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Sagittarius with what some. Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - General Sign Characteristics

Like many signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius came to us from the ancient myths. Sagittarius are people born from 23.11 to 21.12. They possess a multilateral character. Gnobs such people, kind. They have a lot of vital energy, which sometimes beats through the edge. Sagittarius are restless, they rarely understand that it is time to make a stop and pass. Also there is a feeling of mercy and compassion. People born under the sign of Sagittarius, love to travel a lot.

Silver children are curious enough, very often ask questions: "Why?", "Why"? Little fittings tender creation, they need love, frequent hugs. They themselves will be happy to hang on your neck with strong hugs. Often, such children like Sagittarius could learn very well. However, they prevent them from engage in some kind of impatience, they can not stay for one thing for one thing. In general, both the boys and girls are Sagittarius, are real contestants who need to know everything and everywhere to visit.

: November 23 - December 21

In the days from November 23 to December 21 people are born, whose sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, the sunset of the calendar year, waiting for the New Year holidays and the Nativity of Christ. This first winter astrological sign is under the strong influence of Jupiter, its symbols - a centaur, stars and rods. Talismans - Horseshoe, Salamander, symbolizing a lively flame, a creature that does not die on fire. The elements born in the dates of the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius - fire, and she fully forms the character of people of this constellation.

All signs of the zodiac have special character traits that many know about. Each of us and what can even hit us themselves. That is why every sign can be said that he is unusual.

Does this make us all equal? To some extent it is true, but in matters of psychological analysis are important things. We have already disassembled features and facts about such signs as Deva, Scorpio, scales and many others. 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the course of the thoughts of these unusual people, as well as their life priorities and even small secrets.

Character of Strelts

Let's say right away, someone these people annoy, and someone is forced to fall in love with them. The fact is that the shooter the whole life seems to the game. It is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate it. In principle, the shooter do not care about the opinion of others around his personality. They are concerned about the business more simpler.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac always have something to say because they are read and very erudite. Their strength is that any outcome of their affairs they take as positive. They learn quickly and trace others very well. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take too much. This does not interfere with them and never takes out of equilibrium, but the effectiveness of tasks suffers.

Fire element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in the dispute and struggle for justice. Often these personalities choose the dark side, trying to achieve their own. Yes, they are egoists, but who of us is not an egoist, tell me? The shooters do not hide it, because they do everything in the forehead, and not a warmth.

10 facts about the shooters

Fact first:Sagittarius strangely behave in love - two people fight them. One says: "Yes, it's your happiness, dive with your head in love." The second says: "Yes, well. Again disappointment. Yes, see you, you will already part soon. " Sagittarius very often think that the relationship is destroyed at the stage of the candy period. Because of this, many people make up the impression that Sagittarius is frivolous and cold. They just would be seduced, but escape. This is not true. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarov can easily merge into action. You only need to bring the share of competition to any case, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be the first. Their beloved sin is vanity. If everyone says that a man born under the sign of Sagittarius became the best, it will give the last incredible charge of cheerfulness, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When they praise Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is a flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact Third: Despite the dynamics of life and fire in the eyes, the Archers are among the most neat drivers. If they know that stronger, faster or better than others in anything, then they will not shout about it. In general, to their things they are very careful. They know how to maintain the mood and energy at one level even in extreme situations.

Fort Fourth: For your relatives, they are ready to go to all. This applies to all spheres of life. They are ready to sacrifice love, money and time. If someone from their close friends or relatives in danger or needs help, then the shooters will help them, do not even doubt.

Fat Fifth: They are impossible to redo. They will not be like a teddy's head on the wall, but they will fall asleep you with arguments. These people, in general, are able to speak and defend the verbal. The lawyers from them come out incredibly successful. They are also good teachers. They will not nervously beat you with legs along the face like the Virgin - they will tell the theory diplomatic and intelligibly, support and answer all the questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact Sixth: Sagittarius rarely change the hobby. They can add something to the list of favorite deeds, but eating - never. Their passion does not pass. They can play volleyball from school, to football, engage in running sports. At 40, they will still go with friends to the stadium and play your favorite game. They are true and try to achieve maximum results in sports.

Fact seventh: Representatives of this sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, the Sagittarius will suit you and say that I scored somehow more points than you. This is most likely to be true. If you want, it will provide you with evidence, but even in trifles he will try to keep the championship.

Fact eighth: Sagittars more often than other people are found universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, starting with a turnip and ending with the classics.

Fact ninth: Want to raise yourself mood? Contact the firing. They always know. When and how you can joke. Their phrases and facial expressions may be incredibly funny. They can also support you in a difficult moment of speech, complete understanding and sympathy. Do not think that their life is only in search of profit. They are deep, as if the ocean and full of love, positive.

Fact tenth: Sagittarius are wonderful parents. Their methods of upbringing can be very different from standard and generally accepted, but they will always love them. These are precisely those parents who are their children first of all the best friends, and then then mentors in life.

Sagittarius requires a lot of energy. They do not need affirmations for every day, because they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to relax. If the Sagittarius will more often remember that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and do not forget to press buttons and

Sagittarius - the second dual sign. Its duality manifests itself in that, on the one hand, it is very developed, and on the other - primitive. The first type of Streltsov is a type of scientist, politics, thinker, and the second is a sailor, a soldier, an adventurer, tramp. But both are distinguished by a large life force, courage, mobility and love for adventure.
Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly, sincere in relations with others. They can not be angry or offended, as they are very good-natured, they are completely deprived of bad intentions. They may be tactlessly, but this is due to bad manner, not from maliciousness. In fact, they have a very smart head and high principles. The unique combination of wit, intelligence and purposefulness displays them into winners.
Sagittarius fantastic memory. They remember the dates well, names, different little things, but may well forget where they left their jacket. They constantly lose things. They are strangers, they are sincere and serious, like children.
Their irrepressible energy finds a way to love for animals, sports, speeds. Streltsov attracts danger. They adore physical and emotional risks.
Being a sign of fire, Sagittarius chattal and extravagant. He is always happy and cheerful. By nature, the Sagittarius - a fighter, he can perfectly protect himself, never avoids the struggle and does not call for help.
Sagittarius is an incorrigible optimist, always believing that tomorrow will be better than today.
The disadvantages of the Sagittarius include their tendency to curious and alcoholism. But whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius in period of birth from November 23 - December 21.

Sagittarius born from November 23 to December 2.
Mercury had the greatest influence at birth. They are passionate, bold, have become obstacious to someone else's influence of independent personalities with an unshakable character. Interested in hunting and adore in sports.
Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 36, 40.

Sagittarius born from 3 to 12 December.
The Moon had the greatest influence at birth. They developed creative thinking, love and adventures, hooked on fiction, unstable, there is a frequent change of mental state.
Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Sagittarius born from December 13 to 21.
Saturn had the greatest influence at birth. They are stubborn, possess an impressionable and sentimental nature, adore comfort and splendor, predestoned to the exquisite food, which they prefer to use in a relaxed, relaxed setting.
Numbers who contribute to happiness and good luck: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

General Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Character Characteristics Characteristics.

Straight, sincere, charming people. Born under this sign are universal pets. Despise all sorts of restrictions, independent. Love to travel, read, active, achieve great success in the work. Under this sign Born: Empress Elizabeth, Mussy, Swift, Toulouse-Lotrek, Berlioz, Horace, Maria Stewart, Razin, Engels, de Gaulle, Churchill, Zhukov, Karamzin, Lunacharsky, Plekhanov, Kropotkin, Carnegie, Milton, Twain, Beethoven, Strauss, Disney, Garibaldi.

Temperament and nature

There may be people of a clear mind, decisive, who often can be a good audience. May be discouraged and high spirit, great and notable, or simply Egomans. Some travel a lot and far both in thoughts, and in fact, others from "Kamelka" are engaged in collecting. Two extremes can exist and not necessarily be in dissonance. Often reformists: Nostalgia lives in the reformer rebel, and the dreams of an adventurist - in the sample citizen. But negative and positive, active or passive - everyone is worried because of the situation in society, they want to be impressed. It is crazy to leave your mark on the ground. More than anyone, the Centaur man craves to be a perfect person often reaches its more mature years, sometimes not earlier than 60 years old when the feelings are called to change places and people when the curiosity of the openers becomes dangerous. Adult Sagittarius - Mature Sign, Completed, Women often reach a certain growth - physical, social, sincere. May be like amazons, trying to be equal or exceeding men in archery. A famous Sagittarius woman, amputating both breasts for the opportunity to get to the Tibetan monastery and write a sensational article about the life of the monks. Many lesbians were born under the sign of Sagittarius. As an expression of this character, the taste for clothes in women varies from tweed costumes, well-burned sports trousers and jackets and carefully stylized short haircuts to the front-line luxury robes in the style of "Grand", real ladies who love beautiful fur, high stylish hairstyles and expensive decorations. Regardless of the direction, they prefer quality. The same refers to men. Athletes love imported sweaters and scarves, impeccably tailored bried breeches, but they can have a smart sight of a diplomat or an honorary aging statesman.

Element sign

Your element - fire! Hot, hot-tempered character, live mind, intelligence. An impatience in trifles, sensible to long explanations, the ability to quickly grab the main thing, gusty. You do before you see (completely raised action). Refound to repent in the results of your rapidness or express discontent. You have hot blood, hot head, you are very sexy. You have an explosive temperament. Your lively heat and hotness attract people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another. For your elements of friends and lovers, you should also choose from "fire" or "air" - air is necessary for burning. Fire is not compatible with water. Either water evaporates, or she is extinguished fire. The fire can get along with the ground, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool fire, and the fire can burn the earth. Your advantages: Well, know how to make decisions, dynamic, conversations, vigor and optimistic, brave, energetic, are attractive. Your cons: impatient, love to command, surface, self-confined, stubborn, often be angry and contradictory, indifferent, passionate, love flirt. If you are Aries, then the most "fiery" fire, continuously oxygen-acetylene, non-regulate (tireless). If you are a lion, you are smooth fire, burning smoothly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. Solid and consistent. If you are the Sagittarius, then you are a changeable fire, a zarry, zipper. You unexpectedly flas out, but also cool and disappear. Favorable conditions: It is necessary to live in cool spacious places with an open fireplace, which cracks the fire. It is also necessary to work in the cool room and outdoors. A limited room where the air lacks, suppresses fire. The symbol (mascot) of your element is Salamander, who lives in the fire (spirit of fire that brings you good luck).


If the Sagittarius exceptional frivity does not spoil his health, he has every chance to live to deep old age in the right mind and solid memory. The lesion is more often susceptible to hips, lungs, liver, hands, shoulders and intestines. Often due to the fact that they are broken head, the Sagittarius fall into an accident. But you will not force him for a long time to lie on the hospital bed, and the recovery usually comes surprisingly quickly. People of this sign of the zodiac meets on the sixth finger on his hands and legs. They are subject to completeness. Suffer from dermatoses, Lyumbago.


In his youth, we will make high, sometimes overestimate their capabilities. Rutin and mediocrity is not for them, they love to play a role, preferably important, significant, the character is best manifested in leadership posts. Do not love too hard work, although we usually hold out for the fact that they have chosen, give themselves with enthusiasm and generosity work better in the team than alone. Pioneer spirit of collectivism. To the authorities or treat with respect, or rebel against him. They opened a wide field of activity - from horse breeding to hunting expeditions, the road to the clergy, astronomy, is open; They are good in woodwork. There may be great athletes, gymnasts, hunters, jockey, riders and racing organizers, carpenters, chefs, hotel owners, commruises, translators, politicians, reporters, researchers, botany, missionaries, doctors, chemists, engineers, casino owners, lawyers, judges, priests, public figures. It is not very good to earn money, for they can be either too impartial and independent or too secured. They can fall into colossal stripes of bad luck, and nevertheless, it is often a short-circuited shuler and speculators. Huge need for comfort. Many believe that they simply spend their lives, earning the ugly bread. Among the shooters are much more commonly found "hired partners" and women on the content. Women can compete in work, in promotion with men.

Psychosexual horoscope

Since the shooter is a double sign, the people of this sign are of two types: a devoted idealistic and romantic type, which rarely comes off with a straight and narrow road of virtue, and a completely opposite type, which in search of perfection rushes from one lover to another and on this path he Forgets why he began his quest and what in the end he was looking for. In the first type, passionate nature lives, but an excess of his sexual energy is sent to creative activity, and not to denunciation. The second type (and men, and women) is a permanent Volokat, who trembles from joy with a new sexual victory and mentally makes it in the catalog of his lovers.

Uncomfortable maneuvers

Sagittarius is the most opportunistic sign. Since he is also a mental sign, it can be very prolonged in his requirements. Some Archers are mistaken, trying to guess that they will receive for the served services, they consider themselves especially skillful if they do not have to pay sexually for their gifts. Being one of the fiery signs, along with the Aries and Lions, Sagittarius is very aggressive and willingly begin their careers. Their advantage in inconsisual manners is their ability to portray feeling indifference and maintain it longer than their opponents. In general, after many love novels, as well as non-smart maneuvers, Sagittarius come to the conclusion that their perfect friend (girlfriend) does not exist. Then they agree to the marriage, which they offers an abundance of intellectual communication. They continue to have extramarital connections, but since they are honest and straight, they are often confessed in this their spouses. What is surprising, they are resolved these extramarital connections.

How to satisfy Sagittarius

Sagittarius enthusiastically adapt to sexual adventures, and they like not so much sexual relations themselves as a change of a new partner.

Positive traits character

People of this sign are real friends, faithful and devotees. These are people with whom you can really talk, and not only on household topics, but also at higher: the philosophy of religion, science, politics. Sagittarius is very friendly in relation to people, it is very noble and romantic. Sagittarius - good parents and perfectly contain a family (in the sense of material wealth).

Negative character traits

Sagittars are used to too much in the clouds. They should try to become more practical and go down to Earth. They must learn to distinguish rudeness from sincerity. They are also too optimistic, everyone is allowed on a sidewall, throwing unfinished things and hoping that everything will be done by itself. They are stable (decisive) within themselves, but should understand that not everyone approves their constant desire to wander (Western).

Economy love

If the Sagittarius is not shy, he will always find that it is not profitable for him to enter the game of the Economics of Love. He relies too much in case and lives in one future. He rarely thinks about the "distant black day", which can come tomorrow. "Everything for love" is a beautiful and romantic attitude to life, but sooner or later the Sagittarius should understand that no matter how it seemed unpleasant, love and financial paths are still cross. Sagittarius, becoming older, unpleasantly surprised, finding that there is a game of economic love, they are disgusting the role of the buyer of love, it is lower than their dignity, unworthy of the children of Venus. But after recovering after you learned about the close plexus of money and love, they become skillful manipulators, and ultimately always win in this game.

The most appropriate partners

Up to 29.5 years of the best partners, the Archerte should be sought among the signs of Leo and Aries. All three are fiery signs, and up to 29.5 years their relationships are not as close and dependent, as, for example, relationships between watermarks. The key word in the relationship of this group is independence. In adolescence, Sagittarius can find a good partner in Taurus or fish. After 29.5 years, the Sagittarius begin to ripen, they realize their real person, which gradually becomes extremely restless. Then they are often compatible with two signs that Mercury manages - Virgin and Gemini. People of these signs have a high intelligence and enchanting Sagittarov. After 41.5 years, the Sagittarius is an already developed person, he acquired a self-control and ability to look inside. At this time, it becomes very aggressive, powerful and, moreover, independent. Then it is very compatible with tales and weights. Both signs can be coated with power people.

Evaluation of loyalty

In my youth - bad, for some exceptions of highly developed, intelligent types. In marriage - medium, and if their spouses can make their desire to be with the "crowd". The best period for compatibility with Square - after 35 years.

Erotic horoscope


Excellent partner for those men who love smart, fun, fondant women. In sexual plan is tempting and inexhaustible. She knows how to appreciate the life in all its manifestations - whether it concerns work, art, sports or family. Sex for her is a way to feel the completeness of being, and she seeks to extract the maximum possible pleasure from it. Noisy, cheerful, full of fantasies. These qualities are inherent in her and intimate intimacy. Chooses partners to themselves, for it is truly happy only after the complete satisfaction of their desires. Knowing the price, to the treason of her husband relates quite calmly, as, however, and to their own too. Family life for her is a serious thing, but she does not always know how to make it harmonious, because the thirst for new impressions often takes it from a family hearth, who remains a confused husband.


Cheerful, good-natured, in love with nature. His degraded soul stretches to beautiful actions and charming women. Traveling in life, he lets the arrows of Amur to the right and left, not very taking care of the results. He is not ready for severe affection, but does not require it from a woman. By nature, he is a romantic and tramp. Passion for changing places and circumstances determines its life line. A woman will never be his guide star, but it does not speak about his indifference. On the contrary - a woman, sex give him a lot of pleasure. He likes no women. But, giving partner everything, he leaves. And she is not trying to hold it, knowing well that it is not created for a long union. Surviving the proximity, he sincerely believes in love, but the time is held and the meeting remains sad gentle memories. Unsuccessful flirting does not frighten it. He refers to what is happening philosophically: "Well, somehow, some other time." The fish, twins, Virgo, Aquarius, Lion are perfectly fit. To a greater or lesser extent, you are suitable for Scorpio, Capricorn. Contraindicated, it is strongly not suitable for Aries, cancer.

Support in Life

Sagittar women love adventures and adventures, they have inexhaustible vitality and power. They do not impress life for money and profit. They do not force her husbands from morning to night to earn money. For them, the main thing is the self-expression of the person. They do not know how to challenge fate. Although their homework tires them, they love purity, beauty, comfort. These are hospitable, joyful mistresses. Even experiencing an feeling of internal anxiety, Sagittarius prefer to wait for successful accomplishments to boring daily monotony.

Satellites of Life

According to the proverb "Love - edit the world", in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, Venus plays a crucial role in love - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The sun in the female horoscope indicates a man who preference is given, the moon plays a similar role in the men's horoscope. The position of Saturn in relation to the moon is associated with divorces. Sagittarius - badge of bachelors. Sagittarius are less than others are located to romance and love, good-natured and sociable. In love, they are sincere and believe in the best qualities of people, rarely come by owners and jealies. For Sagittarius Unhappy marriages - rarity. Sagittarius's wife may be wrong, but always beautiful comrade and friend, a good, hospitable mistress, happy only when she has freedom. She should not have a jealous husband. Male-Sagittarius does a lot, but also the demand is high. He loves hunting and stayed at work. Agamen needs a wife who can provide him with freedom and divide his interests. Compatible with lion, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scales, scorpion. Do not love fish, virgins, twins.

Love horoscope

The fire of Sagittarius does not look like a leap and aries torture. This is a fire, smoldering under the ash, distilled, but not yet extinct coals of internal passions. Infinitely changing Sagittarius can declare himself. Some of the many different ways direct their goals vertically on high spiritual peaks, considering the physical act of love with a means of mystical abstraction, or on public aspirations. They are looking for a partner in life much higher than them, to whom they "sell" their usually perfect passion for it. Others choose a horizontal goal and no end from conquest. Love, Sport, Adventure, Eustice, In short - Don Juan. But before the knowledge of the life lesson of Streltsov: "Arrow and target ultimately one whole", aimed at their own heart. Men Sagittarius love comfort, a certain atmosphere of lightness, luxury, prefer a woman who does not only increase their proud opinion about themselves, but also a good household, coping with him in the absence of her husband. They can be great fathers and defenders, but love to experience their male nature. May be the most faithful husbands, considering it with their male prerogative. No one more adheres to such dual concepts about the measure. They fall into the attacks of violence jealousy if they pay them the same. They do not forgive betrayal, especially if they think that others know about it. Sagittarius hates scandals as no other, in every possible way avoids them. Female Sagittarius either extremely proud, militant, or this is the magnificent patrons wishing to love their men who they can love, respect and erect the pedestal. Most of all they are expensive name. Some themselves love them to be exalted and worshiped them. They also do not forgive betrayals, but do everything to avoid scandal, others do not like to be connected and prefer marriage free love or compete with men for the attachment of another woman. Both men and women prefer a partner who is distinguished by their surroundings. A person is not only another social environment, but also another race and religion or another country to which they are pleased to move and live, at least in exile, but with the prerogatives of voluntary "overseas". Sagittarius is happy in marriage, friendship and affairs with twins, oily, aquatic, weights and lions. Always seeks to avoid the virgin.

Horoscope for parents

Sagittarius Gets with the younger children, Mother loves their society. Energetic, and parental responsibilities do not burden them. Sagittarius Gostechamen, and his house is full of neighboring gentlemen.

Children's horoscope

Your child from birth is extremely active, inquisitive and sociable creature. He will cry alone, but calmly falls in the room, full guests, as it feels better in the company. When the kid will grow a little and start walking, he will show incredible activity in the house and outside the house. Remove hazardous items from his road, household chemicals. Cut with it as much time as possible on the playground, in the park. These children are usually awkward and at the same time moving, so they always go in cones and bruises. It is not dangerous, everything will pass. But here to cuts need to be serious, carefully disinfected them. If the child hit his head and lost consciousness, it is necessary to show him a doctor, even if everything passed. Sagittarius have truly inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. They will actively look for their friends, and if for some reason they will defeat, they will make new attempts. Unlike his fellow, Lviv and Aries, Sagittarius are able to recognize their mistakes. Children-agrarians are characterized by congenital honesty and truthfulness. These qualities are often preserved, becoming adults, which sometimes leads to an awkward situation, as far as not everyone loves to listen to the truth. Sagittarians must remember that these children do not forgive lies around others, even if they are their own parents. At the same time, to bring up these children is easier than others, since the child does not know how to lie. Sagittarius, like people born under other fiery signs, love noise. If you give him a drum, it will be very pleased, but you should not show irritation if the noise you get tired. The older the child, the more it will attract activities outside the house. He will love all sorts of games and entertainment in the fresh air. It will attract sport, as competition and competition for him is always a tempting stimulus. As a rule, these children love animals, so it can happen that their sports activities will be associated with animals: Dog training, pigeon competitions. The boys are more pronounced than girls. The older the child, the harder it is to keep it at home. It is difficult to plant for lessons when the sun shines and so much interesting happens in the yard, on the street. Strecks are not peculiar. You will have to show a lot of patience and ingenuity to teach a child to order, cleanliness, discipline. You need to come up with something to make an attractive reading and book for him. Silver children love stories about knights, dragons and saving of beautiful princesses. It is better to alternate mental classes with physical activity, since the restriction in motion for these children is harmful. To consoem parents, we can say that these children can greatly learn in adolescent and youthful age when they appear a specific goal. For example, if a child decides to become a lawyer or a doctor, he will teach those items that he need to achieve his goal. Just like that, just in case, such children, as a rule, cannot teach objects. Nevertheless, offer from an early age game, train not only the body, but intelligence. By the way, Sagittarius love logic games. If the child learns poorly, you can try to hurt his pride, mentioning by the way that his friends learn well, but it is apparently not under power. An older child can take interest in politics, then offer him to read the newspaper, books on a political topic, documentary films, journalism. Usually these children are brave. They have little to be afraid, the danger can only spur their pride. Health in Saglots, as a rule, is good, vitality is high. When they are completely small, you need to monitor the temperature in the room. As with all fiery signs, it is harmful to freeze or overheat. Bathing kids do not like. These children may have trouble with the liver. Although the main problem is bruises, bumps, even fractures.

Secrets of happiness "Sagittar"

On the one hand, the "Sagittarius" was born with a tendency to Flirt, on the other - to arrogance; Truly catastrophic combination! As the beloved you are gentle, open, charming and even charming. What you lack are stability and restraint. New faces and fresh impressions are forever hung you, so although you are able to be a wonderful partner of a love game, you are not always faithful beloved, you are almost impossible to tie with any kind. It can cause problems in your heart life.

You are very dashing, a remote person, a wonderful feeder, however, at my base, your sign is not a sign of a homely focus - it does not symbolize special love for the house and the tendency to put homely comfort above all over the world. A divorce or separation with a loved one can hurt you, but it will not turn you out of a new marriage attempt. You care about your spouse, do not regret strength; However, by providing him (or her) freedom, you will expect the same in return.

Sometimes "Sagittarius" can be irritable and even rather rude.

Respecting his partner as a person, you, however, are capable of very ulcer sarcasm, which (or her) will have to learn to forgive: otherwise - how to get along with you?

Astrological characteristic of Sagittarius

Symbol: archer.

Ruling planet Sagittarius: Jupiter.

Sign: Fire-changeable-positive

Sign of lawyer, sage.

The nature of a typical "archer": idealistic, honest, impatient, full of enthusiasm, frank and fearless, ambitious, noisy; This person has a philosophical mindset, is involved and impulsive.

Positive qualities Sagittarius: fearlessness and frankness, strength and courage, independence, torture and rationality, generosity, healthy ambition and love for nature.

Negative qualities of Sagittarius: braghood and aggressiveness, excessive arrogance, a tendency to exaggeration, tactlessness, lack of harmoniousness, inconsistency and rudeness.

Your Person Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of good luck, intuition, successful movement forward. Supported by your ruler - the planet Jupiter - you usually achieve your goals. You can note your extraordinary mental activity, success, and largely - idealism. Since you were born under the ninth sign of the zodiac, undoubtedly, your character is rather restless; As mentally, and mentally, you need to be in constant movement. You are unable to endure restrictions or oppression - in this case you can not disbelief. Undoubtedly, you are not a "poultry", although appreciate home comfort.

You are peculiar to the great love of life outside the home walls, you are tied to nature and animals, especially to dogs and horses.

In full accordance with the symbol of your sign - the archer - your actions are open, straight and unambiguous; The same can be said about your speech. You are friendly, kind, sociable, optimistic, multilateral, but are prone to kichliness and excessive arrogance. Upon times you are pretty tactless, inattentive to others, we have a tendency to exaggerations.

You will never forget kindness and, and if you pay the same coin - from the bottom of my heart, although we appreciate your freedom most of all. You should not wait for special softness and submissions - the manifestation of such feelings would be against your nature.

You need to travel - after all, your concern never allows you to stay on the run; This is due to the nature of the ninth sign of the zodiac, causing you thirst for freedom. The tendency to dialectic - the method of formulation of issues and analyzing answers - will have an impact on you in all your affairs, but sometimes you can contribute to the lack of attention and adjacent. However, your straight is such that people always realize that they are waiting with you.

Sagittarius like a friend

You are sincere, ready to come to the rescue and highly generous - such a friend is good. Sympathy and antipathy of "Sagittarius" are especially strong and sometimes bring them to blinding bias or prejudice. Your intuition is strong and allows you to give friends with excellent tips and instructions.

Even if friends use you in their own interests, you do not target hostility or feelings of resentment.

Sagittarius like father

You will be invariably nicely society of your children, although you can be a few strict to them in the early years of their lives. You always expect too much from them, and children can be difficult to fit your expectations. The attitudes of the father and the child really bloom when the latter reaches youth; After all, the "Sagittarius" is more solidary with youth and is able to understand the representatives of the younger generation, without regretting the strength, to better know their views.

Sagittarius like mother

Many women are "Sagittarius" without much hunting take on this role. For happiness, they need much more than they can give marriage and motherhood. If such a woman took the role of mother, she plays her with great and sincere enthusiasm, without regretting the strength to raise children. However, the "Sagittarius" woman is unnecessarily tied to home affairs and roaring children, can secretly feed the feeling of protest.

View for decades:

If you were born between November 23 and December 2 (first decade), Jupiter acts as the planet. You are honest and frank, possess a cheerful character and a good sense of humor. You are generous and compassionate, you easily earn a lot of money, however, and spend them with the same speed. Your pursuit of homely, along with the desire for romantic experiences, can lead to disappointments.

If the day of your birth came for the period between December 3 and 11 (the second decade), then Mars, who gives you a great interest in life and love, as well as the Great Energy. You can be impulsive, even unnecessary, but you are completely alien to petty and limitations. You are not capable of lowestness and accept more than others, the share of responsibilities and responsibilities. You have the owner of the huge reserves of inspiring and encouraging energy, but we note the unhappy tendency to restore the shadow on the woven.

If you are born between December 12 and 21 (the third decade), then your planet-ruler is the Sun, I gave you such an intuition force that you are even able to become a prophet or a ser. You are created for achievements and fame, you are very mandatory and generous in relations with other people. You will exercise my ambitious ideas in the most ambitious and magnificent way.

About Double Nature People - For Changes Born on Days

Your lot in life is often (although not always) are the great glory or complete oblivion. In Zoroastrian Alchemy, it is said about many unrest, adventures, or at least an unusual life! Shkwals of emotions, enthusiastic analysis and research, spiritual and carnal issues, freedom, law and order - everything was mixed here in kaleidoscopic extravagania. Dreams and awakening, the border states of consciousness acquire new quality here. Well, such as the plane of these restless, languishing souls, ready to give a lot and just take a lot from others.

Unusual combination of hidden egoism and truly high human qualities. Contrary to what people can say about you, you can forgive the mistakes of others and the resentment. You are able to be petty, but all that concerns a common look at the phenomena, one-piece vision of a person's depth and spiritual understanding of the essence of things, you do wonderful. A good sense of situation and the ability to make great maneuvering will certainly help you conquer fame. You are a champion of justice, and this feeling does not give rest to your heart.

You strive to check everything on personal experience, sometimes leaving the limits of human endurance. These are the innermost secrets of your personality. One effort is capable of reset any shackles that bind you, especially if you need to fight not only for your freedom, but for the liberation of all mankind. This is undoubtedly your mission. Purple, purple, indigo, red, pink - successful color for you.

Health problems can be associated with genital bodies, thyroid, legs, feet, hips, sinuses and throats.

Usually such people have amazing eyes - angels and demons are buried in them. Politics, jurisprudence, surgery, mining, chemical industry, mentoring (sermon), war, strategy, space, aviation, computers, research activities, genetics, farming, banking, inventions - all these roads will be successful for you.

The most important for you will be years: 3, 9, 12, 21, 27, 29, 30, 36, 45, 48, 54, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 81, 84, 90, 93, 99.

If you were born in the period 20-30 December, then the date of your birth came at the time of the transition Sagittarius / Capricorn.

Indigesion to its desires and restrictions, freedom and tough rules lead war, the arena of which is your heart, mind, soul and body. This unceasing war (at least serious contradictions) could put the beginning of a new world order. It is highly commendable, but this is exactly the case. Like born in the period 21-24 of September, you strive for equilibrium and harmony in a wide variety of areas of life. All this is directly related either with full control or with absolute freedom. Brilliant mental abilities, and often good luck, help you in achieving your goals. Money will have you when you have a need for them. Like born on November 21-24, you will gain real estate and other property. You could become an excellent organizer, methodologist, perhaps - a great reformer or a rebel.

Weak venues of the body- Feet, gastric acidity, teeth, bones, hips, stomach, heart and, of course, knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally occupies his place in your life. You should recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. In fact, this is quite enough to make you by the President of the Unified World Government, with all the height of this situation (and with all the courage of this approval). The rare ability you possess is the ability to live at the same time in the worlds of thought and actions, worldly and spiritual, well-known - and understandable only; It highlights you from among other people born on days of change of signs. You are able to amazingly act as leaders, politicians, architects, musicians, industrialists, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, directors of films and firms, animal trainers, plane designers, pilots, computer specialists, builders and contractors.

The most important years - 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases of Number 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 may have a value that is not easy to understand or explain.

Your happy colors - Purple, black, brown, gray, indigo, purple, green, ash. If God is gracious, you will achieve the greatest success.

Know what is successful for you:

- Happy Sagittarius: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48 (Trok series).

- Happy Salt Color: Purple, Purple, Pink, Shades Red.

- Happy Archers Day: Thursday.

- Happy Flowers and Grass Sagittarius: Anis, Asparagus, Lichen, Smokery, Lyme Flowers, Thistle, Dandelion.

- Happy Strike Stones: Topaz and Amethyst (Opinions diverge).

- Talisman Sagittarius: Arm tips, thoughts, no doubt - horseshoe.