Repairs Design Furniture

Profitable fine production with good sales. Best business ideas for the organization of small production

Slagoblocks. This idea of \u200b\u200bproduction is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, the entire tool can be stored in the yard or garage. What do you need? Concrete mixer, vibrostanok, construction car and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles depending on the quality of the tools. On the day, producing several hundreds of products, it is possible to earn good (about 100-200 dollars).

Styrofoam. The size of the desired room is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for revenue, you can count on the annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding churls

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large production at least seven thousand chickens per year, investments in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles are needed, and the business itself will pay off for 8-12 months.

The greatest costs occur to the purchase of cells and an incubator. For quite small production, about ten thousand rubles will be needed for several dozen quarrels.

This is an excellent and simple business for a novice entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in leaving and rarely sick.

3. Slots and sculptures

Now the castlers of children's handles and legs are very popular, the hands of the hands of lovers, small gifts sculptures. Their manufacture can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods begins from 500 rubles.

If a Use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business rises several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

A very profitable small business option, especially if there is an opportunity to implement products in large cities with good demand for home products. For production from scratch, a separate room and a special equipment (electro-packasterizer, cottage cheese bath, etc.), the acquisition of which will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, plus the costs of raw materials and preparation of the production premises.

We get the minimum starting capital in the amount of 3 million rubles. However, net profit with a monthly development of 13-16 tons will be about 200-300 thousand rubles, and therefore, investments in the business will pay off after 1.5-2 years.

5. Greenhouses

Build Teplitz - Profitable business option at home. The most commonly used materials are polycarbonate and wood.

For a small production of several people, and the cost of equipment is within 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business usually exceeds one hundred percent.

A novice entrepreneur will not be difficult to organize this business, since the assembly of greenhouse is a relatively simple process that everyone can master.

6. Production of packages

Survived and mainly income production from scratch will be the issue of packages. Equipment can be bought as very simple (about 400-450 thousand rubles), so and collect a full-fledged production line - already within 1.3-1.5 million rubles.

Produce Polyethylene, garbage, paper bags, etc. Net profit with the established marketing reaches 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

7. Production of vegetable oil

This is not the cheapest, but very profitable option. For production it is necessary for a separate room, an area of \u200b\u200bat least one hundred square meters.

Capital investments in equipment, premises and personnel will amount to about 1.5-2 million rubles, and such a business will pay off for half a year.

8. Production of nails

In this segment, great competition, but also the profitability of the business is also very high. And most importantly - the cost of the opening of such mini-production is small: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. Place production, you can even in the usual garage.

This business will pay for approximately a year, and even less. For stable profits It is necessary to produce about three tons of nails per month.

9. Pellet production

It is best to establish such a production near the sawmill. Capital investments for this business are about 1-2.5 million rubles (equipment, premises and raw materials), but this business pays off for eight months, and its profitability exceeds one hundred percent indicator.

10. Production of Pelmeni

Focusing on albeit small, but still industrial production, we consider that it requires a room about 100 square meters. m. Lines for the production of dumplings relatively inexpensive.

The price of equipment begins from 80 thousand rubles. General initial costs, depending on the scale of production, will be 1-3 million rubles. Pay business about the year during the income 250 thousand rubles per month.

And this is not all for beginners. In each region and the area you can find your own, unavoyous and profitable niche to open mini production. We wish you a successful and good business!

Hello, dear readers of our magazine! With you, the entrepreneur and the author of the magazine by Igor Eremenko. Our regular article will be dedicated business ideas for production And in particular how to make your business successful.

Today we have prepared for you the most relevant and demanded ideas of production!?

❗️ Some of the above ideas can be implemented directly at home (at the cottage, in the garage ...), so for their launch it is not necessary to invest additional money for renting or buying areas / premises.

To open a business for production, large starting attachments are not always required, it is quite realistic to open its profitable mini-production even in the amount of 10-40 to 300-500 thousand rubles !

By the way, if you have a little more time, then be sure to read the article: ?? In it, we described 30 excellent ideas of business and led specific examples!

As for this article, we will gladly share with you useful experience and knowledge that will help you avoid mistakes when opening your business!

In addition to the above, you will find out:

  • What production is profitable to open in 2019?
  • How with minimal risks to open your own profitable work on production?
  • Why sales in production is the basis of everything and how to find sources of sales?
  • What is it worth starting your business?

We left not enough time to write this article, so we very much hope that the information provided for you will be valuable and you will find for yourself the very business idea that successfully implement in life!

Well, ready - then let's start! ??

1. What business idea to choose?

Despite the seemingly well-established competition in all industries, find and take their niche on the market more than real! I will say more, on personal experience I have not yet been convinced that some niches in one or another city / region can be almost free from competition - it remains only to take them and make a profit !?

So in fact, it is not so difficult to discovering its profitable work on the production, the main thing - it is responsible to approach this case and choose a business idea suitable for your opportunities and interests that would be in demand among the population.

Below in the article, we just led the list of the most sought-after ideas of production for small businesses. In order for you to make more convenient to decide on any business, each idea will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • initial investments;
  • required equipment / materials / room ...;
  • average profitability;
  • payback;
  • demand for products;
  • the complexity of production.

If you have a small initial capital, then first pay attention to simple business ideas that you can implement at home / in the apartment / garage (they are listed in the article quite a lot).

In addition, before embodying a business idea to life, analyze the market, purchasing power and competition in your city or region.

Separately a few words should be said about competition. Of course, the easiest way to start production in the sphere where there is little or there is no competition at all. Such niches can be found in almost every city. But in this situation it is important to understand that in some of them the demand for products can be narrow or limited.

As for high competition, it does not need to be afraid - if it is, it says primarily about that this product is very demanding among the population. So you can always take your place on the market with proper positioning.

? Council from personal experience:
Do not invest big money immediately, especially if you are not sure that the business will go up. Start with small, and as soon as you make sure that the products produced are good in demand - expand production.

Also also in mind that the sale of products in production occupies a key place, so you need to pay special attention!

But we will not be very distracted from the topic of this article - in more detail about the right organization of sales and about other important principles for building a successful business that will save you a bunch of money and time, you can read closer to the end of the article.

Well, now, finally, let's turn to the review of business ideas! ?

2. Business ideas for small business - 37 relevant and demanded ideas

Below you can find a huge number of low-budget ideas and even those that can be realized with almost zero! Some of the business ideas are suitable not only to men, but also women.

Idea number 1 - production of decorative artificial stone

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 30 000 - 100 000 rubles.

Description of the idea: Artificial stone is widely used as a decor as indoors (for facing walls, regiments), and outside (for foundations, facades ...).

This is a fairly profitable business, and most importantly in demand among the population - on average, the demand for the decorative stone grows on 10% annually.

It is important here, as in any production, first of all, to organize product sales. For example, the usual collaboration with finishing often allows you to organize a permanent sale of artificial stone. In addition, it is worth establishing wholesale deliveries to companies that sell building materials.

Additional income can be submitted services for finishing and delivery of stone (or recommendations of those who carry out such services).

What will take:

  • molds matrix;
  • cement and sand (or gypsum);
  • pigments (dyes) and other additives;
  • room on average from 30-70 square meters. meters (you can at home / cottage);
  • vibrotol (relevant with a mass release of stone).

The technology of production of artificial stone is quite simple: a solution of cement and sand (gypsum) is prepared, poured into the forms and freezes. Staining can be made either after the stone is frozen, or when preparing a solution by adding powder pigments into it.

The gypsum stone is mainly used for internal works, and from concrete - for finishing the facade. However, it was noted that the demand for stone from concrete is significantly higher than on a gypsum stone.

The cost of 1 square. m. such a stone usually does not exceed 200-250 rubles, the market value is on average 500-700 rubles. per square. meter .

Idea number 2 - manufacture of paving slabs

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 80,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Description of the idea: Another idea similar to the previous one is the production of paving slabs.

This type of business is very in demand, since the demand from private individuals and states only grows over time. However, competition in this niche is usually above average.

But with proper positioning, you can always take your place in the market. For example, in small cities, budget paving slabs is very popular, respectively, in the absence of local producers, such a business can bring substantial profits. You can also produce glowing paving slabs, which is now only gaining popularity.

It is worth adding that the production of tiles is relatively low-cost business and it is easy enough to organize even right at home.

What will take:

  • forms (from 20-35 rubles. 1 pc.);
  • vibrationtoles (about 25 thousand rubles);
  • room 50-80 square meters. m.;
  • cement, sand and crushed stone;
  • pigments and Mineral Additives
  • luminofor (for luminous tiles).

To organize the release of paving slabs, as a rule, there will be enough 2-3 people. The production process is rather not time-consuming.

? The cost of making a square meter tile on average is 150-240 rubles at a wholesale price from 350-400 rubles. Even a small production is about 300 square meters. meters per month brings clean 35-50 thousand rubles .

By the way, another plus of this business - it does not fall under certification and licensing!

Idea number 3 - Production of construction slag blocks

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 50,000 - 90,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Production of slag blocks is a very profitable case! Since the cost of blocks from slag is low compared to brick, gas and foam blocks (one block replaces six bricks), they are widely demanded in construction in the construction of walls and foundations.

It is not difficult to organize this production with small investments and at home.

What will take:

  • brake blocks manufacturing
  • cement and additives (plasticizers),
  • building materials (slag, sand).

There will also be required warehouse for storing blocks and production room with a size of 40 square meters. meters.

❗️ The cost of one slag block is approximately 14-18 rubles, and its selling price is 24-26 rubles.

Brigade of two or three people per shift can usually make up to 800 piecesas a result, with such a turn, it is possible to get a profit aboutt 3-5 t. Rub .

You can sell products in bulk construction and trading companies and retail to individuals. Also good sales can bring cooperation with building brigades!

Idea number 4 - making modular paintings

Description of the idea:

Recently, modular patterns have become with a wide demand, which are several paintings by the combined one theme. Thanks to its originality, they easily allow you to decorate the interior and create a pleasant atmosphere indoors.

But the most important thing is such a business idea not only very in demand with low competition and easy to implement, but also highly profitable (net profitability is about 100%).

For details on how modular patterns are made, you can see in the video below:

What will take:

  • high-quality color printer or professional plotter;
  • personal Computer;
  • fabric and subframes;
  • room from 40 square meters. m.

There will be 2 people enough for production. This idea is most relevant for cities with a population from 80 thousand people. However, due to the high markup, it is advantageous to implement products not only in one city, but also throughout the country, creating an online store and / or community on social networks.

❗️ Retail prices for modular paintings begin with 3,500 rubles per 1 square meter. The meter, the cost of manufacture on average does not exceed 1500 rubles. With a monthly implementation 100 square meters. m. Profit will be from 150,000 rubles !

Idea number 5 - furniture production without frame

Attachments: ≈ from 10,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Production of frameless upholstered furniture (bin running) is a relatively new and unique business. Its main difference is that for production requires mainly material (tissue) and a bulk filler, which takes the shape of the body of a sitting person.

The most in demand such varieties of frameless furniture, like soft deputies and armchairs (bags), as well as sofas. It is possible to organize the production of upholstered furniture right in the apartment or at home.

Major potential buyers are young families with middle-income children. It is worth noting that by virtue of its originality and low cost such furniture is particularly sold online.

What will take:

  • sewing machine,
  • threads, Mother, filler.

In addition, it will be necessary to thoroughly think about the design of future furniture (at the same time be sure to analyze competitors).

The sale price of the chair-bag on average is from 2.5-3 thousand rubles., The cost is usually does not exceed 1500 rubles. Covers for upholstered furniture can be sewed or ordered on the side.

Idea number 6 - making frame furniture

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 70,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Frame furniture is a huge market with a lot of business opportunities.

Furniture production can be divided into 2 types. The first is the manufacture and assembly of furniture from beginning to the end - with this production requires expensive equipment and, accordingly, high costs.

The production of furniture on individual orders is particularly popular (such production does not require large initial investments and it is much easier to organize it).

Its essence is that you find customers, discuss all the details and nuances, take a prepayment, buy all the necessary prepared materials and collect furniture on individual size.

In this business, it is especially important to go out to the client and do its work on conscience, since most orders come exactly sarafan radio«.

What will take:

  • computer and printer,
  • drill and other tools (screwdrivers, drills, hammers ...),
  • consumables,
  • room from 20-30 square meters. m for furniture assembly.

You can buy the necessary materials and accessories on the prepayment you will receive from the client. It also makes sense to rent a small office of 15-25 square meters. m to accept orders from customers.

Such a business is very profitable and with minimal investments can pay off in just 1-3 months.

Idea number 7 - Production of biocamines

Attachments: ≈ from 20,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Relatively new and promising business idea in the field of production is the manufacture of environmentally friendly fireplaces. For such biocamines, chimney is not required, as carbon dioxide, which is allocated during the combustion of biofuels is completely safe for people.

The advantages of this business idea are that on the one hand, for its implementation, very small investments for its implementation, and on the other, it can bring a very substantial profit and recoup all investments within 1 month.

At the same time, all production can be independently organized at home or in the garage.

What will take:

  • tool or equipment for cutting glass;
  • consumables: glass, stainless steel, sealants, biofuels (bioethanol) ...

Utrates on the manufacture of one biocamine constitute an average 2500-3000 rubles. The market price of the finished product exceeds 14 000 rubles (In online stores, they are sold even more - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles).

So producing only 20 fireplaces, you can go to a clean monthly profit. 170-190 thousand rubles For all major and additional costs.

Idea number 8 - making country greenhouses and greenhouses

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 60,000 - 100 000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Polycarbonate greenhouses due to their durability and low cost is one of the most popular at the moment. With all the same, they are quite simple in the manufacture.

At least, this business is of seasonal character, nevertheless it is very profitable (over 100%) and has a quick payback. So the greatest demand for greenhouses falls on the spring and late autumn.

In addition to the production of greenhouses, it is additionally possible to provide services for the fill of the foundation and the installation of greenhouses - this will allow you to quickly enhance the attachments.

This idea is perfect for small cities with a population of 20 thousand people.

What will take:

  • equipment for the production of greenhouses: tube bending, welding ... (from 40-50 thousand rubles)
  • cellular polycarbonate.

In addition, it will be necessary to take care of the sale of products: to advertise in newspapers, bulletin boards ... At the very beginning, the business makes sense to reduce prices to attract customers.

Idea number 9 - making tree arbors

Attachments: ≈ from 35,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Without arbor and garden houses, where it would be calmly sit and relax, it is not necessary, perhaps, no country area. That is why the production of garden houses and arbors - an up-to-date and quick-reaching business.

Another significant plus of this idea is the low input threshold in this business. And besides, depending on your capabilities, experience and preferences, you can choose for yourself: make the arbor yourself or create your own brigade from responsible builders.

Options for the production of arbors Mass, but some of the most popular on the market are gazebos made of wood.

What will take:

  • equipment and tools;
  • consumables: boards / logs, tile, self-tapping screws, etc.;
  • premises under the workshop (optional).

Arbors and garden houses can be made both by individual customer orders, and sell ready-made standard size.

❗️ The cost of making one standard gazebo ranges around 30-50 thousand rubles, with all this the final price of the finished gazebo on average is 60-100 thousand rubles. So having only 5 orders per month, you can earn 100-150 thousand rubles .

In the case of a brigade, subject to the established stream of customers, the monthly profit can be over 300-400 thousand rubles .

Idea number 10 - braided furniture production

Attachments: ≈ from 30,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Another actively developing market segment is a wicker furniture that is made of environmentally friendly and natural materials: rattan, vines, bamboo, linden, spruce, grapes, etc.

From all woven products - approximately 30% of furniture are made from the vine, and 60% of the rattan, but the rattan is quite expensive Mother and it is difficult to get it.

Braided furniture is primarily the subject of luxury, so the main target audience is consumers with high and above average income.

The following braided products are especially popular: chairs, beds, sofas, tables, dressers and cabinets.

What will take:

  • preparation yourself or purchase vine / Rattan shoots;
  • purchase equipment for processing: hand tools or machines.

Sometimes additional materials are applied: plywood, chipboard, wood, soft elements for seats or backs, etc

Website furniture is particularly profitable if you have to harvest the ventilation shoots for weaving. Yves rods are better to harvest in spring or autumn. For painting, using the Utaniline Dyes, Manganese, Iron Court, etc.

The manufactured products are sold well through furniture stores. Monthly such a business with established production and marketing can bring from 50-100 thousand rubles and higher.

Idea №11 - production of acrylic countertops

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 70,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Business for the production of acrylic countertops (as elsewhere called artificial stone countertops) is considered simultaneously one of the most sought-after, profitable and least expensive. So if you compare the cost of purchasing an acrylic sheet and finished countertops, then the markup for 1 mongor meter reaches 300-500% and above.

In addition, competition in this field of business is not much developed (most cuisine manufacturers are forced to buy countertops from foreign manufacturers).

From the artificial stone you can also produce window sills, washing, wall panels ... Therefore, over time, the range of products can be expanded.

What will take:

  • special equipment (milling mill, grinder, logsik ...),
  • acrylic stone
  • production room from 45 square meters. m.

There will be enough 2-3 people to organize this production.

It is important to note that the countertops of artificial stone are produced only by individual sizes! Such production can also be implemented at home or in the garage.

The manufacture of acrylic countertops, even in cities with a small population, can bring from 30 to 100,000 rubles per month.

Idea number 12 - Production of foundation blocks

Attachments: ≈ from 280,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

The foundation blocks are in great demand at accelerated construction, because No need to wait for the foundation to dry and during the course of time will gain monolithium and stability.

For the production of foundation blocks use two blocks of blocks of blocks:

  • filling in commodity concrete with subsequent rank,
  • vibratingressing semi-dry mixture in special forms.

For small business, the second method is more acceptable.

❗️ Blocks size 118/60/58 cm use the most popular on the market.

If you open the production of foundation blocks at home, you will need initial investments from 280 tr.

What will take:

  • forms, forced rotary concrete mixer, lifting mechanism - about 250 thousand rubles;
  • cement, crushed stone, sand;
  • rent a room from 200 square meters. M.Lili canopy in summer (if necessary).

Two workers will be enough to work.

If you produce 30 blocks per day, then the income will be about 9 000 rubles. in a day (300 rubles from the sale of one block). This business has a very good payback - from 2 months.

Idea number 13 - making wooden furniture for the garden

Attachments: ≈ from 20,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Another low-budget idea available for almost everyone is the manufacture of garden furniture. Like gazebos, wooden furniture enjoy good demand among villages of cottages and country cottages.

The range of manufactured products can be quite extensive: tables, benches, chairs, armchairs, shops, sun beds, sofas, pendant swings, vases and more.

Furniture can be sold directly by private individuals (through ads on the Internet, newspapers, magazines; site; Sarafan Radio ...). Also, the problem of sales will help to solve wholesale buyers - furniture and garden shops.

What will take:

  • circular saw, drill screwdriver, grinding, electrolovka, etc. - (investments up to 15 thousand rubles );
  • consumables (board, screws, etc.);
  • room from 25 square meters. meters (available at home).

For the production of furniture for the garden at the business development stage there will be enough 1-2 masters. You can also make furniture under the order by individual sizes. In the future, if there is a stable sales, serial production can be organized.

This business idea can fully come from 50 000 rubles per month, and with serial production - from 200-250 thousand rubles.

Idea number 14.

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 10 000-15 000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

You can also organize business in the production of stained glass (they can be made by their own hands at home or in the garage).

The most in demand among the simple population is the stained-glass windows manufactured in film technology. A similar idea can significantly reduce the cost and simplify the process, thanks to the self-adhesive film that simulates real colored glass.

To make stained glass windows on film technology, you do not need to buy expensive equipment or own highly artistic skill.

If we talk about investing money, then at a minimum you will need about 10,000-15,000 rubles for equipment and materials. But for the organization of a full-fledged workshop will require an amount within 250,000 rubles.

What will take:

  • glass and machine for its cutting;
  • roller, knife, stencil;
  • stained glass films and ribbons,
  • room from 30 square meters. meters.

Collaboration with design studios is able to provide such a business with a large stream of customers. In addition, it will not be superfluous to publish ads on bulletin boards, newspapers, on the Internet, etc.

❗️ Even with minimal investments from several tens of thousand rubles, income may be from 50 000 rubles per month.

Idea number 15 - production of bouquets of soft toys

Attachments: ≈ from 5,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Production of original bouquets made of soft toys a fairly new direction, but at the same time no less popular and profitable.

In many cities, such a niche still remains free. At the same time, it is also possible to implement such an idea at home at a minimum of investments.

Such bouquets can be made both completely independently from scratch and purchasing the necessary components and materials in bulk in intermediaries (for example, on the site puffyCBBC.RF With delivery throughout Russia).

It is mostly possible to implement bouquets through flower shops (at first, bouquets can be given under implementation). But over time, you can open your own point for the sale of teddy bouquets.

Master class on making toys can see in the video below:

What will take:

  • base for the frame (eg foam);
  • plush Toys;
  • auxiliary decorative materials;
  • stapler, glue, scissors ...

? The retail cost of one bouquet of toys is about 1500-2000 rubles. The cost of its manufacture is made up from 250 to 400 rubles. Even selling bouquets wholesale can be easily rolled from 100%!

For example, by implementing in bulk 150 bouquets in flower shops, you can have clean 65-80 thousand rubles per month. If it is prettier and organize a full-fledged workshop for the production of bouquets, then the profit will be several times higher!

For those who are interested in this business theme, there is another trend and new idea - the production of vacuum flowers or as they are also called colors in the glass (such flowers retain their own kind of more than 5 years). You can search for information about it on the Internet!?

Idea №16 - Production of wood products

Attachments: ≈ from 100,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Joinery made of natural material - wood are in great demand in each city.

People order not only souvenirs, toys and other baubles from wood, but also doors, kitchen utensils (chopping boards, breadnings, cloths ...), wooden furniture (bedside tables, tables, chairs ...), etc.

To open your mini carpentry shop, you will not need a large starting capital, there will be enough sum from 100 thousand rubles.

To open the joinery workshop, it is necessary to study the market for the market, competitors and will be determined with the manufactured products.

What will take:

  • equipment (saws, grinding, drill ...);
  • consumables;
  • room from 40 square meters. m.

The equipment can be used, so you can save a decent amount of money.

You can sell your products directly (for example, by filing advertisements, a website, our own trading point) and / or cooperating with those or other stores.

The profitability of the joinery business is about 25%, and the monthly profit with minimal investments - from 20-40 thousand rubles.

Idea number 17 - production of color (decorative) rubble

Attachments: ≈ from 15,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Colored crushed stone actively begins to be used as a decorative material for the improvement of indental and receiving areas. It is also used in aquariums and terrariums.

Production of rubble is a very profitable deal with a high markup and quick payback. And besides, in order to start in this business you will need a minimum of investments - from 10-15 thousand rubles.

Technologically organized the production of colored rubble is very simple (can be directly in domestic or garage conditions).

What will take:

  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrosito for sieving rubble (at first you can do without it);
  • crushed stone, dyes;
  • bags for packing.

The whole production process is reduced to:

  1. Sift crushed stone from garbage and small fractions,
  2. Download it to the concrete mixer and paint;
  3. Dry crushed stone and pack it in bags.

It is possible to implement rubble as directly (for example, using outdoor advertising, advertising in newspapers, on bulletin boards), as well as through intermediaries (for example, through companies that trade with construction materials and are engaged in landscape design).

? Example as long as you can earn:
The cost of 1 ton of rubble is about 2,500 rubles + the cost of acquiring paint and packing bags will be about 5,000 rubles. Retail price of colored crushed stone is about 20-23 thousand rubles. As a result, approximate profits (excluding salary) from 1 ton will be equal to 12-15 thousand rubles .

Idea number 18 - art forging

Attachments: ≈ from 300,000 rubles.

Description of the idea :.

Since forged products have unique design and beauty, the demand for them every year is growing more and more.

Gate, stairs, wickets, fences, openwork lattices, trumps for porchs, garden furniture, gazebos - this is not a complete list of where forged products are used.

Forging is cold and hot. Hot forging is more difficult. Requires greater experience with the metal. In the cold forging, ready-made elements of hot korki are used. Excellent experience is not needed here, but it is still desirable to first work in the workshop for making forged products or find such a specialist.

What will take:

The opening of the cold forge shop will cost in the amount of 300 thousand rubles, this amount will be required:

  • rent a production room about 60 square meters. m. (you can work at home);
  • purchase equipment: Wave, snail, twister, welding machine, Bulgarian, etc.;
  • rent an office for receiving orders (from 8 square meters. m.).

❗️ One meter of adhesive products on average costs from 2,800 rubles. And above, at the same time, the cost of its production usually does not exceed 900-1200 rubles.

Good forge for a month earns from 200 thousand rubles .

Idea №19 - making mirror tile

Attachments: ≈ from 8,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Another popular idea for the implementation of which will require a minimum of investments is the manufacture of a mirror tile.

A mirror tile is used to finish residential premises (mainly bathrooms, bathrooms and ceilings), as well as in restaurants, trading halls, etc.

The whole essence of the production process is reduced to cut the tiles of the required sizes from the acquired sheets of the mirror, and if you need to apply patterns using a stencil and compressor using a stencil and compressor.

You can also make tile on individual size and design to order.

What will take:

  • tools: glass cutter, grinding wheel or machine, compressor (for forming a picture);
  • consumables: mirror or mirror scrap, sealant, tape;
  • room from 20 square meters. meters.

Mirror tile production is a very profitable business with a profitability of 70-100%.

? Business in numbers:
The purchase costs of the mirrors range from 370 rubles per 1 kV. m., but the retail price for the same quarter. meter varies within 800-1 000 rubles .

As a result, with a small monthly production of 120 kV. m. Mirror tile, you can have a profit about 50 000 rubles.

Idea number 20 - manufacture of seals and stamps

Attachments: ≈ 100 000 rub.

Description of the idea:

The manufacture of seals and stamps is a very cost-effective business (it is particularly advantageous to discover such a business in medium and large cities). The cost of producing such products as print is about 15 rubles, and it is already implemented to customers at a price of 150 to 700 rubles per unit.

A similar type of activity does not need to acquire a license. The main target audience is novice businessmen and entrepreneurs who are registered as a ltd. or IP.

❗️ Note:
Private organizations that are engaged in preparing documents or registration of business can be an excellent source of customers!

What will take:

  • printer and computer,
  • equipment depending on production technology (flash setting, exposure camera or laser engraver)
  • additional equipment and consumables,
  • premises for office and production.

The initial costs of the business are about 100,000 rubles. For a month you can get from the sale of printing stamps on average 80-100 thousand rubles .

With a stable market, the business usually pays off after 2-4 months!

Idea number 21 - production of flexible stone

INVESTMENTS: ≈ from 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Another new and gaining business idea in construction - the production of flexible stone or as it is also called flexible wallpaper.

This environmentally friendly material has long been used in Europe, in Russia he appeared relatively recently. He, like an artificial stone, is used to finish the walls and foundations.

The main advantages for consumers: low price, in the ease of installation, low weight and durability. For entrepreneurs: Very high profitability, simplicity of manufacture and small financial costs.

The technologies for the production of "stone" wallpapers can be found quite a lot, but the main essence is that a layer of marble crumb, sand (quartz or color) or shallow brick crumb is applied to the textile basis with the help of glue (resins).

What will take:

  • tools: mixer, pallets, thick glass, etc. (automatic equipment will cost in sum from 150 tr.);
  • raw materials: bulk material, coloring pigments, resin or glue, tissue or fiberglass base, etc.
  • room from 25 sq.m.;

The cost of production of 1 square. m. Flexible stone make up about 100-200 rubles, at the same time its market price exceeds 500-600 rubles - respectively, profitability is obtained very high.

❗️One worker per day can produce over 40 square meters. m "stone" wallpaper, and this is at extra charge in 300 rubles bring 12 000 rubles .

Idea number 22 - Production of promotional products

Description of the idea:

There are different options for how to organize such a thing. If you do not have money for equipment, then in this case you can with your knowledge and possessions, at least with the help of photoshop develop advertising design, and then give it to print in the printing house.

If you are ready to invest money, then at the first stages of business development, it is possible to do only the most necessary, simple and inexpensive equipment - it will take about 150 thousand rubles for it. Professional equipment in the price can reach up to several million rubles.

For example, the most demanded service is the manufacture of outdoor banners.

What will take:

  • cutting plotter and widescreen printer, computer office equipment;
  • room from 30 square meters. m.

If we talk about profitability, then with the cost of 150 thousand for rental of premises and buying equipment, you can earn order 100 thousand rubles per month If you have a customer stream.

Idea number 23 - Making soft wall panels

Attachments: ≈ from 35,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Another interesting and low-budget idea is to make beautiful and unusual fabric carpets. They are also called soft panels. They are well insulates the room from noise, and with actively used as a design interior decoration.

Wall panels are manufactured mainly from leatherette and textiles. The cost of materials is quite small.

You can produce panels in conveyor production at home. All costs will come to you about 35-50 thousand rubles. For more serious mass production, the amount of 250 thousand rubles will be required.

What will take:

  • equipment (sewing machine, compressor, pistol stapler and drill screwdriver);
  • fillers (syntheps / foam), chipboard / plywood, upholstery material.

You can also rent a room from 17 square meters. Additionally, you can earn, if you provide installation services for soft panels. You can sell products to shops that are trading with finishing materials.

Efficiency of business:
You can sell the panels for a half or two thousand rubles, at the cost of 600 rubles. Revenue per month can reach 150-180 thousand rubles .

Idea number 24 - Natural handmade soap

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 3,000 - 10,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

But to start a promising business for the production of soap made in manual, you can practically from scratch at home.

The demand for handmade soap, of course, is not massive, but its client who appreciates quality and naturalness, be sure to be found. In addition, there is practically no competition in this market (the market is occupied by only 30-50%).

In Russia, handmade soap is well sold as souvenirs and gifts, as well as in demand among consumers who are accustomed to using only natural products (about 10-15% of the population).

What will take:

  • soap base (about 200-250 p / kg),
  • aroma oils,
  • other natural additives.

The soap production technique itself is very simple: the soap base is boiled, after which oils and various additives are added to it (pile of herbs, spices, juices ...) and finally the resulting soap is spilled in forms to froze.

Soap sales can be organized through cosmetics stores, perfumes, shopping points for the sale of souvenirs and gifts. As an option, you can make a branded soap with logos of companies (for example, such soap is in demand among beauty salons).

Idea №25 - Production of nails (self-tapping)

Attachments: ≈ from 140,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

In fact, to open its profitable business for the production of nails will not need any very large investments - about 140 trial will be enough to acquire simple equipment, but for fully automated production it will require a more substantial amount - from 400 tr. . (Used machines), new things are more expensive.

The production technology is quite simple, consumable for the manufacture of nails. Wire of steel.

Before starting such a business, be sure to explore the demand for products and sales market. This business is very important to establish cooperation with construction stores.

You can even organize production in the garage. Alternatively, you can consider the production of self-samples - the organization of this business will require the amount of about 450 thousand rubles.

What will take:

  • wire and carnation machine, sharpening machine and grinding and polishing machine;
  • steel wire;
  • room of 10-25 square meters. meters.

For the service of the entire production process will be enough 1-2 people.

The cost of tons of steel wire is approximately 25-30 thousand rubles, nails are realized at prices 50-60 thousand rubles per ton . As a result, with average performance per month, you can count on 110-140 thousand rubles net income.

Idea number 26 - pottery production

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 200-300 thousand rubles.

Description of the idea:

Despite the fact that the pottery business is not such a common business idea in Russia, he still remains one of the most profitable and demanding business in business activities.

Ceramic dishes, decorative pots, vases, mugs, souvenirs, magnets, photo frames and much more are widely used both in everyday life and serves as an interior decoration.

Products in tourist and resort cities are especially high demand, where many tourists acquire souvenirs in memory of holidays and gifts to relatives and relatives.

To open a pottery business, it will take no big capital in the area from 200,000 rubles.

What will take:

  • pottery equipment;
  • purchase or independent workpiece of raw materials
  • furnace for drying and firing products;
  • clay, paint, glass, varnish and brushes;
  • molds for modeling;
  • if necessary, renting a room from 50 square meters. m.

The main income article can be brought to cooperation with mediation companies that you wholesale will purchase ceramic products.

⭐️Realous example:
For example, the cost of manufacturing a pot for a vase ranges about 50-100 rubles. At the same time, the retail price can reach 300-400 rubles per pc., and wholesale 150-200 rubles .

Depending on the range of products and sales, the pottery workshop can bring good arrival - 150-300 thousand rubles and above

Idea №27 - Production of photo filter

Attachments: ≈ from 150,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Relatively new, promising and at the same time niche uses good demand - this is the production of ceramic photo filter. Yes, and competition in this business is either low, or there is no longer anything.

A photo shot is a conventional tile, only a drawing can be applied to it using a special printer. After applying the image, the tile passes the firing in the drying cabinet. Everything, in fact, it is the whole technological process, as you can see anything difficult here.

The only nuance, to develop individual tile layouts, will require the ability to work with graphics programs and develop design (or just hire a designer). But at the initial stage you can do without it.

By the way, such a business idea is also suitable for realization in the garage or at home.

What will take:

  • equipment: printer, PC, cabinet for drying tiles, etc.;
  • consumables - ink;
  • room from 30 square meters. m.

You can implement products through ceramic tile shops, designer studios, advertising, ads and sites / community on social networks.

? Cost and profit!
Costs per quarter. The photographic tile is about 450-700 rubles. The sale price on average exceeds 2800 rubles for the same square meter. As you can see, the profitability of this business is very high!

Idea number 28 - making decorative candles

Attachments: ≈ 5,000 - 10 000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Although decorative candles are not a product of widespread consumption, however, due to the fact that they create a unique comfort in the house and transform the interior, they always find their consumer.

The peculiarity of this business is that it can be started with almost scratch at home. In addition, the production of decorative candles is characterized by simplicity, high profitability and does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing in this business is to show creativity and a little imagination.

Note also that in recent times are popular flavored candles.

What will take:

  • paraffin / beeswax;
  • forms, wick, dyes / pigments, oven for heating.

The retail price of one (medium) decorative candle is approximately 350-400 rubles, at its cost up to 80-100 rubles. So with a monthly sale of 100 candles, net profit will be approximately 27-30 thousand rubles . Accordingly, this business pays off very and very quickly.

It is possible to sell products to the point for the sale of souvenirs, gifts, restaurants, etc.

In addition, it is possible to organize a sales directly via the Internet, creating groups on social networks (very well-like products are sold for example in instagram).

Idea №29 - Blind Production

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 45,000-60,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

There is no need to speak about the demand of the blinds, as due to its convenience and practicality, they are used literally everywhere: in the offices, in houses, and in apartments.

To implement this business idea, if you take a minimum, initial investments from 45,000 rubles will be required. (We are talking about manual production). But to organize a full-fledged shopping workshop, a more significant amount of 350-400 thousand rubles is needed.

With a special responsibility, it is necessary to take the choice of materials providers, as it is often suppliers offering components of very poor quality. It is important to find the optimal ratio between quality and price.

What will take:

  • equipment and tools (sewing machine, punch, saw ...);
  • accessories (fabric, plastic, wood or aluminum);
  • room from 20 square meters. M + warehouse.

The process of manufacturing the blinds does not require any special skills and skills. By the way, installation and repair services can bring good additional income.

Although the profitability of this business does not make up one hundred percent, however, with a stable market, the profit of a small workshop can be from 150-200 thousand rubles .

Idea number 30 - Pallet production

Attachments: ≈ from 150,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Wooden pallets are one of the most demanding auxiliary materials that are used when transporting and storing products.

Organize the production of pallets depending on investments you can 3 types:

  1. Manual pallets manufactured (embeddings from 150 thousand rubles);
  2. Acquire a semi-automatic line (investments from 500 thousand rubles);
  3. Fully automate production (from 3 million rubles).

The most popular pallets made according to GOST 9557-87. Since GOST is almost identical to the European standard, then such pallets are related to Europe.

What will take:

  • equipment: pneumatic stapler, compressor, etc;
  • mounting table for the manufacture of pallets;
  • boards, nails;
  • room from 35 square meters. m.

? How much can you earn?
One person per month can make about 2700 pallets (cost of about 150 rubles, and the market price is 180-210 rubles). So even with manual making pallets, you can make a profit 70-120 thousand rubles per month.

The semi-automatic line will allow to bring about 500 000 rubles Clean per month.

Idea №31 - Production of bed linen

INVESTMENTS: ≈ From 90,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Bed linen is a product of mass and wide demand that people bought and will always buy!

In fact, to open the mini-shop for the production of bed linen, it is not necessary to invest in millions of rubles (of course, if you immediately do not plan to open average or large production), for the purchase of the most necessary enough will be the initial amount of 200 thousand rubles. At home can be started with the amount of 90 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that the population has high demand predominantly linens cotton (Boszy) and flaxtherefore, it is advisable to start your business from these materials.

In production, it is possible not to be limited only by sheets, pillowakers and duvettes, and also produce blankets, pillows, blankets ...

What will take:

  • equipment: Professional sewing machines, overlock for cutting cuts, irons, etc.;
  • consumables: cotton fabrics, threads, etc.;
  • premises under shop and warehouse from 70 square meters. m.

⭐️ Production of bed linen has an average profitability about 40% And usually pays off for six months.

Idea number 32 - mini bakery for the production of bread and bakery products

Attachments: ≈ from 340,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Recently, there is a clear trend towards the consumption of the highest quality bakery products, in connection with this, the opening of its bakery is a promising and demanded idea.

So the main key of the success of minibars is tasty bread, baked by original recipes. There should be no other baking: cakes, buns, cookies, pies, French bread, Uzbek cakes, Lavash, other national bread varieties, - I also have a buyer.

The costs of opening minibars will be about 340-500 tr., Depending on the purchased equipment. Plips business usually from six months.

What will take:

  • purchase equipment: baking oven bakery products, tests, belt cabinet, etc. (on used equipment can be saved significantly)
  • purchase raw
  • hire workers.

It is also necessary to rent a room from 50 sq. M., In accordance with the requirements of the Presidential, Fire and Environmental Inspections, to issue documents from them and acquire all the necessary certificates.

☝️ On average, a small bakery brings its owners monthly 150-200 thousand rubles net profit.

Idea number 33 - production of herbal tea (herbal fees)

Attachments: ≈ 100 000 rub.

Description of the idea:

It is very difficult to enter the market for the production of black and green tea without any unique proposal, due to the vast competition in this business, but to take a narrower and promising niche for the production of herbal teas and fees is quite real.

For example, Ivan-tea enjoys the greatest popularity in Russia, and it is possible to begin production. Also relevant production of herbal fees that can be used as a biologically active additive for the treatment of certain diseases.

What will take:

  • raw materials: Herbs, Fruits and Plant Leaves;
  • packaging;
  • room from 15 square meters. m.

But to acquire equipment for the production of tea or make it in manual, each decides for itself.

To make tea, it must pass a series of stages: starting from collecting herbs and ending with fermentation / ripening. As an option, raw materials can be purchased on the side - it will save you a bunch of time.

Opening of your tea business is very profitable - sometimes the markup on herbal tea can reach several hundred percent. Depending on the scale of tea and sales, you can earn an average from 50 to 300 thousand rubles per month .

Idea number 34 - the production of soft toys

Attachments: ≈ from 180,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

An interesting business option is the production of soft toys. According to experts, the cumulative size of the toy market in Russia is approximately 42% of the entire toy market.

Soft toys is a universal gift for both young children and adults. However, a similar type of business is inherent in seasonal. Sales usually increases before holidays or in summer seasons.

By the way, it is very important to determine the suppliers who should supply high-quality and inexpensive materials.

If we talk about costs, then the opening of your small workshop will cost you from about 180,000 rubles.

What will take:

  • sewing machines, apparatus for packing toys;
  • premises from 17 square meters. meters;
  • materials for production (artificial fur, filler and fittings).

To supply (or give to implement) toys can be in bulk in toy stores, souvenir shops, etc. You can also implement toys through your own shopping points, website and groups in social networks.

☝️ Business payback comes usually through 5-9 months of work. Per month you can earn money on the sale of goods over 100 thousand rubles .

Idea number 35 - Mini Brick Production Line

Attachments: ≈ from 250,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Brick is a universal building material that is universally used to build houses and other buildings.

You can open your mini-plant for the production of bricks with relatively small investments even at home.

For example, it is quite cost-effective and technologically easy to organize the production of hyperpressive bricks. As raw materials can be: mineral waste, dropouts, slags, shells, limestone, etc.

For production, manual mechanical and automatic presses, which are under high pressure and form bricks. For the purchase of mechanical equipment will require attachments from 250 tr.

What will take:

  • equipment for the production of brick;
  • drying furnace;
  • raw materials;
  • cement and dyes;
  • room from 30 square meters. m.

⭐️1-2 people per shift can produce about 1000 bricks. So a small mini-plant can bring monthly income depending on performance. from 30 to 250 thousand rubles (Attachments pay off normally during the year).

Idea number 36 - a mini-plant for the production of concrete

Attachments: ≈ from 440,000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

Concrete is one of the most popular materials that is used in construction (peak demand falls on the summer). And besides, opening your mini-plant is not as difficult as you can imagine.

To open a semi-automatic mini, concrete production will require a relatively small amount - from 440 thousand rubles (you can produce about 200 cubic meters. M. Concrete per day). But for a fully automated plant, the investment will require more than 1.4 million rubles.

The main target audience is construction companies, individuals and municipal organizations.

What will take:

  • equipment for the production of concrete;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone;
  • premises for production from 300 square meters. m.

For servicing a semi-automatic mini-plant there will be enough 2-3 people.

Net profit from the sale of one cubic meter of concrete averages about 270-350 rubles, at an average market price 2800 rubles. Even with a low production load, such a business can bring from 200 thousand rubles per month.

Idea number 37 - Production of aquariums

Attachments: ≈ 50 000 - 80 000 rubles.

Description of the idea:

In order to establish the production of aquariums, you will not need large investments. At first, as an option, it is possible to organize a workshop for production right at home and personally producing aquariums, because the production itself is very simple.

Yes, this is not such a sought-after product, how to say furniture, but with your demand for a certain group of people he uses. According to statistics, aquariums in medium and large cities of about 150 liters are most well sold.

About how you can turn the production of aquariums in a big business, see the video below:

What will take:

  • glass cutter, equipment for grinding and additional tools;
  • silicate or ogshtsklo, glue;
  • room with an area of \u200b\u200b25 square meters. m.

Since the aquariums for the most part are the goods of impulse demand, then potential customers may also be people who think about their interior (for example, visitors to furniture salons, designer studios, etc.). Also in this business perfectly works "Sarafan Radio".

As business develops, it is possible to make service, decoration of aquariums, as well as provide additional services for the sale of fish, comows ... - This will significantly increase profits.

❗️Acaround business can bring on average from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles!

3. Sales is a key element of any production! Personal experience and useful recommendations

And now a little time to pay one of the most important points in the production - Product Sales . Below I will try to explain in short, why is it before doing something, it is important to clearly understand how to implement products.

I really hope that the experience described will be useful to any of you and will not allow the same rake as I am when opening my business.

In my practice, I have repeatedly convinced that it often precisely not established and not stable sales leads to the fact that the business does not begin to make a profit or brings, but very little.

In life, it is usually so that many novice entrepreneurs first invest money, begin to produce something, and only then think about marketing products (and sometimes they do not have the idea how to sell produced products).

? It is important!
Any production lives only at the expense of sales products: No sales ➡️ No sales ➡️ No business ! Therefore, before starting business in advance and carefully plan through which sales channels and how products will come true!

remember, that sales - this is the basis of any business.! The success of your business depends on sales by 80%!

As for sales, that is, 2 main channel sales channels:

  • directly client (for example: through own shopping / shops / offices; via advertising, ads in newspapers and bulletin board; through their website and / or group in social networks, "Sarafan Radio" ...);
  • through wholesale and retail intermediaries (for example, a very common practice to give intermediaries to implement products, as it does not require them, most of them will agree to cooperation).

In order to build a stable and successful manufacturing business, analyze and work all the sales options available for you. After all, you often do not try - you do not know which of the sales channels will bring main income.

By the way, use also internet to search for new customers - Many of him are underestimated, and in vain. For example, I know many entrepreneurs for whom Avito announcement board performs almost the only source of the client, and besides free!

Here are some more tips from my personal experience:

1️⃣ will always not be superfluous analyze the market , pricing and evaluate competition. As I mentioned, the presence of competition is not always bad, on the contrary it says that one or another niche is in demand by the market!

As for demand, it in your city / region can approximately be assessed using the online statistical service Wordstat. ( from Yandex. And with the help of bulletin boards (Avito, for example) you can test the demand before you start producing anything!

2️⃣ does not prevent a small business plan According to the selected idea (especially newcomers in business). Just do not need to be 50 sheets, make detailed calculations ... - From this there will be a lot of sense, because, as a rule, everything in life it turns out quite differently than on paper.

It will be enough to describe the idea of \u200b\u200beverything on several sheets, so that it is just from the inside to understand how it works and at the expense of what a business is functioning, which is important and what is not ...

3️⃣ To make a business successful very important to find your strengths And differ from competitors. For example, you can stand out due to low prices, product quality, high service level, delivery speed, etc. Describe your perfect client and focus on its main preferences and interests.

4️⃣ novice entrepreneurs do not recommend starting to manufacture any innovative goods which is still missing demand. To do this, you need extensive experience behind the shoulders and quite large investments, as in practice only 1-2 shoots out of 10 new products!

? Therefore, newbies are better to start with the goods that are already steady demand.?

5️⃣ Give your work fully and with love . It is not necessary to act in prison and with thoughts: it may turn out, and maybe not. Have a clear installation that will be just as you have thought. Of course, make your business with love for people, then you will achieve success!

4. Conclusion

So you learned about the most common and actual ideas for the production of small business! I really hope that the information provided in the article turned out to be useful for you and helped find a suitable idea for yourself!

In conclusion, I want to add, do not be afraid to start my own business - trying bolder and act! Of course, errors will be allowed on the way, but it is completely normal - they learn on errors, and not only the one who does nothing!

Therefore, more confidence in yourself and remember that the modern world is the world of huge opportunities in which everyone can take his place under the power! It all depends on you and your desire!

And the money does not always play a major role in creating and building a successful business!

This article comes to an end! I sincerely wish you tremendous success in business and life !!!?

If I missed something important, be sure to write about it in the comments to this article! I would be grateful if you also appreciate the article and share a link to an article with your friends! ?

Business in trading chains "We buy imported - sell compatriots" ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For the Russian production of any scale today green light burns. How to navigate among those who have discharged, what can small business put?


Intermediaries leaves

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small business preferred to sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, sell in the homeland. Low competition, huge selection capabilities provided high profitability of projects.

* - with an annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (Criteria of 2014)

The crisis, sanctions, high dollar and a weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: Competition increases in trade and services, demand is narrowed, yield falls. The most significant decline in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 is recorded in wholesale and retail trade, in cargo transportation. For a small business, it's time to rebuild under market changes: today in the trend production and introduction of innovative projects. It is here that many free / low-robber niches. Let's figure it out that it is profitable to produce small businesses in Russia now.

Evaluation of the current situation by industries of SMEs for the 1st half of 2015

* - The index of the current situation is the expert assessment of the state of affairs for the past period
Source: Small Business Pulse Study, Alpha Bank, June 2015

Prospects for production: where to seek profit

Imported products today are in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, domestic, electrical and other goods. Often, under the inscription "Made in Russia", the product collected from foreign components is hidden. Small business can run the successful production of any of these goods. The main thing is to identify what product, what quality and price will be in demand.

Determining with production, it is necessary to take into account and consumer moods / preferences in the B2B and B2C sector. Russians - private people buy less, save more. Replaced the direction of using free money.

What are ready to spend Russian

Russian enterprises are focused on the purchase of goods / services, allowing to preserve / raise sales while reducing costs, i.e., seek inexpensive ways to improve the efficiency of business processes, reducing the cost of products. For example, due to the replacement of imported Russian components.

What is profitable to produce in the crisis by industry

1 Furniture: chic with landfill

Italian cuisine becomes for many incomplete luxury. It's time to offer compatriots high-quality eco-friendly Russian-made furniture. Our consumer now considers money, sophisticated in the practicality of the furniture and tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap in production, competitive price;
  • fresh and original, using designer solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using the idea of \u200b\u200bsecondary use.

Furniture from pallets (wooden building pallets) meets these requirements. It may be dacha, garden, targeted for offices and create residential interiors in country style, loft or industrial. At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets, they are used as modules by designing the author's models. Secret - in proper processing. Pallets are cheap and grateful "construction" material.

An important nuance. The furniture should look like stylish and functional, not ax. Designers professionals should participate in the development of models.

2 animal products: cheaper and more useful

According to the WTCIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in the number of pets per capita after the United States and China. What is profitable to produce in Russia to small businesses for the smaller brothers?

The Russian animal feed market is growing contrary to the crisis. In the most profitable market segment - cats for cats and dogs - today two leaders: Mars and Nestle (collaborative share - 86%). They can and need to be crowded with domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that the Russians do not save on pets even when there is nothing to have. In real life, people translate animals on the economy-class feed, preferring the most useful of the available options.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - meat stuff with vitamin and mineral additives. Such feeds are used by specialized nurseries, which are hunted by knowing people and dog lovers. A single minor manufacturers are engaged in the production of "natural cake" for animals in Russia. Niche Malokonkurenna.

For the production of natural feed for cats and dogs, it does not need an expensive technological line, you can organize everything on the minimum area with small attachments.

To start a full production cycle, equipment will be required:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat;
  • molding apparatus / scales;
  • the apparatus of shock freezing and "hot" table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural feed is lower than that of industrial "drying", even if produced from meat a mechanical roller, which is used in the manufacture of sausages. Business model is simple. The main limitation of sales - at the sales point there should be refrigeration equipment.

3 Construction and finishing materials: Money from the air

Building materials market narrows. According to the research of RD Construction analysts, the production drop in January-July 2015 compared with the second half of 2014 is recorded by cement, commercial concrete, concrete, red ceramic brick: -12, -30, -15, -1.5%, respectively. Thus, building materials reducing the pace of mass housing construction - the demand for housing is falling.

The main products of the processing of old auto strokes, rubber crumb, is used in production:

  • rubber tile / paving slats;
  • coatings for sports grounds and fitness halls;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative coatings for roads;
  • accessories for cars (rugs, mudguards, etc.).

The cost of technological lines on the "grinding" tires to the rubber crumb depends on the performance, the degree of automation of the process, quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about the cost of 1 - 12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are Russian: Rastricin Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines of their own development. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - higher and product quality, and reliability of machine tools.

It is more profitable to produce goods with high additive cost, i.e., in addition to rubber crumb, pump tiles and coatings. The last two products are molded with a cold or hot way of crumbs, polyurethane glue and dye. The cost of equipment starts with 2 million rubles.

The payback period of the mini-plant for the production of rubber tile - from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, however, the investment for the start will be needed impressive. There is a more economical entry option: Many manufacturers (ECOSTEP, "MASTERFYBR", etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Tourism Products: Washing Country My Native

The growth of the main currencies and the rise in price of the cost of labor in China favorably affects the domestic light industry market. In 2015, the proportion of Russian manufacturers in this industry increased to 24% and continues to increase. What to focus startup?

Russians saved on travel abroad on vacation. Most have to be content with a local flavor and sponsor inland tourism. They need equipment.

  • tourist clothes and gear of the average price category;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing goods of the low and medium-stage segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

Production of backpacks, ventilated caps / hats, unscrewed caps, gloves, "encephalitis", thermal shell, sweaters - a profitable business. You can choose a completely narrow niche and make the production of mobile baths or thermo.

It is not necessary to develop innovative boat raincoats or jerseys-rescue vests. It is enough to do practical and functional products A la garment range "Expeditions". But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where is free niche? Compare popular with us Swedish plastic Autobobes Thule's brand with analogues - the same thing to put Rolex against ordinary hours. Thule's buyer first pays for stylish and brand. With the volume of luggage boxes in terms of production - the simplest products. Thule stand in Europe in the range of $ 400-970. The price that is not humane at the current dollar rate is already in the place of production, in Russian retailers turns into amazing: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The average price segment of the Autobobs market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) today under the sight of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Products from the Middle Kingdom are special attention: presented are widely, but the quality objectively low. Time to make autobaggers in Russia. Domestic boxes for cars exist as a class, but recalculate on the fingers (ATLANT, VETLAN, LUX). With some one - a meager assortment, others specialize in "Luggage systems from European collecting" (read: depend on the fluctuations of courses), thirdly lames the quality.

The crisis is beneficial mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all car marks) from high quality plastic with a reliable opening / locking system in low and medium price categories.

This will require:

  • vacuum molding equipment (Russian - from 350 thousand rubles);
  • press forms;
  • raw materials of ABS plastic.

Cheaper in the production of soft Autobobes from polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers. But this is already sewing production and a completely different story.

The main goal and at the same time alleged result of trade and production activities is to receive profits in the lowest number of costs, that is, the business, first of all, should be beneficial.

There are no exception and crisis conditions for the existence of an enterprise, which implies a certain test for strength while maintaining at least minimal income size.

We are determined with the customer base and the sales region

Initially, it is necessary to find out for whom it will be profitable to produce goodsand where production will be located. Successful business management is largely due to the features of the target audience for the implementation of a product or service, as well as from the regional characteristics of the market.

Among potential buyers there may be the following segments of the population: poor, middle class, elite. Accordingly, the manufactured products refers to the economy class, the average segment or is expensive. Production of goods for each social niche can be favorable in its own way: expensive goods benefit from high charges, and the goods of the middle or economy segment is a high turn. However, if we are talking about the crisis period of development of the economy, the population prefers inexpensive products of everyday demand, as well as cheap goods of mass production, often to the detriment of quality.

Regionin which produced goods will be implemented, must provide a suitable trading niche to the maximum. So, in a major city, the metropolis competition among producers can be very high, but the goods will always be in demand due to the large number of potential buyers. In a small town, either the village is better to find another unoccupied sphere, pre-thoroughly examining the needs of the local market.

Possible areas of production for small and medium businesses

The main spheres of productionhaving commercial interest for small and medium businesses will be:

  • Building;
  • Agriculture;
  • Light industry;
  • Recycling;
  • Food industry;
  • Public food, etc.

At home It will be most beneficial to produce goods that do not require a complex production process, considerable materials. Main business ideas for women:, tailoring, embroidery and knitting, production of soap, creams and handmade candles, manufacture of designer jewelry, etc. The most promising classes for men at home are the manufacture of home decor and interior items, exquisite wicker furniture, production Decorative tiles, etc. For residents of the countryside, cultivation of vegetables, fruits, dilution of poultry (, etc.) on their own population are perfect for residents of the countryside.

In crisis conditions New approaches to doing business are needed. Since the demand for some products fell almost twice, many enterprises were forced to either close, or change. It became obvious that it is now more profitable to produce its own products than to resell goods, mainly imported origin. Despite the fact that the organization of its own production requires great effort than trade, is also expected to be significant. In addition, in some industries, for example, in agriculture, you can count on receipt. However, it is important to remember that entrepreneurial risks in the crisis acquire an unprecedented scale.

If you have not registered the organization, then the easiest way This is done with the help of online services that will help free to form all the necessary documents: if you already have an organization, and you think about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant At your enterprise and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is formed automatically, signed by an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for IP or LLC on USN, ENVD, PSN, TC, is based on.
Everything happens in several clicks without queues and stress. Try and you will be surprisedhow it became easy!

What is profitable to do in the field of production

Even in the crisis, people continue to build various buildings and repair the premises. Therefore, production of building materials And the accompanying goods are almost a win-win idea. This sphere is traditionally different as high consumer demand and an increased competitive environment. To always stay in a plus, you should choose for yourself the optimal combination of "Price - Quality" in the production of finished products and subsequent sales.

New technologies orient the production sphere for high-quality, environmentally friendly energy-saving materials. So, despite the still high popularity of the installation of windows and plastic doors, continues to increase the demand for window frames and doors made of natural wood.

Malitatorate and profitable It is the production of slag blocks and foam blocks, foamflast, wooden pallets, paving slabs, parquet board, grid Rabita, nails, self-tapping, construction tools, wallpapers, dry construction mixes, water-based paints.

Mini production can be organized in a garage. Purchase of high-quality used equipment, as well as local raw materials, often from waste, do not imply large investments.

Household consumption products

Goods consumer goods are necessary for the population with any economic situation.

These are those everyday things, without which no modern house or apartment is impossible. As a rule, moderate prices are installed for such products, but due to increased turnover, its implementation will bring a stable income to the entrepreneur.

Within the framework of this sphere organize production Different plastic things: furniture, household goods, dishes, packaging. The production line is expensive, however, for its acquisition you can take, or get equipment software. Will promising and plastic processing.

Other personal hygiene objects (paper napkins and towels, soap, shampoos, gels, creams, detergents, washcloths, household chemicals, etc.) are also in demand. Here you will also have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, but the raw materials can be purchased at very competitive prices, for example, toilet paper - to organize the purchase of waste paper from the population.

A successful option for small and medium businesses in the regions can be furniture manufacture Economy class to order. To do this, it is necessary to organize your own workshop, hire a small state of the masters and make cabinet furniture from DVP, chipboard and other economical materials. Raw materials for furniture production will be cheap woodworking enterprises.

The process of producing pallets is considered in the following video material:

Favorable products for agriculture

In the field of agriculture, there may be many options for the prosperous business development, especially since it is here that you can hope for government subsidies, grants, support from the state on the basis of various programs. In addition, credit rates on the development of agriculture are one of the lowest.

Many agricultural producers are yearly interested in installing greenhouses and acquiring various types of gardening inventory. Assembly teplitz It can be made of wood or polycarbonate, and metal, wood, plastic will be suitable for gardening inventory. Such production is under power to organize even in its own garage.

Environmentally friendly products Farm enjoyed in high demand. For their production, it does not need expensive equipment or materials, just the right technology and organization, as well as everyday work. The demand for healthy high-quality foods among the population will only increase, are also interested in agricultural products of local catering establishment.

Malina growing technology is considered in the following video:

On your homestead grow Vegetables, fruits, seedlings, greens, mushrooms, flowers, breeding a poultry (chickens, ducks,) ,. As a rule, the production of such products does not require large investments.

Others ideas for opening our own production with profit:

Many entrepreneurs are interested in choosing an increasing win-win business model for organizing their own production under any economic conditions. Its choice will depend on the peculiarities of the production sphere, the purchasing power of the target audience, the region of sales and starting capacity of the business project.

The business idea for the production of belts is considered in the next video:

Total in the category: 24 species, investment sizes: from 129 320 and up to 1,123 100 rubles.Catalog of ideas for creating mini-production in Russia, choose a relevant idea to open your small manufacturing business.

The section presents a variety of options for creating a small production business with minimal investments (no more than 1 million rubles).

The format of the information provided:

  • Ideas for business with economic calculations;
  • Examples of business plans for small businesses;
  • Interview with real entrepreneurs.




The relevance of a small production business

It is believed that small entrepreneurship, based on the production of products - a complex cost and unfavorable investment. Let's try to refute these statements and understand the question - what is the mini production for small businesses.

World practice shows that just ideas, the implementation of which began in small private industries, turned out to be the most viable, promising and progressive. Recall the birth of the legendary Motorcycle Harley-Davidson or the assembly of the first batch of computers with Steve Jobs in the garage. Many leading corporations are classic examples of transforming the production of small volumes into multidisciplinary giants that bring huge revenues, and therefore small production - a confident platform for the implementation of bold ideas or a source of stable earnings on time-tested schemes. Consider what kind of production today are most profitable and quickly-demanding, as well as define a set of mandatory conditions in the organization of any production, on which the potential depends on, and subsequently the real success of the enterprise.

Where to begin?

Three China, determining the stability of the manufacturing enterprise, are as follows:

  • an interesting business idea;
  • availability of knowledge of production technology;
  • starting capital in the required volume.

As for any type of activity, for a small production, the idea is the most important criterion. Entrepreneurs begin a new case for various reasons: someone realizes a long-standing dream, and someone is trying to earn, but everyone tries to fulfill the idea that he is close and clear. In addition, to significantly reduce the costs to the entrepreneur will help the presence of future production areas, personal compound or land plots. This will note additional rent and serve as an additional argument for choosing an idea in which this property can be used. It is also important to analyze the regional market, the location of the future enterprise, as well as the degree of demand of the product.

In addition, a businessman must have the knowledge of the features and the subtleties of the way to do. It is impossible to make a profit without understanding in production. Such a business project will not survive, or will require constant financial injections for hiring competent personnel, but is another topic, and our article is devoted to small industries, which begins with minimal financial investments.

Capital availability is a very important condition for the start. Understanding that the issue of money is very acute, we will focus on the review of industries with relatively small investment costs up to 1 million rubles, but with promising possibilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of small productions

Since the production of small and its owner usually connects the functions of the manager and an ordinary employee, then the needs of the enterprise he knows not at the break and this allows him to:

  • actively react to market changes;
  • quickly reorient production;
  • create promising directions;
  • change the location of the business if necessary.

At the same time, all the decisions made and changes do not need to agree with anyone, and this is significantly saved by time and reserves, and contributes to an increase in the profitability of the enterprise, since there are no huge reservoirs of bureaucratic obstacles in small industries, consistently accompanying large companies.

Along with the advantages of mini production, there are also disadvantages, which are mainly in ruin risks. But such is the prose of life, and entrepreneurs, seriously carried away with a small business, competently leading the economy and predicting the prospects for its development, achieve excellent results.

Successfully implemented business ideas

Real, efficient business ideas with minimal investments in production in 2015 exist in each direction - in the creation of food and non-food products. As a rule, lines for the production of products, such as pasta, meat semi-finished products, etc. - Pretty expensive equipment, naturally, that the cost of such a line will be considerable. The smallest investments require narrow-profile production, in which expensive equipment is not used. For example, the manufacture of cakes to order, the main cost of which is the purchase of products, forms for baking and utility payments. And you can try yourself in the production of traditional Russian fast food in a small cafe - Pirozhkova, an approximate amount of investment in the opening of which will be about 600 thousand rubles. The average return on such a point is 1.5-2 years.

Among the low-cost industries of the agricultural direction, the most economical is growing vegetables in small areas. In our example, the costs of opening a business for the processing of 1 hectare of land and landing of vegetables amounted to no more than 50 thousand rubles. This business requires knowledge of cultivating plants, timing and fertilization standards, time of various agrotechnical events.

Farms for the cultivation of animals (tribal and meat), birds, chicken eggs were obtained. Business at the breeding rabbits, like the cultivation of nuclei hens, suggest purchasing or construction of animal premises, their timely vaccination and a whole complex of other necessary events. Under the costs of the production of eggs and the cultivation of non-sausages in the range of 245 thousand rubles. (under the condition of own areas) annual yield is more than 200 thousand rubles. And the recovery of the project is 14-16 months. With all the seeming simplicity of these types of production, there are many nuances, mandatory for implementation, since violations of animal breeding technology fraught with loss of livestock. Business plan for breeding geese on a personal compound gives a deployed picture of investment. In investments about 300 thousand rubles. The project pays off in 2 years.

Today, the small studio of the individual tailoring is currently in demand - a very popular type of production, requiring small investments (about 100 thousand rubles), the main share of which is on the purchase of sewing equipment.

Ideas for the development of sewing production can be the most diverse: increasing the yield of enterprise such exotic proposals, as sewing sewing for young mothers, ethnic clothes, clothes for dolls and animals. It is necessary to develop and repair services.

The most part in the small production segment is occupied by the construction of construction and facing materials, for example, for the production of professional flooring, metal tiles, doors, windows, etc., the workshop for the production of paving slabs or a profitable business for the manufacture of slag blocks at relatively low costs give excellent results. With investments at 100 - 200 thousand rubles. (Depending on the cost of the equipment) the return on the project is 12-18 months.

In conclusion, we recall that all listed business ideas have become increasing enterprises with another important condition - the high performance of businessmen and the large contribution of their strength, knowledge and ability to achieve the goal.