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Additional vocational training of civil servants. How to send a civil servant for additional vocational education

Nina Kovyzin Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Health of the Ministry of Health of Russia

In this decision:

Types of supply

Civil servant can get additional professional education as:

Basics for supplying

You need to send a civil servant for training on an additional professional program on the following grounds:

  • the appointment of a civil servant in order of official growth to another position on a competitive basis;
  • the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve for replacing the post on a competitive basis;

Professional retraining

The state authority can send a civil servant for professional retraining in the following cases:

  • the type of professional official activity of the civil servant has changed;
  • civil servant, replacing the post of category "Assistants (advisers)", "Specialists" or "providing specialists" appointed in order of official growth as head of the category "Managers."


Government order

The organization of additional trade units for civil servants is carried out on the basis of a state order (, paragraph 10 of the provisions approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2006 No. 1474).

Individual plan professional

Individual plans are developed for three years in accordance with official regulations in conjunction with the direct supervisor. It indicates:

  • objective, form, shape and duration of obtaining additional professional formation, including information on the possibility of using remote educational technologies and self-education;

Application for training

Until March 1, send an application to the Ministry of Affairs of Russia for the training of federal state civil servants for the next year.

Education abroad

If a civil servant is aimed at studying abroad, then the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia must agree with the President of the Russian Federation and the Government Office of the Russian Federation:

  • the subjectual content of additional professional programs for which the employee will be trained;
  • the list of states where the employee is sent.

Improving the qualifications of a civil servant is carried out in cases provided for by the grounds for the direction of a civil servant for training, as necessary, determined by the representative of the employer, but at least once every three years.

A civil servant, first adopted for the post of civil service, is sent to raising the qualifications after test period or six months after receipt of the civil service.

A civil servant in the case of its appointment in order of official growth to the post of civil service of another group within one category of posts is sent to advanced training.

The internship of a civil servant is carried out in cases provided for by the grounds for the direction of civil servant for training, as necessary, determined by the representative of the employer. The purpose of the internship that takes place in state bodies or other organizations is:

a) the study of the advanced, including foreign, experience;

b) consolidating theoretical knowledge obtained by civil servants during the period of professional retraining or advanced training, and the acquisition of practical skills and skills for their effective use in their performance official duties.

Internship may be like independent view additional professional education of the civil servant and part of His professional retraining or advanced training.

Internship, which is an independent type of additional professional education of a civil servant, is organized by the representative of the employer in conjunction with the state body or other organization to which it is directed to the passage of internships, with the participation of an educational institution in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants that replace the positions of civil servants of the category "Managers" related to the highest group of posts are carried out with a separation, with a partial separation or without separation from civil service and using the possibilities of remote educational technologies.

Professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants that replace the positions of civil service category "Assistants (advisers)" or "specialists" related to the highest group of posts, as well as the positions of civil service category "Officers", "Assistants (advisers)", "specialists" or "providing specialists" related to the main and leading groups of posts are carried out with a separation or with a partial separation from the State Civil Service.

Professional retraining and raising the qualifications of civil servants that replace other posts of civil service are carried out with a separation from the State Civil Service.

The internship of civil servants is carried out with a separation from the State Civil Service.

The deadlines for the training of civil servants on educational programs are established by the representative of the employer on the basis of duration standards educational programs In accordance with government requirements for professional retraining, advanced training and internships of civil servants approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The additional professional education of state civil servants of the Russian Federation is education on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education, carried out in the state accreditation of educational institutions of higher, secondary and additional vocational education, as well as directly in state bodies or other organizations aimed at continuous professional development of state civil servants of the Russian Federation. Additional professional education of civil servants includes their professional retraining, advanced training and internship. For civil servants during the period of receiving additional professional education, a replaceable position and money content remains.

The grounds for the direction of civil servant for training on the educational program are:

  • a) the appointment of a civil servant in order of official growth in a different office of civil service on a competitive basis;
  • b) the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve;
  • c) the decision of the attestation commission on the compliance of the civil servant of a replaceable position of civil service, subject to the successful development of the educational program.

Professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants are carried out with a margin, with a partial separation (up to 3 working days per week) or without separation (evening groups) from service and using the capabilities of remote educational technologies, depending on categories and groups of civil service posts:

  • a) the category "leaders" of the highest group - with a margin, with a partial separation or without separation from the service and using the possibilities of remote educational technologies;
  • b) category "Assistants (advisers)" or "specialists" of the highest group, category "Officers", "Assistants (advisers)", "specialists" or "providing specialists" of the main and leading group - with a separation or partial separation from service;
  • c) other posts - with a separation from service.

Internship is carried out with a separation from the civil service. The development of the civil servants of educational programs of additional professional education is completed by the mandatory state final certification. Civil servants who successfully mastered the programs of additional professional education are issued documents of the state sample.

The state employee must constantly maintain the level of their knowledge, improve the qualifications, be able to retrain and internship. Of course, the training of each civil service must be permanent, i.e. Exercised throughout his professional career in order to update his knowledge gained as a result of the "basic" education and gaining new knowledge that it will use in his professional activities.

The formation of professional civil service requires improving the personnel training system and additional professional education of civil servants. Improving the vocational training system for civil service should be considered, through the prism of the complex of problems accumulated in the state education system.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly represent what the essence of vocational training is today, training personnel in Russia, what are the features of staff education for the state apparatus, who makes this training, what is the level of quality educational services In this area.

Currently, shortcomings in the field of personnel training for civil service and professional development of civil servants of the Russian Federation are still not yet eliminated. Available educational institutions do not provide necessary level professional training civil servants. Bakushev V. V., Demidov F. D. Vocational education at the beginning of the new century and the preparation of civil servants. - M.: Publishing House Rags, 2003. - P. 72

An analysis of the learning experience of public service personnel in our country shows that the training program is built, as a rule, on a wide theoretical general humanitarian basis and only in connection with it is carried out applied preparation. In this regard, the most significant task of institutions preparing management personnel is the strengthening of communication and practice, ensuring the unity of fundamental and applied preparation, the development of a practical oriented model of the educational process. Yablokova E. A. Preparation of public service personnel: Methodical and didactic bases of improving efficiency. - M.: Publishing House Rags, 2004. - P. 13

Currently, a disciplinary learning model on the basis of which, if necessary, a modular approach to education is being implemented as organizational forms of training in such a model, lectures, seminars and practical training, imitation or business games, laboratory classes are used in such a model. independent work, Industrial practice, coursework and thesis, standings and exams. The keeper of information in such a model is a book, and the interpreter - knowledge and teacher. Yablokova E. A. Preparation of public service personnel: Methodical and didactic bases of improving efficiency. - M.: Publishing House Rags, 2004. - P. 158

Summarizing problems in this area, you can allocate the most significant solutions that are not required:

1. Reducing the level of professional state employees.

Underwinement of the system of vocational training of civil servants.

Uncertainty of the organizational mechanism of professional training personnel for service.

The lack of a network of specialized (basic) educational institutions that implement educational programs in training for state and municipal services that perform the functions of providing authorities by qualified personnel.

Formation of a state ordering system for training for the state and municipal service and the target preparation of state and municipal employees to fulfill the functions and tasks of the authorities.

  • 6. The ineffectiveness of professional education management in this area. State Service Personnel Retraining Management
  • 7. No effective tools and the forms of interaction between state bodies and educational institutions in the training of personnel for the state and municipal service.
  • 8. Weakness of the development of state educational standards of vocational education and training for the state and municipal service.
  • 9. The need to change the main and additional educational programs of professional education of personnel for the state and municipal service, their adaptation to new socio-economic conditions.

1. The professional development of a civil servant is aimed at maintaining and improving civil servants to the level of qualification necessary for the proper performance of official duties, and includes additional vocational education and other professional development activities.

2. Professional development of a civil servant is carried out throughout the entire period of civil service.

3. The grounds for the direction of a civil servant for participation in professional development activities are:

1) the decision of the representative of the employer;

2) the results of certification of civil servant;

3) the appointment of a civil servant to another civil service office in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Article 31 of this Federal Law;

4) the appointment of a civil servant in order of official growth to the post of civil service category "Officers" of the Higher or Chief Group of Civil Service posts or to the post of civil service category "Specialists" of the Higher Group of Civil Service posts for the first time;

5) the arrival of a citizen for the civil service for the first time.

4. The implementation of civil servant professional development activities can be carried out:

1) through a state order for activities on the professional development of civil servants in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs;

2) within the framework of the state task in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation or regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

3) at the expense of the state authority, in which a civil servant replaces the position of civil service, in an organization engaging educational activities According to additional professional programs, determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs.

5. Activities for professional development of a civil servant can be carried out outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

6. Activities for the professional development of a civil servant are carried out with a separation or without separation from the civil service.

7. Professional development of a civil servant is carried out in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

8. A civil servant participating in professional development events, a representative of the employer, educational organizationThe state authority or other organization creates conditions for professional development.

9. Additional professional education of a civil servant includes professional retraining and advanced training.

10. Additional professional education of a civil servant is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities on additional professional programs, including on the basis of a state educational certificate for additional professional education of a civil servant (hereinafter referred to as a certificate).

11. The procedure for granting a certificate, a certificate form, the rules for submitting an application for the issuance of a certificate and the rules for issuing a certificate (its duplicate) are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

· 28 calendar days

· 30 calendar days

· 35 calendar days

· 40 calendar days

· 45 calendar days

How many calendar days is the duration of additional paid vacation for years of service when civil service is 15 years old and more?

· 7 calendar days

· 10 calendar days

· Determined by the representative of the employer in each case individually

506. The total duration of the annual main paid vacation and annual additional paid leave for long service can not exceed:

· For civil servants who replace higher positions of civil service, - 50 calendar days, for civil servants who replace the main positions of civil service - 45 days, for civil servants of other groups - 40 calendar days

· For civil servants, replacing the highest and main positions of civil service, may not exceed 55 calendar days, for civil servants that replace the positions of civil service of other groups - 45 calendar days

· For civil servants who replace the highest and main positions of civil service, may not exceed 45 calendar days, for civil servants that replace the positions of civil service of other groups - 40 calendar days

· Restrictions are not installed

507. Civil servant can receive additional vocational education:

· both in the Russian Federation and beyond

· Only in the Russian Federation

· Only in the Russian Federation and other States Parties to the CIS

· In the Russian Federation, as well as abroad, subject to the availability of relevant international agreements

508. The basis for the direction of a civil servant for an additional professional education is not:

· Appointment of a civil servant to another position of civil service in order of official growth on a competitive basis

· Inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis

· Results of certification of civil servant

· Written statement of a civil servant

509. Additional professional education of a civil servant includes:

· professional retraining and advanced training

· Second higher education and professional retraining

· Internship

· training courses

· Postgraduate, applicant

510. The monetary content of the civil servant consists of:

· Ocland and salary for cool chin

· from an open salary, salary for cool ranks and additional payments

· Occland, salary for cool chin and material support

· From the salary for the cool rank

511. What is the monthly surcharge to the official salary for long service in the civil service in the experience of civil service over 15 years:

· 20 per cent

· 30 percent

· 15 percent

· 25 percent

512. Lee experience of the municipal service is taken into account when calculating the Civil Service experience:

· Considered if the civil servant was on the position of municipal service posts public service

· Considered in the ratio of 2 to 1

513. Sizes official salary and salary for the cool rank of federal state civil servants are established:

· Federal law

· Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the representation of the Government of the Russian Federation

· Government of the Russian Federation

· The head of the relevant federal executive body in relation to federal state civil servants, replacing the position of the Federal State Civil Service in this authority

514. What amount should pay a representative of the employer to a civil servant in the event of a termination of a service contract concluded with a violation of the required rules allowed by the fault of a civil servant:

· monthly money content

· Two monthly monetables

· The representative of the employer should not exercise any payments

515. The urgent spent spent in the civil service is:

· 55 years for women and 60 years for men

· 60 years (this norm is valid until 01.01.2017 FZ No. 143-FZ dated 05.23.2016)

· 65 years old

516. In the period of removing the civil service proviscial service (preventing official duties) of the civil servant, the monetary content of him:

· Called in full in all cases

· Not accrued in any cases

· Called in case of removal for the settlement of the conflict of interest

· Not accrued in case of removal by the period of resolution of the conflict of interest, in other cases is accrued

517. State supervision The compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on civil service is carried out:

· Prosecutor's Office

· Justice bodies

· Control and Counting Chamber of the Russian Federation

518. The list of indicators to assess the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is approved:

· The legislature of the subject of the Russian Federation

· The highest official of the subject of the Federation

· President of the Russian Federation

· Federal law

519. What of the following legal acts are approved by the Register of Positions of the Federal State Civil Service:

· decree of the President of the Russian Federation

· Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

· Order of the head of Rosreestra

· Order of the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation