Repairs Design Furniture

How to insert in the vacuum cleaner a bag for collecting dust: from and to. The standard filtering procedure in vacuum cleaners passes into three stages.

Vacuum cleaner is important household appliancewithout which it is impossible to present our lives. But over time, bags for collecting dust wear out. What if the bag for the vacuum cleaner came into disrepair, and it is not always possible to purchase the necessary accessory for your model of the vacuum cleaner?

We will tell you how to make a bag for collecting dust with your own hands and save your money. You yourself make sure how quickly and easy is.

What material can be sewed a bag for a vacuum cleaner?

For the manufacture of this accessory, many are offered to use cloth for pillows (tick), phlizelin, other dense fabrics (velvet, for example), even kapron tights go to the move. We offer to sew a bag for a spunkond vacuum cleaner - this is such a passionate nonwoven material that is sold in any horticultural store or economic and worthwhile penny. Take the one that is relevant, as it will be better to keep the smallest dust particles.

Pattern of dust collection bag

Cry a bag for a vacuum cleaner. We will be folded twice from the spunkond material (it all depends on the density of the tissue), according to the size of the old original bag, or the dimensions can be removed by opening the lid of the vacuum cleaner: it is necessary to measure the length and width, in our case the sizes of the bag turned out to be parties 30 cm + to the bending - 1 cm. That is, our pattern is a rectangle with sizes - 62 cm x 32 cm.

The first way of making a bag for a vacuum cleaner:

We fold the pattern in half and connect the sides by the stapler tightly. To get a better reusable dust bag, you can see all sides on the sewing machine, and to sew the lock-zipper or velcro tape.

In the center it is necessary to cut a round hole, for this from the old bag, unscrew the screwdriver plastic detail Mounting and it is not necessary to clean the diameter of the hole and cut.

It remains to attach plastic fastening From the original bag to the new one.

If you need to make a one-time dust collection bag - transfer the pattern of plastic mounting on a dense cardboard, then attach the resulting cardboard blank to a spanbond bag with a glue or the same stapler.

The second way of making a dust collection bag:

In order to sew a bag for a vacuum cleaner for multi-line use, better, needed sewing machine.

We will use the previous pattern. The difference is that the hole needs to be done in the center of the pattern.

Then fasten the plastic mount.

The edges need to be adjusted and flashing, as in the picture. This edge of the bag will be open open, which is convenient for shaking. Close the edge will be a special clamp from the original bag.

The length of the product must be divided into four parts and put the tags.

Built-in vacuum cleaners against ordinary: victory for a clear advantage!

Many, if not everyone, has a vacuum cleaner.

Perhaps it is the most modern: dear, with a whole set of modes and functions.
If you ask the owner of the vacuum cleaner, whether he is pleased with his work, then the answer can be calculated by almost 100%: yes!

Technologies stepped out so forward that no one has the reasons to doubt that the modern vacuum cleaner "five" will cope with cleaning, leaving behind a clean apartment or a house. Naturally, without dust and garbage. But is it really?

We make a thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in different parts Apartments or at home: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the corridors. Will not forget about the bedroom and the bathrooms.

Ready! Careful cleaning spent! Now it remains to find out how ideal it is!

Take a strong magnifying glass, we will raise it at the level of the person and study the air. But what is it? ! In the air are visible suspended dust particles! Incredible ... where did they come from - after all, we just made cleaning our modern vacuum cleaner!

And now - we will open the secret! Anyone, even the most modern vacuum cleaner (washing, vacuum cleaner, robot, etc.) is simply not able to cope with all the dust! Incredible discovery for most people. But on this discoveries do not end! Not only regular vacuum cleaner It does not remove all the dust - it is he who sprays this dust (more precisely, its most harmful part), and with it and allergens - all over the apartment or house!

So, our conclusion is striking imagination: no ordinary vacuum cleaner, even the most expensive and "tricky", is not able to cope with its most important function - complete cleaning of the room from dust.

Why is this happening? Researchers give a concise answer: the whole thing in the design of ordinary vacuum cleaners! It has been established that 1% of the finest dust always passes through the filters and stays in an apartment or house!

Surely, there will be many who smile and say: - One percentage is a small trifle! After all, 99% of dust disappeared! And 1% can be ... do not pay attention!

Unfortunately, optimism disappears as soon as other numbers are given. This "small trifle", that is, 1% of the dust remaining in the premises, in the degree of harm outweighs the good half of all dust. The whole thing is, ordinary vacuum cleaners easily eliminate garbage and the largest dust. And small particles (the most harmful dust) - are able to stay in the air for a long time. This dust does not settle, and it is her that breathe you and family members.

It turns out, we absorb dust, in other words, "eat it" for most of the day?
If so, there is a reasonable question: how to protect against dust? ! If we found out that the usual vacuum cleaner does not cope with it, and walk in the respirator - inconvenient, what remains?

It remains to solve this problem with the help of a built-in vacuum cleaner. Surely you heard about this. It is the built-in vacuum cleaner
- solves the problem of perfect cleaning;
- removes all the dust from the apartment or another;
- Thus, take care of your health and the health of the people closest to you!

Built-in vacuum cleaner under the brand BEAM Electrolux or Electrolux is a whole dust protection system. Or, as it is called differently - the system of central dusting!

Let you not scare a serious word "system". Built-in vacuum cleaners are easy to use, and their design is thought out to the smallest detail.
So, what makes the built-in vacuum cleaner?

The visible part of the vacuum cleaner on the form resembles a neat outlet. It is called - "Pneummature". Pneummators are two species - outdoor and wall. In addition, in apartments and houses are installed pneumos. But about him - a little later.

The perfect system of dusting!

Actually, the built-in vacuum cleaner consists of a system of air ducts, a working unit, pneummators and a pneumomyovka.
Air duct systems are plastic (but very reliable) pipes laid in the walls of the apartment. If you need to install a built-in vacuum cleaner in country houseThere are many options for laying the tracks of air ducts: both in the floor and in the inter-storey overlap

Tags: How to insert a bag in the vacuum cleaner Bosch Move

Color classification: Red metallic power: 2100 W swivel power switch dust collector with a volume of 3.5 liters ...

dust past dust collector, Bosch vacuum cleaner | Topic author: Dmitry

Previously, such a problem was not noticed until the bags were over and did not bought a new box, but specifically this model was not in the package. Case in bags or in a vacuum cleaner ?? What is the matter? The hose was taken out the holes coincide

Alena in bags. Often the bags of third-party manufacturers, even marked as a suitable for your vacuum cleaner - not very suitable. We really have Phillips, but the problem is the same, half of the bags does not fit. There or shifted a hole in the bag and the gum cannot hermetically close it, or the diameter of the gum on the bag is vital or something similar, in different bags in different ways. Look for what is suitable, usually bags are more expensive than yourself and lead. In the meantime, you can use a reusable kit - it is exactly suitable)

Diana Try to pour water there.

Paper or fabric

The dust collector is consumable. It is necessary to replace it regularly. Therefore, the happy owners of such vacuum cleaners simply need to know everything about their features. Your choice is offered two types of builders:

  • Disposable paper. After filling, they are immediately replaced with new ones. Acute items may damage the drive and prematurely lead to disrepair. If you chose a paper garbage collector, then it is better to take a few pieces to the stock.
  • Reusable fabric. They serve more than one and a half or twice. The garbage of them is simply shaken, and the dust collector is again installed in the device. Such bags can be made independently.

Disposable bags are more environmentally friendly, while when cleaning fabrics, they inevitably have to inhale the remains of garbage.

Try to acquire high-quality consumables. The bad bag will rush under the wetting and ingress of sharp particles of garbage. And from the bacteria decomposed inside the bag unpleasant odors. Do not save on your own health.

Forewarned is forearmed

In addition to natural wear, there are factors that can accelerate pollution. Consider the main of them:

  • Large-scale garbage cleaning. For example, when repairing.
  • The use of filters and assemblers that are not suitable for this model, or made of low-quality materials.
  • Cleaning particles that can spoil the drive. It can be small sharp objects or water.
  • Operation without a collector or filter.
  • Reuse of paper dust collectors.

Time change something

The quality of cleaning is noticeably falling when the dust collector is clogged. This is due to the fact that the power of the absorption of the vacuum is reduced. If you find that the device has become worse to pull dust, then it's time to change the collector. It is possible to determine that the drive is damaged, it is possible to accumulate on it.

Change yourself

Let's proceed to clean the vacuum cleaner. Several steps will help you easily execute this simple procedure. And the knowledge of the device devices will alleviate the task at all.

Step 1. Disconnect from the network and disconnect the vacuum cleaner hose.

Step 2. Open the lid and remove the drive by pulling it to the handle. If he is disposable, just throw away. Fabric is completely free from pollution.

Step 3. Clean the dust chamber with a damp rag from which you got a bag. Be sure to remove all the pollution in the places of the bag mounting.

The particles remaining in the clocks of the holder may interfere with the installation of the dust collector exactly in the groove. Through the formed gap again will be contaminated.

Step 4. Install a new paper or purified tissue drive. To do this insert his cardboard base in special holder And disappear. If the bag is installed incorrectly, then you will not be able to close the lid.

Please note that the hole in the assembler mount should coincide with the hole under the vacuum cleaner hose. They can be shifted if not all particles of contaminants were removed from the holder. In this case, it is necessary to repeat this area.

Step 6. Close the lid. The vacuum cleaner is ready to operate again. The goal is achieved!

What you have achieved

Now you know how to independently return to the system of your expensive assistant in home affairs. Summing up the above, we note that the replacement of the bag in the vacuum cleaner does not constitute absolutely no difficulties. The task is forces even a child.

Take care of your health and save money using only high quality consumables. Remember: "Surround pays twice." Functionality and environmental performance of bag vacuum cleaners are held on the highest level. No wonder for more than 50 years, people have preferred such models.

Information for your safety

Please read the following information containing important instructions regarding the safety, operation and maintenance of the device.

This unit meets the following EU directives: 73/23 / EEC, 93/66 / EC, Low Voltage Directive 89 / 336EEC, EMC Directive.

  • Never allow children to use the apparatus without supervision.
  • Never use the vacuum cleaner if the wire is damaged or faulty.
  • If a power wire Damaged, it must be replaced in the LG Electronics service center to avoid danger.
  • Always turn off the vacuum cleaner before:
    replacement of dust collection bag;
    replacement or cleaning filters.
  • If a bag for collecting dust is not inserted, the cover cannot be closed. Not attraction!
  • Do not vacuum the flammable or explosive substances (liquid or gaseous).
  • Do not vacuuming hot ash, driving coals, etc., as well as sharp objects.
    Do not vacuum water or other liquids.

How to use a vacuum cleaner

Attaching the flexible hose Press the tip (1) on the flexible hose (2) into the fastening on the vacuum cleaner.

To disconnect the flexible hose from the vacuum cleaner, press the button (3) located on the tip, and then pull up.

Build pipes (depending on the model)

Metal (or plastic) pipe (4) Align two pipes, slightly twisting them.

Telescopic tube (5)
- Put on the spring latch;
- pull the pipe to the desired length;
- Release the spring latch for fixing.

Use cleaning nozzles and nozzles (depending on the model)

Put a large cleaning nozzle to the end of the pipe.

  • The nozzle with two positions (7) is equipped with a pedal switch (8), which allows you to change the position depending on the type of cleanse.
    Position for cleaning hard Coatings (tile, parquet, etc.). Click on the pedal in order to lower the brush.
    Position for cleaning carpet or rug. Click on the pedal in order to lift the brush.
  • Slit nozzle (9)
    For cleaning hard to reach places, for example, to remove web or cleaning plinths.
  • Dust removal brush (10)
    For cleaning picture frames, elements of furniture, books and other uneven items.
  • Upholstery cleaning nozzle (11)
    For cleaning upholstery, mattresses, etc.
    Collection of thread helps to remove threads and fluff.

How to include a vacuum cleaner and use it

Pull the power cord on the desired length and turn it on into the outlet.

Press the (14) button to turn on the vacuum cleaner. To turn it off, press the (14) button again.

Power control regulation

If your device is equipped with an electronic power regulator (13), you can select the power corresponding to the task. The farther you move the lever to the right, the more suction power will be.

The handle of the flexible hose (15) has a manual air regulator (16), which allows you to quickly reduce the level of suction.

Storage (17)

After you turned off the vacuum cleaner and took out the plug out of the socket, press the (12) button to automatically wind the cord.

You can move or store a vacuum cleaner in a vertical position by placing a hook on a large cleaning nozzle in the clip in the back of the vacuum cleaner.

Dust collection bag replacement

It is necessary to replace the bag for collecting dust when the vacuum cleaner works on full power And the cleaning nozzle is raised above the floor, and the bag filling indicator window (18) completely becomes red.

Even if the bag does not look full at this stage, it still needs to be replaced. Maybe, a large number of Very small dust scored a bag of dust collection.

Open the lid by clicking on the hook (19) and lifting it until it snaps down.

Your vacuum cleaner is equipped with either paper (20), or a plated (22) bag for collecting dust (depending on the model).

Grasp the bag handle and pull it. Remove the bag and throw it into the trash.
To install a new bag insert its cardboard base in the holder (21) until it stops.

If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a cluster dust bag, also follow the instructions described above.

Empty it and set to place (22).

Note: Since the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a protective device that checks whether the dust bag is installed, you will not be able to close the lid if the bag is not installed correctly.

Motor filter cleaning

The engine filter is between a dust collection bag and a motor.

Every time you change air filterIt is recommended to extract the motor filter (23) and brushing it by knocking on it to remove dirt, and then install it again into the vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning of the final filter (24)

Periodically check the outlet filter and clean it if it is dirty.
Remove the cord from the outlet.
Open the graduation filter cover and remove the exhaust filter, as shown in the figure.
Subsequent procedures are similar to cleaning the motor filter.
Turbine brush nozzle (25).
Simple and efficient cleaning due to air flow adjustment (26).
Cleaning turbine brush nozzle (27).

Press the button on the rear side of the nozzle for removing the protective stroke. Using a brush for removing dust and nozzles for cracks. Perform vacuum cleaning of the brush and the fate.


Never cover the filter cover, as shown in Figure (28) to avoid hand cut.

What if the vacuum cleaner does not work?

Check that the vacuum cleaner is correctly connected to the network and the operating status of the socket.

What if the suction power decreased?

Turn off the vacuum cleaner and remove the plug from the outlet.
Make sure the pipes flexible hose And cleaning nozzles are not blocked.
Make sure the dust collection bag is not filled.

Replace it if necessary.

Purify dust collector and filter

To achieve the best cleaning results, the dust collector needs to be cleaned often.

2. Turn on the lid and lift the filter cover.
3. Remove the dust collector (29).
4. Press the filter unit (31) (31) knob (31) and pull it out of the dust collector.
5. Wash the dust collector with a sponge or soft cloth under pressure cold water.
6. Clean the filter unit (31) with a brush that is located on the rear of the filter aggregate.
7. Pull the sidewall of the filter (34) down from the filter unit (31).
8. Clean the filter unit (31) and the sidewall of the filter (34) with a brush under the pressure of cold water. Do not use detergents and do not wash in a cleaning machine or dishwasher.
9. Leave the filter unit (31) and the sidewall of the filter in the shaded (34) position to be dried in the shade.

Avoid the effects of dry, hot air, microwaves. Follow the filters and the sidewall filter to be dry before installing them in the vacuum cleaner.

How to fit the bag holder and dust collector

If you want to use a bag for dust instead of a dust collector, then please follow the explanations:

1. Connect to the electrolynee from the wall outlet.
2. Open the lid, lift the inner liner cover.
3. Remove the dust collector (29) up.
4. Adjust the dust collector holder, provide bosses on both sides of the bag holder in the slot almost handle based on.
5. Put the cardboard base of the new bag into the bag holder to the base.

Disposal of old equipment

1. The symbol on the device depicting the crossed bin on the wheels means that the 2002/96 / EC directive is distributed on the product.
2. Electric I. electronic devices must be disposed of not with household garbage, and through special places specified by government or local authorities.
3. Proper disposal of old equipment will help prevent potentially harmful effects on environment and human health.
4. For more detailed information about the old equipment, contact the city administration, the service involving disposal or to the store, where the product was purchased.

What if the vacuum cleaner refuses to work properly? How does the hostess itself cope with the problem and insert a dust bag in the vacuum cleaner? There is nothing easier! Bags type devices are incredibly convenient to use, so the replacement process will not be difficult and will not take much time. But first things first.

The dust collector is consumable. It is necessary to replace it regularly. Therefore, the happy owners of such vacuum cleaners simply need to know everything about their features. Your choice is offered two types of builders:

  • Disposable paper. After filling, they are immediately replaced with new ones. Acute items may damage the drive and prematurely lead to disrepair. If you chose a paper garbage collector, then it is better to take a few pieces to the stock.
  • Reusable fabrics. They serve more than one and a half or twice. The garbage of them is simply shaken, and the dust collector is again installed in the device. Such bags can be.

Disposable bags are more environmentally friendly, while when cleaning fabrics, they inevitably have to inhale the remains of garbage.

Try to acquire high-quality consumables. The bad bag will rush under the wetting and ingress of sharp particles of garbage. And from the bacteria decomposed inside the bag there are unpleasant odors. Do not save on your own health.

Forewarned is forearmed

In addition to natural wear, there are factors that can accelerate pollution. Consider the main of them:

  • Large-scale garbage cleaning. For example, when repairing.
  • The use of filters and assemblers that are not suitable for this model, or made of low-quality materials.
  • Cleaning particles that can spoil the drive. It can be small sharp objects or water.
  • Operation without a collector or filter.
  • Reuse of paper dust collectors.

Time change something

The quality of cleaning is noticeably falling when the dust collector is clogged. This is due to the fact that it is reduced. If you find that the device has become worse to pull dust, then it's time to change the collector. It is possible to determine that the drive is damaged, it is possible to accumulate on it.

Change yourself

Let's proceed to clean the vacuum cleaner. Several steps will help you easily execute this simple procedure. And knowledge and alleviate the task.

Step 1. Disconnect from the network and disconnect the vacuum cleaner hose.

Step 2. Open the lid and remove the drive by pulling it to the handle. If he is disposable, just throw away. Fabric is completely free from pollution.

Step 3. Clean the dust chamber with a damp rag from which you got a bag. Be sure to remove all the pollution in the places of the bag mounting.

The particles remaining in the clocks of the holder may interfere with the installation of the dust collector exactly in the groove. Through the formed gap again will be contaminated.

Step 4. Install a new paper or purified tissue drive. To do this, insert its cardboard base into a special holder and straighten. If the bag is installed incorrectly, then you will not be able to close the lid.

Please note that the hole in the assembler mount should coincide with the hole under the vacuum cleaner hose. They can be shifted if not all particles of contaminants were removed from the holder. In this case, it is necessary to repeat this area.

Step 6. Close the lid. The vacuum cleaner is ready to operate again. The goal is achieved!

What you have achieved

Now you know how to independently return to the system of your expensive assistant in home affairs. Summing up the above, we note that the replacement of the bag in the vacuum cleaner does not constitute absolutely no difficulties. The task is forces even a child.

Take care of your health and save money using only high-quality consumables. Remember: "Surround pays twice." Functionality and environmental performance of bag vacuum cleaners are held at the highest level. No wonder for more than 50 years, people have preferred such models.