Repairs Design Furniture

How to save on quality: sockets and switches, the best brands of manufacturers. Rosettes in the room: the ideas of placement and design suitable for the interior design (105 photos) How the outlets and switches in the interior are selected

It is impossible to present a room in which there are no switches and sockets. In the modern interior, the sockets and switches can be something like a fashion accessory. It is this that makes manufacturers pay great attention not only to the quality of their products, but also to develop new designs. As a result, each can choose the electropurting under the selected room interior style. Choosing from a huge range, you can easily be confused, so it is worth considering the design of sockets and switches before going to the shopping store.

In the modern world, many things differ from those who were fashionable about some 10 years ago. The same applies to rosettes with switches. It is worth starting with the fact that they differ in the type of installation, and come:

  • Embedded.
  • Overhead.

And differ in functionality. Among them are:

  • dust-proof;
  • moisture-proof;
  • on remote control.

In addition, it is also worth noting that overhead options can be street and internal. To install street lighting, only the first option should be used, as it has higher characteristics and protective functions.

The design of the switches can also be diverse, depending on the number of keys: single, two- and three-block. In the form allocate switches:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • round;
  • oval;
  • designer.

For convenience, consider the options with the backlight, the LEDs of different colors are mounted. This is especially true in the interior of children's rooms: children will be able to navigate without any problems and find a switch even in complete darkness.

Note! Modern interiors use systems on remote control, which are adjustable using the remote control.

Trend Electropurture

Undoubtedly, quality plays a key role in choosing any product, but fashion dictates its own rules, and the design is now also important. When buying switches and sockets, you must pay attention to their decorativeness and harmonious entry into the interior of the apartment. And the first, and the second should be a logical completion of the room, and also be comfortable and practical.

Consider the most common options for electrical enclosures depending on the specified style.

For the manufacture of sockets and switches in Country styles and discreet minimalism use natural or artificial skin.

Modern minimalism or high-tech are complemented by original multi-colored frames (green, red and blue). They are made of thick matte glass and aluminum. Also here should be attributed sensory switches - innovative technology.

In the loft, you can also consider models from matte glass, but more appropriate colored glass and metal.

For style, designers are offered to learn the range made of natural wood, for example:

  • dark mahogany;
  • cherries;
  • light maple.

There is a special series, which refers to styles of the late 19th century - the swivel mechanism of switches can be decorated:

  • painting;
  • ceramics;
  • tree of different breeds.

For sockets and switches in Baroque and Ampire styles, whose task emphasizes wealth and luxury, use expensive materials. Brass, bronze and gilding harmoniously fit into the bedroom, office or living room.

In general, the material for the manufacture of sockets and switches can be:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • a rock;
  • wood;
  • glass and so on.

Design can also be very diverse.

Do not forget that the selected model must be installed correctly. Many manufacturers decided to simplify the solution of this problem and attach to their products the installation instructions, which allows you to perform work with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.

Choosing the electropurture, it is necessary to follow an important rule: it should not become the center of the room's interior, it is more correct to harmoniously enter it into a common style.

The first problem that occurs when installing sockets and switches is the correct calculation of the height relative to the floor level. It is worth noting that this criterion is calculated for each room individually, for example, in the living room it can be any, and in the kitchen - away from moisture and high temperatures, that is, the working surface.

It is believed that the socket should be placed at a height of 1 m, but this indicator may be different, depending on the location and dimensions of furniture or technology. Installation of the bath, shower and shells is prohibited in rooms with high humidity.

Note! In the children's rooms, the sockets must have a plug. This precautionary measures will secure children from accidents. Installation is at an altitude of more than one and a half meters.

When choosing a place to place switches, you should not stick to stereotypes, you must follow the requirements of ergonomics:

  • The optimal option is considered to be a 10 cm zone from the doorway from the door handle.
  • The height should be selected according to the level lowered down the hands (according to the floor level, it is about 85 cm).
  • When installing switches in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you should adhere to the same recommendations as in the case of sockets.
Note! When installing the electropurting, it is important to follow safety rules. If there are no such skills, it is better to seek help from professional electricians.


Recently, eco-friendly design is very popular - the use of natural materials. Manufacturers of outlets and switches also decided to apply it to design their products. The combination of electrical devices and living plants turned out to be quite real. This uses:

  • lichens.

Such a design will be an excellent addition to the bathroom or kitchen, since the required amount of moisture they will take from the air. But, nevertheless, this option is quite dangerous for families with children, so if you are an ardent fan of nature, it is worth considering options with dried herbarium.

Modern electropurting is not just utilitarian devices, but also important components of the decor that are included in the interior. Many years most of the most popular are classic white models, but if a desire has appeared to acquire something original and unusual, learn all the variants of modern switches and sockets.

Electricity related to valuable energy resources provides the ability to bring warmth and comfort to a house or apartment, a special atmosphere of comfort, moreover, it warms it in cold weather, gives light and power to electrical appliances.

Modern housing does not cost all sorts of household devices and devices running from the network or mobile gadgets requiring recharging, computers and televisions it is impossible to submit leisure.

The full-fledged scheme of the location of functioning power sources must be thoroughly thought out and work before a set of work on the arrangement of housing or economic premises in the apartment.

Having in detail the offered photo of sockets in the room, you can independently prepare a project to distribute power sources, it will take into account interior and design solutions.

What depends on the placement of sockets and installation

In each residential or economic room, ready for living already exists certain engineering systems and communications to which the electrical storage facilities belong to certain outputs.

After pre-planning the future distribution at any room of sockets, it is important to establish them so that they are in free access and did not spoil the aesthetics of the design of the selected functional zone.

In addition to the necessary power sources, one or two can be installed, which can be used instead of occupied sockets, in emergency cases and when needed.

Conceptual features of placing sockets

According to the frequently used European standards, power supply for electrical appliances and electronic devices must be installed not lower than 15 cm from the floor, one should not forget that in this case, small children and animals get open access to them.

Adhering to the most important rules and safety rules, the correct location of the sockets is carried out at the level of the raised hand, which can significantly affect the concept of stylistic design of the residential room of any destination.

You can provide no more than one outlet for the corridor, which is used in emergency or to connect the electric dryer for wet shoes.

Bathroom and bathroom. Power supplies are located near the mirror for the hair dryer and in close proximity to the washing machine, providing its constant performance.

Living room or shared room. Previously, it is necessary to accurately determine the planned location of the TV and tuner, wall scaves or flooring mounted on the floor, are enough 3-4 separate slots.

Kitchen or dining area. In such highlighted zones, the installation height of the sockets plays an important role, 2-3 sockets with a protective body are mounted for compliance with increased security.

Bedroom or Boudois. The outlets are effectively distributed on both sides of the bed, to ensure simple and comfortable access to them when you turn on additional lamps or installing charging gadgets.

Personal and office. Provided 5-7 slots enough for the normal operation of a personal computer and monitor, additional devices, such as a printer, scanner or an acoustic system.

Children's or gaming room. For these premises, power supplies with specialized protection are selected, they must be placed outside the children's access zone, at the level of the adult shoulder.

Special attention should be paid to the outlet, which is intended to power the air conditioner cleaning systems, due to the specifics of their installation, power supplies are mounted 30 cm below the ceiling.

What to do with a lack of sockets

Knowing how to install a socket with your own hands, you can supplement the current power supply system and provide home and close comfortable access to free devices for charging the phone or other needs.

Independent installation It is necessary to be based on the overall concept of designing the room or its functional zone with the preliminary shutdown of the power supply of the entire apartment, observing the measures of increased safety and not leaving the withdrawal wires.

Stock Foto Sockets in the room

Every day we are in many ways we use switches and sockets, sometimes even without giving yourself a report how much the comfort and safety of our life depends on them. I do not want to scare anyone, but the wrong choice threatens the ignition of wiring and the current blow. At best, after a while, the fork will start falling out of the outlet, and the case is out of the box. The safety of wiring equipment under which they understand the sockets with switches is the most important factor of its choice, but today, when the design switches, sockets with a timer and other interesting solutions appear, and other parameters have great importance, and other parameters have great importance, and the purchase becomes very difficult. . We will try to figure out how to choose a socket and switch correctly.

№1. Type of electrical wiring

Electric wiring in the apartment can be:

  • hidden typeWhen the cable is laid in the wall. Without going in particular, we note that this is the most preferred and safe option, but, alas, not always affordable;
  • open typeWhen the cable is attached directly to the wall.

For hidden type Suitable internal sockets and switches. The main part of the electrical equipment in this case is in the wall, and only a nice body is mounted outside.

For open wiring Equipment equipment is needed, i.e. Overhead sockets and switches. They will noticeably write out, but to say that such details are able to spoil the interior, it is still impossible. True, in this case you will have to more carefully approach the question of determining the ideal location, so that no one hurt the outlet or switch once again. Benefits, we will take a simpler installation.

№2. What kind of outlet to choose: the degree of protection of the case

Even the child is clear that the socket is a source of increased danger. Adults can add that water contact can have catastrophic consequences. So now, do not use sockets or at all? What then to do in pools and other rooms, where can I avoid contact? In this case, protective sockets have been developed, the housing of which can prevent the negative impact of moisture and dust.

When choosing a socket, it is necessary to pay attention to degree of protection against moisture and minor itemswhich is specified in the labeling of the IP letters and the following two digits.

The first digit shows how socket protected from hitting third-party objects:

  • 0 - no protection;
  • 1 - protection against objects of more than 50 mm;
  • 2 - Protection against items is more than 12 mm;
  • 3 - Protection against items is more than 2.5 mm;
  • 4 - sewn from objects of more than 1 mm;
  • 5 - protection against small particles, incl. from dust;
  • 6 - absolute dustproof.

The second digit indicates degree of protection against moisture:

  • 0 - no protection;
  • 1 - protection against droplets falling from above;
  • 2 - protection against droplets falling not only strictly from above, but also at an angle of 15 degrees;
  • 3 - Spray protection, which come at an angle of 60 degrees, incl. from the rain;
  • 4 - Spray protection that fall at different angles;
  • 5 - protection against water jet;
  • 6 - protection against a powerful jet of water;
  • 7 - protection with a short immersion in water;
  • 8 - Protection with a long immersion in water.

The choice of socket depends on where it will be operatedAnd what impacts on it are assumed. For example, for residential rooms, the IP 20 socket is suitable for the bathroom - IP 44, although some are advised to take IP 45, and for the street it is worth watching the IP 65 socket.

Number 3. Important technical parameters sockets

Installation of sockets and switches is better if there is at least the slightest doubt in your own power. On the other hand, whoever was taken for installing such equipment, the main technical parameters to know is necessary.


Outlets can be grounded and without it. The choice depends on whether there is a grounding conductor in the wiring:

  • socket without grounding It is usually marked 2k, where to - contact, and the number is the number of contacts. Such outlets are used when the grounding is not provided or optional;
  • socket without grounding 2k + h is marked, externally differs in the presence of two metal planks in the nest with contacts. This is an option for homes where a three-wire network is used.

It is worth noting that the wiring without grounding today meets less and less, it remained only in old houses.

Nominal characteristics

Rod and power so, voltage, network frequency - the most important parameter when choosing a socket. In our networks use alternating voltage 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz, in other countries these parameters are somewhat different. The rated current is better to choose depending on the planned load on this socket. For domestic conditions, it is better to take products with a voltage of 250 V and a rated current from 10 A, to connect a washing machine, electric stoves - 16 A. Specialists are recommended to use when choosing a ratio of 4 A - 0.88 kW.

When choosing a socket and the calculation of their total number in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account the number of kilowatts, which is allocated for your apartment. If a powerful equipment is connected to all sockets at the same time, the cable may overheat, and it risks turning around the fire. That is why electrics advise the calculation of the power of the electrical network before putting new equipment and new sockets. Such a calculation is performed by a specialist - it is better not to regret money.

Screw and eventless connection

Without going into the nuances of the installation of sockets, we note that special screws are used to fix the veins in the submealing. They screw in a plate that clamps contact. If one over time contacts, it will be possible to gently pull the screw.

There are sockets S. right-speed contacts. without screws. Instead of the traditional clamping, the fixation is carried out here thanks to a special opening that can be dried and expand when the key is pressed. Manufacturers of similar products promise that regular prevention is not needed by such a system, and the mechanism is capable of independently and sufficiently fracture contact. In fact, it turns out not always, but to restore contact you will have to do a procedure much more complicated than just twist the screw.

In addition, experts advise you to take outlets, where the plug connectors are equipped with springs - they allow you to more firmly fix the plug. If you assume a multist of a plume, then a pair of contacts must be added, which will simplify the installation process and increase the security of the compound.

Varieties of connectors

In different countries of the world, sockets are used in which the connectors are arranged in different ways. Accordingly, they have a fork of a certain form, the problem of adapters originated from here. We will not go into different options and the geography of their use (this is clearly represented in the picture), but we note that we use the C (without grounding) sockets (with ground).

№4. Types of sockets

In our usual understanding, the socket is just an element with holes where the electrical appliance can be connected, and after it uses it is enough just to remove the plug from the outlet. This is the most traditional option. It still enjoys the greatest popularity, but new, more modern devices that can be somewhat more appeared.

Deciding which outlet to choose, pay attention to these views:

  • socket with lid. Indispensable where there is a high likelihood of emission or dust equipment. Such products put in bathrooms, pools. While the socket is covered with a lid, it is protected from negative external influence;
  • socket with a curtain - Perfect option for and children's institutions. The design provides for the presence of special blocking elements that will not allow to shove the wire or another thin object into the outlet. The curtains open only if insert the electrical plug;
  • socket with switchwhich allows you to turn on and disconnect the power of the electrical appliance, eliminating the need to constantly insert and remove the plug. A similar solution is aimed at extending the service life;
  • rosettes with pushing fork Eliminates the process of disconnection from the power supply of electrical appliances, thereby allowing you to extend the life of the socket itself and the power cable. The design assumes the presence on the button of the button, when the plug literally pops up from the outlet. Something similar is implemented in mixers. Such sockets are appropriate to put in places where they are actively used, for example, in hairdressers and in kitchens;
  • socket with light indicator It assumes the presence of a small light bulb in the design. Her light speaks about the presence of electricity in the network and allows you to faster to navigate in the dark;
  • outdoor socket With a retractable mechanism, you will need when it is impossible to arrange it in the wall for some reason. By the way, the retractable outlets of this type are sometimes mounted on the table top;
  • socket with timer. The functionality is understood, and the shutdown time can be set as using the buttons and the display and with the help of a rotary mechanism;

  • Wi-Fi rosettes Apply in the system "", manage them can be remotely using a special application;
  • block sockets It is appropriate where the work of several electrical appliances is constantly required, for example, in the kitchen;
  • special Takesmay be required to connect the phone, radio or antenna;
  • power connectors are needed mainly at the construction and repair work stage for connecting high-power devices.

Among the more original options are also presented. window socketsthat convert solar energy into electricity sockets with wattmeter (Show how much energy consumes the connected device) and sockets S.USB output.

№5. Select switch

Many socket selection settings are valid for the switch:

In the way fastening Switches can be:

  • screw over analogue with screw sockets. Specialists say that such switches are good to use with aluminum wiring, which does not sparkle and does not heat;
  • cavigaters are often used with copper wiring.

Depending on the construction features Switches are divided into:

  • employed - the most familiar and most easy-to-manage option;
  • swearing - Such a mechanism is often used in switches performed in retro-style. To turn on here, you must turn the lever clockwise;
  • button - An option that can be compared with a shit, but I haven't found distribution yet. To turn on the light, just press the button, it is pressed to turn off;
  • dimmers Allow not easy to include light, but also adjust its brightness, turning the lever. It is very economical and convenient when you want to create different lighting scenarios in one room. Dimmers are usually used with incandescent lamps and halogen lamps - find that could connect to dimmer, difficult, and it will cost it a couple of times more expensive.

On one panel, several switches can be installed, which are responsible for the inclusion of different groups of lamps - this is common today and a fairly convenient solution. Moreover, one and the same lamps can be controlled from different places in the room - this requires installing additional switches. The system becomes complicated, but the comfort is growing. "Smart" switches With the motion sensor, touch or remote control are installed in the "Smart Home" systems.

Separately stands out switches with backlit: Built-in small light will prompt that electricity is and will facilitate the search in the pitch darkness. You can install at home switch with a timer or switch that will respond to cotton.

№6. Design and material of execution

Elements such as sockets and switches are not enough to emphasize in the interior design, so they are always chosen to the walls. The style of their execution should correspond to the selected, and there is where to roast. Manufacturers offer us products both in the easiest and usual performance and real works of art.

As material manufacturing Usually use shockproof and fire-resistant plastics. Less common and, rather elite options, - tree, leather, stone, glass and even concrete, porcelain, clay and textiles. In the switches it is allowed to use steel, bronze, chromium, aluminum and other metals. Despite the fact that no one does on sockets and switches, their design is an important barcode in creating a holistic harmonious interior.

The more exquisite and the original design has equipment, the more expensive it will cost, but in pursuit of aesthetics do not forget about security.

№7. What else is important to consider when choosing?

Considering in the store several options, does not interfere conduct a visual assessment:

Among manufacturers Sockets and switches We will note Legrand (French company, industry leader), Schneider Electric, Jung, BTICino, ABB, Polo, Fontini. There is a little cheaper products from Polish and Turkish companies, which also has a good quality: Viko, Makel, Karlik, Mono, Ospel. From domestic producers the largest is Wessen.

Finally, we note that the standards regulate the setting of sockets and switches at a height of not more than 1 m from the floor, but of this rule there is a mass of exceptions, especially when it comes to bathrooms and kitchens - here it is possible to mount the equipment in the most convenient place.

According to construction standards, sockets in the kitchen must be somewhat, since these are essential elements. So that they do not spoil modern kitchen interior, They must be hidden. Talk about it more.

The sockets are closed with a small hatch by opening that you can connect the devices.

They are not visible on the furniture, as they are well hidden and do not spoil their impressions.

The wires and other destroying design of the room are perfectly hidden under them. Original walls Well hide the plug.

Such an accommodation serves as double goals: first, you can mount the maximum number of desired electrical outputs in one place, secondly, they can serve as part of the design. The photo shows that the size of the plate corresponds to the size of ceramics from which mounted kitchen apron.

Standard plastic would spoil the appearance of this old kitchen, so all switches are built-in and not rushing.

Horizontal outputs, as in the photo, helps to preserve the aesthetic look of the room. All cords are hidden and are out of sight.

If the power cannot be hidden, then placing the boxes accordingly, you can enjoy it beautifully in the overall interior.

A special mirror coating causes an inserted device to virtually disappear. Bathroom finishelegant and pleasant to the eyes.

In order not to destroy the impression from the magnificent tile, the electrical products were placed under the cabinet.

This idea for those who want to completely hide unsightly objects. Light lamps makes them practically invisible.


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