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Fire alarm equipment. Security and fire alarm system: the concept and its task Security fire devices

Nowadays, modern security systems create comfortable conditions in all areas of human vital activity. One of the key components of such systems is a security and fire alarm. Installation of OPS is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of any object: whether it is a large industrial complex, a shopping center or a country house. Security and fire alarm will help prevent material and human losses when an emergency occurrence.

Infotech LLC is a team of professionals. We provide a high-quality service of the full cycle on the installation of OPS systems: design, installation and maintenance. Our company has everything you need when performing your order: reliable equipment, high-level specialists and rich installation experience such systems. The main goal is the quality work of all the components of the OPS system being created on your facility. For conscientious installation, we are responsible for their reputation.

Design and calculation of fire alarm systems correctly!

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According to the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety, the OPS systems are equipped with almost all public, production and administrative buildings and structures. The system of security and fire alarm system in aggregate with organizational measures helps to quickly localize the focus of ignition, thereby save the lives of people and maintain property. First, consider which tasks the OPS system solves:

1. Rapid location location;
2. Operational alert of people about the danger;
3. Transfer control signals to automatic fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal;
4. Transferring appropriate messages to stakeholders or services.

At the moment, the OPS system is divided into the following types:

1. A non-educational (traditional) fire alarm system;
2. Address and threshold system of fire alarm;
3. Address and analog fire alarm system.

Address and analog systems are divided by mounting type: wired and wireless. Wired systems are considered more reliable, because Do not depend on the effect of frequency interference of the transmitted signal from detectors and control devices.

The structural scheme of the OPS on the example of the equipment of the NVP "BOLID":

Fire alarm system

Consider in more detail each type of fire alarm system. Let's start with the inadessic (traditional) system.

Often non-educational systems are used on small and medium-sized objects. Due to the small amount of equipment, these system data is relatively not expensive. The instruments use a modern digital signal processing algorithm, which makes it possible to significantly increase the reliability of received signals from detectors, and as a result, the likelihood of false alarms is reduced, but it is necessary to consider that detectors working in the non-educational system do not provide a sufficient level of reliability. The principle of operation is approximately following: the receiving-control devices determine the state of the signaling loop along two static states: "norm" and "fire". When forming an "fire" notification detector, the current changes in the signaling loop.

When the criterion for reliability of the alarm message on the object enters on the fore, it is necessary to set a target-threshold or address and analog system. In small and medium-sized objects, it is advisable to use address-threshold systems that combine the benefits of address-analog and traditional systems. The main difference of the address-threshold system of alarm system from non-personal lies in the topology of constructing a scheme and an algorithm for a survey of detectors. The receiving and control device cyclically polls connected fire detectors to determine their condition. At the same time, each detector in the loop has its own unique address and may be already in several static states: "norm", "fire", "malfunction", "Attention", "dusting" and so on. In this case, the detector independently decides on the transition to another state. Unlike traditional systems, a similar survey algorithm allows you to determine the location of the fire with an accuracy of the detector.

To date, address-analog systems are the most progressive and reliable. They have no shortcomings inherent in non-educational and address-threshold systems. More often data systems are used on medium and large objects. The advantages of mounting address and analog systems are obvious: free topology plus the possibility of determining the place of the lines of the lines (with a large length of cable trails it is essential). In such systems, the decision on the status of a protected object receives a control device, not a detector. In the configuration of the receiving and control device, the triggering thresholds ("norm", "attention" and "fire") are specified for each connected address device. This allows you to clearly form fire alarm modes for a particular room. The control device constantly polls the connected detectors and analyzes the obtained values \u200b\u200bby comparing them with the threshold values \u200b\u200bspecified in its configuration. It is desirable to make the topology of the address line to make a ring. It is necessary in order to in the event of a cable track cliff with detectors, the entire system has saved its performance, as it will simply disintegrated into two radial independent loops. All these advantages of the address and analog system ensure the detection of the fire from the early stage and reduce the level of false alarms.

Separately, we note the radio channel systems of the OPS. System data or elements are in demand on those objects where there is no way to pave the wires. A frequently existing security-fire alarm system is complemented in further radio channel elements. Recently, there has been sharp jumps in the level of development of the element base responsible for the transmission and reception of signals by radio channel. Reliability and deadlines for the operation of radio channel systems meet modern requirements for reliability and noise immunity. Installation of the radio channel alarm requires significantly smaller material costs due to the lack of need for laying cable tracks. On the other hand, the value of the radio channel devices themselves above their wired analogs, and the commissioning procedure of the system is more laborious due to the impossibility of accurate calculation of the interference at the object and nonlinear dependence of the signal level in the radio channel from the parameters of the buildings of the building. The cost of servicing the radio channel system is more expensive due to the need to periodically replace batteries.

Fire is a terrible element that takes thousands of lives every year. No less problem is the protection of the property of organizations, enterprises and individuals. To prevent the victims, the death and the embezzlement of material values \u200b\u200bat objects, the means of security and fire alarm or, abbreviated, OPS are installed. With the help of technical and hardware, to prevent and minimize the loss of enterprises and organizations, a security and fire alarm is used. In addition to the timely alert, the fact and time of the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe protected zone is additionally carried out.

Functions of modern OPS:

  • Perimeter security;
  • Warning about the emergence of fire;
  • Call help (alarming function);
  • Warning of some emergency situations in the life support systems of buildings (gas leakage, plumbing, etc.).

Fire alarm installation was prescribed by fire safety law, the installation of security alarms at the facility is most often a mandatory requirement of enterprises providing security services, as well as insurance companies.

Development, design installation and maintenance of the security and fire alarm system of any generation is one of the most demanded services of our company GEFEST Alarm LLC.

Why do you need a security and fire alarm?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the security and fire alarm is the timely alerts of responsible personnel and people who are at the facility, emergency situations, such as the emergence of a fire or a disturbance of the perimeter. This is one of the oldest, efficient and well-proven security complexes.

Combining security and fire alarms into one system caused by purely economic considerations. After all, the security and fire systems have a lot in common other than obvious destination to save lives and property. These are identical communication channels, the processing algorithms coming from information sensors, the flow of anxiety alerts and signals similar to many technical means.

Composition and means of security and fire alarm

The technical means of security and fire alarm are quite diverse. The composition of the modern OPS includes the following means and components.

  • Sensors and alarming detectors, the purpose of which is to respond (automatic trigger) to a specified alarm event. They are infrared, vibration, optical, vibration, etc.
  • Communication lines - wired and wireless, including through the Internet;
  • Reception and control devices (PCP, "Controllers") - the purpose of this OPS tool is to receive and process on specified signaling algorithms of signals coming from sensors and control actuating devices, i.e., turning on and off sensors if they worked falsely, the inclusion of alert and etc.
  • Executive devices - their purpose to perform the specified work. This means - to submit a signal, make a dialing by salvation, activate other systems, for example, fire extinguishing or smoke removal.

Modern security and fire alarm means include complex electronic components, and they are often carried out by the computer, so they also include software.

Varieties of security and fire alarm systems

The varieties of the ops are currently applied quite a lot. According to the principle of operation, they can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • Non-educational (analog) security and fire alarm systems, today are used mainly in small objects, the signal when one sensor is triggered throughout the cable;
  • Address OPS allow you to determine the locations of the ignition or disturbance of the perimeter on communication protocols, there are surveys and non-questionnaires;
  • The combined OPS systems are the most common prices of funds and components due to the versatility.

Employees of Gefest Alarm LLC have extensive experience in the design and installation of systems and fire alarm systems, we can introduce and help to agree on any OPS solutions on the scale of the scale of objects. All necessary tolerances needed to conduct such works, we offer warranty and post-warranty service.

Gi Systems is implemented and installation security and fire devices. Premises of any squares - offices, country houses, industrial facilities - will be protected by reliable equipment.

A properly designed system helps to provide various emergencies on a protected facility, effectively secure property and workers. OPS devices make it possible to track gas leakage, water, the occurrence of fire focus. A pre-installed program is in automatic mode, the command of the Security and Fire Equipment for performing an action (enable Siren, start the water supply, block the crane, etc.).

A special GSM system duplicates alarm signal to a mobile phone, this possibility of alert allows you to remotely manage the situation. While traveling, business trip, the property owner will always be sure of the security of property. Ease of use of the GSM alert system has long appreciated the owners of private households and commercial objects.

Taking advantage of the services of competent specialists, you get confidence in the trouble-free, reliable functioning of the instruments of the OPS. Autonomous devices can be used to protect the object, their goal is to scare attackers, to sign about the penetration of a powerful beep. Autonomous detectors are designed to solve various tasks. Information is removed by motion sensors, window devices, acoustic devices, etc., and then send data to the base unit.

You can order autonomous detectors and other security and fire equipment right now, contact the manager in any form convenient for you.

Fire alarm (PS) is a complex of technical means, the purpose of which to detect fire, smoke or fire and notice a person in a timely manner. The main task of salvation of people's life, minimizing damage caused and preserving property.

It may consist of the following elements:

  • Device receiving-control fire (PPKP) - the brain of the entire system, controls the plumes and sensors, includes and disables the automation (fire extinguishing, smoke removal), manages the alarms and transmits signals to the security console rate or local dispatcher (for example, a security guard);
  • Different types of sensorswhich can react to factors such as smoke, open flame and heat;
  • Fire alarm loop (SC) - This is a link between sensors (detectors) and PPCP. There is no power of sensors on it;
  • Hanging - The device designed to attract attention, there are light - strobe lamps, and sound - sirens.

By the method of control over the loops, the fire alarm is distributed to the following types:

PS Threshold System

It is often called traditional. The principle of operation of this type is based on a change in resistance in the loop of fire alarm systems. Sensors can only be in two physical states. "norm"I. "fire" In the event of fixing the factor of the fire, the sensor changes its internal resistance and the receiving and control device outputs the alarm along the loop in which this sensor is installed. It is not always visually to determine the place of work, because In the threshold systems on one plume, an average of 10-20 fire detectors are installed.

To determine the SC malfunction (and not the state of the sensors), the terminal resistor is used. It is always installed at the end of the loop. When using fire tactics "Traveling PS for two detectors", to receive a signal "Attention" or "Fire probability" In each sensor, the adding resistance is installed. This allows you to apply automatic fire extinguishing systems at the facility and eliminating possible false alarms and damage. Automation of fire extinguishing is launched only in the case of the simultaneous work of two or more detectors.

PPKP "Granit-5"

The following PPCP can be attributed to the threshold type:

  • "Note" series, manufacturer Argus spectrum
  • VERS PC, manufacturer VERS
  • granite series devices, manufacturer of NGO "Siberian Arsenal"
  • SIGNAL-20P, SIGNAL-20M, C2000-4, NPB manufacturer Car and other fire appliances.

The advantages of traditional systems include ease of installation and low cost of equipment. The most significant drawbacks are the inconvenience of the fire alarm service and the high probability of false alarms (resistance may vary from many factors, sensors cannot transmit dust information), reduce the number of which you can only use another type of PS and equipment.

Address and threshold system PS

A more perfect system is capable of automatic mode to periodically check the state of the sensors. In contrast to the threshold alarm, the principle of operation lies in another sensor survey algorithm. Each detector is assigned its own unique address, which allows the receiving-control device to distinguish them and understand the specific reason and the location of the malfunction.

The SP5.13130 \u200b\u200brules set allows you to install only one address detector provided that:

  • PS does not manage fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations or fire alert systems of the 5th type, or other equipment that as a result of the launch can lead to material losses and reduced people's safety;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the fire detector is installed is not more than the area to which this type of sensor is calculated (you can check on the passport of technical documentation on it);
  • the performance of the sensor is monitored and in the case of a malfunction, a "malfunction" signal;
  • It is possible to replace the defective detector, as well as its detection on external indication.

Sensors in the address-threshold alarm can already be several physical states - "norm", "fire", "Malfunction", "Attention", "Dustiness" And others. In this case, the sensor independently goes into a different state, which allows you to determine the location or ignition with an accuracy of the detector.


The following PPKP can be attributed to the address and threshold type of fire alarm:

  • Signal-10, manufacturer of the NPB car;
  • Signal-99, manufacturer promservis-99;
  • Dosor-1M, manufacturer Nita, and other fire appliances.

Address and Analog PS System

The most progressive type of fire alarm. It has the same functionality as address-threshold systems, but differs in the method of processing signals from sensors. Decision on the transition to mode "fire" Or any other state takes the control panel, and not a detector. This allows you to configure fire alarm operation for external factors. The PPCP simultaneously controls the status of the parameters of the installed devices and analyzes the obtained values, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms.

In addition, such systems have no challenging advantage - the ability to apply any topology of the address line - tire, ring and star. For example, in the case of a ring lines break, it will split into two independent wired loops that will fully retain their performance. In a star type lines, you can use special short-circuit insulators that determine the place of the lines of the line or its closure.

Very comfortable such systems in service, because You can detect real-time detectors that require purge or replacement.

The following PPCP can be attributed to the address and analog type of fire alarm.

  • Controller of the two-wire line of the C2000-KDL, the manufacturer of the NPB car;
  • Series of address instruments "Rubezh", manufacturer Rubezh;
  • RPRO 2 and RROP and (depending on the sensors used), the manufacturer of the Argus spectrum;
  • and many other devices and manufacturers.

Diagram of the address and analog fire alarm system based on PPKP C2000-KDL

During the choice of the designer system, all the requirements of the customer's technical task are taken into account and pay attention to the reliability of the functioning, the cost of installation work and the requirements for regulatory service. When the reliability criterion for a simpler system begins to fall, the designers switch to the use of a higher level.

Radio channels are used in cases where the cable laying becomes economically unprofitable. But this option requires more tools for maintenance and maintaining devices in working condition by periodic replacement of batteries.

Classification of fire alarm systems according to GOST R 53325-2012

Types and types of fire alarm systems, as well as their classification is presented in GOST R 53325-2012 "Fire technique. Fire automation technical means. General technical requirements and test methods".

Address and non-educational systems We have already considered higher. Here you can add that the first allow you to install non-educational fire detectors, through special extenders. One address can be connected to eight sensors.

According to the transmitted information from the PPCP to the sensors are divided into:

  • analog;
  • thresholds;
  • combined.

According to the general information container, i.e. The total number of connected devices and loops are divided into devices:

  • low information container (up to 5 shc);
  • medium information container (from 5 to 20 SC);
  • large information container (more than 20 shc).

According to informative, otherwise, according to the possible number of issued notices (fire, malfunction, dustiness and other) are divided into instruments:

  • low informativeness (up to 3 notifications);
  • medium informativeness (from 3 to 5 notifications);
  • large informativeness (from 3 to 5 notifications);

In addition to these parameters, the system is classified by:

  • Physical implementation of communication lines: radio channels, wired, combined and optical fiber;
  • In composition and functionality: without the use of computing equipment, using SVT and the possibility of its use;
  • Control object. Managing various fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal facilities, alert and combined;
  • Expansion opportunities. Unreleased or expandable, allowing installation in a case or a separate connection of additional components.

Types of fire alert systems

The main task of the alert and evacuation management system (SOUD) is the timely alert of people about the fire in order to ensure safety and operational evacuation from the smokers and buildings in a safe area. According to FZ-123 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and SP 3.13130.2009, it is divided into five types.

The first and second type of Sowe

On the majority of small and medium-sized fire safety standards, you must install the first and second type of alert.

At the same time, for the first type, the mandatory presence of a sound bearing is siren. For the second type, the Light Tablo "Exit" is added. Fire alert must work simultaneously in all rooms with a permanent or temporary stay of people.

Third, fourth and fifth Type of Sowe

These types are automated systems, the launch of the alert is fully assigned automation, and the role of a person in managing the system is minimized.

For the third, fourth and fifth type of SUE, the main method of warning is speech. Pre-developed and recorded texts are transmitted, which allow evacuation as efficient as possible.

In the 3rd type Additionally, the "Exit" light pointers is used and the sequence of alert is regulated - first service personnel, and then all the others on a specially designed order.

In the 4th type There is a requirement for the availability of communication with the dispatching inside the alert zone, as well as additional light pointers of the direction of movement. Fifth typeThis includes everything that is listed in the first four, plus this is added to this requirement on the availability of the inclusion of light pointers for each evacuation zone, a full automation of the control system control and the organization of many evacuation paths from each alert zone is provided.