Repairs Design Furniture

Is it profitable to open a children's developing center. What documents are needed to open a children's game room. Children's club equipment

The easiest way to open a children's studio is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself - we offer you step-by-step instructions From the expert of Sandland.

Business on children in lately It is becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this - first, the trend on the early development of children is capturing the minds of an increasing number of parents. Almost from the very birth of the baby, Moms and Pope think about how to develop the creative abilities of their children, how to make it smarter and more educated, how to promote the full and multilateral development of the person.

Especially acute this question arises for parents of children aged 3 to 5 years. It is at this age that any parent is trying to invest in the development of a child a maximum, recording it in various sports sections and creative mugs, schools of dancing, music, etc. If a few years ago, the number of proposals to hold children's leisure time with benefits were limited to sections and circles of urban centers children's creativity, as well as specialized artistic, musical and choreographic schools, today the situation changes in the root.

Now the children's leisure industry and early Development Presented by private children's studios, which offer more competitive services compared to municipalities. Moreover, the approach to children, their development and education is fundamentally different from the usual approach of the Soviet school. In such children's studios, they do not put the goal from the child Tchaikovsky or Maya Plisetskaya by any means, even contrary to the desire and the possibilities of the child itself. Children's studios use a more loyal and flexible approach, taught playing, develop creativity without estimates and coercion, taking care of the first of all about the moral and psychological state of children.

Another reason for the popularity of business on children is that the sphere of children's services is rather rich in business ideas that can be implemented using minimal investments and a huge desire to work for themselves and develop their business. Naturally, first initial stage Children's studio will have to devote much time and effort. But at the same time, a children's studio as a business can combine both profit and satisfaction, and pleasure from activities.

The business idea of \u200b\u200ba children's studio, as, otherwise, and most of the business ideas associated with children are primarily attracting women, especially young and active mothers who, after the birth of children, completely rethink their lives. That is why among the owners of the children's studio most are women. It is they who after the birth of a child themselves face the needs and problems, for whom they themselves would not mind to pay. But not finding suitable for certain criteria (comfort, location, level of service, destinations or pricing policies) options are solved on the opening own business.

About what is to be done to open your own children's studio, how step by step to launch business on children and start earning and developing, read further.

Investment size

Children's studio is a good option for a novice businessman, including for the reason that the investment in its opening is quite small. It is extreme important parameter For the first business.

With certain resourcefulness, opening a children's studio, it is quite possible to meet the initial investment in 200-250 thousand rubles. Although, of course, the amount will largely depend on how much room rental costs, how much do you spend on repair and equipment, what expendables are purchased, what kind of teachers are niemet.

Calculate all alleged expense articles and just in case laid for the start a little longer than you need. This will make it relatively painlessly survive the first crisis months when the client pool is only recruited.

Where to get money?

But even a small amount of money for initial attachments must be taken somewhere. The ideal source of investment is your own accumulation. Having invested his funds into business, you will significantly reduce the risks, and stress will be much less: no debts that need to be given with interest, no additional monthly expenses (And they have a young business already great), no credit obligations hanging over with a Damoclay Sword.

But there are far from all for the start. But almost everyone has relatives and friends, whose help can be resorted. Although everything is there so there is a risk to ruin the relationship.

But a bank loan is an extreme measure. It is fraught with overpayments, and recently banks are not particularly willing to issue loans. If you are going to invest quite a small means in a small business, you can use credit cardthat gives you the opportunity not to pay interest if you have time to return the money for three months.

You can also count on the aid of the state in the form of a subsidy. Practice shows that it is quite realistic to get material support from the authorities. But for this you will have to be patient: a year by year, the procedure for obtaining funds is becoming more complicated.

Especially difficult to get a grant in big cities, and fault of that bureaucracy. Even if you are full of enthusiasm, it can completely evaporate in the process of collecting all necessary documents. Yes, and the chances of obtaining financial support from the state are not 100%.

In small cities, things are somewhat easier to obtain funds. But regardless of the size of the city, certain risks remain. Even if the grant is approved to your project, you can never see money. There are such cases that businessmen are just cheating.

Step-by-step instruction

After you revealed the demand for your studio and found money to open, you need to think about corporate identity. This is important for any business, no exceptions to be here. Even very a small project It should not impress the "Sharacken Office" impressions, people should understand its significance. To do this, they need to see that the project is thought out "from and to".

Remember the famous phrase "How do you call, so he saves"? It is not better applicable to the business of a children's studio, so first of all it is necessary to choose the perfect name and close to engage in branded style. And it is not at all that the latter will cost you a fabulous amount.

Personal experience

I started exactly from thinking corporate style. To do this, I had to resort to the help of a designer. I found it among freelancers, wrote those. The task to which he relied during work. A good designer takes the development of 15-10 thousand rubles. No need to regret this money, especially since the amount is not so great. But people will see how closely you are attentive to detail, will appreciate your goal. A single corporate style, which is used everywhere - on business cards, flyers, etc. - Customers have more confidence and contributes to your studio recognition.

The interior of the studio should also be laid in the canons of corporate identity, so it is important to consider it to the smallest detail. Only after you decide in the image of the future studio, you can proceed to the purchase of building materials and repair of the room.

After repair comes time for the purchase of equipment. What exactly for the equipment it will be depends on what your studio does. In my case I had to purchase ordinary tables And special tables for rice sand, camera, projector, projection screen.

Prices for equipment will be very different. For example, small children's table It may cost 1 thousand rubles, and maybe 8 thousand. Choose to you. Just remember that the most important thing is that the tables correspond to the minimum indicators, and the presence of golden legs is the tenth business. The same, in principle, concerns any other equipment.

The number of equipment depends on how many children will be trained in your studio at the same time. We have everything designed for classes with six kids. This is the optimal number of students, since it is precisely with such a number of a group of teacher who can pay sufficient attention to every child.

As for the choice of equipment suppliers, it depends so much on the city of discovery. It's easier to find a supplier optimally suitable for parameters, in a big city.

The greater the city, the greater the choice of equipment.

For Studio B. little cityMost likely, it will be necessary to order everything on the site. It can slightly delay the process or lead to unexpected results.

If we talk about the selection criteria for suppliers, the main one is the ratio of price and quality. No need to rush on low prices! Decide what quality equipment you need, disperse with the indicators and technical characteristics. It will have to do to understand whether you purchased a good technique. And only after it becomes extremely clear with the characteristics, it is possible to compare prices from different suppliers.

It is advisable to choose monopolist firms that are engaged in the production of one type of technology. For example, only projectors produce.

Often those who are engaged in the supply of equipment are ready to provide consumables. At least this is the case in the field of drawing sand.

Find suppliers and equipment, and consumables every year everything is easier. In our field, demand is constantly growing, therefore companies appear more and more. And you can go out on the Internet.

If you open something fundamentally new, with suppliers may be difficulties. If you find them quite not easy, you can try to make equipment yourself. However, there is a question of quality.

After the consumables and equipment are purchased, you need to start thinking of the technique of working with children and the time of work of the studio itself.

In our studios, the occupation lasts from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of kids. For a longer time, kids are just hard to concentrate on one lesson.

We work with children we are mainly on weekdays in the evening or on weekends. Among the week, the schedule is thought out so that parents are convenient to bring guys after the end of their working day or stay of the child in the kindergarten. And on weekends, children's holidays are held.

No less important question - recruitment. In fact, choose a good teacher by no means just because it is not always some of the criteria can be definitely advantageous. For example, extensive experience and extensive track record is not a quality assurance. The main thing for the teacher is shine in the eyes. If a person has a desire and enthusiasm, if he is interested in introducing his ideas, you will go far with this man.

It is important that the person wants to not just work, but be part of your company.

Requirements for the placement of children's studios are not as strict, as, for example, to the catering. However, there is certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine where to rent a room.

Of course, transport and pedestrian traffic - at all optional criterion for you. But also to climb the wilderness to which from anywhere in the city to go three hours, and then still walk 5 kilometers - bad solution. Children's studio must be available.

Check if it is convenient to get to your customers. It is important that the studio is not too removed from public transport stops. At the same time, parents should be able to rent more than one route, preferably from anywhere in the city without a transplant. There will be no superfluous driveways for those who will bring kids on their own cars.

But as for the part of the city, where you will work, you are free to choose. It is suitable for both the center and a sleeping area. Especially a new building where many young families with children live. If it is very difficult to decide on the place, try again to resort to the social range. Parents will gladly vote on the social network for the most convenient accommodation for them, the studio accommodation.


From the point of view of reducing the cost of premises for large cities, a good option is a sublease. But you need to choose a "neighbor" with the mind. Children's studio on the doorstep of the grocery store will not cause anything other than bewilderment. Choose the enterprise of the adjacent industry, for example, toy store or private garden.

Shopping centers are very well suited to accommodate the children's studio, in many of which today there are special "children's floors". However, it is important that such a shopping center is not too noisy. The child should be able to work out without being distracted by some extraneous sounds.

Do not forget to ensure comfort and parents. Many of them may decide what to leave somewhere for 1 hour does not make sense, and will wait for the end of the classes here in the studio. Therefore, the studio should have a peculiar zone of waiting with comfortable sofas, magazines and other things that helps to make the child waiting for the child. This, of course, will make it take an additional area and increase the rental cost, but it is worth it.

By the way about the square. It will depend on whether you plan to hold events and birthdays to your studio. In this case, there will be a zone for classes and a zone for recreation and games. Ideally, they must be divided. Minimum Studio Square - 20-30 sq.m.

As for repair requirements, everything is simple enough. While Sanpinov, regulating children's studios, does not exist, which means to fine for the lack of a tile or linoleum instead of the carpet, no one will be.

The most important thing is to comply with the norms. fire safety. Answer for this question should be your landlord. Although it is still better to double-check, is there in the room fire alarm, did not fail fire extinguishers and so on.


The obligatory stage of opening any business is its legal design. When opening a children's studio, you have a choice between IP and LLC. It will be easier to work if you register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you can choose a simplified version of the tax reporting and keep accounting on your own. But when opening, LLC without a professional accountant can not do.

The optimal option for the children's studio is "Simplified" with a tax charge of 6% of income.


Is it profitable to open

With good performance indicators, the children's studio pays off quite quickly - for 3-4 months. To achieve such a result, you need to look for additional ways to increase profits, for example, due to children's holidays.

But it must be borne in mind that customers can be different. Parents can come to you, ready to spend 25 thousand rubles for a children's birthday, while the cost of the holiday in your price list - 10 thousand rubles. This case should be able to offer its customers additional services. For example, enter paper shows that are now gaining popularity, or add quests for children.

To increase profits and reduce payback period, you can also conduct exit master classes and even teams for companies, if your activity allows it.

In addition, you need to be able to reduce your studio costs. The main costs fall on the salary fund and rent. In addition, it is time to update some interior items, such as children's stools, and also spend money on consumables. As for savings, it is possible to reduce costs first of all by reducing rental costs. For example, you can use the same sublease.

Beginner entrepreneurs often arise about what pricing policy to lead. Children's studio - just the case when the main criterion for the formation of your price is the price of competitors. At the same time it is not necessary that it is about direct competitors. Take a look at other leisure institutions.

At the very beginning of work, you can dumping. This will help to attract customers.

Dumping with competent use helps a lot, but constantly use it is not an option. The client arises a thought: "The cheaper, the worse." As a result, it begins to doubt the conditions provided in the studio, the competence of frames, etc. Some word, with dumping you need to be able to contact, it is important not to overdo it here.

Personal experience

In our studios, open different cities, there are different prices. The average cost of the master class in small cities - 250-300 rubles, in large cities - 600-700 rubles.

There are other rates for the long-term program. The monthly subscription for four classes costs 1860 rubles.

To organize the work of the studio is a rather difficult task, because a lot of nuances will have to take into account, and both for regular training and additional services. In order for the studio to work in a plus, it is necessary that you have 6 groups of 6 groups. But it is important not to forget about additional services. In our studio, three types of services: educational classes, children's birthdays and family master classes.

Regular group classes are held on weekdays in the evening. We try to make two groups of each age in each age in order to work out a week. In total, we have two groups in each (one of the three) age categories. The kids go to us once a week, the day off at the studio - on Monday. Schedule floating. In many respects, the reason for this is that small children often sick.

As for classes, it is important to make maximum effort to make the client constant. It is important to make it that he passes the program to the end. This is facilitated by a competently built technique. We teach the child to draw from scratch. To achieve certain success, the kids take 1 year.

At the end of the year, we have the opportunity to move to a more complicated program. According to statistics, 70% of the kids involved in us come to the second year of study.

Family master class is designed to rally parents and baby. As a rule, classes are conducted for two, for example, moms and a child or dad and child. Children and parents gather in a small group and jointly engage in creativity here in such an interesting format.

One of our profile services is children's birthdays. This format is in great demand, it is very relevant in the market. It is important here to consider the entertainment program, to make an event interesting, including at the expense of attracting animators.

Conducting children's birthdays - occupation for the weekend, as parents have the opportunity to bring babies for a holiday only on weekends. We have the peaks on Saturday, on this day we can spend three days of birth.

Each of the services provided must be worked out as much as possible. How successful services work can be judged at the end of the month. If some service does not bring the desired effect, you need to throw all your strength to progress.

The attractiveness of this type of business is due to several objective reasons: during a visit to the shopping center, parents will be convenient to leave their babies under the supervision, and it is calmly to continue shopping. The second reason is an elementary shortage preschool institutions in the country. On the this moment The idea of \u200b\u200bopening a children's game room is relevant and with the right approach will be very profitable for the entrepreneur.

Market Analysis and Competitiveness

Make this business effective and not to spend in vain will help a qualitatively compiled business plan. It is impossible to call the discovery of the children's playground to the discovery of the children's playground: it will not pay off through a couple of months, but will become an excellent business to the perspective. In addition, such an enterprise is distinguished by stability, because the outflow of visitors is possible only in the summer, when children with parents spend time outdoors.

So, it is important to clarify the following aspects:

  1. Appropriate place. Especially important for entrepreneurs living in a small town. It is necessary to pick up the platform with the greatest number Potential consumers of this entertainment.
  2. Age group. Clearly decide on the least spent segment and focus on it. This will significantly reduce the influence of competitors to your entertainment center.
  3. The presence of other playrooms nearby. The ideal option is their absence in this area. If such rooms are available, then they must be visited. Purpose: Find out the marketing component, price policy, as well as the target audience of a competitor.

Important! Receive more information On other sites you can, visiting one of them and questioning its employees. This will determine the popularity of the center, its workload (how long is the child there) and various shortcomings in organizational issues.

It is recommended to use the experience of the srangian radio. It is enough to place an ad on a social network with reference to the settlement and watch the number of received reviews. There are calls and responses for advertising - business is relevant. Otherwise, the market is already oversaturated by such proposals, and the project will not pay off.

Profitability of the children's entertainment room

Before opening a similar enterprise, a game room plan for children with calculations should be drawn up: start-up capital, possible risks and probable profits in the future. As an example, you can take an entertainment room with an area of \u200b\u200b30 m 2, which allows placing about 20 children. The organization of such an entertainment center will require about 300 thousand rubles. Costs include:

  • buying equipment - 180-200 thousand rubles;
  • wages employees - from 50 thousand;
  • payment of rent - 30-40 thousand;
  • the opening of the IP or the registration of the company is from 15 thousand.

Proper planning and successful location of such a room will play a key role in business development. Preferences follow the places of large cluster of people: a shopping center, a cinema, hypermarket, as well as various institutions. In some cases, even a sleeping area may be successful in terms of location and bring tangible profits. For example, if there are no similar entertainment in this area.

Registration of activities

Unlike the kindergarten or the center of development, the entrepreneur will not require coordination with government agencies and obtaining a special license. To legitimize this type of activity in this way:

  1. Register as IP or LLC. The first in this regard is more profitable: less tax and easier the registration process.
  2. Get OKVED code. In this case, "Other activities on the organization of recreation and entertainment" under No. 92.7 is suitable.
  3. Commission in extrabudgetary funds, including PF.
  4. According to the requirements of Mrs. and Rospotrebnadzor to equip the room.
  5. Buy the cash register or use the strict reporting form.

The same rule applies to the opening of a children's cafe with a game room, for example. However, then additional documents will be required. There are no official requirements for the organization's conditions of such rooms, and the supervisory authorities will be guided by standard regulatory documents. There are some important rules Regarding the creation of children's gaming rooms:

  • the site should have lighting and ventilation;
  • the room should regularly carry out wet cleaning;
  • employees are required to have medical records;
  • on the territory of the complex there must be no children with the symptoms of ORZ, ORVI, etc.

Fully finished and functioning entertainment center will bring good profits to its owner. The main thing is to make a business plan, arrange the documentation that is required by law and have a starting capital. A competently compiled project will allow to successfully develop a business in the field of children's entertainment industry. Behind the sample you can take a competitive area having a good return on activity.

Purchase of equipment

It is important to properly organize the purchase of components for the entertainment children's room. The process of installing standard complexes can take about a week, two. If we are talking about individual project From scratch - about a month. Target audience - children, and therefore equipment must be safe. The best option is a professional manufacturing company. Save by buying handicraft samples is not recommended. Choose a manufacturer better according to the following criteria:

  1. The presence of all certificates for manufactured products.
  2. Website of the manufacturer with the directory of the proposed instances.
  3. Fame of manufacturer's company on this market segment.

Tip! For greater security, as well as to control the work of personnel and visitors' behavior, it is recommended to provide children's entertainment fields with video surveillance systems.

The right choice of place

The location is one of the most important items, so, developing a business plan for the children's game room, it is necessary to take into account this. The profitability of this business will depend on the correctness of the selected place. It is recommended to pay attention to 2 options:

  1. Shopping center. Everything is simple here: a large stream of people in a short period of time. Parents will gladly leave their children to have fun, calmly continuing the journey through the shopping center. Holders of the shopping center perfectly understand this and provide free space to entrepreneurs who wish to open the game room for the children. Rent can be discussed on individual conditions. This is usually 10-20% of the profit of the playground.
  2. Sleeping area of \u200b\u200bthe city. The densely populated microdistrict in the metropolis with all his corks and movement is extremely uncomfortable for residents who want to leave their children in the shopping center for shopping time. Playground, open next to residential house, school or kindergarten, will good decision For IP.
  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is at least 30 square meters. This will allow you to place about 20 children at once.
  2. The room should be spacious, light, with cosmetic repair and ventilation system.
  3. In the shopping center, it is necessary to place children's playgrounds at the entrance. This will allow you to immediately attract the attention of parents and cause them a desire to leave your child there.
  4. In a residential area, the first floor of the house will be the best option.
  5. Better if there will be toilets next to the rooms.

Choosing a rental room, should be guided by its own financial capabilities. The larger the area is the higher the payment. If the starting capital is small, it is better to start with an area of \u200b\u200b20-30 square meters.

Advantages of the Children's Game Room

By drawing up a business project on entertainment topics, you need to take into account the main factors described above. This will help save money and avoid multiple errors at the initial opening step. The advantages of this business include:

  1. Stability and payback. This type of activity is working on the perspective. The demand for entertainment rooms remains active and constantly growing. This is due to growing employment among the population, especially in the megalopolis.
  2. Fast start. For promotion, significant financial injections will not need. Procurement and installation of equipment for sites can be entrusted to professional companies.
  3. Lack of documentary red tape. To open a similar center, no special permission is required, as well as licenses for activities. Just register yourself as IP or LLC.
  4. Significant demand. Many parents will only be glad to such a service. It is quite inexpensive and safe. Good alternative to Nyan or kindergarten.

Summing up, it can be noted: for doing business in children's entertainment rooms, it is enough to conduct market analysis. Do not do without a thoughtful business plan, which will indicate the necessary financial injections, as well as all sorts of risks. A good choice of premises will have a positive effect on the profitability of the case, and the high-quality advertising campaign will speed up the promotion process. It will remain to purchase equipment and hire effective staff.

Most of the modern parents at least once in their lives used the services of a variety of children's educational centers.

Conducted polls show that in almost all major cities More than half of the parents who have children aged 8 months to eight years are going to drive or already lead their babies to special educational activities.

If more recently, a visit to such centers was quite expensive, today such services have become available for most people with mid-level income. It is for this reason that the ownership of its own developing cigarette is enough profitable business.

Despite the fact that there is a tough competition on this segment, the discovery of such a business is a rather profitable and attractive cash investigation due to the fact that young children are becoming more every year, and there are not enough good pre-school institutions. If you said yourself: "I want to open a similar center!" You will have to thoroughly prepare.

Video about the opening of a children's educational center

What is needed for opening?

Before opening a children's developing center, it is necessary to carry out a small marketing study, which is best trusted by a specialized organization.

Marketing research

If you do not want to spend money on professional advice, then research can be held own forces. You need to find out the number of similar organizations in your area or city.

You can poll potential customers, i.e. Parents in clinics, playgrounds and gardensIt is recommended to ask questions about where it would be more convenient to drive their babies, as well as which developing programs they are interested in. The main goal of the survey is to find out what exactly they are guided by choosing children's Center.

check in

Recently, a new law "On Education" was published, which allowed individual entrepreneurs to officially hold educational activities If there are workers with pedagogical education. Now for the opening of the children's center, it is easy enough to open the PI and get a special license.

To do this, you need either to have pedagogical education yourself, or hire employees with such qualifications.

In addition, you will need to develop a program on which your institution will work, and provide it to the education department.

Children's developing center from scratch

To organize a developing center for children, you will need suitable room. Most of the novice entrepreneurs prefer premises with small square - 50 m2.


The main criteria that must be guided by choosing is its location (best in the city center or in the center of a large bedroom), the minimum need for execution repair work, as well as the availability of a place where parents can expect completion of classes and bathrooms.

The choice of the area of \u200b\u200bthe placement of your children's center directly depends on the target audience to which your institution will be calculated. As well as from convenience and your preferences.

Before removing the room, you need to evaluate your own financial capabilities. If your Children's Center claims to be serviced by parents, he must have excellent repair, highly qualified teachers and a professional administrator. Be prepared that it will be hidden.

Remember that the premium class establishment is simply owned in the central part of the city, so renting the premises will cost quite expensive.

If you decide to open a children's center with a low cost of the services provided, you can rent a room on the first floor of some multi-storey house In one of the bedrooms of the city. It should be decided to decide in advance what kind of region it is best to open a children's center, and the distance from your place of residence should take into account the distance from your place of residence, the availability of direct competitors and solvency of the population.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe leased room directly depends on your tasks and goals. As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bthe study room must be at least 30m2. Not bad place for the children's club are shopping centers and office buildings.

The main requirement for the leased room is its location on the first floor so that the kids and their parents do not have to rise in the elevator or on the stairs.

When organizing a children's club in mall Or an office building, you will need several training rooms, as they will most likely have a small square.

In addition to the main premises, the children's studio of early development should have a waiting room. Some executives trying to save, trying to do without a similar room. In this case, parents will have to wait for their children on the street and most likely they will stop going to your institution.

Thus, taking into account the classroom, the Hall for expectation and bathroom area of \u200b\u200bthe children's center should be at least 50 m2. If you do not have the necessary amount for renting such a room, you can open a children's center consisting of one study room, but this will significantly limit the amount of services provided.


For the right opening of such a institution will require qualified personnel. This applies not only to teachers, but also administrators.

Statistics show that finding a professional administrator is much easier than a teacher who understands and loves children, as well as it will be able to captivate classes and find an approach to every child.

At the position of administrator who will receive visitors will answer customer calls, to schedule all classes and solve other organizational issues can be taken by recent graduates or students.

You will need at least two administrators so that they can work alone. At first, time you can fulfill the duties of the administrator until you find a suitable candidate. With qualified teachers, the situation is much more complicated.

Professional teachers who have experience in pre-school institutions or schools will be much more expensive than administrators. In addition, it is worth remembering that the availability of a diploma higher education, letters and certificates do not guarantee the fact that the teacher will be able to find a common language with the kids and will not attend the desire to visit the educational center and develop.

Practice shows that graduates of pedagogical challenge may quickly find a common language with children and provide more efficient development of a child than more experienced teachers.

Interview with all potential employees is best done personally. Be sure to pay attention to appearance Applicants, as well as on their tunes, try to evaluate their initiative, wiping work and innovation.

In some cases, Moms of Kids claim to teachers. They do not have specialized education, but are enjoyed by various developing techniques and attend various seminars and courses, and also fond of new trends in the field of preschoolers. The presence of an appropriate diploma is, of course, very an important factorBut in some cases they can be neglected.

Furnishing, equipment

You will also have to purchase furniture and a variety of equipment types depending on the types of services you are going to provide. You also need furniture for the expectation room so that the parents of the children feel comfortable.

All purchased equipment must be made of environmentally friendly materials in order not to harm the health of children.

Toys and consumables

For the work of the children's developing center you will need a variety of toys, such as designers, cubes, mosaic, puzzles and pyramids. They should be high Qualitynot to harm the health of children. In addition, you will need a variety of materials, such as notebooks, albums, cards, markers, etc.

You can buy such items in bulk, because they quickly come into disrepair. Look for suppliers on the Internet, ask your friends. It will help you to save significantly.

Looking for customers

Children's centers are of different species. You will have to determine which kinds of services you are going to provide, it will be directly dependent on which customers you have to work with.

Profile Choice: Additional Classes or Replacement Children's Garden

The most optimal directions in the activities of such centers are the training of children to school, as well as the development of useful for of the future life Kid skills such as sociability and leadership qualities.

If you plan to exercise classes with groups of kids one by one or twice a week, then enough and small premises. It is convenient for moms on maternity leave - with a child engaged in a useful occupation, but it is not expensive.

A developing center in which children will be all day will require an additional bedroom, a kitchen and an enlarged staff. In this case, your studio will be called a private kindergarten, and it means that you must arrange it accordingly: with all the necessary certifications, permits and commissions. For the start of the educational career, this is a troublesome and not quite acceptable option.

Developing techniques

You will also have to choose which developing techniques you will use in your children's center. It is recommended to independently master the basics of children's development methods in order to choose the most suitable option And have the ability to control the learning process.

The most common techniques that ensure the development and creativity of the child are:

  • systems N. A. Zaitseva,
  • Waldorf method
  • glen System Domana,
  • methods of Montessorry.

With all the abundance of pedagogical technologies, the best results give a combination of several techniques and an individual approach. Excellent if your employees own and theoretical preparations in this matter, and able to create something on this basis.


Do not forget about advertising. At the initial stage, you can use the distribution of leaflets, ads, as well as advertising on the Internet on thematic sites and forums. In addition, free classes contribute to the growth of the client base, as they allow parents to decide whether to make your center or not.

Nothing will lead to your center. more Customers than a demonstration of your abilities and "Sarafan Radio". As an option: Take the participation in any public events with your pupils. Either spend open thematic lesson on playground.

Business plan

Question price

So, we will calculate the starting costs. First of all you will need:

  1. rent a room and perform repairs there ( from 150 thousand rubles),
  2. purchase the necessary equipment ( approximately 200 thousand rubles),
  3. buy toys and consumables ( from 80 thousand rubles).
  4. At the salary administrator, teacher and cleaner you will have to spend about 65 thousand per month,
  5. communal services will cost you approximately 15 thousand rubles.

In total, the first month of your children's center will cost about 510 thousand rubles.


The average cost of the subscription for eight visits is about 2,000 rubles or 250 rubles per visit.

Considering that attendance of the Middle Children's Center, working in two shifts, is thirty people per month, then the average income is 30 * 250 * 30 \u003d 225000 rubles.

Thus, the full payback of the children's developing center comes in about a year.

Nuances of the work of children's development studio

Is it possible to open a children's development center in the apartment?

If you want to save, you can organize your children's center in own apartment. The only drawback of this approach is that, engaging with children at home, due to a small amount of free area you will not be able to take a lot of customers.

Other side of the coin: You may refuse the SES authorities in the issuance of permission.Then either engage with children "underground", or bring everything in line with the instructions of inspectors.

Age categories of children

As a rule, children in educational centers can be divided into three main categories:

  • Kids who still do not go to kindergartenThey can visit your center in the morning.
  • Older children will come to you after 18 hours, as it is at that time they are taken from preschool institutions.
  • Schoolchildren of junior classes - for them you can offer additional classes for foreign language, art lessons.

Opening on franchise

A good option to create your own business is the discovery of the children's center for the franchise. Thus, you will not have problems with customers at the initial stage, since, thanks to the known brand, visitors will trust you. In addition, you will definitely help with methodological materials and educational equipment.

However, for such "courtesy" you have to regularly pay tribute. It is about 15-20%. Well weigh all aspects of such work before agreeing on it.

The Children's Development Center can be a profitable business for its owner. But to lead them a person who does not understand anything in raising children, still not. This is a very difficult industry. The opening such center must necessarily be a little enthusiast of its case.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 540,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 113,730 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 80,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 month (individually).
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains average prices that may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will be detailed business plan A small children's educational center with calculations.

Service description

This business plan provides information regarding the opening of its own developing center for children. It hosts classes for children of preschool and school age. At the same time, the center has not one orientation, but a few that helps to cover most of the population. The entrepreneur is at the same time also director (manager) of his center. The organization does not position itself as a kindergarten, that is, children are not located in the walls of the organization without parents longer than 3 hours, which allows not to introduce into the staff of cooks and nurse.

Market analysis

Today, young parents pay more attention to the development of their children. The approach of kindergartens of them if it is satisfied, then only partially. Therefore, many parents are trying to find some alternative, get extra opportunities from outside. Someone resorts to the use of nanny and tutors. But both of these ways are very expensive.

In addition, for children at any age it is very important to communicate with their peers. This makes it possible to pass the socialization process. The child in the team begins to associate himself with society, look for himself a suitable place for himself. That is why it is very important to give your child the opportunity to communicate.

Today, this problem is more than ever. After all, modern children love soapped gadgets, toys. Many of them forget about how nice to play with their peers in the sandbox.

This is the first argument in favor of the developing center, but not the only one.

In addition, in such center, the child can develop immediately in several directions. For example, engage in drawing, modeling, vocals, development small Motoriki and other things. That is, parents, reducing their child in such an institution, will know which abilities are developing. Moreover, and choose their adults will be able to independently, based on the features and desires of their children.

According to statistics, children aged 6 months have enjoyed the services of developing centers.

American scientists, studying the Russian market of educational centers, found out that even during the crisis, this industry will grow.

Today in Russia there are more than 2 thousand private children's clubs and mini-gardens. Annually records their number. And this is despite the fact that the state pays more attention to the opening of new kindergartens. All this, because such developing centers are not deputy kindergartens, but on the contrary, complement them.

Today there are 3 types of players in this field:

  1. Large franchise chains which have a large number of points, and, consequently, and widely known.
  2. Middle Size Networks . Such players own 5-10 small clubs located in one region, as a rule. They also enjoy a positive reputation and demand in concrete terrain.
  3. Small local players who have 1-2 objects. They are heavier than everyone else to compete on the market.

This type of business is not high. The fact is that it is very dependent on three factors:

  • rental costs;
  • wages of workers;
  • the cost of the services provided.

Do not be sprayed immediately to all kinds of activities. We, to reduce costs, refused to leisure and the concept of a mini-garden. Therefore, you can think about the sublease of the room. For example, with a private kindergarten, which does not work in the evening, or school on the official contract. It will be a great opportunity to save on rental.

Potential consumers: these are active and independent parents under the age of 35, paying attention to the upbringing of their own children. If we talk about social status, then it must be said that most often it will be people with an average wealth and above average.

At the end of the analysis, I would like to bring data on why people refuse to use the services of children's educational centers.

SWOT analysis

Before opening its own developing center for children, it is necessary to carry out a thorough analysis of internal and external factors. Many of them can cause failures. To protect yourself, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the market of this type of service, its region.

External factors can be attributed to:

  1. Capabilities:
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Opportunities to expand their own business.
  • Work in the "useful" sector of the economy.
  • Ability to attract investors to develop their own business.
  • Wide opportunities to attract customers.
  • Support from the state.
  • The possibility of obtaining subsidies to open and develop its own production.
  • Lack of bureaucratization in this field of economy.
  • The increase in demand even during the economic downturn in the country.
  • Low financial barriers to market entry (almost no them).
  • Easy in paperwork.
  • The lack of the need to obtain a license (just for our type of developing center).
  • Strict room requirements and personnel in terms of ensuring the safety of the life and health of children.
  1. Threats:
  • High level competition.
  • Changes in legislation, as a result of which the work of the Center may suspend.
  • Reducing the income level of the population and as a result, decline in demand for services provided.

Do not underestimate and internal factors. Sometimes they play a decisive role, and everything is almost impossible to change everything. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the activities of its developing center. So, internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • It is possible to expand the business, adding new services.
  • The choice is favorable for the work of the territory in terms of competition.
  • The location of the Center on the School territory allows you to attract many parents by means of a sarafined radio and placement of advertising in the school walls.
  • The possibility of establishing cooperation with school teachers.
  • The possibility of increasing the cost.
  • Availability of experience with children from teachers.
  • The presence of courses that improve the qualifications of employees in the center of teachers.
  • The ability to reduce constant costs.
  • The ability to attract parents whose children go to school where classes will be held.
  • No need for repair.
  • No need to purchase furniture.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High responsibility for children.
  • Maybe the lack of personnel motivation.
  • The need to search for staff.
  • Lack of own customer base.
  • Lack of work with children.

Assessment of opportunities

So, as already mentioned above, classes will be held on the school territory after lessons. This makes it possible to seriously save on renting, repairing the premises, because classes correspond to all Sanpins. In addition, you can agree on holding classes with teachers who have extensive experience with children.

When choosing a school, it is important:

  • so that the institution does not work in the second shift;
  • for location to be successful (it is better to choose the city center).

In addition, parents will be with great confidence refer to classes conducted in the educational institution.

So, our institution will work according to the following schedule:

TOTAL: 28 hours a week; 120 hours per month.

To conduct classes, we will rent 2 rooms, each of which will take classes in groups of 8-15 people.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. . We pay state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. OKVED codes can be:
  • 92.51 - Organization of club type institutions;
  • 93.05 - Personal services.
  1. You can use ENVD or. In the second case, two options are possible - UPN "Revenues" of 6% or USN "Revenues minus costs" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/16/2011 N 174 "On approval of the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities":

"Educational activities carried out by conducting one-time classes different species (including lectures, internships, seminars) and not accompanied by the final certification and issuance of documents on education, activities on the maintenance and education of students and pupils carried out without implementation educational programs, as well as individual labor pedagogical activities not subject to licensing».

Consequently, we do not need a license.

  1. Receive permits to the room also do not have to - the school regularly undergoes similar checks. However, during the school year, Rospotrebnadzor may conduct planned inspections that should be informed of the school management.
  2. What is important, and contracts for garbage removal, deratization and others do not have to conclude, because they are all concluded between the school and organizations.
  3. It is worth taking care of renting the premises and to store the necessary accessories for work.
  4. Teachers can not be taken labor book (After all, probably they already have the main place of work), but under the contract. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of such a contract and job descriptions.
  5. It is necessary to develop and contracts with parents whose children will attend establishment. It is better to put payment receipts to them to transfer money. Therefore, better. Yes, and with the school will be calculated by it.
  6. In essence, the CCM will not need.
  7. Do not forget to take care of the presence of a small office for finding the administrator there. It can be quite small and in any of the neighborhoods of the city. After all the main task There will be reception of calls, registration of documentation. If necessary, he will travel to an educational institution.
  8. Do not forget about the presence of medical books in all employees and timely passage of medical examinations.

Marketing Plan.

After we decided on the subject party, you need to think about how to promote your own center. To the most efficient include:

  • Creation and promotion of your own website with parallel maintenance of your own group on social network. At the same time, it is possible to use contextual advertising to promote.
  • Placing information in the school walls. And, as a rule, it is possible to do this completely free. It is worth looking into neighboring institutions - schools, kindergartens.
  • Split ads on nearby houses. After all, it is important for parents that the place of classes is not very far from home.
  • Placing information in local newspapers. Moreover, not only advertising can be placed, but also information about working teachers used by methods, results.
  • Placing information on all sorts of thematic forums of the city, bulletin boards.

It should be noted that the "Sarafan Radio" will play a huge role, because mammies like to share information with each other.

You should not neglect the campaigns at nearby kindergartens - it is better to learn about the planned meetings in advance and come at the right moment in the right place.

Calculation of predicted income

Please note that these are averages. It should be borne in mind that at the beginning the number of children will be significantly less. Summer classes may not be altogether. Be sure to take into account this when calculating your business plan.

Production plan

So, repair does not have to make an entrepreneur, as well as buying furniture. It remains only to register as a private entrepreneur, hire employees and purchase the necessary methodical material. You can include various notebooks, recipe. If we are talking about classes with drawing, you will need consumables For teachers.

As for wages. Teachers are better to establish a piecework wage to motivate them to attract children to the center and conducting high-quality classes.

The administrator can also be established wages as a% of the total income so that it actively worked with the group and sites of the children's center. Conducting meetings, too, you can entrust him or this can also do the entrepreneur. It will work 5 days a week.

The salary will be as follows:

Teachers (10 people) - 50% of the revenue of the conducted classes, including taxes. Total: 270,000 rubles at all. It turns out 27,000 rubles per person, despite the fact that they lead 12 hours a week each.

Administrator: 10 000 rubles + 3% of the total revenue. Total: 10,000 + 540,000 * 0.03 \u003d 26 200 rubles.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 540,000 - 406 200 \u003d 133,800 rubles.
  • Tax (we calculate the USN 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 133 800 * 0.15 \u003d 20,070 rubles.
  • Net profit: 133 800 - 20 070 \u003d 113 730 rubles.
  • Profitability: 113 730/540 000 * 100% \u003d 21.06%.
  • Payback period: 80 800/113 730 \u003d 0.71. Consequently, the project will pay off less than a month. But do not forget that at the beginning the number of visits may be less, and, consequently, the payback period will slightly increase.

At the initial stage, the percentage of attendance can be 30-35%.


Of course, it does not always turn out so rosy as I would like. Therefore, it is very important before the start of work to study the possible risks and try to maximize themselves from them. So, what risks can wait in this area:

Bad location selection.

This factor can lead to low attendance, and, consequently, low yield or even loss. We chose work at school, which significantly reduces the cost of renting the premises and helps as a free advertising platform.

In general, such an option today is practiced by many enterprising novice developing centers. Already then they think about the long-term rental of a separate room.

Possible changes in legislation.

Indeed, it can bring a lot of worries, including to paralyze the center for an indefinite period. It is quite difficult to avoid risk, although the likelihood of his occurrence is not so high today. But you can think about the development of directions that are subject to licensing.

Possible absence of frames.

This factor is the most important thing. No teacher - no process. Therefore, it is very important to search for personnel in advance. It is necessary to think about the development of motivational policy. In our case, it is much easier to solve the problem, because most of the staff will be an employee of the school. For them, these are native walls, and the opportunity to get a very significant additional earnings.

Responsibility for children's health.

No accidents here are unacceptable. Therefore, it is important to carry out instructing with staff, with parents and children.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan for your business. To do this, read articles:

Please finish: We are all people and can make mistakes, something not to take into account, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others seemed incompletely in the section. If you have experience in a particular activity or you saw the defects and you can add an article, please inform in the comments! Only so we will be able to make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thanks for attention!