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How to guess the line of life. How to guess the future hand

- This is an oldest science in which the impended things about a person are studying with the help of an individual pattern on the palm. This science was popular at the time of Aristotle, and the very first Scriptures about the Chiromantia came out in 1448 in Germany. Currently, Chiromantia is taught at astrology universities.

Hiromantia is considered one of the industrious branches, with the help of it you can predict the quality of a person, learn about his talents (even hidden) and open the secret over the future of man. Thanks to this information, a person begins to feel more confident and knows that he is waiting ahead.

If you are interested in the science of chiromantia, we will try to help you figure it out. In order to start reading signs, a large number of information is required, it will be enough for the main foundations, so to speak the foundation. But for detailed decryption, a lot of practices and signs are required.

If you want to learn about the character of a person, then you do not need to go far in the chiromantia. The character of a person can be found in the form of his brushes and fingers, will just just look at his hand. Home That this hand is leading.

With the initial inspection, it is necessary to look at the shape of the hand, how long the fingers are their structure, look at the form of a brush, skin condition. For example, if the hand is short and muscles are well developed, it suggests that a person is a man practitioner in front of you. Most likely, he works physically and knows his business.

And if the Kura is long and on the fingers are visible to the articular ligaments, it suggests that a person is engaged in science and a high-intelligent man sits in front of you. You can also find out if this person belongs to art, such people often have thin and long hands, and their fingers have a cone shape. They gradually narrowed to the base of the nail.

As a skin, you can find out the character of a person. If he has rude, it says about a person that he is straightforward in his election. If the hand is cold and thin, then in front of you sits the sink and gentle nature.

If you watch the hands of people, then one fact is easily traced, each person has an individual hand shape. You will never encounter two similar shape hands. If the palm of the person is square, then we can say that the person has a direct and practical character. Palm has a form of a rectangle, then you are imaginary and impressionable person.

The shape of the fingers is an additional factor in the inspection, they can say a little more person. For example, if the fingers are short, most likely opposite you superficial and energetic person. But if you have a long form of your fingers, then this man is Pedantic and persistence prevails in his character. If the fingers of the middle length, then the person does not have a distinctive character trait, they all dominate at the average level.

Main lines

After you examined the hand of a person, you need to start reading the palm, namely the basic lines in the Chiromantia. In the chiromantia there are four main lines, it is:

At the same time, the branch of fate is not found in every person.

Before sessions, you should find out what hand you need, namely, you need to understand what a hand is active, but what passive one. In the Scriptures, these opinions diverge. Someone claims that the active hand is the same person working. For example, if you are left-hand, it means left hand and will be active.

But there is also a theory that the right is always the right, as our life is written on it and the drawing changes throughout the life. Since this hand talks about our personality, as our personality is formed, it is formed a drawing on it.

But the left hand is considered passive, since the drawing on it does not change and is given to us from birth, our fate is shown on this hand. And it is very difficult to change, as it is very difficult. Since the fate of a person is very difficult to change.

There is also a theory that your hand needs to choose, considering who is going to guess. If you read the palm will be a girl, then you need to give my right hand, and if the man then go out on your left hand. But the easiest way will choose the leading hand and do not bother about this.

Heart line

To read and decrypt palm, it is necessary to approach with all seriousness and responsibility. If you are for you this is all a joke and another fun, you will not open the right answers about the fate of a person.

Deciphering the line of the heart, you can learn about the emotionality of a person, it will show how many people are romantic, and you can also find out the state of human health. This branch originates from the edge of the palm at the base of the maiden and goes to the index finger.

Using a heart line can be seen:

  • If the line stops in the middle of the index and middle finger, it says about the person that he is the soul of the company and has an open character. Most likely, he has a large number of acquaintances and no less friends, everything about him very well and heat spoke.
  • If the heart branch is short, the owner of such a hand is very clamped and restrained in the manifestation of emotions, he is also not particularly romantic.
  • If the feature of the heart reaches the middle finger and does not continue further. Then such a person care more about their problem, and not the problems of others.
  • If the strip comes to the index finger, it says about the character of a person. Such people are perfectionists, they also demand from those who surround the desire for perfection.
  • If the heart branch has a long and curve, such a person easily expresses his emotions.
  • If there is a circle on the line, then the person is subject to various depressions and sorrow more than everyone else.
  • If the line is broken, this suggests that the owner had to survive a strong emotional injury.

The next main line is the line of mind or also call her head. With the help of it, you can find out how well the person is developed intellectually and how he uses his intellect.

  • If the lines of the mind of a small size, it says about a person that he rely on logical thinking than on fantasy and imagination.
  • The band has an uneven and curved form - before you is a creative person.
  • Long mind branch - Such a line suggests that a person always brings things to the final and always assembled with his thoughts and focuses on work.
  • If there are circles and crosses on the line, most likely a person had an emotional crisis.
  • The band is directly uniform, such a person rely more on realistic thinking.

With this line, the Homerant can learn about love for himself and his man's life, as he treats his circle of communication and so on.

The people always walked the theory that the life expectancy of a person depends on the length of this line, but this opinion is erroneous. It is for the better, as many people are frightened at the sight of a short line of life, often bring themselves to stressful situations.

There are several basic characteristics:

  • If it is on a decent distance from the thumb, it says about there that a person has a large lifeguard energy, he also developed a good resistance to life.
  • If the band is near with a thumb, it says that a person is not particularly energetic and cheerful. The reason for this is a small amount of vital energy.
  • The line has a short and shameless form - then such a person can easily manipulate. And he often falls under the manipulation of strangers.
  • If a person has several lines of life, then such a person has good health and loves his life very much.
  • There are circles on the line - it talks about various diseases.
  • If she strives for the floor with a circular form, such a person has many enthusiasm and strength to life.

When reading the palm it can be noted that it is not for every person a given band. It begins on the base of the palm and often crosses the mind line and hearts. She ends near the middle finger.

There are several basic characteristics:

  • If this feature is deep - this means that the life of a person under the control of fate.
  • If the strip of fate passes through the line of life, then such a person has good support from parents and other family members.
  • If the line of fate passes the line of life in about the middle, it says about a person that he will not leave his relatives and friends in trouble.
  • If the line of fate in contact with the line of life at the very beginning, then such a person himself creates his fate.
Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

The ability to read fate by hand is a very good talent that, unfortunately, not many people own. Although learning the basics of reading hand is quite simple, our hands are not only lines. The reading of fate arm consists of three parts: Hirognomy (study of the shape of the hands, including fingers and pads), chiromantia (study of palm lines) and dermatoglyphic (learning patterns on the skin and fingerprints). Continue reading this article to learn some of the highest class techniques that can be applied when reading fate by man's hands.



  1. Inspect the shape of your fingers. The normal form of fingers usually coincides with the hand shape. However, most hands represent a mixture of several forms of fingers, which reflects the diversity of talents and characteristics that each individual person possesses. The shape of the nails is also used to determine the shape of the fingers.

    • Square fingers Possess square nails and point to a landed line with respect to the attributes of a certain finger.
    • Pointed fingers Often have nails in the form of almonds and indicate the person's artistic nature.
    • Vopotanovy Fingers have square nails that are expanding at the ends and indicate the ingenuity of a person.
    • Cone-shaped fingers They have oval nails and indicate a well-developed imagination.
    • In the case of mixed forms of fingersIf, for example, the nameless finger of a person is square, then this person has a predisposition to art. But if the same person has a pointed index finger, then his profession, as a rule, will not be treated for art.
    • When it comes to nails, As a rule, long nails indicate a soft nature; Short nails are a sign of unfortunate, paranoid and difficult nature; Wide nails indicate grumpy qualities; Narrow nails are inherent in conservative and exquisite personalities.
  2. Study your fingers for smoothness. The smoothness of the fingers and knuckles is a good indicator in which areas of life a person will have more actively manifest itself. This indicator also affects instinctive, practical and intellectual achievements in the spheres of life, which are symbolized by each individual finger. Middle finger symbolizes services (objectives, restrictions). The index finger symbolizes the authority (position, wealth, happiness). Unnamed finger symbolizes the exercise of conceived (glory, success). Finally, the little finger symbolizes activity (health, mind, commercial projects).

    • If your knuckles are generally smoothYou can manifest a tendency to passivity, you can allow other people to control you, but at the same time, you can be quite impulsive from time to time, which can lead to negligence and frivolous actions.
    • If your upper knuckles are smooth, and the middle have deep wrinkles or skin folds, then your intelligence and practicality are well combined with each other. Strong instinctive attraction is a sign of well-developed bones.
    • Fleshiness of the pillies of fingers, as well as their plane level Indicates good development (or its absence) in relation to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well-developed round finger pads Indicate to strong intelligence and curiosity. Flat pads indicate the absence of intelligent insight with the attributes of each finger.
  3. Examine the distance between your fingers. It is also important to notice what the fingers are from each other. Relaxing your hand, inspect your fingers and mark how some fingers are at a distance from other fingers, and some are close to neighboring fingers.

    • Independent mind It is indicated if your little finger is located separately from the nameless finger, at a fairly long distance.
    • Life associated with art, It is shown when the ring finger closely adjoins the middle finger. Your fate will also help your success.
    • If your middle and index fingers are close to each otherThis indicates that you will achieve an authority and a high official position through your own goals and dreams. If these fingers are removed from each other, other factors will affect your position.
  4. Examine the structure of the fingers. The structure and thickness of the fingers can indicate the traits of the character of a person.

    • Heavy fingers Usually indicate physical nature, which may have a hard view of the world.
    • Long and thin fingers Indicate on a more emotional and aggressive person, so this person can be very sensitive to insults and can take sarcasm literally.
    • Short and thick fingers Indicate emotionally comfortable.
    • If your index finger Longly normal length, then you may have a tendency to leadership and control over other people. If he is shorter than normal length, then you prefer to keep behind and allow other people to control you.
  5. Examine the length of the fingers. The length of the fingers is measured relative to the length of your palm. On average, the longest finger should be about seven-eighth of the palm length, and if it is as long as the palm, your fingers are considered long. Short fingers are shorter than seven-eighth palm length. An index finger, however, should get to a third of the nail of the middle finger. Annament finger, as a rule, takes out a little higher than the nail of the middle finger, and the little finger should get to the upper knuckles of the nameless finger.

    • If your ring finger Longly the usual length, then you may have a talent in the field of arts, but at the same time, it indicates a reckless and wild character.
    • If your Mysinets In short, the usual length, then you can not affect other people. If it is longer, then you are eloquent and know how to write well and sell.


    1. Read the health line. Health Line describes the material and physical well-being of a person, especially if the line of life manifests itself on the hand very flexible and it is difficult to see. If a person has weak lines of fame, fate and success, then the health line also plays a big role in the formation of material well-being. Line of health reaches from the basis of the maiden, down through the palm to the basis of the thumb. Sometimes she can coincide with the line of life.

      • Absent - Most likely, you practically will not have health problems.
      • Deep and continuous - Good business qualities, as well as the ability to work hard and make money.
      • Wavy - Potential health problems due to nervousness and anxiety.
      • Interrupted - Poor health will lead to problems in business.
      • Small lines cross the health line - predisposition to accidents.
      • Additional lines move to life line - Sign of life-threatening situation in old age.
      • Square around the line - Symbol of protection, whether it is good medical care or help in resolving problems in business.
      • Donkey-shaped - The need for hospitalization.
      • Triangle formed lines of life, head and health - Known as a happy triangle, in which the width of the angle is directly proportional to the level of successfulness of man.
    2. Read the fame line. The line of glory supports the line of fate. The line of glory affects social rewards from success. This line, if visible, begins at the base of the hand and stretches up to the base of the nameless finger parallel to the fate line.

      • Absent - The future glory of a person is hidden in other areas of hand; This person can be successful, but will prefer not to shine with his success before the public.
      • Deep and clear - the difference and satisfaction with the work in your life.
      • Periodically broke out - Indicates lifts and falls in public recognition.
      • Stretches straight to the nameless finger - It is very possible than fame in art.
      • Begins at the head line and runs through the heart line - Hardware and late success in life.
      • Separation at the end of the fame line (transformation into two small lines) - Success may be dubious in meaning.
      • Ends under the nameless fingers in the form of a star or triangle - Brilliant success in the field of arts (acting skills, singing, dancing).
      • Ends under the nameless fingers in the form of a square - Friendly patron.
    3. Read the marriage line. Relationships are described by a small line (or lines) located immediately under the foundation of the mother's. The closer these lines are located to the grounds of the maiden, the later in the life of a person these relationships will occur.

      • Several light lines - novels.
      • Deep and clear lines - marriage.
      • Many intersecting lines - Love connections on the side.
      • Lines that meet, but do not intersect - Children born from connections on the side.
      • Branching at the beginning to the back of the hand - Long collapse.
      • Branch at the end towards palm - parting (divorce or without it).
      • Line at the end that sharply cuts the line of marriage - End of relationships due to death or divorce.
      • Breaks that reunite with the intersection - Parting with subsequent reunion.
    4. These lines are the main indicators of travel and trips that you do during your life, and which will have a piercing influence on your life. These lines, as a rule, begin at the edge of the hand opposite to the thumb, and stretch horizontally.
      • Crossing with Line Line - Travel that will be provoked to your health, or the journey will affect your health.
      • Intersecting lines of travel - Danger or problem while traveling.
      • Lines are enclosed in square - Symbol of protection in your travels.
      • Breaks - Possible arrests on travel.
      • Crossing with a line of fate - Travel will change your life.
    5. Read small lines. Small (or insignificant) lines can be detected on most hands. These include opposition lines, intuition, escape and influence.

      • Opposition lines: These lines can be detected on the outside of the palm, between the heart and head line. These lines indicate the forces of the opposition with whom you will have to face in life.
      • Intuition line: This line is on the outside of the palm (at the bottom of the palm under the mother's). It indicates a strong intuition. If you have this line, you are extremely sensitive and intuitive man and can even have extrasensory perception. The line can bend into palm or to its edge, but it does not change it from this.
      • Eugene line: This line is located near the bottom of the palm. It often crosses the line of life, and this intersection symbolizes the time in your life when you encounter a predicted event. The escape line indicates a person who avoids the problems in his life, indulging in his imagination. If it connects to the line of glory, then this person will give up art to find peace. If it crosses the health line, then this person will develop alcohol or drug addiction. It may also foresee suicide.
      • Influence lines: These lines begin at the base of the thumb and extend to the palm. The intersection of these lines with other lines symbolize important events. Such elegant influence lines are those lines that indicate how and where a person gets rich if they crossed the line of money.

Human fate is encrypted with each of us on the palm. And this is not mystic at all, but the real science, which in the XV century even taught in the best universities in Europe. At the same time, the first book was published in Germany, in which it was described in detail what chiromantia and how to guess hand. In this article we briefly describe the system divination by hand with photos.

Up to today, discussions are being conducted as to what the chiromantia is. Some believe that this is another way of charlatans who promise to predict the future to man, lure money from people. Others are deeply convinced that chiromantia is a real science, although unrecognized.

The first chiromant can be considered Aristotle. It was he who began to explore why different patterns and cobwebs were rapidly scattered on human palms. The scientist concluded that in all this there is a unambiguous hidden meaning. It is in them an individual feature of every person, which can be learned if you figure it out in the value of lines on the palms.

Proved this theory of William John Warner, who studied the chiromantia from the Indian sage. He had already managed to predict his destiny at 13, as well as the future of France, England and Russia. Historians show that Warner warned that the royal family of Romanov was waiting for a fall.

The foundations of the chiromantia are not something incomprehensible. Everyone, if desired, can learn to predict any events in his life. Perhaps knowledge of the chiromantia can help people quickly know themselves, their hidden abilities and talents. If you are a person who is accustomed to self-improvement, constantly develop, then you'd better get acquainted with values \u200b\u200bof lines on hand to learn to guess yourself and your loved ones.

What is your hand to guess for the future?

According to the laws of the Hiromantia, to get a complete picture of the past, present and future human life, you need to guess at both palms at the same time. However, there are a couple of small nuances:

  1. If you have active hand is right, then it is necessary to guessby her palm. The right hand will tell you what is waiting for you in the future. Your left hand will tell the chiromant, what was your past.
  2. If you are left-hand, then, accordingly, you need to guess on your left handTo learn about the events that should be expected in the near future. The right hand of Lehshi will lead the chirromant about the path, which had to go in the near past.

Divorcing on the palm of hand: how to determine the character of a person?

Just looking at the shape of the human palm, it is possible to determine its character. Guessing hand, chiromant It is easy to determine what type of personality is a person standing in front of him:

  1. If he has a wide square palm with the same fingers, rough skin of reddish color, then he belongs to the element "Earth". Such people have pronounced the following characteristics:
  • stubbornness
  • practicality
  • a responsibility

Representatives of the elements "Earth" prefer to perform manual work. They are crazy materialists. Remeasure them in anything impossible. They adhere to only their point of view, which is considered the only true.

  1. People with palm, in shape resembling a square or rectangle, and short fingers treat the elements of "fire". They act in everything, guided by instincts and emotions. People "Fire" are inherent in:
  • spontaneity
  • enthusiasm
  • optimism
  • impulsiveness
  • egoism
  • courage
  1. People with square or rectangular palms, with long fingers, on which knuckles, dry skin, relate to the elements of "air". They adhere to extreme radical views in everything. The main features of the character of people "air" include:
  • sociability
  • wit
  • pettiness
  • malice
  1. People, the palms of which have a long oblong shape with beautiful conic fingers, belong to the elements of "water". These are creative calm personalities who are inherent in the following character traits:
  • insight
  • sympathy
  • emotionic

You can also define some of the tendency and predisposition of a person to something. If you bend a little palm, pressing all my fingers close to each other, "hills" are formed under them, each of which has its own designation:

  1. The presence of Venus Budnon "Venus" speaks of a man's desire primarily always to fulfill its desires, whatever they are. If "Venus" is not at all, this means that a person does not want to live a family life, because it is not adapted to this.
  2. The pronounced buccourt "Jupiter" on the palm of the palm shows that a person loves himself too, I got used to everything first. If this holmik is not at all, this indicates the lack of self-confidence in humans.
  3. A clearly formed the "Saturn" in the palm of his palm talks about the tendency of man to the depressive state. The absence of such a tubercle indicates that the personality is characteristic of scattered and disadvantage.
  4. People who have a very developed videos of the "Sun" are very developed, belong to the number of proud and hot-tempered. Those who have no such a tubercle on hand, consider people with poorly developed imagination.
  5. People with vividly expressed on the palm of Mercury hill are talking too much in life, but do little. And those who do not have such a tubercle inherent excessive shyness.

Divination by hand: What do the main lines on the palm?

Now we will tell novice chiromers, how to guess hand on the main lines. In the chiromantia there are only 4 of them:

  1. Heart line - highlighted in red in the picture:
  • starting line under the index finger speaks of human satisfaction by what is happening on his love front;
  • starting line below the base of the middle finger indicates a person's tendency to exercise selfishness in relationships;
  • starting line in the middle of the palm, testifies to the absence of a person of the second half, because he has a very surviving nature;
  • a short and wavy heart line indicates a person's indifference to romantic feelings and relationships;
  • intersecting or closely located in relation to life the line of the heart speaks of an excessive vanity of man;
  • straight and parallel with the head line of the Heart Line indicates the ability to man to control his emotions;
  • binding in any place the line indicates that he has suffered a serious emotional shock.

  1. Head line - highlighted in blue in the picture:
  • a short line indicates a person's love to physical exertion, and not to mental;
  • a slightly curved line indicates that a person's personality is creative, he is in an extraordinary and very creative;
  • the contacting line of the head with a line of life speaks of a person's tendency to constant travel and wanders;
  • a winding head of the head indicates inability to focus on something;
  • a long and fairly deep line of the head - a person is very competent, he has a clear mind and a clear idea of \u200b\u200blife;
  • straight, but not a deep head line speaks about the straightness of the person relating to the life of purely realistic;
  • crossed by another line The head of the head speaks of an emotional crisis that a person experienced;
  • binding in any place the line of the head indicates the inconsistency of a person in his thoughts.

  1. Life line - highlighted in green in the picture. Her length is in no way connected with the number of years allotted by a person. Divination by hand through life Explains at what high-quality level a person lives:
  • located very closely towards the thumb line indicates a person's fatigue from the circumstances in which he has to survive;
  • a wide or semicircle-located line indicates the completeness of strength and vital energy;
  • a long and clearly pronounced line means the will to life in a person, his ability to leave any situation is unharmed;
  • a short and barely noticeable line means that a person can be a "puppet" in the hands of people, whose character is stronger;
  • crossing the entire palm line of life means human caution in any relationship;
  • having a rupture line means the resulting cardinal changes in life.

  1. Line of Fate - highlighted with orange color in the picture. Note that divination by hand does not predict fatewhich cannot be changed. You can view only some trends that a person can be guided by decision-making:
  • a pronounced and very deep line of fate means that a person is guided only by the will of fate, and does not take anything himself;
  • having broken line indicates a person's tendency to change its life under the influence of external circumstances;
  • the line of fate associated with the line of life initially speaks of the identity of a person who manifests itself at an early age;
  • if the line comes into contact with the other in the middle of the palm, this indicates a person's ability to sacrifice its own interests for the sake of other people;
  • the starting line at the base of the thumb, intersecting, in addition, the line of life means that a person is provided with extensive support from his relatives and close people.

Divination on hand on extra lines

Human palms are raised not only by the main lines. Homorates allocate some more significant lines responsible for questions that interest us most often:

  • That divination by hand shows relative how many marriages will be
  • As shown on the palm, how many children will be
  • Will a person be rich or he is doomed to poverty

Here is how these lines are located on the palm of hand:

  1. Line attachment, if a guess hand determines the number of possible marriagesin which a person can consist. Over it is located vertical small lines - long and short. Their number determines the possible number of children in humans. The chiromers argue that short vertical dashs indicate that daughter will be born, and the long that the boy is born.
  2. Travel line - It is not all of all, but only those who are constantly in the road, whose life is changing fleeting.
  3. Money line:
  • completing under the hill "Jupiter" means the ability to receive big money under the condition of career growth;
  • covering under the hill "Saturn" means that a person is very hard for money, the rich of him to become extremely difficult;
  • covering on the Hill "Apollo" speaks of the luckyness of a person, the money goes into his hands easily (as a win or find);
  • completing under the hill "Mercury" denotes a person's ability to become wealthy, provided that it will connect his life with mental activity.

  1. Intuition line -her presence shows if a person has a sixth sense or not.

Foreign by hand on loveGood luck, fate is a very exciting process. But do not forget that the human life is completely dependent on its humble actions and decisions, and not from what is destined to the palm. Live, leaning not on rock, but on your own aspirations and desires.

Video: "Divination by hand"

Hiromantia with clarifications will help you comprehend the sacraments that are hidden in the palm lines. In this article, you will not meet with complex terms and can learn everything you need about this mystical science in simple words to begin to understand it better.

In the article:

Chiromantia with clarifications - where to start

Practical chiromantia - uthat is not only the palate of extensive theories, but also quite working methods. Using them, you can learn about the fate of a person, just looking at his palm. Including, you read and your destiny. Everyone sometimes wants to know that it is waiting for him in the future! In order to learn how to read lines on your hand, you need to practice. But in the study of any subject you need to start with something. For such purposes, this material is perfect.

What you need to know the novice chiromant? Any knowledge is responsible. In this case, the responsibility for the words. For the words you say to another person. After all, you know his future, and he is not. Perhaps inside you will appear temptation somehow adjust its fate. Not to say what you saw. Distorting the truth, adjust the truth. But do not forget that by doing so, you can affect not only him, but also on yourself. Who knows how the future turns?

But for a start, it is enough to analyze the facts obtained from the drawing of the lines on the hand. In order to become a professional, you need not only to know how to decipher the lines on the palm of your hand, but you will have to start. The rest of the knowledge will come to you with experience, do not worry. The main thing is to take the first step, and the rest will apply.

How to find out the future hand

Here we will deal with the main issue - how to find out the future by hand. The future, both in life and palms, is made up of many factors. You need to study both hands, drawing of all lines, collect all the facts available and only then draw up your opinion. Ask what a hand lead. Rightst man, or left-handed. Then, with experience, you can define it yourself, but first you have to ask.

On the driving hand, you can find out the future and the present person. What awaits it, what experiences will be raised in it now. Also on an active hand, the other side of the individual, which is visible to everyone. What is he in humans? By passive - those factors that are laid on it at birth. Character, hobbies, internal experiences and emotions. What is not visible to people who surround it.

What is the sequence of hand inspection? How to guess the hand? First look at the outside of the palm. Determine its size, and the type to which it relates. Then look at the length and. They are a big storehouse of personality information, you just need to be able to extract it. Determine the landing of the fingers, the length and shape of the phalange. Evalnamed factor - how flexible they are. How and in what direction are flex? And most importantly - what finger is longer and how much?

Then proceed to examine the palm. Here we, to the lines, are interested in the number and size of tubercles, convexities. They are shifted? Or maybe they are not there where they should be? At first, such things will have to record, but with experience you will just just remember them. Check the skin on softness. How well is the color, which shades are dominated. Remember (or quickly sketch) the shape and size of pigment stains and moles. It is still worth viewing the nails, but it is a lot of experienced chiromants, so far to omit this moment.

What will help learn a big finger?

But most importantly - inspect the thumb. He can say the commander of the whole palm. According to it, its shape and size, determine the power of will, the type of logic and much more.

The first stage of analysis is completed. At the collected factors, it is possible to determine human health, its character and inclinations. Analyze them and you can make the first opinion about the present person. Any wounds, stains will help you with this. Hands - conductor of the inner strength. It is with the help of hands a man creates, embodying his internally in the real world. Hand analysis, chiromantia inseparable concepts. Without one, it will not be possible to become a professional in another.

What do the lines tell on the palm

In this section we will describe in detail what they say lines on palm. It is important to explore the chiromantia in pictures, because it is impossible to clearly explain to the words where the line is located. Interpretation of lines on the palm is best started in a certain sequence. A professional chiromant can do as it is more convenient, but at the beginning of its path it is better to follow the given sequence. What would not get confused and do not miss something important.

Line on hand

Life line. Life life that can be seen by it is stipulated by a natural duration. That is, the line of life does not say that a person will die by, or in case of an accident. In addition, you can judge the character. If the line of life is intermittent, or goes in the form of points, then a person is likely to be fused. Especially if the skin of the palm is soft. At the expense of the longer life - depending on the length and strength of the line itself. If she reaches the edge of the palm, then the person is released about 70 years, sometimes more.

She should pay maximum attention. It is most important when reading the fate of a person. A straight line that can be easily disassembled, talks about the logical warehouse of the mind. Man is practical as much as possible. Creative person distinguishes the fact that the head of the head begins to bend downwards towards the wrist. Short, barely reaching the middle of the palm line of the head means a poor imagination.

Interesting fact

Responsible for the emotional state of a person. It can be told about the state of the human soul. The fact that and how much will oppress it. You can still say about the presence of heart disease, which indirectly affects the life expectancy. This line is important for creative people. They will have a clear, almost straight. It can be easily viewed on the palm.

These are the three main lines for which you can learn about the most important thing about a person. His life expectancy, much better to send him its energy (along the head of the head) and how to act further. The rest of the lines - the lot of professionals, until you learn how to work with these three.

In the Hiromantia, there are the concepts of "active hand" and "passive hand." Active hand is most often the hand that you write, respectively passive - the other. The passive hand is responsible for hereditary signs, for the fact that genetically laid is laid, and active - shows those changes that will happen to you during life.
2. Find 4 main lines. These include:

1. Heart line;
2. Line of the mind;
3. Life line;
4. The line of fate (it is not all).
3. Interpret the heart line.
This line can be read in any direction: from the maizin to the index finger or vice versa. The heart line reflects emotional stability, love prospects, depression and heart health. It happens the following types:

If the line of life begins under the index finger - unlucky love relationships;
Starts under the middle finger - you are selfish in love relationships;
begins in the middle of the palm - you are easily falling in love;
Direct and short - you have no interest in romance;
Touching the line of life - you can easily break the heart;
Long and wide - you easily express your emotions and feelings;
Direct and runs parallel to the mind lines - you are well controlled by emotions;
Wavy - many relationships and lovers, lack of serious stable relationship;
Circles on the line of the heart denote depression;
If there are gaps on the heart line - these are emotional injuries;
Little strips crossing the heart line also designate emotional injuries.
4. Interpret the mind line.
This line shows your learning style, your communication style, intelligence and thirst for knowledge. The curved mind line says that you are a creative and immediate personality, and the straight line speaks of your practicality and a structural approach. May be the following types:

Short line of mind - you prefer physical, not intellectual activity;
The curved line - says that you are a creative person;
Not in contact with the line of life - you are prone to adventure, you have a thirst for life;
Wavy line - it is difficult for you to concentrate attention;
A pronounced and long line - you have clear and clear thinking;
Straight line - you realist;
Points or crosses on the line show emotional crises;
If the mind line is interrupted - you have inconsistent thinking;
Several crosses nearby crossing the mind line - it is necessary to accept important decisions.
5. Interpret Line Line.
This line begins near the thumb and on the arc goes to the wrist. It reflects physical health, overall health and large changes in life (for example, disaster, physical injuries, moving). Length Lifeline does not show the duration of your life.

It takes close to the thumb - you are often tired;
Wavy - in you a lot of energy;
pronounced and valley - you have a lot of vitality;
Short and little pronounced - you can easily manipulate;
describes a semicircle - you are strong and full of enthusiasm;
straight and passes close to the edge of the palm - you are very careful in relationships;
Several lines of life are a huge stock of vitality;
Circles on the line of life show severe injuries;
If the line of life is interrupted - this means a sharp change of lifestyle.
6. Interpret the line of fate.
This line shows how much the external factors that you cannot change cannot be influenced. The line comes from the bottom of the palm.

Pronounced - fate controls all your life;
Interrupted and changes the direction - your life will often change under the influence of external factors;
It comes from the line of life - you yourself do your destiny;
It comes into contact with the line of life in about the middle - shows the point in which you must put the interests of their interests above;
It comes from the base of the thumb and crosses the line of life - your family and friends provide you with great support.
7. Examine other important lines on your palm.
In addition to the main four lines (hearts, mind, life and fate) there are several more lines to pay attention to.

Health line. (Health Line). It reflects your material and physical well-being. This is especially true if the line is weakly expressed, and it is difficult to see it. If a person is very poorly expressed in the lines of fate and glory, then the health line plays an important role in determining material well-being. The health line begins under the little finger and moves down along the palm to the base of the thumb. Sometimes she can touch the line of life. Health Line may have the following form:
Explicit and continuous - a strong entrepreneurial note, as well as the ability to work hard and make money;
If there is no health line, then the person will have very little (or there will be no health) health problems;
Wavy - problems with health due to excessive concern and nervousness $
interrupted - health problems will prevent your career;
It is crossed by small lines - predisposition to accidents;
It comes out of several lines that cross the line of life - there are situations that threaten life in old age;
There are several squares around the line - these are protection signs, they show or good medical care or help in solving business problems;
Gap on the line in the form of a semicircle - you have serious health problems;
Health Line, the line of mind and the line of life form a triangle - this phenomenon is called a "happy triangle", it means a big luck in your life.
Line of glory. (FAME LINE). It enhances the line of fate and affects social success. It, if it can be distinguished, begins at the bottom of the palm and runs parallel to the lines of fate to the nameless finger.
If it is missing - the glory should be sown on other fields of the palm, it is possible and without it to be successful, but already, most likely, without social recognition.
Clear and pronounced - satisfaction with their work;
sharply interrupted - shows the possibility of takeoffs and fall in public recognition;
passes straight to the nameless finger - you will probably find your vocation in art;
It comes from the mind line and ends in the line of the heart - you have to have hard work and success at the end of life;
At the end, it is divided into two lines - your success can be very dubious;
ends with an asterisk or a triangle under a nameless finger - a stunning success in acting skills, singing, dance;
Ends in a square under a nameless finger - you have a friendly mentor.
Marriage line. (Marriage Line). Relationships are determined by a small line (or lines) just below the bowel base. The closer these lines to the grounds of the mother's, the later in life they will occur.
Small lines show love relationships;
Clear and pronounced lines show marriages;
lines that come into contact, but do not intersect, show your children;
Branching, which begins closer to the back of the palm - a long engagement;
Branch at the end of the marriage line - parting (or divorce);
A line that across the marriage line is divorce or the death of a beloved;
If the line is interrupted, but then it is resumed - parting followed by reunification.
Money line. (Money Line). This line is not direct evidence of material wealth, but it shows that a person can seek him, and shows the way to do it.
The line that comes from the base of the thumb, which ends with an asterisk under the index finger - you have congenital talent for making money;
The line coming from the base of the thumb to the little finger is wealth, obtained by inheritance or thanks to family relations;
The line emanating from the base of the thumb and ending under middle fingers - money earned by his own business;
The line that goes to the wintless finger and crossing the line of fate - the money obtained unexpectedly or by chance.
Lines of moving. (Travel Lines). These lines are the main indicator of important movements that or will have a strong impact on your life. They can also show your desire to travel. The crossing lines usually oppose the opposite thumb opposite and go horizontally along the palm.
If they cross the line of life - the cause of the trip will be your health, or your health will depend on this trip;
If the crossing lines intersect with each other - danger or problems during the trip;
Squares around moving lines mean that you are protected during trips;
If the crossing line is interrupted - the trip may be postponed;
If it crosses the line of fate - this trip will change your life.
8. Interpret the mining lines.
The secondary lines are on the palms of almost all people.

Intuition line. (Lines of intumption). This line comes from the base of the maiden and ends at the base of the palm. If you have this line, then you have a very developed intuition, sensitivity and may have extrasensory abilities. The point on the intuition line warns against occupations associated with predictions, prophecies, telepathy, forecasts in astrology, chiromantia, etc.
Line of influence. (Lines of Influence). This line begins under the thumb and goes on an arc down to the bottom of the palm. Where it intersects with other lines is a sign of some important event. Many people look at where the line of influence crosses with the line of money to know how and where you can earn.
Escapism line. (Line of Escape). This line is located at the bottom of the palm, almost at its base. It often crosses the line of life, which shows that period of life in which you will come across this condition. Escapism - the individualistic-consecutive desire of a person to get away from the gloomy reality into the world of illusions. If it intersects with the line of glory, then a person can fully immerse themselves in his creative activity. If this line intersects with a line of life, then a person may abuse drugs or alcohol. It may also indicate a tendency to suicide.
Resistance line. (Line of Opposition). These lines are between the line of mind and the heart line. They show the forces that everyone in life has to resist.