and scratches, perfectly cleaned by a conventional damp cloth.

  • The parties grow together with children from 3 to ...

Kettler's desks have the most reliable system adjustment system in height. Rearming the limiters, parents easily change the height of the desk to the desired level. Thus, a child from 3 years old with an increase of 90 cm or an adult with a growing above two mters will be located at a convenience.

  • Service life is not limited

During the sales of the party in Russia and Europe, not a single request for after-sales service was received to the office of the company. High quality products makes it possible to assert that this desk can be used for long years. With careful care, the part will be inherited. As a thing for which the knowledge was gained and the first successes of parents, grandmothers and grandparents did.

  • Built-in rollers in the legs of the tables

Such little things always make sure, especially if such trifles continue to work throughout the term of use. Rollers on the front of the legs will easily free the place to clean the children's room, or will help you quickly move the desk .... for example, to the window.

  • Protection of baby fingers (enlarged slots)

An important point is safety. Kettler has tremendous experience in the production of goods for children: children's transport (scooters, bicycles, pedal cars), street venues, products for newborns, children's furniture. And the main indicator has always been observed - security. In addition, there are special requirements in Europe in the production of children's goods. And participation in the full production cycle, allows the factory specialists to control the quality at all sites of the production process.

  • Preservation of correct posture during class

Compliance with the laws of ergonomics in the production of orthopedic furniture is the key to proper and healthy posture in the future. In children of the younger increase, posture is just beginning to form and at the time of its strengthening it is useful to use the right furniture. Kettler was repeatedly printed in Medicine magazines devoted to orthopedic issues. Our desks and chairs can be found in various educational institutions, public and private schools, kindergartens.

  • Preservation of vision

The correct tilt of the countertops when writing, reading and creativity allows you to preserve the child's vision to sharp. When reading, for the correct posture, the countertop should be at an angle of 30 °, it is this slope that almost eliminates the occurrence of pain in the head and back. With a letter, the recommended tilt tilt is 15 °. In this position, the posture remains straight, the wrists are comfortable lying on the table. For drawing, modeling or drawing, the optimal angle of inclination should be 0-5 °.

  • Protection against self-regulatory

Children's joy at the sight of a new table does not know borders. The child is trying to spend his free time at her desk or next to her. He studies his new table with great curiosity, approxes the portfolio, puts forward the box, climbs under the desk and studies the device with the cavity of the experienced engineer. Make Usage Safe - the main task of technologists. Therefore, along with other security elements, clamps were invented to protect against children's adjustments in height. Only under parental control, children may themselves set the height of the table under their growth.

  • Steel frame withstands huge loads

The main distinguishing feature of the parties is its base - frame design. Those. The entire existing burden during the entire period of use is on the steel skeleton of the parties. This is how to compare a frame off-road with a conventional machine collected from hundreds of parts. Thanks to such a design, the table withstands the colossal loads and is able to serve as faithfully decades. I would like to note that the steel frame is fully manufactured at the Kettler factory, each element is performed on German equipment and under the control of German specialists.

  • Wide gamma colors

To meet the most demanding customers, the Design of the Kettler Bureau is developing models corresponding to modern trends. The appearance of the parties represents a combination of unique technological solutions and a concise design, plus a combination of popular pillars used by manufacturers in the manufacture of children's rooms.

Our desks are ready to serve you for more than 100 years. If you need high-quality and reliable school furniture - Welcome to Kettler!

A description of children's orthopedic furniture should be finished with the words of the founder of Heins Kettlera: "I am always ready to invest an excess center in every detail, just to get a product in one hundred percent quality."


It is difficult to overestimate the value of high-quality children's furniture. After all, precisely for watch Transformer The child spends most of the day, so it must be comfortable, comfortable and safe for his health. Why exactly children's party , but not written children's table ? According to pediatricians, the rigid fixation of the seat for seating creates optimal conditions for the posture of the child. This effect is achieved because the baby, without having to push the chair, is forced to keep the correct posture when writing. That is why for younger school, it is obligatory to buy parties, and not tables, so that the child secured the habit of sitting correctly. Modern school Parts Amazed the variety of species. First of all, classic stationary parties are very in demand. It is them that most educational institutions acquire. Such a model has a convenient combat countertop, special shelves for books and a place where you can hang a bag. Newer model - part of Transformer . This is an advanced type of school furniture, such a workplace can be configured individually under a specific child. The mobile table top allows you to perfectly pick up the desired angle of inclination, and the movable back of the chair is to adjust the seating depth. Available also children's party with special orthopedic benches. Orthopedic furniture is a new development that appeared quite recently, but they have already managed to appreciate Russian consumers.

When choosing children's furniture should never be focused only on the price and the appearance of the product. In order not to risk the health of your child, you should always pay attention to the manufacturer's company. Kettleler is the German company of the European level, which has established itself in many countries of the world. Products of this brand are always impeccable quality and reasonable prices. It was this fact that became fundamental during the promotion of the company in the Russian market, because only in Kettler's corporate stores, you can purchase high-quality goods for children at affordable prices. Separately, it is worth noting the environmental friendliness of the kettle products. Buying school desks for children , It can be completely confident that this product is absolutely safe. This fact was marked by the International Blue Angel Prize, which Kettleler received for the use of only natural materials in the production process and the use of technologies that do not harm the environment. Therefore, purchasing parts Transformer , tables for schoolchildren, chairs And other furniture for your child in Kettleler's branded stores, you can be confident in its impeccable quality and security.

What parameters are the table for a schoolboy / parties selected?

Choosing such as children's table and chair You should pay attention to such parameters as the age and growth of the child. It is best if your child will participate in the purchase process. First of all, there is an educational point in this: during a certain period of the child's time, you should teach independent decisions. The second aspect is more practical motives - any children's furniture must be selected individually, and therefore it needs to be done before purchasing. If the classic unregulated version of the parties is purchased, you need to pay close attention to the height of the table and chair. The height of the countertop should be so that it reached the baby's chest. In the event that the table is lower, the young will be sludge, which can negatively affect its posture. Also undesirable and too high countertop, in this case the child will simply inconveniently work at this table.

The same applies to the height. Chair or bench in the desk must be such a size so that her little owner sat comfortably and felt comfortable. Schoolchild knees should form an angle of 90 degrees. Only with such a relationship can be confident that the load of the child is distributed evenly and his health does not threaten anything.

Tables for schoolchildren and adjustable parties

For more adult school children are designed special adjustable desks for home . The manufacturing technology is as follows, which makes it possible to adjust the height of the table top and seats. In this way homemade Party "Grows" with its small owner. In addition, adjustable parties allow you to change the tilt of the table, which increases the comfort of using this item and makes it possible to choose the optimal viewing angle for the child.

Equipped with all sorts of devices and ordinary once tables for schoolchildren. A modern children's table Transformer for schoolchildren has special boxes for stationery, a place where you can hang school bag and even a retractable line. You should also not forget that today a writing desk must act in the role of a computer. The world dictates its conditions, and furniture manufacturers for children remains to humble! The company Kettler, as always keeps the hand on the pulse of innovative developments. Moreover, she itself is a "mod lawyer" in this market of goods. Therefore, writing desks for schoolchildren from Kettler are equipped with everything necessary for full-fledged classes.

Transformer Parts in Children's Room

Do not forget that study is not limited to school sessions. At home, children also spend a fairly large amount of time at the desk. What furniture is worth buying for a children's room? Ideal fit parts Transformers. This is a kind of regulated part, which can be used by children of various ages. And this is the main advantage of tranfimers! If a child in school, moving from class to class, sits on furniture commensurate with its age and growth, then parents will be enough for each couple of years to change furniture in the children's room. That is why the transformer party is the perfect option for home use. Having acquired her once when the child went to school, you can periodically adjust its parameters, adjusting to your growing child.

Of course, such furniture will serve for a long time, only if it is made of high quality materials and in compliance with all standards. It is to this category that Kettler's children's furniture can be attributed. Particles for schoolchildren from Kettleler are produced using various materials. A wooden model can be attributed to the traditional line of Kettleler. This is a natural, time-tested material that manufacturers are used for making, both classic parties and their more modern analogs. What is good tree? It is durable, environmentally friendly, products from it can fit into any interior. Such desks are perfectly harmonized with the rest of furniture in the children's room, pleasant to the touch and comfortable in operation. But as practice has shown, wooden furniture prefer to choose parents, but children love brighter and elegant plastic models from Kettleler. Multicolored, bright saturated shades, tables and parties bring the indescribable atmosphere of positive and joy in the nursery. Children adore such tables and chairs and can work for them for hours, play or engage.

Pattern for the child

Choose a children's table for first grader more or less simply, then children in adolescence are much more demanding buyers. They sometimes please be much more difficult than their parents. therefore pattern for the child Teenage age should be selected only with his immediate participation. Most often, young young men and girls prefer a written table as their own workplace, which they use and as a computer table. In connection with the large training load in high school, for a teenager makes sense to acquire his own home office. This is a unique furniture intended for the equipment of the children's room. It contains everything you need for comfortable classes: a convenient desk, to which you can put a computer, a soft orthopedic chair, a lot of lockers and niches for placing books and stationery. Children's office is the perfect workplace for a teenager.

Buy desks in our online store

Innovative development in the field of children's goods is orthopedic furniture. What is its advantage? It's no secret that the child is holding a majority of the day for study, first in the school walls, and after the house, performing homework. Sometimes he even rests without getting up from the table, as the rest for many is communication on the Internet or computer games. Watching this picture, the pediatricians of the whole world scored alarm. In children who spend most of the day, sitting at the desk and computer, often developing scoliosis, there are stagnant processes in the muscles, which is why they can torment pain and convulsions. Is it possible to prevent this situation? Of course, the best medicine is still a sport and walking in the fresh air. But the time dictates its own rules, and often, no matter how much adults will change something, a child with all entertainment and walk prefers their native desk and computer. What remains in such a situation? Organize a workplace in such a way as to fix the existing problem as much as possible. The orthopedic furniture for schoolchildren has become a revolutionary invention. So today before buy a children's desk for homewill we like to ask, and the chairs have these parties with an orthopedic back? What is such furniture? Unlike static tables and chairs, orthopedic furniture is able to adapt to the owner. Such a table or part can be adjusted both in height and tilt the countertops. But special attention is worth paying the chair. Unique development allows him to take the outlines of the human body. The movable back repeats each schoolchild movement, adjusting to the position of his body. This allows you to completely remove the tension from the muscles and prevent the development of scoliosis. So, keep the child's health!

Why does Kettler firm leads to the market for children?

Kettleler's company is a real European quality from German manufacturers. It is only worth buying Kettler's children's goods and compare them with similar products from other manufacturers, as the difference is immediately felt. It goes without saying that all goods are made of environmentally friendly natural material (this is confirmed by international premiums). In addition, the creators of school furniture Kettler tried to take into account the wishes of both parents and small users themselves. They not only made tables, chairs and parties functional and comfortable, but also painted them into bright juicy colors. Kettler company patented a number of developments in the field of orthopedic furniture. The unique technology allows you to spend a lot of hours without getting up from the workplace, while absolutely not loading your back muscles and spine. This development has become a revolutionary breakthrough in the production of goods for children, as it made it possible to prevent the occurrence of such a disease as scoliosis. Children's offices from Kettler are multifunctional and comfortable. In addition to the super-modern orthopedic desk, such an office includes many compartments for storing stationery. In such a "office", the child will feel comfortable and convenient. In addition, the very realization that he is a full-fledged owner of his own cabinet, give the crumb of power and the desire to master new knowledge and skills. Isn't it a real purpose and task of any parents - to instill love for knowledge? Using the furniture from Kettler, you can learn, play a computer, draw, know this incomprehensible world. In short, if you need high-quality, reliable and at affordable prices Children's school furniture - Welcome to school desks in the kettle online store!

Like German cars, German parties have a certain reputation in the market. I must say, it is quite deserved - I will start at least with the fact that MOLL began to produce height-adjustable children's desks in the distant 1974. Since then, it is this criterion - adjusting the height - became one of the decisive furniture for schoolchildren. Other manufacturers followed Moll, and to date quite popular in this niche are also furniture from Paidi and Kettler.

Convenience, ergonomics, the design of the "growing" partition is taken into account by parents seeking to provide their child with optimal conditions for the occupation of the house. But at the same time, the large selection of models available on sale can put in a dead end of many moms and dads, which simply do not have time to understand all the subtleties of "partners".

For clarity, we propose to highlight the main parameters that will help you quickly decide whether this desk is suitable for a specific family. It: age category target audience (depending on the height of the table top), size and the possibility of tilt countertops, type Tabletop (whole, separate), materials, appearance parties and, of course, price category. The availability of accessories is also important, as well as rewards and medals from independent experts, so that these moments we will also try to take into account.

At the moment, the model range of the school desk from the German producers considered in this review looks like this:

(Kettleler): Cool Top, School, Little, Comfort, College Box, Logo Max, Logo Plus, Logo Duo

(Mall): Moll CHAMPION, Moll Champion Compact, Moll Winner, Moll Winner Compact, Moll Joker

(Patidi): Falko, Jaro, Marco 2, Tablo

All of the above models are adjusted in height: Kettler 51-78 cm (except LOGO Duo and Comfort - they have a height range from 54 to 78 cm), all models from Moll have a standard range of 53-82 cm, Paidi Marco 2 and TabLo are adjusted to height 53-79 cm, while PAIDI Falko and Jaro - by 54-76 cm. Thus, any of the above-mentioned models will suit the child and any school age, and the party will serve him from the first to the last class. According to the reviews of German parents, all these parties are very good, sustainable and reliable, tested years of almost daily operation.

All models have an inclined tabletop with an angle of inclination from 0 to 18-22 degrees, at the Moll Champion models, Moll Champion Compact, Kettler Comfort, Kettler Logo Duo, Paidi Marco 2 (130 cm) and Paidi Jaro Table tops are separate, that is, one part rises And the other remains stationary.

Not all schoolchildren have their own room for classes - very often free space in the apartment is limited, or on the contrary, one long desk is bought for two schoolchildren. Tip - Decide on the tabletop long, based on the needs and available space, it will make it possible to narrow the range of search.

As for the design, manufacturers are trying not to distract attention from functionality. The desks are made or in a pleasant eye of natural colors (oak, maple, beech, spruce, birch), or in white with unobtrusive flower accents. This makes it possible to easily combine the newly acquired desk with already existing furniture in the children's room.

The tabletop material serves a high-quality laminated chipboard, approved for use in the production of children's furniture (and in Germany everything is strictly!), Well, the frames that guide and the legs of the tables are made of durable steel. Smooth lines, the absence of sharp corners and gaps between moving parts increases the safety of operation.

Accessories for each manufacturer are slightly different. For example, for the Moll Champion model, the box under the table top needs to be purchased separately, but the folding stand for books, cable-channel, magnetic limiter line, side hook for school backpack and replaceable decorative elements 8 colors are included. Manufacturers offer a line of associated goods coordinated by style and color range - shelves, bedside tables, tabletop extends, and so on, so it will be possible to develop an individual project of the workplace. And if you invite to participate in the choice and the most future owner or the hostess of the party ...

Awards and merits? For example, Moll Champion's desk received the superpective Red Dot Design Awards in 2012, Kettler has a large number of patents and developments in the production of orthopedic furniture, well, the PAIDI brand has been the synonym for the highest quality children's furniture.

Time to ask about the price of the issue. We admit, more expensive than domestic or Chinese counterparts, but ... again conducting an analogy with auto industria - if you appreciate a long uninterrupted job, no need for frequent maintenance and a stylish appearance, then the part of one of the German manufacturers is your choice!