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Registration of a small parisade. Options for design landscaped fence design. How to choose a suitable design for your site

Landscape design is considered a complex process, but the task is completely solved. How to make registration of the site in front of the house and distribute all design elements in a beautiful combination? To visually expand the place, you need to know some rules. If you competently perform the design of the site in front of the house, then a small land square will become beautiful and visually large.

For visual expansion of space you can use many ways. Often the garden area is limited and difficult to be viewed to solve the problem, it is necessary to hide some objects or eliminate them at all. The plot may seem closed box due to a deaf fence. Mesh and openwork fences are perfectly suitable for a small garden, in addition, they should be issued aesthetically curly flowers.

Picturesque decoration

Often neighbors play the role of fenceThey significantly spoil all the beauty of the design in front of the house, but it is very easy to solve the task, you need to include them in the landscape design and make decorations on them. As decor, spherical mirrors are used, which will create the effect of reflection and distortion of the site, also this designer technique helps visually expand the area.

This method is called "dragonfly eyes". He converts a small lawn into a large-scale lawn.

Garden paths in front of the house

If a plot in front of the house is small, then you can apply landscape design techniques with garden tracks. This method forms the curvature of space, even in films of the fantastic genre, this method is used, which visually increases space due to curvature.

The wagon curve is psychologically becoming much longer, therefore, moving people in the garden trail intuitively perceive them in large.

Stone tracks look perfectly in combination with shrubsEven in the case of their small length and emphasis on the fence. After what he saw a feeling of continuing the path, because it seems like vegetation hides it and lengthens in an infinite distance. For a larger effect, an arch of flowers is placed, which will probably give persistence.

Manipulation with water

To create an artificial reservoir It is necessary to choose a suitable place, near the pond should not be trees with fruits that will fall into the water, and also do not have a capel on a windy place. But his location should be in sight, because this part of the design element is a component of the general type of the site in front of the house.

Mirror of water

The reflection creates the effect of visual attraction, their chaotic location will not allow a little garden to look around and focus on his attention. Several small reservoirs perfectly cope with the task of distracting guests. The little pond will reflect the sky and all the objects surrounding it..

Small ponds will not take a large area, but the effect is worth it. In order to visually strengthen the design situation in front of the house, a section should be equipped with several reservoirs that will be combined with small streams. You can also make a lake of small sizes and a waterfall on which a wooden bridge will be located.


This designer method is suitable for sections of overly small areas. The fountain is made from stone or ceramics, and it is better to combine, making the base of the fountain from the stone, and the bowl of ceramics. There is one minus: the flowing noisy water will not give rest to the neighbors. In such a difficult situation, it should be coordinated. I would be ideal if there were no neighboring residents. Then you can exercise such a landscape design.

Need to know! Place the rest area follows from the side of the sunlight. If the facial part is directed towards the West, it is fraught with torment when resting on a hot sun.

Landscaping landscape

Most believes that the placement of trees in small square will significantly reduce the space, but if you place a large tree in the center of the garden, in front of the house, the site will become more voluminous. Small bush plants will give a larger effect. This method is called - "stairway to Heaven".

Decorative bushes and trees in front of the house

Method of circular planning lies in the landing of large trees. On the perimeter of the garden plot, you can arrange a tightened greens. The resting place is drawn up under a large tree in the center of the main zone. This reception will imitate a large garden, and from the middle of the garden will be viewed a unique look.

Vertical gardening

To create a unique landscape design exists effective taking vertical planting plot in front of the house. The space is pulled out due to this method of planting plants. To create vertical landscaping, use the following buildings:

  • facade;
  • pergola;
  • screen;
  • fence;
  • high arches;
  • arbor.

Wood materials significantly enhance landscape design. For decoration, for example: Pergolas, many designers recommend curly plants, such as: a curly rose, peas, a variety of grape varieties, decorative beans. Vases with beautiful flowers also complement the aesthetics. Due to this, it is possible to change the vase arrangement, therefore, the appearance of the site in front of the house will be constantly updated.

Multi-level garden

The design of a small area can be created using wood, stones and similar materialswho give terrain a unique look. If natural materials are lacking in the garden, it will become flat and empty. For a visual increase in height and width, large floral courses are perfectly suitable, in combination with transitions on paths in the form of steps. For multicolored tracks, the 3D effect is used, for the price work is not cheap, but this method will drastically change the landscape of the site.

Not a note! Decorative Turkish beans and pumpkins look great in the garden.

Plant Locking Rules and Popular Decorative Elements

The plot in front of the house plays a large role in performing a variety of functions. This zone shares the street and building. To arrange this territoryYou should use such elements of scenery:

  • picturesque flower beds;
  • decorative trees;
  • locked flower beds in a different order;
  • fine reservoir;
  • live fence from curly plants;
  • stone statues or similar figures.

If we correctly distribute and combine different plants, then they will delight our owners for many years. To do this, use rules for disembarking flowers and plants:

Figured bushes in front of the house will become an original solution for landscape design. Special bushes allow you to bring a lot of ideas into reality with a trim and create unique figures.

The design of the palication in front of the house

For a parisader, pick up the right area. The preferred side for creating a flower is considered to be the southern direction. For arrangement, a small elevation is harvested so that water does not occlave after the rains. Most plants do not tolerate drafts, therefore, it is necessary to have it so that they are absent. Colon breakdown rules:

  1. Designers recommend placing a flower garden in a remote corner, also with the help of colors the beauty of the tracks, a porch and a plot near the entrance door are attached.
  2. An important rule for plant landing is considered to provide appropriate conditions, for example: type of soil, plants and lighting. After all, each type of colors prefers a varied care. For lesser labor consumption, you should choose unpretentious plants.
  3. Flowers in the flower beds should constantly bloom, therefore, long-term species with different blossom frequency are selected. For spring, irises, tulips and daffodils are suitable. In the summer season, the flower garden will decorate cornflowers and peonies. For late time, roses and chamomile are suitable, in the autumn season will begin to bloom Astra and Georgin. With this method, the flowers in the palitate will become flawed up to frosts.
  4. Also to create an ideal landscape design takes into account the different flower height. There are species that grow with a certain height, those that lower are planted from the edge, and high - at the fence.

Finished plant landing scheme

This plant disembarkation scheme will help achieve excellent results that can be seen already in the current year. To implement such a plan need to take into account important nuances: The area in front of the house should be located from the eastern or south side.

The fence is considered the most important background for this flower beds. Near the fence, decorative sunflowers and roses of several colors should be planted. The second row is planted with contrasting Cardinal Lobelia and Icelandic Poppy. Immediately, the flower bed is filled with the bell of the Predarch and Kotovnik, they will create dark blue colors. Blue Katananha and Red Geichera perfectly fit into the overall composition of the most recent row.

Design of living hedge

If you create a living fence from leaf fall plantsIn the winter season, the leaves will fall and large lumens are formed. To preserve opacity, plants are used for landing, for example: dend, elder, Iva, acacia and a snowy year.

To create a proper geometry for hedge from plants, it is necessary to use a housing, hawthorn and oak, and for winter species, it is most preferable to plant themselves, and TIS. These types are perfectly a haircut, with the help of which a variety of bleeding forms are created.

For a thick and dense crown, you should not allow trees or bushes to grow up. Using a secateur plants attached such a form: The top of the hedge should be a bit already foundation. Then the living fence will not suffer from the strong gusts of the wind and is not deformed under the heavy thick strata. From trimmed bushes, you can make a border hedge, which does not exceed a height of 50 cm.

By type, living fence is one-row, two-row and three-row. The first option is designed to decorate garden paths, flower beds and dividing a plot on decorative zones. The rest of the options are necessary for houses located near the roads, where you should hide from an extraneous eye a plot in front of the house. The basis of such a living hedge creates a cascade of trees and shrubs of different heights. The outer part is formed from high trees, and the inner part is planted with small bushes. Through such thickness of the greens, dirt and dust will not penetrate.

With this method, you can not only make a living fence, but also hide the ugly structure.

The landscape design of the site of the private house of the city go of the country-type - the process is no less labor-intensive, costly and creative, rather than creating the interior of the dwelling. A beautifully decorated spacious household plot or a small back courtyard, fascinating with its originality - in order to embody his ideas about the beauty of the landscaping of the local area, all means are good. Even within the framework of urban private households with a small block of land, it is possible to organize not only an attractive externally, but also practical green corner. Well, on the scale of country sites, the implementation of various types of landscape design will be limited to only its own fantasy and budget for the landscaping of the territory. In our extensive selection of design projects, we have tried to collect examples for every taste, wallet and stylistic preferences. We hope that you will be able to inspire interesting design ideas and implement your own ideas on the organization of landscape design at the country area, a native territory or private court.

Detailed Plan - Pledge of Successful Design

Before proceeding to the purchase of the necessary inventory, seedlings and finishing materials, it is important to make a clear and detailed plan for the location of all elements of the landscape design - from large buildings to the smallest bustle. After all, even the creation of the image of the site, which seems to create nature itself, requires the tireless attention of the owners. Than more and more accurately, your layout of the elements and the sequence of their occurrence on your site, the less time, forces and money you will spend on the improvement of the local area. Agree that it will be hurt to spend a lot of effort to create flower beds in the place where it will later have to lay a water supply for an artificial reservoir.

In the detailed layout of the elements of landscape design, the site must be noted:

  • buildings (gazebo, summer kitchen, canopy, veranda, summer shower, playground);
  • reservoirs or aqueous facilities (launching drainage and water pipes are carried out primarily);
  • alpine slides, cascading structures from stones;
  • garden tracks;
  • places of planting trees and shrubs;
  • the location of flower beds and flower beds (from the type of flower beds will largely depend on the organization of the design element of the site design);
  • the fence of the local area (in some cases, the zoning of a large area is made using small fences, "living" walls, which also need to be provided in advance);
  • decorative elements;
  • lighting system and illumination of the facade of the house and the plot.

Options for performing landscape design Weight, there are styles for design with their main concepts and motifs, inside which can also be distinguished by some classification. But it can be safely argued that all the foundations of stylistic directions are just the "skeleton" of the design, to which you can add your own ideas and fantasies.

Conditionally, all options for the design of the houses can be divided into those that look like the nature itself created the image of the site, and the person could only fit into the resulting picture. It seems that perennial plants themselves have grown on surprisingly organically selected places, bushes and flowers are located around them, and small reservoirs existed in their places for many years - a person only paved the paths between these harmonious elements of the site and used the lighting system to highlight the most spectacular.

The second option is a qualitative contrast - strict symmetry, verified dimensions and shapes, clarity in the location of all elements indicating the relentless attention of the hosts to the appearance of their local area. If there is a lawn in such a plot, then it is perfectly trimmed, the garden paths are stunned by the clarity of the forms, and in the flower beds, the flowers are located in the time of flowering.

Garden paths - practicality and beauty

Garden tracks are not only the necessary element of the landscape design to move on the site at any time of the year, but also the method of zoning the territory, its decoration. The competent location of the tracks will help you spend the minimum amount of time and effort on moving around the site, between its main elements. Regarding which style of the design of the territory you choose than fill your household site or a small courtyard - the tracks are needed to move from home to the garage, a gate or gate, buildings (gazebo or canopy) and various elements of the landscape.

The main requirement for a garden path is the smallest distance from one element of the site to another. Sometimes, to reduce the path it is necessary to sacrifice the beauty or originality of the landscape design element of the landscape design. As for the width of the tracks, then there is a tight rule for the main top - 1-1.5 m. For small paths, leading the owners of the site to the most hidden corners of the yard - no less than half a meter.

In addition to the size, some requirements are also presented to the appearance of the tracks. These design elements of the territory should not enter into a resonance with the image of the section. Tracks must match the main selection of landscape design materials. Upon the abundance of stone structures (barbell, fence, cladding of the foundation of the building or at all, the facade finish) will logichically use natural material and for the arrangement of the site with garden tracks.

Conditionally, all kinds of tracks can be divided into two types - solid and not solid. The name speaks for itself. The choice of this or that type will depend on the size of the site (the length of the paths) and the role of garden tracks in its arrangement (whether they are a key element of design or execute a practical role).

By type of material execution, garden tracks can be divided into:

  • stone (plug, pebbles, blocking and not only);
  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • tracks from girlfriend and building waste (from glass to used plastic covers).

Before you, an example of a garden track in the popular Steppingstones style. Elements of such a path seem to be places for installing the foot - you move along large stones or spilles logs covered in the ground. One of the practical and in this case of economical ways of designing such a track is the manufacture of concrete tiles of various shapes. Beautiful, modern and practical track can be made on their own.

Original and externally, a very attractive effect can be achieved when combining the material of the execution of garden tracks. For example, concrete slabs strictly square shapes look harmoniously in the complex with a pebble stone. No smaller effect can be achieved when combining wooden solid tracks with fine pebbles or a cloak.

Flowers and flower beds - section decoration

Flower beds and flower beds - the desired element of any landscape design. Even on the most modest in the sizes of the courtyard, you can find a place for organizing flower beds, especially since the types of these elements of landscape design mass. The flower beds differ in shape and size, location in relation to the horizon line and the choice of plants for planting. Each owner of the household plot, a country area or private courtyard will be able to find its optimal option.

Flower beds are divided into the following types:

  • regular - various plants are planted into such flower beds, blooming at a certain period of time, but are located in the form of some drawing;
  • irregular - the most popular type of flower beds that can delight the blossoms of the site and their guests the whole warm period of the year;
  • raised - differ in design features, the construction is a frame of wooden boards, stones or bricks, covered ground and the level of the horizon line level;
  • vertical ("Live" walls) - the best option for small areas of decoration of fences, walls of some buildings
  • rugs - plant landing is made so tight and in a clear order, which allows you to create a imitation of the carpet pattern;
  • monoclumba - by name it is clear that plants of the same type are located in such a flower garden.

Often, raised flower beds can be found in the household sites and in the courtyards of private houses. Which are not used to decorate the territory, but as an agricultural element - for growing cucumbers and tomatoes. The concept of "country cortics" for many of our compatriots has sunk in the summer, but the ability to rip fresh vegetables and greens to the table, overpowers modern trends in a landscape design.

Artificial reservoirs at the local area

Small reservoirs, fountains, ponds and home waterfalls have always been popular with both landscaped designers and their customers. If you look in the direction of the Japanese design of the gardens and parks, which became an example in many areas of this type of formula for art, then stones, plants and water should be present on the site.

When organizing water structures on the site, first of all, it is necessary to determine how they need them are needed - whether it will be exclusively decorative water or water from it will be used for irrigation, for example.

Plot fence - use the fence as decor

Any plot needs a fence. Of course, the design of the fence, the material of execution and the color palette will be chosen by you according to the design of the facade of your home. But the fence of the local area can be used not only as the designation of the boundaries of the plot, protection against unreasonable guests and prying eyes, but also for decorating the landscape design of your yard. Flexing plants planted from a mesh fence or fence with special hooks will create a green image of the boundaries of the site.

Combining a fencing with vertical flower beds, you can create a completely unique image of the boundaries of the site and the entire territory as a whole. Original "live" inserts from greenery and flowers refresh the appearance of even the most urban for the style of the fence.

Buildings, recreation areas and barbecue facilities

Having even a very modest in size of the country area, any owner wants to organize places to relax in the fresh air, the zone for the trapez, the preparation of the barbecue, sectors to accommodate guests and holding parties. Depending on the size of the site, your needs and financial capabilities, you can issue recreation areas with different functional background.

From European countries in the landscape design penetrated the motive of organizing places to relax by the type of Spanish patio. A small territory, most often fenced from all sides by buildings, buildings or fence is shutd up in a universal way - here you can simply talk in the fresh air, to have a snack, drink refreshing drinks, take a small group of guests and even arrange a modest party. In Russian realities, such a place for rest must be accompanied by the presence of the mangala - the open-air holiday without cooking the kebab is not considered successful.

In order to organize a place for meals, terraces or areas under sheds are perfect, in order to enjoy tasty fresh air dishes without fear of rain. Most often for dining area used garden furniture - metal, wooden, wicker. Considering that the functional segment is located under the roof, it is possible to use soft pillows to increase the level of comfort and even the organization of a soft recreation area on sofas and in artificial rattan chairs. Here, under the canopy you can place the equipment for the preparation of a barbecue. On the one hand, such an installation is convenient from the point of view of traffic, on the other - safe, because the equipment for the barbecue is not part of the main building.

Lighting site - element of landscape design

Providing the local area of \u200b\u200bthe area with a sufficient level of illumination in the dark - the question is not only safety, but also of beauty. The thoughtful and competent location of the lighting devices will allow not only to move around the plot without a manual flashlight, but also create a completely unique atmosphere of a private yard and the facade of the house. Highlighting parts of buildings, flowerbeds and tracks, steps and decorative sculptures, you can in the end, the unique image of the indental area.

Formally, all lighting of the yard and at home can be divided into functional (utilitarian) and decorative. From the titles it is clear that the first is most necessary for security (it includes the backlight of the entrance to the building, garage, gate or gate, the entrance itself to the site), and the second is responsible for decorating the territory using lighting (backlight the most prominent elements of landscape design, which can be both fountains and bridges through the pond and the most ordinary lilac bush).

For small areas, the rear courtyards of private houses of urban type and just small cottages can be quite evenly distribute the lamps along the garden tracks and hang the lantern on the building at the main entrance. For large areas, various types of lighting devices may need - from suspended lamps for buildings to LED flax for large trees and shrubs.

The lighting equipment should be all-season durable and desirable to work on the charge solar energy. When using any type of lighting, it is necessary to make a plan for placing the lamps so that the boundaries of the site can be seen even at night. But at the same time, the lighting should not be too bright - the Garden Wright of the Garden Lightweight in the pitch darkness produces a psychologically difficult impression on a person walking along it.

Another ten years ago, our compatriots were proud of the decoration of their country area or the local area of \u200b\u200ba private yard with various sculptures. But after Europe, where the use of garden dwarf and sculptures of animals began to be considered a bad tone, and the Russian hosts of the yards and the estates stopped deciding their garden tracks in this way. But the use of colors will never come out of fashion. Flowering plants in large garden pots and adhesion, bizarre vases or monolithic concrete facilities will always be relevant.

The advantage of this type of decoration is that it is possible to use pots with flowers everywhere - on a spacious area for decorating a terrace or zone for trapes under a canopy and on a small backyard, where, in addition to a pair of comfortable chairs and a table, nothing is placed. But in the realities of the Russian climate, it is necessary to take care that you have a place where to hide flowers for the period of cold weather.

The parisader has an apartment building ... Just plant a tree, bush or a flower seed and watch its growth and development. Pomeor beds can be completely simple, not requiring significant care and hassle with them related. Reclamation of a parisade 45 photos of designer ideas.

The greens of trees, flowering plants please the eyes of passing by and living in the building. It is much nicer than to see, on the bald seamless areas, the mountains of flying and moving garbage in the form of ultrasound, empty boxes from cigarettes, cookies, candies, ice cream and empty bottles.

So ... fit the landing of largers? It all depends on the quality of the Earth, the amount of sunlight, illuminating the plot, means that you can invest. Depending on this, plants are developing on the flowerbed, requiring specific parameters of these indicators. The design of the palication in front of the house - the soil can be light, heavy, nutritious, linous, sandy, stony, and so on. Reclauding the palist photo:

Plots are well lit and shaded, with a shadow, a half-dressed shadow, a deep shadow. Shadow, if solar lighting is less than three hours a day, half-day - more. A sparse shadow - the sun's rays penetrate between the edge of the trees and foliage, deep shadow - the light does not penetrate at all or very little. The most unpretentious plants for the paralisian "without hassle", flowers in the paralisader are considered in this article.

Evergreen and leaf falling

It is possible to protect the household plot from dust, gases and waste transportation, placed in a row, evergreen or leaf falling bushes of turquish, Samsit. Their advantage in beautiful simplicity, drought resistance, frost resistance, not demanding to the type of soil. Such bushes are cut, making the desired form of hedge, creating a beautiful design of the parisade.

The turquoise ordinary is a leafy shrub, its leaves grow on thick branching dark green, silver, nyazy with white border, stems. Fruits of turquish - white balls. Biryuchi Japanese - evergreen shrub with pins, bordered pink or white stripe, leaves. Reclamation of the flowers of the parisader in front of the house photo:

Large plants for the palication

The ideas of the design of the parisader for the fence are suitable for transplanted, in a row, kleon bushes, acacia or other deciduous, growing out of fallen seeds. When the required height is reached, the haircut is made, and they are well branched, growing up in width.

Perennial shrubs in the design of the palist

Perennial shrubs are a variety of foliage coloring: white, green with burglar, yellow, golden, burgundy, red, which will help make a beautiful design of the parisade. For the compilation of compositions fits firms (different species); elderberry elder (preferring soil with humus); Barbaris Tunberg, bricks with glossy leaves, jasmine. Reclauding the palist photo:

Unpretentious perennial shrubs, diverse views, colors, are successfully used in decorative landscaping of the parisade. A small list of perennials for receiving flower beds: lilac, currant, hydrangea, toll, forsilation, rosehip.

The ideas of the design of the parisade, for example, lilac - a fragrant shrub with the colors of the unusual shape of flowers and inflorescences, various color. The plant is resistant to dust and air pollution, frost resistant, can be used as a living hedge.

Currant - shrub with openwork leaves, which is used as a live fence, border in group landings. The design of the parisader in front of the house, the decorative perennial successfully grows in conditions of unfavorable ecology.

Hortensia is a beautiful bush that gives the barcode of painting decor in private home ownership and a residential landing room. Plant is very responsive for attention and care. The soils should be fertilized when landing and, periodically, during growth, but you can breed and without fertilizer, on chernozem. Hydrangea is demanding of watering, light-sounded. Reclamation of the flowers of the parisader in front of the house photo:

The frequent pest of it and other bush is the TLL, which eats all the young processes during the start of their development. Fight with aphid spraying bushes, infusion of garlic and household soap.

Beautiful design of the palist will help create such a fact - the color of the hydrangea flowers can be changed. For this, a solution of 50 g of aluminum alums and 12.5 liters of water is prepared and a plant is watered with 2 times on 2 buckets, with a break of 10 days. White hydrangea becomes blue, and pink acquires purple color.

Tollga or Spiriya - shrub. His value in abundant and long blossom, a variety of species. In the people, it is called the bride. Plant species do not require special soil, gas-resistant, frost resistant. Ristillary bushes are used in alive hedges, in curb, and with them flowers in the palist decoration.

Also used in landscaping the decor of the Forsiya landing - a fast-growing shrub with yellow flowers, scattering before the leaves. In urban environments, it is resistant to frost and winds, but requires fertile and wet soils. Reclauding the palist photo:

Rosehip - Rose, beautifully blooming high shrub with red fruits for thin soils with moderate irrigation. Used as a live elevation, for compositions inside the flower.

Wearing plants for the design of the palication

Family of housing plants includes Kalina. Kalina has a large number of species. The most common of them is an ordinary Valina, which is desired in any paralisian, is representative of the year round by the beauty of leaves, colors and fruits.

Use the design ideas of the palication, there is a barren, decorative Village Village Bulderezh. When the plant is still young, it needs sunlight and watering, mineral and organic fertilizers. Shrub prefers weakness, neutral light soils.

It looks interesting in the landscape designed by the landscape, resembling palm tree. This is a perennial who came to us from southern latitudes, but grown as annual, since not winter articles. Klecershevin is demanding of watering, does not tolerate stony soils.

Duman or datura - a shrub with huge white flowers, grown as an annual, because not coolness. The dope grows up, steels on the ground and at the same time quite high, can fill in a large plot of land, which is very good when you need to decorate the large area of \u200b\u200bthe site. It grows well in sunny places, loves moderate watering, any soil, poisonous, so the design of the palist in front of the house is better limited if in the yard a lot of children goes for a walk.

Decorative deciduous trees

Decorative deciduous trees for landing in front of the facade of the house, firms, enterprises with a variety of color and the shape of leaves, beautifully harmonive with standard landings, quite expensive, but not requiring special care. They can be attributed to: the male is ostrooty, the plum of the variety Niger, the horse chestnut, the ash of compact species create different ideas of the design of the palication.

An ostolistic male, the pyramidal is growing even on clay soils, frost-resistant. The leaves of the tree in blooming have brightly raspberry color, and in the summer become purple.
Plum variety Nigigra is a very high tree with dark burgundy leaves. It stands out against the background of green fellow.

Color paints and inflorescences, leaves of this tree, make it a good background for coniferous trees. Plum drought resistant, not afraid of gaspace and dusting. Reclamation of the flowers of the parisader in front of the house photo:

Starting the development of the country area, we rarely pay attention to the design of space in front of the house. We put the fence, make the gate and the gate - and return to the design of the palication and the entrance to the site is already much later, when the house stands, trees are planted, lawns are sown ... What is important to consider, forming a zone in front of the house? We give tips on landscape design with their own hands.

Gate and gate

The perception of the garden to a considerable extent will depend on the appearance and location of the wicket. It is advisable to place it so as to combine useful with pleasant, namely, the convenience of accessing the site and a passage to the house with an attractiveness of the view that opens from the wicket.

For gates and wickets, materials are selected that are combined with materials used in the design of the fence. Conditionally speaking, plastic wickets are not at all suitable for a brick fence, as well as the gate, made from the chain grid. But the metal and wood are very suitable materials for the manufacture of wicket, which will be harmonized with most types of fences.

The size of the wicket and gate must provide a comfortable passage and passage to the site, usually width of the wicket is at least 1 m, and the width of the gate is at least 2.5-3 m. The wickets can be solid, impermeable to explore either, on the contrary, are otvosty.

The attractiveness of the wicket will largely depend on its framing, on the nature of decoration. For these purposes, as if curly plants are specifically designed. Depending on the size and design of the wicket, it can be decorated, for example, the honeysuckle of curly, girlish grapes, actinidia or plenty roses. In the front part of the garden, the coniferous breeds of column or pyramidal shape, such as Tui Western Columna and Smaragd or Juniper Ordinary Suecica, look at the garden.


As follows from the intelligent dictionaries, the "parisader" is called the fenced flower bed or a small garden along the house, usually along the facade part of it. This is the very first garden picture that a person sees, approaching the site or leading the gate. The parisader can be an ordinary, low-pressure passing zone, but you can turn it into an independent, an originally decorated miniature garden.

Returning wall separates the parisader from the house

The most solemnly looks like panelies, imitating regular parters with low molded curls from the Kizilnik or Barbaris, as well as topical figures, for the creation of which coniferous breeds often use.

Small coniferous trees and large shrubs of the original appearance are planted in free parisades as solvents. This, for example, the fancy fir tree ordinary Inversa, column-shaped juniper Ordinary Hibernica or the golden form of the Tui Western Rheingold. In the center of plant compositions and as a dominant, bright and attractive deciduous trees are planted, such as a spherical maple sharp-hearted Globosum, grafted on the IVA KILMARNOCK IVA stammer, a wrachy elm rough Camperdownii.

The barisades can be solved in a utilitarian manner (fruit garden, a decorative garden or a garden of spicy and aromatic herbs, imitating the monastic pharmaceutical garden). In their design, it is often possible to meet sculptural or household elements, such as stone, wooden or clay figures, retrostile items: antique mechanisms, garden tools and accessories.

Parisaders "They" and "We"

Unfortunately, in our country, the parisades are generally, and even more beautiful, elegantly completed met. Therefore, it is obvious that the established way of life, which implies a high, high, deaf fences. In this case, the idea of \u200b\u200bbreaking the parisade itself is the idea of \u200b\u200bbreaking the palanisader - decorations in front of the house put on the show for everyone.

Which artistic techniques do not meet in the design of small land under the windows or before entering the Dutch, German or Belgian home! Flat steers and compositions using geoplast techniques are adjacent to, miniature slides, retaining walls and borders of a tree or stone rise. Concrete containers, ceramic vases and boxes from boards and old sleepers are hidden under the cascades of ampelnaya annuals.

Numerous facilities and squeezing surfaces with rubble, pebbles or gravel screening alternate with greens of short-haired tiny lungs. There are large stones: boulders, flat plates or angular wreckage of rock rocks, resembling islands, surrounded by a foamy approach from Sedumes, Yaskolki or Thyme.

In many areas, flower beds are dominated, in which all the advantages of continuous flowering gardens are revealed. Often there are so-called stainless elements - objects made of stone, metal or wood: extended decks-flowery, drinkers for birds, vintage plows and anchors, as well as original garden furniture from coriation or roots. Old stumps and wood spiles are converted into floral vases or pedestals.

Parade zone

The front zone usually carries the main "representation" load and determines the perception of the main object at the residential building. The most commonly used garden elements in this part of the site are partare lawns and flower beds, free floral compositions, as well as planting coniferous or decorative-deciduous trees and shrubs. In the parade portion, it is sometimes suitable for water, a fountain or other water bodies, animating the territory. It is advisable to envisage the placement of garden benches, canopies from the sun and rain or a place to relax and conversations with guests.

It is known that open or semi-open spaces look friendly closed. The shape and dimensions of the front part of the site are also important. Square, rectangle or circle preferably incorrect shape or stretched strip.

When, at the entrance to the site there is a place sufficient to "disperse the look", a house located on some removal, in the depths of the site, focuses on myself and is perceived wholely, and the partner part plays the role of rich rim for him.

If the house is put forward to the street, the partner area of \u200b\u200bthe site, it is also the entrance, at best will be reduced to the parisade. Thus, the hosts are often closed from the surrounding disturbing world and at the same time release space for its private garden, located at home. This is an example of an introverted garden intended for a narrow circle of persons, it can be found in England, and in Holland, and in our country.

The sophistication of the landscape solution of the parade part of the site must be combined with the functionality of this territory. No designer finds will be able to compensate for elementary inconveniences that can concern the nature of the road surface, the location and size of the gate and the wicket, the width and the radius of the entry road, the magnitude of the slopes, the placement of tracks and many others.

When calculating the balance of the territory of the area for the front zone, quite large areas of the compound surfaces are usually provided. If, in general, in the residential area, the solid coating takes about 10-15% of the territory, then in the parade part it can be 20-25% or more. Indeed, here, as a rule, the entrance road is located, and often parking for cars, pedestrian walkways.

How to decorate the entrance to the site: Lawns, Flowers, Vertical Gardening

The lawn is one of the most sought-after landscape elements in the front zone, here it can be quite a lot. In order not to make it difficult to care for the lawn, you should not smash it into small fragments. A single canvas of the lawn looks more solidity and is a wonderful background to place other decorative elements on it.

This advice applies not only to lawns, but also to flower beds, group landings and many other components that make up the garden. Whether it is about creating a flower garden from perennials or rocarium constructions, work with "wide strokes", the operating of integrated groups of objects usually gives a more impressive result than a combination of a large number of small decorative elements, which often leaves a feeling of fuss and anxiety.

The entry area of \u200b\u200bthe site, as well as the partner, significantly wins when used in its design of vertical landscaping. It may be arches at the entrance and on the way to the house, seized by beautiful-waving liaans, pergolas and canopies in the corners of the rest. Openwork gazebos-gazebo will be appropriate in places of crossing tracks, and the living walls of the trolls, seized by grapes of the maiden, aristoroche or a tree, will still be able to perform a utilitarian function - to separate the car parking or to close the view of the street from the street. In combination with a dense alive hedge around the perimeter of the site, the use of green verticals creates in the garden atmosphere of protectedness and coziness.

Pleetted rose on a wallbed grid

A classic lawn or floral parquer can be supplemented with wooden or metal pyramids or columns decorated with plenty roses, clematis or hipacity. The use of repeated, regular decorative elements gives the main zone especially solemn appearance.

In the parter part of the site, flower beds from colorful annuals are most often planted, arranging flower beds, Rabata or even in some cases, carpet flower beds. Group landing of beautifully mixing perennials create albeit less long, but impressive effect. To do this, use the most vivid varieties of peonies, lilies, preoccupes, phloxes, Lilynikov, Astilb, Host, Iris.

Landing the mixtures that unite in its composition not only the perennials of different blossoms, but also decorative shrubs, will create in the parter zone a continuous change of paints throughout the growing season.

Comment Article "in front of the house. Plot design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else?"

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Any country plot, be it a modest cottage or a chic mansion, it is necessary to equip it in such a way that it gives the aesthetic pleasure of its owners and guests. To do this, it is important to pay attention to each corner of the territory. Special design requires a peculiar hallway of the courtyard - a parisader in front of the house.

Landscape interior of the local area for each owner of the country area. Decorate the landroom with your own hands, if you follow certain rules.

Plants for landing

The main attribute of any yard is plants. Their choice determines the appearance of the entire site. The ideal option (with appropriate climatic conditions) is continuous bloom from spring to autumn. You can achieve such a result using plants whose flowering should be in a sequential order - for each other. Decorations can be flowers like:

A special atmosphere will be given to the local shrubs:

  • hawthorn;
  • barbarisa;
  • rosehip.

Their beautiful flowering and bright fruits will be a bright decoration of your garden.

Curly plants are often used as a living hedge in front of the street. For such a goal, suitable:

  • honeysuckle;
  • campxis;
  • wisteria;
  • clematis.

Landscaping in the winter months is possible when landing on it:

  • samshat;
  • juniper;
  • tisa.

Adjust the flower bed interior can be slides from stones and garden figures.

Plot functionality

Beautiful design of the paralisian requires a rational distribution of the territory. It can be used as a parking lot for transport or recreation area.

Design of giving with their own hands from girlfriend, products and decor

From what function does the site in front of the house, depend on the methods of its arrangement. So, two types of design are distinguished:

  1. Outdoor without fence. It is mainly a lawn with flower beds and a path leading to the house. Such a parisader can be overlooked from all sides of the site, there are no high trees and shrubs on it.
  2. Closed. It has borders from living plants or special architectural elements. One of the features of a closed flower garden is considered good noise insulation.

If for your site you have chosen a closed type of flower garden, it is worth thinking about the material of the barrier. This can be a low chicker from a stakenice or forged openwork feet. The decor of the courtyard with metal elements will significantly longer will delight the eye than wooden decorations. The barriers from the profile will not be able to decorate your facility, because the beauty of the flower garden will be hidden behind the dense fence. It is better to use a plastic fence or make the grid and put on it curly plants.

Design calculations

The design of the parisader in front of the house must begin with a preliminary design. Calculations should be based on the size of the existing land and at home. The width of the flower garden can not be more than the facade wall. Length is usually defined as 2/3 of the height of the house. It is important that the design of the paralisian corresponds to the architectural execution of other buildings in the yard.

Registration depends on the fantasy and the possibilities of its owners. It is also important to identify the style of execution to be guided by them when choosing decorative elements and plants for a flower bed.

The palication can be issued in the following styles:

  • rustic;
  • modern;
  • romantic;
  • asiatic;
  • mediterranean.

Arrangement of the country area: comfortable beds and neat tracks

A distinctive feature of a rustic style is simplicity and artificially created negligence. Such a flower garden can consist of perennial plants, such as chamomile and bell, as well as small wooden or metal fences. This door design does not require strict compliance with the color gamut and forms of decorative elements. Run the design of the parisade with their own hands in the rustic style under the power even a novice gardener.

A modern way to design a flower garden also has no strict rules. The peculiarity of this style is the use of unusual plants, more often with blue inflorescences (Dolphinium, Sage) and natural or artificial stone.

Romantic landscape design is underlined with red roses, arches and color contrasts. One of the receptions of such a design of the palist in front of the house is the curly plants, a combination of bright colors with a white fence.

The specifics of the Asian flower garden is determined by the use of only stone elements in its decoration. Perennial plants of such a landlocker must be associated with peace and tranquility. Better than the remaining plantations such an atmosphere transmit coniferous plants of dwarf varieties

The most courageous ideas are embodied in the Mediterranean style. His business card is that plants are not planted in a soil, but in special decorative bags and vases. The presence of furniture, such as a table with chairs or a chaise longue, is an important element of this style along with various lamps and garden figures.

In landscape design, four main techniques are used that will help to issue a landfill in front of their own hands: