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Paintball as its own business. Open the paintball club without much trouble

How to open a paintball club: business description + instructions for the opening of the case + necessary inventory + financial plan + 6 tips from experts.

Capital investments: from 812,000 rubles
Payback period: from 6 months

If you are not interested in business related to production or trade, then you should look at the service sector.

In recent times, you can see the trend on the development of active sports and extreme entertainment games.

And a bright example is an increase in demand for paintball sites, which 10 years ago were a real wonder for our population.

But there are other data that a small number of those who tried wishes to return to the game, and most often such pleasure is one-time, and is designed to simply satisfy your interest.

And in order not to face the second option of developing events, you need to know all the subtleties and nuances in this matter, which will be popular and profitable.

And if this topic is interesting to you, then continue to read our article.

Paintball club like a business

First of all, let's consider such aspects of the business as:

  • description of the gameplay;
  • services;
  • the target audience.

    Description of the gameplay

    Who knows English, he probably immediately understood how the name of the game is decrypted - "ball with paint".

    The meaning of paintball lies in the fact that the two teams compete with each other for the sake of the goal: defeat the opponent or perform a certain task.

    Players have special rifles at their disposal, which are shooting with balls filled with paints.

    At the time of hitting the enemy's equipment, there is a characteristic footprint, which notifies it that he needs to leave the game for a while or dropping out of it.

    In general, there are many interesting scenarios that can be offered to the clients of the paintball club.

    List of services provided

    To open a painball club, which will be really interesting to visitors, it is necessary to offer them a variety of services: basic and additional.

    Basic services can be represented as:

    • games on various scenarios for groups of people;
    • conducting classes with instructors;
    • preparation and conduct of various tournaments;
    • possible departure to various dislocations.

    Additional services:

    • opening a store with related goods;
    • opening a small cafe / sauna on the territory of the paintball club;
    • exercise photos, -video.
  1. The target audience

    Potential customers include both children, namely teens and adults.

    As for the gender, then most of the visitors fall on men, but there should be no women with bills.

    Most often by visitors to the paintball club are companies who love active pastime, as well as employees of firms and companies that have a well-developed corporate spirit.

Distribution Choice for Paintball Club

The first thing from which the answer to the question of how to open a paintball club is a choice of a good room for a playground.

For this purpose, such options will be suitable:

  • unfinished industrial buildings and courts adjacent to them;
  • former military units and polygons;
  • abandoned premises and cellars;
  • parks like forests.

The very place can be both open and closed.

But in the first case there is a seasonality factor, so not everyone will want to play in the "shooting" in the frost or rain (although it gives fun realism).

Examples of how the platform of the Paintball Club may look:

Despite the selected dislocation format, such requirements are put on the site for a paintball club:

    It should be large enough to place all the necessary structures and provide players the possibility of free movement.

    Also large area will allow you to place 2-3 playgrounds, which will have a positive effect on the attractiveness of your paintball club.

    First, you can provide visitors a choice of game location, secondly, you will have the opportunity to take several teams at once.


    Despite the extremality of such entertainment, it is necessary that it is not accompanied by trauma visitors.

    Therefore, by making the decision to open a paintball club, you need to take care of security.

    On the territory there should be no sudden descents or lifts, holes, acute items.

    Creating an atmosphere

    Even if you have found a flat terrain in the form of a field and a pair of trees, you will need to install various structures and add "Decor" - protective grids, barriers, blocks, and so on.

    If there is already a "finished" place with all relying scenery, it remains to check its safety.

    The ability to expand business

    You must have an extra area for further business development.

    At first, it is possible to earn only on the organization of paintball, but in the future, why not open a small cafe, shop or sauna.

    This will increase not only profit, but in the future will attract new visitors who prefer a full cycle of rest - active pastime, followed by the relax time for a cup of coffee or in the form of a satisfying lunch.

Business registration

Deciding with the place for the future paintball club, you can start registration of a business.

Here everything works according to the standard scheme: IP or.

When choosing a type of activity you need to choose OKVED 77.21 "Rental and rental of goods for recreation and sports goods."

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, this type of business is not subject to licensing, which greatly facilitates the process of making a paintball club.

It is also important to obtain permission from local authorities to carry out such a type of activity.

The only nuance is that in addition to the constituent documents and the lease agreement or property, it is necessary to have quality certificates for gaming markers (guns).

Arrangement of the game site and purchase inventory

The next stage in the process of how to open a paintball club is the purchase of the necessary equipment.

First of all, it is necessary to organize a place to meet visitors, as well as the premises in which they can be changed and take a shower.

Also, for a start, you can equip the gazebos for rest, and then as business expands to think about the construction of a cafe and sauna.

So, at the initial stage, the cost of arrangement of the paintball club will look like:

After the site is equipped, you can proceed to purchase inventory.

Remember that the markers need to have certificates confirming their quality.

A set of inventory for opening a paintball club consists of such positions:

InventoryQuantity, pcsThe cost of one unit., Rub.Total expenses, rub.
TOTAL: 812 000-980 300 rubles.
Markers16-20 15 000 240 000-300 000
Costumes20-23 5 000 100 000-115 000
Gloves20-23 1 100 22 000-25 300
Protective masks20-23 6 000 120 000-138 000
Cylinders for markers16-20 12 000 192 000-240 000
Gas station3 6 000 18 000
Balls50-60 2 400 120 000-144 000

Personnel search

Open the paintball club and at the same time work without attracting employees will not work.

For these purposes, you will need a small state, but even it will ensure the smooth operation of the playground.

Club staff will consist of such posts:

PositionNumber of peopleSalary, rub.Photo, rub.
TOTAL:4 90 000 rubles.
Administrator2 20 000 40 000
Instructors2 20 000 40 000
Night guard1 10 000 10 000

The duties of the administrator will include:

  • recording and meeting of visitors to the paintball club;
  • issuing inventory;
  • sale of consumables;
  • accounting and storage of inventory.

The instructor has such job responsibilities:

  • carrying out briefing on the correct use of markers;
  • conduct training on the game Paintball;
  • preparation of inventory and playground;
  • the judging of tournaments.

The work schedule will be floating, as the paintball club will work daily.

Advertising paintball club

To open a paintball club in which players will go, high-quality advertising is needed.

This article costs do not need to regret money, since the number of people who can become potential customers depends on its "activity".

To do this, use all sorts of ways that will be acceptable for this business:

  • creating a website and pages in social networks;
  • advertising in social networks of your city;
  • advertising on the streets - banners, distribution of leaflets;
  • advertising in local media - radio, newspapers;

As the paintball club is working for regular customers, order club cards that will give them some privileges in the form of participation in various promotions, accumulation of bonuses, discounts.

How much does it cost to open a paintball club?

After reading the instructions of how to open a paintball club, you can go to the financial issue.

As you could have noticed, expenses will be rather big.

But still let's consider them in more detail:

Now we consider how much you need to invest in the paintball club monthly:

Determination of the Paintball Club pricing policy

"Each person has been submitted for every day at least ten possibilities to change their lives. Success comes to the one who can use them. "
Andre Morua

To understand how much time a paintball club is paid, you need to decide on its price policy.

The club can take a fee for the entrance ticket (optional), Issue for rental equipment and inventory, selling game balls, carrying out additional briefing and training, as well as rent a gazebo and a mangala adjacent to him.

The average price tag for paintball clubs looks like this:

ServiceCost, rub.
Entrance ticket for one player250
Entrance ticket for one guest150
Rental of equipment and clothing300
Buying 500 balls700
Purchase box balls2 900
Education of one person100
Rent Arbors and Mangala500

Taking on the day 2-3 teams in the amount of 14 people who will pay for entry, rental of outfitting and inventory and the purchase of balls per day can be obtained about 20,000.

Thus, the monthly revenue will be 600,000 rubles.

The monthly expenses in the amount of 275,000 rubles will be subtracted from the resulting amount and we will receive a profit before tax - 325,000 rubles.

With a tax, amounting to 15% of income, one can count on a net profit in the amount of just over 275,000 rubles.

Having this data, you can learn an approximate period for which the Painting Club will pay off.

At a successful course of business and the presence of a permanent flow of visitors, you can "repel" capital investment in six months started business.

In the video, the owner of the paintball club talks about the features of his work:

To reach the above indicators of the operational work of the paintball club, you need to know the subtleties of this entertainment business.

Remember that it is designed for people, and it is from their quantity that the profitability of the case will depend.

To do this, we suggest you listen to the advice who give experienced owners of paintball clubs:

  1. Neither at the initial stage, no further work should be saved on the purchase of equipment and sports equipment, namely markers.

    Experienced players will immediately notice "catch", and at best no longer come to this paintball club, and at worst - they will give him bad advertising.

  2. It is recommended to invent various game scenarios so that they do not have time to bother players.
  3. If possible, share the playground on 2-3 zones.

    Then you can take several groups of visitors at the same time, as well as provide them with a variety of services.

  4. To retain regular visitors, it is worth developing a loyalty program.

    Then the likelihood that they will come to you again will become even more.

  5. To obtain additional income, organize the sale of equipment and consumables.

    For those who come with their own, it is necessary to provide other tariffs for the game.

  6. To dream without visitors in winter, try to organize a covered platform and equip the heating points.

Based on the information received, it can be said that it is important not only to know how to open a paintball clubBut also have a special flair that will tell you how to act in the course of the activities.

You will need to create a positive image of your club and engage in constant involvement of new customers, as well as retaining constant.

And for this you need not to stand in one place, but look for ways to expand business to constantly maintain interest in your club.

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Paintball is gaining popularity every year, and for someone has already become a traditional occupation at the weekend. This game can be completely safe for health and quite legitimately shoot from the rifle, feel like a real man who fulfilling a fascinating mission, like agents from the most exciting militants.

And even among women there will be passionate fans of this trendy direction. So,toak still open the paintball club and what is needed for this?

The provision of sports and entertainment services does not require licensing, and, it means, to open a paintball club from scratch, it is not necessary to obtain special permits and licenses. Enough to perform several important procedures:

  1. Register a company as or. As practice shows, it is much easier to enter into the already existing paintball club.
  2. (Sports inventory rental) and related codes in OKVED.
  3. Decide with the optimal option - ENVD.
  4. Then you need to take care of place of its location and purchase of equipment. It is important to maintain certificates for equipment and rifles. Since experienced players may ask where they are and what quality. Documents for renting land may be needed by police officers, their presence on the territory of the club will help solve possible problems with the authorities.

Paintball Club Business Plan

To open your own paintball club from scratch, it is necessary to have defined cash. To calculate what amount you need to clearly imagine what you have to spend.

You will need:

  • Territory. Find a suitable place to arrange a landfill there.
  • Equipment. Purchase game equipment (minimum 10 sets) and equipment for the arrangement of the territory.
  • Staff. Hire needed
  • Advertising. Conduct promotions.

What conditions should be the place for playing paintball, which should be included in the player's start-up set, who needs to hire and how to attract more customers you will see below.

1. Territory

You can position the entertainment club anywhere area at least 2000 sq. M. m. - Optimum option for a comfortable game. The most suitable place is the locality near from the city of 15-35 minutes away.

Abandoned construction sites, camp, bases, plants, villages are perfect for this extreme game and create a unique, mysterious and intriguing atmosphere.

The more real and life will be the location, the more likely players will be returned to it. It is necessary to take care of a convenient entrance to the club's territory, especially if it is outside the city and the presence of a guarded parking for personnel and visitors.

For renting areas, if, of course, it is not your property, you have to give from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles Depending on the location of the location. If this is a completely unnecessary and unnecessary place, it may be possible to agree on a lower payment at least at first until the club will not pay off.

2. Equipment

To create the most real and exciting atmosphere, you should install various interference, obstacles, asylums, pull the trenches. Such an inventory does not require high costs, it is possible to use scribe tools: car tires, cabins, old trailers, boards.

Directly for the game you will need:

  • Rifle or markers.

Prices for tactical rifles begin from 5000 rubles, sports from 11000.and the pistol can be purchased from 1900 per piece.

  • Ammunition (balls with paint).

Balls are more profitable to buy in bulk. The average price of Z. and 500 pieces about 600 rubles.

  • Ballons with air and filling stations.

Stations will cost from 2500, cylinders from 3000 rubles.

  • Costumes and masks.

Many suppliers offer ready-made clothing sets, including suit, mask, gloves and mask spray. The cost of such a set varies from 3500 rubles and higher.

More advanced sets consisting of vest, gloves, trousers, masks, knee pads, jersey, sweatshirts from 30000 rubles.

Additionally, you can purchase knee pads, gloves, pistols, grenades, hats, protective shorts and vests. A variety of assortment depends on the scale of the club, if it is assumed to make a large number of people, it is better to purchase all possible upgrades.

For clubs, manufacturers exist special offers:

Per 140000–200000 You can purchase 10 paintball kits, including cylinders, balloons from 150 pieces, masks, overalls, vests, neck protection, sprays and filling station for cylinders. Bought a set is much more profitable than the piece.

10 sets - the optimal number of suits and accessories for the first time.

For a comfortable pastime on the territory of the club should be:

  • Dressing room Equipped with enough closures closures for personal belongings.
  • Shower and toilet. The average game time is 4 hours. Paintball is an active game, so someone wants to take a shower after arcade.

3. Personnel

The minimum staff must include director I.whose role you can do ourselves; managers outstanding costumes and accessories; Instructors explaining the rules and follow-up game.

Excellent with this task will cope with students who do not require high payment. It is not bad to hire a person wearing a technique that will be responsible for the health and purity of equipment. For the protection of the club, a minimum of two guards will be required.

4. Advertising

To attract customers, it is recommended to use advertising and how it will be more powerful, the thread of those who want to spend their free time in your club will be more. Various social networks, ads on TV and radio will help attract the largest stream of potential customers.

Do not regret money for marketing because only thanks to him, people can learn about your paintball club. Do not forget to specify the address and phone to find you.


Paintball game is a seasonal The peak of popularity falls for the warm season, preferably from the middle of the spring before the start of autumn.

If you are configured to spend games and in winter it is also necessary to take care of suitable room. A separate location of sufficient size with a roof will allow participants to spend time with pleasure and do not freeze.

For and passion of income in the club area can be equipped cafe, skewed, bar. After active running, the participants are hungry and will not refuse to have lunch.

The highlight of the club can become The possibility of holding holidays, youth or corporate competitions, mass games. On the territory of the club you can exercise the security and power structures.

Annual free games for children from orphanages will not only attract the attention of the public, but also make up orphans.

Rent of quadrocycles Also be a pleasant addition to holidays on weekends. And the presence of a special placement of the track will only increase the interest of players. Paintball, though a secure game, but still in the process you can get bruises and abrasions.

To avoid problems with visitors after the game, you should notify them about this moment in advance and ask to sign the relevant documents confirming that in case of receipt of minor injuries to the club, they do not have complaints.


Given the main costs, to open your own paintball club will need from 400000-600000 rubles. After opening, new expenses will appear - payment, repair and cleaning of equipment and so on.

The payback period of the entertainment club directly depends on the number of visitors and, as a rule, is from six months to a year. The main article of income - balls, the more they will be sold, the greater the income.

Various stocks will help attract customers. You can make the entrance free, and take money only for balls. Or take a fixed amount for the entrance to which the player's set will include a set of hundreds of balls.

Paintball with a mad speed, and, it means you need to have time to take this niche, attracting consumers with various discounts, coupons and unique offers.

We all a little kids and each of us loves to play games, and the opportunity to wander through an abandoned building with a rifle going to the "enemy", will not leave anyone indifferent. Paintball is an extreme, safe, exciting game with a mass of positive emotions, charge of adrenaline and an unpredictable end.

Opening, its business in this area, it is important to pay special attention. arrangement of territory, It is she who distinguishes each other with numerous centers on the game in Paintball.

The maximum approach to reality, barriers, a wide selection of locations will certainly be revised by customers, and they will return again and again. A high-quality equipment will make the game safe.

How to open a paintball club? Business plan and recommendations in the following video:

It is impossible to say that in Russia paintball has already been quite widespread, but, as statistics show, the promoted club in Moscow attracts about 1000 players per month, which is rather not enough. Of course, we are far from America, where about 9 million participants play this game, but on the other hand, how much the popularity of this game is growing in the CIS countries, has long been interested in entrepreneurs, many of which have the question of how to open Paintball club, and whether it will pay off quickly. And today we will answer these and other current issues related to the opening and business management on the organization of the game in Paintball.

  • How much money do you need to open a paintball club?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Step-by-step business opening plan
  • How to choose equipment
  • Which OKVED must specify for the paintball club
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for a paintball club
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Business technology

And the first commandment, which should take into account every self-respecting owner of the paintball shooting, is correctly selected. People come to the club not only to play, but also have a good time, which means that it is necessary to carefully find a place to play with the appropriate infrastructure: so that the hotel and good food, and household items have always been near for the full amenities of players. Therefore, the creation of a paintball club in a deaf forest is a rotten option. Naturally, the independent organization of the complex for resting the novice entrepreneur may not be affordable, so the most optimal place to open a paintball club will be the territory of a sanatorium or recreation center. Just come to the director of this institution and offer him a percentage of your revenue instead of the territory provided. In addition, resting sanatoriums will be able to receive one more type of leisure at their disposal, which will clearly please the head of the base.

How much money do you need to open a paintball club?

Let's make a small logical business plan Paintball. To do this, we will calculate how much the club should be investing.

  1. To open our institution, you must, at least, to buy 20 sets of paintball markers (or as they are also called - gaming rifle for paintball), 20 masks, 20 sets of costumes for camouflage and safety vests, cylinders, etc. The estimated value of some paintball materials is shown in the table below.

The table does not include the cost of the camouflage form for paintball, since its price depends on where you get it. Moreover, you can safely save by buying only the fabric itself, and tailoring, ordering in the dressmakers.

Separately, you need to mention the staff. For work, you can invite close living students, schoolchildren with day earnings in 500 rubles - people will go to you willingly. For 20 participants in the game you will need only 3 people personnel.

How much can you earn?

Now it's time to talk about the possible income from paintball. As a rule, it is possible to make a profit at once in several directions: the fee for the entrance to the club, selling balls for inserting in a gun, as well as additional services like sauna, food, billiards. But the last item is relevant only for the owners of the entire complex. Those who decide to open the paintball club at the recreation center can easily recoup their investments and only on the sale of balls inserted into the gun. On average, 100 balls are about 6 cu. At one player for 1 game day, about 400 balls is spent, and the delegation is 10 people - 4,000, and this means that when attending the paintball club at 20 people a day, your revenue will be about 480 cu, and per month - 480 * 30 \u003d 14,400 cu If you consider the price of one ball for paintball in 6 cu Specified with the allowance of 50%, then your net profit will be 7,200 USD in the first month. Provided if you play 20 people every day. Pretty good, isn't it? Naturally, for attendance in 20 players per day, you need to work well on advertising and creating a favorable atmosphere when playing, but if you resolutely configured to make money in this form of business, then it will not be difficult for you.

PR strategies: Congratulate your loved one - give him an active rest!

The payback period of this investment project will be in time - six months-year. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to open a paintball club is pretty simple, besides, the creation of this type of club is a fairly profitable business, and that the most pleasant thing, this niche is not fully occupied, which leaves the chance to break through the novice entrepreneurs and start making money on your own favorite business. So, if you have long dreamed of opening your club in interest, where you can legally, even though you have a ponarone, run and shoot, then dare!

Paintball is a popular team game. This is due, firstly, with the fact that this game is highly moving. Secondly, it is an opportunity to become a random military soldier and self-realize. Thirdly, it is a high excitement.

As a result, this service is highly requested lately. Therefore, with a competent approach, this project can be a beneficial investment of funds, in which the payback period will be 9 months, and the break-even point will have to 4 months of the project.

To open a business, it is necessary to rent a land plot, the minimum area of \u200b\u200bwhich should be at least 5,000 m2. The location options may be set. These include parks, outskirts of the city. The main factor is the large territory. Also for opening will need to hire 7 people.

On average, the club will serve 50 games per month. The cost of the game will vary depending on the number of people. On average, the cost of 3 hours of playing the company will be 10,000 rubles. Also additionally, lease will be provided with arbors, mangals and skewers. Thus, the financial indicators of the project will be the following:

Amount of initial investment - 1 206 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 177 957 rubles;

Payback period - 9 months;

Breakeven point - 4 months;

Profitability Sales - 38% .

2. Business, product or service description

Paintball has always been a popular entertainment among our country. Despite the high competition, the demand for this service is growing, which opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The main service of the Paintball Club is the organization of matches, team competitions. During the game, a judge who watches the rules is participating.

Also guests can also be offered additional services that will provide a comfortable pastime. As additional services may be offered:

  • Rent closed arbors
  • Renting Mangals and Shampoo
  • Rent music equipment
  • Sale of concomitant goods (coal, water, etc.)

To organize a paintball club, it is originally necessary to rent a land plot. The area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot largely depends on the landscape and the number of game maps intended for construction. The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot should be 5,000 m2.

You can search for land in the urban trait and outside the city. When buying or leases, it is necessary to clarify, in whose property is a plot. In case the site is in municipal property, the land must be rented at the auction or during the auction.

As soon as the lease agreement is signed on the land plot, you can start building structures on the territory and purchase of equipment. The main facilities include:

  • protective grid around the perimeter of the entire site
  • construction of 2 gazes
  • facilities on the polygons themselves

Constructions must be collected from wood. This will help significantly reduce costs when opening, as well as increase safety.

Also for opening a paintball club will require the following equipment:

  • adult markers (30 pcs.)
  • children markers (30 pcs.)
  • cylinders for markers (60 pcs.)
  • feeders (60 pcs.)
  • equipment (masks, camouflage, protective ammunition)
  • music equipment
  • protective grid
  • mangals and skewers
  • cashbox

As a result, the paintball club will be designed for a simultaneous visit to 30 people. This equipment will allow to fully ensure the safety of players, as well as create maximum comfort conditions. Guests will also be available for renting mangals and skewers. As business develops, a small cafe can be opened next to the club to increase profitability.

It is worth noting that the licensing of this activity is absent. At the same time, the business owner needs to be familiar with regulatory and legislative acts regulating relations with consumers, safety standards.

3. Sales Market Description

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To open a paintball club, you need the following:

  • Register a legal entity - IP
  • Pick up land
  • Build infrastructure
  • Purchase equipment
  • Pick up personnel
  • Start work

Stage / Duration, Ned.

Registration of IP

Selection of Zu

Construction of infrastructure

Purchase of equipment

Personnel search

Beginning of work

As a result, 8 weeks will need to open the club. Initially, it is necessary to register a legal entity - IP (OKVED 92.72 "Other activities on the organization of recreation and entertainment not included in other groups"). Taxation system of USN "income-expenses". This system will reduce income tax costs. Once all legal documents in the tax will be obtained, you can open an account in the bank.

According to the results of registration in the tax, proceed to the selection of the land plot and conclude a lease agreement. The next step needs to build infrastructure on the territory. It includes gazebos, polygons, construction of structures. Next, you can start purchasing paintball equipment. It can be bought as ready-made sets and each position separately.

The next step is to run the opening ceremony and start working.

6. Organizational structure

Permanent expenses


The number of employees


Average s / n per month at the employee

