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What is brandbook and where to take it? Brandbook Company as standard of corporate style

    This article lacks references to sources of information. Information must be checked, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia

    Corporate style (or corporate identity) Set of graphic forms and principles of construction combined by one idea, the main task of which to highlight the company among themselves similar, and create a recognizable image in the eyes of consumers. Corporate ... ... Wikipedia

    manual for the application and use of corporate identity - BrandBook Guide is a set of uniform brand definition rules, its attributes and regulates its use in different situations (includes all the basic rules on the use of brand and elements of the image of games, colors, ... ... Technical translator directory

    This term has other values, see Ruby (values). Rubin ... Wikipedia

    This term has other values, see brand (values). Request "Brand" is redirected here; See also other values. This article or ... Wikipedia

    Brandbook (BrandBook) Documented Development Rules and Fundamental Brand Identification. BrandBook is always considered not as a separate document, but as an integral component of a package of documents on a trademark, where in the obligatory ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 64 ° 31'44 "s. sh. 40 ° 32'57 "in. d. / 64.528889 ° С. W ... Wikipedia

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The importance of developing a single corporate identity is more and more understanding in entrepreneurs. The company's awareness of corporate symbolism, colors, the logo brings real profits. In order not to rely in case, it is necessary to thoroughly work out all describe the technique and clearly designate when, where and how to serve it. To do this, you need a brandbook. This is a kind of development and implementation instructions. corporate style.

What is brandbook

IN literal translation The term "brandbook" means the brand book. which reflects the main features of the corporate identity. Usually boots are published as a printed catalog. It has information about the company itself, its mission, values \u200b\u200band the idea. Then in the booklet presents samples of logos, and they are fed in several versions (on different scale, color, black and white).

The brandbook is a collection of elements of the company's recognizable style with clear descriptions of each part (from the logo to business card), indicating ways to promote and popularize the brand. As a rule, companies produce very detailed and colorful editions, some of which are high-art samples.

Structure of the book Brand

So in your beech must be three (conditional) section:

  • In the first section, place the information general character About the company itself, its values, the idea she promotes. Here you need to mention the circle of persons involved in the development of corporate style. Explain how certain elements of the style will be built when working with consumers, partners and employees of the company.
  • The second part is dedicated to the main provisions of the construction and application of the visual series of the brand. Corporate colors are prescribed, elements for which your company will identify (find out).
  • The third section provides information about the use of corporate identity elements on advertising media. You clearly designate exactly how your corporate style should be reflected in the commercial, on business cards, in outdoor advertising, on the Internet.

Of course, the creation of a brandbook is a creative process. And its structure in the end can differ much from the above. Sections can not clearly view, on the first, inexperienced look in the colorful edition will not be the information you expect to see there.

But if you closely examine the proposed guide to the company "identification", you will see that key provisions for creating a storage facility of the company are reflected in its content.

Thus, the brandbook is a set of forms, methods and means to develop and popularize the brand. These are instructions on promotional promotion. Marketing strategy for client binding (consumer) to a specific image. That is, all the elements of the brandbook are aimed at streamlining and systematize the technique of applying corporate identity elements. When working with partners or customers, you will be sure that you will be recognized literally for one detail.

Of course, you do not need to forget about the quality of the brand. The beautiful facade should have a durable and reliable building. Your product must be a quality benchmark. Otherwise, all your efforts on the visualization of the brand will turn around that it will begin to respond negatively to your symbolism by tying it with a bad product or services.

On the importance of logo

Development of the brandbook is unthinkable without should fade all the elements of the corporate style. In general terms, the logo is a special drawing of the name of the company, often accompanied by a kind of conditional sign.

It is important to accommodately approach such a visual incarnation of your company. The logo reflects your individuality, bad if it will turn around appearance With a logo of another company. You do not need confusion? Yes, and the trials of joy will not add. And they will, if another organization decides that you used them from corporate symbolism.

When creating a logo, avoid any negative associations. It is better to repel from the details carrying a positive charge. Either perform the logo in the neutral key.

The abundance of nuances in the development of the logo will require unsalvous knowledge and talents from you. Therefore, it is better to entrust this business to professionals.

Elements of corporate identity

But the company's image is not limited to the logo. Other elements should also be placed in your brandbook. Corporate identity is your business cards, notepads, calendars, envelopes, office, blanks.

Only then the development of a corporate image is considered a holistic when your employees learn from the same business cards performed in a single style. When your partners and customers receive letters on branded books, in envelopes decorated with a familiar logo. When your employees use corporate office.

Branded folders, discs, flash drives, diaries and schedulers, even branded key chains - their descriptions must be in the brand guide. From these low-challenging strokes is the image of your organization.

Stages of development

Brandbook manufacturing is not a minute matter. Only in the process of discussion, the information and approval of various positions is born a really clear, understandable set of rules for promoting branded image.

No need to order a brand guide to rely only on third-party specialists. You must independently conduct marketing research on the positioning of your company.

Highlight the main features inherent in you. Give your company with human features: goodwill, responsiveness, reliability, pleased. Think out how these features will be reflected in the elements of your style.

Do not forget about long-term planning. Imagine how your brand is perceived. And this will already depend on what mission you launch into it. Consumers, employees and partners should not just recognize you, and immediately determine the principles you follow and broadcast.

Who is developing

If we talk about who exactly should create a brandbook, then there are two ways.

You can assemble the department under your wing, which will deal with issues of creating and promoting corporate identity. In this department, it is necessary to have analysts, marketers, pateurs, designers.

You can do somewhat differently. Analytical part to develop themselves. But everything else is entrusted to professionals that the dog ate on creating brand guidebooks. You are only discussing, bring the brandbook amendments. The sample obtained at the exit, you are thoroughly evaluated and approved with a favorable outcome.

And in the other option there are posses and their cons. In the first case, you need to collect professionals, and it is not a fact that you will continue to need their services. In the second situation, you need to evaluate the quality of third-party services. Remember that a good brandbook will not cost cheaply.


A colorful album should not be another element of the decor in the head office. Brandbook is a working tool. It serves so that you are planningly implemented his position in life.

When conducting advertising companyWhen concluding long-term partnerships, use positions from your company book. Cooperation will be more efficient if you provide your brandbook (PDF format) to familiarize yourself.

Partners will be easier to figure out the basic principles that you have laid in your image. They will be aware of how correctly use your logo, how to depict it in print editions, in electronic resources, on the Internet. You will not have a misunderstanding with the release of branded blanks, business cards, flyers, booklets.

The brandbook is a document in which all the basic principles and values \u200b\u200bof the company are collected and systematized, as well as the basic principles of its design. It is important that the brandbook does not consist only of the description of the company's corporate identity.

The corporate identity, as the embodiment of the visual concept of the brand - this product is still secondary in relation to such as the mission, the essence of the brand, vision, value of the company, etc.

And designers about it often simply do not know. What affects the quality of their work. Which, firstly, becomes cut off from the company: Designer developments are conducted without basic principles and ideas forming the company's features. Secondly, brandbooks consisting only of pictures appear. They have no justification for the results obtained (layouts, templates, schemes, etc.). Such brandbooks are empty and languid, because anything is not based on anything and can come up.

Why do you need brandbook

Brandbook created correctly - result long work Companies and agencies on the development and design of the platform of the brand and the wording of basic values \u200b\u200band principles. Brandbook is needed primarily in order for the company itself realized than it is (and what it is not).

It is in the brandbook that ideas that form the identity and individuality of the company are formulated and developed. Relying on the brandbook and using it, all employees will equally understand and recreate the company every time they perform their functions or, for example, create something from the design.

Without a brandbook, as without a certificate of state registration, the company does not exist.

When developing a brandbook, all interested employees of the company should be active. Their relationship to the process is very important. Only, they will understand the meaning of the creation of the brandbook and its content. Only, they will feel that he truly has a relationship. Consequently, everything that is written in it will be understood, accepted and implemented.

In addition to the employees of the company, the brandbook is also needed to those who will perform various projects And tasks as a contractor: designers, advertising agencies, advertising manufacturers, copywriters. The brandbook will help them to get acquainted with the company, understand it and create such messages and designs that will work on creating a sustainable image at the target audience. Also in the brandbook everyone will find the restrictions that "protect" the company from the commercial contractors.

If we formulate briefly, then the brandbook is needed to ensure that any person who does not know the company could understand what she is, just reading it.

The brandbook consists of several major sections. We will bring them briefly. However, if you want to learn more about each of the items, I highly recommend contacting the special literature on branding.

Brand platform

Company's mission

The vision of the main purpose of the company is described. What a truly company exists and works. Classic example You can call the mission of the company Henry Ford (approximately): the provision of cars at an affordable price.


A story about how and why the company originated. Usually in this section you can find a story about some story. As a rule, a conflict is revealed in the legend between the former position of things and the desires of the founder of the company, which creates a business to overcome the existing contradictions.


The company's values \u200b\u200bare described on several levels. This is what the company is based on. Customers and employees must share them. It is possible to allocate spiritual, social, emotional and functional values.

Value offer

The main promise of the company based on values \u200b\u200bthat shares the target audience. This is that for what truly customers use the services or goods of the brand.

The image shows a fragment of a page describing some elements of the company's brand platform
4D Development.


Verbal concept

This section describes the rules for writing headlines and texts. The company must have its own style of communication, which is disclosed with examples in this section. It may also describe the main arguments and ideas that should be used as often as possible by the company to communicate with the audience.

Visual concept

The most voluminous and vivid section with which the majority is associated by the brandbook. It describes all elements of corporate identity:

  • Logo
  • Font headset (fonts)
  • Branded palette
  • Corporate Pattern.
  • Photostille

In the image - a fragment of the brandbook page with a description of the main versions of the logo and explanation, in which situations it is appropriate to the use of one or another logo version
4D Development companies.

Brandbook describes the main carriers of corporate identity:

  • Businesscourses
  • Folders
  • Classes of layout and print advertising
  • Schemes of layout and design of outdoor advertising
  • Souvenir products

In the image - a fragment of the brandbook page with the design of the design of the 4D Development document form.

In the section dedicated to the visual concept, all the through properties of corporate identity can be specifically described. For which you can form a visual identity of the brand. That is, the features of the selection of colors, fonts, proportions that must be determined and reproduced by designers when working with the company's branded style.

Gaidline - instructions for reproducing corporate identity elements. Little who knows about it, but usually the brandbook is described than the brand. And the rules for working with elements of corporate identity is already part of Gaidline as a technical document.

Gaidline can be included in the brandbook in the form additional description rules for working with logos, business cards, signs, etc. Occasionally, Gaidline is a separate independent document.

In this document (or the brandbook section) literally described:

  • how can I change the logo and how to change it can not be changed
  • what values \u200b\u200bof colors in different systems (RGB, CMYK, Pantone) are used
  • what is the dyspan of keg values \u200b\u200bfor fonts in the text of the business card
  • what indents are accepted to use in various materials from blood and between elements of the layout

The image is a fragment of the brandbook page with the rules of correctly playing the 4D Development logo.

In this article we will tell how to develop and correctly use the company's brandbook. But first let's figure it out, which represents this document and why he needs your company.

What is brandbook?

BRANDBUK is the official document in which your company visual style standards. Two identical brandbooks do not happen. While some companies do focus on the aspects of the design, others create a more detailed document with the Company's overview and clients and business partners.
At the first stage of work, you must decide how much such a document is relevant to your project, as well as determine the range of issues that will be described in the manual.

Why do the company need a brandbook?

If you do not have a single set of rules, then each designer and the marketer, which you will attract to solve certain tasks, will implement your ideas in accordance with your vision. There is nothing bad in diversity, but in some situations the lack of unity may have depository consequences. If you use different design styles and techniques of interaction with people, you will not be able to build a strong brand and convince potential customers in that your company is the best in its segment.

Manual on the use of corporate identity will be especially useful for new employees. After reading the rules in advance, the newcomers are faster in the brand system. It is better than learn, allowing annoying mistakes, right? So you do not have to hold conversations with new employees and explain to them that they have violated the rule, the existence of which they did not even guess. Thus, a competently compiled brandbook saves your time and reduces the number of awkward situations.

What you need to know before developing the brandbook?

First of all, adhere to the principle of the golden middle. The rules we have developed should not be too tough, because it will limit the creativity of workers, forcing them to adhere to boring, proven decisions. But the rules must be clear and not allow a double interpretation.
There is a common misconception that the guide to the use of corporate identity should develop the head of the organization. I hurry to disperse you: it is not. Management is the result of the collaboration of managers, designers and copywriters. And if your organization has a branding department, the development of management is the direct responsibility of such a team.

Coordinate the work on the document must be a person who participated in the development of corporate identity and has sufficient authority to adopt and implement important decisions. If employees do not know the existence of the brandbook or are not considered with its rules, then all the work done will go to the Nammark. When applying for a new employee, you must provide him with a guide to familiarize yourself. We will talk about this at the end of the article.

What turns on the brandbook?

As we have already written, there are no two identical guides. Each company includes the rules that correspond to its values, goals, business models and other characteristics. However, in the standard brandbook you can select 3 major sections.


  • In this section we are talking about missions, values \u200b\u200band target audience Companies.
  • The size of this section depends on the degree of detail of the document and your goals. Many companies generally miss this chapter, because they do not see the meaning in rewriting the boring stationery from one document (for example, a business plan) to another.

Form style

  • Logo: Colors, accommodation, variations, size and proportions, examples of efficient and inefficient use of logo.
  • Trademark: Use options, colors.
  • Tagline: Where to place slogan. How to create a slogan read.
  • Colors: What colors (combinations of colors) need to be used in marketing products.
  • Fonts: List of fonts that need to be used in text (for header, conventional text, list, etc.). The best fonts for the logo you can find
  • Photos: Tips for creating photosettes, requirements for images.
  • Other graphic objects: Icons, patterns, textures.

Rules of interaction

  • Language: In what languages \u200b\u200bdoes your brand communicate with the world around?
  • Grammar and formatting: abbreviations capital letters, numbers, acronyms, dates and names.
  • Readability: Light sentences or capacious formulations.
  • Style: Technical or official or slang, etc.
  • Total manner: (Official / friendly / discreet / funny, etc.).
  • Emails: basic design Letters, an example of an electronic signature.
  • Blog: Requirements for posts in the blog, their formatting, theme and structure.
  • Social platforms: Purpose, placement time and types of posts for each social network.

BrandBuk design

To develop brandbook design you will need a professional. Before passing a project to work, talk to the designer and make sure that you share its vision. Ask the designer to show his favorite examples of brandbooks and tell you what he likes in each of them. If such examples are not, show the brandbooks by a specialist, which are shown below, and ask for a list of favorites. So you will understand what your designer sees your future guide. For example, does he plan to use a large font and short paragraphs on each page or prefers a more compact structure?

Pay attention to one important moment. The manual itself must meet the rules that are contained in it, i.e. Be visually attractive and simple for perception. When the first version of the manual is ready, it will not be superfluous to show it to other specialists to find out their opinion. Remember that the brandbook should be a reflection of the brand, and not your personal preferences.

Do not hurry. Highlight so much time on making edits as needed. When your team is pleased with the end result, you will only add to latest strokes.

Examples of brandbooks

What is the prepared guide to the use of corporate identity? We collected several examples that I want to flip forever! Cancel inspiration and create!
Brandbook Apple (PDF)

Who uses brandbooks
Many large companies Provide brandbook to their distributors and other partners. So they care that their brand is presented in a single style worldwide. However, the overwhelming majority of brandbooks are designed to use inside the company.

How to use brandbook

So, you have developed the rules for using your corporate identity. But it is only half of the work. Now you need to ensure compliance with these rules. Otherwise what is the point in creating a document in which no one looks in?

First of all, inform your employees about the existence of the brandbook. Separate the document in the newsletter and ask your colleagues (all colleagues, and not just designers and copywriters) to familiarize yourself with the rules and standards that are contained in it. Representative (Ambassador) brand can be any employee. Take, for example, developers. Although they do not participate in branding directly, they can notice and correct errors made in design.

The next step is to appoint an employee responsible for compliance with the rules. Ideally, it should be the same person who coordinated the process of creating a brandbook.
About a month after the management of the leadership, it will not be superfluous to conduct a meeting to monitor compliance with the rules for using corporate identity. Also ask your colleagues about the difficulties that they encountered under the rules.

In conclusion, we note that brands - as well as people - are constantly changing. In this regard, make a habit to regularly revise and update your brandbook (at least 1 time per year). Remember that the rules for using corporate identity should be in one key with the current goals and values \u200b\u200bof your company.

An important component of the work of any company is the image. Most people are important not only the quality of the product or service, but also the emotions they receive from their acquisition. Well, of course, the recognizable brand allows you to maintain the troubled customer database and attract new ones. It is known that from two absolutely identical goods the buyer will choose the one, the name or logo of which he has already seen somewhere. So there is our desire to move according to the studied algorithms, which is not tempted by the fate of unnecessary experiments.

On how professionally all brand components have been developedThe company itself depends on. That is why the brandbook is paid so much attention. What is brandbook and why is it needed? This is an internal corporate document, which indicates all the elements of the brand, ranging from the company's mission and ending the logo font. They can be divided into several categories:


The section got it poetic name Because reveals the essence of the brand. In brandbooks, it is usually called the "ideological part". In this block, the company's mission is prescribed, corporate culture, Target audience, strategic directions for the development of trademark and other fundamentally important provisions. Agree, without understanding the goals and vision of the path, according to which the enterprise will go to the next 5-10 years, it is difficult to determine today's tasks. And the brand philosophy is even more important than the product itself. In the modern world, no one is buying just food or just clothes - we pay money for the feeling of home heat or involvement in the beautiful. Slogans, the semantic filling of commercials and biglides lay the ideology to the product to which followers seeking confidence, sense of style or vice versa, tenderness and ease. The brand manager is the one who is spiritualized by production, breathing life into the product. And only it depends on whether the image of the trademark will be attractive or lost among hundreds of others.


Under this word, numerous visual effects are meant, the combination of which makes the brand recognizable. For all these nuances, there is a corporate document called "Logobuk" - it is included in the brandbook and can be provided separately in the case when cooperation concerns only the use of a sign and corporate identity.


The logo or branded sign must be concise, easily memorable and transmit the main idea brand. To build a logo, there is a whole set of rules that professional designers are familiar with well-known.

Branded sign is necessarily developed in vector formats, since raster graphics does not allow to increase the image to large sizes. The raster image, placed, for example, on the banner, will turn into a set of squares.

In addition, the logo is always made taking into account the fact that it will have to be printed in a black and white version, so when creating a color image, the designer always compares how it looks in monochrome printing. There are too complex logos with a multitude of details, which are lost when decreasing, because of which the meaning may change. By the way, all branded signs are checked for what minimum They are read, and this size is documented in the brandbook.

The so-called security field is determined - the distance around the logo on which other images or text cannot be placed. This is done so that the corporate sign is not "rushed" to other elements of the business card or advertising booklet, which is why it can suffer its recognition and meaning.

There are also prohibitive rules regulating invalid use of the logo - a layout with certain elements, adding its graphic effects, etc.


Of course, the main thing in the slogan is the text. It should be short and tidy, concentrate the manufacturer's appeal to the buyer. It is important and its design is the font, the location of the text (for example, in one line or each word with a new line), the color of the letters, the presence or absence of a substrate, effects, decorative elements. All this should be strictly defined and fixed on the documentary level, so that at the sight of one slogan a man understood, with which trademark it is dealing with.


Element of style is the font. Many companies hire designers to develop their own fonts, but most use already existing. The rules for using fonts concern not only the logo and slogan, but also inscriptions on business cards of employees, texts in booklets, packaging or content content.

Color solution

Brandbook must be defined color solutions Logo, printing materials, clothing design staff and interior (if it is, for example, restaurant), transport (delivery service) and other design elements. It is important to remember that for printing on paper and when designing the site, different color models are used - CMYK and RGB. In this case, there may be the colors that are used in the other, or they may look different. For this, colors that exist in both models are selected or the replacement options are offered.

Other style components

Stylish elements can not always be seen by eye or attributed to purely visual. It can be a certain smell in the network stores, an advertising song that "stuck" in the head, a special greeting staff. Such can be attributed, for example, a standard call call on Nokia phones.

The section of the image components may include such details as designing a commercial in a certain style (for example, a cartoon) or to do some kind of product design inherent in all models.

Legal norms

The legal section includes patents, commercial sign registration, brand names and other copyright objects. It is necessary in order to control the use of the brand and be able to provide a corporate style to use in the event of a franchise network development.

Of all the written above, it is easy to draw conclusions about why the brandbook is needed and what is its target purpose. It facilitates the work of advertising managers and advertising manufacturers themselves, allows you to make a brand recognizable anywhere in the country and abroad. BrandBook is effective tool For business, important not only for external cooperation, but also to create internal traditions of the company. It helps to systematize and describe all the semantic content of the brand, thereby optimizing staff management work, advertising and planning the further development of the company.

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