Repairs Design Furniture

Street compositions from coriation and stones. Landscape design with their own hands. Design of ornamental corping

Rutary is a new trend in landscape design, but for creative people who are accustomed to decorating their courtyard and garden with works from the primary materials, there is nothing fundamentally new in it, except for any name. It happened from the English root - root. Thus, it is possible to guess that the rutarium is a composition of roots, stumps, corigrants, branches and decorative plants. But at the same time, not just "whore", as it may seem from words, and the present work of art, greater similar to the living sculpture. In addition to aesthetic, the rutarians give out a certain metaphysical meaning, because the very concept of the root has a number of values:

  • then a plant cannot grow and exist;
  • understanding the essence of things: "Zries in the root";
  • point of reference, the beginning of the genus;
  • what connects the person with land and a specific place: to root, put roots.

Thus, there is a version that the presence of a rutarium on the nursery area is extremely positively reflected on the human well-being. It gives the inhabitants of the adjacent territory of power, vital energy, confidence, licking.

Principles of creation of rutaria
  • the overall style and concept of the landscape design of the site should be taken into account - the composition of the roots will be clearly inappropriate among strict minimalism, as well as among the deliberately design finishes, let's say, baroque;
  • treat the direction in advance to follow the future. It may be a dark and mysterious corner of your garden, and there may be joyful, funny fabulous characters or even a tale plot;
  • in the routar composition, integrity should be observed, even if it is created in a mixed style. In addition, he must harmonize with the surrounding landscape;
  • when creating a rutarium, not only its external component should be taken into account, but also to give the attention of strength and durability.
How to make a rutar with your own hands?

The creation of the composition is carried out in several stages, each of which should be approached by responsibly and deliberately:

1. Choosing a place- Depends on what you want to obtain ultimately. If a bright and positive composition in combination with flowers, greens and garden sculptures, it is better to choose a place for it in the center of the garden, at a noticeable and passable territory. If you plan to make a secluded corner for thought, then a remote and shady corner is suitable for the implementation of the idea.

2. Collecting material. The best place for this is the nearest forest. Look at dry roots, branches and snags with new eyes: Surely there are those who completely clearly resemble some items or characters. For loyalty, you can take with you familiar or children - those who have thinking and fantasy is clearly different from yours. This will allow you to expand the framework of your stereotypes. You can also use stones, sculptures and plants.

3. Preparation of material. In order for the Rutary to please you as long as possible, we process its components:

  • wooden components with boiling water, to destroy the fauna, which can destroy them;
  • the dried tree is processed several times with a colorless antiseptic, but not varnish, otherwise naturalness will be lost;
  • if the use of color components is implied, then they should be unfounded;
  • stones should be cleaned of plants residue, rinse and dry.

4. Construct Rutar.After all the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the creation of the composition, thinking in advance and presenting the result. For clarity, you can draw a rutarium plan on paper, connecting all your fantasy and artistic abilities. As plants are usually used, as well as soil plants with shallow roots. Beautifully look, fuchsia, petunia, nasturtium, as well as a variety of ampel plants with hanging branches and belly.

Want to create a fabulous Berendevo kingdom in the country area? Then go to the nearest losses behind the girlfriend and compose personal rutary.

Finally - we waited for the Garden of the Russian mentality! I remember, Chekhov also argued that "all Russia is our garden", but it is an artistic exaggeration. Rather, Russia is our forest, who, together with the forest-steppe and Festroth, takes more than half of its territory. And therefore, the slave with his loving is our folk straight relative relatives. And the ferrous ferrous, made of two Christmas trees, is a named brother of many of us. What to say - the whole life-source since ancient times was wooden.

And that's what else I wonder: we, it turns out, next to beauty all your life we \u200b\u200blive, just do not reach her mind to bring and turn into the work of garden-park art. Well, the time came to collect roots. The occupation is pleasant - and in the soul, and by means. And most importantly - there is where to turn around and talent with the skill to present peace and neighbor.

Fashion on Rutary Appeared in our gardens relatively recently. We used to be in no hurry to harvest the old ones, and they decorated them, and the squigs adapted instead of benches, and the most cute turned into garden sculptures. But only recently, the collection of corporate and stumps became the subject of landscape art.

Important: Chaos from the roots should be thought out, harmoniously organized and entered the garden stylist. Rutary is not too suitable for regular gardens with their strict geometric shapes - he needs a plot in free. Deciding to create in its garden such an object, go to the nearest forest for the materials. The best assistants in collecting an unusual material will be children who will definitely pay attention to the "fabulous" squigs.

Tip: Choose those of them who want to give some name, whether they are capable of becoming true heroes of your future composition. And it happens that the form of the closure is the most common, but the bark is striking with his fancy - take it, they will certainly be useful! You can search for the material for rutaria and in water. And if you are lucky, then the trophy will become the stump of the moraine oak, resistant to atmospheric influences and having a darker, exquisite color.

Before starting to work on the rutar, you need decide with its thematic orientation. Especially popular and practically inexhaustible theme "Russian forest": It will be appropriate here and stumps and curvy curves, and Berrést's curves, and terrible debumes. Flowers or, for example, bushes of forest strawberries can be planted in old lapties.

If you chose the topic "Story", The center of the composition can be gnome, stupa with a babooba jaga, a hut on the chicken legs, a little mermaid or a house.

Roots and - a win-win combination. The main thing is to beat such accents correctly.

Do you use old stumps and snags in the garden decoration?

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Landscape designs are used as often as stones and cereals. This material sometimes has such a bizarre form that it is not even necessary to invent anything - the nature itself has already invented everything for us.

A classic sample of using compositions from Korgia is a rutarium (like an alpine slide using natural material). And one of the main design rules from Korjig is the correct location of the rhizomes and the optimal selection of accents for the composition.

Korygi and roots of trees - original natural material that does not require careful processing and perfectly suitable for garden design. They can be included in a variety of garden compositions, especially in the "natural" style, are well combined with flower cultures, conifers, look spectacular in herase gardens. A separate scenic cigarette can be decorate the head of the pond.

When selecting the material, you always pay attention to the condition, the appearance of the snag, mentally trying this accessory to the style of your garden corner created by the nature of the Nature. Sometimes it is better to clean the cortex from the bark, polish and cover with varnish, sometimes it is better to leave in primeval form.

Decorative squigs for furniture and figures

You can use snags for the manufacture of original garden furniture shops, table - and decoration of buildings - well, garden swings, gazebos in natural style. Spectacular big snag can play the role of support for vertical landscaping.

Of course, you can make a lot of truly fabulous garden figures from ornamental Koragi if you like to invent and tinker. Sometimes and do not need to do: created by nature, squigs are often like, like fabulous "characters."

Two or three details - and ready excellent garden figurine. Maybe you will have the garden "Berendevo Kingdom". But in a separate corner of the garden, the design with coryats will look great - it will be a "highlight" of your garden.

Rooting plants for rutar

You can arrange a rutarium. If you like the idea of \u200b\u200bAlpinaria, but the conditions of your site do not have to create it, the rutarium is a great output. Traditional mountaineering, which was included in the "Gentlemansky set" of landscape design, looks not in all areas, because it must match the image and style of the house. Magnificent "forest", shady sections, as well as those that are in lowlands are not suitable for its device.

Rutary is a kind of "", but only it is made from Korogi, beautiful roots and branches, stumps and spins, logs, wood bark. Hence the name (from the English "root" - root).

In order to make the rootary, the preliminary preparation of the site is not required. It is only necessary to collect a certain number of beautiful roots and corporates - this is where the "waste" from the coloring of trees and stumps, firewood cuts, as well as found during walks in the Trophy forest. Woodwear will also need - an analogue of pebbles in the mountaineering.

The logs and stumps with a fallen core are suitable as plants on a rooting plant for rutaries - it is easy to clean, and empty can be filled with soil and land in them the same "Alpians": Clamps and Molden, Kamencolor, Carpathian Bell, etc.

It looks great in rutaria the simplest garden plants - daisies, calendula, nasturtium.

Well, if on the logs and stumps will continue fragments of the bark, moss. If there are holes in roots and snags, also plant plants in them, if not - just put the elements in the overall composition. Almost always natural materials need to be processed: rinse, dry and coat with any weatherproof varnish.

Experiment! Between the logs you can plant an ordinary moss.

Ferns, valley and other plants with "forest" accents will look beautiful. Natural mushrooms will decorate the composition: you can sow fungutric or pick up logs with wood-drummy mushrooms.

You can add small

Each owner of a private house or cottage wants to embellish its territory. Make it in various ways, smashes flower beds, use decorative sculptures. All this is beautiful, but no longer new. And oddly enough in landscape design, there is also a given concept. To date, it became very fashionable to arrange the so-called rutarium on its garden sites. What it is, and how it can be taught to talk in this article.

Rutar with your own hands

The Japanese garden of stones was sometimes very popular. Everyone tried to set it out of their hundreds to one degree or another. Now the "garden roots" entered the fashion, the so-called rutarium.

This word takes its beginning from English root - snag. In other words, this is the use of hemp, corporate and tree trunks when creating landscaped compositions. They are decorated with flowers and fluttering plants. You wanted to create such a designer object on your site, where to start. First of all, it is necessary to determine the placement location. The place depends on the style of the composition. If the rutarium is decorated with garden figures, it should be placed in an open and more visible place. For the composition in a wild style, it is better to choose shady space or angle of a plot.

You can also make thematic compositions. So the bath can make a rootary using the old wooden tub. Or decorate the branches and roots already an existing flower garden. In addition, they can be decorated with an artificial reservoir on their plot, adding it to the moisture-loving plants. The most ideal option If in your garden is stump from the old tree. It is he who will be the center of the whole composition. Next, it is necessary to collect material. For Rutaria, you will be useful:

  • squigs;
  • roots;
  • bark of trees;
  • branches;
  • stones.

Part of the material can be found in his site or go to it in the nearest landing or forest.

Also pride the plants. For it, low-spirited flowers, making plants, various mosses are suitable. After that, it is necessary to process the existing material. It is necessary to extend the life of wood. As a rule, the rutarium is short-lived and can stand for about four years. After that it must be changed. During the preparation it is necessary:

  1. to quivey all the wood elements in order to destroy the larvae of pests;
  2. dried and coated with several layers of colorless antiseptic.

If you want a more creative composition, then individual elements can be painted with bright colors. It will be beautiful if they elastic with shades of colors. Now you prepare a place for the composition, we clean it from garbage. When using stones, they also need to be cleaned and plan their position.

Next stage - planning. You need to clearly imagine what you want. Mark which plants will be planted and how to place them better. Sketch a plan on a piece of paper, it will make it easier to work in place. Now we go to the direct constructure of the rutaria. First we place large wooden elements, leaving a little space. It is necessary to care and plant plants. After that, we place stones, it can be done at the bottom of the composition, this will serve as additional support for planted plants. Small elements can be arranged after planting plants. In the voids of the stump and corpuch, the soil and fertilizer are smelting, after which it sow seeds or plant seedlings of plants. You can put a pot with a flower, it will give the originality of the whole composition. In the stump best to land:

  • fern;
  • ivy;
  • tulips;
  • cornflowers;
  • marigold.

After you need to fill the space between the cores and branches. For these purposes, dwarf varieties of coniferous trees are perfectly suitable, low-colored flowers (pansies, calendula, etc.). After that, it is necessary to pour all plants. It is very easy to care for this composition. Everything comes down to timely watering and removal of weeds.

Landscape design

Koryagi and stumps are quite often used in landscape design. This is a pretty good material, besides, they have a rather interesting form.

The use of such a material will give a fabulous appearance to any area. With the help of Korgia, you can make both large compositions and small decorations for a gazebo or at home. For example, a small in size of a snag can be processed and placed in it various MAs. Such a corner of nature can be positioned even in the apartment. The beauty of this design is the simplicity of the material and the special training is not required.

You can also use already existing hemp from old trees, and the main thing will disappear the need to irrigate them. So in the stump you can remove the core, then put the soil in there and put a beautiful petunia. You can simply decompose the branches and sear the various succulent, falling asleep with the free space of pebbles or wood chip. Each of these solutions will decorate your plot or apartment.

Rootion root garden

Such compositions can be positioned not only on the plot or in the winter garden, but also to decorate them the house. It will look pretty interesting and new.

To create such a decoration, you will need a small snap-sized with deepening. It must be treated as already described earlier. After that, it is necessary to pick up plants. For home rutar, it is best to choose a flora with a small root system, they will not need large recesses. It is best to choose:

  • cacti;
  • orchids;
  • hUSMANY;
  • bilbergia;

They can be comfortably located on the crust or in small recesses. They must be evenly distributed in the crust. The only thing to remember the orchids and plants of the family of Bromelia (Gusmania, Bilbergia) are moisture and need to spray them more often. After completing these simple manipulations, you will get a live decoration for your living room.

Creation of Rutaria

You decided to decorate your garden with an interesting element - routar. Prepared all the necessary materials. But rutaries can be several varieties:
Natural - To create it, they use stumps, branches and snags in combination with alive plants. This is the most beautiful view of Garden Korhog.

Simpled - It is created from Korjig and Stump, but to give a beautiful view, they must be modified by circumcalling extra details or make a thread.

Decorative - Move from plants and parts of wood. The main role here is given by plants. For example, the old stump surrounded by bright colors will look very fresh and original.

After selecting the type of routar, it is necessary to determine its location. There are several options for placing such compositions:

  • at the wicket - it will create a pleasant impression and will raise the mood to visit you;
  • near the recreation area, it is possible to add an artificial pond, or just arrange near the gazebo;
  • if trees are planted on your site, then the rootary can be placed in the most shaded place and decorate with a variety of plants.

After that, you can proceed to work. As a result, you will get a unique natural composition that will delight the eyes for several seasons.

Rutar photo

Anyone will be able to make an interesting view of its economic buildings. To do this, you will need:

  • tree branches;
  • flower pots;
  • seedling flowers.

The branches must be processed and secured on the outer wall of the barn.

After that, the flower pots are firmly located in space between the wall and branches. Fill their land and plant colors seedlings. For this, the types of low-spirited plants with small flowers of yellow, red and lilac color are perfectly suitable.

If you have an old tree on the plot, you can also use it for the rutaria. To do this, it is necessary to cut it into the rings of the same height.

After that, we take out the drum core and put the received rings in two rows. After that, we fall asleep their soil and land in them the bushes of decorative roses. Earth fall asleep chips. That's all the beautiful decoration for the plot is ready.

Rutary with stones do it yourself

It is not difficult to equip the rootary. If your site has a small pond, around which the track is going on, you can make an interesting decor. To do this, you will need:

  • branches of different lengths;
  • rope;
  • big stones.

Part of the track must be put on branches bonded among themselves. After that, on both sides, install the racks under the handrailion (it is best to choose branches with bits for the convenience of fastening the handrails). From it is necessary to wear it safe to the ground. Further fasten on them with the help of a rope long branches. Now we take large stones and put them in a chaotic order on both sides of the improvised bridge. Simple ornament for the garden is ready.

If you attach a fantasy and spend some time you can create a sculpture of branches. To do this, it is best to select thin and well-bent branches. For convenience, you can make a wire frame. After that, we look at it with branches and fasten from fine wire or glue. Such sculpture can be installed next to the fence. The earth can be covered with a crushed bark of the tree, and lay a track near the stones of different sizes. It will look very interesting naturally. The feeling that the forest deer decided to stroll along the path of your garden.

This article describes the rutaria in the plots. The definition of this concept is given and explains from which it can be done. Taking advantage of the advice of the article, you can easily find all the necessary materials and decide on the location of the composition. Also pick up the necessary plants. Successful creativity.

It is not known for certain when, but one day the idea came in someone's head in someone's head, squigs and arrange a corner in the garden with their help. Apparently, the composition turned out to be very good and accounted for many people - later she received her name today. Rutary - from the English word root. First, the roots and stumps performed quite functional purposes (served as supports for curly plants, tables, and so on) and only later they turned into a garden sculpture, which will go to the conversation in this article. Together with the site, we will deal with the subtleties of independent manufacture of rutaria in the country.

Rutary do it yourself photo

Rutary: what will have to work with

The main material for the creation of the rutaria is the old wood - to be more accurate, then the roots of trees, the crochesed stumps, various kinds of snags, logs, and so on. In general, parts of the trees that are in your opinion are of interest and there is some highlight in them. You understand, using exclusively these materials, create a really attractive and diverse decor will not work - such a rutarium will be very gloomy, and except for longing and boredom, you will not get other pleasures from it. It is for this reason that the manufacture of a rutaria in landscape design provides for the use of other materials that allow you to brighten a dull picture and turn the root garden in a truly unique garden decoration. Such materials can be attributed to the following.

  1. The vegetation of various kinds - low-spirited shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, mosses and so on. Diluting the Rutar Natural Greens, you create a natural landscape inherent in nature - it is important to understand that the decorative room vegetation and other greenery derived by a person is not a place. Rutary is primarily an imitation of a corner of nature, which combines live and dead vegetation.
  2. The second material that fits well into such compositions is a stone. It is impossible to overdo it with it, otherwise the made composition will become similar to a mixture of rutar with a mountaineering - in principle, in such elements there is also its own highlight, so no one forbids experimenting here. In the classic version of the root root root, it provides a small amount of large stone, but again, no one will forbid you to create a petition of small boulders.

About how to use various snags and old stumps in the country, see this video.

Among other things, objects created by man can be used in the arrangement of rutaria - for example, various clay products plan. As an option, since we mentioned the combination of rutaria with other similar gardens from unusual materials, you can add multi-colored gravel marks to the decor of this type and plant some high trees. By the way, about trees - the ideal option in this regard is acacia with its angular turns of the branches.

Garden roots: three types of compositions and their features

Today it is accepted to divide everything into groups and conduct various kinds of classification - it is so simple, about what we are talking about. Rutary with his varieties in this regard is no exception, although the line between its various types is very ghostly. Nevertheless, landscape compositions using roots, stumps and other things can be divided into three main groups.

By and large, the last type of rutarium is almost always taken as the basis and all other compositions are built on his background. Speaking easier, you first create a wild corner of nature in all its glory and is already complemented by various details. With this approach to the case of the manufacture of rutaria, you can even create your own, unique and not related to what type of composition of the roots, stumps and everything that your soul is to taste.

Garden roots photo

Rutary in the country's hand: more about vegetation

About plants that are customary to decorate the rootary is worth talking separately - roots roots, namely vegetation and green plantings give them a picturesque appearance, and it will not work out without them in such a landscape composition. As mentioned above, in most cases naturally applied natural, so to speak, wild plantations, but not excluded the use and decorative plants. Be that as it may, but when choosing plants for a rutar, some moments must be taken into account.

Naturally, we should not forget about personal preferences - first of all, the decor of this type of person creates for itself. Locked flowers, herbs, shrubs and other greens first of all I must like you - it is she who will create a mood at the cottage and make your stay on it as comfortable as possible.

Garden roots Rutary photo

And at the conclusion of the topic on how to make a rutarian in the country, do it yourself, I will give a few recommendations to help you maintain the appearance of the decor for a long time. First of all, this processing of wood with antiseptic solutions - without them any log, stump or snag rotate the maximum for a couple of years. For the safety of wood, an antiseptic is good, but for the plants, it may be destructive - it is not worth a hurry to plant vegetation next to just treated with cigacity. It should be waiting for a little time until the substances harmful to plants will destroy or lose their killing properties. And one more - the smaller irrigation, the longer the stumps and squigs will be maintained in their pristine splendor. In this respect, vegetation should be chosen that does not require too frequent irrigation.