Repair Design Furniture

How much does it cost to open a tire changer. Tire fitting business plan: how to achieve a quick payback

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 300 000 ₽

Initial attachments

75,000 - 800,000 ₽



12-24 months

Payback period

Tire fitting as a business is a minimum investment, ease of organization, quick payback, and most importantly - consistently high demand due to the constant growth in the number of cars. Finding out what you need to start.

The Russian car park is growing every year. Currently, there are about 300 cars per 1000 people. Moreover, this indicator will clearly grow - the Russian Federation is in the sixth ten in this rating of the countries of the world. In the United States, there are almost 800 cars per 1000 population, and in San Marino, in general, 1200 cars per 1000 population. Thus, tire fitting services will be more and more in demand every year. Moreover, with the adoption of the law on the compulsory use of winter tires, each motorist has to change tires at least twice a year. Consider how to build a tire shop-based business.

What format of tire fitting to choose

Currently, there are two options for opening a tire fitting business - mobile and stationary. First of all, it is necessary to decide in which segment we want to work.

If stationary tire fitting has long been known to everyone and is usually a small room with stationary equipment for repairing and replacing car tires, then mobile tire fitting is a specially equipped vehicle that provides field services for all types of tire fitting, as a rule, around the clock.

Both options for opening a tire fitting have their own demand. Mobile tire fitting, of course, is developing at a faster pace, as it provides more convenience to the client, but his services are somewhat more expensive. The disadvantages of mobile tire fitting, first of all, include the lower quality of the services provided, due to the fact that the mobile equipment is more difficult to calibrate. In the future, the balance between the number of mobile and stationary tire changers will be leveled, mobile tire fitting will be mainly used in case of road breakdowns and other emergencies, and stationary stations - for scheduled tire replacement.

What equipment is needed for tire fitting

To ensure production, it is necessary to purchase equipment. An approximate list of equipment is shown in the table below. The volume of investments required for the purchase of equipment is 357,000 rubles.

List of tire fitting equipment


price, rub.

Quantity, rub.

Total cost, rub.

Basic equipment

Tire changer

Balancing machine






Bead expander

Metal workbench

Tool kit

Consumables set

Delivery, installation, connection

If there is no mains connection, then a generator will be required, but this option is undesirable as the cost of supplying energy will be significant.

For a mobile tire fitting, you need about the same list of equipment, but in addition you will need a car with a cargo compartment, preferably at least 15 m. The cost of such a car is, of course, significant. For example, minibuses Mercedes Sprinter, Iveco Daily or PEUGEOT Boxer are suitable.

The number of manufacturers of tire fitting equipment is very large. The cost of a set of equipment starts from 150 thousand rubles. This is, of course, the cheapest and not the most quality equipment... A high-quality kit will cost 300 - 400 thousand rubles.

What are the requirements for the tire fitting room

Let us briefly dwell on the issue of the characteristics of the premises for stationary tire fitting.

The most essential issue when organizing a workshop is finding a suitable site. It is important to choose convenient location because the profitability of the business depends on it. The most attractive areas for a tire shop are those in high but slow traffic areas. It can be:

    parking of megacomplexes, shopping centers;

    parking lots and garages;

    areas at the entrance to sleeping areas;

    busy city streets;

    entrance to the city.

The most suitable site is considered to be the area behind the traffic light. While waiting for the green signal, the driver can scan the area and notice an advertising sign or sign leading to the workshop.

When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of competitors nearby. This will allow assessing the level of consumer demand and making a decision on the choice of the site. The building of the tire fitting shop should be clearly visible from the road and have a convenient access.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In addition to the characteristics of the site, it is necessary to take into account the room in which the workshop with all the equipment will be located. For an ordinary workshop, an area of ​​30 sq.m. will be enough. Any non-residential buildings are suitable for this: garage boxes, hangars, etc.

Currently, ready-made modular solutions for a tire workshop are presented on the market. Their cost starts from 250 thousand rubles. As a rule, such a solution is cheaper than building a building from traditional materials. What is especially convenient is that such pavilions are already equipped with everything you need - from windows and doors to electrical wiring. Adequate thermal insulation of the premises is provided.

Requirements for the premises:

    the presence of ventilation, running water, heating and at least one window;

    separate room(i.e. outside residential and public buildings);

    finishing of floors and walls with moisture-resistant and explosion-proof materials;

    explosion-proof lamps and devices;

    the presence of a bathroom and a shower for the staff.

Ideally, there will be a small waiting room for clients. Separately, special attention must be paid to the quality of the flooring, since the equipment of the tire workshop weighs a lot and the floors must withstand significant loads.

Tire service personnel

For round-the-clock work of a tire fitting, which is necessary, especially in a high period of demand for services, two teams of two people are required. One of the main advantages of this business is that almost anyone can do it, and no special knowledge is required. Secondary or higher education in profile, experience in car repair, tire fitting skills. One person can work at one assembly station. However, this does not mean that there are no requirements for workers at all. Clients are earned by honest and high-quality work.

Average wage tire workers is about 40 thousand rubles, but it all depends on the region. The highest salaries are in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in the northern regions of the country, where the salary of a tire service worker can exceed 60 thousand rubles.

How much do tire shops earn

The cost of tire replacement services in small cities starts from 500 rubles, in cities with a population of over one million - from 700-800 rubles, in Moscow - from 1000-1500 rubles. The revenue of tire shops is highly dependent on seasonality, so there is no average revenue here. The peak of sales falls on spring and autumn - the time of transition from winter tires to summer tires and vice versa. The beginning of the high sales season for the tire fitting season in the south of the country falls on March and November, in the northern regions, the spring season starts a little later, and the autumn one earlier. At this time, the workload of the tire shops is such that they work around the clock in a very busy mode. In the off-season, some tire shops are closed.

The revenue of a tire shop is also strongly related to its location. During the season, tire fitting brings about 25-30 thousand rubles a day. The maximum sales are in November-December and March-April, as motorists change tires at this time. During the period of peak sales, the revenue of one workshop can be up to 800 thousand rubles per month with daily maintenance of 15-25 cars. However, in other months the demand can sharply decrease to 4-5 clients per day and the revenue is about 75-150 thousand rubles. In fact, such figures indicate that in the low season, tire service works on the verge of breakeven, and profits are generated in the high season.

The main expense of a tire workshop is wages and mandatory deductions from it. Other main costs include: land lease, costs of materials for repairs and components, utility costs.

As for the payback period of the tire workshop, it is from one to two years. Basically, the value of the payback period depends on the amount of equipment costs and the correctness of the chosen location of the workshop, which largely determines the amount of its revenue. According to experts, the profitability of tire shops is 35-40%

Where is the best place to open a tire service

Tire shops are a fairly popular type of business. Their number is increasing every year, in some large cities there are 38 tire shops per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the rating of cities with the highest concentration of tire shops per capita at the time of this writing, the leaders are Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. Therefore, before opening a tire service in your city, study the competition in the local market. This data can be obtained using services such as 2GIS.

To provide effective work It is very important for a tire shop to choose the right location. First of all, a good traffic flow is desirable, which passes near the tire shop. It is best to choose a place near large avenues, gas stations or large parking lots. This choice will help you reduce negative influences such a factor as seasonality, since you will always be in sight. It is undesirable to place the tire service next to competitors. As a rule, good places for the location of a tire fitting are rarely empty, but options for the location of a new workshop can always be found.

Some experts point out that the location near garage cooperatives is a plus for a tire workshop, since the cooperative generates traffic, other experts believe that this is a disadvantage, since garage owners often change tires along with wheels on their own. In our opinion, the presence of a garage cooperative is rather a plus, since among car owners there are more and more more women who are physically difficult to replace rubber, and young people who are used to paying for such services. Women and youth are considered by the workshop owners to be the best customers.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The presence of a sleeping area next to the workshop can also be a positive factor. Pay special attention to new multi-storey housing estates where residents may lack car services. Today it is possible to estimate the density of competitors in many Russian cities using cartographic Internet reference books like 2GIS.

Legal aspects of opening a tire service

As for the organizational form of business registration, it is recommended to choose an individual entrepreneur. A limited liability company should be registered to open a tire shop only if multiple business owners are expected. However, as a rule, the tire fitting business does not provide enough profit to be of interest to several owners at once.

There are no special requirements for tire fitting. However, if you do everything "as it should", the costs will only increase for the services of specialized firms for the removal and disposal of old tires, which many car owners, after replacement, abandon at the installation. There are strict environmental regulations for the disposal of old tires, so having such an agreement will demonstrate your good intentions and law-abidingness.

The work of a tire fitting shop is suitable for the taxation regime in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is a special tax regime that is available for certain types of activities, while tax accounting is kept in a simplified form, but accounting is still necessary. Optimally, in the case of using UTII, to engage a specialized outsourcing accounting company for accounting and calculating taxes. The owner of a tire shop pays taxes, imputed income tax, social security contributions and contributions to the FIU, as well as personal income tax. When choosing a single tax, the organization is exempt from paying other taxes.

UTII is also convenient because the basis of Art. 346.32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a company can reduce the amount of UTII payment by the amount of quarterly insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, sick leave payments, compulsory social insurance payments. At the moment, owners of tire shops can fully take into account the fixed amounts paid to the pension fund to reduce UTII, only if they do not have hired employees, that is, do not pay UTII at all. Individual entrepreneurs using the labor of hired employees can reduce UTII within 50% of the amount.

The main code for the new OKVED directory is 45.20 "Services for the maintenance and repair of vehicles". Also, in the presence of certain types of activity, it is necessary to use the following additional codes: OKVED code 45.20.1 "Maintenance and repair of cars and light trucks", OKVED code 45.20.2 "Maintenance and repair of other vehicles", OKVED code 45.20 .3 “Vehicle washing, polishing and similar services”.

What documents will be needed to open a tire workshop

SES requirements imply the following documents for opening a tire workshop:

    production control program;

    Rospotrebnadzor's conclusion on the compliance of the premises with the standards;

    permission of Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

    waste collection contracts, hazardous substances, disinfection, workwear washing.

How to advertise tire service

The most effective tire shop advertisements are usually local advertisements that are distributed close to the tire shop. Distribution of brochures, advertising in elevators and nearby service points of cars, which do not have their own tire service, are effective.

It will not be superfluous to register on message boards and in social networks however, such ads will generate significantly less traffic. It will be great if you provide customers with the ability to record via the Internet. Website builders have ready-made blocks that will make it easy to organize such an opportunity for clients.

How to increase the profitability of tire fitting

An important point in organizing a tire fitting business is specialized software that allows you to keep a convenient record of its activities. There are many types of such software. There are options for installing such software on a computer or using the system in the "cloud". Additionally, it allows you to quickly register orders, restrict employees' access to only the necessary financial data, make it easy to record income and expenses and build an effective staff motivation system. Moreover, for a small tire workshop, you can even find a free solution.

In an effort to increase the profitability of the business, many tire shops are either on the path of opening new points, or on the path of expanding related services. For example, due to the growth of "garageless" motorists, some tire shops offer services for seasonal storage of rubber. Others are starting to provide truck tire fitting services, in which there is less competition than in the passenger segment, while others are adding the service of mobile workshops and field fitting to the list of services. Although the latter option is considered a trend, it does not yet have such competition as stationary tire fitters. Judge for yourself, out of 475 companies providing tire fitting services in Rostov-on-Don, only 16 have a field fitting service (2GIS data as of September 2018). Also winners are those workshops where they perform work from rolling and straightening discs to complex repairs of side cuts. The standard of living of motorists is improving, and they are already willing to pay more to be able to fix everything in one place without getting dirty while waiting for a cup of coffee in a nearby cafe. That is why the option of combining tire fitting with a mini-cafe is more and more common.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If you do not understand the tire shop business very well, then you should consider the option of purchasing a franchise. Companies that offer tire workshop franchises offer ready-made work standards for employees, accounting systems to control the passage of orders, the necessary equipment and components. Typically, an admission fee and periodic, monthly or quarterly payments (royalties) are paid.

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rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

In search of their first business, many are interested in how to open a tire fitting from scratch. In this case, a business plan with calculations will be of great help and help to assess future benefits. Tire fitting services are always in demand, due to the growth in the number of cars, their popularity is only growing from year to year.

Today, both start-up entrepreneurs and large players who want to try their hand at a new undertaking and create a full-fledged network are entering the market.

Prospects, seasonality, nuances

It should be noted right away that the tire fitting business has a distinct seasonal character. Profits peak in spring and autumn - these are the seasons when motorists need to change the shoes of their "iron horse". In winter and summer, it is possible to work at a loss, so part of the proceeds should be saved in order to hold out during these periods.

Some business owners even prefer to close for the winter and summer, this is not always cost-effective. For example, punctures, deformations and other tire damage can happen regardless of the weather outside. You shouldn't expect long queues for tire fitting in the summer, but you shouldn't be afraid of complete stagnation either.


The organization of a tire fitting site requires mandatory documentation. For this, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is registered. It is recommended to focus on the design of an individual. This approach frees up the hands of hiring the right amount of staff. Also, with this form, there are much less problems with securities.

If you plan to stop at the LLC form, you need to take into account in advance that you will need to hire a special person to maintain all the documentation, without him all this work, as well as maintaining the organizational structure of the enterprise, will fall on the shoulders of the owner.

The following documents will also be required:

  • permission of the city administration to open a business;
  • industrial waste disposal contract;
  • certificate from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contracts with utilities for connection to centralized communications;
  • room service agreement;
  • permission from the fire inspection.

Practice shows that in many cases one or the other additional paper or reference may be required. Which one is impossible to say in advance, it all depends on the circumstances. However, no business can do without this.


The best option would be to be located near the garage, the larger the better. In this case, the business will be able to pay off in the shortest possible time. Another good option would be to be close to a car base or busy traffic.

However, in most of the most "fishy" places, competitors have already opened, so the search for an optimal site may take a long time.

Room requirements include: cleanliness, dryness and adequate refreshment. There should also be a nearby parking space and driveway to the boxes.

As for the size of the room, then ideal option will be from 40 to 100 square meters... In the latter case, there will be enough space for the garage itself, as well as for all the necessary production facilities, and for the place where the administrator will sit.


  1. Tire fitting machine. There are two types of devices on the market today: full automatic and semi-automatic. The choice of a specific one should be made based on the planned scope of work. If there is a large flow of machines on the site, then a fully automatic machine should be preferred, which practically does not require effort from the operator - it will definitely pay off. Otherwise, you can get by with a more affordable semiautomatic device.
  2. Vulcanizer. It is used for vulcanizing rubber when repairing damage to tires, tubes, tires and similar work. To facilitate the work, you should choose a model equipped with a timer.
  3. Balancing machine. There are many models on the market. There are those in which all data is entered manually. Others are fully automatic. Choose models that can balance cast and steel discs. The required accuracy is 1 gram.
  4. Compressor. For trouble-free operation of the tire changer, a device with a pressure of 10 bar is required. At the same time, if you plan to use only one compressor, you should buy a model with a storage capacity of 100 liters or more. Can you get by with models with smaller drives? It is possible, but they will need to be established to what extent, so savings cannot be achieved.
  5. Nitrogen generator. The device is used to inflate tires. At the same time, the machine does not allow an explosion due to the expansion of oxygen inside the wheel.
  6. Tire bath. It is used for prompt detection of punctures in tubes and tires, and after completion of work, the device helps to check their quality.

Finally, no tire business project is complete without jacks and lifts, as well as a number of related tools. All these expenses should be included in the business plan prepared for the tire fitting.

It will not be superfluous to install cameras in production - very often employees are negligent in their duties or openly rob the owner, which results in huge problems.


The best option if you can immediately start working with a familiar and proven wizard. However, it is not always possible to find such a person.

At the initial stages of a business, literally a couple of people will be required, and one of them may be the owner himself. To search, you need to place a message in newspapers or on special portals on the Web.

If at the initial stages you have no idea about the technical details of the tire fitting, then you will need to learn at least the basics as soon as possible. In this business, it is not enough to be a simple manager, you need to understand the intricacies of work.

Mobile tire service

A few words about how to organize an on-site tire fitting. Mobile tire fitting is also very popular, but associated with its opening whole line nuances. First of all, it makes sense to open it only as an additional service, when there is already a full-fledged stationary enterprise.

To launch the project, you will need a special equipped car. It contains the necessary tools, including a jack, balancing stand, vulcanizer and other machines and devices. A generator comes in handy to ensure proper energy consumption.

Finally, the choice of a car should be carried out in such a way that all of the above fits into it, but at the same time the craftsmen could move freely and do their job. All this must be taken into account in terms of a mobile type tire workshop. Of course, the car must be completely technically sound, since in this case the reputation of the entire enterprise is not at stake.

As for the prices for this service, it should only slightly exceed the price of a stationary workshop.

The profitability of any business largely depends on the project, strategy and quality of the advertising campaign. Advertising should be carried out literally at the opening and before the closure of the enterprise. The following can be distinguished as fixed assets:

  • Posters and billboards along the roads. Allows you to quickly convey to potential customers information about the proximity of the enterprise.
  • Signboard. It should be catchy and located in a place that is clearly visible from all sides.
  • Information about special offers and promotions. It is most often located in the immediate vicinity of the sign.
  • Distribution of business cards with information about the company.
  • Advertising on the Internet and in the media.

It will not be superfluous to organize a special loyalty program that will help attract new and stimulate regular customers, show them that working with you is a profitable business, and convince them that there are no pitfalls.


The costs are represented by the following calculations:

The planned average income is about 2 million rubles, so the profitability is high. However, it is possible to achieve such an indicator only after a year of operation from the moment of opening, and the enterprise will begin to give full profit even later. The experts estimate the payback period at 1 year.

A sample tire fitting business plan can be downloaded from the link:.

Buying a ready-made business

If you want, there is another option for opening a tire fitting - buying a ready-made business. Today such offers are available on the market, and in two main variations.

The first is the purchase of universal trailers, which are filled with the necessary equipment. For operation, such a mobile station only needs to be connected to the power supply network. The cost of the proposal for the example of Moscow ranges from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. The difference is due to the different configuration of the van. The main advantage is the ability to deliver to any place.

The second option is a complex package, which includes a workshop and. This option is more common, despite the significant great price, up to 1.5 million rubles. The exact amount depends on the size and location of the facility.

Finally, there is also the option of working on a franchise. In this case, we are talking exclusively about mobile tire fitting. Among the advantages - you don't have to worry about advertising. The business price ranges from 2 to 2.5 million rubles. Average profit is 70,000 rubles.

Video: business idea - how to open a tire service?

At first glance, it may seem that opening your own tire changer is not the best option for a novice entrepreneur. Indeed, wherever you look, there are signs everywhere calling on car owners to change tires or repair damage.

Nevertheless, opening a tire shop is one of the few business ideas that, despite the complete filling of this niche in the market, will bring good income.

Business seasonality and other nuances

The largest percentage of profits are in the spring and autumn. when it's time to "change shoes". Part of the money received is used to cover the costs associated with the activities of the tire service in the winter and summer.

Some entrepreneurs even suspend their activities in the summer, but this is not an optimal solution. Troubles such as a punctured wheel, warped rims or complete tire wear, which requires buying and installing new tires, can happen at any time. Of course, in the summer there are no such queues as in the spring and autumn, but the competition at this time of the year is significantly reduced, because some services are temporarily closed.

If you decide to open your tire service from scratch, pay attention to a number of other features:

  • the profitability of the business largely depends on the location (more on this below);
  • not much initial investment is required to open a small tire changer;
  • the owner of a tire fitting can work under one of several taxation systems ("simplified", "imputed" or patent). Each of these reporting methods has its own pros and cons. Thus, under the patent system, more than 15 employees cannot be hired. The difference between UTII is that the amount of tax does not depend on the profit received, while calculating the amount to be paid to the budget, the number of employees is taken into account. Those who work on the “simplified system” pay taxes depending on the profits earned;
  • it is necessary to decide what kind of tire fitting you want to open. The most common type is stationary option... Such auto repair shops provide a full range of services related to the operation of tires and wheels. There are also mobile tire changers that provide on-site services to any agreed place;
  • among other things, there are services that work with light vehicles, trucks or specialized (rare and sports cars).

What do you need to get started?

Before going to the tax and other services, do buying the necessary equipment and finding a suitable place... As practice shows, it is these activities that take the most time.

Make a list the right tools and accessories, find good suppliers and place an order (if equipment is out of stock). Make a rough estimate and decide how much more you will need to invest.

The situation is much more complicated with those who do not have initial capital. You can ask friends or relatives for the required amount, but not everyone can boast of having wealthy acquaintances. Some sell vacant real estate and invest the funds received in the business. It should be remembered that any business of your own is fraught with high risks, which means there is a possibility that you can stay without an apartment or without a business.

The best option for those who decided to open a tire changer is to contact a credit institution.

Some banks offer targeted loans on favorable terms, intended for the development of their own business. After the required amount is on hand, you can proceed to the direct implementation of your project.

Another important point is drawing up a business plan. Some aspiring entrepreneurs skip this stage and get by only with compiling a list of estimated costs and income. However, a person who is trying himself as a businessman for the first time is still recommended to draw up such a project. This will help you plan wisely. economic activity and allocate funds efficiently.

Choosing a service location

One of the most problematic stages of opening your own tire shop is finding a suitable location. The most "advantageous" places, as a rule, have already been taken, so you have to look for additional "loopholes". It is necessary to arrange tire fitting close to busy highways or in the area of ​​garage cooperatives... Such places are rarely empty, so you need to study the demand and find out which workshops are not able to cope with the influx of customers.

If you see a long line at the tire changer of those who want to "change their shoes" for the winter, and at the same time some impatient drivers turn around and leave, then the demand in this area is great, therefore, you can look out for a place nearby. Just do not try to open a workshop across the street from a competitor - the idea is not the best. Consider also places in the vicinity of car washes, gas stations and parking lots.

Please note that your tire changer must be clearly visible from the road. The room itself can be large garage with a pit and a convenient entrance. Also ensure that there is sufficient parking space.

The size and furnishings of the premises directly depend on what kind of clients you are going to serve. If the service is designed for "VIP class" clients, then the conditions must be provided accordingly. Designate a separate “waiting room” where car owners can have tea or coffee while their car is serviced.

Required personnel and equipment

The safest way is to work with a trusted familiar master, but if there is no such person, you can place an advertisement for a vacancy in the newspaper or on the Internet. For a small workshop two or three people will be enough one of which is yourself. If you have no experience in this area, study tire fitting on your own. It is not enough to be a manager, you also need to understand all the intricacies of the business.

Over time, you will be able to train employees yourself and create a staff of good specialists. Be sure to follow your masters, check the quality of the work and the funds received.

Some employees withhold part of the proceeds or perform work at different rates. Do not spare money for the installation of video cameras - this will help control the activities of the workshop, even at a great distance from it.

When choosing equipment, be guided by your own budget. If there are not so many funds, the purchase of used devices will be the way out. If possible, consult with a knowledgeable person so as not to buy damaged equipment. Below is an approximate list of the necessary accessories for tire fitting:

  • A tire changer, such a device costs about 50,000 rubles;
  • Wheel balancing machine, you can buy the device for 35,000 rubles;
  • Vulcanizer, prices start at 7,000 rubles;
  • Jack, prices for them are very different (the cheapest can be found for 1,500 rubles);
  • Compressor (from 150,000 rubles);
  • Additional tools and equipment: pneumatic impact wrench, wheel inflation gun, wheel test bath, keys, workbench, etc.

Nuances when working with trucks and mobile services

It is most advantageous to open a mobile tire fitting with an existing stationary workshop. At the same time, you can go to the house or to any place in the city provide as an additional service.

In order to open a mobile service, you need to purchase a suitable car. It will house all the equipment with tools: balancing and tire changers, rolling jack, vulcanizer, compressor, etc. Take care of purchasing a generator that will provide the device with electricity.

The car must be such that it can freely accommodate all of the listed equipment and not interfere with the craftsmen doing their work.

Make sure the technical serviceability and reliability of the car otherwise, the reputation of your mobile tire service will be seriously damaged. Imagine a situation in which a customer call is canceled due to a vehicle breakdown. Most likely, a person will not want to use the services of your workshop a second time.

Prices for mobile tire fitting services are slightly higher than those for stationary workshops. A significant percentage of the client audience are women, so employees should look neat and behave politely. Don't forget to advertise on your call vehicle.

It is somewhat more difficult to open a truck tire service. Firstly, this requires more funds, and secondly, you need to choose a place very carefully. The advantage of such a business is the almost complete absence of competitors, which means that you can count on constant demand and high income.

How much does it cost to open and is it profitable?

It's time to take stock. Since prices are different in all regions, the total cost will also differ. Average, opening a tire fitting can take from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles(depending on workshop size):

  • Purchase of equipment - from 80,000 to 160,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of tools and additional equipment - up to 20,000 rubles;
  • Rent - from 20,000 per month;
  • Salary for two employees - from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • Consumables - from 8,000 rubles;
  • Furniture - from 8,000 rubles.

Things are much easier if you have your own garage. You can open a small workshop in it, designed to service several cars a day. In this case, you can limit yourself to expenses up to 35,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate how much the profit will be. If you service 25 cars a day, then you can earn 100,000 rubles a month only on repairs: the cost of repairing a wheel is from 100 to 150 rubles, so up to 3,000-4,000 rubles a day will go out. And if we consider the activity of a tire changer in the autumn-spring period, then the revenue increases several times, because the service of changing tires will be in the greatest demand.

Thus, opening your own tire service is a profitable business that does not require huge costs, in which absolutely everyone can try themselves in the role of a novice entrepreneur. With properly organized work, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the number of car owners is increasing every day, and at the same time the demand for the services of car repair shops is growing.

Interview with the owner of the tire network

The video shows an interesting story about this business area:

Location selection
Hand tool
Expendable materials
Tire service

Additional profit

Types of tire fitting:
Stationary, mobile (exit), for rare car wheels, for trucks, for motorcycles, etc.
We open mini tire fitting! Brief business plan
Mobile (field) tire fitting
Tire service on wheels by franchise
Tire fitting for trucks
How much does it cost to buy a ready-made tire fitting?
Tire rental

Additional materials for opening a tire fitting.
Drawing - plan for tire fitting
Safety in tire fitting
Price list for passenger car tire fitting
Price list for truck tire fitting

Opening the standard tire fitting.

This is not to say that by opening your own tire service, you will immediately become a millionaire and start making huge profits. But this business does not require huge investments either. This business plan covers all the essential points in starting this kind of business from scratch. It also contains a fairly detailed study of the tire service market, and there is a calculation of the most important financial indicators for making a decision.

There are so many tire shops operating in Russia that no one even undertakes to count them. Most recently, it was a licensed type of activity, then the emergence of all new objects was clearly tracked. Now compulsory licensing has been canceled, all that is needed is. Accordingly, the number of tire workshops that have opened has increased significantly, and it is almost impossible to follow the dynamics of their appearance.
According to rough estimates, today there are more than 20 thousand facilities in the country that provide tire fitting services. They can be very different, differing from each other both in size and economic indicators.

It is the lack of accurate information that makes it impossible to conduct a truly complete study of this market and obtain figures that really reflect the situation. The only indisputable fact is that work in such a business is not subject to accurate forecasting and is rather unstable. Leading experts say the same. Therefore, managing your own tire fitting cannot be called a simple matter.

Location for tire fitting.

As with other businesses, a good location for a tire service can solve a lot, if not all. Due to the rapid development of the industry, many ideally suitable sites already mastered. Typically, these are areas located in the immediate vicinity of a highway or road with heavy traffic. The presence of a nearby garage cooperative or will also be a useful factor. After all, it is very important to attract the first customers, especially at the beginning of work. True, this was also known to those who thought about opening a tire service earlier. Therefore, finding a place for your future business is the first difficulty you will face.

The way out can be found if you correctly approach the study of demand. Perhaps some already existing tire fitting is not able to serve all willing customers. And then the appearance of your object in this area will come in handy. Of course, you shouldn't open your business right under the noses of your competitors, it's better to stay at some distance.

The room in which your tire workshop will work can also be different - from an iron bunker, resembling an ordinary garage, to a major building. As a rule, preference is given to the latter. Renting such premises costs on average at least ten US dollars per 1 sq. m. When choosing a room, you must have a rough idea of ​​what equipment will be installed here. And for this you need to decide on the proposed list of services provided. The most common and optimal option is to rent a space of 40-50 square meters. Thus, you will spend about $ 400-500 monthly on rent.

At the very beginning of the opening of the tire service.

Practically in any modern tire workshop, in addition to the wheel replacement service, a number of others are also offered. The most common is wheel balancing, camber and toe adjustment. The cost of the simplest tire fitting machine can reach one and a half thousand dollars. And for the most ordinary balancing stand, you will need to pay another thousand. In addition to these large investments, you need to think about purchasing such tools as jacks ($ 200), a vulcanizer (another 200), a compressor (at least $ 500). Another $ 400 will have to be spent on other, smaller, basic necessities. In total, you will have to invest about $ 3,500 in the primary equipment of your tire shop.

There are offers for the sale of ready-made, fully equipped workshops. The approximate cost of such objects is at least 2,500 euros.
The next question you will inevitably have is recruiting. It would seem that a tire service worker should not have any special qualities. The main requirement is the ability to competently and responsibly perform their duties. After all, it is easy to lose a customer if he has to wait for hours to complete his order. The easiest way to find employees is by posting job advertisements in special publications. As a rule, two really smart employees are enough to get started with a standard tire shop.

Equipment for tire fitting.

1. Stand for balancing the wheels of passenger cars - 45,000 rubles.
2. Stand for balancing the wheels of trucks - 117,000 rubles.
3. Tire changer - 43,000 rubles.
4. Installation for dismantling truck tires - 120,000 rubles.
5. Vulcanizer - 17,000 rubles.
6. Compressor - 18,000 rubles.
7. Jack for lifting cars - 5,000 rubles.
8. A machine for rolling discs - 96,000 rubles.
9. Bath used to check the wheels - 9,000 rubles.

In addition to the equipment, to start the tire fitting work, you need to prepare a number of consumables used in the process of providing services. The most necessary, without which work is almost impossible, will be:

Rammed weights used for working with light-alloy wheels
... adhesive weights, which differ from printed ones in that they are glued to the discs with special adhesive tape
... universal patches for cameras - their presence will significantly speed up the work and help to avoid mistakes that often arise when using self-cut, as a rule, also from low-quality materials
... harnesses
... various chemicals that can be used to simplify the work of tire workers, which ultimately speeds up the execution of orders, as well as improves their quality
... necessary little things - caps and valves

Tire service personnel.

The tire fitting equipment is not very complex, so training employees to work on it should not be too difficult. It is very important to constantly monitor compliance high level customer service, for which employees must be polite, correct, executive, responsible and accurate. The latter applies not only directly to the performance of work, but also to the clothes and habits of employees. As a rule, at the very beginning of the work of almost every tire fitting, there is some turnover of personnel. But the result is a team of true professionals and like-minded people.

It is noticed that the younger your employees are, the easier it will be to teach them to be neat and clean and to observe the rules of decency when talking with clients. People who are accustomed to working "the old fashioned way" are less adaptable to the requirements and rules of modern business. The advantage of hiring young people is that it is quite simple to do. You can contact training centers that are often open at equipment distributors or at large operating workshops, and they will advise you on the most promising graduates. Graduates of secondary specialized schools (PTU) for car mechanics can also become very good workers.

Wheel imbalance is a very dangerous phenomenon, and therefore wheel balancing has long been considered a very popular service. Without wheel balancing, driving a car becomes much more difficult, premature tire wear occurs, steering mechanisms are damaged, and the suspension becomes loose. If an extraneous noise appears during the trip, especially if the vibration of the body and interference in the steering are felt, the driver must think about the need for balancing. Timely wheel balancing reduces the risk of accidents and improves the technical performance of the vehicle. Poorly balanced tires, on the other hand, last less and create obstacles to comfortable driving. It is recommended to check the wheel balance every 5,000 kilometers.

How is wheel balancing done?
To begin with, the car is lifted with a lift. The master removes and flushes the wheels, then he checks them on special equipment that is specially designed to get rid of dynamic imbalance. The most technically advanced units have the function of taking into account the factory tolerances of car manufacturers in rotating elements (discs, spokes, etc.) when balancing wheels. And at the end of all procedures, the wheels are installed back on the car. At the same time, using a torque wrench, the degree of force with which the fastener is tightened is controlled. This is the commonly used scheme.

Modern equipment for technical diagnostics and the tire fitting itself allows you to combine this important balancing process with a number of other technical operations.

At various damages tires are used for such a type of repair as their vulcanization. There is cold and hot vulcanization. Cold vulcanization is carried out by bonding two materials (for example, rubber parts), without heat treatment. Hot vulcanization, on the other hand, involves the use of high temperatures when bonding materials. There is a special consumable material, the so-called "raw rubber", which is produced just for hot vulcanization. It is a ductile, viscous mixture that, during the vulcanization process, turns into real rubber, thus repairing damage.

A separate type of service is the repair of tubeless tires. A tubeless tire has many advantages, but there is also a significant drawback - the repair of such tires is a rather complicated process, carried out using unique technologies that must be strictly followed. First of all, when repairing tubeless tires, any assembly and disassembly work must be carried out extremely carefully. The fact is that tire depressurization can occur from even the slightest damage to the side flanges. Only special equipment can be used to repair such a tire. Removal and installation of tubeless tires can only be done using a tire changer. Some of these machines are presented in the TI modification, which assumes the presence of a built-in tubeless tire inflation device.

Another common service, and no less important than balancing, is the repair of side cuts on the tires. Indeed, a lot depends on the quality of this repair and compliance with all technologies, and, first of all, the safety of driving a car. To carry out reliable repair of side cuts, a specialized vulcanizer is used, which has the function of double-sided tire heating. It is equally important for the craftsmen to know and take into account all the features of such repairs.

Often, motorists turn to a tire shop to restore, repair or paint rims. After all, discs are often sold in stores in sets of 2 or 4 pieces, which may not be as profitable financially as repairing one damaged one. When repairing discs, it is better to exclude its heating, and it is imperative to use only such technologies that do not violate the structure of the metal.

As a rule, a service such as tire inflation is free in many workshops, especially for regular customers. It is very important to monitor tire pressure, and any motorist knows about it.

Recently, in many car services and tire shops, such a novelty as pumping tires with nitrogen has become popular. Tires inflated with nitrogen pleasantly surprise both ordinary car enthusiasts and professional drivers. Nitrogen has several advantages over air. The use of this inert gas virtually eliminates the risk of explosion. It also has a much lower leakage rate than air, so in the event of a puncture, the car has a certain power reserve. Other benefits include maintaining constant pressure, significantly slowing aging and avoiding rim corrosion.
Seasonal storage of tires can also bring additional income. Indeed, in the conditions of a city apartment or a standard garage, it is very problematic to organize it. But to provide such a service, the workshop must have a suitable storage room.

There are certain signs that characterize a serious tire shop. This is making all measurements with high accuracy, good speed of work, providing quality assurance for the services performed. And for this, real professionals should work in the workshop, and, of course, using the most modern tools and machines for tire fitting.

At the beginning, it was already mentioned that in order to give your business a legal status, it will be enough to open an individual entrepreneur. Today, this procedure will cost you about $ 800.
In order to get some idea of ​​the estimated income from the work of your tire shop, you need to do a number of calculations. In the hardware section, it was estimated that $ 3,500 would be needed to purchase it. It can be assumed that the new workshop will service about twenty cars every day. On average, the cost of services for each car owner is about 150 rubles. We are talking about an average day, because it is known that on some days such services are in great demand, which is completely uncharacteristic of an ordinary day.

Based on the assumed conditions, it is easy to calculate that the revenue of the owner of a tire fitting for one working day will amount to 3,000 rubles. Accordingly, the average monthly revenue will be about 90,000 rubles. Subtracting expenses from the proceeds, namely rent, wages of employees (say, $ 700), the cost of consumables used (usually at least $ 200), we get that a little more than $ 1,500 remains. This will be the monthly net profit of your company. It is important to understand that a beginner entrepreneur can generate such an amount only in the most ideal conditions. And in our reality, unfortunately, ideal conditions are quite rare. And in order not to have high expectations, it is better to count on a profit of 800 to 1,000 dollars. Accordingly, the investment in opening a new workshop will pay off in about six months.

Seasonality is very typical for the tire fitting business. There are peculiar peaks when the revenue increases significantly. These peaks fall at the time of the general change of wheels at the very beginning of the summer season and before the winter season, usually in April and November. Therefore, often, in order to reduce the influence of the seasonality factor and increase the total profit, tire shops open up new directions in the services provided. Often this direction is the restoration of worn tires using the cold method.

This technology is in great demand in Western countries, for example, in the United States, according to statistics, every seventh tire is restored with its use. In Russia, however, such a technology appeared not so long ago, and for it will become a very promising direction.

A retreaded tire costs almost 2 times less than a new tire.
Stages of cold tire retreading technology:
1.the tires are molded
2. tire repair with preliminary inspection
3.filling all defects
4.Vulcanization of tires
5. restoration (cutting) of the tread tape
6.the adhesive base is being prepared
7.the rim-disks are mounted / dismantled
8. envelopes are installed
9.increasing layers
10.the tread tape is being modified

List of equipment required for cold tire retreading.
After analyzing many offers of suppliers of equipment for cold tire retreading, we chose Chinese-made equipment.
Cold tire retreading equipment has the following configuration:
... Roughing machine
... Glue Extruder
... Tread Tape Application Machine
... Machine for mounting / dismounting envelopes
... YH550 Rim Mounting / Dismantling Machine
... Autoclave
... Mixer
... Rail Tire Transporter
The cost of the proposed set of equipment is 1,825,000 rubles (including VAT).

Which tire fitting to choose for starting a business?

Tire fitting and its main types.

In our time, the most sophisticated technologies are becoming more accessible. As a result, the tire fitting business has become quite popular not only among experienced professionals in this industry, but also among those entrepreneurs who are just beginning to learn the basics of automotive service.
Most often, tire shops are stationary. This approach to organizing such a business is traditional. These tire shops operate in a permanent location, while providing a whole range of services related to car wheels.
Mobile tire changers, being a kind of mobile workshops, provide services directly on the road.

Tire fitting can be complex or partial.
Also, tire shops can be classified as follows:
... car - services are provided here for car owners;
... cargo - trucks, vans, caravans, etc. are serviced in this;
... specialized - services in it are intended for exclusive, sports cars, and for other equipment, for example, motorcycles.

The business plan of the future tire fitting is the foundation for the further successful business activities. It is the good one that will contribute to the gradual advancement and prosperity of any project.

If you approach the development of a tire fitting business plan thoughtfully and carefully, it can become a very profitable business in the future. This type of service has been in demand almost since the invention of the first automobile. And nowadays there are more cars on the street every day, and each new car owner becomes a potential client of a tire workshop.
The business plan outlines the general goals of the project and analyzes it with an assessment of the feasibility of its implementation; accordingly, it is possible to attract good investors only with a well-prepared business plan.

Step-by-step business plan for mini tire fitting.

Drawing up a project summary. Here it is necessary to designate a goal, make a short description of the future business, paying attention to its purpose and target audience. It is important to describe the main differences of this particular project from other similar ones, provide any reporting materials and confirm the qualifications of a potential leader.

The goal of this project is to create a mini-workshop for tire fitting using professional equipment to provide the highest quality tire repair services.

In the description of the project, it is important to disclose both the main provisions and the finer details of the business. This will become the foundation, the foundation of the entire project.

The purpose of the project is to create a proposal for the owners of vehicles for the repair of their cars, to service them quickly and efficiently in case of contact.

The target audience of the project is both car owners with an average income level and wealthy people, female drivers, local residents with cars, and visitors or transiting through the area.

Speaking about the uniqueness of the project, it is important to offer a service that the client cannot get elsewhere. Here it is necessary to emphasize its differences and advantages. It can be different kinds promotions, special discounts provided for regular customers, provision of additional services and much more.

The qualification of employees, which lies in their skills, experience in the industry, knowledge of modern technologies, guarantees fast and high-quality service for customers. It is also important to provide an individual approach, and a responsible attitude to the work performed.

At this step, a complete analysis of the idea is carried out, the main goals of the activity are determined, its directions are highlighted, and the research of the industry as a whole is carried out.

When analyzing an idea, it is important to focus on the commercial component of the entire project, to note the advantages and possible disadvantages of the project.

The purpose of the activity and its directions - here you need to clearly describe which services will be provided in this tire fitting. What customer requirements the workshop will be able to fully satisfy, what will be the level of service.

The characteristics of the industry reflect the state of such a business as a whole, in this section it is necessary to assess what influence this industry can have on the development of the auto industry, what demand for the offered service exists in society.

Now you need to describe in detail the services, their distinctive qualities (for example, the presence of a license or patent rights). You can make a car service unique by introducing services and. This will not only increase profits, but also help increase customer loyalty, making their lives much easier.

Market analysis is done here. This takes into account the buying environment, examines competitors, market segments, estimates the size and growth rate of the market. At the same time, it is important not to overestimate your expectations, to really assess the possible demand, to take into account all competitors, even the smallest and ineffective ones. After all, each has its own competitive advantages, and it is also important to know them.

It is necessary to make a calculation of the material aspects, evaluate the possible monetary investments. First, you need to choose a location for your workshop. Best of all, if it is a busy highway, or a large garage cooperative.

Next important aspect- equipment, it includes:

1.balancing stands,
2. jacks,
3. pillars,
4. tire changers,
5. wrenches,
7. disc straightening machines,
10. puncture repair consumables and more.

Following these five steps will lead to a truly complete tire business plan.

Expenses for the implementation of tire fitting.
... the cost of renting a room is $ 500 / month. ($ 6,000 per year);
... renovation in a rented space - $ 500;
... purchase of equipment - $ 4,000;
... consumable tire repair materials - $ 200 / month;
... staff salary - $ 1,000 / month ($ 12,000 per year);
... outdoor advertising production - $ 500.
Also, the tire fitting business plan should take into account the depreciation of equipment, the cost of a work uniform for employees, and other points that inevitably arise in the process of active work.
Moreover, if the first project becomes successful, will enjoy credibility and make a profit, you can proceed to creating a network of such services.

Not so long ago, a promising novelty appeared on the market - on-site tire fitting or on-call tire fitting.
The fact is that motorists long time constantly faced two recurring problems:
... huge queues near the tire shop during the "high season" - when everyone starts to change tires at the same time before the start of the new season,
... the placement of most tire shops in fairly remote areas (industrial zones and sleeping areas), trips to which take a long time and are often associated with large traffic jams.
Some enterprising and positive-minded person found in this problem a grain of opportunity for himself.

The ideal client for a mobile tire fitting is a company with a fleet of several vehicles.
When the mobile direction in the tire fitting business had just appeared, the prices for services in it were sometimes 2-3 times higher than those of stationary competitors. But today this market has become more civilized, and prices are now almost at the same level.
An additional fee is charged only for the departure itself, and if certain conditions are met, even it can become free. For example, if a client changes tires for 3 or more cars at once.

To organize such a business from scratch, an investment of about 20,000 euros is required. The investment pays off in about 2 years
In principle, the organization of a mobile tire fitting does not differ much from the organization of a stationary one. The only additional requirement is to purchase a minibus. The car must have a cargo compartment with an area of ​​at least 13 square meters, it is here that the equipment necessary for working with tires is installed, including:
... balancing
... tire fitting,
... other repair equipment.

Usually, preference is given to minibuses Mercedes Sprinter or Iveco Daily.
A new minibus, when purchased from a dealer, can be purchased for 30,000 - 35,000 euros. A previously used bus can be bought even for 8,000 euros.
Another additional equipment will be an electric generator with a capacity of 5 kW or more. It costs about 1,000 euros.
Outside working hours, the minibus with the installed equipment must be in a heated garage.

Equipment for mobile tire fitting.

Some equipment of mobile tire changers is no different from what is installed in stationary tire changers. Required equipment in both cases:
tire changer, cost from 1,000 to 7,000 euros, the best manufacturers recognized by Sicam and Bengineering (Italy) balancing stand, cost from 2,000 to 5,000 euros compressor, used for a tire changer, as well as for pumping wheels, pressure must be provided from 7 bar.

Recommended manufacturers: Dary (Italy), Miol (China), Remeza (Belarus), cost from 600 to 1,000 euros. Rolling jack (pneumatic or hydraulic), cost 200 - 2,000 euros.
At the beginning of work, 1,000 euros will be spent on the purchase of other necessary tools and consumables; a vulcanizer, costing 400 - 600 euros, it is not used directly for tire fitting, but it will help to expand the range of services provided and get additional profit.

If you make a choice in favor of Chinese equipment, some manufacturers of which have long been recognized as reliable, then each stand will cost only 1,000 euros.
It is worth noting that it is not recommended to save money on the balancing stand, because many cheap models may have too high an error that greatly exceeds the maximum permissible specified in their passports.

Mobile tire fitting: required personnel
It is necessary to take into account the seasonal nature of work in this area. During peaks in demand for tire fitting services, it is simply necessary to have two teams working in parallel (in shifts). In general, it is believed that the field tire service should be provided around the clock.
Based on this, for the effective operation of the field workshop, two drivers and four tire changers will be required, who will work in two teams in 2 shifts.

Tire market professionals advise such a move, which allows you to save a little. You can assign the driver's functions to one of the tire fitters.

Mobile tire fitting: Advertising
In the field of field tire fitting, several effective ways outdoor advertising:
... advertising on the sides of your own minibus,
... promotion of your own website on the Internet,
... distribution of various flyers and leaflets in places where there are many motorists,
... independent search for corporate clients with large fleets and personal negotiation with them with the proposal of lucrative long-term contracts.

It is necessary to prepare especially carefully for the hottest season, when winter begins. This usually happens within 30-40 days in October-November.
It is on these days, thanks to the fast, high-quality round-the-clock work of your workshop, that you can get yourself clients who could not get the service in their usual place due to too long queues.

At the same time, it is important to understand that opening a business right before the start of the high season is not worth it. This rule applies to all types of seasonal businesses. It will be very difficult for newcomers to the industry to immediately navigate and at the same time cope with a huge load. Therefore, it is better to start working some time before the start of the season in order to gain some experience and build all the work processes. Then in the fall it will definitely be possible to earn an excellent reputation and great money.

To open a mobile tire service, you can purchase a special franchise. Such mobile workshops provide their services in car parks, right at the entrance of the house, or anywhere else. At the same time, there are no expenses for monthly rent of premises and there is no problem with finding it. All equipment is located right inside the car, it can be a minibus or a truck. Investments for the launch of a mobile tire fitting will amount to approximately $ 40,000. The average monthly revenue in such a business reaches $ 10,000. The estimated payback period of the project is about 1 year.

Service on wheels.
All the necessary equipment is installed in a minibus or a cargo van for carrying out tire works: a tire changer, an electric generator, a compressor, a jack, a full set of consumables and tools. Having everything you need on board, mobile tire fitting is able to serve both private clients and corporate, and even large manufacturing enterprises. The 24-hour operation will further increase the turnover.

Truck tire fitting is well suited for those who would like to run a family business, at least male half you will definitely like it. True, such a business will require sufficient investment.

Changing wheels on a truck is a rather difficult task. Previously, drivers often changed wheels themselves, using any available means. Truck tire shops were extremely rare at that time.

Trucking is a well-paid field of activity, as a result of which truck drivers rarely want to save money on the maintenance of their vehicles. Therefore, there will always be a lot of customers at truck tire shops.

It is believed that for equipping tire fitting it is better to prefer Italian equipment, which is not distinguished by its cheapness, but is recognized as high-quality and reliable.

... tire fitting stand for trucks - 9672 euros;
... pneumatic spinning - 463 euros;
... roller for working with tubeless tires - 418 euros;
... vulcanizer for tubeless tires - 1220 euros;
. air compressor(400 l / min) - 650 euros;

Total: 12 423 EUR

The cost of the equipment already includes delivery, installation supervision and training to work on it. Delivery takes about 3 months, this time can be spent on the preparation of the necessary documents. When choosing a room, it is better to prefer a box for placing a truck tire fitting, which has a platform for approaching trucks. On average, this costs 200 euros for each month of rent. Monthly payments will also need to include electricity and worker wages if outsourced workers are to be hired.

The preliminary profit calculation shows the following. If mounting one wheel costs 2 euros (we assume this because usually mounting a truck wheel costs 2 times more than mounting a car wheel), and the workshop works in two eight-hour shifts and processes 2 wheels per hour, the monthly revenue will be 1920 Euro. After deducting all monthly expenses, the net profit is around 1,500 euros.

It is clear that to reach the planned level, it takes some time, about 3-4 months. But even with the most pessimistic forecast, the payback period for such a project is only 12-16 months, which is quite a bit.

The cost of a ready-made tire fitting?

Financial condition:
Monthly revenue: 350,000 rubles
Net profit per month: 150,000 rubles
Costs per month: 200,000 rubles

They include:
Rent - 80,000 rubles
charge Fee - 100,000 rubles
Purchase - 20,000 rubles

Legal form of the enterprise: individual entrepreneur

Total area of ​​the property for rent: 130 sq.m.
Rent per month: 80,000 rubles

Number of employees: 3

Tire equipment set
Disc straightening machine
Equipment for powder coating of wheels

Equipment price: 400,000 rubles

Intangible assets:
m. Avtozavodskaya. 1st line of houses., A large traffic flow.

Tire service 130 sq.m., fully equipped.
A clean well-kept box, automatic gates, a lounge for clients, a room for a car with vinyl and
Tinted washroom.
Loyal customers of tire fitting:
Residents of houses - 60%
Cars passing by - 15%
Friends, acquaintances of regular customers - 25%
The cost of a ready-made business: 1,100,000 rubles

Rent of a ready-made tire fitting.

The car market in our country is constantly growing, therefore, the need for service is also increasing. Among the variety of services that can be provided to a vehicle, the most profitable and simplest is tire fitting. With a small amount of capital investment, the tire fitting business has a quick payback and a fairly high profitability.

To understand how to open a tire service, you need to consider in more detail all the stages of planning this business from scratch. But before you start drawing up documents or making a cost estimate, you need to decide on the format and type of the future company.

There is a few ideas for the implementation of tire service which depend on the approach:

  • In a stationary room - customers themselves come for the service.
  • Mobile version, in the form of a van or minibus - the contractor goes on call to the client.
  • Without premises, just on the street near the transport highway.

Of these three formats, the first option remains the most popular and demanded.

Firstly, it assumes enough space where all the equipment can fit freely. The room is protected from the influence of weather conditions, heat and frost.

Secondly, a detached building is more prestigious and has the ability to serve more customers. Although compared to the rest, this one is the most expensive option.

Tire changers, as a rule, specialize in cars, trucks and special (agricultural, racing, etc.) vehicles. If you start your own business from scratch, then it is best to use cars... The idea is that it will require and less cost, and the specifics of the work are easier, and this market segment is much larger.

What does it take to open a tire service !?

  1. First, you need to provide documents to state authorities for the opening of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. PIs are recommended for those who do not claim large scale and profits. An entrepreneur has his own perks and limitations, so this must be taken into account for further development.
  2. You should select the type of taxation and register with the tax office. Between UTII, a patent and a simplified system, it is best to choose the latter option.
  3. Additional permits and licenses are not required to perform wheel balancing services. Local government approval may be required for the safe disposal of tires. This applies to those who will carry out their activities within the city.

Before looking for a suitable premises and buying equipment, you should draw up your tire workshop business plan, which will detail and describe all the main points and their possible options.

The more real and concrete the tire fitting business plan, the easier it will be to navigate and implement it in stages. The sample described below can be taken as a starting point for a future project.

Choosing a location is the very first and most important stage

The competition among tire changers is pretty tough. All successful and profitable places, as a rule, have been occupied for a long time, so you will have to approach this issue very carefully so as not to burn out initially.

Places to look for when searching:

  • near a large traffic of cars (near a busy road or highway);
  • close to car parks or garages. The more the congestion of cars, the better;
  • near various establishments, where there are a lot of people and cars. An example of this is shopping and office centers or hypermarkets;
  • as close as possible to other service stations that do not provide these services.

Equipment purchase

For a stationary tire workshop with an area of ​​20-30 m 2, you need to purchase:

  • Tire changer;
  • balancing stand;
  • vulcanizer;
  • jack or lift;
  • compressor;
  • optional equipment: a tub for checking wheels, a pneumatic wrench, a pumping gun, a workbench, a starter-charger, keys;
  • consumables.

When specifying the first two points, it is clear how to open a tire service, and what needs to be done and bought for this. Finding such equipment is not a problem!

The question is which one is better to buy: new or used.
In the first case, it will be a reliable, but also more expensive purchase. And when choosing the second option, there is no guarantee of quality.

Therefore, before you buy old machines, you need to take an experienced specialist with you, who will carefully consider and check everything. And still there will be no 100% certainty that in a couple of months there will be no need for repair or replacement.

What about the staff !?

For small business you can start from scratch with one, but experienced assistant.

And you won't have to spend money on a large staff, and there is someone to replace or help.

When profits permit, qualified auto mechanics can be hired. It will be good if people from your environment will have such a specialty.

Financial calculations

Should you figure out how much it costs to open a tire shop? This project does not require large investments, however, you will need to pay a decent amount of money to purchase equipment and tools. Moreover, prices vary greatly (one and a half, two or even three times) depending on the supplier, quality and brand.

a tire fitting business plan will show the approximate costs and savings opportunities.

To start your project from scratch, you need the following costs:


›200 thousand rubles


›20 thousand rubles


›10 thousand rubles

›10 thousand rubles

›20 thousand rubles


›20 thousand rubles (1 person)

›20 thousand rubles


300 thousand rubles.

Prices are in rubles for 2014. As a result, it turns out that minimum amount costs, from which it is worth starting from, is 300,000 rubles. This is an example of a starting point to consider when planning and executing procurement.

How profitable it is to open a tire service determines the payback rate. This project can pay off in 6-12 months.

As you can see from the table, the main cost item is equipment.

But before you save on these costs, you need to think carefully about everything. After all, in the final analysis, the speed, quality and price of services performed will be determined by the work of personnel and equipment.

Another variable is employee salaries. The amount of payment is determined as a percentage based on the total cost of the work performed. This is usually 50% or 40%.

To imagine what the monthly profit and revenue will be, you need to estimate the number of customers per day and the cost of services provided.

Balancing and vulcanization costs from 300 to 800 rubles. If there are 20 clients per day, then the daily earnings will be 10,000 rubles on average, and 300,000 rubles per month. Of these, 200,000 are mandatory payments (rent, wages, etc.), and somewhere around 100,000 rubles remains. This is an average value that does not reflect seasonality. However, it allows you to assess the scale and prospects for the development of this business.

To increase profitability, especially at the initial stage, it is advisable to provide additional services.

Where to start when there is not a large flow of regular customers!?

There are several ideas that will help you get a small but additional income. For example, seasonal storage of tires, wheel balancing, battery charging. However, there are such malfunctions as a puncture of a wheel, tire wear or deformation of disks, which can happen at any time of the year, so you need to be ready to provide such services. And some customers will be delighted to be able to store their summer and winter tires, especially if they do not have their own garage.

Tire workshop risks

First, this business is highly seasonal. The main influx of customers occurs in spring and autumn, when you need to "change shoes" your car. Therefore, before starting your own business, you need to have several options and ideas in stock, due to which you can make a profit in other months.

Secondly, you need to pay special attention to location and quality of services, which will directly affect success and profitability. And if location is a constant value, then a service that directly depends on workers and equipment must constantly improve and develop.

Thirdly, the larger the list of services provided, the more customers and the easier it is to stay “afloat”.

An inspiring video from a tire shop owner sharing tips!