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Training of quick reading techniques. Tips for increasing reading speed. Valdorf school

Junior and high school teachers have long discovered the relationship between reading speed and student achievement. The faster the schoolboy perceives the flow of information, the better he learns. For this reason, parents seek to teach the child to speed before the start of school education or in primary class. What exercises for children in speed, how to conduct them and where to start studying, we will discuss in our article.


Speed \u200b\u200b- this is the ability of a person to perceive text at high speed. It is to perceive, and not only mechanically read. If you teach the child to swallow words with a phenomenal speed, while not understanding that he read, then the speed will not help you with study, but even on the contrary.

Under the speed in the correct sense, it is customary to understand the developed skill processing of educational text. These are paragraphs of textbooks, articles on scientific topics. The speed of reading should be at least 120-150 words per minute. At an older age, up to 200 lexical units.

Any child can learn alarm. But, according to psychologists and teachers, the optimal age is the period from 10 to 12 years. Although the positive experience of applying the technique has 7 years old, and even 6 years old.


Figure training is associated with some difficulties. In unprepared children, peripheral vision is poorly developed, articulation, there are defects of mental skills (attention, memory).

  1. Narrow field of view. For the development of quick reading techniques, you need to have a wide coverage of vision. Eyes should not focus on one word. The task of the teacher in the aircraft to teach the schoolchildren to perceive the text entirely, that is, the look should not stop in some words, but on the spaces between them, capturing immediately phrase or sentence.
  2. Eye regression. This is the main enemy of the speeds. The schoolboy returns to the already read text, losing time. Eye regression is automatically. The process can be controlled using training exercises.
  3. Suppression of articulation. Reading at the usual pace, children try to vote words clearly and loudly. It helps to assimilate artistic literature. For example, verses perceive accurately and feel the mood of the author without pauses, logical strokes are impossible. But for dynamic reading, the dictation is not needed. Property reduces the speed of perception of text.
  4. Undustful attention. The high rate of read requires increased attention. This is necessary for the instantaneous allocation of the main and secondary, deep understanding of the new information.

To eliminate defects and testing fast reading skills, it is necessary not only to continue to train, but also to adjust the latitude of the field of view, abandon the internal progress of words, control the regression, to develop attention and memory. This will help the following exercises, which include in the system of classes, paying for them for a few minutes at each lesson.


The most effective are those exercises that eliminate the cause of a low reading rate and train the speed of visual perception of information. Consider some of them.

On the expansion of sight

Exercises for the development of the visual field occupy the main place in the system of lessons on dynamic reading. Children in 7 and 8 years or small words. The wide angle and field of view allow you to capture the phrase, suggestions, even small paragraphs. In other words, the child reads and immediately sees the text on, perceiving it subconsciously. Not all adults can boast such a skill, but children, after 1-2 months of training, do it easily. Use the following methods of work.

Tables Shulte

These are numeric squares. Each cell contains a digit. For students of primary classes, a range from 1 to 20 is used. The task of the exercise is to find eyes all the numbers in order. At first it takes a lot of time, then 10-20 seconds. Singing the speed of execution of the task is needed at each lesson, noting progress.

Red-black Table of Gorbova-Shulte

Wonderful pyramids

Analogue of wedge-shaped tables. Words are located at different distances from each other. You need to start reading from the top level, gradually going down, holding both sides of the pyramid in focus. This task is quite complicated. It is necessary to conduct training individually, each student has a card with a table on the table, so that nothing distracts.

As an option, there are tables with whole words on the sides of the pyramid or syllables, connecting that, the child receives a sense lexeme.

On the fight against eye regression

It is impossible to prohibit the eyes to return to the already read text of the power will. This skill requires training.

  • Cut a slider

It is necessary to act as follows:

  • The child reads offers, for example, the first line of paragraph.
  • Puts on a learned fragment of a sheet of paper, wide bookmark.
  • Continues reading by moving a bookmark on the page.
  • Returning an eye on the upper text is impossible - it is hidden. The pattern of movement is only forwarded automatically.
  • Pointer

You can use the handle, finger. The teacher or the student itself indicates the movement of reading. The eyes monitor the handle automatically, but at first time the schoolboy will have to force himself not to look around.

On the suppression of articulation

Word progress even with lips, silently interferes with increasing reading speed. Articulation will have to suppress. On the text, only eyes should slide. The following exercises will be suitable for working out skill.

  • We read under the music

Include music without words, then accompanied by a song. The noise prevents pronouncing. It is important to regularly check the understanding read. Ask questions on the text, ask to retell paragraphs, a textbook paragraph.

  • Boroton.

Or bumblebee. Schoolchildren must buzz or mumble, sing motive while reading. This exercise is quite complicated. But develops both hemispheres of the brain, because the child performs several actions at the same time.

  • Pencil

If the lips pronounce the words of the read text silently, on the machine, then you need to fix them in the same position, prohibit moving. The child clamps a pencil in his mouth, or closes his lips with his palm.

  • Drumroll

A teacher or a student himself can challenge rhythm. Drum without rhythm or at a certain pace, playing a familiar melody.

Important! This training unit to perform junior schoolchildren is difficult. Exercises interfere with the perception of information, so controlling the semantic perception of the read needed regularly.

Attention exercises

Adjusting the level of attention is necessary to improve the ability to quickly perceive text, see familiar words, slipping around them. Conduct the following set of exercises:

  • We compose words

Write a long word on a sheet of paper. For example, entrepreneurship. It makes up a lexeme from one to two syllables: peace, forest, table and others.

  • Find differences

Write down the couples of words: par-bar, ox-count, dill trail. The child explains what they are similar than different.

  • Puzzles

Questions with trick training attention. For example, how many apples will grow on birch, if there are 8 in the garden, and 10 fruits have grown in each period in the past period.

You can invent tricky riddles yourself, along with the child.

  • Work of both hemispheres
  • Confusion

Learn a few poems with a child. Type the scored lines to the PC, but change the words in some places, print. The task of a schoolboy is to arrange them correctly.

  • We celebrate the main thing

Read a small test. Mark the main thoughts, the main theses.

  • Call colors

Fascinating task. Use such a field:

You need to call not words, but the color and shade they are printed.

Memory Development Exercises

Such tasks are suitable for workout:

  • Visual dictation

Take a small text from 5-8 sentences. Schoolboy reads. Then close all the proposals other than the first. Let the child remember him. Give it for 10 seconds. Remove the text. The student must record a sentence. Recycle all text in this way.

  • Repair words

Elementary recovery of passes in words. First one letter will be missed in some words, then you can give text with a lack of syllables, even words.

  • Chain recovery

Teacher, Parent read a group of words. They may be associated with each other semantically or lexically. For example, the driver-garage - gasoline-repair-mechanic-dried-offskol. The number of words depends on the abilities of a young student and its age.

The child repeats the words after listening. It is important to maintain the order of the chain. Increase the number of words gradually, bring the complexity up to 20 units, preferably not related in meaning.

  • Development of quick reading strategy

There are several options. Choose anyone that fits and understands you, baby. Methods can be used isolated and comprehensively, alternating exercises in one lesson or through the lesson:

  • Forced acceleration method

You need to work in a pair. Helping lagging disciples can more successful. The lead reader quickly crimps the text leads a finger or pointer on the page. Watching watches, adjusts to the pace. In the next lesson, reading passes in silent mode. You just need to monitor the movements of the pointer or finger. At the same time, the speed should be at a good level.

  • Fixation method

The child reads text in parts with metronome. It is necessary to circle an oval beginning, interview and end of the line. Thus, several proposals are divided into three equal parts. Under each tact of metronome, the student grabs a separate part of the look, it is impossible to read aloud. Exchange on the method spend daily 3-4 weeks.

  • Slip method

The method is similar to diagonal reading. Cut in the pencil of the first few words of each sentence, turn on the metronome. At first strikes, the student reads the circled words, on the second - the rest. Slip speed gradually increases.

Important! At first, it is impossible to demand understanding. It is important to work out the skill of perception of text fragmentary. The awareness of the read will come later.

Methods of professional education of children in speed, as well as a complete system of training at home is presented in books. Take a note of several benefits from listed below:

  1. Sh. Akhmadullin "Footage for children." Buy in labyrinte
  2. G. Abdulova. "Figure for children. How to read faster, memorize and understand more. " Buy in labyrinte
  3. Sh.ahmadullin. "Teaching children in speed." Buy in Labyrinte

Copyright are suitable for organizing individual classes with parents and groups. Developers Methods argue that the result will appear quickly: from 10 days to a month, if you dedicate training for 1 hour per day. Books on the aircraft for children can be downloaded for free on the Internet or order their paper option.

  • Do not waste time reading large text, it is better to handle a couple of small passages in a good pace.
  • Make breaks between classes if they are short. For example, for first-graders, choose such a scheme: read 3 times a day for 7-10 minutes, every 2-3 hours.
  • Start with simple tests.
  • Before starting training, you automate the sounds, perception of syllables. You can use the syllable table. It is read by vertical, horizontal, diagonal. Download the option you like or use it.
  • As a workout, use at each lesson.
  • For first-graders or preschool, use bright literature, with pictures, colorful illustrations to develop interest in the lessons.
  • Automate reading frequency words. For this, the cards of Domana-Manichenko are suitable. They can be used from infant age. The method is based on photopamy.
  • Instead of strict operation systems, use, choir reading, text processing in pairs.
  • Control the reading technique regularly, write to the diary.
  • Will be aware of success. Praise the baby for the slightest success, so as not to repel the desire to do.
  • Walk together, show a positive example.
  • Provide the child time to read yourself, without your control. This will increase responsibility, self-esteem.

Footage for children can be a rescue circle. With the help of exercises on the development of memory, attention, field of view, the child improves the mass of mental properties. And it helps to master the school curriculum, to be successful and respected among classmates and teachers.

Based on this, a parallel question follows: Is this effective reading? Is it possible to read quickly and at the same time to absorb the material as much as possible, while maintaining it in memory for many years?

In this article, "Ravrika" will tell you what opportunities are opening before us when we quickly and correctly read!

What is a speed?

Studies show that the average read speed in Russian is 201 in the word per minute, with an average assimilation percentage - 52. Under the alarm implies the ability to read 3-4 times faster than medium speed.

Actuation is a complex of techniques and methods to increase the speed of the material read with the maximum storage of 3-4 times. Due to the speed, the concentration of attention increases, memory and understanding of perceived information develops. "

Speed \u200b\u200bin terms of science

In recent years, the speed is becoming increasingly popular. From the point of view of science, there are various opinions: scientists are discussed and pay a lot of attention to studying this issue.

Some scientists recognize that the results of numerous studies in relation to speeding courses are slightly exaggerated. Studies of cognitive psychologists conducted in the United States under the guidance Keit Rainer - a reputable scientist in the field of visual perception and reading - sow doubts: "It is unlikely that readers will be able to triple the speed of reading and maintain the usual level of assimilation."

Nevertheless, there are people withthe phenomenal speed of reading, which the whole world is heard. The winner of the six Awards of the World Championship in high-speed reading Anna Jones read the last book about Harry Potter in the London bookstore less than 50 minutes.

In one of his scientific works, linguist, doctor of psychological and philological sciences Alexey Alekseevich LeontievThis indicates that the main task of rapid reading is not so much speed as the optimality and efficiency of the strategy of the semantic perception of the text.

Elizabeth Schotte - The psychologist of the University of California (San Diego) is expressed as:

Speeding is a very attractive skill, and every year more and more willing to help other people develop it. Many statements regarding the speeds do not correspond to reality, if we consider everything that we know about the reading mechanism. For many years, and even the centuries of research of this process became aware of a lot. Scientists need to tell about this general public

In turn, Anna Jones In an interview with The Guardian reports: "My reading speed is 800-1500 words per minute, but I can't say that it's easy. Having twenty years of experience in the speed, I regularly train at the level of professional athlete. " If you compare these numbers with the average indicator - from 200 to 400 words per minute - the argument is more than sufficient.

What makes an adult due to speed?

The sound and visual information of the human brain absorbs pretty quickly, while the assimilation of text information depends on the reading speed. If you have poorly read at school and are convinced that this is for life - photography techniques are able to debunk such myths. The development of this skill requires considerable effort. Before proceeding to the advice and exercises, we will focus on the positive aspects of the speed.

  1. development of memory and thinking (at any age);
  2. improving the educational process;
  3. saving time in everyday life;
  4. the ability to move forward and develop;
  5. good concentration of attention and reaction;
  6. productivity in various types of work.

Benefit for children

The process of learning kids with the help of aperture turns into a fascinating game in pursuit of treasures, that is, knowledge. The child forever forgets how to "join" homework, and in fear to wait for his answer. Methods and photography techniques from the small years teach a child to learn correctly. With the help of fast reading algorithms, children absorb information with a huge interest. This opens up new horizons in front of our children:

  • the child looks at the world positively;
  • i am pleased to get for homework;
  • much faster remembers the main information;
  • effectively reads complex texts for perception;
  • every day she strives for development and improvement;
  • increases self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • develops sports interest in its own results;
  • acquires erudition and creativity;
  • non-standard looks at life situations;
  • perceives the facts through critical thinking.

How quickly you read: test check speed test

Check your own read speed is quite simple. To do this, you need unfamiliar text and stopwatch. Put the timer for 1 minute. Start reading out loud. As soon as the time ends, do "stop" and consider the number of read words. It is important that the material corresponds to the age category. If you check the speed of reading the child, select a simple artistic text: a fairy tale or a description of nature. After each text, the questions must be followed.

The norm of the number of read words for elementary school children becomes 60 - 100 words per minute; For an adult - 160-225 words.

If we talk about adults, we can take any text: from scientific literature to periodic publications. The case is different with children: almost every age (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... class) has its own reference technology and a certain level of the vocabulary stock.

We offer verification text for children 4-5 classes:

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina

Wonderful hours

That was a long time ago. At the high mountain, on the edge of the poor village, the widow lived. The name was March.

Martha did not love people. Even the children annoyed her cry and running. He loved March only his goat Snow White yes her cheerful goat.

Somehow evening sat on the porch and knit stockings. Suddenly, she was heard by voices:

- Faith of cattle, Elsa! I heard?

- How not to hear! Scary for our goats, Louise!

It was talked by the peasant. They returned with empty jugs from the city. Martha looked after them, and her heart squeezed from premonition of trouble.

Suddenly Zakovoldu tilted at the wicket. Martha turned around and saw a neat old man. The old man smiled friendly and said:

- Hello, Frau March. What is your nice house - nor give, neither take - sugar on a green plate. Only too much quietly - at least a bird sang, at least a clock ticked ...

Hearing about the clock, Martha remembered that she has a wonderful vintage watch. Only they stopped long ago.

- And you are not watchmaker? - asked March.

- Present watchmaking master! - The old man crossed.

Martha invited an old man in the house. She took the clock from the chest and showed them to the master.

The other day the clock has fun ticked on the white wall of the martine room. The watchmaker did not take money for the repair, and Martha thanked his delicious coffee. From this day, the gray guest often appeared in the house of the old widow.

Meanwhile, the disease of the cattle has grown, and everyone in the village was very worried about their goats.

Once in the evening, Marta went to the forest behind the rush. She quickly scored a big knitting and rolled into a familiar path - home. But the trail suddenly disappeared. Together, Martha saw a tree, a thunderstorm, left - a big round stone. Neither stone nor a tree before there was no. Suddenly, weakly pulled the haze, and Martha went to the other side where the smoke came from. Soon she saw the fire, near the watchman, stirring the mushroom praise.

- Good evening, Frau March! - said watchmaker. - Have a dinner with me

"Thank you," said March, "I can't - I hurried to fall home."

Then the watchmaker invited her to his hut. Marthawn, heavily bent, rejected the low door and found himself in a small, softly lit room. In one corner, she saw the heavy leaves, in the other - a hearth with extinct ash. In the middle stood a big stump, and around - the tricks are smaller. A huge clock hung on a gray stone wall. On the dial instead of the digits, houses were mounted. With surprise he learned Martha in these houses their native village. That's her hut. Black clock arrow is directed directly to it.


  1. What is the text?
  2. What is the name of the main characters?
  3. Where are the actions of the story?
  4. Briefly retell the content read.

Games and exercises to increase the speed of reading

The problem of reading speed scientists are examined for years. During this time, many programs, techniques and techniques have been developed. The trainings of the Retrika Menia has a complex of games and exercises that develop the speed of reading, increase the concentration of attention and improve the memorability several times. This is exciting puzzles for your brain!

The productivity of learning largely depends on the game moment. We picked up the most entertaining games and tasks for your development!

There are several ways to prepare the brain to the perception of information. Of course, many factors affect the effectiveness of reading: the environment, external noise, room lighting, level of interest in literature, physical condition, and so on. Each person has its own individual idea of \u200b\u200ba comfortable reading atmosphere. We picked up a few useful tips how to increase reading speed on your own.

1. Do exercise.

It's easier now. To reboot and bring the body into a tone, make a few squats. It is enough for you to climb from the chair, activate the blood circulation, sit down at the table, straighten your shoulders and start work. This will concentrate your attention and will tense consciousness.

2. Spend a visual workout before reading.

Before you image. Carefully look in the photo. Close your eyes. What did you remember? Describe the image. Open your eyes and compare the inner picture with the external.

This formula should be applied in reading: do not waste attention to the entire book, choose the content details - read, thought, re-read, used.

3. Learn to keep rhythm.

At first a complicated exercise, but with regular workouts, the results surprise! Read under the metronome. Put yourself a slow pace and concentrate attention: on each stroke of the metronome you must focus on the beginning, the middle and end of the line. Keep rhythm. It is important to set up a metronome so that the material is perceived easily.

A good assistant in terms of rhythm is patters. You need to pronounce a typule out loud, while moving through the eyes on the line. Such exercises positively affect the development of reading speed!

Speed \u200b\u200bSpecies:

  1. Seni and Sanya in the Seine Som with a mustache.
  2. Osip Oshrip, Archka Osip.
  3. Sweetwood scrolls.
  4. Black night black cat jumped into black chimney.
  5. And the Christmas tree has a needle rollers.

4. Choose text for teeth.

Much depends on the vocabulary stock. If the Glossary of the book has a large percentage of words of words, their number will not switch to quality. Before reading, look at the text.

5. Stop charging words.

Mysterious declamation is a children's habit. You need to strive to read faster than you can move your mouth. Pronounce out loud letters "A-E-I-O" or consider to 4 at the moment of reading. Exercise will teach the eyes to read, not my mouth and threaten the brain.

6. Use peripheral vision.

Our brain can comprehend a few words at the same time. Do not dwell on every letter, you are able to read the phrase at once, and not one word.

To develop peripheral vision, on the page of the book Pencil page, there are two parallel lines at a distance of 8 cm. From each other. Reading the text, try to make your eyes moving for the aisle of lines. Do not disturb the borders.

7. Do not return to the read.

Often, we are not aware of this, we return to the words already read or fall through the previous string. In order not to disperse attention, follow the text with your finger or bookmark. Concentrate not to return to read words.

About the course of speeds from the "Ravrillemen"

Training center "Menia Ravrika" conducts lessons for the development of memory and thinking! This course is designed for those who want to expand their capabilities and learn to read effectively. Adult speeds It is an express training and consists of only 3 classes for 2 hours. Especially for those who like to save time and get faster results! Course footage for children Lost seven days, with daily activities for an hour and a half.

On the course of the revelations from the "Ravbille" men:

  • learn to read quickly and absorb read material;
  • for 3 classes, you will work 4 quick reading methods;
  • easily digest equipment without long workouts;
  • improve the concentration of attention;
  • make sure the training can be cheerful;
  • learn a lot of new and fascinating.

Who behaves in speeding?

Nothing brings more productivity than intensive classes with a professional! Our teacher in speed - teacher of the highest category, professional coach with sixteen years of experience - Elena Kalachova. On the express course from the "Ravbili" menu for only three lessons you will learn the photography technique. Elena Kalachova - An experienced memory development trainer and with ease disquires myths about bad memorability! The teacher owns practical knowledge of children's psychology and the methodological chips of the school program.

Classes S. Elena Kalachikova Develop positive thinking, creativity and often pass in the game form. If you want to increase the speed of reading or write to the training of your child, go through the link!

Sign up for training in speed

Eidetics and its need to speed up the results

Before signing up by the speed of the steering course, the training center of the Ravrika Perennye offers you to undergo training on this game techniques that are suitable for both children and adults. With the help of Eidetics, you will learn to perceive information through the image and memorize important facts for a long time. Training improves the concentration of attention, develops photographic memory, contributes to the development of non-standard thinking and creativity, guarantees memorizing educational, working and everyday information.

Sign up for training on Eidelik

Instead of combaling homework, poems and mathematical formulas, children have the ability to quickly and better absorb new material. The child does not notice how time flies, perceiving information in a game form through the association.

Learn more about Eidelik and sign up for the course!

Yours faithfully

Training Center

"Retrika Menia"

Now life occurs in a mad pace and requires a practical approach to spending precious time. Therefore, the methods of time management and speeds are now so popular. Development of speeds - no longer whim, and required skillwhich is important to master everyone, regardless of age. Contrary to common misconception, the speed is not some kind of "fantastic gift" and not only units can master the technique. In fact, it is just for both children and adults, the main thing is time and patience during training.

How to master the speed at home

To learn to quickly read, it is not necessary to engage in specialized educational institutions, it is enough to allocate some free time for independent activities at home.

The modern availability of information allows you to find the necessary materials: exercises, books, rules and secrets of speeds. Using the information received, you can easily make a schedule of classes and find techniques that are suitable for you. The choice of techniques, first of all, depends on the age of the student - For adults and children there are some differences in training in speed.

Adult Footage Methods

The desire to learn the speed in adulthood is a commendable desire. A simple skill saves a lot of time that can be used for other important affairs. However, adult students have to deal with already formed habits when reading, which does not make it easier for the learning process at all. However, with strong motivation and ability to focus on the study process, you can easily develop a steer in any, even more mature age.

Method of Andreeva

Andreev O.A. He is the founder of the rapid reading method in the USSR. In the 70s, he trained the leadership workers in the Moscow State Duma on the personally developed method of aperture.

In the 1980s, he created a school training school, working to this day. The school is comprehensively suited to the learning process. After the end of the courses have passed, graduates can:

  • Raise the speed of reading 5-10 times.
  • Increase the quality of understanding of the text and the duration of its storage in memory.
  • Increase interest in learning, master effective training and testing / exam.

Reading words on the contrary

The technique allows you to develop the concentration of thoughts and train attention - skills that will be useful not only in the ability to quickly read. Training starts with short words, gradually moving to long and complex.

The main advantage of this technique is not to require special training or materials, it can be done anywhere.

For example, in public transport along the way to work or home.

Suppression of articulation

Suppression makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on reading the new text, since it is eliminated by writing words to which most of the time is spent during the reading process. Prophoving makes the brain process not only read the material, but also speech information, so the load on the brain increases, and the read speed decreases.

On average to learn to suppress the articulation, about 20 hours of reading Using a special exercise - chopping a certain tact with a pencil or handle. As a modern counterpart, you can use special programs - metronometers that contribute to the suppression of articulation.

Vertical reading

The technique helps a person to develop peripheral vision, i.e. During reading, the reader's view is not moving along the usual horizontal trajectory, but vertically in the center of the page.

Simple at first glance (the translating of the view from the beginning to the end of the line and back) actually takes time during the reading process.

You can learn how to read vertically, using the chalte tables or spending a vertical line right in the center of the text, and then read, focusing on it. It is best to start with narrow texts, such as newspaper columns, gradually increasing the format.

Reading on the diagonal

The most complicated when the diagonal is diagonally, you have to try to pronounce mentally read text. Methodology teaches to reconstate read information using images and symbols. With the help of this technique, it will not be possible to read the favorite book, but it will become an excellent assistant to students whose dense curriculum has a small number of reading time.

Reading comes from the upper left corner and ends in the lower right, stopping the view on the key phrases. Thus, one page takes no more than 20 seconds.

Advancement techniques Children

There is no consensus, at what age it is best to start to master with the children of the aperture techniques. Some specialists argue the early start of classes by the fact that children in the middle and older school are more difficult to "overwhelm" the incorrect reading skills.

Other experts recommend learn in adulthood when cerebral centers are finally formed responsible for focusing attention. This will allow efficiently working at read speed, since the process is mainly based on the developed attention of the student.

Below is a selection of the most effective techniques. for children of any age.

"Shooting" technique

Technique teaches a child distinguished from unnecessary While reading any text. With the help of a series of exercises, you can learn how to quickly view the text and find basic important information in it.

This technique particularly helps the child when reading a large amount of literature during school training.

It also allows you to master the "essence" of any text with tough time limit. In the future, the child will be able to read any amount of information automatically, excluding unnecessary pieces, and "pick up" from the text only useful knowledge.

Reading through the word

The technique is based on the ability find keywords and phrases in the text. Thanks to them, the child can form and keep the main meaning of the text read in the head. Thus, the memory retains more important information, avoiding memorizing unnecessary facts or descriptions.

Development of visual memory

The development of speeds directly depends on the abilities of the brain. This technique allows you to develop the ability to memorize what has seen, and then recognize familiar words and phrases in the new text. This skill allows the child to master the unfamiliar text much faster and more efficiently, since it can read as many words and phrases, instead of pronouncing in syllables. In addition to the ability to quickly read, developed visual memory in the future helps children in many spheres of life.


This technique will suit those children who have already learned the basic methods for the development of aperture. The essence of the technique - browsing text at a certain speed.

Such skill allows the child in a short time to view a large amount of information and allocate only the necessary part of it.

This reading is superficial, therefore it is not suitable for assimilation of information, but it helps perfectly with its search.

Methods Lysenko

The author of Methodology Lysenko O.V. He is a teacher with a 20-year experience. The technique developed by it allows you to teach young children to read in a short period of time. The child forms a phonmematic hearing and can do sound analysis. Children learn to read texts without sharing words to syllables, and gradually increase the speed of reading.

Secrets of speeds

From myself I can say that the speeding is a mandatory skill in the modern world for both an adult and for a child.

One of the most important needs of a person is the need for new knowledge and self-improvement. Therefore, people teach foreign languages, they are engaged in sports, master musical instruments. The development of each skill is based on obtaining information. From how quickly a person reads, the rate of his learning is to something new.

Speed \u200b\u200b- this is an incredibly useful skill, to master which do not need special talents. If you have a desire, perseverance and a little time, you can easily master the speed at home.

Why read fast

Who will be useful for the development of speeds? The answer to this question is extremely simple. Each who seeks to know the new, this skill will be useful. Having learned how to learn how to twist, and spending a few months to master this reception in practice, you will later be able to save a huge amount of time.

In turn, slow reading is not always justified. Most people do not finish books to the end precisely because of high time. Also, reading slowly, the chances of losing interest in the plot and again throw a book without reading.

For some specialists, reading thematic literature is part of labor duties, which gives the opportunity to grow, develop and become an expert in their own business. For these people, mastering the photography technique is a professional necessity.

What a speed is

Let's determine what kind of speed and at what speed you need to read.

The standard is considered the speed of perception of 150-250 words in one minute. At the same time, 1-3 minutes spend on the print text page. Speeding implies a mastering skill to read from 500 to 3000 words for the same time. True, in this case, the term "read" is not entirely appropriate. Speeding in essence is the analysis of the text and the choice of the main one. That is, some of the information is simply ignored. The goal becomes learn to focus on those sentences and phrases that bear the maximum of the point, and passing "water" that does not affect the understanding of the essence.

The secret of great people

Surprisingly, the photography technique appeared in the Middle Ages and was familiar with many famous people.

For example, Joseph Stalin was the owner of a huge library. Reading for him was a daily occupation. He reads five hundred pages of text at a time, while he liked to highlight the main thoughts.

The American president was proud that he had a speed. For him, there was no problem to read a whole book at a time.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read very quickly. In addition, we know about his biography, he could reproduce almost literally by heart with all the meaningful dates.

Speed \u200b\u200btechnique owned also Karl Marx, Napoleon Bonaparte, John Kennedy, Adolf Hitler. Maybe it is precisely because they achieved success in their own business.

When the speed method is useful

If we talk about high-speed reading, then you need to consider another moment. This method is used mainly to read scientific and technical literature, reports, Internet articles, news reports in newspapers, that is, the material that has new knowledge.

Poems and artistic literature are designed for very other purposes. In fiction, we are not looking for answers to the questions set, but just enjoy the reading process. The entire value of artistic texts is their impact on emotions, human feelings and the use of his imagination. Read such literature is quickly possible, but absolutely meaningless.

Is it possible to master the speed at home

Nowadays, there are many specialized courses that are "for little money" promise to teach everyone to read at a speed of up to 3000 words per minute. Training classes last from month to three. But is it worth spending time and finance for visiting such courses if you can develop a speed at home without any investments? Such independent learning even has its advantages:

  • A free choice of time for classes makes it possible to conduct training in those hours when it is most convenient and fruitful.
  • Training techniques for speeding and descriptions of exercises are publicly available information that can be found in special allowances sold in any bookstore.
  • Lack of distracting factors.
  • Possibility, choosing the duration of classes, control the learning time.

Someone may be interested in the opinion of people who passed courses to master the speed. Reviews of their effectiveness are not always positive. Often, to achieve noticeable results, an additional independent practice is required at the end. But the very skill of the speeds respond only with praise. None of those who took possession of this ability did not regret the spent time and effort.

Learn to read quickly. What is needed for that?

To master the speed at home, you need to get acquainted with the basic principles of this skill.

The first rule is not "jumping" while reading. You need to peck out the text from beginning to end, without stopping and without rereading incomprehensible fragments. Now you will see when you read to the end of a paragraph or a page, everything that was unclear will become understandable and without reread.

The second rule is to allocate several keywords in each of the proposals. It is not necessary to read the entire offer or paragraph from start to the end, it is important to catch and remember only keywords.

The third rule is not distracted. Actual will not give any results if you do not concentrate on what you read. The reader must be completely immersed in the process, because it is important not only to read, but also to fix useful information in memory.

Why we read slowly

Everyone who is asked to develop a speed will be useful to learn what prevents us from reading quickly.

1. Reading without parsing. Reading, we pay attention to everything in a row. For acquaintance with the main thought we spend as much time as reading lyrical deviations that do not carry any semantic load and do not contain useful information. As already mentioned, to save time, the photography technique implies the definition of the main thought and ignoring "water" in the text.

2. Repeat read. Each of us has a bad habit of childhood - to return to the already read suggestion. When the child has a vocabulary formation, such repeats are useful. But in adulthood we do it just in a habit.

3. Reading about yourself. Reading out loud, we can do it faster or slower depending on the pace of reading and dictation. When we read to ourselves, our brain, as it were, leads a monologue, "pronouncing" the information with which we get acquainted. The perception rate of text cannot be higher than the speed of this internal monologue. Therefore, if you decide to master the speed method, the first thing you need to "drown out the internal speaker" and learn to perceive information without saying it to yourself.

4. Field of view. Significantly slowing down the reading process can a narrow field of view. If a person has a well-developed lateral vision, it uses it when perceiving text, which is displayed at read speed. For those who wish to master the speed of themselves, exercises for expanding the field of view are mandatory.

5. Inattention can be a problem at any speed. Inability to concentrate on the reading process is the main reason that the information is not remembered, in any pace you do not read. Action technique implies parallel development of skills to abstract from external stimuli and focus on text.

Exercises for increasing read speed

Why start mastering the aircraft? Exercises are the key to success. Regular implementation of simple practical tasks contributes to the development of the qualities necessary to quickly assign information.

Eliminate inner speech

It was previously mentioned that internal articulation is one of the main causes of low methods of combating it:

  • Recalling yourself from ten to one. Try, without coming with the account, understand any text.
  • Do the same thing, but instead of a person to hum in the song, which you know by heart.
  • Tapping any rhythm while reading.

The principle of this exercise is to "take their internal speaker" and learn to perceive the text without his participation.

We develop peripheral vision

If lately vision is developed at the proper level, a person may not waste time by moving through the eyes on one line from left to right, but to cover it at once. This reading method is called vertical. Moreover, developing peripheral vision, you can read whole paragraphs or text blocks from one look.

At this stage, a square will be depicted to help, the length of the parties is 20 cm. It is divided into five horizontal rows and five vertical. Thus, we get 25 cells, each of which fit numbers from 1 to 25 in random order. The finished square is placed at eye level (a distance of 25-30 cm).

The exercise itself is that, concentrating only on the middle square, using lateral vision, find the location of all numbers from 1 to 25, and then in the reverse order.

Another exercise that helps to achieve the same goal is called a triangle. You need to select the text and print it in such a way that each line is wider than the previous one. For example, in the first line one word, in the second - two, in the third - three and so on. As a result, we obtain a triangle consisting of text. Reading him, move only from top to bottom. To see the beginning and end of long lines, use lateral vision.

Such exercises can be performed in everyday life, not paying special time for classes. For example, sitting at work, concentrate the look at some subject and try to see what is happening around. This will be simultaneously charging to remove the voltage from the eye, and the efficient method without effort to develop lateral vision.

Learn to guess

Speeding implies selective text perception. To end up with you gained holistic useful information, you need to learn logic and guess.

To exercise this block, assistant is needed. Immediately you need to choose unfamiliar text and print it. Assistant black marker darkens some parts of the text, and you, reading it, try to catch the point. First you can choose simple texts for reading. But over time, to train the skill, it is better to stop your choice on unfamiliar topics and absolutely new terminology. The amount of hidden text also gradually should increase.

You can take a book and a vertical strip of a width of 5 cm. Close part of the text, after which you read the remaining part. Striped over time to make wider.

It is worth paying for this practice one hour 3-4 times a week, and in a month alarm will develop. Each exercises forces each, although at the very beginning may seem complex.

From what age you can train children

The vocabulary of the child is significantly less than an adult. When reading, he thinks, comprehensiles reading the material and spends much longer for this. Even on rumor, the children are perceived much worse. Therefore, learning children can only be learning after they learn to fully independently understand the read text. This occurs at the age of about 14-15 years.

As you can see, develop a speed at home - not such a difficult task. Not only superheroes are capable of reading with a speed of more than 500 words, but also ordinary people. Try and you learn this and in your example, make sure that the values \u200b\u200bof such a skill are valuable.

Speed - Literally fast reading. This skill is acquired by people for different purposes, some have time to process documents faster, others read more, the third put it into the piggy bank of their intellectual abilities. In any case, fast reading skill brings many benefits to those who have mastered it.

For development speeds Special programs and exercises are used, which, increase the results of the rapid and qualitative perception of information.

Online exercise

Speed \u200b\u200bdevelopment

In order to achieve good results, you need to do regularly, and in order to learn how to read quickly, it is also necessary to try, because the development of the speed is the skill, which is achieved only when working on itself.

For most people, there will be sufficient to increase the speed of reading up to 500-700 words, and this speed is achieved quite easily. For those who want to learn to read, understand and memorize more than 700 words per minute, most likely, will have to work hard and undergo special programs and techniques.

Sign up for our course speed for 30 days. If you are currently reading 200 words per minute, then after a month of training you will read 500-900 words per minute. Two months later, 900-1800 words per minute. After three months, 1800-4500 words per minute. And for 4-6 months of training you can reach a read speed of 10,000 words minutes.

Since 2015, our program has been trained 1507 people from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Orenburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kiev, Minsk and other cities.

If you train yourself yourself, such results will be difficult to achieve and need much more time. Without a special program, it is hardly possible to read over 500 words per minute.

For comparison, an athlete without a special training and a coach is difficult not to achieve those results that achieve athletes on special programs and under the supervision of the coach.

Reviews of the course

How to read correctly?

Remember your childhood, first they were taught to disassemble letters, then read the syllables from them, then read simple words by syllables. Later, you quickly read small words, but the big and especially unfamiliar read sometimes even from the first time. Moving step by step, year after year you were a kid, learned to read faster and faster, and your brain remembered and recognized more and more words. Never nobody taught you anymore to read some other ways. At best, you were taught to navigate the text, to read, understand his structure and somehow memorize it, to study it in more detail, without stirring everything in the head.

So, first there were letters, then syllables, then the words and the most consumed phrases. People who learn to read even faster read by phrases, rows, and even several lines at a time, and then at all immediately with paragraphs and even pages.

Same speed You can train and children, in some cases they can learn even faster than adults and they like it. The main thing to develop a habit of following certain rules, such as not to return back and concentrate on the content of the text, on the machine to follow the rules of the selected methodology and not think.

It is worth noting that the skill quick reading Requires long and painstaking labor, so you must first solve a few questions:

  • How fast I want to learn to read
  • How fast I need to read
  • What time is I ready (a) spend daily / weekly to workout

There are several quick reading methods:

Selective reading

Selective reading - This is the skill of fast structuring text and understanding its structure, selection and reading the desired text block of any length. This approach is used when it makes no sense to read the whole text, but you only need to learn specific data from it, for example, the definition of the word in the dictionary or some technical, financial and the like information.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for reading fiction, because artworks require full dive reader. Exceptions may be if you learn something specific from the artistic work, for example, why and how the Raskolnikov killed the grandmother to the interest officer in the book of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", but this is no longer structured text recognition, but a runaway reading, similar to rewinding the video tape.

Fast Reading Total Text

Fast reading - This is when the entire text is read at high speed, with a complete understanding and memorization of the necessary information.

In this way, you can read any texts, start from technical and scientific texts, and finish with artwork. True, it is worth noting that artistic texts are more difficult to read, because they are reading for the soul. This means that you have to have time to immerse yourself in the text and enjoy it, unless of course there is such a need.

It is also not always convenient to read the wonderful romantic works at the limit of their capabilities, when you just want to relax in the evening after the working day. But if you do not wait to find out that in front and emotions are captured and carrying out with the book, then the person himself without noticing begins to accelerate and read comfortably, as quickly as he knows how.

I warn that with a quick reading with a good immersion in the text, you can be so captivated that the world will cease to exist and fade among the bright images and pictures of the readable book, which over time the skill will also improve and read the book will be like a beautiful film that is lifted personally for You are your brain.

So imperceptibly fly the wonderful minutes of pages and hours of books ...

I had the experience of reading and those and other texts and artistic always read more slowly, and if you do not support the skill speeds And read only artistic works, then this skill with time can fall to colloquial speech.

Reading at speeds above 800 words per minute

  1. Stop catching up for yourself readable text, because the speed of pronouncing even "to ourselves" may be no more than 800, the maximum (in my experience) 900 words per minute.

    At first it will be very difficult to wean the eyelids to read the brain without progress, only a look, but then it will be easier. The main thing is not to start voting until the skill is strengthened.

  2. Do not go back, read only forward, even if it became incomprehensible.

    Returning, you will only slow down the whole process and then you will not be able to quickly read, because every time you will come back. And the brain is lazy, he will ask every time to go back until you learn it.

    At first, with a quick reading, many details in the text will be incomprehensible and will want to return and re-read the text again and again, but then the brain is adapted and it will be less and less to allow such errors while their number will strive for zero.

    This is like an athlete who takes the weight or speed more than that when it is comfortable, that the muscles are fastened and developed under load. Also, here, we remove the brain from the comfort zone and make him train.

  3. Review width. When reading, more than 300 words per minute have to move very quickly on the text. It is useful if you are short-reading, but with long reading your eyes are very tired, and they may not even have time to move.

    Therefore, it is necessary to increase the width of the review, develop peripheral vision.

Reviews on the course of development of aperture


Spends reading a shot. The text of the sizes from paragraph to the page as it would be photographed by the eye, and all information is immediately recognized and understood as the brain, to develop such skills will have to work.

How to quickly develop photos?

For the development of photos, you need to learn to cover the short lines first, then long, then several lines at once, then a small paragraph, a bigger paragraph, a few paragraphs, floor page, page. Some even read the entire turn right away.

Quickly develop photos is unlikely to succeed even with frequent workouts for 15 minutes several times a day. But this is not necessarily, since most people will be enough to read rows or paragraphs. Reading rows and paragraphs already gives a very powerful acceleration.

But if you want to pump a maximum, and you have a desire to beat your own records and improve, then the learning process will not only be useful, but also very interesting :)

Facts and records

    The maximum record speed record belongs to 16-year-old Kievian Irina Ivachenko - 163 333 words per minute with a complete understanding of the read

    V. I. Lenin read 2500 words per minute

    More than half-pages per day read Stalin (Joseph Vissarionovich), had the habit of allocating keywords and main thoughts

    R. Lully - the creator of the first technician of the fast reading, which were trained by A. S. Pushkin, N. Bonaparte and other great personalities

Courses for the development of aperture and brain

Sign up for our Internet courses for the development of the twist and brain. Do and develop with us.

30 days

Development of memory and attention from a child 5-10 years

The goal of the course: to develop memory and attention from the child so that it is easier for him to learn at school so that it can be better remembered.

After passing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of memories of the desired information will increase.

Super memory for 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course - a powerful 30-day training of the development of super memory and brain pumping will begin.

Within 30 days after the subscription, you will receive interesting exercises and developing games to your mail that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in the work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequence of words, numbers, images, events that have occurred during the day, week, month and even road maps.

How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practical lesson from Advance.

Accelerate an oral account, not mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and Lifehaki will even suit the child. From the course you will not just recognize dozens of techniques for simplified and fast subtraction, addition, multiplication, division, percent calculation, but also work them in special tasks and educational games. The oral account also requires a lot of attention and concentrations that are actively trained in solving interesting tasks.

Secrets of the brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, account

If you want to dispersed your brain, improve its work, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a game form and solve interesting tasks, then write down! 30 days of powerful fitness brain are guaranteed :)

Money and thinking Millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, will look deep into the problems, consider our relationships with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what to do to solve all your financial problems, save money and investigate them further.