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Magic numbers. What dreams a big monkey woman

As is known, the monkey is the closest relative of a person, and possibly his ancestor. And what if you are shot at night? What to expect from such dreams? We offer to seek answers to these questions to the most popular modern dreams.

What dreams monkey? Dream Interpretation Gustav Miller

This source interprets seen in as a sign that some mercenary and insincere people will flatter you in order to promote their own ideas to the detriment of your interests. The dead monkey prevents that all the goats of your enemies are not crowned with success. If the primate dreamed of a woman, then such a dream may mean that she will be deceived by a dishonest and false man who does not premict to take advantage of its feelings for its own benefit. Also dreamed of a monkey may be a harbinger of illness or humiliation for some of your relatives or relatives.

What dreams monkey: Dream Freud.

If in a dream you are watching a monkey with her clamps and jumps, then in real life you will find acquaintance in a certain public place, which will later be continued in the restaurant, cafe or bar, and will end in bed. Moreover, everything will happen spontaneously, and you will not have time to appreciate what is happening.

What dreams monkey. Gypsy dream book

According to the interpretation of this monkey is a symbol of lies and deception. It is likely that someone from your environment is trying to circle you around the finger. Therefore, try to evaluate people not according to them, but in actions.

What dreams monkey? Dream "from A to Z"

If you dreamed of a monkey in a cage, then in the near future someone will try to harm you. If you see primates speaking on the circus arena, you should not blindly trust everything that you hear even from the closest people: it is possible that one of them decided to deceive you for mercenary purposes. What dreams a lot of monkeys jumping on trees in the forest? A similar dream predicts that you will be forced to deal with limited, stupid, but very ambitious and self-confident people, communication with which is pretty afraid of nerves. If you took a monkey on your arms, then someone from your loved ones may soon get sick. To feed from the hands of Primate - to the situation in which you will be done very dishonest. Bite Monkey promises success and good luck in love affairs. If the disintended monkey closes his eyes with his hands, then you threaten the humiliation from people who have power and wealth. Primates hunt promises a quick and successful marriage. The murder of a monkey symbolizes the final and irrevocable victory over a very serious and dangerous opponent. If you dream of a dead monkey, torn by part of the predatory beasts, then one of your undertakings doomed to the inevitable failure. Having dreamed of a little monkey calls you not to trust a new acquaintance trying to undermine you in trust. What dreams a big monkey? This dream warns you of the opportunity to be a deceived person to whom you fully trust.

If in a dream you happened to see a lot of monkeys, then be careful! You can deceive or mislead. What else will these funny animals are shot, will tell the dream book.

Keep under control!

Did a lot of monkeys dreamed? This means that you risk involved in an extremely unpleasant conflict.

Dream interpretation also advises to control his own actions so as not to be in a stupid position.

Show individuality!

If in a dream, the monkeys were crying and loosely, then think well, do you try to imitate others yourself?

Possible, you hide your own individuality under the mask of generally accepted rules and restrictions, fearing to be not like that.

Didn't the monkeys and teased you? Your enemies feel their absolute impunity.

Miller warns

Mr. Miller's dream book confirms that monkeys in a dream symbolize false people and ones of competitors. After such a vision, there is a possibility of stopping cases due to the receipt of incorrect information.

Marriage of convenience?

Why many monkeys dream girl? Hunt to them - to the coming marriage.

If you dreamed that you were playing with monkeys, then the marriage will only be calculated. It is also a reflection of the degradation of the personality and spiritual regression.

If in a dream I had to run away from the angry monkey crowd, the dream book thinks that problems and misunderstanding will arise in the service.

Decoding by sight

Interpretation of sleep needs to be done, taking into account the belonging of animals to one way or another.

  • Martyski - do not believe unfamiliar people.
  • Gorilla - Be careful.
  • Chimpanzee - prove your right thing.
  • Gibments - a difficult conversation.
  • Orangutans - the old conflict will be resolved.
  • Human-like - need to seek development.
  • White - get a new position.

Take up for business!

If in a dream it happened to watch monkeys, then I will learn from decision, your duties or some kind of work.

Dream Interpretation advises immediately take himself in hand and start acting. All you do now will bring incredible fruits.

Change the job!

Did you dream of a lot of monkeys sitting on one palm? In real life will have to change the place of work, but the new colleagues will not hurry to take you into your circle.

Perhaps to see monosheys, aimlessly swinging on Liaan? Dream Interpretation is confident that you have to communicate with limited and careless people.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

Monkey - reflects the main innate human qualities, not touched by upbringing. Symbol of lowlands.

Being among the monkeys - to undergo ridicule of others or bad influence.

Eastern Dream

What dreams monkey in dream of dreams?

You will see a monkey - be alert: Lytz will try to laugh at you in trust to fulfill their insidious designs.

Dead monkey - dream of a safe resolution of the situation.

A young woman's dream about a monkey - hints: Her beloved doubts her loyalty. Therefore, if a woman wants to preserve a relationship, she should agree to marriage.

Children's dream book

Monkey - To a fun party with friends or some holiday that you will celebrate fun and interesting.

Idiom dream book

"Martishkin Labor" - useless work; "Monkey" - profanation, crumple, depreciation, deception.

Female dream book

The dream in which you see a monkey - means you should look at your chosen one, most likely he does not trust you about it, if you love him very much, try not to refuse him and quickly get married for him.

Italian dream book

Monkey is an animal that is often associated with a person. This image is used by "In Sy" to designate the emotional relations of a person who, with a logical, rational point of view, have all aspects of positivity, but in terms of the needs of the body they are completely false, that is, emotional relations are similar to pretending.

Lunar dream book

Monkey - have an enemy.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why dream monkey?

Monkey - get into a delicate funny situation.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Monkey - Infantile Children's Individual Character Side. Archetype Trixker (Hanuman - the God of Monkeys).

Russian dream book

Monkey - a new acquaintance, how it will, depends on how the monkey behaves in a dream.

Russian People's Sonniest

Monkey - the personification of tricks, cunning and bad features.

The image of a monkey in your dream - indicates that you are faced with a bad, vicious person.

Family dream book

The monkey - dream of someone's flattery: false people will be in every way to please you for their own mercenary purposes.

Dead monkey - dream of a complete defeat of enemies.

A woman who fought a monkey in a dream - in revealing some kind of hypocritical man.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey - a disease or humiliation of someone from loved ones.

A small monkey, deftly clipping on the tree - warns about whose treachery.

Slavic dream book

Monkey - to unreasonable hopes.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if a monkey is dreaming?

To dream a monkey is a sign that false people will strive for the help of a stay to achieve their goals.

A dead monkey - dreams of the fact that your worst enemies will leave the scene and will not annoy you.

If a young woman dreams a monkey - she should agree to an early marriage, since the lover will suspect her in infidelity. To see a woman in a dream that she feeds a monkey - an unfavorable sign: they will betray her lets.

Dream 2012.

Monkey - reflection of the imitation at all. The need to perceive life is not too serious.

Dream of the XXI century

What did the monkey dreamed in a dream?

To see in a dream a marty and play with her - means that you are surrounded by enemies - sly, but weak.

An irritated or monkey persecuted by you is a symbol of a cunning, malic grid man.

Play with a monkey in a dream - to the upcoming marriage for the calculation, spiritual regression, degradation.

To see a dead mardy - means a dubious success, laughter through tears.

Kill a monkey - it means to do brutally and then suffer from it.

If in a dream you see the monkeys in the cage - the failure strip in your life will finally be replaced by success.

If someone plays with chimpanzees in a dream - distrust of you and suspicion of your friend have a soil.

Get frightened in a dream to the gorilla pursuing you - to trouble, unkought accusations of you from colleagues or leadership.

Dream of Future

A monkey is an enemy who is currently powerless to hurt you any evil, but will try to land and deceive to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

Dream interpretation for lovers

If this animal will dream of a girl or a young woman - this means that it will suspect her beloved in treason and will require immediate marriage.

If a girl or a woman in a dream feeds a monkey - it means that it will be a victim of a hypocriser.

Sonnie Grishina

To be among them - the dark influences on your spiritual life.

Furious in rage - to have a painful struggle with himself.

Clean the monkey - the disease.

To kill her - to cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

Monkey - can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Monkey - Do not do a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend.

If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night - be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on the palm - you have to change the job, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

The monkey teasing of you - your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions.

If this dream dictates to you on the night of the Sunday - the value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dance Deniz Lynn

A monkey is a sign to give the will of the oval, playful and lively aspects of self. Be reckless and unexpected. Play, do not perceive life too serious!

The expression "monkey" - means thoughtlessly imitate another. Who do you imitate? The other can be a very useful exercise. But having written insert, do not forget to become yourself, do not be afraid to differ from the rest.

Monkey can mean - imitating other and unwillingness to look for their own ways. Are you afraid of showing your personality and live according to your own truth?

Monkeys can symbolize - primitive power. Do you want to demonstrate your strength in this way?

Dream interpretation for bitch

Monkeys - you want to deceive, do not trust the lecape.

Little Monkey - Be careful in your actions.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Monkey in a dream - symbolizes nonsense, primitive trick and rudeness.

See her in a dream - a sign that you may have a rather unpleasant conflict. After such a dream, closely look at the people who surround you. You will also not hurt to control your own actions.

To beat a monkey can - mean that your own misses or someone's stupid tips from the outside are able to destroy your plans.

Health Dream Interpretation

See monkeys - in your surroundings are false lets, deceivers and the focus, from which the danger comes for you; Bite monkey can mean disease.

Dream of love relationship

If you dreamed of a monkey - this means that you are waiting for acquaintance, which will begin with nothing noticeable campaign in the cafe, but will end in bed. You will not come to mind for a second that events will be chosen in a similar way. You will not be able to assess the correctness of your actions, as everyone will happen very quickly.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

Monkey - enemy; beat her - defeating the enemy.

Dream Miller

For a woman to see in a dream that she feeds a monkey - means that a hypocritical person will be hoping with her.

Having dreamed of a monkey - sometimes the disease is promulit or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a little monkey, deftly scraping on a tree - this dream warns you: someone's treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Chinese dream book

Mountain Monkey - foreshadows the resolution of litigation, conflict.

White Monkey - foreshadows achieving a higher position.

Dream interpretation about animals

Monkey - impersonates shamelessness, housing, maliciousness, lower instincts.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What to see a monkey in a dream?

Seen in a dream of a monkey - warns from the regrunches of small and small people who are clever a soda, if she sits in a zoo cage.

Speakers in the monkey circus - they say that you are in vain to trust you by the Lestians.

Jumping on the trees in the tropical forest of your dream monkey - a sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey on the hands - foreshadows a disease of someone from your relatives, feed it - with you will come in Swing.

If a monkey bit you in a dream - the success in love awaits you.

A monkey, which closes his eyes to his hands - you will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt for monkeys - to a quick marriage. Kill a monkey - overpower a serious opponent. A dead monkey, which predators tendrate - try to crash in a new start. Monkey disappearing in the mouth of Python - surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

Little Madushka - warns not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, stroking the Martex - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream of chimpanzees or orangutan, peacefully mindful - find yourself right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream - calls for caution and diligence in communicating with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a grinding gorilla flush - you will suffer from envious.

Dream of a modern woman

A monkey in a dream - warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests.

A dead monkey - foreshadows a complete defeat by your worst enemies.

Sometimes a monkey - dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall.

A small monkey, deftly working on the branches of the tree - warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

If a monkey dreams of a young woman - this means the likelihood of treason from the beloved. Maybe you should not hurry with a wedding?

If a woman feeds a monkey in a dream - a dishonest act from a hypocritical person is possible.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Monkey - powerless enemy; see a lot - the lets surround you; Jumping and climbing - deal with stupid people; Kill - defeat a stubborn opponent; Be bite (for young) - love, for older - illness.

Dream Stranger

Interpretation of sleep: Monkey in the dream book?

Monkey - treason, trick, deception; Manoid - spiritual degradation.

Dream "Fedorovskaya

To see a monkey - means that a false person can meet on your life path. Well, if this person is unfamiliar to you: you will be able to quickly navigate and reduce "no" all his efforts to promote their own business to the detriment of your interests. Much worse, if this person will be your close friend: it can happen that you will not understand his malignancy on time.

If you dreamed of a dead monkey - Refect! All your most evil enemies will in the near future will crash in all directions of their worthless life.

If the monkey dreamed of a young woman or a girl - it means that it was time to remind her beloved about marriage. The missed time can lead to the fact that your groom, yielding to undesirable temptation, will give you a reason for suspicion of infidelity.

For a mature woman to see a monkey in a dream - it means that she prigerated a man on her breast, which will be offended with her ugly and dishonest.

The jumping monkey you saw in your dream - indicates that someone from your loved ones threatens short-term disease or danger to get into the humiliating position.

Seen in a dream Little monkey, which climbs on a tree - says that this your dream warns you from someone else's treachery, which can apply to you a painful wound if you are not attentive and caution.

Dream of Freud.

To see a monkey in a dream, watch her clamps and jumps - promises you a close acquaintance that will start in a public place, will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to appreciate the correctness and necessity of what is happening.

Dream of flowers

Monkeys - enemy, deception; feed - betrayal; For a woman to see a monkey - infidelity.

Dream Ezopa

Monkey - is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices. It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person? To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you are walking with a monkey on the street - you have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

To see in a dream dressed as a man, a monkey - a sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you can't eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for the curving, building grimace monkey - the head of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what really does not exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey - in a short time you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watching the grooming monkey's leyanam - a sign that in reality you are waisted to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream a monkey - means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and please contact what life gives.

Dream Sheremeinskaya

Monkey - deception; feed - you can betray; For a woman to see a monkey - the infidelity of a loved one.

Ukrainian dream book

As a monkey dreamed, these are some trouble, a friend will deceive.

Gypsy dream book

Monkey - symbolizes deception. Such a dream means that there are business associations, seeking you to inflate judge about their friends in their actions, and not according to.

Esoteric dream book

Monkey see - Your curiosity requires satisfaction.

In a cage - excessive curiosity can lead to trouble. Do not recognize what you did not intend.

Online dream book

Sleepness: Monkey in Dream?

By dreams, a monkey is a warning that people can sometimes behave dishonestly, striving for anything to achieve their own.

If she sits in the aviary - your life will finally change for the better.

You want to catch her - in the near future go under the crown.

He dreamed that the monkey bites you - you are incredibly lucky in your personal life.

If it is non-fat - your unfriendlies will not harm you, in the near future you can not even remember them.

A monkey

Dream Miller

See in a dream monkey - Means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - Means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

This means that it must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman see in a dream that she feeds a monkey - It means that a hypocritical person will be honest with her.

Dreamed monkey - Sometimes the disease is promulit or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a small monkey, deftly scraping on a tree - This dream warns you: someone's treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Sonniest Medea

A monkey - reflects the main innate human qualities, not touched by upbringing. Symbol of lowlands.

Be among monkeys - We are subject to ridicule of surrounding or bad influence.

Dream of Freud.

See a monkey in a dream, watch her clips and jumping "It promises you a close acquaintance that will start in a public place will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to appreciate the correctness and necessity of what is happening.

Dream lovers

If this animal will dream of a girl or a young woman - This means that it will suspect a beloved in treason and will require immediate marriage.

If a girl or woman in a dream feeds a monkey - This means that it will be a victim of a hypocriser.

Dream Ezopa

A monkey - It is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices. It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person? To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you walk with a monkey on the street - You have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

See in a dream dressed as a man, monkey - A sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you cannot eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for the curved building grimace monkey - The forever of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey - Soon you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watch the leyan monkey - A sign that in reality you are lazy to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream monkey - Means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and content with what gives life.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Monkey in a dream - symbolizes nonsense, primitive trick and rudeness.

See her in a dream - A sign that you may have a rather unpleasant conflict. After such a dream, closely look at the people who surround you. You will also not hurt to control your own actions.

Beat a monkey can - Means that your own misses or someone's stupid tips from the outside are able to destroy your plans.

Female dream book

Sleep in which you see a monkey - Means that you should look at your chosen one, most likely he do not trust you about it, if you love him very much, try not to refuse him and quickly get married for him.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A monkey - Do not make a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend.

If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night - Be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on palm tree - You have to change jobs, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - Do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

Sculpting, teasing you monkey - Your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions.

If this dream is dreaming of you on the night of Sunday - Its value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Monkey - You want to deceive, do not trust the lecape.

Little monkey - Be careful in your actions.

New family dream book

A monkey - Delightened to someone's burst: false people will be in every way to please you for their own mercenary purposes.

Dead monkey - Delightened to the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman is dreaming a monkey - she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

Woman feeding in a dream monkey - In reality, some kind of hypocritical man will deceive.

Sometimes sleep about a monkey - Slute disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones.

Little monkey deftly scraping on a tree - warns about whose treachery.

Modern visible dream book

See a monkey - This is a sign that false people will strive to achieve their goals.

Dead monkey - It will dream that your worst enemies leave the scene and will not annoy you.

If a young woman dreams a monkey "She should agree to an early marriage, as the Beloved will suspect her in infidelity." Woman see in a dream that she feeds a monkey - An unfavorable sign: Sheets will betray her.

Eastern female dream book

See a monkey - Be alert: Lytz will try to go into confidence in your trust for the performance of your insidious designs.

Dead monkey - dream of a successful resolution of the situation.

Young woman sleep about monkey - Hints: Her Beloved doubts her loyalty. Therefore, if a woman wants to preserve a relationship, she should agree to marriage.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

A monkey - Let's get into a delicate funny situation.

Children's dream book

A monkey - To a fun party with friends or some holiday that you will celebrate fun and interesting.

Full dream of a new era

A monkey - Reflection of imitation at all. The need to perceive life is not too serious.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seen in a dream monkey - warns from the regrunches of small and small people who are shyweed, if it sits in a zoo cage.

Speakers in the monkey circus - It is suggested that you are in vain trust the legents around you.

Jumping on trees in the rainforest of your dream monkey dream - A sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey - foreshadows someone from your relatives, feed it - Swinian will come with you.

If in a dream you were bitten by a monkey - In reality, success in love is awaiting you.

Monkey closing his eyes hands - You will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt a monkey - To a quick marriage. Kill monkey - overpower a serious opponent. Dead Monkey, which predators - Take up the collapse in the new endeavor. Monkey disappearing in the mouth of python - Rent a love captivity without much resistance.

Little Marty - warns not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, stroke Myshi - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream chimpanzee or orangutan, peacefully configured - We will be right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

Huge gorilla in a dream - Calls for caution and diligence in communicating with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a dumbfounding gorilla - We suffer from envious.

Sonner Simon Kananita

A monkey - powerless enemy; to see a lot - Lysta surround you; jumping and climbing - deal with stupid people; kill - defeat a stubborn opponent; be branched (for young) - love, for older - disease.

Female dream book

Monkey in a dream - warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests.

Dead monkey - foreshadows full defeat by your worst enemies.

Sometimes a monkey - dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall.

Little monkey, deftly scraping on tree branches - warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

If a monkey dream of a young woman - This means the likelihood of treason from the beloved. Maybe you should not hurry with a wedding?

If a woman feeds a monkey in a dream - There is a dishonest act by a hypocritical person.

Total dream book

See in a dream monkey - means that a false person can meet on your life path. Well, if this person is unfamiliar to you: you will be able to quickly navigate and reduce "no" all his efforts to promote their own business to the detriment of your interests. Much worse, if this person will be your close friend: it can happen that you will not understand his malignancy on time.

If you dreamed of a dead monkey - Refect! All your most evil enemies will in the near future will crash in all directions of their worthless life.

If the monkey dreamed of a young woman or a girl - This means that it is time to remind your beloved about marriage. The missed time can lead to the fact that your groom, yielding to undesirable temptation, will give you a reason for suspicion of infidelity.

For a mature woman to see in a dream monkey - It means that she has pricked a person on his breast, which will be looked at it ugly and dishonest.

The jumping monkey you saw in your dream - Indicates that someone from your loved ones threatens short-term disease or danger to fall into a humiliating position.

Seen in a dream little monkey that climbs on a tree - It suggests that this your dream warns you from someone else's treachery, which can apply to you a painful wound if you are not attentive and careful.

Dance Deniz Lynn

A monkey - This is a sign to give the will of the oval, playful and lively aspects of self. Be reckless and unexpected. Play, do not perceive life too serious!

Expression "monkey" - Means thoughtlessly imitate another. Who do you imitate? The other can be a very useful exercise. But having written insert, do not forget to become yourself, do not be afraid to differ from the rest.

Monkey can mean - Imitation to other and reluctance to look for your own ways. Are you afraid of showing your personality and live according to your own truth?

Monkeys can symbolize - Primitive power. Do you want to demonstrate your strength in this way?

Dream of the XXI century

See in a dream mint and play with her - Means that you are surrounded by enemies - sly, but weak.

Irritated or monkey perscurable - symbol of a cunning, malic grid man.

Play with monkey in a dream - To the upcoming marriage for the calculation, spiritual regression, degradation.

See dead marty - means doubtful success, laughter through tears.

Kill monkey - So it is cruel to do and then suffer from it.

If in a dream you see the monkeys in the cage - The failure band in your life will finally be replaced by success.

If someone plays with chimpanzees in a dream - Difference for you and suspicion of your friend have the soil.

Be afraid in a dream the gorilla pursuing you - To the troubles, unkought accusations of you from colleagues or leadership.

Italian dream book

A monkey - This is an animal that is often associated with a person. This image is used by "In Sy" to designate the emotional relations of a person who, with a logical, rational point of view, have all aspects of positivity, but in terms of the needs of the body they are completely false, that is, emotional relations are similar to pretending.

Dream lovers

If you dreamed a monkey - This means that you are waiting for acquaintance, which will begin with nothing noticeable campaign in the cafe, but will end in bed. You will not come to mind for a second that events will be chosen in a similar way. You will not be able to assess the correctness of your actions, as everyone will happen very quickly.

Single Dashka

A monkey - the personification of tricks, cunning and bad features.

The image of a monkey in your dream - indicates that you are faced with a bad, vicious person.

Lunar dream book

A monkey - Have an enemy.

Chinese dream book

Mountain Monkey - foreshadows the resolution of litigation, conflict.

White monkey - foreshadows the achievement of a higher position.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

A monkey - enemy; to beat it - defeating the enemy.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A monkey - Infantile Children's Side of the Individual Character. Archetype Trixker (Hanuman - the God of Monkeys).

Dream Stranger

A monkey - treason, trick, deception; persons - spiritual degradation.

Dream of Gypsy

A monkey - symbolizes deception. Such a dream means that there are business associations, seeking you to inflate judge about their friends in their actions, and not according to.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

A monkey - Happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / mockery surrounding / enemy "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see - disease.

Be among them - Dark influences on your spiritual life.

Irritated or monkey pursued by you - a cunning or malicious person or prolase.

Furious in furry - There is a painful struggle with himself.

Caress monkey - disease.

Play with monkey - Favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill it - Cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

A monkey - It can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Esoteric dream book

Monkey see - Your curiosity requires satisfaction.

In a cage - Excessive curiosity can lead to trouble. Do not recognize what you did not intend.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream a monkey - These are some trouble, a friend will deceive.

Dream of flowers

Monkey - enemy, deception; feed - betrayal; for a woman to see a monkey - infidelity.

Collection of Sonnikov

A monkey - A new acquaintance, how it will, depends on the monkey behaves in a dream.

A monkey - To unreasonable hopes.

A monkey - The enemy, which is currently powerless to hurt you any evil, but will try to flattery and deceive to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See monkeys - There are false lets, deceivers and focus, from which the danger comes to you; Bite monkey can mean disease.

A monkey - personifies shamelessness, synthesis, maliciousness, lower instincts.

A monkey - deception; feed - You can betray; for a woman to see a monkey - Infidelity of a loved one.

What a monkey dreams: interpretation of various dreams

As a rule, small monkeys in humans cause a sense of dignity: we are glad to play with them and take pictures. Largely human-like creatures like Gorilla or Orangutan inspire us, rather, some fear. What do we expect and what to get ready if we saw a monkey in a dream, and not in real life? In order to answer this question, we collected the opinions of several of the most popular dreams.

Why dream monkey: Dream Freud.

If in a dream a monkey demonstrates you a variety of cakes or corts the faces, then in real life there should be more caution. This is especially true of dating on a view of very pleasant people, communicating with which subsequently may end with cruel disappointment.

Why dream monkey: Esoteric dream book

If you are filmed primates, it means that in life you love, as they say, "to poke the nose is not in your business." If monkeys in your dream are in a cage, then you should predander your curiosity that can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Why dream monkey: Italian dream book

The Italians associate a monkey with a person's condition when his emotions are literally beaten through the edge, and in fact it is not worth anything, only emptiness and pretense. Therefore, try to avoid fake emotions both for our part and on the part of others. Also, if the monkeys dream of you quite often, then carefully look at your surrounding. It is possible that he will be a kind of primacy among him, which only externally shows friendship and positive emotions, which is actually only a parody of normal human behavior.

Why dream monkey: Dream InterpretationXXIcentury

If in a dream you saw a monkey and even play with her, then there is probably a lot of ill-wishers, enviousings or even enemies surround you in real life. Be sure to look closely to friends and acquaintances, perhaps their attitude towards you is caused by some mercenary goals.

In addition, such a dream may be a symbol of spiritual degradation or marriage by calculation, which in the end will not bring you any satisfaction or benefit. If you dreamed of a dead primacy, then perhaps in the near future you will be waiting for a very dubious success or laughter through tears. If you dream of a monkey, which you yourself and killed, it symbolizes some kind of bad act that you have committed and in which now deeply repel. Think, perhaps, it's not too late at least try to fix everything.

If primates in your dream are sitting in a cage, then expect a quick end of the black strip in life. If you dream of a monkey playing with an unfamiliar person, then, most likely, in real life you will come across distrust. Moreover, with suspicion of you, someone from loved ones, and may not be unreasonable. But if in a dream you are trying to run away from a big and furious gorilla from all legs, then in real life for your backs are building a goat and dismissed the groundless gossip and your colleagues rumors. Be sure to try to clear your reputation so that the efforts of the shockpieces do not affect the negative on your career.

Monkey in the house

Dream Monkey in the house Dreamed what dreams in a dream monkey in the house? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a monkey in the house, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, Orangutang

Feed a monkey - to deception.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see the disease.

An irritated or monkey pursued by you is a cunning or a malicious person or a prolase.

Clean the monkey - the disease.

Play with monkey - favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

To dream of a monkey - means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

If a young woman dreams a monkey - this means that she must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Little monkey

Dream Monkey Little Dreamed, why dream of a little monkey? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a little monkey, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey seen in a dream warns from the traffic policemen and small people who shy a soda if she sits in a zoo cage. Speakers in the circus monkeys say that you are in vain to trust the lecape around you. Jumping on the trees in the tropical forest of your dream monkey - a sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey on his hands foreshadows the disease of someone from your relatives, feed it - with you will arrive in Swing. If a monkey bit you in a dream - the success in love awaits you. A monkey, closing his eyes with his hands, "will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt for monkeys - to a quick marriage. Kill a monkey - overpower a serious opponent. A dead monkey, which predators tendrate, - Take the collapse in the new endeavor. The monkey is disappearing in the mouth of Python, "surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

Little Martha caution causing not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, ironing a mint - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream of chimpanzees or orangutan, peacefully minded, - will be right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and diligence in communication with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a grinding gorilla flush - you will suffer from envious.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices.

It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person?

To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you are walking with a monkey on the street, then you have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

To see in a dream dressed as a man, a monkey - a sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you can't eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for a curving, building monkey grimaces, - the head of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey, then soon you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watching the grooming monkey's leyanam - a sign that in reality you are waisted to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream a monkey - means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and please contact what life gives.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Do not make a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend. If the monkey you dreamed on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on the palm - you have to change the job, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

The monkey teasing of you - your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions. If this dream dictates to you on the night of the Sunday - the value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey dream of someone's bowl: false people will be in every way to please you for their own selfish purposes.

A dead monkey dream of a complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

A woman who fed a monkey in a dream, in revealing some kind of hypocritical man.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey is promoting a disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones.

A little monkey, deftly scraping on a tree, cautioned about whose treachery.

Sleep, in which you watch the lesions and jumps of the monkey, promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, Orangutang

The appearance of monkeys in dreams marks violation of plans, obstacles to the goal to achieve the goal.

Monkey - a cunning friend, a false enemy (more often powerless to harm seriously).

Kill a monkey - get rid of those who prevent you and are busy exclusively.

For a young woman, a monkey is a sign of infidelity (she will change, she will change, it will be suspected of treason).

Feed a monkey - to deception.

Sometimes a monkey dreams of disease or humiliation of close people.

After sleeping about the monkeys in your life, an actor or actress, a fortune teller or a person, forging documents, can be fulfilled.

A man-like monkey - orangutang symbolizes someone else's strength, influence.

Someone will want to achieve from you decisions, opposite your interests.

Orangutang striker - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see the disease.

Being go about them - dark influences on your spiritual life.

An irritated or monkey pursued by you is a cunning or a malicious person or a prolase.

Furious monkey - a painful struggle against himself.

Clean the monkey - the disease.

Play with monkey - favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill a monkey - to cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

The monkey can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey in your dream means danger, illness, the birth of an ugly child or deception.

The girl sees a monkey - to a wedding with an unpleasant and rude man.

The monkey jumps on you - to the complete ruin or death of the family.

To see an angry monkey in a dream - to the hostility with others, and cheerful - to the resumption of good relations with the old friend.

If the monkey eats something - the symbol of your poverty.

Sleeping monkey - to a foreign trip.

Kill a monkey - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in a dream warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests. Dead monkey foreshadows a complete defeat by your worst enemies. Sometimes a monkey dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall. A small monkey, deftly scraping on the branches of the tree, warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

To dream of a monkey - means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

If a young woman dreams a monkey - this means that she must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to see in a dream that she feeds a monkey, means that a hypocritical person will cost her dishonest.

The disinterested monkey sometimes promises the disease or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a little monkey, deftly climbing on a tree, this dream warns you: whose treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - how to dream a monkey, then these are some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive.



two monkeys, old and young, terrible and slightly more pretty, take turns pursue, then attack my white cat, wounded the cat. I manage to hide from them with the cat.

Yulia Dreamnik:

tatyana, perhaps your dream about aggressively tuned monkeys, says that you should not join some verbal overhannings with people in public places.



Good day!! I dreamed that at home and you and the younger sister started two little playful monkeys. Even the names were given to them - Tolik and Katya))))

Yulia Dreamnik:

Inna, to start monkeys in a dream may mean that you will submit close to yourself a cunning, flattering person.


He dreamed that he met a friend with whom in real life was dispersed. I was with my daughter, and he had a little monkey on his leash. Then the monkey fled to walk, we talked. When they were dispersed, my daughter found a monkey and returned to him.

Yulia Dreamnik:

Vita, perhaps a dream says that you are looking for a reason for which you could repent again with your friend.


he dreamed that a huge monkey pursues me, I was hiding, climbing the stairs to the room. There are two more girls when they see it, they are very frightened. The monkey was supported by a car-crane door and climbs on it. We hide from her, and she takes one girl behind the leg and examines the heel. And I hide and afraid scary.

Yulia Dreamnik:

Rita, the fact that in your dream you chased a monkey, probably suggests that you can unexpectedly get into the goats of your enemies.


i watched the one - dressed as a speaker on television, a monkey read and spoke some text with a calm tone without aggression.


Hello, I had a small pen where there are cells there there is a lot of alive and 2 monkeys dressed in dresses are sad and they are on a leash and always hug each other, I wanted to take them already took after the leash then thought where I would take them and took a puppy. What it means7


Hello! I dreamed of a hefty monkey with horns !! When I wanted to stroke her, she was frightened.


and in the previous dream there was another little monkey, which I wore a sinus. In this dream, I asked where the monkey was done, and I was told that she disappeared, and instead of her now this, horned.


hello .. I dreamed a very strange dream.
I found a casket (as it turned out in my dreams) with jewels opened it and saw the decoration that I would like to buy it for a long time, then I was looking at her a young man, beautiful, we loved each other ... But suddenly something stopped and he began to turn into a girl (we work together with her), we talked to her, and after some time my former classmate appeared nearby, a pretty young girl we communicate with her, she tells me something, and we reach out before Forests. Little monkey appears in the forest in the forest, and the tops are flying in the forest ... We leave the forest, another person appears, I do not know her ...
And I see that the monkey was filtered shoulder ... I take her on my hands and wake up

Yulia Dreamnik:

Your dream is likely to say that you will be waiting for the return of the old girlfriend, which will share with you with your problems, you will support her support.


Hello. I dreamed, as if I was in my grandmother's house. In the yard summer, and I see through the window, as 3 monkeys go around her garden. I take a bucket with water and try to pour them to leave. 2 go, and one biggest trying to break the open window, and I wake up ...


Hello. Spent a dream, as if in the metro car found a little Ozeyanka and began to look for her owner to return. Tesyanka all the time I bite my arms and wanted to break out, but I was tightly kept hard. I didn't find it, the monkey remained with me.


Hello. It was as if I found a little monkey in the metro car and immediately began to look for her owner to return. Tesyanka all the time I bite my hands and wanted to escape, escape, but I was tightly held it. I didn't find it hard, I didn't find it, monkeys remained with me.


Hello. Dreamed a little monkey. The action took place in the village at the grandmother, she was behind me, rose to the head, also from the back, like jumped there, was played, I stroked her down as far as I remember, then when I entered the house there, she suddenly jumped and ran away. . Please tell me what is this dream? (


Hello, I had a monkey who was constantly pursued. It was black with white circles around the eyes. When I saw her, I wanted to drive her, but she climbed onto the bench (I'm on the bench and saddles) and began to bite or something, whether My raincoat. What is this dream?


I dreamed that I was going on the desert to the south and I carry on myself a monkey.
Please tell me why such a dream?


Today I had a dream:
I jerked into some kind of city and settled to the acquaintance. All artists.
The situation was happening, every day the militia or mafia for the neighbors took something from their things, but
The fact that they could take on their hands remains. And at some point I began to disappear bags, their someone
I also took when I returned home. Neighbors did not know what was happening, and holding her belongings in their hands.
Then it turned out and I began to notice and people began to say that everyone was doing some monkeys, but no matter how it was impossible to catch up, "I could not. And so I needed things that were not already. I started talking to people about these monkeys (small and brown). Whoever answered them in a whisper - they were afraid to tell, as they say about some kind of mafia or people of the day, but really scary. As a result, I went to the house, in which it was the boss of this everything ... I found everything and on my way I stole and monkeys and got to the bosses, and when I was painted with him, I got great pleasure! ..
The fact is that there are few such dreams, but they remember them, as such a feeling that you live them, you like it in this and all feel! ..

Yulia Dreamnik:

The fact that in your dream there were such events, most likely, says that you may encounter substantial losses.


recently dreamed of sleep:
I am in the big monkey food in the city, to the house of my former girl, on the way there is a former friend ...
What is it?


Hello, decrypt, please, my dream: I am on some big hall or room, in my hands I have tangerines, suddenly I will meet a white fluffy, a small animal that rushes to me, I go closer and see that it is a pretty white and very Fluffy monkey, she goes to me, it seems like tangerines wants, tangerines are scattered from my hands, I begin to collect them, and a monkey bites me, straight her teeth, and a young man sitting next to me and tells me: "She bites, because What the wedding wants. " Thank you.

Yulia Dreamnik:

A dream, which was a monkey, most likely, suggests that you may encounter scammers and deceivers.


Hello! Help solve sleep. I'm on the night from Monday to Tuesday a monkey drew a monkey (small, type of macaka), which was sitting on the shoulder at the negro! She just silently watched, do not crush any face.
Thank you.


I dreamed of a monkey that came out of the cage, and she was very angry. All the surrounding people were afraid of her. She came out to me and handed me a hand. Someone told me to stretch her too. I was very afraid of her, but dare and took her hand.


I flew all night, hid from a huge monkey, many passers-by and counterparts she killed both people and dogs, I didn't shoot her and skewed it, but I could not kill, hidden in the entrances, houses, basements, found a bunch of weapons, was cracked, I waited for her for the fight and woke up, I do not play games. I am 33 years old, I do not understand ... I realized that this is my enemy that I should kill him ... She climbed home, along the roofs, on the walls of the houses, chasing me, ... What should I do? What is a dream?


Dreamed the dream with the participation of monkeys, I remember only an excerpt. I was bitten dark pretty a big monkey for the right shoulder. I tried to throw it away by strong circular movements, to no avail, it was very scared by what was happening, it seemed that her fangs here would be stuck in my shoulder, then I tried to assess the situation, I realized that there were no pain and her fangs that I don't see but I seek and seem to feel only about shoulder. The monkey clung to my (and my life) Black tight sheepskin, which comes to my knees. No longer afraid and thinking how to get rid of her, headed forward to the crowd, was approaching, and it was obscured by monkeys, a smoothie and adults were present in every pile.


I dreamed sleep as if I go into the room, and there he gave birth to the wife of my former guy. And then I watch a newborn baby - a little monkey, who already knows how to run and jump, next to their elder child: Marty Hall. At the next sofa, her husband sits and for some reason stubbornly and flirting looks at me already sitting on the chair, and I am with a detached facial expression watching TV and pretending that it all does not care at all. By the way, they actually have two children and everything seems to be ok.


i am a red-haired monkey, caught a man and, breaking him bones, twist in the ball. I hear crunch bones, but it does not stop me


I had a big black monkey, who attacked the cat (the cat is also big, unrealistic sizes), she jumped into the cat and was in her face. Help decipher sleep, just recently a lot of trouble and is very worried about this dream.



Hello! I dreamed not familiar to me girl and she was with a monkey, I pushed her to give me a monkey since I had long dreamed of a monkey when the girl handed me a monkey that monkey said goodbye to me hugging her and kissed her and then the monkey ran to me and began to hug and kiss me we went to walk with a monkey but a monkey loved me so much that all the way I did and kissed me and I was very fun in a dream


I am pregnant. And I dream all the time that I give birth to someone. But the last time I had meant that I would give birth to 3x, you can say live, namely: kitten, white monkey and fish. It seems to me this is a very strange dream and something necessarily means. If you can decipher it, I would be very grateful to you


Hey! My former man was dreamed of, with whom recently broke up. It looked bad: Very thin, gaining hair, sad. Came to me with a big monkey! Then it turned out that he leaves me (feed and care) and himself pulls the suitcase and leaves. Tsezyan in a dream was good. The impression of sleep is very sad left.


hello! I had the next dream, I saw my spouse in my room on the couch, and next to him a monkey, then a certain young man comes and says that he is our neighbor and this monkey him. He took her away and headed to the hallway, and in it as if the hatch was straight to the ground he threw a monkey into him. Then this young man began to behave as it was indecent, pester as if to me. I called my husband and he asked him to leave our house. But he was still as if he wrote to me and was imposed. Tell me how it all understands what a monkey dreamed and just do how to decipher my dream. thanks in advance.


In the heart of the heart, in the chest, I endured and threw a monkey through my mouth. ... I vividly remember the whole process of childbirth: how she slammed her in the ass so that she was crying like a pelenal her .... Everything did it myself. I remember how I fed her with breasts, and in my head there was a thought: "And suddenly she will bite me for the chest - it will probably hurt me" ... In real life, I have not gave birth to children and do not want it yet. And in a dream, my former beloved (to which I still feel affection in reality), when I saw that I gave birth to a monkey said: "You see what your intimate connections have led? !!" But I loved this monkey as a real child, nounted with her and the visa wore her with you


Dreamed a little monkey, someone wanted to give a neighbor. She looked into the window, I let her in. I see she wants to the toilet, took her on his hands and thrown into the street. When I went, I saw that she left a wet trail on the floor. I took a rag and all wiped out. Then he went to look for and did not find it. When a neighbor came and found out that the monkey escaped her very upset.


a young monkey dreamedled and I strived on my hands to burn and sometimes I could have gotten. she ran away from me and I was dreaming her dream, I took my hands and looked like a little child and when she slept on my hands, I felt bliss, like a child when he sleeps on his hands


biting a monkey


Hello, help decipher sleep: I dreamed that I was in the maternity hospital and they took me on an ultrasound and say that I am pregnant somewhere for 3-4 months. When they did an ultrasound doctor frightened and first I did not want to talk about what's the matter, I began to take me away in the ward and then I started looking for this doctor I was looking for a long time, but I found it, she didn't want to talk for a long time, but I still said that I didn't say that It is necessary to do urgently an abortion, since inside I am not a child, but a monkey, I cried even more and said that this could not be and she was mistaken, and inside me a monkey's child began to beat her legs late !! I decided to rely on fate and still give birth, maybe I have a normal child !! But everyone around began to put pressure on me and say that I made an abort. At this moment, I woke up ... I had never had any dreams and I would like to know what he means!


A large red-haired monkey was rushed after me and poked me together. And I tried to blow away from her every way


Hello!!! I dreamed of a monkey that carpets on the wall of a 9-storey house, and I just look and watching it does not fall


Two small monkeys were dreamed of someone from their acquaintances by chance for us at home. I caught one of them, and she suddenly bit his hand, turning into a second from a small pretty animal in a dangerous animal. I caught both and released a balcony. Mom offered them to handle them, but I refused. After all, living beings, especially the pets of our acquaintances, let them live on the balcony until the owner comes for them. In the same dream, a wolf and a wolf dreamed. Wolf looked at me for a long time. I thought then what is a clever animal. And the fear was not at all. I stroked her, and she went with a wolf. The wolf was dark. And the wolf is so gray with blue. Then I thought: the wolves did not touch me, and some stupid monkeys bite. Let them sit on the balcony. Here is a dream.


I dreamed of a monkey (small one), I shouted on her and she clung to my hand and did not let go, until I began to strangle it, I stifled to such an extent that she had a blade with blood. He remember, I killed her or not ... but Then I looked at my hand - with thoughts that it would be necessary to go to the hospital - and on the hand traces from small teeth and blue sublifting.

Irina Mikhailovna:

The monkey dreamed in my apartment in the kitchen ... I let her in the window ... Even two monkeys ... one for a second I turned into a dog's dog ... Then I began to wash the monkey again ... I poured a monkey on the floor, and I was in woolen socks, I said, What I can get into and told a monkey to go to a big room ... I always have a feather dream ...


There were big monkeys, gorillas, who first showed the performance, were shifted, depicted animals. Then they were whisching, ran around the city, I, my husband, the child was running out, hid in a deep earthen pit and braided there.


I dreamed that I was in some room with my boyfriend, and there was a little monkey, I played with her, then I saw it how she began to be curly, and I went to the guy and said that he looked at her, she was so shrieked so much We laughed with her. I remember that we laughed very much, and the monkey was crushed.


Good afternoon, Tatiana! I dreamed that I was with my mother in a garden (which is not in real life), which is Sadim, dig. Here I look sitting on the ground a little monkey, I was surprised and decided to catch her. It came up, grabbed, she tried to break out and bite (but she didn't work out), but then when I gave her candy. She was reconsidered. I let her go, and she returned, climbed to my arms and hugged me. I decided that I would leave her myself and began to choose a name. I woke up on this. Thank you in advance for your response!


Hello. He dreamed at first spider. He is just plenty. After a few seconds I feel like a monkey stretches to me, it starts to climb on me. I saw and seen her little fingers on my shoulder.


Saw in a dream a monkey wedding, white monkeys in wedding outfits, big monkeys descended from the sky in wedding outfits. My


two white big monkeys defended me from the doll into which something evil was broken, one monkey sucks it out of the doll


Little wet monkey, I wip her with a towel, she trembles and presses me, I bite her warm jacket


in a dream went to the sea, it was sunny and a calm, a little monkey wore on his shoulder and was afraid all the time to move it through the water


there were a lot of monkeys in my dream, and I and my classmates had a holy book, we ran down the school behind the monkeys, we needed to collect all the monkeys of the book so that the sacred book turns into the late husband of our teacher, but we did not have time to catch everyone, t .to. I woke up


Hello, I had a few big green parrots who sat behind the window to me back and one of them was periodically turned and looked at me, as if I was looking at ... When I wanted to approach the parrot I was stopped by a little monkey and began to play with me, but then She bit me, but it does not hurt.


Good evening, Tatiana!
Today I dreamed of two people like monkeys, as if mom and children, we had some mountains on the right side was a river with a dam or water boil like on the cliff I accurately difficult to remember, I was with my child, and a monkey woman was also with With my baby, we stood talked and in a dream I was very panicoval, I remember it!
That's all I remember ...
Thank you for the answer!


I dreamed of a big party as if or a holiday home, and here I come home and my sister bought some animals, and so I'm going around and watch what animals are there and I see a monkey, I walk to her, pulling her out of the wicker box and she starts hugging me but I feel so disgusting that I am this abomination of Suyu back


Hello. I dreamed of a lot of different monkeys, mostly small. As if I look at the bottom from the window at home and I am afraid of them, my mom and daughter were with me. I do not let the daughter look out of the window, because I'm afraid of how they would not bite her and try to close the windows faster.


i dreamed that I walked to monkeys and I knew it, I had the aircraft on the way. I went into this building and we were captured by monkeys, I got it, very funny (type reper) monkey and I fell in love with it, he fell in love me too. We were dragged into the "Prison of Death", this is some kind of cylinder, there are people so much, the lid closes and transport. I was transported to some kind of hospital ward, I saw that monkey, he wanted to save me, he lay on the bed with a gun, I was talking to someone and then went somewhere, and the gun left on the bed, I met me, took me a gun, got me on Hands and we ran.


in some incomprehensible house, it seems like abandoned, there were a lot of monkeys on the attic room. They looked at me on top and some tried to attack.


I walked in the courtyard with my girlfriends and there was some basement. I looked there and saw that someone runs. "I started to get from there monkeys (there were a lot of them), but I still helped my girlfriend. In results Take me home.


i saw a monkey in a dream. I danced with her, pressed to myself, took her hands. Then began to tear me and her too. I'm worried about this dream.


i'm in a clean in the bathroom, warm clean water flows from the crane, I'm trying to wash my face, but I don't feel my face. I don't see the sink mirror in him and see that my face becomes with the outline of a monkey without wool.


At the beginning of Sleep, there was a monkey, which got into my house it is unknown from where, and later she was already with two tiny young, who ran after me and tried to grab behind her legs or clothes, and I ran away from them.


i dreamed like a cat gave birth to a monkey small .. the passage was very sharp, a little aggressive and already standing on the back legs ... brown with black and dairy flowers .. I was surprised at least my cat .. What could it mean? ..


I have chaotic dreams, that is, sharp change of events and locations.
In one of the scenes dreamed a huge monkey, similar to a person (primitive). Height with a man, and spinning, with a straight posture. She went through the doorway 2 times, allegedly see what exactly happening.


we have a house as if one of our room, and the second neighbor with which we do not go, and the corridor is common. As if she had a black cat,. I opened the entrance door, to the right of which a closet is worth, why I did not know. It was dark in the house, then this cat went, and immediately went for the closet. There was something caught there and began to bite, I thought it was mouse. I quickly called my parents, then it turned out that this is a little brown monkey. For top, the dad took her and wanted to throw out from the window. But it seems to be not thrown away, and then I do not remember what it was.


this monkey was an old and my little it was a pity, and I took her to myself, she turned out to be affectionate and obedient, went absolutely everywhere with me and everyone liked everything around ...


i dreamed that we move to a new apartment with a young man, and there was a monkey on the balcony, she was evil and tried to bite me, there was a lot of garbage, and when I went to the toilet, there tech crane, and I wanted to escape from there but our dogs monkey did not bite, they became friends


sleep time modest, but terrible. 4 Little monkeys began to bite with the slightest touch to the spouse. How would it be distilled off from her husband, every time all aggressive and aggressive.


my aunt saw me in a dream that I stand near the cemetery in militia form I want to shoot it around me four monkeys and laugh


I saw a lot of monkeys with horns (or goats with a face of the monkeys) stepped on a small goat, then burst out, it was afraid that Mom Kozoynka would hit me. I don't remember anything else.


Good day! I dreamed of dream that I was died with a young man and ran away, suddenly on my way a lot of different monkeys. Everyone was nice. I went past to the exit. Everything was calm, no one watched me, then a little monkey took me by my hand. And in my opinion kissed the palm! I let her go and went to the door, and here I want to rush so old and not a beautiful monkey! So screamed! But I managed to close the door and leave. And it was calm and confident! What to dream such a dream?


Hello! Food in a taxi and see the monkey on the blue sky all in color balls, very beautiful, admire ...

Olga. Nevsky:

The white little monkey dreams, jumps around me as a crazy, rock, scammets in front of them with paws, jumps on the pope and on the hind legs. I stand silently and watching her without any actions and I remember exactly that I look at all her movements indifferently, calmly, completely without emotions.


i was preparing for my own wedding. I am 21 years old, was not married. no boyfriend. I was very psychorant, as it was not enough time, I have a dress, nor's shoes, nothing is ready. And in minutes when you need to go to the regime of the registry office, I did not have a hairstyle ... I picked up again. And I decided to go well and woke up.


hello, I dreamed that I came by bus and left near the house almost, but I found the loss of the phone and decided to walk to the bus, and with my road, where the house ran out 2 monkeys, but first it seemed to me that these were dogs, but then they The following fell behind me and caught up and started scratching my skin and I saw my blood, then I ran away from them and hid and hid in the village in the house.


Good afternoon! Appeared in the car in the back seat monkey-sits quietly silently, the dream is real without fantasy .. that I caught and planted in the car .. in the dark .. I discovered two, and it is like popping up and run .. on the market, we are near They stood .. But there it was dark and no one worked ... I didn't look for it .. I didn't have it there .. I was not mine ... since it appeared.


big barn with hay, runs a lot of multicolored monkeys trying to catch red and drive into a cage, but I'm afraid that she did not bite me, the deceased husband comes to me and says that you need to militate a cow and began to show how to do it ...


Good day! Help please express the dream .. I dreamed as if I firmly hugs and kisses a monkey.


I saw a little newborn monkey and my daughter and realized that she would die without our help. I began to feed it with milk from the spoon. Then the baby tried to return to the ape of monkeys, but they did not accept her. I was confused, took the monkey home did not work out in my plans))) I woke up


Two monkeys were dreamed of monkeys who were in collars and on a leash, sat on the floor with a snapshot of salt. The monkeys are small and miserable, I dragged them for the collars to another place, there was an old painted shop in it, I drove a nail, for this nail I tied leashes with monkeys.


i remember badly ... But I remember the monkey is my son who is now 1 months and 17 days and I still ask .. what is mocking over my son's last long !! I have a lot of dreams of tricks, but I misunderstand them


In a dream he had a trained monkey, black, large sizes. Through the door gap saw a sitting little monkey of a very beautiful red color with a black mane as a lion and a black mask on a muzzle. Litched her, she wouldingly approached, so becoming mine.


Dobroe UTRO!
Mne prisnilasj obezjanka malenjkaja, ja prijshla k komu to v gosti (pravda prijshla k sebje domoj, no po4emu to ja shla v gosti), tak vot tam na mojem divane lezal pomojmu odnoklasnica rjadom sin sidel, ja prishla i toze prilegla na krovatj i ona mne rasskazivaet i pokazivaet (a tocnee obezjanka sama vipolzaet iz podushki) i ja tak udivlena, ja ej raskazivaju 4to ja tak davno hotela priobresti sebje obezjanku, no vobwe ne predstavljala gde kupitj i vobwe prodajutsja li oni u nas! A SAMA OBEZJANKA BILA OCENJ MILAJA DOBROZELATELJNAJA, TAKAJA DAZE ZASTENCEVAJA, PEREPOLZLA 4EREZ PODUSHI I SELA RJADOM SO MNOJ.


I dreamed that he was driven by gorge. She pursues me everywhere, and I run away from her and trying to hide from her. Run down the stairs, running on the street and she is behind me. I will run away barefoot and trying somewhere outside to hide. And so I see the first store I reset the inside and hiding into the closet. She is behind me and trying to find me in the store. I hear her steps. And I woke up.


A little monkey hugged me, but she was sick, there was an ulcer on her neck. I loved her in a dream and we drove in the car somewhere


it was a big monkey who in an angry state attacked me and my friends .... After I hid it went to other monkeys, it happened in the countryside


I'm in some room (type of lynnov) Someone near (my dog \u200b\u200bseems). With the wall of the window and I try to look into it, but the one who is nearly trying to pull out and says not to watch, but I still look at all Seconds 2), and there at a great distance Coffood, then the rock and notching in her, Isitite a white big shaggy monkey-gorilla with a black face and her cubs pressed to her, at this time they are trying to push me off this window with a grid and I wake up.


I embraced with a small pretty monkey, which I was presented, and choose some pebbles from her head. The feeling was pleasant, but awesome


It was a day dream. I saw many monkeys in a neighbor house, they behaved calmly. But then one big monkey showed interest to me, and I began to run away from her. I tried to hide in the house, closed on the castles. There were a lot of doors, the castles were different broken and strong. She did not catch up with me. At the end of the dream, I understood that I had killed a neighbor.


rose to the mountain, but as Boto flew flew over the whole packs of big monkeys, they are heightened with a person, they have an average of 8-9 cm. I went to the house, immediately on the second floor then on the fourth, opened the door of a wooden man he himself gray from His apartments came out four gray people, then one snake came out of his apartment. then with this gray bald man as if flew from the window flew over the apes of monkeys, they also slept, but for some reason, everything is as one on his backs on the seams like soldiers I flew with a gray man. The top then woke up


Dreamed a big tree, I sit on this tree. I see via the river pass elephants. Large and small. I'm not sitting alone. A man shouts for me to watch monkeys climb on a tree. I turn my head I look at my leg grabs big gorilla


I somehow found myself on the island with a group of people among whom were children. The island was somewhere in the sea and initially we thought that no one lives there, but it turned out that there were fighting monkey (like from the film), who plan us to kill. Since we clearly do not want this, but you want to get away from there, we are trying to reach the "big land", but you can only call a taxi, whose operator does not understand anything. Then the island turns out the company of young people who sailed on the yacht and do not know anything about monkeys. We tell them the situation, but we do not believe.


i am a little monkey, she bitped and was spoiled by fire. It was not possible to hold on his hands and everyone was at home and mom too, but we only buried the mother. Tell me a fire for what this dream ???


i took a little monkey on my hands, but I quit a short because I ran to her mom, I had fallen to the ground and began to bite


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and see the box, and in it there is a poor abandoned monkey. I was so sorry for him. I took her in my hands and decided to pick it up. I think the son will be happy to play with her. Only, I tell her, did not shawl, not spoer furniture. She agreed. He led home and left. Then I come with a child, looking for a monkey, we can not find. Then we move the curtain, and she lies on the window and looks at us jaspean.


Good day! I dreamed that I was walking along a narrow street. Not one, some of the acquaintances shows a fence along the street, I raise my head and see several monkeys, one of them is the biggest, they sit silently and follow me. I am not in itself from what they are watching me. The biggest monkey went down to me, sat down near and quietly bit my finger. I was not hurt, but horror fasted me, she walked around, I was afraid of her touch and really wanted her to leave. Slowly she began to leave. I was very scary and disgusting.


fantastic Fantasy Sto Monkey Pass with Shufrich attacked the village I hardly escaped into the parent house and held the door from the inside in the house there was still my late father and the child the attackers left but it turned out that burned the summer kitchen I was crying - nothing to do


Sleep action occurs in the house of the deceased: on the attic of the grandmother's house of the flock of white monkeys, bought by grandfather and named digit-100. I am pouring to the house on horseback and fearing sighing the monkeys, getting out of the horse. Grandfather announces me that I bought us a white car and that you can sell it for 100 T.Prow. And then the action else is happening: next to me a lot of thoroughbred white puppies, I do attempts to fly, I get and I fly short periods and landing.


The monkey jumped on the balcony on clothes on the rods, then climbed the balcony to the neighbor. It turned out to be her monkey. The monkey was kind.


the monkey catches the fish on the fishing rod and there are 3 little fish on it. Sits by the sea on the sand. The sea is blue, calm.

alyosha I am 10 years old:

i dreamed of a monkey in the castle flock of Nagolone and I already fight with a monkey and she goes enough of me, I pull out two teeth and then she screams for a short time and then takes me and tickle my armpits and bit my nose sauce and a pathe with a monkey and how the bootto we are talking about that like a bootto she wants me to kill Ipat she lies on the sofa and suddenly the hands of the hands became like the abbezz and mouth and lips squeezed like a bootto She put on glasses and got up and began to go to me and wanted to kill me I woke up and shouted .........


Hello! I'm going on the car on the road, in the distance I saw big monkeys, like gorillas, there were a lot of about 30. They went straight on me a column, the first rows were broken and missed me. The last rows did not want to skip me and I started throwing them stones, they reluctantly moved away. I woke up on the last row and I did not remember, I passed through them or not.


i had a dream with such. in a dream, before going to bed, I put on a bed to myself 2 boxes one was with a snake and the second with a monkey and fell asleep, then I did not see that the snake opened the box and enlisted, then I wake up in with not from the fact that On the bed saw the snake without head and tail ...


Good afternoon, Tatiana! The old car dreamed, I open the door, and I hold the rabbit in my hands, I look, and I see that this is a rabbit, he hugs me in a dream too. I feel how it is pressed. Then I dream that I look somewhere aside, and I see a small monkey in a cage, in her hands she was playing. Surprisingly, she calm, sits, despite the fact that the cell is very close, and I tell someone that it is necessary to transplant it into a more spacious cage. In response I hear that how it was taken from somewhere in this cage, the plans changed, and no one began to transplant. I go closer, and notice that it runs the many ants, a lot, a lot. In a dream, I begin to hide from thought or in fact, moved to me. Get rid of it, and again in your hands only a rabbit, which periodically turns into a cat. In the context, I keep the rabbit again.


Tatiana, hello! I had a dream on Wednesday. Now I live in Moscow, before that, 5 years ago I lived with my relatives in the Urals. In a dream, I clearly saw how my dad gives me the best about my birthday about 5 or 6 monkeys, letting them in the apartment and they begin to run through her, it turns out in the house where I used to live. My dog \u200b\u200band my cat starts to suck them out, the cat beat on the face of the monkey, I clearly saw that they don't like them. More recently, about a month ago, my cat began to shit in the apartment and not to love me, then I got sick, I treated him and then I gave my acquaintances everything became good. And it seems to be before that, I also had a dream with monkeys and I honestly remember him badly and did not apply this value. Tell the povuist to what this dream will be very grateful to you !!! thanks in advance.



two little monkeys alone red other black, I need to feed them. I come to them, but the redhead monkey fell ill.


He dreamed that my teacher geography gave me a little monkey, she was first afraid of me, everything happened at school, then I took her paws in my hands and she bit me


In a dream, I saw as a monkey caught a small bird, on the water, and at that moment the eagle flew and hung in flight over the river.


a monkey sang a song and there is a grandmother sold flowers. The friend who died he leaned toward me and said the current. I walked with a stroller empty. I was in red shoes and big heels. I was joined by the guys and I only woke up


I go on the green park, and near each tree went down the monkeys and meet all the people who comes up with a monkey firmly hugs and kisses them in the cheek. I came up so hard kisses me on the cheek as if her mouth suckers, and my husband photograph me very happy What I see these cute monkeys. When I leave and meet my sister with my brother and emotionally I repent about monkeys lovely to go to them.


i had a black monkey, I wore her on my hands. She was like a child. Everywhere went after me. It can even be said from hand not cooked.


I dreamed of a little monkey - a cub, for which I just watched. She did not show special activity.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a son (formerly, at the moment, my husband). With whom we often meet now .. I have a dream for me not the first time .. what could he mean?


I suddenly appeared in my house a big shaggy monkey with dark wool, with the reasonable and speaking, rather not even a monkey, and a snowman. But for some reason I decided that she (or rather, he) Monkey ... ..
And at night he disappeared, we were looking for him with a friend. I was looking for, but I did not find it, and in the morning he himself was announced and to the question where I spent the night answered that in the basement ...... I explained to him that in the basement I was not going to spend the night and allocated a separate room than the monkeys remained very satisfied ... .. He offered him to teach him to read, but he politely refused, after which I woke up.


i saw a black young monkey, she was hand and we played her tweak, and she laughed like a man.


i dreamed, I'm going on a train, I see it seems to be one car, one car separated and got off the rails, in it more than 50 people died, moving on. Suddenly, the monkeys appear on the rest, and as with the mind they kill people, biting them. I saved all sorts of ways, but in my opinion, without killing them, but as if carefully reminding them. Further, the train seems to be stopped and I went away with the trees and the dream ended


And I and my husband yesterday dreamed of monkeys. I saw her in a white forest with white bananas. And her husband dreamed brown, she bites him for his finger and did not let go. Then someone poured her water and she let go.


Big, very good monkey! I love me very much! They came out to the street and she jumped into a smoking car and hurt very much (cried into a voice as a person (bruise on her nose, the forehead is very deeply ....


The monkey was dreamed - which sat at the entrance and cried together with empty cups from food, I realized that it was thrown, I regretted it and took it and went to her in the elevator, in which other people were driving and my dog. I'd hardly rummet with me in an elevator


bought a monkey. The street was summer and very warm and good. I went to some park with her, walked, met a lot of my friends. All her covers and she really liked everyone. Then she kissed me on the cheek of Toli on the lips, like a friendly


I'm getting married on Friday. And today I have a dream very disturbing. There were several intersecting plots, but the brightest: we are brought in the room (maybe at home, or visiting, it is not clear) and two monkeys, male and female. My groom stroked the female and at that moment the male attacked him. Deeply scratched the face, to the blood, clung to the dead grip. I hardly dragged the monkey. I know that a sign, and you need to fear. But me or faint, and what?


My young man leased a little monkey, first I played a sniff and she was in my hands, then she attacked my young man they fought and he killed her.


I have a monkey and I will dream several times that he runs away, and I run behind him and cry and can't catch it .. There is a surgery for the operation of nonsense .. Does it mean .. what he will not transfer it and dies.


Autumn, clear day. I and a few more people stand at a pedestrian crossing against university and wait for the green light. And then I notice that someone has someone on the grass on the grass, I thought that a person, because The body was corporal as a human skin. And then this "man" stands up and it turns out that this is a monkey. She is not afraid of people, runs around, as if teases. You begin to approach her close, she runs away. I decided to go to the university, because Here we are trained in teachers and there is a biological faculty, I decided that if we caught it, they could then attach it. On the first floor I meet a woman, I tell her and she agrees to help me catch a monkey. She leaves the class, says that now comes and we go with the package to catch. I do not remember how we caught her and planted in the package, she did not try to escape.


Hello! I dreamed of a monkey, which I kept on my hands and stroked, at first she was calm, then bitten.


Roof of a three-storey building (kindergarten). Slate new, light ... At the very top sits the worker (tidy dressed, the faces are not visible, sitting back) and scores a nail into slate (allegedly threw a strong wind on the eve) ... Next to him, just below, sit the little beautiful monkey - a girl in color Sarafan.


i am at home with children in the room, and in other rooms there were monkeys, different sizes, they were supposedly brought in the photo session, monkeys were not in the cells, sat at different places, my attention was drawn to the fact that they were clean, straight smooth wool And brilliant, in a dream I experienced that I was alone with children and monkeys without a trainer. The big monkey began to walk around the apartment and I was very afraid that she would see us. Another dream who was passages.


Good day!
The day before yesterday drew a strange dream: as if I was on the street of a big city, there I was found a huge monkey (it seems, Gorilla) in a human mask. She began to attack me, I was forced to retreat for some time, but then, defending myself, I had to kill her.
There is a premonition that it is a very bad dream.
Thanks in advance for the answer.


the shore of the sea, on the edge of the water goes my mother and dad and my son walking. see a monkey (from which you can take pictures) and 2 men (photographer and assistant), my son stretches his hand to stroke a monkey she wants to bite him he turns her back to escape, she jumps on his back and wants to bite, photographer and My dad (grandfather) and mom (grandmother) are trying to drag a monkey, she breaks out and starts to run away, along with her the photographer and his assistant, and my mom runs with a leash of the monkey and harms them. Mom runs in a long red dress, they can not escape from her and jump into the sea, she is behind them, but he understands that they will not catch them in the water, gets out of the water and goes back ....


Hello! One sleeping monkey was dreamed on the bed on the bed she was sitting asleep and sometimes opened his eyes the second at the head, but I did not see her, but the presence turned her head toward her husband and was afraid and I was afraid and she was touched before the neck I was very afraid Then the mother-in-law entered the beddown began to bypass our bed with two strands in the hands of a water bottle splashing that in my direction then in him, but when she entered the monotheologicals went as if she was sitting on the part of her husband, but I didn't see them for sure I remember exactly


Hello! I dreamedled the river in which the mermaids swam, they tried to drown some kind of woman, I saved her, crossed the river and got it into the forest, or in the jungle, and there were several monkeys that jumped in front of me. I saw a few leeches, who could not be chopped ... Then he left this forest, found her husband and the dream was over.


I dreamed that a small color exotic monkey, ran up to me and hugged me at the neck. Then we went with her, I was looking for something.


My name is Alia. I remember this dream, because nothing like that did not dream with the participation of animals, monkeys. I plot in a dream at the hotel, on his stairs down and upstairs. And when it was going to leave the hotel, in which he stopped only for a few hours, downstairs on the stairs, in the aisle, saw a little monkey, a little, as it seemed helpless, cub curtains, I took it on my hands, prigid, didn't want to leave him ! In turn, he also rubbed to me, hugged. But I was in myself the strength, put it on the floor with the words: I don't want it, but it's time for me to go, baby. And your home is still here. And trying not to look back, I began to move towards the exit. But the baby stubbornly went after me. And some other cat joined him. I literally ran into the courtyard. And they all went after me. Here in the yard I came across a group of dogs. The first dogs who went to the meeting were very large and Giant. For them smaller and so on. Just somewhere 8 dogs. With her appearance, they were driven by a monkey and a cat. I relieved my motorcycle with relief and gathered to leave. That's all.


He dreamed that the monkey got into my balcony. I saw her and went back to the apartment, but immediately remembered that I left the phone on the balcony and returned to him. The monkey took him and run away, and I will float it and tried to pick up with her by force.


i saw a monkey in a dream, a beautiful big house and a Korean singer. He looked at me laughing


I had a dream that the monkey runs after me and she scratched my legs I was very afraid I was afraid I ask you to answer this question but very quickly what this dream is okay


Dreamed from Saturday to Sunday. We have a big monkey at home, I sat sad, I stroked her head. He or she got up and hugged me, began to kiss. I tried to call my husband, but the voice was quiet, almost in a whisper. I am for panicoval and woke up.


i carried a monkey in my arms, I checked that she was male. Colors of fawn. Added and woolly remained on hand


Hello sleeping for sure I do not remember but I will describe it. first as if it was a man rushed with stones from a slide and I was in the bottom of her slides, but he didn't get on me, I was drunk from the stones and then it was strange that it was a monkey and rushed to bite me for the left hand I touched her from my hand Right for hair and woke me up! What is this dream?


came to a beautiful apartment and there was a well-kept and calm monkey. I am her gladila


i saw a lot of monkeys, they were on top of the ropes, and one of them bit me


In Confrontier, I found in the floor three tabs small one white with orange stains and two pure black


Please tell me why there is a dream of a monkey, where she was born 2 million monkeys


Hello! I had a dream in which I saw, as something similar to Houdua, high. Shamata black monkey, tried to catch me. At the same time, she walked viciously. The action happened in some kind of house or apartment, I ran around the rooms and covered with some kind of toy sometimes it even seemed that my child ... I didn't see me to bite me ... I pursued a nodogo ... It turned out that she just disappeared


He dreamed that in front of my house on the trees sit 11 monkeys. 10 adults and very thick, lazy, and one kid jumps on the branches. And we are all (neighbors) we think that you do with them - to drive or let them live. A woman asks them to leave them, and a man says that he cannot open a balcony because of them I did not accept the decision.


I dreamed of monkeys in a dream they met on the street, washed. Pretty large. Then in the apartment, but not in mine. I did not touch me


Hello, I had a dream about a monkey. I kept her on his sleez, drove on a leash, a panel house was built, the monkey was big and calm, the eyes of the devotees. I wore her on her hands .. why is it? Thanks for earlier


a pile of well-groomed cats, rabbit, a small and green monkey swinging on his hands a dog nearby a kids stroller all together walk each other together


I dreamed that I would drive some kind of fucking and suddenly the monkey jumps on me and walked me with my legs and then go


i dreamed that a flock of monkeys want to attack me but I managed to run into the elevator!


Dreamed a black monkey very kind and affectionate! I remember that she got somewhere husband!


i saw from the window a strong gusty wind Azh rushed trees. From the top of the top there, there was a big fell out of the wind, some beam brightly brightly. Then the monkey flew away. I went there. I myself climbed there and could not worry. I fell asleep in the morning got out of the jacket but in the shorts. I met on the way home Sedka was not deft as I wear. Going to the apartment, I felt that in the pocket jacket, I took something small from the pocket of Kathenka. But some kind of sullen and he has like a hayne from above the wool got up. I woke up


Dreamed a little monkey on my colleagues. The monkey colleague called the name Alyosha.
My e-mail: [Email Protected]


About me suddenly there were two monkeys-small white and big. And the little thing began to bite, and the big was friendly.


They dreamed of a small black monkey who jumped out of the tree behind my back ... I turned away and saw it ...


i kissed the monkey and she hugged me tightly. "I was not safe for me that she climbed into my mouth this is not hygienic


Large dark, sat on the roof, in my private house, with a very evil view. I remember went out of the gate, it turned out to be not far from me 3-5 meters. I saw introduced a sitting in the car, I tried to quickly approach it, it's hard to walk the monkey was jumping back from the side to the side tried to bite as an evil dog. In general, I managed to sit in the car in the back seat. Woke up with a mad rhythm of the heart, came to the kitchen opened Nat. Here I am writing. Tatyana tell me what it all means, with uv. Andrew.


A monkey helped me to find important paper that I was instructed to find in order to have the opportunity to call the Great whether the seer, or the speaker. Generally confusing sleep. Type of apocalypse or something, all fussed, and I was calm absolutely. The actions took place in the summer in the village, where my grandparents lived with a grandfather (now the deceased), the grandmother also attended, but literally a second. So far, everything I remember


the monkey was sitting at night on my windowsill. She looked around and then on me and after a few seconds again on the sides and again at me. She was sitting, her appearance was impenetrable. Just around and on me ... on the sides and on me ....


I dreamed today that from a big pile of land began to get out and spread big worms. And the resulting flock of large monkeys began to eat them. There was no aggression or attention to me. Even among the flocks of monkeys there was a couple of monkeys who kissed.


hello. On May 6, I dreamed of a cute monkey (male) dressed in clothes. It seems like I met him on the way to the market. I took it with you, but I was not allowed to the market, I began to shout that there was no sanitary book on him that he was bluish. But it was so cute, and I kind of took it home. I do not remember exactly, but took it behind the paw and went towards the house. What is such a dream? Tell me.


Good afternoon, I and my mother were in some kind of home, and there were a lot of clothes and we all took it as if on shopping, then I found himself at the airport Tipo flying to America (I remember everything very dull) Then it turned out to be in the store again my sister and type I had a big monkey and we laid her sleep in a big box, discovered and there already lay the corpse of the monkey and and we were just thrown out of the hands and moved away


Good afternoon, Tatiana!
I dreamed that I gave birth to two monkeys. One was a boy and immediately became a huge above me, and the second girl, small. Gave birth to a strange way out of the legs. I was very afraid in a dream I was not pleasant and scary. But when they were born, I treated them as my children. And then I dreamed that I fought with a tiger. Tiger everyone said predatory and need to kill him, let him not destroy society. And I quit it and killed a knife in the neck. But it was all strange, because he himself succumbed, straightly put the neck for me.
Here is such a strange dream. Thank you if you can help express.


I dreamed of my uncle (there was no long ago) he stood in the dark he had two monkeys in children's clothes alone in clothes for boys, and the other for girls.


a little monkey clung to her husband in his hand I first frightened her and then we decided to leave her she turned out to be affectionate


I go and see my mother walks with our little dog, she waves to me with her hand, I go to her, she has a monkey in her hands, some kind of bird is not beautiful from our edges like a parrot and a lizard, such as Varana. She says that she bought them so that it was more fun. And the alarm clock rang. I woke up.

[Email Protected]:

I dreamed of a reasonable monkey, with intelligence, but somehow aggressively tuned, in the end she bit me.


Hello! A little bald monkey, took my hand and kissed her, but I was very afraid that bites


headed the monkey at home was played with her, she had a very good, cute, fluffy, soft and smart, just could not decide where to go to the toilet and she wrote

The dreams of primates cause intriguing feelings near the dream, because these animals became famous for their cunning and changed mood, from which they were not trusted. After the saw seen, it is necessary to remember the details of the visions to deal with what the monkey dreams.

Interpretation in popular dreambooks

Usually, primate visions indicate that the sleeping will soon have to meet with hypocritical people who are aimed to use it to implement their plans.

Woman of monkey will dream as a sign that it will be a gossip and intrigue object, while a monkey man predicts a meeting with enemies in a dream.

More detailed interpretation can be found if you explore various dreams:

  1. Sigmund Freud believed that to see a monkey in a dream means an unexpected acquaintance with a person who could turn into a sexual relationship. At the same time, the decision to get acquainted will be accepted spontaneously, which is why it may be an error.
  2. Miller's dream book is written about this animal as a harbinger of lies and tricks. Such dreams predict communication with people who are ready to harm you, just to promote their business. The dead animal symbolizes the victory over the worst enemies. Young girl such dreams indicate the need to insist on the conclusion of marriage bonds with her beloved man. In some cases, vision with monkeys predict disease or humiliation.
  3. In the esoteric dream book a monkey dream of an increased curiosity of the dream, which must be drowning. When Martushka was in a cage, this suggests that any interest may have bad consequences that will lead to trouble. In this case, it is necessary to resist from unnecessary information.
  4. Flowers was inclined to the fact that primates in a dream personify the enemy. If I had to feed from the beast, the dream foreshadows betrayal. Women dreaming indicates the wrongfulness of the spouse.
  5. Miss Hasse said that the vision data speaks about the presence of a lets surrounded by a dream, and jumping monkey in a dream foreshadowed with stupid people. Dreams, in which the animal sleeping personally decreases, predict victory over stubborn opponents. At the same time, if a monkey managed to bite the dream, then it can signal either about love or about the disease. The first option is suitable for young, while the second concerns the elderly.

Dream Pastor Loffe

By dreams to see a monkey personifies the animal condition of a person deprived of divine nature. Most often, the monkey serves as an personification of sin, in particular the carnal. She also symbolizes cunning, cunning, desire for luxury, malice, laziness and drunkenness. The ability of the monkeys to imitate human behavior is used to rinse the vanity and nonsense. Justice It is worth noting that sometimes monkeys serve as a symbol of learning. In Western art, the monkey personifies hypocrisy, sinfulness, deceit, laziness, desire for luxury, criminal intentions, lust, greed. In the Middle Ages, the devil was often depicted in the image of a monkey. An image of a monkey with an apple in the mouth symbolized the fall of Adam and Eve. Monkey in chains means victory over sin. Often, with the help of caricature image, monkeys depict small disadvantages of human nature or the art of imitation. If in a dream you saw a monkey, then this dream tells you about a meeting with a storm and vicious person. The monkey most often displays the low-lying instincts of concrete people in the dream, from which you should not wait for nothing sublime and noble.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams monkey in a dream?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Monkey - irrational, undeveloped nature; frivolous and disobedient. "What a monkey sees, then she does," according to the dream book - the predictor.

A man-like monkey - imitation, messenger (see the "Gorilla" and "monkey" symbols).

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream monkey in a dream?

To see a monkey mean - a monkey is a powerless taller, but if you beat him in a hopeless position or be publicly offended and humiliated, then he can harm you from despair (although he himself will suffer). To see a monkey - flattery and insincerity of people interested in the detriment of you to promote your business. Dead Monkey - Your worst enemies will suffer losses. For a young woman: to see a monkey in a dream - trying to speed up marriage because of fear that someone can seduce someone; Feed a monkey - a hypocritical man will hold her. A small monkey, climbing up a tree, - to the acetia, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Dream interpretation housewife

Monkey What dreams in a dream:

By the dream of a monkey to see what means a monkey - reflects congenital instincts; This is a sign of lowest desires. Being among the monkeys - to undergo ridicule of others or bad influence. Jumping on monkey trees is a sign that you have to deal with limited and short-sighted people. Take a monkey on hand - a disease of someone from your relatives. Feed a monkey - unfailed with you. If you were bitten by a monkey - you are awaiting success in love. Hunt a monkey-to a quick marriage. Kill a monkey - you will overpower a serious opponent

Dream of Freud.

What dream monkey in the dream book?

In a dream to see a monkey - if you dreamed of a monkey, it means that you are waiting for acquaintance, which will begin with nothing noticeable campaign in a cafe, but will end in bed. You will not come to mind for a second that events will be chosen in a similar way. You will not be able to appreciate the correctness of your actions, since everyone will happen very quickly, as Dream Interpretation predicts - the interpreter.

Ancient dream book

See monkey in a dream:

A monkey is to see a monkey in a dream, watch her clamps and jumps - a sign that you do not avoid a close acquaintance that will start in a public place will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will happen to such an extent that you will not even have time to assess the correctness and necessity of what is happening. However, do not be upset about this - your intimate relationships will not disappoint you

Psychological dream book

What dreams monkey in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Monkey - You will see a monkey - be alert: Lytz will try to undergo them in confidence for the performance of their insidious designs. Dead monkey dreams of a safe resolution of the situation. A young woman's dream about a monkey hints: her beloved doubts her loyalty. Therefore, if a woman wants to preserve a relationship, she should agree to marriage

Modern dream book

By dream of a monkey that means sleep:

To see a monkey - a monkey dream about someone's burst: false people will be in every way to please you for their own mercenaries. A woman who fought a monkey in a dream, in reworking some kind of hypocritical man. Sometimes a dream about a monkey promises a disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones. A small monkey, deftly clipping on the tree, warns about whose treachery.

Dreamed / dreamed of Gibbon - if you dream of Gibbon Monkey - wait the threats from the side of a very pleasant person.

Autumn dream book

What to see in a dream monkey?

What dreams Gibbon - Gibbon will dream of a unpleasant conversation with an unfamiliar person.

Gorilla - see in a dream Gorilla - to a unpleasant person who pursues you with his courtesies.

Macaka - to see in a dream a fun jumping macak in the zoo - a fussy entity with bad goals is selected.

Chimpanzee is an unbalanced nature - the reason for your future tears.

Spring dream book

By the dream of a monkey, which means in a dream - Gibbon - to violence.

Dream Gorilla is a low level of mental development, perhaps even very dangerous, although some types are shy and obedient.

Gorilla - stupid, greedy and evil man will try to go with you.

Macaka - to a funeral, stupid subject.

Martyška - to a silly chatter.

Chimpanzees - a crush appears on your horizon, which will bring you to tears.

Summer Dream

What to see a monkey in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Gorilla - to see in a dream Gorilla - to revenge the ill-wisher.

Macaka - to see a grimacing macak in a dream - to see the appearance of some kind of freak.

Chimpanzee - to anxiety and excitement.

A monkey

Dream Miller

See in a dream monkey - Means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - Means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

This means that it must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman see in a dream that she feeds a monkey - It means that a hypocritical person will be honest with her.

Dreamed monkey - Sometimes the disease is promulit or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a small monkey, deftly scraping on a tree - This dream warns you: someone's treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Sonniest Medea

A monkey - reflects the main innate human qualities, not touched by upbringing. Symbol of lowlands.

Be among monkeys - We are subject to ridicule of surrounding or bad influence.

Dream of Freud.

See a monkey in a dream, watch her clips and jumping "It promises you a close acquaintance that will start in a public place will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to appreciate the correctness and necessity of what is happening.

Dream lovers

If this animal will dream of a girl or a young woman - This means that it will suspect a beloved in treason and will require immediate marriage.

If a girl or woman in a dream feeds a monkey - This means that it will be a victim of a hypocriser.

Dream Ezopa

A monkey - It is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices. It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person? To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you walk with a monkey on the street - You have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

See in a dream dressed as a man, monkey - A sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you cannot eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for the curved building grimace monkey - The forever of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey - Soon you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watch the leyan monkey - A sign that in reality you are lazy to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream monkey - Means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and content with what gives life.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Monkey in a dream - symbolizes nonsense, primitive trick and rudeness.

See her in a dream - A sign that you may have a rather unpleasant conflict. After such a dream, closely look at the people who surround you. You will also not hurt to control your own actions.

Beat a monkey can - Means that your own misses or someone's stupid tips from the outside are able to destroy your plans.

Female dream book

Sleep in which you see a monkey - Means that you should look at your chosen one, most likely he do not trust you about it, if you love him very much, try not to refuse him and quickly get married for him.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A monkey - Do not make a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend.

If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night - Be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on palm tree - You have to change jobs, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - Do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

Sculpting, teasing you monkey - Your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions.

If this dream is dreaming of you on the night of Sunday - Its value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Monkey - You want to deceive, do not trust the lecape.

Little monkey - Be careful in your actions.

New family dream book

A monkey - Delightened to someone's burst: false people will be in every way to please you for their own mercenary purposes.

Dead monkey - Delightened to the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman is dreaming a monkey - she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

Woman feeding in a dream monkey - In reality, some kind of hypocritical man will deceive.

Sometimes sleep about a monkey - Slute disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones.

Little monkey deftly scraping on a tree - warns about whose treachery.

Modern visible dream book

See a monkey - This is a sign that false people will strive to achieve their goals.

Dead monkey - It will dream that your worst enemies leave the scene and will not annoy you.

If a young woman dreams a monkey "She should agree to an early marriage, as the Beloved will suspect her in infidelity." Woman see in a dream that she feeds a monkey - An unfavorable sign: Sheets will betray her.

Eastern female dream book

See a monkey - Be alert: Lytz will try to go into confidence in your trust for the performance of your insidious designs.

Dead monkey - dream of a successful resolution of the situation.

Young woman sleep about monkey - Hints: Her Beloved doubts her loyalty. Therefore, if a woman wants to preserve a relationship, she should agree to marriage.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

A monkey - Let's get into a delicate funny situation.

Children's dream book

A monkey - To a fun party with friends or some holiday that you will celebrate fun and interesting.

Full dream of a new era

A monkey - Reflection of imitation at all. The need to perceive life is not too serious.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seen in a dream monkey - warns from the regrunches of small and small people who are shyweed, if it sits in a zoo cage.

Speakers in the monkey circus - It is suggested that you are in vain trust the legents around you.

Jumping on trees in the rainforest of your dream monkey dream - A sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey - foreshadows someone from your relatives, feed it - Swinian will come with you.

If in a dream you were bitten by a monkey - In reality, success in love is awaiting you.

Monkey closing his eyes hands - You will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt a monkey - To a quick marriage. Kill monkey - overpower a serious opponent. Dead Monkey, which predators - Take up the collapse in the new endeavor. Monkey disappearing in the mouth of python - Rent a love captivity without much resistance.

Little Marty - warns not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, stroke Myshi - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream chimpanzee or orangutan, peacefully configured - We will be right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

Huge gorilla in a dream - Calls for caution and diligence in communicating with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a dumbfounding gorilla - We suffer from envious.

Sonner Simon Kananita

A monkey - powerless enemy; to see a lot - Lysta surround you; jumping and climbing - deal with stupid people; kill - defeat a stubborn opponent; be branched (for young) - love, for older - disease.

Female dream book

Monkey in a dream - warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests.

Dead monkey - foreshadows full defeat by your worst enemies.

Sometimes a monkey - dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall.

Little monkey, deftly scraping on tree branches - warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

If a monkey dream of a young woman - This means the likelihood of treason from the beloved. Maybe you should not hurry with a wedding?

If a woman feeds a monkey in a dream - There is a dishonest act by a hypocritical person.

Total dream book

See in a dream monkey - means that a false person can meet on your life path. Well, if this person is unfamiliar to you: you will be able to quickly navigate and reduce "no" all his efforts to promote their own business to the detriment of your interests. Much worse, if this person will be your close friend: it can happen that you will not understand his malignancy on time.

If you dreamed of a dead monkey - Refect! All your most evil enemies will in the near future will crash in all directions of their worthless life.

If the monkey dreamed of a young woman or a girl - This means that it is time to remind your beloved about marriage. The missed time can lead to the fact that your groom, yielding to undesirable temptation, will give you a reason for suspicion of infidelity.

For a mature woman to see in a dream monkey - It means that she has pricked a person on his breast, which will be looked at it ugly and dishonest.

The jumping monkey you saw in your dream - Indicates that someone from your loved ones threatens short-term disease or danger to fall into a humiliating position.

Seen in a dream little monkey that climbs on a tree - It suggests that this your dream warns you from someone else's treachery, which can apply to you a painful wound if you are not attentive and careful.

Dance Deniz Lynn

A monkey - This is a sign to give the will of the oval, playful and lively aspects of self. Be reckless and unexpected. Play, do not perceive life too serious!

Expression "monkey" - Means thoughtlessly imitate another. Who do you imitate? The other can be a very useful exercise. But having written insert, do not forget to become yourself, do not be afraid to differ from the rest.

Monkey can mean - Imitation to other and reluctance to look for your own ways. Are you afraid of showing your personality and live according to your own truth?

Monkeys can symbolize - Primitive power. Do you want to demonstrate your strength in this way?

Dream of the XXI century

See in a dream mint and play with her - Means that you are surrounded by enemies - sly, but weak.

Irritated or monkey perscurable - symbol of a cunning, malic grid man.

Play with monkey in a dream - To the upcoming marriage for the calculation, spiritual regression, degradation.

See dead marty - means doubtful success, laughter through tears.

Kill monkey - So it is cruel to do and then suffer from it.

If in a dream you see the monkeys in the cage - The failure band in your life will finally be replaced by success.

If someone plays with chimpanzees in a dream - Difference for you and suspicion of your friend have the soil.

Be afraid in a dream the gorilla pursuing you - To the troubles, unkought accusations of you from colleagues or leadership.

Italian dream book

A monkey - This is an animal that is often associated with a person. This image is used by "In Sy" to designate the emotional relations of a person who, with a logical, rational point of view, have all aspects of positivity, but in terms of the needs of the body they are completely false, that is, emotional relations are similar to pretending.

Dream lovers

If you dreamed a monkey - This means that you are waiting for acquaintance, which will begin with nothing noticeable campaign in the cafe, but will end in bed. You will not come to mind for a second that events will be chosen in a similar way. You will not be able to assess the correctness of your actions, as everyone will happen very quickly.

Single Dashka

A monkey - the personification of tricks, cunning and bad features.

The image of a monkey in your dream - indicates that you are faced with a bad, vicious person.

Lunar dream book

A monkey - Have an enemy.

Chinese dream book

Mountain Monkey - foreshadows the resolution of litigation, conflict.

White monkey - foreshadows the achievement of a higher position.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

A monkey - enemy; to beat it - defeating the enemy.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A monkey - Infantile Children's Side of the Individual Character. Archetype Trixker (Hanuman - the God of Monkeys).

Dream Stranger

A monkey - treason, trick, deception; persons - spiritual degradation.

Dream of Gypsy

A monkey - symbolizes deception. Such a dream means that there are business associations, seeking you to inflate judge about their friends in their actions, and not according to.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

A monkey - Happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / mockery surrounding / enemy "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see - disease.

Be among them - Dark influences on your spiritual life.

Irritated or monkey pursued by you - a cunning or malicious person or prolase.

Furious in furry - There is a painful struggle with himself.

Caress monkey - disease.

Play with monkey - Favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill it - Cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

A monkey - It can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Esoteric dream book

Monkey see - Your curiosity requires satisfaction.

In a cage - Excessive curiosity can lead to trouble. Do not recognize what you did not intend.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream a monkey - These are some trouble, a friend will deceive.

Dream of flowers

Monkey - enemy, deception; feed - betrayal; for a woman to see a monkey - infidelity.

Collection of Sonnikov

A monkey - A new acquaintance, how it will, depends on the monkey behaves in a dream.

A monkey - To unreasonable hopes.

A monkey - The enemy, which is currently powerless to hurt you any evil, but will try to flattery and deceive to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See monkeys - There are false lets, deceivers and focus, from which the danger comes to you; Bite monkey can mean disease.

A monkey - personifies shamelessness, synthesis, maliciousness, lower instincts.

A monkey - deception; feed - You can betray; for a woman to see a monkey - Infidelity of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Monkey

As is known, the monkey is the closest relative of a person, and possibly his ancestor. And what if these primates are filmed at night? What to expect from such dreams? We offer to seek answers to these questions to the most popular modern dreams.

What dreams monkey? Dream Interpretation Gustav Miller

This source interprets the monkey seemed in a dream as a sign that some mercenary and insincere people will flatter you in order to promote their own ideas to the detriment of your interests. The dead monkey prevents that all the goats of your enemies are not crowned with success. If the primate dreamed of a woman, then such a dream may mean that she will be deceived by a dishonest and false man who does not premict to take advantage of its feelings for its own benefit. Also dreamed of a monkey may be a harbinger of illness or humiliation for some of your relatives or relatives.

What dreams monkey: Dream Freud.

If in a dream you are watching a monkey with her clamps and jumps, then in real life you will find acquaintance in a certain public place, which will later be continued in the restaurant, cafe or bar, and will end in bed. Moreover, everything will happen spontaneously, and you will not have time to appreciate what is happening.

What dreams monkey. Gypsy dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, the disinterested monkey is a symbol of lies and deception. It is likely that someone from your environment is trying to circle you around the finger. Therefore, try to evaluate people not according to them, but in actions.

What dreams monkey? Dream "from A to Z"

If you dreamed of a monkey in a cage, then in the near future someone will try to harm you. If you see primates speaking on the circus arena, you should not blindly trust everything that you hear even from the closest people: it is possible that one of them decided to deceive you for mercenary purposes. What dreams a lot of monkeys jumping on trees in the forest? A similar dream predicts that you will be forced to deal with limited, stupid, but very ambitious and self-confident people, communication with which is pretty afraid of nerves. If you took a monkey on your arms, then someone from your loved ones may soon get sick. To feed from the hands of Primate - to the situation in which you will be done very dishonest. Bite Monkey promises success and good luck in love affairs. If the disintended monkey closes his eyes with his hands, then you threaten the humiliation from people who have power and wealth. Primates hunt promises a quick and successful marriage. The murder of a monkey symbolizes the final and irrevocable victory over a very serious and dangerous opponent. If you dream of a dead monkey, torn by part of the predatory beasts, then one of your undertakings doomed to the inevitable failure. Having dreamed of a little monkey calls you not to trust a new acquaintance trying to undermine you in trust. What dreams a big monkey? This dream warns you of the opportunity to be a deceived person to whom you fully trust.

Monkey woman

Dream Monkey Woman Dreamed, what dreams in a dream a woman's monkey? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a woman in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A dead monkey dream of a complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

Sleep, in which you watch the lesions and jumps of the monkey, promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, Orangutang

Feed a monkey - to deception.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Clean the monkey - the disease.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

More monkey

Dream interpretation is more monkey Dreamed about what dreams in a dream more monkeys? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see more monkeys after reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey seen in a dream warns from the traffic policemen and small people who shy a soda if she sits in a zoo cage. Speakers in the circus monkeys say that you are in vain to trust the lecape around you. Jumping on the trees in the tropical forest of your dream monkey - a sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey on his hands foreshadows the disease of someone from your relatives, feed it - with you will arrive in Swing. If a monkey bit you in a dream - the success in love awaits you. A monkey, closing his eyes with his hands, "will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt for monkeys - to a quick marriage. Kill a monkey - overpower a serious opponent. A dead monkey, which predators tendrate, - Take the collapse in the new endeavor. The monkey is disappearing in the mouth of Python, "surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

Little Martha caution causing not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, ironing a mint - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream of chimpanzees or orangutan, peacefully minded, - will be right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and diligence in communication with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a grinding gorilla flush - you will suffer from envious.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices.

It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person?

To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you are walking with a monkey on the street, then you have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

To see in a dream dressed as a man, a monkey - a sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you can't eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for a curving, building monkey grimaces, - the head of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey, then soon you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watching the grooming monkey's leyanam - a sign that in reality you are waisted to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream a monkey - means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and please contact what life gives.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Do not make a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend. If the monkey you dreamed on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on the palm - you have to change the job, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

The monkey teasing of you - your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions. If this dream dictates to you on the night of the Sunday - the value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey dream of someone's bowl: false people will be in every way to please you for their own selfish purposes.

A dead monkey dream of a complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

A woman who fed a monkey in a dream, in revealing some kind of hypocritical man.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey is promoting a disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones.

A little monkey, deftly scraping on a tree, cautioned about whose treachery.

Sleep, in which you watch the lesions and jumps of the monkey, promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, Orangutang

The appearance of monkeys in dreams marks violation of plans, obstacles to the goal to achieve the goal.

Monkey - a cunning friend, a false enemy (more often powerless to harm seriously).

Kill a monkey - get rid of those who prevent you and are busy exclusively.

For a young woman, a monkey is a sign of infidelity (she will change, she will change, it will be suspected of treason).

Feed a monkey - to deception.

Sometimes a monkey dreams of disease or humiliation of close people.

After sleeping about the monkeys in your life, an actor or actress, a fortune teller or a person, forging documents, can be fulfilled.

A man-like monkey - orangutang symbolizes someone else's strength, influence.

Someone will want to achieve from you decisions, opposite your interests.

Orangutang striker - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see the disease.

Being go about them - dark influences on your spiritual life.

An irritated or monkey pursued by you is a cunning or a malicious person or a prolase.

Furious monkey - a painful struggle against himself.

Clean the monkey - the disease.

Play with monkey - favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill a monkey - to cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

The monkey can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey in your dream means danger, illness, the birth of an ugly child or deception.

The girl sees a monkey - to a wedding with an unpleasant and rude man.

The monkey jumps on you - to the complete ruin or death of the family.

To see an angry monkey in a dream - to the hostility with others, and cheerful - to the resumption of good relations with the old friend.

If the monkey eats something - the symbol of your poverty.

Sleeping monkey - to a foreign trip.

Kill a monkey - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in a dream warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests. Dead monkey foreshadows a complete defeat by your worst enemies. Sometimes a monkey dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall. A small monkey, deftly scraping on the branches of the tree, warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

To dream of a monkey - means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

If a young woman dreams a monkey - this means that she must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to see in a dream that she feeds a monkey, means that a hypocritical person will cost her dishonest.

The disinterested monkey sometimes promises the disease or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a little monkey, deftly climbing on a tree, this dream warns you: whose treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - how to dream a monkey, then these are some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive.

Big white monkey

Dream Interpretation Big White Monkey Dreamed what dreams in a dream a big white monkey? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a big white monkey in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, cunning, laziness. In some countries, the image of the monkey was used for the image of a drunken man. So the image of a monkey that arose in your dream is most likely indicates that in real life you had to push back with a bad person with any of the listed vices.

It is also possible that the monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious is resurrecting the famous folk expression: "Move as a monkey." In this case, when deciphering a dream, you need to think about whether there is no surroundings of a boastful, frivolous person. And maybe you yourself are such a person?

To see a monkey in a cage - a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and upset their evil goats.

If you dreamed that you are walking with a monkey on the street, then you have a cunning and very cunning friend. You trust him without even suspecting that he uses your information against you at the first opportunity.

To see in a dream dressed as a man, a monkey - a sign that, despite all the efforts to change the nature of the person close to you, you can't eradicate his bad temper.

Watch in a dream for a curving, building monkey grimaces, - the head of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about what does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a jumping and loud hole monkey, then soon you will come across such severe human vice as drunkenness. You may be amazed by news that your close man is sick of this terrible disease.

Watching the grooming monkey's leyanam - a sign that in reality you are waisted to take up the case offered to you. Sleep says that you should overcome your laziness, because the case is very profitable and can serve as initial capital to start a project, the implementation of which you have long been dreaming.

Kill in a dream a monkey - means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and please contact what life gives.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey seen in a dream warns from the traffic policemen and small people who shy a soda if she sits in a zoo cage. Speakers in the circus monkeys say that you are in vain to trust the lecape around you. Jumping on the trees in the tropical forest of your dream monkey - a sign that will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Take a monkey on his hands foreshadows the disease of someone from your relatives, feed it - with you will arrive in Swing. If a monkey bit you in a dream - the success in love awaits you. A monkey, closing his eyes with his hands, "will be humiliated with the power of people or rich.

Hunt for monkeys - to a quick marriage. Kill a monkey - overpower a serious opponent. A dead monkey, which predators tendrate, - Take the collapse in the new endeavor. The monkey is disappearing in the mouth of Python, "surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

Little Martha caution causing not to trust new friends who swear in his sincerity, ironing a mint - to light ailment and headaches.

See in a dream of chimpanzees or orangutan, peacefully minded, - will be right in a serious dispute; Evil and aggressive - will be a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and diligence in communication with unfamiliar people, especially with new business partners. Running on you with a grinding gorilla flush - you will suffer from envious.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Do not make a confident look when you really can not cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help you will not hurt. Ask the Council from a friend. If the monkey you dreamed on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on the palm - you have to change the job, and in the new team you will feel uncertain. Do not be afraid to ask the Council.

Monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not build far-reaching plans for the future, life is used to prevent surprises.

The monkey teasing of you - your competitors feel too strong and confident, it is worth spoiling the pleasure of decisive and unexpected actions. If this dream dictates to you on the night of the Sunday - the value is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to relax and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will condemn you.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey dream of someone's bowl: false people will be in every way to please you for their own selfish purposes.

A dead monkey dream of a complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect his beloved in infidelity.

A woman who fed a monkey in a dream, in revealing some kind of hypocritical man.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey is promoting a disease or humiliation to someone from loved ones.

A little monkey, deftly scraping on a tree, cautioned about whose treachery.

Sleep, in which you watch the lesions and jumps of the monkey, promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, will continue in a cafe or restaurant, and will end in bed. All this will be greatly spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, Orangutang

The appearance of monkeys in dreams marks violation of plans, obstacles to the goal to achieve the goal.

Monkey - a cunning friend, a false enemy (more often powerless to harm seriously).

Kill a monkey - get rid of those who prevent you and are busy exclusively.

For a young woman, a monkey is a sign of infidelity (she will change, she will change, it will be suspected of treason).

Feed a monkey - to deception.

Sometimes a monkey dreams of disease or humiliation of close people.

After sleeping about the monkeys in your life, an actor or actress, a fortune teller or a person, forging documents, can be fulfilled.

A man-like monkey - orangutang symbolizes someone else's strength, influence.

Someone will want to achieve from you decisions, opposite your interests.

Orangutang striker - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / Venericual diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the "God of damned people" / damn.

Many monkeys see the disease.

Being go about them - dark influences on your spiritual life.

An irritated or monkey pursued by you is a cunning or a malicious person or a prolase.

Furious monkey - a painful struggle against himself.

Clean the monkey - the disease.

Play with monkey - favorable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill a monkey - to cruelly deal with the enemy and then suffer from it.

The monkey can also symbolize: your life inclinations that threaten to exit from under control.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey in your dream means danger, illness, the birth of an ugly child or deception.

The girl sees a monkey - to a wedding with an unpleasant and rude man.

The monkey jumps on you - to the complete ruin or death of the family.

To see an angry monkey in a dream - to the hostility with others, and cheerful - to the resumption of good relations with the old friend.

If the monkey eats something - the symbol of your poverty.

Sleeping monkey - to a foreign trip.

Kill a monkey - to victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in a dream warns from the lying of false people who will try to promote their work to the detriment of your interests. Dead monkey foreshadows a complete defeat by your worst enemies. Sometimes a monkey dream of a disease or a humiliating situation in which someone from your loved ones will fall. A small monkey, deftly scraping on the branches of the tree, warns of possible betrayal from your familiar people.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

To dream of a monkey - means that false people will flatter you to promote your own business to the detriment of your interests.

See the dead monkey - means that your worst enemies will soon suffer full collapse.

If a young woman dreams a monkey - this means that she must insist on early marriage, as her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to see in a dream that she feeds a monkey, means that a hypocritical person will cost her dishonest.

The disinterested monkey sometimes promises the disease or humiliation to someone from your loved ones.

If you dream of a little monkey, deftly climbing on a tree, this dream warns you: whose treachery can drive you if you won't care.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - how to dream a monkey, then these are some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive.



two monkeys, old and young, terrible and slightly more pretty, take turns pursue, then attack my white cat, wounded the cat. I manage to hide from them with the cat.

Yulia Dreamnik:

tatyana, perhaps your dream about aggressively tuned monkeys, says that you should not join some verbal overhannings with people in public places.



Good day!! I dreamed that at home and you and the younger sister started two little playful monkeys. Even the names were given to them - Tolik and Katya))))

Yulia Dreamnik:

Inna, to start monkeys in a dream may mean that you will submit close to yourself a cunning, flattering person.


He dreamed that he met a friend with whom in real life was dispersed. I was with my daughter, and he had a little monkey on his leash. Then the monkey fled to walk, we talked. When they were dispersed, my daughter found a monkey and returned to him.

Yulia Dreamnik:

Vita, perhaps a dream says that you are looking for a reason for which you could repent again with your friend.


he dreamed that a huge monkey pursues me, I was hiding, climbing the stairs to the room. There are two more girls when they see it, they are very frightened. The monkey was supported by a car-crane door and climbs on it. We hide from her, and she takes one girl behind the leg and examines the heel. And I hide and afraid scary.

Yulia Dreamnik:

Rita, the fact that in your dream you chased a monkey, probably suggests that you can unexpectedly get into the goats of your enemies.


i watched the one - dressed as a speaker on television, a monkey read and spoke some text with a calm tone without aggression.


Hello, I had a small pen where there are cells there there is a lot of alive and 2 monkeys dressed in dresses are sad and they are on a leash and always hug each other, I wanted to take them already took after the leash then thought where I would take them and took a puppy. What it means7


Hello! I dreamed of a hefty monkey with horns !! When I wanted to stroke her, she was frightened.


and in the previous dream there was another little monkey, which I wore a sinus. In this dream, I asked where the monkey was done, and I was told that she disappeared, and instead of her now this, horned.


hello .. I dreamed a very strange dream.
I found a casket (as it turned out in my dreams) with jewels opened it and saw the decoration that I would like to buy it for a long time, then I was looking at her a young man, beautiful, we loved each other ... But suddenly something stopped and he began to turn into a girl (we work together with her), we talked to her, and after some time my former classmate appeared nearby, a pretty young girl we communicate with her, she tells me something, and we reach out before Forests. Little monkey appears in the forest in the forest, and the tops are flying in the forest ... We leave the forest, another person appears, I do not know her ...
And I see that the monkey was filtered shoulder ... I take her on my hands and wake up

Yulia Dreamnik:

Your dream is likely to say that you will be waiting for the return of the old girlfriend, which will share with you with your problems, you will support her support.


Hello. I dreamed, as if I was in my grandmother's house. In the yard summer, and I see through the window, as 3 monkeys go around her garden. I take a bucket with water and try to pour them to leave. 2 go, and one biggest trying to break the open window, and I wake up ...


Hello. Spent a dream, as if in the metro car found a little Ozeyanka and began to look for her owner to return. Tesyanka all the time I bite my arms and wanted to break out, but I was tightly kept hard. I didn't find it, the monkey remained with me.


Hello. It was as if I found a little monkey in the metro car and immediately began to look for her owner to return. Tesyanka all the time I bite my hands and wanted to escape, escape, but I was tightly held it. I didn't find it hard, I didn't find it, monkeys remained with me.


Hello. Dreamed a little monkey. The action took place in the village at the grandmother, she was behind me, rose to the head, also from the back, like jumped there, was played, I stroked her down as far as I remember, then when I entered the house there, she suddenly jumped and ran away. . Please tell me what is this dream? (


Hello, I had a monkey who was constantly pursued. It was black with white circles around the eyes. When I saw her, I wanted to drive her, but she climbed onto the bench (I'm on the bench and saddles) and began to bite or something, whether My raincoat. What is this dream?


I dreamed that I was going on the desert to the south and I carry on myself a monkey.
Please tell me why such a dream?


Today I had a dream:
I jerked into some kind of city and settled to the acquaintance. All artists.
The situation was happening, every day the militia or mafia for the neighbors took something from their things, but
The fact that they could take on their hands remains. And at some point I began to disappear bags, their someone
I also took when I returned home. Neighbors did not know what was happening, and holding her belongings in their hands.
Then it turned out and I began to notice and people began to say that everyone was doing some monkeys, but no matter how it was impossible to catch up, "I could not. And so I needed things that were not already. I started talking to people about these monkeys (small and brown). Whoever answered them in a whisper - they were afraid to tell, as they say about some kind of mafia or people of the day, but really scary. As a result, I went to the house, in which it was the boss of this everything ... I found everything and on my way I stole and monkeys and got to the bosses, and when I was painted with him, I got great pleasure! ..
The fact is that there are few such dreams, but they remember them, as such a feeling that you live them, you like it in this and all feel! ..

Yulia Dreamnik:

The fact that in your dream there were such events, most likely, says that you may encounter substantial losses.


recently dreamed of sleep:
I am in the big monkey food in the city, to the house of my former girl, on the way there is a former friend ...
What is it?


Hello, decrypt, please, my dream: I am on some big hall or room, in my hands I have tangerines, suddenly I will meet a white fluffy, a small animal that rushes to me, I go closer and see that it is a pretty white and very Fluffy monkey, she goes to me, it seems like tangerines wants, tangerines are scattered from my hands, I begin to collect them, and a monkey bites me, straight her teeth, and a young man sitting next to me and tells me: "She bites, because What the wedding wants. " Thank you.

Yulia Dreamnik:

A dream, which was a monkey, most likely, suggests that you may encounter scammers and deceivers.


Hello! Help solve sleep. I'm on the night from Monday to Tuesday a monkey drew a monkey (small, type of macaka), which was sitting on the shoulder at the negro! She just silently watched, do not crush any face.
Thank you.


I dreamed of a monkey that came out of the cage, and she was very angry. All the surrounding people were afraid of her. She came out to me and handed me a hand. Someone told me to stretch her too. I was very afraid of her, but dare and took her hand.


I flew all night, hid from a huge monkey, many passers-by and counterparts she killed both people and dogs, I didn't shoot her and skewed it, but I could not kill, hidden in the entrances, houses, basements, found a bunch of weapons, was cracked, I waited for her for the fight and woke up, I do not play games. I am 33 years old, I do not understand ... I realized that this is my enemy that I should kill him ... She climbed home, along the roofs, on the walls of the houses, chasing me, ... What should I do? What is a dream?


Dreamed the dream with the participation of monkeys, I remember only an excerpt. I was bitten dark pretty a big monkey for the right shoulder. I tried to throw it away by strong circular movements, to no avail, it was very scared by what was happening, it seemed that her fangs here would be stuck in my shoulder, then I tried to assess the situation, I realized that there were no pain and her fangs that I don't see but I seek and seem to feel only about shoulder. The monkey clung to my (and my life) Black tight sheepskin, which comes to my knees. No longer afraid and thinking how to get rid of her, headed forward to the crowd, was approaching, and it was obscured by monkeys, a smoothie and adults were present in every pile.


I dreamed sleep as if I go into the room, and there he gave birth to the wife of my former guy. And then I watch a newborn baby - a little monkey, who already knows how to run and jump, next to their elder child: Marty Hall. At the next sofa, her husband sits and for some reason stubbornly and flirting looks at me already sitting on the chair, and I am with a detached facial expression watching TV and pretending that it all does not care at all. By the way, they actually have two children and everything seems to be ok.


i am a red-haired monkey, caught a man and, breaking him bones, twist in the ball. I hear crunch bones, but it does not stop me


I had a big black monkey, who attacked the cat (the cat is also big, unrealistic sizes), she jumped into the cat and was in her face. Help decipher sleep, just recently a lot of trouble and is very worried about this dream.



Hello! I dreamed not familiar to me girl and she was with a monkey, I pushed her to give me a monkey since I had long dreamed of a monkey when the girl handed me a monkey that monkey said goodbye to me hugging her and kissed her and then the monkey ran to me and began to hug and kiss me we went to walk with a monkey but a monkey loved me so much that all the way I did and kissed me and I was very fun in a dream


I am pregnant. And I dream all the time that I give birth to someone. But the last time I had meant that I would give birth to 3x, you can say live, namely: kitten, white monkey and fish. It seems to me this is a very strange dream and something necessarily means. If you can decipher it, I would be very grateful to you


Hey! My former man was dreamed of, with whom recently broke up. It looked bad: Very thin, gaining hair, sad. Came to me with a big monkey! Then it turned out that he leaves me (feed and care) and himself pulls the suitcase and leaves. Tsezyan in a dream was good. The impression of sleep is very sad left.


hello! I had the next dream, I saw my spouse in my room on the couch, and next to him a monkey, then a certain young man comes and says that he is our neighbor and this monkey him. He took her away and headed to the hallway, and in it as if the hatch was straight to the ground he threw a monkey into him. Then this young man began to behave as it was indecent, pester as if to me. I called my husband and he asked him to leave our house. But he was still as if he wrote to me and was imposed. Tell me how it all understands what a monkey dreamed and just do how to decipher my dream. thanks in advance.


In the heart of the heart, in the chest, I endured and threw a monkey through my mouth. ... I vividly remember the whole process of childbirth: how she slammed her in the ass so that she was crying like a pelenal her .... Everything did it myself. I remember how I fed her with breasts, and in my head there was a thought: "And suddenly she will bite me for the chest - it will probably hurt me" ... In real life, I have not gave birth to children and do not want it yet. And in a dream, my former beloved (to which I still feel affection in reality), when I saw that I gave birth to a monkey said: "You see what your intimate connections have led? !!" But I loved this monkey as a real child, nounted with her and the visa wore her with you


Dreamed a little monkey, someone wanted to give a neighbor. She looked into the window, I let her in. I see she wants to the toilet, took her on his hands and thrown into the street. When I went, I saw that she left a wet trail on the floor. I took a rag and all wiped out. Then he went to look for and did not find it. When a neighbor came and found out that the monkey escaped her very upset.


a young monkey dreamedled and I strived on my hands to burn and sometimes I could have gotten. she ran away from me and I was dreaming her dream, I took my hands and looked like a little child and when she slept on my hands, I felt bliss, like a child when he sleeps on his hands


biting a monkey


Hello, help decipher sleep: I dreamed that I was in the maternity hospital and they took me on an ultrasound and say that I am pregnant somewhere for 3-4 months. When they did an ultrasound doctor frightened and first I did not want to talk about what's the matter, I began to take me away in the ward and then I started looking for this doctor I was looking for a long time, but I found it, she didn't want to talk for a long time, but I still said that I didn't say that It is necessary to do urgently an abortion, since inside I am not a child, but a monkey, I cried even more and said that this could not be and she was mistaken, and inside me a monkey's child began to beat her legs late !! I decided to rely on fate and still give birth, maybe I have a normal child !! But everyone around began to put pressure on me and say that I made an abort. At this moment, I woke up ... I had never had any dreams and I would like to know what he means!


A large red-haired monkey was rushed after me and poked me together. And I tried to blow away from her every way


Hello!!! I dreamed of a monkey that carpets on the wall of a 9-storey house, and I just look and watching it does not fall


Two small monkeys were dreamed of someone from their acquaintances by chance for us at home. I caught one of them, and she suddenly bit his hand, turning into a second from a small pretty animal in a dangerous animal. I caught both and released a balcony. Mom offered them to handle them, but I refused. After all, living beings, especially the pets of our acquaintances, let them live on the balcony until the owner comes for them. In the same dream, a wolf and a wolf dreamed. Wolf looked at me for a long time. I thought then what is a clever animal. And the fear was not at all. I stroked her, and she went with a wolf. The wolf was dark. And the wolf is so gray with blue. Then I thought: the wolves did not touch me, and some stupid monkeys bite. Let them sit on the balcony. Here is a dream.


I dreamed of a monkey (small one), I shouted on her and she clung to my hand and did not let go, until I began to strangle it, I stifled to such an extent that she had a blade with blood. He remember, I killed her or not ... but Then I looked at my hand - with thoughts that it would be necessary to go to the hospital - and on the hand traces from small teeth and blue sublifting.

Irina Mikhailovna:

The monkey dreamed in my apartment in the kitchen ... I let her in the window ... Even two monkeys ... one for a second I turned into a dog's dog ... Then I began to wash the monkey again ... I poured a monkey on the floor, and I was in woolen socks, I said, What I can get into and told a monkey to go to a big room ... I always have a feather dream ...


There were big monkeys, gorillas, who first showed the performance, were shifted, depicted animals. Then they were whisching, ran around the city, I, my husband, the child was running out, hid in a deep earthen pit and braided there.


I dreamed that I was in some room with my boyfriend, and there was a little monkey, I played with her, then I saw it how she began to be curly, and I went to the guy and said that he looked at her, she was so shrieked so much We laughed with her. I remember that we laughed very much, and the monkey was crushed.


Good afternoon, Tatiana! I dreamed that I was with my mother in a garden (which is not in real life), which is Sadim, dig. Here I look sitting on the ground a little monkey, I was surprised and decided to catch her. It came up, grabbed, she tried to break out and bite (but she didn't work out), but then when I gave her candy. She was reconsidered. I let her go, and she returned, climbed to my arms and hugged me. I decided that I would leave her myself and began to choose a name. I woke up on this. Thank you in advance for your response!


Hello. He dreamed at first spider. He is just plenty. After a few seconds I feel like a monkey stretches to me, it starts to climb on me. I saw and seen her little fingers on my shoulder.


Saw in a dream a monkey wedding, white monkeys in wedding outfits, big monkeys descended from the sky in wedding outfits. My


two white big monkeys defended me from the doll into which something evil was broken, one monkey sucks it out of the doll


Little wet monkey, I wip her with a towel, she trembles and presses me, I bite her warm jacket


in a dream went to the sea, it was sunny and a calm, a little monkey wore on his shoulder and was afraid all the time to move it through the water


there were a lot of monkeys in my dream, and I and my classmates had a holy book, we ran down the school behind the monkeys, we needed to collect all the monkeys of the book so that the sacred book turns into the late husband of our teacher, but we did not have time to catch everyone, t .to. I woke up


Hello, I had a few big green parrots who sat behind the window to me back and one of them was periodically turned and looked at me, as if I was looking at ... When I wanted to approach the parrot I was stopped by a little monkey and began to play with me, but then She bit me, but it does not hurt.


Good evening, Tatiana!
Today I dreamed of two people like monkeys, as if mom and children, we had some mountains on the right side was a river with a dam or water boil like on the cliff I accurately difficult to remember, I was with my child, and a monkey woman was also with With my baby, we stood talked and in a dream I was very panicoval, I remember it!
That's all I remember ...
Thank you for the answer!


I dreamed of a big party as if or a holiday home, and here I come home and my sister bought some animals, and so I'm going around and watch what animals are there and I see a monkey, I walk to her, pulling her out of the wicker box and she starts hugging me but I feel so disgusting that I am this abomination of Suyu back


Hello. I dreamed of a lot of different monkeys, mostly small. As if I look at the bottom from the window at home and I am afraid of them, my mom and daughter were with me. I do not let the daughter look out of the window, because I'm afraid of how they would not bite her and try to close the windows faster.


i dreamed that I walked to monkeys and I knew it, I had the aircraft on the way. I went into this building and we were captured by monkeys, I got it, very funny (type reper) monkey and I fell in love with it, he fell in love me too. We were dragged into the "Prison of Death", this is some kind of cylinder, there are people so much, the lid closes and transport. I was transported to some kind of hospital ward, I saw that monkey, he wanted to save me, he lay on the bed with a gun, I was talking to someone and then went somewhere, and the gun left on the bed, I met me, took me a gun, got me on Hands and we ran.


in some incomprehensible house, it seems like abandoned, there were a lot of monkeys on the attic room. They looked at me on top and some tried to attack.


I walked in the courtyard with my girlfriends and there was some basement. I looked there and saw that someone runs. "I started to get from there monkeys (there were a lot of them), but I still helped my girlfriend. In results Take me home.


i saw a monkey in a dream. I danced with her, pressed to myself, took her hands. Then began to tear me and her too. I'm worried about this dream.


i'm in a clean in the bathroom, warm clean water flows from the crane, I'm trying to wash my face, but I don't feel my face. I don't see the sink mirror in him and see that my face becomes with the outline of a monkey without wool.


At the beginning of Sleep, there was a monkey, which got into my house it is unknown from where, and later she was already with two tiny young, who ran after me and tried to grab behind her legs or clothes, and I ran away from them.


i dreamed like a cat gave birth to a monkey small .. the passage was very sharp, a little aggressive and already standing on the back legs ... brown with black and dairy flowers .. I was surprised at least my cat .. What could it mean? ..


I have chaotic dreams, that is, sharp change of events and locations.
In one of the scenes dreamed a huge monkey, similar to a person (primitive). Height with a man, and spinning, with a straight posture. She went through the doorway 2 times, allegedly see what exactly happening.


we have a house as if one of our room, and the second neighbor with which we do not go, and the corridor is common. As if she had a black cat,. I opened the entrance door, to the right of which a closet is worth, why I did not know. It was dark in the house, then this cat went, and immediately went for the closet. There was something caught there and began to bite, I thought it was mouse. I quickly called my parents, then it turned out that this is a little brown monkey. For top, the dad took her and wanted to throw out from the window. But it seems to be not thrown away, and then I do not remember what it was.


this monkey was an old and my little it was a pity, and I took her to myself, she turned out to be affectionate and obedient, went absolutely everywhere with me and everyone liked everything around ...


i dreamed that we move to a new apartment with a young man, and there was a monkey on the balcony, she was evil and tried to bite me, there was a lot of garbage, and when I went to the toilet, there tech crane, and I wanted to escape from there but our dogs monkey did not bite, they became friends


sleep time modest, but terrible. 4 Little monkeys began to bite with the slightest touch to the spouse. How would it be distilled off from her husband, every time all aggressive and aggressive.


my aunt saw me in a dream that I stand near the cemetery in militia form I want to shoot it around me four monkeys and laugh


I saw a lot of monkeys with horns (or goats with a face of the monkeys) stepped on a small goat, then burst out, it was afraid that Mom Kozoynka would hit me. I don't remember anything else.


Good day! I dreamed of dream that I was died with a young man and ran away, suddenly on my way a lot of different monkeys. Everyone was nice. I went past to the exit. Everything was calm, no one watched me, then a little monkey took me by my hand. And in my opinion kissed the palm! I let her go and went to the door, and here I want to rush so old and not a beautiful monkey! So screamed! But I managed to close the door and leave. And it was calm and confident! What to dream such a dream?


Hello! Food in a taxi and see the monkey on the blue sky all in color balls, very beautiful, admire ...

Olga. Nevsky:

The white little monkey dreams, jumps around me as a crazy, rock, scammets in front of them with paws, jumps on the pope and on the hind legs. I stand silently and watching her without any actions and I remember exactly that I look at all her movements indifferently, calmly, completely without emotions.


i was preparing for my own wedding. I am 21 years old, was not married. no boyfriend. I was very psychorant, as it was not enough time, I have a dress, nor's shoes, nothing is ready. And in minutes when you need to go to the regime of the registry office, I did not have a hairstyle ... I picked up again. And I decided to go well and woke up.


hello, I dreamed that I came by bus and left near the house almost, but I found the loss of the phone and decided to walk to the bus, and with my road, where the house ran out 2 monkeys, but first it seemed to me that these were dogs, but then they The following fell behind me and caught up and started scratching my skin and I saw my blood, then I ran away from them and hid and hid in the village in the house.


Good afternoon! Appeared in the car in the back seat monkey-sits quietly silently, the dream is real without fantasy .. that I caught and planted in the car .. in the dark .. I discovered two, and it is like popping up and run .. on the market, we are near They stood .. But there it was dark and no one worked ... I didn't look for it .. I didn't have it there .. I was not mine ... since it appeared.


big barn with hay, runs a lot of multicolored monkeys trying to catch red and drive into a cage, but I'm afraid that she did not bite me, the deceased husband comes to me and says that you need to militate a cow and began to show how to do it ...


Good day! Help please express the dream .. I dreamed as if I firmly hugs and kisses a monkey.


I saw a little newborn monkey and my daughter and realized that she would die without our help. I began to feed it with milk from the spoon. Then the baby tried to return to the ape of monkeys, but they did not accept her. I was confused, took the monkey home did not work out in my plans))) I woke up


Two monkeys were dreamed of monkeys who were in collars and on a leash, sat on the floor with a snapshot of salt. The monkeys are small and miserable, I dragged them for the collars to another place, there was an old painted shop in it, I drove a nail, for this nail I tied leashes with monkeys.


i remember badly ... But I remember the monkey is my son who is now 1 months and 17 days and I still ask .. what is mocking over my son's last long !! I have a lot of dreams of tricks, but I misunderstand them


In a dream he had a trained monkey, black, large sizes. Through the door gap saw a sitting little monkey of a very beautiful red color with a black mane as a lion and a black mask on a muzzle. Litched her, she wouldingly approached, so becoming mine.


Dobroe UTRO!
Mne prisnilasj obezjanka malenjkaja, ja prijshla k komu to v gosti (pravda prijshla k sebje domoj, no po4emu to ja shla v gosti), tak vot tam na mojem divane lezal pomojmu odnoklasnica rjadom sin sidel, ja prishla i toze prilegla na krovatj i ona mne rasskazivaet i pokazivaet (a tocnee obezjanka sama vipolzaet iz podushki) i ja tak udivlena, ja ej raskazivaju 4to ja tak davno hotela priobresti sebje obezjanku, no vobwe ne predstavljala gde kupitj i vobwe prodajutsja li oni u nas! A SAMA OBEZJANKA BILA OCENJ MILAJA DOBROZELATELJNAJA, TAKAJA DAZE ZASTENCEVAJA, PEREPOLZLA 4EREZ PODUSHI I SELA RJADOM SO MNOJ.


I dreamed that he was driven by gorge. She pursues me everywhere, and I run away from her and trying to hide from her. Run down the stairs, running on the street and she is behind me. I will run away barefoot and trying somewhere outside to hide. And so I see the first store I reset the inside and hiding into the closet. She is behind me and trying to find me in the store. I hear her steps. And I woke up.


A little monkey hugged me, but she was sick, there was an ulcer on her neck. I loved her in a dream and we drove in the car somewhere


it was a big monkey who in an angry state attacked me and my friends .... After I hid it went to other monkeys, it happened in the countryside


I'm in some room (type of lynnov) Someone near (my dog \u200b\u200bseems). With the wall of the window and I try to look into it, but the one who is nearly trying to pull out and says not to watch, but I still look at all Seconds 2), and there at a great distance Coffood, then the rock and notching in her, Isitite a white big shaggy monkey-gorilla with a black face and her cubs pressed to her, at this time they are trying to push me off this window with a grid and I wake up.


I embraced with a small pretty monkey, which I was presented, and choose some pebbles from her head. The feeling was pleasant, but awesome


It was a day dream. I saw many monkeys in a neighbor house, they behaved calmly. But then one big monkey showed interest to me, and I began to run away from her. I tried to hide in the house, closed on the castles. There were a lot of doors, the castles were different broken and strong. She did not catch up with me. At the end of the dream, I understood that I had killed a neighbor.


rose to the mountain, but as Boto flew flew over the whole packs of big monkeys, they are heightened with a person, they have an average of 8-9 cm. I went to the house, immediately on the second floor then on the fourth, opened the door of a wooden man he himself gray from His apartments came out four gray people, then one snake came out of his apartment. then with this gray bald man as if flew from the window flew over the apes of monkeys, they also slept, but for some reason, everything is as one on his backs on the seams like soldiers I flew with a gray man. The top then woke up


Dreamed a big tree, I sit on this tree. I see via the river pass elephants. Large and small. I'm not sitting alone. A man shouts for me to watch monkeys climb on a tree. I turn my head I look at my leg grabs big gorilla


I somehow found myself on the island with a group of people among whom were children. The island was somewhere in the sea and initially we thought that no one lives there, but it turned out that there were fighting monkey (like from the film), who plan us to kill. Since we clearly do not want this, but you want to get away from there, we are trying to reach the "big land", but you can only call a taxi, whose operator does not understand anything. Then the island turns out the company of young people who sailed on the yacht and do not know anything about monkeys. We tell them the situation, but we do not believe.


i am a little monkey, she bitped and was spoiled by fire. It was not possible to hold on his hands and everyone was at home and mom too, but we only buried the mother. Tell me a fire for what this dream ???


i took a little monkey on my hands, but I quit a short because I ran to her mom, I had fallen to the ground and began to bite


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and see the box, and in it there is a poor abandoned monkey. I was so sorry for him. I took her in my hands and decided to pick it up. I think the son will be happy to play with her. Only, I tell her, did not shawl, not spoer furniture. She agreed. He led home and left. Then I come with a child, looking for a monkey, we can not find. Then we move the curtain, and she lies on the window and looks at us jaspean.


Good day! I dreamed that I was walking along a narrow street. Not one, some of the acquaintances shows a fence along the street, I raise my head and see several monkeys, one of them is the biggest, they sit silently and follow me. I am not in itself from what they are watching me. The biggest monkey went down to me, sat down near and quietly bit my finger. I was not hurt, but horror fasted me, she walked around, I was afraid of her touch and really wanted her to leave. Slowly she began to leave. I was very scary and disgusting.


fantastic Fantasy Sto Monkey Pass with Shufrich attacked the village I hardly escaped into the parent house and held the door from the inside in the house there was still my late father and the child the attackers left but it turned out that burned the summer kitchen I was crying - nothing to do


Sleep action occurs in the house of the deceased: on the attic of the grandmother's house of the flock of white monkeys, bought by grandfather and named digit-100. I am pouring to the house on horseback and fearing sighing the monkeys, getting out of the horse. Grandfather announces me that I bought us a white car and that you can sell it for 100 T.Prow. And then the action else is happening: next to me a lot of thoroughbred white puppies, I do attempts to fly, I get and I fly short periods and landing.


The monkey jumped on the balcony on clothes on the rods, then climbed the balcony to the neighbor. It turned out to be her monkey. The monkey was kind.


the monkey catches the fish on the fishing rod and there are 3 little fish on it. Sits by the sea on the sand. The sea is blue, calm.

alyosha I am 10 years old:

i dreamed of a monkey in the castle flock of Nagolone and I already fight with a monkey and she goes enough of me, I pull out two teeth and then she screams for a short time and then takes me and tickle my armpits and bit my nose sauce and a pathe with a monkey and how the bootto we are talking about that like a bootto she wants me to kill Ipat she lies on the sofa and suddenly the hands of the hands became like the abbezz and mouth and lips squeezed like a bootto She put on glasses and got up and began to go to me and wanted to kill me I woke up and shouted .........


Hello! I'm going on the car on the road, in the distance I saw big monkeys, like gorillas, there were a lot of about 30. They went straight on me a column, the first rows were broken and missed me. The last rows did not want to skip me and I started throwing them stones, they reluctantly moved away. I woke up on the last row and I did not remember, I passed through them or not.


i had a dream with such. in a dream, before going to bed, I put on a bed to myself 2 boxes one was with a snake and the second with a monkey and fell asleep, then I did not see that the snake opened the box and enlisted, then I wake up in with not from the fact that On the bed saw the snake without head and tail ...


Good afternoon, Tatiana! The old car dreamed, I open the door, and I hold the rabbit in my hands, I look, and I see that this is a rabbit, he hugs me in a dream too. I feel how it is pressed. Then I dream that I look somewhere aside, and I see a small monkey in a cage, in her hands she was playing. Surprisingly, she calm, sits, despite the fact that the cell is very close, and I tell someone that it is necessary to transplant it into a more spacious cage. In response I hear that how it was taken from somewhere in this cage, the plans changed, and no one began to transplant. I go closer, and notice that it runs the many ants, a lot, a lot. In a dream, I begin to hide from thought or in fact, moved to me. Get rid of it, and again in your hands only a rabbit, which periodically turns into a cat. In the context, I keep the rabbit again.


Tatiana, hello! I had a dream on Wednesday. Now I live in Moscow, before that, 5 years ago I lived with my relatives in the Urals. In a dream, I clearly saw how my dad gives me the best about my birthday about 5 or 6 monkeys, letting them in the apartment and they begin to run through her, it turns out in the house where I used to live. My dog \u200b\u200band my cat starts to suck them out, the cat beat on the face of the monkey, I clearly saw that they don't like them. More recently, about a month ago, my cat began to shit in the apartment and not to love me, then I got sick, I treated him and then I gave my acquaintances everything became good. And it seems to be before that, I also had a dream with monkeys and I honestly remember him badly and did not apply this value. Tell the povuist to what this dream will be very grateful to you !!! thanks in advance.



two little monkeys alone red other black, I need to feed them. I come to them, but the redhead monkey fell ill.


He dreamed that my teacher geography gave me a little monkey, she was first afraid of me, everything happened at school, then I took her paws in my hands and she bit me


In a dream, I saw as a monkey caught a small bird, on the water, and at that moment the eagle flew and hung in flight over the river.


a monkey sang a song and there is a grandmother sold flowers. The friend who died he leaned toward me and said the current. I walked with a stroller empty. I was in red shoes and big heels. I was joined by the guys and I only woke up


I go on the green park, and near each tree went down the monkeys and meet all the people who comes up with a monkey firmly hugs and kisses them in the cheek. I came up so hard kisses me on the cheek as if her mouth suckers, and my husband photograph me very happy What I see these cute monkeys. When I leave and meet my sister with my brother and emotionally I repent about monkeys lovely to go to them.


i had a black monkey, I wore her on my hands. She was like a child. Everywhere went after me. It can even be said from hand not cooked.


I dreamed of a little monkey - a cub, for which I just watched. She did not show special activity.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a son (formerly, at the moment, my husband). With whom we often meet now .. I have a dream for me not the first time .. what could he mean?


I suddenly appeared in my house a big shaggy monkey with dark wool, with the reasonable and speaking, rather not even a monkey, and a snowman. But for some reason I decided that she (or rather, he) Monkey ... ..
And at night he disappeared, we were looking for him with a friend. I was looking for, but I did not find it, and in the morning he himself was announced and to the question where I spent the night answered that in the basement ...... I explained to him that in the basement I was not going to spend the night and allocated a separate room than the monkeys remained very satisfied ... .. He offered him to teach him to read, but he politely refused, after which I woke up.


i saw a black young monkey, she was hand and we played her tweak, and she laughed like a man.


i dreamed, I'm going on a train, I see it seems to be one car, one car separated and got off the rails, in it more than 50 people died, moving on. Suddenly, the monkeys appear on the rest, and as with the mind they kill people, biting them. I saved all sorts of ways, but in my opinion, without killing them, but as if carefully reminding them. Further, the train seems to be stopped and I went away with the trees and the dream ended


And I and my husband yesterday dreamed of monkeys. I saw her in a white forest with white bananas. And her husband dreamed brown, she bites him for his finger and did not let go. Then someone poured her water and she let go.


Big, very good monkey! I love me very much! They came out to the street and she jumped into a smoking car and hurt very much (cried into a voice as a person (bruise on her nose, the forehead is very deeply ....


The monkey was dreamed - which sat at the entrance and cried together with empty cups from food, I realized that it was thrown, I regretted it and took it and went to her in the elevator, in which other people were driving and my dog. I'd hardly rummet with me in an elevator


bought a monkey. The street was summer and very warm and good. I went to some park with her, walked, met a lot of my friends. All her covers and she really liked everyone. Then she kissed me on the cheek of Toli on the lips, like a friendly


I'm getting married on Friday. And today I have a dream very disturbing. There were several intersecting plots, but the brightest: we are brought in the room (maybe at home, or visiting, it is not clear) and two monkeys, male and female. My groom stroked the female and at that moment the male attacked him. Deeply scratched the face, to the blood, clung to the dead grip. I hardly dragged the monkey. I know that a sign, and you need to fear. But me or faint, and what?


My young man leased a little monkey, first I played a sniff and she was in my hands, then she attacked my young man they fought and he killed her.


I have a monkey and I will dream several times that he runs away, and I run behind him and cry and can't catch it .. There is a surgery for the operation of nonsense .. Does it mean .. what he will not transfer it and dies.


Autumn, clear day. I and a few more people stand at a pedestrian crossing against university and wait for the green light. And then I notice that someone has someone on the grass on the grass, I thought that a person, because The body was corporal as a human skin. And then this "man" stands up and it turns out that this is a monkey. She is not afraid of people, runs around, as if teases. You begin to approach her close, she runs away. I decided to go to the university, because Here we are trained in teachers and there is a biological faculty, I decided that if we caught it, they could then attach it. On the first floor I meet a woman, I tell her and she agrees to help me catch a monkey. She leaves the class, says that now comes and we go with the package to catch. I do not remember how we caught her and planted in the package, she did not try to escape.


Hello! I dreamed of a monkey, which I kept on my hands and stroked, at first she was calm, then bitten.


Roof of a three-storey building (kindergarten). Slate new, light ... At the very top sits the worker (tidy dressed, the faces are not visible, sitting back) and scores a nail into slate (allegedly threw a strong wind on the eve) ... Next to him, just below, sit the little beautiful monkey - a girl in color Sarafan.


i am at home with children in the room, and in other rooms there were monkeys, different sizes, they were supposedly brought in the photo session, monkeys were not in the cells, sat at different places, my attention was drawn to the fact that they were clean, straight smooth wool And brilliant, in a dream I experienced that I was alone with children and monkeys without a trainer. The big monkey began to walk around the apartment and I was very afraid that she would see us. Another dream who was passages.


Good day!
The day before yesterday drew a strange dream: as if I was on the street of a big city, there I was found a huge monkey (it seems, Gorilla) in a human mask. She began to attack me, I was forced to retreat for some time, but then, defending myself, I had to kill her.
There is a premonition that it is a very bad dream.
Thanks in advance for the answer.


the shore of the sea, on the edge of the water goes my mother and dad and my son walking. see a monkey (from which you can take pictures) and 2 men (photographer and assistant), my son stretches his hand to stroke a monkey she wants to bite him he turns her back to escape, she jumps on his back and wants to bite, photographer and My dad (grandfather) and mom (grandmother) are trying to drag a monkey, she breaks out and starts to run away, along with her the photographer and his assistant, and my mom runs with a leash of the monkey and harms them. Mom runs in a long red dress, they can not escape from her and jump into the sea, she is behind them, but he understands that they will not catch them in the water, gets out of the water and goes back ....


Hello! One sleeping monkey was dreamed on the bed on the bed she was sitting asleep and sometimes opened his eyes the second at the head, but I did not see her, but the presence turned her head toward her husband and was afraid and I was afraid and she was touched before the neck I was very afraid Then the mother-in-law entered the beddown began to bypass our bed with two strands in the hands of a water bottle splashing that in my direction then in him, but when she entered the monotheologicals went as if she was sitting on the part of her husband, but I didn't see them for sure I remember exactly


Hello! I dreamedled the river in which the mermaids swam, they tried to drown some kind of woman, I saved her, crossed the river and got it into the forest, or in the jungle, and there were several monkeys that jumped in front of me. I saw a few leeches, who could not be chopped ... Then he left this forest, found her husband and the dream was over.


I dreamed that a small color exotic monkey, ran up to me and hugged me at the neck. Then we went with her, I was looking for something.


My name is Alia. I remember this dream, because nothing like that did not dream with the participation of animals, monkeys. I plot in a dream at the hotel, on his stairs down and upstairs. And when it was going to leave the hotel, in which he stopped only for a few hours, downstairs on the stairs, in the aisle, saw a little monkey, a little, as it seemed helpless, cub curtains, I took it on my hands, prigid, didn't want to leave him ! In turn, he also rubbed to me, hugged. But I was in myself the strength, put it on the floor with the words: I don't want it, but it's time for me to go, baby. And your home is still here. And trying not to look back, I began to move towards the exit. But the baby stubbornly went after me. And some other cat joined him. I literally ran into the courtyard. And they all went after me. Here in the yard I came across a group of dogs. The first dogs who went to the meeting were very large and Giant. For them smaller and so on. Just somewhere 8 dogs. With her appearance, they were driven by a monkey and a cat. I relieved my motorcycle with relief and gathered to leave. That's all.


He dreamed that the monkey got into my balcony. I saw her and went back to the apartment, but immediately remembered that I left the phone on the balcony and returned to him. The monkey took him and run away, and I will float it and tried to pick up with her by force.


i saw a monkey in a dream, a beautiful big house and a Korean singer. He looked at me laughing


I had a dream that the monkey runs after me and she scratched my legs I was very afraid I was afraid I ask you to answer this question but very quickly what this dream is okay


Dreamed from Saturday to Sunday. We have a big monkey at home, I sat sad, I stroked her head. He or she got up and hugged me, began to kiss. I tried to call my husband, but the voice was quiet, almost in a whisper. I am for panicoval and woke up.


i carried a monkey in my arms, I checked that she was male. Colors of fawn. Added and woolly remained on hand


Hello sleeping for sure I do not remember but I will describe it. first as if it was a man rushed with stones from a slide and I was in the bottom of her slides, but he didn't get on me, I was drunk from the stones and then it was strange that it was a monkey and rushed to bite me for the left hand I touched her from my hand Right for hair and woke me up! What is this dream?


came to a beautiful apartment and there was a well-kept and calm monkey. I am her gladila


i saw a lot of monkeys, they were on top of the ropes, and one of them bit me


In Confrontier, I found in the floor three tabs small one white with orange stains and two pure black


Please tell me why there is a dream of a monkey, where she was born 2 million monkeys


Hello! I had a dream in which I saw, as something similar to Houdua, high. Shamata black monkey, tried to catch me. At the same time, she walked viciously. The action happened in some kind of house or apartment, I ran around the rooms and covered with some kind of toy sometimes it even seemed that my child ... I didn't see me to bite me ... I pursued a nodogo ... It turned out that she just disappeared


He dreamed that in front of my house on the trees sit 11 monkeys. 10 adults and very thick, lazy, and one kid jumps on the branches. And we are all (neighbors) we think that you do with them - to drive or let them live. A woman asks them to leave them, and a man says that he cannot open a balcony because of them I did not accept the decision.


I dreamed of monkeys in a dream they met on the street, washed. Pretty large. Then in the apartment, but not in mine. I did not touch me


Hello, I had a dream about a monkey. I kept her on his sleez, drove on a leash, a panel house was built, the monkey was big and calm, the eyes of the devotees. I wore her on her hands .. why is it? Thanks for earlier


a pile of well-groomed cats, rabbit, a small and green monkey swinging on his hands a dog nearby a kids stroller all together walk each other together


I dreamed that I would drive some kind of fucking and suddenly the monkey jumps on me and walked me with my legs and then go


i dreamed that a flock of monkeys want to attack me but I managed to run into the elevator!


Dreamed a black monkey very kind and affectionate! I remember that she got somewhere husband!


i saw from the window a strong gusty wind Azh rushed trees. From the top of the top there, there was a big fell out of the wind, some beam brightly brightly. Then the monkey flew away. I went there. I myself climbed there and could not worry. I fell asleep in the morning got out of the jacket but in the shorts. I met on the way home Sedka was not deft as I wear. Going to the apartment, I felt that in the pocket jacket, I took something small from the pocket of Kathenka. But some kind of sullen and he has like a hayne from above the wool got up. I woke up


Dreamed a little monkey on my colleagues. The monkey colleague called the name Alyosha.
My e-mail: [Email Protected]


About me suddenly there were two monkeys-small white and big. And the little thing began to bite, and the big was friendly.


They dreamed of a small black monkey who jumped out of the tree behind my back ... I turned away and saw it ...


i kissed the monkey and she hugged me tightly. "I was not safe for me that she climbed into my mouth this is not hygienic


Large dark, sat on the roof, in my private house, with a very evil view. I remember went out of the gate, it turned out to be not far from me 3-5 meters. I saw introduced a sitting in the car, I tried to quickly approach it, it's hard to walk the monkey was jumping back from the side to the side tried to bite as an evil dog. In general, I managed to sit in the car in the back seat. Woke up with a mad rhythm of the heart, came to the kitchen opened Nat. Here I am writing. Tatyana tell me what it all means, with uv. Andrew.


A monkey helped me to find important paper that I was instructed to find in order to have the opportunity to call the Great whether the seer, or the speaker. Generally confusing sleep. Type of apocalypse or something, all fussed, and I was calm absolutely. The actions took place in the summer in the village, where my grandparents lived with a grandfather (now the deceased), the grandmother also attended, but literally a second. So far, everything I remember


the monkey was sitting at night on my windowsill. She looked around and then on me and after a few seconds again on the sides and again at me. She was sitting, her appearance was impenetrable. Just around and on me ... on the sides and on me ....


I dreamed today that from a big pile of land began to get out and spread big worms. And the resulting flock of large monkeys began to eat them. There was no aggression or attention to me. Even among the flocks of monkeys there was a couple of monkeys who kissed.


hello. On May 6, I dreamed of a cute monkey (male) dressed in clothes. It seems like I met him on the way to the market. I took it with you, but I was not allowed to the market, I began to shout that there was no sanitary book on him that he was bluish. But it was so cute, and I kind of took it home. I do not remember exactly, but took it behind the paw and went towards the house. What is such a dream? Tell me.


Good afternoon, I and my mother were in some kind of home, and there were a lot of clothes and we all took it as if on shopping, then I found himself at the airport Tipo flying to America (I remember everything very dull) Then it turned out to be in the store again my sister and type I had a big monkey and we laid her sleep in a big box, discovered and there already lay the corpse of the monkey and and we were just thrown out of the hands and moved away


Good afternoon, Tatiana!
I dreamed that I gave birth to two monkeys. One was a boy and immediately became a huge above me, and the second girl, small. Gave birth to a strange way out of the legs. I was very afraid in a dream I was not pleasant and scary. But when they were born, I treated them as my children. And then I dreamed that I fought with a tiger. Tiger everyone said predatory and need to kill him, let him not destroy society. And I quit it and killed a knife in the neck. But it was all strange, because he himself succumbed, straightly put the neck for me.
Here is such a strange dream. Thank you if you can help express.


I dreamed of my uncle (there was no long ago) he stood in the dark he had two monkeys in children's clothes alone in clothes for boys, and the other for girls.


a little monkey clung to her husband in his hand I first frightened her and then we decided to leave her she turned out to be affectionate


I go and see my mother walks with our little dog, she waves to me with her hand, I go to her, she has a monkey in her hands, some kind of bird is not beautiful from our edges like a parrot and a lizard, such as Varana. She says that she bought them so that it was more fun. And the alarm clock rang. I woke up.

[Email Protected]:

I dreamed of a reasonable monkey, with intelligence, but somehow aggressively tuned, in the end she bit me.


Hello! A little bald monkey, took my hand and kissed her, but I was very afraid that bites


brought at home monkey played with her, she had a very good, cute, fluffy, soft and clever, just couldn't decide where she go to the toilet and she wriggle what dreams to catch a fish woman