Repair Design Furniture

How to repair torn linoleum. How to repair linoleum for various damages. Existing gluing methods

Linoleum is a coating that must be handled with sufficient care, therefore, over time, many a question arises: how and what is the best way to glue torn linoleum. There are several answer options, but the most common is to use cold welding for linoleum.

Which cold welding is better to glue linoleum

Cold welding is a special liquid or gel based on polyvinyl chloride and various solvents. It slightly dissolves the contacting edges of the linoleum and thus melts them.

It is usually supplied in small tubes and comes in three types: A (liquid form for bonding seams), C (thicker, for repairing and filling narrow gaps) and T (for bonding multi-component linoleum based on polyester and PVC). Most often, the tubes are equipped with a screw nozzle or a needle for applying glue. The needle is convenient for gluing straight joints, but any tip will work for repairing a gap.

You should not chase the purchase of expensive glue, for example, Werner Muller at the price of 450 rubles per tube. In terms of their composition, they are almost all the same. You can safely purchase any other one three times cheaper than the above.

How to glue

So, before starting, you need to prepare a seam or break for gluing. Remove dirt, wipe. Places to be glued must be dry.

For gluing, we need a tube of cold welding, masking tape and a knife.

After cleaning the linoleum, the gaps should be sealed with masking tape strips.

Then carefully cut the tape along the tear line with a knife.

And while lifting the edge of the linoleum, apply glue. It can be applied not only to the joint, but also a little too much on the lower part. Then the seam will be glued to the surface on which the linoleum is laid, even if it is concrete.

If you bought a tube of cold welding to seal only one gap, you do not need to save money and apply a little more, but do not overdo it. The glue should not get on the surface of the linoleum. And if this happens, then it must be removed with a dry cloth.

After applying the glue, close the gap by ironing the surface of the adhesive tape with the same cloth. The tape can be removed after 15 minutes.

You can walk on linoleum in an hour, but wet cleaning is recommended no earlier than in a day.

Linoleum is a coating that must be handled with sufficient care, therefore, over time, many a question arises: how and what is the best way to glue torn linoleum. There are several answer options, but the most common is to use cold welding for linoleum.

Which cold welding is better to glue linoleum

Cold welding is a special liquid or gel based on polyvinyl chloride and various solvents. It slightly dissolves the contacting edges of the linoleum and thus melts them.

It is usually supplied in small tubes and comes in three types: A (liquid form for bonding seams), C (thicker, for repairing and filling narrow gaps) and T (for bonding multi-component linoleum based on polyester and PVC). Most often, the tubes are equipped with a screw nozzle or a needle for applying glue. The needle is convenient for gluing straight joints, but any tip will work for repairing a gap.

You should not chase the purchase of expensive glue, for example, Werner Muller at the price of 450 rubles per tube. In terms of their composition, they are almost all the same. You can safely purchase any other one three times cheaper than the above.

How to glue

So, before starting, you need to prepare a seam or break for gluing. Remove dirt, wipe. Places to be glued must be dry.

For gluing, we need a tube of cold welding, masking tape and a knife.

After cleaning the linoleum, the gaps should be sealed with masking tape strips.

Then carefully cut the tape along the tear line with a knife.

And while lifting the edge of the linoleum, apply glue. It can be applied not only to the joint, but also a little too much on the lower part. Then the seam will be glued to the surface on which the linoleum is laid, even if it is concrete.

If you bought a tube of cold welding to seal only one gap, you do not need to save money and apply a little more, but do not overdo it. The glue should not get on the surface of the linoleum. And if this happens, then it must be removed with a dry cloth.

After applying the glue, close the gap by ironing the surface of the adhesive tape with the same cloth. The tape can be removed after 15 minutes.

You can walk on linoleum in an hour, but wet cleaning is recommended no earlier than in a day.

Of all the floor coverings that can be found on sale today, linoleum is the easiest to damage. A nuisance can occur when moving furniture or as a result of careless handling. In any case, the damaged linoleum needs repair. Surprisingly, repairing linoleum is not difficult. The main thing is to find a suitable patch for the patch.

Patch material

As a rule, all materials for flooring (however, this applies in general to all finishing materials) are bought with some margin. This stock is then stored on the balcony or in the closet. If such a supply of linoleum has been preserved, then this is an ideal case and you can start working.

If there was no extra piece of linoleum, then a problem arose - where to get it?

First, you can search for sale. For example, in markets and online stores.
Secondly, the patch can be made from similar linoleum. There is also an option when the patch is cut out of linoleum, which is located somewhere under the massive, stationary furniture. After all, all the same, the floor in this place is hidden from view.

How to glue damaged linoleum

In addition to the material for pasting damaged linoleum, you will need glue. PVA glue or Moment is quite suitable. You can also try other types of glue. The most important thing is that they are not too aggressive and do not melt the material.

How to cut a linoleum patch correctly

For the result to be at its best, it is important to cut the workpiece correctly. This can be done efficiently and accurately in only one way. First, a new material is put on top of the damaged linoleum, and then with a blade or a sharp wallpaper knife, a circle or some other geometric figure is cut out through two layers of linoleum at once. Only in this way the patch will fit into its place perfectly, without the slightest gap.

To make the patch invisible, you need to take into account the pattern on the linoleum. It should match perfectly on the patch and on the linoleum. In addition, you can try to cut the patch itself along the lines of the ornament. In this case, the patch will be truly invisible. Of course, it will still depend on the pattern or ornament, however, in most cases, cutting out a patch of complex shape, focusing on the lines of the ornament, is an ideal choice.

How to glue a patch on a damaged place on linoleum

After this part is completed, the old, damaged piece of linoleum is removed, and the patch is set aside for a while. The floor under the linoleum needs to be scrubbed and scrubbed so that the grip is as good as possible. Glue is applied to the clean floor. The glue is well smeared over the entire surface, after which the patch is carefully inserted and pressed.

For the patch to stick properly, you need to put a load on top of it for two days. You can use a bucket of water or a large saucepan to do this. A large pile of books will also do, and in general any massive load that can be found on hand.

The main thing is that this load is installed on a flat surface. That is, first you need to put a large book, fiberboard or plywood on the patch, and already the load itself is put on this base. The cargo can be removed in two days, and the linoleum will be ready for subsequent operation.


As you can see, making a patch is not at all difficult. Moreover, the patch should not be conspicuous. If the work is done carefully, then it will hardly be noticeable if you do not know exactly where it is. The main difficulty in this work is to find a suitable material for the patch and to cut out the patch itself for linoleum with a sharp knife.

Damage to linoleum is a very unpleasant, but easily fixable thing. Repairing torn or cut areas must be carried out immediately and do not hesitate, as the edges will dry out and the width of the hole will increase. A variety of debris and water can easily get under the flooring, creating all conditions for mold and mildew.

If the linoleum is torn, what to do

How to repair torn linoleum depends on the type and size of the tears and cuts. The work involves different approaches, which in turn depend on the installation option.

If you have an idea of ​​how to repair torn linoleum, you must have a special set of necessary things:
  • patches;
  • a knife with a very sharp blade;
  • metal corner;
  • means for processing;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • putty knife;
  • plywood sheet, thick cardboard.

With these tools and parts, you can safely restore the desired area. The main defects are: hole, cut, docking. Moreover, the severity of the situation is affected by the size of the cut itself.

If the linoleum is torn, instructions from professional craftsmen will help you to fix it, as well as video reviews with step-by-step tips. For small cracks or holes, as well as significant abrasions, it will be enough to use a putty for filling. Then it is recommended to grind with glass sandpaper.

How to restore torn linoleum

How to glue torn linoleum with large gaps is more complicated and time-consuming. The patch should not stand out from the general drawing, so if there are pieces left after a previously laid sheet, it is advisable to use them. How to glue torn linoleum quickly and easily? The main thing is only to choose the most suitable piece, which can be adjusted to the desired size with a knife with a very sharp blade.

The main scheme for repairing glued linoleum looks like this:
  • thorough initial processing with the removal of debris and other foreign materials;
  • base primer;
  • applying special glue to the patch and styling;
  • pressing with a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard;
  • press down with a heavy load and, if necessary, putty.
How to repair a cut on linoleum, which was not glued, but simply laid on the floor, also has its own nuances:
  • the linoleum sheet rolls up, and the torn area is processed;
  • the defect should be closed with a patch;
  • you can use double-sided or masking tape and glue;
  • if necessary, it is worth laying cold welding in the seam.

If you correctly follow the technology and method of work, then the restoration of cuts or other defects will go well and without difficulty. In case of any difficulties, highly qualified masters can help.

Often, during operation, linoleum is damaged. To restore it, you do not need to call specialists. There are several ways how to glue linoleum if it is torn. This will help to significantly save money and time, because you will not have to completely change the floor covering.

Types and causes of damage to linoleum

Linoleum is a rather soft material: despite its thickness, it is prone to mechanical damage. Holes, tears, scuffs and other imperfections usually form when the flooring is laid over an uneven floor. Linoleum cannot fill all the pores and voids, therefore, when walking on it in problem areas, the material becomes thinner. If PVC linoleum can “resist” tearing longer, then thin natural flooring tears faster.

Tears and torn holes can also appear under the following conditions:

  • piercing shoes with the heel;
  • gradual wear from furniture legs against walls or in the middle of a room;
  • cutting with a knife during careless actions.

Violation of the technology of laying the coating makes damage to its surface even more likely. When glued to a too thin or thick layer of glue, the latter will turn out to be uneven and not elastic enough, and defects may appear in some places. If the flooring is laid on a damp base, it quickly peels off and becomes damaged, and swells up in waves. The appearance of folds inevitably provokes cracks.

Another option for damage to linoleum is the divergence of the seams, if the material was laid in several strips. This usually happens when the joints are of poor quality. Also, the coating can be burned through - usually this is observed when a cigarette or hookah charcoal falls. Burns can be superficial and through, the second is more difficult to repair at home.

Tools and materials for work

A number of tools are required to remove cuts and holes. The main one is the knife. It must be sharp, durable, you can take a stationery or painting. There are also special knives for linoleum on sale:

  • universal - used for cutting the blade in a straight line, easily smoothes out frayed edges, edges, cuts out smooth round patches, can have replaceable blades;
  • retractable reinforced - equipped with a non-bending blade, a reliable and comfortable handle, it cuts well a multi-layer coating straight and at an angle;
  • disc - has a sharp round blade, cuts straight and in a curve, helps to make patches of irregular shape;
  • month-shaped - thanks to the curved blade, it corrects cuts and removes burrs, trims seams.

Also, other tools may be needed for repairs - a spatula or glue brush, a roller (rubber, dense), a pencil or marker, an iron ruler. From consumables, pieces of material with the same pattern, the same color (for cutting out patches), and special glue help to close up the torn area. When buying, you should definitely keep pieces of linoleum - this will help make repairs without problems. In addition, to fix the canvas, you will need double-sided masking tape or stickers, for gluing with hot glue - a building hair dryer. In the repair of linoleum, the following types of adhesives are used:

  • bustilate;
  • acrylate;
  • polyurethane reaction;
  • cold welding;
  • mastic;
  • polymer putty.

In order for the glue to be painted in the color of linoleum, the latter is cut into chips, after removing the substrate. Pour the material into the glue, after dissolving the product will serve as a pigment. You can also buy a suitable pigment from a store and paint the glue yourself.

Repairing minor defects

Small cuts and cracks are the easiest to repair, but many choose not to. Indeed, they are almost invisible on the surface, do not stand out, do not interfere. But over time, dirt and dust will start to clog in them, the edges will fray, the hole will expand. Therefore, you must immediately choose the appropriate method and seal the hole.

How to fix a minor defect in the coating? Here is a list of suitable remedies:

  1. Mastic. It is realized in the form of a paste, pencil, various colors.
  2. Cold welding. Reaction adhesive allows you to quickly and reliably eliminate any defect. Melts PVC coating, creating a smooth, inconspicuous seam.
  3. Sealant. It is advisable to purchase a tool for woodworking, choosing the desired color, it will eliminate minor defects.

Scuffs can be removed with linoleum wax. Shallow damage is well rubbed with such a composition. This should be done with the edge of a coin, then processed with a cloth until a glossy surface is obtained. You can also cover up scuffs with mastic, polish. Before repairing, it is imperative to clean the floor covering from dirt, debris, and dry it well. If necessary, you need to degrease the area.

How to glue a small through hole? It is best to carry out repairs by cold welding, this method is suitable for gluing gaps up to 3-4 mm, but there are compounds on sale for larger cracks. Masking tape is glued to the area around the defect for protection, then glue is applied using a thin spout. After the surface melts, the hole will disappear. As the tape hardens completely, the adhesive tape is removed, and the excess glue is cut off with a sharp knife. It is necessary to work with cold welding carefully, such means are toxic. It is imperative to use a respirator, gloves, and ventilate the room well.

Also, small cuts and tears can be glued together with a homemade remedy:

  • melt half a kilogram of rosin in powder in a water bath;
  • cool the mass to 50 degrees, add 150 ml of alcohol, 100 g of castor oil;
  • tint the mixture with pigment;
  • using a syringe with a needle, inject the glue into the area of ​​the defect, wait until it hardens completely.

Repair of a burnt area

People who smoke, owners of hookahs often have such problems with linoleum. It is imperative to determine how deeply the burn-through has spread. Here is the repair procedure, depending on the complexity of the damage:

  1. A hole in the protective (top) layer. Clean up the spot by removing burnt particles. Take a coin, gently apply mastic and smooth it with an edge.
  2. Burn-through of the pattern and the PVC layer. If there are darkened edges and a white, yellow spot in the center, cold welding should be used. If the coating is new, type A adhesives are used, with the old coating, type C glue is used. Carefully lubricate the burned-out site with a product, wait for melting.
  3. Burn-through. In this case, burn-through stickers or patches are used on linoleum. They are fixed using cold welding in the same way.

Bridging large gaps

If it happens to rupture, cut the material, drill with a drill (for example, a hand trembled during the assembly of furniture), you will have to carry out more serious repairs. Sealing with mastic will not help when holes in the size of more than 1 sq. see We'll have to glue the place of damage with a patch. The step-by-step instructions are given below:

  1. Choose a piece of floor covering that matches the pattern. The pattern should match that of the hole. Before fastening, the patch is carefully measured out, combining with the main canvas.
  2. Place the patch on top of the hole so that its edges are slightly larger than the size of the defect, attach with masking tape on all sides for secure fixation.
  3. Cut through both layers of material with a sharp knife, preferably in the form of a square, rectangle.
  4. Remove the tape, remove all scraps, remove the patch. Also remove the damaged and cut piece of linoleum, tearing it off from the base.
  5. Apply cold welding to the cleaned surface, apply the patch. Iron it well so that no air bubbles remain. It is necessary to glue the patch, finally combining the drawing.
  6. Roll the seized piece with a roller, then remove the remnants of the glue with a damp cloth.

Do not walk on this floor area for 24 hours. Then it will be ready for use. What if the piece is partially torn out, but retains its adhesion to the main blade? In this case, repairs are easier to carry out. It is necessary to align the flap (iron it through the fabric with an iron), clean it from dirt, apply a layer of glue to the base. Next, glue the flap with cold welding in the same way. You can also use gluing with liquid nails, busylate, special glue for PVC linoleum.

Restoration of butt joints

It happens that the seams between the layers of material diverge. If such a joint is in the area of ​​a door, against a wall or under furniture, it can be easily closed with a decorative strip (sill). Sometimes this is not possible - for example, when the seam runs in the center of the room.

Seam sealing is possible by hot and cold welding. The hot method is feasible only by professionals; to carry it out, you need special equipment and skills. A special PVC cord is heated and applied to the joint. Even beginners use cold welding at home:

  • stretch one strip of material as far as possible so that it overlaps (at least 2 mm);
  • attach a metal ruler or bar, draw a strip with a pencil;
  • make a cut along the strip;
  • fill the seam with glue using a fine tip or syringe;
  • after hardening of cold welding, cut off the remnants of glue.

Removal of waves and blisters

Swelling of linoleum always means a violation of the technology of its laying. The easiest way to get rid of waves along the edges of the material is to remove the plinth, move the layer, reducing the gap between the wall and the deck. The cover can also be cut from the appropriate side to the required size. For 2 days, leave the material without fastening, after straightening it, fix it with a plinth again.

If you find blisters in other places, you will have to pierce the bubble. Do this with a needle, then release the air, smooth it with your hand. The hole must be filled with linoleum glue through a syringe, press the area with a load. If the bubbles are large, you have to cut through the material with a blade, remove its excess, and then glue the seam with cold welding. It is better to immediately devote time to the quality of laying linoleum, so that afterwards not to carry out repair work. If such a need arises, problems can be solved quickly and inexpensively.

When the old floor covering wears out, replacing it is necessary to give the room an attractive appearance. Often, linoleum is used as a floor covering, as the most practical, beautiful and abrasion-resistant material. During the installation process, the problem arises of how to glue the linoleum so that the joints are completely sealed and invisible. Regular glue will not work for these purposes.

How and how to glue the joints of linoleum

There are several ways how to glue linoleum back to back at home. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which one to choose depends on your financial capabilities and the type of linoleum.

Ways to glue the joints:

  • masking tape (scotch tape);
  • welding (cold or hot);
  • sills;
  • soldering iron.

To glue with tape or masking tape, line up the joints, stick double-sided tape on the floor under them and remove the protective layer from it. Join the edges of the linoleum and glue.

Advice! The connection of the joints must be very precise.

The disadvantage of this method is that when water enters between the joints, they diverge, therefore such bonding is unreliable.


  • cheap;
  • easily.

Cold welding

The use of cold welding is one of the simplest and at the same time reliable methods of joining the edges of linoleum.

You will need:

  • colorless glue for welding (can be bought in tubes, it is inexpensive);
  • stationery knife;
  • masking tape.

When gluing, the type of linoleum is of decisive importance. Based on this, glue is selected:

  1. "A" is liquid and is ideal for joining the joints of hard linoleum, fresh PVC flooring, the consistency allows you to remove the smallest gaps.
  2. "C" - glues joints, maximum 5 mm thick, forms a special layer on the seam surface, reliably holds the canvases together and fills even wide gaps.
  3. "T" - used for gluing linoleum on a thick felt base, forms an elastic transparent seam, is used more often by professionals.

Adjust the cover sheets as precisely as possible, the seam should be perfectly even. Trim and straighten the edges if necessary.

Advice! Bonding will be of better quality if, before the procedure, the linoleum lies on the floor a little and straightens out well.

Stick masking tape on the front and back of the linoleum. This protects the coating from contamination with the adhesive and marks the bonding site. Connect the joints and fill the seam with glue along the entire length - a thin strip should remain after smearing.

Important! Avoid getting the adhesive on the front surface of the floor covering, as it is impossible to remove the resulting stains.

Let the glue dry for 10 minutes, then remove the masking tape. The adhesive composition is completely dry after 2 hours.

Disadvantages: not suitable for linoleum with insulation or on a soft base, since it will not be possible to achieve accurate joining of such material, the seams are noticeable and look ugly.


  • inconspicuous seams are obtained that can be made even curly;
  • mastering the cold welding method is within the power of any person, it is not difficult at all;
  • relatively inexpensive way.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the seam will not be visible.

Another way to glue linoleum together is hot welding. The method is used in most cases for bonding the joints of commercial flooring. This is due to the fact that it is problematic to reliably connect the edges of such a thick multicomponent linoleum.

You will need:

  • building hair dryer with a special nozzle that allows you to warm up the desired areas;
  • hand cutters or a special milling machine (for cutting grooves);
  • cords of the same color as the floor covering;
  • a special knife for removing excess protruding material from the cord.

Advice! The hair dryer should be quite powerful, since the cloths need to be heated to 500-600 ° C. Good equipment is equipped with a special sensor, and the heating temperature can be adjusted based on what material is glued.

Before you start welding the joints, you need to glue the linoleum itself with PVA glue to the base, which will ensure the immobility of the canvases. Heat the coating cloth with a hairdryer - the joints become airtight when the polymer compounds solidify.


  • as a result, seams that are ideal in terms of density are obtained, which are difficult to damage mechanically or chemically, with detergents;
  • such joints look very aesthetically pleasing.


  • very rarely used at home, as special tools and materials are needed;
  • ordinary household linoleum can be damaged by exposure to the high temperature of a building hair dryer;
  • you need experience with tools and materials.

Advice! It is better to entrust hot welding to professionals.

Glue gun

You can buy a similar tool at a store. The glue gun is connected to the electrical network, which warms up the adhesive.

Cut the edges of linoleum to the base, clean from dust, dirt and material residues. Then fill the gun with adhesive. Plug in the tool and fill the joints with hot glue. While the glue has not cooled down, its excess can be removed, after the final solidification it will be very difficult to do this.

Adhesive types:

  • "A" - suitable for sealing joints on all types of coatings;
  • "B" - is used to restore old linoleum, as it perfectly fits the grooves and levels the surface;
  • "C" - connects polyester materials, used, in most cases, by professionals.


Metal sills are commonly used to enhance the aesthetics of the joint between two structurally different materials. For example, laminate and linoleum.

Advice! In order to qualitatively dock two floor coverings of different thickness with the help of a sill, it is necessary to install them at the same level. To do this, put a substrate or ordinary plywood under the one below, then attach the nut.

If it is not possible to set two different coverages to the same level, then you can use special thresholds designed for such cases. They can be plastic, metal or wood.


  • inexpensive;
  • easy to fix, no professional knowledge required.


  • the nut will protrude;
  • it is impossible to connect two canvases several meters long.

Most often, the method is used to connect linoleum canvases in a doorway.

This method of gluing joints is considered outdated, but some still use it to connect small pieces of linoleum. It is advisable to use a soldering iron if the area of ​​the room is small, and there are few joints on the floor covering and they are practically invisible.

The essence of using a soldering iron is that it heats the edges of the linoleum, as a result of which they melt and join together. After hardening, the formed seam is cut off, if necessary. The joint location may differ from the rest of the coating texture. To smooth the surface, roll the rubber roller over the still soft seam. Press down on the docking point.


  • simplicity of the method;
  • availability.


  • the joints are not very beautiful;
  • the seams are fragile, therefore, where they often walk, it is not recommended to connect the joints in this way;
  • not all modern varieties of linoleum can melt under the action of a soldering iron.

A soldering iron designed specifically for linoleum may vary in size and design.

How to glue linoleum back to back at home and make the seams flawless? The following recommendations will help:

  1. For cold welding, the needle should feed the compound as deep as possible into the seam.
  2. The adhesive used for cold welding is very aggressive, for this reason it should be handled very carefully.
  3. The adhesive layer must be applied evenly along the entire length of the joint. It should be no higher than 4 mm.
  4. It is not recommended to rush to remove excess adhesive. Wait for it to dry completely to avoid the adhesive peeling off the edges of the linoleum.
  5. A fresh cold weld is elastic and can spring back if stretched when removing excess, a depression remains.
  6. Perform work with rubber gloves.
  7. Be sure to fix the linoleum before joining the joints by gluing to the base if the area of ​​the room is more than 20 sq. m.
  8. Before and after gluing, clean the surfaces from dirt and dust, since only clean and dry joints can be properly connected.
  9. Protect the linoleum surface by sticking masking tape (tape) to it, as adhesives act as solvents and can ruin the flooring.

Welded linoleum edges look much better than joints glued with regular double-sided tape.

The best option for combining two canvases of flooring at home would be, since it does not require special skills, as well as professional equipment, tools and materials. It is important to select the most suitable adhesive based on the material of the surfaces.

Do not use hot welding at home. For a high-quality connection of joints, professional knowledge and experience in working with equipment and materials will be required.

Cold and hot welding will perfectly connect two blades. An almost invisible seam is formed that is resistant to mechanical damage, moisture and household chemicals used for cleaning the floor.

PVC flooring or natural roll coverings look presentable and are characterized by good resistance to compression and abrasion loads. But if the conditions of installation and operation are violated, it is not difficult to make a hole in the linoleum or a cut, burn through or even “decorate” it with stubborn stains. You can deal with any defects at home with your own hands.

For home, most often buyers choose inexpensive household or semi-commercial series 21-23 and 31 classes of wear resistance. Although linoleum belongs to elastic flooring materials, the surface of natural and PVC products is quite resistant to abrasion, and some collections even withstand furniture casters, sharp heels of women's shoes and animal claws.

But, unfortunately, buyers do not always heed the recommendations of manufacturers, or do not have the financial capacity. Therefore, a covering that does not correspond to the load class of the room is chosen. For example, for a corridor or a kitchen in a house with small children and pets, an economy series of 21 classes is purchased. Or even worse - due to a limited budget, in schools and kindergartens, materials of 21-22 categories from the household series are laid on the floor with the minimum possible protective layer. And do not be surprised that the linoleum tore so quickly, gathered like an "accordion" or lost its gloss. For such rather harsh conditions, completely different coatings are intended - from class 31 and above.

Blaming the manufacturers for the manufacture of low-quality floor products, buyers forget about another important factor - the correct installation. Plants Tarkett, DWL, Juteks, Grabo, Forbo and others strongly recommend that you carefully read the instructions before installing the coating. It states in black and white that:

If mistakes are made, and the surface of the linoleum is damaged, then you should not despair. With a little skill and desire, almost any defect can be corrected.

DIY linoleum repair

One of the characteristics of rolled marmoleum and PVC coating is partial maintainability. This means that, for example, a small incision or swelling is easy to repair - it is enough to carefully glue the torn linoleum with the help of special compounds. But the burned-out area and other types of holes are more difficult to eliminate. We will tell you about everything in order below.

Stubborn stains, traces of rubber, glue, varnishes

Stubborn stains.

Such contaminants are classified as complex, therefore, special household chemicals are used to remove them. Forbo and Wicanders, for example, have a whole series of products for the care, cleaning and protection of natural surfaces (marmoleum, cork, parquet). And Dr. Schutz, InterChem and Tarkett produce professional cleaning and care chemicals for vinyl flooring. Including:

Advice! It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing products, abrasive powder cleaners, solvents and petroleum products for cleaning roll PVC coatings, marmoleum and cork.

Of course, this list is far from complete. The assortment is huge, so choosing the right one is not difficult. But it is not worth listening to the advice of would-be masters and deteriorating the condition of the coating by means of sandpaper, abrasive powders. It will not repair a burned or contaminated area. On the contrary, the wear-resistant top layer will be removed, and the defective area will be irretrievably damaged.

Small defects associated with a violation of the integrity of the coating

Cuts, punctures, lacerations

What to do if linoleum is cut or torn by negligence? Everything is very simple - fix it by gluing using PVA or "cold welding". The latter is a series of adhesive polymer compositions that do not just connect, but fuse parts of the web, forming a strong, almost invisible seam. Available in three variations:

In order to glue the parts as accurately as possible, special tips in the form of a needle with a standard or C-, T-shaped nozzle are included in the kit with the adhesive tube.

"Cold welding" refers to low-toxic and flammable building materials, so you need to work with it carefully, preferably using personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves)

Before work, the linoleum elements to be glued must be cleaned of dirt, mastic residues, torn felt or pieces of a foamed base, dust. If there are recesses in the base, they must be filled with quick-drying cement, vacuumed. Protect the cut or torn cloth from excess glue protruding onto the surface with a piece of masking tape, insert a needle into the joint or puncture and squeeze out a little adhesive mass and leave to dry. After a few hours (the exact period is indicated in the instructions), you can load the coating as usual.

Wave formation on the surface

Wavy bulges on the surface almost always appear due to improper, glueless styling. Less often - due to high moisture content of the substrate (dampness, etc.). In the first case, you need to remove the furniture from the room, remove the baseboards, warm up the linoleum with a construction hairdryer and carefully smooth it out. It is advisable to load the surface for several days in order to fix the coating in the desired position.

But dampness and its consequences will have to be fought seriously. First you need to eliminate the source of high humidity, dry the base, waterproof it if possible. Only then can linoleum be laid using adhesives.

Swelling, divergence at the seams

Locally swollen areas can be eliminated with PVA glue or "cold welding": pierce the bubble or make a cross-shaped incision, introduce the composition under the canvas and glue the linoleum to the base.

"Raised" edges of linoleum can be easily repaired with the same adhesives - welding or polyvinyl acetate. But you need to strictly follow the instructions.

If the joints in doorways or in the middle of the room are more than 4 mm apart, the edges frayed, then it is better to use metal or PVC thresholds to join them. The range of products is wide: with open or hidden fasteners, painted with polymer powder or laminated to match the color and texture of linoleum. We believe it will not be difficult to find the right one.

How to seal punched holes, blackened or flaked areas

In this case, a local replacement of the damaged piece is carried out. For this, a cut of the coating is selected, if possible, of the same color and design. The defective area is removed, the remnants of old glue or mastic are removed from the base, if necessary, leveling is carried out, cleaning from dust and dirt. Next, a fresh adhesive is applied to the base floor with a brush, a patch is inserted, and carefully smoothed. You can place a load on the surface for several days.

In conclusion, I would like to note that any repair of linoleum must be carried out immediately upon detection of defects. Otherwise, the damaged area will increase day by day, and the possibilities for fixing it will decrease.

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When finishing the floor, many homeowners have the question of how to glue linoleum back to back to make the floor even and more durable.

There are many types of floor coverings today, but linoleum does not give up its positions. This material is one of the most practical and inexpensive. It allows you to create an even finish with a beautiful shine. But this material has an important drawback. It is very rare to make a floor from a solid sheet of linoleum, without joints and seams that can spoil the appearance. The reason is simple: the web size depends on the standard roll width. This parameter must first be taken into account when choosing a material.

Meanwhile, the probability of choosing a roll of linoleum of the required width is low. Even the most cramped and narrow room (with the exception, perhaps, of the corridor and small bathrooms) is usually much wider. In addition, the joining of canvases is always carried out in difficult places in the apartment: in the area of ​​the doorway, in case of damage to the layer, as well as when joining linoleum with the topcoat of another room, for example, with tiles or wood.

But all this is not a reason to be upset, since there is an opportunity to fix the matter on your own, without even resorting to the help of a master. It is enough to study the question of how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home, choose the most preferable method and clearly follow the instructions.

Existing gluing methods

Important! It is necessary to decide how to glue the linoleum end-to-end at the installation stage.

It is worth deciding which option is more suitable in a particular situation. There are several ways of gluing linoleum and each of them, in addition to the obvious advantages, has significant disadvantages.

The main connection methods are as follows:

  1. Double-sided tape. This method is good due to its low price. Docking in this way will not be difficult, even if there is no relevant experience. At the same time, the work does not take much time. On the other hand, scotch tape is extremely unreliable, and the joint of linoleum canvases will still be visible and it will not work to disguise it.
  2. With the help of a nut. The method is more suitable for attaching linoleum layers in the area of ​​the doorway when moving from room to another. The porch looks aesthetically pleasing, does not allow the edges of the linoleum to bend, and it is also inexpensive. Metal sills are produced in different colors, so you can choose one that will be less noticeable and practically indistinguishable in color from the main coating.

In addition, the problem often arises of how to glue linoleum on a felt-based end-to-end basis. In this case, the gaps are the only possible option. Otherwise, the use of glue will not bring the desired result: the lower layer will stick, but the upper one will begin to delaminate.

The disadvantage of this method is that the sill will create a small protrusion above the floor level, which can sometimes be traumatic or simply inconvenient. In addition, among the different color options, you need to very accurately choose a sill that matches the color of linoleum.

There are 2 types of welding used when joining linoleum canvases.

Hot welding allows you to firmly glue the linoleum end-to-end. The seam is practically indistinguishable from the base coat. But this method is quite laborious, and you will need special tools to work. Cope with such work without special skills will not work. Hot welding equipment is expensive and also requires certain skills.

Cold welding is more suitable for home use. It is used not only for butt gluing, but also for repairing damaged coatings. It is easy to use, so there is no need to involve professionals in the work. One of the disadvantages: the glue used for work is toxic, therefore, safety rules must be observed during work. It is imperative to work with gloves, and the room must be constantly ventilated.

Methods for gluing linoleum end-to-end

Important! Before gluing the linoleum end-to-end, you must first prepare the surface.

All debris and dust must be removed from the surface with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If the floor is not very even or there are potholes, cracks on it, they can be putty. If necessary, the floor is covered with a layer of primer.

The cut layers of linoleum are laid out on the floor in such a way that the joints of both canvases coincide. You may need to trim the edges. This can be done with a utility knife or scissors.

The adhesive tape is glued to the floor without removing the protective tape. The paper strip is carefully removed from the adhesive layer, gluing the strips to the floor.

The whole procedure does not take much time, moreover, it does not require special knowledge. But the connection in any case will be fragile, since the tape does not withstand, for example, moisture. If at the same time water gets on the connection and flows under the linoleum, then it will gradually begin to collapse. With prolonged use, it gradually loses its strength. In addition, the joint between the canvases should not be masked in this case. If the linoleum canvases are not glued, then when the furniture moves, the canvases will move.

In order for the connection to last as long as possible, the seam must be of good quality, since otherwise dirt will accumulate at the joint.

One of the difficult questions of apartment owners is how to glue felt-based linoleum end-to-end. This material consists of 2 layers. When gluing, the felt layer adheres well to the surface, but the top coating gradually begins to deteriorate. One of the best ways to glue such linoleum is to install sills.

As in the previous case, the edges of the canvases are carefully leveled, if necessary, cut with a knife or scissors. Then you need to pick up the sills. The main parameter is the length, it must match the length of the seam. If the nut is slightly longer, it can be adjusted using a metal saw or jigsaw.

The finished part is applied to the joint and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Hot or cold welding?

For those who are thinking how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home, hot or cold welding is recommended. Which method to choose in the end is determined by several factors:

  • type of linoleum;
  • what should be the seam in the end;
  • the ability to comply with the requirements for styling.

For example, "hot welding" makes the seam almost invisible. But this method of gluing is not suitable for all types of linoleum: when exposed to household, it will only melt and lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, in everyday life, such linoleum is used extremely rarely, while any of these methods is suitable for gluing the coating at industrial facilities.

Another significant point is what should be the configuration of the seam. A simple seam can also be made by hot welding, but to create complex contours, appliqués or join linoleum canvases of different colors and patterns, only cold is suitable.

Finally, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to adhere to the gluing technology. Cold welding is easier, since it does not require special knowledge. For hot welding, you need to have tools (a welding hair dryer with different attachments, special knives and cords). All this equipment is quite expensive, and you need to know how to work with it. Therefore, for domestic conditions, this method of joining seams is simply unprofitable.

Hot welding technology

Hot welding can produce a strong and almost invisible seam. The gluing itself must be carried out only when both sheets of linoleum are glued. Hot welding technology is complex, so before starting it is better to watch a video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end.

It is necessary to lay sheets of material so that the joint between them is minimal, and then a small groove is cut with a chisel for a construction cord. All debris and dust is removed from the groove.

The cord must be tucked into a special construction hair dryer, and then connect the hair dryer to the network. When exposed to warm air, the cord expands and fills the entire groove. Linoleum also softens and bonds firmly to the cord.

After processing, a small protrusion from the cord remains above the floor surface, it must be carefully cut off. For this you need a special knife.

The procedure itself does not seem very complicated. But in fact, in order to perform all the work at the proper level, you need to have certain skills. If you perform all the actions yourself, there is a chance that the result will not live up to expectations. Therefore, it is recommended, instead of hot welding, to find another way to glue the linoleum end-to-end.

Cold welding of seams

A special glue is used for cold welding. It dries quickly and reliably glues the joints of the sheets. The glue is packaged in tubes with a long pointed tip that allows it to penetrate deep into the seam. Therefore, liquid glue gives very good strength, because the gluing takes place almost at the molecular level.

Due to its structure and quality of bonding, cold welding is suitable for all types of linoleum (household, semi-commercial, commercial) and various types of substrates. So, liquid welding can even be used to glue a layer of material onto a foamed base, while hot welding in this case is strictly prohibited. Cold welding is good not only for gluing linoleum sheets, but also for repairing the coating.

The indisputable advantage of cold welding is its ease of use. It is enough to watch the video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end with cold welding and you can start working - the general principle will be clear.

The only point is the choice of glue. For cold welding, glue A and C are most often used. The latter is thicker, therefore it is usually used if you need to repair damage to old linoleum. It almost tightly glues the edges of linoleum and allows you to get a whole canvas. If the coating is "fresh", then type A glue is more suitable. It is more liquid, therefore it acts in a slightly different way. Glue A "melts" the sheets by gluing them together. The result is a tight and almost invisible seam.

Important! When working with glue, safety must be observed. The room must be well ventilated and all work must be done with protective gloves. The coating must be cleaned of dust and debris.

The advantage of cold welding is its simplicity and reliability.

Scotch tape is applied to the edges of the canvases that do not need to be "melted" - it will protect the linoleum from the effects of the glue and will not allow the liquid glue to creep. Cut the tape over the seam and apply glue to the inside of the seam. It is desirable that the glue protrudes slightly above the surface, no more than 5 mm. Then the linoleum must be left for 15 minutes and then remove the tape.

Working with glue C follows the same scheme, but you can watch the video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end with cold welding. The only difference is that there is no need to glue the tape. Since this glue is thicker, it will not creep outside the seam.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

When laying new linoleum, it is not necessary to contact a specialist, you can handle this work yourself. The main difficulty lies in joining several strips in a large room, the size of which exceeds the width of the canvas, or at the border of rooms. If you don't pay enough attention to the seams, dirt and moisture will get into them, the material will bulge, and the appearance of the floor will deteriorate. But if you know how to glue linoleum together, this problem will be solved once and for all.

Using double-sided tape

Gluing linoleum joints with double-sided tape is a quick, simple and cheap way, but with a short-lived effect. This option is suitable for lightly loaded or temporary connections. It will not be possible to reliably dock a coating on a felt or fabric base in this way.

A seam glued with tape will most likely not last long, the main danger for it is moisture, which will get into the joint when cleaning the floor.


  1. The base is cleaned of dirt and dust, treated with a strengthening primer.
  2. The parts of the coating are carefully joined.
  3. Scotch tape is glued to the floor along the joint line. Then the top protective film is removed from it and covered with linoleum.
  4. The edges of the material must be pressed tightly, and then the seam must be rolled with a hard roller.

Overhead nut connection

Docking linoleum at home can be done using overhead sills. They have an affordable cost, they are easy to match in color and composition (there are plastic and metal products). The tracks have ready-made holes for self-tapping screws. The connection turns out to be reliable and durable.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Using a jigsaw or a metal file, cut a bar of the required length, apply it to the linoleum joint. Holding the nut, mark the exit points of the screws.
  2. A 6 mm drill is inserted into the drill, holes are made according to the marking. You need to immediately insert the dowels into them.
  3. The nut is applied to the surface, fixed with self-tapping screws.

Bonding with mastic

Mastic is one of the most popular adhesives. It allows you to easily glue linoleum at home. The method is reliable, it connects "tightly", but if you need to remove the coating for a while, then in the place where the mastic was used, the linoleum will break. It is also easy to attach a raised piece in this way.

Work order:

  • Before gluing the joints, the base is primed.
  • Degrease the edges of the coating with any alcohol-containing agent. Acetone or solvents must not be used, as they can corrode linoleum.
  • Once the base is dry, apply a small amount of mastic with a spatula.
  • Then the edges of linoleum are applied to the surface, pressed tightly. The joint must be carefully rolled with a hard roller.

The mastic dries for about a day, so at this time the place of treatment of the coating must be firmly pressed with something heavy. A board is laid on the joined edges, and a load is placed on it.

You can glue the joints of linoleum using. This is a very reliable way to create a tight seam that practically does not stand out against the background of the surface, but it is not suitable for all types of flooring material. Hot welding can only be used for high strength coatings; ordinary household linoleum will simply melt.

Hot welding is performed only on the floor that is firmly adhered to the floor.

Bonding procedure:

  • A special polymer cord (welding rod) is inserted into the hot air gun, which will fill the seam as the material melts.
  • The edges of the linoleum dock firmly, a small V-shaped groove is cut along the entire joint, several millimeters less than the section of the cord.
  • The resulting gap must be cleaned of debris and the edges of the linoleum must be degreased with an alcohol-containing solution.
  • The hot air gun is heated to the temperature indicated in the instructions (usually it is from 300 to 500 C °).
  • The tip is placed at the beginning of the groove and slowly moves along it.
  • The entire seam is filled with liquid polymer, which should protrude slightly above the edges. If the cord does not melt well, the temperature rises.
  • After welding, the polymer in the seam is left to solidify. Then the protruding excess is removed. While the cord is still liquid, this cannot be done, since the material shrinks. If you hurry, the seam will turn out with a depression. Excess polymer is removed at the joints while the product is still warm.

Cold welding

Is a method of gluing surfaces with special compounds. The technology eliminates hot air treatment. This is the best method for joining the edges of linoleum in an apartment. The compositions that are used for this ("A", "C" and "T") are selected in accordance with the type of material to be joined and the size of the gap.

  • If it is necessary to glue a new coating immediately after installation, then type "A" glue is used. It has a liquid consistency, which makes it ideal for tight joints and matches well with soft coatings. It is inserted with a needle that comes with a tube. The seam is almost invisible.
  • If the linoleum was laid long ago, then the edges are connected with type "C" glue. It has a thicker consistency than type "A". Glue, filling the voids, securely holds the seams together, preventing them from diverging in the future.
  • Insulated PVC coatings on a felt or polyester base are glued with T-type glue. It is toxic and difficult to use and is used by professionals.

The cold welding method is very simple:

  1. The seam line is sealed with masking tape.
  2. With a sharp knife, the scotch tape is cut exactly along the seam.
  3. The glue is injected with a nozzle into the gap between the edges of the coating.
  4. Surplus welding is cut off when frozen.