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How to organize a children's room in the mall. How to open your children's center from scratch. Opening and maintenance cost

How to open a children's club: business description + registration features + room requirements + equipment + economic indicators + 5 risks.

Capital investments: 420,000 rubles
Payback period: 4-5 months
Profitability 23%

In modern times, many parents pay a lot of attention to the development and pre-school learning of their Chad.

Some of them have long been abandoned from visits to state kindergartens and preferred to them centers. early Development and children's clubs.

Earlier to take advantage of their services could not all, but due to the fact that the number of such institutions has become constantly increased, they have become more accessible and even more in demand.

For this reason, for many entrepreneurs is actual question About, how to open a kids club And what you need to do.

Consider the main nuances associated with the beginning of such a business, and they are.

The relevance of the opening of a children's club

To begin with, let's deal with the difference between a children's club from kindergartens and other private development institutions, as well as analyze its need.

    The most popular option among parents is a state-owned garden, where children are under constant control.

    There they play, eat, sleep.

    Most often groups are overflowed, as a result of which the training material is worse.

    When registering, you must specify the correct OKVED code.

    In our case, it can be:

    • 85.11 Pre-school education
    • 85.12 Education primary general
    • 85.41 Additional education for children and adults.

    As oKVED codes Periodically change, they must be selected during business registration.

    If doubts arise, it is better to consult with experts.

    As for licensing activities, things are here as follows:

    • When opening an educational institution, after which the certificate or certificate is issued, it is necessary to obtain a license.
    • If the name of the enterprise will appear the words "training" or "educational" also need to obtain a license.

    Thus, if there is a desire to open a children's club, you do not need a license.

    But then the adopted teachers should be listed with it as an administrator or nanny.

    Otherwise, you need to contact the Education Committee to obtain permission.

    To get a license, you must submit such documents:

    • statement;
    • certificate of registration of a legal entity (in our case LLC will fit);
    • company's charter;
    • a document confirming the right of ownership or rental of premises;
    • permissions of fire service and SES;
    • information about educational and training programs;
    • information about the pedagogical composition of the club.

    As for the choice of the tax system, we recommend using simplified - USN.

    Among the main advantages of UCN, you can allocate:

  • ease of accounting and reporting accounting.

Search for premises and its arrangement

When deciding to open a children's club, the choice of premises and its design is important.

For these purposes, many use private apartments, which is a gross violation.

So, when searching for premises, you must pay attention to such moments:

  • convenient location, while it is not necessary to be the city center.

    Parents are primarily looking for children's clubs near the house, so sleeping areas will also be "free" from such a business;

    the room itself should not be residential.

    For these purposes, separate buildings or a refitted first floor with good sound insulation and a separate entrance are suitable;

  • for accommodation and working with several groups of children, there will be an area of \u200b\u200bat least 70 square meters. m.;
  • the height of the ceilings is at least 3 meters;
  • for safety reasons, the outlets and switches should be placed at an altitude of 1.8 m.

As for the arrangement of the premises for a children's club, it should include:

  • learning rooms and games;
  • receiving;
  • locker room;
  • bathroom;
  • room for staff.

As for the design, then, of course, you need to make high-quality repairs - if necessary, change the windows, blew the wallpaper or paint the walls, put new plumbing in the bathroom.

Children's club equipment

For the arrangement of the room, it is necessary to purchase such equipment:

EquipmentCost, rub.
TOTAL:243 000 rub.
Study area
30 000
12 000
6 000
10 000
15 000
Screen and projector

40 000
Developing material and literature
20 000
5 000
3 000
Reception and dressing room
Sofa for expectation
12 000
9 000
5 000
Cabinet administrator
Table and chairs
15 000
3 000
15 000
Room for staff
Tables and chairs
15 000
Sofa for rest
7 000
Electric kettle
3 000
Installation of sanitary ware
18 000

If in the children's club will be conducted on sports and dancing you will need basic sports equipment.

This is an additional 35-45 thousand rubles.

Set of pedagogical staff

Even purchasing the most expensive equipment and making the most stylish repair, Efforts that were spent to open their kids club, will not pay off without qualified personnel.

First of all, it will take to hire teachers.

Depending on the selected courses and classes and you need to select teachers.

These should be people with pedagogical or psychological education.

Work on the reception of personnel before opening a children's club, it is better to entrust HR-Companies.

In addition to teachers, there may be nynechki, manager, accountant and cleaner.

As for remuneration, it is often in children's clubs teachers receive a piecework payment - for example, it can be 0.5 of the cost of classes.

Therefore, they are interested in attracting parents and their children.

But at the beginning you can pay the usual salary, as you can immediately calculate the article by the cost of fot.

The exemplary staff of the children's club will look like:

The obligations of the manager can take on the owner of the business itself, it will significantly save money on the payment of salary staff, and will help better control the process.

Attracting customers

Without advertising, no business does not do, because different ways to find customers will not succeed.

In our case, the more children will attend a children's club, the faster the investments will pay off.

Marketing tools will be suitable for promotion:

    If even schoolchildren can cope with the second, then you will have to go to those skilled in the art.

    This should not be neglected, because the site will be the face of your institution.

    There it is necessary to place contact information, a list of courses, and also enable to sign up for trial on-line classes.

    Placing a bright signboard and entry

    Already during preparation for the discovery, this will allow to notice others that a children's club appeared in their area.

    Distribution of leaflets

    This can be done near the playgrounds and kindergartens, in.

    Another option that can be used is a festive opening with a draw gift.

    As an example, you can play developing toys or even a few free classes.

How much is it worth opening a children's club?

With regard to capital investments for opening a business, they include such expenses:

Article expenditureAmount, rub.
TOTAL:420,000 rubles.
Business registration10 000
Repair indoors50 000
Purchase of equipment243 000
Internet and security installation12 000
Site creation20 000
Advertising campaign40 000
HR-Companies Services30 000
Additional expenses15 000

In addition to the fact that the costs are needed to open a children's club, regular expenses are needed:

Income forecast and calculation of business payback period

"If a person seeks success, then not thanks to anyone, but in spite of everything."
Edgar How.

In the question, how to open a children's club, you need to think about the profitability and payback of the business.

And for this, first of all work is carried out on the indicators:

  • work schedule: 12.00-18.00.
  • lesson duration - 1 hour
  • the cost of one hour of classes - 250-300 rubles.
  • number of rooms - 2
  • number of people in groups of 9 people
  • predicted outfill - 70% (5-6 people).

Thus, per day there is an opportunity to receive 15,000 rubles, and a month - 450,000 rubles.

Please note that this average indicators perhaps in the first weeks of work after the opening of the children's club will be "windows", as well as the number of children will be only 50-60% of the group's fill.

The video contains an example of the arrangement of a children's club:

Risks that may arise when opening a business

Finally, I would like to talk about risks and problems that may arise from those who want to open their children's club:

    Incorrectly selected

    To avoid this, you need to refer to the realtor, which can determine the passability of the place, which will later help in attendance of the children's club, and, consequently, business profitability.

    Lack of personnel

    Even at the stage of repair and design, it is necessary to refer to the specialists who can choose staff.

    It will be understood immediately at low attendance and low-fillance of groups.

    In this case, it is necessary to hire a proven PR agent or contact a promotional company that can properly apply marketing tools.

    Changes in legislation

    Perhaps, soon all such institutions, even without identifying words and phrases in the title, will fall into the list of licensed activities,

    Accidents with children

    No one is insured from the fact that in the lesson someone can become bad, or someone will fall during the games.

    Therefore, it is necessary to constantly carry out first-aid to first aid personnel.

    And it is also worth providing the most secure conditions for staying for small visitors.

Thus, in the question, how to open a kids club, most important moments They are the selection of competent staff, from working with which parents will see the result, and an effective advertising campaign.

Only, in this case, children will lead to you, which will allow to receive income from business.

We also recommend developing their training programs, and send teachers to advanced training courses so that they always have been in the know modern tendenciesthat is especially true now, because something new is constantly appearing.

And by the way, many advanced mothers follow this, and will be satisfied, if in the club with their children will be engaged in new techniques.

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In this material:

Many are interested in how to open a game room for children, because it is enough interesting view Business. The question of holding a child's rest is quite acute, not only in large cities, but also in small towns.

Children's game room is a competently selected and equipped room, where parents will be able to play their child for a while, and he will be under the closer observation of adults. The greatest demands of similar gaming zones are used in large shopping centers. While parents make purchases, children at this time can have fun under the supervision of adults. This is a good investment of money, as the demand for such a service will not decrease even during the crisis. At the same time, there will be no significant cost of introducing such a project.

The advantages of the arrangement of the game zone as ideas for doing business

The game room, intended for children, is considered a rather popular and promising idea for doing business. Such an entertainment zone is an economical nanny replacement, so this type of business has quick payback. To improve the entertainment zone for a child, you need to:

  • thoroughly think over all the nuances;
  • make a business plan;
  • develop an advertising concept and measures to promote the project.

When planning the opening of the game room, you need to remember the full responsibility for the safety and life of young guests. This type of business is specific, and to its organization must be taken very carefully.

Composing a business plan for organizing the game room, such as aspects should be taken into account:

  • the choice of ideas;
  • calculation of the profitability of the project;
  • analysis of competitors and demand for the service provided;
  • organizational matters;
  • development of advertising and promotion of the project;
  • payback business.

A well-thought-out business plan will help solve almost all organizational issues, and determine the expediency of arranging the place of entertainment for children.

How to register an entertainment zone

Before organize own businessYou need to pre-draw a business plan, as well as register your case in a strictly defined order. First you need to choose the logistics form.

It is possible to register as a private entrepreneur or and as legal entity. It is necessary to choose the required codes on the OKVED, and then register in various organizations, in particular, and in the Pension Fund.

When all documents are prepared, it is necessary to issue a lease agreement, taking into account the fact that the premises should fully respond to all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Service fire safety.

It is worth considering the fact that all staff of the children's entertainment zone must have appropriate sanitary books. In addition, it is important to obtain permission to carry out the arrangement of the room from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Features Rental Premises for Arrangement Entertainment Area

Before organizing the activities of the children's entertainment zone, you need to pick up most suitable room. It is best to organize this kind of business in fairly crowded places. Well suited for this purpose:

  • shopping centers;
  • cinemas;
  • restaurants.

An entertainment zone located in the mall will be enjoyed quite popular and popular. With its parents, when making purchases, it will not be necessary to look after the child.

When choosing a room, you need to consider the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entertainment zone, as well as its financial capabilities. The minimum area of \u200b\u200bpremises intended for children should be at least 30 square meters. M. Then in it will be able to settle up to 20 children at the same time.

If you need to open a gaming zone with special machines and attractions, then you need to select the room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will be at least 200 meters square.

Special attention should be paid to the selection of equipment designed to arrange an entertainment zone. Such costs will be the most significant, but no need to save on the equipment, as it should be reliable. Be sure to purchase exceptionally high-quality toys, as they will not provoke the occurrence of allergic manifestations in children.

As an equipment intended for the entertainment zone, you can purchase:

  • labyrinth;
  • inflatable trampolines;
  • stuffed Toys;
  • dolls, designers, cars;
  • slot machines, consoles;
  • board games, sets intended for drawing;
  • tables, chairs, sofas;
  • lockers.

Such an environment guarantees comfortable employees and excellent rest for children and parents.

It should be taken into account that in the entertainment zone you need to go out or shove removable shoes, so it is additionally necessary to equip special lockers to ensure the safety of things.

Organization of the activities of the children's gaming zone

When organizing the activities of the children's gaming area, you need to select competent, proven employees who should have a specialized education.

They should be able to quickly find contact with children.

Employees of the children's entertainment zone must certainly have a special health book, and take place periodic inspections.

For a comfortable stay and organization of recreation children in the entertainment zone, you must certainly introduce general rules of behavior in the children's room.

Children's entertainment zones usually have a convenient work schedule for visitors. They start their activities from 8-9 in the morning and end about 21 hours. Especially large surveys of visitors accounted for holidays and weekends, so they work at this time.

The time of visits to the center is limited, and the owner has the right to determine how much time the child can stay in the institution. It is worth remembering that if the parent wants to leave in the zone of entertainment of a fallen child, that is, all the grounds to refuse to such a visitor, as there are certain risks of infection of other children.

On weekdays, in particular, in the morning, the influx of visitors will be much smaller, so you can temporarily attract guests by organizing various kinds of promotions and discounts. Thus, it is possible to get the desired profit by loading the room for the whole day.

An advertisement is considered a very important issue in organizing a children's gaming zone. Colorful signboard will help attract additional customers. If the entertainment zone is located in the mall, then you need to place bright colorful signs, as well as posters with its location, so that visitors can quickly find it.

The arrangement of the playing children's zone as a business is a very favorable area of \u200b\u200bactivity that can bring significant constant income under moderate capital investments.

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The company needs to register as IP And choose the code OKVED 92.7. - "Other activities on the organization of recreation and entertainment."

Other documents for children's game room

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharanadzor;
  • Certificates confirming the safety of toys and gaming equipment. They must respond international Standard security EN - 1176 and Russian Gostam: P 52168-2003, p 52300-2004, p 52169-2003, r 52301-2004, R 52299-2004 and R 52167-2003;
  • Employees are required by sanitary books.

The cost of registration of documents - in the area of \u200b\u200b700-900 $, deadlines - 1-2 months.

Children's room room

Best places to open this business: in the mall, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, at hotels and at the recreation bases, resorts, in the parks of recreation, at the airport, at the station, on the territory of entertainment centers and adult institutions (fitness club, salon Beauty, bowling club, etc.). The main condition is good permeability.

Even in little city The shopping and entertainment center will become an ideal location. A huge number of shops and cafes - pledge of good passability and a large duration of visiting the game room. An important plus - in this case the center does not need an advertisement.

Open the children's playroom in the residential area is slightly harder. It will be necessary to choose the most visited location where visitors constantly flock.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is selected from the calculation of 1.5-2 square meters per person. That is, for 15-20 kids, you need a center for 30 square meters. m. Rent will be $ 1,000 monthly for large shopping centers and about 700-800 dollars. - For celestial institutions. It will take 600-700 $ to repair.

Tricks and Design

The children's room should be brightly decorated from the inside and outside. For the interior, it is recommended to use wallpaper and pictures with recognizable cartoon characters, you need good lighting. Outside the walls are also drawn up brightly, a good option - Make them out of thick glass. Children and parents from afar will see the game room and pay attention, as is beautiful and interesting.

According to the Law "On Consumer Protection", the institution needs an information booth with a mandatory indication of the names, company details, work schedules, types of services and prices.

To avoid misunderstanding with parents, develop rules for customers (for example, age restrictions, ban on visiting for pleasant kids, etc.)

The finish will cost approximately $ 400-700.

Requirements for the room

Activities for the organization of leisure children can be started subject to the following requirements:

  1. Compliance with the technical regulations on fire safety requirements;
  2. Compliance standards Sanpin I. Sanpin;
  3. Need to spend daily wet cleaning and washing equipment and toys.

Equipment for children's game room and its cost

A variety of sites, modules and toys are off, so we will analyze what is needed the minimum set. In need to put:

  • Game Labyrinth. This is a two- or three-story design with tunnels, transitions, hammocks, slides, ladders and other obstacles. Square of a small labyrinth - 10-15 square meters. m. Approximate cost - $ 2500-3000. Proven and inexpensive manufacturers - Avira, Juniorra, Lappsetoy;
  • Gorka With an inflatable dry pool with balls - $ 250. John, aconite-m;
  • Trampoline - $ 500. BERG, FUNTEK;
  • Two tables For games and drawing, children's chairs (10 pcs.) - $ 100. Sovietovstrom, Nika, Polymerrbet, Little Angel;
  • Drawing, Plasticine, Items, Designers, Designers - $ 200. "Fantasy", Wisma, Lego, Meccano, Elf Market;
  • Gaming house - 300-350 $. John, Leadre Kids, Bony, Gofroart;
  • Developing game modulesInnovative interactive panels - $ 150. Chicco, Felice, Fivestar Toys, Zhorya, "Tossy";
  • Stuffed Toys - $ 150-200. "Resin Toys", Lava, "Radi", Yoh-Ho, "Umka";
  • Table and chair For an employee - $ 40-50. Equivalent, delacosa;
  • Sectional lockers For clothes - 110-140 $. Bikom, "metal line";
  • Cash machineRegistered in the tax service-$ 250. "ELVES", "Orion".

Important nuances of arrangement

For the game, you should not use cheap or used equipment because it is quickly wear out. It is important to acquire complexes from thick plastic, avoid all the sharp and brittle, so that the child can not be injured. All sets for modeling and drawing, chairs are needed in several copies, so that children do not have to fight for them. Conflict situations The room will significantly reduce parental confidence.

Purchase equipment is better directly from manufacturers. It is cheaper plus allow you to "fit" the complexes under your area, the manufacturers will gladly work under the order.


Special education to employees not necessarily, but good characteristics and pleasant appearance Need. Goodwill, openness, experience in communicating with children - important facilities for work. Also, an employee must inspire confidence in parents.

A small playground will require no more than two workers who workers changed (for example, two in two days). Accounting is given to outsourcing.

The monthly salary fund (taking into account the accountant services) is about $ 800-900.

Pricing and operation

Standard schedule - from 9.00 to 21.00. On weekends can be opened a little later. The cost of visiting the room is different on weekends and weekdays. On weekdays, it averages 1.2-1.8 $ per hour, on weekends - 1.8-2.7 $. Peak hours - 16.00-21.00. In order not to lose money during the rest of the day, offer a discount on the morning visits.

To attract customers, develop promotional subscriptions, discounts for reusable visits. And earn - the organization of children's holidays with contests and animators.

Costs, Profit, Profitability of the Children's Game Room

How much is it worth opening a children's game room

To organize such a matter from scratch, you must invest about 10 thousand dollars. These are capital expenditures, arrangement and rent for three months forward.

Permanent expenditures will be $ 1,800-2000 per month. When attendance of the center in 5-6 people per hour, the income will be 3500-4000 $, and pure monthly profit - $ 1700-20. Over time, the number of visitors will grow.

Before the game complex, it is worth conducting a market research, learn best places Accommodation, analyze where most potential customers are located.

In the fact that it is easy to expand or open additional points in the city.

The easiest way to open a children's studio is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself - we offer you step-by-step instructions From the expert of Sandland.

Business on children in lately It is becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this - first, the trend on the early development of children is capturing the minds all more Parents. Almost from the very birth of the baby, Moms and Pope think about how to develop the creative abilities of their children, how to make it smarter and more educated, how to promote the full and multilateral development of the person.

Especially acute this question arises for parents of children aged 3 to 5 years. It is at this age that any parent is trying to invest in the development of a child a maximum, recording it in various sports sections and creative mugs, schools of dancing, music, etc. If a few years ago, the number of proposals to hold children's leisure time with benefits were limited to sections and circles of urban centers children's creativity, as well as specialized artistic, musical and choreographic schools, today the situation changes in the root.

Now the children's leisure and early development industry is represented by private children's studios, which offer more competitive services compared to municipalities. Moreover, the approach to children, their development and education is fundamentally different from the usual approach of the Soviet school. In such children's studios, they do not put the goal from the child Tchaikovsky or Maya Plisetskaya by any means, even contrary to the desire and the possibilities of the child itself. Children's studios use a more loyal and flexible approach, taught playing, develop creativity without estimates and coercion, taking care of the first of all about the moral and psychological state of children.

Another reason for the popularity of business on children is that the sphere of children's services is rather rich in business ideas that can be implemented using minimal investments and a huge desire to work for themselves and develop their business. Naturally, at the initial stage of the children's studio will have to devote much time and strength. But at the same time, a children's studio as a business can combine both profit and satisfaction, and pleasure from activities.

The business idea of \u200b\u200ba children's studio, as, otherwise, and most of the business ideas associated with children are primarily attracting women, especially young and active mothers who, after the birth of children, completely rethink their lives. That is why among the owners of the children's studio most are women. It is they who after the birth of a child themselves face the needs and problems, for whom they themselves would not mind to pay. But not finding suitable for certain criteria (comfort, location, level of service, directions or pricing policies) options, are solved on the opening of your own business.

About what is to be done to open your own children's studio, how step by step to launch business on children and start earning and developing, read further.

Investment size

Children's studio is a good option for a novice businessman, including for the reason that the investment in its opening is quite small. It is extreme important parameter For the first business.

With certain resourcefulness, opening a children's studio, it is quite possible to meet the initial investment in 200-250 thousand rubles. Although, of course, the amount will be largely dependent on how much room rental will cost, how much you spend on repair and equipment, which consumables Begin what teachers Niemette.

Calculate all the estimated costs of expenses and just in case laid out for the start. great amountthan you need. This will make it relatively painlessly survive the first crisis months when the client pool is only recruited.

Where to get money?

But even a small amount of money for initial attachments must be taken somewhere. The ideal source of investment is your own accumulation. Having invested his funds into business, you will significantly reduce the risks, and stress will be much less: no debts that need to be given with interest, no additional monthly expenses (And they have a young business already great), no credit obligations hanging over with a Damoclay Sword.

But there are far from all for the start. But almost everyone has relatives and friends, whose help can be resorted. Although everything is there so there is a risk to ruin the relationship.

But a bank loan is an extreme measure. It is fraught with overpayments, and recently banks are not particularly willing to issue loans. If you are going to invest quite a small means in a small business, you can use credit cardthat gives you the opportunity not to pay interest if you have time to return the money for three months.

You can also count on the aid of the state in the form of a subsidy. Practice shows that it is quite realistic to get material support from the authorities. But for this you will have to be patient: a year by year, the procedure for obtaining funds is becoming more complicated.

It is especially difficult to get a grant in large cities, and the fault of that bureaucracy. Even if you are full of enthusiasm, it can completely evaporate in the process of collecting all necessary documents. Yes, and the chances of obtaining financial support from the state are not 100%.

In small cities, things are somewhat easier to obtain funds. But regardless of the size of the city, certain risks remain. Even if the grant is approved to your project, you can never see money. There are such cases that businessmen are just cheating.

Step-by-step instruction

After you revealed the demand for your studio and found money to open, you need to think about corporate identity. This is important for any business, no exceptions to be here. Even the smallest project should not impress the "Sharacken Office" impressions, people should understand its significance. To do this, they need to see that the project is thought out "from and to".

Remember the famous phrase "How do you call, so he saves"? It is not better applicable to the business of a children's studio, so first of all it is necessary to choose the perfect name and close to engage in branded style. And it is not at all that the latter will cost you a fabulous amount.

Personal experience

I started exactly from thinking corporate style. To do this, I had to resort to the help of a designer. I found it among freelancers, wrote those. The task to which he relied during work. A good designer takes the development of 15-10 thousand rubles. No need to regret this money, especially since the amount is not so great. But people will see how closely you are attentive to detail, will appreciate your goal. A single corporate style, which is used everywhere - on business cards, flyers, etc. - Customers have more confidence and contributes to your studio recognition.

The interior of the studio should also be laid in the canons of corporate identity, so it is important to consider it to the smallest detail. Only after you decide in the image of the future studio, you can proceed to the purchase of building materials and repair of the room.

After repair comes time for the purchase of equipment. What exactly for the equipment it will be depends on what your studio does. In my case I had to purchase ordinary tables and special tables for rice sand, camera, projector, projection screen.

Prices for equipment will be very different. For example, small children's table It may cost 1 thousand rubles, and maybe 8 thousand. Choose to you. Just remember that the most important thing is that the tables correspond to the minimum indicators, and the presence of golden legs is the tenth business. The same, in principle, concerns any other equipment.

The number of equipment depends on how many children will be trained in your studio at the same time. We have everything designed for classes with six kids. This is the optimal number of students, since it is precisely with such a number of a group of teacher who can pay sufficient attention to every child.

As for the choice of equipment suppliers, it depends so much on the city of discovery. It's easier to find a supplier optimally suitable for parameters, in a big city.

Than more city, the greater the choice of equipment.

For the studio in a small town, most likely, you will have to order everything on the site. It can slightly delay the process or lead to unexpected results.

If we talk about the selection criteria for suppliers, the main one is the ratio of price and quality. No need to rush on low prices! Decide what quality equipment you need, disperse with indicators and technical specifications. It will have to do to understand whether you purchased a good technique. And only after it becomes extremely clear with the characteristics, it is possible to compare prices from different suppliers.

It is advisable to choose monopolist firms that are engaged in the production of one type of technology. For example, only projectors produce.

Often those who are engaged in the supply of equipment are ready to provide consumables. At least this is the case in the field of drawing sand.

Find suppliers and equipment, and consumables every year everything is easier. In our field, demand is constantly growing, therefore companies appear more and more. And you can go out on the Internet.

If you open something fundamentally new, with suppliers may be difficulties. If you find them quite not easy, you can try to make equipment yourself. However, there is a question of quality.

After the consumables and equipment are purchased, you need to start thinking of the technique of working with children and the time of work of the studio itself.

In our studios, the occupation lasts from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of kids. For a longer time, kids are just hard to concentrate on one lesson.

We work with children we are mainly on weekdays in the evening or on weekends. Among the week, the schedule is thought out so that parents are convenient to bring guys after the end of their working day or stay of the child in the kindergarten. And on weekends, children's holidays are held.

No less important question - recruitment. In fact, choose a good teacher by no means just because it is not always some of the criteria can be definitely advantageous. For example, extensive experience and extensive track record is not a quality assurance. The main thing for the teacher is shine in the eyes. If a person has a desire and enthusiasm, if he is interested in introducing his ideas, you will go far with this man.

It is important that the person wants to not just work, but be part of your company.

Requirements for the placement of children's studios are not as strict, as, for example, to the catering. However, there is certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine where to rent a room.

Of course, transport and pedestrian traffic - at all optional criterion for you. But also to climb the wilderness to which from anywhere in the city to go three hours, and then still walk 5 kilometers - bad solution. Children's studio must be available.

Check if it is convenient to get to your customers. It is important that the studio is not too removed from public transport stops. At the same time, parents should be able to rent more than one route, preferably from anywhere in the city without transplantation. There will be no superfluous driveways for those who will bring kids on their own cars.

But as for the part of the city, where you will work, you are free to choose. It is suitable for both the center and a sleeping area. Especially a new building where many young families with children live. If it is very difficult to decide on the place, try again to resort to the social range. Parents will gladly vote in social network For the most convenient accommodation for them, the studio accommodation option.


From the point of view of reducing the cost of premises for large cities, a good option is a sublease. But you need to choose a "neighbor" with the mind. Children's studio on the doorstep of the grocery store will not cause anything other than bewilderment. Choose the enterprise of the adjacent industry, for example, toy store or private garden.

Shopping centers are very well suited to accommodate the children's studio, in many of which today there are special "children's floors". However, it is important that such a shopping center is not too noisy. The child should be able to work out without being distracted by some extraneous sounds.

Do not forget to ensure comfort and parents. Many of them may decide what to leave somewhere for 1 hour does not make sense, and will wait for the end of the classes here in the studio. Therefore, the studio should have a peculiar zone of waiting with comfortable sofas, magazines and other things that helps to make the child waiting for the child. This, of course, will make it take an additional area and increase the rental cost, but it is worth it.

By the way about the square. It will depend on whether you plan to hold events and birthdays to your studio. In this case, there will be a zone for classes and a zone for recreation and games. Ideally, they must be divided. Minimum Studio Square - 20-30 sq.m.

As for repair requirements, everything is simple enough. While Sanpinov, regulating children's studios, does not exist, which means to fine for the lack of a tile or linoleum instead of the carpet, no one will be.

The most important thing is to observe the rules of fire safety. Answer for this question should be your landlord. Although it is still better to double-check, is there in the room fire alarm, did not fail fire extinguishers and so on.


The obligatory stage of opening any business is its legal design. When opening a children's studio, you have a choice between IP and LLC. It will be easier to work if you register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you can choose a simplified version of the tax reporting and keep accounting on your own. But when opening, LLC without a professional accountant can not do.

The optimal option for the children's studio is "Simplified" with a tax charge of 6% of income.


Is it profitable to open

With good performance indicators, the children's studio pays off quite quickly - for 3-4 months. To achieve such a result, you need to look for additional ways to increase profits, for example, due to children's holidays.

But it must be borne in mind that customers can be different. Parents can come to you, ready to spend 25 thousand rubles for a children's birthday, while the cost of the holiday in your price list - 10 thousand rubles. This case should be able to offer its customers additional services. For example, enter paper shows that are now gaining popularity, or add quests for children.

To increase profits and reduce payback period, you can also conduct exit master classes and even teams for companies, if your activity allows it.

In addition, you need to be able to reduce your studio costs. The main costs fall on the salary fund and rent. In addition, it is time to update some interior items, such as children's stools, and also spend money on consumables. As for savings, it is possible to reduce costs first of all by reducing rental costs. For example, you can use the same sublease.

Beginner entrepreneurs often arise about what pricing policy to lead. Children's studio - just the case when the main criterion for the formation of your price is the price of competitors. At the same time it is not necessary that it is about direct competitors. Take a look at other leisure institutions.

At the very beginning of work, you can dumping. This will help to attract customers.

Dumping with competent use helps a lot, but constantly use it is not an option. The client arises a thought: "The cheaper, the worse." As a result, it begins to doubt the conditions provided in the studio, the competence of frames, etc. Some word, with dumping you need to be able to contact, it is important not to overdo it here.

Personal experience

In our studios, open different cities, there are different prices. The average cost of the master class in small cities - 250-300 rubles, in large cities - 600-700 rubles.

There are other rates for the long-term program. The monthly subscription for four classes costs 1860 rubles.

To organize the work of the studio is a rather difficult task, because a lot of nuances will have to take into account, and both for regular training and additional services. In order for the studio to work in a plus, it is necessary that you have 6 groups of 6 groups. But it is important not to forget about additional services. In our studio, three types of services: educational classes, children's birthdays and family master classes.

Regular group classes are held on weekdays in the evening. We try to make two groups of each age in each age in order to work out a week. In total, we have two groups in each (one of the three) age categories. The kids go to us once a week, the day off at the studio - on Monday. Schedule floating. In many respects, the reason for this is that small children often sick.

As for classes, it is important to make maximum effort to make the client constant. It is important to make it that he passes the program to the end. This is facilitated by a competently built technique. We teach the child to draw from scratch. To achieve certain success, the kids take 1 year.

At the end of the year, we have the opportunity to move to a more complicated program. According to statistics, 70% of the kids involved in us come to the second year of study.

Family master class is designed to rally parents and baby. As a rule, classes are conducted for two, for example, moms and a child or dad and child. Children and parents gather in a small group and jointly engage in creativity here in such an interesting format.

One of our profile services is children's birthdays. This format is in great demand, it is very relevant in the market. It is important to think about entertainment program, Make an event interesting, including at the expense of the attraction of animators.

Conducting children's birthdays - occupation for the weekend, as parents have the opportunity to bring babies for a holiday only on weekends. We have the peaks on Saturday, on this day we can spend three days of birth.

Each of the services provided must be worked out as much as possible. How successful services work can be judged at the end of the month. If some service does not bring the desired effect, you need to throw all your strength to progress.

In this article we will talk about how to open a children's developing center, which is needed to open it and you can download free ready example Business plan.

Development Center for Children or Malocomplete Children's Sadik - Pretty promising business in the modern world. Children are becoming more and more, the birth rate grows, the population increases. Often you can hear from young mothers and fathers, which is very difficult to arrange a good baby. Wishing too much, and places in such children's institutions are not enough. Of all children that need kindergartens, only about 60% have the opportunity to get there. But the kindergarten is not only help parents, but also communication for the child.

What is the difference between children's developing center from kindergarten?

Per last years Along with municipal children's gardens appeared a huge number Different children's educational clubs and centers, as well as private kindergartens. All of them are provided by the provision of approximately the same services with the difference only in the level of teaching, professionalism of teachers, teaching techniques of kids and the most important thing - the approach to the business itself. Specialists of such children's educational centers try to help parents make them kids successful, educated, versatilely developed and happy.

For clarity, the differences can see development programs, for example, the children's developing center "Constellation". In some of their programs, Mom must participate. These techniques themselves are aimed at different purposes: adaptation in children's garden, individual development etc. In the gardens this you will not meet.

Business plan

So the differences consist only in the techniques of classes with kids, then to open this case you will be suitable. If it is not enough for you, then you can download more.

The main thing is to remember that your employees were professionals of their business, and not by ordinary educators.

How to open a children's developing center

How to open and what needs to be done to open a children's educational center? If you like children, competently come true, it will not be completely difficult.

The factors that need to be considered before the opening

If you have seriously decided to start, then you need to do the following.

  1. Register an enterprise, firm, go through all standard procedure For legal activities. Now it is not difficult to do this, all information can be found on the Internet, in legislation.
  2. We will need primary investments for the children's developing center from 500 thousand rubles. and more. Here you can take your own funds or attract an investor, making sure the treaty.
  3. The choice of premises - the more, the better: from 100 square meters. m.
  4. Find a good qualified personnel for working with children.
  5. Have or acquire knowledge of psychology, pedagogy. It is necessary for checking and selection of personnel, conflict solutions.
  6. An account in the bank is to fulfill an easy-to-open procedure.

If you decide in the name of the enterprise to use the words "educational", "training", but it is necessary to get a special license. For a children's developing center of development, it is not necessary. For one teacher with finished pedagogical formation It will be necessary for the design of the IP, then possible without a license. In this case, the staff is drawn up for positions with the duties of nanny.

Choose a simplified taxation system to keep minimal accounting without attracting expensive specialists.

Select room

The room must necessarily include:

  • receiving;
  • cabinet for staff;
  • gaming and room for classes;
  • bedroom;
  • bathroom with toilet.

Fire safety requires that the premises of the children's center of development be sure to be an independent compartment, have 1-2 outputs, fire alarms.

The success of the children's developing center mostly depends on teachers. Children will talk about them to parents, and those - their familiar and relatives, potential customers. It is important, of course, the equipment, techniques, but the main one is always the human factor.

Features of this business

Almost always, children's educational centers work nine months, because in the summer there are few children who wish to led. At the same time, renting permanently.

The greater the city, the more competition. It is necessary to estimate the demand for the service in a particular area, fashion trends. Most often requires the development of kids up to 2-3 years, learning a foreign language.

Payback of such a children's educational center - from 3 to 5 years.

The main costs in this business should be attributed:

  • rent;
  • wages fund;
  • security services;
  • tax deductions.

How to attract customers

The main customers are parents with children from neighboring houses. This is the main place of the main advertising company. It should include ads on entrances, inside houses, conversations with parents, invitations to events from the children's educational center. Organize different holidays, concerts, competitions for kids, inviting parents and children there. It will increase fame, attract new customers.

Popularity to support, you can create in different ways, for example, to introduce some original innovative ideas, conduct promotions. But in this case, it will be necessary to contact the advertising agency, and this is, as you know, additional costs.

Now the opening of children's developing centers is very promising. You need to be patient, courage, not afraid of difficulties and gradually everything will pay off with time, and will bring stable substantial profits. Better, of course, to start with your own premises without investors.

Kindergartens and educational centers are not just an opportunity to open a business, it is a very useful, in demand, good deed. Your pupils and their parents with a well-organized process will be very grateful to you.